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0:59:50 > 0:59:57.

1:00:05 > 1:00:08# If you've got a question and you don't know where to go

1:00:08 > 1:00:11# Ask Nina for some help Cos she's got a science show

1:00:11 > 1:00:15# She makes sense of her senses While helping all her fans

1:00:15 > 1:00:17# By doing her experiments with potions and with bangs

1:00:17 > 1:00:19- # Touch your tongue - Tongue!

1:00:19 > 1:00:20- # Fingers- Fingers!

1:00:20 > 1:00:23- # Eyes.- Eyes!- Ears.- Ears!- Nose.- Nose!

1:00:23 > 1:00:26# Nina and the Neurons find out what you need to know

1:00:26 > 1:00:29# Nina and the Neurons find out what you need to know

1:00:29 > 1:00:32# Luke, he helps us with our eyes and Felix with our touch

1:00:32 > 1:00:36# Ollie sniffs out smells And Belle, she hears so much

1:00:36 > 1:00:38# Bud is Ollie's brother He helps us with our taste

1:00:38 > 1:00:41# They're Nina's little Neurons And they're coming to your place!

1:00:41 > 1:00:43- # Touch your tongue- Tongue!

1:00:43 > 1:00:44- # Fingers- Fingers!

1:00:44 > 1:00:47- # Eyes.- Eyes!- Ears.- Ears!- Nose.- Nose!

1:00:47 > 1:00:51# Nina and the Neurons find out what you need to know

1:00:51 > 1:00:53# Nina and the Neurons find out what you need to know

1:00:53 > 1:00:55# Oh yeah! #

1:00:57 > 1:01:04Ooh, ooh! Ah-ha! There it is. Hee-hee! Oh, hello, there.

1:01:04 > 1:01:07You may have heard the saying that if you lose an eyelash,

1:01:07 > 1:01:11you should make a wish. Well, here goes.

1:01:11 > 1:01:14SHE BLOWS

1:01:14 > 1:01:16BEEPING

1:01:16 > 1:01:20I hear a beep, I see a flash, I wonder what they're going to ask.

1:01:22 > 1:01:28- ALL: Hi, Nina.- Hello! - We've got a question for you.

1:01:28 > 1:01:32- Why do we have eyelashes? - What a coincidence!

1:01:32 > 1:01:36I wished for a great question to answer and it came true.

1:01:36 > 1:01:41Why do we have eyelashes? Come to my lab and we'll investigate.

1:01:41 > 1:01:44- ALL: See you soon, Nina. Bye!- Bye!

1:01:44 > 1:01:50I'll need some help with this one. I know just who to ask.

1:01:50 > 1:01:53OK, Neurons, time to get to work!

1:02:09 > 1:02:13ALL: Neurons at the ready, Nina.

1:02:13 > 1:02:17OK. Today's question is - why do we have eyelashes?

1:02:17 > 1:02:23- Which neuron will help us find the answer?- ALL: Me! Me! Me!

1:02:23 > 1:02:25Will it be fabulous Felix?

1:02:25 > 1:02:30I can help so very much if you need the sense of touch.

1:02:30 > 1:02:33- Will it be beautiful Belle? - I send messages to brain from ear.

1:02:33 > 1:02:36- If there's a sound, I'll help you hear.- Will it be lovely Luke?

1:02:36 > 1:02:39For looking and seeing, day or night,

1:02:39 > 1:02:43I'll help you with your sense of sight.

1:02:43 > 1:02:46- Will it be awesome Ollie?- If it's pongy or whiffy but you can't tell,

1:02:46 > 1:02:49my messages help your sense of smell.

1:02:49 > 1:02:50Or will it be baby Bud?

1:02:50 > 1:02:56Sour, salty, bitter or sweet, I'm your taste buddy whenever you eat.

1:02:57 > 1:03:00- It's Luke!- Yes!

1:03:00 > 1:03:02CHEERING

1:03:02 > 1:03:06ALL: Go, Luke! Go, Luke! Go, Luke! Go, Luke!

1:03:06 > 1:03:11Cool, Nina. I'll be looking out to help you!

1:03:11 > 1:03:15Today's question is, why do we have eyelashes? And I bet Luke,

1:03:15 > 1:03:18our sight Neuron, knows about those.

1:03:18 > 1:03:20So, he will help me today but, Neurons,

1:03:20 > 1:03:23I'll need help from all of you.

1:03:23 > 1:03:26I need to get the lab ready before the experimenters arrive.

1:03:29 > 1:03:32Rebecca likes red pandas, Nicholas likes skipping,

1:03:32 > 1:03:34Maisie loves strawberries.

1:03:34 > 1:03:37They all want to know why we have eyelashes.

1:03:37 > 1:03:43So, today, Rebecca, Nicholas and Maisie become the experimenters!

1:03:46 > 1:03:52- Hi, guys.- ALL: Hi, Nina.- Welcome to my science lab. Come on in.

1:03:55 > 1:03:59Now, you asked - Why do we have eyelashes? It's a great question.

1:03:59 > 1:04:03- Why do you want to know? - Cos we know we have eyelashes.

1:04:03 > 1:04:05But we don't know what they do.

1:04:05 > 1:04:10Well, eyelashes look lovely, but there must be a reason for them.

1:04:10 > 1:04:13We need to investigate to find out more.

1:04:13 > 1:04:16For our first experiment, we'll use our senses.

1:04:16 > 1:04:20ALL: Wooh! Wooh! A senses experiment. We're ready, Nina.

1:04:20 > 1:04:25So, why don't you start by looking at your own eyelashes.

1:04:25 > 1:04:28Eyelashes are a type of hair,

1:04:28 > 1:04:31like the hair that grows on our head.

1:04:31 > 1:04:35If you look closely, you can see eyelashes grow out of our eyelids.

1:04:35 > 1:04:40Some are joined to the top and some are joined to the bottom one.

1:04:40 > 1:04:46- And how many eyelashes do you think you've got?- Lots and lots.- Yes.

1:04:46 > 1:04:49And the number changes because they fall out

1:04:49 > 1:04:50and grow back again.

1:04:50 > 1:04:55So, eyelashes are joined to our eyelids but what do our eyelids do?

1:04:55 > 1:05:00- They blink. - They close over our eyes.

1:05:00 > 1:05:04Yes, they're like little shields that protect our eyes.

1:05:04 > 1:05:09If we look at this model, we can see our eye is shaped like a ball.

1:05:09 > 1:05:12That's why we call them eyeballs.

1:05:12 > 1:05:16Of course, we can only ever see a little bit of our eyeball

1:05:16 > 1:05:18as the rest is inside our head.

1:05:18 > 1:05:20Have you ever been in sunlight

1:05:20 > 1:05:23and put your hand here to shield them?

1:05:23 > 1:05:26- I have, once.- You have?

1:05:26 > 1:05:29- So have I.- Our eyelashes help shield our eyes, too.

1:05:29 > 1:05:33Let's pretend that this lamp is the sun.

1:05:38 > 1:05:42- So, where's the light going? - In the eye.

1:05:42 > 1:05:45That's right, which isn't good for it.

1:05:45 > 1:05:49We must never look straight at the sun or any kind of light

1:05:49 > 1:05:53because it can do a lot of damage to our eyes.

1:05:53 > 1:05:59Now, what happens if I put these pretend lashes onto our eye model?

1:06:05 > 1:06:07What can you see happening?

1:06:07 > 1:06:13- It's stopping the light from going in the eye.- That's right.

1:06:13 > 1:06:17The pretend lashes are helping to shade the eye from this light.

1:06:17 > 1:06:22If we're in really bright light, and our eyelashes aren't enough,

1:06:22 > 1:06:26we have to wear sunglasses or a hat on a really sunny day.

1:06:26 > 1:06:30So we know our eyes are delicate and that our eyelashes

1:06:30 > 1:06:34help to protect our eyes from bright light like the sun.

1:06:34 > 1:06:37But what else do eyelashes do?

1:06:37 > 1:06:40I have friends who may know the answer.

1:06:40 > 1:06:44But watch out, I think they've got the hump. Let's go, experimenters!

1:06:44 > 1:06:47ALL: Yeah!

1:06:49 > 1:06:52Off we go on another adventure.

1:06:52 > 1:06:55What does Nina mean, her friends have the hump?

1:06:55 > 1:07:00- It means they're a bit grumpy, Bud. - But look, it's a wildlife park.

1:07:00 > 1:07:03Who could possibly be grumpy in here?

1:07:03 > 1:07:08I don't know, Luke, but I've got a feeling we're about to find out.

1:07:08 > 1:07:13- Hi, Morag.- Hi, Nina. - Morag is one of the keepers here.

1:07:13 > 1:07:18She's taking us to those friends I was telling you about. Let's go.

1:07:40 > 1:07:46There! I told you my friends had the hump! They're camels. Ha-ha-ha!

1:07:46 > 1:07:48So, what do you know about camels?

1:07:48 > 1:07:52- They have humps and live in deserts.- Deserts are hot,

1:07:52 > 1:07:55dry places where there's very little food.

1:07:55 > 1:07:59And camels sometimes have to go a whole month without eating.

1:07:59 > 1:08:04They're able to survive because their humps are full of fat.

1:08:04 > 1:08:07They can live off this while they search for more food.

1:08:07 > 1:08:12But it's not just the humps that help them to live in the desert.

1:08:12 > 1:08:14They have something else.

1:08:20 > 1:08:23Morag has brought in some camels for a feed

1:08:23 > 1:08:26so that we can get a good look at their eyes.

1:08:26 > 1:08:32- What do you see?- The eyelashes are gigantic.- Yeah, they are big.

1:08:32 > 1:08:38And camels have two sets of eyelashes on each eyelid. But why?

1:08:38 > 1:08:41- Where did we say camels usually live?- In the desert.

1:08:41 > 1:08:47- What's it like in the desert? - Really hot and sunny.- That's right.

1:08:47 > 1:08:52And we know that eyelashes help keep bright sunlight out of our eyes.

1:08:52 > 1:08:57- But what else is there in the desert?- There's lots of sand.- Yes!

1:08:57 > 1:09:01It's like a huge sandy beach that goes on as far as you can see.

1:09:01 > 1:09:09- And if it's windy, what happens to the sand?- It gets blown around.

1:09:09 > 1:09:13That's right, and it can get in the camels' eyes.

1:09:13 > 1:09:16Oh, we definitely don't want sand in our eyes.

1:09:16 > 1:09:19No, no, that would really hurt.

1:09:19 > 1:09:23And this is why the camel has such long eyelashes -

1:09:23 > 1:09:26to stop the sand from getting into its eyes.

1:09:26 > 1:09:30But how do their eyelashes keep sand out?

1:09:30 > 1:09:35- We need to go back to the lab for one final experiment.- ALL: Yeah!

1:09:39 > 1:09:44Now, this very strange-looking plant is called a Venus flytrap.

1:09:45 > 1:09:50- The flowers look a bit like mouths, Nina.- They do.

1:09:50 > 1:09:55And the Venus flytraps use these to eat little flies and other insects.

1:09:55 > 1:10:03- Ooh, I wouldn't like to taste a fly. Yuk!- Oh, me neither, Bud!

1:10:03 > 1:10:08The flytraps are open, waiting for a fly or bug to land inside them.

1:10:08 > 1:10:13Let's use our magnifying glasses to investigate.

1:10:13 > 1:10:15Oh.

1:10:15 > 1:10:20- What can you see? - Lots of tiny little hairs.

1:10:20 > 1:10:24Let's use the Ninacam to get an even closer look.

1:10:26 > 1:10:29Wow, look at that!

1:10:29 > 1:10:32Tiny, tiny little hairs inside.

1:10:32 > 1:10:37OK, experimenters, put down your magnifying glasses

1:10:37 > 1:10:41and pick up your sticks. Let's see what happens

1:10:41 > 1:10:45if you very gently touch the little hairs inside the traps.

1:10:56 > 1:11:01- What happened? - The traps closed over the sticks.

1:11:01 > 1:11:05Right. When something touches the hairs inside the Venus flytrap,

1:11:05 > 1:11:10like a bug or a fly, the little hairs tell the trap to close.

1:11:10 > 1:11:14And our eyelashes are a bit like those little hairs.

1:11:14 > 1:11:16If something nasty, like a grain of sand,

1:11:16 > 1:11:19is moving towards our delicate eyeball,

1:11:19 > 1:11:20our lashes feel it

1:11:20 > 1:11:24and tell our eyelids to close really quickly

1:11:24 > 1:11:27before the sand gets into our eye.

1:11:27 > 1:11:30This happens without us thinking about it

1:11:30 > 1:11:32because it's something called a reflex.

1:11:32 > 1:11:37Sneezing is a reflex too. We don't think about it. We just do it.

1:11:41 > 1:11:46Your question was why do we have eyelashes? We've answered it.

1:11:46 > 1:11:51Eyelashes are special hairs that grow out of our eyelids.

1:11:51 > 1:11:56They protect our delicate eyes by shading them from bright light.

1:11:56 > 1:11:59And if anything is coming towards our eyes,

1:11:59 > 1:12:03our eyelashes sense the danger and send a message to our eyelids

1:12:03 > 1:12:06to shut tight before our eyes are harmed.

1:12:06 > 1:12:10This happens really quickly without us even thinking about it

1:12:10 > 1:12:12because it's a reflex -

1:12:12 > 1:12:16something our brilliant bodies just do all on their own.

1:12:16 > 1:12:21- So, I hope that's answered you question.- ALL: Thanks, Nina. Bye.

1:12:21 > 1:12:22Bye.

1:12:25 > 1:12:29Want to find out more about the science all around us?

1:12:29 > 1:12:33Go to the Nina section on the CBeebies website. Have fun!

1:12:33 > 1:12:38- Hearts beating.- Lungs breathing. - Fingers feeling.- Mouths eating.

1:12:38 > 1:12:40And don't forget your brain.

1:12:40 > 1:12:43# Brilliant bodies, brilliant bodies

1:12:43 > 1:12:45# Inside and ou-ou-out

1:12:45 > 1:12:48# Brilliant bodies, brilliant bodies

1:12:48 > 1:12:50# Come on, let's find out about

1:12:50 > 1:12:53# Our happy hands and bendy knees

1:12:53 > 1:12:56# Stretchy backs And noses that sneeze

1:12:56 > 1:13:00- # We all have brilliant bodies - Brilliant bodies!

1:13:00 > 1:13:03# Every part has a job to do

1:13:03 > 1:13:06# Even scabs and ear wax too

1:13:06 > 1:13:11- # We all have brilliant bodies - Brilliant bodies

1:13:11 > 1:13:14# Brilliant bodies, brilliant bodies

1:13:14 > 1:13:16# Lashes to protect our eyes

1:13:16 > 1:13:19# Brilliant bodies, brilliant bodies

1:13:19 > 1:13:22# And don't forget to exercise. #

1:13:22 > 1:13:24Oh, I've had a brilliant day

1:13:24 > 1:13:29hearing all about how eyelashes help shade the eyes from bright light.

1:13:29 > 1:13:32I really enjoyed myself today.

1:13:32 > 1:13:36The camels whiffed a bit, but they had lovely long eyelashes.

1:13:36 > 1:13:39Oh, it's been such a great day, man.

1:13:39 > 1:13:44Seeing the little hairs inside the Venus flytrap before it shut tight.

1:13:44 > 1:13:49Remember, everyone's body is different but they're all brilliant.

1:13:49 > 1:13:52- See you again soon. Bye. - ALL: Bye.

1:13:52 > 1:13:55Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd

1:13:55 > 1:13:57E-mail subtitling@bbc.co.uk