Take a Hike

Take a Hike

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0:00:02 > 0:00:04They just need a really good clean up!

0:00:04 > 0:00:07Or a really good throw away - I'm not wearing second-hand boots!

0:00:07 > 0:00:10School's doing a Highland Challenge and Lauren wants to do it.

0:00:10 > 0:00:14Usually she's about as sporty as a hibernating tortoise.

0:00:14 > 0:00:16They're already broken in for you.

0:00:16 > 0:00:19- So now they're broken! - That's a good thing.

0:00:19 > 0:00:23- I bet they're all sweaty and cheesy. - No! No, they smell...

0:00:25 > 0:00:27..of the countryside!

0:00:27 > 0:00:28Cowpats?!

0:00:32 > 0:00:35Mum's got burned before buying Lauren pricey kit.

0:00:43 > 0:00:47And then her giving up faster than you can say "Billy Elliot"!

0:01:21 > 0:01:23Someone might have died in these!

0:01:23 > 0:01:25Hopefully not doing a Highland Challenge?

0:01:25 > 0:01:28She could've at least got me a pair with heels.

0:01:28 > 0:01:29Oh, yeah, all the mountaineers

0:01:29 > 0:01:31are wearing three-inch heels this year, Lauren.

0:01:31 > 0:01:34See, these are just not on trend!

0:01:34 > 0:01:38If you actually finish, I will personally eat these.

0:01:38 > 0:01:39With pickle!

0:01:45 > 0:01:47- So, all I need is a decent pair of boots..- Mm-hm.

0:01:47 > 0:01:50- ..and a tent...- Mm-hm.

0:01:50 > 0:01:51- ..and my hair tongs... - HE LAUGHS

0:01:51 > 0:01:53And why are you laughing?

0:01:53 > 0:01:55I'm sorry, no, it's good.

0:01:55 > 0:01:58But you know there's no room service, right?

0:01:58 > 0:01:59Funny(!)

0:01:59 > 0:02:04She will be up all night trying to find somewhere to plug in her tongs!

0:02:04 > 0:02:06DAD LAUGHS

0:02:06 > 0:02:08What about the last Highland walk?

0:02:08 > 0:02:10She wouldn't even get out of the car!

0:02:10 > 0:02:12There were midges the size of blooming bats!

0:02:12 > 0:02:13Those WERE bats!

0:02:13 > 0:02:16Oh, imagine how long she'll last on a hike.

0:02:16 > 0:02:19Carrying everything herself!

0:02:19 > 0:02:22Wait, do I have to carry my own luggage?

0:02:22 > 0:02:25Luggage?!

0:02:25 > 0:02:27Oh, thanks for the support, people!

0:02:27 > 0:02:29Yeah, at least she's willing to give it a try!

0:02:29 > 0:02:31You can borrow my old festival tent if you like?

0:02:31 > 0:02:34Thanks, Amber, at least SOMEONE believes in me!

0:02:36 > 0:02:37What colour is it?

0:02:47 > 0:02:51I mean, it's just not like you to want to share your personal space...

0:02:51 > 0:02:56with insects, in a tent, with no hair product or tablet.

0:02:56 > 0:02:59- I know - it's a dare!- No. - You're bunking off a maths test?

0:02:59 > 0:03:01Maybe I've just got something to prove?

0:03:01 > 0:03:04MILLIE SCOFFS Right. Come on. Seriously, why?

0:03:07 > 0:03:09Harley Chang's doing it!

0:03:09 > 0:03:11Harley Chang?

0:03:11 > 0:03:14Ha! Hot Harley's way out of your league.

0:03:14 > 0:03:17- Yeah, well, my league's going up. - Ooh, burn!

0:03:18 > 0:03:21Mum, can you just sign this? You don't need to read it.

0:03:21 > 0:03:25Oh, you still keen? I am impressed!

0:03:25 > 0:03:2730 quid fee? No way.

0:03:27 > 0:03:28Mum, please, I really want to do this.

0:03:28 > 0:03:30No, because when you change your mind...

0:03:30 > 0:03:32- But I won't.- ..I will be down 30 quid.

0:03:32 > 0:03:36- I'll chuck in a fiver. - That's my boy! Nice one, my son!

0:03:36 > 0:03:37It will be worth every penny

0:03:37 > 0:03:41when we get to see the state she's in afterwards!

0:03:41 > 0:03:42Mum, please?!

0:03:42 > 0:03:45Why don't you put these on and walk round the block ten times,

0:03:45 > 0:03:46see how you feel?

