Red Carpet

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:00:07. > :00:14.This programme contains scenes of repetitive flashing images.

:00:15. > :00:21.Welcome to the Royal Opera House for tonight's EE British Academy Film

:00:22. > :00:26.Awards. On this Valentine's Day, Matt Damon, Alicia Vikander, Idris

:00:27. > :00:33.Elba, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Fassbender and many more will be

:00:34. > :00:39.walking this red carpet, in the hope of bagging the most coveted award in

:00:40. > :00:57.British film. It is the Baftas 2016. Excited! It is an incredible honour.

:00:58. > :01:08.I am very happy to be here tonight. It is fantastic to be here. It is

:01:09. > :01:14.good to get an invite, always. Tonight, seeing as it is the Baftas,

:01:15. > :01:20.and Valentine's, we will be posing a few romantic questions to the stars

:01:21. > :01:25.on the red carpet. I will attempt to keep it clean. And I hope they do as

:01:26. > :01:38.well. Although if Michael Fassbender wants to get a bit filthy, then who

:01:39. > :01:43.might argue? Nominee for Supporting Actor, Idris Elba. A lot of love for

:01:44. > this evening. It is. I love London, I love being here. It is my

:01:47. > :01:52.first Baftas and it feels really good. You are a pretty cool and

:01:53. > :01:58.collected character generally. Do you get excited about these things,

:01:59. > :02:02.freaked out? A you do get excited. I get nervous like any human being

:02:03. > :02:06.would, at it is so exciting. It is a really good feeling. I lose my cool.

:02:07. > :02:10.It is a difficult category really good feeling. I lose my cool.

:02:11. > :02:15.this evening, with Christian Bale and others. How do you fancy your

:02:16. > :02:20.chances? If you were a betting man, would you put money on yourself? I'm

:02:21. > :02:27.going to win. I will put that out there! No, all the characters in my

:02:28. > :02:41.category are incredible. So if I win, I am very lucky.

:02:42. > :02:49.Steve Jobs, nominated for Supporting Actress, it is the lovely Kate

:02:50. > :02:55.Winslet. You look beautiful tonight. Thank you very much. How was it

:02:56. > :02:59.playing that role? It was amazing and nerve-wracking. She is very much

:03:00. > :03:05.alive and still around. I spent a lot of time with her, which was

:03:06. > :03:11.enormously helpful. Daunting to have her there? It is daunting, yes,

:03:12. > :03:16.laying a real person. You want to be as much like them as you can be. She

:03:17. > :03:20.came from Poland but grew up in Armenia. She had a complicated

:03:21. > :03:25.dialect for me to learn. But she lived in America from the age of 14.

:03:26. > :03:28.But it was fantastic working with Michael Fassbender. How was it

:03:29. > :03:33.bossing him around? It was really wonderful. He is such an

:03:34. > :03:37.extraordinary actor. He was so professional everyday. He set the

:03:38. > so high for all of us. He was very much the team leader. It was

:03:43. > :03:45.incredible and important, because we were just a small-group of actors.

:03:46. > :03:51.So, to have that sense of together this was lovely. With it being

:03:52. > :03:58.Valentine's Day, do you have any cinematic moment, any love story,

:03:59. > :04:09.which you enjoy? My own one. Very nice! The only one you need! If only

:04:10. > knew! Burst of excitement! Good luck tonight! She is very excited.

:04:23. > :04:28.Now, tonight is the big one. The gowns are out, the Tuxedos are on,

:04:29. > :04:31.and there is more hairspray than a strict tea final. But last night

:04:32. > :04:39.they got the opportunity to let it all hang out. It was casual,

:04:40. > :04:53.understated. The venue? My place. Welcome to my humble abode. It is

:04:54. > :05:02.only Kensington Palace! My a list guests deserve an appropriate house

:05:03. > That is good. I will just try this one. One more. Apart from me,

:05:09. > :05:17.the food is the most important thing. Step it up, lads! Can I see

:05:18. > :05:31.your pouring technique, please? A Littlemore flourish on that. It is

:05:32. > :05:38.bring your own, you know? Eddie! Hi, charming as ever. Smiling as ever!

:05:39. > :06:05.Hello! Cuba, hello! Shall we go in?! OK, so, it did not go down quite as

:06:06. > :06:16.I expected, but this is definitely the best ever.

:06:17. > :06:25.I am here with Rising Star nominee Bel Powley. How are you doing? A

:06:26. > :06:31.little cold but really excited to be here. Did you enjoy the nominees

:06:32. > last night? Yes, it was real fun. I am sorry I missed your royal

:06:37. > :06:43.wave. Would you recreate it for me late? I promise you, I will! Let's

:06:44. > about Diary Of A Teenage Girl. What an incredible role for you.

:06:48. > :06:52.Yes, I could not be more proud of that film. Everything the director

:06:53. > :06:56.did, I hope it lives for ever. I am really proud of it. Are you nervous

:06:57. > :07:02.about the prospect of winning and going up on stage? Yes, if I win, I

:07:03. > :07:10.just don't want to fall over. Because these shoes are really high.

:07:11. > :07:14.Show us! Yes, those are challenging! But I will have my dad on my arm

:07:15. > :07:23.holding the up. Your Valentine's Day date is your dad. Yes! He is

:07:24. > :07:27.beaming. I told him he is not allowed to cry. He has to wait until

:07:28. > :07:40.we are inside. Best of luck. Thank you. Matt Smith joining me now. You

:07:41. > :07:46.are presenting tonight. I am. You nervous? I am a bit, yes. Are you

:07:47. > :07:50.looking forward to meeting anybody tonight? Leo, I would not mind

:07:51. > :07:54.having a beer with him. I am just going to present my award and then

:07:55. > :07:59.go and have a glass of bubbly somewhere, and clap rebel. I would

:08:00. > Lizzie to do well, I hope. Michael Fassbender as well. Just as

:08:16. > :08:21.well you said that! Enjoy it. I am here with Michael Fassbender, who is

:08:22. > :08:25.remarking on my coldness. You are looking very sharp tonight. Thank

:08:26. > very much. Likewise. I wish I had water polo neck, which you got

:08:30. > :08:35.quite accustomed to during the filming of Steve Jobs. Nice segue!

:08:36. > :08:40.Yes, I did wear one. I quite liked it, actually. You see, I have never

:08:41. > :08:47.quite mastered it. But it always makes you scratchy. Do you really

:08:48. > :08:55.think so? I really do, both male and female. It depends on the material.

:08:56. > :09:03.Maybe not coarse fabric, I don't know. That is good to know. You are

:09:04. > :09:07.nominated for Best Actor tonight - how does that feel? It feels good.

:09:08. > :09:15.Do you have a little speech written down on paper? I haven't, actually,

:09:16. > Hopefully everything is in my head if needs be. I will winning it.

:09:21. > :09:25.With playing a character as big as Steve Jobs, someone who people feel

:09:26. > they already know, was it more difficult than a fictional

:09:30. > :09:35.character? Not really. The good thing is, there is a lot of

:09:36. > :09:40.information for you to work off, which is always good. And then you

:09:41. > :09:51.can discard what you feel to be not relevant. But you do feel the

:09:52. > :09:57.pressure a little bit. Somebody who was so influential in our lives, in

:09:58. > :10:09.the world. Best of luck, I really enjoyed the movie, and good luck

:10:10. > :10:15.tonight. Thank you so much. Now, what better gift to receive on

:10:16. > :10:19.Valentines alabaster voted for by you, the great British public? The

:10:20. > :10:24.Rising Star is the only category decided this way. We have enlisted

:10:25. > :10:28.previous winner will Poulter to guide us through this year's

:10:29. > :10:34.nominees and tell us why it is hard not to get emotional when you hear

:10:35. > :10:41.your name called out. Eddie Redmayne reading out my name for the awards

:10:42. > 2014 was crazy. Will Poulter! Nervous and very excited. I am

:10:52. > :11:00.famous in my family for crying watching Finding Nemo with my dad. I

:11:01. > slightly embarrassed about how emotional I got, but I could not

:11:07. > :11:10.really help it. It did not dawn on me until afterwards that Tom Hardy

:11:11. > :11:16.had been a previous winner of the Rising Star. What were you doing

:11:17. > :11:22.down by the creek all by yourself? I feel incredibly lucky to have worked

:11:23. > :11:27.with Tom. He carries himself with such effortlessness that you would

:11:28. > :11:32.think he had made 1000 films. This year's Rising Star nominees are...

:11:33. > :11:38.Brie Larson, John Boyega, Dakota Johnson, Bel Powley and Taron

:11:39. > :11:41.Egerton. Looking back at the nominees, I cannot think of a

:11:42. > :11:45.category that I would want to be in, because it is very flattering being

:11:46. > that, but you do not feel you have got a chance of winning! There

:11:50. > such a variety of roles to choose from. My advice to the winner of

:11:54. > :11:59.this year's Rising Star is, if you have written a speech, don't leave

:12:00. > in your jacket pocket. I was the idiot who wrote a speech and left it

:12:04. > his pocket. Probably don't mention Finding Nemo. That might

:12:09. > :12:19.come across as weird. And obviously, congratulations.

:12:20. > :12:29.I am here with Taron Egerton, Rising Star nominee. There is a lot of love

:12:30. > :12:34.for you out of there. I know, slightly overwhelming actually, but

:12:35. > :12:39.very lovely. Crazy. Do you enjoy it or do you feel slightly freaked out?

:12:40. > :12:43.I think anyone would enjoy that. It freaks me out as well. A combination

:12:44. > :12:49.of the two, I think. A nice combo for anybody! Absolutely! Do you

:12:50. > :12:54.remember where you were when you found out that you were nominated

:12:55. > :12:59.for the EE Rising Star Award? I do, I was in America filming. Because

:13:00. > :13:04.that is what I do now, I go to America and I film things. What

:13:05. > :13:09.would it mean for you to win this? Being nominated is enough of a thing

:13:10. > get your head around. Literally I have not really considered winning.

:13:13. > :13:19.I should probably think about what I would say if I did. But the other

:13:20. > :13:26.nominees are so, so brilliant. It is just great to be in a group with

:13:27. > :13:29.them. It has been quite phenomenal last 12 months - is there any

:13:30. > :13:37.moments which stick out? Good moments? Well, I made a movie with

:13:38. > :13:42.Hugh Jackman recently. I suppose we have had a really great time making

:13:43. > :13:46.Eddie The Eagle. The first time meeting him was pretty incredible. I

:13:47. > a big fan of him as a person and as an actor. You are a big fan of

:13:54. > :14:06.Wolverine? Who is not?! Best of luck tonight. Thank you so much.

:14:07. > :14:12.You are going to be presenting an award tonight? I am. Excited? Yes,

:14:13. > :14:18.You are going to be presenting an and nervous. This has been pretty

:14:19. > :14:21.spectacular, this year, for you, with The Revenant, Brooklyn and Star

:14:22. > :14:25.Wars. Have your feet touched the ground?

:14:26. > :14:31.It has been good. I have been back home a lot. The films have been

:14:32. > :14:41.released but I haven't been away from home because they were already

:14:42. > :14:48.shot, you know. Are you rooting for DiCaprio tonight? I made a film with

:14:49. > :14:56.Leo, it would be amazing if he wins, but I also like Michael. It is an

:14:57. > :15:01.amazing category. High highlights? ? Personal highlights? They will

:15:02. > :15:04.remain personal. Professional? Well, with my father and brothers in

:15:05. > :15:09.Dublin, that was the highlight for me. Enjoy your Valentine's with your

:15:10. > Thank you very much, Domhnall, bye.

:15:21. > :15:27.I'm here with the lovely Amelia claeshg who is he presenting an

:15:28. > :15:35.award. Are you excited or do you get nervous? I'm excited and then I will

:15:36. > :15:38.get up on stage and feel petrified. Have you had any standout moats in

:15:39. > :15:42.cinema over the past 12 months? Any favourites I have seen? So many.

:15:43. > :15:52.Everyone has done mazingly well. I like that there is a lot of ladies.

:15:53. > :15:56.! A lot of strong ladies. Yes, yes. I'm here with Supporting Actress

:15:57. > :16:01.nominee, Rooney Mara. How does it feel to be here at the Baftas? Very

:16:02. > :16:05.exciting. I have never been here and I heard so much about it. I'm

:16:06. > :16:08.excited to be here with everyone else from my film. You are no

:16:09. > :16:14.stranger with the red carpet now. Do you enjoy this whole process? The

:16:15. > carpet? No. Any tips on kind of keeping it together? Um, I don't

:16:19. > :16:23.know. I mean you just kind of, you get through it. It is a weird, mad

:16:24. > :16:28.process. Everyone is yelling the you. Yelling affectionately. Yes,

:16:29. > :16:29.sometimes. Hopefully. Mostly. Happy Valentine's day. Best of luck

:16:30. > :16:46.tonight. You look amazing. Let me ask you all a question - when

:16:47. > want to look sharp from your film, where do you go? Probably

:16:50. > :16:53.nowhere, because you are not a costume designer, but if you were

:16:54. > would definitely go to Angels Costumes, the recipient of this

:16:56. > :17:02.year's outstanding contribution to British cinema. I don't know why

:17:03. > :17:04.they thought it was a good idea to let me loose in their Aladdin's

:17:05. > :17:17.cave, but they did. So, apparently I'm not allowed to

:17:18. > :17:22.bear jeans on the red carpet. So I have come here. Not against my will.

:17:23. > :17:27.Angels, the biggest dress-up box in the world. To find be a outfit for

:17:28. > :17:31.the Baftas. There are # million pieces. If I can't find something

:17:32. >, I may as well give up. What do you think? Is it a bit Christmas.

:17:38. > :17:41.I like something low key, understated. I think that's

:17:42. > :17:49.underwear. That is a rail of joy.

:17:50. > :17:55.Put that in the "maybe" pile. Who has that size waist? When it is

:17:56. > :18:00.tied? Honestly, that's depressing. The it's memorable and you could

:18:01. > :18:04.hide snacks in it. Usually I'm quite excited but this is not going well.

:18:05. > :18:07.I'm thinking sold old but new, contemporary, but classic, colourful

:18:08. > :18:13.but neutral and something that's so hot right now.

:18:14. > :18:18.I think I could definitely store a hot water bottle up here which would

:18:19. > amazing but I think I need something a little bit more low key.

:18:27. > :18:33.Maybe a bit too low key. Well, it is definitely lady-like.

:18:34. > :18:37.But I think it is full-on vintage. I feel commanding. But the Baftas is

:18:38. > a party. I need something sparklier.

:18:43. > :18:47.We did it. Absolutely perfect. I think perfect for the after party. I

:18:48. > :18:48.might even get a cheeky kiss from Leo. Well done.

:18:49. > :19:03.# They wouldn't let me leave with that

:19:04. > :19:05.Great Gatsby gown. Which is probably as well, because

:19:06. > :19:12.I'm freezing. I'm freezing. At least it isn't

:19:13. > :19:17.raining, we haven't got a soggy red carpet. Best Actress, how does it

:19:18. > :19:22.feel? It is amazing, I have to say. When we found out we had been given

:19:23. > much love from Bafta, it was a real honour. I don't know, it's just

:19:27. > of the award show that is I'm kind of more familiar with and I

:19:31. > :19:34.have been here a lot over the years and it always just kind of feels

:19:35. > a chance for all your mates to get together and have the craic.

:19:38. > :19:44.Anyone in particular you are looking to have a little dance with later?

:19:45. > :19:48.That one! My friend there. We'll have a boogie later. She is my

:19:49. > :19:55.Valentine's. I love that. How do you manage, with all of the hype around

:19:56. > :20:00.Brooklyn and everything, around Saoirse Ronan mania, and stay so

:20:01. > :20:05.grounded. You are basically saying I'm the fifth Beatle, aren't you?

:20:06. > :20:10.Essentially that's what I'm trying to say. I am not aware of that. I

:20:11. >, rehearsing for a play. I'm in a different head space at the

:20:15. > :20:20.minute. But this is a nice one. This just feels like a party, you know.

:20:21. > :20:24.So it is nice to - it kind of feels like a break, I suppose to come here

:20:25. > :20:31.tonight. Eileen is your Valentine's date. Is there any love story that

:20:32. > particularly enjoy? In film? Well, the love story between myself

:20:47. > :20:56.and Eileen OHiggins is a famous one. She has no idea what she is talking

:20:57. > :21:01.B What do I love? -- talking about her right now.

:21:02. > :21:09.Lots to love. You look beautiful:

:21:10. > :21:16.I'm here with John Boyega, Star Wars, Rising Star nominee. How does

:21:17. > feel to be here at the Baftas? Really good. I'm at home which is

:21:22. > :21:24.fantastic. It is great to be part of this big event of celebrating artist

:21:25. > :21:29.who is genuinely like art. It feels good. How surreal is it to walk a

:21:30. > :21:33.carpet like this? As soon as you enter the bottom of that carpet it

:21:34. > long, a lot of shouting. It is intense. There was. It is strange.

:21:38. > :21:40.But at the same time it is something that's expected. But I'm all about

:21:41. > :21:45.seeing the nominees and seeing who wins tonight. It feels you are ready

:21:46. > :21:48.for this. Like you have been building towards this They had me

:21:49. > :21:52.presenting last year. The year before that I think I was here. I

:21:53. > :22:00.have watched this show since I was a kid. So, it's nice to really be

:22:01. > I remember when other artists won and it feels so real to be here.

:22:06. > :22:09.Do you get nervous at the thought of making a speech? Do you have

:22:10. > :22:15.anything tucked inside your pocket? No. Freestyle it? Yes, just

:22:16. > :22:18.freestyle. Are you going to rap? Yes, poetry, rap, contermry dance,

:22:19. > never know where it is going to go. I for one can't wait to see T I

:22:25. > :22:26.hope you win, for that alone. Cheers have a lovely night. -- can't wait

:22:27. > see it. Taking a little breather from the

:22:43. > carpet, the big award up for grabs is undoubtedly that of Best

:22:47. > :22:53.Film to. Critique it in true BBC3 style it is time to hand over, to

:22:54. > guessed it, me, yet again. I'm Angela, here tronted's Best Film

:23:00. > :23:03.contenders in 60 seconds. First, Bridge of Spies, Hollywood's Mr Nice

:23:04. > :23:08.guy plays a nice guy trying to help a bad guy but seemingly nice guy in

:23:09. > :23:16.the Cold War, spoiler alert, the end involves a bridge and #1350i spies.

:23:17. > :23:25.Carol. A rather like a lesbian love affair. -- Bridge of Spies.

:23:26. > :23:33.The Big Short, and the gorgeous orange face. Tenacious support

:23:34. > :23:36.reporters at a Boston newspaper, uncover a scandal that hits

:23:37. > :23:42.headlines around the globe. And The Revenant. Leo is attacked, left for

:23:43. > :23:47.dead, eats a raw liver. Is left inside a horse. Leo gets revenge.

:23:48. > :23:52.The end. They are tonight's five Best Film nominees. The Bafta goes

:23:53. > How are you doing this evening?

:23:59. > :24:03.Doing good. We came over, got in late last night. Now we are excited

:24:04. > be here. It is part of this. Do you get overwhelmed by this, or are

:24:08. > just used to it at this stage? No, I zbroefrt weld by this. Yes, I

:24:14. > It never gets old. -- no, I do. It is something that is exciting. I

:24:19. > :24:23.haven't been to Bafta in 23 years. 23 years? The first time I have been

:24:24. > :24:27.nominated since Schindler's List. I'm delighted to be here. Do you

:24:28. > :24:31.think you will bag it? I don't think so but I'm happy to be here. There

:24:32. > a lot of love here for you generally, as there always s I wish

:24:37. > a lot of luck. -- as there always is. I wish you a lot of luck.

:24:43. > :24:53.I am here with double nominee, Alicia Vikander. It is a bit greedy

:24:54. > go for two. I was blown away. I don't think I have my head around

:24:58. > :25:01.the fact. Are you enjoying the attention. It feels like it is all

:25:02. > :25:04.happening at once. Are you relishing it or slightly terrified? I think

:25:05. > :25:12.being here tonight, the main thing is I'm very excited to go in and

:25:13. > a lot of my friends and colleagues and the last time I saw

:25:17. > :25:25.some was two-and-a-half, three years ago. So it is nice to see them and

:25:26. > :25:28.have a party. Your films were two entirely different roles. Was there

:25:29. > you found more challenging? They are very different. That was the big

:25:33. > :25:36.challenge with both. I hadn't done anything that was similar to both

:25:37. > :25:40.films. They were both nerve wrecking. Do you enjoy that doing

:25:41. > :25:45.unexpected roles one after the other? I would think that and from

:25:46. > :25:51.most of my colleagues and actors I have met, I think that is what you

:25:52. > :25:56.normally look for. It is Valentine's day tonight. Do you have any

:25:57. > :26:01.romantic comedy, movies, love stories that you go to time and time

:26:02. > :26:07.again? Well, I grew up - my favourite film when I was growing up

:26:08. > is called Liddy and the Tramp. -- Lady. I do love a good pasta. Is

:26:15. > :26:20.there anyone you would like to do the pasta with? Um, yes. Very nice.

:26:21. > :26:34.Subtle as ever. Best of luck tonight. Thank you very much.

:26:35. > :26:39.I'm here with nominee for leading actor in The Danish Girl, Eddie

:26:40. > :26:44.Redmayne. How are you doing? Incredibly well. We were stuck in

:26:45. > :26:48.traffic, so ended up having to run across Covent Garden. I'm a bit

:26:49. > :26:54.puffed. Good shoes for running. Slippy shoes. You are aiming for two

:26:55. > :26:58.successive wins. I doubt that will happen but it is amazing to be back.

:26:59. > :27:01.I had such an amazing time last year. Being invited back is a

:27:02. > :27:06.wonderful thing. Where do you keep it? In my flat in London, just

:27:07. > :27:11.across the bridges over here. It sits... Room for another. Oh, God,

:27:12. > my dreams. Has it changed your life? Does it feel like that

:27:17. > :27:25.recognition from the British Academy has had a big impact? Do you know

:27:26. > :27:27.what, whenever you make a film or play a character, it is not

:27:28. > :27:29.something you think about. You try to tell stories because they are

:27:30. > :27:33.stories that interest you. Don't get me wrong, it was the most

:27:34. > :27:37.astonishing thing last year and I had a wonderful night. I'm certainly

:27:38. > :27:39.not complaining. The Danish Girl, it was a big

:27:40. > :27:41.not complaining. The Danish Girl, it complex character. Do

:27:42. > :27:47.not complaining. The Danish Girl, it challenge, obviously you don't shy

:27:48. > :27:49.away from that? I found when I read Lily's story, I was astounded I knew

:27:50. > :27:53.nothing about it. For me it Lily's story, I was astounded I knew

:27:54. > :27:57.of the great sort of love stories of the 20th century. I felt it was a

:27:58. > :28:01.real privilege more than anything. It is always a joy to play

:28:02. > :28:05.interesting people. And good love stories too. Happy Valentine's day.

:28:06. > :28:06.Absolutely and this is how we are celebrating it. I know.

:28:07. > :28:20.Best of luck. What a glittering red carpet it has

:28:21. > :28:25.been. I have had an absolute ball. All that's left to say is to switch

:28:26. > :28:30.over it BBC One in a mo for a Valentine's date with Mr Stephen

:28:31. > :28:35.Fry, to find out who is going to walk home with their very own, very

:28:36. >, very heavy Bafta mask. Thank you and good night from me.