10/07/2013 World Business Report


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Those are the latest headlines from BBC News.


Now for the latest financial news with Sally Bundock and World


Business Report. US retailers come up with their own


plan to improve conditions in factories in Bangladesh.


Britain is set for the biggest privatisation in over a decade as


the Government outlines its plans to sell off the Royal Mail.


Welcome to World Business Report. I'm Sally Bundock. Also in the


programme: China's exports miss expectations and fall for the first


time in 17 months, adding to concerns about weakness in the


recovery of the world's second-largest economy.


But first, horrific pictures that shocked the world. When a


Bangladeshi garment factory collapsed in April, killing more


than 1,200 people, it was clear something needed to be done to


improve the working conditions in the country's 5,000 factories or


more. European retailers agreed to an international pact designed to


improve safety standards but many American companies - including the


worlds biggest retailer Walmart - did not sign up to the deal. --


world's. Now a coalition of US retailers and garment makers have


come up with an alternative plan and will announce the details today.


We'll get the reaction from Bangladesh in a moment.


But first, Samira Hussain reports from New York.


Since the collapse of the garment factory, there has been a push for


Western retailers to take responsibility for the working


conditions in the factories. For months, companies like Walmart and


target have been working together to come up with an agreement that would


improve fire and safety regulations in these factories. The problem is,


an international pact already exists. While the European retailers


have signed on to. European companies like hate and am. American


companies are not on to it. They said it would leave them to


vulnerable to lawsuits. They have come up with their own agreement.


But the problem with that is that we will now have an American agreement


and an international one. Their breath and to protect workers in


Bangladesh but there are two set of rules and two set of standards to


adhere to, bikini drop of protecting the workers that much more


difficult. So how has this news been received


in Bangladesh? Our reporter Mahfuz Sadique is in the Bangladeshi


capital, Dhaka. Could this be too complicated for


those running factories in Bangladesh to implement? The garment


Association does say that they feel that these are two deals can be


worked together. On the European pact, they feel they were not


consulted in the decision-making process. If there are disputes in


the future, they feel they cannot act as arbitrators. From the trade


union point of view, the workers themselves, I have spoken to some of


the leaders. They say that all of the safety packs as well as the


European Union contacts, they are good measures. They welcome them. At


the same time, there are sceptical because the government has delivered


similar measures before but have not delivered. What has changed since


April? There is renewed pressure from various quarters including


retailers and Western governments, the European Union, the US. There


has been announced suspension of trade benefits of Bangladesh. There


the government to show that it is doing enough, giving labour rights


to the workers in response to the incident. But observers do feel that


with the scale of industry, and the complexities involved, the lack of


resources, whether these measures by the government at the moment are


going to be enough, there is scepticism. Thank you.


I am sure you know what that is. E-mail is the form of communication


that is more popular now. But Britain is expected to push ahead


with its biggest privatisation in decades. It will unveil plans today


for a �2.5 billion stock listing of the state postal operator Royal


Mail. Around 150,000 postal workers will receive free shares and we'll


also find out how others can buy shares if they wish. The main postal


union remains opposed to privatisation and has announced


plans to ballot for industrial valued at up to �3 billion. -- Royal


mail. The postal union is but privatisation. This week, it took


the message to the city and the banks that stand to make millions


from the sale. The union plans to ballot for industrial action, which


could lead to strikes in the autumn, which is when they sell-off is


expected to happen. We don't make apologies. To add offending members.


We know the sale of the Royal mail will be attacked. That is why we are


fighting the sale. It is bad for the workforce. The union is worried


about competition. The rival postal firm TNT has 1000 postman on the


streets of London. They had to 20,000 around the UK in five years


time. -- they hope to have around 20,000 in the UK.


If you were a gambler and placed your bets on where the Chinese


economy is headed, then you may need to give up on following economists'


predictions. The majority have got it wrong again. In the month of


June, exports and imports were expected to rise. Actually exports


fell by just over 3% and imports dropped slightly as well. Rico Hizon


is in Singapore for us to make sense of this data.


Perhaps we should get your predictions. They might be better.


It goes to show China's economic numbers have now become so


unpredictable with the predictions of economists being off target. It


is a decline in those months. This is a reinforcing sign of an economic


slowdown in the second quarter. How did this happen? There was a


crackdown on the use of fake export shipment documents, closing a


loophole for short-term money inflows that had basically


exaggerated China's export performance. There are getting their


paperwork straight. It is good for the long-term. It is all about


transparency, broke into China's exports. -- breaking down China's


export. Going forward, analysts say China's exports face challenges. You


have the appreciation of the US dollar and the Chinese government's


recent crackdown on speculative industries.


South Koreans have crossed over into North Korea today to visit the joint


industrial zone at Kaesong for the first time in three months. The


industrial zone, which is run jointly by the two Koreas, was


shuttered in April during weeks of high tension on the Peninsula. The


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