Episode 7

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0:00:19 > 0:00:23Welcome to break away, a race to this finish line.

0:00:23 > 0:00:25There's £10,000 to be won,

0:00:25 > 0:00:28but will today's players stick together and win together,

0:00:28 > 0:00:33or break away from the pack in a bid to win everything for themselves?

0:00:33 > 0:00:35Today's six players are...

0:00:35 > 0:00:38I'm Sue. I'm a marketing consultant from Essex.

0:00:38 > 0:00:40I'm Alvin. I'm a digital media consultant from London.

0:00:40 > 0:00:44I'm Kris. I'm a business development manager from East Lothian.

0:00:44 > 0:00:46I'm Daisy. I'm a dentist and I'm from Cork.

0:00:46 > 0:00:50I'm Mark. I'm a science lecturer and I'm from London.

0:00:50 > 0:00:53I'm Laura. I'm a medical representative and I'm from Poole.

0:00:53 > 0:00:55Please take your places on the start line.

0:00:58 > 0:01:0230 correct answers stand between you and the finish line.

0:01:02 > 0:01:04With every correct answer,

0:01:04 > 0:01:07you'll win £100 for the communal prize pot

0:01:07 > 0:01:11waiting for you all to share at the end.

0:01:11 > 0:01:17But any one of you can, if you wish, choose to break away from the pack.

0:01:19 > 0:01:23And if you cross that finish line, the entire prize fund will be yours.

0:01:23 > 0:01:29If you break away, every question is worth £300,

0:01:29 > 0:01:35but answer a single question wrong and you risk instant elimination.

0:01:35 > 0:01:40There are seven subject categories of three questions each,

0:01:40 > 0:01:44and then the final nine questions could be about anything at all.

0:01:44 > 0:01:47Before I start asking you those questions,

0:01:47 > 0:01:50you have an important decision to make.

0:01:52 > 0:01:54You will be given the chance to break away now

0:01:54 > 0:01:56and after every three questions.

0:01:56 > 0:02:01You can see the break points marked on the track.

0:02:01 > 0:02:03You have five seconds to decide

0:02:03 > 0:02:07and only the person who buzzes in first will break away.

0:02:07 > 0:02:12If you were to break away now, I'm going to throw in a £1,000 bonus

0:02:12 > 0:02:15for the brave decision to do it so early, to go it alone.

0:02:15 > 0:02:21So, for the chance to win £10,000, does anybody wish to break away?

0:02:30 > 0:02:34OK. You're together as a team, you need to find out about each other,

0:02:34 > 0:02:36you need to know what your strengths and weaknesses are

0:02:36 > 0:02:40but, most of all, you need to answer the questions correctly.

0:02:40 > 0:02:44Today's seven subject categories are there on the screen.

0:02:44 > 0:02:46And your first subject is...

0:02:46 > 0:02:47movie soundtracks.

0:02:49 > 0:02:52You have 15 seconds to answer each question.

0:02:52 > 0:02:56One, and only one of you, must step forward and give me the answer

0:02:56 > 0:02:59before the time runs out.

0:02:59 > 0:03:01Are you all happy?

0:03:01 > 0:03:03- Are we ready to do this? - ALL: Yes.

0:03:03 > 0:03:05Question one.

0:03:15 > 0:03:18I know this, Slum Dog Millionaire. Will I go?

0:03:18 > 0:03:20Daisy?

0:03:20 > 0:03:23Yes, the answer is Slum Dog Millionaire.

0:03:23 > 0:03:25Is it Slum Dog Millionaire?

0:03:27 > 0:03:31- Come on up.- You're up and running, £100, first question.

0:03:31 > 0:03:34It's always nice to get that one out of the way.

0:03:34 > 0:03:37Question two.

0:03:43 > 0:03:45Oh, that's Simon and Garfunkel, isn't it?

0:03:45 > 0:03:48That would be Simon and Garfunkel, Nick.

0:03:48 > 0:03:50Is it Simon and Garfunkel?

0:03:52 > 0:03:56Well done. Two out of two, £200, you're on the way.

0:03:56 > 0:03:58Question three.

0:04:06 > 0:04:09That was Patrick Swayze.

0:04:09 > 0:04:11- Laura?- That was Patrick Swayze.

0:04:12 > 0:04:15- Was it Patrick Swayze?- Definitely.

0:04:17 > 0:04:22Well done, perfect start, £300. Three questions correct,

0:04:22 > 0:04:26no mistakes at all and we've reached today's first break point.

0:04:26 > 0:04:30But before then, there's something that might influence your decision.

0:04:31 > 0:04:34This is the chance to win yourself a life.

0:04:34 > 0:04:39Now, a life is very important, of course, if you break away and you get a question wrong.

0:04:39 > 0:04:43Because a life can protect you from instant elimination.

0:04:43 > 0:04:47For this question, you're going to be playing against each other, you are not a team.

0:04:47 > 0:04:49This is for your personal protection.

0:04:49 > 0:04:55The first person to buzz in and answer correctly will win themselves a life.

0:04:55 > 0:05:00The question always is - who, what, or where is this?

0:05:00 > 0:05:03This rock star was born in Chiswick, London, in 1951.

0:05:03 > 0:05:09At the age of 14, he took the role of the Artful Dodger in the West End production of Oliver

0:05:09 > 0:05:13and made childhood cameos in the Beatles video for A Hard Day's Night

0:05:13 > 0:05:16and the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

0:05:16 > 0:05:19His interest in music and drumming began at school, where

0:05:19 > 0:05:21- he played with his local school... - BUZZER

0:05:21 > 0:05:25- Mark?- I think that sounds much like Phil Collins, Nick.

0:05:25 > 0:05:28For the first life, is Mark right?

0:05:30 > 0:05:33Well done, Mark. So Mark gets the first life.

0:05:33 > 0:05:36- It just makes him that little bit safer.- Yes.

0:05:36 > 0:05:39And because you've won the life, you also get to choose the next subject category.

0:05:45 > 0:05:48I'd like to go for European food.

0:05:48 > 0:05:52So the next three questions will be on European food.

0:05:52 > 0:05:54Before I ask you those questions...

0:05:57 > 0:06:00..I want to stress how much more money can be won

0:06:00 > 0:06:02on this side of the track.

0:06:02 > 0:06:04Stick together, go through the line,

0:06:04 > 0:06:07you have £3,000 to share between you.

0:06:07 > 0:06:12Break away now, on your own through the line, £8,400 to yourself.

0:06:14 > 0:06:17Does anybody want to break away?

0:06:24 > 0:06:26Lots of looking around, lots of wondering.

0:06:26 > 0:06:27Perhaps not confident enough yet.

0:06:29 > 0:06:31Question number four.

0:06:36 > 0:06:39Herring, isn't it?

0:06:41 > 0:06:43- Sue?- Herring.

0:06:43 > 0:06:46Lots of shouts of herring there. Is herring the correct answer?

0:06:47 > 0:06:50Well done, another £100,

0:06:50 > 0:06:52another question negotiated.

0:06:52 > 0:06:54Question five.

0:06:59 > 0:07:02I had that in a pub quiz on Thursday. It's Norway.

0:07:02 > 0:07:04I got it wrong, but it's Norway.

0:07:04 > 0:07:09I feel like I've got a very naughty class in front of me. Daisy?

0:07:09 > 0:07:13- What answer would you like to give? - Norway.- Is the answer Norway?

0:07:16 > 0:07:18Yes! Good job, Mark.

0:07:19 > 0:07:22£500. It starts racking up quite nicely, doesn't it?

0:07:22 > 0:07:24Question number six.

0:07:31 > 0:07:33Oh, something "cine", fettuccine.

0:07:33 > 0:07:35Is it linguine?

0:07:35 > 0:07:37Something with "ine" at the end.

0:07:37 > 0:07:39Linguine.

0:07:41 > 0:07:44- Alvin?- Linguine.

0:07:46 > 0:07:48Is the answer linguine?

0:07:52 > 0:07:56Perfect start. Six questions, £600.

0:07:56 > 0:07:58We've reached another breakaway point

0:07:58 > 0:08:01and we've reached the chance to win another life.

0:08:01 > 0:08:04Fingers on your buzzers. It's always the same question -

0:08:04 > 0:08:07who, where or what is this?

0:08:07 > 0:08:10This soap was originally called Meadowcroft

0:08:10 > 0:08:14and was conceived by Phil Redmond, the creator of Grange Hill and Hollyoaks.

0:08:14 > 0:08:16- BUZZER - Mark?- Brookside.

0:08:16 > 0:08:18Is the answer Brookside?

0:08:20 > 0:08:22Well done, Mark.

0:08:22 > 0:08:25Mark gets himself another life.

0:08:26 > 0:08:30OK, so you've got the life, Mark, choose the next subject, please.

0:08:35 > 0:08:37Well, my worst subject is sport,

0:08:37 > 0:08:39so I'm definitely going to go to sport.

0:08:39 > 0:08:42I think we've got some sporting fans here.

0:08:42 > 0:08:44In the hope your teammates will help you through it.

0:08:44 > 0:08:48I'm going to now ask you the important question.

0:08:51 > 0:08:57If you stay together, you could win £3,000 split between you.

0:08:57 > 0:09:01£7,800 if you were to break away now

0:09:01 > 0:09:04and get yourself through that finish line.

0:09:04 > 0:09:09If you prevaricate and wait until later and later and later and later,

0:09:09 > 0:09:13hundreds and hundreds of pounds go missing.

0:09:13 > 0:09:17Does anybody want to break away?

0:09:21 > 0:09:26- Alvin has chosen to break away. - I did.- Alvin!

0:09:26 > 0:09:30Alvin, come and join me on the Breakaway track, please.

0:09:30 > 0:09:32Well done.

0:09:32 > 0:09:38OK, you have broken away on question six. There are 24 questions left.

0:09:38 > 0:09:40If you get through that finish line,

0:09:40 > 0:09:45£7,800 will be yours, Alvin.

0:09:45 > 0:09:50You can, if you want, ask somebody to come and join you.

0:09:50 > 0:09:52You get to share their knowledge,

0:09:52 > 0:09:55but if you get through the finish line together,

0:09:55 > 0:09:57you'll also have to split the money.

0:09:57 > 0:10:00Alvin, would you like to ask anybody to come and join you?

0:10:00 > 0:10:03I'm going to invite Laura, I think.

0:10:05 > 0:10:08You see Laura and yourself as the dream team here. Why Laura?

0:10:08 > 0:10:12I just think with our joint knowledge, potentially, we could go all the way.

0:10:12 > 0:10:14So, Laura, would you like to come and join Alvin?

0:10:14 > 0:10:17- No, it's too early for me, I'm not confident enough to go now.- OK.

0:10:17 > 0:10:20- Sorry, Alvin.- Do you feel rejected now, Alvin?

0:10:20 > 0:10:22- I thought we had a connection! - Sorry!

0:10:22 > 0:10:26All right, you're on your own. If you get through the next three questions,

0:10:26 > 0:10:29there will be another chance to ask somebody to join you, all right?

0:10:29 > 0:10:34The next three questions are going to be on sporting legends. Question seven.

0:10:44 > 0:10:4715 seconds, you're on your own, remember, Alvin.

0:10:47 > 0:10:49I'm pretty sure it's five or six.

0:10:49 > 0:10:52Seven seconds, you have to step forward and give the answer.

0:10:52 > 0:10:55Five seconds, four seconds, three seconds, Alvin, OK.

0:10:55 > 0:10:59- What's the answer, Alvin?- Five. - Is Alvin correct?

0:10:59 > 0:11:01Well done.

0:11:01 > 0:11:05Good start, £300, you're up and running. All right?

0:11:05 > 0:11:06- Yes, looking good.- Question eight.

0:11:15 > 0:11:18Oh, I know that as well.

0:11:18 > 0:11:19When you know the answer, step forward.

0:11:23 > 0:11:26Five seconds left, you need to hurry up.

0:11:26 > 0:11:28You need to step forward. Three seconds.

0:11:28 > 0:11:32- One second left there, Alvin. What's the answer?- Stephen Hendry.

0:11:32 > 0:11:33Is it Stephen Hendry?

0:11:35 > 0:11:39- Come on!- I don't know whether you're playing with us here, Alvin.

0:11:39 > 0:11:43You left that very, very fine, you left it so late. All right.

0:11:43 > 0:11:46Question nine.

0:11:53 > 0:11:56- I get them mixed up, there's Rumble in the Jungle.- 12 seconds.

0:11:56 > 0:11:58- Thriller in Manila.- Everybody does.

0:11:58 > 0:12:01It was either George Foreman or Joe Frazier.

0:12:01 > 0:12:04Eight seconds, seven seconds, six seconds, five seconds, four seconds.

0:12:04 > 0:12:07OK. Who was it?

0:12:09 > 0:12:11Joe Frazier.

0:12:11 > 0:12:14Is Joe Frazier the correct answer?

0:12:15 > 0:12:18Yes!

0:12:18 > 0:12:21Right, the money now is £1,500, that's how quickly it goes up.

0:12:21 > 0:12:25You've just added £900 by answering three questions.

0:12:25 > 0:12:27A life would be very nice and we're now at the next break point

0:12:27 > 0:12:31and you have a chance to win yourself one.

0:12:31 > 0:12:33But also, so does everybody else.

0:12:33 > 0:12:38OK, so it's fingers on buzzers, everybody. Who, what, where is this?

0:12:38 > 0:12:39This Canadian city,

0:12:39 > 0:12:45once known as Bytown in the 19th century, is the second largest in the province of Ontario

0:12:45 > 0:12:47and the fourth largest in the country,

0:12:47 > 0:12:51- sharing its name with the river on which it stands.- The...

0:12:51 > 0:12:53- BUZZER - Laura.- Orinoco.

0:12:53 > 0:12:56Is the answer Orinoco?

0:12:58 > 0:13:00Home to the National Museum Of Science and Technology,

0:13:00 > 0:13:02the National Gallery

0:13:02 > 0:13:06and the official residence of the Canadian Prime Minister at 24 Sussex...

0:13:06 > 0:13:09- BUZZER - Daisy.

0:13:09 > 0:13:11- Ottawa.- Is the answer Ottawa?

0:13:14 > 0:13:17Yes, it is, Daisy, well done. So, Daisy, you have won a life.

0:13:17 > 0:13:20The question is, do you want to bring a new life into the game,

0:13:20 > 0:13:22or do you want to take one off Mark?

0:13:22 > 0:13:25I have decided to bring a new life into the game, please.

0:13:25 > 0:13:28A new life into the game. Mark has two lives.

0:13:28 > 0:13:32Daisy, because you've won the life, you get to choose the next subject category.

0:13:32 > 0:13:35You are choosing what Alvin is going to have to answer here.

0:13:38 > 0:13:42- I am going towards classical literature.- Classical literature.

0:13:43 > 0:13:45Why did you choose it, Daisy?

0:13:45 > 0:13:47You look like someone who reads Jane Austen.

0:13:47 > 0:13:51Because he was strong on sport doesn't mean he isn't going to be strong on literature.

0:13:51 > 0:13:54Yeah, I love Keira Knightley.

0:13:54 > 0:13:58You've got a chance, because you're at a break point,

0:13:58 > 0:14:00to ask somebody to join you again.

0:14:00 > 0:14:04- Last time, Laura said no. - I'm over that.- You're over that.

0:14:04 > 0:14:06Would you like to ask somebody to come and join you?

0:14:06 > 0:14:08I'm going to have to, because I hate reading books.

0:14:08 > 0:14:11OK. Looks like Daisy may have chosen the right subject.

0:14:11 > 0:14:14Who would you like to come and join you?

0:14:14 > 0:14:16I'm going to have to go with Mark.

0:14:16 > 0:14:21- He might say no, but he's got two lifelines and he's quite a smart guy.- Mark,

0:14:21 > 0:14:23Alvin would like to join you, would you like to join him?

0:14:23 > 0:14:26It's too... Right, yeah...

0:14:26 > 0:14:29- No, no, thank you.- Oh.

0:14:29 > 0:14:32All right, Mark has said no. So you're on your own again.

0:14:32 > 0:14:36You have no lives, a pattern is emerging, maybe they've been chatting amongst themselves.

0:14:36 > 0:14:40They've decided to hang you out to dry. You're on £1,500.

0:14:40 > 0:14:42Alvin, you're on your own.

0:14:42 > 0:14:45Three questions to go on the subject of classical literature.

0:14:45 > 0:14:47Question ten.

0:14:56 > 0:15:0115 seconds, remember. Ten seconds left.

0:15:01 > 0:15:03If you don't step forward,

0:15:03 > 0:15:05you just fail anyway. Five seconds.

0:15:05 > 0:15:07Four, three, two.

0:15:07 > 0:15:08Alvin, what's the answer?

0:15:08 > 0:15:12Cosmopolitan.

0:15:12 > 0:15:13Is the answer Cosmopolitan?

0:15:16 > 0:15:18You knew, in your heart of hearts.

0:15:18 > 0:15:20You said you didn't like reading

0:15:20 > 0:15:22and you got a question that involved a book and a magazine.

0:15:22 > 0:15:25The answer was Vanity Fair.

0:15:25 > 0:15:28You were very brave to break out so early. You did well,

0:15:28 > 0:15:31you earned lots of money for them now.

0:15:31 > 0:15:34Done very well but, for you, the game's over.

0:15:34 > 0:15:35- No problem, thank you, Nick.- Cheers.

0:15:40 > 0:15:45- OK, so you are back in. - Come and join us on Question ten.

0:15:45 > 0:15:48You've got the money that Alvin's won for you. You are on £1,500.

0:15:48 > 0:15:50More than you would have been if you'd played as a team

0:15:50 > 0:15:54and he hadn't broken away. That, I have to say, felt like a hit,

0:15:54 > 0:15:57it felt like you'd stitched him up completely.

