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0:00:25 > 0:00:28Although each of the world's countries dispute this fact,

0:00:28 > 0:00:32we French know the truth. The best food in the world is made in France.

0:00:32 > 0:00:35The best food in France is made in Paris.

0:00:35 > 0:00:39The best food in Paris is made by chef Auguste Gusteau.

0:00:39 > 0:00:41Gusteau's restaurant is the toast of Paris,

0:00:41 > 0:00:43booked five months in advance.

0:00:43 > 0:00:45His ascent to the top of fine French cuisine

0:00:45 > 0:00:47has made his competitors envious.

0:00:47 > 0:00:51He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating.

0:00:51 > 0:00:53Chef Gusteau's cookbook, 'Anyone Can Cook',

0:00:53 > 0:00:55climbed to the top of the bestseller list.

0:00:55 > 0:00:57But not everyone celebrates its success.

0:00:57 > 0:01:00Amusing title. "Anyone Can Cook".

0:01:00 > 0:01:04What is even more amusing is that Gusteau seems to believe it.

0:01:04 > 0:01:07I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously,

0:01:07 > 0:01:11and no, I don't think anyone can do it.

0:01:26 > 0:01:29THUNDER ROLLS

0:01:32 > 0:01:35SCREAM/CRASH

0:01:46 > 0:01:48'This...is me.

0:01:48 > 0:01:51'I think it's apparent I need to rethink my life.

0:01:51 > 0:01:53'What's my problem?

0:01:53 > 0:01:57'First of all, I'm a rat.

0:01:57 > 0:02:00'Which means life is hard.

0:02:00 > 0:02:06'And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell.'

0:02:06 > 0:02:10Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean.

0:02:10 > 0:02:12Oh, small twist of lemon!

0:02:12 > 0:02:14You can smell all that?

0:02:14 > 0:02:16You have a gift.

0:02:16 > 0:02:18'This is Emile, my brother.

0:02:18 > 0:02:22- 'He is easily impressed.' - So, you can smell ingredients.

0:02:22 > 0:02:24- So what? - 'This is my dad.

0:02:24 > 0:02:26'He is never impressed.

0:02:26 > 0:02:30'He also happens to be the leader of our clan.

0:02:30 > 0:02:33'What's wrong with having highly developed senses?'

0:02:33 > 0:02:37- Whoa, whoa, don't eat that! - What's going on here?

0:02:37 > 0:02:41'Turns out that funny smell was rat poison.

0:02:41 > 0:02:44'Suddenly Dad didn't think my talent was useless.

0:02:44 > 0:02:47'I was feeling pretty good about my gift.

0:02:47 > 0:02:48'Until Dad gave me a job.'

0:02:48 > 0:02:52Clean... Clean...

0:02:52 > 0:02:54'That's right. Poison checker.'

0:02:54 > 0:02:59Cleanarino... Close to godliness...

0:02:59 > 0:03:01..which means "clean".

0:03:01 > 0:03:05You know, cleanliness is close to... Never mind.

0:03:05 > 0:03:08'It made my dad proud.'

0:03:08 > 0:03:10Don't you feel better, Remy?

0:03:10 > 0:03:13- You've helped a noble cause. - Noble?

0:03:13 > 0:03:15We're thieves, Dad.

0:03:15 > 0:03:18And what we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage.

0:03:18 > 0:03:20It isn't stealing if no-one wants it.

0:03:20 > 0:03:23If no-one wants it, why are we stealing it?

0:03:23 > 0:03:26'Let's just say we have different points of view.

0:03:26 > 0:03:28'This much I knew - if you are what you eat,

0:03:28 > 0:03:32then I only want to eat the good stuff.

0:03:32 > 0:03:34'But to my dad...'

0:03:34 > 0:03:35Food is fuel.

0:03:35 > 0:03:38If you get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine will die.

0:03:38 > 0:03:40Now shut up and eat your garbage.

0:03:40 > 0:03:43If we're going to be thieves, why not steal stuff in the kitchen?

0:03:43 > 0:03:45Where nothing is poisoned.

0:03:45 > 0:03:48First of all, we are not thieves.

0:03:48 > 0:03:50Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans.

0:03:50 > 0:03:52It's dangerous.

0:03:52 > 0:03:56'I know I'm supposed to hate humans, but there's something about them.

0:03:56 > 0:04:00'They don't just survive - they discover, they create.

0:04:00 > 0:04:04'Just look at what they do with food!'

0:04:04 > 0:04:07'Good food is like music you can taste, colour you can smell.'

0:04:07 > 0:04:10'There is excellence all around you.'

0:04:10 > 0:04:14'You need only be aware to stop and savour it.'

0:04:18 > 0:04:20'Gusteau was right.

0:04:20 > 0:04:24'Mmm, yeah. Amazing.

0:04:24 > 0:04:29'Each flavour was totally unique.

0:04:31 > 0:04:34'But, combine one flavour with another

0:04:34 > 0:04:38'and something new was created.

0:04:43 > 0:04:46'So now I had a secret life.'

0:04:51 > 0:04:52HE CHUCKLES

0:04:52 > 0:04:55'The only one who knew about it was Emile.'

0:04:55 > 0:04:58Pst! Hey, Emile. Emile!

0:04:58 > 0:05:00I found a mushroom.

0:05:00 > 0:05:03You're good at hiding food, help me find a place to put this.

0:05:03 > 0:05:07'He doesn't understand me, but I can be myself around him.'

0:05:07 > 0:05:08Why are you walking like that?

0:05:08 > 0:05:11I don't want to constantly wash my paws.

0:05:11 > 0:05:15Do you ever think how we walk on the same paws that we handle food with?

0:05:15 > 0:05:18- Think about what we put into our mouths?- All the time.

0:05:18 > 0:05:20When I eat, I don't want to taste everywhere my paws have been.

0:05:20 > 0:05:22Well, go ahead.

0:05:22 > 0:05:25But if Dad see you walking like that, he's not going to like it.

0:05:25 > 0:05:27What have you got there?

0:05:29 > 0:05:30HE CHUCKLES

0:05:30 > 0:05:34You found cheese? And not just any cheese.

0:05:34 > 0:05:36Tomme de chevre de pays!

0:05:36 > 0:05:39That would go beautifully with my mushroom!

0:05:39 > 0:05:41And... and...

0:05:41 > 0:05:43..And this rosemary.

0:05:43 > 0:05:49With - maybe - maybe a few drops from this sweet grass.

0:05:49 > 0:05:52Well, throw it on the pile, I guess. And then we'll...

0:05:52 > 0:05:56We don't want to throw this in with the garbage! This is special.

0:05:56 > 0:05:59But we're supposed to return before sundown...

0:05:59 > 0:06:02Emile! There are possibilities unexplored here.

0:06:02 > 0:06:04We've got to cook this.

0:06:04 > 0:06:08Now exactly HOW we cook this is the real question...

0:06:08 > 0:06:11Ooh! Yeah!

0:06:11 > 0:06:18The key is to keep turning, get the smoky flavour nice and even.

0:06:18 > 0:06:20That storm is getting closer.

0:06:20 > 0:06:22Hey, Remy.

0:06:22 > 0:06:25You think that maybe we shouldn't be so...

0:06:25 > 0:06:27THEY SCREAM

0:06:27 > 0:06:28THUD

0:06:29 > 0:06:31REMY GROANS

0:06:32 > 0:06:34NIBBLES FOOD

0:06:36 > 0:06:39Whoa! You've got to taste this!

0:06:39 > 0:06:42It's got this kind of burny... melty...

0:06:42 > 0:06:43It's not really a smoky taste.

0:06:43 > 0:06:49It's kind of like a...boom! Zap! Kind of taste.

0:06:49 > 0:06:52What would you call that flavour?

0:06:52 > 0:06:55- Lightning-y? - Yeah! It's lightning-y!

0:06:55 > 0:06:58We've got to do that again!

0:06:58 > 0:07:00When the next storm comes, we'll go up on the roof...

0:07:00 > 0:07:03I know what this needs. Saffron! A little saffron would MAKE this!

0:07:03 > 0:07:08- Saffron. Why do I get the feeling... - BOTH: It's in the kitchen!

0:07:08 > 0:07:10COOKING PROGRAMME ON TV

0:07:13 > 0:07:17Er... Saffron...

0:07:17 > 0:07:18- Not good.- Saffron...

0:07:18 > 0:07:21Don't like it. She's going to wake up.

0:07:21 > 0:07:24I've been down here a million times.

0:07:24 > 0:07:26She turns on the cooking channel, boom. She never wakes up.

0:07:26 > 0:07:29You've been here a million times?

0:07:29 > 0:07:32Saffron will be just the thing. Gusteau swears by it.

0:07:32 > 0:07:36- Who's Gusteau? - Just the greatest chef in the world.

0:07:36 > 0:07:37Wrote this cookbook.

0:07:37 > 0:07:40Wait, wait, you...read?

0:07:40 > 0:07:44- Well...not excessively. - Man, does Dad know?

0:07:44 > 0:07:49You could fill a book - a lot of books - with things Dad doesn't know.

0:07:49 > 0:07:52And they have. Which is why I read.

0:07:52 > 0:07:54Which is also our secret.

0:07:54 > 0:07:55I don't like secrets.

0:07:55 > 0:07:58All this cooking and reading and TV watching.

0:07:58 > 0:08:01While we...read and cook.

0:08:01 > 0:08:04It's like you're involving me in crime, and I let you.

0:08:04 > 0:08:05Why do I let you?

0:08:09 > 0:08:12What's taking those kids so long?

0:08:12 > 0:08:17L'Aquila Saffron. Italian. Gusteau says it's excellent.

0:08:17 > 0:08:19Good thing the old lady is a food lov...

0:08:21 > 0:08:25Hey, that's Gusteau. Emile, look.

0:08:25 > 0:08:27'Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.

0:08:27 > 0:08:30'You must be imaginative, strong-hearted,

0:08:30 > 0:08:32'you must try things that may not work

0:08:32 > 0:08:34'and you must not let anyone define your limits

0:08:34 > 0:08:39'because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.

0:08:39 > 0:08:41'What I say is true, anyone can cook.

0:08:41 > 0:08:46'But only the fearless can be great.'

0:08:46 > 0:08:47Pure poetry.

0:08:47 > 0:08:50'But it was not to last.

0:08:50 > 0:08:52'Gusteau's restaurant lost one of its five stars

0:08:52 > 0:08:57'after a scathing review by France's top food critic, Anton Ego.

0:08:57 > 0:09:00'It was a severe blow to Gusteau.

0:09:00 > 0:09:03'The broken-hearted chef died shortly afterwards.

0:09:03 > 0:09:07'Which, according to tradition, meant the loss of another star.'

0:09:07 > 0:09:09Gusteau is dead?

0:09:11 > 0:09:13SHE GASPS, HE SQUEAKS

0:09:13 > 0:09:15Oh! Ohh!

0:09:15 > 0:09:16Whoah!

0:09:19 > 0:09:21Oh.

0:09:22 > 0:09:24Blood!

0:09:24 > 0:09:26Run!

0:09:26 > 0:09:28No, you'll lead her to the colony!

0:09:41 > 0:09:42GUN CLICKS

0:09:46 > 0:09:49- Help, Remy, help! - Emile, start swinging the light.

0:09:49 > 0:09:51SQUEAKING

0:09:51 > 0:09:54I'll try to grab you!

0:09:56 > 0:09:58Emile, swing to me!

0:10:05 > 0:10:06HE YELLS

0:10:20 > 0:10:22CEILING CRACKS

0:10:29 > 0:10:31SHE SCREAMS

0:10:31 > 0:10:34Evacuate! Everyone to the boats!

0:10:39 > 0:10:40The book!

0:10:49 > 0:10:51BREATHES HEAVILY

0:10:58 > 0:11:00Go, go! Move, move!

0:11:03 > 0:11:04Move it! Move it!

0:11:16 > 0:11:17Give me your paw!

0:11:17 > 0:11:19Hey, wait for me!

0:11:25 > 0:11:27Do we have everybody? Where's Remy?

0:11:27 > 0:11:29Right here, I'm coming!

0:11:29 > 0:11:31I'm coming!

0:11:31 > 0:11:34Hold on, Son. Give him something to grab on to.

0:11:34 > 0:11:36Paddle, son.

0:11:36 > 0:11:38Come on, reach for it.

0:11:44 > 0:11:46- Remy!- Dad!

0:11:46 > 0:11:48Come on, you can make it!

0:11:54 > 0:11:56Guys, wait! Stop!

0:11:56 > 0:12:00- Remy, come on! - Wait for me!

0:12:00 > 0:12:02Hold on.

0:12:04 > 0:12:06Dad?

0:12:08 > 0:12:10Dad?

0:12:29 > 0:12:31Argh!

0:12:33 > 0:12:36HE COUGHS

0:12:41 > 0:12:43GASPS FOR AIR

0:13:10 > 0:13:12'I waited...

0:13:14 > 0:13:16'..for a sound...

0:13:17 > 0:13:19'..a voice...

0:13:21 > 0:13:23'..a sign...

0:13:24 > 0:13:26'..something.'

0:13:37 > 0:13:39STOMACH GROWLS

0:13:43 > 0:13:48If you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy.

0:13:50 > 0:13:52Why do you wait and mope?

0:13:52 > 0:13:55Well, I've just lost my family.

0:13:55 > 0:13:58All my friends. Probably forever.

0:13:58 > 0:14:00How do you know?

0:14:00 > 0:14:04Well... I... YOU are an illustration.

0:14:04 > 0:14:06Why am I talking to you?

0:14:06 > 0:14:09You just lost your family, all your friends.

0:14:09 > 0:14:11You are lonely.

0:14:11 > 0:14:13Yeah, well, you're dead.

0:14:13 > 0:14:16But zat is no match for wishful thinking!

0:14:16 > 0:14:18If you focus on what you have left behind

0:14:18 > 0:14:20you will never see what lies ahead.

0:14:20 > 0:14:22Now go up and look around!

0:14:44 > 0:14:46HUM OF CONVERSATION

0:14:48 > 0:14:50HE SNIFFS

0:14:57 > 0:14:59CORK POPS, PEOPLE EXCLAIM

0:15:01 > 0:15:04- What are you doing? - I'm hungry.

0:15:04 > 0:15:07I don't know where I am and I don't know when I'll find food again.

0:15:07 > 0:15:09Remy, you are better than zat.

0:15:09 > 0:15:11You are a cook.

0:15:11 > 0:15:14A cook makes. A thief takes.

0:15:14 > 0:15:18- You are not a thief. - I AM hungry.

0:15:19 > 0:15:21Food will come, Remy.

0:15:21 > 0:15:25Food always comes to those who love to cook.

0:15:37 > 0:15:40MAN SHOUTS: You don't have the guts!

0:15:40 > 0:15:42GUNSHOT

0:15:54 > 0:15:56DOG BARKS

0:16:24 > 0:16:26Paris.

0:16:26 > 0:16:30All this time I've been underneath Paris?

0:16:32 > 0:16:33Wow.

0:16:36 > 0:16:38It's beautiful.

0:16:38 > 0:16:41Ze most beautiful.

0:16:41 > 0:16:44Gusteau's? Your restaurant?

0:16:44 > 0:16:46You've led to me to your restaurant?

0:16:46 > 0:16:49It seems as though I have.

0:16:49 > 0:16:52Yes. There it is, I have led you to it!

0:16:52 > 0:16:54I've got to see this.

0:16:54 > 0:16:57Ready to go on table seven!

0:16:57 > 0:17:00I need more soup bowls, please.

0:17:01 > 0:17:06I need two salmon, three salades composes and three filets!

0:17:06 > 0:17:08Two orders seared salmon.

0:17:08 > 0:17:11Three filets, working! I need plates.

0:17:20 > 0:17:22Hello, Chef Skinner.

0:17:24 > 0:17:27Evening, Chef.

0:17:27 > 0:17:30Hey, boss, look who's here. Alfredo Linguini.

0:17:30 > 0:17:32Renata's little boy.

0:17:32 > 0:17:34All grown up, eh? You remember Renata.

0:17:34 > 0:17:37Gusteau's old flame.

0:17:37 > 0:17:40- Ah, yes. How are you, erm... - Linguini.

0:17:40 > 0:17:43Yes, Linguini. So nice of you to visit.

0:17:43 > 0:17:45- How is... - My mother?

0:17:45 > 0:17:48- Renata. - Yes, Renata. How is she?

0:17:48 > 0:17:52Good, well, not good. She's been better.

0:17:52 > 0:17:54She died.

0:17:54 > 0:17:56Oh. I'm sorry.

0:17:56 > 0:17:58Don't be.

0:17:58 > 0:18:00She believed in heaven, so she's covered.

0:18:00 > 0:18:03You know, afterlife-wise.

0:18:10 > 0:18:14- What is this? - She left it for you.

0:18:14 > 0:18:16I think she hoped it would help.

0:18:16 > 0:18:20Me. You know, get a job. Here.

0:18:20 > 0:18:22But of course, Gusteau wouldn't hesitate.

0:18:22 > 0:18:24Any son of Renata...

0:18:24 > 0:18:27Well, we could file this and if something suitable opens up...

0:18:27 > 0:18:29- We've already hired him. - What?!

0:18:29 > 0:18:34- How dare you hire someone without... - We needed a garbage boy.

0:18:34 > 0:18:36Oh, garbage.

0:18:36 > 0:18:39Well... I'm glad it worked out.

0:18:41 > 0:18:42Er...

0:18:48 > 0:18:50I can't believe it.

0:18:50 > 0:18:52A real gourmet kitchen and I get to watch.

0:18:52 > 0:18:56You've read my book. Let's see how much you know.

0:18:56 > 0:19:00- Which one is the chef? - Oh... Er...

0:19:00 > 0:19:02- That guy. - Very good.

0:19:02 > 0:19:05- Who is next in command? - The sous-chef...

0:19:05 > 0:19:07there.

0:19:07 > 0:19:11The sous is responsible for the kitchen when the chef is not around.

0:19:11 > 0:19:15Saucier, in charge of sauces. Very important.

0:19:15 > 0:19:18Chef de partie, demi-chef de partie, both important.

0:19:18 > 0:19:21Commis, commis... They're cooks, very important.

0:19:21 > 0:19:24You are a clever rat. Now, who is that?

0:19:24 > 0:19:26Oh, him? He's nobody.

0:19:26 > 0:19:29Not nobody, he is part of zee kitchen.

0:19:29 > 0:19:31He's a plongeur, or something.

0:19:31 > 0:19:33He washes dishes or takes out the garbage.

0:19:33 > 0:19:35- He doesn't cook. - But he could.

0:19:35 > 0:19:37Er, no.

0:19:37 > 0:19:39How do you know? What do I always say?

0:19:39 > 0:19:41Anyone can cook.

0:19:41 > 0:19:44Yeah, anyone CAN. That doesn't mean that anyone SHOULD.

0:19:44 > 0:19:48Zat is not stopping him. See?

0:19:48 > 0:19:50What is he doing?

0:19:50 > 0:19:53No. No! This is terrible.

0:19:53 > 0:19:56He's ruining the soup!

0:19:56 > 0:19:58And nobody is noticing.

0:19:58 > 0:20:00It's your restaurant, do something!

0:20:00 > 0:20:04What can I do? I'm a figment of your imagination.

0:20:04 > 0:20:06But he's ruining the soup, we have to tell someone!

0:20:20 > 0:20:22HE GASPS

0:20:29 > 0:20:31Whoah!

0:20:45 > 0:20:46Gah!

0:21:28 > 0:21:29HE SNIFFS

0:21:44 > 0:21:45CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYS

0:21:50 > 0:21:52- Ooh!- Ah!

0:22:01 > 0:22:03HE PANTS

0:22:05 > 0:22:07Huh!

0:22:15 > 0:22:17HE GAGS

0:22:24 > 0:22:26HE SNIFFS

0:22:52 > 0:22:54- Remy! - What are you waiting for?

0:22:54 > 0:22:56Is this going to become a regular thing?

0:22:56 > 0:22:59You know how to fix it, this is your chance.

0:23:51 > 0:23:54The soup! Where is the soup?

0:23:54 > 0:23:55Out of my way.

0:23:55 > 0:23:59Move it, garbage boy.

0:23:59 > 0:24:01YOU are cooking?

0:24:01 > 0:24:05How dare you cook in my kitchen?

0:24:05 > 0:24:08Where do you get the gall to even attempt something

0:24:08 > 0:24:11so monumentally idiotic?

0:24:11 > 0:24:12I should have you drawn and quartered.

0:24:12 > 0:24:16I'll do it! I think the law is on my side.

0:24:19 > 0:24:24Put him in the duck press to squeeze the fat out!

0:24:24 > 0:24:25What are you blathering about?

0:24:25 > 0:24:26The soup!

0:24:28 > 0:24:30Soup.

0:24:30 > 0:24:32Stop that soup!

0:24:32 > 0:24:36Nooooo!

0:24:49 > 0:24:51Waiter!

0:24:52 > 0:24:54Linguini!

0:24:54 > 0:24:56You're fired!

0:24:56 > 0:24:58F-I-R-E-D!

0:24:58 > 0:25:01- Fired! - She wants to see the chef.

0:25:01 > 0:25:04But, he-he...

0:25:18 > 0:25:19What did the customer say?

0:25:19 > 0:25:22It was not a customer. It was a critic.

0:25:22 > 0:25:24- Ego?- Celine LeClaire.

0:25:24 > 0:25:27LeClaire. What did she say?

0:25:27 > 0:25:28She likes the soup.

0:25:28 > 0:25:31What do you mean, "wait"? You're the reason I'm in this mess.

0:25:31 > 0:25:33Someone is asking about your soup.

0:25:43 > 0:25:45What are you playing at?

0:25:45 > 0:25:49I, um... Am I still fired?

0:25:49 > 0:25:50- You can't fire him. - What?!

0:25:50 > 0:25:54LeClaire likes it. She made a point of telling you so.

0:25:54 > 0:25:57If she writes a review and finds out you fired the cook responsible...

0:25:57 > 0:26:00- He is a garbage boy. - Who made something she likes.

0:26:00 > 0:26:03How can we claim to represent the name of Gusteau

0:26:03 > 0:26:05if we don't uphold his most cherished belief?

0:26:05 > 0:26:08And what belief is that, Mademoiselle Tatou?

0:26:08 > 0:26:10Anyone can cook.

0:26:13 > 0:26:19Perhaps I have been a bit...'arsh on our new garbage boy.

0:26:19 > 0:26:23'Ee has taken a bold risk. We should reward that.

0:26:23 > 0:26:26As Chef Gusteau would have.

0:26:26 > 0:26:32If he wishes to swim in dangerous waters, who are we to deny him?

0:26:32 > 0:26:34- You were escaping. - Oh, yeah.

0:26:34 > 0:26:37Since you have expressed such an interest in his cooking career,

0:26:37 > 0:26:41you shall be responsible for it.

0:26:41 > 0:26:43Anyone else?

0:26:45 > 0:26:47Then back to work!

0:26:47 > 0:26:51You are either very lucky or very unlucky.

0:26:51 > 0:26:56You will make the soup again and zis time, I'll be paying attention.

0:26:56 > 0:26:59Very close attention.

0:26:59 > 0:27:01They think you might be a cook.

0:27:01 > 0:27:03But you know what I think, Linguini?

0:27:03 > 0:27:08I think you are a sneaky, over-reaching little...

0:27:08 > 0:27:09Rat!

0:27:12 > 0:27:14Get the rat!

0:27:14 > 0:27:16Get something to trap it!

0:27:17 > 0:27:19- What should I do now?- Kill it.

0:27:19 > 0:27:22- Now?- No, not in the kitchen.

0:27:22 > 0:27:24Do you know what would happen to us

0:27:24 > 0:27:26if anyone knew we had a rat in our kitchen?

0:27:26 > 0:27:28They'd close us down.

0:27:28 > 0:27:30Our reputation is 'anging by a thread as it is.

0:27:30 > 0:27:33Take it away from here. Far away. Kill it. Dispose of it.

0:27:33 > 0:27:34Go!

0:28:01 > 0:28:03REMY PANTS

0:28:09 > 0:28:11Don't look at me like that.

0:28:11 > 0:28:13You aren't the only one who's trapped.

0:28:13 > 0:28:16They expect me to cook it again!

0:28:16 > 0:28:18I'm not ambitious, I wasn't trying to cook,

0:28:18 > 0:28:20I was just trying to stay out of trouble.

0:28:20 > 0:28:23You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices.

0:28:23 > 0:28:25What did you throw in there? Oregano?

0:28:25 > 0:28:28No? Rosemary?

0:28:28 > 0:28:30That's a spice, isn't it? Rosemary.

0:28:30 > 0:28:33You didn't throw rosemary in there?

0:28:33 > 0:28:37Then what was all the flipping and throwing and...

0:28:41 > 0:28:43I need this job.

0:28:43 > 0:28:45I've lost so many.

0:28:45 > 0:28:48I don't know how to cook and now I'm actually talking to a rat as if you...

0:28:50 > 0:28:54Did you nod? Have you been nodding?

0:28:54 > 0:28:56You understand me?

0:28:57 > 0:28:59So I'm not crazy.

0:28:59 > 0:29:02Wait a second, wait a second.

0:29:03 > 0:29:06I can't cook. Can I?

0:29:08 > 0:29:12But you... You can. Right?

0:29:13 > 0:29:16Don't be so modest, you're a rat, for Pete's sake.

0:29:16 > 0:29:19Whatever you did, they liked it.

0:29:19 > 0:29:22Yeah... This could work.

0:29:22 > 0:29:25Hey, they liked the soup. Ah!

0:29:26 > 0:29:28They liked the soup.

0:29:28 > 0:29:32Do you think you could... do it again?

0:29:35 > 0:29:37OK, I'm going to let you out now.

0:29:37 > 0:29:40But we're together on this.

0:29:40 > 0:29:42Right?

0:29:43 > 0:29:44OK.

0:29:58 > 0:30:00HE CHUCKLES

0:30:11 > 0:30:13HE SIGHS

0:30:38 > 0:30:40Nng!

0:30:40 > 0:30:42GRUNTING

0:30:45 > 0:30:47HE CURSES

0:30:51 > 0:30:54So, this is it.

0:30:54 > 0:30:57It's not much, but it's...

0:30:57 > 0:30:58You know...

0:31:00 > 0:31:02Not much.

0:31:03 > 0:31:07Could be worse. There's heat and light and a couch with a TV,

0:31:07 > 0:31:10so what's mine is yours.

0:31:10 > 0:31:16- 'Are you... Is this...a dream? - 'Ze best kind of dream.

0:31:16 > 0:31:18'One we can share.

0:31:18 > 0:31:23- 'But why here, why now?' - HE SNORES

0:31:23 > 0:31:28'Why NOT here, why NOT now?

0:31:28 > 0:31:32'What better place to dream than in Paris?'

0:31:44 > 0:31:46Morning, little chef.

0:31:46 > 0:31:47Rise and shi...

0:31:47 > 0:31:51Oh, no.

0:31:51 > 0:31:52Idiot, I knew this would happen!

0:31:52 > 0:31:55I let a rat in to my place and tell him what's mine is his.

0:31:55 > 0:31:56Eggs, gone!

0:31:56 > 0:31:59Stupid, he stole my food and hit the road.

0:31:59 > 0:32:02What did I expect? That's what I get for trusting a...

0:32:05 > 0:32:06Is that for me?

0:32:15 > 0:32:19Mm! That's good. What did you put in this?

0:32:20 > 0:32:22Where did you get that?

0:32:25 > 0:32:28Look, it's delicious, but don't steal.

0:32:28 > 0:32:29I'll buy some spices, OK?

0:32:32 > 0:32:36Now, we're going to be late and on the first day!

0:32:36 > 0:32:37Come on, little chef.

0:32:37 > 0:32:39"Though I, like many other critics,

0:32:39 > 0:32:41"have written off Gusteau as irrelevant

0:32:41 > 0:32:44"since the great chef's death, the soup was a revelation.

0:32:44 > 0:32:47"A spicy yet subtle taste experience."

0:32:47 > 0:32:49- Celine LeClaire?- Yes!

0:32:49 > 0:32:53"Against all odds, Gusteau's has recaptured our attention.

0:32:53 > 0:32:56"Only time will tell if they deserve it."

0:32:59 > 0:33:01Well...

0:33:07 > 0:33:09You know.

0:33:11 > 0:33:14Look, I know it's stupid and weird,

0:33:14 > 0:33:17but neither of us can do this alone so we got to do it together, right?

0:33:17 > 0:33:19You with me?

0:33:20 > 0:33:23So, let's do this thing!

0:33:23 > 0:33:24DOORS BANG

0:33:30 > 0:33:32HE WINCES AND MUTTERS

0:33:38 > 0:33:40Welcome to hell.

0:33:40 > 0:33:43Now, recreate the soup.

0:33:43 > 0:33:45Take as much time as you need.

0:33:45 > 0:33:47All week, if you must.

0:33:47 > 0:33:49Soup.

0:33:57 > 0:33:59HE LAUGHS

0:34:01 > 0:34:02Ow! (You little...)

0:34:03 > 0:34:04Ow!

0:34:06 > 0:34:08Ow!

0:34:11 > 0:34:12HE SHOUTS REPEATEDLY

0:34:14 > 0:34:16(Just stop that...) Oooh!

0:34:21 > 0:34:24Ow! (You...!)

0:34:32 > 0:34:34Argh!

0:34:34 > 0:34:35HE SHOUTS

0:34:37 > 0:34:38HE SHOUTS

0:34:39 > 0:34:41This is NOT going to work, little chef!

0:34:41 > 0:34:43I'm going to lose it if we do this any more.

0:34:43 > 0:34:45We've got to figure out something else.

0:34:45 > 0:34:48Something that doesn't involve any biting or nipping

0:34:48 > 0:34:51or running up and down my body with your little rat feet.

0:34:51 > 0:34:52The biting - no!

0:34:52 > 0:34:53Scampering - no!

0:34:53 > 0:34:55No scampering or scurrying.

0:34:55 > 0:34:57Understand, little chef?

0:34:57 > 0:34:59Little chef?

0:35:00 > 0:35:02Oh, you're hungry.

0:35:08 > 0:35:12OK, so let's think this out.

0:35:12 > 0:35:18You know how to cook and I know how to appear...human.

0:35:18 > 0:35:21We just need to work out a system so I do what you want

0:35:21 > 0:35:24in a way that doesn't look like I'm being controlled by a tiny rat chef.

0:35:24 > 0:35:26Will you listen to me, I'm insane, I'm insane!

0:35:26 > 0:35:28Talking to a rat in a refrigerator!

0:35:28 > 0:35:30MUFFLED SHOUTING

0:35:30 > 0:35:32- Linguini? - We've got to communicate.

0:35:32 > 0:35:38I can't be constantly checking for a yes or no head shake from a rat...

0:35:38 > 0:35:40The rat! I saw it!

0:35:40 > 0:35:43- The rat? - Yes, yes, a rat, right next to you.

0:35:43 > 0:35:46What are you doing in here?

0:35:46 > 0:35:51I'm just...familiarising myself with the vegetables and such.

0:35:51 > 0:35:53Get out!

0:35:54 > 0:35:57One can get too familiar with vegetables, you know.

0:35:58 > 0:36:00That was close.

0:36:00 > 0:36:02Are you OK up there?

0:36:06 > 0:36:08HE LAUGHS

0:36:13 > 0:36:16How did you do that?

0:36:19 > 0:36:20Oh.

0:36:27 > 0:36:31Whoah! That's strangely involuntary.

0:36:32 > 0:36:37'One look and I knew, we had the same crazy idea.'

0:36:37 > 0:36:38OK.

0:36:41 > 0:36:42Huh?

0:36:44 > 0:36:45Ow!

0:36:48 > 0:36:50Where are you taking me?

0:36:50 > 0:36:51Wait...

0:36:51 > 0:36:53CRASH

0:37:00 > 0:37:02I'm sorry.

0:37:03 > 0:37:05Whoa.

0:37:06 > 0:37:07OK.

0:37:21 > 0:37:22HE SNIFFS

0:37:26 > 0:37:27HE SNIFFS

0:37:39 > 0:37:41TYRES SCREECH

0:37:42 > 0:37:43CRASH

0:37:52 > 0:37:54Whoa!

0:38:11 > 0:38:13Whoa!

0:38:15 > 0:38:17A votre sante.

0:38:21 > 0:38:24HE LAUGHS

0:38:48 > 0:38:51That should do it.

0:38:54 > 0:38:56Congratulations.

0:38:56 > 0:38:59You were able to repeat your accidental success.

0:38:59 > 0:39:00But you will need to know more than soup

0:39:00 > 0:39:03if you are to survive in my kitchen, boy.

0:39:03 > 0:39:07Colette will be responsible for teaching you how we do things here.

0:39:08 > 0:39:12Listen, I just want you to know how honoured I am

0:39:12 > 0:39:14to be studying under such a...

0:39:14 > 0:39:17No, you listen. I want you to know who you are dealing with.

0:39:17 > 0:39:20- How many women do you see in this kitchen?- Well, I...

0:39:20 > 0:39:22Only me. Why do you think that is?

0:39:22 > 0:39:25Because Haute Cuisine is an antiquated hierarchy

0:39:25 > 0:39:27built on rules written by stupid old men.

0:39:27 > 0:39:31Rules designed to make it impossible for women to enter this world.

0:39:31 > 0:39:34But still I am here. How did this happen?

0:39:34 > 0:39:35Because, well, because...

0:39:35 > 0:39:38Because I am the toughest cook in this kitchen.

0:39:38 > 0:39:40I worked too hard for too long to get here

0:39:40 > 0:39:42and I'm not going to jeopardise it for some garbage boy who got lucky.

0:39:42 > 0:39:44Got it?

0:39:47 > 0:39:49Wow.

0:39:49 > 0:39:51Easy to cook, easy to eat.

0:39:51 > 0:39:56Gusteau makes Chinese food Chin-easy!

0:39:56 > 0:40:00- Excellent work, Francois, as usual. - It's good, isn't it?

0:40:00 > 0:40:04I want you to work up something for my latest frozen food concept.

0:40:04 > 0:40:09Gusteau's corn puppies. They are like corn dogs, only smaller.

0:40:09 > 0:40:13- Bite size. - What are corn dogs?

0:40:13 > 0:40:17Cheap sausages dipped in batter and deep fried. You know, American.

0:40:17 > 0:40:21Whip something up. Maybe Gusteau in overalls.

0:40:21 > 0:40:26Or as a big ear of corn in doggy make-up.

0:40:26 > 0:40:29But please, with dignity.

0:40:54 > 0:40:56Get my lawyer!

0:40:56 > 0:41:00Well, the will stipulates that if after a period of two years

0:41:00 > 0:41:03from the date of death no heir appears,

0:41:03 > 0:41:08Gusteau's business interests will pass to his sous-chef. You.

0:41:08 > 0:41:09I know what the will stipulates.

0:41:09 > 0:41:12What I want to know is if this letter...

0:41:12 > 0:41:15If this BOY changes anything.

0:41:19 > 0:41:23- There is not much resemblance. - There's no resemblance at all!

0:41:23 > 0:41:25He is not Gusteau's son. Gusteau had no children.

0:41:25 > 0:41:27And what of the timing of all this?

0:41:27 > 0:41:30The deadline in the will expires in less than a month.

0:41:30 > 0:41:36Some boy arrives with a letter from his recently-deceased mother

0:41:36 > 0:41:39claiming Gusteau's his father. Highly suspect.

0:41:39 > 0:41:41- This is Gusteau's.- Yes, yes.

0:41:41 > 0:41:42- May I?- Of course, of course.

0:41:42 > 0:41:45But the boy does not know.

0:41:45 > 0:41:48She claimed she never told him or Gusteau. And asks that I don't tell.

0:41:48 > 0:41:52- Why you? What does she want? - A job for the boy.

0:41:52 > 0:41:55- Only a job? - Well, yes.

0:41:55 > 0:41:57Then what are you worried about?

0:41:57 > 0:41:59If he works here, you will be able to keep an eye on him

0:41:59 > 0:42:02while I do a little digging, find out how much of this is real.

0:42:02 > 0:42:06I'll need you to collect some DNA samples from the boy.

0:42:06 > 0:42:11- Hair, maybe.- Mark my words, the whole thing is highly suspect.

0:42:11 > 0:42:14He knows something.

0:42:14 > 0:42:17Relax, he's a garbage boy. I think you can handle him.

0:42:24 > 0:42:26- What are you doing? - I'm cutting vegetables.

0:42:26 > 0:42:29- Cutting vegetables. - No, you waste energy and time.

0:42:29 > 0:42:32You think cooking is a cute job. Like Mummy in the kitchen.

0:42:32 > 0:42:34Mummy never had to face the dinner rush when orders come flooding in

0:42:34 > 0:42:37and every dish is different with different cooking times,

0:42:37 > 0:42:41but must arrive on the customer's table at exactly the same time. I am chopping.

0:42:41 > 0:42:44Every second counts and you cannot be Mummy!

0:42:46 > 0:42:49What is this? Keep your station clear.

0:42:49 > 0:42:55Messy station, sloppy stance. Orders pile up, disaster.

0:42:55 > 0:42:56I'll make this easy to remember.

0:42:56 > 0:42:58Keep your station clear

0:42:58 > 0:43:00or I will kill you!

0:43:02 > 0:43:04Eurgh! Your sleeves look like you threw up on them.

0:43:04 > 0:43:07Keep your hands and arms in, close to the body.

0:43:07 > 0:43:08Always return to this position.

0:43:08 > 0:43:11Cooks move fast, sharp utensils, hot metal. Keep your arms in,

0:43:11 > 0:43:14you will minimise cuts and burns and keep your sleeves clean.

0:43:14 > 0:43:17Mark of a chef, messy apron, clean sleeves.

0:43:17 > 0:43:19I know the Gusteau style code.

0:43:19 > 0:43:22In every dish, Gusteau always had something unexpected.

0:43:22 > 0:43:25I'll show you. I memorised all his recipes.

0:43:25 > 0:43:28- Always do something unexpected. - No, follow the recipe.

0:43:28 > 0:43:31- But you just said... - No, it was his job be unexpected.

0:43:31 > 0:43:35It is our job to follow the recipe.

0:43:35 > 0:43:38How do you tell how good bread is without tasting it?

0:43:38 > 0:43:41Not the smell, not the look, but the sound.

0:43:41 > 0:43:42The crust. Listen.

0:43:42 > 0:43:44BREAD CRACKLES

0:43:44 > 0:43:48A symphony of crackle. Only great bread sounds this way.

0:43:48 > 0:43:51The only way to get the best produce is to have first pick of the day.

0:43:51 > 0:43:56Only two ways to get first pick. Grow it yourself, or bribe a grower.

0:43:56 > 0:43:57Bonjour.

0:43:57 > 0:43:59Voila. The best restaurants get first pick.

0:43:59 > 0:44:01People think Haute Cuisine is snooty.

0:44:01 > 0:44:04So the chef must also be snooty. But not so.

0:44:04 > 0:44:07Lalo there, ran away from home at 12.

0:44:07 > 0:44:09Got hired by circus people as an acrobat.

0:44:09 > 0:44:11And then he gets fired

0:44:11 > 0:44:14for messing around with the ringmaster's daughter.

0:44:14 > 0:44:16- Horst has done time. - What for?

0:44:16 > 0:44:20No-one knows. He changes the story every time you ask.

0:44:20 > 0:44:22I defrauded a major corporation.

0:44:22 > 0:44:25I robbed the second largest bank in France using only a ballpoint pen.

0:44:25 > 0:44:28I created a hole in the ozone over Avignon.

0:44:28 > 0:44:31I killed a man...with this thumb.

0:44:31 > 0:44:33Don't ever play cards with Pompidou.

0:44:33 > 0:44:36He's been banned from Las Vegas and Monte Carlo.

0:44:36 > 0:44:39- Larousse ran guns for the Resistance.- Which Resistance?

0:44:39 > 0:44:43He won't say. Apparently they didn't win.

0:44:43 > 0:44:46So you see, we are artists. Pirates.

0:44:46 > 0:44:50- More than cooks are we. - We?

0:44:50 > 0:44:53- We. You are one of us now, oui? - Oui!

0:44:53 > 0:44:57Thank you, for the advice about cooking.

0:44:57 > 0:44:59- Thank you, too. - For what?

0:44:59 > 0:45:01For taking it.

0:45:05 > 0:45:07The rat!

0:45:09 > 0:45:11I just dropped my keys.

0:45:15 > 0:45:17Have you decided this evening?

0:45:17 > 0:45:20- The soup is excellent... - But we order it every time.

0:45:20 > 0:45:24- What else do you have? - We have a very nice foie gras...

0:45:24 > 0:45:27I know about the foie gras, the old standby.

0:45:27 > 0:45:29What does the chef have that's new?

0:45:31 > 0:45:33- Someone has asked what is new! - New?

0:45:33 > 0:45:36- What did you tell them? - I told them I would ask!

0:45:36 > 0:45:37What are you blathering about?

0:45:37 > 0:45:40- Customers asking what is new. - What should I tell them?

0:45:40 > 0:45:43- What DID you tell them? - I told them I would ask!

0:45:43 > 0:45:46This is simple. Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe.

0:45:46 > 0:45:50- One we haven't made in a while... - They know about the old stuff.

0:45:50 > 0:45:52They like Linguini's soup.

0:45:53 > 0:45:57They are asking for food from Linguini?

0:45:57 > 0:46:00A lot of customers like the soup. That's all we're saying.

0:46:02 > 0:46:07Very well, if it's Linguini they want, tell them chef Linguini

0:46:07 > 0:46:13has prepared something special for them, something definitely off-menu.

0:46:13 > 0:46:17- And don't forget to stress its Linguini-ness.- Oui, Chef.

0:46:17 > 0:46:21Now is your chance to try something worthy of your talent, Linguini.

0:46:21 > 0:46:26A forgotten favourite of the chef's. Sweetbread a la Gusteau.

0:46:26 > 0:46:29- Colette will help you. - Oui, Chef.

0:46:29 > 0:46:31Hurry up, our diners are hungry.

0:46:31 > 0:46:35Are you sure? That recipe was a disaster. Gusteau himself said so.

0:46:35 > 0:46:39Just the sort of challenge a budding chef needs.

0:46:39 > 0:46:43Sweetbread a la Gusteau. Sweetbread cooked in a sweet salt crust

0:46:43 > 0:46:47with cuttlefish tentacle, duck egg,

0:46:47 > 0:46:51dried white fungus and liquorice sauce.

0:46:51 > 0:46:55I don't know this one, but it's Gusteau. So - Lalo!

0:46:55 > 0:46:59- We have some veal stomach soaking, yes?- Yes!

0:46:59 > 0:47:00Veal stomach?

0:47:17 > 0:47:19I'll be right back.

0:47:19 > 0:47:20Where?

0:47:20 > 0:47:23Y...OK!

0:47:23 > 0:47:25Hey! Don't mind me! I just...

0:47:25 > 0:47:27Need to borrow this, real quick.

0:47:27 > 0:47:29Let's see...over here.

0:47:29 > 0:47:31I'll be back.

0:47:31 > 0:47:33Thank you.

0:47:33 > 0:47:37Excuse me. Apparently I need this. I'll be right back.

0:47:37 > 0:47:42I'm going to have some of that... spice.

0:47:42 > 0:47:43OK.

0:47:43 > 0:47:46What are you doing? Prepare the Gusteau recipe!

0:47:46 > 0:47:47This is the recipe.

0:47:47 > 0:47:51The recipe doesn't call for white truffle oil.

0:47:51 > 0:47:52You are improvising?!

0:47:52 > 0:47:54This is no time to experiment. The customers are waiting.

0:47:54 > 0:47:57You're right, I should listen to you.

0:47:57 > 0:47:59- Stop that.- Stop what?

0:47:59 > 0:48:01Freaking me out. Whatever you're doing, stop it.

0:48:01 > 0:48:04- Where is the special order? - Coming!

0:48:04 > 0:48:06- I thought we were together on this. - We are together.

0:48:06 > 0:48:09- There what are you doing? - It's very hard to explain.

0:48:09 > 0:48:12- The special! - Come get it.

0:48:13 > 0:48:15Whoa! I forgot the anchovy liquorice sauce.

0:48:20 > 0:48:23- Don't you dare. - I'm not, I'm not!

0:48:27 > 0:48:28Sorry.

0:48:30 > 0:48:35- Is Linguini's dish done yet? - It's as bad as we remember.

0:48:35 > 0:48:37- Just went out. - Did you taste it?

0:48:37 > 0:48:39- Of course, before he changed it. - Good.

0:48:39 > 0:48:42What? How could he change it?

0:48:42 > 0:48:45He changed it as it was going out the door!

0:48:45 > 0:48:46- Argh!- They love it!

0:48:46 > 0:48:49Other diners are already asking about it.

0:48:49 > 0:48:53- I have seven more orders. - That's... wonderful.

0:49:01 > 0:49:02Special order.

0:49:07 > 0:49:10Special order. Special order! Special order!

0:49:19 > 0:49:21(ALL) To Linguini!

0:49:29 > 0:49:31Take a break, little chef. Get some air.

0:49:33 > 0:49:35We really did it tonight.

0:49:39 > 0:49:41Da!

0:49:44 > 0:49:46Got your toque!

0:49:46 > 0:49:51Seriously now. I would love to have a little talk with you,

0:49:51 > 0:49:54- Linguini - in my office. - Am I in trouble?

0:49:54 > 0:49:57Trouble? No! A little wine, a friendly chat.

0:49:57 > 0:50:00Just us cooks.

0:50:00 > 0:50:04The plongeur won't be coming to you for advice any more, eh, Colette?

0:50:04 > 0:50:06He's gotten all he needs.

0:50:09 > 0:50:13Toasting your success, eh, Linguini?

0:50:13 > 0:50:15Good for you.

0:50:15 > 0:50:18I just took it to be polite. I don't really drink.

0:50:18 > 0:50:20Of course you don't.

0:50:20 > 0:50:23I wouldn't either if I was drinking zat.

0:50:23 > 0:50:27But you would have to be an idiot of elephantine proportions

0:50:27 > 0:50:31not to appreciate this '61 Chateau Latour.

0:50:31 > 0:50:36And you, Monsieur Linguini, are no idiot.

0:50:36 > 0:50:38Let us toast your non-idiocy.

0:50:38 > 0:50:39GLASSES CLINK

0:50:49 > 0:50:51CRASH

0:51:01 > 0:51:03- Remy! - Emile?

0:51:03 > 0:51:05I can't believe you're alive!

0:51:05 > 0:51:07I thought I'd never see you guys again!

0:51:07 > 0:51:10We thought you didn't survive the rapids.

0:51:10 > 0:51:12What ARE you eating?

0:51:14 > 0:51:16I don't really know.

0:51:16 > 0:51:19I think it was some sort of wrapper once.

0:51:19 > 0:51:21What? No.

0:51:21 > 0:51:23You're in Paris now, baby. My town.

0:51:23 > 0:51:27No brother of mine eats rejectamenta in my town.

0:51:36 > 0:51:38Remy! You're stealing?

0:51:38 > 0:51:40You told Linguini he could trust you.

0:51:40 > 0:51:43- And he can, it's for my brother. - But the boy could lose his job.

0:51:43 > 0:51:47Which means I would too. It's under control, OK?

0:51:47 > 0:51:49More wine?

0:51:49 > 0:51:51I-I shouldn't, but... OK.

0:51:51 > 0:51:56- So, where did you train, Linguini? - Train?

0:51:57 > 0:51:59Surely you don't expect me to believe

0:51:59 > 0:52:01this is your first time cooking?

0:52:01 > 0:52:04- It's not.- I knew it!

0:52:04 > 0:52:06It's my...(third, fourth...) fifth time.

0:52:06 > 0:52:08Monday was my first time.

0:52:08 > 0:52:11But I've taken out the garbage lots of times before that.

0:52:11 > 0:52:13Yes, yes, have some more wine.

0:52:13 > 0:52:16Tell me, Linguini, about your interests.

0:52:16 > 0:52:20- Do you like animals? - What? Animals?

0:52:20 > 0:52:22What kind?

0:52:22 > 0:52:26The usual - dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs...

0:52:26 > 0:52:27rats?

0:52:28 > 0:52:30I brought you something...

0:52:30 > 0:52:34No, no, no! Spit that out right now!

0:52:34 > 0:52:38I have GOT to teach you about food. Close your eyes.

0:52:38 > 0:52:40Now, take a bite of this...

0:52:40 > 0:52:45- No, no, don't just hawk it down! - Too late.

0:52:45 > 0:52:51Here, chew it slowly. Only think about the taste.

0:52:53 > 0:52:54See?

0:52:54 > 0:52:56Not really.

0:52:56 > 0:52:59Creamy, salty, sweet... An oaky nuttiness.

0:52:59 > 0:53:02- You detect that? - Oh, I'm detecting nuttiness.

0:53:02 > 0:53:05Close your eyes. Now taste this.

0:53:05 > 0:53:07A whole different thing, right?

0:53:07 > 0:53:10Sweet, crisp, a slight tang on the finish.

0:53:10 > 0:53:14- OK. - Now, try them together.

0:53:15 > 0:53:19I think I'm getting a little something there.

0:53:19 > 0:53:21- Might be the nuttiness. - See?

0:53:21 > 0:53:23- Could be the tang.- That's it.

0:53:23 > 0:53:26Now imagine every great taste in the world,

0:53:26 > 0:53:29combined in infinite combinations. Tastes that no-one has tried yet!

0:53:29 > 0:53:30Discoveries to be made!

0:53:30 > 0:53:32- I think...- Uh-uh?

0:53:32 > 0:53:37You lost me again. But that was interesting.

0:53:37 > 0:53:39Most interesting garbage I ever... What are we doing?!

0:53:39 > 0:53:42Dad doesn't know you're alive yet. We've got to go to the colony.

0:53:42 > 0:53:45- Everyone will be thrilled! - Yeah, but...

0:53:45 > 0:53:48- What? - The thing is, I kind of have to...

0:53:48 > 0:53:50What do you "have to" more than family?

0:53:50 > 0:53:52What's more important here?

0:53:52 > 0:53:53Well...

0:53:54 > 0:53:57It wouldn't hurt to visit.

0:53:57 > 0:53:58- Have you ever had a pet rat?- No.

0:53:58 > 0:54:00- Did you work in a lab with rats?- No.

0:54:00 > 0:54:03- Perhaps you lived in squalor at some point?- Nopety-nopety-no.

0:54:03 > 0:54:06You know something about rats, you know you do!

0:54:06 > 0:54:08You know who-know do, whack-a-do.

0:54:08 > 0:54:11Rat-a-tat-a... Hey, why do they call it that?

0:54:11 > 0:54:13- What?- Ratatouille.

0:54:13 > 0:54:16It's like a stew, right? Why do they call it that?

0:54:16 > 0:54:20If you're going to name a food, give it a name that sounds delicious.

0:54:20 > 0:54:22Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious.

0:54:22 > 0:54:25It sounds like rat and patootie.

0:54:25 > 0:54:27Rat-patootie.

0:54:27 > 0:54:29Which does NOT sound delicious.

0:54:32 > 0:54:37Regrettably, we are all out of wine.

0:54:37 > 0:54:41My son has returned!

0:54:41 > 0:54:42CHEERING

0:54:46 > 0:54:48JAZZ PLAYS

0:55:04 > 0:55:09Finding someone to replace you for poison checker has been a disaster.

0:55:09 > 0:55:11Nothing's been poisoned, thank God,

0:55:11 > 0:55:15but it hasn't been easy. You didn't make it easy.

0:55:15 > 0:55:18I know. I'm sorry, Dad.

0:55:18 > 0:55:21Well, the important thing is that you're home.

0:55:21 > 0:55:26- Yeah, well, about that... - You look thin. Why's that?

0:55:26 > 0:55:30A shortage of food or a surplus of snobbery?!

0:55:32 > 0:55:35It's tough out there in the big world all alone, isn't it?

0:55:35 > 0:55:38Sure, but it's not like I'm a kid any more.

0:55:38 > 0:55:41I can take care of myself.

0:55:41 > 0:55:44I've found a nice spot not far away, so I'll be able to visit often.

0:55:44 > 0:55:48Nothing like a cold splash of reality to...

0:55:48 > 0:55:49Visit?

0:55:49 > 0:55:52- I will, I promise. Often. - You're not staying?

0:55:52 > 0:55:54No. It's not a big deal, Dad.

0:55:54 > 0:55:58You didn't think I was going to stay forever, did you?

0:55:58 > 0:56:00Eventually a bird has to leave the nest.

0:56:00 > 0:56:03We're not birds. We are rats.

0:56:03 > 0:56:06We don't leave our nests, we make them bigger.

0:56:06 > 0:56:07Maybe I'm a different kind of rat.

0:56:07 > 0:56:10- Maybe you're not a rat at all. - Maybe that's a good thing.

0:56:10 > 0:56:12Hey, the band's really on tonight.

0:56:12 > 0:56:15Rats - all we do is take. I'm tired of taking.

0:56:15 > 0:56:17I want to make things.

0:56:17 > 0:56:19I want to ADD something to this world.

0:56:19 > 0:56:22- You're talking like a human. - Who are not as bad as you say.

0:56:22 > 0:56:25Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?

0:56:25 > 0:56:31I've...been able to observe them at a close-ish sort of range.

0:56:31 > 0:56:34- Yeah? How close? - Close enough.

0:56:34 > 0:56:37And they're not so bad as you say.

0:56:37 > 0:56:41Come with me. I got something I want you to see.

0:56:43 > 0:56:46I'm going to stay here.

0:56:46 > 0:56:50Make sure the floors and counter tops are clean before you lock up.

0:56:50 > 0:56:54- You want me to stay and clean? - Is that a problem?

0:56:54 > 0:56:57- No.- Good boy.

0:56:57 > 0:56:58See you tomorrow.

0:57:01 > 0:57:02HE GROANS

0:57:05 > 0:57:07We're here.

0:57:13 > 0:57:15HE GASPS

0:57:16 > 0:57:19Take a good long look, Remy.

0:57:19 > 0:57:21This is what happens when a rat

0:57:21 > 0:57:26gets a little too comfortable around humans.

0:57:26 > 0:57:30The world we live in belongs to the enemy.

0:57:30 > 0:57:33We must live carefully.

0:57:33 > 0:57:36We look out for our own kind, Remy.

0:57:36 > 0:57:40When all is said and done, we're all we've got.

0:57:45 > 0:57:46No.

0:57:46 > 0:57:48What?

0:57:48 > 0:57:51No. Dad, I don't believe it.

0:57:51 > 0:57:57You're telling me that the future is, can only be, more of this?

0:57:57 > 0:58:02This is the way things are. You can't change nature.

0:58:02 > 0:58:07Change IS nature, Dad. The part that we can influence.

0:58:07 > 0:58:10And it starts when we decide.

0:58:11 > 0:58:15- Where are you going? - With luck, forward.

0:58:38 > 0:58:40Hey.

0:58:40 > 0:58:42Oof!

0:58:58 > 0:59:00SNORING

0:59:06 > 0:59:08MOTORBIKE PULLS UP

0:59:35 > 0:59:38(Stop it.)

1:00:09 > 1:00:10Morning.

1:00:12 > 1:00:13(Ahem.) Good morning.

1:00:15 > 1:00:16So...

1:00:16 > 1:00:20The chef, he invited you in for a drink. That's big.

1:00:21 > 1:00:24That's big. What did he say?

1:00:28 > 1:00:29What?

1:00:29 > 1:00:33You can't tell me?

1:00:33 > 1:00:36Oh, forgive me for intruding on your deep personal relationship

1:00:36 > 1:00:37with the Chef.

1:00:37 > 1:00:39I see how it is.

1:00:39 > 1:00:43You get me to teach you a few kitchen tricks to dazzle the boss

1:00:43 > 1:00:45and then you blow past me.

1:00:45 > 1:00:47(Wake up. Wake up!)

1:00:47 > 1:00:51I thought you were different.

1:00:51 > 1:00:53- I thought you thought - I- was different.

1:00:53 > 1:00:56- I thought... - HE SNORES

1:00:59 > 1:01:01I didn't have to help you!

1:01:01 > 1:01:04If I looked out only for myself, I would have let you drown.

1:01:04 > 1:01:08But... I wanted you to succeed.

1:01:09 > 1:01:11I liked you.

1:01:12 > 1:01:15- My mistake.- Colette.

1:01:15 > 1:01:16Wait, wait!

1:01:16 > 1:01:19It's over, little chef. I can't do it any more.

1:01:19 > 1:01:22Colette, wait, wait!

1:01:22 > 1:01:23Don't motorcycle away!

1:01:23 > 1:01:27I'm no good with words, I'm no good with food, either.

1:01:27 > 1:01:29At least, not without your help.

1:01:29 > 1:01:31I hate false modesty.

1:01:31 > 1:01:33It's just another way to lie.

1:01:33 > 1:01:36- You have talent. - But I don't, really. It's not me.

1:01:37 > 1:01:41When I added that ingredient instead of following a recipe like you said,

1:01:41 > 1:01:45- that wasn't me. - What do you mean?

1:01:45 > 1:01:48- I mean- I- wouldn't have done that. I would have followed the recipe.

1:01:48 > 1:01:50I would have followed your advice.

1:01:50 > 1:01:55I would have followed your advice because I love you...r advice.

1:01:55 > 1:01:56But?

1:01:56 > 1:01:59- But, I... - Don't do it.

1:01:59 > 1:02:02I have a secret. It's sort of disturbing.

1:02:04 > 1:02:06I have a r...

1:02:06 > 1:02:08What...?

1:02:08 > 1:02:10I have a ra...

1:02:10 > 1:02:12You have a...rash?

1:02:12 > 1:02:17No, no. I have this tiny little...

1:02:19 > 1:02:21..a tiny chef who tells me what to do.

1:02:21 > 1:02:25- A...tiny...chef.- Yes, yes.

1:02:25 > 1:02:27He's...

1:02:27 > 1:02:30- He's up here.- In...your brain?

1:02:30 > 1:02:34HE GROANS Why is it so hard to talk to you?

1:02:34 > 1:02:37OK. Here we go.

1:02:37 > 1:02:39You inspire me.

1:02:39 > 1:02:41I'm going to risk it all.

1:02:41 > 1:02:44I'm going to risk looking like the biggest idiot psycho ever.

1:02:44 > 1:02:47You want to know why I'm such a fast learner?

1:02:47 > 1:02:50You want to know why I'm such a great cook?

1:02:50 > 1:02:53Don't laugh. I'm going to show you.

1:02:55 > 1:02:57No! No!

1:03:28 > 1:03:31TYPEWRITER KEYS CLACK

1:03:40 > 1:03:42- What is it, Ambrister?- Gusteau's.

1:03:42 > 1:03:45- Finally closing, is it?- No.

1:03:45 > 1:03:48- More financial trouble?- No.

1:03:48 > 1:03:51Announced a new line of microwave egg rolls?

1:03:51 > 1:03:53What? What? Spit it out!

1:03:53 > 1:03:56It's...come back. It's popular.

1:04:00 > 1:04:03- I haven't reviewed Gusteau's in years.- No, sir.

1:04:03 > 1:04:07- My last review condemned it to the tourist trade.- Yes, sir.

1:04:07 > 1:04:11I said, "Gusteau has finally found his rightful place in history,

1:04:11 > 1:04:16"right alongside another equally famous chef, Monsieur Boyardee."

1:04:16 > 1:04:17Touche.

1:04:17 > 1:04:21That is where I left it. That was my last word.

1:04:21 > 1:04:24- THE last word.- Yes.

1:04:24 > 1:04:30Then tell me, Ambrister - how could it be popular?

1:04:31 > 1:04:37- No, no, no, no, no! - The DNA matches.

1:04:37 > 1:04:39The timing works. Everything checks out.

1:04:39 > 1:04:42- He is Gusteau's son. - But this can't just happen.

1:04:42 > 1:04:46The whole thing is a set-up. The boy knows.

1:04:46 > 1:04:48Look at him out there, pretending to be an idiot.

1:04:48 > 1:04:51He's toying with my mind like a cat with a ball.

1:04:51 > 1:04:54- Of...something. - String?

1:04:54 > 1:04:57Yes, playing dumb, taunting me with that rat.

1:04:57 > 1:04:59- Rat?- Yes, he's consorting with it.

1:04:59 > 1:05:02Deliberately trying to make me think it's important.

1:05:02 > 1:05:04- Ze rat?- Exactly.

1:05:06 > 1:05:09- Is the rat important? - Of course not.

1:05:09 > 1:05:12He just wants me to think that it is.

1:05:12 > 1:05:13I see the theatricality of it.

1:05:13 > 1:05:15The rat appears on the boy's first night.

1:05:15 > 1:05:18I order him to kill it and now he wants me to see it everywhere.

1:05:18 > 1:05:20Oooh!

1:05:20 > 1:05:22It's here, no it isn't, it's here.

1:05:22 > 1:05:26Am I seeing things? Am I crazy? Is there a phantom?

1:05:26 > 1:05:30No, I REFUSE to be sucked into his little game.

1:05:30 > 1:05:32Of...

1:05:34 > 1:05:37Should I be concerned about this?

1:05:37 > 1:05:40About you?

1:05:58 > 1:06:00I can't fire him, he's getting attention.

1:06:00 > 1:06:03If I fire him now, everyone will wonder why.

1:06:03 > 1:06:06And the last thing I want is people looking into this.

1:06:06 > 1:06:09What are you so worried about? Isn't it good to have the press?

1:06:09 > 1:06:11Good to get headlines?

1:06:11 > 1:06:13Not if they're over his face.

1:06:13 > 1:06:17Gusteau's already has a face and it's fat and lovable and familiar.

1:06:17 > 1:06:19And it sells burritos.

1:06:19 > 1:06:22Millions and millions of burritos.

1:06:22 > 1:06:24Ze deadline passes in three days.

1:06:24 > 1:06:27Zen you can fire him whenever he ceases to be valuable.

1:06:27 > 1:06:29And no-one will ever know.

1:06:29 > 1:06:32I was worried about the hair sample you gave me.

1:06:32 > 1:06:34I had to send it back to the lab.

1:06:34 > 1:06:39The first time it came back identified as rodent hair.

1:06:43 > 1:06:46No, no, no. Try this.

1:06:46 > 1:06:48It's better.

1:07:04 > 1:07:06Whoah!

1:07:06 > 1:07:07ENGINE ROARS

1:07:26 > 1:07:28Rat!

1:07:28 > 1:07:30SCREAMING

1:07:34 > 1:07:36Disgusting little creatures.

1:07:45 > 1:07:49'I was reminded how fragile it all was.

1:07:49 > 1:07:53'How the world really saw me.

1:07:53 > 1:07:56'And it just kept getting better.'

1:07:56 > 1:07:58Remy?

1:08:00 > 1:08:03Hey, little brother!

1:08:03 > 1:08:07We were afraid you weren't going to show up.

1:08:07 > 1:08:09Hey, Remy. How you doing?

1:08:09 > 1:08:10You told them?

1:08:10 > 1:08:13Emile, that's exactly what I said not to do.

1:08:13 > 1:08:15You know these guys, they're my friends.

1:08:15 > 1:08:17I didn't think you meant them.

1:08:17 > 1:08:18I'm sorry.

1:08:18 > 1:08:21Don't tell ME you're sorry, tell THEM you're sorry.

1:08:21 > 1:08:23Is there a problem over here?

1:08:23 > 1:08:25No. There is not.

1:08:25 > 1:08:27Wait here.

1:08:32 > 1:08:34It's locked.

1:08:40 > 1:08:42Remy, what are you doing in here?

1:08:42 > 1:08:47Emile shows up with... I said not to, I told him.

1:08:47 > 1:08:51He goes and blabs to... It's a disaster.

1:08:51 > 1:08:54Anyway, they're hungry, the food safe is locked and I need the key.

1:08:54 > 1:08:58- Zey want you to steal food? - Yes. No.

1:08:58 > 1:09:00It's complicated.

1:09:00 > 1:09:02It's family. They don't have your ideals.

1:09:02 > 1:09:03Ideals?

1:09:03 > 1:09:07If Chef fancy pants had ideals, you think I'd be hocking barbecue here?

1:09:07 > 1:09:08Or microwave burritos?

1:09:08 > 1:09:10Or tooth - I say tooth-pickin' Chicken?

1:09:10 > 1:09:13- About as French as a corn dog. - BARKS

1:09:13 > 1:09:15We're inventing new ways to sell out over here.

1:09:15 > 1:09:19- Would you be wanting some haggis back there? - ALL TALK AT ONCE

1:09:19 > 1:09:21Shut up!

1:09:21 > 1:09:23I've got to think.

1:09:23 > 1:09:26Word is getting out and if I can't keep them quiet,

1:09:26 > 1:09:28the entire clan is going to be after me

1:09:28 > 1:09:31with their mouths open... Oh, here it is.

1:09:31 > 1:09:34Hey! Your will! This is interesting.

1:09:34 > 1:09:37- Mind if I...? - Not at all.

1:09:39 > 1:09:41Linguini?

1:09:41 > 1:09:44Why would Linguini be filed with your will?

1:09:44 > 1:09:47Zis used to be my office.

1:10:08 > 1:10:12- He's your SON?! - I have a son?!

1:10:12 > 1:10:15- How could you not know this? - I'm a figment of your imagination.

1:10:15 > 1:10:18You did not know, how could I?

1:10:18 > 1:10:21Your SON is the rightful owner of this restaurant!

1:10:22 > 1:10:23No, no!

1:10:23 > 1:10:24The rat!

1:10:27 > 1:10:29Aaaargggh!

1:10:29 > 1:10:32- Sorry, Chef. - The rat has stolen my documents!

1:10:32 > 1:10:34It's getting away!

1:10:56 > 1:10:58Whooah!

1:10:58 > 1:10:59Ow!

1:11:46 > 1:11:49Aaaargh!

1:11:49 > 1:11:50SPLASH

1:12:00 > 1:12:02SHOES SQUELCH

1:12:05 > 1:12:06You!

1:12:06 > 1:12:09Get out of my office!

1:12:09 > 1:12:11He's not in YOUR office. YOU are in HIS.

1:12:13 > 1:12:15THEY CHEER

1:12:15 > 1:12:18MUSIC: "Le Festin" by Camille

1:13:27 > 1:13:31Your rise has been meteoric, yet you have no formal training.

1:13:31 > 1:13:35- What is the secret to your genius? - Secret? You want the truth?

1:13:35 > 1:13:37I am...

1:13:38 > 1:13:40..Gusteau's son.

1:13:40 > 1:13:41It's in my blood, I guess.

1:13:41 > 1:13:44- But you weren't aware of that until very recently.- No.

1:13:44 > 1:13:47And it resulted in your taking ownership of this restaurant.

1:13:47 > 1:13:49How did you find out?

1:13:49 > 1:13:52Well, some part of me just knew.

1:13:52 > 1:13:55The Gusteau part. Ow!

1:13:55 > 1:13:57Where do you get your inspiration?

1:13:57 > 1:14:00Inspiration has many names.

1:14:00 > 1:14:03Mine is named Colette.

1:14:03 > 1:14:05What?! SQUEAKING

1:14:05 > 1:14:06Something stuck in my teeth.

1:14:06 > 1:14:09PHONE RINGS

1:14:09 > 1:14:13- Health inspector. - I wish to report a rat infestation.

1:14:13 > 1:14:16It's taken over my... Gusteau's restaurant.

1:14:16 > 1:14:18'Gusteau's, eh?'

1:14:18 > 1:14:22I can drop by... Let's see... First opening is...three months.

1:14:22 > 1:14:23'It must happen now.'

1:14:23 > 1:14:25Monsieur, I have the information.

1:14:25 > 1:14:27'If someone cancels, I will slot you in.'

1:14:27 > 1:14:29But-but... The rat! You must!

1:14:29 > 1:14:33It stole...my documents.

1:14:33 > 1:14:38- It's past opening time. - He should have finished an hour ago.

1:14:39 > 1:14:42Bonjour, ma cherie. Join us.

1:14:42 > 1:14:44- We're just talking about my inspiration.- Yes,

1:14:44 > 1:14:50- he calls it his tiny chef. - Not that, dearest, I meant YOU.

1:14:50 > 1:14:51DOOR CREAKS

1:14:51 > 1:14:54CROWD WHISPERS It's him.

1:14:57 > 1:14:59(I can't believe it.)

1:14:59 > 1:15:02You are Monsieur Linguini?

1:15:02 > 1:15:06Pardon me for interrupting your premature celebration.

1:15:06 > 1:15:10But I thought it only fair to give you a sporting chance

1:15:10 > 1:15:13as you are new to this game.

1:15:13 > 1:15:14- Game?- Yes.

1:15:14 > 1:15:17And you've been playing without an opponent.

1:15:17 > 1:15:23Which is, as you may have guessed, against the rules.

1:15:23 > 1:15:26You're Anton Ego.

1:15:26 > 1:15:30You're slow for someone in the fast lane.

1:15:30 > 1:15:33And...you're thin for someone who likes food.

1:15:33 > 1:15:35GASPS

1:15:37 > 1:15:39I don't LIKE food,

1:15:39 > 1:15:41I LOVE it.

1:15:41 > 1:15:45If I don't love it, I don't swallow.

1:15:46 > 1:15:50I will return tomorrow night with high expectations.

1:15:50 > 1:15:53Pray you don't disappoint me.

1:16:00 > 1:16:04We hate to be rude, but we are French, and it is dinner-time.

1:16:04 > 1:16:07She meant to say, it's dinner time and we're French.

1:16:08 > 1:16:11Don't give me that look.

1:16:11 > 1:16:13You were distracting me in front of the press.

1:16:13 > 1:16:16How am I supposed to concentrate with you yanking on my hair all the time?

1:16:16 > 1:16:18And that's another thing,

1:16:18 > 1:16:21your opinion isn't the only one that matters here.

1:16:21 > 1:16:24Colette knows how to cook too, you know. Ow!

1:16:24 > 1:16:26All right, that's it.

1:16:29 > 1:16:30You take a break, little chef.

1:16:30 > 1:16:32I'm not your puppet.

1:16:32 > 1:16:35And you're not my... puppet-controlling guy.

1:16:35 > 1:16:37The rat is the cook!

1:16:37 > 1:16:39Get your mind right, little chef.

1:16:39 > 1:16:43Ego is coming and I need to focus.

1:16:44 > 1:16:46Grrr... You...stupid...

1:16:49 > 1:16:53Wow. I have never seen that before.

1:16:53 > 1:16:55Yeah. It's like you're his fluffy bunny or something.

1:16:55 > 1:16:56ALL LAUGH

1:16:56 > 1:16:59I'm sorry, Remy.

1:16:59 > 1:17:01I know there are too many guys...

1:17:01 > 1:17:04It's OK, I've been selfish. You guys hungry?

1:17:04 > 1:17:08- You kidding?- Dinner's on me. We'll go after closing.

1:17:08 > 1:17:11In fact, tell Dad to bring the whole clan.

1:17:12 > 1:17:14Little chef?

1:17:23 > 1:17:25This is great, Son.

1:17:25 > 1:17:28- An inside job. I see the appeal.- Sh!

1:17:58 > 1:17:59THUD

1:18:03 > 1:18:06Little chef? Little chef?

1:18:07 > 1:18:09Hey, little chef.

1:18:09 > 1:18:12I thought you went back to the apartment.

1:18:12 > 1:18:15Then when you weren't there, I... I don't know,

1:18:15 > 1:18:19it didn't seem right to leave things the way that we did.

1:18:19 > 1:18:26So, look, I don't want to fight. I've been under a lot of pressure.

1:18:26 > 1:18:28A lot has changed in not very much time.

1:18:28 > 1:18:32I'm suddenly a Gusteau and I gotta be a Gusteau.

1:18:32 > 1:18:37Or people will be disappointed. It's weird.

1:18:37 > 1:18:39I've never disappointed anyone before,

1:18:39 > 1:18:43because nobody has ever expected anything of me.

1:18:43 > 1:18:49And the only reason anyone expects anything of me now is because of you.

1:18:49 > 1:18:51I haven't been fair to you.

1:18:51 > 1:18:54You've never failed me and I should never forget that.

1:18:54 > 1:18:56You've been a good friend.

1:18:56 > 1:18:59The most honourable friend a guy could ever...

1:18:59 > 1:19:01Urgh!

1:19:01 > 1:19:03What is this?

1:19:03 > 1:19:05What's going on?

1:19:09 > 1:19:12You're... You're stealing food?

1:19:12 > 1:19:14How could you?

1:19:14 > 1:19:17I thought you were my friend! I trusted you!

1:19:17 > 1:19:19Get out! You and all your rat buddies.

1:19:19 > 1:19:20And don't come back

1:19:20 > 1:19:24or I'll treat you the way restaurants are supposed to treat pests.

1:19:32 > 1:19:33You're right, Dad.

1:19:33 > 1:19:35Who am I kidding?

1:19:35 > 1:19:37We are what we are.

1:19:37 > 1:19:39And we're rats.

1:19:40 > 1:19:46He'll leave soon and now you know how to get in. Steal all you want.

1:19:46 > 1:19:47You're not coming?

1:19:47 > 1:19:50I've lost my appetite.

1:20:02 > 1:20:05Do you know what you would like this evening, sir?

1:20:05 > 1:20:10Yes, I'd like your heart, roasted on a spit.

1:20:10 > 1:20:13HE LAUGHS

1:20:14 > 1:20:16KNOCK ON DOOR Come in!

1:20:16 > 1:20:19Today's the big day. You should say something to them.

1:20:19 > 1:20:23- Like what? - You're the boss, inspire them.

1:20:26 > 1:20:28Attention.

1:20:28 > 1:20:31Attention, everyone.

1:20:31 > 1:20:33Tonight is a big night.

1:20:33 > 1:20:36Appetite is coming and he is going to have a big ego.

1:20:36 > 1:20:41I mean, Ego. He's coming. The critic.

1:20:41 > 1:20:44And he's going to order... something.

1:20:44 > 1:20:47Something from our menu.

1:20:47 > 1:20:49And we'll have to cook it.

1:20:51 > 1:20:54Just can't leave it alone, can you?

1:20:54 > 1:20:56You shouldn't be here during restaurant hours.

1:20:56 > 1:20:58It's not safe.

1:20:58 > 1:21:01I'm hungry. And I don't need inside food to be happy.

1:21:01 > 1:21:04The key, my friend, is to not be picky.

1:21:04 > 1:21:05Observe.

1:21:05 > 1:21:07No, wait!

1:21:08 > 1:21:10Oh, no. What do I do?

1:21:10 > 1:21:12I'll go get Dad.

1:21:12 > 1:21:14HE LAUGHS EVILLY

1:21:14 > 1:21:20You might think you're a chef, but you are still only a rat.

1:21:20 > 1:21:23Sure, he took away a star last time he reviewed this place.

1:21:23 > 1:21:29- Sure, it probably killed Guste... - This is very bad juju here.

1:21:29 > 1:21:31- But I'll tell you one thing... - Ego is here.

1:21:34 > 1:21:38Anton Ego is just another customer. Let's cook.

1:21:38 > 1:21:40Yeah! Let's...

1:21:40 > 1:21:42OK.

1:21:43 > 1:21:46So, I have in mind a simple arrangement.

1:21:46 > 1:21:50You will create for me a new line of Chef Skinner frozen foods.

1:21:50 > 1:21:54And I, in return, will not kill you.

1:21:57 > 1:22:00Au revoir, rat.

1:22:07 > 1:22:10Do you know what you would like this evening, sir?

1:22:10 > 1:22:12Yes, I think I do.

1:22:12 > 1:22:15After reading a lot of overheated puffery about your new cook,

1:22:15 > 1:22:19you know what I'm craving?

1:22:19 > 1:22:22A little perspective.

1:22:22 > 1:22:23That's it.

1:22:23 > 1:22:27I'd like some fresh, clear, well-seasoned perspective.

1:22:27 > 1:22:30Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?

1:22:30 > 1:22:32With...what, sir?

1:22:32 > 1:22:35Perspective. Fresh out, I take it?

1:22:35 > 1:22:37I erm, er...

1:22:37 > 1:22:40Very well. Since you are all out of perspective

1:22:40 > 1:22:43and no-one else seems to have it in this bloody town,

1:22:43 > 1:22:45I will make you a deal.

1:22:45 > 1:22:49You provide the food, I will provide the perspective.

1:22:49 > 1:22:53Which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947.

1:22:53 > 1:22:59I'm afraid... Your dinner selection?

1:22:59 > 1:23:03Tell your chef Linguini that I want whatever he dares to serve me.

1:23:03 > 1:23:07Tell him to hit me with his best shot.

1:23:10 > 1:23:14I will 'ave whatever 'ee is having.

1:23:20 > 1:23:23- So. We have given up. - Why do you say that?

1:23:23 > 1:23:27We are in a cage. Inside a car trunk.

1:23:27 > 1:23:30Awaiting a future in frozen food products.

1:23:30 > 1:23:32No, I'M the one in a cage.

1:23:32 > 1:23:34I'VE given up.

1:23:34 > 1:23:36You...are free.

1:23:36 > 1:23:39I am only as free as you imagine me to be.

1:23:39 > 1:23:41As you are.

1:23:41 > 1:23:43Oh, please. I'm sick of pretending.

1:23:43 > 1:23:48I pretend to be a rat for my father, I pretend to be a human for Linguini,

1:23:48 > 1:23:50I pretend you EXIST so I have someone to talk to.

1:23:50 > 1:23:52You only tell me stuff I already know!

1:23:52 > 1:23:55I KNOW who I am. Why do I need YOU to tell me?

1:23:55 > 1:23:58Why do I NEED to pretend?

1:23:58 > 1:24:01Ah, but you don't, Remy.

1:24:01 > 1:24:03You never did.

1:24:09 > 1:24:12BANG

1:24:12 > 1:24:14No, my OTHER left!

1:24:14 > 1:24:16MUFFLED: Dad? Dad, I'm here!

1:24:16 > 1:24:18BANG What the...?

1:24:18 > 1:24:20- Dad! - Hey, little brother.

1:24:20 > 1:24:23Emile!

1:24:25 > 1:24:27I love you guys.

1:24:29 > 1:24:30Where you going?

1:24:30 > 1:24:33Back to the restaurant. They'll fail without me!

1:24:33 > 1:24:37- Why do you care? - Because I'm a cook!

1:24:42 > 1:24:44CRASH!

1:24:44 > 1:24:48It's your recipe. How can you not know your own recipe?!

1:24:48 > 1:24:51I didn't write it down, it just came to me.

1:24:51 > 1:24:53Well make it come to you again, ja?

1:24:53 > 1:24:55Because we've got service!

1:24:55 > 1:25:00- Where is my order? - Can't we serve them something else? - This is what they're ordering.

1:25:00 > 1:25:03- Tell them we're all out! - We can't be all out, we just opened.

1:25:03 > 1:25:06I have another idea, what if we... SERVE THEM WHAT THEY ORDERED?!

1:25:06 > 1:25:09- Just tell us what you did. - I don't know what I did!

1:25:09 > 1:25:11We need to tell the customers something.

1:25:11 > 1:25:13Tell them... Tell them...

1:25:13 > 1:25:15HE SCREAMS

1:25:17 > 1:25:18"Aah?"

1:25:18 > 1:25:21Remy, don't do it!

1:25:21 > 1:25:23They'll see you, stop!

1:25:23 > 1:25:27They're talking about what to do right no...

1:25:27 > 1:25:30ALL YELL

1:25:31 > 1:25:34Don't - touch him!

1:25:35 > 1:25:38Thanks for coming back, little chef.

1:25:38 > 1:25:44I know this sounds insane, but the truth sounds insane sometimes.

1:25:44 > 1:25:46But that doesn't mean it's not.

1:25:46 > 1:25:48Er... The truth.

1:25:48 > 1:25:53And the truth is, I have no talent at all.

1:25:53 > 1:25:57But this rat, he is the one behind these recipes.

1:25:57 > 1:25:58He's the cook.

1:25:58 > 1:25:59The real cook.

1:25:59 > 1:26:01He's been hiding under my toque.

1:26:01 > 1:26:06He's been controlling my actions.

1:26:06 > 1:26:10He's the reason I can cook the food that's exciting everyone.

1:26:10 > 1:26:12The reason Ego is outside that door.

1:26:12 > 1:26:15You've been giving me credit for his gift.

1:26:15 > 1:26:17I know it's a hard thing to believe,

1:26:17 > 1:26:22but hey, you believed I could cook, right?

1:26:22 > 1:26:26Look, this works. It's crazy, but it works.

1:26:26 > 1:26:29We can be the greatest restaurant in Paris.

1:26:29 > 1:26:35This rat, this brilliant little chef...can lead us there.

1:26:35 > 1:26:38What do you say? Are you with me?

1:27:10 > 1:27:12SHE SIGHS

1:27:18 > 1:27:20ENGINE STARTS

1:27:47 > 1:27:48HORN BEEPS

1:27:48 > 1:27:49TYRES SQUEAL

1:28:04 > 1:28:06HORNS BEEP

1:28:20 > 1:28:22Dad.

1:28:25 > 1:28:29Dad, I... I don't know what to say.

1:28:29 > 1:28:31I was wrong about your friend.

1:28:31 > 1:28:33And...about you.

1:28:33 > 1:28:37I don't want you to think I'm choosing this over family.

1:28:37 > 1:28:39I can't choose between two halves of myself.

1:28:39 > 1:28:42I'm not talking about cooking.

1:28:42 > 1:28:43I'm talking about guts.

1:28:43 > 1:28:47This really means that much to you?

1:28:49 > 1:28:51WHISTLES

1:28:54 > 1:28:57We're not cooks, but we ARE family.

1:28:57 > 1:29:01You tell us what to do and we'll get it done.

1:29:07 > 1:29:09Stop that health inspector!

1:29:09 > 1:29:11Go, go, go!

1:29:11 > 1:29:13The rest of you - stay and help Remy!

1:29:16 > 1:29:17IGNITION STRAINS

1:29:35 > 1:29:38Team three will be handling fish. Team four, roasted items.

1:29:38 > 1:29:42Team five, grill. Team six, sauces.

1:29:42 > 1:29:44Get to your stations. Let's go, go, go.

1:29:44 > 1:29:47Those handling food will walk on two legs.

1:29:56 > 1:29:58We need someone to wait tables.

1:30:13 > 1:30:15I'm sorry for any delay, we're a little short tonight.

1:30:15 > 1:30:17Please, take all the time you need.

1:30:28 > 1:30:30Make sure that steak is nice and tenderised.

1:30:30 > 1:30:32Work it.

1:30:32 > 1:30:34Easy with that salt.

1:30:34 > 1:30:37Less salt, more butter.

1:30:38 > 1:30:41Whoa, whoa. Compose the salad like you're painting a picture.

1:30:41 > 1:30:44Not too much vinaigrette.

1:30:44 > 1:30:47Don't let that beurre blanc separate. Keep whisking.

1:30:47 > 1:30:49Gently poach the scallops.

1:30:49 > 1:30:52Taste check. Spoons, down.

1:30:52 > 1:30:54Good - too much salt - good.

1:30:54 > 1:30:57- Don't boil the consomme. Emile! - Sorry!

1:30:57 > 1:30:59SHE GASPS

1:31:00 > 1:31:02Colette, wait!

1:31:02 > 1:31:05Colette. You came back.

1:31:05 > 1:31:07- Colette.- Don't say a word.

1:31:07 > 1:31:09If I think, I might change my mind.

1:31:09 > 1:31:12Just tell me what the rat wants to cook.

1:31:14 > 1:31:17Ratatouille? It's a peasant dish.

1:31:17 > 1:31:21Are you sure you want to serve THIS to Ego?

1:31:26 > 1:31:27CRASH

1:31:37 > 1:31:40What? I'm making ratatouille.

1:31:40 > 1:31:42Well, how would YOU prepare it?

1:32:14 > 1:32:17Ratatouille? They must be joking.

1:32:32 > 1:32:34HE SNIFFS

1:33:01 > 1:33:02Mmm.

1:33:06 > 1:33:08I can't believe it.

1:33:08 > 1:33:11Who cooked that ratatouille? I demand to know.

1:33:11 > 1:33:12HE GASPS

1:33:18 > 1:33:20I can't remember the last time

1:33:20 > 1:33:24I asked a waiter to give my compliments to the chef.

1:33:24 > 1:33:26And now I find myself in the extraordinary position

1:33:26 > 1:33:29of having my waiter be the chef.

1:33:29 > 1:33:31Thanks, but I'm just your waiter tonight.

1:33:31 > 1:33:35Then who do I thank for the meal?

1:33:35 > 1:33:37Er... Excuse me a minute.

1:33:42 > 1:33:44MUFFLED SHOUTING

1:33:48 > 1:33:50- You must be the chef. - If you wish to meet the chef,

1:33:50 > 1:33:53you will have to wait until all the other customers have gone.

1:33:55 > 1:33:57So be it.

1:34:17 > 1:34:19'At first, Ego thinks it's a joke.

1:34:19 > 1:34:25'But as Linguini explains, Ego's smile disappears.

1:34:31 > 1:34:35'He doesn't react beyond asking an occasional question.

1:34:35 > 1:34:41'And when the story is done, Ego stands, thanks us for the meal...

1:34:41 > 1:34:46'..and leaves, without another word.

1:34:46 > 1:34:47'The following day...

1:34:47 > 1:34:51'his review appears.'

1:34:52 > 1:34:56"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy.

1:34:56 > 1:35:01"We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those

1:35:01 > 1:35:04"who offer up their work and theirselves to our judgment.

1:35:04 > 1:35:07"We thrive on negative criticism.

1:35:07 > 1:35:10"Which is fun to write and to read.

1:35:10 > 1:35:13"But the bitter truth we critics must face

1:35:13 > 1:35:19"is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk

1:35:19 > 1:35:24"is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

1:35:24 > 1:35:28"There are times when a critic truly risks something.

1:35:28 > 1:35:32"And that is in the discovery and defence of the new.

1:35:32 > 1:35:37"The world is often unkind to new talent. New creations.

1:35:37 > 1:35:40"The new needs friends.

1:35:40 > 1:35:43"Last night, I experienced something new.

1:35:43 > 1:35:48"An extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source.

1:35:48 > 1:35:51"To say that both the meal and its maker

1:35:51 > 1:35:54"have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking

1:35:54 > 1:35:57"is a gross understatement.

1:35:57 > 1:36:01"They have rocked me to my core.

1:36:01 > 1:36:04"In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain

1:36:04 > 1:36:10"for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, 'anyone can cook'.

1:36:10 > 1:36:16"But I realise only now do I truly understand what he meant.

1:36:16 > 1:36:19"Not everyone can become a great artist,

1:36:19 > 1:36:24"but a great artist can come from anywhere.

1:36:24 > 1:36:27"It is difficult to imagine more humble origins

1:36:27 > 1:36:31"than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's,

1:36:31 > 1:36:34"who is, in this critic's opinion,

1:36:34 > 1:36:38"nothing less than the finest chef in France.

1:36:38 > 1:36:44"I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more."

1:36:44 > 1:36:45'It was a great night.

1:36:45 > 1:36:47'The happiest of my life.

1:36:47 > 1:36:52'But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.

1:36:52 > 1:36:55'Well, we HAD to let Skinner and the health inspector loose.

1:36:55 > 1:36:58'And of course they ratted us out.

1:36:58 > 1:37:01'The food didn't matter - once it got out there were rats in the kitchen,

1:37:01 > 1:37:04'the restaurant was closed'

1:37:04 > 1:37:06and Ego lost his job and his credibility.

1:37:06 > 1:37:08But don't feel bad for him,

1:37:08 > 1:37:12he's doing very well as a small business investor.

1:37:12 > 1:37:13He seems very happy.

1:37:13 > 1:37:15How do YOU know?

1:37:20 > 1:37:22MUSIC: 'Le Festin' by Camille

1:37:22 > 1:37:24Got to go. Dinner rush.

1:37:32 > 1:37:33You know how he likes it.

1:37:38 > 1:37:40Thanks, little chef.

1:37:46 > 1:37:49Can I interest you in a desert this evening?

1:37:49 > 1:37:51Don't you always?

1:37:51 > 1:37:53Which one would you like?

1:37:53 > 1:37:55Surprise me!

1:38:07 > 1:38:10- Believe me, that story gets better when- I- tell it.

1:38:12 > 1:38:15Come on, bring the food over here, we're starving!

1:38:36 > 1:38:38Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd