Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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0:00:21 > 0:00:22This changes everything.

0:00:31 > 0:00:33Huh!

0:00:39 > 0:00:41Hm.

0:00:41 > 0:00:42What are we landing for?

0:00:42 > 0:00:45They're pulling away! Hookfang, come on!

0:00:45 > 0:00:48No, there's too many. And they're sailing in tight formation.

0:00:48 > 0:00:50- I'll show you a tight formation. - Hiccup's right.

0:00:50 > 0:00:54We'll never be able to approach that convoy without being spotted first.

0:00:54 > 0:00:56- We need a distraction. - Leave that to us.

0:01:03 > 0:01:05Hiccup! This no time to play dress-up!

0:01:05 > 0:01:09And how can you even think of wearing yellow after Snoggletog?

0:01:09 > 0:01:12That, my friend is a fashion faux pas.

0:01:12 > 0:01:14Ugh! How gauche!

0:01:14 > 0:01:16This one is lighter and stiffer.

0:01:16 > 0:01:18It's made of a thin sheet of Gronckle iron.

0:01:20 > 0:01:22It's not great for long-distance flying, but...

0:01:22 > 0:01:25The added stability will allow you to fly along the water's surface

0:01:25 > 0:01:27without using any wing-flap. It's ingenious!

0:01:27 > 0:01:28Exactly, Fishlegs.

0:01:28 > 0:01:31We're going to glide in right under their sight line.

0:01:31 > 0:01:33Watch for my signal!

0:01:35 > 0:01:37Honestly, I would have stuck with the red.

0:01:37 > 0:01:42Yellow with Night Fury black? Really? Puh-lease!

0:01:50 > 0:01:52Keep those lines tight!

0:01:52 > 0:01:54Huh? Hm.

0:02:00 > 0:02:02- Now, bud!- Argh!

0:02:02 > 0:02:06Dragon Riders! Defend the cargo at all costs! Argh!

0:02:06 > 0:02:07That's our signal, let's go!

0:02:07 > 0:02:10About time! Giddy-up!

0:02:13 > 0:02:15GRUNTING AND YELLING

0:02:18 > 0:02:21- A-ha! - YELLING

0:02:22 > 0:02:24Huh? Yargh!

0:02:24 > 0:02:26Yes, fire!

0:02:26 > 0:02:27Windshear, down!

0:02:34 > 0:02:36Uh-oh!

0:02:36 > 0:02:38- Boo-yeah! - THEY SHUDDER

0:02:38 > 0:02:41We'll be taking your cargo now.

0:02:41 > 0:02:43All right, come on, Fishlegs, let's free these dragons

0:02:43 > 0:02:45so we can help with the other ships.

0:02:45 > 0:02:48I hope we didn't startle them too much with all that commotion.

0:02:48 > 0:02:50Poor things!

0:02:50 > 0:02:54Hiccup? Where are all the dragons?

0:02:56 > 0:02:58Tuff, you think we tied these ropes too tight?

0:02:58 > 0:03:00No. You can never be too tight.

0:03:00 > 0:03:02Yeah, good point.

0:03:05 > 0:03:09Hiccup, these ships don't have any dragons on them, just marble blocks.

0:03:09 > 0:03:12Why would they fight so hard to protect a bunch of rocks?

0:03:12 > 0:03:14- Hiccup?- What is that?

0:03:16 > 0:03:18Whatever it is, it's moving fast.

0:03:20 > 0:03:22- Ah!- Bad news?

0:03:22 > 0:03:25- It's not great. Duck!- Whaa!

0:03:25 > 0:03:28Whaa! Dragon stampede! Take cover!

0:03:28 > 0:03:31No! We need to get in the air!

0:03:31 > 0:03:33What?! Why?!

0:03:44 > 0:03:45SNOTLOUT YELLS

0:03:45 > 0:03:47Hookfang!

0:03:47 > 0:03:49Windshear, look out!

0:03:50 > 0:03:52Hiccup, where are we headed?

0:03:52 > 0:03:54Look, we're going to follow this stampede to its source.

0:03:54 > 0:03:57These dragons, they're fleeing for a reason.

0:03:59 > 0:04:01There!

0:04:01 > 0:04:04- Do you hear that? - We need to take a closer look.

0:04:06 > 0:04:08Incoming!

0:04:08 > 0:04:10Ah-ah-ah! Wh-oa-oa-oa!

0:04:10 > 0:04:13- Ruff! Tuff!- I regret nothing!

0:04:13 > 0:04:15I regret everything!

0:04:15 > 0:04:19Ooo! Ah! Yeah! Ooo! Ah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Oh!

0:04:22 > 0:04:24Ruff? Tuff?

0:04:26 > 0:04:29Ah! It's all good in the archipela-hood.

0:04:32 > 0:04:36Doesn't look like Barf and Belch are going anywhere for a while.

0:04:36 > 0:04:38Perfect! Great plan, Hiccup!

0:04:38 > 0:04:40Hm.

0:04:41 > 0:04:45Hiccup, these ships are just like the ones from the convoy.

0:04:45 > 0:04:47- GRUNTING - Hide!


0:04:51 > 0:04:53Meatlug!

0:04:53 > 0:04:55Oof!

0:04:58 > 0:05:00Come on, Toothless.

0:05:02 > 0:05:04THEY GASP

0:05:04 > 0:05:06TOOTHLESS SNARLS

0:05:06 > 0:05:08THEY GRUNT

0:05:08 > 0:05:11Do your worst. I've stared down the mouth of a Whispering Death.

0:05:11 > 0:05:13You don't scare me!

0:05:13 > 0:05:15Oh, real tough guy, huh?

0:05:15 > 0:05:17Put your mace where your mouth is.

0:05:17 > 0:05:22You won't get anything out of us, you dragon-riding dogs!

0:05:22 > 0:05:23Hm.

0:05:25 > 0:05:29- HOOKFANG ROARS - OK, I'll talk.

0:05:31 > 0:05:33Two convoys left earlier this morning, headed for...

0:05:35 > 0:05:38Ugh! I thought that guy would never shut up. Am I right?

0:05:38 > 0:05:41Tuff, he was just about to tell us everything!

0:05:41 > 0:05:42He was?

0:05:44 > 0:05:47Ha-ha! Sorry. It's a reflex.

0:05:47 > 0:05:51Ah! Astrid, you, Heather and Snotlout get out there and see

0:05:51 > 0:05:54if you can track down that other convoy. Find out where it's headed.

0:05:54 > 0:05:57- On it!- The rest of us will scout this island for more answers.

0:06:00 > 0:06:03BOOM!

0:06:03 > 0:06:05BOOM!

0:06:11 > 0:06:13This operation is huge!

0:06:13 > 0:06:15FAINT CHATTER

0:06:15 > 0:06:17HE STRAINS

0:06:17 > 0:06:20BOOM!

0:06:20 > 0:06:22That explains the booming.

0:06:22 > 0:06:24But why would Viggo need all this marble?

0:06:24 > 0:06:26OK, Ruff, Tuff, you'll strike on the ground.

0:06:26 > 0:06:28DRAGONS SNARL

0:06:28 > 0:06:30Fishlegs, we'll hit from the air.

0:06:30 > 0:06:32Cover me while we take out those wrecking balls.

0:06:32 > 0:06:34We need to find out what's going on here

0:06:34 > 0:06:36and what Viggo has to do with it.

0:06:37 > 0:06:40HE GASPS

0:06:40 > 0:06:42OK, bud.

0:06:42 > 0:06:44- No! Don't!- What the...?!

0:06:44 > 0:06:47Hiccup, look closer. Those aren't wrecking balls!

0:06:47 > 0:06:49Those are Catastrophic Quakens!

0:06:49 > 0:06:52LOW CHATTER

0:06:54 > 0:06:56QUAKENS ROAR

0:07:00 > 0:07:02QUAKENS ROAR

0:07:02 > 0:07:05Hiccup, they're using Quakens for their demolition work.

0:07:05 > 0:07:08Fishlegs, I would love to discuss this, but...

0:07:14 > 0:07:16- Oh, dear!- Argh!

0:07:17 > 0:07:19THEY GRUNT

0:07:19 > 0:07:21THEY YELL

0:07:21 > 0:07:23The twins!

0:07:29 > 0:07:31I'm sure they're OK, bud. Those two have survived worse.

0:07:31 > 0:07:33- BOOM! - Whoa! Whaa!

0:07:36 > 0:07:38- DRAGON HUNTER:- On your feet, dragon!

0:07:38 > 0:07:40BOOM!

0:07:41 > 0:07:44- Oh, Thor! - DRAGON HUNTER GRUNTS

0:07:46 > 0:07:48BOOM!

0:07:48 > 0:07:51- It's the vibrations, Hiccup. - Vibrations?

0:07:51 > 0:07:54The hunters have trained the Quakens to react to the vibrations

0:07:54 > 0:07:56when the hammer hits the ground.

0:07:56 > 0:08:00Trapping them, then fighting them, now working them against their will!

0:08:00 > 0:08:03This is monstrous! I know these dragons.

0:08:03 > 0:08:05They may seem dangerous and aggressive at first,

0:08:05 > 0:08:07but they have a softer side.

0:08:07 > 0:08:10I know. No dragon deserves to be treated like this.

0:08:10 > 0:08:12- Then how are we going to free them? - Well...

0:08:12 > 0:08:15Whatever you're planning, you can count on me

0:08:15 > 0:08:17to hit someone with a branch.

0:08:17 > 0:08:19Ruff! Tuff! You're OK!

0:08:19 > 0:08:21Wait, is Belch...?

0:08:24 > 0:08:28Oh, he's fine. Thorstons are known for our extremely thick craniums.

0:08:28 > 0:08:32Yeah. Warriors used to wear the skulls of our ancestors as helmets.

0:08:32 > 0:08:34- Whaa!- See? Thick skulls!

0:08:34 > 0:08:37- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! - THUD!

0:08:37 > 0:08:39OK, now, there's a deeply disturbing image

0:08:39 > 0:08:42I would very much like to forget.

0:08:42 > 0:08:44So, what's the plan to free those dragons, boss man?

0:08:44 > 0:08:46I am hurt!

0:08:46 > 0:08:49Ah, well, there's not a lot of manoeuvrability in that quarry,

0:08:49 > 0:08:51but now that I think about it,

0:08:51 > 0:08:53I might have something that could get us close enough

0:08:53 > 0:08:56to cause a distraction for Fishlegs and Meatlug to infiltrate.

0:08:58 > 0:09:00Whoa!

0:09:04 > 0:09:06I've been meaning to get this out in the open for a while,

0:09:06 > 0:09:10but moments between the three of us don't have to be weird, guys.

0:09:10 > 0:09:11What are you talking about?

0:09:11 > 0:09:14I realise you're both into me and that's hard on our group dynamic.

0:09:14 > 0:09:17- What?!- Oh, no, he did not.

0:09:17 > 0:09:20But I think it can still work. We're all grown-ups.

0:09:20 > 0:09:22And I think you're both great

0:09:22 > 0:09:24and I really don't want you guys to take this one too hard.

0:09:24 > 0:09:27We got to keep it professional. It's best for the team, you know.

0:09:27 > 0:09:31- Is he serious?- You have no idea.

0:09:31 > 0:09:32Wait! Up ahead!

0:09:34 > 0:09:36Looks like our missing convoy.

0:09:36 > 0:09:39Let's hang back and see if they lead us to Viggo's delivery point.

0:09:39 > 0:09:41Seriously, we can make this work, ladies.

0:09:41 > 0:09:43ASTRID AND HEATHER: Snotlout!

0:09:43 > 0:09:45Huh?

0:09:46 > 0:09:49Dragon Riders!

0:09:50 > 0:09:53Whoa! Easy, bud. This new tail is sensitive,

0:09:53 > 0:09:56but it'll be easier to manoeuvre in that tight quarry.

0:09:56 > 0:09:58All right, we'll round up those hunters

0:09:58 > 0:09:59and find out what Viggo is up to.

0:10:02 > 0:10:04I got you!

0:10:04 > 0:10:07- Get them!- Whoohoo!

0:10:07 > 0:10:09Huh?

0:10:09 > 0:10:14It's gas, then spark! Belch, get with the programme, man!

0:10:14 > 0:10:16- What do you reckon?- Er...

0:10:16 > 0:10:18BOOM!

0:10:18 > 0:10:22OK, Fishlegs, we've got them distracted, now release the Quakens!

0:10:22 > 0:10:25Don't worry, Quakens, we are getting you out of here.

0:10:25 > 0:10:27OK, girl, do your thing!

0:10:32 > 0:10:34Great work, Meatlug!

0:10:34 > 0:10:37It's over! Now leave!

0:10:37 > 0:10:39THEY LAUGH

0:10:39 > 0:10:41That's not really the response I was expecting.

0:10:44 > 0:10:45Oh!

0:10:49 > 0:10:52QUAKEN ROARS

0:10:52 > 0:10:53HE GRUNTS

0:10:56 > 0:10:59W-W-W-What's the matter? You're free!

0:10:59 > 0:11:02- THEY ROAR - Meatlug, look out!

0:11:04 > 0:11:06Run!

0:11:06 > 0:11:08THEY YELL

0:11:10 > 0:11:12Come on!

0:11:12 > 0:11:14Yargh!

0:11:17 > 0:11:19Great! Go left, Belch! Go left!

0:11:21 > 0:11:23Seriously?!

0:11:23 > 0:11:25Toothless, the twins will never be able to outrun those Quakens.

0:11:25 > 0:11:27We need to draw them away.

0:11:27 > 0:11:29Incoming!

0:11:30 > 0:11:33I think we got their attention.

0:11:33 > 0:11:35- QUAKENS SNARL - Er...yeah, we did.

0:11:37 > 0:11:38QUAKENS ROAR

0:11:49 > 0:11:52Sorry, I guess it's good for tight turns, but not high altitudes.

0:11:52 > 0:11:53TOOTHLESS GROANS

0:11:53 > 0:11:55I know, I know. I'll work on it.

0:11:57 > 0:11:59Whoa!

0:12:03 > 0:12:04Whoa! Argh!

0:12:07 > 0:12:08A-A-A-A-A-Argh!

0:12:08 > 0:12:12Meatlug, they don't stand a chance against those angry Quakens.

0:12:12 > 0:12:14I understand those dragons better than anyone.

0:12:14 > 0:12:16I'm the only one that can stop this.

0:12:29 > 0:12:31Oh, he cannot be thinking of training them!

0:12:31 > 0:12:33Fishlegs, get out of there!

0:12:33 > 0:12:35I know these dragons.

0:12:35 > 0:12:37I KNOW these dragons.

0:12:45 > 0:12:48- Argh!- Oh, Thor!

0:12:51 > 0:12:53Whaa! Oh! Whoa!

0:12:53 > 0:12:56- No regrets!- Argh!- Oh!

0:12:59 > 0:13:01HICCUP COUGHS

0:13:01 > 0:13:02Everybody in one piece?

0:13:02 > 0:13:04We're good over here.

0:13:04 > 0:13:07Except Barf took a branch to the eye.

0:13:07 > 0:13:09Eurgh!

0:13:09 > 0:13:13Oh! You guys are a hot mess, but I can work with it.

0:13:13 > 0:13:15Fishlegs, what were you doing out there?

0:13:15 > 0:13:18You nearly got yourself pulverised!

0:13:18 > 0:13:20They relate more to the cruelty of their captors

0:13:20 > 0:13:23than to the kindness of somebody who wanted to help them.

0:13:23 > 0:13:27I had a cousin in Stockholm that that happened to once.

0:13:27 > 0:13:30Fishlegs, freeing these dragons isn't going to be easy.

0:13:30 > 0:13:32Especially if they don't want to be freed.

0:13:32 > 0:13:36Those Quakens have obviously been in captivity for a very long time.

0:13:36 > 0:13:37FISHLEGS SIGHS

0:13:37 > 0:13:40There has to be a way to get through to them somehow.

0:13:40 > 0:13:43Maybe. But we might also have to accept

0:13:43 > 0:13:45that it may be too late to save them.

0:13:46 > 0:13:48I'm sorry, Fishlegs.

0:13:54 > 0:13:56- Cool! - BOOM!

0:13:57 > 0:14:00Ah! We can't let this excavation continue.

0:14:00 > 0:14:03Viggo definitely needs this marble for something big.

0:14:03 > 0:14:05But we also can't risk harming the Quakens.

0:14:05 > 0:14:07- HE SNIFFS - Eurgh!

0:14:07 > 0:14:10Barf, your gas breath. Pop in a mint.

0:14:10 > 0:14:13Tuff, that's not Barf's breath.

0:14:13 > 0:14:15Is it mine?

0:14:15 > 0:14:18- SHE SNIFFS - Mm! Fish brains!

0:14:18 > 0:14:21Come on, woman, hasn't he been through enough already?

0:14:21 > 0:14:23It's a fissure. And gas?

0:14:23 > 0:14:26RUMBLING

0:14:26 > 0:14:29- Quaken-related?- No. That tremor wasn't Quaken-related.

0:14:29 > 0:14:31- Not directly, at least. - What do you mean?

0:14:31 > 0:14:34Those earlier tremors that we thought were Quakens

0:14:34 > 0:14:36were actually the island's instability.

0:14:36 > 0:14:39That's probably why those wild dragons were fleeing

0:14:39 > 0:14:41- the island in the first place. - Exactly!

0:14:41 > 0:14:44The mining of the marble and the constant Quaken strikes

0:14:44 > 0:14:47are causing this island to become unstable.

0:14:47 > 0:14:49- So, my breath is fine? - Eugh! Let's not get crazy.

0:14:49 > 0:14:52You've got dragon breath. No offence, Barf.

0:14:52 > 0:14:56Fishlegs, maybe there is a way to stop this operation

0:14:56 > 0:14:59and get those Quakens off this island after all.

0:14:59 > 0:15:01FAINT SHOUTING

0:15:04 > 0:15:06Hey, does this place look familiar?

0:15:06 > 0:15:08Yeah. Too familiar.

0:15:08 > 0:15:10Viggo's base.

0:15:10 > 0:15:13I think we just figured out why Viggo needs all that marble.

0:15:16 > 0:15:18Look at that thing! It's impenetrable!

0:15:18 > 0:15:20Almost impenetrable.

0:15:20 > 0:15:23ANIMATED CHATTER

0:15:23 > 0:15:26GRUNTING

0:15:30 > 0:15:32What do you say we make some renovations?

0:15:32 > 0:15:36For once, Snotlout, you didn't say something ridiculous and annoying.

0:15:36 > 0:15:38Aw! See? I knew we could make this work.

0:15:42 > 0:15:45YELLING

0:15:45 > 0:15:48- SNARLING - Argh!

0:15:48 > 0:15:50YELLING AND SNARLING

0:15:50 > 0:15:52Hit them, Hookie!

0:15:53 > 0:15:55It's not working!

0:15:55 > 0:15:58It's the marble! It must be impervious to dragon fire!

0:15:58 > 0:16:00Then we need a different approach!

0:16:06 > 0:16:08Viggo's created the ultimate dragon-proof fortress.

0:16:08 > 0:16:11We need to tell Hiccup what we found before another convoy arrives.

0:16:11 > 0:16:14One more shipment and this stronghold will be complete.

0:16:14 > 0:16:18And no dragon will be able to get in or out of it.

0:16:20 > 0:16:22SNARLING

0:16:22 > 0:16:25Shut down this quarry and leave while you can.

0:16:25 > 0:16:28Haven't you noticed the island's unstable?

0:16:28 > 0:16:30- Huh?- Let's go.

0:16:30 > 0:16:31I knew you were reasonable.

0:16:34 > 0:16:36Move, come on!

0:16:38 > 0:16:42I don't think he's as reasonable as you think, Hiccup.

0:16:47 > 0:16:49QUAKEN SNARLS

0:16:49 > 0:16:51- Hah! - QUAKENS SNARL

0:16:51 > 0:16:53Everyone out!

0:16:57 > 0:16:58Hyah!

0:16:58 > 0:17:00Whoa!

0:17:00 > 0:17:02Whoa!

0:17:02 > 0:17:05OK, maybe the worst is over?

0:17:05 > 0:17:08I was wrong! Incorrect! Argh!

0:17:20 > 0:17:21Argh!

0:17:21 > 0:17:23Hiccup!

0:17:25 > 0:17:27QUAKEN SNARLS

0:17:28 > 0:17:30OK, bud, we can do this.

0:17:31 > 0:17:33QUAKEN ROARS

0:17:37 > 0:17:39Er...Fishlegs?

0:17:44 > 0:17:47You won't hurt your friend. Maybe there IS a way to reach you!

0:17:52 > 0:17:54Here goes nothing.

0:18:19 > 0:18:21Fishlegs!

0:18:31 > 0:18:33Whoa! Now, Toothless!

0:18:37 > 0:18:39Fishlegs, we need to get out of here!

0:18:53 > 0:18:55Whoa!

0:18:58 > 0:19:01Help!

0:19:01 > 0:19:03Argh! A-A-A-Argh!

0:19:06 > 0:19:09Er...what happened to Barf and Belch? Why has the island sunk?

0:19:09 > 0:19:12And where did those two Quakens come from? I feel like we missed a lot.

0:19:12 > 0:19:15Hiccup, we know what Viggo wants the marble for.

0:19:15 > 0:19:17He's building a dragon-proof stronghold.

0:19:17 > 0:19:19A stronghold? We need to strike immediately.

0:19:19 > 0:19:23It won't do any good. Marble can withstand dragon fire.

0:19:23 > 0:19:26Um...Hiccup, I might have an idea of how we can take it down.

0:19:29 > 0:19:31DRAGONS HUNTERS GRUNT

0:19:31 > 0:19:34- There you are! - HE CHUCKLES

0:19:37 > 0:19:38Yeah!

0:19:38 > 0:19:40Huh? Oh!

0:19:42 > 0:19:44THEY YELL

0:20:09 > 0:20:11QUAKENS ROAR

0:20:19 > 0:20:22No. No more work!

0:20:27 > 0:20:28You did it, Fishlegs!

0:20:28 > 0:20:31But how many more dragons like these does he have out there?

0:20:31 > 0:20:34If they're out there, we'll find them and free them.

0:20:34 > 0:20:36Now, take us to Dark Deep.

0:20:36 > 0:20:39It's time for these Quakens to enjoy their retirement.

0:20:39 > 0:20:41I'd say they've earned it.

0:20:41 > 0:20:44Seriously, is someone going to tell me where those Quakens came from?

0:20:53 > 0:20:54Viggo? How?!

0:20:56 > 0:20:57Hiccup.

0:20:57 > 0:21:00This is becoming all too familiar, brother.

0:21:00 > 0:21:04But I promise, it ends now!