Pirate Portraits

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0:40:02 > 0:40:05# Hey-ho, Swashbucklers, go Message in a bottle, yo-ho-ho!

0:40:05 > 0:40:10# Hey-ho, Swashbucklers, go Message in a bottle, yo-ho-ho!

0:40:10 > 0:40:12- Swashbuckle cheer! - Arrr-harrr!

0:40:14 > 0:40:16Ahoy there, Swashbucklers.

0:40:16 > 0:40:19Look, Squawk has given me a message in a bottle

0:40:19 > 0:40:21and I've saved it so we can open it together.

0:40:21 > 0:40:23Shall we have a look?

0:40:23 > 0:40:25- SQUAWK SQUAWKS - Let's do it!

0:40:25 > 0:40:26OK, let's open it up.

0:40:29 > 0:40:33Hi, Gem. We've made our own pirate portraits to look like you.

0:40:33 > 0:40:35Come and have a look.

0:40:35 > 0:40:37Ooh, I can't wait.

0:40:37 > 0:40:39Now, where's my telescope?

0:40:39 > 0:40:40Oh, here it is.

0:40:44 > 0:40:47- ALL:- We've made pirate portraits!

0:40:50 > 0:40:54Wow, they look like a fearsome crew of pirates.

0:40:54 > 0:40:56Those are great pictures.

0:40:57 > 0:41:01My favourite part was when I done the glitter.

0:41:01 > 0:41:05The hat is blue cos it's my favourite colour.

0:41:05 > 0:41:08My favourite part of the pirate hat was the leaf.

0:41:09 > 0:41:11THEY CHEER

0:41:11 > 0:41:13Wow, Swashbucklers,

0:41:13 > 0:41:15you all looked fantastic.

0:41:15 > 0:41:18Imagine going to a school full of pirates.

0:41:18 > 0:41:20Captain Sinker once taught Cook and Line

0:41:20 > 0:41:22how to be REAL pirates.

0:41:22 > 0:41:25I'm glad that I wasn't in her class.

0:41:26 > 0:41:28Well, we're doing very well

0:41:28 > 0:41:32but if we're going to win that last game then I need to teach you

0:41:32 > 0:41:34to be proper pirates! BOTH: Oh!

0:41:34 > 0:41:37Now, I hope you've been reading your pirate books

0:41:37 > 0:41:40and not just colouring in. BOTH: Yeah, yeah.

0:41:40 > 0:41:42That's what we've been...

0:41:42 > 0:41:44BOTH: No, we've just been colouring in.

0:41:44 > 0:41:46Get to your feet.

0:41:46 > 0:41:49BOTH: Yes, Captain Sinker, sir... I mean, ma'am.

0:41:49 > 0:41:50Oh, honestly.

0:41:50 > 0:41:55Now, to be a pirate, you need to be in top physical shape. Follow me.

0:41:56 > 0:41:58- Raise the anchor. - Raise the anchor.

0:41:58 > 0:42:01- Where's my treasure? - Where's my treasure?

0:42:01 > 0:42:03- Hoist the sail.- Hoist the sail.

0:42:03 > 0:42:05- Pirates forever.- Pirates forever.

0:42:05 > 0:42:07Your turn.

0:42:07 > 0:42:10- Raise the treasure. - Raise the treasure.

0:42:10 > 0:42:12- Where's my sail?- I don't know.

0:42:12 > 0:42:14- Hoist the anchor.- If you say so.

0:42:14 > 0:42:17Pirates whatever.

0:42:17 > 0:42:21Oh, honestly. Well, any good pirate can fold a sail.

0:42:21 > 0:42:23Off you go!

0:42:23 > 0:42:24- Uh-oh.- Go on.- No...

0:42:24 > 0:42:25Oh, there we go.

0:42:25 > 0:42:26Ah... Whoo!

0:42:26 > 0:42:28Hee-hee-hee.

0:42:28 > 0:42:29- Uh-oh.- Oh.

0:42:29 > 0:42:30Er...er...

0:42:30 > 0:42:33- You're coming to me.- Um...

0:42:33 > 0:42:35Leave it.

0:42:35 > 0:42:38Well, look, if you can read a treasure map,

0:42:38 > 0:42:39then you can be a pirate.

0:42:39 > 0:42:41So, where are my treasure maps?

0:42:41 > 0:42:43Ah...

0:42:43 > 0:42:45Did you leave them on the table?

0:42:45 > 0:42:47Yes, why?

0:42:47 > 0:42:49We may have coloured them in.

0:42:49 > 0:42:52Are you telling me you used my treasure maps

0:42:52 > 0:42:56to draw a really bad picture of a horse?

0:42:56 > 0:42:58- No...- Well, that's a relief!

0:42:58 > 0:42:59..it's a dog.

0:42:59 > 0:43:02His name is Scruffy and he likes bones.

0:43:02 > 0:43:05"Ruff-ruff." Quiet, Scruffy.

0:43:05 > 0:43:07I drew a picture of you, Captain.

0:43:07 > 0:43:09- Aren't you pretty?- She is.

0:43:09 > 0:43:11You...

0:43:11 > 0:43:14Give it here!

0:43:14 > 0:43:16- Come here!- Time to go!

0:43:16 > 0:43:18Come here! Come here, come here.

0:43:18 > 0:43:22Ha-ha! They're always getting themselves into trouble.

0:43:22 > 0:43:25Squawk, do we have time to do the Swashbuckle Salute?

0:43:25 > 0:43:27Sure do!

0:43:27 > 0:43:29OK, so, let me see you all marching.

0:43:29 > 0:43:31Put your hand on your hearts.

0:43:31 > 0:43:33Here we go!

0:43:33 > 0:43:35- Eye patch.- Eye patch.

0:43:35 > 0:43:37- Pirate hat.- Pirate hat.

0:43:37 > 0:43:41- Swashbuckle cheer! - ALL:- Arrr-harr!

0:43:41 > 0:43:45Brilliant, well done, Swashbucklers. See you soon.

0:43:45 > 0:43:47- ALL:- Bye!

0:43:47 > 0:43:49Goodbye!