Episode 2

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0:00:02 > 0:00:04Welcome to the quiz show that demands nothing less than perfection.

0:00:04 > 0:00:08Behind this screen are four contestants who will be hoping their knowledge is flawless

0:00:08 > 0:00:11because one single mistake could give the game away.

0:00:11 > 0:00:13This is Perfection.

0:00:19 > 0:00:21APPLAUSE

0:00:24 > 0:00:26Hello and welcome to Perfection -

0:00:26 > 0:00:28the quiz show where only perfect play is good enough.

0:00:28 > 0:00:31Behind me are the contestants. We call them the Usual Suspects.

0:00:31 > 0:00:33They are in our isolation room.

0:00:33 > 0:00:35In a moment, we will find out which one of them

0:00:35 > 0:00:38has been randomly selected to join me here today to play Perfection.

0:00:38 > 0:00:42They will then face a series of true or false statements.

0:00:42 > 0:00:43For example, if I said...

0:00:47 > 0:00:49Would you say that is true or false?

0:00:49 > 0:00:52Well, if you had said true, I can tell you, you would be right.

0:00:52 > 0:00:54Answering true or false might seem easy

0:00:54 > 0:00:57but if a contestant gets a single answer wrong, their opponents,

0:00:57 > 0:00:59the Usual Suspects, will be

0:00:59 > 0:01:02allowed into the game to capitalise on their mistakes.

0:01:02 > 0:01:06So, you know how the game works. Let's meet the Usual Suspects.

0:01:06 > 0:01:09Hello, I'm Glenn. I'm from Garstang in Lancashire.

0:01:09 > 0:01:12I'm a sales rep and this is my first game.

0:01:12 > 0:01:14Hi, I'm Alexis from Wrexham.

0:01:14 > 0:01:16I'm a stay at home mum and this is my third game.

0:01:16 > 0:01:20Hi, I'm Alison. I'm from Westwood in Kent.

0:01:20 > 0:01:23I'm an HR manager and this is my third game.

0:01:23 > 0:01:25Hi, I'm Michael from Charlton in London.

0:01:25 > 0:01:28I'm a pier master and this is my fourth game.

0:01:28 > 0:01:31Well, welcome to you all and best of luck as we now find out which

0:01:31 > 0:01:35one of you has been randomly picked to play Perfection.

0:01:38 > 0:01:41Michael, please come and play Perfection.

0:01:41 > 0:01:43APPLAUSE

0:01:43 > 0:01:46Michael, welcome to the game. Let's learn a little bit more about you.

0:01:46 > 0:01:48A riverboat man working on the Thames.

0:01:48 > 0:01:51Yeah, I'm a pier master working on the Thames, the great River Thames.

0:01:51 > 0:01:53One of the great old trades, isn't it?

0:01:53 > 0:01:55It's one of the old trades of the river.

0:01:55 > 0:01:57You had a chance to bond for a little while there with Alexis

0:01:57 > 0:02:00and Alison, not so much with Glenn though, but I imagine they're

0:02:00 > 0:02:03probably going to look after you give you nice, easy...

0:02:03 > 0:02:06Of course they will. I know the girls will look after me.

0:02:06 > 0:02:08Well, it's now you versus the Usual Suspects.

0:02:08 > 0:02:10They were your team-mates, they're now your enemies.

0:02:10 > 0:02:12Their job is to stop you from winning the prize fund because

0:02:12 > 0:02:15your failure will mean the prize money rolls over to the next game,

0:02:15 > 0:02:18where one of them could be sitting here playing for a bigger total.

0:02:18 > 0:02:21Now, every game on Perfection is worth £1,000.

0:02:21 > 0:02:24Unfortunately for you, the last game was won,

0:02:24 > 0:02:28which means it's reset now, the prize fund, to £1,000.

0:02:28 > 0:02:29APPLAUSE

0:02:31 > 0:02:34- But £1,000 is good money by anybody's standards, isn't it?- Yeah.

0:02:34 > 0:02:36It would give me that little holiday I want.

0:02:36 > 0:02:39What sort of holiday are we talking about? What would you like to do?

0:02:39 > 0:02:40It's weird that I work on the river

0:02:40 > 0:02:43but I've never, ever been on a cruise.

0:02:43 > 0:02:47- Take the missus along?- I suppose so, yeah.- Does she like boats?

0:02:47 > 0:02:50I hope she does because it's my dream, I want to go on a cruise.

0:02:50 > 0:02:53- So, hopefully, yes.- Well, look, good luck. Here's how the game works.

0:02:53 > 0:02:55You will play three rounds and then a final.

0:02:55 > 0:02:58Every round you achieve Perfection will make the final easier for you.

0:02:58 > 0:03:00However, if your performance is anything less than perfect,

0:03:00 > 0:03:03the Usual Suspects will have the chance to step in

0:03:03 > 0:03:06and steal the round, making the final much harder.

0:03:06 > 0:03:10Usual Suspects, we are going to switch you off for now. So, cheerio.

0:03:10 > 0:03:11And away they go.

0:03:11 > 0:03:13Michael, you can now talk through your answers

0:03:13 > 0:03:15without giving away any vital knowledge.

0:03:15 > 0:03:17Each round has four true or false statements.

0:03:17 > 0:03:19You'll answer against the clock.

0:03:19 > 0:03:22You'll only get 45 seconds and once you've given your answers,

0:03:22 > 0:03:25your first answer, it will be locked in. You ready?

0:03:25 > 0:03:28- Yeah, let's go. - Then let's play Perfection.

0:03:28 > 0:03:30APPLAUSE

0:03:32 > 0:03:35Round 1. Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:03:40 > 0:03:43I think he climbed it before that

0:03:43 > 0:03:45- so I'll go false.- False.

0:03:52 > 0:03:53St James's Park, London.

0:03:55 > 0:03:57- I'd say true.- True.

0:04:01 > 0:04:02That's false.

0:04:02 > 0:04:04False. And finally...

0:04:09 > 0:04:10Never seen it.

0:04:12 > 0:04:13No. False.

0:04:13 > 0:04:15False.

0:04:15 > 0:04:18And, with time to spare, you've answered all four statements.

0:04:18 > 0:04:21- How do you think that went? - All right except for the last one.

0:04:21 > 0:04:23I haven't seen anything to do with the Mad Men.

0:04:23 > 0:04:26Before we reveal how well you've done, it's time for us

0:04:26 > 0:04:29to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:04:29 > 0:04:31So, Usual Suspects, these are the four statements

0:04:31 > 0:04:35and next to them are Michael's answers. Alison, how has he done?

0:04:35 > 0:04:37I'm not sure what year Edmund Hillary

0:04:37 > 0:04:39climbed Mount Everest.

0:04:39 > 0:04:41That's the only one I'm not really too sure about.

0:04:41 > 0:04:42Alexis, what do you think?

0:04:42 > 0:04:44I think he's done OK. I think he's done quite well.

0:04:44 > 0:04:47Glenn, can you see any holes in his answers?

0:04:47 > 0:04:49- I think he's got Perfection. I think he's had a good start.- Wow.

0:04:49 > 0:04:51It's the moment of truth.

0:04:51 > 0:04:54You need to have answered all four perfectly to have won the round.

0:04:54 > 0:04:56Let's find out how many you got correct.

0:05:01 > 0:05:04Three out of four is pretty good but not good enough.

0:05:04 > 0:05:06I'm afraid you haven't achieved Perfection.

0:05:06 > 0:05:09You've let your enemies, the Usual Suspects, into the game.

0:05:09 > 0:05:11Usual Suspects, can you steal the round?

0:05:11 > 0:05:14You can see Michael's answers. You need to change one of them.

0:05:14 > 0:05:16But which one?

0:05:16 > 0:05:19Mad Men, I'm sure, is politics-based which suggests Washington DC.

0:05:19 > 0:05:21- I think I've seen them. - ALEXIS:- Shall we do D?

0:05:21 > 0:05:22D to true, yeah.

0:05:22 > 0:05:26- Nick, I think we'd like to change D from false to true.- Lovely.

0:05:26 > 0:05:30D changes from false to true leaving A, B and C as answered by Michael.

