Pennod 19

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0:00:00 > 0:00:01- Subtitles

0:00:02 > 0:00:04- David would be so proud of you.

0:00:07 > 0:00:09- Subtitles

0:00:21 > 0:00:23- Subtitles

0:00:26 > 0:00:28- # Go to school like an obedient boy

0:00:28 > 0:00:31- # Go to school like a good boy

0:00:31 > 0:00:34- # Keep going once you're home

0:00:34 > 0:00:36- # You can sleep in the summer #

0:00:52 > 0:00:54- How does it feel to be 21?

0:00:55 > 0:00:56- Exactly the same as being 20.

0:00:57 > 0:00:59- I had to get up this morning.

0:01:00 > 0:01:01- Check this out!

0:01:02 > 0:01:04- At least you've - got a night off tonight.

0:01:05 > 0:01:08- Barry will have to do - something for a change. Wow!

0:01:08 > 0:01:10- Do you like it?

0:01:10 > 0:01:11- Do you like it?- - I won't ever be late again!

0:01:12 > 0:01:14- Whatever. It's waterproof too.

0:01:14 > 0:01:15- Thanks, babes.

0:01:16 > 0:01:20- You're welcome. - Where do you fancy going tonight?

0:01:20 > 0:01:21- The pub?

0:01:21 > 0:01:23- The pub?- - I'll go straight home from school.

0:01:24 > 0:01:25- I'll come over after.

0:01:25 > 0:01:27- I'll come over after.- - Thanks for the gifts.

0:01:30 > 0:01:31- That's the best gift.

0:01:31 > 0:01:33- That's the best gift.- - So far!

0:01:37 > 0:01:38- Purple or blue, Chelle?

0:01:38 > 0:01:39- Purple or blue, Chelle?- - Eh?

0:01:40 > 0:01:41- A tie for the meeting.

0:01:42 > 0:01:45- Meical, we've got hours to go.

0:01:46 > 0:01:49- I don't know how you can be so cool.

0:01:49 > 0:01:53- If we were both the same, they might - think we had something to hide.

0:01:53 > 0:01:54- You're acting guilty.

0:01:54 > 0:01:55- You're acting guilty.- - I can't help it. I'm nervous.

0:01:56 > 0:01:58- Nervous about what? - Why are you dressed up?

0:01:59 > 0:02:02- We've got an interview - this afternoon.

0:02:02 > 0:02:03- Another one?

0:02:03 > 0:02:04- Another one?- - Yes, a big company.

0:02:04 > 0:02:06- It's an important contract.

0:02:06 > 0:02:08- Shouldn't you go back to school?

0:02:08 > 0:02:09- Shouldn't you go back to school?- - I'm going now.

0:02:09 > 0:02:10- Are you coming tonight?

0:02:10 > 0:02:11- Are you coming tonight?- - Tonight?

0:02:11 > 0:02:14- The sixth form open evening.

0:02:15 > 0:02:18- Clever enough - for sixth form now, are you?

0:02:18 > 0:02:19- Don't worry, we'll be there.

0:02:19 > 0:02:21- Don't worry, we'll be there.- - I'll see you later.

0:02:21 > 0:02:22- Bye, love.

0:02:23 > 0:02:25- Right, purple or blue?

0:02:27 > 0:02:28- Yoo-hoo.

0:02:29 > 0:02:30- I'm here.

0:02:31 > 0:02:32- Oh, hi!

0:02:33 > 0:02:34- Is your car in?

0:02:35 > 0:02:36- I didn't see anything.

0:02:36 > 0:02:38- No. No, it isn't.

0:02:38 > 0:02:43- I've brought the sponsorship money - from the salon's customers for Rhys.

0:02:43 > 0:02:43- The salon rounded it up.

0:02:43 > 0:02:45- The salon rounded it up.- - Thanks, I'm sure he'll be happy.

0:02:45 > 0:02:47- I'll make sure he gets it.

0:02:48 > 0:02:52- I'd rather give it to him myself. - I barely saw him after the race.

0:02:53 > 0:02:54- Where is he?

0:02:54 > 0:02:55- Where is he?- - I have no idea.

