James McAvoy - Superworm

James McAvoy - Superworm

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0:00:06 > 0:00:08Oh, hello. Shh-shh...

0:00:09 > 0:00:13I'm James. Teddy and I like to play at superheroes.

0:00:13 > 0:00:15Do you?

0:00:15 > 0:00:19Tonight's bedtime story is about a real superhero.

0:00:19 > 0:00:22He's only small, but he's very special.

0:00:22 > 0:00:24Would you like to hear all about him?

0:00:24 > 0:00:26Good.

0:00:26 > 0:00:28The story is called "Superworm"

0:00:28 > 0:00:32and it's by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

0:00:32 > 0:00:35Superworm is super-long,

0:00:35 > 0:00:39Superworm is super-strong.

0:00:39 > 0:00:42Watch him wiggle! See him squirm!

0:00:42 > 0:00:46Hip-hip hurray for Superworm!

0:00:46 > 0:00:47GASP

0:00:47 > 0:00:50- Help! Disaster! - BICYCLE BELL RINGS

0:00:50 > 0:00:53Baby Toad has hopped on to a major road.

0:00:53 > 0:00:56"Quick, whatever can we do?

0:00:56 > 0:00:59"Look, a Superworm lasso!"

0:01:00 > 0:01:03- The bees are feeling bored today. - BUZZ

0:01:03 > 0:01:06They need a nice new game to play.

0:01:06 > 0:01:09Cheer up, bees. No need to mope.

0:01:09 > 0:01:13It's Superworm, the skipping rope.

0:01:15 > 0:01:17Beetle's fallen in the well.

0:01:17 > 0:01:18SPLOSH

0:01:18 > 0:01:21Is he drowning? Who can tell?

0:01:21 > 0:01:23Not to panic, all is fine -

0:01:23 > 0:01:26it's Superworm, the fishing line!

0:01:29 > 0:01:32Then toads and beetles, bees and bugs,

0:01:32 > 0:01:34brother snails and sister slugs,

0:01:34 > 0:01:36Uncle Ant and earwig aunt

0:01:36 > 0:01:40clap and cheer and chant this chant -

0:01:40 > 0:01:42"Superworm is super-long,

0:01:42 > 0:01:45"Superworm is super-strong.

0:01:45 > 0:01:47"Watch him wiggle! See him squirm!

0:01:47 > 0:01:49"Hip-hip hurray for Superworm!"

0:01:51 > 0:01:53The chant is carried on the air

0:01:53 > 0:01:57to Wizard Lizard, in his lair.

0:01:57 > 0:02:00He mutters in his servant's ear,

0:02:00 > 0:02:05"Find that worm and bring him here."

0:02:05 > 0:02:08The servant Crow is black and grim.

0:02:08 > 0:02:10Everyone is scared of him.

0:02:10 > 0:02:13- The all let out a fearful shriek - GASPS

0:02:13 > 0:02:17to see their hero in his beak.

0:02:17 > 0:02:20The wizard waves his magic flower.

0:02:20 > 0:02:22"Now, Superworm,

0:02:22 > 0:02:25"you're in my power -

0:02:25 > 0:02:29"and you must tunnel, writhe and coil,

0:02:29 > 0:02:33"to find my treasure in the soil."

0:02:33 > 0:02:35Superworm is very cross

0:02:35 > 0:02:38to have a lizard as his boss.

0:02:38 > 0:02:41But when he tries to slink away,

0:02:41 > 0:02:43the wizard's magic makes him stay.

0:02:45 > 0:02:49For days, he tunnels, twists and winds,

0:02:49 > 0:02:51but all the treasure that he finds

0:02:51 > 0:02:54is two small buttons, half a cork,

0:02:54 > 0:02:56a toffee and a plastic fork.

0:02:58 > 0:03:01The lizard flicks an angry tail.

