Chart Show with Grace

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7:19:03 > 7:19:05- Phew!- £2, please.- £2?

7:19:08 > 7:19:11I seemed to have forget my...

7:19:12 > 7:19:14..lunch money. Roll titles.

7:19:31 > 7:19:33# The CBBC official chart show. #

7:19:35 > 7:19:36Good afternoon, beautiful people,

7:19:36 > 7:19:38welcome to the CBBC Official Chart Show.

7:19:38 > 7:19:42The only place where you can find out the UK's official number 1 first.

7:19:42 > 7:19:44It's also the only place where you can see Greg James

7:19:44 > 7:19:46doing stuff like this.

7:19:46 > 7:19:48Fantastic.

7:19:48 > 7:19:50Nice to have you back, Greg, fantastic.

7:19:50 > 7:19:54It's also the only place where you might remember Amel from a few

7:19:54 > 7:19:57months ago in a little cameo, meets his idol LunchMoney Lewis.

7:19:57 > 7:19:59That is happening in today's show and,

7:19:59 > 7:20:02let me tell you, I am so excited. It gives me great pri...

7:20:02 > 7:20:04privilege to welcome to the CBBC Official Chart Show

7:20:04 > 7:20:07the highest new entry in last week's official chart.

7:20:07 > 7:20:09She's got an amazing voice, a wonderful single,

7:20:09 > 7:20:12please welcome Grace to the CBBC Official Chart Show.

7:20:12 > 7:20:15- Grace, how are you?- I'm good, how are you?- Very well, thank you.

7:20:15 > 7:20:18Now, you went straight in at 5 last week. How was that for you?

7:20:18 > 7:20:21- Did you expect that?- No, it was madness, I didn't expect it at all.

7:20:21 > 7:20:22It's crazy.

7:20:22 > 7:20:25Well, it's an amazing song and you've got a great voice, so we expected it.

7:20:25 > 7:20:27We're going to get an exclusive performance,

7:20:27 > 7:20:29- we're going to get a bit of Note. - Yes.

7:20:29 > 7:20:31Fantastic. OK, well, let's get down to business.

7:20:31 > 7:20:34Things are getting very tense in the chart two weeks away from Christmas

7:20:34 > 7:20:37and at number 10, it's our friends MNEK and Zara Larsson

7:20:37 > 7:20:38with Never Forget You.

7:20:39 > 7:20:42# Once upon a time you were my everything

7:20:42 > 7:20:45# It's clear to see that time hasn't changed a thing

7:20:45 > 7:20:50# So what in this world do you think could ever take you off my mind?

7:20:51 > 7:20:58# I will never forget you And you'll always be by my side

7:21:00 > 7:21:02# From the day that I met you

7:21:02 > 7:21:05# I knew that I would love you till the day I die

7:21:05 > 7:21:09# And I will never want much more... #

7:21:09 > 7:21:13# Now I feel my heart beating

7:21:13 > 7:21:17# I feel my heart underneath my skin

7:21:17 > 7:21:20# Oh, I can feel my heart beating

7:21:21 > 7:21:24# Cos you make me feel

7:21:25 > 7:21:28# Like I'm alive again

7:21:35 > 7:21:37# Alive again

7:21:39 > 7:21:42# Oh, you make me feel

7:21:42 > 7:21:45# Like I'm alive again

7:21:54 > 7:21:59# Turn your magic on, Umi, she'd say

7:21:59 > 7:22:02# Everything you want's a dream away

7:22:02 > 7:22:07# Under this pressure under this weight

7:22:07 > 7:22:09# We are diamonds... #

7:22:09 > 7:22:10# Just play that song I know

7:22:10 > 7:22:12# Take a deep breath and blow

7:22:12 > 7:22:14# Get loose, get right

7:22:14 > 7:22:16# Get a grip and rock me all night

7:22:16 > 7:22:18# Hold tight, lean back

7:22:18 > 7:22:20# Play what I want with that sax

7:22:20 > 7:22:22# Get loose, get right

7:22:22 > 7:22:24# Get a grip and rock me all night

7:22:24 > 7:22:26# Hold tight, lean back

7:22:26 > 7:22:28# Play what I want with that sax... #

7:22:28 > 7:22:32And we can welcome him back to this week's CBBC Official Chart Show.

7:22:32 > 7:22:34- Mr Greg James, are you well? - I'm good.

7:22:34 > 7:22:36- Sorry I was not looking earlier. - It's OK.

7:22:36 > 7:22:38Well, you were just doing things that we always like to see on

7:22:38 > 7:22:41- CBBC Official Chart Show. - Just on my phone.- Just chillin'.

7:22:41 > 7:22:43Obviously, I was checking out the latest chart news.

7:22:43 > 7:22:45And what have you got for us? What did you find out?

7:22:45 > 7:22:47I didn't have time to have a look.