0:02:58 > 0:03:03- # Put your hands in mine

0:03:04 > 0:03:10- # Aim your strength - in my direction #

0:03:12 > 0:03:15- I bet he's out running again. - I'd put my mortgage on it.

0:03:16 > 0:03:17- The race has been.

0:03:17 > 0:03:20- That's what I told him - but he's still going.

0:03:21 > 0:03:23- Well, a little exercise - never hurt anyone.

0:03:24 > 0:03:28- What Rhys is doing - is far from a little.

0:03:28 > 0:03:31- I think it's becoming an obsession.

0:03:31 > 0:03:32- I think it's becoming an obsession.- - Are you?

0:03:32 > 0:03:36- I've shouted, pleaded, sulked. - He doesn't listen.

0:03:37 > 0:03:40- He was very emotional - at the end of the race.

0:03:40 > 0:03:44- I thought that was because - he was running for David.

0:03:44 > 0:03:47- He was raising money - in David's memory.

0:03:47 > 0:03:49- I think he's running to forget.

0:03:50 > 0:03:53- Not to forget David - but to forget his grief.

0:03:53 > 0:03:54- Oh, sorry.

0:03:54 > 0:03:56- I didn't realize it was so bad.

0:03:57 > 0:04:01- I'm sorry for carrying on. - You don't want to discuss this.

0:04:02 > 0:04:03- No, it's fine. Don't worry.

0:04:04 > 0:04:06- I'll tell him you called by.

0:04:06 > 0:04:08- Yes, thanks.

0:04:11 > 0:04:13- Another day is over then.

0:04:13 > 0:04:14- For some, maybe.

0:04:15 > 0:04:19- I just had a lesson with 9E. I was - lucky to get out of there alive.

0:04:20 > 0:04:22- Did you want something, Dylan?

0:04:22 > 0:04:25- I've got a lot to do - before the open evening.

0:04:26 > 0:04:27- Of course, sorry.

0:04:27 > 0:04:31- I wanted to check you were happy - with the PowerPoint presentation.

0:04:31 > 0:04:32- I am.

0:04:33 > 0:04:36- I'm just as happy as the last time - you asked. Thanks, again.

0:04:37 > 0:04:40- Is there something you want me - to do for this St Fagan's trip?

0:04:41 > 0:04:44- I'll worry about the trip after - I stop worrying about tonight.

0:04:44 > 0:04:45- One thing at a time.

0:04:45 > 0:04:47- One thing at a time.- - Quite right.

0:04:47 > 0:04:49- Are you sure I look OK, Chelle?

0:04:49 > 0:04:51- Shut up about your clothes.

0:04:52 > 0:04:54- We're at the tax office, - not on a Paris catwalk.

0:04:54 > 0:04:57- It's important to make - a good impression.

0:05:02 > 0:05:03- Llio.

0:05:03 > 0:05:04- Is everything alright?

0:05:05 > 0:05:06- Yes.

0:05:06 > 0:05:09- Do you need anything else - before tonight?

0:05:09 > 0:05:11- No, I think we've got everything.

0:05:11 > 0:05:14- I'll go down to the hall - to see how things are shaping up.

0:05:14 > 0:05:15- I'll join you.

0:05:16 > 0:05:19- I want to make sure everything's - alright with the computer.

0:05:19 > 0:05:22- Aren't you staying - for the open evening, Dylan?

0:05:22 > 0:05:24- I wasn't intending to.

0:05:24 > 0:05:26- I can stay - if you think it's a good idea.

0:05:27 > 0:05:29- It would be a valuable experience.

0:05:29 > 0:05:32- An extra pair of hands - is always useful.

0:05:32 > 0:05:33- Yes, it is.

0:05:35 > 0:05:37- Two of these, Glenda.

0:05:37 > 0:05:38- And a chocolate one for me, please.

0:05:38 > 0:05:40- And a chocolate one for me, please.- - To take out?

0:05:40 > 0:05:41- Yes.

0:05:41 > 0:05:42- How long will this open evening be?

0:05:42 > 0:05:44- How long will this open evening be?- - I don't know.

0:05:45 > 0:05:47- Those things can drag on.

0:05:48 > 0:05:49- Great.

0:05:49 > 0:05:52- If you're going to be like that, - I'd rather you didn't come.

0:05:53 > 0:05:54- You've been moaning all day.

0:05:55 > 0:05:57- Vince is covering for me - so I may as well come.

0:05:57 > 0:06:01- I hope there's a cuppa - and something to eat.

0:06:01 > 0:06:02- Hey.

0:06:02 > 0:06:03- Alright?

0:06:10 > 0:06:12- Thanks to you too.

0:06:13 > 0:06:14- Hello, Glenda.

0:06:14 > 0:06:16- A strong coffee to go, please.

0:06:16 > 0:06:18- A strong coffee to go, please.- - You need some energy after the race.

0:06:18 > 0:06:20- Well done.

0:06:20 > 0:06:22- Thanks.

0:06:22 > 0:06:25- I'm sure you were sore - all over the next morning.

0:06:26 > 0:06:27- Not really.

0:06:28 > 0:06:30- Hi, Glenda. One black tea, please.

0:06:30 > 0:06:31- Hi, Glenda. One black tea, please.- - Alright.

0:06:32 > 0:06:36- I don't know how anyone can drink - tea without milk. Disgusting.

0:06:36 > 0:06:37- Yes.

0:06:37 > 0:06:40- I've got sponsorship money - for you from the salon.

0:06:40 > 0:06:44- Come over to fetch it tonight - once you've finished in the garage.

0:06:44 > 0:06:46- I may as well take it from you now.

0:06:46 > 0:06:49- Sorry, it's at the house - for safekeeping.

0:06:50 > 0:06:52- I'm working late tonight, sorry.

0:06:52 > 0:06:54- So am I. I'll see you at seven.

0:06:55 > 0:06:57- I'll pop over after work then.

0:06:57 > 0:06:59- Yes, great.

0:07:03 > 0:07:05- What's wrong with everyone today?

0:07:05 > 0:07:07- Everyone's in a bad mood.

0:07:08 > 0:07:09- Mmm, yes.

0:07:11 > 0:07:14- Yes, the thing is, you see...

0:07:14 > 0:07:18- ..we've been working on the house.

0:07:18 > 0:07:21- There may be a few things missing.

0:07:22 > 0:07:26- Yes, but there are several - incongruities here.

0:07:26 > 0:07:27- I'm sorry, what?

0:07:28 > 0:07:31- Inconsistencies, irregularities.

0:07:32 > 0:07:35- The diary shows appointments.

0:07:35 > 0:07:38- There are no receipts for the work.

0:07:38 > 0:07:44- There's money charged here for work - that doesn't appear in the balance.

0:07:46 > 0:07:51- Meical didn't want to mention it.

0:07:53 > 0:07:57- We lost a member - of our family last year.

0:07:57 > 0:07:58- Chelle.

0:07:59 > 0:08:01- David, Meical's brother.

0:08:02 > 0:08:04- He was our financial adviser.

0:08:04 > 0:08:07- We lost a member of our family...

0:08:07 > 0:08:11- ..but it was a loss - that affected the business too.

0:08:11 > 0:08:15- Um, he still hasn't got over it - to be honest.

0:08:17 > 0:08:19- I'm very sorry for your loss.

0:08:19 > 0:08:22- These records go back for years.

0:08:24 > 0:08:25- Look.

0:08:26 > 0:08:29- A few people may have paid us...

0:08:29 > 0:08:33- ..the odd 10 or 20 in cash - over the years.

0:08:35 > 0:08:40- It's possible we've forgotten - to give out receipts to a few.

0:08:40 > 0:08:44- But we haven't done it deliberately.

0:08:45 > 0:08:46- We're honest people.

0:08:47 > 0:08:48- Honestly.

0:08:51 > 0:08:54- Then how do you explain this?

0:09:12 > 0:09:12- .

0:09:16 > 0:09:16- Subtitles

0:09:16 > 0:09:18- Subtitles- - Subtitles

0:09:25 > 0:09:27- That moron - from the offices reported us.

0:09:28 > 0:09:31- How could you be so stupid? - Why do something so stupid?

0:09:32 > 0:09:35- You've taken cash - from people over the years.

0:09:35 > 0:09:38- Not a big company with accountants.

0:09:38 > 0:09:40- I've got no idea - how big a fine we'll get.

0:09:40 > 0:09:42- Well done, Chelle. Well done.

0:09:43 > 0:09:46- You were happy to take the money - on the day.

0:09:46 > 0:09:50- I didn't know you'd offered - to do it cheaper for cash!

0:09:52 > 0:09:53- I'm ready.

0:09:55 > 0:09:57- Wow!

0:09:57 > 0:09:59- You have to make an effort - sometimes.

0:10:00 > 0:10:02- Won't you be cold?

0:10:03 > 0:10:06- You look lovely, Erin.

0:10:07 > 0:10:11- Sorry, didn't I mention it? - They're coming with us.

0:10:11 > 0:10:15- We thought about going out - for food over the weekend.

0:10:15 > 0:10:20- As you're going tonight, I thought - it would be nice to go together.

0:10:20 > 0:10:21- What about the pizza place?

0:10:21 > 0:10:22- What about the pizza place?- - We can close for one night.

0:10:25 > 0:10:26- Let's get going!

0:10:29 > 0:10:30- Jason!

0:10:31 > 0:10:35- It was only supposed - to be you and me tonight.

0:10:35 > 0:10:37- Mam insisted.

0:10:37 > 0:10:40- Barry might pay - so it could be a free meal!

0:10:42 > 0:10:44- PA FEEDBACK

0:10:47 > 0:10:50- There's a good crowd here, - Miss James.

0:10:50 > 0:10:51- A prospectus for you.

0:10:52 > 0:10:54- See you later.

0:10:55 > 0:10:57- Kylie, Kay. A prospectus for you.

0:10:58 > 0:11:01- It's got information - on all the courses we offer.

0:11:01 > 0:11:02- Do you have any questions?

0:11:02 > 0:11:04- Do you have any questions?- - Can I get a cup of tea?

0:11:04 > 0:11:06- Yes, behind you.

0:11:12 > 0:11:13- Hey.

0:11:13 > 0:11:14- Alright?

0:11:14 > 0:11:16- I didn't think - you'd be here tonight.

0:11:16 > 0:11:20- I thought you might want - a bit of support...

0:11:20 > 0:11:22- ..and an extra pair of hands.

0:11:23 > 0:11:25- Great, thanks.

0:11:27 > 0:11:29- Welcome to Ysgol Glanrafon.

0:11:33 > 0:11:35- I like a dopiaza.

0:11:35 > 0:11:38- My stomach doesn't agree - with too many onions. I get gassy.

0:11:39 > 0:11:42- Not everyone wants - to know that, Arthur.

0:11:42 > 0:11:44- I was only saying.

0:11:44 > 0:11:47- Shall we order a few things - and share?

0:11:47 > 0:11:50- Why does everyone share - when they go for an Indian?

0:11:50 > 0:11:53- I wouldn't ask for a bit - of your Chelsea bun in the cafe!

0:11:54 > 0:11:55- A biryani for me.

0:11:55 > 0:11:57- A biryani for me.- - Me too.

0:11:59 > 0:12:01- Oh, we're ready.

0:12:02 > 0:12:04- Order whatever you want. I'm paying.

0:12:04 > 0:12:05- Order whatever you want. I'm paying.- - Ideal.

0:12:05 > 0:12:07- No, Mam. I'll pay.

0:12:08 > 0:12:09- Oh, Barry.

0:12:09 > 0:12:12- Good lad. Three poppadoms for me.

0:12:12 > 0:12:16- I'll need another one of these. - Actually, make it a bottle.

0:12:20 > 0:12:24- I'm on my own tonight. - Do you want a cuppa or a beer?

0:12:25 > 0:12:27- No, thanks. Dad's made supper.

0:12:28 > 0:12:31- Do you have the sponsorship money?

0:12:31 > 0:12:33- Um, it's here somewhere.

0:12:33 > 0:12:35- How did the race go?

0:12:36 > 0:12:39- As you saw, - I made a fool of myself at the end.

0:12:40 > 0:12:41- At least I finished.

0:12:43 > 0:12:45- David would be very proud of you.

0:12:46 > 0:12:49- You can put your feet up now!

0:12:49 > 0:12:51- Why? I enjoy running.

0:12:52 > 0:12:53- Of course.

0:12:53 > 0:12:56- But there is such a thing - as doing too much.

0:12:57 > 0:12:59- And, well...

0:13:00 > 0:13:01- ..recently...

0:13:02 > 0:13:05- haven't been looking yourself.

0:13:07 > 0:13:08- Sorry?

0:13:08 > 0:13:11- I enjoy running. - It makes me feel better.

0:13:11 > 0:13:15- Better than what? - Why do you need to feel better?

0:13:17 > 0:13:20- It's clear that David's left - a huge hole in your life.

0:13:20 > 0:13:24- Trying to fill that hole - with running isn't going to work.

0:13:24 > 0:13:29- Do you have the sponsorship money? - I'm not here to be psychoanalysed.

0:13:30 > 0:13:33- You're right, - it's nothing to do with me.

0:13:34 > 0:13:36- It's clear that you're in pain.

0:13:36 > 0:13:38- I think you need help.

0:13:47 > 0:13:48- It's a bit too hot for me.

0:13:49 > 0:13:51- I told you to take the korma.

0:13:51 > 0:13:53- Mam and Carys might want more.

0:13:53 > 0:13:55- I'm sure Barry - can afford another one!

0:13:55 > 0:13:57- Is it time for gifts?

0:13:59 > 0:14:02- This is from - both your mother and me.

0:14:02 > 0:14:04- It's something special for you.

0:14:04 > 0:14:06- You're only 21 once!

0:14:06 > 0:14:09- It's not cheap either. - It's silver-plated.

0:14:12 > 0:14:14- Hmm, yes, thanks.

0:14:15 > 0:14:19- There's money in the envelope - for you to buy something you like.

0:14:19 > 0:14:20- Thanks, Mam.

0:14:22 > 0:14:24- This is from Tom, Carys and me.

0:14:24 > 0:14:26- Thanks.

0:14:27 > 0:14:30- We've got the receipt - if you want to change it.

0:14:32 > 0:14:36- Change it? It's amazing, look! - This must be worth hundreds.

0:14:37 > 0:14:38- It is.

0:14:38 > 0:14:40- Don't wear it for work.

0:14:40 > 0:14:45- What I'll do is wear the one - you gave me from day to day.

0:14:45 > 0:14:47- I can wear this one to go out.

0:14:47 > 0:14:49- Do as you like.

0:14:50 > 0:14:53- I don't know what to say. - Thanks, Barry.

0:14:53 > 0:14:55- You're very generous.

0:14:55 > 0:14:57- He is, if you stay on his good side.

0:14:59 > 0:15:00- That's that over.

0:15:01 > 0:15:02- How about pudding?

0:15:02 > 0:15:04- How about pudding?- - What's wrong with you?

0:15:05 > 0:15:06- Wise up.

0:15:09 > 0:15:13- I hope everyone enjoyed - the tour of the sixth form block...

0:15:13 > 0:15:18- ..and the exhibition in the hall - by different departments.

0:15:18 > 0:15:23- I hope you've had enough - opportunities to ask questions.

0:15:27 > 0:15:31- Before I introduce Llio James, - the Head of Sixth Form....

0:15:31 > 0:15:36- ..I'd like to draw your attention - to some important points...

0:15:36 > 0:15:37-'ll need to consider.

0:15:37 > 0:15:38-'ll need to consider.- - Oh!

0:15:42 > 0:15:43- Take your top off.

0:15:44 > 0:15:45- What?

0:15:45 > 0:15:46- What?- - Take it off.

0:15:55 > 0:15:56- Thanks.

0:16:14 > 0:16:15- Alright?

0:16:17 > 0:16:20- Before I bore you all, - here's Miss Llio James.

0:16:27 > 0:16:28- Who's coming to Copa then?

0:16:29 > 0:16:33- Thanks for the offer but some - of us are working in the morning.

0:16:33 > 0:16:35- A few of us have had enough!

0:16:35 > 0:16:37- This man's ready for bed too.

0:16:37 > 0:16:39- We can go for one, can't we?

0:16:40 > 0:16:43- Why don't we take Tom - and you have more than one?

0:16:43 > 0:16:47- Thanks, Iris. - I don't want to ruin your night.

0:16:47 > 0:16:49- We'll see you soon then.

0:16:49 > 0:16:51- You'll have to let him go sometime.

0:16:51 > 0:16:54- Nothing's going to happen to him.

0:16:54 > 0:16:56- One drink then.

0:17:01 > 0:17:06- I'll have to watch where I put that. - There are thieves everywhere.

0:17:09 > 0:17:11- Thanks for coming tonight.

0:17:11 > 0:17:14- I look forward to seeing Britney - in the sixth form.

0:17:15 > 0:17:16- Oh, thanks.

0:17:18 > 0:17:20- Thank heavens that's over.

0:17:20 > 0:17:22- What a wonderful night.

0:17:23 > 0:17:24- Well done, Llio.

0:17:24 > 0:17:26- Yet another outstanding performance.

0:17:26 > 0:17:27- Yet another outstanding performance.- - Thanks.

0:17:29 > 0:17:34- You won't go far wrong if you take - a leaf out of Llio's book, Dylan.

0:17:34 > 0:17:38- I'm going to find the caretaker, - let him know we've finished.

0:17:38 > 0:17:42- You should have worn your pants - over your trousers like Superman.

0:17:42 > 0:17:44- You saved me tonight.

0:17:44 > 0:17:47- I'm just glad you didn't pour coffee - over your trousers.

0:17:47 > 0:17:49- I don't think they'd suit me!

0:17:50 > 0:17:54- I've put the computer away. - Do you want any help here?

0:17:54 > 0:17:56- Thanks, we're almost done.

0:17:56 > 0:17:58- Thanks, we're almost done.- - I'll help.

0:17:58 > 0:18:02- You've done enough to help, go home! - We'll be five minutes.

0:18:03 > 0:18:03- I'll see you tomorrow.

0:18:03 > 0:18:06- I'll see you tomorrow.- - Yes, bye.

0:18:09 > 0:18:10- Right, come on.

0:18:10 > 0:18:12- Let me take your photo.

0:18:12 > 0:18:14- You're not taking a photo of me!

0:18:23 > 0:18:25- What's wrong?

0:18:25 > 0:18:27- Why are you in a bad mood?

0:18:27 > 0:18:30- I thought it was - just you and me tonight.

0:18:30 > 0:18:32- Stop complaining, Erin.

0:18:32 > 0:18:35- It's my birthday. You've had food - and plenty of drink for free.

0:18:39 > 0:18:42- I thought I was supposed to - drink too much on my birthday.

0:18:42 > 0:18:44- I'll have a word. - I'm going now anyway.

0:18:45 > 0:18:45- Thanks.

0:18:45 > 0:18:46- Thanks.- - Happy birthday.

0:18:50 > 0:18:53- I'm off now, Erin. - Do you want to sit with Jason?

0:18:54 > 0:18:55- It is his birthday after all.

0:18:55 > 0:18:57- It is his birthday after all.- - Is Barry going home?

0:18:57 > 0:18:58- No.

0:18:58 > 0:19:00- No.- - If he's staying, I'm going.

0:19:01 > 0:19:04- What on earth is wrong - with you tonight, Erin?

0:19:04 > 0:19:06- You're so blind.

0:19:06 > 0:19:07- You're so blind.- - What do you mean?

0:19:07 > 0:19:11- That horrible partner of yours. - Barry's a right thug.

0:19:11 > 0:19:15- He's nasty with his mouth - and his fists.

0:19:15 > 0:19:17- You've got no idea - who you live with.

0:19:52 > 0:19:54- S4C Subtitles by Testun Cyf.

0:19:54 > 0:19:54- .