Floella Benjamin - Little Nelly's Big Book

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0:57:49 > 0:57:56.

0:58:07 > 0:58:12So, this animal has a long, skinny tail and big ears.

0:58:12 > 0:58:14And so does this one.

0:58:14 > 0:58:17But they are not the same type of animal.

0:58:17 > 0:58:19Hello, I am Floella.

0:58:19 > 0:58:23Do you know what kind of animals these are?

0:58:23 > 0:58:26Well, maybe one of our books can help us.

0:58:26 > 0:58:29In tonight's bedtime story,

0:58:29 > 0:58:34Nelly is a little bit confused about what kind of animal she is

0:58:34 > 0:58:37and looks for the answer in the wrong place.

0:58:37 > 0:58:40This story is by Pippa Goodhart

0:58:40 > 0:58:45and Andy Rowland and it is called Little Nelly's Big Book.

0:58:45 > 0:58:49Little Nelly looked in a book

0:58:49 > 0:58:54and found out that she was a mouse.

0:58:54 > 0:58:59"Mice can be white, grey..." Oh, tick!

0:58:59 > 0:59:01"..brown, black.

0:59:01 > 0:59:05"Mice have big ears," tick.

0:59:05 > 0:59:09"Mice have skinny tails," tick.

0:59:09 > 0:59:14After all that reading, Little Nelly was tired.

0:59:14 > 0:59:17SHE YAWNS

0:59:17 > 0:59:20I need somewhere to sleep.

0:59:20 > 0:59:23Little Nelly looked in the book again.

0:59:23 > 0:59:30And she read, "Mice have homes behind holes in skirting boards."

0:59:30 > 0:59:33So, Little Nelly went home.

0:59:33 > 0:59:36"Hello," said Little Nelly.

0:59:36 > 0:59:39"I am a new mouse for your house."

0:59:39 > 0:59:44"Er? You're rather big for a mouse," said Mickey.

0:59:44 > 0:59:48"I am not," said Little Nelly.

0:59:48 > 0:59:54"If I'm a big mouse, why am I called Little Nelly?"

0:59:54 > 0:59:59"I don't think you're a mouse at all," said Mickey.

0:59:59 > 1:00:04"I am!" Said Little Nelly, "I am!

1:00:04 > 1:00:08"I looked in a book and it says that I am."

1:00:08 > 1:00:14"Never mind what anybody says, Little Nelly," says Granny Mouse.

1:00:14 > 1:00:16"You are very welcome here.

1:00:16 > 1:00:20"We'll look after you." And they did.

1:00:21 > 1:00:24Little Nelly fitted in very well.

1:00:24 > 1:00:27But even though the other mice were kind to her,

1:00:27 > 1:00:31Little Nelly sometimes felt she was...

1:00:31 > 1:00:33different somehow.

1:00:33 > 1:00:36And she did get terribly hungry.

1:00:36 > 1:00:42Granny Mouse saw how things were and she had an idea.

1:00:42 > 1:00:48"Little Nelly, I have been asking around and I have found out

1:00:48 > 1:00:52"that there are some other mice who are rather like you.

1:00:52 > 1:00:59"Most of them live far away, but some live in a zoo nearby."

1:00:59 > 1:01:05"Really?" said Little Nelly. "Can we go and see them? Please!"

1:01:05 > 1:01:08"Of course," said Granny Mouse.

1:01:09 > 1:01:12They all set off for the zoo.

1:01:12 > 1:01:17"Wow! Look at them!" said Mickey.

1:01:17 > 1:01:19"They are just like you, Little Nelly,

1:01:19 > 1:01:24"only zoo mice are even bigger!"

1:01:24 > 1:01:28"I told you that I was little," said Little Nelly.

1:01:28 > 1:01:33The zoo mice were kind and nice to the visiting mice.

1:01:33 > 1:01:37There were big helpings of food and other stuff.

1:01:37 > 1:01:43"Would you like to live here with us?" asked the zoo mice.

1:01:43 > 1:01:47"Yes, please," said Little Nelly.

1:01:47 > 1:01:51"We can all be zoo mice!"

1:01:51 > 1:01:54Just then, Mickey came running.

1:01:54 > 1:01:59"Look, Little Nelly! Look what I found out from your book."

1:01:59 > 1:02:02"What is it?" asked Little Nelly.

1:02:02 > 1:02:07"I found out that I am not a mouse after all," said Mickey.

1:02:07 > 1:02:11"Really? Then, what are you?"

1:02:11 > 1:02:16"I am an elephant," said Mickey.

1:02:16 > 1:02:20"Elephants can be brown, grey..." Tick.

1:02:20 > 1:02:23"Elephants have big ears," tick.

1:02:23 > 1:02:27"Elephants have skinny tails," tick.

1:02:27 > 1:02:31"Oh, that's interesting," said Little Nelly.

1:02:31 > 1:02:36"But Mickey, even though you aren't a mouse like me,

1:02:36 > 1:02:40"I'll still be your friend."

1:02:40 > 1:02:43"Thanks, little Nelly," said Mickey.

1:02:43 > 1:02:49Which just goes to show why books should always have pictures.

1:02:50 > 1:02:54That story was called Little Nelly's Big Book.

1:02:54 > 1:02:59I think Nelly and Mickey are still very confused, don't you?

1:02:59 > 1:03:04Of course, this is a mouse and this is an elephant.

1:03:04 > 1:03:09But they both are ready to snuggle down for a good night's sleep.

1:03:09 > 1:03:14Are you? Well, I'll see you soon for another bedtime story.

1:03:14 > 1:03:16Night-night and sweet dreams.

1:03:19 > 1:03:22Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd