Episode 1

Episode 1

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0:00:02 > 0:00:05'This is the most successful scam show of all time.

0:00:05 > 0:00:08'A hit in 45 countries around the world.

0:00:12 > 0:00:14'The Real Hustlers have stolen cars...'

0:00:14 > 0:00:17- Bye!- It's perfectly safe there.

0:00:19 > 0:00:21'..burgled houses...

0:00:23 > 0:00:26'..picked...'

0:00:26 > 0:00:30- SHE SHOUTS - '..switched and ditched.'

0:00:30 > 0:00:33- A tenner for the whole lot.- 'They've carried out close to 500 scams

0:00:33 > 0:00:37'and stolen over one million pounds.

0:00:37 > 0:00:39'And now they're back for an 11th series,

0:00:39 > 0:00:43'Alex, Jess and Paul,

0:00:43 > 0:00:46'with new recruits Polly and Jazz.

0:00:46 > 0:00:50'Their job - to expose the tricks of the criminals' trade

0:00:50 > 0:00:53'so that you don't get scammed.

0:00:55 > 0:00:57'On tonight's show,

0:00:57 > 0:01:01'guest hustler Shane Lynch is having a very bad hair day.'

0:01:01 > 0:01:05- That's not a bad idea.- 'Jazz's prop bet is all in the balance.

0:01:05 > 0:01:10'And Paul shows you why you should never play cards with some blokes in some bar.'

0:01:10 > 0:01:14- The next card I turn over is your card.- OK.

0:01:54 > 0:01:59'The hustlers have invited celebrity friends to see if they can cut it as con artists.

0:01:59 > 0:02:04'But they'll have no clue what the scam is about and there are no dress rehearsals.

0:02:04 > 0:02:07'So this is sink or swim.

0:02:09 > 0:02:15'Today's guest hustler is actor, motorsport nut and Boyzone hunk Shane Lynch.'

0:02:17 > 0:02:21I'm not a good guy for doing people out of money and such, but that's why I'm here,

0:02:21 > 0:02:27to learn a new side. My morals don't allow me to actually cheat people out of anything.

0:02:27 > 0:02:30If it's me dropping the bombshell on the person

0:02:30 > 0:02:36who's perhaps going to be devastated losing something, I'll feel terrible. Absolutely terrible.

0:02:37 > 0:02:41'Shane knows nothing about the role he'll be asked to play in today's scam.

0:02:41 > 0:02:44'He's just been told to go to a local landmark

0:02:44 > 0:02:48'and keep an eye out for a sexy swindler.'

0:02:48 > 0:02:53- Hello. You all right, Shane? Nice to meet you. How you feeling? - A little bit nervous.

0:02:53 > 0:02:56Oh, don't worry, we'll take good care of you.

0:02:56 > 0:03:02- Have you ever heard the expression, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"?- Uh-huh.

0:03:02 > 0:03:08- Today you're going to be helping us scam the same person not once but twice.- Right.

0:03:08 > 0:03:11You look gorgeous, but we do have a costume for you.

0:03:11 > 0:03:13We're going to throw everything at you today.

0:03:13 > 0:03:17'Today will separate the boys from the men in Fool Me Once.

0:03:17 > 0:03:24'It's lunchtime in a busy town centre and people are going about their business.

0:03:24 > 0:03:27'These guys have just come from a Bureau de Change

0:03:27 > 0:03:30'and that's why this guy is now the mark.'

0:03:37 > 0:03:40Excuse me. Hello, my name's Suzie.

0:03:40 > 0:03:43Can I just ask, did you just exchange some money just now? You did?

0:03:43 > 0:03:48We're just doing an investigation. Can I ask you to follow me? We just need to check your money.

0:03:49 > 0:03:54'So there's some kind of undercover operation being carried out in the area.'

0:03:54 > 0:03:56I think you'll be able to help us.

0:03:56 > 0:04:00Don't worry, you're not in any trouble.

0:04:00 > 0:04:05'It's a pretty weird request, but as it comes from a pretty lady,

0:04:05 > 0:04:08'the mark does as he's asked and accompanies Jess.'

0:04:08 > 0:04:11- Got any change, please? - Sorry.- Have a nice day.

0:04:11 > 0:04:15- Ian, these gentlemen... - 'A little further up the road they meet Jess's colleague, Alex.'

0:04:15 > 0:04:20Ian Steele. Come with me, gentlemen. Just a routine check.

0:04:20 > 0:04:26'He's very confused, but still keen to help, he follows the investigators to their van.'

0:04:26 > 0:04:30We've had reports of counterfeit money being passed to people,

0:04:30 > 0:04:32usually from exchange shops or other stores.

0:04:32 > 0:04:36We're trying to pinpoint where this money's being leaked in.

0:04:36 > 0:04:39So all I need to do is check that the money you have is genuine.

0:04:41 > 0:04:44The pounds. How much is that?

0:04:44 > 0:04:48- OK.- 'So Alex and Jess are investigating reports

0:04:48 > 0:04:53'that local money shops are laundering cash by exchanging good currency for bad.

0:04:53 > 0:04:57'Legit bank notes have watermarks to identify real cash from fake.

0:04:57 > 0:05:00'These show up under UV light.'

0:05:00 > 0:05:06- I'll check this one. - Did you say it's the first time you've used that shop?

0:05:06 > 0:05:12'Alex checks if the cash is counterfeit and he has good news.'

0:05:12 > 0:05:14You're fine. Everything looks fine.

0:05:14 > 0:05:17- Thank you for letting us have a look.- Thank you very much.

0:05:17 > 0:05:19Cheers.

0:05:19 > 0:05:23'The mark's cash is all legit, so he's free to go.

0:05:24 > 0:05:28'That beggar seems to be trailing the mark.

0:05:28 > 0:05:30'That's because it's Shane.'

0:05:32 > 0:05:35- Bit of an improvement, I reckon. - Yeah.

0:05:38 > 0:05:40'This is Shane's first big moment.

0:05:40 > 0:05:45'He has to stop the guys dead in their tracks.'

0:05:49 > 0:05:54- Excuse me, gentlemen. My name is Alan Ladd. This is my colleague. - Operations manager.

0:05:55 > 0:05:58No, they're not who they say they are.

0:05:58 > 0:06:03Come with us now, up here. You're not in trouble. We just need to check what's happened.

0:06:03 > 0:06:06If you could just follow us, my boss needs to have a quick word.

0:06:06 > 0:06:11'The mark's already been intercepted by two undercover investigators.

0:06:11 > 0:06:14'Now he's being asked to cooperate all over again.

0:06:16 > 0:06:19'Shane and Polly have their work cut out to convince him a second time.

0:06:19 > 0:06:23'If he walks away now, the whole scam's over.'

0:06:23 > 0:06:25- BLEEP. - Calm down, you're not in trouble.

0:06:25 > 0:06:28You're not in trouble.

0:06:28 > 0:06:30- Sorry, this is my job.- Don't worry.

0:06:30 > 0:06:36- We'll be two minutes. We just need to make sure your money's OK. - Thank you for your cooperation.

0:06:36 > 0:06:43'Eventually he agrees to go upstairs into a stakeout location being run by Paul and Jazz.'

0:06:43 > 0:06:46Can you keep an eye, let me know when they leave?

0:06:46 > 0:06:52'It certainly looks like an official operation, but the mark has clearly had enough of being ordered around.'

0:06:52 > 0:06:55Your name is? Derek, how are you?

0:06:57 > 0:07:00Well, do you know what's just happened?

0:07:00 > 0:07:03A gentleman just examined your money, this guy here.

0:07:05 > 0:07:09Whatever money he's swapped, we'll give you real cash back.

0:07:09 > 0:07:14- All right? - 'Paul's got some bad news about the cash Alex handled at the van.

0:07:14 > 0:07:17'It's probably been swapped for fake notes.'

0:07:17 > 0:07:19How much did you give him?

0:07:22 > 0:07:25All right. Can I have a look at what he's given you back?

0:07:27 > 0:07:29No envelope, nothing like that?

0:07:33 > 0:07:36Well, as you can see, these are all fake.

0:07:37 > 0:07:41'So not only was Alex the investigator at the van fake,

0:07:41 > 0:07:44'he also swapped the mark's cash for fake notes.

0:07:44 > 0:07:48'There are clearly no watermarks visible under the UV light.'

0:07:49 > 0:07:53You can see that's all fake. This is what a real bill should look like.

0:07:53 > 0:07:58Like that. See that? Big difference, right?

0:07:58 > 0:08:02- OK. Unfortunately it's under £500. Are you OK?- No, I'm- BLEEP.

0:08:02 > 0:08:07Well, have a seat, then. Derek, have a seat.

0:08:07 > 0:08:13'Right now, the mark doesn't know who to believe. He just wants his money back.'

0:08:13 > 0:08:15Did you suspect him?

0:08:17 > 0:08:19I understand that. That's fine.

0:08:19 > 0:08:21The good news is I'm going to replace that cash.

0:08:21 > 0:08:26'To help convince the mark that Paul and his team are the real deal,

0:08:26 > 0:08:28'he'll refund the full amount in real cash.'

0:08:30 > 0:08:33Boss, I just want to let you know, I've got eyes on the two suspects.

0:08:33 > 0:08:36- The van's still here. They've popped out.- OK, couple of minutes.

0:08:36 > 0:08:39Before I give it to you, check it,

0:08:39 > 0:08:43I'll show you what you're looking for. You're looking for the stripes.

0:08:45 > 0:08:48This could be fake money, as well.

0:08:50 > 0:08:53'Having been stung once, the mark is suspicious.

0:08:53 > 0:08:57'But Paul proves the money is real by showing him the UV watermarks.'

0:08:57 > 0:09:00That's the cash from this.

0:09:00 > 0:09:04'But here's the thing, the money the mark had at the beginning was real,

0:09:04 > 0:09:11'the money he was given back was real. And the money he has just been given by Paul is also real.

0:09:11 > 0:09:14'What are the hustlers playing at?'

0:09:14 > 0:09:17Well, as you can see, these are all fake.

0:09:17 > 0:09:20'The trick here is in that UV lamp.'

0:09:20 > 0:09:22Nothing at all. See that?

0:09:22 > 0:09:25'There are actually two bulbs in the note checker.

0:09:25 > 0:09:29'When Paul took the money from the mark, the UV bulb was off.'

0:09:29 > 0:09:32- Nothing at all. - 'Then he gave Polly a signal...'

0:09:32 > 0:09:35This is what a real bill should look like.

0:09:35 > 0:09:39'..and she flicked the UV switch on, and that made the watermarks light up for all to see.'

0:09:39 > 0:09:42Big difference, right?

0:09:42 > 0:09:48'The mark doesn't know it, but all the cash has been 100 percent real all the time.'

0:09:48 > 0:09:50That's the cash from this.

0:09:50 > 0:09:55'He's got all his money back, and now Paul's just about to make him an amazing offer.'

0:09:55 > 0:09:59- Are they still there? - Yeah, the van's still there. They're in the cafe.

0:09:59 > 0:10:04They've been there a few minutes, probably having a coffee. They'll probably be there for five, ten.

0:10:04 > 0:10:08Erm, did you get the sense they were going to stay or go?

0:10:08 > 0:10:13I think they're hanging around for a while, myself. I've been there two, three hours.

0:10:13 > 0:10:15How much more cash do you have on you?

0:10:17 > 0:10:23There's a £5,000 reward if we arrest them with more than £1,000.

0:10:23 > 0:10:26'In return for helping Paul catch Alex and Jess red-handed,

0:10:26 > 0:10:29'the mark will get a whopping £5,000 fee.'

0:10:37 > 0:10:40Well, that's the problem, he's pretending to be us.

0:10:41 > 0:10:45We have the whole thing on camera. We have to catch him in the act.

0:10:45 > 0:10:49We're hoping you've got more than £1,000. That's the truth.

0:10:51 > 0:10:54'Sensing that they're losing the mark, Shane steps in to convince him.'

0:10:54 > 0:10:59- We can assure you you'll be in very safe hands. - He'll be with you the whole time.

0:10:59 > 0:11:02Nobody will leave you alone with him. I guarantee it.

0:11:05 > 0:11:07Are you sure?

0:11:09 > 0:11:13'Unsure who he can trust, the mark refuses to help.

0:11:13 > 0:11:18'Unless the hustlers can persuade him otherwise, this scam's going nowhere.

0:11:31 > 0:11:34'When hustlers go out, they don't take money.

0:11:34 > 0:11:37'They take prop bets.

0:11:39 > 0:11:44'The proposition bet has only one rule. And that's that the hustler always wins.'

0:11:50 > 0:11:54OK, I'm going to try a proposition bet for you. What I need you to do is,

0:11:54 > 0:11:56I need you to hold this note at both ends like this.

0:11:56 > 0:12:01And I need you to balance a 10p piece on its side like that,

0:12:01 > 0:12:04on the top here, and you have to hold it for three seconds.

0:12:04 > 0:12:06- Yeah?- For three seconds? - For three seconds.

0:12:06 > 0:12:11So I'll give it to you to have a try. If you do it, I'll get you whatever your favourite drink is.

0:12:11 > 0:12:15- If you can't do it, you have to get me one, yeah? - Yeah. I think I could win.

0:12:15 > 0:12:19'So Jazz is offering a round of drinks to his new friends

0:12:19 > 0:12:24'if they can balance a coin in the air for three seconds on the straight edge of a bank note.'

0:12:29 > 0:12:31That's not a bad idea.

0:12:33 > 0:12:37Oh! It was definitely there for a third of a second, maybe.

0:12:43 > 0:12:48- Close. Very close.- Can you do better than that, a second?

0:12:48 > 0:12:50It's still good. It's better than most.

0:12:50 > 0:12:53OK, so what you do is you fold it in half

0:12:53 > 0:12:59and make sure there's a really well-defined crease at the top.

0:12:59 > 0:13:04Open it up on the table. Balance the middle of the 10p, there we go.

0:13:08 > 0:13:11One. Two. Three.

0:13:11 > 0:13:14THEY LAUGH

0:13:14 > 0:13:19'Success. Jazz creases the bank note to create a kink in the edge.

0:13:19 > 0:13:25'Then places the very middle of the 10p over the kink and slowly straightens it out.

0:13:25 > 0:13:27'That's got to be worth a free drink.

0:13:35 > 0:13:40'Going to the pub with your mates is a time when you should be able to let your guard down.

0:13:40 > 0:13:43'But not when the hustlers are in town.

0:13:43 > 0:13:48'Especially when these boys are fooling around with a deck of cards

0:13:48 > 0:13:51'and Jess is on the lookout for some likely marks.

0:13:51 > 0:13:53'These guys look promising.

0:13:55 > 0:13:58'They take a seat in direct line of sight of Alex, Jazz and Paul.

0:14:00 > 0:14:05- 'And Jess seizes her opportunity...' - Sorry. Excuse me. - '..and moves in.'

0:14:05 > 0:14:10You were the boys getting ID'd at the bar, weren't you? Was it you?

0:14:12 > 0:14:17'Straight away their attention is drawn to the commotion in the corner. Looks like a lot of fun.

0:14:17 > 0:14:20- Come on over.- I'm not, I'm sorry. - Come on over. It's fun.

0:14:26 > 0:14:30'Invited to join in, Jess takes the marks over to the table

0:14:30 > 0:14:32'so then everyone can get friendly.'

0:14:32 > 0:14:34Can I just say, I'm not betting anything.

0:14:34 > 0:14:39'Posing as Jess's colleagues, they are all on a works night out.'

0:14:39 > 0:14:42- Do you play?- From time to time, yeah.- What do you play?

0:14:42 > 0:14:45Er, poker, blackjack...

0:14:45 > 0:14:50'These guys seem up for a gamble and that makes them the marks.'

0:14:50 > 0:14:57- It might be my lucky night. - 'But Lady Luck won't be on their side in The Smudge.'

0:14:57 > 0:15:01- Take a card.- Just pick a card? - Any one.

0:15:02 > 0:15:04That one. Look at that. Don't let me see it. OK.

0:15:04 > 0:15:09'To break the ice, Paul shows the guys a card trick.'

0:15:09 > 0:15:11Right, put it on top there.

0:15:11 > 0:15:14'He's actually trying to find out if they're carrying cash

0:15:14 > 0:15:17'and willing to put their money where their mouths are.'

0:15:17 > 0:15:19I don't see well, anyway, but I'll do it by touch.

0:15:19 > 0:15:22'Paul's trying to find the mark's card.'

0:15:24 > 0:15:27- The next card I turn over is your card.- OK.

0:15:27 > 0:15:32'The mark thinks he's missed it as it's already on the table.'

0:15:32 > 0:15:35- How much would you bet on that? - I'll bet 20 quid.

0:15:35 > 0:15:38- Without even looking at it... - I'm happy.

0:15:38 > 0:15:4220 quid. The next card I turn over is your card. Fair enough?

0:15:42 > 0:15:47- If it is, you take that money, but if it isn't...- All right. That's the next card I'll turn over.

0:15:47 > 0:15:51SHE LAUGHS Oh, my God!

0:15:51 > 0:15:53'He's impressed.

0:15:53 > 0:15:57'He's fallen for a simple card trick.

0:15:57 > 0:16:00'But more importantly, he's shown he's willing to play for money.

0:16:00 > 0:16:03'And that's exactly what the hustlers are looking for.'

0:16:03 > 0:16:06- Do you want to win your money back? - Aye. Yeah.

0:16:06 > 0:16:09'Paul gives him another chance to win.'

0:16:09 > 0:16:13- All you have to to do is find that. It's called Find The Lady, that's the queen.- I find it?

0:16:13 > 0:16:18- Anybody actually. Do you want to play? You haven't put any money down.- Oh, here we go!

0:16:18 > 0:16:19I'm going to mix these up.

0:16:19 > 0:16:22All you have to do is decide where the queen is. All right?

0:16:22 > 0:16:25'Paul is going to play the classic Three-Card Monty,

0:16:25 > 0:16:28'also known as Find The Lady.'

0:16:28 > 0:16:31- Where would you say it is?- I'd say there.- And how much do you bet?

0:16:31 > 0:16:35- It's over the far side. Don't lose your money.- I watched him.

0:16:35 > 0:16:40'Jazz's role here is to be a rubbish gambler. And he's good.'

0:16:40 > 0:16:44- You think it is there? - That's not it.- Turn that one over.

0:16:44 > 0:16:48- Dude, what is wrong with you? - 'Alex gets it right.'

0:16:48 > 0:16:53Mate, do me a favour, lend him your glasses, would you? I'm putting money on this one.

0:16:53 > 0:16:58So, you should know where it is. Anybody want to bet? 20 quid. Where?

0:16:58 > 0:17:01- There.- This one?- Yep.

0:17:03 > 0:17:06No, no. I want this one. Don't try and cheat... Ah, ah! This one.

0:17:06 > 0:17:09- This one!- All right!

0:17:09 > 0:17:12'And Alex gets it right again.

0:17:13 > 0:17:16'The marks can see how easy it is to win.'

0:17:16 > 0:17:20- Are you sure? Have a shot. - I'm not playing. No!

0:17:20 > 0:17:23'Maybe the lady will be good at finding the lady.'

0:17:23 > 0:17:26- I never get it right. - It's just guess work. Not for money.

0:17:27 > 0:17:31- Agh!- You should have put some money! - I know.

0:17:31 > 0:17:35'The marks are watching with interest, but not getting their money out yet.

0:17:36 > 0:17:40'The hustlers make it look easy but the marks are right to be wary

0:17:40 > 0:17:44'because this is a game you can never win.'

0:17:44 > 0:17:47Whoa! Cards everywhere.

0:17:47 > 0:17:51'But Jess is just about to convince them that they simply can't lose.

0:17:51 > 0:17:56'The distraction has been staged to let Jess mark the queen with a dab of lipstick.

0:17:56 > 0:17:59'She then makes sure one of the marks knows all about it.'

0:18:04 > 0:18:10'It may be a tiny smudge, but both marks can clearly see which card is marked.'

0:18:11 > 0:18:14How much?

0:18:14 > 0:18:18'Now knowing they are onto a sure thing, they go straight for their wallets.'

0:18:18 > 0:18:21I'll let you both put your money together.

0:18:21 > 0:18:24- What is that, is that a red one? - Yeah.

0:18:24 > 0:18:28I'll put 40 down on that one there.

0:18:28 > 0:18:30Which one are you going on?

0:18:30 > 0:18:35'There's now around 100 quid on the table. All their money is on the marked card.'

0:18:35 > 0:18:39So long as you go on one, I'll take all the money together. On that one?

0:18:39 > 0:18:42- We want that one.- That one?- Yeah. - That's all you got. Turn it over.

0:18:45 > 0:18:49'But it's a disaster. That's not the queen.'

0:18:49 > 0:18:52- I mean, that's clubs there. - I'm so sorry.

0:18:52 > 0:18:57'They're stunned. And Paul has cleaned them out.'

0:18:57 > 0:19:02Look, I'll come back and we'll do it again. Have you got any more money? Get some more money.

0:19:02 > 0:19:05'One by one, the hustlers leave the table.

0:19:07 > 0:19:10I'll be right back. I'm so sorry.

0:19:10 > 0:19:13'The marks try to work out what just happened to their beer money.

0:19:16 > 0:19:18'Here's what they didn't see.

0:19:21 > 0:19:24'Jess made sure the marks saw her marking the queen,

0:19:24 > 0:19:27'making them think it was impossible to lose.'

0:19:27 > 0:19:30I'll put 40 down on that one there.

0:19:30 > 0:19:33'But by thinking they could hustle the hustlers,

0:19:33 > 0:19:36'they were actually waving goodbye to all their cash.

0:19:38 > 0:19:42'Just before the crucial final hand, Alex distracted the marks

0:19:42 > 0:19:47'and Paul switched all three cards with a duplicate set from his pocket.

0:19:47 > 0:19:52'The only difference was that now the losing three of clubs had a lipstick smudge on the back.

0:19:52 > 0:19:55'Once this guy turned it over...

0:19:57 > 0:19:59'..Alex marked the remaining cards

0:19:59 > 0:20:03'to make them think the lipstick had accidentally smeared across all three,

0:20:03 > 0:20:06'losing them all their money.'

0:20:22 > 0:20:26It's our night in Edinburgh. It's cut short a bit after losing that money at the bar.

0:20:26 > 0:20:30I feel gutted and feel like I've been made a mug of, to be honest.

0:20:30 > 0:20:32The worst thing is, we can't win the money back.

0:20:32 > 0:20:37Normally if you lose something, you have a chance to get it back. It's put me off gambling.

0:20:40 > 0:20:46This scam is very convincing because the mark thinks he's getting one over on Paul.

0:20:46 > 0:20:52But if you can see the lipstick mark on the back of the card, you can be sure everybody else can see it, too.

0:20:52 > 0:20:56Three-Card Monty is the granddaddy of crooked gambling games.

0:20:56 > 0:21:00There are hundreds of variations out there, but the result is always the same.

0:21:00 > 0:21:07Everyone loses. If you think you know the secret, remember, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

0:21:07 > 0:21:10And it could cost you a fortune.

0:21:17 > 0:21:21'Earlier today, Shane Lynch went from pop star to tramp.'

0:21:21 > 0:21:24Excuse me, gentlemen. My name is Alan Ladd.

0:21:24 > 0:21:30'He went undercover to persuade this mark to follow him to a hidden stakeout location.'

0:21:30 > 0:21:35Come with us right now, just up here. You're not in trouble. We just need to check everything that happened.

0:21:35 > 0:21:39'Paul then tried to persuade him to be part of a sting operation

0:21:39 > 0:21:42'to catch fraudsters, Alex and Jess.'

0:21:42 > 0:21:47There's a £5,000 reward if we can arrest them with more than £1,000.

0:21:47 > 0:21:51'But unsure who to trust, this guy just wanted out.

0:21:52 > 0:21:58'Is this scam already all over in Fool Me Once part two?

0:21:58 > 0:22:04'Fraudsters Alex and Jess are waiting at their van. Inside the stakeout,

0:22:04 > 0:22:08'Paul and Shane are trying to talk the mark into taking part in the undercover sting.'

0:22:08 > 0:22:13Derek, look at me, I'm telling you, there's a £5,000 reward. It's yours if you want it.

0:22:13 > 0:22:15That's what we do when we catch these guys.

0:22:15 > 0:22:20We've got to get it off the street but we can only do it for a certain amount or he'll not go to jail.

0:22:20 > 0:22:23- Guaranteed you're in no danger. - None.- Guaranteed.

0:22:26 > 0:22:29No. Here's what we want you to do.

0:22:29 > 0:22:32Just say to him, "I've taken out more money, could you check it for me?"

0:22:32 > 0:22:38Just look like you're a complete sucker. The minute he switches the money, we'll step in. OK?

0:22:38 > 0:22:42Derek, there's a £5,000 reward. OK?

0:22:43 > 0:22:46- OK.- No problem. You're a good man.

0:22:46 > 0:22:49'Finally, he's been convinced.'

0:22:49 > 0:22:52Will you buy me a drink if I'm right?

0:22:54 > 0:22:56All right. Can I see how much you've got?

0:22:56 > 0:22:58What I'll do is, I'll put it in an envelope. OK?

0:22:58 > 0:23:02The minute he opens the envelope, take him. What do you have?

0:23:02 > 0:23:06'The mark gets out the rest of the cash he's carrying.'

0:23:08 > 0:23:11OK. Perfect.

0:23:11 > 0:23:16'For evidence purposes, Paul marks the cash with a UV-tagging spray

0:23:16 > 0:23:19'so it can be identified later in court.'

0:23:22 > 0:23:26- Let's put this in here.- 'All the marked money goes into an envelope.'

0:23:26 > 0:23:29I'm also going to give you a microphone. Put that at the side.

0:23:29 > 0:23:33'It wouldn't be a proper undercover sting without a wire.'

0:23:33 > 0:23:37Er, yes, there is one.

0:23:37 > 0:23:40Just put it in here.

0:23:40 > 0:23:44So drop this in here. I'll do it for you. Hold on to this. OK.

0:23:44 > 0:23:48Erm, right, I think we'd better go. Stay close. Please stay close.

0:23:48 > 0:23:51And just do what he tells you. Let's go.

0:23:51 > 0:23:56Don't get involved at any point when I go in for the arrest, just stand back, let me do what I have to do.

0:23:56 > 0:23:59- We stay safe. It's all good. - The instant he opens the envelope.

0:23:59 > 0:24:02- OK?- All right. - Very important. Hurry up.

0:24:02 > 0:24:07- 'The mark follows Shane down the steps and out onto the street.' - We're recording everything.

0:24:07 > 0:24:14'So the mark is going to entrap Alex by letting him switch the rest of his cash for counterfeit notes.

0:24:14 > 0:24:18'The whole thing is being recorded and undercover investigator Shane

0:24:18 > 0:24:21'will be on hand to apprehend the fraudsters.

0:24:23 > 0:24:29'He does what he's been told, and takes over three grand of holiday cash to Alex and Jess.'

0:24:31 > 0:24:34Oh, yeah, I'm just going to spin it around.

0:24:34 > 0:24:38'But Alex wants to turn the van around before he checks the cash.

0:24:40 > 0:24:45'He seems a bit twitchy. Maybe Shane hanging about is putting him off.

0:24:57 > 0:25:02'Alex isn't turning the van around. Instead, he's out of here.'

0:25:02 > 0:25:04Do you still have the envelope?

0:25:04 > 0:25:07Don't move! Don't move!

0:25:07 > 0:25:11'Shane legs after them, telling the mark to stay where he is.

0:25:14 > 0:25:18'Not sure what to do, the mark stays put.

0:25:18 > 0:25:22'Of course, Shane isn't really giving chase.

0:25:22 > 0:25:26'He runs round the corner and jumps straight into the waiting van.

0:25:34 > 0:25:38'The mark isn't concerned about being left waiting in the street.

0:25:38 > 0:25:42'After all, he's still holding the envelope full of his cash.

0:25:42 > 0:25:45'Meanwhile, upstairs, it's not so much stakeout...'

0:25:45 > 0:25:48- Go! Got everything? - '.. as get out.

0:26:00 > 0:26:03'It looks like no-one is coming back.

0:26:03 > 0:26:07'Fearing the worst, the mark opens his envelope.'

0:26:16 > 0:26:19It was very quick. And very deceiving.

0:26:19 > 0:26:24And I don't know how they put paper in, or how it was changed. Never seen it.

0:26:25 > 0:26:28A pile of receipts from £3,000.

0:26:30 > 0:26:34'So how did the mark end up with a handful of worthless paper?

0:26:35 > 0:26:39'After marking the money, Paul put it in an envelope and sealed it.'

0:26:39 > 0:26:44- I'm also going to give you a microphone.- 'Whilst being asked to wear a wire for the sting,

0:26:44 > 0:26:49'the mark didn't notice Paul switching the envelope with real money

0:26:49 > 0:26:53'for an identical one full of newspaper sitting on the book shelf.

0:26:53 > 0:26:57'Shane also let Paul know the mark wasn't paying attention.

0:26:57 > 0:27:01'And from that moment, the cash was as good as gone.'

0:27:02 > 0:27:08The kind of hustles that go on in the real world, I think it's very easy to fall victim.

0:27:08 > 0:27:13As a witness myself today and a participant myself today,

0:27:13 > 0:27:17I think I very easily would be one of those victims without a shadow of a doubt.

0:27:17 > 0:27:22I could be a mark as much as everybody else could be, but I think, without a doubt,

0:27:22 > 0:27:24you need to be aware of what's around you.

0:27:27 > 0:27:30This is a classic case of compliance.

0:27:30 > 0:27:33The mark is dealing with people he thinks are officials,

0:27:33 > 0:27:36and although it goes against all his basic instincts

0:27:36 > 0:27:39he has little choice but to do exactly as they say.

0:27:39 > 0:27:43Working in an undercover role takes real skill and professionalism.

0:27:43 > 0:27:47The police and security agencies are never going to come along to you as an amateur

0:27:47 > 0:27:51and ask you to get involved in an undercover sting operation.

0:27:51 > 0:27:56If something like that ever occurs, step back from it, ask for their ID,

0:27:56 > 0:27:59they won't be able to produce it, and walk away.

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