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0:00:13 > 0:00:15Hi!

0:00:15 > 0:00:17Ayshah here with your final Newsround update

0:00:17 > 0:00:19this Mothering Sunday.

0:00:19 > 0:00:21And first, at the Paralympic Winter games in Pyeongchang

0:00:21 > 0:00:24the medals keep coming.

0:00:24 > 0:00:27Paralympics GB picked up silver and bronze on day two of the games.

0:00:27 > 0:00:31The BBC's Kate Grey is there.

0:00:31 > 0:00:33Hello, Newsround.

0:00:33 > 0:00:35It's been another brilliant day for Paralympics GB

0:00:35 > 0:00:36here in Pyeongchang.

0:00:36 > 0:00:39Two medals to add to the silver that they won yesterday

0:00:39 > 0:00:41and it was Millie Knight who won that silver medal yesterday

0:00:41 > 0:00:43that has won another silver today.

0:00:43 > 0:00:46It's been quite emotional.

0:00:46 > 0:00:48Even on the podium yesterday, it was quite hard

0:00:48 > 0:00:51not to tear up a little bit.

0:00:51 > 0:00:54Yeah, it's been a struggle to get here and I can't believe this

0:00:54 > 0:00:56is what is hanging round our neck.

0:00:56 > 0:00:57Absolutely.

0:00:57 > 0:00:59Those silver medals are quite special.

0:00:59 > 0:01:00Brett, your first Paralympic Games.

0:01:00 > 0:01:02This is a pretty good way to go.

0:01:02 > 0:01:03Yes. It's unbelievable.

0:01:03 > 0:01:06It's such an honour just to be here.

0:01:06 > 0:01:09To come away now, two races, two medals, it's absolutely fantastic.

0:01:09 > 0:01:15And they beat their team-mates Menna Fitzpatrick and Jen Kehoe

0:01:15 > 0:01:18who took the bronze but amazingly they fell in the downhill yesterday

0:01:18 > 0:01:21and had to recover, refocus, and they did admit

0:01:21 > 0:01:24it had been a nervous 24 hours coming into this Super-G.

0:01:24 > 0:01:27It's definitely been an emotional 24 hours.

0:01:27 > 0:01:29Lots of crying happening.

0:01:29 > 0:01:32Today, they were good tears, thankfully.

0:01:32 > 0:01:35So, it will be a rest day for the Alpine skiers tomorrow

0:01:35 > 0:01:38but it will be the start of the snowboarding event.

0:01:38 > 0:01:43So another exciting day expected on day three.

0:01:43 > 0:01:47Next, it's Mothers Day and loads of you are spending the day thanking

0:01:47 > 0:01:49the amazing women in your life.

0:01:49 > 0:01:53We asked you to get in touch and let us know what you're doing.

0:01:53 > 0:01:57Ella in Havering says she made her mum a breakfast menu

0:01:57 > 0:02:00and gave a choice of chores that she would do for her.

0:02:00 > 0:02:03Josh in Torquay is celebrating the day with his Grandma

0:02:03 > 0:02:04who bought him a gift!

0:02:04 > 0:02:06Lucky guy.

0:02:06 > 0:02:08They're sitting down for a roast dinner.

0:02:08 > 0:02:11Delicious.

0:02:11 > 0:02:14And sisters Ava and Emelia from Essex say they made their mummy

0:02:14 > 0:02:16pancakes for breakfast.

0:02:16 > 0:02:20Now they're at their Nanny's house so that their Mum can enjoy the day

0:02:20 > 0:02:21with her own Mum too.

0:02:21 > 0:02:24Thanks for getting in touch.

0:02:24 > 0:02:27From one lot of inspirational women to another now.

0:02:27 > 0:02:30On Wednesday it was International Women's Day -

0:02:30 > 0:02:32a day to celebrate the amazing achievements of women

0:02:32 > 0:02:35all over the world.

0:02:35 > 0:02:38We spoke to a group of well-known women who've done

0:02:38 > 0:02:41incredible things to see what advice they had for young

0:02:41 > 0:02:42girls growing up today.

0:02:42 > 0:02:44Take a look at this.

0:02:44 > 0:02:46Hi, Newsround.

0:02:46 > 0:02:48Hello everybody at Newsround.

0:02:48 > 0:02:52My advice for all young girls watching Newsround right now is...

0:02:52 > 0:02:57For International Women's Day we spoke to six amazing women.

0:02:57 > 0:02:58Millie, Lauren, and Anita.

0:02:58 > 0:03:00And Yasmin, Kimberly, and Ellie.

0:03:00 > 0:03:02To see what they have to say.

0:03:02 > 0:03:05Being a girl can be difficult in so many ways.

0:03:05 > 0:03:08I feel there's one major challenge that, maybe,

0:03:08 > 0:03:11some of you watching Newsround might have faced and that is comparison.

0:03:11 > 0:03:14You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else.

0:03:14 > 0:03:17We live in a crazy selfie generation and there is so much pressure put

0:03:17 > 0:03:21on the way that you look and the way that you present yourself that

0:03:21 > 0:03:24sometimes the really good stuff that is going to make you soar

0:03:24 > 0:03:27and dreams come true gets overlooked.

0:03:27 > 0:03:30So, I'm 17, a year away from being an adult.

0:03:30 > 0:03:31Officially.

0:03:31 > 0:03:34And I would give the advice to my younger self of

0:03:34 > 0:03:38just not being scared.

0:03:38 > 0:03:41Not mind so much about what other people say

0:03:41 > 0:03:43about you or think about your ideas.

0:03:43 > 0:03:45Don't like anybody hold you back.

0:03:45 > 0:03:46We are all individuals.

0:03:46 > 0:03:48We all have different lives.

0:03:48 > 0:03:51I think you have that one life and you've got to live it.

0:03:51 > 0:03:54You've just got to enjoy everything that you do.

0:03:54 > 0:03:57The way you dress, the way you make music, that you listen to.

0:03:57 > 0:04:00The things you write about and the things

0:04:00 > 0:04:03you read, they are personal to you and if they are important

0:04:03 > 0:04:06to you, they are important.

0:04:06 > 0:04:07Don't worry about fitting in with everybody else.

0:04:07 > 0:04:09Just stick to what you're doing.

0:04:09 > 0:04:10You're pretty cool.

0:04:10 > 0:04:11You can always do it.

0:04:11 > 0:04:12You can do it!

0:04:12 > 0:04:13Just do it!

0:04:13 > 0:04:15Just keep your eyes on the prize.

0:04:15 > 0:04:17Stop caring what other people think.

0:04:17 > 0:04:23Happy International Women's Day Newsround.

0:04:23 > 0:04:25Big match result to update you on in the Scottish cup.

0:04:25 > 0:04:29It's been a dramatic one to watch and Celtic came out on top,

0:04:29 > 0:04:32beating Rangers at the Ibrox, 3-2.

0:04:32 > 0:04:35It was a close contest in the first half as we can see

0:04:35 > 0:04:39from these pictures.

0:04:39 > 0:04:42Simunovic was sent of in the 57th minute, but even with ten men

0:04:42 > 0:04:45Celtic got a final goal to win away.

0:04:45 > 0:04:50Finally - robots that think for themselves.

0:04:50 > 0:04:53Sounds futuristic but they're are already here - and scientists

0:04:53 > 0:04:55are using the technology to teach the bots.

0:04:55 > 0:04:58to play football?!

0:04:58 > 0:05:01Meet the football playing robots.

0:05:01 > 0:05:03They're not being operated by remote control.

0:05:03 > 0:05:09These techie sports stars can make decisions for themselves.

0:05:09 > 0:05:12Scientists at the University of Texas have programmed the robots

0:05:12 > 0:05:16to do use artificial intelligence to have a good old kickabout.

0:05:16 > 0:05:19These guys are in training for a big contest.

0:05:19 > 0:05:22The robot World Cup.

0:05:22 > 0:05:27Like this one held in Germany two years ago.

0:05:27 > 0:05:30They are able to learn from their mistakes and improve

0:05:30 > 0:05:33their game each time they play.

0:05:33 > 0:05:35Rather than turn taking, everybody's moving at the same time.

0:05:35 > 0:05:38If you take too long about what to do when you're

0:05:38 > 0:05:41about to pass the ball the opponents can take the ball away from you.

0:05:41 > 0:05:43I thought these guys have got what it takes

0:05:43 > 0:05:45to make it to the finals.

0:05:45 > 0:05:48Once they learn to stay on the feet, that is.

0:05:48 > 0:05:50That's all for today.

0:05:50 > 0:05:53You can always keep up to date with what's happening online.

0:05:53 > 0:05:54Newsround's back in the morning.

0:05:54 > 0:06:00Enjoy the rest of your day.