Episode 27

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0:00:21 > 0:00:23Thank you very much indeed.

0:00:23 > 0:00:26Hello, I'm Alexander Armstrong and welcome to Pointless.

0:00:26 > 0:00:28This is the show where all the questions have been asked

0:00:28 > 0:00:29to 100 people before the show.

0:00:29 > 0:00:31All our contestants have to do is come up with the answers

0:00:31 > 0:00:34no-one else could think of. Let's meet today's players.

0:00:37 > 0:00:39And couple number one.

0:00:39 > 0:00:42Hi, I'm Cathie, and this is my friend, Aladin,

0:00:42 > 0:00:44and we've come from Glasgow.

0:00:44 > 0:00:45Couple number two.

0:00:45 > 0:00:47My name is Raphael, this is my good friend, Jack,

0:00:47 > 0:00:49and we're from Cambridge.

0:00:49 > 0:00:50Couple number three.

0:00:50 > 0:00:52Hi, I'm Matilda, this is my mum, Amanda,

0:00:52 > 0:00:54and we're from Lewisham in south east London.

0:00:54 > 0:00:55And finally, couple number four.

0:00:55 > 0:00:57Hi, I'm Nick. This is my evil stepfather.

0:00:57 > 0:00:59We're from Nottinghamshire.

0:00:59 > 0:01:00And these are today's contestants.

0:01:03 > 0:01:04Thanks very much all of you.

0:01:04 > 0:01:06We'll get to chat to each of you

0:01:06 > 0:01:07throughout the show as it goes along.

0:01:07 > 0:01:10So that just leaves one more person for me to introduce.

0:01:10 > 0:01:11Stand and deliver -

0:01:11 > 0:01:14although he prefers to sit down, if you don't mind.

0:01:14 > 0:01:16It's my Pointless friend, it's Richard.

0:01:16 > 0:01:18Hiya. Hi, everybody.

0:01:18 > 0:01:20Good afternoon.

0:01:20 > 0:01:22Good afternoon to you.

0:01:22 > 0:01:24- And to you.- What a fun show last time.- Wasn't that fun?

0:01:24 > 0:01:27We've only got one pair coming back - that's Nick and Tony.

0:01:27 > 0:01:30Nick gave us, as a Shakespeare play, Gladiator,

0:01:30 > 0:01:31which was slightly awkward.

0:01:31 > 0:01:34But got through to Round 2, did get through to Round 2,

0:01:34 > 0:01:36so hopefully see a bit more of you on today's show.

0:01:36 > 0:01:38And Sean and Jane got through to the final round,

0:01:38 > 0:01:42and the category was Miley Cyrus top 40 singles.

0:01:42 > 0:01:43And actually, they did pretty well.

0:01:43 > 0:01:47- OK.- No Pointless answers, but they did do pretty well to be fair.

0:01:47 > 0:01:48We welcome three new pairs.

0:01:48 > 0:01:49Now, it's not very often...

0:01:49 > 0:01:51We've done nearly about 1,100 of these shows now.

0:01:51 > 0:01:54Not very often we have a contestant with a name

0:01:54 > 0:01:56we've never had before on the show.

0:01:56 > 0:01:58- Mm!- And I have... This is genuinely in 1,100,

0:01:58 > 0:02:01this is the first time we've ever had a contestant called Jack.

0:02:01 > 0:02:04- So lovely to have you here. - LAUGHTER

0:02:04 > 0:02:06It's going to be a cracking show.

0:02:06 > 0:02:08I think it will. I think it will. Thanks very much.

0:02:08 > 0:02:09As you'll have gathered,

0:02:09 > 0:02:11Sean and Jane didn't win the jackpot last time,

0:02:11 > 0:02:14which means we add another £1,000 to the jackpot,

0:02:14 > 0:02:17so today's jackpot starts off, it starts off at...

0:02:18 > 0:02:19Look at that.

0:02:19 > 0:02:21CROWD WHOOP

0:02:21 > 0:02:24Right, if everyone is ready, let's play Pointless.

0:02:30 > 0:02:32So, remember, the pair with the highest score

0:02:32 > 0:02:34at the end of each round will be eliminated.

0:02:34 > 0:02:37The pair with the highest score, so keep your scores low.

0:02:37 > 0:02:38Very best of luck to all four pairs.

0:02:38 > 0:02:42Our first category this afternoon is...

0:02:44 > 0:02:46Sports broadcasters.

0:02:46 > 0:02:49Can you all decide in your pairs who's going to go first and second?

0:02:49 > 0:02:52And whoever is going first, please step up to the podium.

0:02:55 > 0:02:59OK. And our question concerns...

0:03:02 > 0:03:05It's very much the same as sports broadcasters, but there we are.

0:03:05 > 0:03:07It's getting a bit more specific. Richard?

0:03:07 > 0:03:09Yeah, we're going to show you 16 pictures now

0:03:09 > 0:03:11of famous sports commentators and presenters.

0:03:11 > 0:03:14We just need you to identify the most obscure of these, please.

0:03:14 > 0:03:17Thank you very much indeed. This is going to be fun!

0:03:17 > 0:03:19We'll to show you an image of sports commentators AND presenters...

0:03:19 > 0:03:22It's lucky I did make it more specific, isn't it?

0:03:22 > 0:03:23- It is.- There you go.

0:03:23 > 0:03:26Obviously, this image won't change halfway through the round.

0:03:26 > 0:03:28It will stay up for the entire round,

0:03:28 > 0:03:30so don't go expecting a new board halfway through.

0:03:30 > 0:03:32Let's have a look at that image. Here it is.

0:03:32 > 0:03:35We have these fine people.

0:03:36 > 0:03:38There we are.

0:03:38 > 0:03:40Now then, Cathie.

0:03:40 > 0:03:43- Oh, my goodness me. - Welcome to Pointless.- Thank you.

0:03:43 > 0:03:45ALEXANDER CHUCKLES

0:03:45 > 0:03:47Welcome to Pointless.

0:03:47 > 0:03:49What keeps you busy up in Glasgow, Cathie?

0:03:49 > 0:03:53- I'm a trainer.- A trainer for...? Who do you train and in what?

0:03:53 > 0:03:55I'm a freelance trainer.

0:03:55 > 0:03:59I work for myself and I cover courses all over the UK,

0:03:59 > 0:04:01doing health and safety and management.

0:04:01 > 0:04:03Wow! So you travel wherever people need you.

0:04:03 > 0:04:06- And beyond.- And beyond! Even where people don't...

0:04:06 > 0:04:10You travel so far, until you find people who have no need...

0:04:10 > 0:04:12I can't believe there's anyone who has no need for Cathie,

0:04:12 > 0:04:13for heaven's sake.

0:04:13 > 0:04:16What particular disciplines of health and safety do you cover?

0:04:16 > 0:04:20I do health and safety management courses for people,

0:04:20 > 0:04:22which spans over four days.

0:04:22 > 0:04:24- So that's quite a long time, but I make it fun.- That's nice.

0:04:24 > 0:04:27You get to know people quite well over four days, I should think.

0:04:27 > 0:04:29That's nice. And what are your interests, Cathie,

0:04:29 > 0:04:31when you get back home after your health and safety...?

0:04:31 > 0:04:33I'm a very busy woman.

0:04:33 > 0:04:37I don't like to have downtime, so I volunteer for the Army Cadet Force.

0:04:37 > 0:04:39Wow!

0:04:39 > 0:04:44Now, Cathie, how are we feeling about our sports broadcasters?

0:04:44 > 0:04:47My mind has gone totally blank. But I'm going to do my best.

0:04:47 > 0:04:49OK. Good luck.

0:04:51 > 0:04:53I'm going to give it a go with...

0:04:55 > 0:04:58I don't know. Is that Seb Coe up the top?

0:04:58 > 0:05:01OK, you're going to go for Seb Coe. Let's see.

0:05:01 > 0:05:04Is that right? How many of our 100 people said Seb Coe?

0:05:07 > 0:05:09No. I'm sorry, Cathie.

0:05:09 > 0:05:12I bet that's not the last 100 points in this round.

0:05:12 > 0:05:16But I'm afraid that is an incorrect answer, scoring you the top mark.

0:05:16 > 0:05:20Yeah, he gets everywhere, Seb Coe, but not on this board, I'm afraid.

0:05:20 > 0:05:23Thanks very much. Jack, welcome to Pointless.

0:05:23 > 0:05:25- Here from Cambridge.- That's correct.

0:05:25 > 0:05:28- What do you do, Jack? - I work in a family business.

0:05:28 > 0:05:31We import tiles, and distribute them as well.

0:05:31 > 0:05:35- Where do you import them from? - All over the place.- All over.- Yeah.

0:05:35 > 0:05:37I'm trying to think. Morocco, I think of North Africa...

0:05:37 > 0:05:41Actually, it's more, like, more common tiles than that.

0:05:41 > 0:05:45It's more kind of your kind of bread-and-butter tiles, I guess.

0:05:45 > 0:05:46I see.

0:05:46 > 0:05:49And where do they largely come from, your bread-and-butter tiles?

0:05:49 > 0:05:53- Europe and China and India, mainly. Turkey.- There we are.

0:05:53 > 0:05:56And do you get to travel around to porcelain factories?

0:05:56 > 0:05:59A little bit. Yeah, a little bit. That's one of the perks.

0:05:59 > 0:06:02- That's quite fun, yeah. - One of the perks of selling tiles.

0:06:02 > 0:06:04- Yeah!- Good stuff.

0:06:04 > 0:06:06Jack, what would you like to go for?

0:06:06 > 0:06:10Well, I was a bit nervous at this particular one

0:06:10 > 0:06:14because I'm not so hot on sports commentators.

0:06:14 > 0:06:16But I'm going to go with Murray Walker.

0:06:16 > 0:06:18Murray Walker, says Jack.

0:06:18 > 0:06:22Let's see how far down the column we get with Murray Walker.

0:06:30 > 0:06:3230.

0:06:32 > 0:06:36- 30 for Murray Walker. - Very well played.

0:06:36 > 0:06:38There he is on the second row, Murray Walker.

0:06:38 > 0:06:40- He's been on Pointless Celebrities, hasn't he?- He has.

0:06:40 > 0:06:44One of my proudest moments on Pointless was me and Nigel Mansell

0:06:44 > 0:06:48playing Scalextric with Murray Walker commentating.

0:06:48 > 0:06:50- Commentating, wasn't he? - That was very exciting.

0:06:50 > 0:06:53- He's over 90. - I know.- Isn't that amazing?

0:06:53 > 0:06:55Extraordinary. Matilda. Welcome to Pointless.

0:06:55 > 0:06:57- Thank you.- What do you do, Matilda?

0:06:57 > 0:06:59I've just finished university, a couple of weeks ago.

0:06:59 > 0:07:01Oh, congratulations. What were you studying?

0:07:01 > 0:07:05- I did politics and sociology. - Did it go well?- Yes, I hope so.

0:07:05 > 0:07:06When do you get your results?

0:07:07 > 0:07:09I just found out that I got a 2:1.

0:07:09 > 0:07:10- The other day.- That's good.

0:07:10 > 0:07:11That is good.

0:07:12 > 0:07:13Ah, phew!

0:07:15 > 0:07:16Well, nothing wrong with that.

0:07:16 > 0:07:19And have you got... Have you taken a bit of time off now?

0:07:19 > 0:07:20Or are you going straight into work?

0:07:20 > 0:07:23- Have you got...?- I'm doing a summer job at the moment.

0:07:23 > 0:07:24I'm working in an English-language college,

0:07:24 > 0:07:27just taking kids from abroad out and about round London.

0:07:27 > 0:07:28That's fun. With an umbrella?

0:07:28 > 0:07:31- Yeah.- And then have you got something lined up for after that or are you

0:07:31 > 0:07:33just going to maybe take it easy for a little bit?

0:07:33 > 0:07:37- I'm kind of hoping to go travelling a bit.- Good. Very good.

0:07:37 > 0:07:41Now, before you do all of that, we need an answer in our first round.

0:07:41 > 0:07:45One of those guys kind of looks like somebody who was on Dancing on Ice,

0:07:45 > 0:07:47so I'm going to go - Robin Cousins?

0:07:47 > 0:07:50And I think it's probably wrong but...

0:07:50 > 0:07:52Robin Cousins, says Matilda.

0:07:52 > 0:07:54Let's see if it's right. Let's see how many of our 100 people

0:07:54 > 0:07:55got it if it is right.

0:07:56 > 0:07:58- It is right.- Oh!

0:07:59 > 0:08:0030 is our low score.

0:08:00 > 0:08:04Robin Cousins takes you whizzing past 30 to 27.

0:08:06 > 0:08:08- Very well done, Matilda.- Wow!

0:08:08 > 0:08:11Well done. Yeah, Olympic figure skating champion, Robin Cousins.

0:08:11 > 0:08:15And as you say, he was a judge on Dancing On Ice.

0:08:15 > 0:08:17I got a 2:1 in politics and sociology as well. So...

0:08:17 > 0:08:20- Wow!- There you are.- Yeah, how about that?- How about that?

0:08:20 > 0:08:23And I am also hoping to do a summer job,

0:08:23 > 0:08:25leading English language students around London.

0:08:25 > 0:08:27Thanks very much, Richard.

0:08:27 > 0:08:29Tony, welcome back.

0:08:29 > 0:08:31Good to have you back amongst us.

0:08:31 > 0:08:33Round 2, we had to say goodbye to you last time.

0:08:33 > 0:08:35- Yes.- I think a lot further this time.

0:08:35 > 0:08:37Minor slip-up.

0:08:37 > 0:08:38Are you feeling good about this first round?

0:08:38 > 0:08:40- Slightly better.- Yeah, that's more like it.

0:08:40 > 0:08:42Good. Tony, remind us what you do.

0:08:42 > 0:08:44I'm a warehouse supervisor for an electronics company.

0:08:44 > 0:08:48When you put your warehouse supervision behind you at the end of each day,

0:08:48 > 0:08:49what do you like to get up to?

0:08:49 > 0:08:54I'm very much into the high-octane sports like darts and pool.

0:08:54 > 0:08:56RIPPLE OF LAUGHTER

0:08:56 > 0:08:58- They're very much... - I enjoy playing poker.

0:08:58 > 0:09:00There we are. OK.

0:09:00 > 0:09:03Very good. Now, Tony, who would you like to go for on this board?

0:09:03 > 0:09:06I'm going to go for Richie Benaud.

0:09:07 > 0:09:09Richie Benaud, says Tony.

0:09:09 > 0:09:12OK, let's see how many of our 100 people spotted Richie Benaud

0:09:12 > 0:09:13on that board.

0:09:15 > 0:09:17Well, 100 was our high score.

0:09:17 > 0:09:20You've passed that. 27 is our low score and you've passed that.

0:09:20 > 0:09:2125, look at that.

0:09:22 > 0:09:25Very well done indeed. In fact, the lowest score so far.

0:09:25 > 0:09:29The wonderful Richie Benaud there on the second row.

0:09:29 > 0:09:32He passed away in 2015 and the Australian PM offered

0:09:32 > 0:09:34to put on a state funeral for him.

0:09:34 > 0:09:36- Really?- And Richie Benaud's family said no,

0:09:36 > 0:09:38they had a private ceremony instead.

0:09:38 > 0:09:42But that shows the love in which he is held in Australia and in the UK.

0:09:42 > 0:09:44Very gracious on both sides.

0:09:44 > 0:09:45- Yeah.- Thank you very much.

0:09:45 > 0:09:47We are halfway through the round. Let's take a look at those scores.

0:09:47 > 0:09:4925, Tony, the best score of the pass.

0:09:49 > 0:09:52Tony and Nick, top of the pile at this point.

0:09:52 > 0:09:54Then we go to 27, where we find Matilda and Amanda.

0:09:54 > 0:09:5730 is where Jack and Raphael currently reside.

0:09:57 > 0:10:00And then 100 is where we find Cathie and Aladin.

0:10:00 > 0:10:02OK, we're going to come back down the line.

0:10:02 > 0:10:04Can the second players please step up to the podium?

0:10:06 > 0:10:08Nick, welcome back to Pointless.

0:10:08 > 0:10:11- Remind us what you do.- I'm a night shift manager at a popular

0:10:11 > 0:10:14- fast food restaurant.- Have you got a good gang there with you?

0:10:14 > 0:10:18- Yeah, got...- How many other managers are there?

0:10:18 > 0:10:19Oh, there's quite a few.

0:10:19 > 0:10:22And are you solidly on night shifts...?

0:10:22 > 0:10:23Yes, yes.

0:10:23 > 0:10:25And have you got a family as well?

0:10:25 > 0:10:26Yes, I've got two kids, a wife.

0:10:26 > 0:10:29When do you see them?

0:10:29 > 0:10:33- Weekends?- I get in from work and my little boy is already sat up waiting

0:10:33 > 0:10:35for me. Sort him out and give the wife a bit of a lie-in.

0:10:35 > 0:10:37So you see a little bit in the mornings.

0:10:37 > 0:10:39- Yeah.- Nick, there you are, you're on 25.

0:10:39 > 0:10:43If you can score 74 or less, you're straight through to the next round.

0:10:43 > 0:10:48I recognise a few faces but no names are coming to the mind whatsoever.

0:10:48 > 0:10:51So I'm just going to have to take a stab.

0:10:51 > 0:10:54- Brian Reid.- Brian Reid, says Nick.

0:10:54 > 0:10:56Brian Reid. Here is your red line.

0:10:56 > 0:10:59If you can get below this red line with Brian Reid,

0:10:59 > 0:11:00you're into the next round.

0:11:00 > 0:11:02How many people said Brian Reid?

0:11:02 > 0:11:03Is it right?

0:11:06 > 0:11:08No.

0:11:08 > 0:11:10No Brian Reid, I'm afraid, Nick.

0:11:10 > 0:11:13That scores you 100 points. Takes your total up to 125.

0:11:13 > 0:11:15Sorry, Nick. There is a sports writer, Brian Reid, but not on that board,

0:11:15 > 0:11:18- I'm afraid.- Thanks very much, Richard.

0:11:18 > 0:11:20Amanda, welcome to Pointless.

0:11:20 > 0:11:23Here from Lewisham. What do you get up to in Lewisham, Amanda?

0:11:23 > 0:11:24I'm retired now.

0:11:24 > 0:11:27- What did you do?- I was a nurse.

0:11:27 > 0:11:28I worked in intensive care.

0:11:28 > 0:11:30Right, how long did you do that for?

0:11:30 > 0:11:32About 25 years, I think.

0:11:32 > 0:11:33Goodness. Goodness.

0:11:33 > 0:11:35Do you miss it at all? The camaraderie?

0:11:35 > 0:11:38Yeah, the camaraderie, but I'm glad not to do the night shifts any more.

0:11:38 > 0:11:40Yeah, I bet.

0:11:40 > 0:11:42I bet. What do you like getting up to now, Amanda?

0:11:42 > 0:11:46Usual kind of things, reading, I do a bit of writing.

0:11:46 > 0:11:48And I like doing mosaic work.

0:11:48 > 0:11:51Listen... Jack...

0:11:51 > 0:11:55Amanda, Jack... Amanda, you need a lot of broken bits of tiles.

0:11:55 > 0:11:56I do, yes.

0:11:56 > 0:11:58They are stacking up.

0:11:58 > 0:11:59This is...

0:12:02 > 0:12:04This is the best thing that's ever happened on Pointless.

0:12:06 > 0:12:08- That's great.- So, what's the most ambitious mosaic work you've done

0:12:08 > 0:12:12- so far?- I did one for my nephew - he got married recently.

0:12:12 > 0:12:16Of the tree of life and then the roots came down and it was their initials

0:12:16 > 0:12:18in the roots. So that was quite nice.

0:12:18 > 0:12:23Excellent. So, Amanda, you're on 27, behind you on 125 are Nick and Tony.

0:12:23 > 0:12:26So, 97 or less gets you through.

0:12:26 > 0:12:30I'm hoping that one of the women might be Lindsay Davenport.

0:12:30 > 0:12:32- Lindsay Davenport...- I don't know.

0:12:32 > 0:12:34..says Amanda. Is it right, Lindsay Davenport, and if it is,

0:12:34 > 0:12:36how many people said it?

0:12:39 > 0:12:41Bad luck, bad luck.

0:12:41 > 0:12:45However, you are only two points ahead of your nearest rivals.

0:12:45 > 0:12:47So you're not too far ahead.

0:12:47 > 0:12:48But 127 is your total.

0:12:48 > 0:12:50Yeah, no Lindsay Davenport.

0:12:50 > 0:12:52I'm afraid, again, a very good commentator and pundit

0:12:52 > 0:12:55- but not on that board. - Thanks very much indeed.

0:12:55 > 0:12:58Now, Raphael, welcome to Pointless.

0:12:58 > 0:12:59Good to have you here from Cambridge.

0:12:59 > 0:13:03- What do you do?- I'm an actor and I run a street food business.

0:13:03 > 0:13:07What fun. Let's cover the acting first.

0:13:07 > 0:13:10What sort of things are you doing, what kind of things...?

0:13:10 > 0:13:12I've recently become professional.

0:13:12 > 0:13:14I've been making short films for about 15 years.

0:13:14 > 0:13:16- Yeah.- Off the back of that,

0:13:16 > 0:13:19I got my first professional feature film last year and decided

0:13:19 > 0:13:22that I would start doing it more actively.

0:13:22 > 0:13:25So I'm doing a lot of voice work, I'm continuing short films,

0:13:25 > 0:13:28and trying to get more feature and theatre work.

0:13:28 > 0:13:31Good for you. Well, congratulations on all of that.

0:13:31 > 0:13:33And meanwhile, while waiting for that to happen...

0:13:33 > 0:13:37- Exactly.- ..you have a street food business that's just taken off.

0:13:37 > 0:13:38Yeah, yeah, it's going pretty well.

0:13:38 > 0:13:41- What are you making? - Korean barbecue burgers.

0:13:41 > 0:13:43Yeah. So...

0:13:43 > 0:13:46- Mm!- Obviously(!)- Mm-mm!

0:13:46 > 0:13:47Raphael, you are on 30.

0:13:47 > 0:13:49The high scorers at the moment are 127.

0:13:49 > 0:13:51It's Matilda and Amanda.

0:13:51 > 0:13:54- Yeah.- So, basically, we are looking for a score of 96 or less.

0:13:54 > 0:13:56- Yeah.- There's something about your attitude that tells me

0:13:56 > 0:13:59I think you've got a good answer. I think you are au fait with this board.

0:13:59 > 0:14:04Well, I was convinced that the two that I knew would be the first to go

0:14:04 > 0:14:05but neither of them have done.

0:14:05 > 0:14:07So I'm very relieved.

0:14:07 > 0:14:08I'm not going to risk it,

0:14:08 > 0:14:11I'll go with the safe option and I'll say Barry Davies.

0:14:11 > 0:14:13Barry Davies, says Raphael.

0:14:13 > 0:14:14Here is your red line, nice and high.

0:14:14 > 0:14:17Get below that with Barry Davies, through you go to Round 2.

0:14:17 > 0:14:19How many people said Barry Davies?

0:14:21 > 0:14:23There you are. You are through.

0:14:28 > 0:14:31Oh, look at that! 2! What about that. Raphael!

0:14:33 > 0:14:34Look at that - 32 is your total.

0:14:34 > 0:14:37The lowest total of the round by a margin.

0:14:37 > 0:14:40Very well played. There he is on the second row, first one in,

0:14:40 > 0:14:44Barry Davies. I think he is our greatest kind of general commentator,

0:14:44 > 0:14:46- certainly for football. - Yes.- Wonderful commentator.

0:14:46 > 0:14:49Very much so. Aladin.

0:14:49 > 0:14:51Welcome to Pointless.

0:14:51 > 0:14:53You are also from Glasgow.

0:14:53 > 0:14:55- Yes, yes, I am. - And what do you do, Aladin?

0:14:55 > 0:14:58I'm a holistic practitioner.

0:14:58 > 0:15:02I help people... I inspire people to become the best possible...

0:15:03 > 0:15:05Positivity and all that.

0:15:05 > 0:15:06Just imagine Oprah.

0:15:06 > 0:15:08I'm Scottish Oprah.

0:15:10 > 0:15:11I'm imagining Oprah.

0:15:12 > 0:15:19- Scottish Oprah.- I speak to people and inspire and lift them up.

0:15:19 > 0:15:21There's no sort of physical...

0:15:21 > 0:15:23There is slight physical.

0:15:23 > 0:15:27I do work with people's energy.

0:15:27 > 0:15:28Right, I see. Wonderful.

0:15:28 > 0:15:31Now, what you have to do is get all your energy going in the right

0:15:31 > 0:15:35direction, Aladin, and directed at that board because there are some

0:15:35 > 0:15:37as-yet-unnamed people on it.

0:15:37 > 0:15:41To be honest with you, I do not watch sports.

0:15:41 > 0:15:44I really don't know anybody on that board.

0:15:44 > 0:15:48Well, what we now have to do is use our energies to come up with a name.

0:15:49 > 0:15:51There's a name coming up.

0:15:52 > 0:15:54- Now.- What is that name, Aladin?

0:15:54 > 0:15:56Could be one of the audience names.

0:15:56 > 0:15:57But anybody's.

0:15:58 > 0:16:01Neil Jones.

0:16:01 > 0:16:02Neil Jones.

0:16:05 > 0:16:06Here's your red line.

0:16:09 > 0:16:12Let's just see what happens when we say Neil Jones.

0:16:12 > 0:16:14- Spooky.- Totally.

0:16:17 > 0:16:19I'm sorry, Aladin. I'm so sorry.

0:16:19 > 0:16:21I'm so sorry.

0:16:21 > 0:16:23Yes, Neil Jones is, in fact, an incorrect answer.

0:16:23 > 0:16:25And scores you 100 points and takes your total up to 200.

0:16:25 > 0:16:27Big scoring in that round.

0:16:27 > 0:16:28No Neil Jones, I'm afraid.

0:16:28 > 0:16:30Anyone in the audience called Neil Jones?

0:16:30 > 0:16:34You know what? Someone at home statistically will be called Neil Jones and

0:16:34 > 0:16:36will literally be like... "Oh, my goodness!"

0:16:36 > 0:16:39Oh, Aladin, you've made somebody very happy, that's the good news.

0:16:39 > 0:16:40Not for the first time, I'm sure.

0:16:40 > 0:16:42Let's go through the rest of these.

0:16:42 > 0:16:45Cathie, not Seb Coe on the top left.

0:16:45 > 0:16:47Another middle-distance runner of the same era.

0:16:47 > 0:16:51Steve Cram. That is Steve Cram, would have scored you 18 points.

0:16:51 > 0:16:53Next to Robin Cousins, David Coleman.

0:16:53 > 0:16:55Would have scored you 36.

0:16:55 > 0:16:57And again, not Lindsay Davenport, top right,

0:16:57 > 0:17:00another American tennis player, Tracy Austin.

0:17:00 > 0:17:01Would have scored you four points.

0:17:01 > 0:17:03There's Barry Davies and Richie Benaud.

0:17:03 > 0:17:06Next to him, looks like Joe Pasquale - isn't -

0:17:06 > 0:17:10it's the wonderful Scottish rugby commentator Bill McLaren.

0:17:10 > 0:17:13Is that Bill McLaren? Is that what Bill McLaren looks like?

0:17:13 > 0:17:14Yeah. Scored you one point.

0:17:14 > 0:17:16See, the voices of these people are so familiar,

0:17:16 > 0:17:18some of the faces less so.

0:17:18 > 0:17:20The first woman ever to commentate on Match of the Day, Jacqui Oatley,

0:17:20 > 0:17:23is on our third row there. One point for her.

0:17:23 > 0:17:26I think one of the other greatest commentators of any sport,

0:17:26 > 0:17:30the wonderful late great Sid Waddell, next to her.

0:17:30 > 0:17:33- Sid would have scored you two points.- I think I know that one.

0:17:33 > 0:17:35- Is that Peter O'Sullevan? - Peter O'Sullevan.

0:17:35 > 0:17:38The horse racing commentator. Would have scored you four.

0:17:38 > 0:17:41Then from swimming, Adrian Moorhouse.

0:17:41 > 0:17:43He would have scored you one point. Next down, we have of course...

0:17:43 > 0:17:45- John Motson. John Motson.- 18 points.

0:17:45 > 0:17:47Then from skiing, Graham Bell, one point.

0:17:47 > 0:17:49A pointless answer next,

0:17:49 > 0:17:52the brilliant presenter from 5 Live and many other places,

0:17:52 > 0:17:55Eleanor Oldroyd. And the doyen of golf commentators

0:17:55 > 0:17:57on the bottom right, just seven points for Peter Alliss.

0:17:57 > 0:17:59Peter Alliss. There we are.

0:17:59 > 0:18:01Thank you very much indeed, Richard.

0:18:01 > 0:18:04So, at the end of our first round, the pair we have to say goodbye to

0:18:04 > 0:18:06with their high score of 200, a lot of relieved...

0:18:06 > 0:18:10Well, two relieved pairs away to your right.

0:18:10 > 0:18:12But I'm sorry to have to say goodbye to you.

0:18:12 > 0:18:14We are looking forward already to the next show,

0:18:14 > 0:18:16when you'll be back again. I'm sure you will go much further then.

0:18:16 > 0:18:18In the meantime, thank you so much, Aladin and Cathie.

0:18:18 > 0:18:19Thank you.

0:18:19 > 0:18:21APPLAUSE

0:18:21 > 0:18:24But for the remaining three pairs, it's now time for Round 2.

0:18:30 > 0:18:31Well done, everybody.

0:18:31 > 0:18:33We made it through to Round 2.

0:18:33 > 0:18:35Only three pairs left. Obviously, at the end of this round,

0:18:35 > 0:18:38we have to say goodbye to another pair. I wouldn't like to say

0:18:38 > 0:18:39which pair that is going to be.

0:18:39 > 0:18:42But best of luck to all three pairs.

0:18:42 > 0:18:46For this next round, our category for Round 2 this afternoon is...

0:18:47 > 0:18:49Can you all decide in your pairs who is going to go first,

0:18:49 > 0:18:51who is going to go second?

0:18:51 > 0:18:54And whoever is going first, please step up to the podium.

0:18:57 > 0:18:59OK. And the question concerns...

0:19:03 > 0:19:05"S" in science, Richard.

0:19:05 > 0:19:08We are going to show you six clues on each board to people,

0:19:08 > 0:19:11places and things beginning with S, to do with science.

0:19:11 > 0:19:13You just need to give us the most obscure answer, please.

0:19:13 > 0:19:15Six on the first board, six on the second.

0:19:15 > 0:19:17- 12 in all to have a go at at home. Very best of luck.- OK.

0:19:17 > 0:19:20Thanks very much. Let's reveal our six clues on the first board

0:19:20 > 0:19:22and here they are.

0:19:46 > 0:19:48I'll read those all one last time.

0:20:13 > 0:20:16There we are. All scientific things beginning with S.

0:20:16 > 0:20:18- Jack.- I don't...

0:20:18 > 0:20:21I don't want to risk it so I think I'm going to have to go

0:20:21 > 0:20:24with something quite obvious.

0:20:24 > 0:20:27I'll go with the David Bowie song, Space Oddity.

0:20:27 > 0:20:29Space Oddity, says Jack.

0:20:29 > 0:20:32Let's see if that's right, let's see how many of our 100 people went with

0:20:32 > 0:20:33Space Oddity.

0:20:35 > 0:20:36It's right.

0:20:41 > 0:20:43Jack, that's not a bad answer at all. 24.

0:20:47 > 0:20:49Nice start to the round. Bowie called it possibly the most poignant

0:20:49 > 0:20:51version of the song that he'd ever heard.

0:20:51 > 0:20:53Which is... Quite right.

0:20:53 > 0:20:55What a beautiful thing to hear if you'd written that.

0:20:55 > 0:20:57Yeah. Matilda.

0:20:57 > 0:20:59What would you like to go for?

0:20:59 > 0:21:02I kind of know the obvious ones and I think the least obvious

0:21:02 > 0:21:06of the ones I know is the metal with the chemical symbol Ag is silver.

0:21:06 > 0:21:08Silver, says Matilda,

0:21:08 > 0:21:11let's see how many of our 100 people went for silver.

0:21:13 > 0:21:15It's right. 24 is our only score at this point.

0:21:15 > 0:21:1762 is our high score.

0:21:20 > 0:21:22Very well played.

0:21:22 > 0:21:25Did you know sterling silver is only 92.5% silver?

0:21:25 > 0:21:27What do you call 100% silver?

0:21:27 > 0:21:29- What do I call it?- Well, yeah.

0:21:29 > 0:21:32100% silver, we call Lone Ranger's horse.

0:21:34 > 0:21:36Hi ho.

0:21:36 > 0:21:39Tony. You're the last person to have this board.

0:21:39 > 0:21:42Which means, you lucky thing, you can talk us through it.

0:21:42 > 0:21:45There's one that's too obvious and going to be a very high scorer.

0:21:45 > 0:21:47The unit of time is obviously a second.

0:21:47 > 0:21:49The other one I'm almost sure on

0:21:49 > 0:21:51is the word meaning the interaction

0:21:51 > 0:21:52between two different organisms.

0:21:53 > 0:21:55- And that's symbiotic.- OK.

0:21:55 > 0:21:57You're going to go for symbiotic.

0:21:57 > 0:21:59Symbiotic.

0:21:59 > 0:22:01Let's see if that's right, let's see how many of our 100 people said

0:22:01 > 0:22:02symbiotic.

0:22:05 > 0:22:06It's right.

0:22:11 > 0:22:1321.

0:22:13 > 0:22:15Lowest score of the round so far, Tony.

0:22:15 > 0:22:17Very well done.

0:22:17 > 0:22:18Terrific answer, Tony.

0:22:18 > 0:22:21Well played. Symbiotic or symbiosis, we put on the board there.

0:22:21 > 0:22:2221 points.

0:22:22 > 0:22:24Let's fill in the rest of these, shall we?

0:22:24 > 0:22:27You were right to avoid the unit of time. It is a second.

0:22:27 > 0:22:29It would have scored 91 points.

0:22:31 > 0:22:34I guess maybe you get confused by the question.

0:22:34 > 0:22:36The surname of the astrophysicist...

0:22:36 > 0:22:38- Sagan.- Yeah, Carl Sagan.

0:22:38 > 0:22:40Would have scored 28.

0:22:40 > 0:22:43And the author... Fermat's Last Theorem is a brilliant book

0:22:43 > 0:22:45and it's Simon Singh.

0:22:45 > 0:22:47It would have scored you one point.

0:22:47 > 0:22:48Thank you very much indeed, Richard.

0:22:48 > 0:22:52So, we are halfway through the round. Let's have a little recap of our scores.

0:22:52 > 0:22:5521, look at that, Tony and Nick. Right at the top of the pile again.

0:22:55 > 0:22:5724 is where we find Jack and Raphael.

0:22:57 > 0:22:5962 is where we find Matilda and Amanda.

0:22:59 > 0:23:01But, Amanda, a nice low score from you in the next pass

0:23:01 > 0:23:03could change all of that. So, good luck with that.

0:23:03 > 0:23:05We are going to come back down the line now.

0:23:05 > 0:23:08Can the second players please step up to the podium?

0:23:10 > 0:23:15OK. Let's put six more scientific "S"s on the board and here they come.

0:23:36 > 0:23:38I'll read those all one last time.

0:24:00 > 0:24:03- Nick.- I'm going to play it safe.

0:24:03 > 0:24:07- Sixth planet from the sun, Saturn. - Saturn, says Nick.

0:24:08 > 0:24:10OK. Here is your red line.

0:24:10 > 0:24:12If you can get below that with Saturn,

0:24:12 > 0:24:13you are through to the head-to-head.

0:24:13 > 0:24:16Let's see how many of our 100 people said Saturn.

0:24:19 > 0:24:20It's right.

0:24:21 > 0:24:2679 for Saturn, taking your total up neatly to 100.

0:24:27 > 0:24:30Coolest looking planet, isn't it, by a long way?

0:24:30 > 0:24:35Its rings go 175,000 miles out into space.

0:24:35 > 0:24:37- Cool planet.- Cool planet.

0:24:37 > 0:24:39- Lots of rings.- Yeah, lots of rings.

0:24:39 > 0:24:41OK, now, Amanda.

0:24:41 > 0:24:43Amanda, so we have a target.

0:24:43 > 0:24:4637 or less is what we need from you.

0:24:46 > 0:24:48I'm not sure about this at all.

0:24:48 > 0:24:50I knew the last board a lot better.

0:24:50 > 0:24:54I'm having a bit of a guess at the word represented by the letter S

0:24:54 > 0:24:56in Nasa is "space".

0:24:56 > 0:24:59Surely. But who knows?

0:24:59 > 0:25:01Let's find out. Here is your red line.

0:25:01 > 0:25:04You have to get below that with space, let's see if you can.

0:25:04 > 0:25:05Space, how many people said it?

0:25:07 > 0:25:10It's right.

0:25:10 > 0:25:1184. 84 for space.

0:25:13 > 0:25:14That's a high score there.

0:25:14 > 0:25:16146 is your total.

0:25:16 > 0:25:18It's what they are known for, isn't it, Nasa?

0:25:18 > 0:25:19- It is.- More than anything.

0:25:19 > 0:25:24Yeah, it stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

0:25:24 > 0:25:25Now then, Raphael.

0:25:25 > 0:25:27Great news for you. You are through.

0:25:27 > 0:25:28Doesn't matter what you score.

0:25:28 > 0:25:30However, I again think you've got...

0:25:30 > 0:25:33I think you've got some good answers up your sleeve there.

0:25:33 > 0:25:36Will you talk us through this board and fill in our blanks, please?

0:25:36 > 0:25:40OK, so the chemical symbol of tin, Sg, perhaps.

0:25:40 > 0:25:43Stephen Hawking is the name of the physicist.

0:25:43 > 0:25:46I think it's Sky At Night, Brian Cox and Dara O'Briain.

0:25:46 > 0:25:49I can't remember the name of the scientist who did

0:25:49 > 0:25:51a thought experiment involving a cat.

0:25:51 > 0:25:54I'm just going to play it safe and go with Stephen Hawking.

0:25:54 > 0:25:56Stephen Hawking, says Raphael.

0:25:56 > 0:25:58Well, it doesn't matter what you score - you are through anyway.

0:25:58 > 0:26:00There's no red line.

0:26:00 > 0:26:03Let's see how far down the column you get with Stephen.

0:26:04 > 0:26:05It's right.

0:26:07 > 0:26:1157. Not bad at all, taking your total up to 81.

0:26:13 > 0:26:17Safely through. The chemical symbol of tin is not Sg, it's Sn.

0:26:17 > 0:26:21Sn. Would have scored you 34.

0:26:21 > 0:26:23The BBC show is Stargazing Live.

0:26:23 > 0:26:25Stargazing Live.

0:26:25 > 0:26:26- Yes, that's right. - 14 points for that.

0:26:26 > 0:26:29And the surname of the prize-winning scientist...

0:26:29 > 0:26:30- Schrodinger.- Schrodinger.

0:26:30 > 0:26:32Absolutely right. 21 points.

0:26:32 > 0:26:35Thank you very much indeed, Richard. So, at the end of our second round,

0:26:35 > 0:26:36we have to say goodbye to a pair

0:26:36 > 0:26:38and the pair I'm afraid we are saying goodbye to on this occasion

0:26:38 > 0:26:40is Matilda and Amanda.

0:26:40 > 0:26:42But it's good news because we get to see you again next time.

0:26:42 > 0:26:44We look forward to that very much but in the meantime,

0:26:44 > 0:26:47thanks very much indeed, Matilda and Amanda.

0:26:47 > 0:26:49APPLAUSE

0:26:51 > 0:26:54But for the remaining two pairs, it's now time for our head-to-head.

0:26:59 > 0:27:02Congratulations, Raphael and Jack, Nick and Tony.

0:27:02 > 0:27:05You are now one step closer to the final and the chance to play for our

0:27:05 > 0:27:08jackpot which, in case you've forgotten, currently stands at...

0:27:13 > 0:27:16So, there we are. We've reached the head-to-head,

0:27:16 > 0:27:18which means you are now allowed to confer before you give your answers and

0:27:18 > 0:27:22the first pair to win two questions will be playing for that jackpot.

0:27:22 > 0:27:24Best of luck to both pairs. Let's play the head-to-head.

0:27:29 > 0:27:33OK, here is your first question and it concerns...

0:27:36 > 0:27:39- Richard.- Simply five clues now to facts about Sir Paul McCartney.

0:27:39 > 0:27:42Can you give us the most obscure answer?

0:27:42 > 0:27:43Thanks very much, indeed. OK,

0:27:43 > 0:27:46let's reveal our five clues and here they come.

0:27:46 > 0:27:47We have got...

0:28:01 > 0:28:03I'll read those all one last time.

0:28:17 > 0:28:19Raphael and Jack, you are our low scorers. You will go first.

0:28:22 > 0:28:27We are sure about one of the answers, so we are going to go with that one,

0:28:27 > 0:28:32rather than risk it. It's the former model he married in 2002,

0:28:32 > 0:28:34we believe is Heather Mills.

0:28:34 > 0:28:36Heather Mills, say Raphael and Jack.

0:28:36 > 0:28:40Now then, Nick and Tony, the board is all yours - talk us through it.

0:28:40 > 0:28:42Yeah, we know the Bond theme song, Live And Let Die.

0:28:42 > 0:28:46I think the first number one was Yellow Submarine, but I'm not sure.

0:28:46 > 0:28:49But the band he formed, I think that's Wings.

0:28:49 > 0:28:51What do you want to go for?

0:28:51 > 0:28:53Yeah? We'll go for Wings.

0:28:53 > 0:28:56You are going to go for Wings. So we have Heather Mills and we have Wings.

0:28:56 > 0:28:59Raphael and Jack said Heather Mills.

0:28:59 > 0:29:02Let's see how many of our 100 people went for Heather Mills.

0:29:09 > 0:29:1035.

0:29:13 > 0:29:1735. Nick and Tony have gone for Wings, the band formed in 1971.

0:29:17 > 0:29:20Let's see if that's right. Let's see how many people said it.

0:29:22 > 0:29:23It is right.

0:29:26 > 0:29:2752 for Wings.

0:29:28 > 0:29:30Very well done indeed, Raphael and Jack.

0:29:30 > 0:29:31An early lead for them.

0:29:31 > 0:29:33After one question, they are up 1-0.

0:29:33 > 0:29:35Yeah, biggest scorer on the board, Wings,

0:29:35 > 0:29:37scores more than Live And Let Die, which you were absolutely right about.

0:29:37 > 0:29:40Would have scored you 38 points.

0:29:40 > 0:29:43- The first Number One single with the Beatles... - Please Please Me?

0:29:43 > 0:29:45No, it was From Me To You.

0:29:45 > 0:29:49Would have scored you three points. Please Please Me was Number Two.

0:29:49 > 0:29:51And the first name he was given when born...

0:29:51 > 0:29:52It's the name of his son as well.

0:29:52 > 0:29:54- James.- Yeah, James. James Paul McCartney.

0:29:54 > 0:29:56And that would have scored you eight.

0:29:56 > 0:29:58So, From Me To You the best answer on the board.

0:29:58 > 0:30:01Thanks very much indeed. OK, here comes your second question.

0:30:01 > 0:30:03Nick and Tony, we need a good answer from you here.

0:30:03 > 0:30:04But you get to answer it first.

0:30:04 > 0:30:07Our second question is all about...

0:30:10 > 0:30:13- Richard.- I'm going to show you five images now of UK cities that were

0:30:13 > 0:30:15granted city status in the 21st century.

0:30:15 > 0:30:18Also going to give you alternate letters of their name.

0:30:18 > 0:30:21OK, let's reveal our five cities and here they come...

0:30:21 > 0:30:22We have got...

0:30:53 > 0:30:56There we are. Five cities.

0:30:56 > 0:30:58Recently granted city status.

0:30:58 > 0:31:00Nick and Tony, you will go first.

0:31:02 > 0:31:06We are going to go for C being Preston.

0:31:06 > 0:31:08Preston, say Nick and Tony.

0:31:08 > 0:31:10Preston, for C.

0:31:10 > 0:31:12So then, Raphael and Jack,

0:31:12 > 0:31:14do you fancy talking us through the rest of that board and picking

0:31:14 > 0:31:18- which one you want to submit? - Well, the first one is Inverness.

0:31:19 > 0:31:20E is Wolverhampton.

0:31:20 > 0:31:22B, I don't know.

0:31:22 > 0:31:24D is in Scotland and I think we're going to have to go with Inverness.

0:31:24 > 0:31:26I think Preston would have been our first choice,

0:31:26 > 0:31:29- so we'll go with Inverness.- OK, you are going to go with Inverness.

0:31:29 > 0:31:31So we have Preston and we have Inverness.

0:31:31 > 0:31:32Nick and Tony said Preston.

0:31:32 > 0:31:35Let's see how many of our 100 people said Preston for C.

0:31:38 > 0:31:39It's right.

0:31:42 > 0:31:44Not bad, 36 for Preston.

0:31:47 > 0:31:49Not bad at all. Raphael and Jack, meanwhile,

0:31:49 > 0:31:51have gone for Inverness for A.

0:31:51 > 0:31:53Let's see how many of our 100 people said Inverness.

0:31:56 > 0:31:58It's right.

0:31:59 > 0:32:01Ooh! High score.

0:32:01 > 0:32:0363 for Inverness.

0:32:03 > 0:32:04So, very well done indeed, Nick and Tony.

0:32:04 > 0:32:06Just what we needed from you.

0:32:06 > 0:32:08You are back in the game. After two questions, it is 1-1.

0:32:08 > 0:32:11Very nicely played indeed. Let's fill the rest of these in.

0:32:11 > 0:32:12- B is...- Newry.

0:32:12 > 0:32:14Newry, yeah.

0:32:15 > 0:32:17That would have scored you 21 points.

0:32:19 > 0:32:21And so beautiful as well, D, isn't it?

0:32:21 > 0:32:24- Stirling.- Yeah, Stirling.

0:32:24 > 0:32:26That would have scored you 13.

0:32:26 > 0:32:28And the last one is Wolverhampton.

0:32:29 > 0:32:31And Wolverhampton would have scored you 43.

0:32:32 > 0:32:35Thank you very much indeed. OK, here comes your third question.

0:32:35 > 0:32:37Whoever wins this one goes through to the final and plays for that

0:32:37 > 0:32:39jackpot. So, best of luck to both pairs.

0:32:39 > 0:32:42Our third question this afternoon is all about...

0:32:46 > 0:32:48- Richard.- I'm going to show you five quotes now from literature

0:32:48 > 0:32:51about food. We just need you to name the author of each, please.

0:32:51 > 0:32:54We are going to show you their initials too.

0:32:54 > 0:32:55Thanks very much indeed. OK,

0:32:55 > 0:32:58let's reveal our five food quotes and here they come. We've got...

0:33:24 > 0:33:26I'll read those all again one last time.

0:33:47 > 0:33:52So, Raphael and Jack, we come to you first.

0:33:52 > 0:33:54We definitely know one,

0:33:54 > 0:33:58but I think we are going to go with one that we have an inkling on,

0:33:58 > 0:34:01which is the top one, we think is Virginia Woolf.

0:34:01 > 0:34:04Virginia Woolf, say Raphael and Jack.

0:34:04 > 0:34:08Virginia Woolf. Now then, Nick and Tony, the board is all yours.

0:34:08 > 0:34:11- Talk us through it. - I know a couple of others.

0:34:11 > 0:34:13Lewis Carroll for the very small cake.

0:34:13 > 0:34:16Charles Dickens for "Please sir, I want some more."

0:34:16 > 0:34:18Very small cake...

0:34:18 > 0:34:21- Yeah.- We'll go for the very small cake with Lewis Carroll.

0:34:21 > 0:34:23OK, Lewis Carroll.

0:34:23 > 0:34:25So we have Virginia Woolf and we have Lewis Carroll.

0:34:25 > 0:34:27Raphael and Jack have Virginia Woolf.

0:34:27 > 0:34:29Let's see how many of our 100 people said that.

0:34:31 > 0:34:32It's right.

0:34:39 > 0:34:4115 for Virginia Woolf.

0:34:43 > 0:34:45Nick and Tony, meanwhile, have gone for Lewis Carroll.

0:34:45 > 0:34:48Let's see if that's right. Let's see how many of our 100 people said Lewis Carroll.

0:34:50 > 0:34:51It's right.

0:34:54 > 0:34:5755 for Lewis Carroll, which means, very well done indeed,

0:34:57 > 0:35:00Raphael and Jack, after three questions, you are through to the final, 2-1.

0:35:00 > 0:35:03Well played, gents. Let's fill in the gaps. We start at the bottom.

0:35:03 > 0:35:05Please, sir, I want some more...

0:35:05 > 0:35:07- Charles Dickens.- Charles Dickens, as you said.

0:35:07 > 0:35:0987 points for that, though.

0:35:09 > 0:35:12Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education...

0:35:12 > 0:35:13- Mark Twain.- Mark Twain.

0:35:13 > 0:35:15Would have scored you 20.

0:35:15 > 0:35:17And the best answer on the board, the Madeleine...

0:35:18 > 0:35:20..is Marcel Proust.

0:35:20 > 0:35:22A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu.

0:35:22 > 0:35:25- Four points for that.- Fabulous.

0:35:25 > 0:35:27Very well done if you said that at home.

0:35:27 > 0:35:28Thank you very much indeed. So,

0:35:28 > 0:35:31the pair leaving us at the end of the head-to-head round, I'm afraid,

0:35:31 > 0:35:34Nick and Tony. But what a performance this time.

0:35:34 > 0:35:36We had to say goodbye to you far too soon last time round but this time,

0:35:36 > 0:35:38right through to the head-to-head.

0:35:38 > 0:35:40And a very creditable performance across it as well.

0:35:40 > 0:35:43But I'm afraid this is where the road ends and we have to say goodbye,

0:35:43 > 0:35:45but thank you both so much for playing, Nick and Tony.

0:35:45 > 0:35:46APPLAUSE

0:35:48 > 0:35:51But for Raphael and Jack, it is now time for our Pointless final.

0:35:55 > 0:35:57Congratulations, Raphael, Jack,

0:35:57 > 0:36:00you've fought off all the competition and you have won our coveted

0:36:00 > 0:36:02Pointless trophy.

0:36:08 > 0:36:10You now have a chance to win our Pointless jackpot.

0:36:10 > 0:36:13At the end of today's show, the jackpot is standing,

0:36:13 > 0:36:15would you believe it, at £5,500.

0:36:20 > 0:36:23Well, listen, you have come in here, one appearance on Pointless,

0:36:23 > 0:36:27your first time, and have stormed it right the way through.

0:36:27 > 0:36:30Low score after low score.

0:36:30 > 0:36:33Seen your way through the head-to-head. Here you are in the final.

0:36:33 > 0:36:35Only... It's sad for us.

0:36:35 > 0:36:38It's sad for us, only one appearance.

0:36:38 > 0:36:40- It is tainted.- I tell you what,

0:36:40 > 0:36:43it is good news for the Korean burger and tile fans of Cambridge.

0:36:45 > 0:36:47They will be laughing.

0:36:47 > 0:36:49Now, you know what happens in this round...

0:36:49 > 0:36:52- Yeah.- Four subjects, all of them horrific,

0:36:52 > 0:36:54will appear on a board behind me.

0:36:54 > 0:36:56You just have to find the one that scares you the least.

0:36:56 > 0:36:58- OK.- OK.

0:36:58 > 0:37:00Good luck. Here is today's selection.

0:37:00 > 0:37:01We have this...

0:37:11 > 0:37:12- Wow!- OK, so...

0:37:13 > 0:37:18Either the great offices of state or European actresses.

0:37:18 > 0:37:20Because that's your area of expertise.

0:37:20 > 0:37:22No, I don't know any...

0:37:22 > 0:37:24I would say the great offices of state...

0:37:24 > 0:37:27- Yeah?- We'll go with the great offices of state, whatever that means.

0:37:27 > 0:37:29Excellent. The great offices of state, Richard.

0:37:29 > 0:37:31Said with such confidence.

0:37:31 > 0:37:33We'll go with whatever the great offices of state...

0:37:33 > 0:37:35The great offices of state are Prime Minister,

0:37:35 > 0:37:37Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary.

0:37:37 > 0:37:40And we are looking for any of the following, please.

0:37:40 > 0:37:42Anyone who held any of those for great offices of state at any time

0:37:42 > 0:37:44during the 1940s,

0:37:44 > 0:37:49at any time during the 1960s or at any time during the 1980s.

0:37:49 > 0:37:52So, anyone who was Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary,

0:37:52 > 0:37:55Home Secretary or Chancellor of the Exchequer

0:37:55 > 0:37:57in the '40s, '60s or '80s, please.

0:37:57 > 0:37:58OK, now, as always,

0:37:58 > 0:38:00you've got up to one minute to come up with three answers

0:38:00 > 0:38:02and all you need to win that jackpot

0:38:02 > 0:38:04is for just one of those answers to be pointless.

0:38:04 > 0:38:06- Are you ready?- Yes.

0:38:06 > 0:38:09- Yeah.- Yes, we are.- Let's put 60 seconds up on the clock.

0:38:09 > 0:38:11There they are. Your time starts now.

0:38:11 > 0:38:13- OK.- So, Prime Ministers...

0:38:14 > 0:38:16Anyone that isn't obvious?

0:38:16 > 0:38:18Neville Chamberlain... Winston Churchill...

0:38:18 > 0:38:22Can you think who might have been like a Secretary of State

0:38:22 > 0:38:24- for Winston Churchill?- No.

0:38:24 > 0:38:26I can't. 1980s.

0:38:26 > 0:38:27Maybe we can just name a couple of Conservative...

0:38:27 > 0:38:29people we know from the 1980s.

0:38:29 > 0:38:32Any Conservative... Michael Howard?

0:38:32 > 0:38:34- Shall we go with him?- I think he's a little bit later than that.

0:38:34 > 0:38:37He is, but maybe he did one of those things at some point.

0:38:37 > 0:38:40- Robin Cook?- No, he's Labour.

0:38:40 > 0:38:43Labour wouldn't have been in power in the 1980s.

0:38:43 > 0:38:44So...

0:38:44 > 0:38:46John Major is an obvious one.

0:38:46 > 0:38:47What was his name?

0:38:49 > 0:38:52'40s... Shall we just go with Neville Chamberlain for one?

0:38:52 > 0:38:55Neville Chamberlain.

0:38:55 > 0:38:561960s... Who was...

0:38:57 > 0:38:58Labour was in the 1960s.

0:38:58 > 0:39:00Who was it when it was Vietnam?

0:39:00 > 0:39:02Ten seconds left.

0:39:02 > 0:39:04Who was the Labour leader in the 1960s?

0:39:04 > 0:39:06- The Labour government. - I have no idea.- Michael Howard...

0:39:06 > 0:39:09- I have no idea. - Neville Chamberlain...

0:39:09 > 0:39:11And... We'll find someone else.

0:39:11 > 0:39:14OK. That is your time up. I'm afraid I now need your three answers.

0:39:14 > 0:39:15What are you going to go for

0:39:15 > 0:39:20- and you can say which decade you are talking about.- OK. We'll go Michael Howard, 1980s...

0:39:20 > 0:39:24- Michael Howard. - Neville Chamberlain, 1940s...

0:39:24 > 0:39:27- Neville Chamberlain. - John Major for 1980s...

0:39:27 > 0:39:29- Yeah.- John Major, 1980s.

0:39:29 > 0:39:31John Major, 1980s.

0:39:31 > 0:39:32OK. Now, of those three,

0:39:32 > 0:39:35which do you think is your best shot at a pointless answer?

0:39:35 > 0:39:36Let's just go for Michael Howard.

0:39:36 > 0:39:38Michael Howard, we'll put last.

0:39:38 > 0:39:39Least likely to be pointless?

0:39:39 > 0:39:42- John Major.- John Major we'll put first.

0:39:42 > 0:39:44And then we put Neville Chamberlain in the middle.

0:39:44 > 0:39:47- Yeah, yeah, let's do that. - There we go. OK, well,

0:39:47 > 0:39:49let's put the answers up on the board in that order, then.

0:39:49 > 0:39:51And here they are. We've got...

0:39:55 > 0:39:57Well, very, very best of luck.

0:39:57 > 0:40:00OK, now, your first answer, John Major.

0:40:00 > 0:40:03In this case, we were looking for anyone who held a great office of state

0:40:03 > 0:40:06in the 1980s. If this is right and if it is pointless,

0:40:06 > 0:40:08it will win you £5,500.

0:40:08 > 0:40:10Let's see how many of our 100 people said John Major.

0:40:13 > 0:40:15It's right.

0:40:15 > 0:40:17That was the first thing it had to be.

0:40:17 > 0:40:19Now, John Major takes us all the way down to zero,

0:40:19 > 0:40:22you leave here with that jackpot of £5,500.

0:40:22 > 0:40:24Down we go, through the 20s. Through the teens.

0:40:24 > 0:40:2617. We land on 17.

0:40:29 > 0:40:32Not a bad answer. Unfortunately, though, not a pointless answer,

0:40:32 > 0:40:34which means we move on to your second answer,

0:40:34 > 0:40:36which was Neville Chamberlain.

0:40:36 > 0:40:39In this case, we were looking for people who held one of the great offices

0:40:39 > 0:40:41of state in the 1940s.

0:40:41 > 0:40:43Again, this has to be pointless for you to win, so for £5,500,

0:40:43 > 0:40:46let's see how many people said Neville Chamberlain.

0:40:49 > 0:40:51It's right. Another correct answer.

0:40:51 > 0:40:53John Major took us down to 17.

0:40:53 > 0:40:57Neville Chamberlain takes us down to the 30s and down through the 20s.

0:40:57 > 0:40:59We pass 17, down we go.

0:40:59 > 0:41:00Into single figures, just.

0:41:00 > 0:41:02Nine.

0:41:02 > 0:41:03Not bad.

0:41:05 > 0:41:06You see what you're doing there.

0:41:06 > 0:41:08You are moving very much in the right direction.

0:41:08 > 0:41:10Well...

0:41:10 > 0:41:12OK, we now move on to your third and final answer.

0:41:12 > 0:41:15The one you thought was probably your best shot at a pointless answer and

0:41:15 > 0:41:17it is Michael Howard.

0:41:17 > 0:41:18Again, we've moved back to the 1980s.

0:41:18 > 0:41:21For the great offices of state, for £5,500,

0:41:21 > 0:41:23how many people said Michael Howard?

0:41:23 > 0:41:24Is it pointless?

0:41:28 > 0:41:29No. Bad luck.

0:41:29 > 0:41:32I'm afraid an incorrect answer, but still, not bad.

0:41:33 > 0:41:35We didn't do badly on the great offices of state there.

0:41:36 > 0:41:40But I'm afraid we didn't find the pointless answer you needed

0:41:40 > 0:41:42to take that jackpot away. So I'm afraid

0:41:42 > 0:41:43you don't win the jackpot today.

0:41:43 > 0:41:45That will roll over on to the next show,

0:41:45 > 0:41:48but it's been fabulous having you on and what a brilliant performance.

0:41:48 > 0:41:51- Thank you.- Very proud of that. And you get to take home a Pointless trophy.- Exactly.

0:41:51 > 0:41:54So very, very well done. There we are. Very well done, Raphael and Jack.

0:41:54 > 0:41:56APPLAUSE

0:42:00 > 0:42:02Unlucky, gents. Yeah,

0:42:02 > 0:42:05Michael Howard was Home Secretary but from '93 to '97.

0:42:05 > 0:42:08Michael Howard. We'll go through the pointless answers for the different

0:42:08 > 0:42:11decades. I know lots of people at home will have got answers on this.

0:42:11 > 0:42:14Herbert Morrison was Labour Home Secretary in the '40s.

0:42:14 > 0:42:17Hugh Dalton was a Labour Chancellor.

0:42:17 > 0:42:19John Anderson, now, he was the Conservative Chancellor

0:42:19 > 0:42:21but he was also briefly Home Secretary

0:42:21 > 0:42:24and he is the person who Anderson air raid shelters were named after.

0:42:24 > 0:42:26And Stafford Cripps was a Labour Chancellor.

0:42:26 > 0:42:29Also could have had Donald Somervell, James Ede,

0:42:29 > 0:42:30John Simon and Kingsley Wood.

0:42:30 > 0:42:32We'll move on to the '60s now.

0:42:32 > 0:42:34A couple of Conservative chancellors here.

0:42:34 > 0:42:36Derick Heathcoat-Amory and Reginald Maudling.

0:42:36 > 0:42:39Also Michael Stewart, the Labour Foreign Secretary and Selwyn Lloyd,

0:42:39 > 0:42:42who was Foreign Secretary and Chancellor for the Tories.

0:42:42 > 0:42:45And the '80s now, only two Pointless answers here.

0:42:45 > 0:42:47David Waddington, who was Home Secretary,

0:42:47 > 0:42:48went on to become governor of Bermuda.

0:42:48 > 0:42:50- That's a nice gig, isn't it? - Isn't it?

0:42:50 > 0:42:52And Francis Pym, who was Foreign Secretary.

0:42:52 > 0:42:55Very, very well done if you got any of those at home.

0:42:55 > 0:42:56Thank you very much, Richard.

0:42:56 > 0:42:59Raphael and Jack, very sadly they didn't win our jackpot today,

0:42:59 > 0:43:00which means it rolls over

0:43:00 > 0:43:05on to the next show, when we will be playing for £6,500.

0:43:08 > 0:43:10Join us then to see if someone can win it.

0:43:10 > 0:43:12Meanwhile, it's goodbye from Richard...

0:43:12 > 0:43:15- Goodbye.- And it's goodbye from me. Goodbye.