0:05:30 > 0:05:33Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:05:33 > 0:05:37If a statement turns green, it's true. If it turns red, it's false.

0:05:37 > 0:05:42Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest in 1953. Is that true or false?

0:05:43 > 0:05:45It's true.

0:05:45 > 0:05:48Oh, you've blown it straight away, Usual Suspects.

0:05:48 > 0:05:51You had the chance to steal the round from Michael

0:05:51 > 0:05:53but you failed to achieve Perfection.

0:05:53 > 0:05:55Let's go through the rest of the answers

0:05:55 > 0:05:57and see how you've done at home.

0:05:57 > 0:06:01The Serpentine is a lake in London's Hyde Park. Is that true or false?

0:06:02 > 0:06:05- It is true.- I had to get that one, yeah, definitely.

0:06:05 > 0:06:07You'd have got some stick

0:06:07 > 0:06:09off the rest of the boat people if you'd got that wrong.

0:06:09 > 0:06:13Noel Coward wrote the play The Mousetrap. True or false?

0:06:13 > 0:06:15It is, of course, false.

0:06:15 > 0:06:18It was Agatha Christie that wrote it.

0:06:18 > 0:06:19You're nodding away, Alexis.

0:06:19 > 0:06:21It was on the tip of your tongue, wasn't it?

0:06:21 > 0:06:24The TV series Mad Men is set in Washington DC.

0:06:24 > 0:06:26Is that true or false?

0:06:26 > 0:06:29It is false.

0:06:29 > 0:06:31It's set in New York.

0:06:31 > 0:06:33Now, Usual Suspects, had you achieved Perfection,

0:06:33 > 0:06:36you would now have the opportunity to make Michael's chances

0:06:36 > 0:06:40of winning the prize fund much harder in the final and here's how.

0:06:41 > 0:06:43Michael, this is your final board.

0:06:43 > 0:06:46These six blank spaces need to be filled with subject categories.

0:06:46 > 0:06:49Behind each category will be a true or false statement and you

0:06:49 > 0:06:52will need to answer correctly all six to win the prize fund.

0:06:52 > 0:06:54Here are the final round categories.

0:06:54 > 0:06:55Starting with Churchill,

0:06:55 > 0:06:58running through Comedy, Kings, Phobias

0:06:58 > 0:07:00and on to Cycling.

0:07:00 > 0:07:03Had you achieved Perfection, you'd now have the opportunity of adding

0:07:03 > 0:07:04two categories of your choice to the board

0:07:04 > 0:07:07but because neither side won the round, the two categories

0:07:07 > 0:07:10that were due to be chosen will be carried over to the next round.

0:07:10 > 0:07:13All categories will be on offer.

0:07:13 > 0:07:14Usual Suspects.

0:07:14 > 0:07:17Could do better, I think, is the teacher's report.

0:07:17 > 0:07:19It's time to switch off. We'll see you in Round 2.

0:07:19 > 0:07:21And away they go.

0:07:21 > 0:07:23Michael, what do you think of those categories?

0:07:23 > 0:07:26What would you fancy to choose yourself out of that group?

0:07:26 > 0:07:27Football

0:07:27 > 0:07:29and possibly Comedy.

0:07:29 > 0:07:31What would you try to avoid?

0:07:31 > 0:07:32Philosophy

0:07:32 > 0:07:33and Phobias.

0:07:33 > 0:07:36Phobias would be a little bit iffy, yeah.

0:07:36 > 0:07:38Well, remember, in order to win the prize fund,

0:07:38 > 0:07:40you need to answer all six questions correctly.

0:07:40 > 0:07:43Winning this next round with four categories on offer

0:07:43 > 0:07:46to choose for yourself could prove crucial.

0:07:46 > 0:07:48- Are you ready to play the next round?- I am.

0:07:48 > 0:07:50Let's play Round 2.

0:07:50 > 0:07:51APPLAUSE

0:07:53 > 0:07:56Michael, your 45 seconds in Round 2 starts now.

0:08:01 > 0:08:05He won it but I don't know if it was '68.

0:08:05 > 0:08:08- I'll say true.- True.

0:08:13 > 0:08:14I'll say that's true.

0:08:14 > 0:08:15True.

0:08:22 > 0:08:24I think it may have been three

0:08:24 > 0:08:26- so I'll say false.- False.

0:08:26 > 0:08:27And finally...

0:08:34 > 0:08:36That's not that good.

0:08:36 > 0:08:38- I'll go false.- False.- False.

0:08:39 > 0:08:41How do you feel about that?

0:08:41 > 0:08:43- Do you think you've done better this time?- Three, possibly.

0:08:43 > 0:08:45Again, not too sure on D

0:08:45 > 0:08:50and Cliff did... I think it was Congratulations he sung

0:08:50 > 0:08:52but I don't know what the year was.

0:08:52 > 0:08:54Before we reveal how you've done, it's time for us

0:08:54 > 0:08:56to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:08:56 > 0:08:58So, Usual Suspects, these are the four statements

0:08:58 > 0:09:01and next to them are Michael's answers.

0:09:01 > 0:09:03Glenn, how do you think he's done?

0:09:03 > 0:09:05- I think he might have got C wrong. - Alexis?

0:09:05 > 0:09:08I'm not sure about some of the others. The date on A,

0:09:08 > 0:09:10I don't know, to be honest.

0:09:10 > 0:09:12Interesting. Michael, the moment of truth.

0:09:12 > 0:09:15Let's find out how many you've got correct.

0:09:19 > 0:09:20Just one.

0:09:20 > 0:09:23Just one. That certainly isn't Perfection and, as a result,

0:09:23 > 0:09:26you have now let your enemies, the Usual Suspects, into the game.

0:09:26 > 0:09:29This is your chance, Usual Suspects. You can steal this round.

0:09:29 > 0:09:32You can see Michael's answers, you need to change three of them.

0:09:32 > 0:09:34- Which three? - GLENN:- Will we keep A the same?

0:09:34 > 0:09:37- ALEXIS:- Egypt's land border with Tunisia, you think it's false?

0:09:37 > 0:09:39- Yeah, I'll say that.- Yeah.

0:09:39 > 0:09:41OK, which ones would you like to change?

0:09:41 > 0:09:45We'd like to keep A the same, as true and then change B, C and D.

0:09:45 > 0:09:49- So, B from true to false. - B changes from true to false.

0:09:49 > 0:09:52- C, false to true. - C, false to true.

0:09:52 > 0:09:54- And D, false to true, please. - D, false to true.

0:09:54 > 0:09:57Leaving A as answered by Michael.

0:09:57 > 0:10:01Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:10:01 > 0:10:06Cliff Richard won Eurovision for the UK in 1968.

0:10:06 > 0:10:08Is that true or false?

0:10:09 > 0:10:13It's false. Usual Suspects, you've blown it straight away.

0:10:13 > 0:10:18He sang Congratulations but only came second. He didn't win it.

0:10:18 > 0:10:20Let's press on. Can you achieve Perfection at home?

0:10:20 > 0:10:21Let's have a look.

0:10:21 > 0:10:23Egypt shares a land border with Tunisia.

0:10:23 > 0:10:25Is that true or false?

0:10:25 > 0:10:27It is, of course, false.

0:10:27 > 0:10:30Libya is between the two countries.

0:10:30 > 0:10:32Matthew Pinsent won four Olympic gold medals.

0:10:32 > 0:10:34Is that true or false?

0:10:35 > 0:10:38It's true. And then finally, Romulus and Remus

0:10:38 > 0:10:41were the founders of Athens.

0:10:41 > 0:10:42It's false.

0:10:42 > 0:10:44They were the founders of Rome.

0:10:44 > 0:10:46I just remembered it's Rome.

0:10:46 > 0:10:50Yeah, Alison, just a tip - you need to come up with that earlier.

0:10:50 > 0:10:53Usual Suspects, had you achieved Perfection,

0:10:53 > 0:10:54you'd have the opportunity to make

0:10:54 > 0:10:57Michael's chances of winning the prize fund much harder in the final.

0:10:57 > 0:11:00Let's have a look at the board.

