Syrcas y Môr-ladron

Syrcas y Môr-ladron

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0:00:00 > 0:00:00- Subtitles

0:00:01 > 0:00:04- Roll up - for the greatest show in town.

0:00:04 > 0:00:08- # Dewi's Travelling Circus - Is rolling into town

0:00:08 > 0:00:12- # Here to entertain you - Come and see the funny clown

0:00:13 > 0:00:15- # There's magic and fun

0:00:15 > 0:00:17- # There's something for everyone

0:00:18 > 0:00:21- # Dewi's Travelling Circus - The greatest show in town

0:00:22 > 0:00:25- # It's going to be amazing - Maybe a little hair-raising

0:00:26 > 0:00:31- # Dewi's Travelling Circus - The greatest show in town

0:00:31 > 0:00:35- # Dewi's Travelling Circus - Dewi's Travelling Circus

0:00:36 > 0:00:38- # It's going to be amazing

0:00:38 > 0:00:43- # Dewi's Travelling Circus - The greatest show in town #

0:00:55 > 0:00:57- Dewi. Where are you?

0:00:57 > 0:00:59- Hello, Mam.

0:00:59 > 0:01:01- There you are.

0:01:01 > 0:01:04- I've washed - your ringmaster's costume.

0:01:04 > 0:01:07- Can you hang it on the line - to dry please?

0:01:07 > 0:01:09- I hope it's dry for tonight.

0:01:09 > 0:01:10- I hope it's dry for tonight.- - So do I.

0:01:10 > 0:01:12- Come on, Bobo.

0:01:12 > 0:01:16- Pass me the clothes, - I'll peg them on the line.

0:01:17 > 0:01:19- Jacket...

0:01:19 > 0:01:22- ..trousers.

0:01:25 > 0:01:27- All done.

0:01:33 > 0:01:34- What's that?

0:01:34 > 0:01:37- Big barrel - - I found it in the back of truck.

0:01:37 > 0:01:39- What's inside?

0:01:43 > 0:01:45- A pirate's hat.

0:01:46 > 0:01:48- A parrot.

0:01:48 > 0:01:50- Wow.

0:01:51 > 0:01:53- Rubber swords.

0:01:54 > 0:01:59- # I love the circus, - the circus loves me #

0:02:01 > 0:02:04- Ooh, our pirate costumes.

0:02:04 > 0:02:08- Ooh-aah. - I'm Cap'n Dewi an' this is my ship.

0:02:09 > 0:02:11- Quite the pirate captain, Dewi.

0:02:12 > 0:02:16- I've got an idea. - Bobo, summon the crew...

0:02:17 > 0:02:20- Summon the crew to the Big Top, - ooh-arrgh.

0:02:21 > 0:02:22- Aye, aye, Cap'n.

0:02:23 > 0:02:24- Can you bring the barrel?

0:02:25 > 0:02:26- Which way?

0:02:26 > 0:02:27- Which way?- - Away from my washing.

0:02:27 > 0:02:29- This way, Bran.

0:02:29 > 0:02:31- This way, Bran.- - I knew that.

0:02:31 > 0:02:33- # I love the circus

0:02:33 > 0:02:36- # The circus, it loves me #

0:02:45 > 0:02:48- This way, left a bit.

0:02:48 > 0:02:50- Left a bit.

0:02:50 > 0:02:52- Come on.

0:02:55 > 0:02:56- And down.

0:02:56 > 0:02:57- And down.

0:02:58 > 0:03:00- Thanks for coming, everyone.

0:03:00 > 0:03:02- Oh, how exciting.

0:03:02 > 0:03:04- What's in the barrel, Dewi?

0:03:04 > 0:03:05- What's in the barrel, Dewi?- - Empty it out.

0:03:08 > 0:03:12- Props for a pirate show.

0:03:20 > 0:03:23- Can I wear the eye-patch - and sing a pirate song?

0:03:24 > 0:03:26- We can have a sword fight.

0:03:27 > 0:03:28- On the high wire.

0:03:33 > 0:03:35- What's this?

0:03:35 > 0:03:36- What's this?- - It's a talking parrot.

0:03:36 > 0:03:37- What's this?

0:03:37 > 0:03:38- Hoist the main sail.

0:03:44 > 0:03:46- Dewi, what's that on your head?

0:03:46 > 0:03:48- My pirate captain's hat.

0:03:48 > 0:03:52- Avast there, shipmates, - time to work on your acts.

0:03:52 > 0:03:54- Come on, Ling. To the high wire.

0:03:57 > 0:03:59- Dewi, can I have the barrel?

0:03:59 > 0:04:01- What will you do with a barrel?

0:04:01 > 0:04:03- What will you do with a barrel?- - A surprise.

0:04:05 > 0:04:08- I'll help with the surprise.

0:04:09 > 0:04:12- Wrap your pirate ears - around this, Dewi.

0:04:16 > 0:04:17- Yoh, hoh, hoh.

0:04:20 > 0:04:24- Bran. Watch where you're going.

0:04:24 > 0:04:26- Sorry, Heulwen.

0:04:26 > 0:04:28- Where are you off to?

0:04:28 > 0:04:30- Where are you off to?- - I have good idea.

0:04:33 > 0:04:37- Backwards, Ling, as I step forward.

0:04:37 > 0:04:40- Back, forward and thrust.

0:04:40 > 0:04:42- And point.

0:04:42 > 0:04:43- And step.

0:04:44 > 0:04:46- You make great pirates.

0:04:46 > 0:04:48- That's only the beginning.

0:04:49 > 0:04:51- Wait until you see the finale.

0:04:51 > 0:04:54- Keep practising. - I'm off to see Bran.

0:04:54 > 0:04:56- I need the screwdriver.

0:04:56 > 0:04:59- Ooh. Screwdriver.

0:04:59 > 0:05:01- What for, Bran?

0:05:01 > 0:05:03- What for, Bran?- - To take the barrel to bits.

0:05:03 > 0:05:05- The top first.

0:05:08 > 0:05:11- You're good at taking to bits.

0:05:11 > 0:05:14- Good. I have wood.

0:05:14 > 0:05:16- What will you do with the wood?

0:05:16 > 0:05:18- What will you do with the wood?- - I'll tell you my idea.

0:05:22 > 0:05:25- How's the show going, Captain?

0:05:25 > 0:05:28- Ship shape and Dewi fashion.

0:05:28 > 0:05:31- What's Bran doing - with that great big barrel?

0:05:32 > 0:05:35- Maybe I should take a look. Ha-harr.

0:05:35 > 0:05:38- Dewi's coming.

0:05:38 > 0:05:42- You shine. I'll polish.

0:05:42 > 0:05:43- Bran.

0:05:49 > 0:05:52- Hi, Bran. How's it going?

0:05:52 > 0:05:54- Hi, Bran. How's it going?- - Yes, it is going.

0:05:55 > 0:05:56- What's behind there?

0:05:56 > 0:05:59- What's behind there?- - Surprise.

0:05:59 > 0:06:01- I love surprises. What is it?

0:06:01 > 0:06:04- If I tell you, it's not a surprise.

0:06:05 > 0:06:08- A pirate surprise. Can't wait.

0:06:08 > 0:06:09- Ho, ho, ho, ho.

0:06:15 > 0:06:16- Dance the horn pipe

0:06:18 > 0:06:20- Hoist the main sail.

0:06:21 > 0:06:23- Climb the rigging.

0:06:23 > 0:06:25- Walk the plank.

0:06:27 > 0:06:29- Steer course.

0:06:32 > 0:06:35- You need your sea legs, Carlo.

0:06:39 > 0:06:43- Alright, me hearties, - ready for the show?

0:06:43 > 0:06:45- Nearly, Dewi.

0:06:46 > 0:06:48- Pieces of eight.

0:06:49 > 0:06:52- Sianco! - I have to listen to his pirate song.

0:06:54 > 0:06:57- Very clever, Bran.

0:06:57 > 0:06:58- What's clever?

0:07:00 > 0:07:02- My song.

0:07:03 > 0:07:04- # Come on now, me hearties

0:07:05 > 0:07:06- # Sing this pirate song

0:07:07 > 0:07:10- # With a yo ho ho and a yo ho ho

0:07:10 > 0:07:12- # Captain Dewi, ho ho ho #

0:07:12 > 0:07:15- A proper sea shanty.

0:07:15 > 0:07:16- The audience are arriving.

0:07:16 > 0:07:19- The audience are arriving.- - OK. See you at the show

0:07:20 > 0:07:21- Must dash.

0:07:22 > 0:07:24- Ahoy there, shipmates.

0:07:24 > 0:07:31- Pipe aboard the funniest pirates - on the high seas, Carlo and Enfys.

0:07:32 > 0:07:35- Dance the pipe dance.

0:07:37 > 0:07:39- Hoist the main sail.

0:07:41 > 0:07:43- Climb the rigging.

0:07:45 > 0:07:47- Walk the plank.

0:07:47 > 0:07:49- Steer the course.

0:07:53 > 0:07:55- X marks the spot

0:07:56 > 0:07:58- I can't wait to see Bran's surprise.

0:08:15 > 0:08:16- That treasure be ours.

0:08:29 > 0:08:35- Shiver me timbers, is that the most - fearsome pirate on the high seas?

0:08:36 > 0:08:41- It is. Our strong man, Pirate Bran.

0:08:42 > 0:08:43- Wow.

0:08:52 > 0:08:53- Yoh, hoh, hoh.

0:09:08 > 0:09:11- # Come on down, me hearties

0:09:11 > 0:09:12- # Sing this pirate song

0:09:13 > 0:09:15- # Come on now, me hearties

0:09:15 > 0:09:17- # Everybody sing along

0:09:17 > 0:09:21- # With a yo ho ho and a yo ho ho

0:09:21 > 0:09:24- # That's for Dewi, yo ho ho ho #

0:09:26 > 0:09:28- Yo. Ho. Ho.

0:09:58 > 0:09:58- .