Episode 7

Episode 7

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:00:23. > :00:26.You are watching X-Ray. On tonight's programme:

:00:26. > :00:29.No money, no job. Why Andre is leading an invisible life.

:00:29. > :00:31.Coral - the betting chain refusing to pay out on Nigel and Rob's big

:00:31. > :00:40.win? And is this fraudster up to his old

:00:40. > :00:42.tricks? Hello, we are back.

:00:42. > :00:46.And we are ready to fight your battles.

:00:46. > :00:49.First, we all complain about the tax man, but one family from Neath

:00:49. > :00:56.has more reason than most to feel unhappy with the way HM Revenue and

:00:56. > :00:59.Customs have treated them. Lucy has been investigating.

:00:59. > :01:02.Can you remember what you were up to when you turned 20?

:01:02. > :01:07.Oh, I can't remember that far back. Courting. Drinking, dancing as we

:01:07. > :01:10.do. Sounds like fun to me! Most of us would agree that it is a

:01:10. > :01:14.pretty special time having fun, growing up and finding your way in

:01:14. > :01:17.the world. But one young man has had a dark

:01:17. > :01:25.cloud hanging over him that has deprived of all those experiences.

:01:26. > :01:29.Andre Gysler was born 20 years ago in Neath. He has happy memories of

:01:29. > :01:31.the first 15 years growing up with his mum Helena Peters and his

:01:32. > :01:33.little brother Tarryn. But since then something has been missing in

:01:33. > :01:41.then something has been missing in Andre's life - something so vital

:01:41. > :01:44.that it put his life on hold for years.

:01:44. > :01:46.All his friends were coming back and forth, and saying they had

:01:46. > :01:49.their national insurance numbers so I thought, "Well, where's Andre's?"

:01:49. > :01:52.So when you first discovered that he didn't have his national

:01:52. > :02:01.insurance number, were you worried? Not at all. I phoned HMRC, the

:02:01. > :02:04.national insurance helpline. They said there was an issue with it and

:02:05. > :02:10.they were going to send a form out. That form came. We were asked as

:02:10. > :02:13.well at that time to provide a birth certificate.

:02:13. > :02:18.Helena and Andre sent the forms back and waited for the national

:02:18. > :02:20.insurance number to arrive. This little card may not look very

:02:20. > :02:27.exciting. But without this all- important number it is almost

:02:27. > :02:30.impossible to have a normal life. Most people get sent their number

:02:30. > :02:33.from HMRC just before their 16th birthday. It is how the Government

:02:33. > :02:36.keeps track of you in the social security system. Without your NI

:02:36. > :02:39.number employers will not take you on. You can't claim benefits And

:02:40. > :02:49.when you retire you will not be able to claim your pension. In fact

:02:50. > :02:53.

:02:53. > :02:57.it is so important that without one Andre has watched his future

:02:57. > :03:00.disappear bit by bit. He had hoped to become an electrician but he had

:03:00. > :03:03.to leave college because he could not get financial support. And when

:03:03. > :03:08.he tried to get an apprenticeship or find work, no-one would take him

:03:08. > :03:12.on because he wasn't part of the system.

:03:12. > :03:15.Can't sign on, can't work cos I have no NI number. I managed to get

:03:15. > :03:19.through my first year of the electrics course, but I couldn't

:03:19. > :03:29.keep up with the finance on the second. So I had to drop out of

:03:29. > :03:32.

:03:32. > :03:35.college. The past five years have taken

:03:35. > :03:39.their toll on Andre's health. Severely depressed to the point

:03:39. > :03:43.where he has been self harming and attempted to cut his own wrists and

:03:43. > :03:53.taken pills. It must be devastating for you to

:03:53. > :03:56.see him like that? Andre and Helena have been trying

:03:56. > :04:05.to sort this out for years. They have contacted HM Revenue and

:04:05. > :04:08.Customs again and again, enlisting the help of their local MP and AM.

:04:08. > :04:12.It has been going on since 2007, so that is five years.

:04:12. > :04:14.How do you feel about the way that they have been dealing with it in

:04:14. > :04:17.that time? They haven't been dealing with it

:04:17. > :04:21.and frustration doesn't come close. It does not come close. It Is like

:04:21. > :04:30.knocking your head against a brick wall and every time that wall gets

:04:30. > :04:32.And it is not just Andre's life that has been affected by this

:04:32. > :04:35.missing number. Financially, I am keeping three

:04:35. > :04:38.people instead of keeping myself and my younger son which means my

:04:38. > :04:42.younger son has had to go without. Emotionally devastating for my son

:04:42. > :04:45.because, obviously, as a man of 20 he wants some social life which he

:04:45. > :04:52.can't really have, which means I've got to provide money. Which again,

:04:52. > :04:55.for him, is degrading to have to ask for that money.

:04:55. > :04:58.So why has Andre been left waiting for so long to get his national

:04:58. > :05:07.insurance number? Well, it could all stem back to this his birth

:05:07. > :05:10.Andre was born in 1992, but a paternity dispute meant that a year

:05:10. > :05:12.later his birth was re-registered with some new details. Helena says

:05:12. > :05:22.she has been told that the information on Andre's certificate

:05:22. > :05:25.doesn't match with her child But HMRC haven't just stuck to one

:05:25. > :05:28.excuse for the delay. Helena says she has also been told it could

:05:28. > :05:31.have been caused by a spelling mistake in Andre's name. At one

:05:31. > :05:41.stage they even claimed it was because Andre came from Poland

:05:41. > :05:41.

:05:41. > :05:44.despite him being born in Neath to It is a terrible situation and it

:05:44. > :05:50.has left Andre feeling like life is just passing him by.

:05:50. > :05:53.I've got no life. All I do is sit around the house and look after the

:05:53. > :05:57.dog, basically. Cos I can't do what a normal person my age would do, I

:05:57. > :06:07.can't go out, I can't enjoy myself. A person can only take so much

:06:07. > :06:11.

:06:11. > :06:15.This summer Helena and Andre decided enough was enough, they

:06:15. > :06:18.filed judicial review papers in Cardiff.

:06:19. > :06:21.When we asked HMRC why, after years of waiting, Andre still hasn't been

:06:22. > :06:24.issued with a national insurance number they seemed to have run out

:06:25. > :06:27.of excuses. They said they are sorry for the problems Andre's had

:06:28. > :06:35.and the inconvenience it has caused. But they couldn't comment on his

:06:35. > :06:45.case because of tax-payer confidentiality.

:06:45. > :06:47.

:06:47. > :06:51.To say a man's life for 5 years is Shocking.

:06:51. > :06:53.But there is now some good news. Since we got in touch with them,

:06:53. > :06:56.HMRC have now issued Andre with a National Insurance number.

:06:56. > :06:59.At last. The family are determined that they will still go through

:06:59. > :07:03.with the Judicial Review process, but at least now they can begin to

:07:03. > :07:13.make plans for Andre's future. It is not going to be easy for them,

:07:13. > :07:14.

:07:15. > :07:21.but we wish him all the best. feels like I have something to do

:07:21. > :07:23.now. Yes, get a job. Exactly. And still to come tonight:

:07:23. > :07:26.How low-energy light bulbs are making Mary ill.

:07:26. > :07:29.And why won't Coral betting come clean on their rules?

:07:29. > :07:37.Before that though, Rachel has an update on a rogue we featured

:07:37. > :07:40.Flamboyant businessman Harby Panesar from the Vale of Glamorgan.

:07:40. > :07:47.He ran Motorcar Elite, selling car warranties through garages across

:07:47. > :07:49.Wales. He wasn't afraid to flaunt his

:07:49. > :07:56.wealth, spending a reported �20,000 on his daughter's televised

:07:56. > :08:00.birthday party. But for his customers, it was a

:08:00. > :08:06.different story. When Beverley and Adrian Reynolds from Cwmcarn tried

:08:06. > :08:08.to claim on their �700 policy, they discovered it wasn't valid. And

:08:08. > :08:18.they weren't alone, hundreds of worthless warranties had been sold

:08:18. > :08:25.

:08:25. > :08:30.across the UK. We caught up with Harby back in February.

:08:30. > :08:36.Have you nothing to say? At this point, no will stop you will answer

:08:36. > :08:39.questions at that time? Not right now it is not the right time.

:08:39. > :08:42.It wasn't just his customers he was conning. Back in 2008 he ran a

:08:42. > :08:46.different company called Motorcare Warranties. One of his insurance

:08:46. > :08:53.backers sued for more than �2 million. The judge banned him from

:08:53. > :08:56.taking any money out of the firm but Harby ignored that.

:08:56. > :09:01.In March, Harby Panesar was found in contempt of court for breaching

:09:01. > :09:03.that ban. He should have gone to prison for 9

:09:03. > :09:06.months, but he appealed the sentence claiming that putting him

:09:06. > :09:08.behind bars would have a devastating effect on his family.

:09:08. > :09:11.At the appeal the judges ruled that suspending Panesar's sentence for

:09:11. > :09:21.two years would be enough to satisfy the public interest and so

:09:21. > :09:23.

:09:23. > :09:28.Andrew Rafferty from Hirwaun was left �800 pounds out of pocket

:09:28. > :09:32.after buying a Motorcare Warranty. He is not satisfied.

:09:32. > :09:35.Obviously you feel let down by the British justice system, what do you

:09:35. > :09:40.have to do to actually go to jail? For us people, we're hundreds of

:09:40. > :09:44.pounds out of pocket. Harby's car warranty business may

:09:44. > :09:47.have closed down in Wales, but X- Ray has discovered that he had set

:09:47. > :09:50.his sights on a much bigger market. We found him listed as the Managing

:09:50. > :09:59.Member of a Florida-based car warranty company Auto Care

:09:59. > :10:02.Guarantees. Sounds familiar, The company is registered to

:10:02. > :10:06.Harby's wife Caroline. The Panasar's have told us they did

:10:06. > :10:12.set up a business, but they've now abandoned it. But according to the

:10:12. > :10:15.Florida State Department the business is still active.

:10:15. > :10:20.Very annoyed to think that he could go out now and start another

:10:20. > :10:22.business off. Not only being let off a jail sentence, but going and

:10:22. > :10:30.starting another business, doing exactly the same over in America.

:10:30. > :10:34.Obviously somebody needs to do something about it.

:10:34. > :10:35.We will be keeping an eye on that situation. Remember if there is

:10:35. > :10:38.situation. Remember if there is anything you would like us to look

:10:39. > :10:44.into, then get in touch. The phone into, then get in touch. The phone

:10:44. > :10:47.lines are open or you can send us an e-mail. It would be great if you

:10:47. > :10:50.could leave us a daytime phone number so that we can contact you

:10:50. > :10:52.straightaway, and remember you can straightaway, and remember you can

:10:52. > :10:55.follow us on twitter too! Now, since September, traditional

:10:55. > :10:58.light bulbs like these are no longer being manufactured. Many of

:10:58. > :11:01.the larger stores are no longer stocking them, but you can still

:11:01. > :11:11.buy them in smaller shops, and stalls like this one in Cardiff

:11:11. > :11:19.

:11:19. > :11:23.market. How keen are people here? Most people. As a blind elderly,

:11:23. > :11:30.some of the young people as well because there are brighter at an

:11:30. > :11:32.energy-saving once. -- energy- saving ones.

:11:32. > :11:42.So which do shoppers here in Cardiff market prefer?

:11:42. > :11:47.

:11:47. > :11:57.Don't like the light from the low- energy bulbs. You can't see to read.

:11:57. > :11:58.

:11:58. > :12:02.They're fantastic because the last and the do not take up much energy.

:12:02. > :12:07.They brighten up later. You wait around half an hour for a full

:12:07. > :12:17.brilliance. Do you use them at home? Yes. A

:12:17. > :12:19.

:12:19. > :12:29.heady you find them? They're all right.

:12:29. > :12:35.

:12:35. > :12:38.For some people they can cause serious problems though.

:12:38. > :12:41.The incandescent bulb has served us well for more than 100 years,

:12:41. > :12:44.lighting every room of our homes. Sadly, the granddad of the lighting

:12:44. > :12:48.world is definitely showing his age. These new boys use up to 80% less

:12:48. > :12:52.electricity to do the same job and last up to ten times longer.

:12:52. > :12:56.They are meaner and leaner on the money front too. Switch all your

:12:56. > :12:58.older style bulbs to low energy ones and you could save up to �55 a

:12:58. > :13:01.year. So going green on lighting is good

:13:01. > :13:06.news for the environment AND our pockets. But there are some people

:13:06. > :13:09.reluctant to switch - and it's about more than nostalgia.

:13:09. > :13:12.Around 30 to 40,000 people in the UK who have light-sensitive

:13:12. > :13:15.conditions could be affected by the light emitted from low-energy bulbs,

:13:15. > :13:17.the main problem is with this one, the compact fluorescent lamp.

:13:17. > :13:27.Mary Hannah, from Treffgarne, near Haverfordwest has the auto-immune

:13:27. > :13:38.

:13:38. > :13:41.Well, I'm affected by the low energy bulbs very badly. They make

:13:41. > :13:44.me rashy and achy all over and throbbing and just feeling

:13:44. > :13:46.exhausted. Over half of lupus sufferers are

:13:46. > :13:49.light sensitive. After being diagnosed in 2007, Mary quickly

:13:49. > :13:53.realised new low energy bulbs in her home were triggering her

:13:53. > :13:57.symptoms. I decided I'd have to change all

:13:57. > :14:01.the bulbs and it made a huge difference. I felt much better. It

:14:01. > :14:06.was a safe place that I could be where I could recover from feeling

:14:06. > :14:09.achy and having palpatations and all the bad symptoms.

:14:09. > :14:13.Mary's sensitive to sunlight, too, so can no longer help husband Tom

:14:13. > :14:17.on the farm. He says seeing her suffer's been tough on the whole

:14:17. > :14:24.family. You see her welling up, almost

:14:24. > :14:27.crying, and you reliase then how much of a struggle it is. If you

:14:27. > :14:31.ask someone to turn off a light they look at you as if you're mad

:14:31. > :14:37.or trying to be awkward but you're just trying to make life a little

:14:37. > :14:39.bit more bearable. And Mary's not alone. People with

:14:39. > :14:44.other complaints, from skin conditions to migraine, have

:14:44. > :14:46.reported feeling unwell after being near low energy bulbs. Several

:14:46. > :14:49.charities have highlighted the issue and some want the UK

:14:49. > :14:55.government to review the ban on manufacture so that old bulbs are

:14:55. > :14:58.available to those affected. With traditional light bulbs

:14:58. > :15:02.getting more difficult to find, Mary's got a back-up plan to ensure

:15:02. > :15:06.she's always has them in her own home.

:15:06. > :15:08.She is so sensitive to any UV light, she needs to wear head-to-toe

:15:08. > :15:14.protection in order to show me where she keeps her precious

:15:14. > :15:19.collection of old-style bulbs. Well, all together, I think I've

:15:19. > :15:27.probably got about 500. Every time they say 100 w are being banned and

:15:27. > :15:31.then 60s, I panic and buy a load before they run out. They are

:15:31. > :15:35.getting more expensive and harder to get so it is a worry.

:15:35. > :15:41.It just seems so unfair. Mary needs them and to be denied them just

:15:41. > :15:44.seems cruel. So why do some low energy bulbs

:15:44. > :15:46.affect people like Mary? Experts have looked into several

:15:46. > :15:53.possibilities but the most significant is something consultant

:15:53. > :15:56.medical physicist Dr Chris Edwards can explain.

:15:56. > :16:00.These two lamps emit light in entirely different ways. The

:16:00. > :16:03.incandescnet lamp uses a glowing filament to generate its light. The

:16:03. > :16:09.compact flourescent tube uses ultra violet light which then excites the

:16:09. > :16:13.white phospher. That means that some of that Ultra Violet light can

:16:13. > :16:16.escape and cause problems to people who have sensitive skin. I've

:16:16. > :16:25.analysed the output of these lamps and the UV output from this bare

:16:25. > :16:29.compact flourescent tube is five times that of the incandescent tube.

:16:29. > :16:35.As more and more homes and public buildings switch over to low energy

:16:35. > :16:38.bulbs, Mary's daily life is becoming more limited.

:16:38. > :16:48.This is a church I come to in our village and they've been very good

:16:48. > :16:52.and put in the old-fashioned bulbs for me. Which means it's a safe

:16:52. > :16:56.place I can come and just enjoy the service and not be badly affected.

:16:56. > :17:00.How do you deal with life socially and going out to places?

:17:00. > :17:04.I have a little bag of bulbs that I take with me to friends' houses and

:17:04. > :17:06.to family so I can sort all their lights out so that I'm safe in

:17:07. > :17:09.their houses. The UK Government insists low

:17:09. > :17:11.energy bulbs aren't dangerous to the public and says there are

:17:11. > :17:13.alternatives that light sensitive people can use. Compact

:17:14. > :17:19.flourescents with an extra cover reduce UV while super-efficient

:17:19. > :17:29.LEDs emit virtually no ultra violet lights. But Mary feels neither work

:17:29. > :17:31.

:17:31. > :17:34.for her. The prospect of running out of old bulbs is a big worry.

:17:34. > :17:38.It'll be very lonely because I'll just be trapped here and life

:17:38. > :17:43.wouldn't hardly be worth living if you can't get out and go see people.

:17:43. > :17:47.I'd be a prisoner in my own home. Well, what are your thoughts? Are

:17:47. > :17:50.you stockpiling bulbs? Or are you all in favour of low energy ones?

:17:50. > :17:56.And did you know that these contain mercury, so it's really important

:17:56. > :17:59.that they're recycled safely. We've put some more about that on our

:17:59. > :18:08.wesite, so have a look if you need to know where to take them.

:18:09. > :18:11.Next, Lucy's on the case. Richard Hicks is a lecturer in

:18:12. > :18:20.plumbing, so when he splashed out hundreds on a new bathroom suite,

:18:20. > :18:23.he expected it to be built to last. Our shower tray's cracked. It moves

:18:23. > :18:29.under foot. Better Bathrooms won't reimburse us with the full cost of

:18:29. > :18:32.replacement. Lucy, can you please help us?

:18:32. > :18:42.I'm on the case The Hicks family spent �1,700 on a

:18:42. > :18:44.

:18:44. > :18:51.new suite from Better Bathrooms. Better Bathrooms? Not from what

:18:51. > :18:54.I've heard. Hi, Richard, how are you? Nice to

:18:54. > :18:57.see you. Hi, Lucy,

:18:57. > :19:07.Richard, let's see what we can do about this shower of yours. Let's

:19:07. > :19:09.

:19:09. > :19:15.go and take a look at this shower. Guessing your bathroom read on was

:19:15. > :19:21.a very important part of preparing your retirement. Yes. Why did you

:19:22. > :19:26.want to go with better bathrooms? It was affordable. Let's take a

:19:26. > :19:29.look at the Shah. I'll follow you up. This is the bathroom. Now, the

:19:29. > :19:32.bathroom is looking lovely. Let's take a look at this crack. I can

:19:32. > :19:38.see it straight away already. Yeah, yeah, it's quite obvious

:19:38. > :19:41.It is. Is it getting worse? Yes, it is.

:19:41. > :19:45.And what's the problem with the sponginess of the shower tray?

:19:45. > :19:52.What you'll find, you can't see it very much now, but once you put

:19:52. > :19:55.warm water on, that will lift up quite considerably.

:19:55. > :19:58.So, the hot water's been running and what is the.. Oh, gosh! I can

:19:58. > :20:08.see a really big difference, actually. That's gone very springy

:20:08. > :20:08.

:20:08. > :20:12.now, hasn't it? Yeah. Quite a big area.

:20:12. > :20:15.It's unnerving. If you're taking a shower you can see it move. It

:20:15. > :20:18.could possibly cause an injury. Richard knows a thing or two about

:20:18. > :20:21.bathrooms because of his job. He knew the problem wasn't caused by

:20:21. > :20:24.anything he'd done in fitting it. Richard, with your job, you're a

:20:24. > :20:27.lecturer in plumbing. How does it make you feel when you see work

:20:27. > :20:30.like this and a product like this? I'm very disappointed. It's not a

:20:30. > :20:32.fault in the installation, it's a fault in manufacture, that's quite

:20:32. > :20:35.apparent. Better Bathrooms agreed there was a

:20:35. > :20:38.problem and told Richard they would replace the shower tray. They asked

:20:38. > :20:41.him to get a quote but when Richard told them that because the bathroom

:20:41. > :20:46.was quite small, the work was harder to do and would cost �375,

:20:46. > :20:49.Better Bathrooms started to haggle. They got back to me to say they

:20:49. > :20:53.were only prepared to pay �175. Unhappy with that, I gave them a

:20:53. > :20:58.sort of account of what needed to be done, the appliances to be

:20:58. > :21:02.removed so that the shower tray could be replaced. They've upped

:21:02. > :21:11.their offer to �250 but it was still �125 short of the full amount

:21:11. > :21:13.of �375 and I'm very concerned that I'm expected to meet that cost.

:21:13. > :21:20.So, Richard, what would you like me to do?

:21:20. > :21:22.I would really like you to recover the full coast of �375.

:21:23. > :21:25.I'm on the case. Well, when we got in touch with

:21:25. > :21:28.Better Bathrooms, incredibly, they were still disputing that the work

:21:28. > :21:33.would cost �375. They told us claims like this are often

:21:33. > :21:36.overstated. That seems a bit rich, given that Richard had offered to

:21:36. > :21:41.get another quote for them and had explained that the size of the

:21:41. > :21:44.bathroom made it more difficult and expensive to refit the shower tray.

:21:44. > :21:50.Well, the good news, after we'd contacted them and having reviewed

:21:50. > :21:55.the case, Better Bathrooms has now agreed to pay up.

:21:55. > :22:00.Hi, Lucy. The plumber is on his way. We're sure to have a new shower

:22:00. > :22:07.tray fitted and it's all down to your hard work. Thank you very much.

:22:07. > :22:10.Job done! Now, Rachel's been looking at the

:22:10. > :22:19.secretive rules that determine whether your bet on the gee gees is

:22:19. > :22:24.valid. The beauty and the thrill of horse

:22:24. > :22:28.racing. Just watching these beautiful creatures even on the

:22:28. > :22:31.training gallops in Ebbw Vale is incredibly exciting. So it's no

:22:31. > :22:41.surprise whatsoever that they are at the centre of a huge spectator

:22:41. > :22:48.

:22:48. > :22:55.But are fans being treated fairly Brothers Rob and Nigel McBurney

:22:55. > :22:59.don't think so. They come from a racing mad family in Bargoed.

:23:00. > :23:05.My father. He used to bet all the time and when he used to do a

:23:05. > :23:09.little flutter and I would have a go and we'd carry on just like that.

:23:09. > :23:16.So, was it a lot of money? No, just small money - fivers,

:23:16. > :23:21.twenty pence bets, pound each way accumulator, that type of thing.

:23:21. > :23:27.Last year, their dad Bob died. A few weeks later, his widow decided

:23:27. > :23:33.to place a bet on four of his favourite horses. Rob took the

:23:33. > :23:39.complex �5 stake to the family bookmaker, Coral in Bargoed.

:23:39. > :23:45.So, how much did you stand to win on this �5 bet?

:23:45. > :23:47.�68,000. �68,000? On �5?

:23:48. > :23:52.Yes, because a lot of the horses were high prices.

:23:52. > :23:57.The key to the bet was 40-1 outsider Bold Ring. It won the

:23:57. > :24:03.first race. In the following two races, they also had winners. Then

:24:03. > :24:11.there was just one more to go. We just sat there all quiet looking

:24:11. > :24:16.at the teletext and it was her horse. She was jumping for joy.

:24:16. > :24:22.Never seen her like that. Rob headed to Coral to pick up his

:24:22. > :24:27.mother's winnings - �68,000. Handed the slip in and said, "Could

:24:27. > :24:32.you tell me what that is?" and the cashier said it is two thousand

:24:32. > :24:36.something. I said, "No, it is a lot more than that".

:24:36. > :24:43.But he was told it wasn't. Because he'd placed the big 40-1 bet on the

:24:43. > :24:47.first race in the accumulator too late and therefore it didn't count.

:24:47. > :24:51.It was devastating news when they said it was void. It was heart

:24:51. > :24:59.sinking for me because I put the bet on and I had to go to the house

:24:59. > :25:04.and break the news. The family had become victims of

:25:04. > :25:08.Coral's late bets rule. The late bets rule is designed to

:25:08. > :25:12.stop cheating. Bookies often allow you to put money on a horse after a

:25:12. > :25:18.race has started but obviously it wouldn't be fair to bet on a

:25:18. > :25:24.winning horse just as it's about to cross the line.

:25:24. > :25:28.We've obtained a copy of the race. And 53 seconds after the start when

:25:28. > :25:38.Robbie placed his bet, Bold Ring is in 8th place, not looking like a

:25:38. > :25:44.

:25:44. > :25:47.winner at all. Until a turn of When they actually did look into it

:25:47. > :25:51.after three or four weeks, they got back and said we couldn't find

:25:51. > :25:56.anything untoward about what you'd done. You were just a little bit

:25:56. > :26:01.too late. Which I think is a bit harsh lately.

:26:01. > :26:04.Rob has appealed to the betting arbitration body IBAS. They've

:26:05. > :26:09.investiagated, but they too say that he broke the late bets rule.

:26:09. > :26:14.But what exactly are the rules? They seems to vary from bookie to

:26:14. > :26:17.bookie. Here at Ladbrokes, the terms and

:26:17. > :26:24.conditions clearly state you can't bet more than 30 seconds after the

:26:24. > :26:28.start of a race. It's a clear and straightforward system.

:26:28. > :26:30.But in other betting shops, the rules aren't so clear.

:26:30. > :26:37.This is the Coral betting shop where the McBuyrney's placed their

:26:37. > :26:41.bet. And their terms and conditions say something quite different.

:26:41. > :26:45.It says a that a "no more bets time will be automatically generated by

:26:45. > :26:49.their electronic EPOS system". But how? There is no clue as to

:26:49. > :26:58.whether that is three seconds into a race or 53 seconds. They just

:26:58. > :27:01.don't say how they work it out. I've come to Welshpool to meet one

:27:01. > :27:03.race-lover who's outraged by this system. Former MP, lawyer and

:27:03. > :27:11.racehorse owner Delwyn Williams has been helping the McBurneys fight

:27:11. > :27:14.their case. He's been looking at the late-bets rule.

:27:14. > :27:18.The Coral's punter doesn't have full knowledge of the contractual

:27:18. > :27:21.terms he is going to face when he makes a bet.

:27:21. > :27:25.So how do you think the system should work then?

:27:25. > :27:29.I think they should clearly state in their rules and in their offices

:27:29. > :27:33.what the time limits for placing bets are.

:27:33. > :27:37.He believes Coral should be paying out to the McBurneys.

:27:37. > :27:41.His father had bet with Corals for most of his life in that betting

:27:41. > :27:45.shop in Bargoed. Now Coral's say no. We were happy to take your money

:27:45. > :27:52.during your lifetime but we are not hapy to pay your widow and son what

:27:52. > :27:55.most people in the public arena would say is owing to them.

:27:55. > :27:59.Sadly for the McBurney family, Coral are sticking to their guns.

:27:59. > :28:02.They still say they'll only pay out the �2,000 won on the later races,

:28:02. > :28:05.rather than the �68,000 the family believe they've won. And they won't

:28:05. > :28:08.tell us how they work out exactly when they stop taking money on a

:28:08. > :28:15.race or why they don't stop taking bets once the deadline's passed.

:28:15. > :28:18.Nigel and Rob are now considering legal action. We'll let you know

:28:18. > :28:23.how they get on. That's just about it for this week.

:28:23. > :28:25.Remember, if you've ever fallen foul of a bookies rules...

:28:25. > :28:29.Or you're struggling to get a company to listen to you...

:28:29. > :28:31.We're here to help. You can give us a call on 03703 334

:28:31. > :28:34.334. Or email us.

:28:34. > :28:37.Next week, the shocking story of a BMW which just wouldn't stop