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:00:00. > :00:10.join Kathie Kay and Christian Fraser now for our new BBC programme 100

:00:11. > :00:14.It is Monday afternoon in Washington - the first working week

:00:15. > :00:22.Already there are big changes underway.

:00:23. > :00:25.So what will a Trump administration mean for the United States

:00:26. > :00:29.With such global upheaval over the past year, we will be

:00:30. > :00:33.There will be a new way of doing business in Washington.

:00:34. > :00:35.This morning, the President signed an executive order

:00:36. > :00:37.withdrawing the United States from the Trans Pacific

:00:38. > :00:49.A White House press conference is now underway as the war of words

:00:50. > :00:52.between the new administration and the media about the size

:00:53. > :00:56.And when it comes to building the wall, can President Trump

:00:57. > :00:58.We'll hear from both sides of the border.

:00:59. > :01:03.Could President Trump's warming relations with Moscow

:01:04. > :01:18.And when it comes to foreign relations, what does

:01:19. > :01:20.President Trump's foreign policy mean for Europe and its

:01:21. > :01:27.Our new programme dominated by the first few months

:01:28. > :01:29.of Donald Trump's presidency, and what kind of changes

:01:30. > :01:32.There are big things happening in Europe.

:01:33. > :01:36.Upcoming elections, Brexit, the conflict in Syria.

:01:37. > :01:40.Over this next 100 days, we will be looking at all of that and how

:01:41. > :01:42.the America First policy will re-shape relations

:01:43. > :01:48.In this past half hour, Sean Spicer, President's Trump's

:01:49. > :01:50.spokesperson, has been speaking to the White House press corp.

:01:51. > :01:58.Our Washington reporter Anthony Zurcher is with us.

:01:59. > :02:04.I was listening to the beginning of the press conference. It sounded

:02:05. > :02:10.like a remarkably normal press conference? It was. This came off

:02:11. > :02:13.the hills of Saturday where Sean Spicer stood up and be raided the

:02:14. > :02:22.press further coverage of the inauguration. Today, he said he

:02:23. > :02:25.would not be as popular as his predecessor, but then he took

:02:26. > :02:31.questions from the media. The first question he took was on the wall and

:02:32. > :02:38.the promise to begin building the wall. This was a serious priority of

:02:39. > :02:42.his throughout the campaign. He is starting to work with Congress on

:02:43. > :02:49.the appropriations Avenue. He is doing everything he can to commence

:02:50. > :02:53.with that as soon as possible. I couldn't help notice that your key

:02:54. > :03:01.missing at the beginning of the press conference. This still feel

:03:02. > :03:05.quite awkward. Taking on the press the way they did on Saturday is a

:03:06. > :03:11.0-sum game. It might have worked in the campaign but it doesn't work in

:03:12. > :03:15.the White House. It is definitely risky. Donald Trump was ranting

:03:16. > :03:23.about the press in front of a CIA Memorial. To then have Sean Spicer

:03:24. > :03:26.come out and be even more aggressive to the media, leaving without taking

:03:27. > :03:32.questions, he became the story through much of the weekend. In most

:03:33. > :03:38.traditional White House says, the press secretary does not become the

:03:39. > :03:40.story. The president takes the lead. Thank you. We will keep our eye on

:03:41. > :03:46.that press conference. Already President Trump has been

:03:47. > :03:48.busy signing a series of executive orders,

:03:49. > :03:49.certainly more to come through the week, all built on that

:03:50. > :03:53.promise to put America on top. In the past couple of hours,

:03:54. > :03:56.he signed three of those orders - withdrawing the US from

:03:57. > :03:58.the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, banning American funds

:03:59. > :04:00.for international groups that perform abortions and finally

:04:01. > :04:02.he has ordered a freeze It is just the start

:04:03. > :04:24.of a big agenda. He had promised a slew of executive

:04:25. > :04:30.actions to advance his agenda and reverse those of President Obama. He

:04:31. > :04:36.has rolled back the health insurance law known as Obamacare. Today, he

:04:37. > :04:41.withdrew America from the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership. He

:04:42. > :04:45.says it is key to securing American jobs and economic security. In tone

:04:46. > :04:51.and substance, Donald Trump promises to be a very different president

:04:52. > :04:56.from his most immediate predecessors. I think he will be

:04:57. > :05:00.quite revolutionary. I expect him to place more emphasis on the growth of

:05:01. > :05:08.the economy, higher wages and opportunities for people. I'm not

:05:09. > :05:12.sure he is going to be trying to seek out compromise. He will try to

:05:13. > :05:18.get the job done that he sent to the American people he would do. I

:05:19. > :05:26.believe he will be looking after the people he says have been left

:05:27. > :05:30.behind. He says his ethos of America first is the scaffolding on which he

:05:31. > :05:36.will build his entire agenda. Illegal immigration, tax reform, the

:05:37. > :05:43.destruction of Isis, they are all in his immediate sites. We have to

:05:44. > :05:49.build a wall, folks. It means making good on his campaign pledge to build

:05:50. > :05:54.a wall along the 1900 and mile border with Mexico. Here he could

:05:55. > :06:00.meet his first big hurdle. Will Congress really pay for it? Mist

:06:01. > :06:05.Trump will need popular support to get these big things done. On

:06:06. > :06:10.Saturday, I went down to see the women's march in Washington, where

:06:11. > :06:13.it was clear just how unpopular he is. These people are scared and

:06:14. > :06:21.angry and determined. Can they stop Donald Trump's agenda? Probably not.

:06:22. > :06:34.But in a game that is American politics, ratings are like gambling

:06:35. > :06:39.chips. The Republican politicians who sat stony faced at the

:06:40. > :06:42.inauguration as mist Trump derided the establishment will give their

:06:43. > :06:48.new president a lot of what he wants, in return for the power he

:06:49. > :06:51.has given them. Of the fact he is not an ideological conservative

:06:52. > :06:56.means the Republican Congress will undoubtedly also run into conflict

:06:57. > :07:00.with their president. On infrastructure spending, the notion

:07:01. > :07:05.we would spend $1 trillion that would be paid for I think will be

:07:06. > :07:06.very difficult for some fiscal conservatives to swallow. For the

:07:07. > :07:40.time being at least I think most Republicans, if not all, are

:07:41. > :07:43.willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt. Once you get

:07:44. > :07:45.out beyond 100 days, when the honeymoon period is over, I think

:07:46. > :07:47.some of those divisions will become a little more clear. Mist Trump

:07:48. > :07:51.intends to govern as he campaigns, in full flight mode. But he has set

:07:52. > :07:52.huge goals for himself and he will need friends and allies to get

:07:53. > :07:55.things done. Let's talk to Jan Brewer Republican

:07:56. > :07:57.Governor of Arizona from 2009 until 2015 and prominent

:07:58. > :08:03.Trump supporter. The Germans and Mexicans have

:08:04. > :08:08.already said that if America is going to withdraw from Trans-Pacific

:08:09. > :08:11.Trade Partnership, they will seek alliances themselves with some of

:08:12. > :08:16.those countries. Is President Trump at risk of alienating just too many

:08:17. > :08:23.allies in his protectionist stance? I don't think so. On the campaign

:08:24. > :08:28.trail, she was clear he thought it was an unfair partnership, dealing

:08:29. > :08:32.with United States and that he was going to resend it. He said he would

:08:33. > :08:40.do it immediately. He didn't like the way it was drawn. It is a huge

:08:41. > :08:46.document. Who knows what is truly in it. Rework a long time on it, but I

:08:47. > :08:50.think we can come back and possibly regroup and continue working, but I

:08:51. > :08:55.think he has promised the people of the United States he will resend it

:08:56. > :09:02.and he has. He did it as promised. That's what the American people

:09:03. > :09:07.wanted. He won overwhelmingly on the electoral real votes in the United

:09:08. > :09:13.States. You know that words have consequences. President Trump's

:09:14. > :09:16.inaugural address and his promise of America first and his refusal in

:09:17. > :09:22.that address to reach out to traditional allies has clearly

:09:23. > :09:26.rankled the Germans. Today, the Mexican president said, we will not

:09:27. > :09:33.submit to United States. The bottom line is, we know that Mexico is our

:09:34. > :09:40.neighbour. I know that Mexico is our neighbour. The coming. We do a lot

:09:41. > :09:48.of commerce back and forth. With regards to the wall and to Nafta,

:09:49. > :09:55.that needed to be renegotiated. We needed to determine things exactly.

:09:56. > :10:00.That all came about in 1990. A lot of things have changed. Donald Trump

:10:01. > :10:04.wants to bring it up to date, make it current, make it work for

:10:05. > :10:09.everybody. I want to ask you about the other executive order Donald

:10:10. > :10:12.Trump signed this morning, banning American federal funds from

:10:13. > :10:20.financing international organisations that support abortion.

:10:21. > :10:22.Are we in for four years of fights over women's reproductive rights

:10:23. > :10:33.issues? Use the protests this weekend. It was a big theme. It was.

:10:34. > :10:35.It was quite stunning to see so many people out there protesting are

:10:36. > :10:43.demonstrating or whatever you want to call it, on the day after the

:10:44. > :10:47.inauguration of the duly elected president. I wish they hadn't done

:10:48. > :10:54.it, but these are conjugated issues and abortion has always been very

:10:55. > :10:57.volatile in the United States because we have, I would say the

:10:58. > :11:03.majority of people, believe they don't support abortion. You know, it

:11:04. > :11:11.will be a conflict and it always has been. We are hopeful we will get it

:11:12. > :11:18.resolved Donald Trump says he would work towards this direction and

:11:19. > :11:23.again delivered on his promise to the people who elected him. Thank

:11:24. > :11:30.you. We will speak to you later on in the programme. I just picked up

:11:31. > :11:35.on one of the first thing she said to you in that interview, about this

:11:36. > :11:39.sense of fairness. She said the trade deals are unfair. That is

:11:40. > :11:43.something that played very highly with supporters during the campaign.

:11:44. > :11:50.I think this is a core belief of President Trump's. The idea that

:11:51. > :11:56.America has been taken for a ride, on trade deals, Nasdaq, China. Also

:11:57. > :12:02.Nato. America's allies traditionally have not paid enough on their

:12:03. > :12:04.defence bills. I think this underlines his worldview. America

:12:05. > :12:10.has done too much since the Second World War to support allies and

:12:11. > :12:14.friends and in return has had a bad deal. He will now change all of

:12:15. > :12:19.that. And yet you look at his approval ratings and the are some of

:12:20. > :12:25.the poorest approval ratings of modern times. He has to get himself

:12:26. > :12:28.on the front foot. Used from the press conference, Sean Spicer was

:12:29. > :12:32.laying out all these big business leaders coming to them. Presumably,

:12:33. > :12:40.behind closed doors, they are really saying this is about job creation.

:12:41. > :12:43.Yes, that speech he gave on Friday was a speech all about jobs. What

:12:44. > :12:47.Governor Brewer did not mention is that trade is not the big issue

:12:48. > :13:04.here. The big issue in American jobs is automation. By some estimates, it

:13:05. > :13:13.is for 21. Computers have lost jobs -- four to one. The Syria crisis

:13:14. > :13:18.will be one of the big foreign policy issues for the administration

:13:19. > :13:22.coming up in these weeks. Right. They will be talking a lot about

:13:23. > :13:31.Syria in the coming weeks. Talks ongoing today in Kazakhstan.

:13:32. > :13:33.The Syria crisis will be one of the big foreign policy issues

:13:34. > :13:35.for the administration these coming weeks.

:13:36. > :13:37.Yes, although normally - when it comes to Syria -

:13:38. > :13:39.the Americans would be equal partners in the discussions.

:13:40. > :13:43.These talks are in the Kazakh capital of Astana, and it's Russia

:13:44. > :13:47.Our Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet has been

:13:48. > :13:49.looking at the shifting geopolitics of the Syrian war.

:13:50. > :13:51.This new alliance is reshaping Syria's battlefield.

:13:52. > :13:53.President Erdogan and President Putin still back opposing

:13:54. > :13:55.Last week, they conducted their first joint bombing raid

:13:56. > :13:57.against so-called Islamic State. And last year they work together

:13:58. > :14:00.to end the decisive battle for Aleppo, and then brokered

:14:01. > :14:01.a Syria-wide ceasefire between president Assad's

:14:02. > :14:18.The first game changer, September 2015.

:14:19. > :14:20.Russia entered the war, rescuing the Syrian army

:14:21. > :14:23.from collapse on key front lines, transforming Russia into Syria's

:14:24. > :14:27.most pivotal player in boosting its global stature.

:14:28. > :14:32.Its military assets in Syria now include an expanded naval facility

:14:33. > :14:36.on the Mediterranean, and a new airbase.

:14:37. > :14:43.Last year, Turkey's President Erdogan tilted towards Russia

:14:44. > :14:47.and away from the West, including the US.

:14:48. > :14:55.Blaming it for the July coup and the rise of IS,

:14:56. > :14:59.He still wants President Assad to go, someday, but his main enemy

:15:00. > :15:01.in Syria now is Kurdish fighters, linked to Turkey's PKK,

:15:02. > :15:07.Turkey sent its own forces across the border last year,

:15:08. > :15:13.ostensibly to fight against so-called Islamic State.

:15:14. > :15:18.But mainly to halt the advance of Kurdish fighters carving

:15:19. > :15:25.Russia accepted Turkey's sway along its border,

:15:26. > :15:28.and Turkey pushed rebel groups to pull out of a losing

:15:29. > :15:35.And persuaded some to accept a ceasefire, at least for now.

:15:36. > :15:46.He says his priority is to work with President Putin,

:15:47. > :15:48.to fight IS and other extremists in Syria.

:15:49. > :15:50.It's unclear if he will continue to support rebels

:15:51. > :15:58.There are other players with other agendas.

:15:59. > :16:01.Iran also backs President Assad and is providing an array

:16:02. > :16:02.of militias, including Lebanese Hezbollah fighters.

:16:03. > :16:05.Gulf states arm the opposition, but their real enemy is Iran.

:16:06. > :16:07.Ending this destructive more isn't any easier.

:16:08. > :16:38.And, in the end, it is Syrians who will have the final say.

:16:39. > :16:49.Thank you both for joining us. Let's talk about Syria for a second. The

:16:50. > :16:54.very fact these talks are in a former Soviet republic, rather than

:16:55. > :17:02.Geneva, says a lot about the New World order? It doesn't say that

:17:03. > :17:07.what's new. I'm not sure anything much has changed because of the

:17:08. > :17:13.American election. What it does indicate is how complicated the

:17:14. > :17:17.Syrian situation is going to be for Trump because on the one hand he

:17:18. > :17:26.said he would like to be closer to Russia. In Syria, he faces a

:17:27. > :17:31.coalition of Russia and Iran who are backing a totalitarian dictator. You

:17:32. > :17:43.will have to make some decisions about which side he is on.

:17:44. > :17:55.On the issue of Iran, that will be the sticky subject. President Putin

:17:56. > :18:03.has a close ally in Iran? Yes, and there are close on a number of

:18:04. > :18:07.issues. Trump changes his rhetoric from day to day, so it's hard to

:18:08. > :18:13.know what he actually cares about, but in some parts of the campaign,

:18:14. > :18:16.he indicated he wanted to renegotiate the American nuclear

:18:17. > :18:24.arrangement with Iran, and that would have a knock-on effect on

:18:25. > :18:29.Russia as well. Are a popping the champagne corks in Russia over the

:18:30. > :18:34.inauguration of President Trump? Good evening. The inauguration

:18:35. > :18:40.speech and address of Donald Trump was watched by many Russians, of

:18:41. > :18:50.course. I must say that experts believe that the speech was rather

:18:51. > :18:58.promising. And I would emphasise one thing I find very important. As far

:18:59. > :19:02.as foreign policy was concerned, Donald Trump said that America would

:19:03. > :19:07.seek friendship and goodwill with all countries of the world. And they

:19:08. > :19:13.will do that in understanding that each nation, every nation, has a

:19:14. > :19:24.right to put its national interests first. This, to me who has watched

:19:25. > :19:28.the mainstream of several decades politicised, good state and rogue

:19:29. > :19:35.states, this is promising because it means that Donald Trump at least in

:19:36. > :19:41.his vision, in his thought and his mind, is departing from this very

:19:42. > :19:52.Trotskyite like foundation of the idea of foreign policy which

:19:53. > :19:56.produced the mixture of ideology and Theodore Roosevelt style

:19:57. > :20:02.intervention. That is very promising. And that sticks to

:20:03. > :20:06.chapter one of the United Nations Charter. That is the problem.

:20:07. > :20:12.Treating everybody the same is exactly what is alarming America's

:20:13. > :20:15.allies. The comparison he made between Angela Merkel and Vladimir

:20:16. > :20:20.Putin. I think we need to step back and think about what it was that

:20:21. > :20:26.constituted American power and American influence for so many

:20:27. > :20:30.decades. The answer to that was America's system of alliances. These

:20:31. > :20:36.were alliances not based merely on national interests or on

:20:37. > :20:44.self-interest, but a common sense of security, common and shared values

:20:45. > :20:47.and shared economic interests. This was the way in which America has

:20:48. > :20:49.exercised power up until now. A few minutes ago, previous guests on your

:20:50. > :20:56.programme asked what these alliances brought us, they made America the

:20:57. > :21:01.predominant country and gave them the right to set rules. In many

:21:02. > :21:06.cases, it meant that America and its allies were able to preserve the

:21:07. > :21:12.peace. There has been peace in Europe for many decades. The

:21:13. > :21:16.question now is really a bit different from how you have just

:21:17. > :21:24.characterised it. The question is, if America withdraws and as a

:21:25. > :21:28.Russian colleague has just said, America is not interested in these

:21:29. > :21:35.ideals or democracy, then what happens to it alliances? The

:21:36. > :21:39.question is, will the liberal and economic order be maintained? Will

:21:40. > :21:47.the prosperity that we have known for the last few decades continue?

:21:48. > :21:51.That is now the question. I don't think it's in anyone's interests for

:21:52. > :21:55.international trade to break down or for international institutions to

:21:56. > :22:01.fall apart. I don't think it will be good for anyone. Donald Trump has

:22:02. > :22:08.made the point that warming relations is a good thing. We have

:22:09. > :22:14.had reports today that Russian jets have been flying in tandem with

:22:15. > :22:24.American jets. That has been denied by the American side. I can't think

:22:25. > :22:36.of a time... That is not true. I haven't heard anything like that.

:22:37. > :22:41.Russian jets became an information, but only that. Let's take it in

:22:42. > :22:44.another direction, if that was possible in the fight against

:22:45. > :22:50.so-called Islamic state, that would be a good thing, wouldn't it? I'm

:22:51. > :22:55.sorry, I think you've fallen for a piece of Russian disinformation.

:22:56. > :23:01.It's not true, so why are we talking about it? It has come from the

:23:02. > :23:06.Russian side. Is it a possibility? Is it something the two countries

:23:07. > :23:14.could work together on? Russia is not really fighting Islamic State,

:23:15. > :23:23.it is fighting with Assad against whoever he is fighting. You have to

:23:24. > :23:30.be careful. We are supporting the Syrian Army. It can be qualified as

:23:31. > :23:41.the only serious force that can be put against Isis. That is why we are

:23:42. > :23:47.together. But we would certainly welcome the American I believe it is

:23:48. > :23:58.not quite impossible with Donald Trump's vision because America

:23:59. > :24:04.happens to isolate herself from stereo. To overcome this, you have

:24:05. > :24:13.to participate and then you might influence even Iran. Sorry, but

:24:14. > :24:19.America has been in Syria for many months. We have do bring it to an

:24:20. > :24:25.end there. Thank you both very much. I have just strayed into the world

:24:26. > :24:32.of facts and alternative facts... It does look like that. It is the

:24:33. > :24:37.question of what America's rule is going to be. We have had 70 years

:24:38. > :24:43.since Pearl Harbor of America leading the world. Talking about

:24:44. > :24:48.ideals, talking not necessarily just about America's self-interest. And

:24:49. > :24:53.Donald Trump on Friday ended that system. In that process, there are

:24:54. > :24:58.going to be some winners, perhaps Moscow, and some losers, perhaps

:24:59. > :25:05.Europe. It will be fascinating to watch how this shapes out.

:25:06. > :25:09.Yes, Theresa May will be in Washington. She will have spoken to

:25:10. > :25:14.other European leaders and it will be talking about Nato and European

:25:15. > :25:17.security as well, you would imagine. She has already said she will stand

:25:18. > :25:25.up to Donald Trump when she feels she needs to.

:25:26. > :25:28.There is more on that story on our website and smart-phone app -

:25:29. > :25:30.there's also more from our business team about "Trump-onomics" -

:25:31. > :25:33.and what we know so far about the president's economic plans.

:25:34. > :25:37.You're watching 100 Days from BBC News.

:25:38. > :25:40.Coming up in a few minutes - that wall on the US Mexican border -

:25:41. > :25:45.And a stormy start for press relations between Donald Trump's

:25:46. > :26:08.We'll speak to the Washington Bureau Chief of USA Today.

:26:09. > :26:13.It really has been another day of huge contrast across the UK. Some of

:26:14. > :26:22.us have enjoyed some lovely sunshine. It felt really nice out

:26:23. > :26:28.there. For others, the fog lingered all day. Temperatures barely above

:26:29. > :26:31.freezing. Overnight tonight, fog is the main concern because it is

:26:32. > :26:41.already thickening up in some places. Go online for the latest

:26:42. > :26:47.updates. Some fog over East Anglia and Lincolnshire. Apple tends to

:26:48. > :26:53.clear. Find that, more fog developing. This could be the scene

:26:54. > :26:58.first thing tomorrow morning. Very patchy, this fog. Temperatures below

:26:59. > :27:06.freezing, quite widely. There will be some brighter areas. Over

:27:07. > :27:09.northern England, the fog not so extensive year. Across the border

:27:10. > :27:15.into Scotland and Northern Ireland, a different setup. Milder, breezy

:27:16. > :27:23.and patchy rain. The rain never really amounting to much. It will

:27:24. > :27:39.come and go. The best of the sunshine further south and east.

:27:40. > :27:46.Mildest definitely out West. In the east, despite any sunshine, it will

:27:47. > :27:53.be chilly. It should shift. The breeze begins to pick up. Some for

:27:54. > :28:00.England and Wales. More rain working with intent over the far north-west.

:28:01. > :28:12.Further south and east, despite any brightness, it will be a chilly day.

:28:13. > :28:16.The stronger wind is coming off a still freezing continent. In actual

:28:17. > :28:25.fact, Thursday could be an especially chilly day. Temperatures

:28:26. > :28:27.in some spots will not get much above freezing. A very cold Thursday

:28:28. > :30:09.to come. President Donald Trump has

:30:10. > :30:14.signed an executive order withdrawing the United States

:30:15. > :30:16.from the Trans Pacific After after a row on "alternative

:30:17. > :30:22.facts" and the size of the crowd at the inauguration,

:30:23. > :30:25.we'll speak to a veteran member During the election,

:30:26. > :30:40.Donald Trump said that on his first day as President work would begin

:30:41. > :30:42."on an impenetrable, physical, So what's going to happen

:30:43. > :30:50.to that bold pledge? In a moment we'll be speaking

:30:51. > :30:52.with a former Arizona Governor and prominent Trump supporter,

:30:53. > :30:54.we'll also hear from a Mexican Senator, but first,

:30:55. > :30:57.a little more detail on the wall Donald Trump's plan to build

:30:58. > :31:05.a wall is a cornerstone During the campaign,

:31:06. > :31:08.he said he wanted it to be "an impenetrable,

:31:09. > :31:10.physical wall" on We need the wall, and

:31:11. > :31:13.the border patrol... He pledged construction

:31:14. > :31:22.would begin on day one. We haven't seen the builders in yet,

:31:23. > :31:26.but some of those close to him say they have an idea of what it

:31:27. > :31:28.will look like. Donald Trump said the wall

:31:29. > :31:30.would be 1,000 miles long, 35 to 40 feet high, and would look

:31:31. > :31:34.as good as a wall is going to look. There's already a barrier,

:31:35. > :31:42.which runs along nearly a third of the border,

:31:43. > :31:44.and that was built after We don't know if President Trump

:31:45. > :31:49.will add to what's already there or knock it down

:31:50. > :31:53.and start again. Donald Trump said the wall

:31:54. > :31:56.would cost around $8 billion. Some engineers believe the price tag

:31:57. > :32:00.would be much higher. And, having promised

:32:01. > :32:03.Mexico would pay for it, Donald Trump recently announced

:32:04. > :32:05.that the US would initially fund it and recoup the costs

:32:06. > :32:08.from Mexico later. Whether its a tax or whether it's

:32:09. > :32:15.a payment, but it will happen. Building a wall was Donald Trump's

:32:16. > :32:18.first campaign promise, and with this pledge,

:32:19. > :32:20.we'll actually be able to see Well within the last hour,

:32:21. > :32:33.Mexico's president said his country is now obliged to take steps

:32:34. > :32:36.to defend its interests, given America's new position

:32:37. > :32:38.on things like the Trans-Pacific Let's talk to Jan Brewer -

:32:39. > :32:46.she was the Governor of Arizona from 2009 until 2015 -

:32:47. > :32:58.and from Mexico City, You have been a supporter of this

:32:59. > :33:02.war but as we have seen in European countries when you build a wall in

:33:03. > :33:05.one place, migrants seem to find a pesky way of coming into another

:33:06. > :33:11.entrance, wouldn't that just happen here? We absolutely need to address

:33:12. > :33:15.the issue of illegal immigration as it is coming into our country and

:33:16. > :33:19.Arizona has been the gateway for all of the illegal immigration for

:33:20. > :33:24.immigrants coming in for work but also for the drug cartels and we are

:33:25. > :33:29.fed up. We had to deal with the president that turned a blind eye to

:33:30. > :33:33.all of that and wouldn't listen and would protect us and we inherited

:33:34. > :33:40.all the drug trafficking, the extortion, the kidnappings, the

:33:41. > :33:45.decimation of our deserts, we gateway so we applaud Donald Trump,

:33:46. > :33:50.President Trumper in his campaign speeches that he said he would

:33:51. > :33:56.secure the border and build the wall. Whether he can build the wall

:33:57. > :34:00.completely, all the way, 1000 miles I don't know but we can secure that

:34:01. > :34:06.border and that is what we need to do. We need the wall and they need

:34:07. > :34:11.to come in legally and we need to to come in legally and we need to

:34:12. > :34:18.know who is leading our country. -- leaving. The other half is that

:34:19. > :34:21.Mexico would pay for the war. The Mexicans have made it clear they

:34:22. > :34:26.have no such intentions and there are moves in the Mexican parliament

:34:27. > :34:29.talking about this and they say they will not pay for the wall so America

:34:30. > :34:36.won't end up paying billions of dollars for this? I still think we

:34:37. > :34:38.have a way to go to determine just exactly how this will

:34:39. > :34:43.how it will be paid for. President how it will be paid for. President

:34:44. > :34:48.Trump said Mexico would pay for it so as we move to this process in the

:34:49. > :34:53.next few days or next few weeks, we may come up with a solution but we

:34:54. > :34:57.certainly aren't going to pay it on our behalf and I'm looking forward

:34:58. > :34:58.to hearing the solution and maybe something can be negotiated between

:34:59. > :35:02.the Mexican government and the the Mexican government and the

:35:03. > :35:09.United States government but we want our border secured. That's it. We

:35:10. > :35:14.are further, we are tired and we're not going to tolerate it. That was

:35:15. > :35:16.one of the biggest reasons why Donald Trump won an election

:35:17. > :35:19.present of the United States. I have present of the United States. I have

:35:20. > :35:30.been on the battlefield from the very beginning. Doing what the

:35:31. > :35:34.federal government was charged to do I had to do that, it didn't do their

:35:35. > :35:41.job, they did not do their job. And it got out of hand. You will know

:35:42. > :35:46.that a significant number of the immigrants in the United States came

:35:47. > :35:51.in with a valid visa through the airport and they simply never left,

:35:52. > :35:57.overstaying their visa. I agree that there is also a multitude of them

:35:58. > :36:00.who have coming across the border and I will agree that they come and

:36:01. > :36:06.they want to come to work some of them, but along with all of the

:36:07. > :36:11.people that are coming in illegally comes the drug cartel and all of the

:36:12. > :36:16.drugs and the extortion and the drop houses and it's costing Arizona a

:36:17. > :36:22.fortune. I have to pay for their education, health care and

:36:23. > :36:23.incarceration. Governor Brewer, one thing we have noticed is that when

:36:24. > :36:28.the Mexican economy is doing well, the Mexican economy is doing well,

:36:29. > :36:32.few people cross the border through Arizona, up until 2014 we saw a

:36:33. > :36:35.decline in the number of Mexicans coming across, when the Mexican

:36:36. > :36:41.economy is doing badly, the number of people trying to get their rises.

:36:42. > :36:46.Isn't there here and knock on potentially of President Trump's

:36:47. > :36:50.policy of closing American factories in Mexico, driving down the Mexican

:36:51. > :36:54.migrants to come across the border migrants to come across the border

:36:55. > :36:58.not discourage them. President Trump has listened to the people of the

:36:59. > :37:02.United States and it is about them. He has been very clear and very

:37:03. > :37:06.strong, it is about the United States of America and we want to

:37:07. > :37:11.work with everybody. It has to be working together with third deals.

:37:12. > :37:16.It has to be handled appropriately. I think that the president believes

:37:17. > :37:20.as well as many other people in the United States that we have been

:37:21. > :37:27.taken advantage of over and over again. And it's destroying our

:37:28. > :37:32.economy. It is absolutely devastated certain areas of our country and we

:37:33. > :37:37.are tired of it. We're not going to tolerate it any more and that is why

:37:38. > :37:43.he won overwhelmingly the electoral votes. People want somebody that

:37:44. > :37:46.will stand up for us for a change. I agree we have to work with our

:37:47. > :37:50.allies, we have to have the commerce and trade going back and forth, but

:37:51. > :38:00.I'm anxiously awaiting just to see exactly what they can come up with.

:38:01. > :38:04.What is the real solution? Thank you so much for joining 100 Days.

:38:05. > :38:07.We are going to finish Christian - with some discussion on the other

:38:08. > :38:11.And that is the barrier between the White House

:38:12. > :38:16.They build up pretty quickly, fair to say the relationship has not

:38:17. > :38:19.gotten off to the best of starts, the row over the weekend has been

:38:20. > :38:22.the relationship goes from here the relationship goes from here

:38:23. > :38:26.because while we have been on air, Sean Spicer of the communications

:38:27. > :38:30.director has answered the question about his integrity and telling the

:38:31. > :38:35.truth, let's have a listen to see if he a more cordial. There are times

:38:36. > :38:37.when we believe something to be true or we get something from an agency

:38:38. > :38:41.or we act in haste because the information available was in

:38:42. > :38:44.complete but our desire to communicate with the American people

:38:45. > :38:51.to make sure you have the complete story at the time so we do it, but

:38:52. > :38:55.again, when you look, we will do our best every time we can. I will come

:38:56. > :39:00.and if we make mistakes I will do and if we make mistakes I will do

:39:01. > :39:03.the best to correct them. As I mentioned the other day, it is a

:39:04. > :39:07.two-way street, there are many mistakes of the media make all the

:39:08. > :39:12.time, they misreport something, they don't report something, they get a

:39:13. > :39:17.factual, that is not to turn around and say you are intentionally lying.

:39:18. > :39:22.I think we'll try to do our best job and do it with a degree of integrity

:39:23. > :39:33.in our respective industries. Shaun Spicer there. Joining us now is

:39:34. > :39:37.Susan Page, a former president of the White House correspondence and

:39:38. > :39:44.is now Paul Simpson chief for USA Today. Put this in some kind of

:39:45. > :39:46.historic perspective for us. You have covered campaigns, have you

:39:47. > :39:49.ever seen anything like this in ever seen anything like this in

:39:50. > :39:53.terms of the relationship with the press? This is my sixth presidents I

:39:54. > :39:57.have seen them come and go and all of them at some point or another

:39:58. > :39:59.have tough relationships with the press. Especially when they get in

:40:00. > :40:04.trouble, you think about the impeachment of President Clinton for

:40:05. > :40:08.instance. Or during the war accusations of the misuse of

:40:09. > :40:11.intelligence information, the bad intelligence that got us into the

:40:12. > :40:14.war in Iraq said there were times when the White House has had bad

:40:15. > :40:19.relations which covers them everyday. What is unusual is that

:40:20. > :40:23.from the start. After a campaign from the start. After a campaign

:40:24. > :40:29.which has been contentious. What is unusual is the way the president has

:40:30. > :40:32.questioned the motives of the press. Basically accusing them of wilfully

:40:33. > :40:36.misrepresenting things, Miss reporting things to make him look

:40:37. > :40:41.bad, that is unusual. What you think the press needs to do now that

:40:42. > :40:47.President Trump is an office about the issue of alternative facts,

:40:48. > :40:51.falsehoods, distortions, lies, whatever you want to name them

:40:52. > :40:55.because it does seem that this is a campaign that has frequently put out

:40:56. > :41:04.information that is provably not true. And what's also is that trust

:41:05. > :41:08.in the mainstream media has declined in this country is faith in other

:41:09. > :41:11.institutions here has declined. We have to get up every day and do the

:41:12. > :41:14.best job we can to be as accurate and factual as possible and one of

:41:15. > :41:17.the main things we do when it comes to holding the government

:41:18. > :41:20.accountable is pointing out when things are factually inaccurate.

:41:21. > :41:24.That is going to be a big part. Isn't there a danger that the press

:41:25. > :41:30.puts itself in a right from the start of being the opposition? Not

:41:31. > :41:34.the opposition and our obligation to correct inaccuracies goes to both

:41:35. > :41:37.sides, it goes to Democrats on the hill and people marching in the

:41:38. > :41:43.women's march on Washington and see people at the inauguration so it is

:41:44. > :41:46.abroad obligation. But it is especially critical I think in

:41:47. > :41:47.covering a president especially a president were all kinds of policies

:41:48. > :41:59.are being set. Thank you. This is going to be an interesting

:42:00. > :42:02.relationship between the press and the White House because there is a

:42:03. > :42:08.risk we get into the position where we spend our whole time talking

:42:09. > :42:10.about things like crowd sizes and the onus will be on the press there

:42:11. > :42:15.to talk about policy as well and what is happening what is not just

:42:16. > :42:17.being said. They'll have to pick their way through the facts and

:42:18. > :42:18.alternative fax. A reminder that you can

:42:19. > :42:20.follow us on social media Join us at the same time tomorrow,

:42:21. > :42:24.when we'll be looking at what the new China America

:42:25. > :42:26.relationship might look like under President Trump.

:42:27. > :42:28.And a busy day tomorrow for the British Prime Minister -

:42:29. > :42:31.the Supreme Court will be handing down its ruling on whether Theresa

:42:32. > :42:33.May needs parliament's assent Just before we go, if you want

:42:34. > :42:39.to join in the discussion tonight, I will be on the BBC's Facebook Live

:42:40. > :42:43.page straight after the programme.