03/10/2011 The One Show


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Welcome to The One Show. A quick summary of tonight's guest. She


banished her gay son, overdosed on sleeping pills, was set on fire by


her ex, and he is now trying to drive her insane, and cheers


heartbroken because her husband has dumped her. A normal day on the


square for Nina Wadia. Nice to see you. A lovely dress, very summery.


I after that in trip, just take a break. -- that introduction. This


evening, we have a newborn gorilla, and we need your help. Here is the


baby. It was born at Bristol Zoo. We don't know if it was a boy or a


girl. The zoo is keen to have an African name, to fit in with the


rest of the family. We would like you to send us your suggestions,


and before the end of the show, Nina will choose a name. Don't


worry, little one, you'll have a name in half-an-hour. In a speech


that would have made a Margaret Thatcher proud, David Cameron


announced that council tenants will be given bigger discounts to allow


them to buy their homes. 31 years ago, tenants were allowed to


purchase their houses for the first time, which spurred the sell-off of


millions of homes. This used to be a council estate in


Essex. Now, it is more complicated, The Margaret Thatcher brought in a


new law that gave millions of people the chance to buy their


council house. They happen to live under the jurisdiction of a council


is -- a socialist council that did not believe in the independence


that cams with ownership. -- comes The Iron Lady visited these people


to hand over the deeds to the buyers of a council house, under


the government's new Housing Act. In the 70s, 31% of all homes in


Britain were rented out by local authorities. The Act forced


councils to allow tenants to buy them. An Englishman's home is his


castle. Not really if you are a council tenant. You can make the


odd minor alteration, but really, you were hardly Lord of the manor.


The right-to-buy changed all this for millions of people. Dr Peter


King has studied the Conservatives' policy. They lost two elections in


1974, they needed something that was popular and the right to buy


seems to fit the bill. They wanted to create the property owning


democracy. By the late 70s, over half of the population were owner-


occupiers and the people who were not were working class. This was


the opportunity to give those households the chance of doing it.


The other side was that Mrs Thatcher was no fan of local


government. Council housing, was a most obvious statement of municipal


socialism. And it was a target. There is no prouder word in our


There were protests, but the policy was a big hit, with discounts of up


to 50%, it was like giving money away. You could say it is probably


one of the most successful housing policies there has ever been. 2.5


million people took up the right to buy. If the aim was to extend own


occupation and restrict council housing, it certainly achieved it.


A lot of people did well out of the right to buy. Walking down a street


like this, you can often tell which are the right to buy houses, by the


nice wall, the gate, the posh door. If I were a betting man, I would


say this place was a right to buy a house. Of course, I am cheating. I


know this is a right to buy a house because I am a thorough and


diligent researcher. It is owned by Milly Winters, who bought it with


their sister in 1981. The price sounds ridiculous now. It was


�7,000 and 10. The �10, at what that was for, I don't know. Did you


start making changes straight away? Yes, we decided we would like to


have the kitchen and bathroom extended. Where we are sitting now


was... The garden. If it hadn't have been for the right to buy, we


wouldn't have been in a position to have bought the property. There is


no doubt that many individuals benefited from the right to buy,


especially in pleasant areas like this. But you don't have to look


too far to find some negative aspects, too. As a fearless


investigative reporter, that is what I am going to do. I tracked


down Bill Jennings. He was a housing officer for Barking and


Dagenham council for more than 20 years. What happened to the


neighbourhood? Neighbours lived side-by-side for many years, never


a cross word. One of a sudden, one has bought the property and one has


an, and there would be fall-outs. Things such as removing a fence and


relocating it six inches, and those neighbours would no longer be


friends. Bill took me on a tour to see how things had changed. This


house beside us, a side extension, a garage, two small lions, just to


mark their territory. Was it a good or a bad thing? I think there are


winners and losers. The winners are the people who have bought their


houses at a massive discounted price, and there are losers. Some


people might feel it is the end of council housing as we know it.


years after the right to buy began, sales have slowed to a trickle, but


the policy has undoubtedly changed for ever the country's relationship


with owning property. After David Cameron's announcement


yesterday about England, the Welsh and Northern Ireland governments


are still to decide whether tenants will get a discount. From last year,


new council tenants in Scotland are no longer able to buy their council


houses. It is quite a complicated subject. Arthur is here to explain


it all. Don't expect me to explain it all! You said in the film that


people buying council houses are at a trickle, why is that?


