Episode 9

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0:00:02 > 0:00:05Welcome to the show that demands nothing less than Perfection.

0:00:05 > 0:00:07Behind this screen are four contestants who are hoping

0:00:07 > 0:00:10their knowledge is flawless, because one single mistake

0:00:10 > 0:00:12could give the game away. This is Perfection.

0:00:21 > 0:00:23APPLAUSE

0:00:23 > 0:00:26Hello, you, and welcome to Perfection,

0:00:26 > 0:00:28the quiz show where only perfect play is good enough.

0:00:28 > 0:00:31Behind me are the contestants. We call them the Usual Suspects.

0:00:31 > 0:00:33They're in our isolation room.

0:00:33 > 0:00:36In a moment, we'll find out which one has been randomly selected

0:00:36 > 0:00:39to join me here to play Perfection.

0:00:39 > 0:00:42They will then face a series of true or false statements.

0:00:42 > 0:00:45If I said Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling,

0:00:45 > 0:00:48would you say that's true or false?

0:00:48 > 0:00:51If you'd said true, I can tell you you'd have been right.

0:00:51 > 0:00:54Answering true or false might seem easy, but if the contestant

0:00:54 > 0:00:57gets a single answer wrong, their opponents, the Usual Suspects,

0:00:57 > 0:01:01will be allowed into the game to capitalise on their mistakes.

0:01:01 > 0:01:04You know how the game works. Let's meet the Usual Suspects.

0:01:04 > 0:01:05Hi, my name is Charles.

0:01:05 > 0:01:08I'm from Essex. I'm a student and this is my first game.

0:01:08 > 0:01:11My name is Carole. I'm from Seaham in County Durham.

0:01:11 > 0:01:13I'm an administrator for the local housing authority

0:01:13 > 0:01:15and this is my second game.

0:01:15 > 0:01:18Hello, my name is Al, I am from Halifax.

0:01:18 > 0:01:21I am an archaeologist and this is my fourth game.

0:01:21 > 0:01:23Hello, my name's Michael. I live in Ramsgate.

0:01:23 > 0:01:27I'm a retired electronics technician and this is my sixth game.

0:01:27 > 0:01:28Welcome to you all,

0:01:28 > 0:01:30and best of luck as we now find out

0:01:30 > 0:01:33which one of you has been randomly picked to play Perfection.

0:01:37 > 0:01:40Charles, it's you! Come and play Perfection.

0:01:40 > 0:01:43APPLAUSE

0:01:43 > 0:01:46Charles, welcome to the show. You do American studies, is that right?

0:01:46 > 0:01:47Yes, that is right.

0:01:47 > 0:01:50I do American studies and film and cinema technology,

0:01:50 > 0:01:52a very long-winded course.

0:01:52 > 0:01:56- So, what's the interest in America? - I did go to America for two months.

0:01:56 > 0:01:57They would have loved you over there.

0:01:57 > 0:02:00- You've got a proper English accent. - Oh, proper British accent.

0:02:00 > 0:02:04Ra-di-dah! Although, my family comes from Yorkshire originally.

0:02:04 > 0:02:07I could tell there was a hint of Yorkshire about your accent, yes.

0:02:07 > 0:02:10Look, it's now you versus the Usual Suspects.

0:02:10 > 0:02:13They were your team-mates, but they're now your enemies.

0:02:13 > 0:02:14Their job is to stop you winning,

0:02:14 > 0:02:16because your failure will mean their success.

0:02:16 > 0:02:18The money will roll over to the next game

0:02:18 > 0:02:21when one of them could be playing for a bigger total.

0:02:21 > 0:02:23Every game on Perfection is worth £1,000.

0:02:23 > 0:02:26The good news for you is nobody's won the last six games,

0:02:26 > 0:02:30so the prize fund currently stands at £7,000.

0:02:30 > 0:02:31Nice!

0:02:34 > 0:02:35What would you spend the money on?

0:02:35 > 0:02:38Well, I'd put it into my three-tier plan, I guess.

0:02:38 > 0:02:39I think the first tier,

0:02:39 > 0:02:41a bit into the bank to help pay off my student loan.

0:02:41 > 0:02:44Second tier would be give a little bit to charity.

0:02:44 > 0:02:46And third, a little bit for my parents,

0:02:46 > 0:02:50because they have done so much for me in my 20 years of existence.

0:02:50 > 0:02:53Well, that's nice of you. Nothing for yourself amongst that lot?

0:02:53 > 0:02:55Well, I did say a little bit into the bank.

0:02:55 > 0:02:59Hopefully I'd have a little bit to spend on noodles and fine dining

0:02:59 > 0:03:02- whilst I'm at university. - Here's how the game works.

0:03:02 > 0:03:03You'll play three rounds and a final.

0:03:03 > 0:03:06Every round you achieve Perfection will make the final easier for you.

0:03:06 > 0:03:09If your performance is anything less than perfect,

0:03:09 > 0:03:10the Usual Suspects will have a chance

0:03:10 > 0:03:13to step in and steal the round, making the final much harder.

0:03:13 > 0:03:16Usual Suspects, we're going to switch you off so you can't see or hear anything.

0:03:16 > 0:03:18Cheerio.

0:03:18 > 0:03:21Charles, each round consists of four true or false statements.

0:03:21 > 0:03:23You will only have 45 seconds,

0:03:23 > 0:03:27and once you've given an answer, your first answer is locked in.

0:03:27 > 0:03:30- Happy with that?- Oh, yes. - Jolly good. Let's play Perfection.

0:03:34 > 0:03:36Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:03:39 > 0:03:43- That's definitely false.- False. - False.

0:03:47 > 0:03:49- False. It comes from apple seeds. - False.

0:03:55 > 0:03:59I have not seen that film, much to my great shame as a film student.

0:03:59 > 0:04:02- But I would say that is true.- True.

0:04:07 > 0:04:09I have heard of the book Catcher In The Rye.

0:04:09 > 0:04:13And, let's see, is it by JD Salinger?

0:04:13 > 0:04:15- True.- True.

0:04:15 > 0:04:18And with a little time to spare,

0:04:18 > 0:04:21you have answered all four. Those answers are locked in.

0:04:21 > 0:04:22How was that round?

0:04:22 > 0:04:24The first two were easy. The second two -

0:04:24 > 0:04:26no idea.

0:04:26 > 0:04:28Before we reveal how well you've done,

0:04:28 > 0:04:31it's time to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:04:31 > 0:04:35These were the four statements and next to them are Charles's answers.

0:04:35 > 0:04:39- Michael, how has he done?- I think he might have achieved Perfection.

0:04:39 > 0:04:44- Interesting. Al?- I agree. I think that's pretty good.

0:04:44 > 0:04:46Carole, can you pick any holes in his argument?

0:04:46 > 0:04:50- It's definitely Perfection. - Wow.- Wow.- Let's find out.

0:04:50 > 0:04:53Charles, you need to have answered all four statements perfectly

0:04:53 > 0:04:55to have won the round. Let's find out how many are correct.

0:05:01 > 0:05:05Not bad, but certainly not Perfection, and as a result,

0:05:05 > 0:05:07you have let your enemies into the game.

0:05:07 > 0:05:10Usual Suspects, can you steal the round?

0:05:10 > 0:05:13You need to change one of Charles's answers. Which one?

0:05:13 > 0:05:14A is definitely false.

0:05:14 > 0:05:16Catcher In The Rye was by Salinger.

0:05:16 > 0:05:18- That's right.- That's true.

0:05:18 > 0:05:21Arsenic, I'm sure, is not from a tree.

0:05:21 > 0:05:25- We'll just go for the War Horse. - War Horse, C?- Yeah.

0:05:25 > 0:05:29We will change C from true to false, please.

0:05:29 > 0:05:31We change C from true to false, leaving A, B and D

0:05:31 > 0:05:33as Charles answered.

0:05:33 > 0:05:35Let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:05:40 > 0:05:43It is, of course, false. He comes from the Arthurian legends.

0:05:50 > 0:05:52It is false. It doesn't come from trees at all.

0:05:52 > 0:05:57It's a chemical element that appears in many minerals and, as you said, in apple pips.

0:06:00 > 0:06:05It is false. Emily Watson was the female lead in War Horse.

0:06:05 > 0:06:10So you know where this is going now. You can afford to smile a little.

0:06:13 > 0:06:15It is, of course, true.

0:06:15 > 0:06:18Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:06:18 > 0:06:20APPLAUSE

0:06:22 > 0:06:26They managed to succeed where you failed, and they have stolen the round.

0:06:26 > 0:06:27This is your final board.

0:06:27 > 0:06:30The six blank spaces need to be filled with subject categories.

0:06:30 > 0:06:32Here are your categories.

0:06:35 > 0:06:38Because the Usual Suspects stole the round, they get to choose

0:06:38 > 0:06:41two categories, hoping to make the final harder for you to win.

0:06:41 > 0:06:44Which two would you like Charles to play in the final?

0:06:44 > 0:06:47- How about Romcoms?- Can we have Romcoms, please?

0:06:47 > 0:06:49Romcoms goes across. And?

0:06:49 > 0:06:55I wonder if Peanuts means the cartoon or the nut! Peanuts, please.

0:06:55 > 0:06:57Peanuts goes across into the final.

0:06:57 > 0:07:00Well done, Usual Suspects, you've won Round One.

0:07:00 > 0:07:03Time to switch off, but we'll see you in Round Two.

0:07:03 > 0:07:07Away they go. They can't hear us now, so you are free to discuss it.

0:07:07 > 0:07:08I think Romcoms... Who knows?

0:07:08 > 0:07:11Luck of the draw might bring something fortunate.

0:07:11 > 0:07:14As for Peanuts, I know some things about Peanuts, but not many.

0:07:14 > 0:07:17Football, I think, would have been a killer for me.

0:07:17 > 0:07:20- That's what you want to avoid, is it?- Yes. I avoid it like diseases.

0:07:20 > 0:07:23But all the others I think I could do very well in.

0:07:23 > 0:07:27- Are you ready for the next round? - Yes, I am.- Then let's play Round Two.

0:07:30 > 0:07:32Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:07:36 > 0:07:38- True.- True.- I'm not sure, wait...

0:07:38 > 0:07:41I'm afraid I have to take your first answer.

0:07:45 > 0:07:47- True.- True.- I'm not sure.

0:07:54 > 0:07:58- I think... Actually, that's false. - False. And finally...

0:08:01 > 0:08:07Bodkin. I've heard of a bodkin in archery, so I would say false.

0:08:07 > 0:08:09False.

0:08:10 > 0:08:13And with time to spare, you've answered all four statements.

0:08:13 > 0:08:15Although I get the feeling

0:08:15 > 0:08:17that you'd have liked to have changed your first answer.

0:08:17 > 0:08:20Yes, I remembered it's in Afghanistan.

0:08:20 > 0:08:23- You might be right, you might be wrong.- I might be wrong after all.

0:08:23 > 0:08:25Before we reveal how well you've done, it is

0:08:25 > 0:08:27time to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:08:27 > 0:08:31These were the four statements, and next to them are Charles's answers.

0:08:31 > 0:08:35- Carole, has he got any wrong? - I think he has Perfection.- Al?

0:08:35 > 0:08:39Well, B to me, I don't see why should grow faster than the other,

0:08:39 > 0:08:43- but I'd possibly put that as false. - Michael?

0:08:43 > 0:08:47Well, I think A, I thought it was between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

0:08:47 > 0:08:50Well, let's find out how many you've got correct, Charles.

0:08:56 > 0:08:59- Three out of four again. Consistent.- Yes.

0:08:59 > 0:09:03- Consistently just under par. - Close, but no cigar.

0:09:03 > 0:09:05You need to achieve Perfection, and you haven't,

0:09:05 > 0:09:07which means the Usual Suspects are back in the game.

0:09:07 > 0:09:10Can you steal this round? You can see Charles's answers.

0:09:10 > 0:09:13- You need to change one of them. - I think you're right.

0:09:13 > 0:09:15- Afghanistan, isn't it? - Yes, I'm sure it is.

0:09:15 > 0:09:17Can we change A from true to false, please?

0:09:17 > 0:09:19A from true to false, leaving B, C and D

0:09:19 > 0:09:21as answered by Charles.

0:09:21 > 0:09:24Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:09:31 > 0:09:35It is false. And so you know where this is going, Usual Suspects,

0:09:35 > 0:09:38- and you knew it as soon as you said it.- Yep. I... I...

0:09:38 > 0:09:42Afghanistan-Pakistan border is actually where it is.

0:09:47 > 0:09:49The Fame Monster was a hit album by Pete Doherty.

0:09:50 > 0:09:52It is false. It's by Lady Gaga.

0:09:58 > 0:10:00It is false. Congratulations,

0:10:00 > 0:10:02Usual Suspects. You have achieved Perfection.

0:10:02 > 0:10:04APPLAUSE

0:10:06 > 0:10:09It's like a type of needle or dagger. Oh, dear, Charles.

0:10:09 > 0:10:12You let them in, I'm afraid, with that mistake.

0:10:12 > 0:10:13Let's look at the final board.

0:10:13 > 0:10:17Two subject categories already chosen for the final by you,

0:10:17 > 0:10:19the Usual Suspects, and as a result of winning that round,

0:10:19 > 0:10:22you get to choose two more. Which would you like him to play?

0:10:22 > 0:10:25What about Football? Reckon he's up on his Football?

0:10:25 > 0:10:27OK, yeah, could we have Football, please?

0:10:27 > 0:10:32- Football goes into the final round. - What about Famous Bears?

0:10:32 > 0:10:33Yeah. That's a good one.

0:10:33 > 0:10:37- Famous Bears, please. - Famous Bears goes into the final.

0:10:37 > 0:10:40Congratulations, Usual Suspects. We'll see you in Round Three.

0:10:40 > 0:10:45Away they go. Well, you said you specifically didn't want Football.

0:10:45 > 0:10:47Well, they fell right into the bear trap.

0:10:47 > 0:10:49Bears are my favourite type of animal,

0:10:49 > 0:10:52and I know many of them, fictional or otherwise.

0:10:52 > 0:10:54Is that right? Are you ready to play the next round?

0:10:54 > 0:10:57OK, this time thinking first, then saying.

0:10:57 > 0:10:58Let's play Round Three.

0:11:02 > 0:11:04Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:11:10 > 0:11:12Yes, they switched to a decimal currency in 1971.

0:11:12 > 0:11:15- I'm pretty certain of that. True. - True.

0:11:21 > 0:11:26- No, that had Roger Moore in it. So... I'd say false.- False.

0:11:30 > 0:11:34- My mother makes that all the time, and it is definitely true.- True.

0:11:34 > 0:11:35And finally...

0:11:40 > 0:11:41I think that is true, yes.

0:11:41 > 0:11:43True. And with time to spare,

0:11:43 > 0:11:46you have answered all four. Happy with that?

0:11:46 > 0:11:49I think I've done pretty well there. I am not sure about The Prisoner.

0:11:49 > 0:11:52I watched one episode of that and vowed never to watch it again.

