:00:00. > :00:00.Tonight, just one second stands between
:00:07. > :00:11.Get the timing right, and the money is won.
:00:12. > :00:24.So, who will have the perfect combination to Break The Safe?
:00:25. > :00:31.Hello, and welcome to the National Lottery Break The Safe
:00:32. > :00:36.This evening, three pairs will battle it out to
:00:37. > :00:42.play for up to ?100,000, but winning the cash will require
:00:43. > :00:46.In a few moments, the safe will lock, activating a countdown.
:00:47. > :00:49.Only when that countdown hits zero will the cash banked be
:00:50. > :00:54.It sounds so simple, but it's tougher than you think, as tonight's
:00:55. > :01:00.First up tonight, it's mother and daughter Chris
:01:01. > :01:06.Mum Chris is a human resources manager,
:01:07. > :01:12.They do everything together, from dieting to karaoke.
:01:13. > :01:14.Will this mother-daughter bond be hitting the high notes
:01:15. > :01:21.Next, best friends and flatmates James and Charlie from London.
:01:22. > :01:23.James says he brings the strength and intellect,
:01:24. > :01:32.James calls Charlie the cat, because he is relaxed, and always
:01:33. > :01:39.But what will be on the menu night if these boys stray off course?
:01:40. > :01:41.Finally, brother and sister Paul and Nicola from Middlesbrough.
:01:42. > :01:43.Nicola is a personal assistant, older brother Paul is
:01:44. > :01:54.Growing up, Paul loved magic, and Nicola was his assistant.
:01:55. > :01:57.Will these siblings pull a big win out of the hat
:01:58. > :02:07.Let's get to know you, Chris and Abbi, mother
:02:08. > :02:30.Why are mother and daughter going to win?
:02:31. > :02:32.Good range of knowledge, we get on so well.
:02:33. > :02:34.We know our strengths and weaknesses.
:02:35. > :02:39.Can mother and daughter beat flatmates?
:02:40. > :02:48.What do you normally take the mickey out of each other?
:02:49. > :03:00.He couldn't be with us, he's probably hoovering.
:03:01. > :03:09.If you want, what would you spend the money on?
:03:10. > :03:13.So you might break the relationship too.
:03:14. > :03:20.Best of luck, James and Charlie. Will it be good enough to be a
:03:21. > :03:22.-- beat brother and sister, Nicola and Paul?
:03:23. > :03:25.We have been excited for a long time.
:03:26. > :03:27.You were a magician, and an escapologist.
:03:28. > :03:33.When we were kids, Paul had a cupboard under the bed.
:03:34. > :03:40.I got a shoe lace out and locked him in.
:03:41. > :03:43.And forgot about him and went to the shops.
:03:44. > :03:46.I was locked in the cupboard for three and a half hours.
:03:47. > :03:54.Nicola is the best sister a brother could have.
:03:55. > :04:13.Right, this safe contains ?100,000.
:04:14. > :04:15.How much of that money our pairs can break
:04:16. > :04:19.from it is completely down to how much they bank throughout the game.
:04:20. > :04:37.I will release the first four, but the last two can only be
:04:38. > :04:43.OK, with 36 minutes on the clock, activate the countdown.
:04:44. > :04:51.Only when that countdown hits zero will the cash banked be
:04:52. > :04:55.But the window of opportunity to win that cash will be very, very small.
:04:56. > :05:04.But which of our three pairs will make it to that money?
:05:05. > :05:08.In this first round, we begin to test your teamwork,
:05:09. > :05:12.because each question has a two part answer you both need to
:05:13. > :05:16.But only one of you will have control of the buzzer.
:05:17. > :05:22.Chris, James and Nicola, you are in control first.
:05:23. > :05:26.With 35 minutes and 21 seconds on the clock, let's get you into
:05:27. > :05:36.Fingers on buzzers, here's your first question.
:05:37. > :07:11.Chris and Abbi, you need to get yourselves in the game.
:07:12. > :08:29.That sound means it is the end of the round.
:08:30. > :08:42.Right, let's bring our pairs back together and see how they've done.
:08:43. > :08:53.They won't hang around, you have to rip it out of their fingers.
:08:54. > :08:56.Let us look at the scores and how much cash you have earned.
:08:57. > :08:59.Chris and Abbi, ?2,000, you will need to pick your game up.
:09:00. > :09:07.Soaring into the lead, it is James and Charlie, on ?5,000.
:09:08. > :09:19.Abbi, Charlie and Paul, your turn on the buzzer.
:09:20. > :09:22.Can the other halves be the better halves?
:09:23. > :09:33.In this round, questions are worth ?2,000 each.
:09:34. > :09:36.Double the money, but double the pressure because,
:09:37. > :09:39.at the end of this round, the pair with least amount of money
:09:40. > :09:46.So, with 30 minutes and 14 seconds left till we hit
:09:47. > :10:01.zero, fingers on buzzers, and let's continue to play Break The Safe.
:10:02. > :10:19.We were looking for New York Jets and New York Giants.
:10:20. > :10:58.Chris and Abbi, you need to get in on this.
:10:59. > :11:55.We were looking for Romania and Bulgaria.
:11:56. > :12:10.Incorrect, I will finish the question.
:12:11. > :12:19.The answers were Claire Danes and Damian Lewis.
:12:20. > :13:01.We are looking for The Usual Suspects.
:13:02. > :13:10.I can throw it open and read the question again.
:13:11. > :13:49.And that sound means it's the end of the round.
:13:50. > :13:55.With 25 minutes and 48 seconds on the countdown, let's release the
:13:56. > :14:00.second lock. Let's reunite them and find out who will be leaving us.
:14:01. > :14:14.Well. OK, Charlie and James, pretty good.
:14:15. > :14:17.Apart from, perhaps. Le Chanel! That's the only thing my French
:14:18. > :14:26.vocabulary is good for. I thought it was called The Sleeve. Clearly not.
:14:27. > :14:29.Le Manche? It actually does mean The Sleeve, but unfortunately we
:14:30. > :14:32.for the French name of it not the English translation. Let's
:14:33. > :14:39.at the scores. Going through to the next round, even Stevens on ?7,000,
:14:40. > :14:59.it is Nicola Paul, and James and Charlie. Both on ?7,000.
:15:00. > :15:04.that ?1,000 behind, ?6,000, it means we will have to lose you and I am
:15:05. > :15:08.afraid we have to lose the money as well. There it goes. You are almost
:15:09. > :15:09.there. I know. Tough. It's very difficult,
:15:10. > :15:19.easy to sit at home and shout answers at the TV but it is totally
:15:20. > :15:22.different here. You enjoyed it? A brilliant time. Let us hear
:15:23. > :15:25.it for the wonderful Chris and Abbi.
:15:26. > :15:28.APPLAUSE James and Charlie,
:15:29. > :15:31.Nicola and Paul, you are one step closer to breaking the safe. The
:15:32. > :15:34.next round will decide which of you will make it into the final. Before
:15:35. > :15:38.we play, let us add together the cash and see what you have earned so
:15:39. > :15:51.A nice chunk of money to take home, but you could add
:15:52. > :15:54.a whole lot more to that total before the countdown hits zero.
:15:55. > :15:56.Time to test your relationships once again, and find who, between
:15:57. > :15:59.flatmates, and sister and brother, will make it through to the final.
:16:00. > :16:16.And, here's the twist, one of you will have to decide whether you want
:16:17. > :16:19.to answer the question, or whether you trust your partner to know
:16:20. > :16:26.So, who wants control of making the decision first?
:16:27. > :16:28.James and Charlie, who's in control first for you?
:16:29. > :16:43.Who is in control? Paul will be in control.
:16:44. > :16:46.With 22 minutes and 23 seconds on the countdown,
:16:47. > :16:59.Nicola and Paul, as you scored the least in the first
:17:00. > :17:06.Paul, you must decide whether you will answer for ?2,000 or have faith
:17:07. > :17:15.in Nicola to answer for double the money, that's ?4,000.
:17:16. > :17:28.Do you want to take this yourself, or do you trust
:17:29. > :17:56.I can tell you, you absolutely are right, the answer is Noah,
:17:57. > :18:10.We move over to James and Charlie. Charlie,
:18:11. > :18:13.here is your question, ?2,000 if you take it, or ?4,000 if you
:18:14. > :18:26.Do you want to take this, Charlie, or do ask your flatmate?
:18:27. > :18:38.James, ?4,000, the pressure is on your shoulders.
:18:39. > :18:56.So, I'm afraid you've dropped a score there.
:18:57. > :19:00.It looks like you weren't right to trust him, you knew that yourself.
:19:01. > :19:02.Nonetheless, let's increase the cash on offer.
:19:03. > :19:08.This question is worth ?4,000 or ?8,000 depending on who answers.
:19:09. > :19:16.Let's switch the control and put the pressure on your other halves.
:19:17. > :19:31.Do you want to take this or do you trust your brother?
:19:32. > :19:36.Paul, here is your question for ?8,000.
:19:37. > :19:53.Back to James and Charlie, the pressure is on, Charlie. James,
:19:54. > :20:10.will you play yourself for ?4,000 or pass it over?
:20:11. > :20:33.It is right, Southpark, you have yourself ?8,000.
:20:34. > :20:46.OK, Nicola and Paul on ?2,000, James and Charlie are on
:20:47. > :20:51.The last question could be the difference between going home
:20:52. > :21:01.The last question could be the difference between going home
:21:02. > :21:17.You have all decided to stay where you are.
:21:18. > :21:20.17 minutes and 25 seconds until zero, it is time to play that
:21:21. > :21:40.Do you want to take it or pass it over for ?12,000?
:21:41. > :21:42.I don't know it, I will have to pass.
:21:43. > :21:58.James, Charlie, if you are right, you put the pressure back on Nicola
:21:59. > :22:01.If you are wrong, they know they are going through to
:22:02. > :22:11.You said AA Milne, I have to tell you the answer is...
:22:12. > :22:17.Which means, congratulations to Nicola and Paul,
:22:18. > :22:28.But we still have a question to play for and important money to bank.
:22:29. > :22:33.Nicola, would you like to play this for ?6,000?
:22:34. > :22:37.Or pass it to your brother for ?12,000?
:22:38. > :22:47.I know it is not Bradley Wiggins but the other guy,
:22:48. > :23:11.It is the wrong answer but it doesn't make any difference, as you
:23:12. > :23:29.With 14 minutes and 28 seconds until zero, release the third lock.
:23:30. > :23:50.On the one hand, I am sad for you because you won't break the safe.
:23:51. > :23:52.But we're not going to break up the relationship.
:23:53. > :23:56.I'm afraid you are out of the game and so is
:23:57. > :23:59.I hope you've enjoyed playing the game.
:24:00. > :24:12.Nicola and Paul, you have seen of the competition.
:24:13. > :24:18.Not only that, you have earned yourself ?12,000.
:24:19. > :24:20.Let's add that to the cash already in the safe
:24:21. > :24:25.and see what's now available to take home if you win tonight.
:24:26. > :24:32.What will you spend it on if you win?
:24:33. > :24:34.I am planning to cycle around the world.
:24:35. > :24:53.In West Bridgeford we have a community hall.
:24:54. > :24:56.If I win the money, I will have a pop-up cinema in
:24:57. > :25:05.Remember, that money is only available when
:25:06. > :25:08.the countdown hits zero and only for one second, all the time they
:25:09. > :25:11.will have to prove they are the perfect pair, and break the safe.
:25:12. > :25:14.We are now just 11 minutes and 38 seconds away from that moment.
:25:15. > :25:19.So now, let's head over to the Lottery draw, see you in a mo.
:25:20. > :25:33.Welcome to The National Lottery Live.
:25:34. > :25:36.Coming up, there are two chances of a lifetime,
:25:37. > :25:37.with both the Thunderball and Lotto rollover draws.
:25:38. > :25:39.Is tonight going to be your lucky night?
:25:40. > :25:44.To help send luck your way is a band named after everyone's
:25:45. > :25:50.Yes, pop superstars The Saturdays will be dropping by to perform,
:25:51. > :26:49.It is time to see if you are in with a chance, it is Thunderball.
:26:50. > :27:12.Let's see how you get on this Saturday night.
:27:13. > :27:22.Three opportunities a week to play this game, Wednesday, Friday and
:27:23. > :27:31.Saturday. There is the next one, number 14.
:27:32. > :27:46.Finally from our first machine. Start-up the second machine. Let's
:27:47. > :27:49.congratulate Rachel Gibson from Middlesbrough who want the half a
:27:50. > :27:57.million eight days ago. If you haven't made a match yet,
:27:58. > :28:00.there's still a chance to win Let's find out what the Thunderball
:28:01. > :28:10.is! Here are the numbers again in
:28:11. > :28:21.ascending order. Don't forget, tonight's Lotto
:28:22. > :28:24.draw is still to come. Before that, it's time to
:28:25. > :28:29.return to Break The Safe. I'll be back with Una, Rochelle,
:28:30. > :28:32.Vanessa, Mollie and Frankie, who will be performing right
:28:33. > :28:44.at here at Lottery HQ. APPLAUSE
:28:45. > :28:52.Welcome back to the National Lottery Break The Safe where we have Nicola
:28:53. > :28:54.and Paul, sister and brother from Middlesbrough are just eight
:28:55. > :28:57.minutes and one second away from attempting to Break The Safe.
:28:58. > :29:00.Let's remind ourselves how much cash is already available in the safe
:29:01. > :29:10.So that ?26,000 in the safe can only be taken
:29:11. > :29:13.when the countdown hits zero and it's only available for one second.
:29:14. > :29:16.So, in this next round there's a chance
:29:17. > :29:19.to increase the time or the cash available. Are you ready?
:29:20. > :29:26.If you could take your positions and let play Break The Safe.
:29:27. > :29:30.Right, the bigger the window of opportunity you can create,
:29:31. > :29:35.the better the chance of you having the money to take home.
:29:36. > :29:40.Everyone you get right you choose either an extra ?10,000 to add to
:29:41. > :29:44.the money banked, or a further second in which you can Break The
:29:45. > :29:51.What's more important to you at the moment, time or money?
:29:52. > :29:56.There's only six minutes and 50 seconds until zero.
:29:57. > :30:05.Nicola and Paul, both of you must answer two questions each.
:30:06. > :30:18.It could be something to do with Africa.
:30:19. > :30:24.I think it's me, isn't it? Yes.
:30:25. > :30:51.In actual fact it's neither, it is about.
:30:52. > :30:53.I can't offer you either an extra second or an extra ?10,000.
:30:54. > :30:55.Let's get your next subject category up.
:30:56. > :30:59.It's either going to be a medical type thing.
:31:00. > :31:06.If it's got a chemistry theme, I might have a crack at it.
:31:07. > :31:29.So, what's more important to you at the moment, do you want an
:31:30. > :31:40.You can now have two seconds to Break The Safe once we hit zero.
:31:41. > :31:42.Let's get you onto the next subject category.
:31:43. > :31:48.You both answered one so either of you can take it.
:31:49. > :31:51.It's got to be celebrity. It up to you, Nicola.
:31:52. > :31:57.OK, Nicola. This question is coming your way.
:31:58. > :32:11.You were right to go America, it is in fact Las Vegas.
:32:12. > :32:14.Once again I cannot offer you ?10,000 to add to the bank or
:32:15. > :32:20.We go to the last category which is A Smash Hit and that has to
:32:21. > :32:39.You are absolutely right, it is Pharrell Williams, well played.
:32:40. > :32:47.What do you need, guys and extra second or an extra ?10,000?
:32:48. > :32:48.I am veering towards taking the money.
:32:49. > :32:56.I'm happy to go with your guidance, you're always the one who is right.
:32:57. > :32:58.I think we just need the extra bit of a buffer.
:32:59. > :33:01.It's better to get 26 than get nothing, isn't it?
:33:02. > :33:03.Second or the money, I need a decision.
:33:04. > :33:08.We've got a really good chance of winning some money.
:33:09. > :33:13.So, you want the extra second which means you've now got three
:33:14. > :33:17.seconds to Break The Safe and take home the ?26,000 in it.
:33:18. > :33:20.And that is the end of the round with two minutes
:33:21. > :33:30.There are now just two crucial locks left to open.
:33:31. > :33:33.Only Nicola and Paul can release them.
:33:34. > :33:41.This is the point where you have to rely on
:33:42. > :33:43.Have you always relied on each other.
:33:44. > :33:46.We've always looked after each other.
:33:47. > :33:50.Always relied on each other, you're going to need that all the more now.
:33:51. > :33:52.To Break The Safe you both need precision timing because when
:33:53. > :33:55.that countdown reaches 30 seconds it will disappear from view.
:33:56. > :33:59.And Nicola and Paul it is up to you to take over the counting to zero.
:34:00. > :34:01.In front of you are your deactivation buttons.
:34:02. > :34:07.When you both think the countdown has hit zero, you have a further
:34:08. > :34:12.If just one of you press is at the right time, you will take
:34:13. > :34:17.But if both of you timed it to perfection the ?26,000 is all yours.
:34:18. > :34:21.So, you can't influence each other, This wall will ensure you
:34:22. > :34:34.The countdown in the studio is only going to be
:34:35. > :34:41.If you are playing at home, you will see the 30 seconds tick away
:34:42. > :34:46.on your screen and the time Nicola and Paul have to Break The Safe.
:34:47. > :34:49.Nicola and Paul, get the timing in your heads.
:34:50. > :34:54.The countdown has only a few more seconds before it disappears.
:34:55. > :35:07.There are no watches or mobiles in the studio.
:35:08. > :35:12.Only Nicola and Paul are keeping time.
:35:13. > :35:16.Can they keep the beat and win the cash?
:35:17. > :35:29.People say, they must have practised.
:35:30. > :35:42.I am sure they have, but under this kind of tension, with this money...
:35:43. > :35:45.That sound means both Nicola and Paul have now both pressed
:35:46. > :36:04.You think? Yes.
:36:05. > :36:06.Presumably you have practised, how was it when you found yourself
:36:07. > :36:12.It plays tricks on you, you start thinking, I am going to quickly,
:36:13. > :36:18.It's almost impossible to keep the rhythm, it is a relief once you
:36:19. > :36:25.My friend told me to use a word that is long enough that you
:36:26. > :36:28.could not say it any faster than a certain way.
:36:29. > :36:43.All right, we are now verifying your timings, it is being done by
:36:44. > :36:47.an independent adjudicator who is right now scrutinising the results.
:36:48. > :36:49.Has one of you managed to Break The Safe to claim half
:36:50. > :36:52.of the cash or have you both played the perfect game and managed to win
:36:53. > :36:57.I don't know, you don't know at this stage,
:36:58. > :37:01.but we soon will, right after the second of tonight's lottery draws.
:37:02. > :37:11.More from Break The Safe coming up very soon.
:37:12. > :37:13.I'm joined now by one of the biggest girl groups
:37:14. > :37:25.Frankie, I hear you're just back from
:37:26. > :37:31.How's married life treating you so far?
:37:32. > :37:42.It was lovely, the best day of my life. You have been thrown back into
:37:43. > :37:50.work. No rest. You have your greatest hits album. And as single
:37:51. > :37:58.is out tonight. From her honeymoon, to promotion. Tell me about your new
:37:59. > :38:09.single? It is an upbeat summer track, we shot the video in Greece.
:38:10. > :38:16.Sounds awful! Very tough! But is this the end of the band?
:38:17. > :38:24.This is a celebration, our 18th single. Putting them all together.
:38:25. > :38:28.When do you start touring? The 7th of September in Glasgow and all
:38:29. > :38:35.around the country. I wish you all the best. We are looking forward to
:38:36. > :38:42.their performance. Now it is time for Lotto.
:38:43. > :38:55.Tonight's rollover jackpot is worth an estimated ?5.7 million!
:38:56. > :39:02.Over ?18 million has been won on Lotto and the Raffle this last week.
:39:03. > :39:04.Have you got a winning ticket tonight?
:39:05. > :39:27.Thank you, and here is the first one, also drawn last Saturday night.
:39:28. > :40:00.And next... We have time for a bonus. So, in
:40:01. > :40:23.ascending order Before I hand you back to
:40:24. > :40:28.Break The Safe, here's a little treat in the form of The
:40:29. > :40:57.Saturdays, and their brilliant new # Tell me what are you waiting
:40:58. > :41:10.# Cos the party ain't over 'til we party through
:41:11. > :41:13.# Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon
:41:14. > :41:17.# And, baby, when you think that you've had enough
:41:18. > :41:20.# We'll take things a whole level up
:41:21. > :41:43.# I'll take away your sanity and you won't get it back
:41:44. > :41:54.# Cos, if you're partying with me, then you gotta give more
:41:55. > :41:59.# Tell me what are you waiting for?
:42:00. > :42:10.# Cos the party ain't over 'til we party through
:42:11. > :42:14.# Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon
:42:15. > :42:17.# And, baby, when you think that you've had enough
:42:18. > :42:26.# We'll take things a whole level up
:42:27. > :42:28.# Tonight we're gonna party, party, party
:42:29. > :42:30.# Wanna see everybody move your body, body, body, body
:42:31. > :42:33.# Cos it's the only way that we party, party, party
:42:34. > :42:55.# Yeah, everybody grab somebody, make it naughty, naughty
:42:56. > :43:04.# Tell me what are you waiting for?
:43:05. > :43:11.# Cos the party ain't over 'til we party through
:43:12. > :43:13.# Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon
:43:14. > :43:16.# And, baby, when you think that you've had enough
:43:17. > :43:20.# We'll take things a whole level up
:43:21. > :43:58.Sadly, that's it from Lottery HQ for tonight!
:43:59. > :44:02.You can catch up on all the results of this week's draws by watching BBC
:44:03. > :44:05.One on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 10.35pm, straight after the news.
:44:06. > :44:07.And don't forget, you can see this week's Lotto, Thunderball
:44:08. > :44:15.and EuroMillions draws by visiting the website, and watching online.
:44:16. > :44:17.Welcome back to the Lottery Break The Safe.
:44:18. > :44:19.We are keen to find out whether Nicola and Paul
:44:20. > :44:22.from Middlesborough are about to break ?26,000 from the safe.
:44:23. > :44:24.I can tell you that their timings have now been verified
:44:25. > :44:26.by an independent adjudicator to ensure absolute accuracy.
:44:27. > :44:33.You think you have? You were worried you went
:44:34. > :44:37.I think I might have gone a little bit early.
:44:38. > :44:39.You said your heart was beating so fast?
:44:40. > :44:42.It was beating so fast, it is hard to keep the pace of the seconds.
:44:43. > :44:44.People say, they must have practised, in between.
:44:45. > :44:48.But you can't practice with your heart racing and ?26,000
:44:49. > :44:53.So there are now just two locks left to open.
:44:54. > :44:56.One is for you, Nicola and one is for you, Paul.
:44:57. > :44:58.But with the three second window of opportunity, did you Break The Safe?
:44:59. > :45:02.If you pressed in one of the seconds when the money was available,
:45:03. > :45:06.That would be nice to see, wouldn't it?
:45:07. > :45:11.If not, it will turn red and stay locked like that.
:45:12. > :45:20.If one of you managers to open your lot, you will win half of the money.
:45:21. > :45:26.If both of you have successfully released all of your locks,
:45:27. > :45:34.Let me come between you and we can look at each side.
:45:35. > :46:02.But all is not lost, you have two seconds left to try.
:46:03. > :46:04.So it was worth doing well and earning those seconds.
:46:05. > :46:07.Did your brother do what you couldn't?
:46:08. > :46:12.Paul, did you press on the first second the money was available?
:46:13. > :46:16.Is half of that ?26,000 about to be yours?
:46:17. > :46:34.Paul, you were so sure you are bang on.
:46:35. > :46:41.So as far as you are concerned it's going to go in the next one?
:46:42. > :46:48.Did either of you in the next available second press that button?
:46:49. > :47:11.That is your theory out of the window, Paul.
:47:12. > :47:14.But listen, you played really well on those last four questions.
:47:15. > :47:16.You earned yours elf two extra seconds.
:47:17. > :47:19.It just goes to show if you had not have done that, you
:47:20. > :47:23.would have been out at this stage, but you both have one extra second.
:47:24. > :47:26.In fact, Nicola convinced you, Paul, to take the time?
:47:27. > :47:32.Nicola, did you press on the last available second?
:47:33. > :47:35.Did you leave it till the last moment?
:47:36. > :47:49.Obviously you did not manage to press your button
:47:50. > :47:52.in the three seconds you had available after zero.
:47:53. > :48:09.The half that is left is down to you, Paul.
:48:10. > :48:11.You are really confidence, how are you feeling now?
:48:12. > :48:21.Let's bring you together rather than having me in the way
:48:22. > :48:24.because this is what it comes down to, this last second we are talking
:48:25. > :48:31.Paul, did you leave it to the last available second to press
:48:32. > :48:35.Are you about to pull the biggest magic trick ever?
:48:36. > :48:37.Never mind being locked under the bed,
:48:38. > :49:05.Congratulations you have broke the safe.
:49:06. > :49:07.Your lock is opened and access is granted.
:49:08. > :49:22.Let's get the money out, look at this!
:49:23. > :49:28.That's all yours to spend how you like.
:49:29. > :49:33.Big Brother stepped up to the mark and did the job.
:49:34. > :49:42.Are you sharing the money are you keeping your heart?
:49:43. > :49:46.You walked in here and got away with ?13,000.
:49:47. > :49:47.If Nicola wants to cycle around the world,
:49:48. > :49:56.You are actually 1.87 seconds too late.
:49:57. > :50:04.If you think about it, you convinced him to get that extra second.
:50:05. > :50:06.We know each other very well, she knows I am impetuous
:50:07. > :50:11.It is lovely to see mother and sister, don't you think ladies
:50:12. > :50:13.and gentlemen, who get on so well and stand by each
:50:14. > :50:19.Nicola and Paul, sister and brother from Middlesbrough have
:50:20. > :50:36.Join me next time when three more pairs will be hoping
:50:37. > :50:40.they have the perfect combination to break the safe.
:50:41. > :50:56.You can find out the results of tonight's lottery by going to the
:50:57. > :51:03.website. Casualty is next on BBC One. Enjoy the rest of