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:00:16. > :00:17.Hello and welcome to the One Show with Matt Baker

:00:18. > :00:25.We don't want to make a song and dance about how

:00:26. > :00:27.good tonight's show will be, but these guys

:00:28. > :01:03.APPLAUSE APPLAUS That was amazing.

:01:04. > :01:06.That was the cast of the classic West End musical, 42nd Street.

:01:07. > :01:09.We've lots more fancy footwork coming up from them

:01:10. > :01:12.Plus, we'll be chatting to their leading lady -

:01:13. > :01:26.Sheena Easton is going to be here. There she is. Are you ready?

:01:27. > :01:28.First though, prepare for lift-off because we're kicking

:01:29. > :01:31.things off with the stars of the new sci-fi blockbuster, Life.

:01:32. > :01:33.Please welcome Jake Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson!

:01:34. > :02:00.Nice to see you, are you well? Come and have a seat. Lovely to have you

:02:01. > :02:05.here. Lovely to be here. Jake, you have taken time out of your Broadway

:02:06. > :02:11.schedule to join us tonight. You are in a new musical. We didn't realise

:02:12. > :02:15.you were a singer as well. We heard your voice. It's fantastic. We have

:02:16. > :02:20.footage. Have you been singing since you were a young lad? Yes. It's

:02:21. > :02:23.better on stage live every night than it is there. I have been

:02:24. > :02:28.singing since I was a kid. Impressive. How was opening night?

:02:29. > :02:32.Amazing. We opened the show in a new theatre, the oldest newest theatre

:02:33. > :02:37.on Broadway. We reopened it after 50 years. It was pretty amazing. Two

:02:38. > :02:42.opening nights. A theatre where Elvis Presley would perform and

:02:43. > :02:50.Barbara tries end performed for the first time ever. Iconic. I'm in

:02:51. > :02:58.crazy company. I don't know how far you are into this filming process.

:02:59. > :03:04.I'm completed they are continuing. It's with Hugh Jackman. The first

:03:05. > :03:10.ever circus. I play the Sweding Nightingale. Singer. Performing for

:03:11. > :03:14.the first time. Nerve-wracking. She's Swedish. Amazing. There

:03:15. > :03:18.weren't recordings back in the day. I couldn't hear what she sounded

:03:19. > :03:29.like. It's maybe a good thing. Right. Modern music, written by Paul

:03:30. > :03:43.and Justin who got the Oscar for La La Land. That's my world. Ryan

:03:44. > :03:47.Reynolds was meant to be with us today but he's been caught up in

:03:48. > :03:55.that storm on the east coast. Is that him just frozen there? Does he

:03:56. > :04:04.have a gun, too? What is that? Who knows. He didn't even wear shoes on

:04:05. > :04:07.his appearance! You are here to talk about this new sci-fi film called,

:04:08. > :04:14.Life, later on in the show we will do a One Show first. We will cross

:04:15. > :04:19.live to this cinema in Dorset where more than 300 unsuspecting movie

:04:20. > :04:23.lovers will be waiting for the 7. 50pm screening, not of your film,

:04:24. > :04:28.another film... The trailers before the film. Would you believe it, they

:04:29. > :04:41.are not showing a thriller of your film. Can you believe that audience.

:04:42. > :04:45.Shocking. They look so upset. We thought we needed to surprise them

:04:46. > :04:50.with a live trailer if you are up for it. Amazing. These things are

:04:51. > :04:57.live. They it is always good fun. Now, there's no doubt

:04:58. > :04:59.that there are a lot of challenging jobs out there -

:05:00. > :05:02.being a Hollywood actor might even be one of them -

:05:03. > :05:04.but at the moment few compare Reports of violence are up,

:05:05. > :05:08.staff numbers are down and complaints about drug use

:05:09. > :05:11.are widespread, but one officer has managed to overcome all that,

:05:12. > :05:18.as Raphael Rowe's found out. Life in Britain's jails is under the

:05:19. > :05:22.spotlight. Assaults on staff are now at their highest on record, there

:05:23. > :05:31.are staff shortages and chronic overcrowding. Some critics believe

:05:32. > :05:34.it's creating a toxic cocktail in a system that's in meltdown. In an

:05:35. > :05:38.attempt to recruit more staff into the profession, the Government have

:05:39. > :05:41.announced a pay rise for some officers in London and the

:05:42. > :05:46.south-east, but with unsociable hours and the threat of violence,

:05:47. > :06:00.the question is - who'd want to be a prison officer? Someone like

:06:01. > :06:06.55-year-old Bernadette Hare she works at a prison in Oxfordshire.

:06:07. > :06:09.Nice to meet you. And you. She has been patrolling the corridors for

:06:10. > :06:18.ten years and I'm here to spend the day wither had. We have lifers, sex

:06:19. > :06:23.offenders, drug dealers, burglars. What does it take to be a prison

:06:24. > :06:31.officer? You have to find your gift, if you like, your special thing.

:06:32. > :06:35.Mine is my yapping. I can talk. We have the swagger coming now. You

:06:36. > :06:41.need to be confident. You can't show fear. That is one thing you can't do

:06:42. > :06:47.in this job. Shut up! Having spent some time in prison myself, I'm

:06:48. > :06:50.interested to know if Bernie faces additional challenges as a female

:06:51. > :06:58.prison officer working in an all male prison? You know, a lot of

:06:59. > :07:01.these I could be their mum or grandmum in some cases,

:07:02. > :07:07.unfortunately. In all the badness that goes on, there is still the

:07:08. > :07:12.female staff are more protective than the male staff. By? By the

:07:13. > :07:17.other prisoners. Really? There is still an ethos of, you don't attack

:07:18. > :07:21.a female member of staff. I've been saved by prisoners on more than one

:07:22. > :07:26.occasion. I've had prisoners come to my head aid. The Justice Secretary

:07:27. > :07:29.is calling for more people to become prison officers they are fearful

:07:30. > :07:33.because of the violence they expect? What do you see? You see a lot of

:07:34. > :07:38.stuff you don't want to see. People are high on drugs. They are violent.

:07:39. > :07:42.Although we are not allowed to directly film any prisoners what

:07:43. > :07:47.I've seen today is very different. We haven't caught it on camera, I

:07:48. > :07:54.have witnessed prisoners hugging you. In my day that didn't happen.

:07:55. > :07:59.Are you all right darling. Are you sure? Yeah. Good. You have to be a

:08:00. > :08:02.nurse, teacher, psychologist and their mother. You have to be

:08:03. > :08:06.everything. In fact, Bernie's approach has won the respect of many

:08:07. > :08:13.inmates. How are you, are you all right? Yeah. Are you all right? If

:08:14. > :08:17.you treat people the way you want to be treated, then it's resipcle. It's

:08:18. > :08:20.really a rewarding job. People think it's all violence and everybody

:08:21. > :08:25.stabbing each other and blah, blah, blah. It's not like that at all. It

:08:26. > :08:30.does happen? Oh, it does happen. It happens an awful lot, more than we

:08:31. > :08:35.would like it to happen. That is down to staff shortages,

:08:36. > :08:38.unfortunately. Not rocket science, they cut staff, violent lens and

:08:39. > :08:42.self-harm went up because we don't have enough time to spend with

:08:43. > :08:48.prisoners. For the governor, Bernie is a valuable member of staff. She

:08:49. > :08:51.has a good balance of being disciplined and friendly with

:08:52. > :08:55.prisoners at the same time. Prisoners respect her. Most won't

:08:56. > :09:01.play up around her, they don't want to let her down. What do you say to

:09:02. > :09:04.people who believe what they read if you come into this job your life is

:09:05. > :09:08.at risk? Sometimes they are difficult. They are good places to

:09:09. > :09:12.work. It's a people job. You can have a real impact on people and

:09:13. > :09:18.help people to change. Two-days later and it's a very different day

:09:19. > :09:24.for Bernie. The prison has put her forward for an award at St James'

:09:25. > :09:29.Palace in London. I'm out of my comfort zone. It's not me at all.

:09:30. > :09:34.She is one of a number of people being honoured for dedication and

:09:35. > :09:38.skill in her field. She doesn't know is that her outstanding contribution

:09:39. > :09:45.has earnt her this year's top award. I have great pleasure in announcing

:09:46. > :09:48.this year's Princess Royal's Prize goes to Bernadette Hare. I was

:09:49. > :09:51.shocked. Absolutely shocked. I didn't know what to say. I was

:09:52. > :09:58.shaking so much I thought I was going to drop it. I had no idea. I

:09:59. > :10:03.was like, wow! Pretty much, wow. For Bernie and her husband, Dave, it's

:10:04. > :10:08.the end to a perfect day. I actually said, you'll win it. She didn't

:10:09. > :10:15.believe me. Good job her husband has faith! So lovely. Thank you so much

:10:16. > :10:20.to Bernie for letting us spend the day with you. A round of applause. I

:10:21. > :10:25.think she deserves it. Why not. Congratulations on your award. Jake,

:10:26. > :10:30.you've worked with young people in prisons, haven't you, tell us about

:10:31. > :10:38.that, what work were you doing? I got involved because I was doing

:10:39. > :10:42.research for a film, I learnt about the prison system in California in

:10:43. > :10:45.the States where I grew up. I went to a number of different prisons. I

:10:46. > :10:49.ended up in a juvenile prison through a number of different people

:10:50. > :10:55.that I met along the way and started working a little bit with juveniles

:10:56. > :10:58.there and started working with the programmes going on there. It was

:10:59. > :11:03.extraordinary. Really extraordinary. I bet. This is the thing with... I

:11:04. > :11:09.mean both of your approaches to the way you take to acting the research

:11:10. > :11:14.you do. Thinking of this new movie. It's incredibly real and life like

:11:15. > :11:19.in one respect because it's life on the International Space Station and

:11:20. > :11:24.really the broad span of astronauts out there reflects, it's very real

:11:25. > :11:28.at the moment? Is do you want to start us off? I was listening to

:11:29. > :11:35.you, the research you do is incredible. Yes. They are sending

:11:36. > :11:43.drones to rs Mars. We are scraping the surface of this incredible,

:11:44. > :11:48.vast, not knowing, we have no idea how big the universe is. Science is

:11:49. > :11:53.remarkably beautiful and lovely. People ask me if I believe there is

:11:54. > :12:01.life out there. We found water on the moon. If there are parasites

:12:02. > :12:04.there will be an alien form. It's a realistic sci-fi movie we are

:12:05. > :12:07.getting closer to what could possibly happen. How do each of your

:12:08. > :12:16.characters fit into the film, how does it come about? I play Miranda

:12:17. > :12:23.North, a micro biology gists. A crosser of T's and dotters of i's.

:12:24. > :12:28.She has to make sure-fire walls are up. She has to imagine the worst

:12:29. > :12:34.that can happen, the worst after that and after that. They then break

:12:35. > :12:39.down. Who are you when all the stable routines disappear from you?

:12:40. > :12:43.In essence it's about life out there. Let's just have a little look

:12:44. > :12:47.at you in action. This is the moment that this alien life-form starts

:12:48. > :12:55.showing its more sinister side. Here we go. Lowering oxygen, more carbon

:12:56. > :13:00.dioxide. Are you sure it won't hurt it It's a very, very low volt age.

:13:01. > :13:08.Look how fast it's growing. Every single cell is a muscle cell and a

:13:09. > :13:13.nerve cell. All muscle, all brain. No. It's in between my fingers. It's

:13:14. > :13:20.not letting go. Can I make a suggestion. Can I go in there and

:13:21. > :13:26.get him and bring him back out. No of course you cannot. I can do this.

:13:27. > :13:38.I can. APPLAUSE. It's like a crazy

:13:39. > :13:42.possessed won ton. He has been stressed out all day. My heart. I

:13:43. > :13:50.watched this morning, it's done something to me. It really has. I'm

:13:51. > :13:56.sweating having watched that scene again. You are really are? I am.

