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:00:09. > :00:13.Hello, welcome to Newsround. I'm Ore and we are talking about

:00:13. > :00:16.something that affects around one in 10 of us, dyslexia. It can make

:00:16. > :00:21.it difficult to read or recognise words, letters and other symbols,

:00:21. > :00:26.and it can make life hard, especially if you do not get help.

:00:26. > :00:29.Just like it was for this guy, Dom Wood, AKA Dom from Dick and Dom. He

:00:29. > :00:34.has told Newsround that growing up with dyslexia was tough, especially

:00:34. > :00:37.as he was not diagnosed until he was 15. At 5 o'clock today, we have

:00:37. > :00:42.got a special programme called My Dyslexic Mind, which you can see

:00:42. > :00:46.here on CBBC. It is presented by Ben who is 12 and dyslexic. For the

:00:46. > :00:55.programme he got to chat to Dom who told him all about his experiences

:00:55. > :00:59.with dyslexia. Until I was 15 I just thought I was thick. I could

:00:59. > :01:04.not understand why it because I tried so hard. At school, it was

:01:04. > :01:10.all about if you were academic. But there are thousands of jobs out

:01:10. > :01:14.there which do not require academia. It is not a disadvantage being

:01:15. > :01:19.dyslexic. In some ways it is a positive thing. If it was not for

:01:19. > :01:25.being dyslexic, I would not be where I am today. Fantastic to hear

:01:25. > :01:33.from him. Someone else who knows exactly what

:01:33. > :01:38.they are going through is 11 year- old Lauren, who is also dyslexic.

:01:38. > :01:45.How did you find out you were dyslexic? I did not know much about

:01:45. > :01:50.it then but I was taken out of the class. What makes it hard for you

:01:50. > :01:58.at school? You need your teachers to help you, don't you? Probably

:01:58. > :02:02.sitting in class. When I stop, people do not see me. And what

:02:02. > :02:09.about your friends? Did they treat you differently? Yes, when I say

:02:09. > :02:14.things wrong they correctly. It puts me down every time. Because

:02:14. > :02:20.they are telling me what to say and what to do basically. How does that

:02:20. > :02:26.make you feel? It makes me upset because I say, I know what I am

:02:26. > :02:29.doing, I can speak. If I do not need you to speak for me. Are we

:02:29. > :02:37.heard from Dom from Dick and Dom and he said he would not be the

:02:37. > :02:41.same person without dyslexia. Have you learned to embrace it? The yes,

:02:41. > :02:45.because with dyslexia you always have something else you are better

:02:45. > :02:50.at. I really like football and I would not be good at football if I

:02:50. > :02:57.did not have dyslexia. We have a star in the making. And England

:02:57. > :03:05.star of the future. Thank you. Well, lots of you telling us online

:03:05. > :03:15.how dyslexia affects you. Masum in London says I have dyslexia and it

:03:15. > :03:48.

:03:48. > :03:55.The question is, what can you do if you think you have got dyslexia? I

:03:56. > :03:59.am joined by a Dr Anna Pitt. We will see you in the special

:03:59. > :04:06.programme at 5 o'clock as well. What is the difference between a

:04:06. > :04:10.dyslexic mind and another mind? The science park, if you like. We found

:04:10. > :04:15.a lot of neurological differences which are happening inside the

:04:15. > :04:20.brain of dyslexics and how they function differently. The reading

:04:20. > :04:24.problems and things, the reading and spelling problems, they tend to

:04:24. > :04:28.be the symptoms of what is being caused inside. We are looking at

:04:28. > :04:33.things like how they understand sounds or how they can use their

:04:33. > :04:39.eyes. So it means they are not stupid, they are just different.

:04:39. > :04:42.For those people who are worried, what can they do? The first thing,

:04:42. > :04:47.talk to their parents and teachers. Find a teacher you trust because

:04:47. > :04:52.that makes a big difference. And understand that it means it will