Fix the Roof

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0:00:02 > 0:00:04This is Dockbridge High, a school just like yours.

0:00:04 > 0:00:07For two years, our cameras have followed day-to-day life here.

0:00:07 > 0:00:09There have been highs and lows.

0:00:10 > 0:00:14We returned for another year to find out how these talented teachers

0:00:14 > 0:00:19continue to excite and inspire a generation of young, eager minds

0:00:19 > 0:00:21at this most ordinary of schools.

0:00:22 > 0:00:25This is Class Dismissed.

0:00:27 > 0:00:29BELL RINGS

0:00:29 > 0:00:31THUNDER ROLLS

0:00:31 > 0:00:35Another day begins and head Hillary Head has been forced to call

0:00:35 > 0:00:37an emergency meeting in her office.

0:00:39 > 0:00:41- S'up?- Good morning.

0:00:41 > 0:00:44- MR CHRISTOPHER:- Yes, it is good for all of you,

0:00:44 > 0:00:47for you are in the presence of greatness.

0:00:47 > 0:00:49By that, I mean me.

0:00:49 > 0:00:51Good morning, Mrs Head.

0:00:51 > 0:00:53This is the situation, this is not a drill,

0:00:53 > 0:00:56there is a leak in the school roof.

0:00:56 > 0:00:58Is this the puddle in the art block?

0:00:58 > 0:01:00Because Dave tried to mop it up,

0:01:00 > 0:01:02but Mr Rhomb said it's his finest work to date.

0:01:02 > 0:01:05No, the leak is here in this very office.

0:01:05 > 0:01:07Oh, no. Like, where, fam?

0:01:07 > 0:01:09- TRICKLING - Oh...

0:01:09 > 0:01:11Of course, I would sit under the leak.

0:01:11 > 0:01:13Well done, Joy!

0:01:13 > 0:01:17We need to fix this pronto, so I need your fundraising ideas now.

0:01:17 > 0:01:19OK, so, we stage a hip-hopera

0:01:19 > 0:01:23of 27 of Shakespeare's best plays in the skate park.

0:01:23 > 0:01:25Never talk again.

0:01:25 > 0:01:27Mr Christopher.

0:01:27 > 0:01:30We could auction off everything I've ever sat on, slept on

0:01:30 > 0:01:31or looked at.

0:01:31 > 0:01:33We won't get money for that. Pot-Lot?

0:01:33 > 0:01:37How about we stage a sponsored job swap where all the staff

0:01:37 > 0:01:39take on different jobs.

0:01:39 > 0:01:41I could, I don't know, be headteacher.

0:01:41 > 0:01:43Go and stand under the leak.

0:01:43 > 0:01:45Useless!

0:01:46 > 0:01:49The rest of you, I want £4,000 in cash

0:01:49 > 0:01:52on my desk by the end of the day or you're all fired.

0:01:52 > 0:01:54Go!

0:01:54 > 0:01:55Not you.

0:01:57 > 0:01:59Well, it was worth a try.

0:01:59 > 0:02:01BELL RINGS

0:02:01 > 0:02:03While the staff get their own fundraising underway,

0:02:03 > 0:02:08it's up to deputy head Mr Potter to force the pupils to get involved.

0:02:08 > 0:02:11And so, finally, remember to give generously.

0:02:11 > 0:02:15After all, this affects you.

0:02:15 > 0:02:19Sir, didn't you say the leak was in Mrs Head's office?

0:02:19 > 0:02:22So does it affect us at all?

0:02:22 > 0:02:27Well, no, it doesn't, Jasmine, but if you don't get involved,

0:02:27 > 0:02:28then Mrs Head will shout at me

0:02:28 > 0:02:30and then I will shout at you

0:02:30 > 0:02:33and then it will affect you.

0:02:33 > 0:02:38So, remember, fundraise, fundraise, fundraise!

0:02:38 > 0:02:40BELL RINGS

0:02:42 > 0:02:45Year 10 pupil Mark is the first to do his bit for the roof

0:02:45 > 0:02:47with a sponsored silence.

0:02:48 > 0:02:50He doesn't even care about the roof.

0:02:50 > 0:02:53He just doesn't want to answer any teachers' questions.

0:02:53 > 0:02:55So, you're not going to speak all day?

0:02:55 > 0:02:56Not a single word?

0:02:57 > 0:02:59What if I hold my finger here?

0:03:00 > 0:03:02What about if I do this?

0:03:02 > 0:03:03How about this?

0:03:05 > 0:03:07How about this? How about now? How about now?

0:03:07 > 0:03:09How about this? How about now?

0:03:09 > 0:03:10Huh. Impressive.

0:03:10 > 0:03:13OK, mate, I'll do you a deal.

0:03:13 > 0:03:16If you manage to stay silent all day, I'll sponsor you a fiver.

0:03:16 > 0:03:19But if you say one word, you give me a fiver.

0:03:21 > 0:03:23What do you reckon?

0:03:23 > 0:03:25Remember...not one word.

0:03:30 > 0:03:32BELL RINGS

0:03:34 > 0:03:38In maths, Mr Konnundrum has come up with an unusual way to fundraise.

0:03:40 > 0:03:42So, if a man...

0:03:45 > 0:03:50..wants to raise some money for a school roof, or any roof,

0:03:50 > 0:03:52but probably a school one...

0:03:55 > 0:03:58..and so, he puts two ferrets...

0:03:59 > his trousers...

0:04:03 > 0:04:06..and finds that they're both a little more ACTIVE...

0:04:08 > 0:04:11..than he thought that they might BE...

0:04:12 > 0:04:14Oh!

0:04:14 > 0:04:16Should the man, A...

0:04:16 > 0:04:19Leave the ferrets in his trousers

0:04:19 > 0:04:22and hopefully just do his best to get through the day?

0:04:22 > 0:04:26Or, B - remove the ferrets as soon as possible

0:04:26 > 0:04:30because he is becoming really uncomfortable?

0:04:30 > 0:04:32- Yes, Tahj?- Definitely B, sir.

0:04:32 > 0:04:34Remove the ferrets as soon as possible.

0:04:34 > 0:04:36They're probably not enjoying it in there either.

0:04:36 > 0:04:37Oh, I think you're right.

0:04:37 > 0:04:40They're starting to bite NOW!

0:04:40 > 0:04:42LAUGHTER

0:04:42 > 0:04:45- Yeah, so remove the ferrets. - Very well.

0:04:45 > 0:04:47Quiet reading, please.

0:04:48 > 0:04:50BELL RINGS

0:04:50 > 0:04:54Break time and in the canteen, never one to miss out on making money,

0:04:54 > 0:04:56Mrs Tucker has cooked up her own plan.

0:04:56 > 0:04:59Whoa, that looks amazing, Miss.

0:04:59 > 0:05:02Well, I wanted to do my bit for the roof.

0:05:02 > 0:05:03He's always been good to me.

0:05:03 > 0:05:08Perfect for a lunchtime treat - dash of chocolate, bit of vanilla

0:05:08 > 0:05:12and, of course, a smattering of the old classic...

0:05:15 > 0:05:17- Ginger?- No.

0:05:17 > 0:05:19Mackerel.

0:05:19 > 0:05:21- Eurgh...- What?

0:05:21 > 0:05:24A load of fish dropped in the cake mix, that's how I got them cheap.

0:05:24 > 0:05:26What can I get for you, darling?

0:05:26 > 0:05:27Absolutely nothing.

0:05:28 > 0:05:31Where you going? I could do you a deal!

0:05:31 > 0:05:33Mrs Tucker's cakes might be inedible...

0:05:33 > 0:05:35BELL RINGS

0:05:35 > 0:05:37..but design and technology teacher Mr Spittle

0:05:37 > 0:05:39doesn't let anything go to waste.

0:05:39 > 0:05:42What's this?

0:05:42 > 0:05:44Oh, a bit of cake!

0:05:44 > 0:05:46I do love a bit of cake.

0:05:46 > 0:05:49Oh, sir, I was just about to bin it, actually.

0:05:49 > 0:05:50It's not very nice.

0:05:50 > 0:05:52Jasmine, you know as well as I do,

0:05:52 > 0:05:55there is no such thing as not nice cake.

0:05:55 > 0:05:56Oh, I love a bit of that.

0:05:56 > 0:05:58It's too dry.

0:05:58 > 0:06:00- Could I try it?- But it's mine.

0:06:00 > 0:06:03Could I try a nibble of it?

0:06:05 > 0:06:06Oh, no!

0:06:06 > 0:06:08It's fallen on the floor.

0:06:08 > 0:06:11Now it will just have to go in the bin. Sorry, sir.

0:06:12 > 0:06:15Oh, no bother, Jasmine.

0:06:16 > 0:06:17There you go.

0:06:19 > 0:06:20There, it's as good as new.

0:06:20 > 0:06:22Ho-ho!

0:06:26 > 0:06:28Oh, that is perfection.

0:06:28 > 0:06:32I'm picking up passion fruit, papaya...

0:06:34 > 0:06:35..possibly pineapple.

0:06:35 > 0:06:37BOY RETCHES

0:06:37 > 0:06:39Oh, and a hint of pistachio.

0:06:39 > 0:06:41- Ewww!- Perfection.

0:06:42 > 0:06:44I used to like cake.

0:06:44 > 0:06:46BELL RINGS

0:06:46 > 0:06:49As the fundraising continues around the school,

0:06:49 > 0:06:53Mark's about to regret committing to a sponsored silence.

0:06:55 > 0:06:57You talk yet, mate?

0:06:57 > 0:06:59And you're not going to speak for the rest of the day?

0:06:59 > 0:07:01You're doing so well.

0:07:01 > 0:07:03I can't see anything breaking your silence.

0:07:05 > 0:07:07Er, Marcella, can you come over here for a sec?

0:07:07 > 0:07:09Mark wants to say hi.

0:07:09 > 0:07:11Like, literally, what do you want?

0:07:11 > 0:07:14Mark, don't you want to say hi to Marcella?

0:07:14 > 0:07:15- MARK WHINES - Rude.

0:07:15 > 0:07:17What's, literally, wrong with him?

0:07:17 > 0:07:19It's not his fault. You see, he's...

0:07:19 > 0:07:22Suffering from...really bad...

0:07:22 > 0:07:24diarrhoea.

0:07:24 > 0:07:28Yeah, he's using all the energy he's got just to hold himself together.

0:07:28 > 0:07:30Ew! That's literally disgusting.

0:07:32 > 0:07:34MARK WHINES

0:07:35 > 0:07:37I'm sorry, mate.

0:07:37 > 0:07:39I've got a fiver riding on this.

0:07:40 > 0:07:41BELL RINGS

0:07:41 > 0:07:44Meanwhile, Mr Potter gives Hillary Head an update.

0:07:44 > 0:07:46Give me some figures, Pot-Bot. How are we doing?

0:07:46 > 0:07:50So far, we've raised £7.20,

0:07:50 > 0:07:54a couple of euros, two old keys and...

0:07:55 > 0:07:57..a half-eaten apple.

0:07:57 > 0:08:00Well, keep pushing, Potster. We need it fixed.

0:08:00 > 0:08:02Doesn't look too bad at the moment.

0:08:05 > 0:08:07BELL RINGS

0:08:07 > 0:08:09But all may not be lost because in the afternoon,

0:08:09 > 0:08:12Mr Christopher is happily getting involved by selflessly

0:08:12 > 0:08:17giving his own time and ego to make a charity single.

0:08:17 > 0:08:20This is more than charity, this is more than the roof.

0:08:20 > 0:08:22This is about me now.

0:08:22 > 0:08:25Hey, guys, Mr Christopher here. What's up?

0:08:25 > 0:08:29So, I wrote this amazing charity single to raise money for the roof

0:08:29 > 0:08:32and we're about to perform it live for the first time

0:08:32 > 0:08:34in a world exclusive.

0:08:34 > 0:08:36So I hope you lot have practised your parts, yeah?

0:08:36 > 0:08:39Not that you'll be as good as me. How could they be?

0:08:39 > 0:08:41- And a five, six... Er, Martin?- Yeah?

0:08:41 > 0:08:43They can't see my caring face.

0:08:43 > 0:08:45And a five, six, eight...

0:08:47 > 0:08:49# I'm playing minor chords

0:08:49 > 0:08:52# Looking very bleak

0:08:52 > 0:08:55# Is that a tear running down my cheek?

0:08:55 > 0:08:57- # Oh, yeah! - Things are really bad

0:08:57 > 0:09:00# I'm totes devastated

0:09:00 > 0:09:01# And I won't stop singing

0:09:01 > 0:09:04# Till you've all donated

0:09:04 > 0:09:07# Fix the roof

0:09:07 > 0:09:11# Make Dockbridge High waterproof

0:09:11 > 0:09:16# Fix the roof

0:09:16 > 0:09:20# Make Dockbridge High waterproof now!

0:09:20 > 0:09:22# Check out this wind

0:09:22 > 0:09:24# It makes me look well cool

0:09:24 > 0:09:25# Please give now

0:09:25 > 0:09:27# Or we'll have to close the school

0:09:27 > 0:09:29- FALSETTO:- # And don't forget my really high top note!

0:09:29 > 0:09:32# AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

0:09:32 > 0:09:36# Fix the roof

0:09:36 > 0:09:39# Make Dockbridge High waterproof

0:09:39 > 0:09:44# Fix the roof

0:09:44 > 0:09:47# Make Dockbridge High waterproof

0:09:47 > 0:09:49- # Fix the roof - Look at all these children's faces

0:09:49 > 0:09:52# These poor little kids They deserve a roof!

0:09:52 > 0:09:55- # Make Dockbridge High waterproof - Whooooo, yeah, yeah!

0:09:55 > 0:09:58- # Fix the roof - Oh, I've got a hole in my soul

0:09:58 > 0:10:00# And there's a hole in the roof as well

0:10:00 > 0:10:03- # Make Dockbridge High waterproof - Whooooo!

0:10:03 > 0:10:04# Yeah! #

0:10:04 > 0:10:07You know you want to fix that roof. Please...

0:10:07 > 0:10:09..fix the roof.

0:10:12 > 0:10:15All right, Martin, that's enough tears.

0:10:15 > 0:10:17HE SPITS

0:10:17 > 0:10:19BELL RINGS

0:10:19 > 0:10:22Sadly, no-one bought the single and in Citizenship,

0:10:22 > 0:10:25Joy's learning a hard lesson in fundraising too.

0:10:25 > 0:10:29I want to talk about fear, because as part of my effort

0:10:29 > 0:10:33for the school fundraising for our beloved roof...

0:10:33 > 0:10:36We will fix you.

0:10:36 > 0:10:38..I've faced my fear and, er...

0:10:39 > 0:10:41..cut off my hair.

0:10:41 > 0:10:42Whoa, that looks really cool, Miss!

0:10:42 > 0:10:46And, er, I thought I could sell my hair to raise money for the roof,

0:10:46 > 0:10:49so who would like to buy a piece?

0:10:50 > 0:10:53Erm... No, thanks, Miss.

0:10:53 > 0:10:55BELL RINGS

0:10:57 > 0:11:01Unbelievably, it looks like Mark may have had more success.

0:11:01 > 0:11:04He's managed to stay silent and, at the end of the day, year 10

0:11:04 > 0:11:08are back with form tutor Mrs Mark to count down the final moments.

0:11:08 > 0:11:10How long has he got, then?

0:11:10 > 0:11:12Oh! Um, attention!

0:11:12 > 0:11:16In one minute's time, my son Mark will become

0:11:16 > 0:11:20the pride of the school by completing his sponsored silence.