0:15:57 > 0:16:01Two of you didn't go and join him, Daisy chose the subject that she thought would get rid of him.

0:16:01 > 0:16:05- Ah, I didn't say that. - Well, I'm sorry, you did say that,

0:16:05 > 0:16:06that's exactly what you said.

0:16:06 > 0:16:09Anyway, the point of the matter is, you're back in the game.

0:16:09 > 0:16:11There's one less person to share the money with,

0:16:11 > 0:16:15and there's more money up there, £1,500.

0:16:15 > 0:16:18The subject is classic literature.

0:16:18 > 0:16:19Question ten.

0:16:24 > 0:16:28- Two Towers.- Two Towers.

0:16:28 > 0:16:32- Kris?- The Two Towers.

0:16:32 > 0:16:34Two Towers, Kris, thank you very much.

0:16:34 > 0:16:36Is that the first time

0:16:36 > 0:16:37- we've heard from you, Kris? - Yes. I've been quiet.

0:16:37 > 0:16:42- I know.- He's just warming up. - Is the answer The Two Towers?

0:16:43 > 0:16:47Yes, it is. It's another £100.

0:16:47 > 0:16:48Question 11.

0:16:55 > 0:16:57That's Jane Austen.

0:16:59 > 0:17:02- Sue?- Jane Austen. - Is the answer Jane Austen?

0:17:04 > 0:17:07Yes, it is. Another £100.

0:17:07 > 0:17:09Question 12.

0:17:19 > 0:17:20Is Clover the horse?

0:17:20 > 0:17:22You could be right...

0:17:22 > 0:17:23Ten seconds, remember.

0:17:23 > 0:17:25I think he's the horse.

0:17:25 > 0:17:27Seven, six, five.

0:17:27 > 0:17:30- Sue?- Horse?

0:17:30 > 0:17:34- If that is incorrect, you lose all of the money.- Oh!

0:17:34 > 0:17:36Is the answer horse?

0:17:42 > 0:17:46£1,800, you have. Well done.

0:17:46 > 0:17:49We have reached another breakaway point.

0:17:52 > 0:17:55After this, there is only one more life to be won.

0:17:55 > 0:17:58The usual question - who, what, or where is this?

0:17:58 > 0:18:03This footballer was born on 24th October 1985.

0:18:03 > 0:18:06He made his professional debut at the age of just 16

0:18:06 > 0:18:10and went on to win the BBC Young Sports Personality Of The Year,

0:18:10 > 0:18:13having only played in the Premier League for four months.

0:18:13 > 0:18:14- He made... - BUZZER

0:18:14 > 0:18:17- Kris is going to go for this. - Wayne Rooney.

0:18:17 > 0:18:19Is Wayne Rooney correct?

0:18:19 > 0:18:21Yes, it is. Kris, you win a life.

0:18:21 > 0:18:25The question, again, is do you want to bring a life into the game,

0:18:25 > 0:18:27or do you want to take one off Daisy or off Mark?

0:18:27 > 0:18:30- I'd like to take one off Mark.- You're going to take a life off Mark.

0:18:30 > 0:18:33Do you identify Mark as a threat, possibly?

0:18:35 > 0:18:37So Mark's life goes to Kris.

0:18:37 > 0:18:40Kris, because you've won the life, you get to choose the next category.

0:18:41 > 0:18:44So the choices are...

0:18:44 > 0:18:46- Kris?- I'll go for islands.- Islands.

0:18:47 > 0:18:51Mark, how do you feel about having that life taken off you?

0:18:51 > 0:18:53- Disappointed. There we go. - Do you take it personally?

0:18:53 > 0:18:55- No, no.- You should.

0:18:56 > 0:18:59So the next three questions will be on islands.

0:18:59 > 0:19:06Before that, we have that very significant moment once again.

0:19:06 > 0:19:08Somebody's already broken away once.

0:19:09 > 0:19:11We know what happens over here.

0:19:11 > 0:19:14The money is just that bit more significant.

0:19:14 > 0:19:17Does anybody wish to break away?

0:19:24 > 0:19:28It's all very well, Sue, talking to Laura and asking Laura,

0:19:28 > 0:19:31but Laura could say, "No, I'm not going to," then press the button.

0:19:31 > 0:19:37- I know.- You're all staying together. The next question is question 13.

0:19:45 > 0:19:46- Ibiza.- It is Ibiza.

0:19:49 > 0:19:53- Daisy?- It's Ibiza. - Is the answer Ibiza?

0:19:53 > 0:19:57Well done, you're working very well as a team.

0:19:57 > 0:19:59Question 14.

0:20:04 > 0:20:07- That's Sicily. I'm sure.- Definitely?

0:20:07 > 0:20:08- Definitely Sicily.- Go ahead.

0:20:08 > 0:20:11- The answer is Sicily. - If it's wrong, you lose everything.

0:20:11 > 0:20:13Is Sicily correct?

0:20:15 > 0:20:17Well done, another question done, £2,000.

0:20:19 > 0:20:21Question 15.

0:20:25 > 0:20:29Honshu? Is it? Honshu?

0:20:29 > 0:20:31Honshu.

0:20:32 > 0:20:36- Go on, Kris, go for it. - Eight seconds. Kris?

0:20:36 > 0:20:39- Honshu.- Is the answer Honshu?

0:20:41 > 0:20:44Well done, another £100.

0:20:44 > 0:20:46That's islands done and dusted.

0:20:46 > 0:20:49We've reached another breakaway point. We're really moving on.

0:20:49 > 0:20:52Halfway through the game now.

0:20:52 > 0:20:55We're going to ask the question to win a life now.

0:20:55 > 0:20:57Last chance, no more lives after this.

0:20:57 > 0:21:01Could really affect the balance of power and make a big difference.

0:21:01 > 0:21:04Who, where, or what is this?

0:21:04 > 0:21:07This king was the son of Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales,

0:21:07 > 0:21:11and Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.

0:21:11 > 0:21:14His father died when he was 12, leaving him heir to the throne,

0:21:14 > 0:21:18and his accession took place in 1760, in the midst of the Seven Years' War.

