My £999 Wedding

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0:00:02 > 0:00:05This programme contains some strong language.

0:00:05 > 0:00:08If I had millions of pounds, I would like to get married in a castle.

0:00:08 > 0:00:11Every little girl thinks of the big, massive princess castle and all that

0:00:11 > 0:00:14kind of stuff cos that's, like, what you see when you're growing up,

0:00:14 > 0:00:18with all, like, the dolls and that's what it is.

0:00:18 > 0:00:20Weddings are a costly business.

0:00:20 > 0:00:24The average couple spends around £20,000 on their big day.

0:00:24 > 0:00:29People say the minimum they will spend is between 15,000 and 20,000.

0:00:29 > 0:00:32Oh. No, don't think so.

0:00:32 > 0:00:35What have you spent 10, 20 grand on?

0:00:35 > 0:00:37You could go silly with flowers.

0:00:37 > 0:00:39I can't see the point of spending loads and loads of money

0:00:39 > 0:00:41on something that's going to be dead the next morning.

0:00:41 > 0:00:46For those who don't have thousands to spare, there's an alternative -

0:00:46 > 0:00:48the cut-price wedding package.

0:00:48 > 0:00:51I think still people want their day. They still want the love story.

0:00:51 > 0:00:54They still want to wear the big dress.

0:00:54 > 0:00:57This is the story of three couples on a tight budget

0:00:57 > 0:00:59who want their dream wedding.

0:00:59 > 0:01:01I like that. That looks like me from the back.

0:01:01 > 0:01:04You know, it's expected.

0:01:04 > 0:01:06You got to do it cos it's what everyone does at weddings.

0:01:06 > 0:01:07Oh, my lord.

0:01:07 > 0:01:10Still feels like it's a little while away, we still got some time.

0:01:10 > 0:01:13But actually, no, we have no time. There's no time left at all.

0:01:20 > 0:01:22The Horseshoe in East Sussex

0:01:22 > 0:01:27is a hotel and pub offering wedding receptions for £999.

0:01:28 > 0:01:30Well, you're in the Horseshoe Inn.

0:01:30 > 0:01:32Built in 1963.

0:01:33 > 0:01:35Although it looks older.

0:01:35 > 0:01:37Think they've tried to go castle-themed.

0:01:37 > 0:01:41And then I don't know what's happened in between.

0:01:41 > 0:01:43I don't know what he's tried to do

0:01:43 > 0:01:46or what they tried to do when they built it.

0:01:46 > 0:01:51We offer a 999 package Sunday through to Thursday, all year round.

0:01:51 > 0:01:55It includes 50 people for a sit-down meal, three course.

0:01:55 > 0:01:56They get a glass of wine with dinner

0:01:56 > 0:01:59and they get a glass of bubbly to toast.

0:01:59 > 0:02:03And then they get free room hire, which is our function room next door.

0:02:03 > 0:02:07So it's a nice package for people that actually can't afford, um...

0:02:07 > 0:02:09a luxury venue, I would say.

0:02:09 > 0:02:13We're quite luxurious but not...not five-star.

0:02:14 > 0:02:17We kept seeing the sign outside the Horseshoe.

0:02:17 > 0:02:19- Yes.- And we're like, "We'll just go and take a look."

0:02:19 > 0:02:22As soon as we walked in, we was like,

0:02:22 > 0:02:24"Wow, this is an amazing place."

0:02:24 > 0:02:28Lee and Fiona booked their budget wedding a year ago.

0:02:28 > 0:02:32Lee works delivering newspapers and Fiona's a carer for the elderly.

0:02:32 > 0:02:37When they came, they informed me that they paid 999

0:02:37 > 0:02:40and that they got their pound change from the £1,000 they'd handed over.

0:02:40 > 0:02:45I realised then that this was going to be as basic as could be.

0:02:45 > 0:02:46They're both working hard.

0:02:46 > 0:02:51I know that it's hard for them to make ends meet - Lee's words.

0:02:51 > 0:02:56- Right.- Bridal suite. Nice big room to get ready in, should you need to.

0:02:56 > 0:02:59Otherwise, a nice room to store your presents.

0:02:59 > 0:03:01I think it's a well-used room.

0:03:01 > 0:03:03- INTERVIEWER:- Why did you choose the 999 package?

0:03:03 > 0:03:08Cos I can't see the point in spending loads of money on something

0:03:08 > 0:03:10when you don't have to. What's the point?

0:03:10 > 0:03:13This is a beautiful place.

0:03:13 > 0:03:19And it's the right price. You don't have to spend loads on it. No point.

0:03:19 > 0:03:21- What she's saying is I'm not worth three grand.- No!

0:03:21 > 0:03:23THEY LAUGH

0:03:23 > 0:03:25- INTERVIEWER:- Have you been married? - Yup.

0:03:25 > 0:03:27SHE LAUGHS

0:03:27 > 0:03:29Once.

0:03:29 > 0:03:31Totally different reasons.

0:03:31 > 0:03:35Do you still think it's a good thing to get married?

0:03:37 > 0:03:38No.

0:03:38 > 0:03:41Social pressure. There isn't.

0:03:41 > I want to get married again,

0:03:44 > 0:03:48have the limelight on myself again? Hated my wedding day.

0:03:48 > 0:03:52Hated everybody looking at me. So, no.

0:03:52 > 0:03:55If I ever do it, it'll be a quick job in Vegas, I think.

0:03:55 > 0:03:57SHE LAUGHS

0:04:01 > 0:04:03There are £999 weddings

0:04:03 > 0:04:08and then there are weddings for just £1 more.

0:04:08 > 0:04:12The Azur Restaurant in St Leonards offers wedding receptions

0:04:12 > 0:04:15called a Grand for a Grand.

0:04:15 > 0:04:16Sit!

0:04:16 > 0:04:18DOG BARKS

0:04:18 > 0:04:21Go in your bed! Now! Basket.

0:04:21 > 0:04:24You're in the top table.

0:04:28 > 0:04:31Dean has been organising weddings at Azur for six years,

0:04:31 > 0:04:33with military precision.

0:04:33 > 0:04:35What we need to do is make it even,

0:04:35 > 0:04:38so it wants to come a little bit more this way.

0:04:38 > 0:04:41And stop. And then have a quick count.

0:04:41 > 0:04:4618, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27 and a half.

0:04:46 > 0:04:48Which I think is absolutely perfect.

0:04:48 > 0:04:53- INTERVIEWER:- Is it actually possible to get married for a grand?

0:04:53 > 0:04:55Yes, you can.

0:04:55 > 0:04:56But you wouldn't have any drinks.

0:04:56 > 0:04:59If you had guests buying their own drinks, yes,

0:04:59 > 0:05:01you could get married for £1,000.

0:05:01 > 0:05:04And have a very nice three-course meal with a choice of starters,

0:05:04 > 0:05:08a vegetarian alternative, a main course and a choice of desserts.

0:05:08 > 0:05:10And then have all your guests in the evening.

0:05:10 > 0:05:12And tea, coffee and after dinner mints.

0:05:12 > 0:05:14If you could get the vacuum

0:05:14 > 0:05:16and vacuum this within an inch of its life.

0:05:16 > 0:05:19And then we'll have the chairs in rows of four.

0:05:21 > 0:05:23You get linen serviettes.

0:05:23 > 0:05:25There's a blue carpet for the bride.

0:05:25 > 0:05:28- You also get a rehearsal. - It's fantastic.

0:05:28 > 0:05:30I don't think there's a venue that's got a balcony like this

0:05:30 > 0:05:32where you can go and have arrival drinks.

0:05:32 > 0:05:36You get a master of ceremonies free of charge.

0:05:36 > 0:05:40I think a master of ceremonies can be as much as £400, £500.

0:05:40 > 0:05:43So it literally is what we say it is.

0:05:43 > 0:05:46It's a grand wedding for a grand. Which is the whole idea.

0:05:50 > 0:05:55Mark and Emily are getting married at Azur in less than three weeks.

0:05:55 > 0:06:00The grand they're spending covers the reception, not the extras.

0:06:00 > 0:06:03Just like the colour.

0:06:03 > 0:06:05So Mark's bought his suit from the supermarket.

0:06:08 > 0:06:11This is supposed to be what size?

0:06:11 > 0:06:13Four inches too small.

0:06:13 > 0:06:16And the jacket I can't even move my arms in.

0:06:16 > 0:06:18Turn round, babe.

0:06:18 > 0:06:21I am not turning round, I can't do my flies up.

0:06:21 > 0:06:24- I am not turning round. - EMILY SNIGGERS

0:06:24 > 0:06:27It's like the most constricted...

0:06:27 > 0:06:29If someone went, "Move your arms..."

0:06:29 > 0:06:31I'm all right if I want to pee.

0:06:31 > 0:06:35But if I have to put 'em anywhere other than waist height,

0:06:35 > 0:06:36I'm buggered.

0:06:36 > 0:06:38It ain't happening.

0:06:38 > 0:06:40I have a pair of trousers...

0:06:40 > 0:06:42that doesn't even meet in the middle.

0:06:42 > 0:06:46- Can we not...- No. - ..swap it for a bigger size?

0:06:46 > 0:06:49They don't do a bigger size, this is it.

0:06:49 > 0:06:51It's really nice, though. I really like it.

0:06:51 > 0:06:53Oh, well, let's go down the road

0:06:53 > 0:06:55and see if we can find a bloke that fits it.

0:06:56 > 0:07:00Oh, dear. Well...

0:07:02 > 0:07:07Hello. How are you? Hi, Emily. How are you doing? You all right?

0:07:07 > 0:07:10Hello. He's got so much bigger, hasn't he?

0:07:10 > 0:07:12He's nearly as big as me.

0:07:12 > 0:07:15Come on, let's go through. Good to see you, guys, you all right?

0:07:15 > 0:07:16- Yeah.- Good.

0:07:16 > 0:07:20Let's grab a chair over here. There's two ways we can do this.

0:07:20 > 0:07:23We can either set this room out like a church,

0:07:23 > 0:07:24as you've seen it on many occasions

0:07:24 > 0:07:27when you come in in the big dress, which I think I'd like you to do.

0:07:27 > 0:07:30because you're not going to get to do that at the registry office.

0:07:30 > 0:07:34And then do you want little night lights on the tables at night?

0:07:34 > 0:07:37- Yeah.- You want very pretty, very fairy light, very Disney.

0:07:37 > 0:07:39Sparkly, princess-y.

0:07:39 > 0:07:41And then who's doing your flowers?

0:07:41 > 0:07:45We're not really going to have many.

0:07:45 > 0:07:49Budget-wise, it's just going to work out too expensive.

0:07:49 > 0:07:52Would have been nice to have done the bigger thing

0:07:52 > 0:07:54but it's just the way things have panned out. But...

0:07:54 > 0:07:57I think what matters is that you're marrying the girl that you love

0:07:57 > 0:07:59and you want to spend the rest of your life with.

0:07:59 > 0:08:02And if we do it outside on the beach under an umbrella...

0:08:02 > 0:08:05- that's what it's about. - That's the be-all and end-all.

0:08:05 > 0:08:08It doesn't matter if you spend £10,000 or £1,000.

0:08:08 > 0:08:10Providing you're together for the rest of your lives

0:08:10 > 0:08:13and you know that's what you want, that's what it's all about.

0:08:13 > 0:08:16- Money doesn't make you happy, I promise you that.- No.

0:08:16 > 0:08:19MUSIC: Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton

0:08:24 > 0:08:29Lee and Fiona from East Sussex got engaged last year.

0:08:29 > 0:08:32CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

0:08:36 > 0:08:39Their love story began over 20 years ago.

0:08:41 > 0:08:44I was 21 and Fiona was 16.

0:08:44 > 0:08:48I was a milkman and I used to have my transit milk float with me

0:08:48 > 0:08:51all the time. We used to hang around in there.

0:08:51 > 0:08:54When I dumped her - if you like -

0:08:54 > 0:08:57I used to still go up there,

0:08:57 > 0:08:59still ring her, still hassle her,

0:08:59 > 0:09:01sort of wanting to talk to her.

0:09:01 > 0:09:04A year afterwards, he was still pestering me.

0:09:04 > 0:09:08- Didn't want to be with me but didn't want to let me go, really.- Yeah.

0:09:08 > 0:09:11- INTERVIEWER:- Would you have stayed with Lee...?- Yes.

0:09:11 > 0:09:13- I would have done, definitely.- Oops.

0:09:13 > 0:09:15LEE LAUGHS

0:09:15 > 0:09:17I was completely heartbroken.

0:09:17 > 0:09:20Completely. I was.

0:09:20 > 0:09:22But...yeah.

0:09:22 > 0:09:26You just get on with life and I met someone else and we got married,

0:09:26 > 0:09:30had the kids and, next thing you know, it's 20 years on, so...

0:09:30 > 0:09:34- Yeah.- Obviously, years ago, it wasn't meant to be.

0:09:34 > 0:09:38But now it's right and it's good and...

0:09:38 > 0:09:41- Yeah.- We're getting married. - Getting married.

0:09:43 > 0:09:46The first time round it wasn't a big wedding

0:09:46 > 0:09:48but it was organised in a week.

0:09:48 > 0:09:50I got an outfit from just a shop.

0:09:50 > 0:09:55It was just, got married, back to my mother-in-law's for some cake,

0:09:55 > 0:09:57which was my mum's Christmas cake.

0:09:57 > 0:10:00And that was it, really. There wasn't...

0:10:00 > 0:10:03It wasn't a wedding as such, really, that's why...

0:10:03 > 0:10:06This is like my proper wedding now. Doing it properly.

0:10:06 > 0:10:09This is the dress.

0:10:10 > 0:10:13My pretty dress.

0:10:13 > 0:10:18It's all fully lined. It's got all the meshy bit underneath somewhere.

0:10:18 > 0:10:22On the internet - I can't even remember which site it was -

0:10:22 > 0:10:25I just put in "wedding dresses" and this one come up

0:10:25 > 0:10:27and this one I liked.

0:10:27 > 0:10:31But I just did all the measurements myself and hope for the best. So...

0:10:31 > 0:10:36I couldn't warrant spending hundreds on a wedding dress.

0:10:36 > 0:10:37I really couldn't.

0:10:37 > 0:10:39- INTERVIEWER:- So what did you spend?

0:10:39 > 0:10:41£140.

0:10:41 > 0:10:45The flowers...17.99 off eBay.

0:10:45 > 0:10:47That was. Yeah.

0:10:47 > 0:10:49I think they look quite real, really.

0:10:49 > 0:10:52They're not too bad for fake flowers.

0:10:56 > 0:10:59You're telling me you need the reference number

0:10:59 > 0:11:01but I haven't received the reference number.

0:11:01 > 0:11:04I haven't got a tracking number.

0:11:04 > 0:11:08In St Leonards, Mark and Emily's wedding is only ten days away.

0:11:08 > 0:11:13The £100 dress they ordered online has yet to appear.

0:11:13 > 0:11:18If I e-mail them now and ask them for the tracking number...

0:11:19 > 0:11:21Right.

0:11:22 > 0:11:24I'm getting kind of impatient now.

0:11:24 > 0:11:26Right, bye.

0:11:26 > 0:11:29They haven't got it.

0:11:29 > 0:11:31- INTERVIEWER:- They haven't got the dress?- Nope.

0:11:31 > 0:11:33They haven't got the dress.

0:11:37 > 0:11:38HE SIGHS

0:11:38 > 0:11:41HE EXHALES

0:11:47 > 0:11:49HE GRUNTS

0:11:52 > 0:11:56- WEIGHTS CLANG - Bastards!

0:11:56 > 0:11:58You can walk up to that bar at any point and you can pick that up

0:11:58 > 0:12:00and smash that and you know you can.

0:12:00 > 0:12:03So it's just your mental aptitude today isn't 100%,

0:12:03 > 0:12:06whereas it normally is. Cos you got all this other shit going on.

0:12:06 > 0:12:09Clear your head, pick the bar up and do it again.

0:12:09 > 0:12:11HE EXHALES RAPIDLY

0:12:11 > 0:12:14Come on, Mark. Big lift. Easy. Come on, let's go.

0:12:14 > 0:12:16HE GRUNTS

0:12:16 > 0:12:17Go on!

0:12:17 > 0:12:19Fucking hell!

0:12:19 > 0:12:22Once you're in that negative frame of mind, Mark, you're not going to

0:12:22 > 0:12:25- lift it.- No.- So, get the wedding out the way. It's not going to happen,

0:12:25 > 0:12:27it don't matter what you do and how strong you are.

0:12:27 > 0:12:31Mark and Emily first met at the gym 18 months ago.

0:12:31 > 0:12:35They were both newly single after their previous marriages broke down.

0:12:35 > 0:12:38But didn't really speak. Cos I was a bit shy.

0:12:39 > 0:12:41I did notice her.

0:12:41 > 0:12:44You can't not notice someone that bounces around everywhere.

0:12:44 > 0:12:46Especially wearing luminous pink.

0:12:46 > 0:12:50She had a cracking set of abs on her.

0:12:50 > 0:12:53And just bouncing everywhere, so, yeah.

0:12:55 > 0:12:56Come on, come on, come on.

0:12:56 > 0:12:58Good girl, come on. Straight.

0:12:58 > 0:13:01'She's my best mate.'

0:13:01 > 0:13:03She sometimes understands what's going through my head

0:13:03 > 0:13:05before I know myself.

0:13:05 > 0:13:07When she says, "I know you," she does know me.

0:13:10 > 0:13:14'People can think "You've only known each other a short space of time,"

0:13:14 > 0:13:19'but you can't say what makes it different. It just is.'

0:13:21 > 0:13:25Early in their relationship, Emily fell pregnant.

0:13:25 > 0:13:27These are some of his bits we've saved.

0:13:27 > 0:13:32from when he was in the hospital and stuff.

0:13:32 > 0:13:35His little book of his pictures.

0:13:37 > 0:13:40Their son, Louis, was born ten weeks premature

0:13:40 > 0:13:43and both mother and baby were in a critical condition.

0:13:45 > 0:13:49The strain of it all, on the baby and her, was too much, really.

0:13:50 > 0:13:54It's hard, cos she was passed out most of the time

0:13:54 > 0:13:57and didn't look at all well.

0:13:57 > 0:14:02Very grey, very weak and very ill.

0:14:02 > 0:14:04And, at the same time, he was two floors up,

0:14:04 > 0:14:09in exactly the same condition and it was hard to...

0:14:10 > know whether to be downstairs or upstairs.

0:14:17 > 0:14:20I remember when Emily's parents come over.

0:14:20 > 0:14:24And I was nervous as hell cos she looked horrific.

0:14:24 > 0:14:27And I felt really guilty because...

0:14:30 > 0:14:34..that's their daughter and you're supposed to be looking after...

0:14:34 > 0:14:36taking care of...

0:14:36 > 0:14:41And I guess over the years of me, in my life, I have messed up,

0:14:41 > 0:14:43not always been the most caring person.

0:14:45 > 0:14:49I never used to cry, I never used to be in touch with how I felt.

0:14:49 > 0:14:52I used to switch off and put a wall up.

0:14:52 > 0:14:56But, last year, it changed in the fact that...

0:14:56 > 0:14:59it was first time I cried in years.

0:15:00 > 0:15:02Up until recently, it's just been a continual rollercoaster

0:15:02 > 0:15:06of meetings, appointments and hospitals and jabs and checks

0:15:06 > 0:15:08and it's just on and on and on.

0:15:09 > 0:15:15You never get to put closure on it cos you never get time to stop.

0:15:15 > 0:15:19It was a happy time obviously that we had a baby but it was a sad

0:15:19 > 0:15:23and stressful time cos of everything that was going on and...

0:15:25 > 0:15:29..that's like... Getting married is, like, the new year, a new start...

0:15:29 > 0:15:32- It's the closure.- It's closure to everything that's happened.

0:15:32 > 0:15:34We can now move on.

0:15:45 > 0:15:50Sonia, a bus driver from Swansea, met Jackie seven months ago.

0:15:52 > 0:15:55Within weeks, she had proposed.

0:15:55 > 0:15:58- Are you on the bus with Sonia most days then?- Yes.

0:16:00 > 0:16:02I need to be, I need to be with...

0:16:02 > 0:16:04I need to see her.

0:16:04 > 0:16:07She knows that, she wants to see me.

0:16:07 > 0:16:08She has long shifts.

0:16:08 > 0:16:11I don't know how she does it sometimes, mind.

0:16:12 > 0:16:16But she enjoys me being on the bus with her, so I will make the effort,

0:16:16 > 0:16:19every effort to go and be with her.

0:16:19 > 0:16:22'I loved her from the very first time we met.

0:16:22 > 0:16:25'It's something that you can't really explain.

0:16:25 > 0:16:30'You know, I didn't even know by just looking at somebody and, you know...'

0:16:30 > 0:16:33they're smiling and they talk to you, it's...

0:16:33 > 0:16:36- how deep it can actually go. - Mm-hm.

0:16:36 > 0:16:39The wedding, it's going to finalise things

0:16:39 > 0:16:45and I so can't wait for it, with knowing then that she's mine.

0:16:45 > 0:16:48I know that sounds bad, doesn't it?

0:16:48 > 0:16:50Well, no, because you'll be mine as well!

0:16:52 > 0:16:54- Yeah, that's it, that's the word. - No!

0:16:56 > 0:16:59There's our wedding list.

0:16:59 > 0:17:01They're being strict with their wedding budget

0:17:01 > 0:17:04but they're not skimping on the details.

0:17:04 > 0:17:06This is my suit.

0:17:06 > 0:17:08Everything's all in here.

0:17:08 > 0:17:12Cos we bought them off the internet.

0:17:12 > 0:17:16- The suit was £139.- Yeah.

0:17:16 > 0:17:21For the three piece. Mine was 75.

0:17:21 > 0:17:24The headbands, which I made for the little flower girls,

0:17:24 > 0:17:26they cost about £2 to make.

0:17:26 > 0:17:28These were like 40p.

0:17:28 > 0:17:30- Were they 40p? I think...- No, 22p.

0:17:30 > 0:17:32- 22p and they were like...- 9p.- 9p.

0:17:32 > 0:17:35And with the rings...

0:17:36 > 0:17:39- They weren't expensive, were they? - No.

0:17:39 > 0:17:41Think they were £40 each.

0:17:41 > 0:17:45- Where did you find the rings?- Argos.

0:17:45 > 0:17:46Are you quite a bargain hunter?

0:17:46 > 0:17:50- Oh, yes!- Yes, yes, yes! Very much so.- Yes!

0:17:50 > 0:17:54Anything I can get for nothing, I will get it.

0:17:54 > 0:17:56- Which one of you was married before? - Me.- It was you.

0:17:56 > 0:18:00Did you have all these lovely details when you first got married?

0:18:00 > 0:18:01No.

0:18:01 > 0:18:04I didn't. It's a...

0:18:04 > 0:18:06I didn't really want to get married.

0:18:06 > 0:18:08It was to a man.

0:18:08 > 0:18:12Obviously where I come from, in Anglesey, they're very prejudiced

0:18:12 > 0:18:16and tradition goes along with wanting children

0:18:16 > 0:18:19to the point that my father wouldn't give me away on the day

0:18:19 > 0:18:23because he knew, deep down, it wasn't the right thing I was doing.

0:18:26 > 0:18:29But, having said that, I got married, I had my two boys.

0:18:29 > 0:18:32You got married because you wanted children?

0:18:32 > 0:18:35Yes, to give them, the boys, a name.

0:18:35 > 0:18:38When I was 17... 18, 18!

0:18:38 > 0:18:43But I made many mistakes after that, cos I battled with my sexuality

0:18:43 > 0:18:45until I've come to this point here.

0:18:47 > 0:18:51I'm so excited to the prospect of doing all these things

0:18:51 > 0:18:55and I want her to see me as I really want to be.

0:19:00 > 0:19:04This town's lost a lot of business over the years, you know,

0:19:04 > 0:19:06with out-of-town shopping.

0:19:06 > 0:19:09It's affected them, they've lost a lot of business.

0:19:09 > 0:19:11They're closing down.

0:19:11 > 0:19:16At the moment, all you see is hairdressers and charity shops

0:19:16 > 0:19:19and estate agents.

0:19:19 > 0:19:21Do you want to run over what you've got?

0:19:21 > 0:19:24- Yes, please.- OK.- If you don't mind.

0:19:26 > 0:19:28Right, that's your four choices.

0:19:30 > 0:19:32- Eliminate that one first. - Right, just let it go.

0:19:32 > 0:19:34BALLOON RAZZES

0:19:34 > 0:19:36- Sorry!- There.

0:19:38 > 0:19:41Right, I think Sonia would go for that one,

0:19:41 > 0:19:44because we've got the butterflies on our wedding invitations as well.

0:19:44 > 0:19:46- Oh, right. Fab then.- Yes...

0:19:46 > 0:19:49Jackie's paying for her wedding decorations week by week

0:19:49 > 0:19:51when she can afford it,

0:19:51 > 0:19:54like many of the shop's customers.

0:19:54 > 0:19:58Like, I've had two customers in this morning, maybe three, again,

0:19:58 > 0:20:03they've not bought anything, they just come in, one lady put £2.

0:20:03 > 0:20:06The last lady put £1 because she said she missed last week.

0:20:06 > 0:20:09On account, she got nothing put away but she just saves

0:20:09 > 0:20:12so then when Christmas comes in, all her cards that she buys,

0:20:12 > 0:20:15cos she said she's got a large family, are pretty much paid for.

0:20:15 > 0:20:18They find it easier, you know,

0:20:18 > 0:20:23and, as long as it's all paid for 48 hours before, it's fine.

0:20:23 > 0:20:26- Right.- What's my remainder, the bill, for a start?

0:20:26 > 0:20:29- Right, for all the balloons and everything, you've paid for it.- Yes.

0:20:29 > 0:20:33- You've paid in full.- Yes. So I haven't paid for the ribbons.- No.

0:20:33 > 0:20:36- The book.- Yeah. It's 31.74.

0:20:36 > 0:20:39Right, so if we could arrange a week before or something like that?

0:20:39 > 0:20:42- Yeah.- We can have a look at what we're going on about.- It's fine.

0:20:49 > 0:20:52I'm having a break down.

0:20:52 > 0:20:54I'm not really. Um...

0:20:55 > 0:20:58What with three days left, trying to get as much work out the way

0:20:58 > 0:21:01and trying to get everything else fitted in between.

0:21:01 > 0:21:03Now I'm repairing someone else's bodged job

0:21:03 > 0:21:07and then, after this, we've got another car to do.

0:21:07 > 0:21:10Mark lost his job as a car mechanic two years ago.

0:21:11 > 0:21:15He's now setting up on his own to provide for Emily,

0:21:15 > 0:21:18their baby, Louis, and Emily's three other children.

0:21:21 > 0:21:23Last June, we moved in.

0:21:23 > 0:21:27Not too keen on the area, it's a bit hectic round here.

0:21:27 > 0:21:30There's always kids, like, on the bottom of stairs and stuff,

0:21:30 > 0:21:31riding their bikes

0:21:31 > 0:21:34or the supermarket trolleys up and down the road.

0:21:34 > 0:21:37I don't know, maybe I'm a bit overly motherly with them.

0:21:37 > 0:21:39Just like to keep them safe.

0:21:39 > 0:21:41I've got commitments, you've got to pay for children

0:21:41 > 0:21:44and we've got bills to pay.

0:21:44 > 0:21:47And we've been living... Doing more on a day to day basis really.

0:21:47 > 0:21:50I mean, their food budget's gone right down

0:21:50 > 0:21:52to less than £50 a week now on food.

0:21:52 > 0:21:54But we manage on that.

0:21:54 > 0:21:58We don't drink, we don't smoke, we don't go out, you know. So...

0:21:58 > 0:22:00That's a smart meter so, like,

0:22:00 > 0:22:04it tells you how much electricity you're using. When I'm cooking,

0:22:04 > 0:22:08I turn the freezer off to keep it below a certain amount.

0:22:10 > 0:22:13Apparently, we're only using 95...

0:22:13 > 0:22:17watt. Surely we must be using more than that?

0:22:17 > 0:22:18No.

0:22:18 > 0:22:21Apparently, if we stayed like this the whole time,

0:22:21 > 0:22:25our electric bill would be £9.45 a month.

0:22:25 > 0:22:28But it won't because obviously when we turn things on it'd go up.

0:22:28 > 0:22:30You've got the boiler going

0:22:30 > 0:22:32plus you've got that thing plugged in as well.

0:22:32 > 0:22:34The actual thing that uses electric

0:22:34 > 0:22:37to tell you how much electric you're using!

0:22:37 > 0:22:39- EMILY LAUGHS - You switch it off, that's £9!

0:22:40 > 0:22:43- Yeah, but don't it have a battery backup?- No.

0:22:43 > 0:22:46It should keep the screen. That's rubbish, innit?

0:22:47 > 0:22:49What does it have to be on?

0:22:49 > 0:22:50170.

0:22:52 > 0:22:56To save money, Mark and Emily are making their own wedding cupcakes.

0:22:56 > 0:23:00And, to use a bigger kitchen, they're cooking at Emily's mum's.

0:23:00 > 0:23:04- "Place the cupcake cases into the tray."- Done.- Done.

0:23:04 > 0:23:05I've never made a cake.

0:23:05 > 0:23:08I'm out of my depth here, to be honest with you.

0:23:08 > 0:23:11- It's a cupcake!- No, seriously.

0:23:11 > 0:23:14If you asked me to build a wall or fix a car, I'm there.

0:23:14 > 0:23:17- Right, are you ready?- I'm in the queue, first in the queue.

0:23:17 > 0:23:19Mixing and making cakes, I am not there.

0:23:19 > 0:23:22- Is this the correct quantities?- Yes.

0:23:23 > 0:23:25- You sure about this? - Yeah, it says 100ml of milk.

0:23:25 > 0:23:29- To mix to what consistency? - Until it's got no lumps in it.

0:23:30 > 0:23:33I'd rather have tried to get an extra couple of jobs in

0:23:33 > 0:23:37to pay for a cake but, no, we're doing it this way.

0:23:37 > 0:23:39I've always worked from an early age

0:23:39 > 0:23:43and then, for one reason or another,

0:23:43 > 0:23:49I lost work sort of mid-2012.

0:23:49 > 0:23:54And not having anywhere to live so I was in the car at the time

0:23:54 > 0:23:57but the problem is you don't have an address.

0:23:57 > 0:24:01- You were living in your car? - Yeah, I was in the car.

0:24:01 > 0:24:05You don't have an address so, to try and get yourself on your feet,

0:24:05 > 0:24:09you require an address to sort of be able to...

0:24:09 > 0:24:11A base to start from.

0:24:11 > 0:24:15For one thing or another, I just couldn't seem to get a break.

0:24:15 > 0:24:18I don't really want to talk about it too much.

0:24:19 > 0:24:23It's not something that I'm really sort of that proud of, to be honest.

0:24:23 > 0:24:25Yeah, we're one of the only couples that have never dated

0:24:25 > 0:24:28and Em's place got repossessed at exactly the same time

0:24:28 > 0:24:31so it was just kind of this is it, get on with it really.

0:24:31 > 0:24:34- It's been such a long year. - It has, so much has happened.

0:24:34 > 0:24:36- Anyway, moving on, the cakes. - Oh, the cakes!

0:24:36 > 0:24:39Oh, my Lord, that ain't right. Seriously.

0:24:39 > 0:24:41Why have they gone like that?

0:24:41 > 0:24:45I don't know but they don't look like that. No, they just ain't no good.

0:24:45 > 0:24:46How hard can it be?

0:24:54 > 0:24:57It's the morning of Lee and Fiona's wedding.

0:25:01 > 0:25:06Is it difficult to make everything look nice for 999?

0:25:06 > 0:25:10Difficult if they're real budget, then they do expect us

0:25:10 > 0:25:14to make the table look as nice as we can with what we have on site

0:25:14 > 0:25:17and we use leftovers from other weddings.

0:25:17 > 0:25:19We've got Karen, decorator,

0:25:19 > 0:25:23she has left this up from a wedding yesterday.

0:25:23 > 0:25:27She's replaced the chair covers, given them the sashes

0:25:27 > 0:25:30and she's done centrepieces for them as well.

0:25:30 > 0:25:33I don't have that flair, I wish I did but I don't.

0:25:40 > 0:25:42You want to give them the day

0:25:42 > 0:25:47that they really probably deserve as much as, that they want.

0:25:47 > 0:25:52And if we can surprise them and make it that little bit more special,

0:25:52 > 0:25:54you get a certain buzz out of it.

0:25:54 > 0:25:58Seeing their faces as they just walk into this room and it's the dream,

0:25:58 > 0:26:00it's just lovely.

0:26:01 > 0:26:04Lee and Fiona will have to wait to see the decorations

0:26:04 > 0:26:09until after their ceremony at the local registry office.

0:26:09 > 0:26:10Lee was smitten with the place

0:26:10 > 0:26:12and they wanted to get married through there

0:26:12 > 0:26:15but it was about £500 for the registrar to come to site

0:26:15 > 0:26:17and we charge £250 for the room.

0:26:17 > 0:26:22And he did ask if I could waiver the fee to get married here

0:26:22 > 0:26:25but I had to refuse so... I know!

0:26:31 > 0:26:34'I'm getting married for different reasons this time.

0:26:36 > 0:26:39'Last time, I got married because I was pregnant,

0:26:39 > 0:26:42'I wanted the same name as my child.

0:26:42 > 0:26:43'You know, it was organised in a week.

0:26:43 > 0:26:45'Just, "Let's just get married."

0:26:46 > 0:26:48'Ever since Lee came along,

0:26:48 > 0:26:50'everything's been really, really good.

0:26:50 > 0:26:53'He just makes me laugh, he's just so funny.

0:26:56 > 0:26:59'And made me smile again, he has. Really made me smile

0:26:59 > 0:27:02'and I love him to pieces.'

0:27:07 > 0:27:11What greater thing is there for two human beings

0:27:11 > 0:27:14than to feel that they are joined for life?

0:27:15 > 0:27:19I, Fiona Claire Bristow, do take thee, Lee Norman...

0:27:21 > be my lawful wedded husband.

0:27:24 > 0:27:26To love for always.

0:27:26 > 0:27:28To love for always.

0:27:28 > 0:27:30To trust and to respect.

0:27:30 > 0:27:32To trust and to respect.

0:27:32 > 0:27:36And to live according to these promises.

0:27:36 > 0:27:39And to live according to these promises.

0:27:39 > 0:27:42- In good times and bad. - In good times and bad.

0:27:42 > 0:27:45- From this day forward. - From this day forward.

0:27:45 > 0:27:46Thank you.

0:27:46 > 0:27:50It gives me the greatest pleasure therefore to declare

0:27:50 > 0:27:54that you are now lawfully husband and wife.

0:27:54 > 0:27:56Congratulations to both of you.

0:27:56 > 0:27:59APPLAUSE

0:28:21 > 0:28:22With the wedding,

0:28:22 > 0:28:25we can take up to an extra £4,000 to £5,000 per day.

0:28:27 > 0:28:32So actually from the 999, for the food,

0:28:32 > 0:28:34isn't as much as what people think.

0:28:34 > 0:28:37I have to be clever with the suppliers,

0:28:37 > 0:28:40then the rest of the day is based around selling 20 bedrooms

0:28:40 > 0:28:42for the bride and groom,

0:28:42 > 0:28:44having the bar open,

0:28:44 > 0:28:48hopefully, we take a one to three grand day on the bar.

0:28:48 > 0:28:50Keeps the running of the business, keeps the team in hours,

0:28:50 > 0:28:54for them to come and work and keeps me busy.

0:28:59 > 0:29:03- Is this what you'd hoped it would be?- Yes.- Oh, it's more.- Yeah.

0:29:03 > 0:29:07- It's more. More than what we wanted. - Really good. Lovely.- Yeah.

0:29:07 > 0:29:10- Really, really nice.- It's just... The decorations...

0:29:10 > 0:29:13- Just blown away.- Yeah. - Amazing, really good.

0:29:13 > 0:29:16- Really good.- Yeah. Yeah, it's brilliant.

0:29:16 > 0:29:19- Finally...- We've done it! - ..we got married!

0:29:27 > 0:29:31Sonia and Jackie have chosen a different kind of venue

0:29:31 > 0:29:35for their wedding, a function room on the outskirts of Swansea.

0:29:35 > 0:29:38- Enough space to dance, do you think? - Oh, yeah.

0:29:38 > 0:29:39Yeah? THEY LAUGH

0:29:39 > 0:29:40Yeah, all right!

0:29:40 > 0:29:42Hate dancing - I've got to practise that one!

0:29:42 > 0:29:44Yeah, you've got to... THEY LAUGH

0:29:44 > 0:29:47I don't know where Jackie and Sonia heard about us,

0:29:47 > 0:29:49because they didn't even make a phone call -

0:29:49 > 0:29:50they just walked in on us.

0:29:50 > 0:29:55They just came strolling in one day.

0:29:55 > 0:29:57We've always done weddings,

0:29:57 > 0:30:02but we do the lower budget wedding, put it that way.

0:30:02 > 0:30:04We give them...

0:30:04 > 0:30:06Rather than putting packages out there,

0:30:06 > 0:30:09that this is going to cost you X amount of pounds per head,

0:30:09 > 0:30:13we, you know, basically tell them - or they tell us, I should say,

0:30:13 > 0:30:17what they... what they want, and we provide it.

0:30:18 > 0:30:22They're meeting to negotiate the deal and see if they can afford it.

0:30:24 > 0:30:27So are we sticking to the same menu?

0:30:27 > 0:30:29That's what I wanted to go through with you.

0:30:29 > 0:30:33I mean, we did agree, if we went over too much of our budget,

0:30:33 > 0:30:36- we would...- ..cut back on certain things if you need to.

0:30:36 > 0:30:38Yeah, the starter.

0:30:38 > 0:30:39Wasn't it?

0:30:39 > 0:30:41- Yeah.- Right, what we've got -

0:30:41 > 0:30:47we've got 32 adults at...

0:30:47 > 0:30:52With a leek and potato soup, turkey dinner with all the trimmings,

0:30:52 > 0:30:56- and your chocolate fudge cake for your dessert.- Yeah.

0:30:56 > 0:30:5990 buffets at £5 a head,

0:30:59 > 0:31:04five bottles of sparkling wine for your...

0:31:04 > 0:31:07Is that with - that's for your speeches, yeah?

0:31:07 > 0:31:10- Yes.- Yeah, that's for your speeches, OK.

0:31:10 > 0:31:16- Your room and your disco included in the higher price...- Yeah, what's...?

0:31:16 > 0:31:19Yeah, we need to go over our bill with that, as well.

0:31:19 > 0:31:22The bill of fare on it.

0:31:22 > 0:31:24Right, well, let me tell you what that comes to.

0:31:27 > 0:31:30That's £1,168.

0:31:30 > 0:31:34That's inclusive of everything.

0:31:34 > 0:31:35With the soup?

0:31:35 > 0:31:38Eh? That's with your soup.

0:31:38 > 0:31:40Ooh. That's even better.

0:31:40 > 0:31:42What are we missing out?!

0:31:42 > 0:31:45- We don't have a...- You wasn't going for a reception, are you?

0:31:45 > 0:31:47Buck's fizz and all that, was we?

0:31:47 > 0:31:49- You weren't doing anything like that.- No, I don't think so.

0:31:49 > 0:31:50No.

0:31:54 > 0:31:57There's 400, Steve, if you'd like to check that.

0:31:57 > 0:31:59Marvellous, 400.

0:31:59 > 0:32:01- What's our balance now?- 668.

0:32:01 > 0:32:02- 668.- Yeah.

0:32:02 > 0:32:05- See? He's written it down again. - Just testing.

0:32:07 > 0:32:08Are we covered?

0:32:08 > 0:32:10Yeah, I think we're covered now, yeah.

0:32:10 > 0:32:11Thank you.

0:32:11 > 0:32:14- Thank you very much. Cheers. - See you.- Thanks, Steve.

0:32:14 > 0:32:18We have to draw the line and say, life does go on after a wedding,

0:32:18 > 0:32:21and we do have to carry on living.

0:32:21 > 0:32:25Saving, and paying our way, basically.

0:32:25 > 0:32:29We've got so much in common, as to our backgrounds and growing up,

0:32:29 > 0:32:32and that does help.

0:32:32 > 0:32:34- Yeah. - Cos it's been tough on both sides.

0:32:34 > 0:32:36Big families...

0:32:36 > 0:32:39You know, the poverty's been there, so we're all...

0:32:39 > 0:32:43- We're, both of us, we are from the same cloth.- Yeah.

0:32:48 > 0:32:50Jackie's worked all her life.

0:32:50 > 0:32:52She's a cleaning manager for Tesco.

0:32:52 > 0:32:56Plenty of water with my tablets, unfortunately.

0:32:56 > 0:33:02But recently she's had to stop work because of a chronic lung condition.

0:33:02 > 0:33:07When I was born, they knew I'd inherited my dad's disease.

0:33:07 > 0:33:10He suffered bad - he did, he really suffered bad with it.

0:33:10 > 0:33:15I try not to think about that, because it's scary.

0:33:15 > 0:33:19Things have gone downhill rather than got better,

0:33:19 > 0:33:22and, I mean, who wants to be lumbered someone like this?

0:33:25 > 0:33:27I mean, my mind is with Jackie.

0:33:27 > 0:33:30When she's not well, that's the most difficult part,

0:33:30 > 0:33:33cos I want to be with her.

0:33:33 > 0:33:35But, unfortunately, after the job,

0:33:35 > 0:33:41I have to keep a roof over all our heads...

0:33:42 > for things.

0:33:44 > 0:33:49Sometimes I get stuck with, "What do I say? What do I do?"

0:33:49 > 0:33:56I don't want to do or say anything to her that might...

0:33:56 > 0:33:58make her worry more.

0:33:58 > 0:34:03I was afraid of losing her when my health started to deteriorate.

0:34:04 > 0:34:08Because I don't have much trust in people,

0:34:08 > 0:34:12and it's taken me years to get where I am, for example.

0:34:12 > 0:34:17In trusting - and finding someone somebody that I can love myself.

0:34:17 > 0:34:19I don't want to lose her, basically!

0:34:19 > 0:34:21I don't want to lose her.

0:34:29 > 0:34:31Mark and Emily have a last-minute rehearsal

0:34:31 > 0:34:34for the blessing of their marriage.

0:34:34 > 0:34:36I've not done a blessing here before,

0:34:36 > 0:34:38it was something that Mark and Emily asked me to do,

0:34:38 > 0:34:40because they're getting married at the registry office,

0:34:40 > 0:34:42because their budget is quite small,

0:34:42 > 0:34:45and to have the registrar come here is nearly £500.

0:34:45 > 0:34:48So, yeah, it's a privilege to do that for them.

0:34:48 > 0:34:49Hello.

0:34:51 > 0:34:56Grab a seat, guys, quickly, we'll just... Have you got your music?

0:34:56 > 0:34:59This is what we talked about, cos...

0:34:59 > 0:35:02I can't do it. I don't know where to start, or...

0:35:02 > 0:35:05- OK.- ..what to have, cos we really don't listen to music ourselves.

0:35:05 > 0:35:06OK, it would've been good

0:35:06 > 0:35:08if we could have had the music here today,

0:35:08 > 0:35:10because there might have been a certain piece

0:35:10 > 0:35:12you wanted to go into where the cannons roared,

0:35:12 > 0:35:13or Michael Jackson screamed,

0:35:13 > 0:35:15or Westlife did whatever they do,

0:35:15 > 0:35:18but is there a song that means something to you and Mark?

0:35:19 > 0:35:22Is there a song, Mark, that comes on the radio and you think of Emily?

0:35:27 > 0:35:29- HE LAUGHS - To be frank with you...- OK.

0:35:29 > 0:35:32Because we spent so long in that frigging hospital...

0:35:32 > 0:35:33Yes, I understand that.

0:35:33 > 0:35:35- We've not been anywhere, we've not dated...- No, no.

0:35:35 > 0:35:38- ..we've not been anywhere or done anything, so...- I understand, OK.

0:35:38 > 0:35:39The most important bit

0:35:39 > 0:35:41- is so you understand on the day what you're doing.- OK.

0:35:41 > 0:35:43We'll improvise with a piece of music

0:35:43 > 0:35:45- that we've had at a different wedding.- OK.

0:35:45 > 0:35:47Just to give you some idea.

0:35:47 > 0:35:48If you want to come over here, Mark.

0:35:48 > 0:35:51So, if we can have all the bridesmaids that are here...

0:35:51 > 0:35:54- If I'm having a funny turn... - Yeah?- ..what do I do?

0:35:54 > 0:35:56I'll give you some smelling salts.

0:35:56 > 0:35:57- Right...- Sweet.

0:35:57 > 0:35:59You will be standing here.

0:35:59 > 0:36:01- There.- Waiting for Emily.- OK.

0:36:01 > 0:36:02And then, when I do the blessing,

0:36:02 > 0:36:06I'll ask both you and Emily to come and stand here.

0:36:06 > 0:36:07OK?

0:36:07 > 0:36:08Right, it's just me...

0:36:10 > 0:36:12- DIRECTOR: What's going on, Mark? - What's going on?

0:36:12 > 0:36:14- Mm.- I'm shitting a brick.

0:36:14 > 0:36:18No, I'm all right... I don't know, it's a lot to take in.

0:36:18 > 0:36:21- Are you not allowed to...?- I've not seen the dress, and that, and...

0:36:21 > 0:36:24I might well up a bit, I don't know.

0:36:24 > 0:36:25I'm a bit nervous about that.

0:36:25 > 0:36:28I don't really show me emotions all that much.

0:36:28 > 0:36:29But I think I might...

0:36:31 > 0:36:34I think I might. I feel like I might now, but...

0:36:34 > 0:36:36Don't tell her about that.

0:36:36 > 0:36:37# Waaa!

0:36:37 > 0:36:39- # I feel good... # - Oh, shut up, eh?

0:36:39 > 0:36:42- This ain't happening. - # I knew that I would, now... #

0:36:42 > 0:36:43No way.

0:36:43 > 0:36:45# I feel good... #

0:36:45 > 0:36:47I'm not getting married to James Brown.

0:36:47 > 0:36:49What's wrong with James Brown?

0:36:49 > 0:36:52- It's a classic hit wonder. - # So good

0:36:52 > 0:36:53# So good

0:36:53 > 0:36:55# I got you. #

0:36:55 > 0:36:58DIRECTOR: How did your dress suddenly turn up?

0:36:58 > 0:37:03It turned up in a carrier bag on my front door.

0:37:03 > 0:37:06All scrunched up. So I sort of hung it up.

0:37:06 > 0:37:09I didn't want it to be all creasy.

0:37:10 > 0:37:14I don't think she'd have been happy with a small dress.

0:37:14 > 0:37:16- Would you?- No.

0:37:16 > 0:37:18What do you reckon?

0:37:18 > 0:37:19Yeah. I like it.

0:37:19 > 0:37:21I like it.

0:37:21 > 0:37:22Princessy!

0:37:22 > 0:37:24- It's perfect, Mummy.- Is it?

0:37:32 > 0:37:34- Just try this on.- Yeah.

0:37:35 > 0:37:37Not to strangle me.

0:37:37 > 0:37:38Are you?

0:37:40 > 0:37:44Liz, did you ever think that Sonia would get married?

0:37:44 > 0:37:46No.

0:37:46 > 0:37:47Sonia was...

0:37:48 > 0:37:53..fine. But when she was young, get her girlie stuff - no.

0:37:55 > 0:37:59All she wanted - boxing gloves...

0:37:59 > 0:38:02- SHE CHUCKLES - ..and punchball.

0:38:02 > 0:38:04All boys' stuff.

0:38:04 > 0:38:06But I love her.

0:38:06 > 0:38:09As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

0:38:09 > 0:38:15- I had long hair right up until I started work, didn't I?- Yeah.

0:38:15 > 0:38:17- And my first wage packet... - Yeah, I remember that!

0:38:17 > 0:38:19..I had it all cut off.

0:38:19 > 0:38:23And my father was really disappointed in me.

0:38:23 > 0:38:25But it's something I wanted to do.

0:38:28 > 0:38:30Nice, innit?

0:38:31 > 0:38:35I like that - that's an added touch, cos that wasn't there.

0:38:35 > 0:38:37I don't know, I think Jackie'll like it.

0:38:37 > 0:38:40What does it mean to you, about Sonia getting married?

0:38:40 > 0:38:43How does it change things, do you think?

0:38:44 > 0:38:45Um...

0:38:50 > 0:38:52In a way, it's like I'm losing her...

0:38:55 > 0:38:59But I know she'll be there, so... it's all right.

0:39:06 > 0:39:08It's Mark and Emily's wedding day.

0:39:09 > 0:39:12I can't have these guys here.

0:39:12 > 0:39:15Get all of these cigarettes here, look - can you see all of this?

0:39:15 > 0:39:19Maybe even get that bucket gone - and can we wash these down?

0:39:19 > 0:39:23And then - Peter! We need the rest of them on here.

0:39:23 > 0:39:24And we can put these lights on,

0:39:24 > 0:39:28and then we can tick that off in our brain, so it's done.

0:39:28 > 0:39:29It's gotta be right -

0:39:29 > 0:39:31you know, they've spent a lot of money, I think.

0:39:31 > 0:39:34Yes, it's a grand for a grand, but it's still £1,000 -

0:39:34 > 0:39:36it takes a long time to earn £1,000.

0:39:36 > 0:39:38So it's got to right, hasn't it?

0:39:38 > 0:39:41You know, if I get this wrong, I'd go home and I'd worry about that.

0:39:41 > 0:39:44So, yeah, it's gotta be right.

0:39:44 > 0:39:46So, yeah, of course it's important!

0:39:54 > 0:39:55It's been a bit chaotic,

0:39:55 > 0:39:59considering we've only been together a year and a bit,

0:39:59 > 0:40:01and we've got a seventh-month-old baby.

0:40:01 > 0:40:04I think it's shown our strength as a couple

0:40:04 > 0:40:06to get through everything we have.

0:40:12 > 0:40:16- Does it mean a lot to you that you're getting married?- Yeah.

0:40:16 > 0:40:19Yeah, definitely. It's just showing a commitment to him.

0:40:20 > 0:40:24That, you know, I'm here. I'm not going nowhere.

0:40:25 > 0:40:28Sometimes he does get a bit upset about things

0:40:28 > 0:40:31and doubts himself a bit, I suppose.

0:40:31 > 0:40:33But I'm not going anywhere.

0:40:33 > 0:40:37I think this is a good way to show him that I won't and that I want him.

0:40:39 > 0:40:42And to have a nice day would be awesome.

0:40:53 > 0:40:56Right. Hi, everybody.

0:40:56 > 0:40:59We do this every Thursday, every Friday, every Saturday.

0:40:59 > 0:41:03So we know exactly what we're doing. 50 guests.

0:41:03 > 0:41:07Their starters are melon and orange cocktail with a basil sugar

0:41:07 > 0:41:12or tomato and basil soup with warm, crusty bread.

0:41:12 > 0:41:14There is one lady sitting at table two,

0:41:14 > 0:41:20Linda is going to tell you about in a moment, who is allergic to orange.

0:41:20 > 0:41:25She is having a fan of melon with a raspberry and strawberry coulis.

0:41:25 > 0:41:27The main course.

0:41:27 > 0:41:31Most people are having traditional beer battered fish and chips

0:41:31 > 0:41:35with mushy peas, bread and butter and pickled onions, etc,

0:41:35 > 0:41:37which we do very well.

0:41:37 > 0:41:40I am going to give a system so you know when to start

0:41:40 > 0:41:44and you know when to finish and you know when to come down

0:41:44 > 0:41:47and you know when to bring down your starter cutlery.

0:41:47 > 0:41:52So we'll do this very professionally, as we always do. OK?

0:41:52 > 0:41:53Thank you.

0:42:01 > 0:42:05- How are you? You look very smart. - I don't. I'm sweating like buckets.

0:42:05 > 0:42:06I can't...

0:42:08 > 0:42:10HE SIGHS

0:42:15 > 0:42:17- CHILDREN SHOUT - Hello.

0:42:19 > 0:42:21Hello, everybody. Welcome to Azur. Are you all right?

0:42:21 > 0:42:24Can we take your coats and we'll hang those up for you?

0:42:24 > 0:42:27- Thank you very much. - Are they the right size?

0:42:27 > 0:42:30Shirts cutting into my armpit, the shoes hurt my feet,

0:42:30 > 0:42:32trousers are too tight, the jacket's too tight,

0:42:32 > 0:42:34my boxer shorts are too tight.

0:42:47 > 0:42:49HE GRUNTS

0:42:53 > 0:42:57Ladies and gentlemen, a very good afternoon and welcome to Azur.

0:42:57 > 0:43:00Could I ask you all, please,

0:43:00 > 0:43:02to be upstanding to welcome the bridal party.

0:43:06 > 0:43:08# I've got sunshine

0:43:10 > 0:43:13# On a cloudy day

0:43:15 > 0:43:19# When it's cold outside

0:43:19 > 0:43:22# I've got the month of May

0:43:24 > 0:43:29# I guess you'd say

0:43:30 > 0:43:34# What can make me feel this way

0:43:34 > 0:43:37# My girl, my girl

0:43:37 > 0:43:42# Talkin' about my girl... #

0:43:45 > 0:43:49Ladies and gentlemen, a very good afternoon and welcome to Azur at

0:43:49 > 0:43:53the Marina Pavilion in St Leonards on this wonderful sunny afternoon.

0:43:53 > 0:43:56They couldn't have picked a better day to get married.

0:43:58 > 0:44:01Emily, in your eyes, I have found my home.

0:44:01 > 0:44:04In your heart, I have found my love.

0:44:04 > 0:44:07With you, I am whole, full and alive.

0:44:08 > 0:44:11You make me laugh, you let me cry.

0:44:11 > 0:44:13You are my breath, my every heartbeat.

0:44:13 > 0:44:19I am yours and you are mine, of this we are certain.

0:44:19 > 0:44:22You are locked in my heart, the small key is lost.

0:44:22 > 0:44:24There you will stay forever.

0:44:27 > 0:44:29I take you as my husband.

0:44:29 > 0:44:31I promise above all else to live in truth with you.

0:44:31 > 0:44:35I give you my hand and my heart and pledge my love, devotion

0:44:35 > 0:44:38and faith and honour as I join my life with yours.

0:44:38 > 0:44:42No amount of words could describe the love I hold for you.

0:44:42 > 0:44:44THEY APPLAUD

0:44:44 > 0:44:46So, really, ladies and gentlemen,

0:44:46 > 0:44:50I have one thing last to do and that's to ask Mark to kiss his wife.

0:44:50 > 0:44:52CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

0:45:06 > 0:45:10We're three-and-a-half minutes into this, guys. Come on, quickly.

0:45:26 > 0:45:29Can you do another bread and butter very quickly,

0:45:29 > 0:45:35for these two on the top table, please? Now!

0:45:35 > 0:45:38And again. I don't know where yours went.

0:45:38 > 0:45:41Go. Just go now, quickly.

0:45:41 > 0:45:44Take that as well and they've got two. Just go.

0:45:46 > 0:45:49That was less than four minutes. Well done, everybody.

0:45:52 > 0:45:57No matter whether it's £1,000, £10,000 or £100,000, you know,

0:45:57 > 0:46:00it's about two people at the end of the day and that's what matters.

0:46:00 > 0:46:02Things are looking up.

0:46:02 > 0:46:06What I want from this is some time with Em, you know,

0:46:06 > 0:46:11to sort of start afresh. This is our clean slate.

0:46:11 > 0:46:14That's what you need is closure on all the rubbish.

0:46:24 > 0:46:29Just four days before her wedding, Jackie has a hospital appointment.

0:46:30 > 0:46:34Her chronic lung condition has begun to affect her heart.

0:46:38 > 0:46:41'The basis is they're looking at heart failure,

0:46:41 > 0:46:44'which is...that's the classic name for it.

0:46:44 > 0:46:47'The valve is not working, heart not pumping too fast.

0:46:47 > 0:46:49'Anything to do with the heart, basically.

0:46:49 > 0:46:52'But I don't like that word. Failure.'

0:46:54 > 0:46:56'It does get me.'

0:46:56 > 0:47:00That does get me but, with the lungs, I've coped with them.

0:47:00 > 0:47:04But, with the heart, knowing it's the main organ,

0:47:04 > 0:47:09sometimes I feel I'm coping but other times I just feel,

0:47:09 > 0:47:12what if I'm not going to wake up in the morning?

0:47:12 > 0:47:14So, you know, the last thing I do anyway,

0:47:14 > 0:47:18as I've done every night, is I just hold on to Sonia,

0:47:18 > 0:47:21give her a kiss and tell her how much I love her.

0:47:23 > 0:47:25'She has concerns.

0:47:25 > 0:47:29'I get the feeling she thinks that, cos she's unwell,

0:47:29 > 0:47:32'she thinks that everything's going to change.

0:47:32 > 0:47:34'Well, it's not going to change.

0:47:34 > 0:47:36'It doesn't change the way a person feels.'

0:47:36 > 0:47:39- You all right? - Yeah, I'm all right.- Sure?- Yeah.

0:47:39 > 0:47:41- Sure?!- Yeah.

0:47:42 > 0:47:45- Hello.- Hello.- I've seen you before, haven't I?- No, I don't know.