discounts are not what they were. There are still 5 million people


waiting for somewhere, so it is a big problem and I don't know how


much this will solve it. Back in the 70s and 80s, Margaret Thatcher


was material for you as a comedian, so what do you make of Ed


Miliband's announcement? Maggie, Maggie, Maggie! People say, or we,


or a, or if you are in Guildford, hurrah! The Labour Party did not


disapprove of the right to buy, it was more that housing was not


replaced suitably. There are still a lot of people out there who are


really struggling. Cameron's plan is to replace... That remains to be


seen. I am not sure what Shelter will have to say about what the


result of this is. This is all very different to your kind of


experience in Mumbai. Yes. We live in a Parsee colony. There are


different types of social housing are there. Six of us grew up in a


one-bed flat. You went to Hong Kong as a 9-year-old and then came to


Britain, how did you see it very over here? I lived in flats all the


way through. To be honest, not much of a difference. There was less


fast as we grew up, less -- less of us as we grew up. It is a struggle


for a lot of people, even first- time couples, people who want to


get their foot on the property ladder, it is so difficult.


wonder, why are we always obsessed with owning our houses. They don't


do it so much in other countries. Everyone has got their views on how


to cut council budgets but we couldn't find anybody who would


want to get rid of lollipop men or women. We were surprised when we


heard of one local authority, and there are others, who wanted to do


just that. They take to the street come wind,


rain or shine, to protect asked -- our children, but now they are


mobilising for a different reason. No longer just protecting their


community, this time out to protect their jobs. Thank you, see you in


the morning. Be good. Apparently, there is a new Riddle going around


the school playground. What is yellow, goes out in all weathers


and is facing extinction? That is right, the lollipop person. One of


the many places they are in dared - - in danger is Dorset, where the


road safety budget has been cut, meaning some of the 60 posts may


have to go. We are there for everybody, to keep an eye on the


children, for the grandparents, for everybody who passes. It cheers are


they up, it cheers your day up. Parents get used to lollipop people


being there. They know they can trust their children to be crossed


safely. Recently I had a taxi nearly go into me. If I wasn't


there, that child, I don't know what might have happened. They are


obviously not happy, but what about the kids to use them every day?


should keep the lollipop ladies. If you look and you don't really think


about the lollipop lady, you just go ahead and you might get hit by a


bus or something. We don't want that.


Grandma Helena also backs the campaign to save the school


crossing wardens. What would you do if the lollipop lady wasn't there?


It would be very awkward, because a lot of the time, my daughter is not


able to take her daughters. I can help out but I can't do it every


day. Some councils will say, why don't the parents chip-in and cover


the cost of lollipop ladies? No, we already pay our taxes for most


things. Not really, I think we have already paid for it. We really do


need them. Even with the lollipop patrols, the roads around Holy


Trinity Primary School get busy, so school governor Helen Toft runs a


walking bass. A convoy of kids she supervises walking to school. Does


she think parents can take over all together? In some cases, there are


parents taking their children to school. A lot of parents simply


need to work. If their job starts at 9 o'clock, they can't be in two


places at once. They depend on safe routes to school, for children to


get there in one piece, and to know that they will be safe. School


crossing patrols began in 1937, when Mrs Betty Hunt was appointed


by Bath City Council to help children cross roads outside


Kingsmead School. Since then, they sprang up all over the country,


becoming a much-loved part of growing up for many British


schoolchildren. Surprisingly, it has never been compulsory for


councils to provide them. With local authorities facing cutbacks,


many are looking at ways of saving money. A recent survey found that


one in four local authorities contacted were either planning to


scale back, or completely scrap their lollipop teams. Could


technology provide a cheaper solution? Why don't they put in a


zebra crossing or a pelican crossing? Zebra crossings rely on


vehicles stopping, but also one children making a decision when it


is safe to cross. Sometimes they can get that wrong. Having a school


crossing patrol means that is controlled. It is a brave local


councillor who will want to be remembered for cutting lollipop men


and women. In Dorset, the local uproar seems to be hitting the mark.


How much money are you potentially going to save here, by removing the


lollipop men and ladies at risk? Roughly �1,000 per crossing patrol.


Bearing in mind we are dealing with public money and we have to make


sure we are spending money safely and wisely, every little bit counts.


The county council has to save �31 million across its budget.


Dorset, the local uproar seems to be hitting the mark. We have


learned the council is now having a rethink, and is likely to recommend


that 50 out of 60 posts remain, whilst seeking alternative funding


for the other 10. It may be that lollipop patrols are a cut too far.


You could be stuck in traffic and you would get us smiling at you,


and it would make your day a lot easier. That is my shift done. Buy.


You can't get rid of the lollipop lady. You have got two children.


That school. I have a -- that is cruel. I have a 7-year-old and a 5-


year-old, they love their lollipop lady. She has taught them traffic


rules, it is fantastic. She has guided them, it is horrible that


I agree, but there is a thing called lollipop rage.


Where some people get angry when they are held up.


Is it true? Yes. And some members of the public are


angry about secret cameras put in the lollipops like this! I can't


believe that. I wave to mine. They are lovely.


Do you use the lollipop lady to cross the road? No, but when I'm


driving I always wave. -- wave. Any way, Nina, back to EastEnders,


a massive storyline that leads up to Christmas. Can you give us an


idea of what is going on? Only if you want me to get fired before


December. It is exciting stuff. Mass ued and


her are divorced. She is isolated and by herself. The doctor makes


his move. The last time you were on The One


Show, you were looking very happy together. There you are!


perfect couple. But it's been a bad few weeks for


you? Yes, it has. This terrible, poor woman. She's been drugged,


isolated, no-one likes here. I'm sick of her voice and I'm playing


her, so! I don't blame anyone else. You've been through the mill. Let's


have a look at a clip here with your son, Sai id.


I told you I made a mistake. said it was a mistake, but how can


it be? You took one pill then another. You took one pill after


another... Until... How can that be a mistake?! I don't know.


intense! Is it really draining for you? It is. It is.


My husband is sick of me playing it and can't wait for Zeinab to bring


that home and being funny again. Now, it is home and straight to bed.


It must be hard to get rid of that, from a human side? It is. There are


certain moments, when I'm with the other economic characters, I have


lots of great friendships there. When I have the opportunity I put


the humour in, but right now she is gouing through such a tough time it


is difficult to do that. And speaking of your real life


husband, you and he are working on a film called Four, tell us about


that? We had it with us for a while, it came about, we wanted to do


something in the British film industry. So this script came


across the desk by Paul Connell. It is with a team of any people. We


felt that the script was fantastic. We got our dream cast, Sean pert


wee, and the next thing we knew we were shooting. It is incredible.


It is dark, mainly as you don't leave a warehouse, but it is funny.


We are going to see a clip. We can't show the beginning of the


clip because it is quite an adult piece it has a 15 certificate. It


starts with Sean perlt wee wheeling someone in and he says "here's


Johnny .". It's the Shining. Never heard of it.


It is famous with Jack Nicholson in it. It was crazy, the hotel, Red


Rum, Red Rum, all that. So, it's got Jack? No, it's from


the film... Your name Jack or John? APPLAUSE


Well, when you are aware of the situation they are in, it is pretty


black humour? It is a dark piece but with great performances --


performances and a loft comedy in it, and a fabulous twist.


With the heavy lines in EastEnders and producing the film it must have


taken its toll on you? It was a killer schedule. It was ice cold,


in a warehouse and it was night shoots. I was working on EastEnders,


and then I would come home and we would take over. My hubby was there


during the day and we just swapped over. Never again.


Any more? This one goes out October 21st, there is another one coming


up the ground soon. Well, Liverpool is the home of the


Beatles and the song Ferry across the Mercy.


Built in the mid-1800, the al Bert Dock was one of the biggest


construction projects of its time. For a while it made Liverpool the


epicentre for world trade. For a decade thousands of ships unloaded


and loaded their cargo here, but it was not just official produce that


came in here, there were stowaways too.


This old industrial heartland was a home to many. The only way to look


at this habitat is to get in the water and I'm not going in alone.


# I'd like to be under the sea in an October tow puss' garden in the


shade. # Here we are, ladies and gentlemen in the middle of the


Albert Dock in Liverpool. Susan Gibson has lived in Liverpool for


most of her life. She spends her days talking about the history of


the Albert Dock. That is where Richard and Judy


filmed This Morning. Although she works on top of the


water, she's always cures about what lies below, especially as


there is a piece of a Liverpool creature lurking in the depths.


There are reports of a Conga eel down there. There is a funny story


going around, everyone rearfs to it as the Dockness.


So, this is your Loch Ness monster!? Yes.


So, with special permission, in we Are you ready for this? Yes.


Feeling warm? I've been warmer. It's going to be amazing.


And it really is. Every structure under the water has become an


I can't get over this, it is corped in mussels, it is about that fat at


the bottom with all of the mussels and the sea creatures. You would


think there is space for everything, but they are all crowded.


It is not like they find a fresh space, it is more like there is one,


I'll grow on top of that here. The water here is able to provide a


hearty meal for all of the other creatures that live here.


But there is one animal that Sue has seen year on year floating


around the docks. There we go, it's a jellyfish. It


won't sting. They don't sting.


Oh! As the water's warm up during the summer months more and more


jellyfish appear here in the docks. And I didn't think we would see


anything better when we got a glimpse of Susan's dockness monitor


sts. Well, OK, these -- monsters. Well, OK, these Conga eels are only


about a metre-and-a-half long, but I never expected to see so many in


the city. Those Conga eels were beautiful. The tails twisted around


each other. Then suddenly in a minute they are off. They were


gorgeous. Really beautiful. want to touch them, they are very


silky looking. Beautiful. Normally, these eels live around


the koist, but this artificial -- coast, but this artificial reef has


attracted them here, providing great habitat food. What do you


think, then? It's amazing. I'm lost for words. I could stay and look at


it for hours. It is fantastic. I never expected to see so much


variety of life in the heart of Liverpool. Species from all around


the world co-habiting successfully in their little hideaway beneath


the waves. What a little dive that was. I


think we are all gobsmacked at that. Miranda, the docks will be full of


people now? Please, don't throw yourselves off the docks at


Liverpool tomorrow morning. You do need special permission.


The eels we saw are well traveled? They are. They migrate to the


middle of the Atlantic, they spawn once and I adults die and the


juveniles manage to find their way back to our shores. What work have


they been doing to turn it into the Great Barrier Reef? In the 80s,


there was a massive amount of dredging, all of this horrible mud.


For years they cleaned it up, opening up in 1987. The results are


on the film. Nina, now, by accident really this


has happened, but we're making a feature now every week of showing


our guests snorkelling. Last week we had Dannii Minogue. Here she is,


looking lovely. Today we have you, having a rather unusual time behind


the tea pot. That was done for the marry curaway


Cancer Research UK. It was an under water Mad Hatter's tea party. We


had to learn to broth with the equipment.


Were you eating? Yes, you had to eat. It was food made in space it


was jelly tea, I tried to put it in my mouth, I think that it went into


Charlize Theron's mouth! -- Louis Therougx's mouth.


Now, Lucy Siegle has tried to meet the new monkey addition, but she


had second thoughts. Bristol Zoo is the oldest


provincial zoo in the whole world. I'm here to meet the baby gorilla


with no name. Western lowland gorillas, Salomi gave birth on


Tuesday, but the constitute ball of fluff you see her with has neither


a name nor the sex. Why don't you know the sex of the


baby yet? The mum is keeping her close to her chest. So when she is


ready to let us have a look, then we will find out.


But the baby needs a name? It needs to be a good one. Something of


African origin, something that fits in with the rest of the group.


Something that will not sound silly when I yell at her to come and get


her breakfast in the morning. Stacey? Stacey?! You see, that


could abboy or a girl. Bobby? Charlie.


A unisex African name? I think that they should Google that one. Zola.


That's a good one. So, we need a unisex name for a baby gorilla, it


needs to be African in origin and something that the zookeeper will


not be embarrassed to shout for years to come. Good luck.


Well, we have the names coming in. Shall we keep the suspense coming


in. Shall we ask Miranda about the western lowland gorillas? How rare


are they? Fairly rare, 26 were born worldwide in captivity last year,


but the incredible thing is that they could be extinct in the wild


within ten years if the illegal logging continues. So this is our


safety net, the captive breeding programme.


So you can't enter the competition, but if you could, you would call it


Special? Yes. Let's run through some names.


Lindsey shepherd has sent in Kukenna, that means I love you.


And Kara Spencer has sent in Mahiki that means friend.


So, which one? You know that picture for me sounds and looks


like I love you, so I will go for Kukenna.


There it is. That's it.


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