27/01/2013 Sunday Politics South East


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And in the South East - as elected Police Commissioners submit their


first annual budgets, we talk to two of them to find out what lies


Apology for the loss of subtitles for 2288 seconds


in store for policing in Kent and I'm Julia George and this is the


Sunday Politics in the South East. Coming up later. High mortgages and


rents in Brighton and Crawley could stop economic growth, says a new


report. So what can be done to make housing more affordable?


Joining me in the studio today to discuss this among other topics is


- by sheer coincidence - Brighton Pavilion Green Party MP Caroline


Lucas and Conservative MP for Crawley Henry Smith. Welcome. Let's


start with the promise from the Prime Minister.


The Prime Minister has promised a referendum on Europe if his party


gets elected in 2015. In response, Conservative Kent County Councillor


Adrian Crowther has defected to UKIP, saying David Cameron s is


'dithering' and should have held the referendum this year instead.


This is interesting, about a year- and-a-half ago Choral, you looked


far referendum, you said you wanted to see a radical reform of the way


Europe operates. You and David Cameron singing from the same hymn


sheet, are you a secret Tory or is he a secret dream?! Neither of the


above! I am a pro-democracy, I am not against the European Union. I


would strongly argue that we stay in the European Union. David


Cameron has been pretty cowardly by saying a referendum, but not for


five years. That tries to blackmail people that want a referendum time


round, which has not worked, because of the Kent councillor


defecting. It is a demonstration are putting party interest ahead of


the national interest. It is not in the national interest to have five


more years of uncertainty. Business wants policies certain seat. If


there is going to be a referendum, I would like that it was now.


you have argued for closer integration in Europe, where are


your Europe this week? I have never argued for integration, I was


always in favour of a referendum on membership of the European Union.


That is the position I have held my entire political career. I welcome


the referendum announcement by David Cameron. I would like to have


a referendum as soon as possible. We have a coalition government


against a referendum, so it is not possible. They were against it at


things that your party has bulldozed them harm. Nick Clegg has


come out clearly and said that he does not support the idea of a


referendum in this Parliament. Prime Minister now as if he had a


referendum now, this country would vote to go out and that is not what


the Prime Minister wants. What he wants to achieve, and they think


this is right, he wants to renegotiate the way that Europe


works. That may be possible, that may not be possible. It would be


beneficial may be a for this country, but beneficial for the


other countries as well. But he has not successful in renegotiating a


deal, but I will vote to leave. you very much.


Later this week, our recently elected Police Commissioners in


Kent, Surrey and East Sussex will be finalising their first budgets -


only two and a half months after taking up their posts. More visible


policing is high on all agendas, but how will the Commissioners pay


for it? Lucinda Adam went to find out.


And work with other services. is the first judgment day for our


new commissioners. At will act with integrity and diligence. They have


laid out plans on changing policing in the south-east in the next four


years and how they plan to pay for it. Have they lived up to their


election promises? The biggest decision as they face budget cuts


of �50 million for each police force over four years is how much


they asked the council tax payer to pay towards local police saying?


Katie board has frozen the contribution. She will get a


government grant for doing so which she we used to recruit more or


unpaid special constables. This commissioner has not released his


plan yet it is consulting residents upon until the deadline. He has


indicated that he faces an increase to be is the Budget. In Kent, they


want 80 % rise in attacks that the, just over 5p per week per average


household. That will be 20 constables, 60 police dignity


support officers and 18 custody staff cut. But we are more officers


deliver the best results? That is the major question. It is what


everybody says that they want we knew ask them. People say that they


want more police on the beach, more visible police. A lot of police


saying professionals will say that simply having officers is a bull is


not necessarily the most efficient use of the policing resource. Anne


Barnes once will were policing stations, a new crime Commissioner


it was beg the Baltic ology and fogeys and victims. David Cooper


was a police officer before becoming a commissioner in Kent. He


has been set up as the self- appointed shadow Police


Commissioner. He says the plan was too much rhetoric and not enough


coherent policy. This is a disappointing document. It has been


rushed and no research has been done. It has not been made it


worthwhile document. The plan for a Sussex promises working with


partner organisations and community engagement. But panel set up to


scrutinise the decision has voted it through. There is criticism that


the plan is too short and a fake and she has not given up figures


for crime reduction or how she will deliver constables. And he Smith


voted against approving it. Clear lead the plan was not fit for


purpose. I expected clear targets. But they were completely absent.


What was missing that you were looking for? She had promised


special constables in every village and there has been no reference to


a special constable. Other than a brief line in the budget of


�154,000 for special constables. It is a blank cheque for the


commissioner. Vicky targets have still got to be completed. The plan


is not in any position to say she has failed. Regardless of how she


performs, which is a ridiculous position for the panel to be in.


November election make it would always be a tight timetable to


produce the plans. The documents do not look finished. The Kent one was


very thorough but unstructured. The Sussex one seems very limited in


terms of specifics details on how things will progress. Very mixed


documents. It is the first real test of politics in policing. Block


the promises were made in the election. Now the commissioners are


in the role, can they turn it into reality?


Let's speak to the Sussex Police Commissioner. Let's start with


promises, one of your key pledges in your manifesto was putting an


extra constable, a special constable for every village, by


your calculations, about 144 extra, but you have only put aside


�154,000, how many can you create this year? We begin recruitment


this April. We start recruitment for 120 in addition to the 300 that


the police already have. The 154,000 referred to will cover this.


This includes the �1,000 per constable, to train them. A lot of


the training is done in-house and it includes a refund for the


current specials on a Bear Band D policing precept which was another


manifesto pledge. Councillor Smith was very disingenuous with what he


said. What the panel were asked to look at was a draft priority plan.


Before we mood of that subject, are you sure you have got the figures


correct. It cost several �1,000 to recruit and train, he does that


look like these are figures stack up. We start recruiting 120 this


year and �112,000 begins the recruitment for the Specials. The


remainder of the money well refunds at �138 per constable. When you say


you're beginning recruitment, how many extra or will there be at the


end of the year? There would be an extra 120 specials. That is what


we're doing this year. That will take it up to 420, almost 430,


roughly equivalent to a rural village across a sex. When it


increased the police precept, we're asking has those to pay 5p extracts


from iron bars, you would have a lot further to go if you hadn't


told the Conservative party line had done something a bit braver


with finances. Are disagreed. Time is very important. Sussex residents


be to keep as much money in their pockets as possible. I was elected


on a pledge to freeze the precept and that is what I have done. The


Medium Term Financial Plan that has been modelled at the time, it


allows for this freeze in the precept, so Councillor Smith was


part of that police are authority and fully aware of the plan that


has been put in place and could see how this would be deliver it.


you. Batters the set 6 commissioner, now


we have the Kent commissionaire, nice to have you here. You have


asked the people to pay a bit well for their police force, you


promised an extra 20 constables and 16 Police Committee support


officers, but it is not that much of a dent into the hundreds of


serving officers that will be lost. We were paid more or fewer officers,


not sounding like any for money? is value-for-money because for the


first time we are investing in the service in Kent. There has been no


investment for a number of years. The one thing that people want is


more visible community policing. I am asking people to pay a modest


amount and it is not an awful lot. I did not to its likely big as to


be honest, every penny does count these days. It is a decision I hope


to take. Peter Squires suggested your budget was on structured, Will


you be a bit more focused on exactly what you can achieve in


your first year? Bedroom at it is unstructured I think it is a very


good paper.... I do not think it is a structured. Thanks to the scene


November elections, the time we had to get these budgets at has been


really hard. We have done it ended is very structured. Every single


one of them is in varied every single one of will be achieved by


the end of the year! He made much of falling crime figures we were


campaigning, because you with a chair of the Police Authority


Accounts, and a new study this week suggests that the fall has been


exaggerated. Officers were urged not to record low-level crime. We


look for more accurate recording even if it doesn't make you look


that good? I am pleased that it is falling. It is good news. It is


real. We have an internal investigation at the moment which I


cannot talk about. I am comfortable at the feet his encounter accurate.


They are you happy to continue with all of the money spent on policing


animal exports in Ramsgate, Abu urge the curbing of the protest and


get the exporters to make a contribution? It is a joke of the


money, isn't it? Yes, it is a perfect legal trade debt they have


the right the police have to make sure that there is public or drugs


everyone is safe. It is unfortunate that it is coming through Ramsgate


port in Kent and Kent taxpayers pick up the Bill.


A Thank you. Back to the guests, Henry Smith, there was the


significant point about the timing of the elections, the unstructured


and unfocused police budgets, are they not a payback for holding


elections in November and looking for budgets really quickly? I do


not think the budgets, the ones I have seen, the Sussex one that I


have seen, at Kent and Surrey, I do not think they are unstructured.


They had been put together in a short period of time, but they are


quite robust. Especially for Sussex. How come she has to go back to the


drawing board if it is robust and produce an entirely new document


from our because of the criticism levelled at it for not having


detail? I disagree. I think the Sussex budget has been robust and


his detailed. She is delivering a a manifesto pledge of freezing 0 the


precept on council-tax four or the Sussex Police contribution. That is


an achievement and also introducing the 120 extra special constables is


something that she is working towards in the manifesto pledge and


we are now beginning to see the value of direct democracy in


policing. Caroline Lucas? Are these people do we to make any


difference? Is it is too soon to say it's a well and if it is a


positive or negative to Athens. The Green Party said we did not want to


see the politicisation of the police force. It is great that she


won as an independent, but they do not get the cinema to body to run


their campaign. That would be the same a matter of money to run their


campaign. I think the image of time they had to prepare the budget was


too small. The idea to say the Sussex budget was robust is a joke.


It is little more than a few sizes of their for paper. There is not


the detail their if you're serious about bridging the gap in Sussex.


We have lost 500 officers added murderer due would give 50 staff to


go also. -- and another two would have 50 staff.


Brightening crawl Lee in the top 10 mystics best of places Direct and


mortgages. Brighton and Crawley are in the top


ten most expensive places for rents and mortgages in the country says a


new report - and this could halt economic growth in both areas. The


Centre for Cities think-tank, publishers of the findings says,


the best solution is to build lots of new homes as quickly as possible.


We're lucky to have MPs from both Brighton and Crawley as our guests


of the day - what do you make of this report? In Brighton we do have


more people being employed, we have the fast as level of start-ups for


small businesses, said there is a thriving economy, but you're right


and the report is right to say there is a real problem with


affordable housing. There is an interesting angle on if the


Government should focus money on wealthier areas or struggling areas,


Henry do you agree that you need to build more housing in Crawley?


and I commend the Council for starting to put space in the ground


as we speak about building new houses. There is a new


neighbourhood to the south-west of Crawley been built at the moment.


There are advanced plans for a new neighbour at dinner North East


sector of Crawley. That will deliver more affordable housing.


Those new homes will be able to match the economic vibrancy that we


see in Crawley. The other day, I am honoured by much dropped. --


unemployment dropped. There has come back to Brightman. It is


difficult for that reason, the council estate in a difficult


decision, but it is difficult decision. All G7 Hector's a


beautiful green field sites where there is an abundance of wildlife.


-- 47 actors. People will be a surprise to hear a Green MP same


build on a greenfield site! Wow and endorsing it, it is difficult, but


it has been supported by environmental organisations at the


bottom line is, if we do not good in that plan at the local council,


a reasonable estimate of where we will get more housing from, Bennett


will get overturned, so we need to find more housing. This land is


privately a lewd and could get sold at any time but there could be many


supermarkets at Ayr. If we put that in the plan and as we have, the


vision for that area is for genuine, sustainable, affordable housing.


Desert break your heart to add to endorse that? It is difficult but


it breaks my heart when you walk down the street in Brighton and as


the people sleeping under bridges and in shop fronts. We need to make


difficult decisions but I am excited about this valley site,


because there is real potential to make a genuinely sustainable


community. Fantastic ideas on the council. On balance, that would be


best for the people of Brighton and the economy and it means we can


have control over what to Parliament goes there. Selling the


idea to people that have a home in the constituency that they should


have were building their, it is tough, Henry? People often do not


want a new housing built around them. That is understandable. This


is a new tattoo, virtually every one that lives here has been


migrants from somewhere else, whether it be south London or


elsewhere. Gig is whole! A minute to Crawley and eyelet in a new


housing Crawley had was very grateful for that. We need to be


careful before criticising new housing when it is needed, when


most people in Crawley have at some stage in the not too distant past


occupied a new house themselves. bran tub of the week's events there


with our reporter is in 60 seconds. Not commercially viable and harmful


to the environment, that is the damning conclusion of an


independent survey into plans for an airport in North Kent. Former


Gillingham MP Paul Clark wrote the report. It is not backed by British


Airways or the Government or the mayor of London. Julian Brazier


from Canterbury is called up the Children's Minister to make it


easier for white couples to adopt multi-racial children.


More places will be created in local schools.


He has succeeded in outlying squatting, now wife Gwen Bailey


Tracey Emin has hit out at plans to drop art from the GCSE curriculum


at once there could be rights in the streets.


-- riots in the streets! What do you think? They is a lot of strong


feeling, whether it is enough to have rioting, I'm not sure. There


is a feeling of not putting enough weight on the arts in the new


curriculum. Reduce stand on art in schools? Are


important? I it is of course important did nobody is suggesting


that creativity will disappear from the curriculum, but we need to have


a greater focus on some of the core subjects that actually mean there


will be good quality jobs in the future. John is in Brighton at the


creative industries. Despite the jobs at Brighton. We need to make


sure that we invest in core subjects like technology and


engineering arms chemistry and so forth. These are the backbone of


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