Jigsaws and Friends

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0:00:02 > 0:00:05We're off on a journey, to play in the sky.

0:00:05 > 0:00:09Into the lift to zoom way up high!

0:00:09 > 0:00:12Up at the top are friends that we know.

0:00:12 > 0:00:16Let's go and meet them, and count as we go!

0:00:20 > 0:00:23One elephant exercising.

0:00:24 > 0:00:26Two trains chuff-chuffing.

0:00:27 > 0:00:30Three tigers snoozing.

0:00:31 > 0:00:34Four giraffes bathing.

0:00:35 > 0:00:39Five snakes sneezing. Atchoo!

0:00:39 > 0:00:43Six cars cartwheeling.

0:00:43 > 0:00:45Seven hamsters hopping.

0:00:47 > 0:00:49Eight monkeys missing.

0:00:49 > 0:00:51Peep-oh!

0:00:53 > 0:00:56Nine jellyfish jiggling.

0:00:56 > 0:00:58And...

0:00:58 > 0:01:04Ten worms wriggling, waving hello!

0:01:04 > 0:01:07Our wiggly worms are linking together.

0:01:09 > 0:01:11# Show me, show me

0:01:11 > 0:01:13# Finding Chris... #

0:01:13 > 0:01:16Now where is it? Ooh! There it is!

0:01:16 > 0:01:17# Show me, show me

0:01:17 > 0:01:19# A thinking Pui... #

0:01:19 > 0:01:20Hmmm.

0:01:21 > 0:01:23# Show me, show me

0:01:23 > 0:01:24# A linking U... #

0:01:24 > 0:01:26Let's all link together.

0:01:26 > 0:01:27Hooray!

0:01:27 > 0:01:31# Let's find out who's ready to play

0:01:31 > 0:01:34# Chris and Pui and you're here today

0:01:34 > 0:01:35# Show me, show me

0:01:35 > 0:01:36# All the toys... #

0:01:36 > 0:01:39Here they are, just for you.

0:01:39 > 0:01:44There's Mo Mo, and here's Teddington, and Miss Mouse. Ooh!

0:01:44 > 0:01:45And Stuffy!

0:01:46 > 0:01:48Someone's missing.

0:01:48 > 0:01:50Who is it? Who hasn't turned up?

0:01:50 > 0:01:52Do you know?

0:01:52 > 0:01:53Yes!

0:01:53 > 0:01:58It's Tom. We'll find Tom while you find your toy.

0:01:58 > 0:02:01- Let's look for him. Tom?- Tom?

0:02:08 > 0:02:10There you are! Tom!

0:02:12 > 0:02:14# Show me, show me

0:02:14 > 0:02:16# Your toy today

0:02:16 > 0:02:19# Can you find it to come and play?

0:02:19 > 0:02:20# Show me, show me

0:02:20 > 0:02:21# A cheeky grin

0:02:21 > 0:02:25# Now you're here, let the fun begin

0:02:25 > 0:02:27# Lots to see here and lots to do

0:02:27 > 0:02:29# Show me, show me

0:02:29 > 0:02:31# And we'll show you. #

0:02:32 > 0:02:35Oh! Tom has a piece from a jigsaw puzzle.

0:02:35 > 0:02:36"SHOW ME" JINGLE

0:02:36 > 0:02:39Ooh! Somebody wants a show me.

0:02:47 > 0:02:50Show me, show me jigsaw puzzles.

0:02:53 > 0:02:55Jigsaw puzzles!

0:02:55 > 0:03:00Small ones, chunky ones, get fiddly in the middle ones.

0:03:00 > 0:03:03Easy ones, hard ones, oh!

0:03:03 > 0:03:05Taking me forever ones.

0:03:05 > 0:03:09So many jigsaw pieces. How do they all fit together?

0:03:09 > 0:03:12Now, Stuffy has a jigsaw here.

0:03:12 > 0:03:13Does it fit?

0:03:14 > 0:03:16It fits!

0:03:16 > 0:03:21Ooh, Mo Mo has nearly finished her jigsaw puzzle.

0:03:21 > 0:03:23Does it fit?

0:03:26 > 0:03:28It fits!

0:03:28 > 0:03:31Mo Mo loves rainbow jigsaws.

0:03:31 > 0:03:33What sort of jigsaw puzzle do you have?

0:03:38 > 0:03:39Does it fit?

0:03:42 > 0:03:44It fits!

0:03:45 > 0:03:48Ooh! I've got a jigsaw puzzle here.

0:03:48 > 0:03:50I've nearly finished it too.

0:03:50 > 0:03:53Oh...hang on. Oh, Chris?

0:03:53 > 0:03:55- Mmm?- My puzzle's in a muddle. Can you help?

0:03:55 > 0:03:59I can't see the last piece. Oh, Pui!

0:03:59 > 0:04:02Pui, I think you've got the last piece missing.

0:04:02 > 0:04:05- Oh, where can it be?- I don't know. - LIFT DINGS

0:04:05 > 0:04:07Oh! And there's the lift.

0:04:07 > 0:04:09This puzzle muddle will have to wait.

0:04:09 > 0:04:12I better get the cafe ready.

0:04:27 > 0:04:30Whoa! The cafe's ready already.

0:04:30 > 0:04:32Tom must have done it.

0:04:32 > 0:04:35I wonder who's coming up to see us today?

0:04:35 > 0:04:37Count along with me.

0:04:47 > 0:04:49Cafe's open!

0:04:49 > 0:04:52It's Old MacDonald. Join in with the song.

0:04:52 > 0:04:54# Old MacDonald had a farm...

0:04:54 > 0:04:56Whoa!

0:04:56 > 0:04:57# E-I-E-I-O

0:04:57 > 0:04:58Dear, oh, dear!

0:04:58 > 0:05:00# And on that farm he had a...

0:05:00 > 0:05:03Now, Old McDonald, who do you have on your farm today?

0:05:03 > 0:05:04Ah, well...

0:05:06 > 0:05:07I've got...

0:05:07 > 0:05:09A crocodile.

0:05:09 > 0:05:13How lovely! You know what that means.

0:05:13 > 0:05:18Show me, show me your groovy crocodile moves.

0:05:56 > 0:05:57Freeze!

0:06:06 > 0:06:10- Oh, Old MacDonald, your crocodile moved.- I know.

0:06:10 > 0:06:13He's hungry. He says can he have his dinner,

0:06:13 > 0:06:15- and make it snappy! - Oh, OK, OK.

0:06:15 > 0:06:18Well, you take a seat, because to find out

0:06:18 > 0:06:20what we have on the menu today,

0:06:20 > 0:06:23you have to complete a jigsaw puzzle.

0:06:23 > 0:06:24There you go.

0:06:24 > 0:06:26Oh! E-I-E-I-O!

0:06:31 > 0:06:34I don't believe it! You've done it.

0:06:34 > 0:06:37You've finished the jigsaw puzzle, and as you can see,

0:06:37 > 0:06:41in the cafe today, we have fish fingers and beans.

0:06:41 > 0:06:42Would you like that?

0:06:42 > 0:06:44You would!

0:06:44 > 0:06:46Oh! Oh, no!

0:06:46 > 0:06:49What are you doing?

0:06:50 > 0:06:51BURPS

0:06:51 > 0:06:55Old MacDonald! Your crocodile has guzzled the puzzle.

0:06:55 > 0:06:58I meant you could have real fish fingers and beans.

0:06:58 > 0:07:01Never mind, never mind. I've got another puzzle here

0:07:01 > 0:07:04of something else you can eat. OK?

0:07:04 > 0:07:06Have a go at making it.

0:07:09 > 0:07:12Oh, but he's very good at doing jigsaw puzzles.

0:07:12 > 0:07:13Yes! It's a cake!

0:07:13 > 0:07:15Now, would you like some cake?

0:07:15 > 0:07:18You're not going to guzzle the puzzle, are you?

0:07:18 > 0:07:20Have you learnt your lesson?

0:07:20 > 0:07:24Oh, no, he doesn't like cake. He hasn't got a sweet tooth.

0:07:24 > 0:07:27- Oh, dear, oh, dear. - Thank you for having us.

0:07:27 > 0:07:29Well, thank you for not having me!

0:07:29 > 0:07:32- Bye bye, Old MacDonald.- Bye!

0:07:32 > 0:07:35Bye bye, Mr Crocodile.

0:07:35 > 0:07:36Take care.

0:07:36 > 0:07:38Bye bye, Old MacDonald.

0:07:38 > 0:07:40Fancy that!

0:07:40 > 0:07:42A crocodile who can do jigsaws.

0:07:42 > 0:07:44How very puzzling.

0:07:55 > 0:07:57ELEPHANT TRUMPETS

0:07:58 > 0:08:00LAUGHS

0:08:00 > 0:08:04Oh, Pui, what are we going to do with your jigsaw puzzle?

0:08:04 > 0:08:06Oh, here's another piece.

0:08:06 > 0:08:10- Oh, it doesn't fit.- Oh, dear.

0:08:10 > 0:08:13Hold on. Here's another piece. Would that fit?

0:08:14 > 0:08:17- No, it still doesn't fit. - Oh dear, oh dear, Pui.

0:08:17 > 0:08:19What are we going to do? Tell you what.

0:08:19 > 0:08:22- Let's find some things that do fit together.- Ooh!

0:08:24 > 0:08:25Here are some rulers.

0:08:25 > 0:08:31And if I lay them down side-by-side, look!

0:08:32 > 0:08:34It fits!

0:08:34 > 0:08:40Hooray! I have a triangle here, and another triangle.

0:08:40 > 0:08:42Put them together...

0:08:43 > 0:08:44..it fits.

0:08:46 > 0:08:48More triangles.

0:08:49 > 0:08:52Put them together...

0:08:52 > 0:08:54It fits!

0:08:54 > 0:08:57Have you got anything that you can fit together?

0:09:01 > 0:09:02Make it fit.

0:09:04 > 0:09:05It fits!

0:09:08 > 0:09:10You can make it fit.

0:09:11 > 0:09:15# I can do it, make it fit

0:09:15 > 0:09:19# I can do it, bit by bit

0:09:19 > 0:09:21# I can do it

0:09:21 > 0:09:23# There, that's it!

0:09:23 > 0:09:25# You can do it too. #

0:09:25 > 0:09:28What else can we make fit?

0:09:28 > 0:09:32# I can do it, make it fit

0:09:32 > 0:09:35# I can do it, bit by bit

0:09:35 > 0:09:37# I can do it

0:09:37 > 0:09:39# There, that's it!

0:09:39 > 0:09:41# You can do it too. #

0:09:43 > 0:09:44# Wiggle your nose

0:09:44 > 0:09:46Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

0:09:46 > 0:09:47# Touch your toes

0:09:50 > 0:09:52# Count to three

0:09:52 > 0:09:531, 2, 3!

0:09:53 > 0:09:57# Come on, everybody join in with me

0:09:57 > 0:09:58# Oh, I can do it

0:09:58 > 0:10:01# Make it fit

0:10:01 > 0:10:05# I can do it, bit by bit

0:10:05 > 0:10:06# We can do it

0:10:06 > 0:10:08# There, that's it!

0:10:08 > 0:10:10# You can do it too

0:10:12 > 0:10:15# You can do it too. #

0:10:15 > 0:10:18Oh, we fit together because we're friends.

0:10:18 > 0:10:20"SHOW ME" JINGLE

0:10:20 > 0:10:22Someone wants a show me.

0:10:29 > 0:10:31Show me, show me friends.

0:10:33 > 0:10:35Friends!

0:10:35 > 0:10:37- I'm your friend.- I'm your friend.

0:10:37 > 0:10:40We are your friends!

0:10:40 > 0:10:43Friends go together, just like me and you.

0:10:43 > 0:10:47Someone you've known for ages, or a friend can be new.

0:10:47 > 0:10:51A friend can be a teddy, a robot, or a mouse.

0:10:51 > 0:10:55A friend can be from nursery, invited to your house.

0:10:55 > 0:10:59A friend can be your mummy, your brother, sister, dad.

0:10:59 > 0:11:03A friend can be your nana, your cousin or grandad.

0:11:03 > 0:11:05A friend likes a tickle.

0:11:05 > 0:11:07Tickle, tickle!

0:11:07 > 0:11:09A friend wants you to smile.

0:11:09 > 0:11:13A friend says please and thank you, and sorry once in a while.

0:11:13 > 0:11:19A friend can be very quiet, or need some help from you.

0:11:19 > 0:11:22Make sure you're good to your friends,

0:11:22 > 0:11:24because they can help you too.

0:11:24 > 0:11:26A friend can be cosy. Awww!

0:11:26 > 0:11:28And likes a laugh too.

0:11:28 > 0:11:31And the best thing about good friends

0:11:31 > 0:11:33is that you can be one too.

0:11:33 > 0:11:36Your turn! Show me, show me friends.

0:11:43 > 0:11:45I've got lots of friends.

0:11:45 > 0:11:49- This is Isabel and she's my best friend.- Awww.

0:11:49 > 0:11:54We like each other cos we share our toys.

0:11:55 > 0:11:58My best friend is Matthew.

0:11:58 > 0:12:01Matthew and I play outside.

0:12:05 > 0:12:08We do everything together.

0:12:08 > 0:12:10Go to sleepovers...

0:12:10 > 0:12:12THEY LAUGH

0:12:21 > 0:12:24My friend will help me carry heavy things.

0:12:28 > 0:12:32Grampie and Nanny come over for tea.

0:12:32 > 0:12:34They are my friends.

0:12:34 > 0:12:37They're great friends to play with.

0:12:39 > 0:12:42She's my best friend in the whole wide world.

0:12:48 > 0:12:51- Thank you! You showed me.- And me.

0:12:51 > 0:12:54And me! Don't forget your friends!

0:13:02 > 0:13:04Come on, let's go outside.

0:13:07 > 0:13:10Puffs of cloud, high in the sky.

0:13:10 > 0:13:13What can you see floating by?

0:14:11 > 0:14:14Puffs of cloud, high in the sky.

0:14:14 > 0:14:16Wonderful things floating by.

0:14:29 > 0:14:31Mo Mo is looking for Stuffy.

0:14:31 > 0:14:35They're playing hide and seek.

0:14:35 > 0:14:39"Oh, you found me!" Mo Mo wins.

0:14:39 > 0:14:41Oh, Stuffy, you're a fun friend.

0:14:41 > 0:14:44Go on, give Stuffy a cuddle.

0:14:44 > 0:14:46Cuddle.

0:14:46 > 0:14:48Mo Mo love Stuffy.

0:14:54 > 0:14:56Here comes Stuffy.

0:14:56 > 0:14:58I'm so fluffy!

0:14:58 > 0:15:01Fluffy Stuffy. Cuddly square.

0:15:01 > 0:15:03Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:03 > 0:15:05I'm so fluffy!

0:15:05 > 0:15:09Rough fluff. Muddly! Orange hair.

0:15:09 > 0:15:10Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:10 > 0:15:13With my top secret pocket.

0:15:13 > 0:15:16- Squeeze him in a gap. - And I might just block it.

0:15:16 > 0:15:18Build a house of Stuffy bricks.

0:15:18 > 0:15:20But just don't knock it!

0:15:20 > 0:15:22Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:22 > 0:15:24ALL: Yeah!

0:15:26 > 0:15:30Again! Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:30 > 0:15:32I'm so fluffy!

0:15:32 > 0:15:34Fluffy Stuffy.

0:15:34 > 0:15:36Cuddly square.

0:15:36 > 0:15:37Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:37 > 0:15:39I'm so fluffy!

0:15:39 > 0:15:41Rough fluff. Muddly!

0:15:41 > 0:15:43Orange hair.

0:15:43 > 0:15:45Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:45 > 0:15:46Here comes Stuffy.

0:15:46 > 0:15:50ALL: Here comes Stuffy. Yeah!

0:15:52 > 0:15:55Teddington and Miss Mouse are good friends.

0:15:55 > 0:15:59- Teddington likes to do nice things for Miss Mouse.- Oh, yes.

0:15:59 > 0:16:02I've just fixed your teapot, Miss Mouse.

0:16:02 > 0:16:04I've glued it back together.

0:16:04 > 0:16:08Oh, thank you! Oh, dear. You've glued the lid onto the pot.

0:16:08 > 0:16:10Never mind. Thank you for being so kind.

0:16:10 > 0:16:14Oh, it's nice to do nice things for one another.

0:16:14 > 0:16:15Ooh!

0:16:15 > 0:16:17And I've knitted you this hat.

0:16:17 > 0:16:19Oh, thank you, Miss Mouse!

0:16:19 > 0:16:22I'll put it on for you, Teddington. There you go. Oh!

0:16:22 > 0:16:24Oh, dear, it's a bit big.

0:16:24 > 0:16:26Oh, don't worry, I'll grow into it.

0:16:26 > 0:16:29Thank you, Miss Mouse. You're a true friend.

0:16:30 > 0:16:33# Thank you for being a friend

0:16:34 > 0:16:38# Travelled down the road and back again

0:16:38 > 0:16:44# Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidante

0:16:47 > 0:16:49# I'm not ashamed to say

0:16:51 > 0:16:55# I hope it always will be this way

0:16:56 > 0:17:00# Your hat is off, why don't you stand up and take a bow?

0:17:04 > 0:17:08# And if you threw a party

0:17:08 > 0:17:11# Invited everyone you knew

0:17:12 > 0:17:16# You would see the biggest gift would be from me

0:17:16 > 0:17:19# And the card attached would say

0:17:19 > 0:17:21# Thank you for being a friend. #

0:17:21 > 0:17:23Oh, don't mention it, Pui.

0:17:23 > 0:17:26# Thank you for being a friend

0:17:28 > 0:17:30# Thank you for being a friend

0:17:32 > 0:17:34# Thank you for being a friend. #

0:17:36 > 0:17:38Ooh!

0:17:38 > 0:17:43Look. Inside the parcel is my missing jigsaw piece.

0:17:43 > 0:17:45Let's put it in.

0:17:46 > 0:17:47It fits!

0:17:47 > 0:17:50We looked at jigsaws today,

0:17:50 > 0:17:53and now Pui has all her puzzle pieces.

0:17:53 > 0:17:56Puzzle pieces. Say that to your toy today.

0:17:56 > 0:17:59- Puzzle pieces. - LIFT DINGS

0:17:59 > 0:18:00Oh! There's the lift.

0:18:00 > 0:18:04Be a good friend and come back and see us again very soon.

0:18:04 > 0:18:06Get your worms ready!

0:18:08 > 0:18:10Ten worms wriggling...

0:18:10 > 0:18:14Waving goodbye!

0:18:33 > 0:18:36Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd

0:18:41 > 0:18:43- Puzzle pieces. - LAUGHS