0:03:01 > 0:03:04"Have one last try - and if you fail

0:03:04 > 0:03:06"to find that treasure down below,

0:03:06 > 0:03:10"I'll feed you to my hungry crow."

0:03:10 > 0:03:13The Crow is flapping through the night.

0:03:13 > 0:03:16Everyone looks up in fright.

0:03:16 > 0:03:18They see him perch upon an oak

0:03:18 > 0:03:21and listen to his dreadful croak.

0:03:21 > 0:03:22CROAK

0:03:22 > 0:03:24"Superworm is good to eat."

0:03:24 > 0:03:25CROAK

0:03:25 > 0:03:27"Superworm's a special treat."

0:03:27 > 0:03:29CROAK

0:03:29 > 0:03:31"He'll be juicy, fat and firm..."

0:03:31 > 0:03:32CROAK

0:03:32 > 0:03:35"Hip-hip hurray for Superworm!"

0:03:36 > 0:03:39"Action quickly, at the double -

0:03:39 > 0:03:41"Superworm's in frightful trouble!

0:03:41 > 0:03:44"We must help him, if we can.

0:03:44 > 0:03:47"We must hatch a cunning plan."

0:03:47 > 0:03:50The garden creatures leave their home,

0:03:50 > 0:03:52carrying a honeycomb.

0:03:52 > 0:03:55They jump and fly and crawl and creep

0:03:55 > 0:03:58and find the lizard fast asleep.

0:04:00 > 0:04:02They chew the petals off his flower,

0:04:02 > 0:04:05to rob him of his magic power.

0:04:05 > 0:04:08The caterpillars fetch some leaves,

0:04:08 > 0:04:11while busily, the spider weaves.

0:04:11 > 0:04:14The web is strong, the web is tough.

0:04:14 > 0:04:16The web is plenty big enough.

0:04:16 > 0:04:18The wizard wakes.

0:04:18 > 0:04:20"This isn't funny!

0:04:20 > 0:04:24"I'm wrapped in leaves and stuck with honey!"

0:04:24 > 0:04:27Then up the bees and beetles fly

0:04:27 > 0:04:29and lift the web into the sky.

0:04:31 > 0:04:34"This is the place!" and bang, crash, thump.

0:04:34 > 0:04:37- The wizard is in the rubbish dump. - CLANK

0:04:37 > 0:04:41And now, from somewhere underground,

0:04:41 > 0:04:45there comes a distant rumbling sound.

0:04:45 > 0:04:48The Earth begins to heave and then...

0:04:49 > 0:04:52Superworm is back again!

0:04:54 > 0:04:56Superworm the swing,

0:04:56 > 0:04:58the slide,

0:04:58 > 0:04:59the Hula Hoop,

0:04:59 > 0:05:01the fairground ride.

0:05:01 > 0:05:04Superworm the belt, the hat,

0:05:04 > 0:05:06the crane,

0:05:06 > 0:05:07the train,

0:05:07 > 0:05:09the acrobat.

0:05:09 > 0:05:13Then toads and beetles, bees and bugs,

0:05:13 > 0:05:15brother snails and sister slugs,

0:05:15 > 0:05:18Uncle Ant and earwig aunt

0:05:18 > 0:05:21clap and cheer and chant this chant -

0:05:21 > 0:05:25"Superworm is super-long, Superworm is super-strong.

0:05:25 > 0:05:27"Watch him wiggle! See him squirm!

0:05:27 > 0:05:30"Hip-hip hurray for Superworm!"

0:05:32 > 0:05:34That was called "Superworm".

0:05:34 > 0:05:37I think there was more than one superhero in that story.

0:05:37 > 0:05:40Superworm's friends were all heroes too.

0:05:40 > 0:05:43Now, it's time for you to zoom off to bed.

0:05:43 > 0:05:46Even little superheroes need their sleep.

0:05:46 > 0:05:49I'll see you soon, for another bedtime story.

0:05:49 > 0:05:50Sweet dreams.