Mark Post - Professor of Physiology, Maastricht University HARDtalk

Mark Post -  Professor of Physiology, Maastricht University

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have the wrong priorities. There you go. Now on BBC News, it's time for


In what has been billed as a world first, fast food grown in laboratory


has been served up in London recently. Professor Mark Post says


is in the trade burger could leave the answer to our unsustainable


appetite for meat and help ease the burden on the environment. There is


a need for more meat. The World Health Organisation estimates annual


growth production will have to double by 2050. We'll meet grown


from stem cells and a scientist 's lab retreat ever make it to our


have been working on this for a long time but this week he tested it for


the first time. Before the presentation, F samples of it.


is it like? It is like meat. It is not exactly the same yet because it


does not have any facts in its. is not taste like animal meat yet?


It does, but without the facts. The fact adds to the taste. What does it


let like when it is in a petri-dish? It looks like the meat fibres but


without colour. We added colour, organic colours. Read the treat and


saffron. We can fix the colour but it takes a bit longer. The meat you


produce in the laps are tiny little strips. You're not yet producing


slabs of meat. That is correct. Slabs of meat cannot be made at this


stage. The technology is bad but it will need to be implemented to make


it ekes lap and that is more complex than the small slivers of meat.


of the British newspapers are calling it a Frankenberg. We will


get to those in a minute. How did you do it? You start with a single


stem cell from an adult animal. start with a little piece of meat


from a cow. It has themselves in it waiting to repair tissue in case of


injury. We use the property of those cells to create meat. How would this


happen? The cells divide and multiply. Normally our skeletal


muscles to not do that but these repair cells do. We use the property


to make one sell up to 40 billion cells. Because these are designated


to become muscle cells, we can easily create a condition for them


to make muscle fibres, small muscle fibres. Every 1 million cell makes


one muscle fibre. If we have 20,000 of those. It sounds as, that they


have to exercise. Muscle needs to be exercised for it to bulk up and


produce protein. They do that by themselves. If we give them the


right conditions, they will start to contract and build up tension. That


is the primary stimulus. And you don't have two stimulator marked


officially to do that. Not quite. It improves if we do artificially


stimulate them but from an energy efficiency point of view, not really


beneficial. And there are 60 Ian cells in a single burger. 40-60.How


long does it take in the latter, with that. In our lab, it takes


three months, which is already faster than a cow. If you have


sufficient capacity to grow the cells at the same time, you can get


it down to about eight weeks. than a cow. Starting with a single


stem cell, how much meat could you produce? Theoretically, you can make


ten tonnes of meat. 10,000 kg? Theoretically. Is the technology


they are to do it? It is but you just have to optimise it in the lap


or the factory to make that happen. What would it look like? An Olympic


size swimming pool full of artificially created meat? Pretty


much. And for a town like London, it would have about 1200 of those


Olympic sized sprinkles for a year, to feed the town for a year. At the


moment, you can only make little granules of meat. Anything thicker,


the cells beneath the surface begin to die because they can't get


oxygen. How do you overcome that? The same way our body does, by


treating blood vessels and flowing nutrients with oxygen so that you


can get into every look and cranny of the tissue. You have to


artificially correct blood vessels as well? Yes. That was actually


might written all scientific career, making artificial blood vessels. Or


making cells for bypass grafting. That is a lot of scepticism about


this. One Dutch person said, he was at go back to use embryonic stem


cells at some point if he wants to make this commercially viable. Is


that true? We do a lot of collaboration with Hank and we


admire each other's work. This is one point where we disagree. You


could use embryonic stem cells but there are issues with that, ethical


issues. They grow slow and we are not able to grow them from a cow or


peek at the moment. He is working very hard on that and I hope he


succeeds. In the meantime, we have the cells in our skeletal muscle


that are stem cells but we will need to harvest them more often from a


cow to produce the meat. If you take one stem cell, it can make 10,000 kg


of meat out of it. But you will still need Cowles. I happen to think


that is an advantage. These cells divide and divide and multiply. Do


they divide indefinitely? Is there a limit? There is with the adult stem


cells are limit to how often they divide. We have them up to 50


divisions which is how you come up with the number of 10,000 kg.


Embryonic stem cells can divide for a much longer time. The advantage of


a embryonic stem cell. Let's talk about whether this might be the


future of food. You envision it laboratories, giant test tubes. Is


that the way we are heading in the food industry? I think it is the way


we might be heading. This is presented as an alternative for


clearly unsustainable meat production through livestock. You


can scale it up by Olympic sized swimming pools and you can groom


each in a sustainable way without the ethical issue without


environmental issues. Will it replace livestock? Not entirely


because we will still need donor animals to supply the cells. And if


you want keep livestock, you can, but you have to be a word that they


are a burden for the environment. Can this be done on a small scale?


In kitchens? I have been proposing to avert the fear or distrust. You


could do this in the comfort of your kitchen but you need to know two


months in advance what you are going to eat. Is it fair to call it meat?


Eventually, it is going to be meat. It is just great outside of the cow.


It is exactly the same composition and material. Eventually, it will


look and feel and taste exactly the same. A lot depends on your being


able to do this to a very large scale. Let me quote something from a


biologist from UCLA. Whenever I hear about industrial scale as they


cure, my scepticism alarm start going off. Cell cultures were the


most expensive and resource intensive techniques in modern


biology. Keeping cells warm and healthy and well fed and free of


contamination takes incredible labour and energy, even when scaled


to the 10,000 litre fact that people are talking about. We have a machine


to do this. It is called a cow. Why do you need to produce a VAT?


cow is inefficient. It has 15% conversion of vegetable proteins


into animal protein. It is clearly inefficient. Currently, the cell


culture technologies are also inefficient. But there are many,


many strides forward to make it more efficient. And we have much more


variability and much more control over the whole process to eventually


make it more efficient. Doctor Robert Spyro says that this idea is


a fantasy promoted by scientists who neglect the social and emotional


meaning of food. This is the big danger, flying in the face of public


sentiment. I am not sure where the emotion comes from if you convert it


that into various areas. We are already familiar with high-tech


foods, fast foods, artificially made foods, and we started doing that


13,000 years ago when we domesticated grasses and made


something that was natural into something that was much more like an


efficient way of producing crops will stop and we built our societies


on that. So we on moving step-by-step towards more


technological foods. The idea of having a dominion of the


nature seems to so often lead to catastrophe. Right. Again, you have


to analyse whether fear is coming from. My sense is that it comes from


basically this trust towards large companies, human intervention in


general. Mistakes are being made, malpractices are out there. You


should separate that from the technology because if you can do


this in your home and like you make renting a home, you can avert those


issues. This is not a very permissive environment to be doing


this in, but it leak in Europe. The GM company has pulled out of Europe


because they can not get the licences. It is because of the


entrenched nature of public scepticism. I am not sure what the


entrenched nature of public scepticism... The public realises


the issues with current meat production and there is scepticism


towards current meat production, which seems natural, but we all know


that it is not. This is about public perception as much as anything. GM


got off to a very bad start in Britain as well as Europe, and it


never really recovered. It has been hanging in there for years and years


and in the end, they have given up. Let us make this very clear. This is


not GM food. This is just using the same cells and letting them do their


thing but not in a car but in a laboratory or in a factory. -- not


in an animal. And it does not have the potential risks of GM that it


disturbs the natural balance in an animal. And it does not have the


potential risks of GM that it disturbs the natural balancing


ecosystems because it is not our air in an ecosystem, it is taken out of


it. So, it does not carry the same risks as GM. Many believe this flies


in the face of entrenched public sentiment. Phil Hadley says this is


the antithesis of the direction the consumer is going in. Its chemical


and synthetic at a time when people are seeking out natural product,


where they know the history and where it came from. Right. And yet


ended ended with 68% of Britons wanting to


try this. So, I think, yeah, might be a trend towards organic and


natural but that is not a large-scale consumption of meat.


People want cheap meat. They want readily available... They do not


want meat they do not trust. The recent horse meat scandal all over


Europe confirmed that strongly and led to a decrease in meat


consumption over Europe. Right. And that is Europe. There are different


regions all over the globe. When you mention that the World Health


Organisation predicts a global growing of meet demand, possibly


doubling, that will not happen in Europe, it will happen in areas


where the middle class is rising like in China, India, South America


and possibly Africa. That is where the growing meat demand is


happening. You distinguish yourself explicitly from the GM experiment at


the moment but there is something that you share with them and that is


the scepticism about the promise. Joanna Brightman writes that when GM


crops are first developed, their creators promised an era of green


innovation and... If you cannot make this commercially viable, if the


meat you produce at the end costs twice as much as the meat grown


inefficiently in an animal, you will not sell it. That is correct. And so


there are a couple of boundary conditions we require to meet in


order to be successful. One is that it has to be the same price or even


cheaper than regular meat. And for sure, that price will increase


because we are not capable of producing sufficient meat through


livestock as demand increases. That is one. Second, it must be meat.


Have not talked about that but there is some innate craving in civil


meat. Three to 5% of the population is vegetarian. That is not


increasing. We have to consider that people will keep eating meat. And


third, of course, it has to be made readily available and in an


environment and friendly and ethical way. And you believe this can be


fairly and accurately labelled as meat? I have problems with labelling


it as something else because in the end, it is exactly the same product,


so why would you call it something else? There are dangers in trying to


remove livestock herds. They are important for the ecosystem. They


eat grass we cannot eat, grass, for example, and they pass on the


nutrients from the grass through the meat. What you create will still


need those nutrients. It will have to come from somewhere, possibly


allergy. Anything that can provide a amino acid, sugars, fatty acids, to


feed these cells. There are options. There are regional differences in


some areas of the world. Cattle may be very efficient and remain


efficient because they eat grasses that nobody else in. -- nobody else


will eat. But the majority of meat production in industrialised society


is very artificial, in large farms, with artificially produced feed for


those animals. The chief scientist for the agricultural development


board told us that he thought land used for meat production in the UK


was very efficient and he wants to know if your manufactured meat is


more energy efficient per kilogram than traditional methods of


producing meat are. How energy-efficient is it going to be?


We don't know yet but a life cycle analysis to predict that has been


done at the University of Oxford. And she has calculated that this


would reduce the amount of land by 90% and energy by 90%. If you use


saltwater allergy to produce the amino acids and sugars for this meat


to grow. There is another sense in which it seems to be going in the


wrong direction. In Europe and North America, we eat too much meat, more


than is good for us already. Should not public energy be focused on us


cutting down our meat consumption? fully agree with that but it is an


issue that should be separated from the issues that we now have with


feeding the global population not only in Europe but across the world.


And globally, the world health organisation predicts that meat


demand is going to increase. We can stress here and possibly put into


effect that people will eat less meat. We have vegetarians and other


movements going in that direction. Although meat consumption in the


industrialised world is not going down as fast as we would wish. But


globally, it is going to increase and that is what we have to face.


How much work have you done on the economic viability of this project?


Do we know how much this will cost if it ever goes into mass


production? We have worked with companies that mass-produce stem


cells for medical purposes and with the numbers we gave them from our


production method, they came up with a fair price. It is still high but


that is with the current technology, without any improvement. We can get


it down to roughly $70 per kilogram. $70 per kilogram. That is much more


expensive than meat produced Max right, but that isn't the current


state of technology. And that is all very good. The first computer was $2


million and had less calculating capacity than our mobile phone that


you get for free with a subscription to any of the telecom companies.


you have these dozens, indeed hundreds of these containers


producing this meat, where does the food come from? The nutrients? The


algae? The watercress Mack how do you get that there are? -- the water


's you can place these anywhere so that you can reduce the transport of


materials. I would love to place the first plant at the mouth of the


Mississippi where there is an allergy dead zone, where we have so


much allergy in the ocean that nothing else lives there. -- algae.


You can basically placed this anywhere where it is


energy-efficient and better for the environment. You would need


somewhere with a well-developed infrastructure, wouldn't you? You


could not place it in the middle of Africa. If you can do it at home,


you can do it in the middle of Africa. What is the timeline? When


can we expect to see this kind of meat in everyday use on our dinner


plate is 's that is difficult to predict because there are major


issues we have to resolve, mostly of a technological nature. I am


confident they can be solved, but in my mind, it will take ten years. If


announcer believes it can boost done in three years, but we differ on


that. -- my financier believes it can be done in three years but we


disagree on that. And the reason why we presented it the way we did,


which was unusual for science, we wanted to make the point that this


was really a necessary development and it can be done and we can have


shown that it can be done but we need a lot more resources, more


people working on it and more money to address the issues that we still


have with going from this product to a product that can enter the


consumer market. And public scepticism? Well, the Guardian poll


shows and also a survey we have done in the Netherlands, they show that


there is a public out there ready to try it. Think that public scepticism


is somewhat overrated. I think it will be accepted as when people


realise there are major issues with livestock meat production. And


frankly, we have not realised that there is a major issue with meat


production right now and we are heading towards a crisis, if you


like, if that meets demand clearly develops as the world health


organisation predicts and we cannot meet that demand. Prices will go up,


there will be scarcity and it will become a luxury item. Even worse, if


the larger meat producing companies want to try and meet that demand, it


will put pressure on our crops, which are also used to feed us. It


is a serious challenge and people have to be aware of it. Once they


are aware of it, they will look at alternatives. Once the price of meat


doubles, they will look for alternatives. You sound


fantastically optimistic. I do. It has great promise but it is still a


promise, not a reality. My real wish is that a lot of people start


working on this and we make this happen or find out as soon as we can


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