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:00:09. > :00:15.It is coming up to midday, on the way .Mac you tell as one Saturday

:00:16. > :00:17.night TV show you're looking forward to, plus, the spectacular ice

:00:18. > :00:29.sculptures onshore in China. In two weeks time this man -

:00:30. > :00:33.Donald Trump - will become But as he's getting ready to move

:00:34. > :00:37.into the White House, Since Donald won the election he's

:00:38. > :00:44.been pretty busy tweeting what he thinks and not

:00:45. > :00:48.everybody likes it. Including this guy, Joe Biden,

:00:49. > :00:50.President Barack Obama's Grow up, time to be

:00:51. > :00:58.an adult, you're president. Ouch, Joe but why

:00:59. > :01:02.the playground insult? It's all to do with a big

:01:03. > :01:05.row over the election American spies say Russia got

:01:06. > :01:10.involved in the US election. They say that Russia hacked

:01:11. > :01:12.into emails of members of Hilary Clinton's team to find

:01:13. > :01:15.embarrassing information about her. They say it was to help Trump

:01:16. > :01:18.and damage Clinton's The future president has been pretty

:01:19. > :01:26.outspoken on Twitter. At first he disagreed

:01:27. > :01:30.with what the American spies said. But yesterday Donald Trump

:01:31. > :01:32.blamed his rivals the Democrat Party for allowing the hacking

:01:33. > :01:36.to take place. He said the outcome of the election

:01:37. > :01:43.was not affected by what hapenned. Donald Trump continues

:01:44. > :01:45.to send lots of tweets. No one who is about to be president

:01:46. > :01:49.has ever acted like this before. Some people are worried by it

:01:50. > :01:51.but Trump supporters say this is why he's different

:01:52. > :01:53.from other politicians. It's probably the only

:01:54. > :01:59.thing everyone agrees on. And there's loads on Trump and the

:02:00. > :02:08.row over the US election online. If you've been missing the X Factor

:02:09. > :02:11.and Strictly Come Dancing, fear not, because tonight sees the launch

:02:12. > :02:14.of two more reality singing contests - new show 'Let It Shine' and ITV's

:02:15. > :02:20.version of The Voice. But with all these talent

:02:21. > :02:22.shows on our screens, we wanted to know if you are still

:02:23. > :02:35.interested in watching. At from burning and said I will be

:02:36. > :02:38.watching let it shine. Rosie said I will watch the voice because it has

:02:39. > :02:43.been on longer and has made successful singers. Katie said she

:02:44. > :02:49.will want to let it shine because her mum site films.

:02:50. > :02:52.Right now the biggest tech show in the world is taking place

:02:53. > :02:55.From folding drones to smart showers, there's plenty

:02:56. > :03:06.and BBC tech reporter Chris Foxx is there and sent us this.

:03:07. > :03:15.Vegas, there are thousands of companies and inventors here, all

:03:16. > :03:19.showing off their latest gadgets and try to prove that what they've got

:03:20. > :03:22.is the next big thing. I tried this virtual reality game that you

:03:23. > :03:26.control your whole body that makes it feel as though you're soaring

:03:27. > :03:29.above the mountains. And then there were virtual reality shoes that

:03:30. > :03:35.tickle your feet to make it feel as though you're stepping in puddles or

:03:36. > :03:39.walking on sand. How about this backpack with the head and electric

:03:40. > :03:43.skateboard inside? Perfect for carrying your schoolbag. And this

:03:44. > :03:47.robot pics of tennis balls of your too lazy to do so after PE. There

:03:48. > :03:52.are lots of drones on show and this one is a flying Celtic camera. If

:03:53. > :03:59.you don't have your self-respect you can take one. Usually you can't fly

:04:00. > :04:05.drones you people saw MOC from the company that made us. These are

:04:06. > :04:11.really sturdy structures and also it knows where you are. If you put your

:04:12. > :04:16.hand at the Web -- edible flyaway. But everything one short year is a

:04:17. > :04:19.good idea, some things have been launch events and are never seen

:04:20. > :04:21.again. There is plenty more to see so I will be.

:04:22. > :04:25.Next to a boy who's a step closer to becoming a paralympic star as one

:04:26. > :04:28.of the first children to be given a running blade by the NHS.

:04:29. > :04:31.Ben needed to have his leg removed when he was younger

:04:32. > :04:34.and until now his family would have had to pay up to a thousand pounds

:04:35. > :04:38.But changes in the way money is spent in hospitals means

:04:39. > :04:41.for the first time kids who need them can get them for free.

:04:42. > :04:44.Now with the help of the blade Ben's aiming for a place

:04:45. > :04:50.And, in just about half an hour, today's FA Cup action gets under way

:04:51. > :04:52.when Reading will go for a giant-killing as they take

:04:53. > :04:57.Wayne Rooney is set to return after injury and the England captain

:04:58. > :04:59.needs just two goals to become the all-time record scorer

:05:00. > :05:06.We'll update you with the score in our next bulletin.

:05:07. > :05:09.And if Wayne needs any tips on getting a goal on target maybe

:05:10. > :05:12.he should talk to these guys who really hit the bulls eye.

:05:13. > :05:15.Tennessee Police struggled to get a calf off the highway

:05:16. > :05:19.in the US So they got a real cowboy in to help who sat on the car bonnet

:05:20. > :05:24.and lassoed the run-away before taking it to safety.

:05:25. > :05:26.The video's had near three million clicks since it

:05:27. > :05:40.Here is some ice work, if you are feeling frustrated spectacular ice

:05:41. > :05:44.and snow festival is under way in China. Artists from around the world

:05:45. > :05:48.are competing to make the best ace sculptures using all kinds of power

:05:49. > :05:49.Tools. 32 teams are fighting for the top prize.

:05:50. > :05:54.That's all from me, Newsround's back right here in about half an hour.