0:11:00 > 0:11:02Because neither side won the round,

0:11:02 > 0:11:05the four categories that were due to be chosen will now be carried

0:11:05 > 0:11:07over to the final round meaning that all six categories

0:11:07 > 0:11:11will be on offer, making it a crucial round.

0:11:11 > 0:11:14I'm going to switch you off, Usual Suspects,

0:11:14 > 0:11:15but we'll see you in Round 3.

0:11:15 > 0:11:17And away they go.

0:11:17 > 0:11:20This is the time, if you've been saving yourself.

0:11:20 > 0:11:22I've saved myself till this one, Nick, definitely.

0:11:22 > 0:11:25Don't save yourself anymore. I'd go for it at this stage.

0:11:25 > 0:11:27- Are you ready to play the next round?- I certainly am, thank you.

0:11:27 > 0:11:28Let's play Round 3.

0:11:28 > 0:11:31APPLAUSE

0:11:32 > 0:11:35Round 3. Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:11:40 > 0:11:41False.

0:11:41 > 0:11:42False.

0:11:48 > 0:11:50Never heard of it.

0:11:50 > 0:11:51It could be true.

0:11:51 > 0:11:52True?

0:11:52 > 0:11:53Yeah.

0:11:58 > 0:12:01I thought it was France.

0:12:01 > 0:12:02False.

0:12:02 > 0:12:03False. And finally...

0:12:09 > 0:12:10True.

0:12:10 > 0:12:12True. And, with loads of time to spare,

0:12:12 > 0:12:14you have answered all four very confidently.

0:12:14 > 0:12:17- The last one, I'm not sure at all. - No?- No.

0:12:17 > 0:12:19Before we reveal how you've done,

0:12:19 > 0:12:22it's time for us to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:12:22 > 0:12:23Hello, Usual Suspects.

0:12:23 > 0:12:26These were the four statements and next to them are Michael's answers.

0:12:26 > 0:12:28So, let's start with you, Alison, this time.

0:12:28 > 0:12:32I think he's done pretty well. There's only one I'm not sure of.

0:12:32 > 0:12:34- I'm not sure who wrote The Scarlet Pimpernel.- All right.

0:12:34 > 0:12:36Glenn, how do you think he's done?

0:12:36 > 0:12:37A and C, I have no idea.

0:12:37 > 0:12:40A real mixed bag there from the Usual Suspects.

0:12:40 > 0:12:42Let's take a look and see, shall we?

0:12:46 > 0:12:48You've got one again. Well, you're consistent, Michael.

0:12:48 > 0:12:51But consistently not very good at the moment.

0:12:51 > 0:12:52The only consolation I've got is

0:12:52 > 0:12:55there was a lot of doubt up the top there as well.

0:12:55 > 0:12:57They're going to struggle to change it as well, aren't they?

0:12:57 > 0:13:00You've now let your enemies, the Usual Suspects, into the game.

0:13:00 > 0:13:02Usual Suspects, you had two chances so far

0:13:02 > 0:13:04which you spectacularly failed to grasp.

0:13:04 > 0:13:07Can you steal this round? Someone win a round, please.

0:13:07 > 0:13:11You can see Michael's answers, you need to change three of them.

0:13:11 > 0:13:12Which three?

0:13:12 > 0:13:15- I think the one we all agreed on was that B is right.- Yeah.- That's it.

0:13:15 > 0:13:16Shall we change all the others?

0:13:16 > 0:13:18Let's change the others.

0:13:18 > 0:13:21- We have to win it.- Fingers crossed.

0:13:21 > 0:13:23We are going to keep B as being true.

0:13:23 > 0:13:26B is going to stay as true. It's the one you'll leave alone.

0:13:26 > 0:13:28- So you want to change A from false to true.- Yes, please.

0:13:28 > 0:13:30- C from false to true.- Yeah.

0:13:30 > 0:13:32- D from true to false.- Mm-hm.

0:13:32 > 0:13:36Leaving B as Michael chose. Yes?

0:13:36 > 0:13:38- Happy with that?- Yes, please. - Lovely, thanks very much.

0:13:38 > 0:13:42Usual Suspects, let's find out whether you finally managed

0:13:42 > 0:13:45to get the correct answers and achieve Perfection.

0:13:45 > 0:13:50Film directors Ridley and Tony Scott are brothers. Is that true or false?

0:13:50 > 0:13:53It is true.

0:13:53 > 0:13:56Someone in their 90s is a nonagenarian.

0:13:56 > 0:13:58Is that true or false?

0:13:59 > 0:14:02It is true.

0:14:02 > 0:14:04Look how chuffed you are up there, Usual Suspects.

0:14:04 > 0:14:07Because you know where this is going now, don't you?

0:14:07 > 0:14:09The birthplace of Florence Nightingale is in Italy.

0:14:09 > 0:14:10True or false?

0:14:12 > 0:14:15It is true. Yes, in actual fact, she was born in Florence.

0:14:15 > 0:14:17That's why she was named Florence.

0:14:17 > 0:14:20The Scarlet Pimpernel is a book by John Buchan. True or false?

0:14:21 > 0:14:23It is false.

0:14:23 > 0:14:26Congratulations, Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:14:26 > 0:14:28APPLAUSE

0:14:31 > 0:14:34The Scarlet Pimpernel was, in fact, written by Baroness Orczy.

0:14:34 > 0:14:37So, Usual Suspects, you now have the opportunity to make Michael's

0:14:37 > 0:14:39chances of winning the prize fund much harder.

0:14:39 > 0:14:41Let's see the final board.

0:14:43 > 0:14:44Fabulously blank

0:14:44 > 0:14:46despite three rounds of playing.

0:14:46 > 0:14:48Because you won the round, Usual Suspects,

0:14:48 > 0:14:51you've earned the right to choose six categories to add to the board.

0:14:51 > 0:14:53Two from the first round, two from the second round

0:14:53 > 0:14:55and two from the round you just played.

0:14:55 > 0:14:59So, which six would you like Michael to play in the final?

0:14:59 > 0:15:01Philosophy, to start with.

0:15:01 > 0:15:02Philosophy, to start with.

0:15:02 > 0:15:04What should we go for? Phobias?

0:15:04 > 0:15:06- Yeah.- Phobias would be good.

0:15:06 > 0:15:08Phobias is next in the final.

0:15:08 > 0:15:11Oscars is always the year. It's always quite a difficult one.

0:15:11 > 0:15:13- Yeah, Oscars.- Oscars. - Oscars goes in.

0:15:15 > 0:15:19- Plays, yeah.- Plays, please, Nick. - Plays goes across.

0:15:20 > 0:15:22- ALEXIS:- Comedy? - ALISON:- Comedy.

0:15:22 > 0:15:26Comedy is the fifth category in the final and we need just one more.

0:15:26 > 0:15:28- Cycling might be a good one, you know.- Yeah.- Cycling.

0:15:28 > 0:15:30Cycling goes into the final.

0:15:30 > 0:15:32Thank you very much. We now know the six final categories.

0:15:32 > 0:15:34They are...

0:15:37 > 0:15:39OK, guys, thank you very much.

0:15:39 > 0:15:42Time to switch you off for the final time. We'll see you later.

0:15:42 > 0:15:43And away they go.

0:15:43 > 0:15:47All right, Michael, for £1,000, it's time to play the final.

0:15:47 > 0:15:48APPLAUSE

0:15:48 > 0:15:51This is the all-important final. If you can achieve Perfection,

0:15:51 > 0:15:54you could be leaving with a prize fund of £1,000.

0:15:54 > 0:15:56If you fail, you will be leaving with nothing.

0:15:56 > 0:15:58Which is great news for them,

0:15:58 > 0:16:00not such good news for you, cos one of them could be

0:16:00 > 0:16:03playing for a rollover of £2,000 on the next game.

0:16:03 > 0:16:05If you're ready, let's play the final round.

0:16:05 > 0:16:07APPLAUSE

0:16:08 > 0:16:11Michael, here are your final six categories. They are...

0:16:14 > 0:16:16You must answer all six statements correctly

0:16:16 > 0:16:18if you want to win the £1,000.

