Episode 14

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1:31:04 > 1:31:06Welcome to the world of epic,

1:31:06 > 1:31:11the place where you can become a master at everything on the planet.

1:31:11 > 1:31:12No matter what it is,

1:31:12 > 1:31:15this programme shows you how to do it.

1:31:15 > 1:31:17So sit back, strap yourself in

1:31:17 > 1:31:21and get ready to become epic at everything!

1:31:22 > 1:31:25Welcome to your quick blast of epic-ness.

1:31:25 > 1:31:30First up, this guy is going to show you a must-have piece of know-how.

1:31:30 > 1:31:33I'm Aaron Stannage, and this is how to fix a bike puncture.

1:31:33 > 1:31:35Aaron is a champion wheelier.

1:31:35 > 1:31:38So he WHEELIE knows his stuff.

1:31:38 > 1:31:41First, turn your bike upside down, and take the punctured wheel off.

1:31:41 > 1:31:44Makes sense. What's next?

1:31:44 > 1:31:47You need to take your tyre off, and pull the punctured inner tube out.

1:31:47 > 1:31:49Inner tube out, check.

1:31:49 > 1:31:51But how do I know where the hole is?

1:31:51 > 1:31:53Dip it in water, we're going to find the bubbles,

1:31:53 > 1:31:55and the air will be escaping from where the hole is.

1:31:55 > 1:31:57Bubble equals hole. Genius.

1:31:58 > 1:32:00We're going to mark the punctured area with chalk.

1:32:00 > 1:32:02Sand it down to make it rough.

1:32:02 > 1:32:05Apply a patch from a puncture repair kit, to seal the hole.

1:32:05 > 1:32:07Fix a puncture with a puncture repair kit -

1:32:07 > 1:32:09sounds crazy, but it might just work.

1:32:09 > 1:32:12Put the tube back on the tyre, inflate, and ride.

1:32:12 > 1:32:14And that is how you fix a puncture.

1:32:14 > 1:32:16Easy. Thanks Aaron!

1:32:17 > 1:32:20Now for something different.

1:32:20 > 1:32:23No mistake, I'm Max Byrne,

1:32:23 > 1:32:27and I want to show you how to get this egg into this bottle.

1:32:27 > 1:32:28Why?

1:32:28 > 1:32:31Your mother has sent you to school with a hard-boiled egg in your bag.

1:32:31 > 1:32:32It could happen.

1:32:32 > 1:32:36- But she hasn't given you anything safe to put it into.- Typical.

1:32:36 > 1:32:37Apart from a bottle.

1:32:37 > 1:32:39Ah, that has actually happened to me.

1:32:39 > 1:32:42But it doesn't fit into the bottle. It doesn't fit!

1:32:42 > 1:32:43What do you do?

1:32:43 > 1:32:45Now, you're going to need an adult for this.

1:32:45 > 1:32:46Safety first, guys.

1:32:46 > 1:32:49You light this match, you drop it into the bottle.

1:32:49 > 1:32:52You place your egg on top of the bottle.

1:32:52 > 1:32:54What happens next...

1:32:54 > 1:32:55is awesome.

1:32:56 > 1:33:00That match is burning up all the oxygen inside the bottle.

1:33:00 > 1:33:04Now, in theory, that should create a vacuum strong enough

1:33:04 > 1:33:06to suck the egg into the bottle.

1:33:07 > 1:33:09Come on, egg!

1:33:09 > 1:33:10BLART

1:33:12 > 1:33:14And that's how you get an egg...

1:33:14 > 1:33:16into a bottle.

1:33:16 > 1:33:17Nearly.

1:33:17 > 1:33:20Well, you should never put all your eggs in one bottle anyway.

1:33:20 > 1:33:22Well, half of it anyway.

1:33:22 > 1:33:23Oh, Max!

1:33:25 > 1:33:27Right guys, it's time for one last stop

1:33:27 > 1:33:29on the train line of ep-er-iffic.

1:33:29 > 1:33:30Get your mates round quick,

1:33:30 > 1:33:34you're about to become the master of this magic trick.

1:33:34 > 1:33:38Hi, I'm Fergus Flanagan, and I'm here to teach you guys at home

1:33:38 > 1:33:40how to make one solid pass through another solid.

1:33:40 > 1:33:41No way.

1:33:41 > 1:33:45I'm going to start off by wrapping the tinfoil around the plastic cup.

1:33:45 > 1:33:47So it looks like that.

1:33:47 > 1:33:50Now, I'm going to place the cup over the coin.

1:33:50 > 1:33:53On the count of three, that coin is going to pass

1:33:53 > 1:33:56straight through the table. Are you ready?

1:33:56 > 1:33:58Three...

1:33:58 > 1:34:01two...one.

1:34:01 > 1:34:03Er, non-epic.

1:34:03 > 1:34:04That one didn't seem to work.

1:34:04 > 1:34:06I'll tell you what, we'll try again.

1:34:06 > 1:34:09Instead of the coin going through the table,

1:34:09 > 1:34:11why don't we make cup go through?

1:34:11 > 1:34:13Ready?

1:34:13 > 1:34:15Whoa!

1:34:15 > 1:34:19And that is how you pass a cup straight through a solid table.

1:34:19 > 1:34:22Now, how did you do it? Come on, spill the beans.

1:34:22 > 1:34:23So the first part of this trick

1:34:23 > 1:34:27is to wrap the piece of tinfoil around the plastic cup.

1:34:27 > 1:34:30So, take your cup and place it over the coin.

1:34:30 > 1:34:32Now, when you lift the cup,

1:34:32 > 1:34:34obviously, the coin hasn't gone through.

1:34:34 > 1:34:37Now, this is where the secret move happens.

1:34:37 > 1:34:40You're going to drop the cup out of the tinfoil,

1:34:40 > 1:34:41onto your lap.

1:34:41 > 1:34:44And I bet you didn't even see - it's gone.

1:34:44 > 1:34:46Unless you can slow it down,

1:34:46 > 1:34:48and see it from multiple angles.

1:34:48 > 1:34:50Epically sneaky.

1:34:50 > 1:34:53"This time," you say, "we're going to take it one step further."

1:34:53 > 1:34:57So, you say, instead of the coin, you're going to pass the cup

1:34:57 > 1:34:59through the table, which is obviously much more difficult.

1:34:59 > 1:35:01Three, two, one.

1:35:03 > 1:35:05And then you can show that you've impossibly

1:35:05 > 1:35:10made a cup pass through a solid object.

1:35:10 > 1:35:14Right, to amaze your mates, you need to wrap your cup in tinfoil

1:35:14 > 1:35:17and claim you are going to make a coin disappear through a table.

1:35:17 > 1:35:21Fail on purpose, then sneakily drop the cup on your knee.

1:35:21 > 1:35:24Then claim you're going to make the cup pass through the table instead,

1:35:24 > 1:35:25and slam the foil flat.

1:35:25 > 1:35:26Boom!

1:35:26 > 1:35:29Your mates are going to think you've done real magic.

1:35:29 > 1:35:31Eat that, Harry Potter.

1:35:31 > 1:35:34Now go and practise, and have fun fooling your friends.

1:35:34 > 1:35:36Thanks, Fergus!

1:35:38 > 1:35:39So, there you have it.

1:35:39 > 1:35:42Your quick blast of epic-ness.

1:35:42 > 1:35:43Now, go forth,

1:35:43 > 1:35:46and be epic at everything!