07/03/2014 BBC Channel Islands News


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Good evening. There are calls for a law change to ban the importation of


Asbestos into Jersey. It was widely used in the building industry for


decades, and some countries such as China still use it. Campaigners say


there's little to stop it coming into the island again. Louise Walter


reports. Keith Shaw died of peritone`l


mesothelioma. That was two xears ago. It's a rare cancer, colmonly


caused by exposure to asbestos. He'd worked at Highlands College, where


the buildings have been found to contain Asbestos. At Keith's


inquest, the Deputy Viscount didn't directly link his death to his


working environment, but did note the correlation between the cancer


and the once common building material. Keith's widow says she


wants people to examine the dangers. I would like people to be aware that


it is a silent and hidden khller, and we are aware that peopld need to


know, so people are less likely to disturb it, which is a huge risk,


and the more employers and owners of buildings will take it seriously.


The use of Asbestos is now strictly regulated in Jersey, but thdre's no


ban on importing it. The falily s lawyer says that needs to change. At


the moment, Jersey seems to rely on the banner of importation `` the ban


of importation of asbestos from the UK and France, but given th`t places


like China are still manufacturing asbestos goods we want to h`ve a law


that says we do not import ht at all. But with bans on asbestos in


Europe and many other countries Jersey's health and safety


inspectorate says that would be unnecessary legislation. Thdre is no


legal ban as such, but in effect, because of the majority of building


materials coming from Francd in effect, because of the majority of


building materials coming from France and the UK are is a ban on


the importation and working with asbestos, there is an ban. `` an


effective ban. Environmental health say such a law change is not a


priorit, and the department doesn't believe importation is a problem.


Education, Sport and Culturd couldn't comment on the historical


concerns of asbestos in Highlands College, but says asbestos hn all


states schools building is `ctively and carefully managed.


Meanwhile Jersey won't be stepping up checks on the radioactivd gas


radon in local buildings unless new evidence emerges from the UK or EU.


Radon occurs naturally in granite, and levels in Jersey are considered


high. This week, the Environment Scrutiny Panel has been assdssing


the island's handling of thd health risks linked to exposure. 17% of


homes it tested contained hhgh levels of radon.


People in Jersey are paying more than UK shoppers for nearly every


product or service. The most detailed price comparison rdport


ever published by the States found prices were 9% higher in thd island


compared to the UK. For housing health and education, Islanders pay


20% more. The only items th`t cost less in Jersey are clothing and


shoes, at 8% below the UK average price.


Guernsey's Blanchelande College will start accepting boys for thd first


time next year. Boys can currently attend the primary school. But


there's isn't a boys second`ry school offering a catholic dducation


in the island, so the board of governors has decided to make the


college co`educational from September 2015.


Guernsey's Education departlent has won its battle to stop UK


universities charging channdl islands students the overse`s


tuition fees rate. They'll now be charged the same as British


students. But as Mike Wilkins reports, some parents will see costs


rise. Higher education is bdcoming an expensive business. It cost the


States of Guernsey almost ?6 million to help its students go onto


university last year. For a while it looked like the costs were going to


rise even further as British universities threatened to class


Channel Islanders as overse`s students. But the Islands education


bosses have recently made a breakthrough in their negothations.


This is good news for the Channel Islands, all UK universities have


agreed to charge our students the home tuition fee rate. The dxception


is Cambridge University which insists it will charge our students


overseas rates. However, whhle lower income families won't see any


difference to States assist`nce it's a different story for students


from middle and higher incole families. The Education Dep`rtment


is increasing the maximum contribution parents will p`y in


future to almost ?9,000, effectively paying all the fees for manx


courses. It's only the upper and middle classes and the wealthy who


would be taken down by this, but if you want to become a doctor or a vet


and study for that, they wotld still get the extra fees paid by the state


as a grant over and above the 9 00. So while it's good news that, for


now, Channel Islanders won't be classed as overseas students, the


news isn't so positive for higher earning families who will still have


to pay more to send their children overseas to university.


At the World Cricket League Five Cup tournament in Malaysia, Jersey have


won their second match, while Guernsey suffered their second


defeat. Jersey's win came bx 10 runs against Tanzania, and Guernsey


narrowly lost to Nigeria, as their opponents chased down the t`rget of


192 with just five balls to go. Just before we go the weather, a quick


good luck to the manager of the Alderney Wildlife Trust who's


planning to swim from Alderney to Burhou on Monday. Here's Roland


Gauvain in training. He's doing the swim to raise awareness of the


plight of sea birds killed by the winter storms, especially the


puffins. That strait between alderney and Burhou is known as The


Swinge and has some of the strongest tidal movements in the world. And we


will bring you news of Roland's progress next week, but that's it


from me. I'm back on Monday at 6:30am. Here is David with the


weather. It is nice to be able to talk about


a fine weekend in store, and that's what we got to look forward to. Fine


and dry with sunshine, not just for tomorrow, but also Sunday. Ht might


not feel like it at the momdnt with all of the mist and low clotd, but


that will lift and move awax in the night. Southeasterly winds freshen


up and temperatures go down to five or six degrees. Tomorrow is a nice


day. We will have almost unbroken sunshine to much of the day and


briefly in the morning it is a bit misty will stop quite a bredze,


southeasterly wind and it could give as temperatures of 13 or 14. Perhaps


northern parts of Jersey cotld see temperatures up to 15 or 16, if we


are lucky. Onto the forecast for Sunday, not a great deal of change


in the weather pattern. Another fine day with sunshine and perhaps a


degree or so warmer, 15 or 06 quite widely. The wind is from thd


south`east. The change in dhrection lowers the temperature is through


Monday and Tuesday but still high pressure in charge. A lot more clout


by the time we get to Tuesd`y but all in all the good forecast, and


drive the next four days. That is all from a say in the Channdl


Islands. Good night and that in just a few minutes with the


National forecast. London's outlook, plenty of sunshine.


Hello. You have got to love the British weather. For a time this


afternoon, it felt like we had skipped ahead a


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