0:16:18 > 0:16:20There is no time limit but once you've given an answer,

0:16:20 > 0:16:22your first answer is locked in. Do you understand?

0:16:22 > 0:16:26- Yeah.- Are you ready?- Yeah, I'm ready. - Let's reveal your first statement.

0:16:26 > 0:16:29Please, tell me whether you believe it to be true or false.

0:16:29 > 0:16:30Philosophy.

0:16:34 > 0:16:37I don't think he was Japanese.

0:16:37 > 0:16:39I say false.

0:16:39 > 0:16:40False.

0:16:40 > 0:16:42Moving on to Phobias.

0:16:47 > 0:16:52Ochlo. Ochlo. There is no clue there at all. No clue there at all.

0:16:52 > 0:16:53I'll go false again.

0:16:53 > 0:16:55False.

0:16:55 > 0:16:57Oscars.

0:17:01 > 0:17:04I don't think he won it. I can't think, though.

0:17:04 > 0:17:05False again.

0:17:05 > 0:17:07- You're saying false?- Yeah.

0:17:07 > 0:17:09Moving on to Plays.

0:17:16 > 0:17:18- I say that's true.- Yeah?

0:17:18 > 0:17:21I've heard of Eugene O'Neill but I don't know if it's The Iceman Cometh.

0:17:21 > 0:17:23But I'll say true.

0:17:23 > 0:17:24True.

0:17:24 > 0:17:27Moving on to E, Comedy.

0:17:32 > 0:17:34I don't know if I've seen him on that.

0:17:36 > 0:17:37I'll say true.

0:17:37 > 0:17:39True.

0:17:39 > 0:17:42And finally, Cycling.

0:17:47 > 0:17:49A figure of seven comes in my mind.

0:17:50 > 0:17:51Seven.

0:17:52 > 0:17:54Seven. Seven.

0:17:54 > 0:17:56I'll say that's false.

0:17:56 > 0:17:57False.

0:17:57 > 0:17:58They are now locked in.

0:17:58 > 0:18:01Remember, if there is one single mistake, you leave with nothing.

0:18:01 > 0:18:02Which ones are you unsure of?

0:18:02 > 0:18:04Can we go through the alphabet? A, B, C...

0:18:04 > 0:18:08- Which ones are you confident of, then?- E, F. But the rest...

0:18:08 > 0:18:10The first four you're worried about,

0:18:10 > 0:18:12the last two you're a bit more confident.

0:18:12 > 0:18:13A little bit more confident.

0:18:13 > 0:18:16Let's switch on the Usual Suspects.

0:18:16 > 0:18:19Usual Suspects, you can now see the final six statements

0:18:19 > 0:18:21and next to them are Michael's answers.

0:18:21 > 0:18:22Michael, your answers are now locked in.

0:18:22 > 0:18:25You can't change them by yourself but if you think you've made

0:18:25 > 0:18:28a mistake you can unlock the board with the help of the Usual Suspects.

0:18:28 > 0:18:30This will, however, come at a cost.

0:18:30 > 0:18:33Usual Suspects, I'm now going to ask you to tell me

0:18:33 > 0:18:34how well you think Michael has done,

0:18:34 > 0:18:37if you want to help and, if you do, how much it will cost.

0:18:37 > 0:18:39Remember, you can't refer to any of the statements specifically.

0:18:39 > 0:18:42So, Michael, who would you like to hear from first?

0:18:42 > 0:18:44Let's have a listen from Glenn.

0:18:44 > 0:18:45I can see you have got two right

0:18:45 > 0:18:48and I can also see you've got two wrong

0:18:48 > 0:18:50and the rest, I'm completely lost with.

0:18:50 > 0:18:53- There's not much I can do to help you there, mate, I'm sorry.- Alexis.

0:18:53 > 0:18:55There is one that's definitely wrong

0:18:55 > 0:18:57and one more that might be wrong.

0:18:57 > 0:19:00- It is not enough money for me to come down, really.- And Alison.

0:19:00 > 0:19:03I won't come down cos I'm not sure but I hope you win.

0:19:03 > 0:19:06- I won't be coming down this time. - Thank you.- What a lovely thought.

0:19:06 > 0:19:07You don't want him to lose

0:19:07 > 0:19:09so it becomes £2,000 for you in the next game.

0:19:09 > 0:19:12I didn't say that but...

0:19:12 > 0:19:14There is a bit of sincerity there. Thank you very much.

0:19:14 > 0:19:17Well, look, none of our Usual Suspects are willing to help

0:19:17 > 0:19:21so you're on your own, really. £1,000 at stake, six answers away.

0:19:21 > 0:19:24Let's find out if you've achieved Perfection.

0:19:28 > 0:19:31Confucius was a Japanese philosopher. You said false.

0:19:31 > 0:19:34We'd like this to turn red for you to get you off to a flying start.

0:19:34 > 0:19:35Is it true or false?

0:19:38 > 0:19:41Well done. There you go, you were right. It's false.

0:19:41 > 0:19:42He was, of course...

0:19:42 > 0:19:44Would you like to hazard a guess on where he came from.

0:19:44 > 0:19:46- Greece? Something like that?- China.

0:19:46 > 0:19:48Well done, me old China. Thank you very much.

0:19:48 > 0:19:52- Lovely. Good start. So, one down, five to go.- Yeah.

0:19:52 > 0:19:54That much closer to the £1,000.

0:19:54 > 0:19:58B. Ochlophobia is the fear of crowds. You said that was false.

0:19:58 > 0:20:03We need this to turn red to keep you on course for the cash.

0:20:03 > 0:20:04Is it true or false?

0:20:07 > 0:20:09It's true.

0:20:09 > 0:20:12I'm afraid you have failed to achieve Perfection.

0:20:12 > 0:20:14- It means you're not going home with the money this time.- No.

0:20:14 > 0:20:16Can you still achieve Perfection at home?

0:20:16 > 0:20:19Let's carry on through the rest of the statements and answers

0:20:19 > 0:20:20and see how you did.

0:20:20 > 0:20:24Christian Bale won an Oscar for The Fighter. Is that true or false?

0:20:24 > 0:20:25You said false.

0:20:26 > 0:20:28It's true, I'm afraid.

0:20:28 > 0:20:31He won Best Supporting Actor. That was in 2011.

0:20:31 > 0:20:33The Iceman Cometh is a play by Eugene O'Neill.

0:20:33 > 0:20:36You said that might be true. Is it true or false?

0:20:36 > 0:20:38It is true.

0:20:38 > 0:20:40So you are batting 50-50 at the moment. Two right, two wrong.

0:20:40 > 0:20:42Let's see how far we go.

0:20:42 > 0:20:44Alan Partridge first appeared on The Fast Show.

0:20:44 > 0:20:46You said that was true. Is it true or false?

0:20:47 > 0:20:49It's false, I'm afraid.

0:20:49 > 0:20:53Alan Partridge first made his appearance on TV on The Day Today.

0:20:53 > 0:20:56- Did you ever watch that? - Never heard of that one, no.- No.

0:20:56 > 0:20:57OK, and finally, Eddy Merckx

0:20:57 > 0:20:59won the Tour De France five times.

0:20:59 > 0:21:01You said that was false. We'd like this one to turn red for you.

0:21:01 > 0:21:04Is it true or false?

0:21:04 > 0:21:05It's true, I'm afraid.

0:21:05 > 0:21:09He did actually win it five times. So, two out of six in the end there.

0:21:09 > 0:21:10- Tough.- Not even half and half.

0:21:10 > 0:21:13The Usual Suspects managed to select them all for you

0:21:13 > 0:21:15and did all the damage they meant to do.

0:21:15 > 0:21:17So they are to blame. They are to blame.

0:21:17 > 0:21:20If I was pointing the finger, I'd be pointing up there.

0:21:20 > 0:21:23Usual Suspects, that is great news for you. Apart from Alison,

0:21:23 > 0:21:24who wanted you to walk away with the money.

0:21:24 > 0:21:26She is now deeply disappointed

0:21:26 > 0:21:28that the money has rolled over to the next game where one of you

0:21:28 > 0:21:31could be playing for a total of £2,000.

0:21:31 > 0:21:34APPLAUSE

0:21:34 > 0:21:36Michael, I'm afraid you didn't achieve Perfection,

0:21:36 > 0:21:39which means you go home without the cash. But did you enjoy playing?

0:21:39 > 0:21:42Yes, absolutely superb, Nick. Absolutely superb.

0:21:42 > 0:21:45Give my love to the boys on the river. Thank you very much.

0:21:45 > 0:21:46Ladies and gentlemen, Michael.

0:21:46 > 0:21:48Thank you.

0:21:48 > 0:21:50APPLAUSE

0:21:50 > 0:21:53It's now time to meet the next Usual Suspect

0:21:53 > 0:21:55hoping to play Perfection today.

0:21:57 > 0:22:00New Usual Suspect, will you please introduce yourself?

0:22:00 > 0:22:03Hi, I'm Mike. I'm from Batley in West Yorkshire

0:22:03 > 0:22:05and I'm a retired finance manager.

0:22:05 > 0:22:08OK, best of luck to you all as we now find out which one of you

0:22:08 > 0:22:11has been randomly picked to play Perfection.

0:22:15 > 0:22:18Glenn, it's you that's been chosen. Please, come and play Perfection.

0:22:18 > 0:22:20APPLAUSE

0:22:20 > 0:22:21Glenn, welcome to the game.

0:22:21 > 0:22:23Let's find out a little bit more about you.

0:22:23 > 0:22:25Tell us about home life. Who is at home?

0:22:25 > 0:22:28I've got my partner Julie and between us we have got four kids.

0:22:28 > 0:22:31How do you keep yourself fit, do you have any sporting interests?

0:22:31 > 0:22:32I'm a very keen golfer.

0:22:32 > 0:22:35I've been to the British Open, to watch, the last few years.

0:22:35 > 0:22:38I've never quite understood going around watching somebody

0:22:38 > 0:22:41else play golf. It's like watching someone take a good walk.

0:22:41 > 0:22:43It is a day out. When the sun is shining there's nowt better than

0:22:43 > 0:22:45being next to the sea,

0:22:45 > 0:22:48watching someone at the top of their game perform, I think.

0:22:48 > 0:22:51I think watching any sportsman at the top of their game is worthwhile.

0:22:51 > 0:22:53All right, Glenn, it's now you versus the Usual Suspects.

0:22:53 > 0:22:57They were your team-mates, they are now very definitely your enemies.

0:22:57 > 0:22:59Here's the good news - as nobody won the last game,

0:22:59 > 0:23:03the prize money currently stands at £2,000.

0:23:03 > 0:23:06APPLAUSE

0:23:06 > 0:23:09So, you could use a bit of that money to buy golf equipment.

0:23:09 > 0:23:11I need a new golf trolley cos mine stopped working.

0:23:11 > 0:23:14I tried to fix it and it certainly doesn't work now.

0:23:14 > 0:23:18Perhaps I'd put a bit towards a holiday for myself and Julie

0:23:18 > 0:23:21- and the kids.- OK, three rounds and a final to come.

0:23:21 > 0:23:23Usual Suspects, we're going to switch you off

0:23:23 > 0:23:25so you can't see or hear anything

0:23:25 > 0:23:27but as soon as Glenn makes a mistake you will be back in the game.

0:23:27 > 0:23:30See you soon. And away they go.

0:23:30 > 0:23:31You can now talk through your answers

0:23:31 > 0:23:33without giving away any vital knowledge.

0:23:33 > 0:23:37- Ready to play?- I am. - Then let's play Perfection.

0:23:37 > 0:23:38APPLAUSE

0:23:40 > 0:23:43Round 1. Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:23:47 > 0:23:48That's true.

0:23:48 > 0:23:49True.

0:23:55 > 0:23:57Oh, he was certainly an MP.

0:24:01 > 0:24:03I reckon he'd been around for a long time.

0:24:03 > 0:24:05- I'll say that's true.- True.

0:24:10 > 0:24:13I've heard of it. I've heard of Stephenie Meyer.

0:24:13 > 0:24:14I'm going to go for true.

0:24:14 > 0:24:15- True.- And finally...

0:24:21 > 0:24:23I'm running out of time. I'm not too sure.

0:24:23 > 0:24:25- I'm going to go false.- False.

0:24:26 > 0:24:28How do you feel about that round?

0:24:28 > 0:24:34A and B, yeah, I'm pretty confident about. C, 50-50 and D, not too sure.

0:24:34 > 0:24:36OK. Before we reveal how well you've done, it's time for us

0:24:36 > 0:24:38to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:24:39 > 0:24:43So, Usual Suspects, these are the four statements

0:24:43 > 0:24:45and Glenn's answers.

0:24:45 > 0:24:47- Alexis, how has he done? - I think C is wrong.

0:24:47 > 0:24:52- Stephenie Meyer wrote the Twilight series so that's false.- Alison.

0:24:52 > 0:24:54I'm with Alexis. I'm not sure about C.

0:24:54 > 0:24:57And I'm not sure how long Clement Freud was an MP for.

0:24:57 > 0:25:02- Mike, how has he done?- I'm just a little bit unsure about B.

0:25:02 > 0:25:06He was an MP for quite a while but it might not have been that long.

0:25:06 > 0:25:07I'm sure that C is wrong though.

0:25:07 > 0:25:09OK, Glenn, the moment of truth.

0:25:09 > 0:25:10You must have answered

0:25:10 > 0:25:12all four statements perfectly to win the round.

0:25:12 > 0:25:14Let's find out how many you've got correct.

0:25:20 > 0:25:25Three out of four is not bad but on this game it's just not good enough.

0:25:25 > 0:25:26You haven't achieved Perfection.

0:25:26 > 0:25:29You've now let your enemies, the Usual Suspects, into the game.

0:25:29 > 0:25:31Usual Suspects, can you steal this round?

0:25:31 > 0:25:35You can see Glenn's answers, you need to change just one of them.

0:25:35 > 0:25:36But which one?

0:25:36 > 0:25:38- I think C.- I totally agree.

0:25:38 > 0:25:40Yeah, C.

0:25:40 > 0:25:43We'd just like to change C from true to false, please, Nick.

0:25:43 > 0:25:46C changes from true to false, leaving A, B

0:25:46 > 0:25:47and D as answered by Glenn.

0:25:47 > 0:25:50Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:25:50 > 0:25:54If this statement turns green, it's true. If it turns red, it's false.

0:25:54 > 0:25:57The eider is a type of duck. Is that true or false?

0:25:58 > 0:25:59It is true.

0:25:59 > 0:26:03Good start. Clement Freud was an MP for over 10 years.

0:26:03 > 0:26:05Is that true or false?

0:26:06 > 0:26:10It is true. The Hunger Games is a book by Stephenie Meyer.

0:26:10 > 0:26:12Is that true or false?

0:26:13 > 0:26:14It is false.

0:26:14 > 0:26:17The Hunger Games was, in fact, written by Suzanne Collins

0:26:17 > 0:26:21and Stephenie Meyer wrote the Twilight books.

0:26:21 > 0:26:24So, Usual Suspects, you know where this is going now, don't you?

0:26:24 > 0:26:26Look at them smiling away happily.

0:26:26 > 0:26:28Bob Dylan turned 80 in 2011.

0:26:28 > 0:26:30Is that true or false?

0:26:30 > 0:26:31It is false.

0:26:31 > 0:26:35Congratulations, Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:26:35 > 0:26:36APPLAUSE

0:26:39 > 0:26:42Bob Dylan turned 70 in 2011. So that clears that up.

0:26:42 > 0:26:45Oh, dear, Glenn, they managed to succeed where you failed

0:26:45 > 0:26:46and they stole the round.

0:26:46 > 0:26:49Usual Suspects, you now have the opportunity to make Glenn's chances

0:26:49 > 0:26:53of winning the prize fund much harder in the final and here's how.

0:26:53 > 0:26:55Glenn, this is your final board.

0:26:55 > 0:26:58These six blank spaces need to be filled with subject categories.

0:26:58 > 0:27:02Here are your final round categories appearing.

