Sue Johnston - Churchill's Tale of Tails

Sue Johnston - Churchill's Tale of Tails

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0:59:07 > 0:59:14Hello. I'm Sue and I'm here with a bedtime story just for you.

0:59:14 > 0:59:16Would you like to hear it?

0:59:16 > 0:59:18Oh, good!

0:59:18 > 0:59:23Well, tonight's story is called Churchill's Tale of Tails

0:59:23 > 0:59:26and it's by Anca Sandu.

0:59:26 > 0:59:29Churchill was a very proud pig,

0:59:29 > 0:59:32just like any other pig.

0:59:32 > 0:59:35Churchill valued many things in life.

0:59:35 > 0:59:39Smelling beautiful flowers,

0:59:39 > 0:59:43painting self portraits,

0:59:43 > 0:59:47playing classical music

0:59:47 > 0:59:50or reading a good book.

0:59:50 > 0:59:56And he loved to have a cup of tea with his friends, Billy and Gruff.

0:59:57 > 0:59:59"Milk and sugar?"

0:59:59 > 1:00:02But Churchill had one thing that he

1:00:02 > 1:00:05prized above everything else...

1:00:05 > 1:00:08His tail.

1:00:08 > 1:00:10It wasn't a big tail.

1:00:10 > 1:00:12It wasn't a fancy tail.

1:00:12 > 1:00:16It wasn't even a very practical tail.

1:00:16 > 1:00:18But it was his tail

1:00:18 > 1:00:22and it made him feel great.

1:00:22 > 1:00:27But one morning, his tail was nowhere to be found.

1:00:30 > 1:00:33Churchill searched here,

1:00:33 > 1:00:37there

1:00:37 > 1:00:39and everywhere.

1:00:39 > 1:00:42Finally, he gave up searching.

1:00:42 > 1:00:45He was miserable.

1:00:45 > 1:00:47"I just don't feel myself

1:00:47 > 1:00:50"without my tail," he said.

1:00:50 > 1:00:54But Billy and Gruff came up with a good idea.

1:00:54 > 1:00:56They gave Zebra a call.

1:00:56 > 1:00:59"Hello, Zebra. We have a tail emergency.

1:00:59 > 1:01:01"Can you help?"

1:01:01 > 1:01:06"Come over. I think we have just the thing."

1:01:06 > 1:01:09The Zebras were happy to help.

1:01:09 > 1:01:13They had a spare tail for Churchill to try.

1:01:13 > 1:01:15But the Zebra tail didn't

1:01:15 > 1:01:17feel quite right.

1:01:17 > 1:01:22"Perhaps I should try some other tails," Churchill thought.

1:01:22 > 1:01:24So he went to see Peacock.

1:01:24 > 1:01:27Peacock gave Churchill a tail

1:01:27 > 1:01:30that made him feel beautiful.

1:01:30 > 1:01:34"Oh!" said Churchill to himself.

1:01:34 > 1:01:38"I wonder what other tails I could try."

1:01:38 > 1:01:40A tail from the fish

1:01:40 > 1:01:43made Churchill feel fantastic.

1:01:43 > 1:01:48He could do things he'd never done before.

1:01:48 > 1:01:51"Churchill never talks to us any more.

1:01:51 > 1:01:55"It's all these fancy tails."

1:01:55 > 1:01:58He tried little tails,

1:01:58 > 1:02:02spotty tails,

1:02:02 > 1:02:05snappy tails

1:02:05 > 1:02:10and tails that made him feel big.

1:02:10 > 1:02:13Trying different tails made Churchill feel so good

1:02:13 > 1:02:16that he didn't have time for anything else,

1:02:16 > 1:02:19not even his old friends.

1:02:19 > 1:02:22"Come and play, Churchill."

1:02:22 > 1:02:24"No, thank you.

1:02:24 > 1:02:27"I'm rather busy with my new tails."

1:02:27 > 1:02:29"Now," thought Churchill.

1:02:29 > 1:02:33"It's time for something very special."

1:02:33 > 1:02:36So he went to Tiger's house.

1:02:36 > 1:02:40Tiger's tails were really super.

1:02:40 > 1:02:44"I feel fierce," said Churchill.

1:02:44 > 1:02:49"I am the world's strongest, bravest pig," he said.

1:02:49 > 1:02:51"I'm not scared of anything.

1:02:51 > 1:02:54"I'm totally fearless."

1:02:54 > 1:02:59And then a dark shadow fell across his path.

1:02:59 > 1:03:03"Arrgghhh!" Churchill felt terrified

1:03:03 > 1:03:06and very alone.

1:03:06 > 1:03:08"What could it be?"

1:03:08 > 1:03:11"A giant mean lizard?

1:03:11 > 1:03:13"An unfriendly blue alien?

1:03:13 > 1:03:16"Or a huge, hungry robot

1:03:16 > 1:03:18"with a twisted fork on its head?"

1:03:18 > 1:03:21But it wasn't any of those things.

1:03:21 > 1:03:24It was just a little bird.

1:03:24 > 1:03:29"What's that on your head?" asked Churchill.

1:03:29 > 1:03:31"Is it my tail?"

1:03:31 > 1:03:34"Well, I don't know," the bird replied.

1:03:34 > 1:03:36"I found it in a bush.

1:03:36 > 1:03:40"I thought it was a worm

1:03:40 > 1:03:44"but I couldn't eat it.

1:03:44 > 1:03:48"It didn't look like a flower.

1:03:48 > 1:03:51"It was useless, so I put it on my head.

1:03:51 > 1:03:54"I've grown rather fond of it."

1:03:54 > 1:04:02"Oh! But it's my very own, perfect tail," said Churchill.

1:04:02 > 1:04:05"Please, may I have it back?"

1:04:05 > 1:04:07"Well," said Bird.

1:04:07 > 1:04:11"If it's yours, then you should have it."

1:04:11 > 1:04:14"Thank you," said Churchill.

1:04:14 > 1:04:19Finding his old tail made Churchill feel like his old self again.

1:04:19 > 1:04:22He was so grateful that he helped Bird

1:04:22 > 1:04:26find the perfect thing for her head.

1:04:26 > 1:04:32And making a kind, new friend helped Churchill remember his old ones.

1:04:32 > 1:04:37So he organised a tea party to bring all his friends together.

1:04:37 > 1:04:40"My dear friends," said Churchill.

1:04:40 > 1:04:44"I have been a very silly pig and a very bad friend.

1:04:44 > 1:04:47"Can you ever forgive me?"

1:04:47 > 1:04:49And, as they loved Churchill,

1:04:49 > 1:04:51even though he could be very silly,

1:04:51 > 1:04:54they did.

1:04:54 > 1:04:57From then on, Churchill took great care

1:04:57 > 1:04:59of his own perfect tail

1:04:59 > 1:05:03and he was perfectly happy with it...

1:05:03 > 1:05:06Most of the time.

1:05:06 > 1:05:08SUE LAUGHS

1:05:09 > 1:05:13That story was called Churchill's Tale of Tails.

1:05:13 > 1:05:18I hope you liked it as much as I did.

1:05:18 > 1:05:21Did you enjoy it, Little Pig?

1:05:21 > 1:05:25Oh, you'd like me to check that your tail's still attached?

1:05:25 > 1:05:30Yes, it's right there on your bottom, where it belongs.

1:05:31 > 1:05:35Now, it's time for boys and girls, and little pigs,

1:05:35 > 1:05:40to go to bed for a good, long sleep full of sweet dreams.

1:05:40 > 1:05:43I'll see you soon for another bedtime story.

1:05:43 > 1:05:47But for now, night-night.