0:47:45 > 0:47:48I recognise you anyway, I'm sure. I'm sure I recognise you.

0:47:48 > 0:47:52- How are you doing, Jacqueline? - Not too bad.- Come on in. Come on in.

0:47:53 > 0:47:59- I'm not going on that, am I?- Yeah. At least half an hour.- What? Am I?

0:47:59 > 0:48:01- I haven't got a pump on me! - No, I'm only kidding.

0:48:01 > 0:48:03We're going to pop a little monitor on you now

0:48:03 > 0:48:05to just record the heart rhythm.

0:48:05 > 0:48:08I understand you've been to your GP about some bumping in the chest

0:48:08 > 0:48:11you might have experienced. I'm Jonathan, by the way.

0:48:11 > 0:48:14I'm one of the clinical physiologists.

0:48:14 > 0:48:17And this is going to be the monitor that you're going to be wearing.

0:48:20 > 0:48:22Aw, come on now.

0:48:22 > 0:48:25Hey, this doesn't hurt. There's no needles or anything like that.

0:48:25 > 0:48:27It's not that, it's the results.

0:48:27 > 0:48:30We've got to go through that now to get the results, hey?

0:48:32 > 0:48:34Come on. Tell you what, you have a sit on the bed for me a sec

0:48:34 > 0:48:36and I'm going to wash up a sec.

0:48:46 > 0:48:47You can pack that in for starters.

0:48:47 > 0:48:50You're going to have me going otherwise.

0:48:51 > 0:48:58- Right, so what are these symptoms then?- Mainly it's the asthma.

0:48:58 > 0:49:02The asthma is the issue. You've got the shortness of breath with that.

0:49:02 > 0:49:05She's been having palpitations, quite a lot of palpitations

0:49:05 > 0:49:09and shortness of breath, dizzy spells.

0:49:09 > 0:49:11Things like that.

0:49:11 > 0:49:15Once this test has come back and we know exactly what's what,

0:49:15 > 0:49:18- they'll put her back on... - I'm just afraid of the results.

0:49:18 > 0:49:20We need to know what heart rhythms you've got

0:49:20 > 0:49:23going on over a 24-hour period.

0:49:23 > 0:49:25The long and short of it,

0:49:25 > 0:49:28then they know which way to go about treating you then, don't they?

0:49:28 > 0:49:32So are you going to be happy enough to go ahead with this test?

0:49:33 > 0:49:35Yeah?

0:49:38 > 0:49:41Jackie will need to have further tests over the next few months

0:49:41 > 0:49:45before she has any conclusive results about her heart.

0:49:45 > 0:49:48'It does seem as if life is cruel.

0:49:48 > 0:49:52'I've just met Sonia and things are going downhill in my health.

0:49:52 > 0:49:53'It's so unfair.'

0:49:53 > 0:49:58I feel it's unfair but I'm so happy.

0:49:59 > 0:50:03I just want to get on with it as much as I can to some normality.

0:50:03 > 0:50:07I don't mind. The money is nothing to me anymore.

0:50:07 > 0:50:11It's only cos I used to keep a place, I used to try and survive.

0:50:11 > 0:50:15I don't think about that anymore but obviously I want to help Sonia

0:50:15 > 0:50:18so we hope to get things sorted out soon.

0:50:18 > 0:50:20It's a fact that knowing I've got somebody who loves me

0:50:20 > 0:50:24and I love her as much as she loves me and I've got the family

0:50:24 > 0:50:27round me and the family back home,

0:50:27 > 0:50:30and I don't want for nothing else.

0:50:30 > 0:50:32Nothing at all.

0:50:32 > 0:50:35- Yeah, I mean, you know, it's... - Just to be married.

0:50:35 > 0:50:38- Yeah, well, we're going to have that.- Yeah.

0:50:49 > 0:50:51Too many chairs on this one.

0:50:53 > 0:50:58It doesn't cost anything to make things look nice, really, does it?

0:50:58 > 0:51:02Up until about one o'clock this morning they'll be singing

0:51:02 > 0:51:06and dancing, hopefully, and spending a bit of money.

0:51:08 > 0:51:11We don't do the actual service itself.

0:51:11 > 0:51:13We haven't got that license yet.

0:51:13 > 0:51:16Any business is good business at the moment.

0:51:16 > 0:51:19If someone wants to spend £600 on a wedding

0:51:19 > 0:51:22or someone wants to spend £6,000 on a wedding,

0:51:22 > 0:51:25we'll do it exactly the same.

0:51:28 > 0:51:30Mrs and Mrs.

0:51:30 > 0:51:32It's a first. It's a first.

0:51:32 > 0:51:39We've had same-sex engagements but we've never had a same-sex wedding.

0:51:47 > 0:51:51- She'll be out.- She will be here. She will be here.

0:51:52 > 0:51:55My head's all just muddled up.

0:51:56 > 0:51:59- My head's everywhere.- You're fine. - I can't even...

0:51:59 > 0:52:02I had some of that in my head and I can't even remember any of that.

0:52:02 > 0:52:05Right, you'll be fine. OK?

0:52:05 > 0:52:08Look at me. You're fine. Right?

0:52:09 > 0:52:13- Five minutes, you will be fine. OK? - I'm sweating now.

0:52:26 > 0:52:29Ladies and gentlemen,

0:52:29 > 0:52:32would you all be upstanding for the arrival of the bridal party.

0:53:18 > 0:53:20And do you, Jackie Davies, of your own free will,

0:53:20 > 0:53:23take Sonia Vidler to be your wife

0:53:23 > 0:53:26and promise to remain true to her for the rest of your lives together?

0:53:26 > 0:53:28I do.

0:53:35 > 0:53:38Many people spend their lives searching for their soul mate,

0:53:38 > 0:53:40their one true love.

0:53:40 > 0:53:42I'm the luckiest person to have found you.

0:53:44 > 0:53:48I love you, Jackie, and I know you are my one true love.

0:53:48 > 0:53:52I'm so happy that we found each other and I shall never let you go.

0:53:53 > 0:53:57I give you my heart today and, for the rest of our lives together,

0:53:57 > 0:53:58our hearts shall be as one.

0:53:59 > 0:54:04As a ring has no end, my love for you will be forever and eternal.

0:54:04 > 0:54:10I will always stand by you, stand by your side, hand-in-hand,

0:54:10 > 0:54:14no matter what we face, we will always be together.

0:54:14 > 0:54:18I take you as my wife today and for the rest of my life.

0:54:18 > 0:54:20Jackie, you're my world.

0:54:20 > 0:54:24Sonia, my vows are given from all of me to all of you.

0:54:24 > 0:54:29I vow to listen to you, talk to you and kiss you good night every night.

0:54:29 > 0:54:31I vow that, when I open my eyes each morning,

0:54:31 > 0:54:34I will tell you how much I love you.

0:54:34 > 0:54:39Sonia, I give all of me to all of you with my heart and love, eternally.

0:54:41 > 0:54:43That's lovely.

0:54:43 > 0:54:48It therefore gives me great pleasure to declare you are now married.

0:54:48 > 0:54:52- Congratulations. Llongyfarchiadau! - CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

0:54:58 > 0:55:02We are going to be upstanding

0:55:02 > 0:55:09and welcome the lovely couple, Mrs and Mrs Vidler.

0:55:09 > 0:55:11CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

0:55:13 > 0:55:17# Days like these lead to

0:55:17 > 0:55:21# Nights like this lead to

0:55:21 > 0:55:24# Love like ours

0:55:24 > 0:55:27# You light a spark in my bonfire heart

0:55:30 > 0:55:36# People like us We don't need that much

0:55:36 > 0:55:40# Just someone that starts... #

0:55:40 > 0:55:46'It has been a bit of a trek, really, but finally, we've...

0:55:46 > 0:55:48'You know, I've come to where I am.

0:55:48 > 0:55:52'Whatever I've been through has been through for a reason.

0:55:52 > 0:55:57'I've come out to where I am and I hope to go on for many years now,

0:55:57 > 0:55:59'happy, which I know I will be.

0:56:01 > 0:56:06'I do love her and I've never felt it before, not this type of love.'

0:56:06 > 0:56:08# Today is our turn

0:56:10 > 0:56:13# Days like these lead to

0:56:13 > 0:56:17# Nights like this leads to

0:56:17 > 0:56:20# Love like ours

0:56:20 > 0:56:23# You light the spark in my bonfire heart

0:56:25 > 0:56:31# People like us We don't need that much... #