0:11:52 > 0:11:56Before we reveal how well you've done, it's time to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:11:56 > 0:11:58Usual Suspects, these are the statements,

0:11:58 > 0:12:02and next to them Charles's answers. Al, how do you think he has done?

0:12:02 > 0:12:06- I'm just unsure of the year for question A.- Carole?

0:12:06 > 0:12:09Yogi Berra, I'm just not sure about that one.

0:12:09 > 0:12:10Michael, what do you think?

0:12:10 > 0:12:14Maybe A, I'm not sure about, but the other three are OK.

0:12:14 > 0:12:16The moment of truth. You have to have answered

0:12:16 > 0:12:18all four statements perfectly to have won the round.

0:12:25 > 0:12:27Congratulations, you have achieved Perfection.

0:12:27 > 0:12:30APPLAUSE

0:12:32 > 0:12:35Let's have a look at those answers in a bit more detail.

0:12:38 > 0:12:40Of course, it is true.

0:12:40 > 0:12:431960s TV character Emma Peel was in The Prisoner.

0:12:43 > 0:12:47You said that was false. It is, of course, false.

0:12:47 > 0:12:49- She was in The Avengers. - Yes, that's it.

0:12:49 > 0:12:51Hummus is normally made using chickpeas.

0:12:51 > 0:12:54You said your mum made it a lot, so you knew this was true,

0:12:54 > 0:12:55and, of course, it is true.

0:12:55 > 0:12:58And Yogi Berra was a famous baseball player. You are absolutely right.

0:12:58 > 0:13:02He was a famous baseball player. Very well played.

0:13:02 > 0:13:03Let's take a look at your final board.

0:13:03 > 0:13:06Now, because you won the round, you've earned the right

0:13:06 > 0:13:09to choose the last categories to add to the board. Which do you fancy?

0:13:09 > 0:13:12I'm going to go dead centre and say Capital Cities and US History.

0:13:12 > 0:13:15Capital Cities goes across into the final,

0:13:15 > 0:13:18and US History goes into the final.

0:13:18 > 0:13:21We now know our six final categories, and they are...

0:13:28 > 0:13:32It's time to switch off the Usual Suspects for the last time. Cheerio.

0:13:32 > 0:13:34Charles, you must be reasonably pleased with that now.

0:13:34 > 0:13:37Well, one half is looking OK.

0:13:37 > 0:13:41The other half, not so much so. 50-50... It'll be perfect.

0:13:41 > 0:13:44- You might be in some of the cash. - In it to win it.

0:13:44 > 0:13:45Wrong programme, Charles.

0:13:47 > 0:13:51Either way, Charles, for £7,000, it is time to play the final.

0:13:54 > 0:13:56Charles, this is the all-important final.

0:13:56 > 0:13:57If you can achieve Perfection,

0:13:57 > 0:14:00you could be leaving with a prize of £7,000.

0:14:00 > 0:14:02If you fail, you will be leaving with nothing,

0:14:02 > 0:14:04which will be great for the Usual Suspects, as one of them

0:14:04 > 0:14:07could be playing for a rollover of £8,000 in the next game.

0:14:07 > 0:14:09So let's play the final round.

0:14:13 > 0:14:15Charles, here are your final six categories.

0:14:15 > 0:14:17You must answer all six statements correctly

0:14:17 > 0:14:20if you want to win the £7,000. Think carefully.

0:14:20 > 0:14:22There is no time limit, but once you give me an answer,

0:14:22 > 0:14:24your first answer, it's locked in.

0:14:24 > 0:14:27- Are you ready?- Yes. - Let's reveal your first statement.

0:14:27 > 0:14:29Tell me whether you believe it to be true or false.

0:14:35 > 0:14:39Oh, gosh. Golly goshkins.

0:14:39 > 0:14:41AUDIENCE TITTERS

0:14:41 > 0:14:42I'm going to say that's false.

0:14:42 > 0:14:45I think he played a bookseller in Notting Hill. I might be wrong.

0:14:45 > 0:14:47- I'll say false.- False.

0:14:47 > 0:14:49Peanuts.

0:14:55 > 0:14:57Well, a monkey nut is...

0:14:57 > 0:15:02- It has a hard shell around it, so I'd say false for that one.- False.

0:15:02 > 0:15:03Thank you.

0:15:05 > 0:15:07Football.

0:15:10 > 0:15:13I used to live near Naples for three years.

0:15:13 > 0:15:18I took no interest in football, and as a result, I have no idea.

0:15:20 > 0:15:23- This is horrible! I'm going to say true.- True.

0:15:25 > 0:15:27Famous Bears.

0:15:31 > 0:15:37I didn't read enough Rupert Bear as a child. I think true.

0:15:37 > 0:15:40Just stay true on a hunch.

0:15:40 > 0:15:42- So we're going true?- True, yeah.

0:15:42 > 0:15:44Capital Cities.

0:15:47 > 0:15:51- Is that true or false? - Amman. I'd say true.

0:15:51 > 0:15:56- Again, it sounds like it.- True.

0:15:56 > 0:15:58And finally, US History.

0:16:03 > 0:16:04That's false.

0:16:04 > 0:16:10It was against Sitting Bull, who was a Cherokee or Sioux,

0:16:10 > 0:16:12but definitely not Apaches.

0:16:12 > 0:16:16- I'd say it's false. - False. Lovely.

0:16:16 > 0:16:18With that, you have answered all six statements.

0:16:18 > 0:16:20Those answers are locked in.

0:16:20 > 0:16:22If there's one mistake, you leave with nothing.

0:16:22 > 0:16:25- Which ones are you unsure of? - Frankly, all of them.

0:16:25 > 0:16:28That was completely ghastly, I think is the best phrase.

0:16:29 > 0:16:31Well, let's bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:16:33 > 0:16:35Usual Suspects, you can now see the final six statements

0:16:35 > 0:16:38and Charles's answers. Charles, your answers are now locked in.

0:16:38 > 0:16:41You can't change them on your own. If you think you've made a mistake,

0:16:41 > 0:16:44you can unlock the board with the help of the Usual Suspects.

0:16:44 > 0:16:46This will, however, come at a cost.

0:16:46 > 0:16:48Usual Suspects, I'm now going to ask you to tell me

0:16:48 > 0:16:51how well you think Charles has done, if you want to help,

0:16:51 > 0:16:53and if you do, how much it's going to cost him.

0:16:53 > 0:16:57- Charles, who would you like to hear from first?- Michael.

0:16:57 > 0:17:00I think you've got one wrong. I'm not sure about another one.

0:17:00 > 0:17:04- I'll have to think about it.- Would you like to hear from someone else?

0:17:04 > 0:17:08- Al.- I would come down for 5,000 of it.

0:17:08 > 0:17:10- That's the lion's share. - It is a lot.

0:17:10 > 0:17:12Let's hear all the offers on the table. Carole.

0:17:12 > 0:17:15I know you've got one wrong. I'm not sure about another one.

0:17:15 > 0:17:18But I'm the same as Al. 5,000. I might come down.

0:17:18 > 0:17:20You want to go back to Michael and see what he's offering?

0:17:20 > 0:17:25I don't think Michael is 100% certain. I think Carole or Al.

0:17:25 > 0:17:29They seem more assertive, so I think they know what's going on.

0:17:29 > 0:17:31Either of you interested in 4,000?

0:17:33 > 0:17:364,500, that's as low I'd go down to.

0:17:36 > 0:17:40- What about you, Carole? - I wouldn't go below 5,000.

0:17:40 > 0:17:44So Carole still wants 5,000. Al will come and have a go for 4,500.

0:17:44 > 0:17:47Well, Carole did say she KNOWS I got one wrong.

0:17:47 > 0:17:52- So, I think I'll take Carole's offer. - That's interesting.

0:17:52 > 0:17:54So, Carole, the offer is to take the £5,000

0:17:54 > 0:17:58- to come down and join us. Agreed?- I'll go for it.

0:17:58 > 0:18:02So, for £5,000 of the £7,000 on offer, Carole,

0:18:02 > 0:18:04would you like to come down and join us?

0:18:04 > 0:18:06APPLAUSE

0:18:06 > 0:18:09OK, Charles, you've asked Carole for help.

0:18:09 > 0:18:10If you achieve Perfection,

0:18:10 > 0:18:14it will cost you £5,000 of your potential prize fund of £7,000.

0:18:14 > 0:18:18Carole, you have now forfeited your chance to play in the next game.

0:18:18 > 0:18:22- This is your only shot. Have you made the right decision?- I hope so!

0:18:23 > 0:18:25Here are the final round statements,

0:18:25 > 0:18:28and all six answers are now unlocked.

0:18:28 > 0:18:30Charles and Carole, discuss.

0:18:30 > 0:18:33Well, I know for a fact that Rupert Bear didn't live in Nutbush.

0:18:33 > 0:18:37- Well, OK.- It was something Wood, but it wasn't Nutbush.

0:18:37 > 0:18:41- OK, well, change that to false. - And Juventus isn't based in Naples.

0:18:41 > 0:18:46Juventus. OK, we'll change that one as well.

0:18:46 > 0:18:49And hopefully we will be in it...

0:18:49 > 0:18:51- ..to win...- I hope so!

0:18:51 > 0:18:53..it.

0:18:54 > 0:18:58- Right, so, which ones do you want to change?- C and D.

0:18:58 > 0:19:01C changes from true to false. D changes from true to false.

0:19:01 > 0:19:03- Lock the rest? - Yes, lock the rest in.

0:19:03 > 0:19:07All right, the rest remain as you answered first off, Charles.

0:19:07 > 0:19:13£7,000 at stake. £2,000 to Charles. £5,000 to Carole.

0:19:13 > 0:19:16Six answers away. Let's find out if you've achieved Perfection.

0:19:18 > 0:19:20Let's start with the ones you changed.

0:19:20 > 0:19:23C, the Italian club Juventus is based in Naples.

0:19:23 > 0:19:25Originally, Charles said true.

0:19:25 > 0:19:29Carole, you came down to change that and said it was false.

0:19:29 > 0:19:31Is it true or is it false?

0:19:33 > 0:19:34It's false.

0:19:34 > 0:19:36APPLAUSE

0:19:38 > 0:19:43They're actually based in Turin. Congratulations. A great start.

0:19:43 > 0:19:45Charles, if Carole hadn't come down to help you,

0:19:45 > 0:19:49- you'd have been out of it already. - Yes.- So definitely worthwhile.

0:19:49 > 0:19:52The question is whether the second change you made was worthwhile too.

0:19:52 > 0:19:54Rupert Bear lives with his parents in Nutbush.

0:19:54 > 0:19:57Charles, you obviously haven't read enough of Rupert Bear

0:19:57 > 0:19:58and you didn't know either way.

0:19:58 > 0:20:01Luckily, Carole was there to advise you. Or was it lucky?

0:20:01 > 0:20:06She came down and suggested it was a wood. She said to change it to false.

0:20:06 > 0:20:08If you are right, it will turn red

0:20:08 > 0:20:11and you will be one step closer to the £7,000.

0:20:11 > 0:20:12Is it true or false?

0:20:14 > 0:20:16- It is false.- Well done, Carole!

0:20:19 > 0:20:24- Carole, it was Nutwood. - That's right. I knew it was a wood.

0:20:24 > 0:20:26Very well done. Two out of two on your changes.

0:20:26 > 0:20:27Let's carry on through the rest.

0:20:27 > 0:20:31- It gets a bit more interesting. - Now it's on my shoulders, Carole.

0:20:31 > 0:20:33Amman is the capital of Jordan. You plumped for true.

0:20:33 > 0:20:36Carole certainly didn't dissuade you away from it.

0:20:36 > 0:20:38You stuck with true. We need this turn green

0:20:38 > 0:20:40to get you halfway towards the £7,000.

0:20:40 > 0:20:42Is it true or is it false?

0:20:44 > 0:20:46It's true.

0:20:46 > 0:20:47APPLAUSE

0:20:47 > 0:20:48Very good.

0:20:50 > 0:20:53So, halfway towards the £7,000.

0:20:53 > 0:20:54It's looking like good teamwork.

0:20:54 > 0:20:58Yeah, maybe we have a chance. We've done Perfection!

0:20:58 > 0:21:02Let's find out. Custer's Last Stand was against the Apaches.

0:21:02 > 0:21:03You said this was false,

0:21:03 > 0:21:06and Carole said nothing to dissuade you from that.

0:21:06 > 0:21:08We need this to turn red

0:21:08 > 0:21:11if you are to get two-thirds of the way towards the £7,000.

0:21:11 > 0:21:13Is it true or false?

0:21:16 > 0:21:17It is false. Very well done.

0:21:17 > 0:21:20APPLAUSE

0:21:21 > 0:21:24Custer was fighting against the Sioux and Cheyenne at Little Bighorn.

0:21:24 > 0:21:27There you go. Very well done.

0:21:27 > 0:21:29Good knowledge all-round and good teamwork.

0:21:29 > 0:21:31We're down to the last two.

0:21:31 > 0:21:34In Love Actually, Hugh Grant played a bookseller.

0:21:34 > 0:21:37You need this turn red to be one away from the £7,000.

0:21:37 > 0:21:39Is it true or is it false?

0:21:41 > 0:21:43It's false!

0:21:45 > 0:21:47Who knows? I think we've got it.

0:21:47 > 0:21:50He was, in fact, the bookshop owner in Notting Hill,

0:21:50 > 0:21:53but in Love Actually he was Prime Minister.

0:21:53 > 0:21:57- Prime Minister, yes.- So, here we go. Game on, I think is the expression.

0:21:57 > 0:22:01This is it now. The last statement. The last answer. The last hurrah.

0:22:01 > 0:22:03Could it be a hurrah as you leave here with the cash,

0:22:03 > 0:22:05or is it a hurrah for the Usual Suspects

0:22:05 > 0:22:07because the money rolls over?

0:22:07 > 0:22:10The edible seeds of peanut plants ripen underground.

0:22:10 > 0:22:11Charles, you thought this was false.

0:22:11 > 0:22:15Carole came down and did not dissuade you in any way from that.

0:22:15 > 0:22:19Is it possible that peanuts grow underground? You said false.

0:22:19 > 0:22:22You stuck with false. You need this to turn red.

0:22:22 > 0:22:25If it turns red, you walk out of here with £5,000 to Carole,

0:22:25 > 0:22:27£2,000 to Charles.

0:22:27 > 0:22:29If it turns green, you've blown it

0:22:29 > 0:22:31and the many rolls over for the Usual Suspects.

0:22:31 > 0:22:35Let's find out. The edible seeds of peanut plants ripen underground.

0:22:35 > 0:22:40Is that true or false, for £7,000?

0:22:53 > 0:22:55It's true!

0:22:55 > 0:22:58- Oh, no!- It's true.

0:22:58 > 0:23:01They are the same thing as monkey nuts that you were referring to.

0:23:01 > 0:23:05- Also known, by the way, as groundnuts.- Oh, goodness.

0:23:05 > 0:23:08So just that last one. Neither of you spotted it.

0:23:08 > 0:23:10It means you haven't achieved Perfection

0:23:10 > 0:23:12and you're not going home with the cash, I'm afraid.

0:23:12 > 0:23:15Usual Suspects, fantastic news for you.

0:23:15 > 0:23:17The prize rolls over to the next game

0:23:17 > 0:23:20where one of you could be playing for a total of £8,000.

0:23:20 > 0:23:22APPLAUSE

0:23:25 > 0:23:26Charles and Carole, very brave effort.

0:23:26 > 0:23:30You failed to achieve Perfection, so you both go home with nothing.

0:23:30 > 0:23:32- I hope you've enjoyed playing. - It's been great.- Oh, yes.

0:23:32 > 0:23:34I've only been on for one game.

0:23:34 > 0:23:37I might as well enjoy every single moment of it.

0:23:37 > 0:23:39- An intense game, wasn't it?- Oh, yes. - An intense moment.

0:23:39 > 0:23:43Lovely to have you. Carole and Charles, ladies and gentlemen.

0:23:43 > 0:23:45APPLAUSE

0:23:48 > 0:23:50It's now time to meet

0:23:50 > 0:23:53the next Usual Suspects hoping to play Perfection today.

0:23:55 > 0:23:57New Usual Suspects, please introduce yourselves.

0:23:57 > 0:24:00Hi, I'm Lauren, I'm from the West Midlands.

0:24:00 > 0:24:02I'm a part-time web and graphic designer.

0:24:02 > 0:24:03Hi, I'm Rosemary.

0:24:03 > 0:24:07I'm from Manchester and I'm a personal fitness instructor.

0:24:07 > 0:24:10Welcome to you all, and good luck as we find out which one of you

0:24:10 > 0:24:12has been randomly picked to play Perfection.

0:24:17 > 0:24:20Rosemary, it is you! Come and join us and play Perfection.

0:24:24 > 0:24:27Rosemary, welcome to the game. Let's find out a bit more about you.

0:24:27 > 0:24:28Tell me about family.

0:24:28 > 0:24:31Well, all my children have flown the nest,

0:24:31 > 0:24:34but I do have four daughters and two granddaughters.

0:24:34 > 0:24:36That must take up a bit of your time.

0:24:36 > 0:24:39It did before, but not so much now. One daughter's in America,

0:24:39 > 0:24:42one's on the Isle of Mull, and two are in Manchester.

0:24:42 > 0:24:45Listen, Rosemary, it's you versus the Usual Suspects.

0:24:45 > 0:24:48Briefly, they were your team-mates. Now they are definitely your enemies.

0:24:48 > 0:24:50Nobody has won the last seven games,

0:24:50 > 0:24:53so the prize fund currently stands at £8,000.

0:24:53 > 0:24:54APPLAUSE

0:24:57 > 0:24:59What would you do with £8,000?

0:24:59 > 0:25:02I'd love to go across to New York on the Queen Mary 2.

0:25:02 > 0:25:06Imagine going into Manhattan and seeing the skyline and things,

0:25:06 > 0:25:07into New York harbour.

0:25:07 > 0:25:08Is travel a big thing for you?

0:25:08 > 0:25:10Do you have big ambitions for places you want to go?

0:25:10 > 0:25:13I'm not a beach person.

0:25:13 > 0:25:16I mean, I'd quite like to go across Patagonia on a horse,

0:25:16 > 0:25:19but I don't know if that's very realistic.

0:25:19 > 0:25:21See, that's a great thing to do.

0:25:21 > 0:25:24OK, look, three rounds and a final to come.

0:25:24 > 0:25:26Usual Suspects, we're going to switch you off

0:25:26 > 0:25:27so you can't see or hear anything.

0:25:27 > 0:25:30As soon as Rosemary makes a mistake, you'll be back in the game.

0:25:30 > 0:25:31IF Rosemary makes a mistake.

0:25:31 > 0:25:34Quite right. IF Rosemary makes mistake. Are you ready to play?

0:25:34 > 0:25:37- I am.- Then let's play Perfection.

0:25:37 > 0:25:39APPLAUSE

0:25:41 > 0:25:43Round One. Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:25:45 > 0:25:49- True or false?- I think that's true. He got quite a long way into Asia...

0:25:49 > 0:25:52- And I think that's true.- True.

0:25:58 > 0:26:05- I have absolutely no idea. I'm going to say that that's false.- False.

0:26:09 > 0:26:12- I think that's probably true. - True.

0:26:18 > 0:26:20- That's true.- True. And with time to spare

0:26:20 > 0:26:23you've answered all four statements.

0:26:23 > 0:26:25How did you feel about that round?

0:26:25 > 0:26:28I'm not sure about the Miley Cyrus one or Wikipedia.

0:26:28 > 0:26:30It might have been in the 20th century.

0:26:30 > 0:26:34Before we reveal how well you have done, it is time to bring back

0:26:34 > 0:26:35the Usual Suspects.

0:26:35 > 0:26:38Hello, Usual Suspects, these were the four statements,

0:26:38 > 0:26:43and next to them are Rosemary's answers. Michael, has she achieved Perfection?

0:26:43 > 0:26:48- I'm not sure. I think B could be true.- Al, what do you think?

0:26:48 > 0:26:52I am not sure if sunlight takes eight seconds rather than

0:26:52 > 0:26:55- hours, so that would be false. - Lauren, what do you make of it?

0:26:55 > 0:26:59I'm pretty sure that Billy Ray Cyrus is Miley Cyrus's dad

0:26:59 > 0:27:01so I think that should be true.

0:27:01 > 0:27:04Between them they think you have made several mistakes.

0:27:04 > 0:27:07- I'm beginning to think so too. - They might be completely wrong.- Yes.

0:27:07 > 0:27:10The moment of truth. You need to have answered all four statements perfectly to have won the round.

0:27:10 > 0:27:12Let's find out how many are correct.

0:27:17 > 0:27:19- Two out of four. - That's what I thought.

0:27:19 > 0:27:22It's 50-50, but it's certainly not enough.

0:27:22 > 0:27:24You need to achieve Perfection and you haven't done that

0:27:24 > 0:27:27which means you have let the Usual Suspects into the game.

0:27:27 > 0:27:29Usual Suspects, can you steal the round?

0:27:29 > 0:27:30You can see Rosemary's answers.

0:27:30 > 0:27:34- You need to change two of them, but which two?- We agree on B, do we?

0:27:34 > 0:27:38- I'm pretty sure he is her dad so I think that should be...- Yes.

0:27:38 > 0:27:41I'm confident it is eight seconds as well, sunlight to reach Earth.

0:27:41 > 0:27:46- So we will change B and D. - I think so.- Can we change B to true?

0:27:46 > 0:27:48B changes from false to true.

0:27:48 > 0:27:50And D to false?

0:27:50 > 0:27:52And D changes from true to false,

0:27:52 > 0:27:55leaving A and C as answered by Rosemary.

0:27:55 > 0:27:58Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:27:58 > 0:28:00Alexander the Great invaded India. Is that true or false?

0:28:01 > 0:28:05It is absolutely true. Miley Cyrus is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus?

0:28:05 > 0:28:08Is that true or false?

0:28:08 > 0:28:12It is true. Lauren, you were absolutely right.

0:28:12 > 0:28:16Wikipedia was founded in the 21st century. True or false?

0:28:16 > 0:28:19It is true. You know where this is going, Usual Suspects.

0:28:19 > 0:28:21Sunlight takes about eight hours

0:28:21 > 0:28:23to reach the Earth. Is that true or false?

0:28:23 > 0:28:24It is false.

0:28:24 > 0:28:27Congratulations, Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:28:27 > 0:28:30APPLAUSE

0:28:33 > 0:28:35Just to clear that up, it is eight minutes in actual fact

0:28:35 > 0:28:39but, either way, Rosemary, they managed to succeed where you failed, I'm afraid.

0:28:39 > 0:28:40They've stolen the round.

0:28:40 > 0:28:44Usual Suspects, you now have the opportunity to make Rosemary's chances

0:28:44 > 0:28:47of winning the prize fund much harder in the Final and here's how.

0:28:47 > 0:28:49Rosemary, this is your Final Board.

0:28:49 > 0:28:52The six blank spaces need to be filled with subject categories.

0:28:52 > 0:28:54Here are your Final Round categories,

0:28:54 > 0:28:56varying from Coronation Street

0:28:56 > 0:28:58onto Blake's 7

0:28:58 > 0:29:00with many more in-between.

0:29:00 > 0:29:03Because the Usual Suspects stole the round, they choose

0:29:03 > 0:29:05two categories hoping to make the Final harder for you to win.

0:29:05 > 0:29:09Usual Suspects, which two would you like Rosemary to play in the Final?

0:29:09 > 0:29:11- Opera?- Operas?- Yes.- OK. Operas, please.

0:29:11 > 0:29:14Operas goes across and I need one more.

0:29:14 > 0:29:19- Transport, something like that. - Transport, please.- Transport.

0:29:19 > 0:29:22Thank you. Well done, Usual Suspects.

0:29:22 > 0:29:24You've won the first round. Time to switch you off

0:29:24 > 0:29:25but we'll see you in Round Two.

0:29:25 > 0:29:27And away they go. Do you know anything about Opera?

0:29:27 > 0:29:30I don't have huge Opera knowledge but I know a bit about it.

0:29:30 > 0:29:33- It depends on the question, doesn't it?- And Transport?

0:29:33 > 0:29:35I know what a train is, I know what a bus is,

0:29:35 > 0:29:38- I know what a car is, I know what a plane is!- That is a good start.

0:29:38 > 0:29:39Look at those on the left there.

0:29:39 > 0:29:40Which ones

0:29:40 > 0:29:42would you like to avoid?

0:29:42 > 0:29:43- All of them!- Really?

0:29:43 > 0:29:45- Ones you'd choose?- Probably Comedy.

0:29:45 > 0:29:48- Maybe Assassinations actually. - All right.

0:29:48 > 0:29:51- Are you ready for the next round?- I am.- Good, then let's play Round Two.

0:29:51 > 0:29:53APPLAUSE

0:29:55 > 0:29:56Your 45 seconds starts now.

0:30:01 > 0:30:04Absolutely no idea.

0:30:04 > 0:30:07I used to watch snooker but I have not watched it for quite some time.

0:30:07 > 0:30:10- I'm going to say false.- False.

0:30:15 > 0:30:18- I know that is absolutely false. - False.

0:30:22 > 0:30:27- No. It is topped with almonds. It is false.- False. Thank you.

0:30:31 > 0:30:34- I think that that is true.- True.

0:30:35 > 0:30:38With time to spare, you have answered all four statements.

0:30:38 > 0:30:40That felt like a good round apart maybe from the start?

0:30:40 > 0:30:44Graeme Dott, yes. The Dardanelles is in Turkey.

0:30:44 > 0:30:48It's around... I can't remember the name of it but it is not in Belgium.

0:30:48 > 0:30:51- Apart from the one at the top, a pretty good round?- Yes.

0:30:51 > 0:30:53Before we reveal how well you have done, it is time to bring back

0:30:53 > 0:30:54the Usual Suspects.

0:30:54 > 0:30:58Usual Suspects, these were the four statements and next to them

0:30:58 > 0:30:59are Rosemary's answers.

0:30:59 > 0:31:01Al, has she achieved Perfection?

0:31:01 > 0:31:05Not on this occasion. I know that Graeme Dott has definitely won

0:31:05 > 0:31:07the Snooker championship once.

0:31:07 > 0:31:08Lauren, what do you think?

0:31:08 > 0:31:10The one I am not sure about is D

0:31:10 > 0:31:12I know that they had a few celebrities in there,

0:31:12 > 0:31:13but that is the one

0:31:13 > 0:31:15I am only half-sure about.

0:31:15 > 0:31:19- Michael, has she achieved Perfection?- No, I agree with Al.

0:31:19 > 0:31:22I think A is true, the other three she has got right.

0:31:22 > 0:31:24Rosemary, the moment of truth.

0:31:24 > 0:31:26Let's find out how many you have got correct.

0:31:33 > 0:31:35Three out of four is not bad but it is not Perfection.

0:31:35 > 0:31:38As a result you have let the Usual Suspects into the game.

0:31:38 > 0:31:41Can you steal the round? You can see Rosemary's answers.

0:31:41 > 0:31:44You need to change just one. But which one?

0:31:44 > 0:31:48- A, definitely.- You seem pretty sure. - Can we change A from false to true, please?

0:31:48 > 0:31:50A changes from false to true,

0:31:50 > 0:31:52leaving B, C, and D as answered by Rosemary.

0:31:52 > 0:31:56Usual Suspects, let's find out what the correct answers are.

0:31:56 > 0:31:59Graeme Dott has won the world Snooker championship.

0:31:59 > 0:32:00Is that true or false?

0:32:02 > 0:32:03It is true.

0:32:03 > 0:32:05Now you know already, Usual Suspects,

0:32:05 > 0:32:07that you are going to do very well here.

0:32:07 > 0:32:10The Dardanelles Strait is in Belgium. Is that true or false?

0:32:10 > 0:32:13It is in fact false. It is in Turkey.

0:32:13 > 0:32:14You are absolute right, Rosemary.

0:32:14 > 0:32:16Traditionally a Dundee cake is topped with jam.

0:32:16 > 0:32:18Is that true or false?

0:32:18 > 0:32:20It is false. Almonds as you said, Rosemary.

0:32:20 > 0:32:24Kylie Minogue appeared in the Vicar Of Dibley. True or false?

0:32:24 > 0:32:25You were right with that too.

0:32:25 > 0:32:29Congratulations, Usual Suspects, you have achieved Perfection.

0:32:29 > 0:32:31APPLAUSE

0:32:33 > 0:32:35You know what this means, Rosemary.

0:32:35 > 0:32:37They have succeeded where you failed again.

0:32:37 > 0:32:39As a result, they have the opportunity to

0:32:39 > 0:32:41make your chances of winning the Final that much harder.

0:32:41 > 0:32:45Let's see the Final Board. There it is with two subjects already chosen

0:32:45 > 0:32:47for the Final.

0:32:47 > 0:32:50Because you won the round, Usual Suspects, you get to choose

0:32:50 > 0:32:51the next two. What do you fancy?

0:32:51 > 0:32:53What about Inventions?

0:32:53 > 0:32:54- Yes.- Happy with that, yes.

0:32:54 > 0:32:57Inventions goes across.

0:32:57 > 0:32:59- One more.- I think...

0:32:59 > 0:33:02- I don't know.- Famous Aussies, something like that?- Famous Aussies, yes.

0:33:02 > 0:33:04Famous Aussies goes across.

0:33:04 > 0:33:06Thank you. Congratulations, Usual Suspects,

0:33:06 > 0:33:08you have won the second round.

0:33:08 > 0:33:11It is time to switch you off. We will see you in Round Three.

0:33:11 > 0:33:13What do you think? Inventions, Famous Aussies?

0:33:13 > 0:33:15It depends on the questions. I am not unhappy with it.

0:33:15 > 0:33:18- I didn't think you would be to be honest.- Exactly, yes.

0:33:18 > 0:33:21You still have one more chance to find Perfection and choose your own

0:33:21 > 0:33:24categories for the Final, so if you are ready, let's play Round Three.

0:33:24 > 0:33:25APPLAUSE

0:33:27 > 0:33:30Rosemary, your 45 seconds starts now.

0:33:34 > 0:33:38- No, The Tyger was written by William Blake so that is false.- False.

0:33:43 > 0:33:48- Unfortunately that's true.- True. Yes.

0:33:52 > 0:33:56He did marry a model. I don't know if her name was Lara Stone.

0:33:56 > 0:33:59- But I'm going to take a punt and say that is true.- True.

0:33:59 > 0:34:01And finally...

0:34:05 > 0:34:08- Yes, he was. That is true.- True.

0:34:08 > 0:34:09And with time to spare...

0:34:09 > 0:34:11You're very calm as the time ticks away there.

0:34:11 > 0:34:13- I don't feel calm inside. - Do you not?- No.

0:34:13 > 0:34:16All right, before we reveal exactly how well you have done,

0:34:16 > 0:34:19it's time for us to bring back the Usual Suspects.

0:34:19 > 0:34:20Usual Suspects,

0:34:20 > 0:34:22these are the four statements.

0:34:22 > 0:34:24Next to them are Rosemary's answers.

0:34:24 > 0:34:26Lauren, has she achieved Perfection?

0:34:26 > 0:34:29I am pretty sure that they are right so she may have achieved Perfection.

0:34:29 > 0:34:31Michael, how do you think she's done?

0:34:31 > 0:34:32I think she did quite well.

0:34:32 > 0:34:34I think she may have got them all right.

0:34:34 > 0:34:36Let's find out how many you've got correct.

0:34:43 > 0:34:44APPLAUSE

0:34:44 > 0:34:45Congratulations, Rosemary,

0:34:45 > 0:34:47you have achieved Perfection.

0:34:51 > 0:34:53Very well done. Let's take a look through those answers.

0:34:53 > 0:34:55The Tyger is a poem by William Wordsworth.

0:34:55 > 0:35:00We know now that it is false. It was William Blake as you said.

0:35:00 > 0:35:04Edward I has been called the Hammer of the Scots. You said true.

0:35:04 > 0:35:06It is, of course, true.

0:35:06 > 0:35:09David Walliams married the model Lara Stone. You said that was true.

0:35:09 > 0:35:12You knew he's married a model and it turns out that that is true.

0:35:12 > 0:35:15Earl Grey was a 19th-century British Prime Minister.

0:35:15 > 0:35:19- Why did you laugh when you answered that?- Because I drink nothing but Earl Grey tea.

0:35:19 > 0:35:20OK. It turned out

0:35:20 > 0:35:22to be true. Very well done.

0:35:22 > 0:35:24As a result of that perfect performance,

0:35:24 > 0:35:27you have made winning the Prize Fund that much easier.

0:35:27 > 0:35:28Let us have a look at your Final Board.

0:35:28 > 0:35:30Because you won the round,

0:35:30 > 0:35:32you've earned the right to choose two categories

0:35:32 > 0:35:34to add to the board. Which two do you fancy?

0:35:34 > 0:35:36- I will try Comedy.- Comedy.

0:35:36 > 0:35:37And...

0:35:39 > 0:35:40I'll try Assassinations.

0:35:40 > 0:35:42- Assassinations.- Yes.- OK.

0:35:42 > 0:35:44Assassinations goes across

0:35:44 > 0:35:46and we now know our six Final categories.

0:35:46 > 0:35:47They are...

0:35:51 > 0:35:55It is time to switch off the Usual Suspects for the last time.

0:35:55 > 0:35:58Rosemary, for £8,000, it is time to play the final.

0:35:58 > 0:36:00APPLAUSE

0:36:02 > 0:36:04Rosemary, this is the all-important Final.

0:36:04 > 0:36:07If you can achieve Perfection, you could be leaving with a Prize Fund of £8,000.

0:36:07 > 0:36:10If you fail, you will be leaving with nothing,

0:36:10 > 0:36:12which is great news for the Usual Suspects because one of them

0:36:12 > 0:36:15could be playing for £9,000 in a rollover on the next game.

0:36:15 > 0:36:18So let's play the Final Round.

0:36:18 > 0:36:19APPLAUSE

0:36:19 > 0:36:22Rosemary, here are your six final categories.

0:36:22 > 0:36:25You must answer all six statements

0:36:25 > 0:36:26correctly if you want to

0:36:26 > 0:36:28win the £8,000. Think carefully.

0:36:28 > 0:36:30No time limit. But once you have given an answer,

0:36:30 > 0:36:32your first answer, it's locked in.

0:36:32 > 0:36:33- Are you ready? - I am.

0:36:33 > 0:36:35Then let's reveal your first statement.

0:36:35 > 0:36:37Tell me whether you believe it's true or false.

0:36:42 > 0:36:48I think Mozart did write Don Giovanni.

0:36:48 > 0:36:51- I'm going to say that's true.- True.

0:36:56 > 0:36:59- That is absolutely true. - True.- Yes.

0:37:04 > 0:37:05Who knows?

0:37:05 > 0:37:07I don't think you would ask

0:37:07 > 0:37:09a question like that

0:37:09 > 0:37:10unless that was true

0:37:10 > 0:37:12because it just seems so ridiculous to

0:37:12 > 0:37:15think of people in the 1700s

0:37:15 > 0:37:17skating around to their coffee houses.

0:37:17 > 0:37:20- I'm going to say true for that.- True.

0:37:26 > 0:37:28He didn't. He was shot.

0:37:28 > 0:37:31I would say that is false.

0:37:31 > 0:37:33False.

0:37:39 > 0:37:42Again that is another one that seems

0:37:42 > 0:37:44so unlikely that it may be true.

0:37:46 > 0:37:48I am going to say...

0:37:49 > 0:37:51I don't know what I'm going to say.

0:37:51 > 0:37:53- I'm going to say false.- False.

0:37:53 > 0:37:55And finally...

0:38:00 > 0:38:03There was Lincoln, and Kennedy.

0:38:03 > 0:38:05I'm going to say that's false.

0:38:05 > 0:38:08I don't think it's as many as six.

0:38:08 > 0:38:09- False.- Yes.

0:38:09 > 0:38:11And with that, you have answered

0:38:11 > 0:38:13all six statements.

0:38:13 > 0:38:14Your answers are locked in.

0:38:14 > 0:38:17If there is one single mistake, you leave with nothing.

0:38:17 > 0:38:18Which ones are you unsure of?

0:38:18 > 0:38:20I am certain about the Routemaster.

0:38:20 > 0:38:21Ned Kelly as well.

0:38:21 > 0:38:23Andi Peters and Stewart Lee

0:38:23 > 0:38:24I have no idea really.

0:38:24 > 0:38:28All right. Let's bring back the Usual Suspects to see what they've got to say.

0:38:28 > 0:38:31Usual Suspects, you can now see the final six statements and next to them

0:38:31 > 0:38:32are Rosemary's answers.

0:38:32 > 0:38:34Rosemary, your answers

0:38:34 > 0:38:36are locked in. You can't change them by yourself,

0:38:36 > 0:38:39but if you think you've made a mistake, you can unlock them

0:38:39 > 0:38:42with the help of the Usual Suspects. This will come at a cost.

0:38:42 > 0:38:44Rosemary, who would you like to hear from first?

0:38:44 > 0:38:48- Michael.- I think you may be right on all six.- Very kind of you.

0:38:48 > 0:38:51- Yes, I can't help you. I think you're right.- Who would you like to hear from next?

0:38:51 > 0:38:52Lauren.

0:38:52 > 0:38:58I would have to agree with Michael and say I think you've achieved Perfection.

0:38:58 > 0:39:00I won't come down and help you. I wish you all the luck.

0:39:00 > 0:39:05- Thank you very much. Al?- There's a couple I think you might have wrong.

0:39:05 > 0:39:06It'd be a big risk

0:39:06 > 0:39:08for me, that.

0:39:08 > 0:39:13I possibly could for seven grand of it.

0:39:13 > 0:39:15- That's a bit cheeky isn't it, out of 8,000?- Very. Yes.

0:39:15 > 0:39:19- Mind you, your choice not mine. - No. You can make the choice for me.

0:39:19 > 0:39:22- No, thanks.- Not interested at £7,000? - No. No.- Lovely.

0:39:22 > 0:39:24Negotiations have come to an end.

0:39:24 > 0:39:27Thank you very much, Usual Suspects. So you are going alone.

0:39:27 > 0:39:30£8,000 at stake. Six answers away.

0:39:30 > 0:39:33Let's find out if you've achieved Perfection.

0:39:35 > 0:39:36Let's start at the top and work

0:39:36 > 0:39:37- our way through.- Why not?

0:39:37 > 0:39:40Don Giovanni is an opera by Mozart. You said this was true.

0:39:40 > 0:39:42Let's find out. Is it true or false? We need this to turn green.

0:39:44 > 0:39:46It is true. Very well done.

0:39:46 > 0:39:48APPLAUSE

0:39:48 > 0:39:50The Routemaster was a type of London bus.

0:39:50 > 0:39:54You said this was true so it should turn green. Is it true or false?

0:39:55 > 0:39:57It's true.

0:39:57 > 0:39:59APPLAUSE

0:39:59 > 0:40:02Roller skates were invented in the 18th century.

0:40:02 > 0:40:05You said this was daft enough to be true. You plumped for true

0:40:05 > 0:40:08which means that it should turn green if you are right.

0:40:08 > 0:40:11- If it turns red, you've lost the money there and then.- Yes.

0:40:11 > 0:40:13Is it true or false?

0:40:15 > 0:40:16It's true.

0:40:16 > 0:40:19APPLAUSE

0:40:19 > 0:40:21- Halfway to £8,000.- Not bad, is it?

0:40:21 > 0:40:25It's not bad at all. The notorious criminal Ned Kelly evaded capture.

0:40:25 > 0:40:27You said that was false because he was...

0:40:27 > 0:40:31- Shot.- That should turn red for you. Is it true or false?

0:40:33 > 0:40:34It is false.

0:40:34 > 0:40:36APPLAUSE

0:40:36 > 0:40:39He was captured and hanged. It does not matter how you get to the story.

0:40:39 > 0:40:42- Right.- You got the right answer. That's the important thing.

0:40:42 > 0:40:44You're two-thirds of the way to £8,000.

0:40:44 > 0:40:48Andi Peters and Stuart Lee were once a comedy duo.

0:40:48 > 0:40:51You had a long think about this. You plumped for false.

0:40:51 > 0:40:54- You need this to turn red to get you one away from £8,000.- Yes.

0:40:56 > 0:40:59Is it true or is it false?

0:41:02 > 0:41:03It is false.

0:41:03 > 0:41:04APPLAUSE

0:41:07 > 0:41:10You have to say the surnames out loud to realise where

0:41:10 > 0:41:13- the question has come from. - Peters and Lee, of course. Yes.

0:41:13 > 0:41:15- They were singing duo in the '70s. - Yes.- There you go.

0:41:15 > 0:41:17Absolutely the right answer.

0:41:17 > 0:41:20Here we find ourselves on the verge of you walking out of here

0:41:20 > 0:41:22with £8,000. What are you going to spend the money on if you win it?

0:41:22 > 0:41:27I really would like to take the Queen Mary 2 across to New York.

0:41:27 > 0:41:30And you might have enough left over to rent a horse and ride through Patagonia.

0:41:30 > 0:41:32- I might.- That's another thing you wanted to do.

0:41:32 > 0:41:36- It's all possible but it all depends on this final statement and answer.- I know.

0:41:36 > 0:41:38Six US Presidents have been assassinated.

0:41:38 > 0:41:42- You had a long think about this. You could only think of two.- Yes.

0:41:42 > 0:41:44The two you could think of were...

0:41:44 > 0:41:47Lincoln and Kennedy. I think McKinley might have been shot as well.

0:41:47 > 0:41:49That's three.

0:41:49 > 0:41:51Certainly you didn't think the run as many as six.

0:41:51 > 0:41:54- No. So you said false.- Yeah.- Here we go.

0:41:54 > 0:41:56If it turns red, you have won £8,000 and all those things you

0:41:56 > 0:41:57talked about come true.

0:41:57 > 0:42:00If it turns green, you've lost at the final hurdle

0:42:00 > 0:42:02and you go home with nothing

0:42:02 > 0:42:04and the money rolls over for the Usual Suspects.

0:42:04 > 0:42:06We need it to turn red for you.

0:42:06 > 0:42:09Six US Presidents have been assassinated.

0:42:10 > 0:42:16Is it true or false For £8,000?

0:42:24 > 0:42:26It's false. Congratulations.

0:42:26 > 0:42:27You've achieved Perfection

0:42:27 > 0:42:29and won £8,000.

0:42:29 > 0:42:31CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

0:42:31 > 0:42:36- Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my...- Brilliant.

0:42:36 > 0:42:38I can't swear, can I?

0:42:38 > 0:42:39Oh!

0:42:39 > 0:42:42We'd prefer you not to swear, but I can understand why you might!

0:42:42 > 0:42:43LAUGHTER

0:42:43 > 0:42:46- How was that, then? - It doesn't really sink in.

0:42:46 > 0:42:48You are walking out of here with £8,000.

0:42:48 > 0:42:52- I don't think all be walking. My knees are shaking!- Are you all right?

0:42:52 > 0:42:54- Yes.- Let's clear up the last question.

0:42:54 > 0:42:57Six US Presidents. Garfield was the other one you were looking for.

0:42:57 > 0:42:59There were four Presidents who have been assassinated.

0:42:59 > 0:43:02You're absolutely right. You achieved Perfection.

0:43:02 > 0:43:05- You are walking out of here with 8,000... Are you all right?- Yes.

0:43:05 > 0:43:06- Want me to get the chair back?- No!

0:43:06 > 0:43:09I am a professional fitness instructor!

0:43:09 > 0:43:12- It's true. I feel silly there. That is pretty good.- It is very good.

0:43:12 > 0:43:14- You get to do all those things you just talked about.- I know.

0:43:14 > 0:43:16LAUGHTER

0:43:16 > 0:43:18Patagonia, here I come!

0:43:18 > 0:43:20Unfortunately for you, Usual Suspects,

0:43:20 > 0:43:23the Prize Fund has been won so we reset the total back to £1,000 for

0:43:23 > 0:43:26the next game, but I have to say congratulations to you, Rosemary.

0:43:26 > 0:43:28It's lovely!

0:43:28 > 0:43:30LAUGHTER

0:43:30 > 0:43:35Congratulations to Rosemary. She achieved Perfection and won £8,000.

0:43:35 > 0:43:37And that's all we have time for.

0:43:37 > 0:43:38Please join us next time

0:43:38 > 0:43:41when our Usual Suspects have the chance to play again.

0:43:41 > 0:43:44This time for £1,000, but remember, on this show, we will pay,

0:43:44 > 0:43:45but only for Perfection. Goodbye.

0:43:45 > 0:43:47CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

0:44:04 > 0:44:07Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd