William R Rhodes - Senior Vice-Chairman Citibank (1991-2010) HARDtalk

William R Rhodes - Senior Vice-Chairman Citibank (1991-2010)

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Now on BBC News it is time for The new Greek government wants its


EU and IMF creditors to soften the terms of its bail-out deal, which


has heaped austerity on the Greek people. Meanwhile, the Spanish


government wants its banking debt crisis to be seen as separate from


the state of its public finances, and the EU is struggling to find


solutions as the markets wonder what next. My guest today is Bill


Rhodes, who, for 53 years, worked at Citibank. What is his advice to


Bill Rhodes, welcome to HARDtalk. Thank you. It is a pleasure to be


here. We have gone back and forth for a long time. You have been


around for quite a while, talking to all sorts of people. If you were


advising the new Greek government about trying to renegotiate its


bail-out deal, what is the key bit of advice you would give? If you


look at their debt to GDP, it is higher than any country I ever


restructured. They are going to have a reopening of terms with the


ECB, IMF and EU to buy more time to implement these measures and


probably get a better deal on interest rates. Otherwise they are


in their fifth year of recession. I call it a depression. The only way


out for a country like Greece is growth. It is the same for Portugal,


Ireland and Spain. When you speak about its debt to GDP ratio being


high, about 163 %, it is very difficult for them to try and


finance that. The EU, and Jean- Claude Juncker, has said as far as


the austerity package goes, it is fine at present. They will discuss


the time frame, but nothing else. think that is just the beginning.


At the end of the day, the European Union and the eurozone want Greece


to stay within the eurozone. The only way they can do that is if


they get better terms instead. At the same time, they have to make


themselves more competitive. They have to overhaul the tax system,


start privatising. It is all a big order for the new government.


that's all in the austerity package. Exactly. Looking at the


negotiations and how the new leader of Greece goes about trying to get


what he wants, you have to balance the interests of the Greek people


and then the rest of the EU. The rest of the EU has to say the


taxpayer in the EU is overburdened and cannot afford to give much more.


At the same time the Irish and Portuguese are implementing their


plans very well and will say if the EU gives more money to Greece, they


will ask for more. If the EU wants Greece to stay in the eurozone,


they have to buy time for the Government to implement the


programme. How do you try to persuade the Germans? Everybody


talks about the Germans as being key to all of this because they are


the main paymaster to the EU. The Germans have already paid something


like $500 billion for the bail-out packages for various European


countries. How can you persuade the Germans to put the interests of the


EU before their own? You have to have a balancing act here because,


as you know, Chancellor Merkel has to run for re-election next year.


If you had a floating Deutschmark, it would be way up and would


curtail their exports. They have the best of both worlds. They have


low interest rates and they have been able to take advantage of the


exports. Angela Merkel recently said Germany's strength is not


infinite. There is no doubt that Chancellor Merkel has to run again.


She lost those two state elections. It is a balancing act. They want to


keep the eurozone together for the reasons I gave. Aren't there risks


to asking Germany to do more, or is Angela Merkel bluffing? What she's


saying is what she believes. There are other players here. There is


France with a new President, who just got the National Assembly. I


think you will develop a partnership here. Then you have the


situation with Spain and Italy. All four of these leaders are going to


meet in Rome on Friday. What is important is what they come out


with. There is a lot of rumours about what they are going to do to


support both Spain and Italy. This is what Mario Monti is advocating.


We will talk about the solutions in a moment. But looking at the


questions of the debt, the deputy finance minister of Germany has


said the debt is a national responsibility. Greek debt should


be Greek debt and Italian debt should be Italian debt. Who owns


the debt? I think that is why the Germans do not support Euro bonds.


What they are saying is they want a fiscal pact first. That was the


intention and announcement of the heads of state of the eurozone in


March. As you know, Maastricht, which was supposed to be the fiscal


part of the Union - the treaty spoke about limits on expenditure


and was violated first by France and Germany. So Germany deserves


what has happened then? What Germany is looking for is to say,


all of us made a mistake, so let's get back on track again and let's


get this fiscal pact to match the monetary union that we have.


Germany's position has always been having a closer fiscal and


political union. Asking about this question of debt. You were heavily


involved in restructuring of debt of other countries. What kind of


skills does the financial diplomat need? That is what you have been


described as and what you talk about in your new book, 'Banker to


the World'. One of the things you learn early on is that every


country is different. Greece got into the problem because of their


over borrowing. In the case of Ireland, it was the banks that


dragged the sovereign down. In the case of Portugal, it was no growth


for ten years. In the case of Spain, it was the banks over lending. In


Italy, it was a high GDP to debt ratio. There was one thing that was


similar. In all the situations it was contagion. When I first tried


to mention that to European leaders in January, 2010, they said, that


is for emerging market countries like Latin America and Asia. They


have learned the hard way that contagion is real and is one of the


things they are facing now. They must come up with the solutions


this year or I think the euro is going to be in danger. Just take us


behind the scenes about how you negotiate, whether you are trying


to restructure sovereign debt or dealing with financial institutions.


What are the actual skills that somebody would need? Timing is of


the essence in crises. You do not have unlimited timing. In the


eurozone we have had 2.5 years. Timing is of the essence. The


quicker you can put together an arrangement on debt, the more


successful it will be. Then you get the country back to the markets. It


doesn't need external aid because the private market will support it.


I think this is one of the mistakes that was made. But the mechanics,


what happens? You describe in your book how you take the parties


involved in negotiations into a room, switch off the air-


conditioning to make sure they are perspiring in order to get a deal.


I think what you have to do is to get a consensus and tell people


they cannot leave until they get an arrangement. That goes into the


timing question. You have to have a consensus and let everyone have a


say. You cannot force something down someone's throat. When you say


you have to wear people down or make sure they all have a chance to


state their case, can this go into the early morning hours or should


there be a break? Sometimes it goes for two or three days. But you have


to set a timeline. One of the lessons for Europe is when they


have all of these summits you didn't get a timeline on when it is


going to be achieved. That is one of the lessons are in my book. You


have to have a timeline. We are going to get this done by X time.


The European leaders are not working quickly enough? Exactly. I


think they underestimated contagion and I think we need to see the


leadership now. I think the only reason the ECB has not dropped


interest rates over the last month or so is because they are putting


pressure on the political leaders to come up with some sort of


package on regulation across the eurozone. Also, people are looking


at an insurance scheme. You say that the EU could have learned from


the problems of debt crises in some of the emerging markets.


eurozone. When you are dealing with a regional grouping like the


eurozone, surely that is quite different than when you're dealing


with an individual nation like Argentina? What you have is


individual countries. Every country is different. Every country has its


own characteristics. Each one of these countries got into a problem


in its own way. But you have to have a common solution, don't you?


That is where they are now. Doesn't that make the decisions much harder


if you are being employed in this role? That was all the more reason


to start earlier on and not let get so much time go by. We have talked


about Greece, which is trying to get its national debt softened, but


looking at Spain, which has been a major preoccupation for the


eurozone at the moment - in fact if you look at the borrowing costs,


they are much higher than Greece at the moment - why, do you think,


that there isn't as much talk about Spain leaving the euro as there is


about Greece? Spain is a real key because they are the fourth largest


economy in the eurozone. Getting the banking system is key because


one of the things that I think everyone has seen is that banks and


sovereigns are inextricably linked. And so, if you do not have the


banking system in shape to the end, you're not going to have growth. If


you don't have growth, there is no way out. It cannot have continual


recession, austerity and depression. You have to convince the people of


the country that there is growth at To pick up what you said there, you


said when the Spanish government at the beginning of its debt crisis


said it is a banking problem, you were suggesting that is a force to


distinction because they are linked. You have the banks buying


government debt to support the state and governments guarantee the


liabilities of banks. It is a false distinction. The problem was they


kept putting out estimates of what it would cost. First it was 20


billion euros then it was 50 billion euros. Now the figure has


come out to be 100 billion. There is a report coming out in the next


few days by an independent group that is auditing the situation for


the Spanish government and the central bank as to what the


reserves and write-offs have to be. And this is very important because


if you do not get that settled, the markets are going to keep pushing


up the spreads and the cost of Spanish bonds. When the Prime


Minister told business leaders at the start of June that they were


not on the edge of a precipice, did he get it wrong? Should he have


asked for a bail-out sooner? Surely he was right to try to assuage the


concerns. A month earlier, when I was asked about what it would cost,


I said it was going to cost at least 100 billion. P Way


underestimated and waited too long. I think a lot of time was wasted.


For political reasons? Exactly. The markets today move in nanoseconds.


When I was working in Latin America and Asia the technology did not


move as fast. Today, the markets see promises being made are not


kept. They move against you, which is why the Costa Spanish bonds


zoomed up over 7%. -- cost of. talk about Spanish bonds because EU


leaders are trying to work in concrete initiatives to try to


defuse the debt crisis. When keeping may have to do is to bring


down the costs of borrowing. Let's have a look at the idea of Euro


bonds. Basically and one -- a bond is an IOU issued by a country or


company. The thought is if you have any you one then strong countries


will pull up the weaker ones so that the cost of borrowing is not


high. Let me tell you what I think is going to happen. There is a


meeting of European leaders this Friday in Rome. I think they are


going to talk about using the stability facility as a backstop,


both for Spain and Greece. They have already done this with Greece


and Italy. I think that this was an idea that came up from the G20


summit. I think it is probably not going to wait until the full summit


at the end of the market. I think the Germans will not agree to a


Euro bonds until they see the fiscal package approved. It has not


yet been implemented. 1 euros bonds, you say that the Germans are going


to absolutely resist this and it will not come in at all. They have


been very reluctant to accept it. think eventually it will. When they


see progress on the fiscal side. I think something is to be done more


immediately and that is why the big topic of conversation is going to


be some sort of package in Rome. You have the top four countries in


the eurozone. One of the things they will talk about his Mario


Monti's suggestion to use the stability fund to backstop but


Spain and Italy. How they backstop them, by going back into the market


and buying the bonds. When you mention the Brady bonds that you


dealt within the lectern American debt crisis, do you see parallels


there between the Brady bonds and the eurobond? I think it is


different, but I think what is important is the Brady plan was one


of growth so that the countries involved saw the way to growth.


Until you can get to growth, you can only push austerity so far. So


I think Mario Monti's idea of using the stability fund to go into the


markets is a distinct possibility. That is what the ECB they were


waiting for the -- that is what the ECB did last year. They were


waiting for the politicians to support the countries in the market.


Then there was this idea of a banking union, which the Germans


are kicking into touch. George Osborne has said he thinks there


are signs that the eurozone is moving towards richer countries


standing behind their banks and also standing behind the weaker


countries. Not everybody thinks it is a great idea. Britain would not


be part of that because it is not in the eurozone. It is Peter Hardy


respected commentators, they say it would be like giving southern


Europe a credit card -- if you speak. This is why that -- many


people feel Angela Merkel would be pushing on this fiscal pack. There


is a word in the Portuguese and Spanish that means you have to do


it as a package. They need to do it very quickly because if not you


will see a continuing erosion of the cost of these bonds in both


Spain and Italy. You cannot have that happen. This whole idea of a


closer fiscal and political union, I mean if you look at recent


opinion polls, their majorities right across Europe of people


saying they do not want to yield sovereignty on budgetary matters to


a central authority. It is not very popular. I think it will be very


difficult. I listen to your Prime Minister and President Obama and


they both talked about progress being made towards this and we'll


see what kind of progress is made when this meeting takes place in


Rome. Also in the four EU meeting at the end of the month. I think


something has to give because you cannot have a continuing cost of


that you have in Spain, both in the banking system and in the cost of


bonds. Also in Italy, we are talking about the third and fourth


largest economies. You mentioned growth, but looking at growth first


as austerity, which is how the debate is often pitched, there is


muddled thinking on debt over indebted governments can spend


their way out of the crisis. Is that what you're suggesting? There


is an American expression, walking and chewing gum. I think you need


fiscal reform, but he wasn't it a path to growth. Here in England


people were talking about that last week. There is a recognition that


you have to move ahead on this. interest rates, credit easing, new


infrastructure projects, that kind of thing? Reduce the cost of


funding by extending long-term its liquidity? There are a couple of


things I would do. One would increase the involvement of the


public sector. I think the ECB has to get more active in issuing more


bonds of their own poor infrastructure and I think that the


ECB should invest in their own structure. Citibank is one of the


world's oldest financial institutions. I am an adviser one


day a week. I retired 2.5 years ago. When you see now how reviled a lot


of pain bizarre and people asking for more controlled regulations, if


you knew now - would you go into begging now? -- banks are. One of


the things people have to understand is that if you do not


have based you didn't have intermediaries to lend. If you do


not have lending, you do not have growth. I think banks have to


reassess their resistance and regulators have to do their job. I


think also you have to make sure that the pay system in the


financial industry in general is something that the boards, the


senior management and shareholders can agree it is a reasonable figure.


Because the CEO of Citibank currently had a $15 million salary


turned down by the shareholders, didn't he? He would for a couple of


years for $1 a year. Would you go into begging now if you are


starting again? I guess looking back, the answer is yes. If you


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