Episode 11

Episode 11

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0:30:50 > 0:30:57.

0:31:01 > 0:31:04Many people dream of fame, success and life in the spotlight.

0:31:04 > 0:31:08But few realise it takes years of hard work.

0:31:08 > 0:31:12We're visiting one of the most famous stage schools in Britain...

0:31:12 > 0:31:15Motivation, commitment, let's do it.

0:31:15 > 0:31:18It's got to be sharp, guys.

0:31:19 > 0:31:23..where pupils learn to cope

0:31:23 > 0:31:26with rivalry, sacrifice and rejection every day.

0:31:29 > 0:31:33Russell Brand, Pixie Lott and Leona Lewis all studied here,

0:31:33 > 0:31:38but this series is about the talent of tomorrow.

0:31:38 > 0:31:43This is the School For Stars.

0:31:43 > 0:31:44Coming up...

0:31:44 > 0:31:50the tears flow as Jade says goodbye to one of her closest friends.

0:31:50 > 0:31:53She can't leave, I miss her so much.

0:31:53 > 0:31:55This will change the whole school.

0:31:55 > 0:32:00Paul's dreams of performing at the Gala turn into a nightmare.

0:32:00 > 0:32:03Getting really nervous - this is really important to me.

0:32:03 > 0:32:08And Mary feels the fear as rehearsals get intense.

0:32:08 > 0:32:11We've done the most awful rehearsal possible.

0:32:11 > 0:32:15That was like...a meltdown.

0:32:15 > 0:32:18I'm very, erm, scared now.

0:32:23 > 0:32:28At The Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts,

0:32:28 > 0:32:30the summer term is drawing to a close.

0:32:30 > 0:32:34Every young person here is taught to sing, dance and act

0:32:34 > 0:32:39to a professional standard, as well as the regular academic subjects.

0:32:42 > 0:32:46Everyone here has a favourite lesson.

0:32:46 > 0:32:49For year eight Millie, it's definitely dance.

0:32:49 > 0:32:52I've always wanted to be a dancer,

0:32:52 > 0:32:55always, since I was two-and-a-half, three.

0:32:55 > 0:32:59But it's hard balancing the dance training with normal schoolwork.

0:32:59 > 0:33:03For me, I find the academics here so hard to catch up and keep up

0:33:03 > 0:33:08and keep on top of it, because of the dancing and all the other things.

0:33:08 > 0:33:13And so Millie and her parents have decided she needs a radical change -

0:33:13 > 0:33:15a change of school.

0:33:19 > 0:33:23I'm going to a normal school now, a private, all-girls school.

0:33:23 > 0:33:26We thought it would be better if I get my education

0:33:26 > 0:33:30somewhere else, and then do what I love outside school.

0:33:30 > 0:33:35I'm not giving up on my dreams of being a dancer.

0:33:35 > 0:33:40Millie will be leaving Ella and all her friends behind.

0:33:40 > 0:33:42One particular friend is on her mind...

0:33:42 > 0:33:46I'm going to miss Jade the most.

0:33:48 > 0:33:51This year, we've got so close. I'll miss her so much.

0:33:51 > 0:33:55She's the nicest person ever, she's so nice to everyone.

0:33:55 > 0:33:57Catch!

0:33:57 > 0:33:59Ella, do you need one?

0:33:59 > 0:34:01She makes me laugh with her laugh!

0:34:01 > 0:34:05You'll hear my laugh in my new school, don't worry.

0:34:05 > 0:34:08Ha-ha-ha! You're such an idiot!

0:34:11 > 0:34:16Jade is devastated that one of her closest friends is leaving.

0:34:16 > 0:34:19I started in year six, and so did she.

0:34:19 > 0:34:21So she's been here ever since I've been here.

0:34:21 > 0:34:24And she's leaving now...

0:34:24 > 0:34:27which is, erm...

0:34:27 > 0:34:30really scary.

0:34:31 > 0:34:34I don't want her to leave.

0:34:34 > 0:34:38Millie's leaving forever, and it's going to be emotional

0:34:38 > 0:34:43for her and for Jade, Ella and all of their friends.

0:34:46 > 0:34:50Emotion and excitement are running high all over the school.

0:34:50 > 0:34:54It's final rehearsal time for the Centenary Gala -

0:34:54 > 0:34:59the biggest event of the year is now just days away.

0:34:59 > 0:35:03I can't wait. It's the thrill of excitement before a show.

0:35:03 > 0:35:06- It's the biggest thing of the year. - It's massive.

0:35:06 > 0:35:11The Centenary Shows will run for six nights in a famous London theatre

0:35:11 > 0:35:14and end with a huge gala on the closing night.

0:35:14 > 0:35:18- It's the biggest stage I've ever been on.- Everyone will be nervous.

0:35:18 > 0:35:21It will be bigger than anything we've done.

0:35:21 > 0:35:23The cast will be changed every night

0:35:23 > 0:35:28to give as many students as possible their moment in the spotlight.

0:35:28 > 0:35:32There's industry professionals watching, so it's a chance for us.

0:35:32 > 0:35:36It's so big, it's just this huge monster.

0:35:36 > 0:35:39All over the school, last-minute rehearsals are taking place.

0:35:39 > 0:35:43Paul, a senior, has several dancing roles in the gala.

0:35:43 > 0:35:46This was his final chance to perfect his routines,

0:35:46 > 0:35:49but he's fractured his thumb.

0:35:49 > 0:35:51For now, all he can do is watch.

0:35:51 > 0:35:54I was doing a lift, and my thumb went backwards.

0:35:54 > 0:35:58I got it checked out, and he said, yeah, you've fractured it.

0:35:58 > 0:36:00So...!

0:36:00 > 0:36:01Oh, well, bad times.

0:36:01 > 0:36:05Paul's main role in the gala is as a lifter.

0:36:05 > 0:36:09It's very physical, lifting a dance partner in the air.

0:36:09 > 0:36:12I've been picked for four or five different dance numbers,

0:36:12 > 0:36:16and this jeopardises it - it's really irritating.

0:36:16 > 0:36:20Lifting without an arm, it's not ideal, is it?!

0:36:20 > 0:36:23Paul has been at the school for two years,

0:36:23 > 0:36:26and is determined to make a career in the West End.

0:36:26 > 0:36:29I want to do this for the rest of my life.

0:36:29 > 0:36:32This injury could not only ruin his gala chances,

0:36:32 > 0:36:34but could jeopardise his future career.

0:36:34 > 0:36:38I could be off for months. I can move it and that...

0:36:38 > 0:36:41Everyone cringes when I do that!

0:36:41 > 0:36:44It's like, you're not supposed to move it!

0:36:44 > 0:36:47Paul has a hospital appointment to find out

0:36:47 > 0:36:50if he can start training again.

0:36:50 > 0:36:54If he doesn't get the all-clear, he could be out of the gala.

0:36:54 > 0:36:56- How's your thumb?- It's all right.

0:36:56 > 0:36:59I'm going to the fracture clinic today, so...

0:36:59 > 0:37:01- Fingers crossed.- Yeah!

0:37:01 > 0:37:04It's not just his routines that might be affected.

0:37:04 > 0:37:06Thrust...

0:37:06 > 0:37:10Paul is currently in training for a stage-fighting exam.

0:37:10 > 0:37:13Pupils are taught using special swords.

0:37:13 > 0:37:17It's not easy, and has to be learned under close supervision

0:37:17 > 0:37:19by professionals.

0:37:19 > 0:37:23Because of his fractured right thumb, Paul is having to learn

0:37:23 > 0:37:25to fight left-handed.

0:37:25 > 0:37:27So what do I do?

0:37:27 > 0:37:31I have to work out which way he'll be coming at me.

0:37:31 > 0:37:34It's all completely different, it's all on the other side.

0:37:34 > 0:37:38So yeah, it's a bit confusing, but we hope it'll be OK in the exam.

0:37:38 > 0:37:41- Bless you.- With practice over,

0:37:41 > 0:37:44Paul heads to the hospital to get an X-ray done -

0:37:44 > 0:37:46it's a tense time.

0:37:47 > 0:37:52Just getting really nervous and... This is really important to me.

0:37:52 > 0:37:55So, fingers crossed it all goes well!

0:37:55 > 0:38:00So much depends on the results of Paul's examination,

0:38:00 > 0:38:03but will it be make...or break?

0:38:05 > 0:38:09Pixie Lott and Leona Lewis used to walk these corridors.

0:38:09 > 0:38:14The school is full of pupils who'd love to follow in their footsteps.

0:38:14 > 0:38:18One such young person is singer-songwriter Mary.

0:38:18 > 0:38:21# Thinkin' of you

0:38:21 > 0:38:23# Thinkin' of you... #

0:38:23 > 0:38:27My passion is singing.

0:38:27 > 0:38:32I write my own music as well as just covering songs.

0:38:32 > 0:38:35# Oh, I wish that I... #

0:38:35 > 0:38:40My ambition is to make it as a recording artist

0:38:40 > 0:38:44and perform in concerts and festivals

0:38:44 > 0:38:48and be loved by everyone!

0:38:48 > 0:38:52Mary is talented and committed.

0:38:52 > 0:38:56But she gets really nervous about performing live.

0:38:56 > 0:39:00When I perform in front of people, I get a bit nervous.

0:39:00 > 0:39:03But when I get into the song and feel the music,

0:39:03 > 0:39:07I forget about everyone, and it's like I'm singing on my own.

0:39:07 > 0:39:10Mary's got a major challenge ahead,

0:39:10 > 0:39:12with a lead role in the Centenary Shows,

0:39:12 > 0:39:17singing two Christina Aguilera songs.

0:39:18 > 0:39:21Today is her first rehearsal.

0:39:21 > 0:39:26My role is of Christina, which is the main girl, that has the solo.

0:39:26 > 0:39:29And it's really important that I get

0:39:29 > 0:39:33the routine and my singing right to show that I can do it,

0:39:33 > 0:39:36otherwise my role will be taken from me.

0:39:36 > 0:39:40First, Mary and her friend Tate need to get six heavy dance bars

0:39:40 > 0:39:44into the studio, down three flights of stairs.

0:39:44 > 0:39:47Right, I'm going to lift it above my head, Mary...

0:39:47 > 0:39:49That's cool, that's good.

0:39:49 > 0:39:52Don't stop, let's just go the whole way.

0:39:52 > 0:39:55Yep, I'm doing that.

0:39:55 > 0:39:57Keep going!

0:39:59 > 0:40:02- Wait, my bar's slipping out! - Just go!

0:40:05 > 0:40:07Oh, my!

0:40:07 > 0:40:10Twist now, twist now.

0:40:10 > 0:40:12Thank you.

0:40:12 > 0:40:16One bar down, five to go, but Mary's got a new plan of attack.

0:40:16 > 0:40:20- Guys, we need six people to bring down some bars.- I'll do it!

0:40:24 > 0:40:27Taking the rehearsal is gala director Hayley Newton,

0:40:27 > 0:40:30who choreographed Take That's live shows.

0:40:30 > 0:40:33Mary knows she's working with the best.

0:40:33 > 0:40:37I'm feeling the pressure, big time.

0:40:37 > 0:40:41It is going to be hard. But you've just got to try really hard.

0:40:45 > 0:40:48Down, up, out... Good.

0:40:48 > 0:40:51Bop, bop, shimmy. Bop, bop, shimmy.

0:40:51 > 0:40:54Out, down, round-two-three-head.

0:40:54 > 0:40:58Roll, hit, jump, head-head, all change.

0:40:58 > 0:41:00One more time, let's go again.

0:41:00 > 0:41:04The struggle in this number is the fact that I've got to sing

0:41:04 > 0:41:08really high notes, whilst dancing a full-out routine.

0:41:08 > 0:41:12As Mary learns her moves, she only has to sing along to the track,

0:41:12 > 0:41:16but even that will be tough, because this routine is full-on.

0:41:16 > 0:41:19# Lookin' for a good time Gonna make that, shake that... #

0:41:19 > 0:41:21Make that, shake that...

0:41:22 > 0:41:24Should be perfection.

0:41:27 > 0:41:31One, two, three, four, head! One, two-and-three-and-four, head!

0:41:31 > 0:41:32We say!

0:41:32 > 0:41:34# Give it up, give it up

0:41:34 > 0:41:36# Give it up, give it up... #

0:41:36 > 0:41:38In, out... Good!

0:41:38 > 0:41:40Jump, up...

0:41:41 > 0:41:44OK, we'll stop there.

0:41:44 > 0:41:48It's an exhausting routine, and at its finale,

0:41:48 > 0:41:51Mary has to sing a huge note.

0:41:51 > 0:41:55Yeah, yeah-yeah, ye-e-e-e-ah...

0:41:55 > 0:42:00It might be in tune, but this note is the hardest part of the routine.

0:42:00 > 0:42:05In the performance, everyone in the audience will need to hear it.

0:42:05 > 0:42:09It was a lot harder than I thought. I haven't really sung and danced

0:42:09 > 0:42:13at the same time like that before, it's a bit of a first time thing.

0:42:13 > 0:42:16Things will have to improve before the dress run,

0:42:16 > 0:42:20and Mary's already stressing about it.

0:42:20 > 0:42:23At the end, you know that note? I just can't breathe.

0:42:23 > 0:42:27Mary will have to perform the full routine to Hayley,

0:42:27 > 0:42:31with all the dance moves, and belting out that big final note.

0:42:31 > 0:42:34It's her last chance to prove she can do it.

0:42:38 > 0:42:42All over the school, final lessons are taking place.

0:42:42 > 0:42:47For year seven Paris, this marks the end of her first term.

0:42:47 > 0:42:49She has dreams of becoming a singer.

0:42:49 > 0:42:55I'm worried that I might not make any friends, but hopefully I will.

0:42:55 > 0:42:58While her singing classes went well...

0:42:58 > 0:43:01- # ..for a penny. #- Great.

0:43:01 > 0:43:04..she really struggled with her dancing.

0:43:04 > 0:43:08It's just, I got confused on which way to go.

0:43:08 > 0:43:11I wish I could just go home right now.

0:43:12 > 0:43:15We have got to the end of the first year!

0:43:15 > 0:43:17Today is Paris's final English class,

0:43:17 > 0:43:23and they're writing about their best memories from the term.

0:43:23 > 0:43:25Friendships, laughs and gossip...

0:43:25 > 0:43:30I thought the school would be really fun and amazing.

0:43:30 > 0:43:33Paris, how about you?

0:43:33 > 0:43:36- Learning dances, that was really fun. - You enjoyed that...

0:43:36 > 0:43:39It seems despite her difficulties,

0:43:39 > 0:43:42dancing is now one of her favourite lessons.

0:43:42 > 0:43:46I've improved so much, and I'm so much more confident.

0:43:46 > 0:43:50As well as doing well in her lessons,

0:43:50 > 0:43:53she's also met new best friends Molly and Georgia.

0:43:53 > 0:43:57- We're like that right now.- We've decided to move to LA when we're 18.

0:43:57 > 0:44:02It seems as the term has gone on, the American dreams have got bigger.

0:44:02 > 0:44:05When we move to LA, Molly wants to be a director,

0:44:05 > 0:44:09Georgia I think wants to be an actress, and so I'll be a singer.

0:44:09 > 0:44:11How high can you go?

0:44:11 > 0:44:13- I can...- Oop!

0:44:15 > 0:44:18Paris fits in in our group really well.

0:44:18 > 0:44:22We have so much fun hanging out with each other.

0:44:22 > 0:44:24SHE SCREAMS

0:44:28 > 0:44:32Before any of the pupils hit Hollywood,

0:44:32 > 0:44:35there's lots of hard work to be done.

0:44:35 > 0:44:39Eloise and others are recording backing vocals for the gala.

0:44:39 > 0:44:41We're back!

0:44:43 > 0:44:48Eloise has one of the main roles, and is singing on the closing night.

0:44:49 > 0:44:53Karen wants to see how Eloise does in the recording booth

0:44:53 > 0:44:55alongside the best senior singers,

0:44:55 > 0:44:58to check she's made the right choice.

0:44:58 > 0:45:02- Let's get you in there, darlings. - I'm working with third year girls.

0:45:02 > 0:45:06It's really nice, I'm a first year, I'm fresh to this,

0:45:06 > 0:45:10and I've been selected - it's really boosted my confidence,

0:45:10 > 0:45:12I'm really thankful.

0:45:12 > 0:45:14They'll be singing live at the gala,

0:45:14 > 0:45:18but they're recording backing vocals to help them keep time on the night.

0:45:18 > 0:45:20Here we go, from the top.

0:45:20 > 0:45:25# All of the beautiful people, shining like diamonds

0:45:25 > 0:45:27# They got no problems... #

0:45:27 > 0:45:31Can we just soften it up a bit when we get to those

0:45:31 > 0:45:33# All of the beautiful people...?

0:45:34 > 0:45:37# Beautiful

0:45:37 > 0:45:39# Beautiful... #

0:45:39 > 0:45:42For Eloise, the pressure is on.

0:45:42 > 0:45:46It's our Centenary year, we've got lots of big names coming to watch,

0:45:46 > 0:45:50we want it to be as good as possible, we're celebrating 100 years.

0:45:50 > 0:45:53We've got Nathan, our musical director, watching us,

0:45:53 > 0:45:56the sound technician, Rob, and Karen listening to us!

0:45:56 > 0:46:00The slightest thing that could go wrong, they'll pick up.

0:46:00 > 0:46:02# All of the beautiful people shining like diamonds

0:46:02 > 0:46:05# They got no problems... #

0:46:05 > 0:46:10They want the best out of it, so they keep giving you more comments.

0:46:10 > 0:46:13Acting through song, think about it, please.

0:46:13 > 0:46:17Energy, no straight singing, make sure bounce is in that voice.

0:46:17 > 0:46:20All right? Great, carrying on...

0:46:21 > 0:46:24# Beautiful people in love... #

0:46:24 > 0:46:28When you're in a studio, you become paranoid about what you're doing,

0:46:28 > 0:46:32and you're, like, it's got to be the right line -

0:46:32 > 0:46:35just a semitone out will make such a difference on the track.

0:46:35 > 0:46:39You've got to know exactly what you're doing.

0:46:39 > 0:46:42# Don't ya wanna feel like...? #

0:46:42 > 0:46:43Gorgeous!

0:46:43 > 0:46:47Recording over, how does the finished product sound?

0:46:47 > 0:46:52# Beautiful, beautiful people in love... #

0:46:52 > 0:46:54Oh!

0:46:54 > 0:46:58It's been a long day. I'm tired, but pleased with how it went.

0:46:58 > 0:47:03But does Karen think Eloise has kept up with the older girls?

0:47:03 > 0:47:06Eloise sets a standard of her own,

0:47:06 > 0:47:10and has always been ahead of her years, vocally.

0:47:10 > 0:47:13So it's not a struggle to keep up with anyone else.

0:47:13 > 0:47:17It can be the other way around - she's quite special.

0:47:26 > 0:47:30For Paul, this afternoon is a big deal.

0:47:30 > 0:47:34He's got his crucial fighting exam later on, but first,

0:47:34 > 0:47:37something even more important.

0:47:37 > 0:47:40The results of his X-rays are back.

0:47:40 > 0:47:44If he doesn't get the all-clear, he'll be dropped from the gala,

0:47:44 > 0:47:46which could set back his whole career.

0:47:46 > 0:47:52Without being too dramatic, if this goes wrong and I'm not in that show,

0:47:52 > 0:47:55I'm not going to be seen, and it's one less chance

0:47:55 > 0:47:59of possibly getting an agent and going on to a career.

0:47:59 > 0:48:02So, a bit of a big deal.

0:48:02 > 0:48:03Hi, Paul.

0:48:03 > 0:48:07- I'm your consultant. Nice to meet you. Can I have a look?- That's fine.

0:48:07 > 0:48:11- Any pain up there at all?- No. - Bend the tip of your thumb.

0:48:11 > 0:48:15Pull hard against me. Put your hand down like that.

0:48:15 > 0:48:18And just lift your thumb up. Perfect.

0:48:18 > 0:48:22After a quick examination, it's time for Paul to find out

0:48:22 > 0:48:24if his thumb has healed or not.

0:48:24 > 0:48:28- I think you've been quite lucky. - Thank God.

0:48:28 > 0:48:30The fact that it's not tender when I examine you

0:48:30 > 0:48:33means whatever injury you sustained has healed.

0:48:33 > 0:48:38- Am I able to start lifting on it? - Yep, do whatever feels comfortable.

0:48:38 > 0:48:42- That's cool. Thank you. - Nice to meet you.

0:48:42 > 0:48:45It's great news. Paul's back in the gala!

0:48:45 > 0:48:46Happy, man. All good!

0:48:46 > 0:48:51And with his thumb given the all- clear, Paul heads back to school,

0:48:51 > 0:48:55and his all-important fighting exam.

0:48:55 > 0:48:58Paul and Aimee have been learning their routine,

0:48:58 > 0:49:01so that Paul can fight with his left hand.

0:49:01 > 0:49:04Even though his thumb is fine to use now,

0:49:04 > 0:49:09he's decided to carry on with his left hand, but it's much weaker.

0:49:09 > 0:49:12- It's a very risky strategy. - BELL RINGS

0:49:12 > 0:49:16Paul and Aimee are called in by the examiners.

0:49:16 > 0:49:21I want you to show me what you've been rehearsing, but sell it to me.

0:49:32 > 0:49:35- Thank you. Grab your swords... - The routine over,

0:49:35 > 0:49:40Paul and Aimee need to show they know the names of the fight moves.

0:49:40 > 0:49:43Both put your swords in a parry of five...

0:49:43 > 0:49:48As the examiner calls out the names, Paul and Aimee must show them.

0:49:48 > 0:49:53Could you both put your swords in a parry of two...?

0:49:53 > 0:49:55Paul and Aimee look unsure...

0:49:55 > 0:50:00Paul decides on one position, but Aimee has chosen another.

0:50:00 > 0:50:050K. Thank you both. That's it. We'll see you in a minute.

0:50:05 > 0:50:07- Thanks very much. - See you in a minute.

0:50:07 > 0:50:11- We will see both of them again. - Yeah, that was pretty intense.

0:50:11 > 0:50:14It was the terminology at the end.

0:50:14 > 0:50:15He said, "Parry two",

0:50:15 > 0:50:19and I went like that, and then I went, "Actually, it's that one."

0:50:19 > 0:50:21Oh, I did it wrong.

0:50:21 > 0:50:26They messed up their last move, but will it cost them the exam?

0:50:26 > 0:50:29They're called straight in to get their results.

0:50:31 > 0:50:34Let's start with the most horrible thing of the lot...

0:50:34 > 0:50:36you've all passed.

0:50:36 > 0:50:39Despite their slip-up,

0:50:39 > 0:50:42Paul and Amy have passed the exam with a 2:2 grade.

0:50:42 > 0:50:46You all hit over the average grade, so you're better than average.

0:50:46 > 0:50:50- Which is the third highest grade possible.- All done.

0:50:52 > 0:50:57At least it's above a pass. I would have liked something higher.

0:50:57 > 0:51:01I'm really happy with what I got because my head was

0:51:01 > 0:51:06kind of all over the place, so I'm really pleased with what I've got.

0:51:06 > 0:51:07Amy might be happy,

0:51:07 > 0:51:11but even after completing the routine with his weaker hand,

0:51:11 > 0:51:15Paul is disappointed with himself.

0:51:15 > 0:51:17Ideally, I wanted the best mark possible,

0:51:17 > 0:51:22which is a first, but unfortunately I didn't get that.

0:51:22 > 0:51:26That's why I'm annoyed. I didn't reach what I aimed for,

0:51:26 > 0:51:28which for me is like a fail.

0:51:28 > 0:51:30With the gala just around the corner,

0:51:30 > 0:51:34Paul's got to pick himself up and move on.

0:51:38 > 0:51:42Up in studio six, it's time for Mary's dress run.

0:51:42 > 0:51:44And everyone is waiting.

0:51:44 > 0:51:49I'm feeling nervous and a bit scared.

0:51:49 > 0:51:52She has to perform her solos in front of the gala staff,

0:51:52 > 0:51:56and she knows only the best will be good enough for Hayley.

0:51:56 > 0:51:58Mary, can I have your song, please?

0:51:58 > 0:52:01If she can't pull it off, she's out.

0:52:01 > 0:52:05I need to do it right, and if I don't then that's it gone.

0:52:05 > 0:52:07So it's quite scary.

0:52:07 > 0:52:12Mary's got to get over her nerves if she's going to nail this.

0:52:12 > 0:52:13A bit nervous.

0:52:13 > 0:52:16And the pressure is starting to show.

0:52:16 > 0:52:18OK, can you be quiet?

0:52:18 > 0:52:21We're doing Mary's song and I want to hear her sing it.

0:52:21 > 0:52:24First, Mary has to sing her big ballad alone

0:52:24 > 0:52:27with all her friends watching.

0:52:29 > 0:52:34# Can you see that I'm bound in chains?

0:52:34 > 0:52:38# I've finally found my way

0:52:38 > 0:52:42# I am bound to you

0:52:42 > 0:52:46# I am bound to

0:52:46 > 0:52:59# I am, oh, I am, I'm bound to you. #

0:53:00 > 0:53:03- Good girl.- Well done.- Really good.

0:53:03 > 0:53:07The high notes, do you feel comfortable with them?

0:53:07 > 0:53:09I do but I've got a bit of a, like, blocked nose.

0:53:09 > 0:53:13You sounded tight, but you're nervous, that's all.

0:53:13 > 0:53:16Mary's nerves are affecting her singing.

0:53:16 > 0:53:20It's this atmosphere that makes it a bit more pressure on you.

0:53:20 > 0:53:24You feel more nervous cos the people watching are just right there.

0:53:24 > 0:53:28And next, she's got the hardest part - singing and dancing

0:53:28 > 0:53:32at the same time, building up to that massive final note.

0:53:32 > 0:53:36# Yeah, yeah, yeah. #

0:53:36 > 0:53:40All right, OK, guys. Let's go on to the next bit.

0:53:40 > 0:53:44To save Mary's voice, she'll sing along to the original song,

0:53:44 > 0:53:48apart from the final note which Hayley wants to hear live.

0:53:56 > 0:53:58One, two, three, four, hey!

0:54:04 > 0:54:07Mary performed the dance routine confidently

0:54:07 > 0:54:10but now it's time for the big note, can she hit it?

0:54:10 > 0:54:14# Yeah, yeah, yeah. #

0:54:15 > 0:54:17Yes, OK. Oh, my goodness!

0:54:17 > 0:54:20So what's the verdict from Hayley?

0:54:20 > 0:54:24Now, yesterday when we did that, it wasn't as frantic.

0:54:24 > 0:54:28Now, what happens is, which always happens, the costume goes on,

0:54:28 > 0:54:30the shoes go on and it's just dire.

0:54:30 > 0:54:34It's like it was never rehearsed in the first place, OK?

0:54:34 > 0:54:36So we just need to calm it down.

0:54:36 > 0:54:41We've done the most awful rehearsal we possibly ever could have done

0:54:41 > 0:54:44and now it can only get better from here, OK?

0:54:44 > 0:54:48So what I need you to do is to practise, practise, practise

0:54:48 > 0:54:51so it's not going to look like, you know, a meltdown.

0:54:51 > 0:54:55Hayley was expecting better and Mary is gutted.

0:54:55 > 0:54:59I'm feeling a bit upset. I mean, it didn't go very well.

0:54:59 > 0:55:02I want to prove myself and show them they picked the right person.

0:55:02 > 0:55:04It means a lot to get it right.

0:55:04 > 0:55:08If Mary's struggling with confidence in a small studio,

0:55:08 > 0:55:11how will she perform in front of a huge crowd

0:55:11 > 0:55:14- on the big night? - I want to do this for my career,

0:55:14 > 0:55:17so I don't want to feel like I can't do it and then

0:55:17 > 0:55:22get all upset about it because I can't actually sing.

0:55:28 > 0:55:31It's been an emotional time for Jade's friend, Millie.

0:55:31 > 0:55:35After four years, she's leaving for good.

0:55:35 > 0:55:39She's decided to focus on her education above everything

0:55:39 > 0:55:43- and is joining a private all-girls school next year.- I am a bit scared

0:55:43 > 0:55:47of going to a normal school and making new friends and that.

0:55:47 > 0:55:53Millie is leaving Ella, Rihanna, Reece, Max, Natasha and Mimi behind.

0:55:53 > 0:55:55But no-one is more upset than Jade.

0:55:55 > 0:55:59She's like the mum of year eight is leaving.

0:56:00 > 0:56:03And it's not going to be the same.

0:56:03 > 0:56:06Millie's lessons are over, but before she leaves,

0:56:06 > 0:56:09the headmaster calls a special assembly.

0:56:09 > 0:56:14I think we all simply want to wish you all the very, very best.

0:56:14 > 0:56:17And to send her off in style, Jade and the rest of year eight

0:56:17 > 0:56:20have prepared a DVD to say goodbye.

0:56:27 > 0:56:30- Love you, Millie.- Love you, Millie.

0:56:30 > 0:56:32THEY LAUGH

0:56:35 > 0:56:39Don't go. Please.

0:56:45 > 0:56:47I love you, Millie.

0:56:47 > 0:56:49THEY LAUGH

0:56:54 > 0:56:58Don't go!

0:57:03 > 0:57:08- Bye, Millie.- Good luck to my favourite girl in the whole world.

0:57:13 > 0:57:15I'll see you at the Oscars.

0:57:19 > 0:57:22ALL: Bye, Millie. Love you.

0:57:25 > 0:57:30I'm so sad. I'm going to miss everyone so much.

0:57:30 > 0:57:35I think today it just hit everyone that she won't be here any more.

0:57:35 > 0:57:37I'm leaving a lot of friends here.

0:57:37 > 0:57:40I've made so many friends here.

0:57:45 > 0:57:47I love her to pieces. I'm going to miss her.

0:57:58 > 0:58:02It's not always that easy letting go.

0:58:02 > 0:58:04It may mean letting go of your fears.

0:58:04 > 0:58:06# Yeah... #

0:58:06 > 0:58:12..moving on from a familiar place, or saying goodbye to a friend.

0:58:12 > 0:58:13It can be hard,

0:58:13 > 0:58:19but letting go means a new adventure is just about to start.

0:58:19 > 0:58:23Next time on School For Stars... it's the moment the school

0:58:23 > 0:58:27has been building up to all year - it's time for the Centenary shows.

0:58:27 > 0:58:30I want you to perform like never before.

0:58:30 > 0:58:35- Jade and Reece get nervous.- We've been working all year for this.

0:58:35 > 0:58:38And will a last-minute problem stop Max from performing?

0:58:38 > 0:58:43- My voice is really hurting.- This is life at the School For Stars.

0:58:54 > 0:58:58Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd

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