0:11:20 > 0:11:22Oh, I'm such a proud mummy.

0:11:24 > 0:11:26I said I wouldn't cry.

0:11:26 > 0:11:30I can't wait to give my little fundraiser this cheque

0:11:30 > 0:11:32to commend him on all his hard work.

0:11:35 > 0:11:37SHE SIGHS HAPPILY

0:11:37 > 0:11:40So, what shall we talk about before the big moment?

0:11:41 > 0:11:44What was Mark's favourite toy when he was little, Miss?

0:11:44 > 0:11:46Oh, well, that's easy.

0:11:46 > 0:11:49It's Mr Flumpy, the cuddly rabbit.

0:11:49 > 0:11:50Here he is.

0:11:50 > 0:11:52- WHISPERS:- I always carry him around with me,

0:11:52 > 0:11:55just in case Marky gets a bit worried.

0:11:55 > 0:11:59Oh, looks like he might need him now.

0:11:59 > 0:12:04- SILLY VOICE:- It's OK, Marky! I'm your best friend.

0:12:04 > 0:12:06He loves it when I do the voice.

0:12:06 > 0:12:0820 seconds to go, Miss.

0:12:08 > 0:12:11Would you describe Mark as a mummy's boy?

0:12:11 > 0:12:15Oh, yes. He's always giving me great big kisses

0:12:15 > 0:12:17and sitting on my lap when he's scared.

0:12:17 > 0:12:18So adorable!

0:12:18 > 0:12:1915 seconds, Miss.

0:12:19 > 0:12:21One more question.

0:12:21 > 0:12:25Can I just check, Miss, you are Mark's mum, right?

0:12:25 > 0:12:27Well, of course, Billy.

0:12:27 > 0:12:33I am 100%, undeniably, Mark's mum.

0:12:33 > 0:12:35Come on, everyone say it with me. Who's the mummy?

0:12:35 > 0:12:37- ALL:- You're the mummy!

0:12:37 > 0:12:38Who the mummy?

0:12:38 > 0:12:41- You're the mummy! - Who the mummy?

0:12:41 > 0:12:42You're the mummy!

0:12:42 > 0:12:46Who's the mummy? Ooooooohhhh...

0:12:46 > 0:12:48I'm the mummy!

0:12:48 > 0:12:55She's not my muuuuuuuum!

0:12:55 > 0:12:57Ha! You talked!

0:12:59 > 0:13:00Phew!

0:13:02 > 0:13:06It's OK, Marky. I'll still put the £11 in the bucket for you.

0:13:06 > 0:13:08- FLATLY:- Thanks, Mum. I mean, Miss. She's not my mum.

0:13:08 > 0:13:10BELL RINGS

0:13:13 > 0:13:17Home time and with just £17.36 collected,

0:13:17 > 0:13:19the leak remains an ongoing issue,

0:13:19 > 0:13:21but it's been an enjoyable day of fundraising.

0:13:21 > 0:13:23I liked it when you weren't speaking.

0:13:23 > 0:13:25- I liked it when YOU weren't speaking.- I'm not speaking.

0:13:25 > 0:13:29- Why are you speaking at me though? - I'm not speaking.- I can hear you.

0:13:29 > 0:13:32As for the roof, Hillary Head has worked out an interim solution.

0:13:32 > 0:13:35Well, Pot-Knot, you'll just have to stay there till the leak stops.

0:13:35 > 0:13:38- But...- There's a good chap. I'll even give you a fresh bucket.

0:13:38 > 0:13:40- BELL RINGS - Mrs Head...

0:13:41 > 0:13:42Mrs Head!

0:13:46 > 0:13:49# Fix the roof

0:13:49 > 0:13:53# Make Dockbridge High waterproof

0:13:53 > 0:13:58# Fix the roof

0:13:58 > 0:14:02- # Make Dockbridge High waterproof... - Yeah!

0:14:02 > 0:14:04# Whoooooo! Yeah! #