Deep Sea Diver

Deep Sea Diver

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0:00:02 > 0:00:03# Let's play

0:00:03 > 0:00:05# Let's play

0:00:05 > 0:00:10# Let's have an adventure, hooray

0:00:10 > 0:00:11# Let's play

0:00:11 > 0:00:13# Who could we be today?

0:00:13 > 0:00:15# What could we do?

0:00:15 > 0:00:20# I'd like to drive a racing car or fly to the moon

0:00:20 > 0:00:25# I could be a fire fighter, a farmer or a vet

0:00:25 > 0:00:27# A knight in shining armour

0:00:27 > 0:00:29# Or I could be a chef

0:00:29 > 0:00:32# Let's play

0:00:32 > 0:00:34# Let's play

0:00:34 > 0:00:37# Let's have an adventure today. #

0:00:44 > 0:00:47Right, that should do it. I'm taking a picture.

0:00:47 > 0:00:50I have to make sure I'm ready before the...

0:00:50 > 0:00:51CAMERA CLICKS

0:00:51 > 0:00:55Oh, no! It's taken the picture already. Let's try it again.

0:00:57 > 0:00:59There.

0:01:05 > 0:01:07Hey, Sid, what are you doing?

0:01:07 > 0:01:09HE MUMBLES

0:01:09 > 0:01:10- Sorry?- I'm taking a...

0:01:10 > 0:01:13- CAMERA CLICKS - Oh, no, it's done it again!

0:01:13 > 0:01:15Why are you taking a picture of yourself?

0:01:15 > 0:01:19I've got a brilliant frame and want a good picture to go in it.

0:01:19 > 0:01:23- A good picture?- Yeah.- Why didn't you say? You can take my picture.

0:01:23 > 0:01:26I have lots of pictures of you with your thumbs up.

0:01:26 > 0:01:29Rebecca at the seaside. Rebecca at Christmas.

0:01:29 > 0:01:33Rebecca running the egg-and-spoon race and winning.

0:01:33 > 0:01:35Aww, I quite like that pose.

0:01:35 > 0:01:38I'll tell you what, I'll use the other thumb.

0:01:38 > 0:01:40I like the thumbs-up thing,

0:01:40 > 0:01:43but I'm looking for something a little bit more exciting.

0:01:43 > 0:01:49- Hold on, Sid. That picture will have to wait. It's time.- Great!

0:01:52 > 0:01:55- It's time to play. - Whose turn is it today?

0:01:55 > 0:01:58- Let it be me.- Let it be me.

0:01:58 > 0:02:01- Me!- Me!

0:02:01 > 0:02:03# Let it be me, me, me

0:02:03 > 0:02:04# Let it be me

0:02:04 > 0:02:06# Let it be me

0:02:08 > 0:02:12# Let it be me, let it be me

0:02:12 > 0:02:15# I really, really, really, really hope that it's me

0:02:15 > 0:02:19# Let, let, let, let, let, let, let it be me!

0:02:19 > 0:02:23# Let it be me, let it be me

0:02:23 > 0:02:27# I really, really, really, really hope that it's me. #

0:02:27 > 0:02:29- Could it be me?- Could it be me?

0:02:32 > 0:02:33It's me!

0:02:33 > 0:02:36# Yes, it's me, yes, it's me

0:02:36 > 0:02:39# I'm really, really, really, really happy it's me! #

0:02:42 > 0:02:45Look, there's the dressing up room.

0:02:45 > 0:02:46# Let's play. #

0:02:46 > 0:02:50So what are we going to play?

0:02:50 > 0:02:51Let's find out.

0:02:56 > 0:02:59So, a hula outfit, a sea captain's hat

0:02:59 > 0:03:01and animal feet?

0:03:01 > 0:03:04Well, that's silly. Let's try again.

0:03:10 > 0:03:14So, we've got on a wet suit and flippers -

0:03:14 > 0:03:16so what do you think we're playing today?

0:03:16 > 0:03:21Of course, we're playing at being divers who jump into the sea

0:03:21 > 0:03:23and swim around and look at fish.

0:03:23 > 0:03:26So what do we need to know?

0:03:26 > 0:03:27Bouncy ball, Rebecca.

0:03:27 > 0:03:30Divers swim under water using air tanks to breathe.

0:03:30 > 0:03:32They also wear heavy weight belts

0:03:32 > 0:03:37to help them sink down as far as they want to go.

0:03:37 > 0:03:40Divers talk to each other by using special hand signals.

0:03:40 > 0:03:42This means "OK".

0:03:42 > 0:03:45This means "octopus".

0:03:45 > 0:03:48And you'll need to do this one if you see a shark.

0:03:50 > 0:03:52Not all sea creatures swim.

0:03:52 > 0:03:56Some, like anemones, cling to rocks and have stinging tentacles

0:03:56 > 0:03:59which they pull in when things touch them.

0:04:01 > 0:04:05So that's what we need to know, and do we need anything else?

0:04:10 > 0:04:12Oh, what's this?

0:04:12 > 0:04:15Well, it looks like a metal pointy thing.

0:04:15 > 0:04:17Well, I'm sure it will come in handy.

0:04:17 > 0:04:22OK, so we've got everything we need. Let's go!

0:04:30 > 0:04:32Ssh!

0:04:36 > 0:04:40- Oh, Rebecca! - Sorry, I couldn't resist.

0:04:40 > 0:04:43Can you guess what we're playing today?

0:04:43 > 0:04:47- Oh, yes, you're going to be a doctor in the surgery.- Eh? No!

0:04:47 > 0:04:51- We're playing at being divers. - I know you are. I'm only joking.

0:04:51 > 0:04:54- You're going to see lots of cool fish.- Oh, I hope so.

0:04:54 > 0:04:55While you're gone,

0:04:55 > 0:04:59I'm going to practise making the best picture ever for my frame.

0:04:59 > 0:05:04- Perhaps I'll give a nice, big, dramatic pose.- Wow, that looks good.

0:05:04 > 0:05:08- Well, wish me luck.- Luck. - Bye!- Bye!

0:05:08 > 0:05:10# Let's play. #

0:05:12 > 0:05:16Come on, then, let's play at being divers.

0:05:22 > 0:05:25Woo-hoo!

0:05:25 > 0:05:26# Let's play. #

0:05:30 > 0:05:32Whoa!

0:05:32 > 0:05:36Oh, wow, I'm in a boat

0:05:36 > 0:05:39and I'm in the middle of the sea.

0:05:39 > 0:05:44I wonder if there's anybody else out here. Oh, a telescope.

0:05:44 > 0:05:46Right, let's take a look.

0:05:50 > 0:05:55There's somebody and he's in a boat too.

0:05:55 > 0:05:57Right, let's row over and say hello.

0:06:03 > 0:06:06# La la la la la. #

0:06:08 > 0:06:11- Excuse me.- Oh, I heard something!

0:06:11 > 0:06:16- Hello!- Hello, Mr Fish. How can I help you?

0:06:16 > 0:06:18Do you want to come out of the water, Mr Fish?

0:06:18 > 0:06:21No, it's me, Rebecca, over here in this boat.

0:06:21 > 0:06:22Ah, it is you talking.

0:06:22 > 0:06:25It is not him down there.

0:06:25 > 0:06:26Right.

0:06:26 > 0:06:28Can I come into your boat, please?

0:06:28 > 0:06:31Yes, yes, yes, come, come, come, oui, oui, oui.

0:06:31 > 0:06:33There you are. Be careful. Bravo.

0:06:33 > 0:06:38- Hello, I'm Rebecca. - Hello, Rebecca. I am Jacques.

0:06:38 > 0:06:42- Nice to meet you, Jacques. What are you doing?- I am looking for treasure!

0:06:42 > 0:06:47- Treasure?- Yes, gold and silver coins.

0:06:47 > 0:06:51The lost treasure of the Good Ship Neptune.

0:06:52 > 0:06:54Where?

0:06:54 > 0:06:57Down there somewhere.

0:06:57 > 0:07:02- Ooh!- You will come with me. Yes, we will dive deep in the sea.- Right.

0:07:02 > 0:07:04You will need a few things. Take this.

0:07:04 > 0:07:08Ooh, a watch, so I know how long I've been under for.

0:07:08 > 0:07:11- Here, take this. - Oh, a special underwater camera.

0:07:11 > 0:07:15- And here, take this. - A brown teddy bear?

0:07:15 > 0:07:17Oh, no! This is Brian.

0:07:17 > 0:07:21Brian stays on the boat. Brian, you stay there.

0:07:21 > 0:07:25Come, come, we shall dive deep into the sea and find the lost treasure

0:07:25 > 0:07:27of the Good Ship Neptune!

0:07:27 > 0:07:30- Oh, hooray! I'm ready.- And maybe... - Maybe what?

0:07:30 > 0:07:35- ..we will find the talking fish.- Eh?

0:07:35 > 0:07:36Come, come, let us go now.

0:07:39 > 0:07:41Here we go.

0:07:50 > 0:07:53Oh, wow, fish!

0:07:53 > 0:07:55And jellyfish!

0:07:55 > 0:07:58Starfish and seaweed.

0:07:58 > 0:08:02I'm under water. This is fantastic.

0:08:05 > 0:08:08Hold on, what's going on?

0:08:08 > 0:08:09I'm floating back up.

0:08:09 > 0:08:12How am I going to find the treasure?

0:08:12 > 0:08:16Hold on, I remember. Do you?

0:08:16 > 0:08:18Divers wear heavy weight belts

0:08:18 > 0:08:21to help them sink down as far as they want to go.

0:08:21 > 0:08:23I need a heavy weight belt.

0:08:24 > 0:08:29I wonder if Jacques has got one. But where's he gone?

0:08:29 > 0:08:32If I float back up, maybe he'll come and find me.

0:08:37 > 0:08:40Phew! That didn't last long.

0:08:40 > 0:08:43I want to go back. It was amazing down there.

0:08:45 > 0:08:49Rebecca, what is going on? Why did you come back up?

0:08:49 > 0:08:55- Do you not like it in the sea?- No, I mean, yes, it was lovely, amazing.

0:08:55 > 0:08:59- Great, come then, let's go. - No, hold on, wait.- What?

0:08:59 > 0:09:02I need a weight belt. You forgot to give me one.

0:09:02 > 0:09:06Oh, yes, of course, you need a weight belt to stay under the water.

0:09:06 > 0:09:09- Yes, I know.- Here we have one.

0:09:09 > 0:09:11Now, be very careful.

0:09:14 > 0:09:18And, yes, it is very heavy. Let me help you. Here we are.

0:09:18 > 0:09:20I will lift it up. That's it.

0:09:20 > 0:09:26Now you turn around slowly and put this inside the buckle like so

0:09:26 > 0:09:28and pull it nice and tight.

0:09:28 > 0:09:31- Ready? Voila!- Thank you.

0:09:31 > 0:09:34- Now come, let us go and find us some treasure.- Right.- Right.

0:09:38 > 0:09:39- Let us go this way.- OK.

0:09:46 > 0:09:50Wow, this is really amazing!

0:09:53 > 0:09:55I must take some pictures.

0:10:01 > 0:10:03Thank you.

0:10:06 > 0:10:07Wow!

0:10:10 > 0:10:13Hold on, Jacques, I'm taking pictures.

0:10:17 > 0:10:20Oh, no, an octopus!

0:10:20 > 0:10:23Hold on, I want to take your picture.

0:10:23 > 0:10:29Oh, it's very fast. Hey, hold on. Slow down, Mr Octopus!

0:10:32 > 0:10:36Oh, he's gone. Maybe that's where he lives.

0:10:37 > 0:10:40I'll go and take a look. I'd better just tell Jacques.

0:10:41 > 0:10:43Over here, Jacques.

0:10:44 > 0:10:46I'm going this way.

0:10:56 > 0:11:00Eh? Why is he tapping his head like that? Any idea?

0:11:00 > 0:11:02I can't understand him at all.

0:11:02 > 0:11:05Why is he waving his hand over his head?

0:11:06 > 0:11:09Oh, I remember. Do you?

0:11:09 > 0:11:13Divers talk to each other by using special hand signals.

0:11:13 > 0:11:15This means "OK".

0:11:15 > 0:11:18This means "octopus".

0:11:18 > 0:11:21And this means "shark". SHARK?! SHARK?!

0:11:28 > 0:11:32Oh, no, I've dropped the camera. Quick, let's swim into that boat.

0:11:41 > 0:11:44Phew, that was close.

0:11:44 > 0:11:46It's good to get out of the water.

0:11:46 > 0:11:50There's plenty of air to breathe in this air pocket but where are we?

0:11:50 > 0:11:55- Shark.- Looks like the inside of some kind of an old ship.

0:11:58 > 0:12:02Oh, and look, there's a picture on the wall.

0:12:02 > 0:12:05"The Good Ship Neptune."

0:12:07 > 0:12:10Hey, this is the treasure ship we've been looking for.

0:12:10 > 0:12:13The Good Ship Neptune!

0:12:13 > 0:12:16Jacques, get up. We've found the Good Ship Neptune!

0:12:16 > 0:12:19What?

0:12:19 > 0:12:22- The Good Ship Neptune? This is it?- Yes.

0:12:22 > 0:12:26If this is the Good Ship Neptune, you know what that means?

0:12:26 > 0:12:29- It means there must be treasure on it.- Come, we must find it.

0:12:31 > 0:12:33Ah, look.

0:12:33 > 0:12:36It must be around here somewhere.

0:12:38 > 0:12:42Usually they keep it in wooden boxes.

0:12:43 > 0:12:48- Heavy wooden boxes with handles on the side.- Like this, you mean?

0:12:48 > 0:12:50No, I was looking for...

0:12:50 > 0:12:55Yes, that is it! The treasure! We found the treasure.

0:12:55 > 0:12:58Oh, happy days.

0:12:58 > 0:13:02# We found the treasure We found the treasure. #

0:13:02 > 0:13:04Er, Jacques...

0:13:04 > 0:13:08- there's just old boots in here.- What?

0:13:09 > 0:13:11What?

0:13:11 > 0:13:13- Rebecca.- Yes.

0:13:13 > 0:13:16- This isn't treasure.- No.

0:13:17 > 0:13:20- Just old boots.- Yes.

0:13:22 > 0:13:25It doesn't look like we'll find any treasure today.

0:13:25 > 0:13:29Well, at least the shark has gone and we can go back to our boat.

0:13:30 > 0:13:35- Bye-bye, Good Ship Neptune.- Bye-bye.

0:13:37 > 0:13:41HE SOBS

0:13:43 > 0:13:45Oh, well, no treasure,

0:13:45 > 0:13:49but at least I got to see the lovely underwater things. Bye-bye, fish.

0:13:49 > 0:13:51Bye-bye, seaweed.

0:13:53 > 0:13:57Hello, Mr Octopus, it's you again.

0:13:57 > 0:14:00Oh, I think he wants me to follow him.

0:14:07 > 0:14:12Ah, this is a different part of the ship. Now, where did that octopus go?

0:14:12 > 0:14:17There he is and he's pointing over there. Maybe he's found something.

0:14:19 > 0:14:22The treasure! It's the treasure in another trunk!

0:14:22 > 0:14:27But I won't be able to get that out. There's too much stuff in the way.

0:14:27 > 0:14:29I must go and tell Jacques.

0:14:31 > 0:14:37Nothing but old boots. No treasure. Brian, Jacques is very sad.

0:14:40 > 0:14:44- Jacques, I found it, the treasure. - What? Where is it?

0:14:44 > 0:14:49- You have not got it?- No, it's still on the ship. I couldn't reach it.

0:14:49 > 0:14:52- It's stuck behind loads of old wood. - Oh, no.

0:14:52 > 0:14:56But tell people we found it and they can come back and get it out.

0:14:56 > 0:14:59They will never believe me.

0:14:59 > 0:15:01Ah, unless...

0:15:01 > 0:15:05- Unless what?- A picture. You can take a picture.

0:15:05 > 0:15:07Then I will show it to the people

0:15:07 > 0:15:10and they will help me take the treasure out.

0:15:10 > 0:15:13- Oh, yes! Oh, actually, no.- No? Why?

0:15:13 > 0:15:17- The camera - I dropped it when I saw the shark.- Oh, no!

0:15:19 > 0:15:21Oh, but I could go back and get it.

0:15:21 > 0:15:25- Yes! Yes, go, go, go.- OK.

0:15:28 > 0:15:32Treasure, Brian, treasure!

0:15:34 > 0:15:38Right, where's that camera?

0:15:40 > 0:15:42It must be down here somewhere.

0:15:42 > 0:15:45Oh, look, there it is.

0:15:45 > 0:15:47Now I just need to reach it.

0:15:47 > 0:15:52Hold on, those are anemones, so what do we need to know?

0:15:53 > 0:15:56Oh, I remember. Do you?

0:15:56 > 0:15:59Anemones have stinging tentacles that they pull in

0:15:59 > 0:16:03when things touch them so I'd better be careful.

0:16:03 > 0:16:06But how do I get them away from my camera?

0:16:07 > 0:16:11Oh, hold on, I can use my pointy metal stick thing.

0:16:11 > 0:16:13This should do the trick.

0:16:17 > 0:16:19Ooh!

0:16:19 > 0:16:21SHE LAUGHS

0:16:22 > 0:16:24Great. Got it.

0:16:26 > 0:16:28Now to get that picture.

0:16:29 > 0:16:32SHE LAUGHS

0:16:34 > 0:16:37Smile, Mr Octopus.

0:16:37 > 0:16:42Now we have proof that the treasure exists. Fantastic!

0:16:42 > 0:16:45Woo-hoo!

0:16:48 > 0:16:54- Here you go, Jacques. Look at the picture.- Ah, a treasure picture!

0:16:54 > 0:16:56I will show this to everyone

0:16:56 > 0:16:59and they will help me get the treasure out of the sea.

0:16:59 > 0:17:03Thank you, Rebecca. Thank you.

0:17:03 > 0:17:07We did it but we would never have managed it without remembering

0:17:07 > 0:17:09everything that we needed to know.

0:17:10 > 0:17:12Divers wear heavy weight belts

0:17:12 > 0:17:16to help them sink down as far as they want to go.

0:17:16 > 0:17:20They talk to each other by using special hand signals.

0:17:22 > 0:17:26And sea anemones have stinging tentacles that they pull in

0:17:26 > 0:17:28when things touch them.

0:17:32 > 0:17:36- I think it's time we went home. Bye, Jacques.- Goodbye, Rebecca.

0:17:36 > 0:17:39- Say goodbye now, Brian.- Let's go.

0:17:47 > 0:17:51- So this octopus swam away and I followed it and guess what.- What?

0:17:51 > 0:17:56- It led me to the treasure.- Wow! Now, that is what I call an adventure.

0:17:56 > 0:18:00- Beats what I was doing here.- So your picture-taking didn't work out?

0:18:00 > 0:18:04I still haven't found the right pose. Nothing exciting.

0:18:04 > 0:18:06Oh, well, not to worry, because...

0:18:06 > 0:18:08you know that shark I told you about?

0:18:08 > 0:18:12Yes, the one that came up behind you and gave you a surprise?

0:18:12 > 0:18:16Yes, because when I dropped the camera I had my finger on the button

0:18:16 > 0:18:20- because, as I let it go, it took a picture.- Yes.- I hope you like it.

0:18:20 > 0:18:22I put it in a frame for you.

0:18:22 > 0:18:27Oh, Rebecca, that is great and the picture is perfect for the frame.

0:18:27 > 0:18:31I'm glad you like it. Playing at being divers was great fun.

0:18:31 > 0:18:34What do you like to play?

0:18:37 > 0:18:41I like to play builders and build huge towers.

0:18:43 > 0:18:46Rugby playing is great fun.

0:18:46 > 0:18:49When I play rugby players I warm up like this.

0:18:51 > 0:18:55I like to play nurses and look after people.

0:18:55 > 0:18:57I use bandages like this.

0:19:00 > 0:19:03It's fun to play. Start playing today.

0:19:03 > 0:19:06Go to...

0:19:06 > 0:19:08..and click on Let's Play. See you soon.