0:03:48 > 0:03:50Look what a nice job Mike's done.

0:03:51 > 0:03:53He's not put heels on them.

0:03:54 > 0:03:56LAUREN SIGHS

0:03:59 > 0:04:00I think you should sign it.

0:04:00 > 0:04:02You never know, Lauren might surprise you.

0:04:02 > 0:04:04Oh... Oh, yeah. Lauren's full of surprises.

0:04:07 > 0:04:11It's weird how the only people who think Lauren might do it

0:04:11 > 0:04:12are Mike and Amber.

0:04:16 > 0:04:19'..And I know she only wants to do it because of some boy,'

0:04:19 > 0:04:22but surely your own mum should have some blind faith in you?

0:04:22 > 0:04:25Not like you and your dad - the dream crushers.

0:04:25 > 0:04:26What do you mean?

0:04:26 > 0:04:28You were both laughing your heads off at poor Lauren

0:04:28 > 0:04:30for even thinking about trying.

0:04:30 > 0:04:34Oh, we were! Well, at least, I guess, I was.

0:04:34 > 0:04:36Well, that's horrible, with a side order of terrible!

0:04:36 > 0:04:37Stop doing it then.

0:04:43 > 0:04:46Step forward everyone that's doing the Highland Challenge.

0:04:46 > 0:04:47Go on, give us the punchline

0:04:47 > 0:04:50so we can all just split our sides laughing and then move on.

0:04:50 > 0:04:53The punchline is...it's Lauren!

0:04:55 > 0:04:58You got her to sign?!

0:04:58 > 0:05:00Shame you didn't get her to chuck out the boots as well.

0:05:00 > 0:05:05- How?- Well, I was very persuasive, and moving.

0:05:05 > 0:05:06You have to see it through now

0:05:06 > 0:05:08to prove to Mum and Dad that you can do it.

0:05:08 > 0:05:12- Why?- Because Amber and Mike had more faith in you than your own parents.

0:05:12 > 0:05:14It's only cos they don't know me so well.

0:05:14 > 0:05:18Lauren, don't you care that Mum and Dad expect you to fail?

0:05:18 > 0:05:20I kind of expect me to fail too.

0:05:20 > 0:05:22But at least I'll be failing

0:05:22 > 0:05:26- while watching Hot Harley zooming up the hill in front of me! - LAUREN LAUGHS

0:05:26 > 0:05:28Well, you've clearly thought it through

0:05:28 > 0:05:30and I'm loving your positive attitude.

0:05:30 > 0:05:31Thank you!

0:05:35 > 0:05:37You'll have to give it a good airing,

0:05:37 > 0:05:38I haven't used it since T in the Park.

0:05:38 > 0:05:40You camped in a park?

0:05:40 > 0:05:42It's a festival - duh!

0:05:42 > 0:05:43Fantastic. Is it easy to get up?

0:05:43 > 0:05:46Yup, it's a pop-up tent, so you just throw it down and it pops up.

0:05:46 > 0:05:47..And pop it up!

0:05:47 > 0:05:50- Yeah, but don't... - ALL GASP

0:05:51 > 0:05:54- Is it hard to get down? - No, it's fine, just do it like this.

0:05:56 > 0:05:58Hey.

0:05:58 > 0:06:00- AMBER:- This goes like this... - JAKE:- Do you need some help?

0:06:00 > 0:06:03It's OK, you don't need to help, Jake.

0:06:03 > 0:06:06- We could have a sleepover while Lauren's away!- Oh, brilliant!

0:06:06 > 0:06:09We could get pizza, watch DVDs,

0:06:09 > 0:06:11fill our onesies with popcorn then try and eat our way out!

0:06:11 > 0:06:14Try on some of Lauren's clothes, see if we can work a new look!

0:06:14 > 0:06:15Oh, she'd go mad.

0:06:15 > 0:06:17Are you OK, Lauren?

0:06:17 > 0:06:19BOTH: If she found out!

0:06:19 > 0:06:20Are you sure you don't need help?

0:06:20 > 0:06:24No, I'm completely capable, thank you.

0:06:24 > 0:06:25No, it's fine. I definitely... No...

0:06:27 > 0:06:29I've got it. Look, it's fine, I can do it.

0:06:29 > 0:06:32You'll have to put Jake on speed dial while you're away,

0:06:32 > 0:06:34or carry him in your rucksack!

0:06:34 > 0:06:36..Then I'll never have a chance to do it.

0:06:36 > 0:06:38She'll be zooming home in a cab before dark, eh, Millie?

0:06:38 > 0:06:40Dad.

0:06:42 > 0:06:45How can you laugh at poor Lauren like that?

0:06:45 > 0:06:46What, me? You were...

0:06:46 > 0:06:50- I- am going to do everything I can to get her ready for success.

0:06:50 > 0:06:54So you better stop smirking... and start working.

0:06:54 > 0:06:56- All right. - AMBER:- OK, let us get up...

0:06:58 > 0:07:01So, I'll be Lauren's chief overseer, making sure she's getting...

0:07:01 > 0:07:02Overseen?

0:07:02 > 0:07:04I was going with, "getting fitter"?

0:07:04 > 0:07:07Shouldn't I be doing the personal training,

0:07:07 > 0:07:09seeing as I'm a personal trainer?

0:07:09 > 0:07:12Yeah, I was getting to that, Mike, but I'm still on Mum.

0:07:13 > 0:07:15You'll be head of food and nutrition.

0:07:16 > 0:07:19- Spinach smoothies! - Ooh, you temptress!

0:07:19 > 0:07:22And YOU...will be head of training.

0:07:22 > 0:07:25Don't go getting any T-shirts printed, though,

0:07:25 > 0:07:27this is Lauren we're talking about.

0:07:27 > 0:07:30Faith is the bird that feels the light

0:07:30 > 0:07:33and sings while the dawn is still dark, Sharon.

0:07:36 > 0:07:38- What do I do?- Close your mouth.

0:07:38 > 0:07:41And don't open it unless it's to encourage Lauren.

0:07:41 > 0:07:43You will be head...

0:07:43 > 0:07:45of cheerleading!

0:07:45 > 0:07:48- No-o-o-o!- Oh, yes!

0:07:48 > 0:07:51Lauren's doing the Challenge, I'm going to make sure of it.

0:07:51 > 0:07:53And I know what you're thinking.

0:07:53 > 0:07:55But it's not about getting her out of the house

0:07:55 > 0:07:56just so I can have a sleepover.

0:07:56 > 0:08:00That's a bonus. For me, being so noble!

0:08:02 > 0:08:05- Oh, thanks, babe.- There you go.

0:08:05 > 0:08:06Oh.

0:08:10 > 0:08:15- Belly dancing music? Is this yours? - What you trying to say?

0:08:15 > 0:08:17No, it's mine. I thought I'd lost it.

0:08:17 > 0:08:21- It must've been in the tent bag. - You do belly dancing?

0:08:21 > 0:08:22Yeah, I give classes.

0:08:22 > 0:08:25I am a midwife - expert in all things belly!

0:08:25 > 0:08:29"Arabic cultures have been using belly dancing for centuries

0:08:29 > 0:08:30"to condition women for childbirth."

0:08:30 > 0:08:34What, pregnant ladies? Big wobbly bellies belly dancing?

0:08:34 > 0:08:37- Whoa! Whoa-ah! - Tony, would you grow up?

0:08:37 > 0:08:39Teach me.

0:08:42 > 0:08:46Ah! You got me to sign Lauren's form so you could have a sleepover!

0:08:46 > 0:08:51No! You think I spend all day thinking up devious schemes?

0:08:51 > 0:08:55- Yes.- Whatever. Can we? Please?!

0:08:55 > 0:08:57Sure, why not.

0:08:57 > 0:08:59I promise, it won't be any extra work for you.

0:08:59 > 0:09:02You'll just have to buy sweets and make popcorn.

0:09:02 > 0:09:06- You can have a sleepover, if... - Yes! Oh, no. Not an "if".

0:09:06 > 0:09:09If you get Lauren to do the Challenge.

0:09:09 > 0:09:10How do you rate my chances?

0:09:10 > 0:09:13Ah... Let's just say I'm willing to throw in a million pounds

0:09:13 > 0:09:16and a life-size chocolate fountain!

0:09:16 > 0:09:19- Mum!- Would I be making this refreshment helmet for Lauren

0:09:19 > 0:09:21if I didn't think she could do it, Sharon, eh? Hm?

0:09:21 > 0:09:23Oh, no, really need a wee, sorry, excuse me!

0:09:27 > 0:09:30- What sleepover?- The one that's none of your business.

0:09:30 > 0:09:32- Which means it totally is. - SHE SIGHS

0:09:39 > 0:09:44- OK. You have to isolate the pelvis. - Isolate it where?

0:09:44 > 0:09:46Oh... Put my midwife things down, please,

0:09:46 > 0:09:48although, actually, that's pretty good.

0:09:48 > 0:09:50- Er, can I have a go? - Yeah, come on, join in!

0:09:50 > 0:09:52But I haven't got a belly!

0:09:52 > 0:09:54Oh, you're so sweet! Come on.

0:09:57 > 0:10:00- BELLY DANCING MUSIC PLAYS - Now, relax...

0:10:00 > 0:10:02and let the belly be jelly.

0:10:09 > 0:10:10And to the right.

0:10:12 > 0:10:15That's my campsite dinner outfit sorted.

0:10:15 > 0:10:20Halfway up a mountain with bat-sized midges or sideyways rain?

0:10:20 > 0:10:21Either way, good choice(!)

0:10:21 > 0:10:23Yeah, says our fashion correspondent(!)

0:10:23 > 0:10:25It's not about fashion,

0:10:25 > 0:10:29it's about you freezing to death, trying to get Harley to notice you.

0:10:29 > 0:10:32So, I get hypothermia, he has to hold me to warm me up -

0:10:32 > 0:10:33it's a win-win.

0:10:33 > 0:10:37You've got to get fit. You need endurance, speed, stamina...

0:10:37 > 0:10:39Nmm...

0:10:39 > 0:10:42..and legs Harley can't help but notice.

0:10:42 > 0:10:43When do we start?

0:10:46 > 0:10:48ALARM CLOCK RINGS

0:10:52 > 0:10:54That's it, get those knees up!

0:10:57 > 0:11:00- Go on, Lauren! That's it, that's it. Go on, all the way, that's it. - LAUREN GROANS

0:11:00 > 0:11:02Come on! Whoo!

0:11:02 > 0:11:03Go on, stretch those quads!

0:11:03 > 0:11:04ALARM CLOCK RINGS

0:11:04 > 0:11:05Come on, keep up!

0:11:12 > 0:11:14- Come on, Lauren!- My hair looks so...

0:11:16 > 0:11:18SHE YELLS

0:11:18 > 0:11:19ALARM CLOCK RINGS

0:11:23 > 0:11:26SHE YELPS

0:11:26 > 0:11:27SHE SOBS

0:11:27 > 0:11:28ALARM CLOCK RINGS

0:11:30 > 0:11:32That's it, Lauren. Go on, yes! Go on.

0:11:34 > 0:11:36Use the compass!

0:11:36 > 0:11:37Over here, over here!

0:11:38 > 0:11:39Yeah, yeah!

0:11:39 > 0:11:41- All right, OK.- Yeah.

0:11:42 > 0:11:43HE SIGHS

0:11:44 > 0:11:46ALARM CLOCK RINGS

0:11:48 > 0:11:50SHE GROANS

0:11:50 > 0:11:53Come on, all the way, all the way, all the way, all the way...

0:11:53 > 0:11:55- No, I'm done...- Don't give up! - ..I'm going to stop doing it!

0:11:55 > 0:11:56But it's fun!

0:11:56 > 0:11:58ALARM CLOCK RINGS

0:11:58 > 0:12:00You can do it, Lauren. You're the champ!

0:12:00 > 0:12:02That's it, keep going, good girl.

0:12:02 > 0:12:05- ALARM CLOCK RINGS - Go!

0:12:05 > 0:12:07Good footwork, excellent work! Go on, Lauren, that's it.

0:12:07 > 0:12:09Go on, that's it, you're a superstar.

0:12:09 > 0:12:11- Go, go, go, go, go... - SHE SCREAMS

0:12:11 > 0:12:12Ye-e-e-s-s-s!

0:12:19 > 0:12:22Shaved 15 seconds off her running time.

0:12:22 > 0:12:23You see, it's all in the mind.

0:12:23 > 0:12:26I got her to imagine that the nail bar was closing - phheeow!

0:12:26 > 0:12:28And her refreshment helmet didn't slow her down one bit.

0:12:28 > 0:12:29Still needs a bit of work, though,

0:12:29 > 0:12:31I'm thinking of adding an emergency compass.

0:12:31 > 0:12:35She doesn't need a compass... She only knows about ONE DIRECTION!

0:12:35 > 0:12:37You should add an emergency lip gloss instead!

0:12:37 > 0:12:39- Hey, inspired! - LAUREN SNORES

0:12:39 > 0:12:42Even in her darkest hour, she can still have perfect lips.

0:12:43 > 0:12:45BLENDER WHIRS

0:12:47 > 0:12:48LAUREN SIGHS



0:12:57 > 0:12:59BLENDER WHIRS

0:13:03 > 0:13:04Am I late for school?

0:13:04 > 0:13:06Not till Monday morning.

0:13:06 > 0:13:07Oh...

0:13:08 > 0:13:10Don't you want your beetroot smoothie?

0:13:10 > 0:13:13- Mike can have it. - Really?! Oh, fantastic!

0:13:13 > 0:13:15BLENDER WHIRS

0:13:20 > 0:13:21SHE SIGHS

0:13:21 > 0:13:25You are going to rock that hike. You totally look the part.

0:13:27 > 0:13:29- Baby, you got it! - Wow, thanks, Craig.

0:13:29 > 0:13:33It's not personal. I'm, um, head cheerleader...

0:13:33 > 0:13:35just without the pompoms.

0:13:35 > 0:13:37Oh, well, thanks anyway.

0:13:37 > 0:13:40You don't stand a cat's chance with Harley though.

0:13:40 > 0:13:42He doesn't exactly go for grunge.

0:13:47 > 0:13:49You should not have done that.

0:13:49 > 0:13:52Now I'm not going to tell you about Millie's secret sleepover.

0:13:52 > 0:13:53What sleepover?!

0:13:59 > 0:14:01- BELLY DANCING MUSIC PLAYS CD:- 'Forward...'

0:14:01 > 0:14:04And forward, and forward, and forward... Coming back...

0:14:04 > 0:14:07And... Hey! Come and join us!

0:14:07 > 0:14:08I'm happy just watching, thanks.

0:14:08 > 0:14:11My belly doesn't dance, it stands by the cake table.

0:14:11 > 0:14:13Come on, it's fun!

0:14:13 > 0:14:16That's fantastic, Fran, you're so graceful.

0:14:16 > 0:14:18I'm good too, watch my hips wobble.

0:14:18 > 0:14:20RATTLING

0:14:20 > 0:14:25Good hips, bro, but maybe you should try something with fewer scarves?

0:14:25 > 0:14:26Such as?

0:14:26 > 0:14:30Well, it just...doesn't seem to be quite his thing.

0:14:30 > 0:14:32Because he hasn't got the belly for it?

0:14:32 > 0:14:34Because he's too young or because he's a boy?

0:14:36 > 0:14:37What was the first one again?

0:14:40 > 0:14:42Five, six, seven, eight...

0:14:46 > 0:14:48KNOCK AT DOOR

0:14:51 > 0:14:54I know it looks like a mouse died in the blender,

0:14:54 > 0:14:56but I promise you, it'll give you a boost.

0:15:02 > 0:15:04SHARON GROANS

0:15:04 > 0:15:06Is Millie having a sleepover tomorrow night?

0:15:06 > 0:15:09Well, only if your bed's free cos you're doing the Challenge,

0:15:09 > 0:15:12which, I guess means...probably not?

0:15:13 > 0:15:16Great. Another one who thinks I'm just going to quit.

0:15:16 > 0:15:19Oh, love. You've done ever so well.

0:15:19 > 0:15:22No-one'll blame you if you're having second thoughts.

0:15:25 > 0:15:27TEXT MESSAGE ALERT

0:15:30 > 0:15:32Finally, a reason to quit.

0:15:37 > 0:15:40OK. So that's the beginner's class?

0:15:40 > 0:15:43Perfect. We'll see you then. Bye.

0:15:44 > 0:15:47It won't make me late for my sleepover, will it?

0:15:47 > 0:15:48- Of course not.- And I can come too?

0:15:48 > 0:15:51You bet! We'll be a belly dancing quartet.

0:15:51 > 0:15:53Er, you mean tritet? Trio.

0:15:54 > 0:15:57I... I'm not going.

0:15:57 > 0:15:59Just think of it as supporting Lauren.

0:15:59 > 0:16:02She won't be the only one getting out of her tiny little comfort zone.

0:16:02 > 0:16:04I like my comfort zone, it's comfy!

0:16:04 > 0:16:05Come on, Tony.

0:16:06 > 0:16:09I could teach you some new moves. I call this one the swaying camel.

0:16:13 > 0:16:16Er, no thanks, Jake, it's really not for me.

0:16:16 > 0:16:18How do you know if you've never tried?

0:16:18 > 0:16:22You can wear scarves and bangles and you can wiggle about everywhere!

0:16:22 > 0:16:25- Yeah, what's wrong with it? - Nothing, if you're a girl.

0:16:28 > 0:16:31- TONY SIGHS - Oh, sorry, look...

0:16:31 > 0:16:34There's girl's things and boy's things, everyone knows that.

0:16:34 > 0:16:37Well, everyone except for me, apparently. Such as what?

0:16:37 > 0:16:38I don't know, um, ballet.

0:16:38 > 0:16:41Yeah, cos there are no guy ballet dancers. Oh, no, wait, there are.

0:16:41 > 0:16:43Bad example. Weightlifting.

0:16:43 > 0:16:46Well, that'll be news to all the Olympic women weightlifters.

0:16:46 > 0:16:51Beach volleyball... Eh, lion taming. Competitive moustache growing.

0:16:51 > 0:16:52Skirt wearing.

0:16:58 > 0:17:00There is one thing some boys are bad at.

0:17:00 > 0:17:02- What?- Admitting they're wrong.

0:17:05 > 0:17:06HE SIGHS

0:17:09 > 0:17:13Big day tomorrow - the sleepover. Oh, and the Challenge.

0:17:13 > 0:17:16I guess I should have told Lauren about Fran coming over.

0:17:16 > 0:17:19But what if she locks her wardrobe?

0:17:19 > 0:17:22- TV BLARES:- 'Get ready for spring with this season's newest and...'

0:17:22 > 0:17:24What are you doing?

0:17:24 > 0:17:26Popcorn is not a part of your nutrition plan,

0:17:26 > 0:17:29especially the night before the Challenge, when you should be...

0:17:29 > 0:17:31..Eating what I want because I'm not going.

0:17:31 > 0:17:35What? Why? So you just quit?

0:17:35 > 0:17:36For no reason?

0:17:36 > 0:17:38No, for a very good reason.

0:17:38 > 0:17:41Right, so Trixie told Cora, who texted Maddie,

0:17:41 > 0:17:43who messaged Emma that Harley dropped out.

0:17:43 > 0:17:45A dog chewed his head torch.

0:17:45 > 0:17:47That is so lame.

0:17:47 > 0:17:49Does he even have a dog?

0:17:49 > 0:17:51Or a head torch?

0:17:51 > 0:17:52Do I even care?

0:17:52 > 0:17:55No Hot Harley and no wet, tired, insect-bitten Lauren.

0:17:55 > 0:17:56But it's such a waste!

0:17:56 > 0:18:00It's not just you you're letting down, I worked hard as well.

0:18:00 > 0:18:02You did work really hard...

0:18:02 > 0:18:05getting me out of the house so you could have a sleepover!

0:18:08 > 0:18:10You go, girl! Rock that Challenge!

0:18:10 > 0:18:12- BOTH:- Shut up!

0:18:12 > 0:18:15- I didn't do it for that!- Well, you certainly didn't do it for me.

0:18:15 > 0:18:17Thanks for all the fake support, Millie!

0:18:21 > 0:18:24You told her about the sleepover? This is all your fault.

0:18:24 > 0:18:28It can't be. And you said it was none of my business.

0:18:28 > 0:18:29TV CONTINUES TO BLARE

0:18:32 > 0:18:35I wasn't helping you just for the sleepover, Lauren, I swear.

0:18:35 > 0:18:37Then why keep it a secret?

0:18:37 > 0:18:39It wasn't a secret. Everyone knew except you.

0:18:39 > 0:18:40This is so not helping.

0:18:40 > 0:18:44It's not just like I killed your pet rabbit, I made a mistake, OK?

0:18:44 > 0:18:45What rabbit? Did you buy me a rabbit?

0:18:45 > 0:18:48No! Look, there wasn't a good time to tell you.

0:18:48 > 0:18:50I didn't want you taking it the wrong way.

0:18:50 > 0:18:51What, like I'm taking it now?

0:18:51 > 0:18:54What part of "I made a mistake" don't you get?

0:18:54 > 0:18:56The part where you randomly buy me a rabbit!

0:18:56 > 0:18:58There isn't a rabbit, Lauren!

0:18:58 > 0:19:01You're so close to actually achieving something.

0:19:01 > 0:19:03And I'd love to see you do it.

0:19:03 > 0:19:05Just like you'd love to have a sleepover.

0:19:05 > 0:19:07Well, you're going to be disappointed on both counts

0:19:07 > 0:19:09cos it isn't happening,

0:19:09 > 0:19:12no matter how many rabbits you try and bribe me with!

0:19:17 > 0:19:20- Do you want to give me a hand, Jake? - Soon.

0:19:21 > 0:19:22- I'll give you two.- No need.

0:19:27 > 0:19:28We've got girl power.

0:19:29 > 0:19:31And to fix a motorbike... Imagine!

0:19:33 > 0:19:36My sleepover's cancelled. Lauren quit the Challenge.

0:19:36 > 0:19:39Oh, I'm sorry, that's a shame on both counts.

0:19:39 > 0:19:42Yeah, sorry, Fran. Still, it was a long shot.

0:19:44 > 0:19:46Hey, did I tell you about the time when she took up curling?

0:19:46 > 0:19:49She goes, "This is just mopping on ice!"

0:19:54 > 0:19:55Not really helping, am I?

0:19:56 > 0:20:00Hey, it's not all bad, you're all going belly dancing in the morning!

0:20:00 > 0:20:02I'm not, I'm staying here.

0:20:02 > 0:20:04No-one does the swaying camel like you!

0:20:04 > 0:20:06All right, then, I'll come.

0:20:06 > 0:20:09But I'm not dancing, my belly's not happy enough.

0:20:20 > 0:20:23- What's this? - It was the start of my college fund.

0:20:25 > 0:20:26- £8.50?- I'm only 13.

0:20:28 > 0:20:32I made you sign the form, so I'm paying back the registration fee.

0:20:32 > 0:20:33Here's an IOU for the rest.

0:20:35 > 0:20:39Look, Lauren quit... because that's what Lauren does.

0:20:41 > 0:20:44Just after I'd put the finishing touches to her refreshment helmet.

0:20:44 > 0:20:46SQUELCHING

0:20:48 > 0:20:50This isn't about you.

0:20:50 > 0:20:53That's not how it feels from where I'm standing.

0:21:01 > 0:21:03I feel terrible.

0:21:03 > 0:21:06I hope she didn't do it cos of the sleepover.

0:21:06 > 0:21:08You know it's not about that.

0:21:08 > 0:21:10But I made it worse.

0:21:10 > 0:21:13You just think that because you're feeling guilty.

0:21:13 > 0:21:17I bet Lauren decided to quit the moment she heard about Harley.

0:21:17 > 0:21:19But she trained so hard.

0:21:19 > 0:21:22I've never seen her stick at anything like that before.

0:21:22 > 0:21:25You know, she'd have nailed it tomorrow.

0:21:25 > 0:21:29And I'd have loved to see her get a Highland Challenge medal.

0:21:29 > 0:21:32She clearly didn't want it as much as you.

0:21:32 > 0:21:33Yeah, that's a shame.

0:21:36 > 0:21:37- Night.- Night, Mills.

0:21:48 > 0:21:50BIRDS TWITTER

0:21:54 > 0:21:56LAUREN GROANS

0:21:59 > 0:22:00Lip gloss was a nice touch.

0:22:00 > 0:22:03Anyone want to give me a lift to the drop-off point?

0:22:03 > 0:22:05- Oh, yeah!- Good for you.

0:22:06 > 0:22:07Here you go...

0:22:07 > 0:22:10- MIKE GROANS - I'll just... I'll swing it over.

0:22:10 > 0:22:13- ALL GASP Watch that...- There we go.

0:22:13 > 0:22:14- OK.- Yeah...

0:22:14 > 0:22:16- You go, girl!- OK...

0:22:16 > 0:22:18You the bomb!

0:22:18 > 0:22:20- LAUREN GROANS - She'll be back by lunchtime.

0:22:26 > 0:22:28You should have tried it, Jake, it was great.

0:22:28 > 0:22:31DRUMMING

0:22:31 > 0:22:32What's that?

0:22:34 > 0:22:35BELLY DANCING MUSIC

0:22:35 > 0:22:38- Ah!- I thought I'd do some exercise as a tribute to Lauren.

0:22:38 > 0:22:42What idiot said belly dancing's only for girls?

0:22:43 > 0:22:46So now we can ALL go next time?

0:22:46 > 0:22:47Too right!

0:22:48 > 0:22:51Hey, w-w-wait, what are you doing?

0:22:51 > 0:22:52Showing my mates how cool you are.

0:22:52 > 0:22:55- CAMERA CLICKS - Ah, in for a penny...

0:22:55 > 0:22:59- Come...on!- Come on! All in for a shimmy!- Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy...

0:22:59 > 0:23:01AMBER LAUGHS

0:23:07 > 0:23:11Almost 12 hours later and Lauren is still out there!

0:23:11 > 0:23:13That one, but don't get it creased.

0:23:13 > 0:23:15It's linen. It creases as you look at it.

0:23:15 > 0:23:18TEXT MESSAGE ALERT Oh, Lauren alert!

0:23:20 > 0:23:22Oh, that is so gross!

0:23:23 > 0:23:26Blisters on her blisters.

0:23:26 > 0:23:30- Bad.- Worse than falling in nettles when she was having a wee?

0:23:30 > 0:23:33Mm, that's tough. Avocado skin soother?

0:23:33 > 0:23:35- Thanks. - TEXT MESSAGE ALERT

0:23:35 > 0:23:37Oh, no! Now there's a storm!

0:23:38 > 0:23:40Don't worry, we've been in storms in that tent.

0:23:40 > 0:23:42She'll be fine.

0:23:42 > 0:23:44I hope there isn't any thunder.

0:23:44 > 0:23:47I mean, Lauren freaks when Craig does a loud burp.

0:23:47 > 0:23:49- I better send Mike out to get her. - Get a grip.

0:23:49 > 0:23:52If she'd have wanted to come home, she'd have said so.

0:23:54 > 0:23:56And she hasn't.

0:23:56 > 0:23:58Oh, I don't know what's more exhausting -

0:23:58 > 0:24:00doing the Challenge, or hearing about it.

0:24:00 > 0:24:02Hearing about it, totally.

0:24:05 > 0:24:07BIRDS TWITTER

0:24:12 > 0:24:14- Oh...- Lauren?

0:24:15 > 0:24:16Oh...

0:24:16 > 0:24:18LAUREN GROANS

0:24:18 > 0:24:20Oh, you did it! You so rule.

0:24:20 > 0:24:23- Oh! Do you want to sit down? - Do you want a glass of water?

0:24:23 > 0:24:25Are you going to faint?

0:24:25 > 0:24:26You look well rough, ha-ha!

0:24:28 > 0:24:31- SOBBING:- It's been a nightmare. But I've made it!

0:24:33 > 0:24:35- Ow...- I'll bring your rucksack.

0:24:35 > 0:24:36I've got this!

0:24:40 > 0:24:42Oh! Oh...

0:24:46 > 0:24:49- Do you want some breakfast? - You go, I'll be there soon.

0:24:51 > 0:24:54You were right about Lauren. And I'm so proud of her.

0:24:54 > 0:24:58And extra bacon in your sarnie if you don't say, "I told you so!"

0:25:01 > 0:25:02Oh!

0:25:04 > 0:25:06HE PANTS

0:25:08 > 0:25:11Brought it up. Respect.

0:25:12 > 0:25:15I was going to leave it downstairs so I could get everything washed.

0:25:15 > 0:25:17Ahem!

0:25:23 > 0:25:25HE GROANS

0:25:28 > 0:25:31- I knew you could do it. - No, you didn't,

0:25:31 > 0:25:34or you wouldn't have turned me into your personal little project.

0:25:34 > 0:25:36Well, that was mostly because I wanted Mum and Dad

0:25:36 > 0:25:38to stop seeing you as a quitter.

0:25:38 > 0:25:40But you did too.

0:25:40 > 0:25:43Well, you did quit after Hot Harley did, so...

0:25:43 > 0:25:46It wasn't just cos of Harley, or the sleepover...

0:25:47 > 0:25:48I just got cold feet.

0:25:48 > 0:25:50So those boots Mum got you were rubbish?

0:25:50 > 0:25:52- LAUREN LAUGHS - No! I mean...

0:25:55 > 0:25:57It was the first time I've ever had to work that hard

0:25:57 > 0:25:59for something in my life.

0:26:00 > 0:26:03- What if I couldn't do it? - But you did.

0:26:03 > 0:26:06Yeah... And I couldn't have done it without you.

0:26:08 > 0:26:10- Can you help me get these off? - Mm-hm.

0:26:13 > 0:26:15- Come on.- (Ow...)

0:26:17 > 0:26:18(Ah...)

0:26:18 > 0:26:21- These...are minging!- Mm.

0:26:21 > 0:26:25Hopefully Mum'll get me some new ones now.

0:26:25 > 0:26:28- Oh, I forgot, I got you something. - Oh, you didn't have to.

0:26:29 > 0:26:32- But I did! - LAUREN LAUGHS

0:26:32 > 0:26:33Pickle?

0:26:33 > 0:26:36Yeah, to go with those boots that you promised to eat.

0:26:36 > 0:26:38- Oh...- Bon appetit!