Episode 5

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:00:12. > :00:14.It's the National Lottery In It To Win It. Tonight with a rollover. Now

:00:15. > :00:26.please welcome your host, Dale Winton.

:00:27. > :00:33.Thank you, thank you! Thank you, thank you! You are my people and

:00:34. > :00:37.their love you. Thank you. Good evening and welcome to the National

:00:38. > :00:41.Lottery In It To Win It. Tonight, there is up to ?100,000 to be one

:00:42. > :00:44.and don't forget, you could be a winner at home with the national

:00:45. > :00:52.lottery draws coming later. Time to meet Michael hosts. OK, my players.

:00:53. > :01:08.They are all great. Let's meet them. Lorraine, Andrew, Sofia Stewart and

:01:09. > :01:13.Tracey. I have a deal for you. If they make it out of the waiting area

:01:14. > :01:16.to join me here in Winners Row, I could be handing them a cheque for a

:01:17. > :01:23.huge amount of money. The question is, who is going to be the first

:01:24. > :01:35.person sitting on Winners Row? Let's find out who will play first.

:01:36. > :01:58.It's pink, and it is Lorraine! How are you. Take a seat. Let me

:01:59. > :02:03.take in the aura of this top, is a purple or magenta? I think it is

:02:04. > :02:09.purple. You look stunning. Who did you come with tonight? I've brought

:02:10. > :02:13.my husband, Matthew, and my mother. And you have come here was a dream.

:02:14. > :02:18.Obviously, you want to win some money. How much would you like me to

:02:19. > :02:24.be writing a cheque for? I would love ?3000. Out of all the years we

:02:25. > :02:27.have been doing In It To Win It, I always read the wish list of what

:02:28. > :02:32.people want to go home with and sometimes I have a giggle. The last

:02:33. > :02:36.thing it said was, more than anything else in the world, I want

:02:37. > :02:43.to replace my concrete roof with slates. Forgive me, cannot get

:02:44. > :02:50.excited about this. Talk me through it. What does this mean? We live in

:02:51. > :02:53.a really old house. We need to insulate the house and slate is the

:02:54. > :03:02.best way to do that. Is it like a tile? It is smart and shiny. Is it

:03:03. > :03:07.like a cement mixer on the roof? It is posh slate. We have to happen

:03:08. > :03:11.delivered from India. But the ones you have one already, you said it

:03:12. > :03:18.was concrete or something? You said you wanted concrete to slates. Why

:03:19. > :03:24.did not think it made sense. You want to go home with 3000. What

:03:25. > :03:30.would you do if you went home with ?50,000? We love rugby, my husband

:03:31. > :03:35.and I. We would love to go and see the British Lions tour. You are not

:03:36. > :03:46.a girly girl but once shoes and bags? No. Not a spa weekend in the

:03:47. > :03:54.hotel? A cruise? I like cruising. Me too. I have never been on a boat in

:03:55. > :04:01.my life. You are ahead of me, making it up as you go along! I'm going to

:04:02. > :04:05.give you some questions. If you stay here, and that is the object of the

:04:06. > :04:09.game, if you are still sitting here from now, you will be the only one

:04:10. > :04:11.playing the game and there may be 100 grand in there. If you are here

:04:12. > :04:16.when the klaxon goes, you are guaranteed a chance of a share at

:04:17. > :04:21.what ever is in the prize fund. How much is in it depends on you. Each

:04:22. > :04:27.question is worth five grand and if you make a mistake, where do you go?

:04:28. > :04:33.The red area. We do not want to be going there. Two ways out of the red

:04:34. > :04:36.area. Give me the correct answer and you are back on Winners Row. The

:04:37. > :04:41.wrong answer, you are back where you started. Are you ready for your

:04:42. > :04:47.first question, worth five grand? We are all with you. I wish you the

:04:48. > :04:57.best. Let's overlook. -- have a look.

:04:58. > :05:07.Just because it rhymes with Joanna, piano. I do not know the answer.

:05:08. > :05:21.Would you like me to take that as the answer? please. That has got to

:05:22. > :05:25.be right, hasn't it? Yes! This could be ?10,000. Best of luck. Here is

:05:26. > :06:00.the question. I haven't got a clue. I haven't even

:06:01. > :06:07.heard of Pinter or Rattigan. I'm just go to guess Shakespeare. I will

:06:08. > :06:17.accept that as your answer. If it is right, we have ?10,000 in the prize

:06:18. > :06:26.fund. Yes! Ten grand in the prize fund. This will make ?15,000. You

:06:27. > :06:34.ready? You must be feeling better now. A bit more relaxed? OK. That

:06:35. > :06:48.new roof is coming. You we go, here is the question.

:06:49. > :06:58.Listen, you don't want to be losing a spot now. Have a think. Do you not

:06:59. > :07:07.know that character? I have not seen those programmes. Game of Thrones.

:07:08. > :07:16.Do you want me to take that as your answer? Yes, please. Please show me

:07:17. > :07:20.the answer. Why have to tell you, Breaking Bad is the most fabulous

:07:21. > :07:32.show and water white is the lead character. I'm sorry. Thank you. OK,

:07:33. > :07:37.Lorraine is down which is great news for the four waiting players. One of

:07:38. > :07:47.them is about to join me and let's find out who it is going to be.

:07:48. > :08:04.It's Tracey! Come and make some money! Hello, darling! Come and sit

:08:05. > :08:13.down. You look a picture. You're not too bad yourself! Who are you here

:08:14. > :08:19.with? I am with my good friend, Michelle, and her husband. Nice to

:08:20. > :08:25.see you both. You come here with a dream, everybody does. How much do

:08:26. > :08:31.you want? Ideally, 50,000, but I would love to take a lot. You will

:08:32. > :08:36.only get this chance once in a lifetime, so go for it. Let's do

:08:37. > :08:51.some shopping. You have 150 grand. What is first? Pay off the mortgage.

:08:52. > :08:54.Boring. Next. At stake every night, every Saturday night. I noticed that

:08:55. > :08:58.on your application, you said you wanted to travel and do this and

:08:59. > :09:02.that and the other, and you said you wanted to have stake every Saturday

:09:03. > :09:06.night. Do you cook it yourself or does it have to be in a fancy

:09:07. > :09:14.restaurant? My husband is a chef and we take it in turns. It depends who

:09:15. > :09:18.gets home first. Listen, stake every night sounds great, especially on a

:09:19. > :09:24.Saturday but for now, relax. You are only here because Lorraine gave me a

:09:25. > :09:30.wrong answer. We will be back with your first question in a moment.

:09:31. > :09:34.Lorraine, how are you doing? I am all right. Sadly, this is not

:09:35. > :09:38.multiple choice. You have to find the answer yourself. I wish you the

:09:39. > :09:50.best. You ready? Here is your question.

:09:51. > :10:01.I have heard this before but cannot remember. I know you know this

:10:02. > :10:13.answer. Andrew Lloyd Webber... I have seen Evita. I should know this.

:10:14. > :10:20.I want to say Steyn for some reason. Stein. Is that your answer? Would

:10:21. > :10:28.you like me to take that as the answer? I have accepted that answer.

:10:29. > :10:37.Please reveal to me the answer. It is certain race. Does it ring a

:10:38. > :10:39.bell? When I see it, yeah. Lorraine, make your way back where you

:10:40. > :10:46.started. I'm sorry. Are you ready for your first

:10:47. > :11:17.question? He returns. -- here it is. Don't think it is the UK because we

:11:18. > :11:24.have already it. The World Cup! I will say Qatar. Shall I accept that

:11:25. > :11:38.as your answer? Consider it done. Your word is your bond. Yes! OK.

:11:39. > :11:43.?15,000 in the prize fund. For another ?5,000, which of these was

:11:44. > :11:50.the title of a 2013 hit single for Katy Perry?

:11:51. > :12:03.And know this one. Can we move on and get some money in the bank? It

:12:04. > :12:11.is Roar. I have accepted it. Is it the right and circulate it is a

:12:12. > :12:16.fabulous record. Yes. -- is it the right answer? She is something. 20

:12:17. > :12:20.grand. And all alone on Winners Row. This is working out in your

:12:21. > :12:26.favour. Idea not look over my shoulder. How do they look to mag

:12:27. > :12:30.miserable. -- how do they look? Are of a miserable? Here is the next

:12:31. > :12:55.question. Politics is not one of my strong

:12:56. > :13:17.subjects. Like politics but to be honest, I do not know. The Green

:13:18. > :13:22.Party... I'm going to say, simply because it is sticking out, Brighton

:13:23. > :13:25.Pavilion. I would have to guess at this myself. I have accepted bright

:13:26. > :13:33.in the billion. If you are right, fantastic. I have no clue. Is it the

:13:34. > :13:43.right answer? How did you do that?! It just came to you! Wouldn't it be

:13:44. > :13:59.nice if it was a round 30 grand? Here is your next question.

:14:00. > :14:11.I have never known anybody from India with an Indian background with

:14:12. > :14:17.the name of Ivan. I think Ivan is a Russian name and that is what I'm

:14:18. > :14:23.facing it upon. I think it is a Russian name. Shall I accept that as

:14:24. > :14:26.your and circulate I have accepted Russia and hope you are right. If

:14:27. > :14:35.you are, there will be 30 grand there. Is it Russia? Yes!

:14:36. > :14:57.Are you ready for the next one? I wish you luck.

:14:58. > :15:12.It is taxes. Are you saying you want me to take that as your answer? Yes,

:15:13. > :15:14.please. Yes, death and taxes. Well done. Another question for 5,000.

:15:15. > :15:35.Darling, here it is. Leonardo Dicaprio, 2013. Um... I

:15:36. > :15:44.don't think it's Sandra Bullock. I don't know why. Again, I think...

:15:45. > :15:48.I'm going to go for, is it Carey? I think Carey Mulligan. Carey

:15:49. > :15:52.Mulligan. Would you like me to take that as your answer? Yes, please.

:15:53. > :15:54.OK, I accept Carey Mulligan. If that's right, there will be 40 grand

:15:55. > :16:04.in there. Is it Carey Mulligan? Yes! That applause is well-deserved.

:16:05. > :16:12.However, having said that, Andrew, how are you feeling? I'm OK, Dale.

:16:13. > :16:15.I'm OK, yes. OK, who did you bring with you for support? Wife Alison

:16:16. > :16:20.and best friend Liz. Hello, girls. Lovely to see you. Oh, darling girl,

:16:21. > :16:25.how are you, Sophia? I'm OK. I'm good, thank you, Dale. Who did you

:16:26. > :16:29.bring with you for support? I've got my friend Ffion and my sister Becka

:16:30. > :16:33.with me today. Hi, girls. Good to see you. Stuart, how are you doing?

:16:34. > :16:38.I'm biding my time, Dale. You're biding your time? Yes. And who did

:16:39. > :16:41.you bring with you for support? I have brought my brother-in-law,

:16:42. > :16:45.Jason, and my best friend, Anthony. Hello, Anthony. Hi, Jason. How you

:16:46. > :16:50.doing? OK, this would be ?45,000 and crucial you remember you are the

:16:51. > :16:53.only one in Winners Row. Not that I'm piling on the pressure. Wish you

:16:54. > :17:18.luck. Here's your next question. Sport, any good? I have no idea. I'm

:17:19. > :17:23.going to go for South Africa. I'll say South Africa. Would you like me

:17:24. > :17:29.to take South Africa as you answer? Yes. OK, I accept South Africa. If

:17:30. > :17:32.that is right, we'll have 45 grand. More importantly, you're still here

:17:33. > :17:41.in Winners Row. Is the answer South Africa? Kenya. Listen... OK. ...you

:17:42. > :17:45.have put so much money in the prize fund. You deserve to be back here in

:17:46. > :17:51.Winners Row.d...you have put so much money in the prize fund. You deserve

:17:52. > :17:55.to be back here in Winners Row. OK. You can do that on the turn of one

:17:56. > :17:59.question in the red area. Get it right and you're back here. Get it

:18:00. > :18:03.wrong, we don't even want to think about that, but for now, sorry,

:18:04. > :18:06.Tracey, make your way to red. Tracy has done so well so far. However,

:18:07. > :18:11.her downfall now means that one of our other pairs has a chance to come

:18:12. > :18:12.and sit here. One of you will be sitting right here. Who is it going

:18:13. > :18:27.to be? Let's find out. It's yellow, it's Stuart! Come and

:18:28. > :18:34.make some money! Hi, Stuart. Oh, we're hugging, are we? How are you?

:18:35. > :18:38.Good, thank you. Come and sit down. I bet you were thinking is it ever

:18:39. > :18:44.going to be my turn? I really did. Look what you've got in the prize

:18:45. > :18:48.fund. 40 grand. Fabulous. I'd say you've chosen a fine time to join us

:18:49. > :18:53.on Winners Row. Absolutely. How much do you want to go home with? Life

:18:54. > :18:58.changing money. Which would be what? 50-60,000. OK. What have you got it

:18:59. > :19:02.pencilled for? If you speak to my wife, it's moving house. Right. If

:19:03. > :19:05.you're speaking to me, I'd like a new watch. You collect them, don't

:19:06. > :19:09.you? That is the most beautiful watch. Thank you. So you want 50

:19:10. > :19:14.grand? Yes. It isn't your turn for your first question yet. OK. You are

:19:15. > :19:18.only here because Tracey, who, by the way, put in 30 grand. She's been

:19:19. > :19:23.fantastic. I know she has. She's in the red area, so I've got to get her

:19:24. > :19:26.out of the red area and back here in Winners Row. I'll be back with your

:19:27. > :19:30.question in a moment. Thank you. Tracey. Hi. Now, I don't like to see

:19:31. > :19:34.you sitting here. Even less sitting back where you started because you

:19:35. > :19:37.have been our MVP, our most valuable player. You know how it works in the

:19:38. > :19:41.red area. One question. Not multiple choice. Find me the right answer and

:19:42. > :19:45.your back there with Stuart in Winners Row. You ready? Yes. I wish

:19:46. > :19:52.you the very best of luck. Please reveal to me the red area question.

:19:53. > :20:05.It's not my strongest subject, history, to be fair. Are there any

:20:06. > :20:10.countries you're thinking of at the moment? Um...

:20:11. > :20:21.Great Britain or France, to be fair. Um... 1415, Battle of Agincourt.

:20:22. > :20:28.Um... I'm going to have to just pluck something from out of the air,

:20:29. > :20:33.Dale. I'm going to say, I'm going to say France. Would you like me to

:20:34. > :20:37.take France as your answer? Yes. Well, I've accepted France. You

:20:38. > :20:45.don't look happy with it. No. I'm not sure. Will you be happy? Please

:20:46. > :20:51.reveal to me the answer. Oh! Well, there you go. Who knew? Come on.

:20:52. > :21:00.Back to Winners Row. Sorry, guys. What can I tell you?

:21:01. > :21:04.She's done really well. Listen, you ready? Yes. Here's your first

:21:05. > :21:24.question. It genuinely is as simple is the

:21:25. > :21:28.fact that I have no idea what the last two mean. So I'm going to go

:21:29. > :21:31.with compos mentis. Would you like me to take compos mentis as your

:21:32. > :21:34.answer? Yes, please, Dale. I've accepted compos mentis. If that's

:21:35. > :21:42.right, 45 grand, 22,500 each you'd be looking at if the klaxon went

:21:43. > :21:48.now. Is it compos mentis? Yes! Good. I bet you'd like that one. Yeah,

:21:49. > :21:52.that was a good one. OK. This would make it a round 50 K, 25 grand

:21:53. > :21:57.apiece if you give me the right answer. Worth five grand again. I

:21:58. > :22:02.bet you're glad to be back here again, Tracey? I am, yes. Isn't that

:22:03. > :22:08.nice feeling? It is. Here we go. Here's your next question.

:22:09. > :22:17.I love the song. Do you know the song? Yes. I'll give you your

:22:18. > :22:24.choices. I know this one, Dale. It's Daft Punk. Would you like me to take

:22:25. > :22:30.Daft Punk as your answer? Yes, please. I accept Daft Punk. If it's

:22:31. > :22:37.right, there will be 50 grand in there. Is it Daft Punk? Yeah, great

:22:38. > :22:41.record. Super. Fantastic, I love it. OK, we have 50 grand in the prize

:22:42. > :22:49.fund. This is impressive. OK, Stuart. Yes. Are you ready? I am.

:22:50. > :23:03.OK, sir, let's have a look at your next question.