7:22:47 > 7:22:50I can tell you about Coldplay. We just saw Coldplay then.

7:22:50 > 7:22:53Their album Head Full Of Dreams is at number 2 on the official

7:22:53 > 7:22:56album chart and that is the first album of theirs

7:22:56 > 7:22:59that hasn't debuted at number 1. Because of Adele.

7:22:59 > 7:23:02But it's one of their biggest selling albums in the first week.

7:23:02 > 7:23:06Nothing bad about Coldplay, it's just that Adele is so far ahead.

7:23:06 > 7:23:09So it's the best album that they've had so far, really.

7:23:09 > 7:23:11One of the best selling first weeks they've ever had.

7:23:11 > 7:23:14But because of Adele, couldn't get the number 1 spot.

7:23:14 > 7:23:17- Adele sold something like 350,000, Coldplay sold 234,000.- Amazing.

7:23:17 > 7:23:20We're going to pop back in to find out the UK's official number 1.

7:23:20 > 7:23:24- Yes.- Thank you.- See you shortly. I've got to get back to my phone.

7:23:24 > 7:23:26OK, now, let's meet today's special guest.

7:23:26 > 7:23:29It is, of course, the wonderful, the super-talented, Grace.

7:23:29 > 7:23:34# I'm wearing, yeah I'm still wearing your jeans

7:23:35 > 7:23:41# Still roll them up still got that hole in the knee... #

7:23:42 > 7:23:46# Hey

7:23:46 > 7:23:48# OK

7:23:48 > 7:23:50# Nooo

7:23:51 > 7:23:54# No, no, no, no

7:23:54 > 7:23:58# You don't, you don't

7:23:58 > 7:24:01# You don't own me. #

7:24:02 > 7:24:05Grace, we have had questions sent in from the viewers at home,

7:24:05 > 7:24:07- would you be up for answering them? - Yeah, for sure.

7:24:07 > 7:24:09I did call in a favour and I had to give my mate Adele a call, to see

7:24:09 > 7:24:12- if she'd ask the questions...- OK. - ..and here she is now. Hi, Adele.

7:24:12 > 7:24:16- IN DISTORTED VOICE:- Hello.- Oh. MAD LAUGHTER

7:24:16 > 7:24:19- It's me.- It is you, isn't it, Adele? We can see that.

7:24:19 > 7:24:22- Have you got some questions there for Grace?- All right, all right,

7:24:22 > 7:24:26I do. I've been rolling in the deep end with all these questions.

7:24:26 > 7:24:27There is that gag.

7:24:27 > 7:24:31If you could pick one celebrity to sing with,

7:24:31 > 7:24:33who would it be and why?

7:24:33 > 7:24:35Who would you love to sing with? What celebrity?

7:24:35 > 7:24:37I am a massive Lauryn Hill fan, so I would love to...

7:24:37 > 7:24:40- Me, too.- Yes, Lauryn Hill is sick.

7:24:40 > 7:24:42I'd love to see that, nice.

7:24:42 > 7:24:45- Thanks, Adele, next question? - Right, next one, you ready, Grace?

7:24:45 > 7:24:48All right - Hannah from Fife - what emoji are you most like?

7:24:48 > 7:24:50MAD LAUGHTER Adele has got stuck

7:24:50 > 7:24:52but what emoji are you most like?

7:24:52 > 7:24:56Erm, probably... I mean I use the little cheeky monkey a lot.

7:24:56 > 7:24:59- What, the one doing that or that? - The one doing that.

7:24:59 > 7:25:01- You are a cheeky monkey. - Yeah, that's a good emoji, actually.

7:25:01 > 7:25:04OK, nice. Adele, you are back with us, which is good.

7:25:04 > 7:25:08Right, all right, all right. OK, next question, are you ready?

7:25:08 > 7:25:12- Yes, we are.- Theresa from London - do you have any bad habits?

7:25:12 > 7:25:14- Bad habits.- Does someone like you have any bad habits?

7:25:14 > 7:25:17THEY LAUGH

7:25:17 > 7:25:20Erm, bad habits...

7:25:20 > 7:25:23- I can't think of one off the top of my head.- Oh, you must.

7:25:23 > 7:25:25- Biting my nails.- I bite my nails, yeah, a little bit, sometimes.

7:25:25 > 7:25:27That's a standard one.

7:25:27 > 7:25:29- Cos you're nervous or..? - Sometimes.

7:25:29 > 7:25:34Oh, right, all right. Next question - Grace really wants to know -

7:25:34 > 7:25:36sausage or bacon?

7:25:36 > 7:25:39Bacon, for sure. Not even a question.

7:25:39 > 7:25:41There's all your Grammys, showing off a bit.

7:25:41 > 7:25:43Do you like all the Grammys? Look at my awards!

7:25:43 > 7:25:46Adele, stop talking about your Grammys,

7:25:46 > 7:25:47we've got one more question, come on.

7:25:47 > 7:25:50Right - Jemima from Kent - if you were a reindeer,

7:25:50 > 7:25:52what colour would your nose be

7:25:52 > 7:25:54and what would you call yourself?

7:25:54 > 7:25:56- Ooh...- I thought they're always red? - Yeah...

7:25:56 > 7:25:59- What would your reindeer name be? - Oh, that's just Rudolph, isn't it?

7:25:59 > 7:26:01Yeah. Oh, it is. But they're like pinky-red.

7:26:01 > 7:26:04What would my name be? Erm...

7:26:04 > 7:26:07Something really like un-reindeery, like, like Bob or Jimmy.

7:26:07 > 7:26:10- Why not Adele? Adele the Reindeer. - ADELE CACKLES

7:26:10 > 7:26:13- Adele is nice.- I like Bob or Jimmy. That'd be great, imagine like,

7:26:13 > 7:26:16- Blitzen and, oh, Bob there is at the back, as well.- Yeah.- Great choice.

7:26:16 > 7:26:19We've still got your Note Challenge to come... Oh, sorry...

7:26:19 > 7:26:21- IN DISTORTED ADELE VOICE:- Did you want that tea?

7:26:21 > 7:26:22- SHE COUGHS - Did you want that tea?

7:26:22 > 7:26:25What were you doing behind there... We're doing a show.

7:26:25 > 7:26:27- Honey and lemon, honey and lemon. - Go and sort your voice out.

7:26:27 > 7:26:29We have got your exclusive performance to come

7:26:29 > 7:26:32and the Note Challenge, plus, as well, this.

7:26:32 > 7:26:33Get it in, there it is.

7:26:33 > 7:26:35This didgeridoo.

7:26:35 > 7:26:38You, on the CBBC website, have been voting whether you wanted to see

7:26:38 > 7:26:42myself and Grace take on You Don't Own Me with a didgeridoo

7:26:42 > 7:26:45or the CBBC Official Chart Show theme song with a didgeridoo.

7:26:45 > 7:26:46Voting has now closed.

7:26:46 > 7:26:49We're going to find out what you decided at the end of the show.

7:26:49 > 7:26:52But let's get back to the chart. Jess Glynne is at number 7.

7:26:52 > 7:26:55# But will you take me home

7:26:56 > 7:27:00# You said space would make it better And time would make it heal

7:27:00 > 7:27:02# I won't be lost forever

7:27:02 > 7:27:06# And soon I wouldn't feel Like I'm haunted

7:27:06 > 7:27:09# Whoa Falling

7:27:09 > 7:27:13# You said space would make it better And time would make it heal

7:27:13 > 7:27:14# I won't be lost for ever

7:27:14 > 7:27:18# And soon I wouldn't feel Like I'm haunted

7:27:18 > 7:27:22# Whoa Falling. #

7:27:22 > 7:27:25# Don't want for us to end Where do I start?

7:27:25 > 7:27:29# First you wanna go to the left And you wanna turn right

7:27:29 > 7:27:33# You wanna argue all day Make love all night

7:27:33 > 7:27:37# First you're up then you're down And then between

7:27:37 > 7:27:39# Oh, I really wanna know

7:27:39 > 7:27:41# What do you mean?

7:27:41 > 7:27:43# Oh-oh-oh-oh

7:27:43 > 7:27:44# When you nod your head yes

7:27:44 > 7:27:46# But you want to say no

7:27:46 > 7:27:49# What do you mean?

7:27:49 > 7:27:50# Hey-ey-ey-ey

7:27:50 > 7:27:52# When you don't want me to move

7:27:52 > 7:27:54# But you tell me to go

7:27:54 > 7:27:55# What do you mean? #

7:27:57 > 7:28:01# Don't say I can't go With other boys

7:28:04 > 7:28:07# Don't tell me what to do

7:28:07 > 7:28:11# And don't tell me what to say

7:28:11 > 7:28:15# Please when I go out with you

7:28:15 > 7:28:18# Don't put me on display

7:28:20 > 7:28:22# You don't own me

7:28:24 > 7:28:28# Don't try to change me in any way

7:28:28 > 7:28:30# You don't own me

7:28:31 > 7:28:36# Don't tie me down Cos I never stay

7:28:38 > 7:28:42# Don't tell me what to do... # CHEERING

7:28:42 > 7:28:45Grace, such a big song to announce yourself with. It's amazing.

7:28:45 > 7:28:47What I want to know is, when do we get more Grace?

7:28:47 > 7:28:50Hopefully... I am working on my album at the moment,

7:28:50 > 7:28:53so hopefully next year, early next year, January, February sometime.

7:28:53 > 7:28:55It is a great way to kick off 2016, then, Grace, awesome.

7:28:55 > 7:28:58Now, my next question for you is, are you a fan of bills?

7:28:58 > 7:29:01Not really, my electricity is sky-high at the moment,

7:29:01 > 7:29:03- so not the biggest fan...- Nightmare. DRUMMER HITS CYMBAL

7:29:03 > 7:29:06- But are you a fan of LunchMoney? - Oh, yes, for sure.

7:29:06 > 7:29:08- LunchMoney Lewis, see what I did there?- I see, I see.

7:29:08 > 7:29:10Thank you very much. DRUMMER HITS CYMBAL AGAIN

7:29:10 > 7:29:13You might remember this guy, Romell. He, of course, starred in our

7:29:13 > 7:29:14LunchMoney Lewis Bills cameo.

7:29:14 > 7:29:17So we gave him the chance to be surprised by LunchMoney Lewis himself

7:29:17 > 7:29:19when he was here at Radio 1. Check this out.

7:29:19 > 7:29:21Yo, what up, it's LunchMoney Lewis.

7:29:21 > 7:29:27I am here, I've just watched Romell's remix video of Bills.

7:29:27 > 7:29:29Oh, he killed it, already.

7:29:32 > 7:29:35He is a little young, I don't think he knows about bills yet, though.

7:29:37 > 7:29:42# I got bills I gotta pay

7:29:42 > 7:29:44# So I'm gonna work work work Every day

7:29:44 > 7:29:46Oh, man, he killed it.

7:29:46 > 7:29:49# I got mouths...

7:29:49 > 7:29:50I like that robe, too.

7:29:52 > 7:29:54That robe...

7:29:54 > 7:29:56ROMELL HOWLS

7:29:56 > 7:29:58- LUNCHMONEY LEWIS LAUGHS - Killed it.

7:29:58 > 7:30:00He had the fresh haircut, his robe was dope,

7:30:00 > 7:30:03I'm going to ask him where he got it from because he is going to be

7:30:03 > 7:30:05here shortly and I am going to surprise him.

7:30:05 > 7:30:07So let's go see what Romell's doing.

7:30:07 > 7:30:09# I got mouths I gotta feed

7:30:09 > 7:30:13# So I'm going to make sure Everybody eats

7:30:13 > 7:30:14# I got...

7:30:14 > 7:30:16- HE WHISPERS:- Romell is in the next room

7:30:16 > 7:30:19and we are going to surprise him. Come with me.

7:30:20 > 7:30:22# Bring everybody trouble

7:30:26 > 7:30:28# I got...

7:30:28 > 7:30:30- What's up, man? - ROMELL LAUGHS IN SHOCK

7:30:30 > 7:30:32- Hello!- Good? What's going on?

7:30:32 > 7:30:35- Are you all right?- Yeah, I'm fine.

7:30:35 > 7:30:36How is your day? You look sharp,

7:30:36 > 7:30:39- Man, I saw your video.- Oh, right. - You killed it, man.

7:30:39 > 7:30:42- Yeah, man, you did a good video. I like it a lot.- Thanks.

7:30:42 > 7:30:44- Yeah, man, you killed it. You have fun doing it?- Yeah.

7:30:44 > 7:30:48There you go, man, it was dope, man. You don't got no bills yet, but...

7:30:48 > 7:30:51One day, you're going to have some. Are you excited about that?

7:30:51 > 7:30:53- Nah.- Nah, smart man.

7:30:53 > 7:30:55# I got bills

7:30:55 > 7:30:57# Hey I gotta pay

7:30:57 > 7:31:00# So I'm going to work work work every day

7:31:00 > 7:31:02# I've got mouths

7:31:02 > 7:31:04# I've gotta feed

7:31:04 > 7:31:07- # So I'm gonna - Make sure everybody eats

7:31:07 > 7:31:09- # I've got... - Bills. #

7:31:09 > 7:31:12- There we go. My man! - APPLAUSE

7:31:12 > 7:31:15You killed it, you got the pipes.

7:31:15 > 7:31:17Absolutely awesome and we are going to get a bit more of Romell

7:31:17 > 7:31:19and LunchMoney Lewis a little bit later.

7:31:19 > 7:31:21If you're a fan of Lip Dubs, which I know you are,

7:31:21 > 7:31:25then you're going to love a bit of this. Excuse my silly prancing about.

7:31:25 > 7:31:27You can get involved with CBBC's Christmas Lip Dub.

7:31:27 > 7:31:29All you need to do is go to the CBBC website,

7:31:29 > 7:31:31click on the Join In and upload a video of you singing along to the

7:31:31 > 7:31:34Christmas song and it is all closing on Sunday,

7:31:34 > 7:31:36so make sure you do it over the weekend and get it in by Sunday

7:31:36 > 7:31:38if you want to get involved in that.

7:31:38 > 7:31:41Right, let's get back to this week's chart, we are at number 4

7:31:41 > 7:31:44and Adele has dropped one place again this week with Hello.

7:31:44 > 7:31:48# So hello from the other side

7:31:50 > 7:31:53# I must have called a thousand times

7:31:55 > 7:31:59# To tell you I'm sorry

7:31:59 > 7:32:01# For everything that I've done

7:32:01 > 7:32:05# But when I call you never

7:32:05 > 7:32:08# Seem to be home

7:32:08 > 7:32:10# Never felt like this

7:32:12 > 7:32:14# Prayers have been answered

7:32:16 > 7:32:19# Memories I won't forget

7:32:19 > 7:32:23# Oh, it's plain to see

7:32:23 > 7:32:27# Your sweet, sweet lovin' Won't you put it on me?

7:32:27 > 7:32:31# Keep it coming Cos you're all that I need

7:32:31 > 7:32:35# You give me love I give you everything that you want

7:32:35 > 7:32:38# As long as you love me

7:32:38 > 7:32:42# Your sweet, sweet lovin' Lovin', lovin' me

7:32:42 > 7:32:45# Keep it coming Coming, hey-ey-ey

7:32:45 > 7:32:50# Your sweet, sweet lovin' Lovin', lovin' me... #

7:32:50 > 7:32:52Big, big tune from Sigala.

7:32:52 > 7:32:54It's now time to play the simple game that is sweeping the nation.

7:32:54 > 7:32:57Everybody's favourite game to play on a Friday afternoon

7:32:57 > 7:33:00is the simple game that is - Note.

7:33:03 > 7:33:05Last week saw The Vamps take on the Note Challenge and score

7:33:05 > 7:33:09a respectful 28 seconds. Quite high up there within the bands

7:33:09 > 7:33:11but taking on the Note Challenge this week is Grace.

7:33:11 > 7:33:13- Grace, how are you feeling?- A little nervous...- It's OK.

7:33:13 > 7:33:16- ..but I'm going to be all right.- I think you're going to be splendid.

7:33:16 > 7:33:19- Where would you like to come?- Smack bang at the top.

7:33:19 > 7:33:21- That's what I like to see, aiming high.- Number 1!

7:33:21 > 7:33:23Have you done any training? Got any of that in?

7:33:23 > 7:33:27No, I tried to do a little warm-up before I got on here, but...

7:33:27 > 7:33:29- We're just going to have to see how it goes.- A warm-up is all you need.

7:33:29 > 7:33:32This is Grace taking on CBBC's Official Chart Show Note Challenge.

7:33:32 > 7:33:35I'm going to count you in after three, whenever you're ready.

7:33:35 > 7:33:37One, two, three.

7:33:37 > 7:33:41- SHE SINGS ALL ON ONE NOTE:- Grace, Mary, Elizabeth, Margaret, Sue...

7:33:43 > 7:33:44Beautiful, clear.

7:33:47 > 7:33:49Still going.

7:33:50 > 7:33:51We are going to go...

7:33:51 > 7:33:54Cos it was a long name as well at the start, that was tough.

7:33:54 > 7:33:55I should get bonus points for that.

7:33:55 > 7:33:58You do... I am going to throw on two seconds for that,

7:33:58 > 7:33:59which gives you...

7:33:59 > 7:34:0115 seconds,

7:34:01 > 7:34:04- which puts you there with Kelly Clarkson.- Was that it? That's awful.

7:34:04 > 7:34:06- But you're not at the bottom.- Was that only 15 seconds?

7:34:06 > 7:34:09It was 15 seconds. It has been confirmed in my ear, Grace.

7:34:09 > 7:34:11I'm going to have to come back and do this again.

7:34:11 > 7:34:14That's on camera, everybody, it's recorded. Grace, thank you,

7:34:14 > 7:34:17that was awesome. You are going to go prep for your performance

7:34:17 > 7:34:19of You Don't Own Me. We are very much looking forward to that,

7:34:19 > 7:34:21but let me ask you a question - are you a fan of Bieber?

7:34:21 > 7:34:25- Yeah, for sure.- I think everybody is because he is at number 2.

7:34:25 > 7:34:27# Is it too late to say sorry now?

7:34:29 > 7:34:32# I'm sorry

7:34:32 > 7:34:33# Yeah

7:34:34 > 7:34:36# Sorry

7:34:39 > 7:34:41# Sorry

7:34:41 > 7:34:44# Yeah, I know that I let you down

7:34:44 > 7:34:46# Is it too late to say sorry now?

7:34:51 > 7:34:56# I'll take every single piece of the blame if you want to me to

7:34:56 > 7:35:01# But you know that there is no innocent one in this game for two

7:35:01 > 7:35:05# I'll go, I'll go and then you go, you go out and spill the truth

7:35:05 > 7:35:08# Can we both say the words Say forget this?

7:35:10 > 7:35:11# Yeah

7:35:11 > 7:35:15# Is it too late now to say sorry?

7:35:15 > 7:35:19# Cos I'm missing more than just your body

7:35:19 > 7:35:21# Oh

7:35:21 > 7:35:24# Is it too late now to say sorry?

7:35:24 > 7:35:27# Yeah, I know that I let you down

7:35:27 > 7:35:30# Is it too late to say I'm sorry now?

7:35:30 > 7:35:34# I'm not just trying to get you back on me

7:35:34 > 7:35:38# Cos I'm missing more than just your body

7:35:40 > 7:35:43# Is it too late now to say sorry? #

7:35:45 > 7:35:47So, after Romell had been surprised by LunchMoney Lewis,

7:35:47 > 7:35:51we gave him the chance to put his questions to LunchMoney Lewis

7:35:51 > 7:35:52and he did a fantastic job.

7:35:52 > 7:35:53Here it is.

7:35:59 > 7:36:01So, what are your top tips for being cool?

7:36:01 > 7:36:04You already started with a great question.

7:36:04 > 7:36:06- Be yourself, man.- OK.

7:36:06 > 7:36:11Yeah, just be you. Have fun, be yourself, every day.

7:36:11 > 7:36:14# Why you got your back against the wall?

7:36:14 > 7:36:17# What d'you talk about with all your girlfriends? #

7:36:17 > 7:36:19- Who is the coolest person that you know?- You are pretty cool.

7:36:19 > 7:36:23Romell's pretty... You're top five, man, you're definitely top two.

7:36:23 > 7:36:26- I'd say one of the coolest... My mom's pretty cool.- Oh, yeah.

7:36:26 > 7:36:28- Yeah, you know? You like your mom, right?- Yeah.

7:36:28 > 7:36:31- Yeah, she's cool, right? Mothers are pretty cool.- Yeah.

7:36:31 > 7:36:33So I would say my mom.

7:36:33 > 7:36:37# Cos I, cos I ain't too cool to dance... #

7:36:37 > 7:36:39What is the coolest thing that's happened to you

7:36:39 > 7:36:41since you've been on the chart?

7:36:43 > 7:36:44Getting the...

7:36:44 > 7:36:47I guess performing. You know, we're lucky,

7:36:47 > 7:36:49we get to go around and, like, perform music for different people

7:36:49 > 7:36:52and that's fun and I meet cool people like you

7:36:52 > 7:36:55who get to ask questions and do videos.

7:36:55 > 7:36:58It is a blast to perform, going around and playing the music.

7:36:58 > 7:37:01# Boogie-oogie-oogie Hey

7:37:01 > 7:37:05# Boogie-oogie Boogie-oogie-oogie

7:37:05 > 7:37:08# Boogie-oogie If you ain't too cool. #

7:37:08 > 7:37:11How often do you wash your dressing gown?

7:37:11 > 7:37:12Oh.

7:37:13 > 7:37:15I try to wash them as much as possible.

7:37:15 > 7:37:20I've got a few so I wash one, you know, you throw clothes on the floor

7:37:20 > 7:37:24and throw them around, but I try to wash them as much as possible.

7:37:24 > 7:37:26Did you wash the one that you wore?

7:37:26 > 7:37:27# I understand

7:37:27 > 7:37:31# Who's wearing all that jewellery and expensive name brands?

7:37:31 > 7:37:35# But I can show you something that ain't none of them can. #

7:37:35 > 7:37:37What was the last home-made snack that you made?

7:37:37 > 7:37:41Erm, I think it was, like, a grilled cheese sandwich or something.

7:37:41 > 7:37:45Good, right? Grilled cheese, I see you smile at grilled cheese.

7:37:45 > 7:37:46So good.

7:37:46 > 7:37:48# Come on baby Take my hand. #

7:37:48 > 7:37:51Who is your favourite Bill out of all of the Bills that you know?

7:37:51 > 7:37:54Bill Clinton is pretty cool. Do know who he is?

7:37:54 > 7:37:56- I have heard of him.- You have heard of him, yeah.

7:37:56 > 7:37:59You'll read about him one day, he's a cool person.

7:37:59 > 7:38:03# Boogie-oogie Boogie-oogie-oogie

7:38:03 > 7:38:06# Boogie-oogie Boogie-oogie-oogie, hey

7:38:06 > 7:38:10# Boogie-oogie If you ain't too cool... #

7:38:10 > 7:38:13I always come here. London's, like, kind of like a second home now.

7:38:13 > 7:38:15- I've got a good friend here, I've got you here.- OK.

7:38:15 > 7:38:19My homie, Romell, in the building. And you know, yeah, I love London.

7:38:19 > 7:38:22# Boogie-oogie Boogie-oogie-oogie

7:38:22 > 7:38:24# Boogie-oogie if you ain't too cool... #

7:38:24 > 7:38:27I'll come back on tour. You going to come to the show?

7:38:27 > 7:38:30You want to come out on Bills? Come out and do Bills?

7:38:30 > 7:38:32And perform it with me? I'm not joking, either.

7:38:32 > 7:38:34- If you are there, I will.- Yeah. - Why not?

7:38:39 > 7:38:40Awesome work, Romell,

7:38:40 > 7:38:43and to be asked to join LunchMoney Lewis on stage, love all that.

7:38:43 > 7:38:46So, before we go in there and find out the UK's official number 1,

7:38:46 > 7:38:49let's remind ourselves of our numbers 10 through to 2.

7:38:49 > 7:38:53At 10, we have got MNEK and Zara Larsson with Never Forget You.

7:38:53 > 7:38:55Adventure Of A Lifetime from Coldplay at 9.

7:38:55 > 7:38:57Fleur East with Sax is at number 8.

7:38:58 > 7:39:01Jess Glynne, with Take Me Home at number 7.

7:39:01 > 7:39:05What Do You Mean? Justin Bieber, is at 6.

7:39:05 > 7:39:08She is our guest, Grace, with You Don't Own Me at 5.

7:39:08 > 7:39:11Adele down one place with Hello.

7:39:11 > 7:39:15New entry from Sigala with Sweet Lovin'.

7:39:15 > 7:39:19And we've just heard it from Bieber, at number 2, it's Sorry.

7:39:19 > 7:39:22So here we go, the moment has arrived.

7:39:22 > 7:39:25Let's find out the UK's official number one with my mate, Greg James.

7:39:25 > 7:39:32- Hooray!- Lads, lads, are we ready? Are we ready for it?- Yes.

7:39:32 > 7:39:34- I'm ready.- We are. Fantastic. Quick question...

7:39:34 > 7:39:36Do I need to get a mic round here?

7:39:36 > 7:39:40- Yeah, could do.- Is that all right? Producer Sarah!

7:39:40 > 7:39:43Producer Sarah! Oops!

7:39:43 > 7:39:46- OK.- Get it together. - LAUGHTER

7:39:46 > 7:39:53- It is! It is! We're live on the radio now.- And TV.- It's a mess!

7:39:53 > 7:39:55- Professional.- Professional.

7:39:55 > 7:39:57Justin Bieber there with Sorry,

7:39:57 > 7:39:59at number 2 on the Official Chart today. Cel Spellman, hi!

7:39:59 > 7:40:00Hi, Greg!

7:40:00 > 7:40:05We're live on the CBBC channel right now on the CBBC Official Chart

7:40:05 > 7:40:09and we have just played the number 2 record, Sorry, by Justin Bieber.

7:40:09 > 7:40:12- And it's unchanged from last week. - He's done it again.- He has.

7:40:12 > 7:40:16So this time next week we are hoping for it to be a little more exciting.

7:40:16 > 7:40:17Not going to lie to you.

7:40:17 > 7:40:19There's going to be more stuff released next week.

7:40:19 > 7:40:22There will be an X Factor winner's song next week, for example.

7:40:22 > 7:40:25They're also going to be on the CBBC Chart Show, as well.

7:40:25 > 7:40:27They're going to be here, as well, next week.

7:40:27 > 7:40:30There will be a new track from them and loads of Christmassy songs,

7:40:30 > 7:40:32so we'll find out what's going to happen this time next week

7:40:32 > 7:40:36on the Official Chart. But for now we have one job to do.

7:40:36 > 7:40:40The UK's number 1, it's Justin Bieber. This is Love Yourself.

7:40:45 > 7:40:50# Cos if you like the way you look that much, oh, baby,

7:40:50 > 7:40:53# You should go and love yourself

7:40:55 > 7:41:00# And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'

7:41:00 > 7:41:03# You should go and love yourself

7:41:04 > 7:41:09# And when you told me that you hated my friends

7:41:09 > 7:41:13# The only problem was with you and not them

7:41:13 > 7:41:19# And every time you told me my opinion was wrong

7:41:19 > 7:41:23# And tried to make me forget where I came from

7:41:23 > 7:41:25# And I didn't wanna write a song

7:41:25 > 7:41:30# Cos I didn't want anyone thinking I still care - I don't

7:41:30 > 7:41:32# But you still hit my phone up

7:41:32 > 7:41:37# And baby, I be movin' on And I think you should be somethin'

7:41:37 > 7:41:40# I don't wanna hold back

7:41:40 > 7:41:42# Maybe you should know that

7:41:42 > 7:41:46# My mama don't like you and she likes everyone

7:41:47 > 7:41:52# And I never like to admit that I was wrong. #

7:41:52 > 7:41:55We missed Gregory last week, but it was for a very good reason,

7:41:55 > 7:41:57because it was his birthday!

7:41:57 > 7:41:59WHOOPING AND POPPING

7:41:59 > 7:42:03- Happy birthday, Gregory!- Actually, I'm uneasy with that noise.

7:42:03 > 7:42:08- Awww, lovely!- From everybody at the CBBC Official Chart Show.

7:42:08 > 7:42:10Oh! A chocolate log!

7:42:10 > 7:42:14Oh, no, it's a caterpillar. Sorry. Thank you so much!

7:42:14 > 7:42:17- Did you have a good birthday? - I did, I did, I did. Thank you.

7:42:17 > 7:42:21- Lots of celebrations?- Yeah. Um, Cel came to my birthday party.- I did.

7:42:21 > 7:42:23I made the invite list. I was delighted.

7:42:23 > 7:42:25- I didn't invite anyone else, just me and him.- It was great.

7:42:25 > 7:42:27Four hours...

7:42:27 > 7:42:29I had a lovely time. Thank you so much. That's very sweet.

7:42:29 > 7:42:30Do not be silly, Greg.

7:42:30 > 7:42:33It's nice to have you back, and now let's check out Grace

7:42:33 > 7:42:35performing her single, You Don't Own Me.

7:42:52 > 7:42:55# You don't own me

7:42:56 > 7:43:00# I'm not just one of your many toys

7:43:00 > 7:43:03# You don't own me

7:43:04 > 7:43:10# Don't say I can't go with other boys

7:43:12 > 7:43:15# And don't tell me what to do

7:43:15 > 7:43:19# And don't tell me what to say

7:43:19 > 7:43:23# Please, when I go out with you

7:43:23 > 7:43:28# Don't put me on display, no

7:43:28 > 7:43:33# You don't own me

7:43:33 > 7:43:37# Don't try to change me in any way

7:43:37 > 7:43:41# Baby, you don't own me

7:43:41 > 7:43:48# Don't tie me down cos I'd never stay

7:43:48 > 7:43:53# I don't tell you what to say

7:43:53 > 7:43:57# And I don't tell you what to do

7:43:57 > 7:44:01# So just let me be myself

7:44:01 > 7:44:05# That's all I ask of you

7:44:05 > 7:44:09# I'm young and I love to be young

7:44:09 > 7:44:13# And I'm free and I love to be free

7:44:13 > 7:44:17# To live my life the way I want

7:44:17 > 7:44:21# To say and do whatever I please

7:44:21 > 7:44:25# Hey, you don't own me

7:44:25 > 7:44:29# Woh...

7:44:29 > 7:44:36# Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah

7:44:38 > 7:44:42# Hey, you don't own me

7:44:42 > 7:44:45# Woh

7:44:45 > 7:44:52# Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah

7:44:55 > 7:44:59# You don't own me. #

7:44:59 > 7:45:02CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

7:45:02 > 7:45:06How about that?! I am having that! What an awesome performance.

7:45:06 > 7:45:08Wonderful vocals. Bravo!

7:45:08 > 7:45:11OK, we've arrived at the point of the show where you guys decide

7:45:11 > 7:45:14what happens. It involves this. Thank you, cameraman Steve.

7:45:14 > 7:45:16We wanted to know whether you wanted to see me

7:45:16 > 7:45:18and Grace play a didgeridoo of You Don't Own Me

7:45:18 > 7:45:20or play the didgeridoo through the Chart Show theme.

7:45:20 > 7:45:25I can tell you, 53% of you didgeri-DO want us

7:45:25 > 7:45:30to play You Don't Own Me. Which means that 47% of you didgeri-DON'T.

7:45:30 > 7:45:35- Poor gag, I know. So, Grace, are we ready?- Yup.

7:45:35 > 7:45:37OK, we are going to try your single,

7:45:37 > 7:45:39You Don't Own Me, through a didgeridoo.

7:45:39 > 7:45:42- Let's give it a go.- We've never played it before, but here we go.

7:45:42 > 7:45:44In three, two, one. Ahem.

7:45:46 > 7:45:48DRONING


7:46:01 > 7:46:03# Don't tell me what to do

7:46:03 > 7:46:07# And don't tell me what to say... #

7:46:07 > 7:46:11- How did you get so good?! - I don't know where it's come from!

7:46:13 > 7:46:15CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

7:46:17 > 7:46:20- You can feel it there. Yeah. - I need a bit of practice, obviously.

7:46:20 > 7:46:24I want to know, Grace and Cel on the didgeridoo as a Christmas album?

7:46:24 > 7:46:26Well, yeah, we could talk about it later.

7:46:26 > 7:46:28We'll talk about it after the show.

7:46:28 > 7:46:30Grace, thanks for coming. Have you had a good time?

7:46:30 > 7:46:32- Yes, I've had an amazing time. - Awesome.

7:46:32 > 7:46:35A massive thank you to everyone here and all you beautiful people.

7:46:35 > 7:46:38Next is what's coming up. Check out the website.

7:46:38 > 7:46:42- Have a wonderful weekend, beautiful people. Bye-bye.- Bye, guys.