Uilleam agus an Taibhse (William and the Ghost)

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1:11:50 > 1:11:57.

1:12:07 > 1:12:08# William!

1:12:10 > 1:12:13# William's Wish Wellingtons!

1:12:13 > 1:12:20# William!

1:12:17 > 1:12:20# William's Wish Wellingtons

1:12:20 > 1:12:23# You know you're gonna have a lot of fun

1:12:23 > 1:12:27# When William puts on his wellingtons

1:12:27 > 1:12:29# William!

1:12:31 > 1:12:34# William's Wish Wellingtons! #

1:12:49 > 1:12:54It was bedtime and William's mother was reading him a story.

1:12:54 > 1:12:57A scary ghost story!

1:12:59 > 1:13:01"Time to go to sleep now," she said.

1:13:01 > 1:13:05"Good night, William."

1:13:11 > 1:13:16"I'd like to see a ghost. A REAL ghost! It wouldn't scare ME!"

1:13:16 > 1:13:20William knew what to do.

1:13:21 > 1:13:25He put on his Wish Wellingtons and made a wish.

1:13:28 > 1:13:31He was outside an old house.

1:13:31 > 1:13:37"Now, THAT'S what I call a ghost house! Hello!

1:13:39 > 1:13:43"Any ghosts at home? Hello!

1:13:43 > 1:13:46- "Whoohoo!- What's that?! Oh, no!

1:13:50 > 1:13:51"Whoo-hoo!"

1:13:51 > 1:13:56- "Dooo you-oooo want to see the ghost?"- asked the owl.

1:13:56 > 1:14:02- "Yes. Can you help me?- If you-ooo want me to-o-o-o! This way."

1:14:02 > 1:14:09As they explored the house, William felt someone was watching him!

1:14:09 > 1:14:11"Whoooo-ooooo!"

1:14:13 > 1:14:19"The ghost! There!" William chased after the ghost.

1:14:25 > 1:14:28"How do we follow him NOW? ..I know!

1:14:31 > 1:14:33"A door!

1:14:33 > 1:14:36"Come on, Owl!"

1:14:37 > 1:14:41"Come back, ghost, I want to see you!

1:14:45 > 1:14:48"Oh, no! He's gone again."

1:14:48 > 1:14:53William wished... for a hole and some stairs.

1:14:53 > 1:14:56"Up here, Owl!

1:14:56 > 1:14:59"We'll see him now."

1:14:59 > 1:15:03The ghost looked for somewhere to hide.

1:15:09 > 1:15:15- "He's too-oo-oo scared of you. - Oh, dear. What do ghosts like?

1:15:15 > 1:15:19- "The same things as you-o-o-o-o-o." - William wished...

1:15:22 > 1:15:25..for a train set!

1:15:25 > 1:15:29"Would you like to play trains with me?"

1:15:29 > 1:15:34- "I am already," - replied the ghost.

1:15:34 > 1:15:39"Then it's a ghost train!" laughed William. "Why were you scared?"

1:15:39 > 1:15:44- "Because of your boots! - YOU'RE the scary one!

1:15:44 > 1:15:47- "Am I scary like a slimey snake? - No!

1:15:47 > 1:15:51"Scary like a ferocious lion?

1:15:51 > 1:15:56- "No!- Ohhhh! Am I scary at all?

1:15:56 > 1:15:59"No. You're just different.

1:16:00 > 1:16:03"Ahhhh! Let's be friends."

1:16:03 > 1:16:06The new friends played together.

1:16:06 > 1:16:08"Ooooh-ooooh!

1:16:08 > 1:16:13- "Help! What's that? - Did I scare you-o-o-o-o-o?- Yes!"

1:16:16 > 1:16:21William heard a noise outside his door. It was his mother.

1:16:21 > 1:16:25"Ghosts aren't real, you know. Don't be scared."

1:16:29 > 1:16:34- WILLIAM YAWNS- "I'm not any more - thanks to my Wish Wellingtons!"

1:16:36 > 1:16:40Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd

1:16:40 > 1:16:43E-mail Subtitling@bbc.co.uk