0:21:18 > 0:21:20BUZZER

0:21:20 > 0:21:24- Mark?- Is it George III?

0:21:24 > 0:21:27Are you asking me a question, or giving me the answer?

0:21:27 > 0:21:30George III is what you've said. Is it George III?

0:21:31 > 0:21:34- Well done!- OK.

0:21:35 > 0:21:38Mark, please shut your mouth, Mark. Daisy, as a dentist,

0:21:38 > 0:21:41she was getting professionally interested there.

0:21:41 > 0:21:44Mark gets another life. The question is...

0:21:44 > 0:21:46And again, tactics, tactics, tactics.

0:21:46 > 0:21:50..do you want to bring a life into the game, do you want to take a life off someone?

0:21:50 > 0:21:52- No, I think I'll take a new life, please.- OK.

0:21:52 > 0:21:56Mark has two lives. There are no more lives to be won.

0:21:56 > 0:22:02Daisy has one life, Kris has one life, Sue no lives, Laura no lives.

0:22:02 > 0:22:05Mark's won his life, he gets to choose the next category.

0:22:09 > 0:22:12Oh, I don't know. Sitcoms, I think.

0:22:12 > 0:22:16Sitcoms. But before that, we have the key question to ask.

0:22:19 > 0:22:21If you're going to do it

0:22:21 > 0:22:24and you want to earn the maximum amount of money,

0:22:24 > 0:22:27£6,600, you've got to be doing it soon.

0:22:28 > 0:22:31Does anybody want to break away?

0:22:37 > 0:22:40I'm a rubbish salesman, aren't I?!

0:22:40 > 0:22:44Three questions, you're staying as a team, you're not ready to go yet.

0:22:44 > 0:22:48Your decision entirely. Question 16.

0:22:55 > 0:22:57- The Royle Family.- Go for it.

0:22:57 > 0:22:59- I wouldn't have got that.- Kris?

0:22:59 > 0:23:01- The Royle Family. - Is it The Royle Family?

0:23:03 > 0:23:04Well done, Kris.

0:23:04 > 0:23:08£2,200. Kris was very confident.

0:23:08 > 0:23:11He came in with it first. Mark said he wouldn't have known it.

0:23:11 > 0:23:14Maybe that's why he chose sitcoms,

0:23:14 > 0:23:17that maybe is why he didn't break away.

0:23:17 > 0:23:18Question 17.

0:23:30 > 0:23:33Oh, that would have been Last Of The Summer Wine. Yeah, I'm sure.

0:23:33 > 0:23:35- Those are the dates.- Can I?

0:23:35 > 0:23:39Of course you can. I give you permission.

0:23:39 > 0:23:41- What's the answer? - Last Of The Summer Wine.

0:23:41 > 0:23:45Last Of The Summer Wine, is that correct?

0:23:47 > 0:23:51£2,300. Question 18.

0:24:01 > 0:24:04His name is Kelsey Grammer.

0:24:05 > 0:24:09Eight seconds. Seven seconds.

0:24:09 > 0:24:10Step forward. Sue steps forward.

0:24:10 > 0:24:14- Kelsey Grammer.- Kelsey Grammer.

0:24:14 > 0:24:16Is the answer Kelsey Grammer?

0:24:19 > 0:24:23Yes, it is. Well done, Laura.

0:24:23 > 0:24:26We have £2,400. The last category is...

0:24:30 > 0:24:33After we ask that other question.

0:24:34 > 0:24:39Breakaway now, on your own through the line, £6,000 could be won.

0:24:41 > 0:24:44Does anybody want to break away?

0:24:51 > 0:24:53I'm starting to think

0:24:53 > 0:24:56you're going to go all the way as a team...

0:24:56 > 0:24:58- We like each other.- ..which would be lovely, and why not?

0:24:58 > 0:25:01There's lots of money there. The only risk in that

0:25:01 > 0:25:05is if you get one wrong, you could have no pounds.

0:25:05 > 0:25:08All right. Question 19.

0:25:14 > 0:25:16- Judo.- Judo, yeah.

0:25:16 > 0:25:18We think it's judo.

0:25:18 > 0:25:21Is judo the correct answer?

0:25:21 > 0:25:25It is. £100 goes on to the total.

0:25:25 > 0:25:28£2,500.

0:25:28 > 0:25:31Nice little total. Little.

0:25:31 > 0:25:33Question 20.

0:25:44 > 0:25:47Ten seconds to go,

0:25:47 > 0:25:49a lot of anxious faces.

0:25:49 > 0:25:52Seven seconds. Five seconds. If you don't step forward,

0:25:52 > 0:25:54you lose the money without answering.

0:25:54 > 0:25:59- Sue?- Xiaoping? - Xiaoping. If you're wrong...

0:25:59 > 0:26:01- I AM wrong.- ..you lose everything.

0:26:01 > 0:26:05- Have you just made it up?- No, I...

0:26:05 > 0:26:07It might be right, it might be right.

0:26:09 > 0:26:11Is Xiaoping the correct answer?

0:26:15 > 0:26:20Step back, please, you're still on the same question.

0:26:20 > 0:26:22Do not say I didn't warn you.

0:26:22 > 0:26:27£2,500 is no longer there.

0:26:27 > 0:26:30The answer was Hu Jintao. All right,

0:26:30 > 0:26:32no pounds, it's a time to think.

0:26:32 > 0:26:36There's less reason to stay over that side. So, again, question 20.

0:26:43 > 0:26:44Carla Bruni.

0:26:44 > 0:26:47- OK.- The answer is Carla Bruni.

0:26:47 > 0:26:49Is the answer Carla Bruni?

0:26:52 > 0:26:56You've got £100. Question 21.

0:27:00 > 0:27:02- Mussolini.- That is Mussolini,

0:27:02 > 0:27:05- definitely.- 13 seconds. Sue?

0:27:05 > 0:27:07- Mussolini.- Mussolini.

0:27:07 > 0:27:09Last time you told me the name of a world leader, it was wrong.

0:27:09 > 0:27:13- I know.- Is the answer Mussolini?

0:27:16 > 0:27:18Well done. £200, between you.

0:27:18 > 0:27:21We have reached the final run-in.

0:27:21 > 0:27:24Just nine questions remain.

0:27:24 > 0:27:27From now on, the questions are pot luck.

0:27:27 > 0:27:30They could be on anything whatsoever.

0:27:30 > 0:27:33You'll now have 30 seconds to answer.

0:27:33 > 0:27:36Right, I'm going to ask you that question again.

0:27:39 > 0:27:43£2,900 could be won if you broke away now

0:27:43 > 0:27:46and went through the finish line on your own.

0:27:46 > 0:27:51If you stay together, £1,100 between you.

0:27:51 > 0:27:55If you stay together on that side. Would anybody like to break away?

0:28:00 > 0:28:04Very, very quick on the buzzer. Daisy has broken away.

0:28:04 > 0:28:07Daisy, please come and join me on the Breakaway track.

0:28:07 > 0:28:11- Daisy, you have broken away on question 21.- Yes.

0:28:11 > 0:28:14There are nine questions left

0:28:14 > 0:28:17between you and the finish line.

0:28:17 > 0:28:20If you cross that finish line, the entire prize fund

0:28:20 > 0:28:24of £2,900 could be yours.

0:28:24 > 0:28:27The question is, can you get there on your own?

0:28:27 > 0:28:29Daisy, would you like anybody to come and join you?

0:28:29 > 0:28:33- Yes, I would, please.- Who would you like to ask to join you?

0:28:33 > 0:28:36- I'd like to ask Mark to join me.- OK.

0:28:36 > 0:28:40- Mark, would you like to come and join Daisy?- No, thank you.- Wow!

0:28:40 > 0:28:44You may live to regret that, Mark, because Daisy might go all the way.

0:28:44 > 0:28:46Who knows?

0:28:46 > 0:28:50The important thing is to answer these questions correctly. You've got one life to protect you, OK?

0:28:50 > 0:28:54- There's not a great margin of error. - No.- Question 22.

0:29:06 > 0:29:09Don't look at me.

0:29:12 > 0:29:15You've got time. OK.

0:29:15 > 0:29:20- Great Eagle. Great... I don't know. - Great?- Yes.

0:29:20 > 0:29:24Is the answer the Great Eagle?

0:29:27 > 0:29:30- The answer is the Bald Eagle. - Oh, right.

0:29:30 > 0:29:33- So you've fallen at the first hurdle.- Yes.

0:29:33 > 0:29:36But you're still in the game. You lose a life, Daisy.

0:29:36 > 0:29:38Very vulnerable now.

0:29:38 > 0:29:42Any of these questions wrong, you're out of the game.

0:29:42 > 0:29:44Again. Question 22.

0:29:53 > 0:29:57- Stepped forward before the clock even started.- Alexander McQueen.

0:29:57 > 0:30:00Alexander McQueen, says Daisy, looking very, very confident.

0:30:00 > 0:30:03Is the answer Alexander McQueen?

0:30:06 > 0:30:09Well done. £500 is up there.

0:30:09 > 0:30:11Question 23.

0:30:25 > 0:30:27I'm not British. OK...

0:30:28 > 0:30:31It still exists, even if you're not British.

0:30:31 > 0:30:36- I am aware.- 20 seconds, 19, 18, 17. - I'm going to have to guess. OK.

0:30:37 > 0:30:39I'm going to say Manchester.

0:30:39 > 0:30:42If Manchester isn't the right answer, Daisy,

0:30:42 > 0:30:44the game is over for you.

0:30:44 > 0:30:47Is the answer Manchester?

0:30:52 > 0:30:55- Leeds.- Oh. - The answer is Leeds, Daisy.

0:30:55 > 0:30:59So not only do you have to take a step back, you have to take a step all the way back.

0:30:59 > 0:31:02- Goodbye. Good luck. - Thank you very much, Daisy.

0:31:07 > 0:31:10So you're back in, it's not a long walk.

0:31:10 > 0:31:13Come and join me, please, on question 23.

0:31:15 > 0:31:18Daisy has managed to add £300 to the total.

0:31:18 > 0:31:20So you're on £500 at the moment.

0:31:20 > 0:31:25Two more questions and somebody can have a chance to break away. OK?

0:31:25 > 0:31:27Question 23.

0:31:36 > 0:31:39- I think we can give that to you, Mark.- The fourth number...?

0:31:39 > 0:31:423.141... It's one.

0:31:42 > 0:31:45- 20 seconds.- It's one.

0:31:45 > 0:31:47Is one the correct answer?

0:31:49 > 0:31:54- Please step forward.- Kris and Mark. - It was Kris.- Kris, well done, Kris.

0:31:54 > 0:31:56Question 24.

0:32:02 > 0:32:05Vilnius is Lithuania. Tallinn is Estonia. Definitely Latvia.

0:32:07 > 0:32:10- Latvia.- Is the answer Latvia?

0:32:11 > 0:32:13Well done.

0:32:13 > 0:32:16You have reached the next break point.

0:32:16 > 0:32:19Mark has two lives, Kris has one life, Sue has no lives,

0:32:19 > 0:32:24Laura has no lives. There are six questions left.

0:32:24 > 0:32:28A potential £2,500, if you were to break away.

0:32:32 > 0:32:35Does anybody wish to break away?

0:32:40 > 0:32:44Mark, come and join me on the Breakaway track.

0:32:44 > 0:32:48Mark, you have broken away on question 24.

0:32:48 > 0:32:52There are six questions between you and that finish line.

0:32:52 > 0:32:56A potential £2,500, the entire prize fund, could be yours

0:32:56 > 0:32:58if you make it on your own.

0:32:58 > 0:33:00The question is, are you sure

0:33:00 > 0:33:01you can make it there on your own?

0:33:01 > 0:33:04You've seen other people fail.

0:33:04 > 0:33:07- Would you like to ask anybody to come and join you?- Yes, I would.

0:33:07 > 0:33:08Who would you like to ask?

0:33:08 > 0:33:12I would like the person with the life. I would like to ask Kris.

0:33:12 > 0:33:15- Kris, would you like to come and join Mark?- Yes, I would.

0:33:15 > 0:33:18Kris, come and join Mark.

0:33:18 > 0:33:21- Are we ready, gentlemen? - Yes.- Indeed.

0:33:21 > 0:33:23Question 25.

0:33:37 > 0:33:39Arsenal, Tottenham, Fulham.

0:33:39 > 0:33:42- 25 seconds.- West Ham...

0:33:43 > 0:33:46- No, West Ham aren't. - So that's three.

0:33:46 > 0:33:49- No, it's four, Arsenal, Tottenham, Fulham, Chelsea.- 15 seconds.

0:33:49 > 0:33:51I can't think of anybody else.

0:33:51 > 0:33:55Ten, nine, eight... Step forward.

0:33:55 > 0:33:57Five seconds is coming up.

0:33:58 > 0:34:02Right, Mark, five seconds was on the clock.

0:34:04 > 0:34:07- Four.- Is the answer four?

0:34:10 > 0:34:16Please step back, Mark. The answer is five. You forgot QPR.

0:34:16 > 0:34:20A life must be lost. You can take a life off Kris, or a life off Mark.

0:34:20 > 0:34:24- It's whose life.- We could take Kris's life and leave him with nothing or, actually,

0:34:24 > 0:34:27weaken Mark a bit more by taking one of Mark's lives.

0:34:27 > 0:34:29The best way is to leave the person on their own.

0:34:29 > 0:34:33- OK, so let's take Kris's. - We're going to take Kris's life, I'm sorry, Kris.

0:34:33 > 0:34:39- Oh, I'm sad.- Sorry.- So Kris goes down to no lives, although he's still in the game, of course.

0:34:39 > 0:34:41It was an extra life that you'd got there.

0:34:41 > 0:34:44Once again, question 25.

0:34:51 > 0:34:55Oh, that was James Callaghan, absolutely. 100%.

0:34:55 > 0:34:58Step forward, if you'd like to. The answer, Mark, is...

0:34:58 > 0:35:00James Callaghan.

0:35:00 > 0:35:03Is James Callaghan the correct answer?

0:35:05 > 0:35:08Yes. £300. Come and join him, Kris.

0:35:08 > 0:35:09One more question done.

0:35:09 > 0:35:12Question 26.

0:35:20 > 0:35:22Step forward if you have an answer.

0:35:22 > 0:35:25I think that could possibly be 60, actually, Nick.

0:35:25 > 0:35:27- You're a science master? - I am a mathematics lecturer.

0:35:27 > 0:35:29- Mathematics lecturer.- Yes.

0:35:29 > 0:35:34- Embarrassing if you got it wrong. - It would be absolutely awful, Nick.

0:35:34 > 0:35:35Is the answer 60?

0:35:40 > 0:35:45Kris, come and join him. Now, just four more questions to go. £1,300.

0:35:45 > 0:35:48£2,500, potentially.

0:35:48 > 0:35:50Question 27.

0:36:03 > 0:36:07- Is it seven or nine? Something like that.- Don't know.

0:36:07 > 0:36:08I don't know either.

0:36:08 > 0:36:11We're down to 15 seconds now, guys.

0:36:11 > 0:36:13- Shall we go seven?- Seven.

0:36:13 > 0:36:15OK, Kris steps forward.

0:36:15 > 0:36:18The answer, Kris, how many astronauts have walked on the moon?

0:36:18 > 0:36:21- Seven.- You're going to go for seven.

0:36:21 > 0:36:23- Is that a total guess, or do you feel you know it?- Total guess.

0:36:23 > 0:36:25Is that correct?

0:36:27 > 0:36:29Step back, please, Kris,

0:36:29 > 0:36:31you're still on the same question.

0:36:31 > 0:36:33- The correct answer is 12. - Oh, blimey.

0:36:33 > 0:36:37- Laura and Sue, up to you again. - I'm sorry.

0:36:37 > 0:36:40Are you going to take Kris out of the game,

0:36:40 > 0:36:42or are you going to take a life off Mark?

0:36:42 > 0:36:46We have to make Mark vulnerable, we have to get rid of Kris. Sorry, Kris.

0:36:46 > 0:36:48Kris, I'm really sorry. For you, the game is over.

0:36:48 > 0:36:51- Thanks very much indeed. - Cheers, Kris.- Sorry, darling.

0:36:56 > 0:36:58So, Mark, you are on your own.

0:36:58 > 0:37:01You've already had two incorrect answers since you broke away.

0:37:01 > 0:37:04You've got two lives left. You know how difficult it can be.

0:37:04 > 0:37:06If you get the next question right,

0:37:06 > 0:37:10you will have another chance to bring someone across,

0:37:10 > 0:37:11if they want to come, of course.

0:37:11 > 0:37:16- But for now, you need to answer the next question correctly.- Yes.

0:37:16 > 0:37:19The next question is question 27.

0:37:28 > 0:37:32Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,

0:37:32 > 0:37:35- Numbers, Deuteronomy. - I just want the third one.

0:37:37 > 0:37:40Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus. Leviticus.

0:37:40 > 0:37:43- The answer is Leviticus?- Yes.

0:37:43 > 0:37:45Is the answer Leviticus?

0:37:46 > 0:37:51- Well done, Mark. - Thank you very much.- Another £300.

0:37:51 > 0:37:54You're on the way to that £2,500.

0:37:54 > 0:37:56We are at a break point,

0:37:56 > 0:37:59so you now have a chance to ask somebody to join you.

0:37:59 > 0:38:02- Would you like to ask somebody to join you?- Yes.

0:38:02 > 0:38:04- Who would you like to join you? - I'd like to ask Laura.

0:38:04 > 0:38:07Laura, would you like to come and join Mark on the Breakaway track, or not?

0:38:07 > 0:38:11He's still got two lives left, so I'd be silly not to join Mark, to be honest.

0:38:13 > 0:38:16Laura, please come and join Mark on the Breakaway track.

0:38:18 > 0:38:21Face that finish line. That's where we are heading.

0:38:21 > 0:38:23Currently, it's £1,600.

0:38:23 > 0:38:29If you cross the line together, £2,500 to be shared between you.

0:38:29 > 0:38:31Question 28.

0:38:41 > 0:38:45- 30 seconds is now down to 25 seconds.- Goodness, I have no idea.

0:38:45 > 0:38:48- Schadenfreude? - I've never even heard of that.

0:38:48 > 0:38:4920 seconds.

0:38:49 > 0:38:53It must be something we use in everyday language, mustn't it?

0:38:55 > 0:38:59- Oh, I've got a German friend... - Ten seconds.

0:38:59 > 0:39:02You need to step forward when you think you know the answer.

0:39:02 > 0:39:06- Only five seconds left, you don't want to lose this.- Go for it.

0:39:06 > 0:39:09Mark, You believe the answer is...

0:39:09 > 0:39:15- Schadenfreude.- Schadenfreude. Is that the correct answer?

0:39:16 > 0:39:19- Ooh!- Well done. Step forward.

0:39:19 > 0:39:25Two questions to go. £1,900 up there. £2,500, potentially.

0:39:26 > 0:39:28Question 29.

0:39:33 > 0:39:38- Oh, that's lead.- Iron? - No, no... Pb, lead.- Of course it is.

0:39:38 > 0:39:43- Mark?- The answer is lead. - Is the answer lead?

0:39:46 > 0:39:49It is. Laura, come and join him.

0:39:49 > 0:39:50- One question to go.- Yeah.

0:39:51 > 0:39:55Get this question right, you will walk through that line

0:39:55 > 0:39:57- and you will share £2,500. - Go on, Mark!

0:39:57 > 0:40:02- You are virtually there, £2,200 is what it says.- Right.- Are you ready?

0:40:02 > 0:40:05- Yes.- Yes.

0:40:05 > 0:40:07Question 30.

0:40:17 > 0:40:19Oh, my God.

0:40:19 > 0:40:22Oh, it's er... Oh, what is it?

0:40:22 > 0:40:2525 seconds.

0:40:28 > 0:40:34- It's Hunter, I'm sure it's Hunter. - 15 seconds...- Yeah, it's Hunter.

0:40:34 > 0:40:37Step forward if you want to answer.

0:40:37 > 0:40:42You say the surname of Florence from Florence and the Machine is...

0:40:42 > 0:40:43- Hunter.- If it's Hunter,

0:40:43 > 0:40:45you step through the line, the two of you together,

0:40:45 > 0:40:49you will win £2,500 to share.

0:40:50 > 0:40:53Is the answer Hunter?

0:40:57 > 0:41:00- Oh, no!- Step back, Mark, please.

0:41:00 > 0:41:02You're still on question 30.

0:41:04 > 0:41:08- The answer is Welch. Florence Welch. - I wouldn't have known that.

0:41:08 > 0:41:11Sue, a decision to make.

0:41:11 > 0:41:15You can take Laura out of the game, or you can take a life from Mark.

0:41:15 > 0:41:19- Your decision. - If I take a life from Mark,

0:41:19 > 0:41:22is that really going to make a huge difference?

0:41:22 > 0:41:25- I'm going to be horrible, Laura, I'm sorry.- No!

0:41:25 > 0:41:28Sorry. Really sorry.

0:41:28 > 0:41:30I'm afraid that's the way it works.

0:41:30 > 0:41:35- It's a difficult decision for Sue anyway.- No, that's fine, I fully understand.

0:41:35 > 0:41:39- For you, the game is over. - Thank you. Good luck, Mark.- Thanks.

0:41:45 > 0:41:49So, Mark, you are on your own again, which isn't that bad a thing,

0:41:49 > 0:41:52because it means if you get the next question right,

0:41:52 > 0:41:56you will have your £2,500 to yourself.

0:41:56 > 0:41:58- You still have two lives.- IF!

0:41:58 > 0:42:02- You're in a strong position. Good luck.- Thank you.- Question 30.

0:42:03 > 0:42:07£2,500. Very, very simple.

0:42:18 > 0:42:2330 seconds, you need to step forward when you know the answer.

0:42:23 > 0:42:27I have absolutely no idea whatsoever.

0:42:29 > 0:42:32They sound like fantasy novels.

0:42:33 > 0:42:3515 seconds.

0:42:35 > 0:42:38If you don't step forward... Ten seconds.

0:42:38 > 0:42:40..you will get it wrong whatever happens.

0:42:40 > 0:42:43- OK, you've stepped forward. The answer is?- Terry Pratchett.

0:42:43 > 0:42:45- You're going to say Terry Pratchett? - Yes.

0:42:45 > 0:42:47- Not the question you wanted? - No. Certainly not.

0:42:47 > 0:42:50- It's a question that you feel vulnerable on.- Yes.

0:42:50 > 0:42:53It's a question I haven't got a clue about.

0:42:53 > 0:42:57If it's right, if it is Terry Pratchett, you will cross this line

0:42:57 > 0:43:00with £2,500, that would be great.

0:43:00 > 0:43:04If it's wrong, you're still in the same place, a life will go.

0:43:04 > 0:43:09Thousands of people will know the answer, the question is, do you?

0:43:09 > 0:43:13Is the answer Terry Pratchett?

0:43:15 > 0:43:17Step across that line,

0:43:17 > 0:43:19- you've won £2,500.- Oh, my God!

0:43:21 > 0:43:26- That was a complete guess!- And now, you have £2,500.- Oh, my God!

0:43:26 > 0:43:30- Well done, Mark.- Well done, Mark. - £2,500 on a complete guess.

0:43:30 > 0:43:33- An educated guess. - An educated guess.

0:43:33 > 0:43:35Never ceases to surprise me, this game.

0:43:35 > 0:43:39Join us next time, when six more players face that tantalising dilemma -

0:43:39 > 0:43:43play it safe and share the money, or risk everything with a breakaway.

0:43:43 > 0:43:45- Goodbye. ..Well done. - Thank you very much.

0:43:58 > 0:44:02Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd