Episode 1

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:00:00. > :00:11.Tonight, just one second stands between winning or losing up to

:00:12. > :00:15.?100,000. Get the time right and the money is won. Get it wrong and it's

:00:16. > :00:26.gone forever. Who will have the perfect combination to Break the

:00:27. > :00:31.Bank? -- Break the Safe APPLAUSE

:00:32. > :00:35.Hello, hello and welcome to a brand new series of the National Lottery

:00:36. > :00:41.Break the Safe with tonight's big money draws. This evening, three

:00:42. > :00:44.pairs bat it'll out to play for up to ?100,000, but winning the cash

:00:45. > :00:50.will require team work and precision timing in. A few moments, the safe

:00:51. > :00:53.will lock, activating a countdown. Only when that hits zero with the

:00:54. > :00:58.cash banked be available for the taking. A fleeting moment in time in

:00:59. > :01:05.which to win a fortune. Now that's pressure. As tonight's players are

:01:06. > :01:12.about to find out. Let's meet them. First up it's father and daughter

:01:13. > :01:15.Alisha and Atical from Nottingham. They love cooking and going to the

:01:16. > :01:20.gym together. Will they get their timing right and win the money? Next

:01:21. > :01:24.Toni and Karoll, a retired couple from Gateshead. They've been married

:01:25. > :01:28.for 38 years and Carol says she's the boss. But can she take charge of

:01:29. > :01:32.her husband Tony so they don't mess up their game tonight? Finally, it's

:01:33. > :01:38.work colleagues David and Mark from Belfast. David's nickname is Batman

:01:39. > :01:43.and Mark calls himself Superman. Will these unlikely superheroes

:01:44. > :01:50.defeat the opposition and Break the Safe tonight?

:01:51. > :01:59.Nice to meet you, I can see the way you're beaming at Alisha, the apple

:02:00. > :02:07.of your eye. From the moment she was born, myself and my wife, she's made

:02:08. > :02:11.us proud. You brought your dad? Yes, we know each other inside out, have

:02:12. > :02:15.a great understanding. . I trust my dad with my life. He's never let me

:02:16. > :02:20.down in the past. I'm sure tonight won't be an Best of exception. Luck.

:02:21. > :02:24.We'll see whether you're right or whether it will be Toni and Karoll

:02:25. > :02:29.that win through. How long have you been married? 38 years. And never a

:02:30. > :02:35.cross word. No, several, but not just one. Oh, is that right? Yeah.

:02:36. > :02:42.What's special about Carol. Wow, that's it yeah. She's my friend for

:02:43. > :02:47.life. She's a wonderful mother and grandmother. Shut up. I'm not used

:02:48. > :02:56.to him saying nice things about me. She told me to say that. Is there a

:02:57. > :03:03.big family at home cheering you on? No, we just have one son and we

:03:04. > :03:10.didn't tell many people. And our granddaughter Katie-Jayne. Why is

:03:11. > :03:14.this religionship going to work? -- Relationship going to work? Because

:03:15. > :03:19.we'll have one hell of a row if it doesn't. Bested Best of luck. David

:03:20. > :03:22.and Mark, you're from Northern Ireland. Yes, sunny Which of

:03:23. > :03:29.Belfast. You is Batman? That would be me. Why? I spend a lot of time

:03:30. > :03:33.travelling around Ireland in caves and castles catching bats. And who

:03:34. > :03:40.are you? Superman, obviously! What's super about him? He would say

:03:41. > :03:44.everything. I I would agree. What will you spend the money on if you

:03:45. > :03:47.win? We're not going to be sensible. We're going to have a Best of party.

:03:48. > :03:50.Luck to all of you. That's tonight's teams. Let's hear it for our

:03:51. > :03:57.contestants. APPLAUSE

:03:58. > :04:04.have you picked a favourite at home already? I wonder. This safe

:04:05. > :04:08.contains ?100,000. How much of that money our pairs can break from it is

:04:09. > :04:22.completely down to how much they bank throughout the game. Lock the

:04:23. > :04:27.safe. Safe locked. Six locks are in place. I will release the first four

:04:28. > :04:33.but the last two can only be unlocked by our contestants.

:04:34. > :04:38.Activate the countdown. Countdown activated. Only when that

:04:39. > :04:41.countdown hits zero will the cash banked be available to break from

:04:42. > :04:46.the safe. The window of opportunity to win the cash will be very small,

:04:47. > :04:50.just one second. Which of our three pairs will make it to that moment?

:04:51. > :04:54.In the first round, we test your team work. Each question has a

:04:55. > :04:59.two-part answer. You both need to give a correct answer to earn

:05:00. > :05:09.?1,000. Only one of you will have control of the buzzer. Alicia, Tony

:05:10. > :05:16.and David, you're in control first let's get you into position and play

:05:17. > :05:22.Break the Safe. Fingers on buzzers. Here's the first question: Yellow.

:05:23. > :05:40.Mark? Red. Correct. Ladders. Snakes. Correct for another

:05:41. > :05:44.1,000. You Prince William. Incorrect. I throw it open. Princess

:05:45. > :05:59.Diana. Incorrect. It was Vic dwroor and Albert. --

:06:00. > :06:12.Victoria and Albert. Arm. Leg. Correct.

:06:13. > :06:22.David? James Cordon? Incorrect. No Jennifer Morecame. Saunders and Dawn

:06:23. > :06:34.French. Left. Incorrect. Forward. Incorrect.

:06:35. > :06:42.We were looking for attack and defence.

:06:43. > :06:52.Pass. I throw it open. Fiona Bruce and Michael Aspell. I'm getting over

:06:53. > :06:59.buzzing and saying "pass". Toby Maguire. Andrew Garfield.

:07:00. > :07:19.Correct. North. East. Incorrect. North. West.

:07:20. > :07:54.Correct. Austria. Incorrect. Sweden.

:07:55. > :08:01.Correct. Ukraine. Incorrect. Denmark is the right answer that. Sound

:08:02. > :08:06.means it's the end of the round. Release the first lock.

:08:07. > :08:16.Let's bring our pairs back together and see how they've done.

:08:17. > :08:22.Was that a sorry I heard as you came forward? Yeah, it was. Showbiz isn't

:08:23. > :08:26.my strength. North East. I should have educated him. Mind you North

:08:27. > :08:30.West is a daft enough name, to be fair. What's the theory behind

:08:31. > :08:37.buzzing in when you don't know the answer? There isn't a theory, it was

:08:38. > :08:41.a mistake. Nerves. Just nerves on the buzzer. Happy on the end or

:08:42. > :08:46.would you have liked a few more buzzers.. It started well. There

:08:47. > :08:51.were a few buzzers there that you pipped me to. He's quick on the

:08:52. > :08:56.buzzer. Not necessarily with the answer! Let's see how much cash

:08:57. > :09:01.you've earned so far. In last place it's Alicia and Atikul

:09:02. > :09:14.who haven't scored yet. Second David and Mark, but soaring into a lead,

:09:15. > :09:20.it's Toni y and Carol with ?4,000. No-one more surprised that you two

:09:21. > :09:22.there. Atikul, Carol and Mark your turn on the buzzer. Can the other

:09:23. > :09:35.halves be the better halves? A chance for you to get in here,

:09:36. > :09:39.Alicia, we're doubling the money. In this round, questions are worth

:09:40. > :09:44.?2,000 each, double the money but double the pressure too, because in

:09:45. > :09:47.this round the pair with the least amount of money, at the end of the

:09:48. > :09:54.round, will be heading home with nothing. So, with 30 minutes and 11

:09:55. > :09:57.seconds left tiller to row, let's continue to play.

:09:58. > :10:14.-- till zero. Sagitarius. Correct. Erm...... Out

:10:15. > :10:20.of time. Sagitarius. Capricorn. No, scorpio.

:10:21. > :10:33.Italian. Incorrect. Ice-cream. Incorrect. Let me read the question.

:10:34. > :10:45.We were looking for Florence and Naples.

:10:46. > :10:56.Michelle. Correct. Just in time. Kelly Roland. Correct.

:10:57. > :11:11.United States of America. Incorrect. China. Correct. India. Also correct.

:11:12. > :11:22.Pray. Correct. Mantis. Incorrect. Love. Correct. No idea. We were

:11:23. > :11:31.looking for pray and love. Sling rip. Correct. Griffin door.

:11:32. > :12:16.Correct. X. Correct. Z. Incorrect. X.

:12:17. > :12:26.Correct. Q. Incorrect. We were looking for X and J.

:12:27. > :12:34.Nobody wants this one. It's Billy Bob Thornton and Martin Freeman.

:12:35. > :12:50.Borneo. Correct. South America? Incorrect. Borneo. Correct. We were

:12:51. > :12:59.looking for Sumatra. Harry Web. Correct. Cliff Richard.

:13:00. > :13:11.Correct. That's the end of the round. With 26

:13:12. > :13:18.minutes and 33 seconds on the countdown, release the second lock.

:13:19. > :13:27.Let's reunite them and find out who is leaving us.

:13:28. > :13:37.Tough. Yeah, very tough. They're Really, yeah quick. . Famous fill,

:13:38. > :13:43.eat, pray, mantis. He's got no idea about Julia Roberts. Has he not?

:13:44. > :13:48.Pretty woman. You had a good round there. David and Mark, after a good

:13:49. > :13:53.start, you were... I don't think my reactions were fast. I was so close.

:13:54. > :13:58.Close but no cigar. Let's look at the scores. First through no the

:13:59. > :14:07.semifinal with ?10,000 is married couple Toni and Karoll. Then to be

:14:08. > :14:11.honest, very, very close, you were only ?1,000 away. Joining them with

:14:12. > :14:18.?5,000 it's work ecolleagues David and Mark.

:14:19. > :14:22.That means just by that one answer, if only you'd have got one more

:14:23. > :14:27.answer in the first place. North You remember East. Which one you wanted!

:14:28. > :14:31.I am. You got the brush off there. You are out of the game. Hope you

:14:32. > :14:47.enjoyed yourselves. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentleman, let's

:14:48. > :14:53.hear it for Alicia and Atikul. Is he a rule breaker? Yes. Does

:14:54. > :14:58.nothing he's told really. Gets lots of instructions though? A load of

:14:59. > :15:02.opinions, if Carol wants my opinion, she gives me it. Congratulations

:15:03. > :15:09.Toni and Karoll, David and Mark, you are one step closing to breaking the

:15:10. > :15:12.safe. Before we play, let's add together the cash you have earned so

:15:13. > :15:20.far and see what's available if you win tonight.

:15:21. > :15:42.?15,000. Let's find out who is going to make it to the final. Your scores

:15:43. > :15:47.have been reset to zero. Let's play Break the Safe.

:15:48. > :15:50.Each pair will face three questions and here's the twist, one of you

:15:51. > :15:54.will have to decide whether you want to answer the question or whether

:15:55. > :15:58.you trust your partner to know the answer for double the money. Who

:15:59. > :16:04.wants control of the decision making, first? Tony and Carol? Me.

:16:05. > :16:11.Don't ask me. I wasn't expecting to, to be honest. OK, between David and

:16:12. > :16:14.Mark? I think I'll go first. Lovely. With 22 minutes and 49 seconds on

:16:15. > :16:21.the clock, let's get you into position.

:16:22. > :16:31.David and Mark, you've earned the least so far, so you play first.

:16:32. > :16:38.Would you like to play yourself for ?2,000 or would you like to pass it

:16:39. > :16:41.over to your buddy for ?4,000? What's your decision? I'm going to

:16:42. > :17:00.pass it to Mark. Tutankhamen. Is he right? I think

:17:01. > :17:06.so. You are absolutely right. Good decision to pass it over. You've

:17:07. > :17:08.earned yourselves ?4,000. Right, swap over then. Carol this is

:17:09. > :17:18.for you. Is this something you want to answer

:17:19. > :17:22.yourself for 2,000 or pass it over to hubby and trust him with the

:17:23. > :17:34.answer? No, I think I will try to answer it. Mel and Kim? What do you

:17:35. > :17:37.think Tony? I have no idea. It wouldn't have been any use coming to

:17:38. > :17:49.you? No, I would have been stitched up. OK, I have to tell you, it's a

:17:50. > :17:53.one-person, it's Claudia winkle man. -- Winkleman.

:17:54. > :17:57.Now this question is worth ?4,000 or ?8,000. Let's switch the control and

:17:58. > :18:03.put the pressure on your other halves.

:18:04. > :18:13.David and Mark, here's your question.

:18:14. > :18:21.Now do you want to answer this for ?4,000 or can you depend on David

:18:22. > :18:23.and get it right for ?8,000? I'm hoping David will know. So this

:18:24. > :18:44.comes to you now. Wolf of Wall Street. Is he right?

:18:45. > :18:53.Yeah. I have to tell you... You're absolutely right.

:18:54. > :19:01.You're on ?12,000. We pop back over to Tony. Here's your question:

:19:02. > :19:08.Do you want to answer yourself for 4,000 or do you want to pass it over

:19:09. > :19:14.to your lovely wife to give an ?8,000 answer? We need the money. I

:19:15. > :19:18.think I know the answer. But I think I've got to pass it to Carol. Carol,

:19:19. > :19:23.it comes to you. Alaska.

:19:24. > :19:50.Is she right? I think so. She did you proud there. She did. At

:19:51. > :19:55.the end of this round let's look at this, trailing behind it's Tony and

:19:56. > :19:59.Carol with ?8,000. On ?12,000, it's David and Mark. This last question

:20:00. > :20:06.could be the difference between going home with nothing or going on

:20:07. > :20:10.to Break the Safe. It's worth either ?6,000 or ?12,000 depending on who

:20:11. > :20:14.answers the question. Do you want to stay as you are or switch positions,

:20:15. > :20:20.knowing that the person at the back will be the one making the answer

:20:21. > :20:26.for ?12,000. Tony, Carol, what do you think? We're going to stay as we

:20:27. > :20:28.are. David, Mark, I can see you chatting there. We will stay as we

:20:29. > :20:44.are as well. Let's continue to play. I start with the pair with the

:20:45. > :20:50.lowest score first, Tony and Carol. In which sport are stones aimed at a

:20:51. > :20:56.button inside an area known as the house? Do you want to answer this,

:20:57. > :21:02.Tony, for ?6,000, which will take you into a lead or do you want to

:21:03. > :21:05.pass it back to Carol for ?12,000? You need a right answer to stay in

:21:06. > :21:13.the game. I know the answer. So are you going to take it yourself? No.

:21:14. > :21:20.Carol, this is a ?12,000 answer. If you get this correct, you really put

:21:21. > :21:22.the pressure on the boys. If you get this wrong, you're out of the game

:21:23. > :21:41.now. Curling. Can I take it from your

:21:42. > :21:49.reaction that you think she's right? No, I know she's right. I won't drag

:21:50. > :21:55.this out any more. Very well played. You've earned yourselves ?12,000.

:21:56. > :22:01.That has put the pressure on now. We go back over to David and Mark.

:22:02. > :22:12.A ?6,000 answer will not do. You need to go for the ?12,000 answer.

:22:13. > :22:17.Mark you can't afford to take this yourself. I have to ask you. I'm

:22:18. > :22:27.going to let David answer. Get this right and you go through.

:22:28. > :22:41.Get it wrong and you hand the game to Tony and Carol.

:22:42. > :22:49.Michael Macintire. -- McIntyre. I don't have a clue.

:22:50. > :22:56.The answer is Peter Kay. That means it's the wrong answer,

:22:57. > :22:59.which means unfortunately, and by the noise that you just heard from

:23:00. > :23:05.Carol, you can tell, you've handed the game to Tony and Carol. They are

:23:06. > :23:07.in the final. APPLAUSE

:23:08. > :23:12.That sounds means it's the end of the round. With 14 minutes and 43

:23:13. > :23:17.seconds until zero, police release the third lock.

:23:18. > :23:27.Let's bring our couples back together.

:23:28. > :23:36.I thought you were going to get that. Just no clue. You didn't know

:23:37. > :23:40.it? I would have said the same. It didn't matter which way around in

:23:41. > :23:44.the end. Good competitors aren't they? Fantastic. They now have to

:23:45. > :23:48.win the money. I don't know about that. Did you think you'd get

:23:49. > :23:53.through to this part? No. I thought these boys would beat us hands down.

:23:54. > :23:56.That means we lose the money that you gained, that ?12,000 disappears.

:23:57. > :24:01.You've been great competitors. Enjoyed playing? Yeah, Yes. They've

:24:02. > :24:03.been wonderful, ladies and gentleman, let's say goodbye to

:24:04. > :24:05.David and Mark. APPLAUSE

:24:06. > :24:10.interesting reaction there when you found out you were going through, on

:24:11. > :24:14.the one hand Carol goes "yes! " On the other, you collapsed. I knew it

:24:15. > :24:19.was Peter Kay. I knew their three answers. You knew their answers as

:24:20. > :24:22.well. Yes. It's our own answers we can't get right! Congratulations to

:24:23. > :24:27.Tony and Carol. Have you seen off the competition and it's a married

:24:28. > :24:31.couple that have survived. You've manage d to earn yourselves ?20,000

:24:32. > :24:34.in that round. Let's add that to the cash already in the safe and see

:24:35. > :24:39.what's available to take home, if you win tonight. Snvm -- win

:24:40. > :24:49.tonight. Check you out. Look at you the last

:24:50. > :24:53.pair standing. Isn't that fantastic. Remember, that money is only

:24:54. > :24:56.available when the countdown hits zero and only for one second. That's

:24:57. > :25:00.all the time that Tony and Carol have to prove they are the perfect

:25:01. > :25:07.pair and break the safe. We are just 12 minutes and 21 seconds away from

:25:08. > :25:11.that moment. Will they do it? We have to wait a little while, let's

:25:12. > :25:21.head over to our first lottery draws.

:25:22. > :25:26.Thank you Nick. Welcome to the National Lottery Live. Great to see

:25:27. > :25:30.the return of Break the Safe as well. Will Carol and Tony go the

:25:31. > :25:33.distance in we find out very soon. There are two opportunities for you

:25:34. > :25:38.to win big this Saturday night. The Thunderball draw with a top prize of

:25:39. > :25:44.?500,000 is moments away and later on, we've got tonight's big Lotto

:25:45. > :25:47.rollover draw, with a seven-figure jackpot which could make its way

:25:48. > :25:52.into your bank account. Also tonight, one of the UK's brightest

:25:53. > :25:57.young singer song writers. She has multiplatinum albums under her belt,

:25:58. > :26:06.legions of fans and she's here to spread Luxe in your direction.

:26:07. > :26:12.Pitchive lot is starting -- PixieLott is here. The voting is

:26:13. > :26:19.open for this year's National Lottery Awards finalists. Each

:26:20. > :26:22.category represents a different area of National Lottery funding. The

:26:23. > :26:27.winners will be celebrated later this year on BBC One. It's a great

:26:28. > :26:35.night. To cast your vote go online and follow the links. Right then,

:26:36. > :26:41.who fancies winning ?500,000? Here's Thunderball.

:26:42. > :26:56.OK, start up that first machine, please, Matt. The draws are overseen

:26:57. > :27:00.by an independent adjudicator. In the last week over 2. ?2.6 million

:27:01. > :27:05.has been paid out in prizes and there have been over 431,000 winning

:27:06. > :27:10.tickets. Great news. Indeed. Thank you, Alan. Good luck, everyone. Here

:27:11. > :27:15.we go, folks. Eyes down, look in, it's all about to happen.

:27:16. > :27:21.There's the first one, that is 18. We're off to a good start. Total of

:27:22. > :27:27.39 balls to pick from in the first machine. 33 is the next one.

:27:28. > :27:30.Three opportunities per week to play this game, Wednesdays, Fridays and

:27:31. > :27:35.Saturdays. There's the next, number six.

:27:36. > :27:44.We need a couple more from this, our first machine. That is number 36.

:27:45. > :27:50.Finally, how about, do you have on your ticket, per chance, that one

:27:51. > :27:56.there, number 23. Matt, start up the second machine, please. Now we are

:27:57. > :28:02.well into the Wimbledon fortnight, let's bear in mind the funding,

:28:03. > :28:06.grass-roots tennis projects across the country to the tune of 155

:28:07. > :28:11.million quid. Isn't Murray doing well as well! All tickets are still

:28:12. > :28:14.in place. If you're yet to match any of the numbers drawn, you can still

:28:15. > :28:21.win a prize by matching just the Thunderball. Are you ready? Let's

:28:22. > :28:27.find out what it is. 14 in there. One of them is about to leap up.

:28:28. > :28:30.Which will it be? It is number 14. Here are tonight's Thunderball

:28:31. > :28:43.numbers again, this time in ascending order:

:28:44. > :28:50.Thank you, Alan. So the big Lotto rollover draw is coming up soon,

:28:51. > :28:59.which tonight will be started by the one and only PixieLott. Now back to

:29:00. > :29:08.Nick and Break the Safe. Welcome back to the National Lottery

:29:09. > :29:18.Break the Safe where Tony and Carol are going to aat the moment break

:29:19. > :29:25.the safe. -- to attempt to break the safe. ?35,000 is in the safe.

:29:26. > :29:27.?35,000 can only be taken when the countdown hits zero. It's only

:29:28. > :29:31.available for one second. That's not very long. In the next round there's

:29:32. > :29:35.the chance to increase the time or the cash available. Ready? Yeah.

:29:36. > :29:43.Yes. Take up your positions, let's play Break the Safe.

:29:44. > :29:49.The bigger the window of opportunity you can create, the better chance

:29:50. > :29:53.you have of taking home the money. Four more questions, every one you

:29:54. > :29:56.get right you choose either an extra ?10,000 to take from the safe or a

:29:57. > :30:00.further second in which you can break the safe. What's more

:30:01. > :30:04.important to you now, time or money? I think we're about to find out.

:30:05. > :30:11.There's own seven minutes left, let's play the final round. Tony and

:30:12. > :30:17.Carol, both of you must answer two questions each. Your first category

:30:18. > :30:20.is: A leading lady. Who would like to take that one? I will. Carol, you

:30:21. > :30:39.are the leading lady currently. Eliza Doolittle. What do you think?

:30:40. > :30:47.Carol's always right. She is always right. It is correct. Very well

:30:48. > :30:52.played. Chance now for extra time or money?

:30:53. > :30:58.Do you want an extra second or... Extra second please. All right! Now

:30:59. > :31:02.you have two seconds in which to break the safe.

:31:03. > :31:16.Either of can you take this. Who wants it? I'll take it. Yeah, Tony.

:31:17. > :31:26.Mexico, the peso. What do you think? Yeah. You're unstoppable you two. It

:31:27. > :31:30.is right. Very well played.

:31:31. > :31:41.Would you like an extra second or an extra ?10,000? Extra second, please.

:31:42. > :31:44.Lovely. When the countdown gets to zero, you will now have three

:31:45. > :31:47.seconds in which to break the safe. You have two more questions where

:31:48. > :31:56.you can earn more money or more seconds. Who would like this one?

:31:57. > :32:01.I'll take it. You sure? I'll take it if you like. No, there may be a

:32:02. > :32:02.woman's question next. There are women astronauts Tony to be fair.

:32:03. > :32:19.Let's move on. Got to say London. What do you

:32:20. > :32:27.think? I would have said Birmingham, but I'm not sure. The answer is

:32:28. > :32:36.Leicester. I knew it was somewhere else. We have one more question.

:32:37. > :32:57.Lost? What do you think? I've no idea. I don't think it's Lost. I

:32:58. > :33:07.would have went for game of thrones. The answer is... Game of Thrones.

:33:08. > :33:11.Unfortunate the way that went. It means I can't offer you another

:33:12. > :33:15.second or another ?10,000. But you earned yourself two extra seconds.

:33:16. > :33:19.When the count down hits zero, you will have a three-second window of

:33:20. > :33:26.opportunity in which to break the safe and get your hands on that

:33:27. > :33:35.?35,000. That sound means it's the end of the round. Please release the

:33:36. > :33:40.fourth lock. There are now just two crucial locks

:33:41. > :33:46.left to open. Only Tony and Carol can release them. Do that, and the

:33:47. > :33:51.?35,000 is yours. Did you think you'd get to this stage? You're now

:33:52. > :33:55.that close. You did really well in that round. You earned extra time.

:33:56. > :34:00.You have a good chance here. Have you been practising? Yes. What's the

:34:01. > :34:04.technique? It changes every Don't change day. Now! Carol? Just

:34:05. > :34:08.counting basically in the kitchen when the clock's going tick, tick

:34:09. > :34:13.and you're cooking, just going, one, two, three. I don't do a lot of

:34:14. > :34:15.cooking. LAUGHTER

:34:16. > :34:20.It's a lovely relationship, there's so much joking around, but you

:34:21. > :34:24.weren't very comfortable when he said something nice about you. He

:34:25. > :34:28.doesn't often say anything nice, do you pet? There's an opportunity to

:34:29. > :34:35.say something nice about himmif you like. Well... No, he's a good

:34:36. > :34:40.husband most of the time. I mean after 41 years, who else is going to

:34:41. > :34:45.have us now. I'm sure a lot of people will. Concentrate, start

:34:46. > :34:49.watching the clock. You both need precision timing, when that count

:34:50. > :34:53.down reaches 30 seconds, it will disappear from view. It's up to you

:34:54. > :34:58.to take over the counting to zero. In front of you are your

:34:59. > :35:03.deactivation buttons. They are now live. When you think the countdown

:35:04. > :35:07.has hit zero you have a further three seconds in which to break the

:35:08. > :35:10.safe. If you press before zero or after your three-second window of

:35:11. > :35:15.opportunities, the safe stays locked and you'll not win the 35,000. If

:35:16. > :35:20.just one of you presses at the right time, you will take home half the

:35:21. > :35:26.money, ?17,500. But if both of you time it to perfection, all of that

:35:27. > :35:29.?35,000 is yours. You can't influence each other in any way,

:35:30. > :35:33.this wall will ensure you cannot communicate. The countdown in studio

:35:34. > :35:39.is only going to be there for a few more seconds. If you're playing

:35:40. > :35:42.along at home. You will see the 30 seconds tick away and the time that

:35:43. > :35:46.Tony and Carol have to break the safe. Can we have complete silence

:35:47. > :35:58.please. The count down clock is about to disappear.

:35:59. > :36:09.There are no watches or mobiles in the studio. Only Tony and Carol are

:36:10. > :36:15.keeping time. Have they managed to keep the beat and win the wonderful

:36:16. > :36:26.amount of money? Are you playing along at home? What method would you

:36:27. > :36:30.use? That sound means both Tony and Carol have now pressed their

:36:31. > :36:39.deactivation buttons. Guys, come and join me.

:36:40. > :36:43.APPLAUSE How are you? Fine, thank you. Did

:36:44. > :36:48.you manage to calm yourselves enough do you think? I did. What's the

:36:49. > :36:54.technique then? Just counting in your miebd mind? Were you picturing

:36:55. > :37:00.the kitchen clock? No. Hopefully we stayed at the same rhythm. But you

:37:01. > :37:05.don't know. I've never known him in all these years to be... And it's

:37:06. > :37:08.over with. We have to actually verify it. That's being done at the

:37:09. > :37:14.moment. We're verifying your timings. It's being done by an

:37:15. > :37:18.independent adjudicator. Has one of you managed to break the safe?

:37:19. > :37:23.Wouldn't that be wonderful, if you could claim half the cash?

:37:24. > :37:28.Wonderful. Or have both of you played the perfect game and managed

:37:29. > :37:33.to win the full ?35,000? ?35,000! Very nice. We don't know how it's

:37:34. > :37:36.gone so far. But we will know very soon, right after second of

:37:37. > :37:41.tonight's lottery draws. Come back and find out what's happened. See

:37:42. > :37:46.you in a mo. Thank you very much. Here with us

:37:47. > :37:50.now is one of the UK's hottest young talents. She's notched up three UK

:37:51. > :37:57.number ones and multiplatinum album sales and has recently made an

:37:58. > :38:01.eagerly awaited return to the music scene, PixieLott, good to have you

:38:02. > :38:04.back. Thank you very much. I've been here a couple of times before. We

:38:05. > :38:10.have changed the button since you were last year. What have you been

:38:11. > :38:14.up to? I've been in the stewedory for a couple of years. Finally now

:38:15. > :38:19.the album is finished. I can't wait for people to hear it. That's not

:38:20. > :38:24.out until the end of summer. Right now I'm just back in promo mode for

:38:25. > :38:30.the next single, out the end of next month. You're here to talk about Lay

:38:31. > :38:33.Me Down. Let's have a look. # Lay me closer to to you

:38:34. > :38:39.# Why don't you lay me down # Lay me down, lay me down

:38:40. > :38:42.# Won't you lay me down closer to you

:38:43. > :38:45.# Why don't you lay me down, lay me down

:38:46. > :38:49.# Won't you lay me down, closer to you. #

:38:50. > :38:53.Nice song. It looks so glamorous. Is it as glamorous filming something

:38:54. > :38:57.like that? Actually, usually I'm used to filming music videos in

:38:58. > :39:01.stuffy studios and it's a really long day. As you can see, luckily in

:39:02. > :39:06.that one, I got to go to the south of France, which was my idea. Nice.

:39:07. > :39:10.It was lovely. Even if there was waiting around in between takes,

:39:11. > :39:16.it's beautiful. Does it get embarrassing when you're having to

:39:17. > :39:19.writhe around on a boat in a bikini? That's always embarrassing, but you

:39:20. > :39:23.have to embrace it and get into the character. You do it well. Then you

:39:24. > :39:33.are an actress as well. A little bit. We saw you in Inspector George

:39:34. > :39:37.Gently. Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Does that mean there's more acting

:39:38. > :39:41.to come? Never say never, maybe in the future. I did really enjoy it.

:39:42. > :39:46.Right now I'm focussed on the musics and the album. That's my favourite

:39:47. > :39:50.thing. I love doing that. If you are 23 and you've got a boyfriend, does

:39:51. > :39:56.that mean you reflect your personal life, you're settled in your music

:39:57. > :40:01.as well? Does your music reflect the way your love life is, your state

:40:02. > :40:05.snus Yeah, I always think my music reflects any experience I'm going

:40:06. > :40:10.through, any situation. Definitely, this album has a lot of that sort of

:40:11. > :40:14.stuff, a lot of personal stuff. This is a nice, personal album. I'm

:40:15. > :40:17.excited for people to hear. I'm pleased you're here and I'm pleased

:40:18. > :40:26.you're going to push that. It is time to do it. It's Lotto. Fingers

:40:27. > :40:32.crossed. OK, then, let's release those

:40:33. > :40:35.weekend balls. Now tonight's jackpot is estimated at 5. ?5.3 million.

:40:36. > :40:46.Fantastic. Over ?22 million has been won on

:40:47. > :40:50.this game this week. Congratulations if yours was a winning ticket. This

:40:51. > :40:57.is it. Go for it. Good luck, everybody! Here we go. The first one

:40:58. > :41:06.is about to appear, which is it going to be, number 30. Next, how

:41:07. > :41:11.about that one there, number 43. Since it launched in '94 the

:41:12. > :41:15.National Lottery has given away over ?43 billion in prizes. That's number

:41:16. > :41:20.49. That was with us eight Wednesdays back. Fourth tonight is

:41:21. > :41:23.number 12. That's the number of organisations that distribute

:41:24. > :41:28.lottery funding to the schemes we tell but right here. Fifth, number

:41:29. > :41:33.28. Also drawn three Wednesdays ago. And the sixth one, this for the

:41:34. > :41:42.jackpot, folks, there it is, number 8. Finally, we need a bonus. Tonight

:41:43. > :41:44.it is number 42. Millionaires row this Saturday night looks like this,

:41:45. > :42:05.in ascending order: Thank you, Alan. Thank you Miss

:42:06. > :42:10.Lottment check your tickets to see if you've won a prize tonight in

:42:11. > :42:15.Lotto raffle. Full results are available later via the red button

:42:16. > :42:19.or through the website. Kate is here next Saturday. In the meantime, back

:42:20. > :42:26.over to Nick for Break the Safe. See you soon.

:42:27. > :42:31.Welcome back to the National Lottery Break the Safe. I hope you were

:42:32. > :42:37.lucky tonight. We're all keen to find out whether Tony and Carol from

:42:38. > :42:41.Gateshead are about to break ?35,000 from the safe. Their timings have

:42:42. > :42:45.been verified by an independent adjudicator to ensure absolute

:42:46. > :42:50.accuracy. How do you think you've done, early, late, on it? You just

:42:51. > :42:55.don't know. You hope you got into the rhythm and if I koubted the way

:42:56. > :42:59.I was counting when the -- counted the way I was counting when the

:43:00. > :43:03.clock was there, then it's OK. You can get it right ten times and then

:43:04. > :43:09.the next four times it's just... Bang. There are now two locks left

:43:10. > :43:14.to open. One is for you Tony and one is for you, Carol. With a

:43:15. > :43:17.three-second window of opportunity, did you break the safe? If you

:43:18. > :43:21.pressed in one of the seconds that the money was available, your lock

:43:22. > :43:27.goes green like this. It will open. That's what we want to

:43:28. > :43:32.see. If not it will turn red. It will remain locked. We don't want

:43:33. > :43:42.to hear that. If one of you has opened the lock, you win half the

:43:43. > :43:48.money, ?17,500. If both of you have been successful and released your

:43:49. > :43:52.locks, all of that ?35,000 is yours. That's how close you are to it now.

:43:53. > :43:58.Let's get between you. I'm going to split you up here. Tony and Carol,

:43:59. > :44:02.is that ?35,000 about to be yours? Let's start with Tony. Did you press

:44:03. > :44:04.your button on the first second the money was available? Did you break

:44:05. > :44:17.the safe? No, you didn't. Not in the first

:44:18. > :44:24.second, no. You still have two seconds left. Did your wife, Carol,

:44:25. > :44:28.manage to succeed where you failed? You've been so in charge throughout

:44:29. > :44:32.the game. Yeah. Did you manage to press on the first second the money

:44:33. > :44:43.was available? Did you break the safe? I don't think so.

:44:44. > :44:52.It's a no. You said you don't think so. But there are still two seconds

:44:53. > :45:00.left for you as well. Tony, did you press on the next available second?

:45:01. > :45:13.Did you Break the Safe? Come on, go green.

:45:14. > :45:22.Come on. Yes, you did! That's fantastic. Congratulations. You have

:45:23. > :45:27.broken the safe. What did you say, "clever boy"? Jo yeah, and it's not

:45:28. > :45:33.-- Yeah, and it's not often I say that to him. You have just won

:45:34. > :45:43.?17,500. Let's get that money out of the safe. Look at this. That is

:45:44. > :45:48.yours to spend, no matter what else happens. Australia, here we come.

:45:49. > :45:52.You've always wanted to go to Australia? We've booked twice and

:45:53. > :45:58.had to cancel This is twice. A big deal then this money. Certainly is.

:45:59. > :46:04.There's still ?17,500 in there. Carol, you've got two seconds left

:46:05. > :46:07.in which to break the safe and get that second ?17,500 out. I'm not

:46:08. > :46:11.going to get in between you this time. Cuddle up. Support each other

:46:12. > :46:16.through the next two seconds. Come here, Do you darling. Think you've

:46:17. > :46:22.done this? I don't know. Say yes. Yes, I think so. No, I don't know.

:46:23. > :46:27.Let's find out. Did you press on the next available second? Were you so

:46:28. > :46:29.in tune with your husband that you pressed on the same second? # Did

:46:30. > :46:49.you Break the Safe? Yes, you did! Access granted.

:46:50. > :46:56.APPLAUSE Oh, my word. That means that it's

:46:57. > :47:00.open, we can take that ?17,500 out of the safe, add it to the other

:47:01. > :47:12.money that you already have to make a grand total of ?35,000.

:47:13. > :47:18.APPLAUSE I can't stop shaking. You have been

:47:19. > :47:23.so in tune all the way through. Then amazingly, on the same second, just

:47:24. > :47:31.fantastic. How are you feeling? Unbelieve A bit able. Numb now.

:47:32. > :47:34.Ready for a drink, though! Our son is starting a new business.

:47:35. > :47:38.Hopefully it will be a big help for He will him. Get most of it

:47:39. > :47:43.probably, as they do. He will get it eventually. Possibly a new set of

:47:44. > :47:48.golf clubs. I might get myself a new car. There might not be anything

:47:49. > :47:56.left for him! No, no. I'm sure he'll understand. You mentioned your grand

:47:57. > :48:00.child as well. Oh, yes. When she sees this, she'll be - oh,

:48:01. > :48:03.unbelievable. She will be incredibly proud. You have done each other

:48:04. > :48:07.proud. Have you played such a fantastic game. I can honestly tell

:48:08. > :48:10.you, I am chuffed you pulled that off. Ladies and gentleman, didn't

:48:11. > :48:14.they play the most amazing game? CHEERING AND APPLAUSE

:48:15. > :48:18.It's been a great night here. Tony and Carol have just won ?35,000.

:48:19. > :48:22.Join me next time when three more pairs will be hoping they too have

:48:23. > :48:27.the perfect combination to Break the Safe. We're about to start a giant

:48:28. > :48:34.party here with ?35,000 won! We'll see you next time, goodbye.

:48:35. > :48:38.Wow, congratulations Carol and Tony. That was tens. Now tonight's winning

:48:39. > :48:44.Thunderball and Lotto numbers are on screen and the Lotto raffle results

:48:45. > :48:50.will be available on the red button or via bbc.co.uk/lottery.

:48:51. > :49:04.Casualty is tomorrow night at 9. 10pm on BBC One.

:49:05. > :49:11.What's up? Oi, oi!

:49:12. > :49:13.Hey, Glastonbury. How you doing?