Ancient Roman

Ancient Roman

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0:00:02 > 0:00:03- # Let's play - Dooby do dooby dooby do

0:00:03 > 0:00:05- # Let's play - Dooby do dooby dooby do

0:00:05 > 0:00:06# Let's play!

0:00:06 > 0:00:10- # Let's have an adventure, hooray! - Dooby do dooby dooby do

0:00:10 > 0:00:11# Let's play!

0:00:11 > 0:00:13# Who could we be today?

0:00:13 > 0:00:15# What could we do?

0:00:15 > 0:00:18# I'd like to sail a pirate ship

0:00:18 > 0:00:20# Or decorate a room

0:00:20 > 0:00:23# I could be a film director

0:00:23 > 0:00:25# Or I could walk your pet

0:00:25 > 0:00:27# A clown or tennis player

0:00:27 > 0:00:29# The best you've ever met

0:00:29 > 0:00:32- # Let's play - Dooby do dooby dooby do

0:00:32 > 0:00:34- # Let's play - Dooby do dooby dooby do

0:00:34 > 0:00:40- # Let's have an adventure today - Dooby do dooby dooby do. #

0:00:40 > 0:00:43- We're getting ready to play snakes and ladders.- Is that everything?

0:00:43 > 0:00:46I think so. We've got the snakes and the ladders.

0:00:46 > 0:00:50- And all the pieces... Oh, no. - What's wrong?- There's no dice.

0:00:50 > 0:00:54Snakes and ladders without dice is like a bike without wheels.

0:00:54 > 0:00:56You're right. Let's get looking.

0:00:56 > 0:00:58- Hold on, Sid, it's time!- Great.

0:01:01 > 0:01:06- It's time to play...- Whose turn is it today?- Let it be me.- Let it be me.

0:01:06 > 0:01:08- Me.- Me.- Me.

0:01:08 > 0:01:11# Let it be me

0:01:11 > 0:01:13# Let, let, let it be me

0:01:13 > 0:01:15# Let it be me

0:01:15 > 0:01:19# Let it be me

0:01:19 > 0:01:22# Let it be me

0:01:22 > 0:01:24# Let it be me

0:01:24 > 0:01:28# Let it be me, let it be me

0:01:28 > 0:01:31# I really, really, really, really hope that it's me

0:01:31 > 0:01:34# Let it be me, let it be me

0:01:34 > 0:01:37# Let it be me

0:01:37 > 0:01:39# Let, let, let it be me

0:01:39 > 0:01:42# Let it be me, let it be me

0:01:42 > 0:01:46# I really, really, really, really hope that it's me. #

0:01:46 > 0:01:49- Could it be me?- Could it be me?

0:01:51 > 0:01:53It's me!

0:01:53 > 0:01:55# Yes, it's me Yes, it's me

0:01:55 > 0:02:01#I'm really, really, really, really happy it's me. #

0:02:01 > 0:02:03Look, there's the dressing up room.

0:02:05 > 0:02:06# Let's play. #

0:02:06 > 0:02:09This is really exciting.

0:02:09 > 0:02:13So what do you think we're playing today?

0:02:17 > 0:02:19So, what I have I got on?

0:02:19 > 0:02:23A top hat, a parrot outfit and a pair of spotty wellies.

0:02:23 > 0:02:27This definitely isn't right. Let's try again.

0:02:31 > 0:02:35So, this time I've got on a very old-fashioned tunic

0:02:35 > 0:02:39and a pair of sandals. So what are we playing today?

0:02:39 > 0:02:44Yes, we're going to be ancient Romans from a very long time ago.

0:02:44 > 0:02:47So what do we need to know?

0:02:48 > 0:02:51Many centuries ago the ancient Romans

0:02:51 > 0:02:55lived in a country that is now called Italy.

0:02:55 > 0:02:58Ancient Rome was ruled by powerful emperors.

0:02:58 > 0:03:02They wore robes with purple in them as a symbol of their power

0:03:02 > 0:03:05and it was forbidden for anyone else to wear purple.

0:03:05 > 0:03:09Rich Romans decorated their floors with big pictures made

0:03:09 > 0:03:13from lots of tiny pieces of tile and stone pressed into plaster.

0:03:13 > 0:03:17This kind of picture was called a mosaic.

0:03:17 > 0:03:20And the Romans built huge bridges called aqueducts

0:03:20 > 0:03:24to carry water into their towns and cities.

0:03:24 > 0:03:27OK, so that's what we need to remember.

0:03:27 > 0:03:29And do we need anything else?

0:03:33 > 0:03:35A cup-and-ball toy?

0:03:35 > 0:03:39Oh, nearly! I wonder what this is for.

0:03:39 > 0:03:41Well, I'm sure it'll come in handy.

0:03:41 > 0:03:44So we've got everything we need, let's go.

0:03:44 > 0:03:46# Let's play. #

0:03:46 > 0:03:49Here, Dicey, Dicey. Dicey, Dicey!

0:03:49 > 0:03:52Sid, can you guess what we're playing today?

0:03:52 > 0:03:55- It's not dice-finding detectives, is it?- No.

0:03:55 > 0:03:57- We're playing ancient Romans. - Oh, fantastic!

0:03:57 > 0:04:00Keep an eye out for ancient Roman dice!

0:04:00 > 0:04:03- I'll do my best. See you later. - Bye!- Let's play!

0:04:03 > 0:04:06Come on! Let's play ancient Romans.

0:04:08 > 0:04:13Whoa! Hoo-hoo!

0:04:13 > 0:04:15- Wee!- Let's play!

0:04:18 > 0:04:24So, where am I? We must be near the great city of ancient Rome.

0:04:24 > 0:04:28But I can't see a city that way so let's try this way.

0:04:33 > 0:04:38Wow, look at that massive bridge.

0:04:38 > 0:04:39CRYING

0:04:39 > 0:04:43What's that noise? I'd better go and see. Come on!

0:04:45 > 0:04:48Hello? Are you all right?

0:04:48 > 0:04:50Sounds like a Roman lady in distress.

0:04:50 > 0:04:53CRYING

0:04:53 > 0:04:55OK, I was wrong about the lady bit.

0:04:56 > 0:05:00- Hello, are you all right? - Who are you?

0:05:00 > 0:05:02I'm Rebecca. Who are you?

0:05:02 > 0:05:07I'm Cementicus the builder and I'm really, really upset.

0:05:07 > 0:05:10- Why's that? - Because me and my brother,

0:05:10 > 0:05:13we're the most successful builders in all of Rome.

0:05:13 > 0:05:17- Then why are you crying if you're so successful?- We're too busy.

0:05:17 > 0:05:20We've got to build this great big aqueduct,

0:05:20 > 0:05:23that's a bridge that carries water,

0:05:23 > 0:05:26and there's a huge posh house that we are building for

0:05:26 > 0:05:30none other than the ruler of all of ancient Rome,

0:05:30 > 0:05:33Emperor Stropicus Maximus himself.

0:05:33 > 0:05:36- What's the problem? - The Emperor's house isn't finished

0:05:36 > 0:05:38and he's coming to inspect it.

0:05:38 > 0:05:41- I should be with my brother. - Why don't you go there?

0:05:41 > 0:05:45Because Rome is waiting for running water from this

0:05:45 > 0:05:49- aqueduct and I can't leave until it's finished.- Maybe I can help.

0:05:49 > 0:05:52But there's only one of me. Who needs my help most?

0:05:52 > 0:05:54Fabulus, that's my brother, go to him quick!

0:05:54 > 0:05:58If the house isn't finished before the Emperor arrives

0:05:58 > 0:06:00he'll be really, really cross and when

0:06:00 > 0:06:03Emperor Stropicus Maximus is upset, well...

0:06:03 > 0:06:05Well, what?

0:06:05 > 0:06:11There'll be punishment and it will involve very hungry lions.

0:06:11 > 0:06:14Very hungry lions? GULPS

0:06:14 > 0:06:17Quick! It's over the hill and down that road. It leads to Rome.

0:06:17 > 0:06:20OK, good luck Cementicus. HE CRIES

0:06:23 > 0:06:25# Let's play. #

0:06:25 > 0:06:29This tunic is very comfy, but it does let in the breeze.

0:06:29 > 0:06:31I could do with something to keep me warm.

0:06:31 > 0:06:35Whoa, hold your horses! Hello, madam. I am Special Orphus.

0:06:35 > 0:06:39May I interest you in something from my mobile market?

0:06:39 > 0:06:41Of course I can. There you are.

0:06:41 > 0:06:45- Have a look at this beautiful necklace.- Er, I'm not really sure.

0:06:45 > 0:06:47Oh, go on! Look at those stones.

0:06:47 > 0:06:50They match your eyes and, special offer,

0:06:50 > 0:06:53just for you today, between you and me, 50% off.

0:06:53 > 0:06:55How about that?

0:06:55 > 0:07:00Er, no. Thank you. Oh, but this is more like it.

0:07:00 > 0:07:03Oh, I can see Madam has an eye for quality.

0:07:03 > 0:07:05Imagine that - a purple wall hanging,

0:07:05 > 0:07:09a purple sofa cover or even half a pair of purple curtains.

0:07:09 > 0:07:14- Oh, perfect. I'll take it. Thank you.- Beautiful, enjoy.

0:07:14 > 0:07:17Don't try wearing it though, will you? Ha-ha.

0:07:17 > 0:07:19Everyone knows that, right?

0:07:19 > 0:07:21Right?

0:07:22 > 0:07:27That's better, much warmer. I'm as snug as a bug in a purple rug.

0:07:27 > 0:07:33- Excuse me, is this the way into Rome? - What? Sorry. Hail, hail.

0:07:33 > 0:07:38- Hail? Nope, it looks pretty sunny to me.- No, hail, mighty Emperor!

0:07:38 > 0:07:41Emperor? No! I'm not the Emperor.

0:07:41 > 0:07:43- You're not? - No, you know, I'm just...

0:07:43 > 0:07:46- Then you're under arrest. - Why? I haven't done anything.

0:07:46 > 0:07:49The Emperor will not be happy about this.

0:07:49 > 0:07:51Your punishment will be terrible.

0:07:51 > 0:07:55It'll almost definitely involve very hungry lions.

0:07:55 > 0:07:56Very hungry lions? GULPS

0:07:56 > 0:07:59- It's off to prison with you. - Oh, dear.

0:07:59 > 0:08:02I need to help Cementicus's brother.

0:08:02 > 0:08:04How can I persuade the guard not to arrest me

0:08:04 > 0:08:07if I don't know what I've done wrong?

0:08:07 > 0:08:09Oh, no. What am I going to do?

0:08:09 > 0:08:12Oh, hold on! I remember, do you?

0:08:12 > 0:08:15That's it! it's forbidden for anyone who isn't

0:08:15 > 0:08:17the Emperor to wear purple.

0:08:17 > 0:08:20I need to take this blanket off. And fast!

0:08:20 > 0:08:24There you go. Makes a lovely tent door, I've been told.

0:08:24 > 0:08:27- Sorry about the mix-up. - That all right. Enjoy your visit.

0:08:27 > 0:08:33Oi, you, in the purple blanket. You're under arrest.

0:08:33 > 0:08:36Oh, no. It's not me. It was her.

0:08:38 > 0:08:44Wow, ancient Rome's so big. I wonder where the Emperor's new house is.

0:08:44 > 0:08:49Excuse me. Oh, it's you again. Hello. You get around, don't you?

0:08:49 > 0:08:52Special Orphus is my name, mobile market is my game.

0:08:52 > 0:08:55Have you been enjoying that purple blanket?

0:08:55 > 0:08:57Not exactly. It almost got me arrested.

0:08:57 > 0:09:00I should have reminded you about that!

0:09:00 > 0:09:03Let me make it up to you with a nice special tasty treat.

0:09:03 > 0:09:07Foreign food is all the rage in Rome. You'll love this.

0:09:07 > 0:09:10This is the finest, fanciest dish all around.

0:09:10 > 0:09:13- What's it called? It's, er... - Beans on toast?

0:09:13 > 0:09:16Wow, you really know your fancy food, don't you?

0:09:16 > 0:09:18- It's on the house. - No, it's really fine.

0:09:18 > 0:09:20- It's yours!- No, thank you.

0:09:20 > 0:09:22Where is the Emperor's new house?

0:09:22 > 0:09:24You're standing in front of it.

0:09:24 > 0:09:28Oh, yeah. Nice pad, eh? Thanks Special Orphus.

0:09:28 > 0:09:31- Are you sure you won't...? - No, Cheers.

0:09:34 > 0:09:36Hello. Anyone home? HE CRIES

0:09:37 > 0:09:41Let me guess. Cementicus's brother.

0:09:41 > 0:09:43Hello. You must be Fabulus.

0:09:43 > 0:09:45I am, but this is no time for flattery.

0:09:45 > 0:09:49I know, I met your brother earlier. I'm here to help. I'm Rebecca.

0:09:49 > 0:09:52Oh, thank you, Rebecca. Thank you!

0:09:52 > 0:09:55Everything's going wrong. The Emperor sent

0:09:55 > 0:09:57instructions for the decorated floor.

0:09:57 > 0:10:00He wants a massive picture of his face on it.

0:10:00 > 0:10:01What's the problem?

0:10:01 > 0:10:04I haven't got time. I got a message from the chef.

0:10:04 > 0:10:08He's sick so I'm cooking. I have to go to the market

0:10:08 > 0:10:11to buy a pink flamingo, a parrot and some dormice.

0:10:11 > 0:10:13If dinner and the floor aren't ready

0:10:13 > 0:10:16by the time Emperor Stropicus arrives...

0:10:16 > 0:10:19Don't tell me, something involving very hungry lions?

0:10:19 > 0:10:20Well, don't worry.

0:10:20 > 0:10:24You get what you need for dinner and I'll decorate the floor.

0:10:24 > 0:10:29- Oh, thank you, Rebecca. Thank you, thank you, thank you.- Oh, great.

0:10:29 > 0:10:34I love painting. But I can't see any paint or brushes.

0:10:35 > 0:10:39Only this big patch of wet plaster and all those little pieces of tile.

0:10:39 > 0:10:42What am I going to do?

0:10:42 > 0:10:46Oh, hold on! I remember, do you? That's it!

0:10:46 > 0:10:49Rich Romans decorate their floor with mosaics.

0:10:49 > 0:10:52Big pictures made up of lots of little bits of

0:10:52 > 0:10:54different coloured tiles and stone.

0:10:54 > 0:10:56Let's make a mosaic.

0:10:56 > 0:10:57# Let's play. #

0:10:59 > 0:11:03Excuse me, please, Rebecca. Oh, excuse me.

0:11:03 > 0:11:08A great big sack of food here. I have a parrot

0:11:08 > 0:11:11- SQUAWK - And two scoops of dormice.

0:11:11 > 0:11:13SQUEAKING

0:11:13 > 0:11:16Oh, dear. I don't fancy eating any of that.

0:11:16 > 0:11:20These ancient Romans ate some weird things. Yuck!

0:11:20 > 0:11:24So, Fabulus, what do you think of my mosaic?

0:11:24 > 0:11:27What have you done? He's got a gappy grin.

0:11:27 > 0:11:30- I'm sorry, I ran out of white bits. - Oh, don't worry.

0:11:30 > 0:11:34- There's some around here somewhere. - I'll look over here.

0:11:36 > 0:11:39No white bits in here. SQUEAKING

0:11:40 > 0:11:42Fabulus, is that you?

0:11:45 > 0:11:49- Hang on, I'm sure that sack of dinner was bigger before.- I found these.

0:11:49 > 0:11:51Oh, great, thanks.

0:11:51 > 0:11:53Here we go.

0:11:54 > 0:11:59- Oh, brilliant. And look, there's even one piece left over.- Thanks, Rebecca.

0:11:59 > 0:12:03- You can have that.- Oh, fabulous! Thanks, Fabulus.- You're welcome.

0:12:03 > 0:12:06There's an hour before the Emperor arrives

0:12:06 > 0:12:09so I can whip up a flavour-filled feast.

0:12:09 > 0:12:11This bag's a lot lighter than it was before.

0:12:11 > 0:12:13HORNS TOOT

0:12:13 > 0:12:16He's early!

0:12:16 > 0:12:21Early? A good emperor knows how to take people by surprise.

0:12:21 > 0:12:25Emperor Stropicus Maximus, welcome to your brand-new imperial house.

0:12:25 > 0:12:30- This is such an honour. - Of course it is. Not bad.

0:12:30 > 0:12:35I'll take a look around after dinner. Dinner is ready, I assume?

0:12:35 > 0:12:36SQUAWK

0:12:36 > 0:12:40Oh, parrot, yummy! My favourite starter.

0:12:40 > 0:12:43I'll have my dinner immediately, if not sooner.

0:12:45 > 0:12:46HE SCREAMS

0:12:46 > 0:12:50What? The sack? Parrot, dormice?

0:12:50 > 0:12:53Dinner escaped? Oh, no. This isn't good.

0:12:53 > 0:12:56The Emperor's really hungry. I know what we can do!

0:12:56 > 0:13:00There is a man outside selling fancy food from a far-off land.

0:13:00 > 0:13:04Beans on toast. Oh, it's very delicious and very modern.

0:13:04 > 0:13:08- The Emperor is going to love it. - I hope you're right!

0:13:09 > 0:13:14- Oh, dinner will be served in just a minute.- A whole minute?

0:13:14 > 0:13:17- What am I supposed to do until then?- Uh-oh.

0:13:17 > 0:13:21We need to keep him busy until dinner arrives. Oh, hold on.

0:13:21 > 0:13:23I know what we can use, do you?

0:13:23 > 0:13:25I knew this would come in handy.

0:13:25 > 0:13:29Your Imperial Highness, have you ever seen one of these before?

0:13:29 > 0:13:34- It's very modern. - Oh, oh! Me-me-me-me!

0:13:39 > 0:13:43Yes! I rule, I rule! I mean I rule more than I already do.

0:13:43 > 0:13:47- I'm glad you like it.- Like it? I love it. It's amazing.

0:13:47 > 0:13:52- It's all very modern. Oh, yes!- Yes!

0:13:54 > 0:13:56Oh, you've got some.

0:13:56 > 0:13:59- That's fabulous. - No, I'm Fabulus. This is dinner.

0:13:59 > 0:14:02Here, you serve it. I'm too nervous.

0:14:02 > 0:14:07I never, ever want to stop playing with... Oh, din-dins.

0:14:10 > 0:14:12This food is totally, utterly...

0:14:15 > 0:14:16..delicious.

0:14:16 > 0:14:19It's the most wonderful thing I have ever tasted.

0:14:19 > 0:14:23It's even better than flamingo flavoured fairy cakes.

0:14:23 > 0:14:25Num-num-num!

0:14:25 > 0:14:27# Let's play. #

0:14:27 > 0:14:32Scrumptious. Now, I hope that fellow Fabulus has run me a bath.

0:14:32 > 0:14:37If there's one thing us Romans know, it's how to have a good bath.

0:14:37 > 0:14:41I really, really, really, really, hope you like it.

0:14:41 > 0:14:45- This is your bathhouse your Emperorness.- Goody!

0:14:45 > 0:14:48I presume the dressing rooms are this way? I can't wait.

0:14:48 > 0:14:52Fabulus, are you in here? The Emperor's getting ready.

0:14:52 > 0:14:55Oh, he's looking forwards to his bath. Great news, huh?

0:14:55 > 0:14:57No! It's a disaster.

0:14:57 > 0:15:00Look what happens when I try to fill the bath.

0:15:00 > 0:15:04- It's not working!- I know it's not working. I can see it's not working.

0:15:04 > 0:15:06But do you know why it's not working?

0:15:06 > 0:15:11Because there is no running water in this part of Rome yet.

0:15:11 > 0:15:12It's a disaster!

0:15:12 > 0:15:15No running water means no bath for the Emperor

0:15:15 > 0:15:18- and that means a whole lot of... - Very hungry lions.

0:15:18 > 0:15:22Oh, no. This is a complete disaster. What are we going to do?

0:15:22 > 0:15:25Oh, hold on. I remember, do you? That's it!

0:15:25 > 0:15:28Romans built huge bridges called aqueducts

0:15:28 > 0:15:30which carried water into towns and cities

0:15:30 > 0:15:34and that's exactly what Cementicus was doing when I met him.

0:15:34 > 0:15:38Right, I need to help your brother and our water worries will be over.

0:15:38 > 0:15:40You keep the Emperor busy.

0:15:40 > 0:15:44Ask him about his cup-and-ball toy! He will love showing you that.

0:15:44 > 0:15:48- Good plan, huh? - Fabulous plan, Rebecca.

0:15:48 > 0:15:51- It's hopeless. I might as well just...- Cementicus, don't!

0:15:51 > 0:15:54It's hopeless, I can't get my aqueduct to work.

0:15:54 > 0:15:56If I can't lift this water pipe,

0:15:56 > 0:16:00it means I can't get running water to flow into all of Rome.

0:16:00 > 0:16:02Well, you're not on your own any more.

0:16:02 > 0:16:06Come on, Emperor Stropicus himself is depending on us.

0:16:09 > 0:16:13Oooh! Eeee!

0:16:16 > 0:16:21- We did it!- Thanks, Rebecca. I'll turn on the valve.

0:16:21 > 0:16:22VALVE SQUEAKS

0:16:22 > 0:16:24It's bath time for Emperor Stropicus

0:16:24 > 0:16:28and a new part of Rome will have running water. Well done!

0:16:28 > 0:16:31Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you.

0:16:31 > 0:16:34I'd better check at the Emperor's house. Well done. Bye!

0:16:34 > 0:16:38Thanks, Rebecca. Oh, I'm so happy I could cry.

0:16:41 > 0:16:43HE CRIES

0:16:43 > 0:16:45Oh, those brothers Cementicus

0:16:45 > 0:16:48and Fabulus really are the best builders in all of Rome.

0:16:50 > 0:16:53That is one happy emperor.

0:16:53 > 0:16:55We did it but we'd never have done it

0:16:55 > 0:16:59without remembering everything we needed to know.

0:16:59 > 0:17:03The Emperor was the only person in ancient Rome allowed to wear purple.

0:17:03 > 0:17:09Rich Romans made floor decorations from little pieces of tile and stone.

0:17:09 > 0:17:13And the Romans built huge bridges called aqueducts to carry

0:17:13 > 0:17:15water into their towns and cities.

0:17:17 > 0:17:22Fabulus, you and your brother will be showered with honours and treats,

0:17:22 > 0:17:25none of which will involve very hungry lions.

0:17:25 > 0:17:30And for your first honour I invite you to join me for an imperial bath.

0:17:30 > 0:17:33I thought you'd never ask. Come on, Rebecca!

0:17:33 > 0:17:35I'd love to but, the thing is...

0:17:37 > 0:17:41I think it's time we went home. Bye-bye, both of you.

0:17:41 > 0:17:45Farewell, Rebecca. Thank you for being a lovely Roman.

0:17:45 > 0:17:47Goodbye, Rebecca.

0:17:47 > 0:17:48# Let's play. #

0:17:48 > 0:17:52- So, I made a mosaic and I built an aqueduct and guess what?- What?

0:17:52 > 0:17:56- The Emperor loves baked beans on toast.- No way!

0:17:56 > 0:17:57- Your favourite!- I know!

0:17:57 > 0:18:01Sounds like you had an amazing time in ancient Rome.

0:18:01 > 0:18:03I was going to try and follow that up with

0:18:03 > 0:18:08our snakes and ladder-a-thon, but I still couldn't find any dice.

0:18:08 > 0:18:11- We don't need dice. - Snakes and ladders without dice?

0:18:11 > 0:18:12That is crazy talk.

0:18:12 > 0:18:16All we need is one of these and a black felt-tip pen.

0:18:19 > 0:18:25Oh. Very clever. Finish the other sides and that will be perfect.

0:18:25 > 0:18:29It certainly will, Sid. Playing ancient Romans was great fun.

0:18:29 > 0:18:31What do you like to play?

0:18:31 > 0:18:33# Let's play. #

0:18:33 > 0:18:36I love playing drummers and I play the drums like this.

0:18:40 > 0:18:45Playing weightlifters is fun. I get to be really strong.

0:18:50 > 0:18:53I love playing golf and I hit the ball like this.

0:18:57 > 0:19:01- It's fun to play. - Start playing today.- See you soon.

0:19:01 > 0:19:03Go to...

0:19:04 > 0:19:06And click on...

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