06/06/2013 The One Show


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with Matt Baker. And Matt Jones. Our guest is a pedal powered medal


winning machine. He is 11 time world champion, six time Olympic champion


and the most successful Olympic cyclist of all time. In fact, in


terms of gold medals, he is the most successful British Olympian ever.


None of this would have happened if it was not for a film about a little


alien in a bicycle basket. To tell us why, please welcome, the one at


the back, Sir Chris Hoy. It is great to see you. Welcome. How are you?


Welcome. The ET influence, tell us more? It is the story a lot of


people think is nonsense but it is true. I watched it when I was about


six or seven and it is the first BMX bike I had ever seen. I had never


heard of them before and it was the chase scene at the end, being chased


through the streets, going over jumps, around corners, and other six


or seven-year-old it was very exciting and that is why I got into


BMX. You are ninth in the world eventually. A few years later, I


started racing at a local track and used to go all over Britain and


Europe. My dad took me in the car. We would pack up after school on


Friday, drive to the race and come back up on Sunday night. Do you


remember your first bike? You never forget it. Was it pink?It was a


second-hand bike, I think it was �5. My dad got it, re-sprayed it and put


BMX stickers and big handlebars, convinced me it was the BMX. I


thought brilliant, went out there and there was a dirt jump area near


my house. I went there and within about two or three weeks I had


snapped the frame. You moved onto this one, your second bike. That is


a belter. My mum called it the girls bike. My next door neighbour, it was


that old bike and she offered it to me. It did not last long,


unfortunately. Many others have happy memories of our first bikes,


so we want to see yours. If you have a picture, send into the usual


address and we will show them later. We know of at least one MP, three


lords and one former X factor judge who will be cursing undercover


journalists this week. Who here is News man turned broadcaster Nick


Ferrari on the art of the perfect sting. The sting has been around for


years. It has brought down politicians, sports stars and


celebrities. It usually works like this. Reporter goes undercover to


expose wrongdoing. He or she pretends to be someone they are not


by setting up a fake company, taking on a fake identity or perhaps most


famously, being a fake sheik. Sting can result in famous -- newspapers


flying off the shelves. It can ruin lives careers in minutes. But what


is the recipe for a perfect sting? Well, I am going to speak to some


other seasoned old hacks to try to find out. Phil Hall was editor of


the News of the world for five years, a paper well known for its


Expose is and reporters who, just at the right moment, aid their excuses


and left. He says the key to a great sting if keeping it simple. What


makes a good sting? A good sting is a story that probably ultimately


ends up with the person you are writing about going to jail. What is


required? What are the ingredients? The You need clear evidence. Things


will be under the microscope. Newspapers have to have confessions,


independent witnesses. The end has to justify the means. Which sting


are you most proud of? The Jeffrey Archer case. He went to jail for


five years, committed perjury, and it is something newspapers should


investigate. How do you know it is worth pursuing question mark so many


stories must come your way. Has to be a high profile out Wash


individual, criminal activity and something in the public interest.


What all is not in the public interest as a matter of debate but


most editors will only authorise the sting if they have some proof


beforehand that wrongdoing is taking place. The stakes are high for


everyone. Today's headlines are tomorrow's disaster stories for


some, so if you are going to go undercover you have to make sure you


get it right and you don't get caught. How many people are you


responsible for torturing? Paul Kenyon is an experienced undercover


reporter, who has gone to extreme lengths to get his story. He has


even faked his own death. He was almost rumbled when posing as a boat


fanatic for the BBC. I jumped down onto an area of the yacht that


looked safe and flat and he turned around and said, you do not know


anything about yachts, do you pressure up she said, you do jump


onto this part of the yacht in shoes. There is no way I would have


known that but it gave it away very suspiciously from that moment.


fearful do you get prior to the moment of confrontation? When you


hear on a walkie-talkie someone say, he is coming your way, yes, your


heart leaps out of your rib cage. It is a big moment. The key rules for


keeping your cover intact, what do you do?


Keeping cool, having a strong back story. Everything has to be planned


with military position. We have to know how to use secret cameras. One


of the stupidest things is putting on an accent. I have been in


positions before where I thought I used -- I ought to be East European.


When it went on television my wife said, you sound like a meerkat,


talking like this. You have to stick to your story, make it believable


and you have to have some proof before you go undercover. Cash for


questions, cash for access, cash for fixing. In a sting, money comes into


it. But when does it become cashing in on the vulnerable? When is it


merely entrapment? I think newspapers stings must be


proportionate. If you're going to offer a jockey a sum of money to


throw a race and he is earning �1000 a week, if you offer him �100,000 he


would be tempted. It does not mean he is a bent jockey. It has to be


proportionate. The perfect thing has to be to expose something corrupt or


some wrongdoing. You have to have a cover story as tight as a Manchester


United back four. When you go in for the sting you have to catch them


doing it, not make them do it. Andrew Neil is here. Panorama's


investigation into lobbying practices, Cash For Questions


Undercover, is on tonight but in your experience, what have these


recent finds uncovered for you? People worry politicians are for


hire. They have become hired guns. They are meant to be our hired guns,


working for us, the people and people worried that they can be


bought by powerful interests and represent these interests for


money, rather than presenting the people. That is not healthy. All of


them have denied the allegations. am not talking about the recent


ones, this is going back since 1994. I was told in 94 that some


politicians, if you paid them, would ask questions in the House of


Commons. We found it hard to prove. I had to go to America. The acting


editor, who took over, set up the sting and it works. They took the


money and asked the questions. did they do that? It was a sting


operation. The journalists appeared to be lobbyists representing a big


company and said if you represent our interests, we will pay you each


month and they said, OK, when do we start? They spoke about entrapment


in the film. When do you cross the line? When does it become


entrapment? You should not go on a fishing expedition. You should not


say, let's take six MPs and see if they bite. You need grounds for


thinking that they could be susceptible in the first place. The


second thing is, if they turn it down first time, you can't go back


and say we will give you twice as much, three times as much, we will


throw in a holiday because that is becoming troubled. You have to keep


your eye on the price. If they don't get it first time, you have to walk


away. Have you had any experience in this field? With drugs around


cycling, have you found undercover journalists have tried to get things


out of you? Not that I have been aware of. My experience with the


media has been positive over the years. There is time!I don't want


to jinx it. Most journalists seem pretty straight. The biggest thing


for us in the public eye, it is the wrong road, the wrong phrase, the


wrong sentence that comes out and gets used against you, with a


headline. On the whole, I have had a pretty good experience. Andrew,


thanks and Panorama is on tonight at 9pm and Andrew and his guests will


be back on This Week at 11:35pm on BBC One. With Molly is a dog. She is


here with her agent. They said The One Show could not afford her.


will be watching, tucked up in bed. As well as being an Olympic and


world champion, Chris also holds the world record for cycling 500 metres


in a very speedy 24.75 seconds. Incredible. As Iwan Thomas


explains, even cycling hero like Chris would struggle to beat the


astonishing achievements of a former greengrocer's boy from


Stoke-on-Trent. There is one sporting record, a feat


of endurance so great that almost certainly it will never be broken.


In the 1930s, a competition to cycle the greatest distance in a year was


known simply as the year record. Related by cycling magazine and


followed avidly by thousands of readers, the record in 1937 was held


by an Australian, Ozzy Nicholson, and stood a little over 62,000 650


miles. On January one, 1939, British cyclist Tommy Godwin put his life on


hold, secured sponsorship and set out to break it. He would need to


cover on average over 170 miles a day, that is between ten or 12 hours


in this hard saddle, everyday, for 365 days straight. Cycling


journalist and author Dave Barter has studied his record-breaking year


in great detail. He would not have had the smooth tarmac we have today.


He would have had to ride on rough roads like this, granite settops,


almost hard compact it tracked. Most of his days he was averaging 16 or


20 miles an hour. All year round. Rain, wind, hail smoke, he was out


there. 1939, one of the worst winters for a long time. He was


riding through snow, ice, he crushed countless times, terrible weather


conditions. Still, he persevered. Sundays, Tommy would ride the


equivalent of London to Manchester on what today would be a museum


piece of a bike. I have a bike similar to the bike Tommy would have


written. You have a modern-day bike. Can I compare the wait? That is like


one finger. Despite. Ella Bob in this bike weighs �16. The replica


bike would have weighed about 28 or 29. You have the gears. He had as


great -- state of the art bike to ride on. My bike has 30 years.


needed to fuel the miles and he consumes far more than two and half


thousand calories needed by the average man. In front of us, a


typical day. He would have eaten between 6000 and 10,000 calories


every day to keep itself going. see a lot of food but no meat?


was a vegetarian after working in the pie shop. Put him off?It put


him off and he was vegetarian. a few cakes. Yes, three o'clock in


the afternoon was his treat time. Having done 100 or 125 miles, you


would want something to look forward to. For much of the year he was


unsupported. Peacock took the miles by riding regular routes between his


home in Stoke and Hemel stamps -- Hemel Hempstead, sometimes going


further afield in search of better weather. Every day, he had to log


his mileage. It had to be verified by someone in authority, like a


policeman or vicar, then he was ready to post it to the cycling


magazine. On October 26, 1939, two months shy of the full year, he rode


into Trafalgar Square with the record in the bag. On he rode,


eventually clocking up over 75,000 miles. It has never been beaten and


will not be. Modern athlete tried recently and abandoned after just


three months. The effort its toll. Niall Hemmings Road with Tommy as a


boy. I'm writing thinking when he achieved the record he had to learn


how to walk again? I remember when you shook hands with him, his hands


were very clenched, very sinewy. Obviously his feet were the same. He


had to have physiotherapy and support at hospital to help him walk


again. Looking at his diary, in this week alone, Tuesday, 295 miles,


Wednesday, 360. I would moan, having to drive 361 miles in a car. He had


a day off because he was invited to meet the Prince of Wales. He has put


in his diary, past the record, day off, Prince of Wales. People around


him must be very proud of his achievements. Tommy died at a


relatively young age of 63. He collapsed after a social ride to a


castle. He may be gone but I have got a feeling that record will stay


be beaten? It is astonishing, when you work out day-to-day what he had


to do, and with the equipment, the bikes, the clothing - everything,


the road surface. Unbelievable. bloke who might be able to give it a


go of course is Sir Bradley Wiggins, who is out of the Tour de France


because of injury. I know Bradley will be bitterly disappointed. It is


frustrating. It is part of what makes sport exciting, as you know


anything can happen at any time. It makes his achievements last year all


the more amazing because he was able to overcome the pitfalls along the


way, to not be ill or have a crash and to perform at that level. He'll


bounce back. How is life for you now as a cycling spectator. You


announced your retirement two months ago. Has it sunk in? I think it did


when I watched the World Championships back in February. I


was then still making up my mind whether I was going to continue on


to the Commonwealth Games. I watched the World Championships at Minsk. It


was weird watching and not being there, but I thought I had made the


right decision. My body is at the end of its life as far as a


professional cyclist is concerned. Have you noticed a difference in


your thighs? I've noticed I can get my jeans on a little easier.


what's next? I have barely had a day off since I've retired. I thought


retirement was supposed to be injury. I'm now ambassador for the


Commonwealth Games in 2014 in Glasgow. I'm ininvolveded with the


youth Olympic bid for Glasgow. So many different things and


opportunities. It is great. You can help out with charity events and


help people get involves in cycling. You are passing on your experience


to people who can ride bikes. What's the biggest challenge for the likes


of us? I don't know if you saw the episode of the Simpsons where Homer


got to design a car. It is not like that surely! He builds a car which


is great for himself but no-one in the world wanted it. Ehis horn play


played the Copacabana. The difficulty was not designing a bike


that I thought would be perfect more me but no good for anyone else but


to get one that's ideal for the leisure market. There'll be a full


range going up to the top level bike soon. It is just about getting back


on your bike, reminding yourself what it was like when you were


getting into sport. The things that got you off the bike, the things


that within uncomfortable, the things that you liked. Is there a


basket, is there a bell? It is a practical bike but there are neither


of those on it, I'm afraid. You have to buy them as extras? It is easy to


ride, it is light. Hopefully people will enjoy them. And you've moved on


to four wheels. I've not seen this. Check out your corners. How long


have you been doing this? I had a road track car I've been using every


now and then. This is a new thing I've started again this year, the


Radical SR one cup. It is the most fun I've had on four years. And how


far do you want to take this, Chris? Is I'm realistic. It is amazing fun,


a great adrenaline rush. It is a new thing. It is exciting when you are


with 37 years of age and doing something new. Do you feel you've


got a knack for it? I don't think I've got a knack for it but I enjoy


it. You are very good at going high speed round and round in circles.


is the corners. From your book, you said you had retired from five


sports by the the time you were 18. You've obviously got the competitive


drive you had since you were a lad. Yes, and it is nice to have


something you can vent it on. When you're on a track you're giving


everything you possibly can. You're raising as fast as you can to win


the race, but if you don't win it, you're not devastated if you lose.


Cycling, I've loved it all my life, I've done it since I was a wee boy,


but at the Olympic Games there's a lot of pressure, so it is nice to do


something with no pressure. We wish you all the best. Now here is Cerys


Matthews with a tale of monks, and wizards and magic.


2013 is a huge year for Derry Londonderry having been awarded UK


City of Culture all eyes are on this once troubled town. And never more


so than this weekend when the city's people will take part in a huge


parade to celebrate the return of which patron saint Colum. He was a


member of the O'Neill clan, a privileged family from the north of


Ireland. But 1,500 years ago, and with 3,000 dead on his conscience he


fled in shame to Iona. Here he repented and began to preach peace


and lover. Rumour has it has he fought a monster in the river Ness.


He returned to Ireland and set about establishing monasteries to spread


his word. The first one is rumoured to be lying under the church here in


the centre of town. Frank boys aim aims to replicate the success of the


Olympics opening ceremony. The thing for me was the volunteers. All


races, all classes, all abilities. To do that in a small city is even


more exciting. It would settle have a big impact. And the performers are


locals aren't they? They are almost all from Derry. At a secret location


on the edge of town locals congregate to rehearse and build


giant floats in preparation for this big weekend. So this is Dopey Dick.


This killer whale swam up the Rover Foyle in 1977 but with the goodwill


of the people of Derry it escaped to the open seas. John, what's going on


here? This is the Amelia air Hart fulcrum. In 1932 Amelia air heart


crashed a plane on her way to Canada. -- Amelia Earhart. I don't


like flying but I do like dressing Derry women are renowned for their


glamour but these 20 foot motorised dresses are something else. Do you


need a driving lesson? On board this huge ship a nod to the city's


maritime past, local musicians will be performing and reviving the myth


of this famous patron saint. There's never been anything about Colum


before. He was a good warrior cheeft taken who believed there was


different ways of achieving those ends. And Derry songs on the day?


Yes, the new streets of Derry, a song I wrote.


# As I walked home through the streets of Derry... #


But these giant contraptions aren't the only things hitting the city at


the weekend. At the end of the evening we are bringing a gigantic


Loch Ness monster up the loch and there'll be a showdown between the


Saints and this huge monster the size of a church. Also back home


this weekend is legend legendry songwriter who wrote


Congratulations. I wonder if you will teach me a beautiful song,


please. It will be a great pleasure. # There was music there


# In the Derry air # Like a language that we all could


understand # I remember the day that I earned


my first pay # When I played in the small pick-up


# There I spent my youth and to tell you the truth


# I was sad to leave it all behind # For I learned about life


# And I found a wife # In the town I loved so well #.


APPLAUSE Cerys, beautiful. A legendry song


and writer. It was a lot of fun visiting Londonderry Derry. There's


lots of things coming out. The longest day of the year, Friday 21st


June. They are really turning the city into the music city. They've


got a sky orchestra. Do you know what that is? No idea.They are


going to set off in seven hot-air balloons at dawn, playing music.


Ethereal. As the sun comes up they'll have music. They'll have


musicians from all over the world, from Cuba, Beirut players and Harare


as well. Local musicians amateur and professionals. And this is a really


exciting events, 11th to 18th August the first all -island fleadh, that


is singing is, dancing, a lot of Gaelic speaking as well. Derry


Londonderry is the first UK City of Culture. The next one is in four


years' time. The nominations are in now. Applications are now closed.


All around the country is represented, from Aberdeen, Swansea,


Dover, Canterbury. The short-list is announced by the end of this month


and the winner announced by November. Aberdeen or Dundee Chris,


what do you reckon? I used to go to University in St Andrews, across


from Dundee. Either will be nice. Are we going to finish with a bit


more music? It is a classic song. The words are 100 years old but the


tune is much older. It is an Irish tune published in 1855. It toes:


# Tis I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow


# Oh Danny Boy # Oh Danny Boy I love you so #.


APPLAUSE Beautiful. Can you play Teenage


Kicks? You need electric guitars. Do you know this one? Yes!I wanna hold


Cerys, thank you and thanks for bringing your guitar. Don't panic


but we won't be here tomorrow. We have a day off. To explain why, it


is over to Holly and Reggie from The Voice.


Hi Alex and Matt and to you Sir Chris Hoy. We are very sorry to be


taking over at seven. 00pm on BBC One tomorrow. It is the first live


shows of The Voice UK. We've got a brand-new set. Take a look. She's a


beautiful thing. The 12 termified the acts and four shy and retiring


coaches. And for the first time this series viewers can have their say on


who stays and who goes. I cannot wait. That's tomorrow night at


seven. 00pm on BBC One. Our coaches have been sitting in those red


chairs forever. Any tips on saddle soreness? I reckon vaseline, Paddick


shorts and you don't wear underwear. No seams. Do you go for the one pair


or two? Just the one.Earlier we asked for pictures of of you with


your first bike and we have had low your first bike and we have had low


loads of them in. My first bike in 1961, I had to pay ten shillings a


week to a local hardware store, Jez Jed Parker. Mike, getting ready to


rev up on my first bike. Isn't that wonderful? Thank you.


And this is J Taylor on her Raleigh bicycle aged seven. Nina from


Margate in her back garden in 1951 riding her bike.


This is ten-month-old Stephanie Williams on her first bike. That's


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