:13:57. > :14:03.He's shaking. I don't mean to laugh, I'm sorry. I was jumping out of my

:14:04. > :14:09.skin. I know Rebecca we talked about how scary. Did you have the same

:14:10. > :14:15.affect? Not the sweating. I'm still sweating for it. I saw it a week

:14:16. > :14:19.ago, I think the music, the sound effects are so important for a film

:14:20. > :14:24.like this. When we were filming Daniel was having music on whilst

:14:25. > :14:29.shooting the sequences. So much you don't think about that everyone adds

:14:30. > :14:35.to this film to create what becomes that effect. Your character in the

:14:36. > :14:39.film, you seem calm. You are dealing with the situations. You have got,

:14:40. > :14:45.your character has a fascination with space, would prefer to be in

:14:46. > :14:48.space than on Planet Earth? He's a medical doctor who is there to make

:14:49. > :14:53.sure the crew stays healthy and if there is an emergency that needs to

:14:54. > :14:58.be dealt with medically he can help with it. His first impression is not

:14:59. > :15:03.Assad a scientists it's in awe of the thing. It becomes a type of

:15:04. > :15:10.relationship, I think, with every single one of the... The creature

:15:11. > :15:16.has a relationship to all of us. How we respond to it, it responds to us.

:15:17. > :15:20.He finds it beautiful. It's quiet. That is what I liked about the

:15:21. > :15:24.story. That is why you wanted to do it? There is a reason for you

:15:25. > :15:31.wanting to do their movies there. Is an underlying message?

:15:32. > :15:37.Yes. The creature does not release speak. I thought we would be

:15:38. > :15:41.interesting if I did not speak that much either. I think it is

:15:42. > :15:53.interesting. There's so much tension in movie. And our director casted so

:15:54. > :15:56.beautifully. We have a character from Japan because the International

:15:57. > :16:00.Space Station is multicultural. There is someone from the UK, the

:16:01. > :16:05.United States, Russia. And because of that I think we all interact with

:16:06. > :16:10.this thing in different way. And also because it is not set in the

:16:11. > :16:15.future, the deals that could be happening. That is what makes it

:16:16. > :16:21.scary. I'm all right now! Have some water! You probably deal with things

:16:22. > :16:28.on the farm and you understand there may be some organisms that are not

:16:29. > :16:35.always so helpful. That is why you are sweating! I'm fine now. And

:16:36. > :16:40.let's move on to the bromance you had with Ryan Reynolds. Always happy

:16:41. > :16:46.to talk about that! Good buddies. He is a wonderful man. I think in our

:16:47. > :16:48.business it is rare when you meet someone who is a contemporary where

:16:49. > :16:55.there are literally is no competition. You know. Just that

:16:56. > :16:59.real love. It is just friends you meet is a certain time in your life.

:17:00. > :17:06.We met a movie and just became close friends. And for me when I come

:17:07. > :17:11.abroad there is already this hubristic side and it is very

:17:12. > :17:16.welcome. It lightens up what could be a tense moment to film in because

:17:17. > :17:21.it is a hard movie to shoot. But we laughed a lot. One of my favourite

:17:22. > :17:26.moments was in that scene when Ryan turned around in the middle of a

:17:27. > :17:30.shot. He was right on the front and we were watching on the back. He

:17:31. > :17:40.turned around and said, we are all going to die! It just lightened the

:17:41. > :17:45.mood a little bit. It is strange and dark humour but we know him for that

:17:46. > :17:54.as well. And it is in the cinemas from next Friday. Still plenty of

:17:55. > :17:57.time to see it. It is Friday, next Friday. And of course the latest in

:17:58. > :18:01.a long line of great alien movies. We asked Lucy to boldy go

:18:02. > :18:03.and seek out the good, the bad and the ugly

:18:04. > :18:15.of our favourite on screen Here we go.

:18:16. > :18:19.In our quest to explore the universe we have launched chimpanzees into

:18:20. > :18:24.space, landed men on the moon and hurled a satellite out of the solar

:18:25. > :18:27.system. But it is only thanks to a love the movies that we have been

:18:28. > :18:32.introduced to a whole new universe aliens.

:18:33. > :18:39.One of the cutest aliens to visitors did not have a bad bone in his body.

:18:40. > :18:46.I'm not so sure about the finger. Because he is designed to look cute,

:18:47. > :18:52.ugly, hideous, likeable, every single feature is maximised to be

:18:53. > :18:58.cute. That is one of the reasons why he appealed so much to children.

:18:59. > :19:03.These are shrouded in mist and they communicate in an non-linear form of

:19:04. > :19:07.language transcending space and time. That is a proper introduction.

:19:08. > :19:12.But have they got friendly intentions? We spent the whole film

:19:13. > :19:14.trying to communicate with them and understand them, what they are

:19:15. > :19:22.actually saying and the language they use. Things are more

:19:23. > :19:26.straightforward with the aliens in the day the earth stood still.

:19:27. > :19:36.Language was not the problem. We were the problem.

:19:37. > :19:43.I took to the streets to find out what your favourite movie aliens are

:19:44. > :19:49.and why. Mine is ET. I would quite like to wrap him up in a blanket. I

:19:50. > :19:52.like the Klingons in Star Trek the pub they combine scariness with

:19:53. > :20:01.slight sexiness which is kind of weird. The aliens in toy story. It

:20:02. > :20:04.takes me back to when I used to watch it as a kid and great

:20:05. > :20:21.catchphrase as well. Men in Black, that surprise when you expect the

:20:22. > :20:21.dog to bark at its peak. That is freaky. Not all aliens are cute,

:20:22. > :20:29.some are just born bad. This is the three times made things

:20:30. > :20:34.from another world, well known for doing awful stuff. Infecting all

:20:35. > :20:39.humanity. Tom Cruise met another deadly species of alien hidden

:20:40. > :20:43.inside a machine in War of the world. We reached a point in cinema

:20:44. > :20:48.history where we have the special effects know-how and technology to

:20:49. > :20:53.detect the kind of large-scale devastation of the planet that we

:20:54. > :20:57.all expect from interstellar wars. Pretty impressive. So I figured I

:20:58. > :21:01.would take a look and see how it is done. These computer wizards are

:21:02. > :21:11.responsible for creating the visual effects of the new sci-fi film,

:21:12. > :21:14.Life. What qualities do you need question not something that you can

:21:15. > :21:19.relate to. Talk about how you develop the creature filled up when

:21:20. > :21:22.you get the character you add physicality, you take the parameters

:21:23. > :21:34.for the kind of materials, some kind of fleshy skin. And you add stiff

:21:35. > :21:38.ill it is or how stretchy. CGI is pretty but if you need scary aliens

:21:39. > :21:41.you need to go back to the rubber suit and slime technology that

:21:42. > :21:56.creates the alien from the alien franchise.

:21:57. > :22:09.I think I prefer ET. Thanks, Lucy.

:22:10. > :22:16.I just keep checking our new! We have got a Scaryometer. Calvin is

:22:17. > :22:22.the name of the alien in your movie. So this is the scale. From nice to

:22:23. > :22:33.be be evil. To be fair I'm kind of over here. Would it not be a

:22:34. > :22:36.process? I think. That is true. When he is named. I think that we start

:22:37. > :22:46.there. He has multiple personalities. He is basically an

:22:47. > :23:08.actor. Put in there for the majority but actually he goes off the scale!

:23:09. > :23:10.We will put that down there. We like playing that game! No. Anyway...

:23:11. > :23:11.Samuel L Jackson sat here a few weeks ago and we were speaking about

:23:12. > :23:16.Kong and he was so surprised by size when it came out. How surprised Wii

:23:17. > :23:28.U at what Calvin looked like when you saw him? -- how surprised where

:23:29. > :23:32.you. Pretty surprised. I loved that we did not have anything to work

:23:33. > :23:39.from when we shot the film. Why was that? I think that Daniel the

:23:40. > :23:44.director wanted us to use our own imagination and be afraid of what

:23:45. > :23:48.ever we were afraid. I think that was what is so great about Daniel,

:23:49. > :23:53.he did that all over the place and allowed us to interact with the

:23:54. > :23:57.alien the way we would be actually afraid. And in the end he created, I

:23:58. > :24:03.considered actually the creature to be a bit like Daniel sometimes.

:24:04. > :24:08.Because he was speaking to us in the scenes all the time, saying, it is

:24:09. > :24:14.moving up to you. He would direct you where to look. So he was

:24:15. > :24:19.manipulating us in that way. And sometimes you could see Calvin

:24:20. > :24:23.through the eyes of other people. My character, as he has behind glass

:24:24. > :24:30.because she's always behind the firewall. I'd also she would see the

:24:31. > :24:35.beauty. Loving this creature. I think she experienced beauty through

:24:36. > :24:40.seeing what others thought in Calvin. You can attack it from

:24:41. > :24:45.different angles. As actors I think you've both been involved in very

:24:46. > :24:48.physical films, Mission Impossible, Jarhead, you really have to dedicate

:24:49. > :24:59.yourself to learning the lines but also your bodies. How was the

:25:00. > :25:05.training for Life? It is hard-core, wire training, acrobatics. We had

:25:06. > :25:08.this incredible movement coach, Alexander Reynolds. What is hardest

:25:09. > :25:14.is creating your own personal movement. You were part of this

:25:15. > :25:18.spaceship was a much longer than my character because she came last. I

:25:19. > :25:25.could be a little bit bumpy and graceful and that would be accepted.

:25:26. > :25:29.You are very graceful and athletic. She made some pretty strong moves.

:25:30. > :25:34.One of the interesting things about the movie, the women in the movie

:25:35. > :25:40.are incredibly strong. Physically and intellectually, emotionally. It

:25:41. > :25:44.is rare in a movie when you really, it is unfortunate but it is more

:25:45. > :25:47.rare than having a man be like that. And to watch the women be the

:25:48. > :25:58.strongest characters really, is awesome. And all some to play! An

:25:59. > :26:01.interesting fact about you, Rebecca, and I imagine in this film there are

:26:02. > :26:08.confined spaces for filming but you also get claustrophobic. And you

:26:09. > :26:13.have a fear of heights. Bring it on! Arachnophobia! We have an

:26:14. > :26:18.interesting guest in the studio tonight and we think you will be

:26:19. > :26:27.impressed and could potentially use him as a stunt person in future

:26:28. > :26:30.films. Adrenaline junkie Fraser Corsan will

:26:31. > :26:35.attempt to break for world record in the extreme sport of wingsuit

:26:36. > :26:41.diving. And he is here to tell us why on earth he is doing it. So

:26:42. > :26:48.first of all, he he is obviously suspended from the studio roof. Are

:26:49. > :26:53.you all right up there? It is a real joy. Well we have the ability with

:26:54. > :26:57.the camera to get underneath, give us an idea of how you fly in his

:26:58. > :27:04.suit and how it works. So I'm inside the wingsuit, it acts purely as a

:27:05. > :27:09.wing so I put tension into it at the moment. The leading edge is

:27:10. > :27:12.high-density done so it is efficient because naturally the arm shape is

:27:13. > :27:21.not efficient. It is also pretty huge. I will be travelling around

:27:22. > :27:26.160 miles an hour. For every metre fall I will go forward is about

:27:27. > :27:36.three meters. That is the glide ratio. But I'm doing 164. Foreword.

:27:37. > :27:40.I'm going to hold onto your chest like this. You guys will know all

:27:41. > :27:47.about this getting people in and out wires.

:27:48. > :27:52.Just give us an idea of these world records you are trying to break.

:27:53. > :27:56.We're going for four records, time, distance, speed and altitude. The

:27:57. > :28:00.longest time in freefall freefall flight, around ten minutes. And then

:28:01. > :28:08.going for speed, as fast as I can go, we aim for about 250 miles an

:28:09. > :28:13.hour. How much of a concept of speed to you get when you are up there,

:28:14. > :28:16.obviously at a great height. Because you're not passing things. Well

:28:17. > :28:25.we're pushing the limits for just about everything. If the clouds I

:28:26. > :28:31.can see fields and general topography flying by. I have

:28:32. > :28:37.previously raced cars on motorways and you can pass the cars. So after

:28:38. > :28:43.the speed and then distance. That is glide path so maximising that and

:28:44. > :28:47.going as far as we can. But it is a huge workload on the body, your arms

:28:48. > :28:53.start to tire and fatigue comes in. You need to keep strong. A huge

:28:54. > :29:16.amount of core strength, shoulder and arm strength so a lot of gym

:29:17. > :29:17.sessions and endurance. Why are you doing this, is it just because you

:29:18. > :29:17.love it. I love to fly. But fundamentally there is fantastic

:29:18. > :29:18.charity, the armed forces charity, and we are raising awareness and

:29:19. > :29:19.funds for them. And these guys look after 60,000 people a year in terms

:29:20. > :29:27.of treatment. Whether X or serving. We are targeting ?1 million. People

:29:28. > :29:30.can see the details of how to support it online. And we're doing

:29:31. > :29:33.that to raise awareness. You must have a very understanding family. We

:29:34. > :29:42.wish all the best. Very impressive. That was cool.

:29:43. > :29:53.Superhuman. He is. And he has style, too. He looks like a monk. Back to

:29:54. > :29:57.earth now, this weekend is the anniversary of an event that

:29:58. > :30:04.threatened to change the Cornish coastline beyond recognition. Here's

:30:05. > :30:07.Miranda. On the 18th March, 1967, our shores witnessed the worst

:30:08. > :30:16.environmental disaster in British history. A supertanker, the Torrey

:30:17. > :30:21.Canyon, carrying nearly 120,000 tonnes of crude oil, hit rocks off

:30:22. > :30:24.the coast of Cornwall and started sinking. No-one was prepared for

:30:25. > :30:31.this kind of disaster or its aftermath. As the oil spread to the

:30:32. > :30:35.beaches, Charles Brett, now 97, the surveyor for a local council, who

:30:36. > :30:39.was one of the first people to deal with the clean-up operation. How did

:30:40. > :30:46.you feel seeing that sight? These beautiful beaches? It was quite

:30:47. > :30:51.appalling. One of the most beautifully areas, the sea was

:30:52. > :30:56.covered that looked iebg chocolate moose. The authorities decided to

:30:57. > :31:00.spray the oil with strong detergent in an attempt to clean-up the

:31:01. > :31:08.coastline. Charles was a keen amateur film-maker and has footage

:31:09. > :31:14.of the operation. That is horrible. I spent all my time walking

:31:15. > :31:21.up-and-down the coast advising on what quantityies were required.

:31:22. > :31:31.Nobody questioned me about how much to use. The detergent is a quick-fix

:31:32. > :31:35.to get rid of the oil, that has a long lasting effect on the wildlife?

:31:36. > :31:40.Yes. After a week, the Tory canyon, which was snagged on rocks, began

:31:41. > :31:47.breaking up, leaking out more oil. A decision was made to sink it, bombs

:31:48. > :31:55.were dropped, rockets were fired and even kerosene was used to burn off

:31:56. > :31:59.the oil. Stephen Hawkins, aged 11, remembers watching the TV coverage.

:32:00. > :32:02.It was quite exciting but at the same time it was quite scary. The

:32:03. > :32:08.bombing seemed to be a neat solution. It probably made matters

:32:09. > :32:11.worse in the long run. He is a professor of natural sciences and

:32:12. > :32:16.has been studying the damage the clean-up operation had around the

:32:17. > :32:23.shores of west Cornwall. These detergents weren't like what you use

:32:24. > :32:31.to wash up at home, they were quite toxic solvents they killed the

:32:32. > :32:35.grazing organisms. This has a damage being effect on the whole ecosystem

:32:36. > :32:42.and can take an enormous amount of time to recover. It was not all bad

:32:43. > :32:51.news. The Torrey Canyon was the grubby start of something beautiful

:32:52. > :32:55.for ex-soldier Paul and cafe worker Petunia. We tried to clean the

:32:56. > :33:00.beaches. We didn't know how to to. Nobody advised us how to do. We were

:33:01. > :33:08.told to spread detergent as best we could. It brought the two of you

:33:09. > :33:13.together, tell me how you met? I sold him an ice-cream. He came back

:33:14. > :33:17.and had a coffee and said, can I ask you out? The cleaning came to an end

:33:18. > :33:22.for us. Paul said, I'm leaving tomorrow and I want to take you with

:33:23. > :33:26.me. So I said, is that a proposal in a roundabout sort of way? That was

:33:27. > :33:34.it, we got married. Five months later. Five months later. Since then

:33:35. > :33:39.the Torrey Canyon disaster lessons have been learned. Stephen's

:33:40. > :33:47.research and that of other scientists has showned that the

:33:48. > :33:51.beaches took over 10 years to recover when detergent was spread on

:33:52. > :33:56.them. For those who didn't, it took two years. If oil comes ashore the

:33:57. > :34:01.best thing to do is let nature take its course. Waves are good

:34:02. > :34:06.dispersants. Crude oil is a natural compact. Oil will naturally get

:34:07. > :34:12.degraded and the shore will get back to normal after a couple of A

:34:13. > :34:16.two-days of years. Bombing the Torrey Canyon sank. Spillages still

:34:17. > :34:21.occur on a regular basis all around the world. Thankfully, now a days we

:34:22. > :34:26.are better equipped at dealing with this disasters than all those years

:34:27. > :34:29.ago. For the sake of our coastline and our wildlife I dearly hope we

:34:30. > :34:35.never have to see this sort of thing again. Thank you very much indeed.

:34:36. > :34:40.Miranda. Earlier on in the show we saw this cinema in Christchurch in

:34:41. > :34:46.Dorset. These unsuspecting movie fans. We will look inside. They are

:34:47. > :34:52.all waiting to see a film in just a few minutes time. There are people

:34:53. > :35:00.there, apparently! The thing, is the cinema wasn't planning of showing a

:35:01. > :35:03.trailer of your new movie, Life. Some people are getting great

:35:04. > :35:08.advertising. The house lights rum. It's packed. We will crash the

:35:09. > :35:16.trailers and it's over to you two to convince them to watch your film.

:35:17. > :35:23.Wow. Shall we do it now? Let's crash the cinema, in 3, 2, 1. Here we go.

:35:24. > :35:27.Hello to you all at the rowing end centre cinema in Christchurch, you

:35:28. > :35:36.are live on the One Show. There you go. APPLAUS Very nice. We are sorry

:35:37. > :35:40.to be interrupting your night out tonight. There is one key trailer

:35:41. > :35:44.missing from tonight's proceedings. We wanted to rectify that mistake

:35:45. > :35:49.everyone. We did us. With us in the studio tonight are two very special

:35:50. > :35:56.guests who have a film they would like you to see. Give a cheer and a

:35:57. > :36:04.round of applause for stars of the new sci-fi thriller, Life, it's Jake

:36:05. > :36:07.Gyllenhaal and Rebecca Ferguson. APPLAUS You have the audience in the

:36:08. > :36:12.palm of your hands you can get them to do whatever you want. Do you have

:36:13. > :36:16.thoughts, what do you fancy? Maybe we should give them a taste of this

:36:17. > :36:21.film. Do you fancy doing that. What a great idea. Let us roll the

:36:22. > :36:30.trailer. You take it away. Here we go. Coming soon to cinemas across

:36:31. > :36:35.the UK, including the rowing end centre in Christchurch in set we

:36:36. > :36:40.bring be you. Life A terrifying sci-fi thriller about a team of

:36:41. > :36:44.scientists aboard the International Space Station whose mission of

:36:45. > :36:50.discovery turns out to be one of primal fear. They discover the first

:36:51. > :36:55.signs of life beyond Earth. The rapidly changing life form is more

:36:56. > :37:00.intelligent than imagined. It quickly evolves to threaten the crew

:37:01. > :37:07.and the future of humanking Assad we know it. Fr those of you who ever

:37:08. > :37:12.warned if life exists beyond this planet BE WARNED! Please be warned.

:37:13. > :37:24.Take a cushion, you will be sweating by the end of it. Ask Matt, if you

:37:25. > :37:29.want to get sweaty, go. Thank you. Thank you to our lovely cinema

:37:30. > :37:33.people. Thank you, enjoy your movie. Thank you for being involved in the

:37:34. > :37:38.One Show. Good night to one and They seemed a all. Bit confused, I have

:37:39. > :37:47.to say. When you said us they were like - OK. You did good. Sheena

:37:48. > :37:52.Easton will be here in a few minutes to tell us about her new musical.

:37:53. > :37:54.First a fellow Glaswegian a photographer with a habit of getting

:37:55. > :38:34.up close and personal. I've come to Glasgow, I joined the

:38:35. > :38:40.army straight out of school. When I left I sold cars then I got into

:38:41. > :38:48.photography seriously ten years ago. I read about how the life expectancy

:38:49. > :38:54.in Kensington Chelsea. But in Glasgow it's 54 for men. I took the

:38:55. > :38:59.pictures of people in both places catching them at traffic lights,

:39:00. > :39:02.shooting through the window. Knightsbridge is like another world.

:39:03. > :39:07.The people in, there the money floating about. It's unreal. The

:39:08. > :39:15.average asking price for a property around here is about ?2.5 million. I

:39:16. > :39:17.mean ?2.5 million quid. You read the statistic about London property

:39:18. > :39:22.prices and it's boom time again. That is what they tell us again. If

:39:23. > :39:30.you go to Glasgow and tell them Britain is blood blooming they laugh

:39:31. > :39:35.their heads off at you. I think Dougie is the best street

:39:36. > :39:39.photographer working at the moment. Worldwide. A street photographer

:39:40. > :39:45.needs to be very curious about people. Although they are taking

:39:46. > :39:50.pictures that are sometimes a little cruel, they are not doing it out of

:39:51. > :40:07.cruelty. They are actually doing it out of curiosity. As far as

:40:08. > :40:13.photographers go my, I had a big influence from Martin. Nice. Very

:40:14. > :40:18.sharp that, isn't it. Crikey. Double flash arrests it a little bit.

:40:19. > :40:24.Double flash. Yeah, one at the top and one at the bottom. There aren't

:40:25. > :40:28.any shadows, really. Seven skins he is wearing. Crikey. Do people say,

:40:29. > :40:39.I'm going to call the police and all that stuff? You get that sometimes.

:40:40. > :40:43.I give them the number, 999. It's an occupational hazard, isn't it?

:40:44. > :40:47.Definitely. The first thing you have to be when you are going so close to

:40:48. > :40:53.people is absolutely bold and confident. You know, it's street

:40:54. > :40:59.life, isn't it? They are always here. Watch my toes. It's in your

:41:00. > :41:09.face, brash, loud therefore it's absolutely appropriate for the times

:41:10. > :41:12.we live in. The new money people in the Ferraris they seem to hate

:41:13. > :41:18.getting their picture taken. They don't stop to chat. Some of the old

:41:19. > :41:31.eccentrics I snap, they don't seem to mind so much. Do you like the

:41:32. > :41:34.photograph? I'm not telling you. You are showing it as it is. The

:41:35. > :41:39.arrogant English people who went there. That generation is dying out

:41:40. > :41:47.now. Now it's a different wealth from different countries, isn't it?

:41:48. > :42:00.It's an art format. Do you kiss a dog? Oh. Look it

:42:01. > :42:06.doesn't want kissed, look. A great photographer. An interesting person,

:42:07. > :42:12.and someone I think who will be around for a long time. Hello. Can I

:42:13. > :42:24.take your picture? That would freak me out, do you

:42:25. > :42:34.reckon. It's a bit much, isn't it? Wow. You can see more of Dougie and

:42:35. > :42:40.his portfolio of photos in What Do Artists Do All Day tomorrow night at

:42:41. > :42:45.8. 8.30pm on BBC Four. Now from bond themes to duets with Kenny Rodgers

:42:46. > :42:51.and Prince, our next guest has truly made her musical mark.

:42:52. > :42:58.# My maybe baby catches the morning train

:42:59. > :43:05.# He works from... # My one and only...

:43:06. > :43:11.# Who needs tomorrow # We've got tonight, babe

:43:12. > :43:16.# You've got the hook # Cooking in my book

:43:17. > :43:20.# Your face is jamming # Your body is slamming

:43:21. > :43:25.# If love is good # Let's get... #

:43:26. > :43:29.We are head popping or swaying. What a selection, please welcome to the

:43:30. > :43:37.one show, Sheena Easton. APPLAUSE. What a collection. What a

:43:38. > :43:41.collection. Which brought back the happiest memory when you were

:43:42. > :43:48.watching that? It wasn't the bad perm and the boiler suit one. When

:43:49. > :43:53.people show these montages they show it. I had a few other bad choices

:43:54. > :43:57.back then. You were happy with that, that was all right for you? That was

:43:58. > :44:05.better than some you could have shown. It started back in 1980. You

:44:06. > :44:08.were on a reality T V show called Big Time presented by Esther

:44:09. > :44:12.Rantzen. With reality TV shows they are ten a penny. It was so different

:44:13. > :44:16.then. Do you think it kick-started your career? Oh, totally. Back then

:44:17. > :44:20.it wasn't so. A reality show it was a documentary.

:44:21. > :44:25.It was a one hour documentary. It was part of six. The concept was -

:44:26. > :44:29.let's get a young girl, take her to a record company if she passes an

:44:30. > :44:34.addition you can make a single. We will show the public how a single is

:44:35. > :44:39.made. It ended up the record company signed me on-the-spot for a

:44:40. > :44:43.long-term deal. It totally changed my life. Honestly, I think we all

:44:44. > :44:48.know that you can practice your craft. I was in drama school,

:44:49. > :44:53.working on my craft, singing in bands at night. No matter how much

:44:54. > :44:57.talent or ability you have, you need the first thing that opens the door

:44:58. > :45:05.that gives you your shot. That was such a huge blessing for me.

:45:06. > :45:15.And I then did you have a plan, you have done an eclectic mix of music.

:45:16. > :45:20.What was the thing for you, music in a band, rock? It was one of those

:45:21. > :45:24.things, I was the youngest of six and I used to sneak in and steal

:45:25. > :45:30.everyone's records to play on the record player. They all had

:45:31. > :45:34.different musical styles. My brother was listening to Genesis, my sister

:45:35. > :45:38.was listening to Joni Mitchell, someone else listen to Shirley

:45:39. > :45:44.Bassey and Mike dad had another collection. So I grew up absorbing

:45:45. > :45:50.all those styles. Of course when I first joined my first band H 17 at

:45:51. > :45:55.drama school, I was supporting myself and I just sang anything to

:45:56. > :46:05.pay the rent. I just kind of listen to Radio 1, of course! Then I would

:46:06. > :46:12.just practice it. Someone would yell thing, whatever, and you just had to

:46:13. > :46:16.go into it. It was good training but it left me with a lab for every

:46:17. > :46:20.style of music. And to this day I perform with my band and go out and

:46:21. > :46:28.do my shows and do the hits. But I spent a lot of time working with

:46:29. > :46:31.symphonies. I do a varied programme with different symphonies and all

:46:32. > :46:38.kinds of music. You are in Las Vegas at the moment. I've lived there 12

:46:39. > :46:43.or 13 years. It was not a plan to go and live in Las Vegas, I went there

:46:44. > :46:50.and did eight shows a week for two years. My babies were aged five and

:46:51. > :46:54.six bed and started school and then when I decided the cake, I can leave

:46:55. > :47:12.now, they did not want to give up their friends at school. So of

:47:13. > :47:17.course you go for Ukip want to go and I stayed in crazy Las Vegas and

:47:18. > :47:21.watched it grow into what it is today. It has changed so much. And

:47:22. > :47:25.now you're back in London to perform 42nd Street. What is your role and

:47:26. > :47:29.tap dancing? Well I had a vague idea about the show but I looked it up on

:47:30. > :47:33.Wikipedia! That is great to do! When I read about the show it described

:47:34. > :47:39.my character as an over the hill diva who has not had a hit in ten

:47:40. > :47:44.years and is legendary for her ability -- inability to dance. I

:47:45. > :47:49.thought it has got my name all over it! Who could turn that down, do not

:47:50. > :47:55.even need to act. So she's fabulous, she comes in and she flounces around

:47:56. > :48:01.and sweeps across the stage, a bit like a darling, Darling cut the

:48:02. > :48:08.person. I'm surrounded by these beautifully talented dancers. I

:48:09. > :48:12.think the largest number of dancers ever, 42. The producers made a

:48:13. > :48:16.commitment to make it one of the biggest spectaculars that has ever

:48:17. > :48:20.been on the stage either here or back in New York. They put so much

:48:21. > :48:27.into the set and the costumes and every part of it. We are rehearsing

:48:28. > :48:30.right now getting ready for the previews on Monday. Instead of

:48:31. > :48:34.sitting having a cup of tea I cannot tear myself away from the wings, I

:48:35. > :48:39.need to see these other scenes because there's just this beautiful

:48:40. > :48:43.stuff forming in front of me. I wish I could be out in the audience one

:48:44. > :48:50.night watching it. And just have physically and mentally exhausting

:48:51. > :48:56.is it? I'm told I'm pretty mentally exhausting to be times! But for the

:48:57. > :49:00.dancers, it is very demanding. When you see them, their athletes, they

:49:01. > :49:06.can do this easily without breaking a sweat. We spoke about them think

:49:07. > :49:11.the Argentine tango and that is a love of yours. It is and I've also

:49:12. > :49:17.tried tap dancing. It was not really my thing. But I think body awareness

:49:18. > :49:23.and acting goes hand in hand. But it is hard and exhausting. The

:49:24. > :49:29.Argentinian tango is very essential and it really tells a relationship.

:49:30. > :49:41.Have you tried it? No one would ever ask me to try it! You are no

:49:42. > :49:48.stranger to a bit of a work-out. I am just sweating! But to be fair

:49:49. > :49:56.some of the physical roles that you have taken on in the past, fitness

:49:57. > :50:03.just must take over your life. You made that sound like it was such a

:50:04. > :50:07.tragedy! To me it always starts from a place of what is this skill set,

:50:08. > :50:12.what is the thing you're doing and can you learn something. Then

:50:13. > :50:18.eventually obviously if you work hard enough you end up that your

:50:19. > :50:23.body and your persona, although things are shaped to it. It is the

:50:24. > :50:28.physical world display shows you you can get in shape but my mind, even

:50:29. > :50:35.in like that, I believed stupidly that I was in fact a boxer in that

:50:36. > :50:38.period of time. So you take yourself there or do you have people around

:50:39. > :50:46.you that they get up, go for a jog, or are you very dedicated? I put in

:50:47. > :50:52.a little -- put on a little shirt and I can run for ever. That is the

:50:53. > :50:57.truth. You can put on a little shirt any time! Are you enjoying being

:50:58. > :51:02.back in London? I'm loving it, I had forgotten so much about this city. I

:51:03. > :51:06.lived here when I first started out, I had an apartment for a year and

:51:07. > :51:11.I'm enjoying having Sundays off and walking round inevitably in the rain

:51:12. > :51:15.and getting to know the areas again. I'm really looking forward to

:51:16. > :51:20.spending some time and getting to know the city again. Lovely to have

:51:21. > :51:25.you here and Sheena is in 42nd Street from Monday at the Theatre

:51:26. > :51:26.Royal in Drury Lane in London's West End.

:51:27. > :51:29.We've talked lots about aliens on the show tonight and some

:51:30. > :51:31.of you will believe and some of you won't.

:51:32. > :51:34.Which is why we'd like to show you this film from George.

:51:35. > :51:37.For all you naysayers out there, maybe it's time to take a look

:51:38. > :51:44.at what's moving around in your back garden?

:51:45. > :51:50.Humankind has always had a fascination with the unknown.

:51:51. > :51:56.Haunted by visions of the Apocalypse, they have taken many

:51:57. > :52:06.forms. But killer plans that move, preposterous! Or is it?

:52:07. > :52:11.Ever since the ancient Greeks botanist have observed how plants

:52:12. > :52:17.grow and also how they can move independently, it comes from a Greek

:52:18. > :52:21.word, tropism meaning to turn. Everyday plants can display

:52:22. > :52:25.extraordinary movements. The Venus fly trap is activated by trigger

:52:26. > :52:33.hair is along its traps shutting its deadly leaves tight. This

:52:34. > :52:37.sensitivity is rather less threatening in the shame planet.

:52:38. > :52:43.Here the slightest touch of a finger causes areas of the stem to release

:52:44. > :52:50.water displacing compounds and the affected cells collapse. And another

:52:51. > :52:58.tropism has fascinated scientists from thousands of years ago. The

:52:59. > :53:03.tropism. Here the toad Flax starts off as is sun-seeker and then hearts

:53:04. > :53:06.-- then heads towards the dark crevices to planted seeds. And stems

:53:07. > :53:11.of the funds are tracks unlike during the day, turning with the

:53:12. > :53:14.light. Doctor Jim is a science historian from the University of

:53:15. > :53:20.Sussex. Everyone knows if you keep the plant as a windowsill eventually

:53:21. > :53:23.it moves toward the sun. How does that happen? The plant produces a

:53:24. > :53:29.hormone which is diffused down the stem and causes cells on the shady

:53:30. > :53:34.side to grow longer. And so relative to the other side that makes it

:53:35. > :53:41.curve. And only in the 20th century we have really seen that because of

:53:42. > :53:43.voter lapse photography that they developed mechanisms over the course

:53:44. > :53:47.of evolution to find light quickly. So even the growth of plants fits in

:53:48. > :53:54.with the Darwin theory of everything. Darwin spent more time

:53:55. > :53:58.on plans than anything else and published six books just on

:53:59. > :54:03.botanical topics. He was fascinated by plants. In 1880 Derby that Darwin

:54:04. > :54:06.was at a disadvantage because without time-lapse photography how

:54:07. > :54:11.could he record the movement of plants. At the original glass house

:54:12. > :54:16.here in Kent we challenged Gardner Christina to track the movement of

:54:17. > :54:21.the Pelargonium replicating the exact experiment that Darwin did

:54:22. > :54:26.write here over a century ago. He did not have all this sophisticated

:54:27. > :54:31.technology we have today and had to rely on basic tools. He placed a

:54:32. > :54:36.glass element on the leaf blade and that is the point I will trace as

:54:37. > :54:41.the leaf is moving. The plant is then placed behind a sheet of glass

:54:42. > :54:46.with a fixed reference point. Christina will mark a doctor for

:54:47. > :54:51.every hour of some Ides over the next 24 hours tracing the daily

:54:52. > :54:54.movement of belief. I have proposed Dollman technique, a time-lapse

:54:55. > :55:00.camera set to track every movement of the plant at 2.5 minute

:55:01. > :55:05.intervals. So while Christina sits and watches and marks, I'm off and

:55:06. > :55:12.we'll come back later to see what has happened. How will 24 hours of

:55:13. > :55:19.observations compare using the Darwin methods and my own? OK,

:55:20. > :55:23.George, so finally with a piece of paper over the glass sheet we can

:55:24. > :55:28.trace the movement of the plant after connecting all the dots. We

:55:29. > :55:35.can see that belief was busy moving all day today, hunting for the

:55:36. > :55:40.light. You can see the loop it created. This corresponds to the

:55:41. > :55:45.results that Darwin himself had. It is quite a special thing to think

:55:46. > :55:51.that Charles Darwin sat here doing exactly this. It is quite special.

:55:52. > :55:56.We've seen the work of Darwin in action but what does Mike time-lapse

:55:57. > :56:05.show? Ready for this? I am indeed. Look at that. Fantastic. Now we can

:56:06. > :56:15.see in real time what Darwin never could. Plans are on the move. Not

:56:16. > :56:18.science fiction. Science fact. Thank you, George!

:56:19. > :56:21.Thanks to our guests Jake and Rebecca -

:56:22. > :56:25.And thanks too to Sheena - 42nd Street starts

:56:26. > :56:31.Tomorrow Dan Stevens, the star of the new Beauty

:56:32. > :56:34.and the Beast film, will be our guest.

:56:35. > :56:41.But now, it's over to 42nd Street to play us out in style.

:56:42. > :56:48.Good night, everyone. # Those dancing feet.

:56:49. > :57:02.# I am taking you to 42nd Street. # They're side by side,

:57:03. > :57:12.they're glorified. # Where the underworld

:57:13. > :57:16.can meet the elite. Hello, I'm Sangita Myska

:57:17. > :59:25.with your 90 second update.