0:27:02 > 0:27:03Starting with Distances

0:27:03 > 0:27:05and going through Mr Men, Star Wars,

0:27:05 > 0:27:07British Empire through Human Body

0:27:07 > 0:27:08and on to Volcanoes.

0:27:08 > 0:27:10Because the Usual Suspects stole the round from you,

0:27:10 > 0:27:12they get to choose the two categories,

0:27:12 > 0:27:14hoping to make the final harder for you to win.

0:27:14 > 0:27:18Usual Suspects, which two would you like Glenn to play in the final?

0:27:18 > 0:27:19Which do you think will trip him up?

0:27:19 > 0:27:24- PG Wodehouse is quite a difficult one, I would say.- Yeah.

0:27:24 > 0:27:25Shall we go for PG Wodehouse?

0:27:25 > 0:27:28PG Wodehouse goes across into the final.

0:27:29 > 0:27:30- ALISON:- Volcanoes.

0:27:30 > 0:27:34- Yeah, Volcanoes. - And Volcanoes, please.

0:27:34 > 0:27:38Volcanoes goes across into the final. Well done, Usual Suspects.

0:27:38 > 0:27:40Well played. You have won the first round.

0:27:40 > 0:27:43It's time to switch you off but we'll see you in Round 2.

0:27:44 > 0:27:46What do you think of the choices they gave?

0:27:46 > 0:27:48Do you know anything about PG Wodehouse?

0:27:48 > 0:27:49I've never shopped there.

0:27:49 > 0:27:51LAUGHTER

0:27:51 > 0:27:54- Volcanoes?- I may have chosen that one myself, yes.

0:27:54 > 0:27:57Looking over on the left, which ones do you like?

0:27:57 > 0:27:59Crikey. Probably what I don't like...

0:27:59 > 0:28:02Musicals, I just don't get.

0:28:02 > 0:28:05Shakespeare, not a favourite subject of mine.

0:28:05 > 0:28:07OK, Glenn, it's only the first round.

0:28:07 > 0:28:09You still have two more to find Perfection

0:28:09 > 0:28:12and choose your own categories, which is the way to go.

0:28:12 > 0:28:15- Are you ready for the next round? - I am.- Let's play Round 2.

0:28:15 > 0:28:17APPLAUSE

0:28:18 > 0:28:20Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:28:27 > 0:28:30Never heard of it. Complete guess.

0:28:30 > 0:28:32- False.- False.

0:28:37 > 0:28:40I've been to Copenhagen and there is a statue of a little mermaid there

0:28:40 > 0:28:41so that's true.

0:28:41 > 0:28:43True.

0:28:47 > 0:28:51Well, living in the county of the red rose, which is Lancashire,

0:28:51 > 0:28:54and being from the county of the white rose, Yorkshire,

0:28:54 > 0:28:55that is false.

0:28:55 > 0:28:56False. Running out of time.

0:29:01 > 0:29:03That's false.

0:29:03 > 0:29:05- False.- False. - Thank you very much.

0:29:05 > 0:29:07How did you feel about that round?

0:29:07 > 0:29:08I'm pretty confident about that round.

0:29:08 > 0:29:11A perhaps could be my downfall.

0:29:11 > 0:29:13I've never heard of the movie so I just didn't know.

0:29:13 > 0:29:17- It was a complete guess.- So, it's a bit of a flip of a coin on answer A.

0:29:17 > 0:29:18An absolute flip of a coin.

0:29:18 > 0:29:20Before we reveal how well you've done,

0:29:20 > 0:29:22it's time to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:29:22 > 0:29:25Hello, Usual Suspects, these are the four statements

0:29:25 > 0:29:27and next to them are Glenn's answers.

0:29:27 > 0:29:28Mike, how has he done?

0:29:28 > 0:29:31I do think Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in Inception.

0:29:31 > 0:29:33He might have that wrong.

0:29:33 > 0:29:34Alexis, do you concur?

0:29:34 > 0:29:36Yeah, I agree with Mike.

0:29:36 > 0:29:39Leonardo DiCaprio was in Inception. So that's true.

0:29:39 > 0:29:41Is it unanimous, Alison?

0:29:41 > 0:29:43Yes, I think he's got three out of the four there.

0:29:43 > 0:29:46Well, they seem to think you might have made one mistake along the way.

0:29:46 > 0:29:49The moment of truth. Let's find out how many you've got correct.

0:29:56 > 0:29:58It is three out of four,

0:29:58 > 0:30:00as the Usual Suspects predicted.

0:30:00 > 0:30:02You've failed to achieve Perfection.

0:30:02 > 0:30:05You now have let your enemies, the Usual Suspects, into the game.

0:30:05 > 0:30:07Usual Suspects, can you steal the round?

0:30:07 > 0:30:10You can see Glenn's answers, you need to change one of them.

0:30:10 > 0:30:13Now, take your time, have a long think about it(!)

0:30:13 > 0:30:14Which one would you like to change?

0:30:14 > 0:30:17- Shall we change A?- Yeah. - Shall we change A?

0:30:17 > 0:30:20Can we change A from false to true, please?

0:30:20 > 0:30:22A changes from false to true

0:30:22 > 0:30:25leaving B, C and D as Glenn answered.

0:30:25 > 0:30:28Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:30:28 > 0:30:31The film Inception starred Leonardo DiCaprio.

0:30:31 > 0:30:32Glenn, you said it was false

0:30:32 > 0:30:35but you said it was on the flip of a coin cos you just didn't know.

0:30:35 > 0:30:37Usual Suspects reckon it's true.

0:30:37 > 0:30:39This is the one that decides it, really, isn't it?

0:30:39 > 0:30:40Is it true or false?

0:30:42 > 0:30:44It is true.

0:30:44 > 0:30:47So, Usual Suspects, you know how this is going to go from here on in.

0:30:47 > 0:30:51The Little Mermaid statue is in Copenhagen. Is that true or false?

0:30:53 > 0:30:55It is, of course, true. The emblem of Yorkshire is a red rose.

0:30:55 > 0:30:56True or false?

0:30:57 > 0:30:59It is, of course, false.

0:30:59 > 0:31:01The emblem of Yorkshire is, in fact, a white rose.

0:31:01 > 0:31:03And the poet

0:31:03 > 0:31:06William Wordsworth was born in 1570. True or false?

0:31:07 > 0:31:08Yeah, false.

0:31:08 > 0:31:11Congratulations, Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:31:11 > 0:31:12APPLAUSE

0:31:15 > 0:31:181770 to 1850, William Wordsworth.

0:31:18 > 0:31:20The Usual Suspects succeeded where you failed

0:31:20 > 0:31:22and they stole the round.

0:31:22 > 0:31:24Usual Suspects, you have the opportunity to make

0:31:24 > 0:31:27Glenn's chances of winning the prize fund of £2,000 much harder.

0:31:27 > 0:31:29Let's see the final board.

0:31:29 > 0:31:31Because you won the round, you've earned the right to choose

0:31:31 > 0:31:34the next two categories, having already chosen the first two.

0:31:34 > 0:31:38Which would you like Glenn to play in the final?

0:31:38 > 0:31:40Shakespeare or Old Money.

0:31:40 > 0:31:42Yeah. I'm happy for any of them.

0:31:42 > 0:31:45- OK, shall we do Old Money and Shakespeare then?- Yeah.

0:31:45 > 0:31:47- ALISON:- Old Money and Shakespeare, please.

0:31:47 > 0:31:50Old Money goes across to become the third category in the final

0:31:50 > 0:31:52and Shakespeare becomes the fourth.

0:31:52 > 0:31:55There are still to be chosen but congratulations, Usual Suspects,

0:31:55 > 0:31:56you have won the second round.

0:31:56 > 0:31:59It's time to switch you off and we'll see you in Round 3.

0:31:59 > 0:32:00And away they go.

0:32:00 > 0:32:04- They are killing you here, Glenn. - They are killing me.- Old Money?

0:32:04 > 0:32:06You were born, I should imagine, around the time it changed.

0:32:06 > 0:32:09Just around the time it changed.

0:32:09 > 0:32:11It depends how old the old money is.

0:32:11 > 0:32:13- Shakespeare? - I know little about Shakespeare.

0:32:13 > 0:32:16The limited amount that anybody knows if they don't study it.

0:32:16 > 0:32:19- Absolutely.- The way to go forward has to be to choose the last two

0:32:19 > 0:32:21categories yourself and not let them

0:32:21 > 0:32:23do a clean sweep on you cos that makes it really tough.

0:32:23 > 0:32:27So you have to win the final round and achieve Perfection here.

0:32:27 > 0:32:30- Are you ready?- Yeah.- Come on, you can do it this time round.- Let's go.

0:32:30 > 0:32:32Let's play Round 3.

0:32:32 > 0:32:33APPLAUSE

0:32:34 > 0:32:36Glenn, your 45 seconds starts now.

0:32:43 > 0:32:44That's true.

0:32:44 > 0:32:46True.

0:32:51 > 0:32:53My 15-year-old has always got Top Gear on

0:32:53 > 0:32:55and as far as I'm aware it's false.

0:32:55 > 0:32:56False.

0:33:02 > 0:33:05I think sauerkraut is made from onions.

0:33:05 > 0:33:06That is false.

0:33:06 > 0:33:07False. And finally...

0:33:13 > 0:33:14I think he was.

0:33:14 > 0:33:15I'm going to go true.

0:33:15 > 0:33:17True.

0:33:17 > 0:33:18And, with a bit of time to spare,

0:33:18 > 0:33:21you have answered all four statements.

0:33:21 > 0:33:22Was that better?

0:33:22 > 0:33:25I'm having second thoughts about A. The rest, I'm pretty confident about.

0:33:25 > 0:33:27Before we reveal how you've done, it's time for us

0:33:27 > 0:33:29to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:33:29 > 0:33:32Hello, Usual Suspects, these are the four statements

0:33:32 > 0:33:34and next to them are Glenn's answers.

0:33:34 > 0:33:36You have done very well so far.

0:33:36 > 0:33:38Alexis, what do you make of his answers this time?

0:33:38 > 0:33:42A is false. I think J is worth eight points.

0:33:42 > 0:33:44- Alison.- I agree with Alexis.

0:33:44 > 0:33:48The J is eight and I think sauerkraut, that's true.

0:33:48 > 0:33:50Mike, what do you make of his answers,

0:33:50 > 0:33:51how many do you think he's got right?

0:33:51 > 0:33:53- Possibly one.- Wow.

0:33:53 > 0:33:56Not a resounding vote of confidence, is it?

0:33:56 > 0:33:58All right, well, let's have a look

0:33:58 > 0:34:00and see how many you have got correct.

0:34:04 > 0:34:07One. Glenn, you didn't manage to achieve Perfection.

0:34:07 > 0:34:10You have now let your enemies, the Usual Suspects, into the game.

0:34:10 > 0:34:12Usual Suspects, can you steal the round?

0:34:12 > 0:34:13You can see Glenn's answers,

0:34:13 > 0:34:15you need to change three of them.

0:34:15 > 0:34:17But which three?

0:34:17 > 0:34:19- ALISON:- Gosh.

0:34:19 > 0:34:22- Jimmy Stewart, I think, was a pilot.- Right.

0:34:22 > 0:34:26Angela Rippon, I remember seeing her on Top Gear.

0:34:26 > 0:34:28- So, that's OK. - From a long time ago.

0:34:28 > 0:34:31- ALEXIS:- A, B and C we're changing.

0:34:31 > 0:34:33A from true to false, please.

0:34:33 > 0:34:35A goes from true to false.

0:34:35 > 0:34:37- B, false to true. - B, false to true.

0:34:37 > 0:34:39- C, false to true. - C, false to true.

0:34:39 > 0:34:42Leaving D true, as Glenn said.

0:34:42 > 0:34:46Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:34:46 > 0:34:50In English Scrabble the J is worth four points. Is that true or false?

0:34:52 > 0:34:54It is false.

0:34:54 > 0:34:58It is actually worth eight, as you said, Alexis.

0:34:58 > 0:35:00Angela Rippon is a former presenter of Top Gear.

0:35:00 > 0:35:02Could that be true or is it false?

0:35:04 > 0:35:08It is true. Sauerkraut is a German dish made from cabbage.

0:35:08 > 0:35:09This is where we find out

0:35:09 > 0:35:12whether you've taken it or not, Usual Suspects.

0:35:12 > 0:35:13Is it true or false?

0:35:15 > 0:35:17It is absolutely true.

0:35:17 > 0:35:19Look at them all beaming away happily cos

0:35:19 > 0:35:20they know what's coming next.

0:35:20 > 0:35:24Finally, the actor Jimmy Stewart was a pilot in World War II.

0:35:24 > 0:35:27Is that true or false? It is...

0:35:27 > 0:35:29true. Congratulations again,

0:35:29 > 0:35:32Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:35:32 > 0:35:33APPLAUSE

0:35:35 > 0:35:38- Oh, dear, Glenn. They have beaten you again.- They have.

0:35:38 > 0:35:41Usual Suspects, you now have the opportunity to make Glenn's

0:35:41 > 0:35:44chances of winning the prize fund about as hard as it can be.

0:35:44 > 0:35:46Let's see the final board.

0:35:47 > 0:35:49Currently on there are four categories chosen by you.

0:35:49 > 0:35:52You get to do a clean sweep now cos you won that round and earned

0:35:52 > 0:35:55the right to choose the last two categories to add to the board.

0:35:55 > 0:35:56How is it going to go?

0:35:56 > 0:35:59- Do you think he'd like Musicals? - MIKE:- I don't know.

0:35:59 > 0:36:03- Let's do Musicals.- Musicals, yeah.

0:36:03 > 0:36:05- MIKE:- If it's British Empire rather than Commonwealth,

0:36:05 > 0:36:08that's taking things back a long way.

0:36:08 > 0:36:11- ALISON:- That's quite difficult as well. Are you happy with that?- Yes.

0:36:11 > 0:36:13Musicals and British Empire, please.

0:36:13 > 0:36:16Musicals goes across and British Empire.

0:36:16 > 0:36:20We now know our six final categories They are...

0:36:25 > 0:36:29OK, guys, well played. It's time to switch you off for the final time.

0:36:29 > 0:36:32Have they done you any favours with Musicals and British Empire?

0:36:32 > 0:36:35- No.- None at all.- None at all. - I had a feeling that was the case.

0:36:35 > 0:36:37You've got your work cut out cos they have chosen all six

0:36:37 > 0:36:40categories for you. But it's just how the questions fall.

0:36:40 > 0:36:43They might just fall for you. I hope they do.

0:36:43 > 0:36:46Glenn, for £2,000, it's time to play the final.

0:36:46 > 0:36:48APPLAUSE

0:36:48 > 0:36:50Glenn, this is the all-important final.

0:36:50 > 0:36:51If you can achieve Perfection,

0:36:51 > 0:36:54you could be leaving here with a prize fund of £2,000.

0:36:54 > 0:36:56If you fail, you'll leave with nothing -

0:36:56 > 0:36:59great news for the Usual Suspects, terrible news for you,

0:36:59 > 0:37:02as one of them could be playing for a rollover of £3,000

0:37:02 > 0:37:04on the next game.

0:37:04 > 0:37:05Let's play the final round.

0:37:05 > 0:37:07APPLAUSE

0:37:08 > 0:37:12Glenn, here are your final six categories. They are...

0:37:16 > 0:37:18None of them chosen by you.

0:37:18 > 0:37:20You must answer all six statements correctly

0:37:20 > 0:37:22if you want to win the £2,000.

0:37:22 > 0:37:25There is no time limit but once you've given an answer,

0:37:25 > 0:37:27your first answer, that will be locked in.

0:37:27 > 0:37:30So, if you're ready, let's reveal your first statement.

0:37:30 > 0:37:34Please, tell me whether you believe it to be true or false.

0:37:41 > 0:37:43It doesn't ring a bell. Bertie Wooster does ring a bell.

0:37:43 > 0:37:45It doesn't ring a bell about The Drones Club.

0:37:48 > 0:37:49I'm going to go false.

0:37:49 > 0:37:50False.

0:37:58 > 0:38:01I know the Canary Islands is a volcanic area.

0:38:01 > 0:38:03I've been a couple of times.

0:38:05 > 0:38:07I'm going to go true.

0:38:07 > 0:38:08True.

0:38:17 > 0:38:19Well, 40 shillings...

0:38:21 > 0:38:22..is about £1.20...

0:38:24 > 0:38:27..and, liking my horse racing,

0:38:27 > 0:38:31I know a guinea is worth, I think, £1.05.

0:38:32 > 0:38:36So a guinea is worth less than 40 shillings

0:38:36 > 0:38:40so that is false.

0:38:40 > 0:38:41False.

0:38:50 > 0:38:55The only Hotspur I really know is the one that plays at White Hart Lane.

0:38:55 > 0:38:56That's Tottenham.

0:38:58 > 0:39:00But I'm going to go true.

0:39:00 > 0:39:02- True.- True.

0:39:04 > 0:39:07You were kind of dreading this one, weren't you?

0:39:11 > 0:39:13Wow, You'll Never Walk Alone. Crikey.

0:39:13 > 0:39:15I think it is from Carousel, yeah.

0:39:15 > 0:39:18- True.- True.

0:39:18 > 0:39:20And finally, British Empire.

0:39:27 > 0:39:30The Sepoy Mutiny took place in Ireland. I don't think it's 1857.

0:39:30 > 0:39:33I thought it was early part of that century.

0:39:35 > 0:39:36That's false.

0:39:36 > 0:39:38False.

0:39:38 > 0:39:40And with that, Glenn, those answers are locked in.

0:39:40 > 0:39:43Remember, if there is one single mistake, you leave with nothing.

0:39:43 > 0:39:44Which ones are you unsure of?

0:39:44 > 0:39:46A, C, E and F.

0:39:46 > 0:39:47LAUGHTER

0:39:47 > 0:39:49It's a bit of a disaster, that one.

0:39:49 > 0:39:52Let's bring back the Usual Suspects to see what they've got to say.

0:39:52 > 0:39:55Usual Suspects, you can now see the final six statements

0:39:55 > 0:39:57and next to them are Glenn's answers.

0:39:57 > 0:40:00Glenn, your answers are locked in. You can't change them by yourself.

0:40:00 > 0:40:03But if you think you've made a mistake you can unlock them

0:40:03 > 0:40:06with the help of the Usual Suspects. This will, however, come at a cost.

0:40:06 > 0:40:09- Glenn, who would you like to hear from first?- Alex, what do you think?

0:40:09 > 0:40:13There is one that I would change but there's a couple I'm unsure of.

0:40:13 > 0:40:15What does that mean in terms of coming down and helping out?

0:40:15 > 0:40:18I don't think I'd offer help. I don't think that I'm sure of

0:40:18 > 0:40:21the ones, that I'm sure enough to come down. If that makes sense.

0:40:21 > 0:40:23It makes perfect sense.

0:40:23 > 0:40:25Mike, what do you think?

0:40:25 > 0:40:29Sorry, Glenn, I don't think you've achieved Perfection.

0:40:29 > 0:40:31But I'm enjoying myself in here at the moment

0:40:31 > 0:40:34and I'd like to stay here, if you don't mind.

0:40:34 > 0:40:37- Alison.- There's a couple I know you've definitely got correct,

0:40:37 > 0:40:40a couple I think are wrong and there's a couple I'm really,

0:40:40 > 0:40:44really unsure of so I won't be able to come down and help you either.

0:40:44 > 0:40:46Absolutely no help at all, which means, basically,

0:40:46 > 0:40:49you are all on your own with this one. But, who knows?

0:40:49 > 0:40:52- They might be wrong, you might have got them all right.- Absolutely.

0:40:52 > 0:40:55£2,000 at stake, six answers away.

0:40:55 > 0:40:57Let's find out if you've achieved Perfection.

0:41:01 > 0:41:06If the statement turns green, it's true. If it turns red, it's false.

0:41:06 > 0:41:08So, let's start at the top.

0:41:08 > 0:41:13Bertie Wooster is a member of The Drones Club. Is that true or false?

0:41:14 > 0:41:18I'm afraid it's true. You've blown it straight at the top.

0:41:18 > 0:41:20- Fell at the first hurdle. - That's terrible news.

0:41:20 > 0:41:22It means that you failed to achieve Perfection.

0:41:22 > 0:41:25I wonder whether you're still on for Perfection at home.

0:41:25 > 0:41:27Let's take a look at the rest of the answers.

0:41:27 > 0:41:31Mount Teide is a volcanic peak in the Canary Islands.

0:41:31 > 0:41:34Now, you reasoned that it is a volcanic area so you went for true.

0:41:34 > 0:41:35Is it true or false?

0:41:37 > 0:41:41- It is true. Well done. On Tenerife. - On Tenerife.- Very good.

0:41:41 > 0:41:44A guinea was worth more than 40 shillings.

0:41:44 > 0:41:47- Now, luckily, you are interesting in your racing.- I love my horse racing.

0:41:47 > 0:41:51So you worked out that that has to be false. Is it true or false?

0:41:52 > 0:41:54It is false. Very well done.

0:41:54 > 0:41:59Originally, a guinea was worth one pound, which was 20 shillings.

0:41:59 > 0:42:02But it's fluctuated at various times in history

0:42:02 > 0:42:04although it's never been worth as much as 40 shillings.

0:42:04 > 0:42:08Hotspur is a character in King Lear. You had no idea at all on this one.

0:42:08 > 0:42:12None at all. I just don't get Shakespeare as I don't get musicals.

0:42:12 > 0:42:13LAUGHTER

0:42:13 > 0:42:15They did you some real favours there, didn't they?

0:42:15 > 0:42:17They sussed me straight away.

0:42:17 > 0:42:20OK, so, Hotspur is a character in King Lear. You said true.

0:42:20 > 0:42:21Is it true or false?

0:42:23 > 0:42:24I'm afraid it's false.

0:42:24 > 0:42:29He appears in Henry IV Part One and Richard II.

0:42:29 > 0:42:31You'll Never Walk Alone is a song from Carousel.

0:42:31 > 0:42:32Musicals, you weren't fancying this

0:42:32 > 0:42:34but you were quite pleased to get this.

0:42:34 > 0:42:36I seem to recollect Carousel

0:42:36 > 0:42:38and it's got a football connotation with Liverpool.

0:42:38 > 0:42:41The question was You'll Never Walk Alone is a song from Carousel.

0:42:41 > 0:42:43You said true. True or false?

0:42:44 > 0:42:47- True. Very well done. - I'm good at Musicals now.

0:42:47 > 0:42:50In 1857 the Sepoy Mutiny took place in Ireland.

0:42:50 > 0:42:53You said that was false. Is it true or false?

0:42:55 > 0:42:57It is false.

0:42:57 > 0:42:58In fact, it occurred in India.

0:42:58 > 0:43:01Unfortunately, you had a couple there that you missed out on.

0:43:01 > 0:43:03Usual Suspects, that's good news for you.

0:43:03 > 0:43:05The prize fund rolls over to the next game where

0:43:05 > 0:43:08one of you could be playing for a total of £3,000.

0:43:08 > 0:43:11I'm afraid, Glenn, you failed to achieve Perfection,

0:43:11 > 0:43:14which means you go home with nothing. I hope you enjoyed the day

0:43:14 > 0:43:16- and enjoyed playing, though. - Fabulous time. Thanks, Nick.

0:43:16 > 0:43:19Thank you very much. Let's hear it for Glenn.

0:43:19 > 0:43:21APPLAUSE

0:43:21 > 0:43:23Well, that's all we have time for.

0:43:23 > 0:43:26Please, join us next time when our Usual Suspects have the chance

0:43:26 > 0:43:27to play again, this time for £3,000.

0:43:27 > 0:43:32But, remember, on this show we only pay for Perfection. Goodbye.

0:43:32 > 0:43:34APPLAUSE

0:43:35 > 0:43:39Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd