Conference Special Daily Politics

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Afternoon, folks. From the last day of the French Socialist Party


Conference on the Cote D'Azur... Actually it is the last day of the


British Labour Party Conference here in Liverpool. But the weather


has turned it into the Cote de Mersey. And Ed Miliband, by turning


his back on the Blair-Brown, may find he ends up closer to the


mainstream of continental socialism than New Labour ever was. That is


the view in Liverpool this morning, where the Labour Party Conference


is winding down. Within the hour, the party's deputy leader, Harriet


Harman, will close the conference with what everyone hopes will be a


rousing speech. Expect the red flag flying, tears, emotion and some


hugs. We will be reviewing Labour's year with Alan Johnson, the former


Home Secretary. He never actually turned up to this conference but we


tracked him down. And do you know Ed Miliband appeared to have no


idea this morning, even though he is tipped to be the next Labour


leader in Scotland. He is called Ken MacIntosh. And that's not all.


Jo is in London. And away from the conference centre, there is


continued trouble in Euroland. The German parliament have just voted


to approve an increase in the size of the euro bail out fund. But our


Foreign Secretary has called the eurozone a burning building without


exits and the Deputy Prime Minister warned that the crisis could cause


the EU itself to rupture. So is Yes, all that coming up in the next


hour of public service broadcasting at its finest. Actually it is the


only public service broadcasting that covers the last day of the


Labour Conference, which has been visibly wilting since Mr Miliband


spoke on Tuesday afternoon. Most delegates, three quarters of the


Shadow Cabinet and every single hack except for me, has hot-footed


it out of Liverpool. Just why Labour drags its conference on till


Thursday is one of the great mysteries of British politics,


especially since both other main national parties manage to end on


Anyway who would want to miss Hattie's address? Certainly not the


couple of Labour bloggers we have assembled for your delectation. Dan


Hodges from Labour Uncut and Mark Give me your overview of this


conference. Ed Miliband is facing some criticisms about lack of


direction, lack of strategy. He has dealt with that. We know who he is.


He has pitched and self as a Liberal intellectual. You know what


his strategy is. We know what his strategy is. He is going to take on


the British establishment on behalf of the British people. I think that


is a completely suicidal electoral strategy. Give him credit.


think all that. You do not think it is the right thing to do. No. He


had had a debate and discussion about where the middle ground is.


Ed Miliband attempted to articulate where it was in his speech on


Tuesday. The general consensus is that where Ed Miliband and those


around him see the middle ground resting is not whether British


people see it resting. That is his problem. Her what is your take on


it? This has been an average conference. The Poles will have


hardly shifted at all. We have gained nothing. We have not lost


much. Someone said to me yesterday, we're all in quite a good mood but


we do not know why. I think a lot of us a slightly wondering why we


are here. Not just you but never mind. Let's move on quickly over


that. Let me maybe bring down your ambition and say that one thing has


been achieve. I am not sure the wider public has a better idea who


Ed Miliband is that your party has. That is part of the problem. The


whole mood of the conference and his speech was pitched very much at


the Labour Party. When we arrived in Liverpool, everyone was clear


about what Ali -- Ed Miliband needed to do. He needed to start to


connect with the electorate. I take slight issue. I think people will


start to look at him and have greater clarity about who Ed


Miliband his in the wider public. As I said, I am concerned about his


political position. Is he what the public wants? We you go along with


what the Labour Party is saying about moving to a clear left-wing


anti-establishment position? -- Will you go along? He does not seem


very anti-establishment to me. is a former Treasury special


adviser. He is part of the Establishment himself. This will


take some work, at the very least. For me, I am not sure what they


take away from this. Would I go not to -- what was the key message from


this conference? There is a lot of mood music but not a key message


was dubbed we have a couple of Labour bloggers reverse. -- with us.


It is Liverpool, it is Labour. The task of Ed Miliband was to


establish himself as a character with his movement. Who is this guy


Miller Band? I am not only Blair. - - Tony Blair. That line went down


really well. He had a reasonably successful afternoon. Only David


Cameron could believe that you make ordinary families work harder by


making them poorer and you make the rich work harder by making them


richer. It is the wrong priority. It is based on the wrong values.


How dare they say we are all in it together? Of course if Ed Miliband


is to establish a relationship with the people he will have to make


friends with the media. We had this speech from Ivan Lewis.


industry should consider whether people guilty of gross malpractice


should be struck off. In other words, any journalist misbehaving


him or herself could be banned. Oh dear! That is me to the knacker's


yard. I would just speak to the police to make sure they are OK


with that sentence. And now to the sport. Who is that portly fellow?


He tackles pretty low in politics as well, they say. His speech was


toying with the idea of an apology but a politician like Ed Balls was


never going to find that easy. they so we make mistakes in


government, they are right. A 75p pension rise was a mistake, so was


the abolition of the 10 pence tax rate. We did not do enough to get


employers to train the work falls. We should have adopted tougher


controls on migration from Eastern Europe. We did not spend every


pound of public money well. We did not regulate the banks toughly


enough and stop the gross irresponsibility here in Britain


and all around the world. If we do not pay off the deficit now it will


be left to future generations. Lo and behold up one popped, a 16-


year-old from Maidstone. The home I lived in since birth was


repossessed. We had no money and savings. I owe my entire well-being


to the welfare state. That welfare state is being ripped apart by a


vicious and right wing led Tory government. We later learned he was


not such a son of a proletariat. He had been to private school and his


dad was a property developer. He is a face of tomorrow. Where are the


faces of the past? No Tony Blair, no Peter Mandelson, no Gordon Brown,


not even John Prescott. It is as though these security fences have


been designed to keep New Labour out. Oh well! Manchester next and


the Tories. See you there. Quentin Letts giving us his view. He makes


a point that a lot of the names of faces that have been ubiquitous at


Labour conferences since you were in short trousers were not further


share. There have been a lot of new ones. -- were not there. He made an


impromptu address without notes during the week. Also Yvette Cooper.


She has emerged, it Ed Miliband were to fall under a bus, she would


come up head and shoulders as the next leader. I would have to agree


on Yvette Cooper. Taking over from her husband? I think the burning


question is, whether she once said and how much she wants it? If she


wants it, it is hers. She was not in the mix last time but she would


be next time. Who has had a bad week? Without question Ed Miliband.


The last year he has successfully managed to remove the badge of Red


Ed and then said, I am Red Ed now. Now we are going to have to see


over the next few weeks him a tempting to cleanse his name.


not think he came out as Red Ed, I think he came out as A blue ed. He


has adopted a blue agenda. Every senior figure tells you something


different. We are very confused. A Shadow Cabinet reshuffle looks to


be around the corner. He has the power to have on board who he wants,


rather than he the MPs vote for. think we're going to see Chuka


Umunna in the Shadow Cabinet. one of the up and coming... And may


be some more women. I think there will need to be some rebalancing. I


quite like Stella but at think it is a bit early. We have a present


on the Daily Politics. We have some Tesco bourbon creams from hazel


Blears. She said I hope these keep you going next week. You might need


something to make you smile. Being generous, I am not taking them to


the Tories, I'm going to share them here. Have one of these and one of


these. Which batch would you like? -- badge. Very well, excellent.


Where are the biscuits for us? On their way. I am sending them down.


Politicians here in Britain may be busy enjoying themselves at their


respective conferences but out in the real world Europe is facing


financial meltdown. In an interview in the Spectator magazine, the


Foreign Secretary, William Hague, repeated his claim that the euro


was like a burning building with no exits. In order to try to find a


way out of the crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has just


the EU's main bailout fund called the European Financial Stability


Facility. This was overhauled back in July and consists of a


commitment to boost bail out guarantees to 440 billion euros,


the hope being that it will be enough to calm the markets and help


However, many commentators have argued that given the current


climate much more will be needed in the long run. Also this week, the


eurozone countries agreed a deal that would see private lenders


write off 20% off their loans to Greece, although it is believed a


plan to allow Greece to default on around 50% of its debt is on the


cards. Yesterday the head of the European Commission Manuel Barroso


warned that Europe was facing its greatest challenge but said he


believed Greece would stay in the Eurozone. However, Nick Clegg will


later today warn European governments that the EU would


rupture if the eurozone countries make decisions without consulting


governments outside the single currency. I am joined now from


Strasbourg by the Conservative MEP, Daniel Hannan, and here in the


studio by Katinka Barysch of the Does this mean the end of the


crisis for Germany, Katinka Barysch? Certainly not. And it does


not mean the end of the euro crisis, either. The real debate is about


what we're going to do next. It is about having a bigger bail-out fund.


And it certainly is not the end of the political debate in Germany,


how much Germany wants to make available to help its neighbours,


what is Germany's new role in the European Union? It seems everyone


sees Germany as the powerhouse of Europe, and that they have to lead


the way, and there has been criticism that Angela Merkel has


tracked her feet - how do you think she has handled the crisis? She has


handled it in a very Angela Merkel kind of way. She has never been a


leader, she has always been cautious. In the beginning, we


liked her forehead. She was good at knocking heads together but she was


never a leader. The Germans have very little post-war experience of


leadership. The entire post-war period has been one of just neatly


fitting into European integration and NATO. And all of a sudden they


find themselves in this leadership situation, and it is slow, it is


awkward, they're to slow to do this. They are trying to catch up. Is it


right that the Germans should be the ones, bearing in mind they are


doing better, economically, should they not be the one has to lead the


bail-out? But they are paying the most, and they are trying to lead


from the front. It is not as if they are not trying. They are not


doing as well as the commentators and the markets would like them to


do. But they are trying to do what is feasible for them, financially


and politically. This vote today in the Bundestag is just one more step


in a much longer journey. Thank you for joining us, Daniel Hannan. What


do you think should happen now? do you think should happen now?


Katinka Barysch just said, the crisis has already moved on. The


talk now is of expanding the available resources to this almost


incredible amount of two trillion Euros. And this is going to be done


by borrowing. We are treating the debt crisis with a massive increase


in debt. Two questions immediately a rise - first of all, who are


guarantee an amount that large? The answer on paper is the ECB. But the


European Central Bank has been buying up so much junk debt that it


is almost a Bag bank already, by definition. So, the reality


standing behind this new debt other taxpayers of Greece, Italy, Spain,


Ireland, Portugal, in other words, that the tours are the same as the


guarantors. Where are we going to get two truly Euros from? -- the


debtors are the same as the guarantors. I suppose, what would


the alternative be, that's the question? Surely any alternative


would be even worse to borrowing even at these high interest rates,


because it would cost more in the long run? That's not correct. The


metaphor you used is interesting. The way to prevent contagion is


through quarantine. But the European Union is doing the


opposite, taking the finances of perfectly healthy countries and


degrading them by making them liable for the loans of other


countries. The alternative is to let each country pursue its own


monetary policy, determined by its own conditions. Clearly it is in


the interest of these countries to be able to price their way back


into the market. The only reason why this is not happening is


because people are trying to save face, because they have got so much


tied up politically in the euro project, and they are expecting the


people to pay an extraordinary price for it. What do you say, that


now is the time to draw the line, we should not be throwing good


money after bad? That's a very interesting point. I just spent


this morning with a Greek analyst and university professor, who made


the point to me very clearly, that he and the majority of the Greek


people do not actually believe that leaving the euro is a solution to


their problems. 66% of the Greeks do not want to leave the euro. Then,


they would have to massively default both on public and private


debt. You cannot repay massive debts and devalue the currency at


the same time. What about the other countries, do we care enough about


what happens to Greece? Obviously, the Greek austerity programme now


has become counter-productive, in the sense that it is straining the


economy, you cannot squeeze any more tax money out of an economy


that is shrinking for four years in a row. But what is right is that


Greece and some other European countries have to implement the


reforms, and the same applies to Germany in that respect. But these


are long-term programmes. The big problem that we have at the moment


is, how do we keep the euro together, so that we can implement


the long-term plans? I do not believe for one second that


splitting up the euro is the solution for the structural


problems that we have. And nor does Nick Clegg, Daniel Hannan - he has


said that we Shand shoulder to shoulder with the eurozone. He even


went as far as to say that actually they should not be making


agreements within the eurozone which do not include us outside. He


says we have to stick together... suspect that Nick Clegg, an old


friend of mine, is auditioning for his next job as the British nominee


to the European commission. You're not the first person to say that.


prosperous and stable countries on our doorstep. The euro takes 40% of


our exports, it is plainly in our interests to have other countries


growing. That is not the same as keeping the euro going. When it


becomes clear that the price of keeping the euro together is


permanent deflation, poverty and immigration for the southern


countries, and Permanent World countries for the northern


countries, so that both lots are growing more slowly than they


otherwise would, is not in our interests. They should not send us


the bill for that, either. We have no interest in such a policy.


briefly, what about this transaction tax that has been


talked about, the Tobin tax? What is your view on that?


transaction tax would raise something like 50 billion euros, of


which something like 40 billion euros would be coming from London.


In other words, we're being stuck with the bill to prop up the


currency which we declined to join. Both of you, thank you very much.


It started last year in Manchester, and ended in Liverpool. David was


fancied, but in the end, it was Ed, rebuilding the party after a


disastrous election defeat. How did the new leader measure up, and how


well is he suited to the job? We asked former Cabinet Minister Alan


# They seek him here, they seek him there.


# He has got to buy the best, because he's a dedicated follower


of fashion. Refashioning the Labour Party was


never going to be easy for Ed Miliband - taking on the worst job,


Leader of the Opposition, at the worst time, just after an election


defeat, and in the worst possible circumstances, after beating his


brother. Isn't the biggest favour that David Miliband can do to the


Labour Party to end this psychodrama? This is no psychodrama.


I came in on Saturday planning a slightly different week. I'm now


thinking what I'm going to do instead. But it is measuring up to


be a pretty good year for Labour. Party membership is increasing, we


are ahead in the polls, we had some notable successes in the local


elections, and so far, we have won # Oh, yes he is. OK, so, we were


stitched up in Scotland, and unfortunately for Ed, and for me,


the alternative vote did not suit the public. But despite the party


being split on the referendum, it did not damage the leader. In other


areas, Ed has bravely decided to do what he thinks is right. For


example, scrapping Shadow Cabinet elections, and making it clear that


he wants to change the rules for electing the party leader. In


respect of policy, Ed probably made life difficult for himself by


supporting the graduate tax and a blank sheet of paper probably


wasn't the best phrase to use. But this early in any parliament, no


opposition leader wants to pick policies off the peg, and Ed isn't


your typical party leader, forever chasing headlines. But the last 12


months have really been all about the cuts. Ed has been very clear


that we have to cut out koitt according to our cloth. But


sometimes that message has been lost. Our job is to fight and


preserve the things that we value... In parliament, aide is up against a


consummate performer, in David Cameron. Today, we learn that the


Foreign Secretary describes his gang as the children of Thatcher.


would rather be a child of Thatcher than a son of Brown. Whilst he has


taken some hits, he has also had some notable successes. He was


statesmanlike on Libya, he was strong on issues like cancer


sufferers, DNA, and of course, the hacking scandal, and David


Cameron's decision to hire Andy Coulson. He has got to accept that


he made a catastrophic error of judgment by bringing Andy Coulson


into the heart of his Downing Street machine. On reflection, I


think aide has had a good year. On personal issues, he has got a new


wife, a new baby, a different nose, and a brother less strange than he


seem to be a year ago. I think Ed Miliband has done extremely well,


and I think he will grow in confidence and in stature as his


That was Alan Johnson, part of the old guard, really. I'm now joined


by three bright young things - at least that's what it says on the


script. I'm talking about Gloria De Piero, John Woodcock and Lisa Nandy.


You all got elected last year for the first time. Let's see what you


make of it. His Ed Miliband right not to say that New Labour has one


out of steam, we need to build something new? What I'm really


pleased about his hearing Ed Miliband talk about things which


people want to talk to me about on the doorstep. So, New Labour, and


current Labour, whatever you want to call it, it is about being on


the side of the decent, hard- working majority of people. Ed has


said this week, the people at the top, some of those people have been


top, some of those people have been scoring people. But also, people


say to me, that guy around the corner, I'm hurting at the moment,


but he's taking benefits, and he does not seem to want to work. It


is about being on the side of the majority. You would have to


conclude that New Labour did not do any of that, which is why you're


any of that, which is why you're having to start again. The New


Labour project, as it was, led by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, was


unquestionably the right thing for its time. And the level of


electoral success which it brought, and the changes it brought to


Britain, were hugely significant. But we are now in 2011. Ed was


right to say that I'm policy programme has got to move on, and


we have got to read direct the challenges that we know that we


need to face, so that in 2015, or whenever the election is, we're


putting forward policies which matter to the future of the country.


A from understand that New Labour had one out of steam, all political


projects run out of steam, Thatcherism ran out of steam, the


collective consensus after the Second World War over and out of


steam. But given that New Labour was electorally very successful for


you, and some former ministers would say, successful for the


country, I do not understand why you want to draw a line under it.


Because we saw an amazing amount of investment into some of the poorest


communities in this country. I saw some of that on the front line,


working with children in my previous job. But we also saw an


alarming growth in inequality. What Ed was saying on Wednesday was that


we did not do enough to create a level playing field, so that those


people who are genuinely trying to do the right thing are getting the


help that they need from the government. This government is not


doing that. It is actively going out and destroying people's lives


through the decisions that they are taking. Ed was saying, we urgently


You constantly changing and update. You start a new revolution. He is


so that it is going to be a new revolution. The basic principle of


New Labour was that we look out that the country are not into


ourselves. We understand the challengers. That is at the heart


of what the run to do under the leadership of Ed Miliband. He is


not budging. He has said that clearly. Do not think it is a moved


to the left? -- do you not? Politicians have said it is a move


to the left. Ed Miliband said he is not budging from the centre ground.


I think it is a move to where people are. When I knock on doors


around Wigan Dom they talk to you about producer and editor companies.


They say they're not getting support from the Government or a


decent deal from the banks. It is too easy for people to be undercut.


They want a better deal and a leather -- level playing-field.


is now saying that immigration did undercut people's wages but he is


not going to do anything about it. He is saying that he is on the side


of strivers and he does not want people to be doing nothing if they


can work. You are never going to out to the coalition on welfare


reform. We have to be really tough on setting the right conditions


which help and cajole people off benefit and into work. We did make


very significant progress in government. They need to do much


more. What was the significant progress? In 90 until seven you


started with 5 million people of working age out of work. -- 1997.


The financial crisis that hit come up which knocked this economy and


economies across the world, is going to take a very significant


effort to recover from. It showed that the financial industry,


unchecked, was not operating in the long-term interests of the British


economy. We have been absolutely clear we should have done more. The


Conservatives were arguing for us to regulate less. The lesson from


that is that governments should not be neutral on the kind of economy


we want to build and the kind of growth we want to support in our


communities. A quick word from you. The hardest point in politics is to


workout where Peter macro is. not sure where that is. We do not


have much time. We are still in Liverpool. There is no script, this


is all and lip. They're cheering a Lib Dem councillor who has joined


Labour. Tell us why you go on to Thursday. He ate his Giles. We have


done policy, we have done leadership. -- here is Giles was


dug should the leader's speech be the last event of conference? Made


it or leave it. The leader's speech is the big thing and the way


everyone goes. They go home and go, what was that about the game? What


we take to our party? What to be tell on the doorstep. What sound


bites to ride take? I think it helps. Which you leave it or move


I think there is a big build up to the leader's speech. You need time


to absorb what has been said and discuss it. I think it would be


better at the end for those attending conference. Ed Miliband,


today's Daily Politics made box is, should you move your speech to the


last event of conference? Send them home with basing. I am happy it is


out of the way. We have two dozen members of the public coming to


talk to us. You can relax a bit. -- 2000. It is not just about the


leader telling us what he thinks it is about policy. The party leader


can listen as well as speak. speech cliffs every ruddy up. --


lifts everybody up. You should end on a big high note. That is a


speech from the leader. We are not getting quite so many people


involved. Not because they do not like the question that because they


are not so many around. That lets you know why maybe move it is


winning. So, the last day of the conference, but there is a clear


message coming from the managers of the party with our mood box today.


They would move the leader's speech to the last day. That was Giles.


They are giving another cheer to the Lib Dem who has joined Labour.


Let's deal with the big issues of our time. Should the leader's


speech be on the last day? I would not mind considering it. There


probably is an argument for looking after it. It is worth thinking


about. I am not sure the fever- pitch excitement from journalists


would build up all week if we let it go on a Tuesday. What do you


think? I would move it. That speech injects a sense of energy in the


conference. It is a chance to respond to what he has been told


throughout the week. Having members of the public here has been a great


change. Ed Miliband, did he performed better in the question


and answers session and he did in his speech? I found him engaging in


both. I was really moved by the speech. Which one? In terms of the


way the media has written it up... Yesterday was more successful but I


thought it was a good speech. brilliant in the way he is engaging


with the public. He is one of those rare politicians who listens to


people. He has asked me to do a Daily Politics Q&A special with a


live audience. We are considering it. High point of the week?


speech. Low point? The couple are people who booed Tony Blair. High


point? Yvette Cooper putting across The Record we have had in


government. Low-point? We have got to show to the public, looking at


this, that the most successful leader we have ever had is not


something that we should be going. The Tony Blair think the stock


higher point? Inspirational head teacher introducing Andy Burnham


yesterday. Low-point? No low-point. Love it. Your leader could not name


the candidates for the Labour these should contest in Scotland. Can


you? Ken, Joanne and Tom. There we go. Can you name the three of them?


What I say is they have is Tom Harris, there is Duran Lamont and a


third candidate. -- Duran. Ken Macintosh is the front runner. He


will be an excellent candidate. guess when you get it wrong it is


best to admit it, isn't it? Miliband is a human being. Have you


ever forgot and a name? I have not, Georgina! So, you enjoyed the


conference anyway? Yes. What a great city Liverpool is! The Labour


government has transformed the docks. Have you ever answered the


question and not tried to make a party political point? When your


mum says come up with two white meat or fish for dinner? Do you say,


I will have meet because under Labour beach house got bigger? --


the cows. Harriet Harman is just about to start speaking. We will


give you some highlights before we go off air in 20 minutes. Back to


London. I had two people with me who sneaked out early. Welcome to


both of you. Can I start with you? You work with Tony Blair. The cheer


went up went Ed Miliband said, I am not only Blair. How did you feel?


It disgusted me. -- Tony Blair. Ed Miliband should have said, whatever


you think about Tony Blair and the Iraq will, he won more elections


than any Labour leader in history. Afterwards, a lot of people... I


think at the time people did not know what to do. How could you


respond? It was a badly phrased speech. It was. He paused as if


something should have happened. Miliband was mortified by it


afterwards. He was, absolutely. He went to say, I am not only Blair, I


am not Gordon-Brown, I am my own man. -- Tony Blair. There has been


a lot of talk about the shift to the left. What were you left with?


I was left with a sense of frustration. Talking about


responsibility. It is the right questions to ask. The credibility


is not there. What he needed to in his speech was get his fiscal


credibility back. He said he would not have done every single cup the


Government did. It makes him look like a weak leader. The other big


problem is a lot of the other suggestions, the stuff about good


businesses and bad businesses, it reminds me of the times when they


were in opposition. It is not taking them anywhere. Tuition fees


and a graduate tax... It looks like, or they would do is spend lots of


money and run up a lot of debts again. In terms of what Ed Miliband


had to do, here you raise the issue of the predator issues, it has been


talked about extensively. Maybe the mood music was, that people did not


think it was the greater speech ever. You talk about the squeezed


middle, some of the concepts were there. The most interesting


response to that speech was from the Daily Mail. It said the speech


touched a chord with many ordinary Britons. That is what he was aiming


to do - raised, in a sense... In my view, the middle classes are doing


really badly at the moment. They have no political party to express


what they want. The coalition are going to take away child benefit


from double and a couples. Ed Miliband is Beijing himself towards


being the party of the organised working class and the angry middle


classes. That is a fairly positive note. In terms of, we have got


another three years, there is a long time to go, isn't there? Quite


a long time to go to stage yourself to that point. Now we know there is


a fixed Parliament. He has some problems. People do not think he is


a Prime Minister character. People cannot see him in the job. People


are cynical about politics. The problem with his speech was, you


knew he was not going to be able to do a lot of the things he was


promising so, in that sense, he was making the problem worse. He has


said he wants to get energy bills down. People really care about that.


Then he says, because of climate change energy bills will have to go


up. It is kind of not credible. That reinforces the worst fears of


people about politicians. It does not make him look like a leader.


What you think the state of the Labour Party years at the moment?


It has clear direction. The Shadow Cabinet have to fill out the


details of that. The Labour Party is waking for a break through.


Since the coalition, Labour has gone up to 39% in the polls. It


needs to go up over 40%. Ed Miliband needs to make a connection


with the public. That has been said with some of the addresses about


the squeezed middle. Thank you both In a moment we will be speaking to


the Shadow Communities Secretary, schadenfreude. But first, let's see


what Harriet Harman has been saying to the party faithful before they


leave the conference. Our thoughts are with them and


their families. We have heard this week about the process of renewal


under way in Scottish Labour, and I would like to pay tribute to Iain


Gray. His passionate speech at this conference shows he is the Best


First Minister Scotland never had. APPLAUSE This week we have had a


sharp focus on our campaign for the Greater London assembly and for


Mayor of London. What does Tory Boris Johnson stand


for? Higher fares for Londoners, lower tax for bankers. Let's face


it, Boris is in it for himself, Labour's Ken Livingstone is in it


for London. And we say, yes, we Ken. The spirit and enthusiasm of labour


has run throughout this conference. We go forward with the new


supporters' Network, a more powerful role for local councillors,


the historic decision, a first for any political party in this country,


to always have a woman in the leadership team, the brilliant


innovation of Jim Murphy, to have Labour friends of the forces, and a


stronger voice for young people in our party. And we have heard many


of those voices this week. Many of them have been at our conference


for the first time, some as young as 16, speaking with such


conviction. With the Tory-Lib Dem attack on the Future Jobs Fund, on


EMA, on tuition fees, the Government have hit the prospects


for young people, but young people are hitting back. We have seen here,


this week, the dynamic, a new It would like to say a huge thank


you to Ray Collins, our very own blond bombshell. He stepped into


the role of general secretary at a really difficult time. He stepped


up to the plate, with tremendous passion for the party. Ray. He has


built a firm foundation for the future. I would like to give a big


thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make everything


this week go like clockwork - the party staff and volunteers, the


porters and the stewards, our own Red Army. Thank you very much


This week has been a turning point. Aide has shown his bold and


optimistic vision of the future. We have challenge the unspoken


orthodoxies which have governed Britain for too long, and we have


we founded on party, so that we can be a force which changes people's


Harriet Harman bringing the conference to an end. Not quite the


end yet, because there will be a bit of music. While we watch these


pictures, we have got filmic instant in here with us. Have you


enjoyed the conference? Yes, it has been great. We have done a lot to


encourage people for standing for next year's local elections. It has


been a good conference. Reading the comments about this so-called


Shadow Cabinet reshuffle, I cannot work out whether you're going to be


fired or promoted. I really do not know. What is your instinct? You're


so busy, you do not actually see much of the news. I just try to do


the best job I can, Andrew. I have very much enjoyed doing my brief on


this. It has given me the opportunity to think about how we


reconnect with our local government base. They're singing the Red Flag,


an old Labour tradition, which I think Mr Blair would have liked to


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 59 seconds


have got rid of, if he was still # And did those feet, in ancient


time. # Walk upon England's mountains


# And was the Holy Lamb of God. # On England's pleasant pastures


seen. # And did the countenance divine


shine for upon our clouded hills. # Bring me my bow of burning fire.


The Labour conference coming to an end with the traditional singing of


Jerusalem, after A&E at the Red Flag. Of course, they have to hand


out the words to the Red Flag these days. Just in case, people are a


bit tired at the end of the week. Many people think Jerusalem should


be England's national anthem, not Britain's. I suppose we're


expecting a Shadow Cabinet reshuffle, because for the first


time, the Labour leader has the power to choose his or her own


Shadow Cabinet. Exactly. I think that has been an important


transition in the last year. If you look back at what has been


significant for Ed, that is up there. He made the decision that


that was what he wanted to do, and brought the party with him. It


helps him define himself, and what sort of team he wants. Are you


comfortable with the direction of the party, in the sense that it is


not saying, New Labour has run out of steam, it is time to inject new


life for a new era, but saying, New Labour is over, and we're going to


start something new? I'm not sure it is saying that. I just think


about what it meant to me, when I got involved and the party. For me,


it was always about the Labour Party getting itself to a place


where it could reflect modern aspects of our lives, but still


holding on to the principles which we built our party on. I don't


think that has changed. But we have to move on. The problem was that


New Labour was so associated with two individuals, and we cannot


allow that to capture us for the rest of time. It is about moving


forward, but dealing with the challenges of today and tomorrow.


Are you not open to the criticism of your opponents that it


represents a clear move to the left? Mr Miliband does not talk


about the market economy any more. He talks about the centre, but he


implies that the centre has moved left, to him. I don't think it is


about moving to the left. I look at Yvette Cooper's speech on law and


order. We are defending things like DNA records, CCTV, police numbers.


I have talked about changing the way in which we allocate social


housing, to make sure that working people on low incomes get a shot.


Those incomes have been supported by Ed. But there are some


challenges which we have to face up to. The financial system, we did


not regulate it well enough. And there have been concerns over the


past few years about parts of business, and how it operates.


There are some good examples of businesses which develop their work


force and work with communities. There are others, for example,


businesses which go into liquidation, having not paid their


business rates, leaving their staff without any wages, and then they


can just start up again under another name. It is talking about


the bad practices, but in doing that, we are not anti-wealth or


anti-enterprise. Yvette Cooper was here in this very seat yesterday,


and I put it to her that the riots had happened under a Conservative


coalition, but the rioters, most of them were Labour's children. You're


the shadow Communities Secretary, where were you during the riots?


was away, but when I came back, I went to visit Lewisham, Croydon and


Birmingham, to talk to people. Should you have had a higher


profile? I think Ed wanted Yvette Cooper to handle it because it was


very much a policing issue in the first instance. The follow-up was


how the councils responded. But just to say something about your


point about, these are our children, I think in terms of some of these


cases, the rot set in long before that. We did not have riots in


Doncaster, but we are still suffering from the loss of coal


mining, and families with unemployment across the generations.


And there are issues around families in London and elsewhere


where that is the case. But it does not excuse the fact, when I went to


Croydon, I was being told this was not the young people of Croydon, it


was organised criminals taking advantage of the situation. Thank


you very much. We have got a lot of work to do, or you have got a lot


of work to do, to get this across to the country. Of course, we earns


them seats in May, but I think the direction is good. We have just got


to make sure that the way we communicate it, and the way we talk


about practical policies going forward, strikes a nerve with the


public. That's it from our live coverage of the Labour Party


conference of 2011 AD. I will say that again, AD. Ed Miliband has


signalled a break with the past, but he has yet to colour in the


future. Labour leaves Liverpool now, facing a long and winding road


ahead. We leave Liverpool, too. But not before thanking the city and


its people for their magnificent Conference Centre, and the warmth


and the quality of their hospitality. We look forward to the


next time. Our coverage does not finish here. Giles is back tonight,


with the usual round-up programme, on BBC Two. He's doing that because


on BBC Two. He's doing that because I'm over on BBC One this week, with


Michael Portillo, Alan Johnson, and many mam Alvin Hall, and the legend


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