Salty and the Missing Dog Bowl

Salty and the Missing Dog Bowl

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0:28:05 > 0:28:08Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

0:28:08 > 0:28:11Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

0:28:11 > 0:28:15Woof, woof! Woof, woof!

0:28:21 > 0:28:26Hello there. I'm Old Jack and this is Salty.

0:28:26 > 0:28:33Salty loves living here with me and she often has adventures of her own.

0:28:33 > 0:28:35Are you sitting comfortably?

0:28:35 > 0:28:40Good. Then I'll tell you one of Salty's Waggy Tales.

0:28:44 > 0:28:48Once upon a twinkly time, Salty was lying on her

0:28:48 > 0:28:51special carpet in front of The Mermaid Cafe.

0:28:51 > 0:28:53She was curled up with her blue blankie

0:28:53 > 0:28:56and thinking doggy thoughts.

0:28:56 > 0:29:01After a while, Salty realised that she was thirsty.

0:29:01 > 0:29:07What she needed was a drink of water from her favourite

0:29:07 > 0:29:12dog bowl. But when she looked around for the dog bowl it was gone.

0:29:12 > 0:29:14Now, Salty is a very clever dog.

0:29:14 > 0:29:19Instead of getting upset about losing the dog bowl she decided to go

0:29:19 > 0:29:20and look for it.

0:29:20 > 0:29:25So she got up and trotted off to Emily's stall to see if it was there.

0:29:25 > 0:29:30Emily's stall was a place that Salty liked very much

0:29:30 > 0:29:33and she was sure her dog bowl would be there.

0:29:33 > 0:29:36But when she arrived, it was nowhere to be seen.

0:29:36 > 0:29:39She would have to look somewhere else.

0:29:39 > 0:29:44She trotted down the High Street and up the slippery steps.

0:29:44 > 0:29:48Perhaps she had left her dog bowl on the windy path.

0:29:48 > 0:29:53Salty made her way up the hill and soon reached the top.

0:29:53 > 0:29:56All this running was making her thirsty.

0:29:56 > 0:30:01But when she reached the windy path there was no dog bowl,

0:30:01 > 0:30:06just clumps of grass and the usual marvellous view of Staithes.

0:30:06 > 0:30:09Salty gazed down on the little town

0:30:09 > 0:30:15and tried to see any good places she might have left her dog bowl.

0:30:15 > 0:30:20And far away in the distance was Ernie's fish stall.

0:30:20 > 0:30:24Perhaps she had left her dog bowl there.

0:30:24 > 0:30:29It was a long way away, but Salty was thirsty so off she set.

0:30:29 > 0:30:32She went back down the slippery steps,

0:30:32 > 0:30:37along the High Street, past Emily's sweet shop, across the big bridge

0:30:37 > 0:30:40and down onto the other side of the river.

0:30:40 > 0:30:45Salty arrived at Ernie's fish stall and had a careful sniff around.

0:30:45 > 0:30:50She was really thirsty now after that long, long walk,

0:30:50 > 0:30:54but as she nosed around the fish stall and the lobster pots

0:30:54 > 0:30:56and Ernie's coiled fishing ropes

0:30:56 > 0:31:01she realised that her lovely dog bowl wasn't there either.

0:31:01 > 0:31:07Salty was starting to feel very sad about this and very thirsty too.

0:31:07 > 0:31:12She had looked in all the special places she could think of

0:31:12 > 0:31:15and that dog bowl was still missing.

0:31:15 > 0:31:20So with a heavy heart, tired paws and a dry feeling

0:31:20 > 0:31:26in her mouth Salty started back on the long journey to Shelly's cafe.

0:31:26 > 0:31:31She trotted across the big bridge, along the High Street,

0:31:31 > 0:31:34past the slippery steps, along the harbour-side

0:31:34 > 0:31:37and finally arrived, worn out, at her

0:31:37 > 0:31:41favourite piece of carpet with her blue blankie

0:31:41 > 0:31:43in a scruffy heap beside it.

0:31:44 > 0:31:51Salty looked at her blankie and saw something very unusual.

0:31:51 > 0:31:57One corner of her blankie was wet. Now that was odd.

0:31:57 > 0:32:01She tugged at the blankie and saw that there was a lump under it.

0:32:01 > 0:32:05She tugged again and saw something silvery

0:32:05 > 0:32:08and shimmery underneath it.

0:32:08 > 0:32:10It was her dog bowl.

0:32:10 > 0:32:15It had been hidden under the blue blankie. That's why it was wet.

0:32:15 > 0:32:20Well, Salty felt very silly.

0:32:20 > 0:32:25She had been looking for that dog bowl all over Staithes

0:32:25 > 0:32:29and it had been under her blankie all along.

0:32:29 > 0:32:34But she sniffed it fondly and then with a wag of her tail

0:32:34 > 0:32:41she had a very well-deserved drink of water. And it was delicious.

0:32:41 > 0:32:46Good old Salty. She's the best dog in the world.