:23:04. > :23:09.Have you ever had a Pontefract cake? I think I might have. And I think I

:23:10. > :23:16.know the reason why I wouldn't have one again. Ooh? Because I don't like

:23:17. > :23:22.liquorice. OK. So I do think... When I first saw the question, I know

:23:23. > :23:29.it's it's not almonds. I'm really hoping I haven't confused potato and

:23:30. > :23:34.liquorice. Pontefract cakes. Liquorice, Dale. Would you like me

:23:35. > :23:37.to accept liquorice as your answer? Yes. Consider it done. There you go.

:23:38. > :23:42.We have an arrangement. If that is the right answer, there's another

:23:43. > :23:50.five grand in there. 55 grand, wow! Is the answer liquorice? Yes. Did

:23:51. > :23:58.you really not like it? No. OK, will you look at that? 55 grand, 27,500

:23:59. > :24:03.apiece. Wow! You've put in 35 grand, do you know that? Fabulous. OK,

:24:04. > :24:19.here's your next question worth another five.

:24:20. > :24:27.Portland Bill. Oh, don't do this to me now, please. Do you not know this

:24:28. > :24:31.one? Not off the top of my head. Take it steady. I'll have a little

:24:32. > :24:40.think. This is not the time to be... No, I know. Portland Bill. Headland.

:24:41. > :24:44.Part of the UK. I'm just going to have to have a guess on this one, I

:24:45. > :24:59.think, Dale. Where are you heading with this one? Um... Portland.

:25:00. > :25:03.Portland. I'm going to say... I'm going to say Glamorgan. I don't know

:25:04. > :25:08.why. Would you like me to take Glamorgan as your answer? Yes. I

:25:09. > :25:12.accept Glamorgan. If that's right, you've dodged a very nasty question.

:25:13. > :25:18.If you're wrong, red area again. Is the answer Glamorgan? Dorset. You

:25:19. > :25:26.really struggled with that one, didn't you? You'll be back. I know

:25:27. > :25:29.you will, because you've always pulled. You will be fine but, for

:25:30. > :25:36.now, please, Tracey, make your way to red. There she goes. Well, a huge

:25:37. > :25:41.sigh of relief over at the waiting area. Yeah, you know why, cos they

:25:42. > :25:45.know, like you do, that one of them is about to join me here on Winners

:25:46. > :25:52.Row. Who is it going to be? Here's where we find out.

:25:53. > :26:02.It's pink, it's Lorraine! She's coming back!

:26:03. > :26:13.You lucky girl. Please make your way over there. Wow! I can't believe it.

:26:14. > :26:18.Well, considering you started the night off and you put ten grand in

:26:19. > :26:21.and then we didn't hear a word from you. But you are back. Big breaths.

:26:22. > :26:25.Deep breathing. I'll be back with your next question after. Tracey,

:26:26. > :26:29.you have got to come out of the red area... I know. ..and go back to

:26:30. > :26:33.Winners Row. You know the deal here. You can do this. Let's have a look

:26:34. > :26:43.at your question. I'll be curious to see which one this is. OK.

:26:44. > :26:51.I am going to say... I don't want you to rush this. No, I'm not going

:26:52. > :26:58.to. Some thing's straight into my mind but I need to be careful. I'm

:26:59. > :27:02.going to say Ian Fleming, Dale. Would you like me to take Ian

:27:03. > :27:12.Fleming as you answer? Yes. I accept Ian Fleming. Is it right?

:27:13. > :27:22.Thank you. Come on, back where you belong. Wow! That's looking good.

:27:23. > :27:25.Lorraine, are you ready for your next question? Yes. OK, darling,

:27:26. > :27:51.here it is. Ring-a-Ring o' Roses. It's like a

:27:52. > :27:57.happy... Ring-a-Ring o' Roses. Atishoo, atishoo, they all fall

:27:58. > :28:03.down. Well, the sneezing thing, I'm thinking plague. Atishoo, atishoo,

:28:04. > :28:07.they all fall down. Bubonic plague. Would you like me to take bubonic

:28:08. > :28:15.plague as the answer? Yes, please. I accept bubonic plague. Is that

:28:16. > :28:21.right? Yes, well done! 60 grand. 60 grand in the prize fund. Stuart, are

:28:22. > :28:23.you ready? I am. This would make it ?65,000. Please get it right. Here's

:28:24. > :28:49.your question. I wouldn't have a clue. Well... I

:28:50. > :28:51.was born in 1979. And I think that pretty much classes me as being over

:28:52. > :28:58.the hill for winning gold medals. So pretty much classes me as being over

:28:59. > :29:02.I'm not sure it's 1980. I am going pretty much classes me as being over

:29:03. > :29:05.to say 1986, Dale. Would you like me to take 1986

:29:06. > :29:10.to say 1986, Dale. Would you like me please. I accept 1986. If that is

:29:11. > :29:19.right, 65 grand in the prize fund. Wow! Is the answer 1986? Yes!

:29:20. > :29:26.Tracey, I will be beside myself and very distraught and need a support

:29:27. > :29:35.group if you get this answer wrong. You have put in ?35,000, OK? We're

:29:36. > :29:38.looking at 65 grand. Let's make it 70 grand. I wish you the best.

:29:39. > :29:55.Please reveal to me Tracey's next question.

:29:56. > :30:03.Ed Miliband's father. What sounds nice with Miliband as a surname?

:30:04. > :30:17.Ed Miliband's father. What sounds James? James Miliband? Arnold

:30:18. > :30:24.quite cool. OK. Would you like we do take that as your answer? I didn't

:30:25. > :30:36.say that. OK, fair enough. You are in charge.

:30:37. > :30:40.say that. OK, fair enough. You are Ralph as your answer? Are you sure?

:30:41. > :30:45.I accept Ralph. If that is the right answer, 70 grand is in the prize

:30:46. > :30:49.fund. I saw wanted to be right because you have put money in there

:30:50. > :31:03.and you deserve it. Is that the answer? Yes! 70 grand! The klaxon

:31:04. > :31:11.has sounded which means that the prize fund is frozen. You are each

:31:12. > :31:16.looking at a minimum share of ?23,333 each. You may will act. Take

:31:17. > :31:20.it steady. You are one question away from that money. However, I have to

:31:21. > :31:24.look over my shoulder and say good night to two very unfortunate

:31:25. > :31:28.people. I am so very sorry you did not make it across tonight but you

:31:29. > :31:42.are going to get a heck of a round of applause as you walk off.

:31:43. > :31:50.I hate seeing them go. Going without a chance. But listen, you don't have

:31:51. > :31:54.to think about that. You were in the right place at the right time which

:31:55. > :32:00.is what In It To Win It is all about. You were looking at a minimum

:32:01. > :32:05.share of ?23,333. That is the least you can do. No pressure. One

:32:06. > :32:06.question away from that cash. I'll be back with the question very

:32:07. > :32:21.shortly. I hope it stays this good. They are

:32:22. > :32:24.all looking like winners from me. And they need to hold their nerve

:32:25. > :32:27.for a few more minutes before they find out if they are going to be a

:32:28. > :32:31.winner. But here is your chance to win a fortune on it is the

:32:32. > :32:46.Thunderball draw from the National Lottery. Good luck.

:32:47. > :32:51.Thanks Dale, hello everyone and welcome to Lottery HQ! It's great to

:32:52. > :32:59.be back! So then, three contestants have made the cut but who will be

:33:00. > :33:02.leaving with a share of the ?70,000? And while we're on the subject of

:33:03. > :33:06.whopping great cash prizes, will tonight be a night to remember for

:33:07. > :33:10.you at home? Well let's hope so. We have the Thunderball draw with a top

:33:11. > :33:13.prize of half a million pounds. And there's also tonight's big Lotto

:33:14. > :33:16.rollover draw which could make you a multi-millionaire! And as an extra

:33:17. > :33:20.dollop of good luck, Irish rock and roll sensation Imelda May will be

:33:21. > :33:23.joining us to wish you good luck for tonight's Lotto draw. But first,

:33:24. > :33:25.there's half a million pounds up for grabs. Is it coming your way? Time

:33:26. > :33:39.to find out! Here's Thunderball. Start up that first machine, if you

:33:40. > :33:42.would, please, Matt! Our draw master tonight is Matt Chamberlain and the

:33:43. > :33:52.draws are being overseen by an independent adjudicator.

:33:53. > :33:57.In the last week, over ?2.7 million has been paid out in prizes and

:33:58. > :34:06.there have been over 499,000 winning tickets. Congratulations if one of

:34:07. > :34:07.them was yours. Thanks very much, Alan. Here we go then everyone! Good

:34:08. > :34:44.luck! Matt, please start that second

:34:45. > :34:57.machine! That's the five main numbers then

:34:58. > :35:02.but we still need a Thunderball number! Gaby. So the good news is

:35:03. > :35:06.that all tickets are still in play and so you still have a chance of

:35:07. > :35:07.winning a prize by matching with just the Thunderball alone.

:35:08. > :35:08.number! Gaby. So the good news is that all tickets are still Let's

:35:09. > :35:36.find out Thanks Alan, join us in a few

:35:37. > :35:39.minutes' time when Imelda May will be starting tonight's big Lotto

:35:40. > :35:43.rollover draw, but first it's back to Dale, Lorraine, Tracey and Stuart

:35:44. > :35:51.for "In It To Win It". See you very shortly.

:35:52. > :36:02.There you are. Welcome back. Not so long ago, these three people helped

:36:03. > :36:08.put ?70,000 in the prize fund, which means, wait for it, they are each

:36:09. > :36:16.looking at a share of at least ?23,333 each. And they are just one

:36:17. > :36:21.question away from the cache. Lorraine, it went very wrong very

:36:22. > :36:29.early on in the game and it all went very right. It's beautiful, I know.

:36:30. > :36:32.It is a beautiful thing! And that concrete roof and will be slate

:36:33. > :36:36.before you know it if you give me the right answer now. Here is the

:36:37. > :36:41.deal. That one question is the only thing that separates you from me

:36:42. > :36:42.writing you that check. Ready? OK, and wish you the best of luck. We

:36:43. > :37:13.are with you. Did you see the film? I love it.

:37:14. > :37:25.It's fabulous, wonderful. One of the classics. I love it. But who wrote

:37:26. > :37:40.it? I need you to tell me that. My word. Let's think about this. Think,

:37:41. > :37:50.think. You can do this. This Israeli frustrating. -- this is really

:37:51. > :37:53.frustrating. I will repeat the question and then I need announcer.

:37:54. > :38:18.-- and answer. I am going to say... My word. I'm

:38:19. > :38:26.going to say John Grisham. Would you like me to take that as your answer?

:38:27. > :38:33.Yes, please. If it is right, the minimum you are leaving with is

:38:34. > :38:39.?23,333. I hope you are right. I'm looking for John Grisham. Is that

:38:40. > :38:45.the right answer? It was Stephen King. I am so sorry. I thought you

:38:46. > :38:52.had done it. I've thought you had done it. We're going to have to say

:38:53. > :39:05.good night. It has been lovely to meet you. Give her a cheer.

:39:06. > :39:13.Now you are looking at a minimum share of ?35,000. That is cut

:39:14. > :39:17.halfway between you and Tracey. So here is your last question of the

:39:18. > :39:22.night. You have put in ?15,000 so you have every right to be here.

:39:23. > :39:40.Here is your last question of the night. Please reveal it.

:39:41. > :39:51.I think and know this. Which is? It is the Sphinx cat, Dale. Would you

:39:52. > :39:57.like me to take that as your answer? I accept it. And if that is right,

:39:58. > :40:17.the minimum you leave with tonight is ?35,000. Is that the answer? Yes!

:40:18. > :40:21.When you look at that ?70,000, can tell you that you are responsible

:40:22. > :40:27.for ?40,000 of it? You have just seen Stewart do it. He is going on

:40:28. > :40:31.with a minimum of ?35,000. Here is where we find out whether he is

:40:32. > :40:34.going home with ?70,000 or you are also going home with ?35,000. Here

:40:35. > :41:00.is your last question. Take your time. Is this a good one

:41:01. > :41:12.for you? Not really. I don't want to hear you say that.

:41:13. > :41:32.How many singles matches... Singles matches? How many singles matches...

:41:33. > :41:41.I'm going to say... I'm torn between those two. I'm going to say six.

:41:42. > :41:49.Would you like me to take that as your answer? Yes, Dale. I accept six

:41:50. > :41:54.as your answer. If that is right, you are going home just like

:41:55. > :42:06.Stewart, with ?35,000. If it is wrong, Stewart just took ?70,000.

:42:07. > :42:16.So, please, for ?35,000, please tell me the answer is six. It was seven.

:42:17. > :42:21.I am so sorry. You have been fabulous. Has she not been great? I

:42:22. > :42:47.am sorry, darling. Take care. So, Stewart, how you feeling? You

:42:48. > :43:00.just got yourself ?70,000. Did you know that answer? Know, and I am a

:43:01. > :43:10.big tennis fan. All I have to do is write that check. I will be back

:43:11. > :43:14.very soon. What a night. That was an unusual show tonight. It has been

:43:15. > :43:19.great. The question is, will you be celebrating a huge cash win

:43:20. > :43:22.yourself? There is a fortune up for grabs in the big Saturday night to

:43:23. > :43:34.draw. I wish you the best of luck. Good luck. Thank you very much and

:43:35. > :43:38.well done, Stuart. I bet he didn't think he would walk away having

:43:39. > :43:43.scooped up a lot but I'm glad to say I'm joined now by Imelda May, who

:43:44. > :43:46.would create some winners tonight. The lottery is all about numbers and

:43:47. > :43:50.we have numbers for you. Your fourth album, straight in at number three.

:43:51. > :43:57.Number one in Ireland, and you've just had a baby, so let's talk lucky

:43:58. > :44:04.numbers. Two. The baby is nearly two. I absolutely love your new

:44:05. > :44:13.single. Let's have a look at you in action.

:44:14. > :44:25.# Everything seems brighter in the sun. # Oh my God, it's good to be

:44:26. > :44:28.alive. # Oh my God, it's good to be alive. That looks like such good fun

:44:29. > :44:33.to make. We had such good fun doing that. We

:44:34. > :44:39.laughed all day. He threw me around and anything fell off. As you do

:44:40. > :44:44.when you're dancing. You say or daughter is nearly two. What is it

:44:45. > :44:51.like going on tour? Like every other working mother, it's exhausting.

:44:52. > :44:54.Tired all the time. She is great, well, enjoying it. It's great to be

:44:55. > :44:59.able to bring her with me. Most women have to leave their baby in

:45:00. > :45:03.case of great to bring her with me and the album is going well so it's

:45:04. > :45:09.all been good. And you tell me she sings along to your songs. Perfect.

:45:10. > :45:18.Today is a special night. Your favourite Eurovision entry ever? I

:45:19. > :45:23.would have to say Johnny Logan. Are you ready to help somebody become a

:45:24. > :45:32.millionaire? , yes, I am. Here is Lotto.

:45:33. > :45:37.Let's release those balls. Denied shock but have been estimated at

:45:38. > :46:04.?7.9 million. OK, it's your time to spread a

:46:05. > :46:07.little Irish luck. OK, I want to spit on my hands by want to say a

:46:08. > :47:14.huge good luck to everybody out there. I hope it is your night.

:47:15. > :47:21.Thank you very much. Lovely to see you. OK, remember to check your

:47:22. > :47:25.tickets to see if you have won one of the 100 prices of ?20,000 in the

:47:26. > :47:34.Lotto raffled tonight. I will be back next week but in the meantime,

:47:35. > :47:46.enjoyed Eurovision and come on, let's go back to jail. -- Dale.

:47:47. > :47:53.My work is done for the night and all I have to do now is hand over

:47:54. > :47:56.the cheque for 70 grand to Stuart. Well done.

:47:57. > :48:14.It says seven grand, I'm teasing. ?70,000. You are welcome. Have you

:48:15. > :48:23.had a good night? Need I ask? Well done. Thank you so much. Stuart,

:48:24. > :48:28.ladies and gentlemen. OK, well, I've had a great night to night. I hope

:48:29. > :48:32.you have enjoyed it. Here is a thought, why don't you come back and

:48:33. > :49:01.see it again soon? Until then, have a great night. Bye bye.

:49:02. > :49:05.MUSIC: "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" by the Flaming Lips

:49:06. > :49:07.# Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah

:49:08. > :49:14.# Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah