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0:00:02 > 0:00:14I think we are done. Are we done? OK, urgent question.Thank you. To

0:00:14 > 0:00:17ask the Secretary of State and home Department if she will make a

0:00:17 > 0:00:22statement on hate crime in light of the inflammatory letters inciting a

0:00:22 > 0:00:30punish a Muslim day on the 3rd of April.As you will appreciate the

0:00:30 > 0:00:34letters described in the question are part of an ongoing investigation

0:00:34 > 0:00:38and as such I'm not in a position to comment on them but the government

0:00:38 > 0:00:43condemns the content of these letters is clearly a torrent with no

0:00:43 > 0:00:46place in decent society -- ab horrid.

0:00:48 > 0:00:53We take a crime and is a phobia very seriously and we have a framework to

0:00:53 > 0:01:00respond to it -- Islamophobia. Freedom of speech and the rule of

0:01:00 > 0:01:05law and equal rights defined us as a society and the government is

0:01:05 > 0:01:09determined to promote these values actively working in partnership and

0:01:09 > 0:01:12alongside Muslim and indeed all faith communities to demonstrate

0:01:12 > 0:01:17that what we have in common is the best defence against extremists who

0:01:17 > 0:01:23would seek to divide and our hate crime action plan sets out our comp

0:01:23 > 0:01:28Ran Singh approach to tackling hate crime. -- sets out our

0:01:28 > 0:01:37comprehensive. We have a strong range of guidelines. The legislation

0:01:37 > 0:01:40provides equal protection under the law for all ethnic and religious

0:01:40 > 0:01:45groups. We have sources of expert advice on the nature and causes of

0:01:45 > 0:01:50hate crime through the anti-Muslim hate crime working group and the

0:01:50 > 0:01:54Independent advisory group on hate crime. We have committed £2.4

0:01:54 > 0:01:59million over three years to help protect places of worship that have

0:01:59 > 0:02:04been subject or vulnerable to a hate crime attack and we have also

0:02:04 > 0:02:09committed a further £1 million following the terrible Finsbury Park

0:02:09 > 0:02:15attack in June last year to help protect places of worship and

0:02:15 > 0:02:19associated community centres which are vulnerable to attack on racial,

0:02:19 > 0:02:24religious or ideological grounds and so far we have funded 45 mosques

0:02:24 > 0:02:28under both schemes and we have also funded tell Mama to record

0:02:28 > 0:02:35anti-Muslim hatred incidents and we have made it mandatory for police

0:02:35 > 0:02:41forces to disaggregate religious hate crime data held by the police

0:02:41 > 0:02:43to reveal the true scale and nature of the problem which we are

0:02:43 > 0:02:47determined to tackle.

0:02:51 > 0:02:56Thank you for granting this urgent question. The letter calling for an

0:02:56 > 0:03:03attack on Muslims on April the 3rd offers reward for attackers, ten

0:03:03 > 0:03:09points for verbal abuse, 50 points for throwing acid, 1000 points for

0:03:09 > 0:03:12bombing at a mosque and two and two and a half thousand points to nuke

0:03:12 > 0:03:19Mecca. Can I remind the house that millions of Muslims fought for us in

0:03:19 > 0:03:26the two world wars including members of my own family. Figures show that

0:03:26 > 0:03:32Islamophobia hate crime has increased by 40%, 1678 anti-Muslim

0:03:32 > 0:03:39hate crimes reported in London just until January this year, so can I

0:03:39 > 0:03:43ask the minister if she can explain why no government ministers in the

0:03:43 > 0:03:48last eight years have ever made a speech on the rise of anti-Muslim

0:03:48 > 0:03:53hatred? Recent history has shown that 50% of the British population

0:03:53 > 0:04:02believe that Islam is a threat to Western democracy and over 30% of

0:04:02 > 0:04:06young children believe that Muslims are taking over England. Given such

0:04:06 > 0:04:09anti-Muslim views have gained such traction what is the government

0:04:09 > 0:04:15going to do to help prevent the growth of such extreme views that

0:04:15 > 0:04:19appears to have come from parts of the print, broadcast and social

0:04:19 > 0:04:26media? What concrete stuff is the government going to do to tackle the

0:04:26 > 0:04:32growth in hate crimes and hate against Muslims question up can the

0:04:32 > 0:04:34minister set up the amount of funding that is provided by the Home

0:04:34 > 0:04:41Office to tackle each form of bigotry? Mr speaker, and I'm sure

0:04:41 > 0:04:45every member will accept this, there has been a sharp rise in the far

0:04:45 > 0:04:51right movement in Europe and beyond with the USA president retweeting

0:04:51 > 0:04:56far right material, this is a really urgent situation and it needs to be

0:04:56 > 0:05:01urgently tackled another forward to hearing the minister respond as to

0:05:01 > 0:05:07what concrete stuff will be taken to deal with this.I thank you for

0:05:07 > 0:05:09bringing forward this urgent question and may I make it clear

0:05:09 > 0:05:13that this government wants to give a strong message of support to Muslims

0:05:13 > 0:05:21across the UK, we are committed to their safety and security and if

0:05:21 > 0:05:27anyone has received this letter or a similar communication please contact

0:05:27 > 0:05:30the police where they will be treated with the utmost seriousness

0:05:30 > 0:05:39and action will be taken. Moving to the points, the issue of anti-Muslim

0:05:39 > 0:05:44and indeed far right extremism, is a focus for the government. The

0:05:44 > 0:05:51preventive strategy which tackles extremism doesn't tackle Muslim

0:05:51 > 0:05:56extremism in and of itself, it tackles extremism in general and

0:05:56 > 0:06:00sadly over a quarter of referrals in the strategy in 2015 concerned the

0:06:00 > 0:06:06far right extremists and and so this government and in particular this

0:06:06 > 0:06:09Prime Minister with the experience that she brings to her position

0:06:09 > 0:06:13following her experience in the Home Office, all of this is focused on

0:06:13 > 0:06:19tackling extremism and radicalisation and how this affects

0:06:19 > 0:06:21our community which is precisely why we are refreshing the hate crime

0:06:21 > 0:06:30action plan this year.Anna Soubry. I want to put this on record, the

0:06:30 > 0:06:37mayor of rock star happens to be a Muslim -- Brock Stowe. She happens

0:06:37 > 0:06:43to be the first person of colour to be mayor here and the first person

0:06:43 > 0:06:47to be a Muslim mayor and also happens to be a Tory, and as it also

0:06:47 > 0:06:53happens in her office of nearly one year completed, she has had a warm

0:06:53 > 0:06:57welcome where ever she has gone in my borough and rightly so. People

0:06:57 > 0:07:06are sick and tired of hate crime, Islamophobia, it is absolutely no

0:07:06 > 0:07:09longer to be tolerated and I commend the minister for everything she has

0:07:09 > 0:07:14said in her statement and I do believe that this government takes

0:07:14 > 0:07:20it very seriously. This isn't really a hate crime, this is an act of

0:07:20 > 0:07:25blatant incitement to terrorism but in any event I'm looking over at the

0:07:25 > 0:07:30co-chair of the all-party Parliamentary group on Muslims, the

0:07:30 > 0:07:34member for Ilford North, we worked together on this and I'm sure he'll

0:07:34 > 0:07:39agree, the time has come for a proper legal definition of

0:07:39 > 0:08:23Islamophobia, would the minister agree?

0:08:23 > 0:08:27We don't accept the need for a definitive onebut we know that

0:08:27 > 0:08:34Islamophobia is clearly recognised and we have very effective

0:08:34 > 0:08:43monitoring of the anti-Muslim hatred group in these areas.Can I

0:08:43 > 0:08:47congratulate my honourable friend for securing it? The despicable

0:08:47 > 0:08:51sentiments behind the sickening letters has caused revulsion across

0:08:51 > 0:08:54our communities, and while we can be confident that thanks to the

0:08:54 > 0:09:00tireless dedication of community leaders, charities, faith groups in

0:09:00 > 0:09:02civil society these deliberate attempts to divide us will not

0:09:02 > 0:09:06succeed. Nevertheless, this act will have struck fear into the heart of

0:09:06 > 0:09:11communities, and indeed that was its intention. This was indeed an

0:09:11 > 0:09:15incitement to violence, and it cannot go unpunished. As we have

0:09:15 > 0:09:20heard, hate crimes nationwide are rising. In London alone there has

0:09:20 > 0:09:23been a fivefold increase on attacks on Muslims in the last year. The

0:09:23 > 0:09:29threat from the extreme right wing as the outgoing territory Mark

0:09:29 > 0:09:33Rowley has said is significant and it requires urgent attention. The

0:09:33 > 0:09:38murder of our colleague and friend Jo Cox, the attack at Finsbury Park

0:09:38 > 0:09:42Moss, the jailing of the leaders of Britain first and the reports from

0:09:42 > 0:09:47the Anderson review, which suggested that the extreme right wing are

0:09:47 > 0:09:52engaged in credible attack planning, including bomb-making. There is now

0:09:52 > 0:09:55overwhelming evidence that the threat from the extreme right is

0:09:55 > 0:09:59growing increasingly violent, and we have to be clear that by threatening

0:09:59 > 0:10:01members of our diverse communities, they are also a threat to our

0:10:01 > 0:10:08national security, fax to their anti-democratic, dehumanising and

0:10:08 > 0:10:10murderous beliefs. Given the overwhelming evidence it is clear

0:10:10 > 0:10:14that so-called domestic extremism needs to be dealt with as a first

0:10:14 > 0:10:17order threat, so can the minister assure us that in mind that the

0:10:17 > 0:10:25Anderson review recommendations, the joint terrorist analysis centre will

0:10:25 > 0:10:31increase the role for MI5, JTAC and the counter terror network in the

0:10:31 > 0:10:38monitoring and handling of domestic extremism? And is it not time to

0:10:38 > 0:10:43update the contest strategy to reflect the growing threat from the

0:10:43 > 0:10:47extreme right? More broadly, can we be assured that counterterrorism

0:10:47 > 0:10:52policing has the resources they need? Last month, only half of what

0:10:52 > 0:10:56was requested by the police was given, for counterterrorism, and

0:10:56 > 0:11:03police and our services are facing unprecedented threat from terrorism

0:11:03 > 0:11:10in all forms. These letters are an attempt to divide us, in that they

0:11:10 > 0:11:14will not succeed. We must be united as a house and a country in bearing

0:11:14 > 0:11:17down in the insidious beliefs contained within and be absolutely

0:11:17 > 0:11:21clear how we will bring together the police, schools, colleges and all

0:11:21 > 0:11:25authorities to stand up to hate crime and terrorism in every single

0:11:25 > 0:11:30one of its forms. And finally to ensure that we, all of us, as

0:11:30 > 0:11:35elected politicians are at all times responsible in our language and

0:11:35 > 0:11:42rhetoric, and never seek to embolden those who hold such insidious and

0:11:42 > 0:11:46extremist views.I am sure everyone in the house agrees with the

0:11:46 > 0:11:49honourable lady, particularly on that last point about the importance

0:11:49 > 0:11:54of using our language very, very carefully. In terms of resources,

0:11:54 > 0:11:57she asked me about police resources, of course we have increased fees,

0:11:57 > 0:12:00and the Home Secretary, is the honourable lady will know, reviews

0:12:00 > 0:12:04these resources constantly. We asked the police if they have the

0:12:04 > 0:12:09resources we need and the Home Secretary act accordingly. In terms

0:12:09 > 0:12:13of the JTAC and other queries that she made, may I undertake to write

0:12:13 > 0:12:18to the honourable lady specifically, please? And finally just say it is

0:12:18 > 0:12:23gratifying to see so many Members End house today here unified in

0:12:23 > 0:12:26condemning these dreadful letters and their sentiments, and our

0:12:26 > 0:12:33determination to tackle them.Hate crime in all its forms is to be

0:12:33 > 0:12:37condemned, as is this letter. Another group which is affected by

0:12:37 > 0:12:40growing hate crime is the Jewish community, and the community

0:12:40 > 0:12:44security trust is having to go to ever greater lengths to protect

0:12:44 > 0:12:49local Jewish community centres. Can we ensure that all these forms of

0:12:49 > 0:12:56hate crime are combated as far as possible?I thank my honourable

0:12:56 > 0:13:02friend for his question, and of course any group of people who are

0:13:02 > 0:13:06the victims of hate crime as a result of their religious beliefs

0:13:06 > 0:13:12deserve our sympathy and also our action, and I, like him, condemn any

0:13:12 > 0:13:15form of anti-Semitism, and I know that the police are as focused on

0:13:15 > 0:13:18this form of crime as they are on any other form of religious hate

0:13:18 > 0:13:26crime.Can I congratulate the honourable and landed lady for

0:13:26 > 0:13:28Bolton South East in securing this urgent question, and reassure her

0:13:28 > 0:13:33and the rest of the house that the Scottish National Party joins in the

0:13:33 > 0:13:37condemnation of Islamophobia in the strongest possible terms? We believe

0:13:37 > 0:13:42that there is no excuse for any sort of hate crime, and we were as

0:13:42 > 0:13:47concerned as everyone else in this house to see the significant rise in

0:13:47 > 0:13:50hate crime statistics in England and Wales last year and we note that

0:13:50 > 0:13:55followed a spike in hate crime stats around the time of the EU

0:13:55 > 0:13:59referendum, and as others have said this is happening alongside a

0:13:59 > 0:14:03significant rise in right wing extremism. In Scotland, the police

0:14:03 > 0:14:07are committed to making victims, witnesses and partner agencies feel

0:14:07 > 0:14:11more confident in reporting hate crime, and they do that through a

0:14:11 > 0:14:15variety of methods, including a note network of third-party porting

0:14:15 > 0:14:19centres. In Scotland a senior judge has been appointed to lead an

0:14:19 > 0:14:23independent review into hate crime legislation, and he will be

0:14:23 > 0:14:28reporting to the Scottish Government later this year. Can I ask the

0:14:28 > 0:14:32minister what reassurance she can give us that similar steps are being

0:14:32 > 0:14:36taken in the rest of the UK where hate crime is rising and in

0:14:36 > 0:14:41particular that similar steps are being taken to tackle the specific

0:14:41 > 0:14:50problem here, which is Islamophobia? I thank the honourable lady for her

0:14:50 > 0:14:52question and indeed for her contributions as to what is

0:14:52 > 0:14:59happening in Scotland. We very much look at how we tackle hate crime

0:14:59 > 0:15:02particularly throughout hate crime action plan, which was published in

0:15:02 > 0:15:062016 and will be refreshed this year, and includes a range of

0:15:06 > 0:15:11actions, including funding for security for places of worship, the

0:15:11 > 0:15:15disaggregation of religious -based hate crime data, and taking further

0:15:15 > 0:15:19action in relation to education, so that teachers can have sometimes

0:15:19 > 0:15:24difficult conversations with this Judon is as to beliefs, and words,

0:15:24 > 0:15:29and funding programmes through the Anne Frank trust and street crimes.

0:15:29 > 0:15:34We are determined that our action in relation to hate crime is up-to-date

0:15:34 > 0:15:43and current.As someone who visited a Syrian refugee camp in Turkey over

0:15:43 > 0:15:45the weekend, I find it a little offensive that a member on the

0:15:45 > 0:15:49opposite side said that no Conservative minister had actually

0:15:49 > 0:15:57ever condemned any kind of Muslim extremism. Is the Minister aware

0:15:57 > 0:16:01that her equivalent at the Department for Education publicly

0:16:01 > 0:16:03rebuked the President of the United States for retweeting said in

0:16:03 > 0:16:07comments and invited him to visit this link communities in the United

0:16:07 > 0:16:12Kingdom?Iheanacho tamely grateful to my honourable friend, I wasn't

0:16:12 > 0:16:16sure I had heard the honourable lady correctly, because as I say the

0:16:16 > 0:16:19record of the Prime Minister and Cabinet ministers on the issue of

0:16:19 > 0:16:24tackling anti-Muslim sentiment I thought was pretty clear. But it may

0:16:24 > 0:16:27be that the honourable lady can clarify her remarks at a later

0:16:27 > 0:16:37stage.With regard to the previous question, I don't think it

0:16:37 > 0:16:40represented the point my honourable friend was making, and I hope that

0:16:40 > 0:16:44we can address this issue as a united Parliament, and not in a way

0:16:44 > 0:16:50that is divided, when I think we should all stand together against

0:16:50 > 0:16:54this kind of vile threat, this insight and this illegal incitement

0:16:54 > 0:16:58to violence, and our whole parliament, the police and

0:16:58 > 0:17:01communities across the country should want to stand firm with

0:17:01 > 0:17:04Muslim families, Muslim communities, against this kind of vile

0:17:04 > 0:17:08Islamophobia, because we know from throughout history that an attack on

0:17:08 > 0:17:13some of us is an attack on all of us, and that is why we stand firm.

0:17:13 > 0:17:19But I want to ask the Minister what the Home Office has done since I

0:17:19 > 0:17:24raised last week the prevalence of national action, illegal propaganda

0:17:24 > 0:17:29videos on YouTube still, and also I discover on Twitter and on Facebook?

0:17:29 > 0:17:35Because we know that the former counterterror chief has warned of

0:17:35 > 0:17:40online radicalisation, of the rise right extremism, and our select

0:17:40 > 0:17:44committee has heard in our enquiry about the serious issues around as a

0:17:44 > 0:17:48phobia and hate crime. She will know we are allowing social media

0:17:48 > 0:17:52companies to collude with these far right extremists if action is not

0:17:52 > 0:17:58taken to take this vile illegal propaganda down.I am a dream the

0:17:58 > 0:18:04grateful to the right honourable member, and she knows the work that

0:18:04 > 0:18:07my right honourable friend the Home Secretary is doing to work with a

0:18:07 > 0:18:11large technology companies to improve their reaction on this. I

0:18:11 > 0:18:15think pretty much everyone in this place and certainly outside of this

0:18:15 > 0:18:20place agrees that technology companies need to do more to remove

0:18:20 > 0:18:25these hateful pieces of incitement on their platforms. They must do it

0:18:25 > 0:18:30much more quickly and they must do it in working with police. So I'm

0:18:30 > 0:18:35sure that we have agreement on that. Can my right honourable friend

0:18:35 > 0:18:40reassure this house that those spreading this fear and hatred, in

0:18:40 > 0:18:44whatever form, should be investigated by the police, and

0:18:44 > 0:18:51where appropriate, dealt severely by the courts.Of course, I mustn't

0:18:51 > 0:18:54comment on this particular case because it is a life police

0:18:54 > 0:18:57investigation but the principle is that if there is an incident of hate

0:18:57 > 0:19:00crime, the victim of that hate crime must please report it to the police

0:19:00 > 0:19:08so they can do all they can to bring these people to justice.Mr Speaker,

0:19:08 > 0:19:12these letters are abhorrent and are causing immense distress across

0:19:12 > 0:19:16communities around the country, but as my right honourable friend has

0:19:16 > 0:19:20indicated, this hate crime is being amplified via the internets. We know

0:19:20 > 0:19:23there are still too little action being taken by those social media

0:19:23 > 0:19:28companies. I attended a Round Table coordinated by two of her

0:19:28 > 0:19:31government's department just before Christmas and we are still to see

0:19:31 > 0:19:34action. If I tell her a case that went to court which saw a man jailed

0:19:34 > 0:19:39for two years for the far right material he put on year -- online,

0:19:39 > 0:19:42that material is still up and it remains the case for many cases

0:19:42 > 0:19:45across our country. What action is the government going to take to make

0:19:45 > 0:19:49sure that we don't flame tensions in our communities by what is seen

0:19:49 > 0:19:57online?And honourable Mende herself has been the victim of much hatred

0:19:57 > 0:20:01online, as indeed have other numbers of this house, and we are very clear

0:20:01 > 0:20:04in our expectation of technology companies that they will in

0:20:04 > 0:20:07accordance with the law remove this material as and when it is brought

0:20:07 > 0:20:11to their attention. We have had some progress, the technology companies I

0:20:11 > 0:20:17think I getting better at this but I don't for a moment pretend that we

0:20:17 > 0:20:22have got the full response that we would like to see these posts taken

0:20:22 > 0:20:25down as quickly as possible, and that is the expectation that the

0:20:25 > 0:20:33Home Secretary makes when she meets these technology companies.Could I

0:20:33 > 0:20:43ask the Minister whether a national unit has been established to check

0:20:43 > 0:20:46on hate crime and identify those people that are dealing in it, and

0:20:46 > 0:20:56bring them to justice?We take the view that hate crime is a matter for

0:20:56 > 0:21:00the whole community, given that it can take ceremony forms, it is not

0:21:00 > 0:21:05restricted to one's religion. The five characteristics are set out

0:21:05 > 0:21:10very clearly in the hate crime legislation and we ensure that the

0:21:10 > 0:21:13police and others are trained to spot the Skrine when it occurs and

0:21:13 > 0:21:23to deal with it seriously, and I hope also sensitively.These letters

0:21:23 > 0:21:29are nothing short of a sick and cowardly attempt to divide our

0:21:29 > 0:21:33communities. We are proud of our communities living side by side in

0:21:33 > 0:21:40harmony. There must be a clear message sent from this house, across

0:21:40 > 0:21:44the house, that we will never cower to any form of extremism, and we

0:21:44 > 0:21:48will never allow it to threaten the very fabric of our society for stock

0:21:48 > 0:21:53can I please urge the Minister that this government does not sit idly by

0:21:53 > 0:21:59and let it happen, as in this great time of need allowing such awful

0:21:59 > 0:22:04hatred to be propagated would send the worse message of all?I would

0:22:04 > 0:22:07hope that the honourable lady has understood from my reaction that the

0:22:07 > 0:22:13government is not sitting idly by. We are refreshing, as I say, the

0:22:13 > 0:22:16hate crime action plan this year, because it has to keep up-to-date

0:22:16 > 0:22:21with the new threats faced by all different types of people and

0:22:21 > 0:22:26communities. And I can assure her that we take these allegations, as

0:22:26 > 0:22:31indeed we take allegations, as we have heard already in the chamber

0:22:31 > 0:22:33today, of anti-Semitism, online hatred and so on, we take them very

0:22:33 > 0:22:40seriously and I know the police do as well.The rising tide of creeping

0:22:40 > 0:22:42Islamophobia and anti-Jewish sentiment is something that should

0:22:42 > 0:22:46concern us all. I would like to know how improving the recording of this

0:22:46 > 0:22:50hate crime is helping us to track what is going on in our society and

0:22:50 > 0:22:55how we can tackle it?I am extremely grateful to my honourable friend to

0:22:55 > 0:23:02that question. Of course we now increasingly data helps give us

0:23:02 > 0:23:05answers, it helps direct our resources in the right way, and so

0:23:05 > 0:23:12we are very much hoping that by this aggregating the specific type of

0:23:12 > 0:23:15hate crime, that that will help individual constabularies work out

0:23:15 > 0:23:18how better to prioritise the resources to do with the different

0:23:18 > 0:23:23types of hate crime that we know exist.

0:23:23 > 0:23:30The level of hate and violence against Muslims has become utterly

0:23:30 > 0:23:34intolerable and for years many of our constituencies have faced the

0:23:34 > 0:23:37onslaught of threats from the image defence league and the British first

0:23:37 > 0:23:42and others, can the minister explain what action her government is going

0:23:42 > 0:23:47to take to provide protections to those communities who feel under

0:23:47 > 0:23:53threat on the 3rd of April and secondly what action will she take

0:23:53 > 0:23:57to prescribe groups who are actively seeking to incite violence and

0:23:57 > 0:24:03hatred across our communities in this country?You will understand

0:24:03 > 0:24:06that I must not comment on the particular investigation going on at

0:24:06 > 0:24:15the moment, but given it is a live investigation, by definition,

0:24:15 > 0:24:20communities that may be affected by any such communication will be

0:24:20 > 0:24:25uppermost in the mind of the police when it comes to protection and

0:24:25 > 0:24:30their vulnerability, but in terms of tackling far right extremism more

0:24:30 > 0:24:34generally this is part of a cross government programme of tackling and

0:24:34 > 0:24:45also support for victims and this is why the preventive strategy is a

0:24:45 > 0:24:49safeguarding strategy and this is where it has such an impact because

0:24:49 > 0:24:57sadly a quarter of referrals to Prevent work from far right

0:24:57 > 0:25:00extremism and the strategy is about leading them away from that part of

0:25:00 > 0:25:06radicalisation so they don't commit these terrible acts.This house is

0:25:06 > 0:25:10at its best when it comes to condemn and comes together to condemn evil

0:25:10 > 0:25:15actions and when it is not trying to score political points against each

0:25:15 > 0:25:19other and I think we can all unite about this letter, and we don't know

0:25:19 > 0:25:24who wrote it, it might be some side individual in a bedsit playing with

0:25:24 > 0:25:30his computer or may be something far more serious, but we are right to

0:25:30 > 0:25:36say that this is a condemnation and an in citation to violence,

0:25:36 > 0:25:40especially when it calls on people to throw acid in people's face. Can

0:25:40 > 0:25:46I just ask the house to think of the moment of the office of the MP for

0:25:46 > 0:25:53Bedford. There was an incident in this place earlier today which

0:25:53 > 0:25:58involved him and his staff which may or may not be connected but we think

0:25:58 > 0:26:02it might be, with this letter and we must come together and make sure

0:26:02 > 0:26:11this does not happen, not only here but also throughout the country.I

0:26:11 > 0:26:14thank my honourable friend from raising this and I'm sure the

0:26:14 > 0:26:17thoughts of the house are with the member of Parliament and their

0:26:17 > 0:26:22members of staff concerned although I have received a note that the

0:26:22 > 0:26:28package found there was not hazardous which must be of

0:26:28 > 0:26:32significant relief to those people concerned but we give our sincere

0:26:32 > 0:26:36thanks to the police and others who went to the rescue of these members

0:26:36 > 0:26:42of staff when they found the package.Stella Creasy.It was

0:26:42 > 0:26:45Friday night when I started to receive reports from residents in

0:26:45 > 0:26:49Walthamstow that they had received one of these letters, the fear and

0:26:49 > 0:26:53the terror it caused at the very point when I was helping other

0:26:53 > 0:26:58residents report anti-Semitic graffiti they had found in our

0:26:58 > 0:27:04community, will the minister join in welcoming the work that tell Mammana

0:27:04 > 0:27:08and the security forces are doing to support these groups? And does she

0:27:08 > 0:27:13agree that we had to do more than just condemn these instances, when

0:27:13 > 0:27:16we see Steve Bannon come to Europe and tell people that they should be

0:27:16 > 0:27:22proud to be called a racist, we must in this house speak up for the

0:27:22 > 0:27:26communities we represent and the power of diversity and immigration

0:27:26 > 0:27:32to enrich all of our lives and I tell the minister the people of

0:27:32 > 0:27:35Walthamstow need to demand nothing less from this government.They are

0:27:35 > 0:27:41getting it. I'm very grateful to the the honourable lady setting out her

0:27:41 > 0:27:43concerns and she has highlighted the fear that people must have felt when

0:27:43 > 0:27:49they received these letters and she is absolutely right that Tell Mama

0:27:49 > 0:27:52is an organisation which is universally recognised as playing an

0:27:52 > 0:27:58important role in this field. I'm told that from the 1st of January

0:27:58 > 0:28:05until the 31st of December 2015, 2622 anti-Muslim hate incidents were

0:28:05 > 0:28:11reported to Tell Mama by victims or third parties, and that shows the

0:28:11 > 0:28:19scale, three years ago, that we are facing in this country after these

0:28:19 > 0:28:25worrying incidents of hate crime. We support Tell Mama to the June >>

0:28:25 > 0:28:27STUDIO:

0:28:30 > 0:28:37-- we support Tell Mama with money. There's a urgent question to this,

0:28:37 > 0:28:41and so there is a premium on extreme brevity from back and front benches

0:28:41 > 0:28:48alike.I also condemn these despicable letters, following the

0:28:48 > 0:28:59recent incident in my constituency which I would classify as racist

0:28:59 > 0:29:02abuse, can I confirm that that crime will be classified correctly and not

0:29:02 > 0:29:09just classified as a public order offence?Of course what any such

0:29:09 > 0:29:14matter is an operational matter for the police but I know she is such a

0:29:14 > 0:29:17good advocate for her local community but that she will be

0:29:17 > 0:29:25asking searching key Western -- searching questions to make sure the

0:29:25 > 0:29:29question receives the attention it deserves.The government is right to

0:29:29 > 0:29:32say this is a hate crime which has no place in our modern society and I

0:29:32 > 0:29:37want to place my thanks to our communities in Hounslow who have a

0:29:37 > 0:29:43track record of working together to create understanding. Will the

0:29:43 > 0:29:45minister confirmed the police would have the resources to work together

0:29:45 > 0:29:50effectively and fast to track where these horrific letters are coming

0:29:50 > 0:29:56from, who is disseminating them, who is behind them, and to make sure our

0:29:56 > 0:30:00schools and communities have the resources they need to stop this and

0:30:00 > 0:30:02to support these committees which will rightly feel at risk and under

0:30:02 > 0:30:11threat?The honourable lady has identified that this has a threat

0:30:11 > 0:30:17not just on those who received the letters but also the wider

0:30:17 > 0:30:20neighbourhood and please, ask anyone who has received any of these

0:30:20 > 0:30:25communications to report them to the police and the Home Office is in

0:30:25 > 0:30:28constant medication with the police to make sure they have the resources

0:30:28 > 0:30:35they need to tackle this -- constant communication.I join my honourable

0:30:35 > 0:30:37friend in condemning these letters, and in view of the similarities

0:30:37 > 0:30:43between the anti-Muslim hate crime and the anti-Semitism we have seen,

0:30:43 > 0:30:46will she reassured me that the action plan proposed by the

0:30:46 > 0:30:52government will be adequate?I'm very grateful for the question and

0:30:52 > 0:30:59he has a long record of supporting our Jewish committees, and yes, the

0:30:59 > 0:31:02hate crime action plan covers all form of hatred as defined by the act

0:31:02 > 0:31:10and sadly anti-Semitism forms part of that.The appalling letters that

0:31:10 > 0:31:16we have seen have to be seen in the context of the flames of prejudice

0:31:16 > 0:31:23being found in mainstream newspapers and in the comments made by

0:31:23 > 0:31:27mainstream politicians against their Muslim opponents and also in the

0:31:27 > 0:31:32bystanders who are just as complicit when in person or online they see

0:31:32 > 0:31:36Pegida is on Facebook and other social media platforms -- Basie

0:31:36 > 0:31:43prejudice. -- they see prejudice. And instead of tackling it they look

0:31:43 > 0:31:47the other way, can I ask the minister to confirm that the

0:31:47 > 0:31:50government will take action against this kind of extremism and also in

0:31:50 > 0:31:55the weeks leading up to the first week of April, every mosque receives

0:31:55 > 0:31:58a visit from the police to give them adequate security advice and make

0:31:58 > 0:32:02sure that the Muslim community know that the authorities are with them

0:32:02 > 0:32:07and on their side?The anti-Muslim hatred working group is a group

0:32:07 > 0:32:13which brings together all parties across government and further afield

0:32:13 > 0:32:18to try and tackle this specific form of hate crime and one of the initial

0:32:18 > 0:32:20achievements was to work with the Society of editors to tackle

0:32:20 > 0:32:27anti-Muslim hatred and more recently with the independent press standards

0:32:27 > 0:32:31organisation to develop training for editors and journalists to tackle

0:32:31 > 0:32:36the negative portrayal of Muslims in the media. On his point about making

0:32:36 > 0:32:42sure that mosques are visited in the run-up to the date mentioned in the

0:32:42 > 0:32:47letter, we will send letters happily to each Chief Constable to make sure

0:32:47 > 0:32:53they are aware of this and it is a matter for chief constables but we

0:32:53 > 0:33:00would expect that mosques will be protected.I also join with my

0:33:00 > 0:33:03honourable friend in condemning these letters but I also welcomed

0:33:03 > 0:33:06the money that has been devoted to protecting places of worship from

0:33:06 > 0:33:19hate crime. Good my right honourable friend also expand on this? -- code.

0:33:19 > 0:33:24I'm happy to do this and it follows on from the previous question, the

0:33:24 > 0:33:28government has committed £2.4 million over three years to help

0:33:28 > 0:33:33protect places of worship that have been subject to or are vulnerable to

0:33:33 > 0:33:40a hate attack and we hope this will make people feel safe in their

0:33:40 > 0:33:46places of worship.You don't have to have been taught media studies to

0:33:46 > 0:33:54know that anti-Muslim sentiment is comment -- becoming common in our

0:33:54 > 0:34:01tabloid press, so could she have a word with our friends in the Tory

0:34:01 > 0:34:10press? These things feed into the actions of extremists.I hope

0:34:10 > 0:34:13everyone in the house knows that as the minister for crime and

0:34:13 > 0:34:18safeguarding and von ability of course I'm against language which

0:34:18 > 0:34:22leads to the incitement of violence and hate crime -- vulnerability. I

0:34:22 > 0:34:26would help this debate that I would hope this debate sends a clear

0:34:26 > 0:34:31message to the people with whom she is concerned.As one house we all

0:34:31 > 0:34:38find these letters are awful and our constituents will feel the same but

0:34:38 > 0:34:46can my honourable friend make sure that police forces will tackle these

0:34:46 > 0:34:52instances collaboratively?Indeed, we expect police forces to work

0:34:52 > 0:35:01collaboratively especially online, because online extremism and online

0:35:01 > 0:35:04radicalisation knows no geographical boundary and the police are well

0:35:04 > 0:35:10versed sadly in working together to tackle this form of hatred.There

0:35:10 > 0:35:18has been horror and revulsion at these letters and I'm proud of our

0:35:18 > 0:35:22record in standing up against hate crime in the diverse timidity that

0:35:22 > 0:35:26we live in Cardiff, but would the minister agree that words social

0:35:26 > 0:35:32media companies are simply not enough? Does she share my concern

0:35:32 > 0:35:36that representatives of these social media companies said to me they

0:35:36 > 0:35:44would not routinely search for prescribed organisations? The very

0:35:44 > 0:35:50basic level of what they are doing, does she have a concern?The Home

0:35:50 > 0:35:54Secretary is focused on the conduct and assistance that technology

0:35:54 > 0:35:57companies can give to the police nationally and locally in taking

0:35:57 > 0:36:10down this awful material in this goes across online with child sexual

0:36:10 > 0:36:13expertise you and there is a great

0:36:27 > 0:36:33this shows the ignorance of the perpetrators, and the anonymity is

0:36:33 > 0:36:37even more damaging online, so is it not time not just to do more to take

0:36:37 > 0:36:41them down once these things have been posted but to stop them being

0:36:41 > 0:36:46posted in the first place and make sure that the identity of the people

0:36:46 > 0:36:52posting has to be revealed before they have these accounts?The Home

0:36:52 > 0:36:55Secretary was in California recently to discuss these matters with the

0:36:55 > 0:37:01online companies, the technology companies, and the question of

0:37:01 > 0:37:08anonymity is an issue which we are looking at in terms of the internet

0:37:08 > 0:37:17stretcher to -- internet strategy because we want the UK to be the

0:37:17 > 0:37:23safest place in the world to be online.This is the latest addition

0:37:23 > 0:37:28to a long line of Islamophobic hate crimes which have been sadly growing

0:37:28 > 0:37:31over the last number of years in courage by the undeniable rise of

0:37:31 > 0:37:40the far right in Dost directly and indirectly by leaders of powerful --

0:37:40 > 0:37:46leaders and powerful figures across the globe. Within increase in

0:37:46 > 0:37:54religious hate crime of 267% since 2011, why has the government record

0:37:54 > 0:38:02been so poor? -- with an.Reflecting on the overall tone of this urgent

0:38:02 > 0:38:07question I'm not going to rise to the debate but I think we can all

0:38:07 > 0:38:10work together to call hate crime at when it happens, and we have already

0:38:10 > 0:38:16heard the forms in which it can take including anti-Semitism and last

0:38:16 > 0:38:21week the member for Grimsby spoke of experiences in terms of the misogyny

0:38:21 > 0:38:24which is not yet a hate crime but which was the cause of much debate

0:38:24 > 0:38:29last week. We are very clear and I think the house has been very clear

0:38:29 > 0:38:33today that this letter and these letters, their sentiments, by our

0:38:33 > 0:38:38holy awful and they are to be condemned. -- they are entirely

0:38:38 > 0:38:43awful and they are to be condemned.

0:38:43 > 0:38:47What practical support is being provided to help the targets of the

0:38:47 > 0:38:51victims of hate crime?I thank my honourable friend for his question.

0:38:51 > 0:38:55Of course we want first of all clues for victims to report their

0:38:55 > 0:39:01experience to the police. The police are sadly aware of these events

0:39:01 > 0:39:10today, and I hope are to be trusted by the particular groups of people

0:39:10 > 0:39:14concerned, and they will receive a concerned and sensitive welcome from

0:39:14 > 0:39:18the police in reporting these crimes. There is much we are doing

0:39:18 > 0:39:22as I have said already in the hate crime action plan, and also trying

0:39:22 > 0:39:27to tackle the root of radicalisation, so that these awful

0:39:27 > 0:39:33sentiments are not expressed in the first place.Anti-Muslim hate crimes

0:39:33 > 0:39:36and anti-Semitic hate crime is rising at such a shocking rate, this

0:39:36 > 0:39:44sort of anonymous letter can strike fear into whole communities. But

0:39:44 > 0:39:47isn't it also the case that anonymous social media is also

0:39:47 > 0:39:54dissimilar problem and happens on a daily basis? We have to confront

0:39:54 > 0:39:58this question of anonymity in shedding such bile. Will she address

0:39:58 > 0:40:03this?I have very much heard what the house has said on this, as the

0:40:03 > 0:40:08honourable gentleman will now, the strategy was published last year,

0:40:08 > 0:40:16and I would ensure that in terms of anonymity, they are very much heard

0:40:16 > 0:40:24by the Secretary of State to culture, media and sport.What makes

0:40:24 > 0:40:29you British is not what you look like, where your parents were from,

0:40:29 > 0:40:32or how you worship, but the contribution that you make to our

0:40:32 > 0:40:39country. And nowhere has the contribution made by British is and

0:40:39 > 0:40:42is being greater than in the West Midlands, which is why I will be

0:40:42 > 0:40:48spending April the 3rd, which has been identified as this day of hate,

0:40:48 > 0:40:53I will be spending the day visiting as many mosques and community

0:40:53 > 0:40:57centres as possible across the region to ensure Muslims in the West

0:40:57 > 0:41:00Midlands of my support and solidarity to show them I am on

0:41:00 > 0:41:03their side, and I hope that other members of the house will be doing

0:41:03 > 0:41:09the same.The honourable gentleman has set out beautifully I think the

0:41:09 > 0:41:15values that bind this house and our countries together, and I wish him

0:41:15 > 0:41:21luck on his visit to the many mosques that must be there in the

0:41:21 > 0:41:25West Midlands will stopI welcome the funding the Minister has

0:41:25 > 0:41:28promised, but of course Muslims do not only gather at places of

0:41:28 > 0:41:33worship, so what reassurance can she give to the many Muslim community

0:41:33 > 0:41:36groups, schools where children gather, other places which are not

0:41:36 > 0:41:39specifically Muslim but where there will be groups of Muslims, to give

0:41:39 > 0:41:42them some reassurance that they will have funding for extra security,

0:41:42 > 0:41:47should that be needed, in Bristol West?I thank the honourable lady

0:41:47 > 0:41:52for her question. As I say, the government has not only pledged or

0:41:52 > 0:41:57indeed spent up to £2.4 million over three years, but of course we also

0:41:57 > 0:42:01have the funding of tell Mama, which is a very important, as it were,

0:42:01 > 0:42:05intelligence tool, to help us or the police understand where they need to

0:42:05 > 0:42:10best focus their resources. If there are particular areas in her

0:42:10 > 0:42:15constituency about which she has concerns, I would ask are pleased to

0:42:15 > 0:42:17ensure her Chief Constable nose and her Police and Crime Commissioner

0:42:17 > 0:42:22knows, because they must be the ones who make the operational decision.

0:42:22 > 0:42:29My constituency are very worried about the rise in hate crime. Is the

0:42:29 > 0:42:31Minister satisfied that West Yorkshire and further afield have

0:42:31 > 0:42:36the police resources they need in light of the significant cuts in

0:42:36 > 0:42:39order to investigate and apprehend those responsible for this abhorrent

0:42:39 > 0:42:45crime?Mr Speaker, it is about how resources are spent, and that is

0:42:45 > 0:42:51particularly relevant and pertinent question of West Yorkshire, I can't

0:42:51 > 0:42:57recall the figure of the top of my head but I seem to recall that West

0:42:57 > 0:43:02Yorkshire has several millions of reserves in savings. Of course how

0:43:02 > 0:43:05that is spent is a matter for the elected Police and Crime

0:43:05 > 0:43:11Commissioner. I hope you will be taking up the Home Office's funding

0:43:11 > 0:43:14initiative of increasing council tax to make sure they have more money to

0:43:14 > 0:43:18deal with the resource in issue.I have been deeply concerned about

0:43:18 > 0:43:25these letters. Like with the Muslim ban last year they feel unfairly

0:43:25 > 0:43:32targeted and under siege. Whilst this is obviously a target to target

0:43:32 > 0:43:36the social media sites and so on, these were snail mail. Can I pick up

0:43:36 > 0:43:40on the Minister to pick out the Minister from Feltham and Hastings,

0:43:40 > 0:43:46can she update us on who sent these letters, what is being done to stop

0:43:46 > 0:43:50these letters and once those people are apprehended, can she reassure my

0:43:50 > 0:43:58constituents that they will feel the full weight of the law?I mustn't, I

0:43:58 > 0:44:01can't go into more detail on the specifics of the ongoing police

0:44:01 > 0:44:05investigation, because she will not want me or anyone asked to

0:44:05 > 0:44:09inadvertently endanger any future prosecution, but I can give her the

0:44:09 > 0:44:13reassurance that this case is being investigated very, very carefully,

0:44:13 > 0:44:19and that the full force of the law is being applied.Anti-Semitic and

0:44:19 > 0:44:24Islamic hate crime on the rise, it is well documented but we'll soon

0:44:24 > 0:44:28know there is significant underreporting, and in my spirit and

0:44:28 > 0:44:32by women. Hijabs wearing Muslim women are often most honourable

0:44:32 > 0:44:34because of their visibility. What assurances can the minister Gibney

0:44:34 > 0:44:41in terms of in the community that the government is doing what it can

0:44:41 > 0:44:47to ensure the message of reporting all hate crime incidents is got out

0:44:47 > 0:44:50into the community?The honourable lady has hit upon a very important

0:44:50 > 0:44:54point: we must all do what we can to encourage victims of hate crime,

0:44:54 > 0:44:59whether it is to do with race, religion, disability or gender

0:44:59 > 0:45:01identity and so on, we must please encourage people to report it

0:45:01 > 0:45:06because we know that underreporting is a real issue. We know also that

0:45:06 > 0:45:11the work of organisations like tell Mama I hope will help people find

0:45:11 > 0:45:15the wherewithal to report those incidents to the police.I welcome

0:45:15 > 0:45:22that we are all united in condemning this despicable attempt to divide

0:45:22 > 0:45:26our community. Since 2016, national rhetoric and language has led to a

0:45:26 > 0:45:30real increase in hate crime. Government lead by example and

0:45:30 > 0:45:40encourage everyone to turn down national language and rhetoric?Yes.

0:45:40 > 0:45:43The Minister referred several times to the £2.4 million funding under

0:45:43 > 0:45:48the government's anti-hate scheme. She also referred to just 45 places

0:45:48 > 0:45:52of worship receiving funding. Are there any plans to increase the

0:45:52 > 0:45:56number of funding and the number of places of worship that will attract

0:45:56 > 0:46:04that funding?May I write to the honourable lady, because I am an

0:46:04 > 0:46:08clear, I will confess, as to whether applications are in June and I would

0:46:08 > 0:46:12not wish to in any way inadvertently answering correctly so I will answer

0:46:12 > 0:46:18the lady by writing.The best way to build the longing, tolerance and

0:46:18 > 0:46:26relationships is to invest in people to come together and understanding.

0:46:26 > 0:46:28In Oldham, they were completely undermined by the government

0:46:28 > 0:46:33snatching away the grant in 2010 with no assessment made on what

0:46:33 > 0:46:43would impact would have.Of course we recognise the importance of

0:46:43 > 0:46:47bringing communities together, and there are many ways in which to do

0:46:47 > 0:46:50that. The way in which my constituency may enjoy being brought

0:46:50 > 0:46:53together may be very different from another constituency elsewhere in

0:46:53 > 0:47:00the country. I'm not quite clear as to the direct impact that honourable

0:47:00 > 0:47:03gentleman said in relation to that project but I will happily write to

0:47:03 > 0:47:11him about it, thank you.First of all, can I condemn this letter along

0:47:11 > 0:47:16with every body else, it is apparent. It has been reported there

0:47:16 > 0:47:21has been a spike in hate crime since the EU referendum, both in

0:47:21 > 0:47:23Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, coming from the hard right and the

0:47:23 > 0:47:30hard left. It is also reported by the CPS that there has been a drop

0:47:30 > 0:47:36in the number of prosecutions in 2017 by over 1000 against this

0:47:36 > 0:47:40increase in incidents. What is the Minister doing with the CPS and the

0:47:40 > 0:47:45police to ensure that that is reserved -- reversed?We know there

0:47:45 > 0:47:49has been a drop in referrals recorded last year which has had an

0:47:49 > 0:47:53impact on the number of completed prosecutions in 2016 and 2017 and

0:47:53 > 0:47:56the CPS is working with the police at a local and national level to

0:47:56 > 0:47:59understand the reasons for the overall fall in referrals for the

0:47:59 > 0:48:03past two years. But again the message is pleased to spread around

0:48:03 > 0:48:06our constituencies, if you have been the victim of hate crime, please

0:48:06 > 0:48:11report it because that way we can try and do something about it.Those

0:48:11 > 0:48:13police forces like Greater Manchester which have long targeted

0:48:13 > 0:48:22hate crime and work hard with the community nevertheless recognise

0:48:22 > 0:48:26that community policing is central to challenging hate crime. Will the

0:48:26 > 0:48:30Minister take that message back, because frankly the community

0:48:30 > 0:48:33policing is about trust, and trust is fundamental. We need our

0:48:33 > 0:48:40community police.I'm grateful to the honourable gentleman. Of course

0:48:40 > 0:48:44local policing is important, but we also have to recognise that we can't

0:48:44 > 0:48:50just rely on policing alone to reach into communities, and not just to

0:48:50 > 0:48:54reach into, but to build relationships. This is why

0:48:54 > 0:48:56organisations like Tell Mama and other charities are such an

0:48:56 > 0:49:02important part of the overall picture of people when they feel

0:49:02 > 0:49:06they have been the victims of crime, they know what to do, where to go,

0:49:06 > 0:49:10and they feel they will be listened to and their experiences will be

0:49:10 > 0:49:16acted upon.It is quite clear the whole house condemns these letters

0:49:16 > 0:49:20but it is not just those sending the letters causing this hate, not just

0:49:20 > 0:49:26groups like Britain first was that it includes groups like the BMP. My

0:49:26 > 0:49:30honourable friend and I received a letter from the BNP with a poem

0:49:30 > 0:49:37making racist comments, and on the back of the letter, would the

0:49:37 > 0:49:41Minister condemn the actions of the BMP and so there should be no part

0:49:41 > 0:49:46in political parties who peddle this hate?I am absolutely clear that the

0:49:46 > 0:49:51British National Party and all the other far right organisations that

0:49:51 > 0:49:55have been described today have no place in our society, and frankly

0:49:55 > 0:49:59they're showing at ballot box is when they dared to stand for

0:49:59 > 0:50:05election shows how little truck the British public have with them.

0:50:05 > 0:50:10Urgent question, Caroline Lucas.Mr Speaker, to ask the Leader of the

0:50:10 > 0:50:14House about the treatment of House of Commons staff.The Leader of the

0:50:14 > 0:50:19House, Andrea Leadsom.Thank you, Mr Speaker. I am grateful to the

0:50:19 > 0:50:23honourable lady for a question. She and I worked together on a

0:50:23 > 0:50:27cross-party working group on an independent complaints and grievance

0:50:27 > 0:50:29policy, and I thank sincerely for her work on it. Reports of bullying

0:50:29 > 0:50:35of house staff are of huge concern to me, and to honourable members

0:50:35 > 0:50:43right across the house. I am committed to stamping out all kinds

0:50:43 > 0:50:47of bullying and harassment in Parliament in order to create an

0:50:47 > 0:50:51environment in which everyone feels safe and is treated with the respect

0:50:51 > 0:50:55and dignity that they deserve. We can only achieve our goals in this

0:50:55 > 0:51:00house with the support of others. A great debt of gratitude is owed by

0:51:00 > 0:51:06us all to the house staff who support us behind the scenes. I

0:51:06 > 0:51:09myself have worked with a large knob of civil servants and staff of the

0:51:09 > 0:51:13house during my time in Parliament, from the clerks of the Treasury

0:51:13 > 0:51:18Select Committee to my private offices at the Treasury, in energy

0:51:18 > 0:51:23and Defra, and now to the team in the leaders's office, and the

0:51:23 > 0:51:25excellent secretariat that supported the working group. I have always

0:51:25 > 0:51:31been impressed and I am very grateful for the dedication,

0:51:31 > 0:51:35professionalism, high standards and courtesy that all the civil servants

0:51:35 > 0:51:38and house staff have shown. I know that many honourable and right

0:51:38 > 0:51:44honourable members across the house, and in the other place, would say

0:51:44 > 0:51:48the same. The house will be aware that significant progress has been

0:51:48 > 0:51:53made in recent months following the shocking report at the end of last

0:51:53 > 0:51:56year of sexual harassment, bullying and intimidation in this place. The

0:51:56 > 0:52:00working group that I'd shared set up by the Prime Minister has now

0:52:00 > 0:52:05published its report and it has been agreed by both houses -- that I

0:52:05 > 0:52:10chaired. Questions are in place to get the new independence complaint

0:52:10 > 0:52:13procedure up and running within the next three months. The honourable

0:52:13 > 0:52:17lady will recall that the working group wanted house staff to be

0:52:17 > 0:52:22included in the new complaints procedure from day one. However,

0:52:22 > 0:52:27following evidence taken and in consultation with the trade union

0:52:27 > 0:52:30representatives of house staff, it was agreed that the staff of the

0:52:30 > 0:52:34house would not immediately be covered by the new independent

0:52:34 > 0:52:37procedure, because they were already covered by the house's own respect

0:52:37 > 0:52:43policy. It was believed that the respect policy was working well and

0:52:43 > 0:52:49that house staff were satisfied with it. However, it was acknowledged

0:52:49 > 0:52:52during the working group evidence sessions that the respect policy did

0:52:52 > 0:52:57not cover complaints of sexual harassment and violence, and the

0:52:57 > 0:53:01aspiration of the working groups is to take up the question of whether

0:53:01 > 0:53:06house staff should have immediate access to the new independent

0:53:06 > 0:53:08complaints procedure, now that the report has been agreed by both

0:53:08 > 0:53:15houses. And following the Newsnight allegations, and others, it is clear

0:53:15 > 0:53:22that the respect policy may not be sufficient to protect house staff.

0:53:22 > 0:53:26I'm aware that the clerk of the House of Commons has written to

0:53:26 > 0:53:29staff saying they are unresolved issues over bullying and harassment

0:53:29 > 0:53:34including sexual harassment which needs to be addressed and this will

0:53:34 > 0:53:38include a review of the respect policy. The clerk of the House of

0:53:38 > 0:53:42Commons has also reassured staff who wish to come forward with complaints

0:53:42 > 0:53:47of bullying that they will be dealt with in the proper manner with the

0:53:47 > 0:53:50support of their managers and colleagues. It is right that

0:53:50 > 0:53:56everyone working for or with parliament regardless of position or

0:53:56 > 0:54:00seniority should have the same rights and protections and should be

0:54:00 > 0:54:07held to the same high standards. The house commission next meets on

0:54:07 > 0:54:12Monday the 19th of March next Monday, and I've given notice to my

0:54:12 > 0:54:14fellow members I will be recommending a short and dependent

0:54:14 > 0:54:20the lead inquiry by the house commission looking into allegations

0:54:20 > 0:54:25of systemic bullying of Parliamentary staff -- independent.

0:54:25 > 0:54:29I will propose the inquiry should hear from past and current staff

0:54:29 > 0:54:32members about their experiences and help to provide them with closure

0:54:32 > 0:54:37where ever possible. I would also propose that it should take

0:54:37 > 0:54:41soundings from current and former house staff on whether the respect

0:54:41 > 0:54:45policy is fit for purpose and whether house staff would be better

0:54:45 > 0:54:49served by having access to the new independent complaints and grievance

0:54:49 > 0:54:56policy from the first day. I'm more determined than ever that we banish

0:54:56 > 0:55:01all kinds of harassment and bullying from this place because make no

0:55:01 > 0:55:08mistake there is a need for change. Caroline Lucas.Thank you for

0:55:08 > 0:55:12granting this urgent cross-party question, and this isn't about party

0:55:12 > 0:55:18politics and political gain, it is about doing the right thing by the

0:55:18 > 0:55:21staff who support us on a daily basis and making sure the House of

0:55:21 > 0:55:24Commons leads by example would it comes to robust lead tackling

0:55:24 > 0:55:28workplace bullying and sexual misconduct. Members of the public

0:55:28 > 0:55:31will be shocked by the revelations of bullying at Westminster which

0:55:31 > 0:55:35were highlighted by Newsnight last week and I commend the leader for

0:55:35 > 0:55:41her ongoing work to establish the siege and the need for that because

0:55:41 > 0:55:45of the respect policy did not apply to large numbers of those working in

0:55:45 > 0:55:50Parliament -- established that. There are now considerable grounds

0:55:50 > 0:55:54to make sure the same policy does not have the confidence of the staff

0:55:54 > 0:55:58it is intended to protect and that the new procedure must be expanded

0:55:58 > 0:56:04to avoid a two tier system so ungrateful to the leader of the

0:56:04 > 0:56:07house that she broadly agrees with that and I'm pleased to hear about a

0:56:07 > 0:56:11new short inquiry but will she also confirmed very specifically that

0:56:11 > 0:56:14there will be a presumption in favour of historic allegations being

0:56:14 > 0:56:19thoroughly investigated should those affected choose to make formal

0:56:19 > 0:56:24complaints, either under the respect policy or the new procedure? Will

0:56:24 > 0:56:27she acknowledge the positive work she has led to date risks being

0:56:27 > 0:56:31undermined if we continue to allow sanctions to be determined by a

0:56:31 > 0:56:36committee on which MPs are effectively hold all the power? Will

0:56:36 > 0:56:39she agree that the whole process including sanctions must be handled

0:56:39 > 0:56:45by an independent body? Will she revisit whether good employer and

0:56:45 > 0:56:48consent training is an important part of culture change should start

0:56:48 > 0:56:52before the next election? The evidence is clear that it should. In

0:56:52 > 0:56:58the meantime can she make sure that further complaints will be treated

0:56:58 > 0:57:00with the seriousness and respect which they deserve and will not be

0:57:00 > 0:57:07dismissed as they were last Friday as grotesque exaggeration.The

0:57:07 > 0:57:17leader of the house.As I've already mentioned I certainly agree with the

0:57:17 > 0:57:20honourable lady and it was the aspiration of the working group to

0:57:20 > 0:57:27cover all staff working here in Parliament including staff of the

0:57:27 > 0:57:29house in our independent complaints procedure from the first day, and I

0:57:29 > 0:57:34share her concern that we should now take steps to make sure that that

0:57:34 > 0:57:39does become the case as soon as that independent policy is up and running

0:57:39 > 0:57:43which we intend to be within three months from now. Regarding the bond

0:57:43 > 0:57:52about historic allegations she will recall the working group made clear

0:57:52 > 0:57:56we will deal with historic allegations and it will be down to

0:57:56 > 0:58:00the working group to establish how that can be done. What the clerk of

0:58:00 > 0:58:03the House of Commons has made clear is that he will be looking to

0:58:03 > 0:58:09provide that reassurance to House staff that any historic allegations

0:58:09 > 0:58:14will be properly dealt with in the future. She mentions sanctions that

0:58:14 > 0:58:18those must be independent, that has been a part of the work of the

0:58:18 > 0:58:22working group and we are now looking very carefully and closely at how

0:58:22 > 0:58:24that impacts on the work of the independent Parliamentary

0:58:24 > 0:58:30Commissioner for standards and the standards committee itself where

0:58:30 > 0:58:35there are both Parliamentary members and lay members and that work is

0:58:35 > 0:58:38ongoing and later today I'm looking forward to meeting with the

0:58:38 > 0:58:42standards committee to have exactly the start of those discussions. She

0:58:42 > 0:58:47mentions consent training and in the working group we were clear that

0:58:47 > 0:58:52consent training should be something that all people not only who employ

0:58:52 > 0:58:55staff but who come into contact with other people, should be very clear

0:58:55 > 0:59:04about what constitutes consent and precisely what doesn't and I can

0:59:04 > 0:59:08assure the honourable lady I'm clear to provide the carrot that people

0:59:08 > 0:59:11want to take up the training but we did not have the levers at the time

0:59:11 > 0:59:18as we said to make it compulsory. And I totally share her desire to

0:59:18 > 0:59:21see all staff here treated with the dignity and respect that everybody

0:59:21 > 0:59:31in this place deserves.Mark Harper. Can I welcome what the leader of the

0:59:31 > 0:59:34house said about her short inquiry, and it seems to me a good test for

0:59:34 > 0:59:38her to adopt is to make sure that this house does what all

0:59:38 > 0:59:42organisations should do which is to make sure that everybody that works

0:59:42 > 0:59:46here whether they work for members of Parliament or they work for the

0:59:46 > 0:59:49house have the same processes and can be expecting to be treated to

0:59:49 > 0:59:56the same high standards and can she bring that measure in as soon as she

0:59:56 > 1:00:01can.I completely agree and I can assure him that that is the

1:00:01 > 1:00:08aspiration of the working group and that is my personal goal.Thank you.

1:00:08 > 1:00:13It is noted that you have granted the urgent question even though you

1:00:13 > 1:00:17are one of the people mentioned in media reports, but no one, critics

1:00:17 > 1:00:21or otherwise can deny your commitment to accountability and

1:00:21 > 1:00:27transparency and attempt to move the house forward, recognising diversity

1:00:27 > 1:00:32and modern customs and practice. The opposition take all allegations

1:00:32 > 1:00:39seriously and we want to accommodate everyone and I don't want to, Don

1:00:39 > 1:00:44individual cases, that is a matter for authorities, but I want to ask

1:00:44 > 1:00:47the leader of the house, is she aware of any formal complaints that

1:00:47 > 1:00:49have been instigated on the basis of the cases that have been reported

1:00:49 > 1:00:56and if so when? She has suggested an inquiry, and I'm very pleased that

1:00:56 > 1:00:59we can have this discussion at the commission and we look forward to

1:00:59 > 1:01:05that. Some cases predate the respect policy and I know that as a result

1:01:05 > 1:01:08of the work streams following the report of the working group into

1:01:08 > 1:01:13sexual harassment and bullying that that is also being amended and that

1:01:13 > 1:01:17there will be a new behaviour code and procedure that covers everyone

1:01:17 > 1:01:23working on the estate and in our constituencies. It is imperative

1:01:23 > 1:01:26that all staff working here feel they can raise any complaints and

1:01:26 > 1:01:31grievances immediately. Can the leader that has confirmed that she

1:01:31 > 1:01:35would agree to the president of the staff attending the steering group

1:01:35 > 1:01:42which I previously requested. The working group published its report

1:01:42 > 1:01:47in 2018, the steering group is monitoring the work carried out and

1:01:47 > 1:01:53I'm pleased they said permanent secretariat -- there is a permanent

1:01:53 > 1:01:57secretariat. The further work is being regressed to make sure that

1:01:57 > 1:02:02the grievance policy put into place is fair and robust. It is only when

1:02:02 > 1:02:08that is tested will we know if they work. There will be a continual

1:02:08 > 1:02:11process to find them until they are effective so everyone has confidence

1:02:11 > 1:02:18in them. Can the leader of the house say, and she has touched on the

1:02:18 > 1:02:21figure of three months, but we need to balance speed with making sure

1:02:21 > 1:02:25there is an effective process, whether this work will be completed

1:02:25 > 1:02:31by three months or at least by summer before the house rises? The

1:02:31 > 1:02:34opposition Labour Party takes all complaints of sexual harassment and

1:02:34 > 1:02:37abuse and discrimination extremely seriously so that anyone with a

1:02:37 > 1:02:43complaint comes forward and that all allegations can be fully

1:02:43 > 1:02:46investigated and any appropriate disciplinary action taken in line

1:02:46 > 1:02:54with the party's procedures. All of us have the utmost respect for the

1:02:54 > 1:02:58house clerks and any of us have had dealings with them on the various

1:02:58 > 1:03:01select committees know they are experts in their field and they

1:03:01 > 1:03:08offer vital assistance and advice to everyone. But I know everyone who

1:03:08 > 1:03:13works in whatever capacity knows that they play a vital role in

1:03:13 > 1:03:19making sure that our Parliament and our democracy thrives.The leader of

1:03:19 > 1:03:26the house.I thank the shadow leader of the house for her remarks and

1:03:26 > 1:03:30also I'm grateful to her for the part she played in the working group

1:03:30 > 1:03:32on setting up the independent complaints procedure and it was

1:03:32 > 1:03:39notable that there was unanimous support for establishment that

1:03:39 > 1:03:41independent procedure which the whole house can be very pleased

1:03:41 > 1:03:47about. Regarding her specific questions, GR is whether unaware of

1:03:47 > 1:03:51specific formal complaints and it was not in the terms of reference of

1:03:51 > 1:04:00the working group -- she asks whether I'm aware. It was not in the

1:04:00 > 1:04:04terms of reference to consider specific requests, but that I've had

1:04:04 > 1:04:07a number of people come to me and I've sought to deal where ever

1:04:07 > 1:04:09possible with complaints that have been brought to me but I don't

1:04:09 > 1:04:15propose to discuss any specific allegations in the chamber. She asks

1:04:15 > 1:04:23about a review of the respect policy for house staff and I can say to her

1:04:23 > 1:04:27that reading from the letter of the clerk of the house to house staff

1:04:27 > 1:04:30today, he says there are unresolved issues over bullying and harassment

1:04:30 > 1:04:33including sexual harassment which need to be addressed and the clerk

1:04:33 > 1:04:36of the house goes on to say that we will read this it and renew the

1:04:36 > 1:04:43respect policy. -- revisit. She asks whether the house authorities trade

1:04:43 > 1:04:48union representative will be invited to join the steering group and I

1:04:48 > 1:04:53believe that has happened, and she asks when will be finalised

1:04:53 > 1:04:59procedures be finished. We have set the aspiration that the bulk of it

1:04:59 > 1:05:06is done within three months and there will be a final vote in this

1:05:06 > 1:05:09house on changes necessary to standing orders and to adopt the

1:05:09 > 1:05:13behaviour code and we certainly expect and hope that will be before

1:05:13 > 1:05:23the house rises in the summary says. -- summer recess for the.Is it

1:05:23 > 1:05:26appropriate for Mr speaker to remain in his place when there are

1:05:26 > 1:05:28allegations against him which he is trying to suppress using taxpayer

1:05:28 > 1:05:35funded money by sending out letters through speakers cancelled. --

1:05:35 > 1:05:41speaker's council.The leader of the house.It is vital that all

1:05:41 > 1:05:44colleagues join together in supporting the efforts being made by

1:05:44 > 1:05:48this house to stamp out all bullying and harassment where ever we see it

1:05:48 > 1:05:53and to make sure that everybody will be treated in the future with the

1:05:53 > 1:06:03respect and dignity that they deserve.Can I congratulate the

1:06:03 > 1:06:06honourable lady for securing this urgent question and she like me will

1:06:06 > 1:06:12face these urgent questions, and it is something that comes as it'll

1:06:12 > 1:06:17surprise to any of us who has listened to the evidence as part of

1:06:17 > 1:06:26the working group -- little surprise. This endemic culture has

1:06:26 > 1:06:29got to be tackled and I'm sure the house is confident in the

1:06:29 > 1:06:36independent inquiry. Does the leader of the house agree that historical

1:06:36 > 1:06:41allegations must be considered and does she support the view that we

1:06:41 > 1:06:45will be helping victims past and present if we respond to such

1:06:45 > 1:06:50allegations? This is all part of the normalisation of bullying and

1:06:50 > 1:07:03harassment which continues to poison our politics. ... And last, does she

1:07:03 > 1:07:08share that all members, whether they work for this house or members of

1:07:08 > 1:07:13Parliament, are covered by the new behaviour code and will have access

1:07:13 > 1:07:19to the new complaints procedure as quickly as possible.I would like to

1:07:19 > 1:07:21pay tribute to the honourable gentleman for his part in the

1:07:21 > 1:07:24working group, he was assiduously attending meetings and taking a full

1:07:24 > 1:07:31part in the work and I'm grateful to him for his contribution. He asked

1:07:31 > 1:07:35how the independent inquiry will be conducted and clearly my intention

1:07:35 > 1:07:38is to make this proposal to the house commission and it will be a

1:07:38 > 1:07:43matter for the commission to agree whether to do that or not at the

1:07:43 > 1:07:45house commission is made up of a number of members from across the

1:07:45 > 1:07:51house including one from his own party but I would like to sit

1:07:51 > 1:07:53carried out by an independent individual who can hear from past

1:07:53 > 1:08:01and current members of the staff of the house so that person can be free

1:08:01 > 1:08:06of any input from either employers or indeed parliamentarians. And

1:08:06 > 1:08:10people can feel they can come forward in confidence. I completely

1:08:10 > 1:08:14agree with him, it would be letting people down if we fail to deal with

1:08:14 > 1:08:19it and it is vital that those who have passed allegations who feel the

1:08:19 > 1:08:22time has passed for them to doubt with seriously, can achieve some

1:08:22 > 1:08:27closure by coming forward and be heard in that way, and I also agree

1:08:27 > 1:08:31that it is demeaning to this house and to all of us if we fail to get a

1:08:31 > 1:08:36grip on it and that is why this house has shown such commitment is

1:08:36 > 1:08:38setting up an independent complaints and grievance policy which is the

1:08:38 > 1:08:43right way forward.

1:08:43 > 1:08:48I very much welcome the leader's statement, and she agree with me

1:08:48 > 1:08:52that sometimes the accused can be victims too? And that is why it is

1:08:52 > 1:08:56so important that we have an independent enquiry. But would she

1:08:56 > 1:09:02also agree with me that the House of Commons commission would not be an

1:09:02 > 1:09:05independent judge or jury, and indeed would not be seen to be as

1:09:05 > 1:09:10such, simply because of the very membership of that commission, and

1:09:10 > 1:09:14that it does need to be an independent individual, or group of

1:09:14 > 1:09:23individuals?Of course my honourable friend raises an important point,

1:09:23 > 1:09:26and during the working group evidence sessions, we were very

1:09:26 > 1:09:30conscious that it is important to protect both complainants, who are

1:09:30 > 1:09:34at the heart of the independent complaints procedure, but also the

1:09:34 > 1:09:39alleged perpetrator. It is important that justice is seen to be done, and

1:09:39 > 1:09:44that all parties are properly supported. He is also right to say

1:09:44 > 1:09:48that an enquiry led by the house commission could not be independent,

1:09:48 > 1:09:51which is why my recommendation to the house commission would be that

1:09:51 > 1:09:55it should be an independently lead enquiry into allegations of

1:09:55 > 1:10:03bullying.Can I say to the Leader of the House that when she chooses, as

1:10:03 > 1:10:09she has done today, to focus on the thoroughness and decency of the

1:10:09 > 1:10:11process of dealing with these issues, she will get support from

1:10:11 > 1:10:18right across this house? And she has mentioned several times the

1:10:18 > 1:10:22involvement of trade union representatives, so would she just

1:10:22 > 1:10:25join me in asserting that it is right that members of our staff and

1:10:25 > 1:10:30members of staff of this house are members of trade unions if they

1:10:30 > 1:10:34choose to be, and that their representatives ought to be involved

1:10:34 > 1:10:41at every stage of this process?The honourable lady gives me the

1:10:41 > 1:10:44opportunity to thank and pay tribute to the very good staff

1:10:44 > 1:10:51representatives who were on the working group, a representative from

1:10:51 > 1:10:56Unite, working as a researcher for a member of the Labour Party, the

1:10:56 > 1:11:01representative of the members and peers staff Association who works

1:11:01 > 1:11:05for a member of the Conservative Party and a representative of the

1:11:05 > 1:11:08NUJ, who works for the Scottish Nationalists here. They all made a

1:11:08 > 1:11:14great contribution and are to be commended for their contributions.

1:11:14 > 1:11:17Does my right honourable friend agree that unfortunately the system

1:11:17 > 1:11:22we have at the moment is that House of Commons staff believe that they

1:11:22 > 1:11:25make a complaint about bullying and harassment it would be taken

1:11:25 > 1:11:30seriously and secondly they believe it will be seriously detrimental to

1:11:30 > 1:11:33their future career? I welcome the fact we will have an independent

1:11:33 > 1:11:37investigation into the allegations we heard on Newsnight. When will

1:11:37 > 1:11:41that start and when will it complete?The house commission meets

1:11:41 > 1:11:46next Monday. I will be making that recommendation there and then that

1:11:46 > 1:11:53will start as soon as possible.The house is exceptionally well served

1:11:53 > 1:11:58by de Klerk star. I think that is a matter of common accord, so surely I

1:11:58 > 1:12:02hope it goes without saying that these complaints required to be

1:12:02 > 1:12:08investigated with the rigour in a conference of and independently. Mr

1:12:08 > 1:12:12Speaker, when you and I first entered the house, the house was

1:12:12 > 1:12:16almost entirely self-regulating. The position today is very, very

1:12:16 > 1:12:22different, but that change has come in a way that is piecemeal. What

1:12:22 > 1:12:28surely now is required is a proper comprehensibility again at the

1:12:28 > 1:12:34question of Parliamentary privilege and self-regulation. So can I say in

1:12:34 > 1:12:37welcoming the short independent enquiry that the leader seeks to

1:12:37 > 1:12:40establish that once that is done, she should apply her mind to

1:12:40 > 1:12:46revisiting the work of the joint committee set up in 1998 to look at

1:12:46 > 1:12:53the question of the extent of definition of Parliamentary

1:12:53 > 1:12:56privilege?I think the right honourable gentleman makes a very

1:12:56 > 1:13:01interesting observation and I will certainly look at it.Does the

1:13:01 > 1:13:05Leader of the House agree with me that every single individual

1:13:05 > 1:13:09complete made against a member reflects badly on each and every one

1:13:09 > 1:13:12of us in this place? And given the Newsnight allegation that the

1:13:12 > 1:13:16policies and play was not up to scratch, and certainly was something

1:13:16 > 1:13:21we decided amongst ourselves, though she agree with me that we not only

1:13:21 > 1:13:24need an independent investigation but we also need an external

1:13:24 > 1:13:31independent body to establish our board policy going forward?I hope I

1:13:31 > 1:13:34can reassure my honourable friend that the independence grievance

1:13:34 > 1:13:38policy we are in the process of establishing will ensure that the

1:13:38 > 1:13:42culture in this place changes to the benefit of all who work here. But I

1:13:42 > 1:13:48would also just like to say that many honourable members are very

1:13:48 > 1:13:52troubled by these allegations. That is as ever a small minority of

1:13:52 > 1:13:55people who behave badly and he is right to point out that it demeans

1:13:55 > 1:14:01all of us when a fewer of us behave badly.Mr Speaker, having been in

1:14:01 > 1:14:07the house quite a long time, I recall in nearly days that if

1:14:07 > 1:14:10warnings to particularly young women of this house was not just a certain

1:14:10 > 1:14:14small group of members of parliament but some senior clerks who were

1:14:14 > 1:14:20known to be bullies, and as chair of the anti-bullying group of MPs for

1:14:20 > 1:14:24some years, I have been fighting everyone's corner in that respect,

1:14:24 > 1:14:30and I have to say in recent years I have never known a speaker as

1:14:30 > 1:14:34strong, in terms of reforming that particular part of our lives. But

1:14:34 > 1:14:39can I urge her to get on with as quickly. We want justice to be seen

1:14:39 > 1:14:45and to be seen to be done, but I also want this committee to know

1:14:45 > 1:14:48there are certain, only a tiny minority of members of this house

1:14:48 > 1:14:51have used this, it is a must like a new kind of McCarthyism, you know,

1:14:51 > 1:14:57to name someone from someone is put into purge on that side or the side

1:14:57 > 1:15:02with no redress, dreadful things happening to their families, one

1:15:02 > 1:15:08doesn't even know what happens to the families and the members who are

1:15:08 > 1:15:11accused. There is a danger of a kind of political McCarthyism that we

1:15:11 > 1:15:16also have two stamp out in this place.So again I would remind the

1:15:16 > 1:15:20honourable gentleman the independent complaints procedure will be exactly

1:15:20 > 1:15:23that, it will be independent, it will be confidential, so that

1:15:23 > 1:15:26complainants who very often don't want to come forward, for fear of

1:15:26 > 1:15:32having to then deal with the person they are accusing, so they will come

1:15:32 > 1:15:37forward in confidence. The alleged perpetrator will also be able to

1:15:37 > 1:15:42have their side of the story hurt in confidence. There will therefore be

1:15:42 > 1:15:46natural justice rules applied to the entire process, but there will also

1:15:46 > 1:15:49be very serious sanctions for wrongdoing. I genuinely believe that

1:15:49 > 1:15:53this work will change the culture in Parliament. It will take us to a new

1:15:53 > 1:15:57stage where people can come forward and it will make people think twice

1:15:57 > 1:16:02about some of their attitudes.I appreciate there may be problems

1:16:02 > 1:16:06with definition. Lots of these cases would have been investigated and

1:16:06 > 1:16:10often at best the details will be sketchy at this stage. But can the

1:16:10 > 1:16:13Leader of the House give a house an indication of the scale of this

1:16:13 > 1:16:18issue? How many cases of abuse of house or members staff have been

1:16:18 > 1:16:24brought to her attention in her recent dealings with this issue?I

1:16:24 > 1:16:30don't really think I can give my honourable friend and idea of the

1:16:30 > 1:16:34scale of the problem. I think like all honourable members different

1:16:34 > 1:16:39cases appear in the media and it is very difficult to understand the

1:16:39 > 1:16:43enormity and range of the problem. But suffice to say that going

1:16:43 > 1:16:46forward I think across this house we are determined to see change for the

1:16:46 > 1:16:52better.I welcome the Leader of the House's emphasis she has placed on

1:16:52 > 1:16:59June process, -- due process, and complainants have to be taken

1:16:59 > 1:17:04seriously. The person who is being complaint against also has rights

1:17:04 > 1:17:08and a case should be heard on the basis of evidence. I think that is

1:17:08 > 1:17:11really a potent in this whole process will stop Krygios of say a

1:17:11 > 1:17:15word about the independent commission of Parliamentary

1:17:15 > 1:17:22standards that we currently have, and they can be put to the

1:17:22 > 1:17:26Parliamentary privileges committee. That is also a route that needs to

1:17:26 > 1:17:31be incorporated into the new process she is envisaging.The honourable

1:17:31 > 1:17:34gentleman is exactly right and indeed that is part of the process.

1:17:34 > 1:17:40Very specifically, it is heard in confidence, and if there is a

1:17:40 > 1:17:43finding against the alleged perpetrator that would then in the

1:17:43 > 1:17:48case of a member of Parliament being complained about go to the

1:17:48 > 1:17:49Parliamentary Commissioner for standards, who would either carry

1:17:49 > 1:17:55out an appeal and look at the evidence again or find against the

1:17:55 > 1:17:59member, or find that there is no cause to answer, and then she will

1:17:59 > 1:18:02have expanded sanctions at a lower level, or indeed she will pass it

1:18:02 > 1:18:06onto the committee for standards for them to consider, including

1:18:06 > 1:18:10recommending suspension to this house, which could lead to the

1:18:10 > 1:18:17recall of members of Parliament act 2015 being invoked.Does the Leader

1:18:17 > 1:18:24of the House agree that any member of staff who feels that he or she

1:18:24 > 1:18:30has been bullied must have an absolute guarantee that their career

1:18:30 > 1:18:37will not suffer in any way if they make a complaint? And if they have

1:18:37 > 1:18:42that guarantee, does she agree that the reputation of members of

1:18:42 > 1:18:46Parliament should not be sullied by accusations that they are bullies

1:18:46 > 1:18:53unless a complaint against them has actually been made?Yes, I think my

1:18:53 > 1:18:57honourable friend sums it up very well. It is vital that complainants

1:18:57 > 1:19:01are protected, so they can come forward in confidence and not be

1:19:01 > 1:19:06further victimised, but it is also essential that people who are

1:19:06 > 1:19:09complained about have the opportunity to put their side of the

1:19:09 > 1:19:19story, and to receive proper justice.Can I commend the leader of

1:19:19 > 1:19:22this house on their counterparts and indeed you yourself Mr Speaker in

1:19:22 > 1:19:25response to these issues so far. As the Leader of the House agree with

1:19:25 > 1:19:30me that this is a moment for each and every one of us to reflect on

1:19:30 > 1:19:34our behaviour and constantly reflect on our behaviour? Because it is not

1:19:34 > 1:19:39about what we judge to deem the appropriate behaviour but how we

1:19:39 > 1:19:43make others feel is the critical issue, and that is why the

1:19:43 > 1:19:46independent nature of her proposals is so critical, because this has to

1:19:46 > 1:19:52be without political fear or favour, or political campaigns against

1:19:52 > 1:19:54opponents or anybody else, so that people can come forward in that

1:19:54 > 1:20:01regard.Yes, she's exactly right. The power dynamic, the idea that you

1:20:01 > 1:20:06behave is not necessarily how you are seen to behave, is incredibly

1:20:06 > 1:20:09important in this, and certainly in the working Group evidence we took a

1:20:09 > 1:20:15lot of witness statements about exactly that and it is vital that we

1:20:15 > 1:20:22take that into account.Due process sometimes takes a very long time.

1:20:22 > 1:20:28Could I ask the Leader of the House too insular that due process pull to

1:20:28 > 1:20:31ensure that due process should be as speedily as possible in the case of

1:20:31 > 1:20:36everyone?I completely agree with my honourable friend and I think we are

1:20:36 > 1:20:40quite proud that we move very quickly with the independent

1:20:40 > 1:20:43complaints procedure but at the same time we are doing a thorough job and

1:20:43 > 1:20:51that is our plan.The industrial tribunal has to be registered under

1:20:51 > 1:20:56the Ministry of Justice. In the interest of transparency, will the

1:20:56 > 1:21:02Leader of the House publish all industrial tribunal applications

1:21:02 > 1:21:04that have been registered against members of Parliament or indeed

1:21:04 > 1:21:10against the House of Commons?I don't believe that would be a matter

1:21:10 > 1:21:17for me that I would certainly look into it.Thank you, Mr Speaker. Can

1:21:17 > 1:21:21I put on record my support for the work that the Leader of the House

1:21:21 > 1:21:26and the speaker and all the numbers have been doing since November on

1:21:26 > 1:21:29this issue. She agree with me that we need to take the politics out of

1:21:29 > 1:21:35this altogether? If people are to have confidence that we truly are

1:21:35 > 1:21:39listening, that victims will be believed and that we will have a

1:21:39 > 1:21:44proper process, then it is time for professionals, not the press or

1:21:44 > 1:21:49political expediency, to lead this process?I completely agree with the

1:21:49 > 1:21:56honourable lady, the Independent is absolutely vital.I can assure you I

1:21:56 > 1:22:00have great respect for all staff I work with, but I was also the guinea

1:22:00 > 1:22:05pig in 2012 after a record phone hacking report for the original

1:22:05 > 1:22:10respect policy. I was flayed by selective leaking then six years ago

1:22:10 > 1:22:14and it has just happened again now, so I would ask the Leader of the

1:22:14 > 1:22:18House and honourable members before they jump to judgment after what was

1:22:18 > 1:22:20a very one-sided selective BBC broadcast that they approached the

1:22:20 > 1:22:24cases that have been raised in a more balanced way, and that they

1:22:24 > 1:22:29also consider the reasons why the original respect policy was scrapped

1:22:29 > 1:22:35in the first place as not fit for purpose. But they also give

1:22:35 > 1:22:38consideration to the disparity of report of MPs that are complained

1:22:38 > 1:22:41against especially when the complaints have the backing of the

1:22:41 > 1:22:45very well resourced First Division 's Association in particular.

1:22:45 > 1:22:49Perhaps finally I might ask the house to consider why historical old

1:22:49 > 1:22:52allegations like this are being selected and recycled now and by

1:22:52 > 1:22:56whom, because whatever is at play, this is not a game, for reputations

1:22:56 > 1:23:04or families.What I've would say to the honourable gentleman is that the

1:23:04 > 1:23:09advantage of an independent complaints procedure is that it

1:23:09 > 1:23:12exists, and will exist, for people to be able to come forward with

1:23:12 > 1:23:16confidence, and with confidentiality, and what that means

1:23:16 > 1:23:20is they at long last to have somewhere they can go and make their

1:23:20 > 1:23:23complaint without just going straight to the press, which, as he

1:23:23 > 1:23:33raises, has caused some difficulties.

1:23:33 > 1:23:35The working group recommends training by the end of Parliament

1:23:35 > 1:23:39and clearly that is inappropriate, with they make sure that everyone

1:23:39 > 1:23:45has face-to-face training within this year? -- with they make sure.

1:23:45 > 1:23:48You're not quite right, trading is essential for all members across the

1:23:48 > 1:23:53house in a wide variety of areas -- training. There are measures brought

1:23:53 > 1:23:56forward to encourage people to take training and we have said in their

1:23:56 > 1:24:01in Dutch and new members will receive compulsory training -- in

1:24:01 > 1:24:06their induction.Could the leader of the house clarify that if a member

1:24:06 > 1:24:12of the House of Commons staff raises a complaint in the next few days,

1:24:12 > 1:24:17what policy or procedure with that complaint be dealt with?Currently

1:24:17 > 1:24:23members of house staff who are complaining about allegations of

1:24:23 > 1:24:26bullying or inappropriate behaviour will come under the house respect

1:24:26 > 1:24:32policy which was established a few years back. What the working group

1:24:32 > 1:24:37is doing is creating an independent and paints procedure and the house

1:24:37 > 1:24:41staff were not going to be subject or able to take advantage of the

1:24:41 > 1:24:45independent complaints procedure and it is that that we now want to look

1:24:45 > 1:24:52at again -- independent complaints procedure. I have huge respect for

1:24:52 > 1:24:54the staff of this

1:24:56 > 1:25:02and my experiences have been excellent, but can I addmy voice to

1:25:02 > 1:25:11those who are calling for due process, we have got to be

1:25:11 > 1:25:20respectful of the complainant and the subject of the complaint, and we

1:25:20 > 1:25:23have got to be wary of prejudicing any process or give the impression

1:25:23 > 1:25:28that it is politicised or personalised in the way they

1:25:28 > 1:25:34approach it.What I can say, the working group put the complainant at

1:25:34 > 1:25:38the heart of this procedure and what was very clear from the evidence is

1:25:38 > 1:25:42that people will only come forward if they feel they will be treated in

1:25:42 > 1:25:52confidence and then they won't be plastered all over the newspapers.

1:25:52 > 1:25:56Bullying and harassment occur in all walks of life and in all

1:25:56 > 1:25:59professions, and whilst important if the person is listened to and the

1:25:59 > 1:26:04matter is investigated independently, but, we must also

1:26:04 > 1:26:08remember that the golden thread that runs between our English law which

1:26:08 > 1:26:14is you are innocent until proven guilty.Yes, the laws of natural

1:26:14 > 1:26:21justice have been applied to the new independent complaints procedure.

1:26:21 > 1:26:26When I was a unite rap in the NHS I represented members on both sides on

1:26:26 > 1:26:32bullying and harassment cases -- representative. One thing that would

1:26:32 > 1:26:36have made it difficult was if there had been a two tier system in

1:26:36 > 1:26:41operation and so will the leader make sure that we moved to a system

1:26:41 > 1:26:49of robust policy for everyone that works in this house?I can certainly

1:26:49 > 1:26:52tell the honourable lady that it was the ambition of the working group

1:26:52 > 1:26:55that everyone here would have access to the independent complaints

1:26:55 > 1:26:59procedure and it is our intention to look at that again.Chris Brown.

1:26:59 > 1:27:13Even today the vast majority of LGB -- LGBT students will face bullying

1:27:13 > 1:27:16and that is why they are more likely to take their own lives, many

1:27:16 > 1:27:20schools have said let's build a tolerance school but sometimes that

1:27:20 > 1:27:26feels as if we are being tolerated as homosexuals. The keyword is

1:27:26 > 1:27:31respect, for one another, whatever our political views and whatever our

1:27:31 > 1:27:37agenda and whatever our religious views, and the anyway we can change

1:27:37 > 1:27:40that culture is if we make sure that every single one of us is fully and

1:27:40 > 1:27:46properly trained, not only the first time you come into this house, but

1:27:46 > 1:27:52every time we are returned by our voters.I agree, respect is key and

1:27:52 > 1:27:56that's what we are determined to achieve, workplace environment in

1:27:56 > 1:27:59Parliament that is amongst the best in the world and that treats

1:27:59 > 1:28:04everyone with the respect and dignity they deserve.We have noted

1:28:04 > 1:28:12each other Mr speaker, -- known each other, Mr speaker, for many years,

1:28:12 > 1:28:16we have had strong and heated disagreements about many issues over

1:28:16 > 1:28:20the years, and I could not be described as a cheerleader by any

1:28:20 > 1:28:23means, but I do think there has got to be a fair and proper process and

1:28:23 > 1:28:27it can't be based on anonymous briefings to the press and it can't

1:28:27 > 1:28:31be based on political disagreements and it can't be based on score

1:28:31 > 1:28:40settling.The leader of the house.I would say that the whole purpose of

1:28:40 > 1:28:42the independent complaints and grievance policy is to make sure

1:28:42 > 1:28:47that there is justice for the complainant and also for the person

1:28:47 > 1:28:53alleged to have carried out the wrongdoing.Thank you. Order.

1:28:53 > 1:29:00Statement, the Prime Minister.With permission I would like to update

1:29:00 > 1:29:03the House on the incident in Salisbury and the steps we are

1:29:03 > 1:29:07taking to investigate what happened and to respond to this reckless and

1:29:07 > 1:29:12despicable act. Last week my right honourable friend is the foreign and

1:29:12 > 1:29:16Home Secretary 's set out the details of events as they unfolded

1:29:16 > 1:29:21on Sunday the 4th of March and I'm sure the whole house will want to

1:29:21 > 1:29:24once again paid tribute to the bravery and professionalism of our

1:29:24 > 1:29:29emergency services and Armed Forces in responding to this incident as

1:29:29 > 1:29:33well as the doctors and nurses who are treating those affected. Our

1:29:33 > 1:29:37thoughts in but it can with Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey who

1:29:37 > 1:29:42remains in a serious but stable condition -- our thoughts in

1:29:42 > 1:29:44particular. He exemplified the duty and courage that define our

1:29:44 > 1:29:50emergency services and which our nation the greatest pride. I want to

1:29:50 > 1:29:55pay tribute to the fortitude and calmness with which people in

1:29:55 > 1:29:59Salisbury have responded to these events and to thank all those in

1:29:59 > 1:30:04come forward to assist the police with their investigation. This

1:30:04 > 1:30:07incident has of course caused considerable concern across the

1:30:07 > 1:30:11community and following the discussion of traces of nerve agent

1:30:11 > 1:30:16in the restaurant and the pub, the Chief Medical Officer issued further

1:30:16 > 1:30:19advice, but as Public Health England have made clear the risk to public

1:30:19 > 1:30:25health is very low. I share the impatience of this house and the

1:30:25 > 1:30:28country at large to bring those responsible to justice and to take

1:30:28 > 1:30:32the full range of appropriate responses against those who would

1:30:32 > 1:30:38act against our country in this way. But as a nation that believes in

1:30:38 > 1:30:41justice and the rule of law it is essential that we proceed in the

1:30:41 > 1:30:47right way led not by speculation but by the evidence. That is why we have

1:30:47 > 1:30:51given the police the space and time to carry out their investigation

1:30:51 > 1:30:54properly, hundreds of others as have been working round the clock

1:30:54 > 1:30:59together with experts from the Armed Forces to assess all the available

1:30:59 > 1:31:03evidence and to identify crime scenes and decontamination sites and

1:31:03 > 1:31:08to follow every possible lead to find those responsible. That

1:31:08 > 1:31:10investigation continues and we must allow the police to continue with

1:31:10 > 1:31:16their work. This morning I chaired a meeting of the national security

1:31:16 > 1:31:21council in which we considered the information so far available. As is

1:31:21 > 1:31:23normal decals was updated on the assessment and intelligence picture

1:31:23 > 1:31:28as well as the state of the investigation -- as is normal the

1:31:28 > 1:31:31council was updated. It is clear that Sergei Skripal and his daughter

1:31:31 > 1:31:36were poisoned with a military grade nerve agent of eight type developed

1:31:36 > 1:31:41by Russia and this is part of a group of nerve agents. Based on the

1:31:41 > 1:31:44positive identification of this chemical agent by world leading

1:31:44 > 1:31:50experts at the defence science and technology laboratory, our knowledge

1:31:50 > 1:31:54that Russia has been reproduced this ageing and would still be capable of

1:31:54 > 1:31:59doing so -- this agent. Russia's record of sponsoring state

1:31:59 > 1:32:08assassinations and our view that Russia sees some defectors as

1:32:08 > 1:32:11legitimate targets for assassination and so the government has concluded

1:32:11 > 1:32:16that Russia was highly likely to be responsible for the act against

1:32:16 > 1:32:20Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal, and there are only two possible

1:32:20 > 1:32:27explanation for what happened. Either this was a direct act by the

1:32:27 > 1:32:30Russian State or the Russian government lost control of its

1:32:30 > 1:32:32potentially catastrophically damaging nerve agent and allowed it

1:32:32 > 1:32:37to get into the hands of others. My right honourable friend the Foreign

1:32:37 > 1:32:40Secretary has some of the Russian ambassador to the Foreign and

1:32:40 > 1:32:45Commonwealth Office and asked him to explain which of these two

1:32:45 > 1:32:49possibilities it is. Therefore to account for how this Russian

1:32:49 > 1:32:54produced nerve agent could have been deployed in Salisbury against Sergei

1:32:54 > 1:32:59Skripal and his daughter. My right honourable friend has stated to the

1:32:59 > 1:33:02ambassador that the Russian Federation must immediately provide

1:33:02 > 1:33:09full and complete disclosure of the nerve agent programme for the

1:33:09 > 1:33:13Prohibition of chemical weapons and he is requested the ration

1:33:13 > 1:33:17government was not response by the end of tomorrow. This action has

1:33:17 > 1:33:20happened against a backdrop of a well-established pattern of Russian

1:33:20 > 1:33:25state aggression. Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea was the first

1:33:25 > 1:33:28time since the Second World War that one sovereign nation has forcibly

1:33:28 > 1:33:36taken territory from another in Europe and Russia has fermented

1:33:36 > 1:33:42conflict in the Dundas and violated the airspace of several countries

1:33:42 > 1:33:48and this is included meddling in elections and packing the Danish

1:33:48 > 1:33:53Ministry of Defence and the Bundestag. During his recent State

1:33:53 > 1:33:58of the union address Vladimir Putin showed video graphics of missile

1:33:58 > 1:34:03launches and fight to deck trees and explosions including the modelling

1:34:03 > 1:34:06of a attack on the United States with a series of warheads impacting

1:34:06 > 1:34:12in Florida while the extrajudicial killing of terrorists outside Russia

1:34:12 > 1:34:18were given legal sanction by the Russian parliament in 2006. And of

1:34:18 > 1:34:24course Russia used radiological substances in its barbaric assault

1:34:24 > 1:34:26on Alexander Litvinenko, weasel promises to assist the investigation

1:34:26 > 1:34:35then but they resulted in denial -- we saw promises. And the stifling of

1:34:35 > 1:34:39due process and the rule of law, and following the death of Alexander

1:34:39 > 1:34:43Litvinenko we expel Russian diplomats and suspended co-operation

1:34:43 > 1:34:47and broke off bilateral plans and froze the assets of the suspects and

1:34:47 > 1:34:50put them on international extradition lists and these measures

1:34:50 > 1:34:55remain in place. Furthermore our commitment to collective defence and

1:34:55 > 1:34:58security through Nato remains as strong as ever in the face of

1:34:58 > 1:35:03Russian behaviour and indeed our Armed Forces have a leading role in

1:35:03 > 1:35:11Nato's enhanced with presence with British troops leading a group in

1:35:11 > 1:35:13Estonia and we have led the way in securing TASS actions against the

1:35:13 > 1:35:24Russian economy and we have at all stages worked closely with our

1:35:24 > 1:35:27allies and we must now stand ready to take more extensive measures for

1:35:27 > 1:35:31the Wednesday we will consider in detail the response from the Russian

1:35:31 > 1:35:33state and should there be no credible response we will conclude

1:35:33 > 1:35:38that this action amounts to an unlawful use of force by the Russian

1:35:38 > 1:35:45state against the UK. And I will come back to this house and set out

1:35:45 > 1:35:49the full range of measures that we will take in response. This

1:35:49 > 1:35:55attempted murder using a weapons grade nerve agent in a British town

1:35:55 > 1:35:59was not just a crime against Sergei Skripal and his daughter, it was an

1:35:59 > 1:36:03indiscriminate and reckless act against the UK putting the lives of

1:36:03 > 1:36:07innocent civilians at risk. And we will not tolerate such a brazen

1:36:07 > 1:36:12attempt to murder innocent civilians on our soil. I commend this

1:36:12 > 1:36:20statement to the house.Jeremy Corbyn.I would like to thank the

1:36:20 > 1:36:24Prime Minister in advance... For an advance copy of her statement on

1:36:24 > 1:36:29this deeply alarming attack which raises very serious questions. The

1:36:29 > 1:36:32whole house condemns the suspected poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his

1:36:32 > 1:36:35daughter in Salisbury and of course we wish them a return to good

1:36:35 > 1:36:40health. I'm sure the whole house will join me in wishing Detective

1:36:40 > 1:36:44Sergeant Nick Bailey a speedy recovery as well, no member of our

1:36:44 > 1:36:47police force and nobody on the streets of Britain should ever face

1:36:47 > 1:36:53such an attack that alone with chemical weapons. I thank the Prime

1:36:53 > 1:36:57Minister for updating the house, the investigation into the shocking

1:36:57 > 1:37:01events in Salisbury must reach its conclusions and we need to see the

1:37:01 > 1:37:07evidence and a full account from the Russian authorities in light of

1:37:07 > 1:37:11emerging evidence that the Prime Minister has just referred to. For

1:37:11 > 1:37:16now can the Prime Minister clarify what level of threat it was believed

1:37:16 > 1:37:20Sergei Skripal faced at the time of the attack and what security

1:37:20 > 1:37:26protection if any was deemed necessary for him and his daughter?

1:37:26 > 1:37:30This morning the Conservative chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee

1:37:30 > 1:37:38said, I would be surprised if the Prime Minister did not point the

1:37:38 > 1:37:45finger at the Kremlin, and the honourable man but also accused the

1:37:45 > 1:37:49Russians of -- honourable member also accused the Russians of

1:37:49 > 1:37:53behaving aggressively in this country for the we need a dialogue

1:37:53 > 1:37:57in Russia with all the issues in our country both domestic and

1:37:57 > 1:37:59international, rather than simply cutting off contact and letting the

1:37:59 > 1:38:08tensions and divisions get worse and potentially even more dangerous.

1:38:08 > 1:38:13Mr Speaker, we are all familiar with the way huge fortunes often acquired

1:38:13 > 1:38:16in the most dubious circumstances in Russia sometimes connected with

1:38:16 > 1:38:22criminal elements have ended up sheltering in London and trying to

1:38:22 > 1:38:28buy political influence in British party politics. Meddling in

1:38:28 > 1:38:33elections, as the Prime Minister put it, and there has been over £800,000

1:38:33 > 1:38:40worth of donations to the Conservative Party from Russian

1:38:40 > 1:38:54oligarchs and their associates. So, Mr Speaker, if that is the evidence

1:38:54 > 1:38:57before the government even before the investigation into Salisbury is

1:38:57 > 1:39:05complete, the government could be taking action to introduce new

1:39:05 > 1:39:11financial sanctions powers. But instead, Mr Speaker, they are

1:39:11 > 1:39:16currently resisting Labour's amendments to sanctions and

1:39:16 > 1:39:22money-laundering bell, which could introduce the so-called magnate Skip

1:39:22 > 1:39:28ours, so will the Prime Minister agreed today to back those

1:39:28 > 1:39:39amendments to the money-laundering bell? More specifically...Order,

1:39:39 > 1:39:43there can be strongly held opinions and inflamed passions, but I do

1:39:43 > 1:39:48appear to colleagues who sincerity and integrity I don't doubt to

1:39:48 > 1:39:53remember that we hear views, and other colleagues will be heard, but

1:39:53 > 1:40:05the right honourable gentleman must be had.

1:40:09 > 1:40:18And ensure they come forward and are checked? What extra resources are

1:40:18 > 1:40:21being provided to the local police force which quite understandably

1:40:21 > 1:40:29have never had to deal with such an incident before. We know that a

1:40:29 > 1:40:31cross country the National health services incredible pressure is at

1:40:31 > 1:40:36the moment, but what extra resources have been provided to NHS hospitals

1:40:36 > 1:40:44in and around Salisbury, and what training has been given to NHS staff

1:40:44 > 1:40:47and GPs in identifying the symptoms from a nerve agent attack? Mr

1:40:47 > 1:40:54Speaker, the events in Salisbury on 4th of March have appalled the

1:40:54 > 1:40:56country and need thorough investigation. The local community

1:40:56 > 1:41:04and public services involved need reassurances and the resources

1:41:04 > 1:41:11necessary. The action the government takes needs to be both decisive and

1:41:11 > 1:41:14proportionate, once the facts are clear, and focused on ridges in

1:41:14 > 1:41:20conflicts and tensions rather than increasing them. I join the Prime

1:41:20 > 1:41:24Minister in paying tribute to the magnificent work of our public

1:41:24 > 1:41:30services, responding to this attack, the NHS staff, the police and

1:41:30 > 1:41:32security services, the Armed Forces and the analysts from Porton down.

1:41:32 > 1:41:37Let us do everything we can to ensure this never, never happens

1:41:37 > 1:41:40again.

1:41:45 > 1:41:48Can I first of all said to the right honourable gentleman that I'm sure

1:41:48 > 1:41:52everybody in the whole house sends their best wishes to all those who

1:41:52 > 1:41:58have suffered as a result of this incident and wish them a recovery.

1:41:58 > 1:42:02In the case of Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, I saw a quote which I

1:42:02 > 1:42:05was not surprised that, because I have heard it from so many police

1:42:05 > 1:42:11officers who have been in dangerous situations before, that he was

1:42:11 > 1:42:15merely doing his job, and we are grateful to him and all of our

1:42:15 > 1:42:18police officers and the emergency services for doing that. We don't

1:42:18 > 1:42:25comment on the threats in relation to individual cases, but of course

1:42:25 > 1:42:30the police and others always look to ensure that we are taking these

1:42:30 > 1:42:34matters fully into account, and taking them very seriously. In

1:42:34 > 1:42:37relation to Russia, we have a very simple approach to Russia, which is

1:42:37 > 1:42:42engaged but beware, and I think this shows how right it is that this

1:42:42 > 1:42:44government has been cautious in relation to arrangements with

1:42:44 > 1:42:50Russia. I set out in my Mansion house speech last November very

1:42:50 > 1:42:55clearly the concerns we have about the activities of Russia. It is a

1:42:55 > 1:42:58matter I have discussed with fellow leaders at the European council, I

1:42:58 > 1:43:04think we must be all very well aware of the various ways in which Russia

1:43:04 > 1:43:08is affecting activity across the continent and elsewhere. There can

1:43:08 > 1:43:13be no question of business as usual with Russia. The right honourable

1:43:13 > 1:43:18gentleman raised the issue of party donations. I will say two things to

1:43:18 > 1:43:23him, firstly as my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the

1:43:23 > 1:43:27Exchequer said at the weekend, you should not car anybody who lives in

1:43:27 > 1:43:32this country of Russian extraction with the same brush. And secondly

1:43:32 > 1:43:36there are rules on party political donations, and I can assure him that

1:43:36 > 1:43:44my party and I hope all parties follow those rules. He talked about

1:43:44 > 1:43:47the Magnitsky powers, this is an issue that I have been challenged on

1:43:47 > 1:43:52previously on this question, where we do have already some of the

1:43:52 > 1:44:00powers that are being prepared, but we have already been talking with

1:44:00 > 1:44:04all parties about the amendment that has been put down, and we will work

1:44:04 > 1:44:09to others to ensure that we have the maximum possible consensus before

1:44:09 > 1:44:16the report stage. He also raised the question of police capabilities and

1:44:16 > 1:44:19resources. Not only are Wiltshire Police involved in this, but they

1:44:19 > 1:44:22have support from neighbouring forces, as would normally happen

1:44:22 > 1:44:29when an incident takes place which requires that extra capability. But,

1:44:29 > 1:44:33crucially, at a very early stage, it was decided that counterterrorism

1:44:33 > 1:44:36police should take over the response for this because the

1:44:36 > 1:44:41counterterrorism police network as capabilities which are not available

1:44:41 > 1:44:44to regional forces, and they are indeed in charge in relation to

1:44:44 > 1:44:50this. And I can assure the right honourable gentleman that boccia

1:44:50 > 1:44:53county council, Salisbury City Council are working with Public

1:44:53 > 1:44:56Health England, the NHS locally, working with the police to ensure

1:44:56 > 1:45:01that there is maximum information available to members of the public.

1:45:01 > 1:45:03The Chief Medical Officer has herself reassured members of the

1:45:03 > 1:45:08public that the public health risk is locum and to ensure that the

1:45:08 > 1:45:12proper arrangements are being put in place to help the police to get on

1:45:12 > 1:45:17with their enquiries and that is important. The police are still

1:45:17 > 1:45:20working, investigating this, and we should ensure they have the time and

1:45:20 > 1:45:29space to be would conduct these investigations.May I commend my

1:45:29 > 1:45:32right honourable friend for rising to this occasion, as she should.

1:45:32 > 1:45:38Many in this house would wish the Leader of the Opposition had

1:45:38 > 1:45:52abandoned party politics and done just the same. She is quite right,

1:45:52 > 1:45:56if the response from the Russian ambassador is simply not credible,

1:45:56 > 1:46:01she is quite right to expect the house to back her in taking the most

1:46:01 > 1:46:05severe action as is required and commence at, and she is also right

1:46:05 > 1:46:09to remind the house and the country that this country, Russia, is now

1:46:09 > 1:46:16close to being a rogue state as any. It occupies Crimea, it has helped

1:46:16 > 1:46:21occupy eastern Ukraine, it has created a hell on earth in Syria,

1:46:21 > 1:46:28and is even now overseeing worst action. This is a country locking up

1:46:28 > 1:46:32its members of the opposition. It is a country frankly we have learned

1:46:32 > 1:46:35this lesson before, if we appease a country like this then we expect

1:46:35 > 1:46:41even worse.I thank my right honourable friend for his remarks,

1:46:41 > 1:46:47and he is absolutely right. Nobody should be in any doubt of the

1:46:47 > 1:46:50various activities that the Russian state is involved in across the

1:46:50 > 1:46:56continent of Europe and elsewhere. And the damage that that is doing in

1:46:56 > 1:47:01so many different places, and he is absolutely right that that is why it

1:47:01 > 1:47:06is important that this government, that this country, stands up very

1:47:06 > 1:47:10clearly and not only calls out actions by Russia, but also ensures

1:47:10 > 1:47:18that we have a robust response to them.Thank you, Mr Speaker. I would

1:47:18 > 1:47:21like to thank the Prime Minister for advance copy of her statement and

1:47:21 > 1:47:25share with her the concerns around the recent attack in Salisbury. It

1:47:25 > 1:47:28is important that we all work together to get to the bottom of

1:47:28 > 1:47:35what has happened here. Mr Speaker, there can be no denying that this

1:47:35 > 1:47:38assassination attempt on Mr Sergei Skripal and his daughter is not only

1:47:38 > 1:47:45a step too far by those responsible, but calls into question every aspect

1:47:45 > 1:47:50of our current and future relationship with Russia. Mr

1:47:50 > 1:47:56Speaker, this ruthless action puts not only the likes of our emergency

1:47:56 > 1:47:59services at risk but also threatens the safety of the wider public who

1:47:59 > 1:48:04were enjoying a Sunday afternoon in the cathedral city of Salisbury.

1:48:04 > 1:48:08Everyone has the right to live in the UK in security and safety and

1:48:08 > 1:48:12any challenge to those rights needs to be responded to in an appropriate

1:48:12 > 1:48:17manner. Police have so far identified more than 200 witnesses

1:48:17 > 1:48:21and 240 pieces of evidence in this attempted killing. Our thoughts, all

1:48:21 > 1:48:25of us, our thoughts are with Nick Bailey and his family, and we wish

1:48:25 > 1:48:31him a speedy recovery. We commend the emergency services for putting

1:48:31 > 1:48:36their lives on the line in order to defend all of us. However, there are

1:48:36 > 1:48:40legitimate concerns around the delay in time between the events on Sunday

1:48:40 > 1:48:45for the march and yesterday when the Chief Medical Officer advised the

1:48:45 > 1:48:49public who had been at the pub and restaurant wash their clothing and

1:48:49 > 1:48:52personal items. Can the Prime Minister give reassurances to those

1:48:52 > 1:48:55members of the public who may have real concerns that they may have

1:48:55 > 1:49:00been exposed to the effects of the nerve agent used? I welcome the

1:49:00 > 1:49:05Prime Minister's actions detailed in her statement as I ask when she

1:49:05 > 1:49:09intends to return to the house to update us all on what measures we

1:49:09 > 1:49:16can all take. There must be firm and strong action taken to send a clear

1:49:16 > 1:49:21message to the Kremlin we will not accept interference from Russia on

1:49:21 > 1:49:32our way of life or in our politics. This kind of international outrage

1:49:32 > 1:49:39must never again be seen on our streets.Can I first of all thank

1:49:39 > 1:49:43the right honourable gentleman for the turn that he's adopted in his

1:49:43 > 1:49:46response to this statement, because this is indeed a matter which should

1:49:46 > 1:49:51concern us all. This is a matter of national interest, it is a matter of

1:49:51 > 1:49:55an attack that has taken place, and we must respond to it appropriately,

1:49:55 > 1:50:01as he said. He asked the question about the Chief Medical Officer's

1:50:01 > 1:50:06most recent advice to those who had been in the restaurant or the pub.

1:50:06 > 1:50:12The answer to that is that over the course of time in the last week as

1:50:12 > 1:50:19work was done more information became available, which led to that

1:50:19 > 1:50:24precautionary advice being made yesterday. He also asked what I will

1:50:24 > 1:50:28be returning to the house. We will consider in detailed response from

1:50:28 > 1:50:33the Russian state on Wednesday and I will return to the house at the

1:50:33 > 1:50:36earliest possible opportunity.

1:50:40 > 1:50:45This is not an act of war was certainly a warlike act by the

1:50:45 > 1:50:49Russian Federation, and this is not the first we've seen. While some in

1:50:49 > 1:50:53this house have stayed silent and decided to join the information

1:50:53 > 1:50:57warfare that that state is conducting against us and our

1:50:57 > 1:51:00allies, we have seen them invade countries in the east, attack

1:51:00 > 1:51:05allies, attempt to kill Prime Minister 's, and even now, even now

1:51:05 > 1:51:11they are backing the murderous Assad regime, which thinks of nothing of

1:51:11 > 1:51:14gassing its own people, and the honourable gentleman opposite stays

1:51:14 > 1:51:20silent. Would my right honourable friend agree with me that now is the

1:51:20 > 1:51:24time for us to call on our allies, the European Union who has worked so

1:51:24 > 1:51:30well with us on sanctions, on Nato and particularly on the United

1:51:30 > 1:51:33States, and ask what they will do to assist us in this moment when we are

1:51:33 > 1:51:41in need?Can I say to my on the wall friend, I think he is absolutely

1:51:41 > 1:51:45right, we should be giving a robust response from the whole of this

1:51:45 > 1:51:48house to this incident, this act, that has taken place, but we also

1:51:48 > 1:51:53will be working, and there has already been a number of engagements

1:51:53 > 1:51:57with allies on this particular matter, and we will be continuing to

1:51:57 > 1:52:02talk with our allies to ensure both that they are aware of what has

1:52:02 > 1:52:08happened on British soil, and also that we can talk with them about the

1:52:08 > 1:52:14response that we will be giving. Would the Prime Minister not agree

1:52:14 > 1:52:18that one of the most effective ways of punishing Russia for these

1:52:18 > 1:52:23appalling activities would be to seize the private property assets of

1:52:23 > 1:52:27members of the Putin regime and their associates? And as a first

1:52:27 > 1:52:30step, could she arranged to publish a list of who they are and what they

1:52:30 > 1:52:37own?

1:52:37 > 1:52:41We are aware here of the need in the United Kingdom to ensure that our

1:52:41 > 1:52:46financial system cannot be used for a list that money flows and

1:52:46 > 1:52:49appropriate action is taken by law enforcement and other bodies to

1:52:49 > 1:52:54ensure that we do identify such flows, and that we make the

1:52:54 > 1:52:59appropriate response to them. As he will know, we are already putting in

1:52:59 > 1:53:03place a number of measures to improve the information that is

1:53:03 > 1:53:08available in a transparent way and relation to the holding of certain

1:53:08 > 1:53:12assets here by those from overseas and that is something that we will

1:53:12 > 1:53:18continue to work on.Thank you Mr Speaker. I entirely agree with the

1:53:18 > 1:53:22Prime Minister and her approach to this murderous attack. And she will

1:53:22 > 1:53:29be aware and has stated that it's part of a pattern of behaviour by

1:53:29 > 1:53:33which a state uses covert means and breach of both international and

1:53:33 > 1:53:38international law and the rule of law to attack with impunity whoever

1:53:38 > 1:53:42it wishes. In those circumstances, which he agreed with me that we face

1:53:42 > 1:53:49a very particular challenge which is not likely to go away anytime soon?

1:53:49 > 1:53:54And in this context, and trying to inform the public of the risks and

1:53:54 > 1:53:59of the appropriate way of responding for a Parliamentary democracy, could

1:53:59 > 1:54:03I encouraged her to make use of the intelligence and security committee

1:54:03 > 1:54:08who chose to carry out an inquiry into Russia's threat last autumn so

1:54:08 > 1:54:13that we can take that forward and provide as much information as we

1:54:13 > 1:54:16can publicly about the nature of the threat and the best means of

1:54:16 > 1:54:23responding to what?I say to my right honourable friend that I think

1:54:23 > 1:54:31it was very good that the would be considering issues around the... I

1:54:31 > 1:54:36look forward to the worker that his committee will be doing on that

1:54:36 > 1:54:41particular matter and the Government will work with the ISC to share that

1:54:41 > 1:54:47information that is within its remit.I think the Prime Minister

1:54:47 > 1:54:50for her statement, and it is hard to see any alternative to her very

1:54:50 > 1:54:54grave conclusion that this was either a direct act by the Russian

1:54:54 > 1:54:58state against our country or the Russian government has lost control

1:54:58 > 1:55:02of a dangerous nerve agent. In that context, I hope the whole House will

1:55:02 > 1:55:08be able to come together to find a firm response from the Government

1:55:08 > 1:55:12and the interest of our national security and public safety. Can I

1:55:12 > 1:55:17therefore ask her whether the Mac Security Council have asked for the

1:55:17 > 1:55:22review of the 14 other cases that I wrote to the Home Secretary amount

1:55:22 > 1:55:25to see whether any of those should be investigated and also to press

1:55:25 > 1:55:30her on what further action she has taken in preparation for potential

1:55:30 > 1:55:35UN Security Council resolutions that perhaps should be drafted in order

1:55:35 > 1:55:41to get the widest possible international support.Can I say to

1:55:41 > 1:55:43the right honourable lady she is absolutely right pretty neat for

1:55:43 > 1:55:48them to be a clear response for the whole of this House, and I think no

1:55:48 > 1:55:53one will be in doubt of the nature of what has happened and we should

1:55:53 > 1:55:58respond robustly to it. I understand that my right honourable friend the

1:55:58 > 1:56:01Home Secretary has responded to the right honourable lady's letter in

1:56:01 > 1:56:06relation to those 14 other cases, and I think the focus at the moment

1:56:06 > 1:56:10should be on ensuring that the resource has put into this criminal

1:56:10 > 1:56:15investigation so that they're able to do their work with the maximal

1:56:15 > 1:56:21time and space.Does the Prime Minister recall that when Edward

1:56:21 > 1:56:29Heath expelled over 100 Russian so-called diplomats in the early

1:56:29 > 1:56:321970s it gave a blow to Russian intelligence operations against this

1:56:32 > 1:56:36country from which it never recovered until the end of the cold

1:56:36 > 1:56:42war. The she also recall that when it was clear that a member of the

1:56:42 > 1:56:51Libyan embassy staff, which one was unknown, had killed the UPC wind

1:56:51 > 1:56:54Fletcher and wholesale expulsion of staff occurred then. That she

1:56:54 > 1:57:00therefore conclude that as it would be impossible for an operation to

1:57:00 > 1:57:04have been mounted by the Russian state without someone in the London

1:57:04 > 1:57:07Russian embassy knowing about it and similar measures may well be

1:57:07 > 1:57:15necessary.And I thank my honourable friend and as I said any statement I

1:57:15 > 1:57:22gave, the Foreign Secretary had called the ambassador into the

1:57:22 > 1:57:28office today and was presented these two possibilities of the origin of

1:57:28 > 1:57:33this action to him and we wait for the Russian state's response. I'm

1:57:33 > 1:57:36very clear that should the response not be credible, we will conclude

1:57:36 > 1:57:41that this action is unlawful use of force by the Russian state against

1:57:41 > 1:57:45the United Kingdom and as I said earlier, I will come back to this

1:57:45 > 1:57:49House and set out the full range of measures that we will take in

1:57:49 > 1:57:52response.And naturally there is the most intense interest in this

1:57:52 > 1:57:55extraordinary grave matter and I am keen to a call at accommodate

1:57:55 > 1:58:00colleagues. Can I ask colleagues to help me help each of them by

1:58:00 > 1:58:05confining themselves to pity questions.Thank you Mr Speaker. As

1:58:05 > 1:58:11the Prime Minister agree that in here but me further aggression from

1:58:11 > 1:58:15the Russian mafia state that the policy of the Leader of the

1:58:15 > 1:58:19Opposition to engage in robust dialogue will only encourage Putin

1:58:19 > 1:58:22to engage in further acts of state-sponsored terror, and would

1:58:22 > 1:58:28she agree it's in regard to the cost of this that the only other

1:58:28 > 1:58:34effective answer is to have robust action against those who are using

1:58:34 > 1:58:40the UK as a battle ground to carry out their own...I agree with the

1:58:40 > 1:58:43honourable gentleman that need to ensure that we do respond robustly

1:58:43 > 1:58:47to this matter, but we need to do so with careful consideration of the

1:58:47 > 1:58:51assessments that have been made and the information that is available to

1:58:51 > 1:58:54us and that is exactly what the Government is doing. I think nobody

1:58:54 > 1:58:59in the towel should be in any doubt that there could be no suggestion as

1:58:59 > 1:59:05business as usual in relation to our interaction with Russia.The whole

1:59:05 > 1:59:08country will welcome be precise and clear statement which the Prime

1:59:08 > 1:59:14Minister has delivered to the House this afternoon, and in particular,

1:59:14 > 1:59:17setting out precisely what she will do in terms of laying out the

1:59:17 > 1:59:21evidence for the international community and the United Nations of

1:59:21 > 1:59:27the acts that has been perpetrated on British soil. Matt also welcome

1:59:27 > 1:59:31the comment she made about the so-called Megan Nitschke amendment.

1:59:31 > 1:59:34There are many of those across the House of Commons who believe that

1:59:34 > 1:59:40this can make a big contribution and I hope that she will continue

1:59:40 > 1:59:45considering following the way in which America, Canada, and three

1:59:45 > 1:59:49European countries have introduced this particular amendment.I

1:59:49 > 1:59:53recognise my right honourable friend has been supporting the amendment

1:59:53 > 1:59:57and working on this issue. I would say to him as I have done earlier

1:59:57 > 2:00:02that we do want to ensure that we get the maximum possible consensus

2:00:02 > 2:00:05across the House on this particular issue and we will talk to the

2:00:05 > 2:00:13parties involved to ensure that the approach that is taken is one that

2:00:13 > 2:00:16the Shadow Foreign Secretary says that there is not an amendment down.

2:00:16 > 2:00:21There is an amendment down. Discussions are taking place with

2:00:21 > 2:00:26parties about the impact of the amendment as currently drafted

2:00:26 > 2:00:31ensuring that any action that is taken is going to the action that we

2:00:31 > 2:00:38are sure will work.Can I commend the Prime Minister for today making

2:00:38 > 2:00:41the sort of a resolute and realistic statement about the Kremlin that

2:00:41 > 2:00:47many of us have been looking for in this House for some time. Would she

2:00:47 > 2:00:49invite the heroic and brave Bill Browder who's done more than any

2:00:49 > 2:00:55other single individual to uncover the Kremlin's methods to give her a

2:00:55 > 2:00:59full briefing about what he knows a putrid's roadies money laundering

2:00:59 > 2:01:05exploits in London and... And will she make sure that the whole of the

2:01:05 > 2:01:09Government machinery is now giving full cooperation to Robert Mueller's

2:01:09 > 2:01:13inquiry in the United States because of what he has already uncovered

2:01:13 > 2:01:18about what the Russians have been doing here.- to be right arm was

2:01:18 > 2:01:23uncommon, we've already been clear in relation to the Mueller inquiry

2:01:23 > 2:01:27and we will respond to the appropriate requests. I am told that

2:01:27 > 2:01:31the other individual that he referred to has actually met the

2:01:31 > 2:01:38Security Minister and has been able to brief him on what he knows.Thank

2:01:38 > 2:01:44you Mr Speaker. Friends from his candid AVI, the Baltics, and Eastern

2:01:44 > 2:01:52Europe have told me how much they feel at risk for Russian aggression.

2:01:52 > 2:01:56Can my friend update the House and how we work with our allies and

2:01:56 > 2:02:01response to does incident?

2:02:02 > 2:02:05I am conscious that those who are particularly geographically close to

2:02:05 > 2:02:13Russia on the European continent to feel very much the immediacy of many

2:02:13 > 2:02:18of the activities that Russia gets involved with, particularly around

2:02:18 > 2:02:23matters for example on propaganda use. I will certainly be speaking to

2:02:23 > 2:02:27an number of our allies. I think it's important not only that people

2:02:27 > 2:02:30recognise what has taken place here in the United Kingdom, but also the

2:02:30 > 2:02:38implication that Ed has -- that it has for Russia's activities

2:02:38 > 2:02:42elsewhere on the continent of Europe.Thank you Mr Speaker. Can I

2:02:42 > 2:02:51also commend the Prime Minister for her remarks. The last time we had

2:02:51 > 2:02:56been a clear, defined state-sponsored act of terrorism was

2:02:56 > 2:03:01in 2006, and she has referred to it. Kenji also have conversations with

2:03:01 > 2:03:05her predecessor Prime Minister at that time, Tony Blair, about some of

2:03:05 > 2:03:10the issues that arose subsequent to the actions we took, because it's

2:03:10 > 2:03:14quite clear the Russians will retaliate and we will then be into a

2:03:14 > 2:03:20tit-for-tat process. They think we will back down. We have to stay

2:03:20 > 2:03:24resolutely and strongly we're not backing down, this is an act of

2:03:24 > 2:03:30terrorism and all members of Parliament stand together.Can I say

2:03:30 > 2:03:33to the honourable gentleman he is absolutely right that when they take

2:03:33 > 2:03:37action and it is to ensure that that is action and we will continue to

2:03:37 > 2:03:41follow through. As I said in my statement, many of the actions that

2:03:41 > 2:03:45were taken in response to Litvinenko murder are still in place in

2:03:45 > 2:03:51relation to our relations with the Russian state. Nobody should be in

2:03:51 > 2:03:57any doubt of the likelihood of an impact from the Russian state and

2:03:57 > 2:04:01attempting to, as they did in that case, suggest that the information

2:04:01 > 2:04:05that we were putting out was incorrect. Actually, what we saw

2:04:05 > 2:04:10particularly from the inquiry that followed significantly later which

2:04:10 > 2:04:18very firmly put the responsibility for Litvinenko's murder at the door

2:04:18 > 2:04:23of the Russian state, and indeed to President Putin.Thank you Mr

2:04:23 > 2:04:26Speaker. Can I commend the Prime Minister for the robust tone of her

2:04:26 > 2:04:32statement? Which I believe is entirely appropriate. Which he also

2:04:32 > 2:04:36accepted that while we might not be in a period of cold war with Russia,

2:04:36 > 2:04:40as they were in the 1980s, because of their actions it could be said

2:04:40 > 2:04:47that we are at least now entering a period of cool. And if that be so,

2:04:47 > 2:04:51would she be prepared at the appropriate time to look again at

2:04:51 > 2:04:58our ability to determine out of the resources that we require in order

2:04:58 > 2:05:05to do so?Can I say to my honourable friend, that as I said previously

2:05:05 > 2:05:09there is no question of business as usual with Russia. We must be very

2:05:09 > 2:05:15clear of the actions that they have taken. I think this incident proves

2:05:15 > 2:05:20that the actions we've taken over the past decade have been entirely

2:05:20 > 2:05:27justified. What we see is a Kremlin that is intent on dismantling the

2:05:27 > 2:05:30international rules based order, and we should stand up resolutely in

2:05:30 > 2:05:35defence of that international orders.Thank you Mr Speaker. The

2:05:35 > 2:05:38evidence the Prime Minister provided to date makes it absolutely clear

2:05:38 > 2:05:42that the onus is on the Russian state to explain how this nerve

2:05:42 > 2:05:47agent entered into our country. I thank her for her answer to my

2:05:47 > 2:05:50colleague, the chair of the intelligence and security committee,

2:05:50 > 2:05:55it's essential that we carry out... That she also agree that our inquiry

2:05:55 > 2:05:59should also be able to understand the pressures on our intelligence to

2:05:59 > 2:06:01understand the pressures on our intelligent security services at how

2:06:01 > 2:06:08best they are supported to do the job they have to do?Of course, it

2:06:08 > 2:06:12is for the ISC committee itself to determine the breath of the

2:06:12 > 2:06:18inquiries that it undertakes within the remit that it has been set. Buy

2:06:18 > 2:06:24this House and by government. It is for that committee to determine this

2:06:24 > 2:06:28particular issues. Extra resources are being put into the security and

2:06:28 > 2:06:32intelligence agencies, because we have recognised the increasing

2:06:32 > 2:06:39challenges and threats that we need to address and that's why those

2:06:39 > 2:06:48resources are going into the FIA. The grisly face of so many a

2:06:48 > 2:06:54President Putin's opponents both at home and abroad, even those high

2:06:54 > 2:07:06profile as Boris and that's all. Having said that and supporting all

2:07:06 > 2:07:10of the measures she will take against the Government of Russia, if

2:07:10 > 2:07:17it turns out that way we all into will she try as far as is possible

2:07:17 > 2:07:20to continue the opportunity for British society in its widest sense

2:07:20 > 2:07:25to be opened with the people of Russia so that the virus of truth

2:07:25 > 2:07:32and openness can do its work on that regime?I think my honourable

2:07:32 > 2:07:35gentleman has raised an important issue which is that of coarse but we

2:07:35 > 2:07:40are talking about is the dealings UK Government has with the Russian

2:07:40 > 2:07:44state. Of course I think it is important that people in Russia

2:07:44 > 2:07:49understand the exact nature of the regime that is an government at the

2:07:49 > 2:07:55moment.I don't suppose a single member of this House is a price that

2:07:55 > 2:07:59President Putin will resort to violence because he done it so many

2:07:59 > 2:08:06times before. 334 killed and the best land massacre. 170 killed

2:08:06 > 2:08:14unnecessarily in the Moscow theatre siege, 299 killed in the aeroplane

2:08:14 > 2:08:18that was brought down by the Russians. Countless journalist,

2:08:18 > 2:08:22countless people who stood up to him as political opponents and other

2:08:22 > 2:08:27countries around the world murdered by him and yes sir Quebec Nitschke.

2:08:27 > 2:08:32I've heard what the Prime Minister says but for the 29th time I'm

2:08:32 > 2:08:37asking this question, can we just make sure that at the end of this

2:08:37 > 2:08:41process nobody who was involved in the murder of Sir Day Luck Magnitsky

2:08:41 > 2:08:50or in the corruption that he unveiled

2:08:50 > 2:08:52And for that matter can we stop Russia today from broadcasting its

2:08:52 > 2:09:00propaganda?Can I say to the right honourable gentleman as I know that

2:09:00 > 2:09:04he has asked me this question about the Magnitsky issue on many

2:09:04 > 2:09:09occasions in this House when I was Home Secretary and subsequently, and

2:09:09 > 2:09:13we of course already has a number of powers that enable us to take action

2:09:13 > 2:09:16against individuals to prevent them from coming into this country, but

2:09:16 > 2:09:22we are looking seriously at the amendments and as I say we do want

2:09:22 > 2:09:29to ensure that we get maximum consensus in relation to this issue.

2:09:29 > 2:09:33On the further action that we might take as a government, I will be

2:09:33 > 2:09:36returning to the House at the possible opportunity once we have

2:09:36 > 2:09:39the response from the Russian state to update the House on the further

2:09:39 > 2:09:47measures we would take.If you have one permanent member of the UN

2:09:47 > 2:09:52Security Council carrying out a targeted assassination in the

2:09:52 > 2:09:56country of another, surely it is time for the UN Secretary General to

2:09:56 > 2:10:03watch an immediate inquiry.I thank my honourable friend for his

2:10:03 > 2:10:06suggestion. Can I say to him that of course what the United Nations is

2:10:06 > 2:10:10one of those bodies that we will be speaking to about the nature of this

2:10:10 > 2:10:16incident that has taken place here in the United Kingdom. Among other

2:10:16 > 2:10:20allies and other organisations such as Nato, but we will certainly be

2:10:20 > 2:10:26raising this matter with the UN. Thank you Mr Speaker. While these

2:10:26 > 2:10:29investigations are ongoing we are waiting from the response from the

2:10:29 > 2:10:33Russian government. Can I ask the Primus or what her government is

2:10:33 > 2:10:36doing to protect other people who are targeted here in the UK?We

2:10:36 > 2:10:41don't talk about the measures that are taken into relation with

2:10:41 > 2:10:48individuals. That is a matter for the police and law enforcement

2:10:48 > 2:10:52generally. I can assure her that that is a matter that is being

2:10:52 > 2:11:01considered.Johnny Mercer.I think I have just seen and I would look at

2:11:01 > 2:11:04my honourable friend opposite that I have seen the most shameful moments

2:11:04 > 2:11:08in the House of Commons in my time today. It is clear that this is

2:11:08 > 2:11:12sobering United Kingdom has come under attack from another state. The

2:11:12 > 2:11:17Prime Minister -- does the premise or agree with me that the care to

2:11:17 > 2:11:20conflict is changing? We must to relentless in trying to keep pace of

2:11:20 > 2:11:24that and nothing was out those looking to do this work?In my

2:11:24 > 2:11:28honourable friend is absolutely right that the character of the

2:11:28 > 2:11:33threats that we face is changing. They are diversifying. And we need

2:11:33 > 2:11:38to ensure that we are able to deal with those threats across the range

2:11:38 > 2:11:45of actions that need to be taken. Some of those will not always fall

2:11:45 > 2:11:51into what my convention -- might conventionally be defensible.Were

2:11:51 > 2:11:58the premise or confirmed that we bear the Russian people nothing but

2:11:58 > 2:12:02good well, it is president Putin that we have in our sights and we

2:12:02 > 2:12:06will not allow him to use this in the presidential elections to

2:12:06 > 2:12:11burnish his image as a strong man? The right honourable gentleman is

2:12:11 > 2:12:16absolutely right. It is the Russian state that we are challenging in

2:12:16 > 2:12:20relation to this particular act that has taken place on UK soil. Not the

2:12:20 > 2:12:29Russian people.John Lyndale.Is it not increasingly clear that we are

2:12:29 > 2:12:34engaged in hybrid warfare which includes disinformation, political

2:12:34 > 2:12:37information Butland affairs, cyber attacks another set of attempted

2:12:37 > 2:12:41murder? In considering a response, will my right honourable friend look

2:12:41 > 2:12:44at what additional help we might give to the people of Ukraine who

2:12:44 > 2:12:52are being hurt in resisting Russian aggression expansionism?I would

2:12:52 > 2:12:56like to thank my right honourable friend and he is right we do need to

2:12:56 > 2:13:00look across the very diverse nature of the threat that we face. And the

2:13:00 > 2:13:04actions that we are taking and have already been taking a number of

2:13:04 > 2:13:11actions in support of the Ukraine. It is also an important part of our

2:13:11 > 2:13:18deliberations and important part of our response.Malcolm MacDonald.The

2:13:18 > 2:13:21question was understood by only three people. Everybody understands

2:13:21 > 2:13:25what is happened here today. There can be no criticism of the two of

2:13:25 > 2:13:29the prime is or has adopted. She would know that under article four

2:13:29 > 2:13:33of Nato, she can raise this as a concern with our Nato allies. Does

2:13:33 > 2:13:39she intend to do so?As I has said in response to a number of other

2:13:39 > 2:13:44questions, we will be raising this with allies in a number of forms.

2:13:44 > 2:13:47And I will obviously consider as I said earlier the response to the

2:13:47 > 2:13:50Russian state on Wednesday and I will return at the earliest possible

2:13:50 > 2:13:54opportunity to this House is set out for the measures.Love the Prime

2:13:54 > 2:13:58Minister join me in commending Wilshire police and health services

2:13:58 > 2:14:04will donate superb job in restraint of this case? I highlight the

2:14:04 > 2:14:09dedication in public service not just in Wilshire but up and down the

2:14:09 > 2:14:15country?I am very happy to join my honourable friend in commending the

2:14:15 > 2:14:20valuable work that has been done by emergency services in Wilshire but

2:14:20 > 2:14:24also they are simply a fine example of the dedication and commitment to

2:14:24 > 2:14:26our public services and emergency services to across the whole

2:14:26 > 2:14:33country.I have absolutely no doubt that the only way to deal with

2:14:33 > 2:14:35Putin's regime is robustly decisively and together as a

2:14:35 > 2:14:40Parliament and the country. I want to add my voice to those talk about

2:14:40 > 2:14:44the oppression of the Russian people, not policing Keshia where

2:14:44 > 2:14:48Putin continues to back the brutal regime there and his attacks on the

2:14:48 > 2:14:56LGBT community. But Russia today, can I urge her to speak to Russia's

2:14:56 > 2:14:59broadcasting licence and speak to the House authorities about blocking

2:14:59 > 2:15:03their broadcasts in this building itself? Why should we be watching

2:15:03 > 2:15:09their propaganda in this Parliament? As I have said in the response of

2:15:09 > 2:15:14another of questions, I will look at the response to the Russian state,

2:15:14 > 2:15:17but I will come back to the size of the earliest opportunity to look at

2:15:17 > 2:15:20the range of measures which could be necessary and I think in relation to

2:15:20 > 2:15:25the House authorities, as the honourable gentleman will be aware,

2:15:25 > 2:15:28that would not be a matter for me but for the House authorities.I

2:15:28 > 2:15:30think we have for the honourable gentleman politely and clearly.

2:15:30 > 2:15:37Thank you.I congratulate the Prime Minister for her powerful statement

2:15:37 > 2:15:42and for her leadership in this incredibly grave matter. Is Russia a

2:15:42 > 2:15:48fit and proper state to be hosting or engaging in international

2:15:48 > 2:15:55sporting fixtures in 2018?Can I say and answer to my right honourable

2:15:55 > 2:16:01friend is that we as I said in response to prime Ministers

2:16:01 > 2:16:07questions last week, I think we will be in possession of considering the

2:16:07 > 2:16:11attendance at that particular event that is coming up in Russia, notably

2:16:11 > 2:16:14the World Cup, of dignitaries and Ministers here in the United

2:16:14 > 2:16:21Kingdom.There should be unity across the House in terms of what I

2:16:21 > 2:16:25feel is a proportionate and sensible approach that she has taken to

2:16:25 > 2:16:28analysing what has been happening and coming back to report to the

2:16:28 > 2:16:33House. Can I also say that there are certain circumstances as she knows

2:16:33 > 2:16:37where we take part in political differences of opinion, but when our

2:16:37 > 2:16:44country is potentially under attack, that is just not appropriate.Can I

2:16:44 > 2:16:49think the right honourable gentleman for the town that he has adopted. He

2:16:49 > 2:16:53is absolutely right. -- tone. This is a question of the national

2:16:53 > 2:16:55interest in the interest of our country. And what another state may

2:16:55 > 2:17:01have done on British soil to people living here in the United Kingdom.

2:17:01 > 2:17:06And that should be a matter that should concern all of us and should

2:17:06 > 2:17:12be above party politics.Having served with my right honourable

2:17:12 > 2:17:18friend in the Home Office which you do what is right to keep what is...

2:17:18 > 2:17:21Would be the conclusion of Her Majesty prospector met that there

2:17:21 > 2:17:25was a unlawful use of force by the Russians say, do we possess a

2:17:25 > 2:17:29miserable rage of cyber capabilities which we will not hesitate to deploy

2:17:29 > 2:17:33against that state if it is necessary to keep our country safe?

2:17:33 > 2:17:39Can I say to my right honourable friend that of course will look at

2:17:39 > 2:17:44responses across a number of areas of activity should be as he has a

2:17:44 > 2:17:48set and in my statement as I said that we conclude that this action

2:17:48 > 2:17:53does amount to an unlawful use of force by the Russian state in the

2:17:53 > 2:18:01UK.Thank you Mr Speaker. It is good that the Prime Minister spells out

2:18:01 > 2:18:06the actions already taken today and inform us what is happening next.

2:18:06 > 2:18:10Was also make sure that the lessons learned in the software community

2:18:10 > 2:18:16about this threat and how to prevent it -- Salisbury community is shared

2:18:16 > 2:18:22an appropriate across the country?I am very happy to say that I am sure

2:18:22 > 2:18:27that there will be lessons coming out of this for local communities

2:18:27 > 2:18:30for the NHS, the police themselves as they look into this matter. And

2:18:30 > 2:18:35I'm sure that we will ensure those are available to those across the

2:18:35 > 2:18:42country.Alex Chok.Considering Russia, for all of its geographical

2:18:42 > 2:18:46size, the Russian economy is a little more than half that of the

2:18:46 > 2:18:50UK. Are the service as is, does my right honourable friend agree with

2:18:50 > 2:18:52me that British economic levers are far more potent than some might

2:18:52 > 2:18:56realise and we should not hesitate the circumstance demanded to pull

2:18:56 > 2:19:03them hard?As I said we will be looking at the full range of

2:19:03 > 2:19:09measures should we -- once we consider the response of the Russian

2:19:09 > 2:19:13state. It is in fact United Kingdom, we have been one of the leaders in

2:19:13 > 2:19:17ensuring that within the European Union, that sanctions against Russia

2:19:17 > 2:19:20are in place as a result of the action that they took place in the

2:19:20 > 2:19:26Crimea and the Ukraine.Thank you Mr Speaker. This horrific attempted

2:19:26 > 2:19:33murder on British soil demands a strong and united response. Can she

2:19:33 > 2:19:40confirm whether the nerve agent in question is listed under the

2:19:40 > 2:19:45chemical weapons convention?Yes, it is illegal to use a nerve agent of

2:19:45 > 2:19:53this board -- this sort and one bandit of the convention.Thank you

2:19:53 > 2:19:57Mr Speaker. Will the Prime Minister agree with me that this attack

2:19:57 > 2:20:04probably involved a professional Russian trained operatives in order

2:20:04 > 2:20:11to carry out such an individually targeted assault with what was up in

2:20:11 > 2:20:15a very minute amount of something like staring VX work something else

2:20:15 > 2:20:22that could have catastrophic, widescale, indiscriminate and deadly

2:20:22 > 2:20:27consequences?I say to my honourable friend that I would not speculate

2:20:27 > 2:20:34the nature of the individual responsible or individuals

2:20:34 > 2:20:37responsible for this attack. That is a matter for the police

2:20:37 > 2:20:44investigation.Mr Speaker, with the Prime Minister agree now that we

2:20:44 > 2:20:48have all agreed that Russia is a clear and present danger, we have

2:20:48 > 2:20:53got to be fully organised to meet their danger? And would she agree

2:20:53 > 2:20:57with me that if we walk out into London and we see Russian Mafia and

2:20:57 > 2:21:02Russian security people about our capital city over Europe we see

2:21:02 > 2:21:06them. But they don't like is sanctions that bite. Will she come

2:21:06 > 2:21:11back to this House an early education and actually with a firm

2:21:11 > 2:21:17list of sanctions, new sanctions we can take against Russia?Diablo

2:21:17 > 2:21:21gentlemen is asking me to refer -- the asked about -- the honourable

2:21:21 > 2:21:24Donovan is having to revert to particular measures. As I have said

2:21:24 > 2:21:27earlier, we will consider the response from the Russian state and

2:21:27 > 2:21:32should there be no credible response, then we will determine and

2:21:32 > 2:21:35conclude that the action amounts to unlawful use of force by the Russian

2:21:35 > 2:21:43state in the United Kingdom and I will return with further measures.

2:21:43 > 2:21:47What my right honourable friend the Prime Minister confirm that despite

2:21:47 > 2:21:50the difficulties the American presidency may have on these issues,

2:21:50 > 2:21:53that we are fully engaged with the American government and our allies

2:21:53 > 2:21:59on this very important matter?I'm very happy to give my right

2:21:59 > 2:22:01honourable friend a confirmation that we have been engaged with our

2:22:01 > 2:22:06allies and continue to be engaged with them on this important issue.

2:22:06 > 2:22:13Can I think the Prime Minister for coming to the House with this very

2:22:13 > 2:22:17important but sadly not surprising conclusion today? She is going to

2:22:17 > 2:22:21make it further statement on Wednesday, but can I ask her to say

2:22:21 > 2:22:27a bit more about the options for response and to ensure at a time

2:22:27 > 2:22:31when there are voices and forces trying to erode confidence in open

2:22:31 > 2:22:38democratic society, that those responses will place as firmly and

2:22:38 > 2:22:44foursquare behind the solidarity and security of the West?I hope the

2:22:44 > 2:22:49right honourable and settlement will forgive me if I say I will not set

2:22:49 > 2:22:52out today what the response is going to be because we need to consider

2:22:52 > 2:22:58the response from the Russian state and put together further measures

2:22:58 > 2:23:01appropriate to ensure that we get the robust response that I and other

2:23:01 > 2:23:05members of this House have been calling for. But he can be rest

2:23:05 > 2:23:10assured as can other members of this House that we see a Russia that is

2:23:10 > 2:23:13flouting the international rules based order, we have been very clear

2:23:13 > 2:23:19about that. And we will stand up for democracy, stand up to the rule of

2:23:19 > 2:23:24law, for the international rules based order, and the values that

2:23:24 > 2:23:26underpin it. And continued to be committed to the security and

2:23:26 > 2:23:36defence of Europe and the defence of the phase that underpin the West.

2:23:36 > 2:23:40I understand the nerve agent was developed by Russia specifically to

2:23:40 > 2:23:44avoid being covered by the chemical weapons treaty and to avoid

2:23:44 > 2:23:48detection by standard equipment. Could my right honourable friend

2:23:48 > 2:23:53today confirmed that the nerve agent is a totally illegal substance under

2:23:53 > 2:23:58a treaty to which Russia is signatory and I'm any knowledge of

2:23:58 > 2:24:02detection and treatment that we learned from this ghastly attack

2:24:02 > 2:24:06will be shared with authorities and health authorities not just in this

2:24:06 > 2:24:11country but with our allies abroad as well.Can I say to my honourable

2:24:11 > 2:24:16friend that it's very clear that the use of such nerve agent goes against

2:24:16 > 2:24:22the spirit of the treaty in relation to the use of chemical weapons. They

2:24:22 > 2:24:25will be, as my honourable friend expect, be talking to the

2:24:25 > 2:24:28responsible body in relation to chemical weapons to raise this

2:24:28 > 2:24:35issue.Thank you Mr Speaker. In late of the Prime Minister's comments

2:24:35 > 2:24:39which I commend, does the PM agree that there is no place for

2:24:39 > 2:24:46honourable members on all sides of the House to appear on... It's a

2:24:46 > 2:24:50topic in the mouthpiece and it should not be engaged with with any

2:24:50 > 2:24:53Democratic politicians who should think twice before they do so and

2:24:53 > 2:24:58not be engaging with a media outlet like this and give it credibility.I

2:24:58 > 2:25:03think we should all be very wary and careful in looking at media outlets

2:25:03 > 2:25:08that any individual member of this House chooses to appear on. As I've

2:25:08 > 2:25:13said in response to other questions, this issue of Russia today is

2:25:13 > 2:25:18obviously one which is of concern to members across this House and as I

2:25:18 > 2:25:22said I will be coming back and making further statements to the

2:25:22 > 2:25:29House after we've had the Russian state response.In the early 1980s

2:25:29 > 2:25:34the planning assumption was that the road to war with the Soviet Union

2:25:34 > 2:25:39would be proceeded by six months of increasing tension sabotage, and

2:25:39 > 2:25:44assassination. What are the current assumptions?Can I say to my

2:25:44 > 2:25:52honourable friend that I think what we see today, there was a time when

2:25:52 > 2:25:57that issue of the threats that were posed to us by Russia and indeed by

2:25:57 > 2:26:07others were clear and limited in their type. What we see today is the

2:26:07 > 2:26:11diversity of threats. We Russia -- with Russia we see being referenced

2:26:11 > 2:26:15in the previous question about the issue of propaganda. We see them

2:26:15 > 2:26:20using a variety of means in which to attempt to interfere, intervene, and

2:26:20 > 2:26:26to affect countries in the West and be there for in terms of our

2:26:26 > 2:26:34approach to this and respond across a whole range of threats.Thank you

2:26:34 > 2:26:39Mr Speaker. I would also like to thank the Prime Minister for her

2:26:39 > 2:26:44remarks about this growing crisis. I appreciate she would not want to

2:26:44 > 2:26:48give individual circumstances, the candy Prime Minister assure the

2:26:48 > 2:26:52House that not only former Russian nationals, former Eastern European

2:26:52 > 2:26:59nationals who may also have offended Mr Putin, but British high-profile

2:26:59 > 2:27:03figures and British public buildings are being reviewed in order to

2:27:03 > 2:27:09determine the status of security in light of the recent situation?As I

2:27:09 > 2:27:13said earlier, she is absolutely right, we don't comment on

2:27:13 > 2:27:17individual cases. In relation to national security, we regularly

2:27:17 > 2:27:25update and monitor the actions that are taken and the protection of

2:27:25 > 2:27:27people and premises here in the United Kingdom based on the fact

2:27:27 > 2:27:35that we perceive at the time.As someone who has campaigned for the

2:27:35 > 2:27:39Magnitsky law and on the Bill committee of the sanctions and money

2:27:39 > 2:27:44bill, can I say that the opposition amendments or flawed and can be

2:27:44 > 2:27:48improved on. I am actually grateful for the cooperation of Ministers and

2:27:48 > 2:27:54I hope the discussions will be fruitful. When my -- will my right

2:27:54 > 2:27:58honourable friend reflects that our allies abroad reflect that this

2:27:58 > 2:28:01could've happened and a provincial town in France, Germany, or any

2:28:01 > 2:28:05other country, and we are looking for action to be taken as well as

2:28:05 > 2:28:09warm words of support.Can I say to my right honourable friend, I am

2:28:09 > 2:28:15grateful to him as a supporter of the Magnitsky law and putting up the

2:28:15 > 2:28:19point I'm trying to make earlier, which is that if amendments are to

2:28:19 > 2:28:25be passed many to ensure they will be workable and we need to get the

2:28:25 > 2:28:31amendments right. And also, in response to the point that he made

2:28:31 > 2:28:35about our allies, he is absolutely right. I think we should point out

2:28:35 > 2:28:40this is something that happened anywhere, and any provincial town or

2:28:40 > 2:28:50any city like Salisbury.The level of resilience voiced by the Prime

2:28:50 > 2:28:53Minister and the Chairman today has been many years coming, but it is

2:28:53 > 2:28:58usually welcome. Indeed, it would put our national security at

2:28:58 > 2:29:02significant risk that we were led by anyone who did not understand the

2:29:02 > 2:29:07gravity of the threat which Russia poses to this nation. Can I ask her,

2:29:07 > 2:29:15she mentioned our Nato allies. She's going to come forward with measures

2:29:15 > 2:29:19on Wednesday, will she confirmed that our Nato allies and the

2:29:19 > 2:29:23potential for collective response, it is in her thinking and doing so?

2:29:23 > 2:29:30Can I think the honourable gentleman for the comment that he is made. He

2:29:30 > 2:29:32is absolutely right, it's imperative that in this country we recognise

2:29:32 > 2:29:37the nature of the threat and the nature of the actions that Russia

2:29:37 > 2:29:43has taken across a wide range of means. And also I'm very clear that

2:29:43 > 2:29:49as we look at any further actions that need to be taken, we need to

2:29:49 > 2:29:55ensure that that is robust, that it does very clearly defend our values

2:29:55 > 2:29:57here in the United Kingdom and ensure that we aren't sending a very

2:29:57 > 2:30:03clear message from those who would seek to undermine those.And

2:30:03 > 2:30:07congratulation the Prime Minister on her robust stance against Russian

2:30:07 > 2:30:12aggression, she will be aware that the very most effective sanctions

2:30:12 > 2:30:15are those taken multilaterally. The concern that some habits that when

2:30:15 > 2:30:19leave the European Union, we will lose our seat at the table on the

2:30:19 > 2:30:24body that sets those sanctions. Can she therefore assure us that effort

2:30:24 > 2:30:29is going to go into building up a new relationship so we will have

2:30:29 > 2:30:35continuity in our approach towards Russia?I think my honourable

2:30:35 > 2:30:38friend, and this issue of collective action was one of the honourable

2:30:38 > 2:30:42gentleman for the member firm arrow have raised and his previous

2:30:42 > 2:30:48question. My friend has said that the position in relation to the UK

2:30:48 > 2:30:50Government's actions on sanctions will change when we leave the

2:30:50 > 2:30:57European Union. We are taking measures to ensure that we are able

2:30:57 > 2:31:01to act as the United Kingdom independently. But I also made clear

2:31:01 > 2:31:06in the speech that I gave at the mansion house, this is one that we

2:31:06 > 2:31:11want to be working with our allies because indeed, as both he and the

2:31:11 > 2:31:15honourable member for Barrow have said, they are more effective if

2:31:15 > 2:31:18they are undertaken collectively. Thank you Mr Speaker, and commanding

2:31:18 > 2:31:21the Prime Minister for the stance you has adopted today. When she

2:31:21 > 2:31:25returned to the House, will she take the opportunity to switch the

2:31:25 > 2:31:28crossbody concerns on the defence select committee that there has been

2:31:28 > 2:31:36a de-escalation of our presence and that the escalation of our presence

2:31:36 > 2:31:40and the high North, production of maritime surveillance and patrols,

2:31:40 > 2:31:46and in fact a cancellation of our cold weather training Bishoo? I hope

2:31:46 > 2:31:47the Prime Minister will take this

2:31:52 > 2:31:58we look carefully at actions that we are taking at the training exercises

2:31:58 > 2:32:00that our military forces undertake, and as I indicated in my statement,

2:32:00 > 2:32:05I am pleased that our forces are leading part of the enhanced for

2:32:05 > 2:32:09presence and Estonia. I visited those forces in Estonia in the

2:32:09 > 2:32:14oddest of -- August of last year. And I can save not only is that

2:32:14 > 2:32:17valuable for our forces, but hugely welcome by the people of Estonia who

2:32:17 > 2:32:22arrayed against the border with Russia and feel this thread very

2:32:22 > 2:32:27particularly.I think the Prime Minister for her statement and in

2:32:27 > 2:32:30doing so would like to pay tribute to a group of individuals

2:32:30 > 2:32:38unmentioned so far this afternoon, members of the Armed Forces. I would

2:32:38 > 2:32:42also like to ask what she is doing with our allies in Nato and the UN,

2:32:42 > 2:32:46and of course the European Union to ensure the maintenance of the rules

2:32:46 > 2:32:51based system which is under systemic threat from the Russian Federation.

2:32:51 > 2:32:55Can I reiterate what my honourable friend has said the? I mentioned in

2:32:55 > 2:33:01my statement, but once again praised the work of the Armed Forces

2:33:01 > 2:33:05alongside our emergency services in relation to this particular incident

2:33:05 > 2:33:11and what they also do for us and the Armed Forces Day in and day out. I

2:33:11 > 2:33:14can assure him that we will be looking very carefully at any

2:33:14 > 2:33:18further up the measures that should be taken him a sponsor this.The

2:33:18 > 2:33:24Prime Minister should note that if by Wednesday she concludes that we

2:33:24 > 2:33:28are embattled she will find duty and resolve across this House and facing

2:33:28 > 2:33:34down a common threat. 12 years ago in the aftermath of a wave of

2:33:34 > 2:33:37Al-Qaeda inspired attacks, we transfer the capacity of government

2:33:37 > 2:33:42to co-ordinate and fight back against extremism. Can I urge her

2:33:42 > 2:33:45measures she brings forward on Wednesday to think radically about

2:33:45 > 2:33:49how she creates the governing capacity to co-ordinate our response

2:33:49 > 2:33:55to this new level of threat, including new safeguards against

2:33:55 > 2:34:00abuse of social media which we know is part of the Russian's active

2:34:00 > 2:34:04measures playbook.And I think the right honourable gentleman for his

2:34:04 > 2:34:09remarks, and the tone with which he has set those out, and can I say

2:34:09 > 2:34:14that we do... And he has right, after the attacks by Al-Qaeda, it

2:34:14 > 2:34:21was very clear, and the Government put in place to hold the structure

2:34:21 > 2:34:24of response in terms of counterterrorism. Hostile state

2:34:24 > 2:34:26activity is something that the Government has been consistently

2:34:26 > 2:34:31looking out over many years, but as we have looked at our national

2:34:31 > 2:34:37security capability review, as we look at the ability to react to the

2:34:37 > 2:34:42fact that we now face, we will now find that the structure of

2:34:42 > 2:34:46government find it it's...

2:34:47 > 2:34:59Can I welcome the statement like tone of the Prime Minister's... The

2:34:59 > 2:35:03grandmother would have done no benefit to the Russians did it. Can

2:35:03 > 2:35:05I urge her to be uncompromising in signalling that Liberal Democratic

2:35:05 > 2:35:13values are not negotiable? And that this country will not be a country

2:35:13 > 2:35:19for the Kremlin... And aggressive cultural sanctions to hit Mr Putin

2:35:19 > 2:35:24where it hurts?I think my honourable friend for the remarks

2:35:24 > 2:35:32that he has made and I assure him that we will be looking at a range

2:35:32 > 2:35:38of activities, responses and I will update the House further at the

2:35:38 > 2:35:43earliest opportunity. Can I also say, just to confirm, that it is

2:35:43 > 2:35:48those democratic values that underpin us as a country that we we

2:35:48 > 2:35:51you'll be defending and continue to defend but wish to do so alongside

2:35:51 > 2:35:56our allies? It was remarked earlier that the international rules based

2:35:56 > 2:36:01order is under threat from Russia. The international rules based order

2:36:01 > 2:36:05is also under threat from others and it's important to we stand up and

2:36:05 > 2:36:11robustly defended.Three people are gravely and hospital following his

2:36:11 > 2:36:15horrific chain of events. Can I welcome the Prime Minister's was all

2:36:15 > 2:36:18that business cannot go on as usual? And she didn't take this opportunity

2:36:18 > 2:36:25to tighten up the loopholes that do exist in the system concerning money

2:36:25 > 2:36:30laundering to be from Russia with cash issue does not turn into from

2:36:30 > 2:36:34Russia with blood?The honourable Lady has been awarded at the

2:36:34 > 2:36:38Government has recently taken on extra powers to enable us to deal

2:36:38 > 2:36:41with the criminal finances through the criminal finances act. It's

2:36:41 > 2:36:46important that we did that, we are very well aware that the

2:36:46 > 2:36:50attractiveness for normal financial activity here in London can mean

2:36:50 > 2:36:54that there are those who see an opportunity for illicit flows of

2:36:54 > 2:37:00money and we will take every action against those.I welcome the

2:37:00 > 2:37:04strength of the Prime Minister statement today. I'm sure she will

2:37:04 > 2:37:06like me and be concerned by the parallels the previous time when

2:37:06 > 2:37:11autocratic clique they decided to challenge the international wills

2:37:11 > 2:37:14based system to prove that might would be right. Could she assured me

2:37:14 > 2:37:18that she will be working with allies to make sure that we could go down

2:37:18 > 2:37:24the path to disaster and defeat as well?I will certainly be working

2:37:24 > 2:37:30with allies to make very clear they ... And that those that try to

2:37:30 > 2:37:34attack it will not win.Mr Speaker, inevitably today the focus has been

2:37:34 > 2:37:40on the Russians that are crooks and cronies of Putin, but there are

2:37:40 > 2:37:43decent Russians who have spoken out against the regime. Those that I've

2:37:43 > 2:37:48met over the years here in sometimes feel very alone, can we send out a

2:37:48 > 2:37:53signal that we are appalled by what Putin has been? We designed a set

2:37:53 > 2:38:02bill of solidarity with those

2:38:02 > 2:38:06The honourable Lady does speak about this. There are those who had been

2:38:06 > 2:38:10proven up to speak up. And we support them in doing so. And we

2:38:10 > 2:38:13want them to be able to do so and be free to do so and that they are able

2:38:13 > 2:38:16to feel the competence of doing so without steering action that might

2:38:16 > 2:38:21be taken against them as a result. Mr Speaker, can I too thanks the

2:38:21 > 2:38:27right honourable friend handling this appalling case and can also ask

2:38:27 > 2:38:31her that if it is indeed proved that this was state sponsored, the

2:38:31 > 2:38:35response is not just in the United Kingdom, but from Nato and all our

2:38:35 > 2:38:40European allies because together we stand and divided we provide an

2:38:40 > 2:38:46opening for this man?I say to my right honourable friend that we will

2:38:46 > 2:38:49always be be talking with allies about the nature of this act that

2:38:49 > 2:38:54has taken place and we will continue to do so and will be encouraging our

2:38:54 > 2:38:59allies to end -- recognise the despicable nature of what has

2:38:59 > 2:39:08happened in the UK.The main security challenges we face are from

2:39:08 > 2:39:14Daesh and others. Will she meet those challenges as opposed to

2:39:14 > 2:39:21constituting a new nuclear weapons? He prefers the number of threats

2:39:21 > 2:39:25obviously the terrorist threat, the threat of hostile state activity.

2:39:25 > 2:39:30Those are ones of which we are sure we had the capabilities to address.

2:39:30 > 2:39:33That has a variety of actions that the Government takes. I indicated

2:39:33 > 2:39:38earlier not every response actually sets within what would be

2:39:38 > 2:39:43conventionally called the fence. The work of the security and

2:39:43 > 2:39:46intelligence agencies, the work of the office against counterterrorism

2:39:46 > 2:39:52this is in the Home Office, these are all part. That's why our

2:39:52 > 2:39:54national security review is important in bringing together all

2:39:54 > 2:40:00parts are response ensuring that we have the capabilities that we need.

2:40:00 > 2:40:06Mr Speaker, from a hacking infrastructure to spreading

2:40:06 > 2:40:08information, the prime Minster is coolly right that Russia has been

2:40:08 > 2:40:14waging a cyber war against the West. She took to the investigation of the

2:40:14 > 2:40:20Bill. Can she ensure the House that is more parsing needed, she will not

2:40:20 > 2:40:25hesitate?I am very happy to give that confirmation to the honourable

2:40:25 > 2:40:29friend. My right eyeball friend at the Home Secretary is already

2:40:29 > 2:40:31looking at what further counterterrorism powers made be

2:40:31 > 2:40:40needed.Thank you Mr Suter. I has had a great deal of time with

2:40:40 > 2:40:44service workers since my Russian. It is disappointing that we had to

2:40:44 > 2:40:47reflect on how we keep them safe from nerve agents. And I welcome the

2:40:47 > 2:40:51Prime Minister process segment that we must outlined what was

2:40:51 > 2:40:54particularly reckless about this attack was the decision to use Isner

2:40:54 > 2:40:58vision that would put members of the public and our emergency services

2:40:58 > 2:41:01and an workers they would have to respond at risk, can I welcome the

2:41:01 > 2:41:04news that she will put that at the forefront at the meeting she's due

2:41:04 > 2:41:07to have this week and the seriousness and the risks presented

2:41:07 > 2:41:11to police and NHS workers in particular for the robust

2:41:11 > 2:41:17consequences that must now follow was white she raises a very good

2:41:17 > 2:41:21points in relation to our emergency services. We have already had a book

2:41:21 > 2:41:26at the framework on our emergency services operate.In terms of the

2:41:26 > 2:41:30sorts of incidents that they might need to be responding to. We will of

2:41:30 > 2:41:40course need to keep this under review.Thank you Mr Speaker. The

2:41:40 > 2:41:45attacks on Skripal were designed to kill in hour highway. With that

2:41:45 > 2:41:51threat in mind, can she ensure that our national -- our national defence

2:41:51 > 2:41:59is sufficient to meet that threat in terms of funding?As I said earlier,

2:41:59 > 2:42:05this is a matter of the capabilities that we have across our security,

2:42:05 > 2:42:09national security and defence. And it is important that we have been

2:42:09 > 2:42:12conducting a number of reviews and are continuing a number of her fears

2:42:12 > 2:42:15that goes straight to the heart of this matter to ensure we have the

2:42:15 > 2:42:21capabilities across the board that we need.Thank you Mr Speaker. May I

2:42:21 > 2:42:24commend the Prime Minister for her statement of a robust as to which

2:42:24 > 2:42:29they address the House was back in the coming days when the Prime

2:42:29 > 2:42:33Minister discusses actions whether I like, was she at ensure that there

2:42:33 > 2:42:36will act robustly with some of the more recalcitrant Nato allies to

2:42:36 > 2:42:42give clouds to the Russian athletes to lie than to read fuel, notably

2:42:42 > 2:42:47spin? Enough is enough.Can I say to the honourable gentleman that I will

2:42:47 > 2:42:53of course be raising this issue with allies and we will be talking with

2:42:53 > 2:42:56them about the nature of the response that we feel is appropriate

2:42:56 > 2:43:02to such an action having taken place.Order. Statement, the

2:43:02 > 2:43:17Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Secretary Karen Bradley.

2:43:17 > 2:43:24Thank you. With permission, Mr Speaker, I would like to make case

2:43:24 > 2:43:27statement about Northern Ireland finances. Last week I laid a written

2:43:27 > 2:43:31statement in which I explained the pressures on public services

2:43:31 > 2:43:36imperative for the Government to take steps to provide clarity to

2:43:36 > 2:43:40enable planning in Northern Ireland for 2000 1819. With great reluctance

2:43:40 > 2:43:48-- 2000 18 -- 19. I set out in the statement a capital allocation which

2:43:48 > 2:43:51I considered to be the most balanced and appropriate settlement for

2:43:51 > 2:43:57Northern Ireland departments. I did this following intensive engagement

2:43:57 > 2:43:59with Northern Ireland civil service and consultation with all of the

2:43:59 > 2:44:05main Northern Ireland parties. Mr Speaker, in the continued absence of

2:44:05 > 2:44:09an executive, I have an obligation to take these and any other measures

2:44:09 > 2:44:12necessary to keep Northern Ireland functioning. I would only take such

2:44:12 > 2:44:16measures where they are clear and essential and limited in nature on

2:44:16 > 2:44:20our part -- are part of a clear and consistent approach by the

2:44:20 > 2:44:24Government. This approach is based a number of principles. First, we

2:44:24 > 2:44:28remain steadfast in our commitment to the Belfast agreement. All that

2:44:28 > 2:44:31we do will be with a purpose of protecting and fulfilling the

2:44:31 > 2:44:37agreement. But second we will take those decisions which are necessary

2:44:37 > 2:44:41to provide good governance and political stability for Northern

2:44:41 > 2:44:44Ireland, consistent always with restrain the Executive and local

2:44:44 > 2:44:48decision-making at the earliest possible opportunity. Third, we will

2:44:48 > 2:44:52continue to implement our obligations under the agreement and

2:44:52 > 2:44:55as success where possible, always looking for the good of the

2:44:55 > 2:45:00community as a whole. Finally, we will continue to work with all of

2:45:00 > 2:45:03Northern Ireland parties and with the Irish government as appropriate

2:45:03 > 2:45:06to remove the barriers to restrain the Executive and fully functioning

2:45:06 > 2:45:12assembly. The principles and the core of the agreement and the

2:45:12 > 2:45:14political institutions that it establishes continue to have

2:45:14 > 2:45:20powerful and unreserved support. That means that we will uphold the

2:45:20 > 2:45:23upload of consent, consistent with this government's support for

2:45:23 > 2:45:27Northern Ireland's plays within the union and well-maintained

2:45:27 > 2:45:32constitution and integrity of the United Kingdom. We believe in

2:45:32 > 2:45:36devolution and imperative for local dissent -- decision-making by local

2:45:36 > 2:45:38politicians. We support power-sharing on a cross community

2:45:38 > 2:45:42basis based on mutual respect and recognition. Will continue to the

2:45:42 > 2:45:49Dutch continued to support cooperation as we leave the EU while

2:45:49 > 2:45:51always preserving the economic integrity of the United Kingdom. We

2:45:51 > 2:45:54will continue to work closer with the Irish government in full

2:45:54 > 2:45:58accordance with the three stranded approach. We will continue to act

2:45:58 > 2:46:02fairly and to govern in the interest of all parts of the community in

2:46:02 > 2:46:06Northern Ireland. Mr Speaker, the necessary steps which I have taken

2:46:06 > 2:46:11and will continue to take our consistent with all of these

2:46:11 > 2:46:15commitments. In addition to the steps I set out last week, there are

2:46:15 > 2:46:18several associated measures required to further secure public finances

2:46:18 > 2:46:23which I will be taking forward. As well as cutting costs, securing

2:46:23 > 2:46:26efficiencies and beginning to take steps to transform public services,

2:46:26 > 2:46:31it is right to look at how income can be increased to protect the

2:46:31 > 2:46:35public services on which the people of Northern Ireland depend. I will

2:46:35 > 2:46:38introduce legislation to set a regional rate which will increase

2:46:38 > 2:46:43domestic rates by 3% of inflation. This will make an important

2:46:43 > 2:46:47contribution to sustainable finances with additional funding addressing

2:46:47 > 2:46:52urgent pressures in health and education. I also intend to act to

2:46:52 > 2:46:58extend the cost capping of the key consensus KeyBank -- of the scheming

2:46:58 > 2:47:01in Northern Ireland which were put in place over a year ago. It will

2:47:01 > 2:47:06not be acceptable to put finances at risk by allowing that cap to last. I

2:47:06 > 2:47:11therefore propose to extend it from the 1st of April the minimal

2:47:11 > 2:47:15possible step to protect the public purse. I also concert -- confirm the

2:47:15 > 2:47:19final spending totals for the Northern Ireland departments for the

2:47:19 > 2:47:24previous financial year -- for the current at note -- for the previous

2:47:24 > 2:47:29dear. I also believe that the time is right to address the ongoing

2:47:29 > 2:47:33public concern in the absence of a functioning assembly. I think him it

2:47:33 > 2:47:38was inserted by my predecessor to produce an independent review and

2:47:38 > 2:47:50recommended eight 27.5% reduction MLA pay. Further to that I am in

2:47:50 > 2:47:54mind to reduce... I will recommend full and final representations for

2:47:54 > 2:48:00that tired and parties before make that final decision. These measures

2:48:00 > 2:48:03adjusted reluctantly put are necessary in the absence of a

2:48:03 > 2:48:07functioning executive and the sadly, will give forward planning for the

2:48:07 > 2:48:13financial year had. They cannot provide the local input and

2:48:13 > 2:48:16fundamental decisions which are needed to secure a more sustainable

2:48:16 > 2:48:21future for Northern Ireland. My powers as Secretary of State for

2:48:21 > 2:48:24Northern Ireland are limited. The scope of this House to cast

2:48:24 > 2:48:27legislation on the default issues which matter for Northern Ireland is

2:48:27 > 2:48:33limited. This rightly reflects the devolution settlement which is in

2:48:33 > 2:48:37place into which this government is commitment -- committed. But it does

2:48:37 > 2:48:42mean that in continuing absence of executive, there are fundamental

2:48:42 > 2:48:46decisions that cannot be taken or screwed knives as it should be. --

2:48:46 > 2:48:50scrutinise. This is when the situation for 14 months already and

2:48:50 > 2:48:56in the continuing absence, it would be responsible for us stop to

2:48:56 > 2:48:58consider how we might provide for different arrangements until such

2:48:58 > 2:49:04time as evolved institutions are back up and running. I also continue

2:49:04 > 2:49:08to keep under review my statutory obligation to call on Assembly

2:49:08 > 2:49:13election. I would welcome the views and proposals of the Northern

2:49:13 > 2:49:18Ireland parties and others and have such arrangements are for local

2:49:18 > 2:49:20decision-making and screw Nana cross community basis might be achieved in

2:49:20 > 2:49:27the continued accident -- as is of an executive. And how arrangements

2:49:27 > 2:49:29would work with other institutions of the agreement. Let me be clear

2:49:29 > 2:49:36that this in no way impacts my commitment to the Belfast agreement

2:49:36 > 2:49:40nor my commitment to work through the barriers to the restoration

2:49:40 > 2:49:45devolution. As the 20th anniversary of the Belfast agreement approaches,

2:49:45 > 2:49:49I am clear as ever that Northern Ireland needs strong political

2:49:49 > 2:49:51leadership from a locally elected and accountable default government.

2:49:51 > 2:49:59And that remains my goal. I commend the statement to the House.Thank

2:49:59 > 2:50:03you very much Mr Speaker and may I begin by wishing the Secretary of

2:50:03 > 2:50:06State is very happy birthday for today is back and thank her for

2:50:06 > 2:50:12advanced sight of her statement. We did see most that last week when

2:50:12 > 2:50:15they published the budget for Northern Ireland in a written

2:50:15 > 2:50:20statement that came out at 5pm on a Thursday evening. And I do have to

2:50:20 > 2:50:23say Mr Speaker, that is an unsatisfactory state of affairs, a

2:50:23 > 2:50:26bit discourteous to this House and more apartment to the people of

2:50:26 > 2:50:35Northern Ireland. Announcing what is a £10.5 billion pot should affecting

2:50:35 > 2:50:40key services for 1.8 billion citizens -- million citizens with no

2:50:40 > 2:50:47ability to question or challenge those accommodations. With ads of no

2:50:47 > 2:50:50accountable government. I'm sure the Secretary of State would think that

2:50:50 > 2:50:53that was not a suitable way to send a budget for constituents in stature

2:50:53 > 2:50:57-- her staff. And I hope she was plain to the House why she felt it

2:50:57 > 2:51:04was needed to be done and that's -- that fashion. Messages that this

2:51:04 > 2:51:09sadly announcement was embarrassed because days before the Conservative

2:51:09 > 2:51:14Party will vote for cuts affecting citizens in Wales and Scotland that

2:51:14 > 2:51:17the billion pound partnership with the DUP Meza Northern Ireland alone

2:51:17 > 2:51:24is being spared. We welcome that investment in Northern Ireland, Mr

2:51:24 > 2:51:28Speaker. But we also need to see investment in health and education

2:51:28 > 2:51:32and other key public services in every part of the UK, not just the

2:51:32 > 2:51:39bit where the Tories need DUP votes. Mr Speaker, turning out to the

2:51:39 > 2:51:41substance of the budget, the Secretary of State said last week

2:51:41 > 2:51:44and repeated a moment ago that in absence of an assembly with

2:51:44 > 2:51:48decisions being taken by wholly unaccountable permanent secretaries,

2:51:48 > 2:51:53some fundamental decisions cannot be addressed, we agree. At the do seem

2:51:53 > 2:51:57to need to be some pretty fundamental decisions that were

2:51:57 > 2:52:00taken last week by the Secretary of State and awarded she might answer

2:52:00 > 2:52:05some questions about those today. Firstly on the decision to put up

2:52:05 > 2:52:09taxes in Northern Ireland for the regional rate, and the Secretary of

2:52:09 > 2:52:12State confirm whether that was discussed in detail and agree with

2:52:12 > 2:52:15any or all of the parties in Northern Ireland? Second respected

2:52:15 > 2:52:22to the decision of the increase of the budget for some individual

2:52:22 > 2:52:25departments, can she is point to the House the reasons for increased to

2:52:25 > 2:52:33the Department of Justice of 36 million or 70% or the Department of

2:52:33 > 2:52:37Agriculture which saw an increase of £40 million or are hundred and 10%

2:52:37 > 2:52:41increase unless you're positive budget or the Department of

2:52:41 > 2:52:46Communities which saw £38 million or eight 38% increase last year. I

2:52:46 > 2:52:49should there are very good reasons for these increases and the

2:52:49 > 2:52:53significant cuts that have been made to the administrative departments

2:52:53 > 2:52:56elsewhere. But I think the House and people of Northern Ireland deserve

2:52:56 > 2:53:00to have some explanation as to how these decisions and by whom and why

2:53:00 > 2:53:09they have been made.

2:53:09 > 2:53:15For health and education and the £100 million transform to help

2:53:15 > 2:53:19service and light with the report. Could the secretary of state spell

2:53:19 > 2:53:23out how that 80 million on health and education and is to be divided,

2:53:23 > 2:53:29and who will make the decision now about the appropriate allocation?

2:53:29 > 2:53:33And is that something that the DUP coordination committee will be

2:53:33 > 2:53:38discussing with the conservative government, and it that has already

2:53:38 > 2:53:42been discussed? When a secretary of state talks about big health

2:53:42 > 2:53:45reforms, she will be aware that some of the reforms that were talked

2:53:45 > 2:53:51about and then do let and other health plans with respect hospital

2:53:51 > 2:53:55closures and other changes to the configuration of health services,

2:53:55 > 2:53:59does the secretary of state imagine that such big decisions could be

2:53:59 > 2:54:05taken by civil servants? And if not, what should it be spent on exactly?

2:54:05 > 2:54:08Mr Speaker, the gravity of the issues at hand and the skill of the

2:54:08 > 2:54:12decisions being taken merely serves to undermine what a grave crisis

2:54:12 > 2:54:18began face now in Northern Ireland after 14 months the Executive

2:54:18 > 2:54:22collapse power-sharing ending and I welcome the commitment that the

2:54:22 > 2:54:25secretary of state reiterated today to the Belfast agreement and the

2:54:25 > 2:54:29principles of consent and power that underpin it, especially in the late

2:54:29 > 2:54:34I think of the recent attempts by some to undermine that agreement. I

2:54:34 > 2:54:38have to say to the secretary of state, we need to see more than a

2:54:38 > 2:54:42more tireless activity. We need to see some success in the forthcoming

2:54:42 > 2:54:46negotiations if we are to get to next month's 20th anniversary with a

2:54:46 > 2:54:50real sense of optimism about the future of the agreement and the

2:54:50 > 2:54:54future of power shift. I'm sure that the secretary of state did not mean,

2:54:54 > 2:54:59and she was at pains to point this out, that she anticipate any failure

2:54:59 > 2:55:02and those negotiations. But the whole House and country would have

2:55:02 > 2:55:07been struck by the acknowledgement that we may need to look at

2:55:07 > 2:55:09alternative means of keeping the agreement and political

2:55:09 > 2:55:14accountability and elite back alive in the absence of an executive. And

2:55:14 > 2:55:16that raises very significant questions about the feasibility,

2:55:16 > 2:55:21given that some parties will not want to take part in such a shadow

2:55:21 > 2:55:25assembly or another form of an assembly, and a form of that

2:55:25 > 2:55:31alternative. It also raises I think a very significant risk and I hope

2:55:31 > 2:55:35the secretary of state will take particular note of, moving to an

2:55:35 > 2:55:38alternative form of assembly would take the pressure off the parties

2:55:38 > 2:55:46and come to an agreement and engage in meaningful peril. Power-sharing.

2:55:46 > 2:55:51The secretary of state acknowledged that risk?

2:55:56 > 2:56:02And the last time that we see a budget being set by this House and

2:56:02 > 2:56:08not where it ought to be an?Mr Speaker, can I start by thinking the

2:56:08 > 2:56:12honourable judgement for his kind words about my birthday, I was not

2:56:12 > 2:56:15expecting my birth to spend my birthday doing budget statement but

2:56:15 > 2:56:25thank you. It is quite right, as he has acknowledged. And we all agree,

2:56:25 > 2:56:28these are decisions that should be taken by locally elected

2:56:28 > 2:56:33politicians. The people who a lot to those politicians in Northern

2:56:33 > 2:56:36Ireland want them to take the decisions and I genuinely believe

2:56:36 > 2:56:40that those politicians want to take those decisions. We have discussed

2:56:40 > 2:56:45this previously in this House there are some issues on which the parties

2:56:45 > 2:56:49cannot agree, but I agree that we can get to a point where we can get

2:56:49 > 2:56:53the ball to government up and running and that is what I am

2:56:53 > 2:56:57determined to achieve. Everything that I have set out today is in line

2:56:57 > 2:57:03with that aim. That is my aim, I want to see devolved government back

2:57:03 > 2:57:07up and Stormont. When that is by the decisions that have been taken,

2:57:07 > 2:57:10whilst difficult, one many to be taken for the public services but

2:57:10 > 2:57:14I've taken them in light of the fact that I did not want to undermine the

2:57:14 > 2:57:17constitutional arrangements and the devolution settlement that there a

2:57:17 > 2:57:25Northern Ireland. He asked about timing he will recall what I was

2:57:25 > 2:57:29here I committed I would lay a budget by last week and that is why

2:57:29 > 2:57:33it was important that I got the written statement out last week but

2:57:33 > 2:57:36I'm here at the earliest opportunity to explain to the House and take

2:57:36 > 2:57:39questions from honourable and right honourable members across the House

2:57:39 > 2:57:45in order that I can deal with their concerns. I think it's important to

2:57:45 > 2:57:50put on the record that I did not publish a statement until I had the

2:57:50 > 2:57:53chance to show it to all the main parties were presented at Stormont

2:57:53 > 2:57:59and they had had the chance to see what the allocations were. Because

2:57:59 > 2:58:03my fervent hope is that they would be the individuals who would

2:58:03 > 2:58:07actually deliver this budget and not is why it's important that they were

2:58:07 > 2:58:11all consulted on the work that had been done. I also want to pay

2:58:11 > 2:58:22tribute, Mr Speaker, to my officials and the civil servant working. They

2:58:22 > 2:58:27have worked hard and selflessly to help to deliver this in a way that

2:58:27 > 2:58:30is very uncomfortable for many officials. They want to have

2:58:30 > 2:58:34political direction, they want politicians to give them direction

2:58:34 > 2:58:39and it is very difficult to do so and I hope they have worked above

2:58:39 > 2:58:45and beyond anything that we have spoken to civil servants and I want

2:58:45 > 2:58:48to put that on the record. He asked about the decisions that were taken

2:58:48 > 2:58:54in terms of allocations. I looked out to the key department, I wanted

2:58:54 > 2:58:58to make sure there was money to protect the policing budget. That

2:58:58 > 2:59:03was very important, he will acknowledge and recognise that. He

2:59:03 > 2:59:08asked about the £100 billion from the confidence and supply

2:59:08 > 2:59:10arrangement for health transformation. That is his money

2:59:10 > 2:59:15that was recognised and agreed by the Government needed to be spent in

2:59:15 > 2:59:18Northern Ireland because of the unique circumstances and Northern

2:59:18 > 2:59:24Ireland and I visited the hospital and dairy in London last Monday and

2:59:24 > 2:59:28met consultants and managers there, and it was very clear to me that

2:59:28 > 2:59:31health transformation is a priority and we do need to make sure that

2:59:31 > 2:59:37that money is spent and I have taken advice, legal advice, about how that

2:59:37 > 2:59:40money can be spent to ensure that it is spent on the priorities which it

2:59:40 > 2:59:46is designed to be spent on. He asked also about the alternative

2:59:46 > 2:59:50approaches. You will know that many have suggested ways that we may be

2:59:50 > 2:59:55able to form some form of functioning assembly or scrutiny at

2:59:55 > 3:00:03Stormont. I am considering all the suggestions, and I would welcome

3:00:03 > 3:00:06further suggestions and I'm taking legal advice on all of them because

3:00:06 > 3:00:09I don't want to do anything that undermines what we have achieved and

3:00:09 > 3:00:13the 20 years and the Belfast agreement. But if there is a way

3:00:13 > 3:00:18that we can move ourselves back on the road to devolved government

3:00:18 > 3:00:21functioning and Stormont and having scrutiny being applied by local

3:00:21 > 3:00:24elected politicians, and that I think we should all endeavour to try

3:00:24 > 3:00:29to find that route if at all possible.This is the second of four

3:00:29 > 3:00:32ministerial statements to the House this afternoon and notwithstanding

3:00:32 > 3:00:37its immense importance, I appealed to collect in the interest of

3:00:37 > 3:00:39accommodating subsequent this is not to prep their questions with many

3:00:39 > 3:00:47speeches but to simply ask a pithy questions.Nevertheless, I hope

3:00:47 > 3:00:51you'll allow me to add my best wishes to be secretary of state on

3:00:51 > 3:00:57her birthday. Can I also welcome the statement particularly the bit in

3:00:57 > 3:01:02which she invites comments about how we might close the Democratic... My

3:01:02 > 3:01:05select committee has held the suggestions and will be sending them

3:01:05 > 3:01:08to her. Can I draw her attention to the ministerial statement on

3:01:08 > 3:01:11Thursday in what she says the permanent secretaries cannot

3:01:11 > 3:01:14position that will be available to Ministers which is incorrect and

3:01:14 > 3:01:20goes on to say that Ministers will be helpful and offering guidance.

3:01:20 > 3:01:24Can I press her on exactly what form that guidance will take, given that

3:01:24 > 3:01:31she has set out the departmental expenditure limits, about what

3:01:31 > 3:01:36actually goes to constitutes those D.Thank you, and can I thank my

3:01:36 > 3:01:41honourable friend for his good wishes and for his question and the

3:01:41 > 3:01:46work that his committee is doing with the issue of devolution and

3:01:46 > 3:01:56Northern Ireland. I was pleased to give evidence to the inquiry,. I

3:01:56 > 3:02:05look forward to their recommendations. He is right that,

3:02:05 > 3:02:08and the absence of ministerial direction for storm and there is

3:02:08 > 3:02:11concern about the work that civil servants can do. We have worked very

3:02:11 > 3:02:20closely with civil servants making sure legal advice is... So they have

3:02:20 > 3:02:24the support they need to take decisions based on decisions that

3:02:24 > 3:02:27were previously taken by the Executive or certainly indicating

3:02:27 > 3:02:31what had been taken by the Executive. And I have for this to

3:02:31 > 3:02:37the permanent secretary to set out my view as to how any money should

3:02:37 > 3:02:41be spent in line with the recommendation that they have that

3:02:41 > 3:02:49guidance.I think the secretary of state on her statement and may I

3:02:49 > 3:02:54join the House and wishing her a happy birthday today. I will send my

3:02:54 > 3:02:57contribution by making it clear that while many needs to be allocated for

3:02:57 > 3:03:01the continued funding of public services and Northern Ireland, these

3:03:01 > 3:03:05matters should more properly be addressed by locally elected

3:03:05 > 3:03:10representatives. The decision to increase rates, a policy decision

3:03:10 > 3:03:14that reverses key policies of storm and. Ensure none of us want to be

3:03:14 > 3:03:21here again, but here we are. We keep the lights on, people wage's paid

3:03:21 > 3:03:27can continue, we must have keep in mind that the restoration of

3:03:27 > 3:03:33devolved government and Northern Ireland is the principal aim. I was

3:03:33 > 3:03:37pleased that the secretary of state continues to welcome the views of

3:03:37 > 3:03:40the Northern Irish parties and other Angel local decision-making and

3:03:40 > 3:03:44scrutiny on a cross community basis might be achieved. Could you tell us

3:03:44 > 3:03:48a little bit more about how those views and proposals might be more

3:03:48 > 3:03:53transparently canvassed and then shared with Northern Irish citizens?

3:03:53 > 3:03:56In regard to the confidence and supply agreement monies, while of

3:03:56 > 3:04:03course no one ever progresses extra money spent on health or education,

3:04:03 > 3:04:08there's more than £400 million is part of the £1 billion the DUP

3:04:08 > 3:04:11extracted from the Conservatives to prop up this government. In views of

3:04:11 > 3:04:15the considerable concerns around the steel, and recent concerns about the

3:04:15 > 3:04:19transparency of the political donations process in Northern

3:04:19 > 3:04:22Ireland, when can we expect further details on what this extra money is

3:04:22 > 3:04:27going to be spent on? Will be secretary of state be laying the

3:04:27 > 3:04:29destination of that money before the House separately to the allocation

3:04:29 > 3:04:35of funds required to fund public services? It's wearing that we look

3:04:35 > 3:04:39to be stepping into a zone where money is allocated without close

3:04:39 > 3:04:43ministerial direction and we have not yet seen any criteria for how

3:04:43 > 3:04:46that money will be spent. Was she not commit to providing much greater

3:04:46 > 3:04:52transparency around the spending of the DUP deal money and lay the full

3:04:52 > 3:04:59details before the House?Can I thank the honourable Lady, I will

3:04:59 > 3:05:02thank everyone for their good wishes but it's very kind. Thank you. The

3:05:02 > 3:05:12honourable Lady asked about the approaches, I and by any parties

3:05:12 > 3:05:15that have suggestions about how this could function and how we might have

3:05:15 > 3:05:21some form of assembly functioning with scrutiny and Starr, but I will

3:05:21 > 3:05:25have to take legal advice on everything that is proposed and

3:05:25 > 3:05:30clearly if there is a suggestion that is gathering cross party

3:05:30 > 3:05:34support they clearly would we want to talk about that with others so

3:05:34 > 3:05:40that we could ensure that we were able to do do something that

3:05:40 > 3:05:43everyone was confident was not something that took us back on the

3:05:43 > 3:05:47route to devolution and not away from it, that is my key priority.

3:05:47 > 3:05:51She asked also about money for the continental supply arrangement. She

3:05:51 > 3:05:57will note that the agreement is on the Internet available for anybody

3:05:57 > 3:06:02to see and download, but I think she should also recognise that these are

3:06:02 > 3:06:05important particularly changes to infrastructure, that has been needed

3:06:05 > 3:06:12for some time. This is something that anybody in Belfast will know is

3:06:12 > 3:06:16crying out for investment and change to be made, and that is why the

3:06:16 > 3:06:21Government wants to make sure that money is spent on things and needs

3:06:21 > 3:06:25to be spent on, including health transformation and line with the

3:06:25 > 3:06:31recommendation.Thank you Mr Speaker. Does my right honourable

3:06:31 > 3:06:38friend think that allocations and the budget are largely suggested by

3:06:38 > 3:06:44the Northern Ireland civil service which is pretty canny, would bat the

3:06:44 > 3:06:49same civil service was inviting that the Executive is not working at the

3:06:49 > 3:06:56moment.Clearly my honourable friend is right to say that these are

3:06:56 > 3:07:00conversations that the Northern islands of a have at the parties, as

3:07:00 > 3:07:07well as with the UK Government. And they have been incredibly

3:07:07 > 3:07:13professional ensuring they looked at the decisions that were taken by the

3:07:13 > 3:07:18Executive before the Executive collapse and also the programme for

3:07:18 > 3:07:23government that they have had. And also, it reflects the priorities

3:07:23 > 3:07:26that the UK Government and ensuring the health and education policing

3:07:26 > 3:07:34our protected.Can I join in wishing the secretary of State every best

3:07:34 > 3:07:39wish on this momentous occasion and can I think the secretary of state

3:07:39 > 3:07:42for her statement and the Government's live support and that

3:07:42 > 3:07:46statement, once again, for Northern Ireland's plays within the United

3:07:46 > 3:07:52Kingdom that is very welcome. Also welcome, the budget statement and

3:07:52 > 3:07:56the £410 million extra to Northern Ireland as a result of the competent

3:07:56 > 3:08:00supply agreement which is going on infrastructure, health, education,

3:08:00 > 3:08:05to deprived communities to mental health, East and West, urban and

3:08:05 > 3:08:09rural, nationalist and unionist, everyone benefits. That's a good

3:08:09 > 3:08:13news story for Northern Ireland and has been welcomed across Northern

3:08:13 > 3:08:17Ireland as such. Can I welcome her statement today where it says that

3:08:17 > 3:08:25she is now going to take a series of decisions which the Government is

3:08:25 > 3:08:27beginning to take for the good government of Northern Ireland? This

3:08:27 > 3:08:30is long overdue and I welcome the series of measures that she has

3:08:30 > 3:08:34announced and also welcome very warmly her willingness to look at

3:08:34 > 3:08:36arrangements providing for local decision-making and scrutiny across

3:08:36 > 3:08:42community basis in the meantime she can be assured of our full support

3:08:42 > 3:08:46and engagement in that process. We want devolution up and running, she

3:08:46 > 3:08:50knows he would form the Executive tomorrow on the bases of the agreed

3:08:50 > 3:09:00programme for government with Sinn Fein and we welcome all

3:09:00 > 3:09:04Can I thank the right honourable of general men for both his well wishes

3:09:04 > 3:09:08and his comment. And also can I thank the DUP for the role that they

3:09:08 > 3:09:11played along with all of the other parties in working with the

3:09:11 > 3:09:16governments to deliver the budget and ensure that we were able to

3:09:16 > 3:09:21reflect the priorities of the parties of Northern Ireland? And he

3:09:21 > 3:09:28is right that the confidence and an supply arrangement that -- money

3:09:28 > 3:09:31that we have reached is absolutely met the spent on a cross community

3:09:31 > 3:09:34basis for all parts of Northern Ireland dealing with some issues

3:09:34 > 3:09:41that have been perhaps underfunded in the past like infrastructure that

3:09:41 > 3:09:46need of funding today and I thank him for his kind words.Thank you Mr

3:09:46 > 3:09:50Speaker. I welcome the Secretary of State positive review of MLA pay. On

3:09:50 > 3:09:54a separate matter does she think it is unsustainable for honourable

3:09:54 > 3:09:58members in this plates who do not take their seats to take

3:09:58 > 3:10:03representative money from political campaigning?Can I thank my right

3:10:03 > 3:10:09honourable friend. Clearly the manager first is a matter for this

3:10:09 > 3:10:12House and I know that there are members of this House who are well

3:10:12 > 3:10:17aware and first in the procedures that are needed for such matters.

3:10:17 > 3:10:20Clearly the issue of an up pay is something and you look at as a

3:10:20 > 3:10:29result the review done and I would welcome representations from that.

3:10:29 > 3:10:38Can also thank the Secretary of State for the statement. They are

3:10:38 > 3:10:42sad, but inevitable. It is sad but inevitable that it should have to

3:10:42 > 3:10:48come in this way. But what we're doing here is treating it not as an

3:10:48 > 3:10:55underlying disease. The reason, so the chairperson of policing Board

3:10:55 > 3:10:57and the need for proper accountability of policing in

3:10:57 > 3:11:01Northern Ireland. When we see that PS and I is spending under Dragon

3:11:01 > 3:11:08£25,000 a day on overtime doesn't not really say... Is it not

3:11:08 > 3:11:14something else that needs to be tackled?Mr Speaker, the right

3:11:14 > 3:11:18honourable gentleman makes a point that were fakes once again why we

3:11:18 > 3:11:21need to evolve government instalment. I have met the chair of

3:11:21 > 3:11:24the policing board and the Chief Constable about this matter. Both

3:11:24 > 3:11:29are keen to see the book overrepresentation of the policing

3:11:29 > 3:11:36Board restored to add that proper governance. I will be in Washington

3:11:36 > 3:11:41at the end of the week for the St Patrick's Day event and believed he

3:11:41 > 3:11:44will be there and I hope to catch up with her and discuss how we might

3:11:44 > 3:11:49make that a reality stop the my decisions were under the clear

3:11:49 > 3:11:54impression that the main purpose and life of Sinn Fein was to avoid all

3:11:54 > 3:12:00costs direct rule from Westminster. Is it clear and that by refusing to

3:12:00 > 3:12:03reach an agreement with the DUP commission fain have brought about

3:12:03 > 3:12:09exactly which they always campaigned to avoid?-- Sinn Fein I don't want

3:12:09 > 3:12:16to get into the wiser what's about the process. I do know that all

3:12:16 > 3:12:21sides have given me very strong commitment that they want to go back

3:12:21 > 3:12:24into Galt -- into devolved government and I want to find a way

3:12:24 > 3:12:32we can make that a reality.Lady Herman.Thank you Mr Speaker. She

3:12:32 > 3:12:38noted very carefully that she was very decisive about an increase in

3:12:38 > 3:12:42Northern Ireland. I was extremely disappointed to put it lightly that

3:12:42 > 3:12:47the Secretary of State continues to go about cutting the salaries of MLA

3:12:47 > 3:12:53is. Doesn't the Secretary of State accept and recognise that it is

3:12:53 > 3:12:56morally indefensible that and always should continue to receive a full

3:12:56 > 3:13:02salary in the absence of a functioning assembly for 14 months?

3:13:02 > 3:13:06Morally indefensible.Mr Speaker, the honourable Lady sums up the

3:13:06 > 3:13:09comments I have been made to me by members of the public across

3:13:09 > 3:13:14Northern Ireland. But I do want to make sure that everybody has the

3:13:14 > 3:13:17chance to make representations about this matter. So that the power that

3:13:17 > 3:13:24we can't legislate forward in Westminster is used appropriately. I

3:13:24 > 3:13:29also do want to say and I have said to her at the select committee that

3:13:29 > 3:13:34whilst I think there are good grounds to look at the pay of MLA

3:13:34 > 3:13:39is, I don't think that their staff should, that the paper said should

3:13:39 > 3:13:43be affected. I think we would all agree that our staff do fantastic

3:13:43 > 3:13:47work and that they need to be properly remunerated for the great

3:13:47 > 3:13:51work that they do and for the constituents of the MLA is.I

3:13:51 > 3:13:56welcome this statement, but would she agree with me that the fact that

3:13:56 > 3:13:59this year and on the Priebus budget that she has had to take some

3:13:59 > 3:14:03decisions that could not have been thought through -- but there are

3:14:03 > 3:14:08things today that are several step further towards rule and were few

3:14:08 > 3:14:12week ago?I do not agree with my right honourable friend. I think

3:14:12 > 3:14:16there was a budget that needed to be balanced. These were steps that were

3:14:16 > 3:14:24taken to balance that budget. And I have done so. Mindful, consistently

3:14:24 > 3:14:29of the need to make sure that we plates and maintain the position of

3:14:29 > 3:14:34restoring devolved government wherever possible.Gregory Campbell.

3:14:34 > 3:14:41In welcoming the Secretary of State's statements like others, I

3:14:41 > 3:14:44also concur in wishing her a happy birthday. And I also say that there

3:14:44 > 3:14:49is a very good move in terms of her consultation about the MLA salary

3:14:49 > 3:14:53issue. But what she agree with me that it would be intolerable to move

3:14:53 > 3:14:59on that if the House were not also to move on the issue of MPs from

3:14:59 > 3:15:03Sinn Fein who deliberately boycott this House rather than MLA to

3:15:03 > 3:15:07prevent them from doing therefore job?Mr Speaker, the honourable

3:15:07 > 3:15:12gentleman, I thank him for his kind words,, knows that this is a matter

3:15:12 > 3:15:15for the House but that the House will have heard the strong words

3:15:15 > 3:15:21from both sides.Thank you sir. Can I start by training -- painter bid

3:15:21 > 3:15:25to my right honourable friend and her predecessor for the tireless

3:15:25 > 3:15:28work to try to restore devolved government in Northern Ireland and

3:15:28 > 3:15:31Cannes jury affirmed that her clear commitment toward working to that

3:15:31 > 3:15:36Brecht dashed workings at evolve government to ensure that why

3:15:36 > 3:15:40network goes on, through this budget, that the people of Northern

3:15:40 > 3:15:43Ireland continue to receive the services and investment that they

3:15:43 > 3:15:50need?I thank my honourable friend for his question. He seemed to have

3:15:50 > 3:15:54a frog in his throat, but he seemed to do very well in delivering it

3:15:54 > 3:15:58without coughing too much. I do agree with him. It would not be

3:15:58 > 3:16:04tolerable for the UK Government to not do what is necessary to enable

3:16:04 > 3:16:09public services to continue to be delivered. The people I have met in

3:16:09 > 3:16:12Northern Ireland have been very dedicated public services --

3:16:12 > 3:16:16servants, they do really deserve that. So they can continue to

3:16:16 > 3:16:18deliver the schools, the policing and all other man is a public

3:16:18 > 3:16:26services that... .There are some decisions that cannot be taken in

3:16:26 > 3:16:29Northern Ireland at the moment. Can she say how long it will go on

3:16:29 > 3:16:32before accepting that we had to decide to go further and appoint

3:16:32 > 3:16:36Ministers in which you make a decision in the next month please

3:16:36 > 3:16:40stop on the Commonwealth youth games that is supposed be held in our

3:16:40 > 3:16:44Northern Ireland in 2021 and that if there are no decisions taken by the

3:16:44 > 3:16:49end of the month, that we will lose those games?The honourable Lady who

3:16:49 > 3:16:54was a great spokesman Mr knows exactly what the problem and our

3:16:54 > 3:16:56member from my previous break the frustration of the fact that Belfast

3:16:56 > 3:17:02has been awarded the Commonwealth youth games. But in the absence of

3:17:02 > 3:17:09an incest -- of Ministers to sign the appropriate documentation

3:17:09 > 3:17:12Anchorage actual intermission, there was great difficulty. -- contractual

3:17:12 > 3:17:19information. I am looking to resolve as many issues and this is one of

3:17:19 > 3:17:23those issues certainly on my table at the moment.Mr Speaker can I

3:17:23 > 3:17:27welcome the Secretary of statement -- stay positive statement and that

3:17:27 > 3:17:31action that will be taken MLA pay. She is up for full and final

3:17:31 > 3:17:37representation from the island parlays. But would she be seeking

3:17:37 > 3:17:41from community groups, many of whom who have had to fill the gap left by

3:17:41 > 3:17:49and always carrying out Parliament to do it -- duties?Mr Speaker, I

3:17:49 > 3:17:53would welcome representations from all. So far the work being done by

3:17:53 > 3:17:59Trevor Rini which I thank him for the recommendations, but it would be

3:17:59 > 3:18:04helpful to hear from all parties and all sides as to the news on this

3:18:04 > 3:18:11matter.Sandy Wilson's.We welcome the fact that the... Does he

3:18:11 > 3:18:18recognise that there are hundreds of decisions about how that money is

3:18:18 > 3:18:21spent that to require some input from the Minister and will she give

3:18:21 > 3:18:27a commitment that those issues will be addressed by the promises that

3:18:27 > 3:18:31she has made to the House today to look at further measures?Mr

3:18:31 > 3:18:36Speaker, in terms of the budget that I have spoken about today, I am

3:18:36 > 3:18:42confident that the director is there for civil servants to deliver. As

3:18:42 > 3:18:48required and as wanted by all parties. But he is right that there

3:18:48 > 3:18:52are many decisions that are waiting and it is frustrating for all, and I

3:18:52 > 3:18:55ensure it is frustrating for him that in the absence of a devolved

3:18:55 > 3:18:57demonstration in Northern Ireland that some of those decisions have

3:18:57 > 3:19:03not yet been taken.Thank you Mr Speaker. I agree with my right

3:19:03 > 3:19:05honourable friend that it is deeply regrettable that she has had to take

3:19:05 > 3:19:09actions that out today in regards to the budget for Northern Ireland

3:19:09 > 3:19:12which is no substitute for local Ministers on the ground making

3:19:12 > 3:19:15incisions. Will she assure the House today that she would do everything

3:19:15 > 3:19:23to prevent any and the direct rule? Mr Speaker, my priority is to

3:19:23 > 3:19:27restore devolved government in Northern Ireland. For the good of

3:19:27 > 3:19:31the Union, for the good of the people of Northern Ireland, that is

3:19:31 > 3:19:38the right thing to do. I also think that is the primary aim of the Irish

3:19:38 > 3:19:42government as well. And I want to put on the record my thanks for

3:19:42 > 3:19:46their support in the talks process and I know they are committed to

3:19:46 > 3:19:51restoring devolved government as we are.Could the Minister set a

3:19:51 > 3:19:57timetable for her consideration of a halfway house of some in the certain

3:19:57 > 3:20:02issues that have been mentioned across the House she would have

3:20:02 > 3:20:04support of a malaise to table questions and to scrutinise

3:20:04 > 3:20:09decisions. As a direct room and so, I know there are hundreds of

3:20:09 > 3:20:11decisions taken every day by Ministers that are now not been

3:20:11 > 3:20:15taken and scrutiny needs to be given to those who are making those

3:20:15 > 3:20:26decisions.Mr Speaker, he served as a Minister in 2004, sometime around

3:20:26 > 3:20:32there, it is producing which in doing so. 2005 and six, I ended

3:20:32 > 3:20:39being corrected by the opposition backbench. It always happens. He is

3:20:39 > 3:20:42right that these are decisions that need to be taken, we do want to see

3:20:42 > 3:20:46devolved government and we want to see decisions and scrutiny been

3:20:46 > 3:20:52taken into. I went up put a time frame on it because we need to find

3:20:52 > 3:20:57something that has consent as he will no constitutional changes in

3:20:57 > 3:21:03Northern Ireland, we would need all communities. And I do need to work

3:21:03 > 3:21:07through all suggestions would be. I would welcome his suggestions from

3:21:07 > 3:21:12his extensive x-rays of doing the job.Thank you Mr Speaker. I welcome

3:21:12 > 3:21:15this statement, but it is a statement that that is the right

3:21:15 > 3:21:19thing to do an given the right approach. We would much rather these

3:21:19 > 3:21:23decisions being taken back into instalment work -- in the storm and

3:21:23 > 3:21:28where they should be taken. Would she agree with me that this is about

3:21:28 > 3:21:33a whole range of decisions that need to be delivered based on the agreed

3:21:33 > 3:21:35programme of governing, not just literally relying on the UK

3:21:35 > 3:21:44Government to step in? --?I agree he sums it up very well.I welcome

3:21:44 > 3:21:47or seven because she outlined for the House what actions she intends

3:21:47 > 3:21:53to take in the efficiency within the efficiencies within the different

3:21:53 > 3:21:57departments as she has outlined in her statement?Mr Speaker, the

3:21:57 > 3:22:03honourable gentleman will know that in Northern Ireland civil service

3:22:03 > 3:22:06has started work on efficiencies before the Executive collapsed to

3:22:06 > 3:22:11stop --. They have been things talked about within ministries

3:22:11 > 3:22:16before it there were Ministers in place. It is working forward from

3:22:16 > 3:22:22the programme to deliver those efficiencies as was previously being

3:22:22 > 3:22:25looked at by the Ministers. I recognise this is all terribly...

3:22:25 > 3:22:29Difficult to explain. But we are working within the boundaries of

3:22:29 > 3:22:38what we can.I very much welcome the strong commitment to the Belfast

3:22:38 > 3:22:46Good Friday Agreement. That is... Is welcome to the rest of the United

3:22:46 > 3:22:52Kingdom. But in tying of the money, the strength of that undermined.

3:22:52 > 3:22:55What impact assessment has the Secretary of State done on the

3:22:55 > 3:23:00confidence and supply money?Mr Speaker, the confidence and supply

3:23:00 > 3:23:05money as a say, the agreement is on the Internet and publicly available.

3:23:05 > 3:23:10It was recognised those priorities and those issues that need to

3:23:10 > 3:23:15support and needed additional funding. This is not been an -- this

3:23:15 > 3:23:19has not been an easy process. Balancing budgets is not easy. But

3:23:19 > 3:23:25we have done so mindful to all of the arrangements and to the previous

3:23:25 > 3:23:29governments of what they had done.

3:23:29 > 3:23:37Can she confirm that not all political parties will be... And was

3:23:37 > 3:23:43she outline who made the political decisions?Mr Speaker, as the UK

3:23:43 > 3:23:48Government we have had to take those decisions, but I ensure that all

3:23:48 > 3:23:51parties saw the statement, saw the allocations, and were allowed to

3:23:51 > 3:23:57have been put into them both before the Thursday but I have the final

3:23:57 > 3:24:01figures, but during that period to ensure that they were all able to

3:24:01 > 3:24:08make some contribution towards the work we were doing.Can I think the

3:24:08 > 3:24:11secretary of state and welcome the budget about key decisions that are

3:24:11 > 3:24:16urgently required such as the support for the victims of this, but

3:24:16 > 3:24:20can the secretary of state also confirmed that she has been informed

3:24:20 > 3:24:25by departments they will not be able to balance their budgets within

3:24:25 > 3:24:31those departments for the next year? Mr Speaker, that is not the advice

3:24:31 > 3:24:37that I've had, but she is right. She should be concerned about legacy and

3:24:37 > 3:24:44also about victims of institutional abuse. These are matters that, the

3:24:44 > 3:24:51UK Government is used to... On the Stormont agreement and to setting

3:24:51 > 3:24:56those up. On historical abuse, the inquiry was set up by the Executive

3:24:56 > 3:25:00before it collapsed. It is therefore constitutionally very difficult for

3:25:00 > 3:25:06other party or government to look at the decisions and recommendations

3:25:06 > 3:25:11from that review as it was not a review that was instigated by the UK

3:25:11 > 3:25:14Parliament or the UK Government. She absolutely describes the tension

3:25:14 > 3:25:23that we are operating within.Thank you very much secretary of State for

3:25:23 > 3:25:28the statement to the House and can I wish you many happy returns. It's

3:25:28 > 3:25:33interesting to note that the message that we are receiving from civil

3:25:33 > 3:25:37servants is they cannot move on and make decisions as to where money

3:25:37 > 3:25:41should be spent. In the absence of there not being an assembly, and

3:25:41 > 3:25:45unlikely to be an assembly in the foreseeable future, it is important

3:25:45 > 3:25:49that we have Ministers making decisions, and if not yourself other

3:25:49 > 3:25:55Ministers, when is this going to happen?Mr Speaker, I have attempted

3:25:55 > 3:26:00in this budget to deliver a certainty, financial certainty that

3:26:00 > 3:26:04is needed to enable public services to continue. And of course, it is

3:26:04 > 3:26:12down to if devolved government is up and running in Starr, -- and

3:26:12 > 3:26:16Stormont, then Stormont can't amend the way the budget has operates. I

3:26:16 > 3:26:20have done what I have to do to enable public services to continue

3:26:20 > 3:26:25to enable public servants to have some certainty within the

3:26:25 > 3:26:28restrictions of what is possible for me as Secretary of State for

3:26:28 > 3:26:36Northern Ireland.Thank you very much Mr Speaker and happy returns to

3:26:36 > 3:26:40the secretary of state from across the House and cross party agreement

3:26:40 > 3:26:44on this northern Ireland statement time. I understand the secretary of

3:26:44 > 3:26:49State's caution and her concerned and reluctance to advanced issues of

3:26:49 > 3:26:53direct rule, but in today's statement and providing a soft

3:26:53 > 3:26:56landing for the perpetual glidepath that we've had for the last 14

3:26:56 > 3:27:02months, can I encourage her to be bold, to provide the political

3:27:02 > 3:27:05opportunities for decision-making for the benefits and interest of all

3:27:05 > 3:27:09the people in Northern Ireland, and to do it with confidence?Mr

3:27:09 > 3:27:13Speaker, I think the honourable gentleman for his good wishes. If I

3:27:13 > 3:27:17can repeat, and I am committed to the Belfast agreement and the

3:27:17 > 3:27:21institutions that were set up under the Belfast agreement. I want to be

3:27:21 > 3:27:24in a position that those institutions can be up and running

3:27:24 > 3:27:29and can be delivered for the people of Northern Ireland, the politicians

3:27:29 > 3:27:34they'll elected delivering for them. That is what I want to determine to

3:27:34 > 3:27:40do, and I don't want to undermine that in any way. So, that is the

3:27:40 > 3:27:43very difficult balancing act I've been operating under. I wanted to

3:27:43 > 3:27:45make sure that civil servants of the certainty they needed and that they

3:27:45 > 3:27:50have the money that they needed, but without undermining. I would welcome

3:27:50 > 3:27:54any suggestions from him and others about what sort of constitutional

3:27:54 > 3:28:00arrangements could be put in place to get back to devolved government.

3:28:00 > 3:28:04Thank you, order. Statement the Secretary of State for International

3:28:04 > 3:28:10Development, Secretary Doctor Liam Fox.Thank you. Mr Speaker, on

3:28:10 > 3:28:13Thursday the 8th of March President Trump announced that the United

3:28:13 > 3:28:20States would impose tariffs of 25% on steel imports in a 10% tariff on

3:28:20 > 3:28:24aluminium imports after a period of 15 days, the final date being the

3:28:24 > 3:28:3123rd of March. Canada and Mexico within the United States is

3:28:31 > 3:28:32renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement, have been

3:28:32 > 3:28:37exempted from the tariffs subject to successful conclusion of the Nafta

3:28:37 > 3:28:42negotiations. For the products within the scope of this

3:28:42 > 3:28:49investigation, and 2017, the US accounted for 7% of UK steel exports

3:28:49 > 3:28:53and 3% of UK aluminium exports. In addition, the UK accounted for 1% of

3:28:53 > 3:29:02US steel imports into your .1% of US aluminium imports and tonnage value

3:29:02 > 3:29:05of 360 million and £29 million, respectively. The president also

3:29:05 > 3:29:09outlined that there scope for further countries and certain

3:29:09 > 3:29:14products to be exempted from those tariffs. From a UK perspective, as

3:29:14 > 3:29:19members of this House know, the UK and US are strong partners and

3:29:19 > 3:29:23allies in the US UK economic and security relationship is very

3:29:23 > 3:29:28important. The glass is our largest single trading nation partner

3:29:28 > 3:29:32accounting for a set of all of our exports worth over £100 billion a

3:29:32 > 3:29:36year. It is also a top destination for outward direct investment by the

3:29:36 > 3:29:40UK and the single biggest source of inward investment into the UK. We

3:29:40 > 3:29:44have a long-standing and special relationship with the US. However,

3:29:44 > 3:29:48this does not mean that if we disagree with something that we will

3:29:48 > 3:29:52not say so. And Mr Deputy Speaker, we do disagree with the US decision

3:29:52 > 3:29:57to implement tariffs on steel and aluminium imports based on national

3:29:57 > 3:30:03security considerations. These unilateral trade measures have a

3:30:03 > 3:30:06weak foundations and international law and they are not consistent with

3:30:06 > 3:30:11the Department of defence's on judgement and an investigation that

3:30:11 > 3:30:15was conducted on the basis of national security. It was

3:30:15 > 3:30:17undoubtedly a problem of overcapacity in the global steel

3:30:17 > 3:30:25market, but our strong view is that a global problem will cause a global

3:30:25 > 3:30:29solution that unilateral action. The UK has worked hard to address this

3:30:29 > 3:30:33issue of overcapacity. The Prime Minister called for a form of T20

3:30:33 > 3:30:36members to tackle this issue which my right honourable friend the

3:30:36 > 3:30:40Secretary of State for Business and energy and industrial strategy

3:30:40 > 3:30:47intended in Berlin in November. And most recently, the Prime Minister

3:30:47 > 3:30:50raised it during her visit to China which is the worlds leading producer

3:30:50 > 3:30:58of steel and aluminium products. The UK will continue to work within the

3:30:58 > 3:31:03rules based international trade system to tackle this problem. Since

3:31:03 > 3:31:06the president asked the Commerce Department to launch the

3:31:06 > 3:31:09investigation into the national security impact of steel and

3:31:09 > 3:31:12aluminium imports last April, the Government has made clear on

3:31:12 > 3:31:16repeated occasions to the administration that potentially

3:31:16 > 3:31:22damaging impact of tariffs on the UK and the ED steel and aluminium

3:31:22 > 3:31:26industries so the Prime Minister has raised her concerns directly with

3:31:26 > 3:31:30President Trump. I myself have spoken on several occasion to the

3:31:30 > 3:31:33commerce secretary and the US trade representative about the

3:31:33 > 3:31:37investigation, including this afternoon. I've also spoken again

3:31:37 > 3:31:42today but the director general of the WTO and regularly speak with EU

3:31:42 > 3:31:48trade Commissioner. Several of my Cabinet colleagues erased it with

3:31:48 > 3:31:53their offices and the Government has worked closely with the EU as of our

3:31:53 > 3:31:57unified response. I can assure my right honourable and honourable

3:31:57 > 3:32:00friends that have been in regular contact with the UK steel and

3:32:00 > 3:32:04aluminium industry throughout and I spoke to Gary at the begin and also

3:32:04 > 3:32:08this afternoon. Mr Speaker, there are two routes to petition the US

3:32:08 > 3:32:14for exemptions from the tariffs. The first overseen by the US trade

3:32:14 > 3:32:18representative, will exempt countries was with which the US has

3:32:18 > 3:32:23a strong national security relationship and alternative means

3:32:23 > 3:32:28to address the threat to US national security from the relevant imports.

3:32:28 > 3:32:32And second, overseen by the Commerce Department, will evaluate product

3:32:32 > 3:32:37exemptions if there deemed there is no domestic US alternative and

3:32:37 > 3:32:40national security considerations but only after a request for exclusion

3:32:40 > 3:32:46is made by directly affected parties located in the United States. The

3:32:46 > 3:32:51Department for Business energy and industrial strategy will be

3:32:51 > 3:32:54assisting UK industry and working with US customers to build their

3:32:54 > 3:32:57cases for the exemption of individual products. I will be

3:32:57 > 3:33:00travelling to Washington this week for meeting face-to-face with the US

3:33:00 > 3:33:06trade representative and a commerce secretary as well as leading members

3:33:06 > 3:33:12of Congress. I'll be making the case for the UK as part of the EU. We

3:33:12 > 3:33:17have a strong defence and security cooperation relationship, as close

3:33:17 > 3:33:22allies and Nato permanent members of the UN Security Council and nuclear

3:33:22 > 3:33:26powers." Version between the US and UK is vital to international peace

3:33:26 > 3:33:30and security. As the House is aware, our current membership of the

3:33:30 > 3:33:33European Union means that the European Commission will be cord

3:33:33 > 3:33:37knitting the EU response and we've been clear that we will continue to

3:33:37 > 3:33:43adhere to the cooperation. The EU response is focused on three

3:33:43 > 3:33:46possible areas. First, the European Commission is preparing to introduce

3:33:46 > 3:33:52and media duties on the US ahead of a WTO dispute. The EU has shared a

3:33:52 > 3:34:04draft list of proposed items for duties and we expect to protect the

3:34:04 > 3:34:08steel and aluminium industries from being damaged by an influx of

3:34:08 > 3:34:12exports to the EU caused by the displacing effect of US tariffs. And

3:34:12 > 3:34:17third, the EU can pursue a dispute at the WTO. We are currently

3:34:17 > 3:34:22evaluating all aspects of these responses together. Mr Speaker, we

3:34:22 > 3:34:26are clear that it is right to seek to defend our industries from the

3:34:26 > 3:34:30direct and indirect impact of these US tariffs are taking both jobs and

3:34:30 > 3:34:35industrial capacity. We will also press for any response of the EU to

3:34:35 > 3:34:40be measure and proportionate. It's important that the UK and EU

3:34:40 > 3:34:43response words within the boundaries of the rules based international

3:34:43 > 3:34:47trading system. Over the coming days, we will be working closely

3:34:47 > 3:34:54with British industry and the EU to seek swift clarification and

3:34:54 > 3:35:00mitigation. I commend this statement to this House.Mr Deputy Speaker as

3:35:00 > 3:35:03pink the Secretary of State for advanced side of his statement and

3:35:03 > 3:35:07his telephone call over the weekend. -- I think the secretary of state.

3:35:07 > 3:35:12The world steel industry is on the verge of a crisis. 32,000 workers

3:35:12 > 3:35:15and the steel industry are facing an existential threat to their jobs.

3:35:15 > 3:35:19Many of those men and women are angry that it has taken the

3:35:19 > 3:35:23secretary of state more than ten days since President Trump's initial

3:35:23 > 3:35:26announcement to come to this House and make a statement about the

3:35:26 > 3:35:29impact of this might have on their communities and what measures the

3:35:29 > 3:35:33Government is taking to protect their livelihoods. They expected

3:35:33 > 3:35:37better, and they had a right to expect better. But I want to assure

3:35:37 > 3:35:41the Secretary of State that for our part, the official opposition will

3:35:41 > 3:35:48not seek to make this issue one a party political point score.

3:35:48 > 3:35:51Everyone in this House must work together. We will be constructively

3:35:51 > 3:35:55critical where we considered the Government can do better, but our

3:35:55 > 3:35:59fundamental position will be to work with the Government to achieve the

3:35:59 > 3:36:03best outcome for our steel communities, for other aluminium

3:36:03 > 3:36:07industry, and for our wider economy. The Secretary of State was correct

3:36:07 > 3:36:12but the fundamental cause of this crisis is overcapacity in the global

3:36:12 > 3:36:16market, and a long-standing failure by governments around the world to

3:36:16 > 3:36:19tackle dumping and unfair practises. But he should have acknowledged that

3:36:19 > 3:36:25this included his own government. We have not forgotten that it was the

3:36:25 > 3:36:28conservative government in 2016 that sought to block EU plans to impose

3:36:28 > 3:36:35tougher tariffs on progression of Chinese steel import. Global

3:36:35 > 3:36:39oversupply has in other countries dump their service, is server is

3:36:39 > 3:36:42created by an actionable subsidies and lax enforcement of labour

3:36:42 > 3:36:47standards and workers' rights and less than market value. Whilst the

3:36:47 > 3:36:50global situation has not been created by President Trump, the

3:36:50 > 3:36:55manner in which he has gone about trying to resolve its impact on the

3:36:55 > 3:37:00US is fundamentally wrong and friends to take a very bad situation

3:37:00 > 3:37:05into a full-scale global trade crisis. The application of 25%

3:37:05 > 3:37:12tariffs on steel and 10% aluminium imports into the United States is

3:37:12 > 3:37:16unjust and unjustifiable. The suggestion that such tariffs are

3:37:16 > 3:37:20necessary under section 232 to mitigate a threat to American

3:37:20 > 3:37:25national security is patently false. The US secretary of defence himself

3:37:25 > 3:37:30has publicly stated that US military requirements represent no more than

3:37:30 > 3:37:343% of US steel production and that the Department of defence is able to

3:37:34 > 3:37:41acquire the steel and aluminium it needs for US national defence

3:37:41 > 3:37:43requirements. The UK steel industry has made it clear that the amount of

3:37:43 > 3:37:49UK steel exports to the United States is very small indeed. The

3:37:49 > 3:37:54secretary of state says that Trump's tariffs have weak foundations in

3:37:54 > 3:37:59international law. In fact, they have none. The truth is that the

3:37:59 > 3:38:01president is seeking to bully and threaten his trading partners to

3:38:01 > 3:38:07bring

3:38:07 > 3:38:13The temporary exemption for Canada and Mexico making the subject to a

3:38:13 > 3:38:17renegotiated -- renegotiation of Nafta, he's doing the same at UK and

3:38:17 > 3:38:24Europe review books to reverse the US trade deficit. Given that the

3:38:24 > 3:38:28Secretary of State accept that these tears are unjustified, I would ask

3:38:28 > 3:38:36them to say... It is to act as if they had a series of legitimacy.

3:38:36 > 3:38:40This is recycling -- precisely the trap that President Trump is a set.

3:38:40 > 3:38:44Negotiate with us and we will not believe further. In that part of

3:38:44 > 3:38:49Glasgow where I grew, it was called a protection racket. If the

3:38:49 > 3:38:52Secretary of State goes down this route of trying to secure an

3:38:52 > 3:38:56exemption, will he give a commitment now to be totally transparent about

3:38:56 > 3:39:02any price he has to pay and any assurances he has to get to the US

3:39:02 > 3:39:06administration in order to get it? It is reported that following the

3:39:06 > 3:39:10Austrian Foreign Minister's meeting with Rex Tillerson, these tariffs

3:39:10 > 3:39:14may not apply to Australia. Reports have also been reported that the

3:39:14 > 3:39:22gesture has had to agree to bilateral agreement to contribute

3:39:22 > 3:39:28more military spending. Willie also clear how any such attempt by the UK

3:39:28 > 3:39:33sits with the duty of sincere cooperation? Which the Secretary of

3:39:33 > 3:39:37State rightly referred to in his own statement. The President Trump is

3:39:37 > 3:39:40imposing these tariffs on national security grants precisely because

3:39:40 > 3:39:47under the BT overrules, this means that article 21 would not apply.

3:39:47 > 3:39:50This specifically prevents member states of the WTO of demanding

3:39:50 > 3:39:57clarity on the grounds of such a pronouncement and commencing --

3:39:57 > 3:40:01articulate country action. The president is seeking to under nine

3:40:01 > 3:40:04-- undermined the multilateral system of the WTO to which he has

3:40:04 > 3:40:07long been opposed. He has said that he would welcome a trade war and

3:40:07 > 3:40:11thinks America could win it. He cares nothing for the viability of

3:40:11 > 3:40:15UK producers who have respected the wins. He is treating them no

3:40:15 > 3:40:19different to the competitors who have not. And as the US market

3:40:19 > 3:40:23closest to our exports, countries that would otherwise export into the

3:40:23 > 3:40:27US will seek to diverge their production to the UK. This will tend

3:40:27 > 3:40:33to undercut the Mr producers here even further. What action has the

3:40:33 > 3:40:39secondary of state taken to defend against this divergence a? Reckon is

3:40:39 > 3:40:41that our industry is particularly vulnerable because we have a

3:40:41 > 3:40:46government that prides itself on taking the weakest possible approach

3:40:46 > 3:40:49to remedy unfair practises by adhering to the lesser duty rule.

3:40:49 > 3:40:53Both the trade bill and the taxation cross-border trade bill currently

3:40:53 > 3:40:55going through Parliament were opposed by the Labour Party

3:40:55 > 3:41:00precisely because they proposed to create what the manufacturers trade

3:41:00 > 3:41:03remedies or otherwise described as one of the weakest trade remedy

3:41:03 > 3:41:11regimes in the world. I asked Secretary of State whether he will

3:41:11 > 3:41:14look to bring government amendments to bring strength and secretary

3:41:14 > 3:41:17representation function of the trade remedies authority and powers

3:41:17 > 3:41:20available to it in line with those opposed by the opposition at

3:41:20 > 3:41:27committee stage. This Secretary of State state spoke... What assessment

3:41:27 > 3:41:31has his department made of the legal rights of the course under article

3:41:31 > 3:41:36eight of the WTO agreement on safeguards? And what provision is

3:41:36 > 3:41:39made to the European commissions director in relation to those

3:41:39 > 3:41:43measures? Is he persuaded that they would be lawful? Is he persuaded

3:41:43 > 3:41:47that they would be effective? The Secretary of State's fond of

3:41:47 > 3:41:50painting international trade as a balance of consumer and producer

3:41:50 > 3:41:53interest, the fear of thousands of steel and aluminium workers in the

3:41:53 > 3:42:00UK is that he naturally leads... I am doing so. That he naturally leads

3:42:00 > 3:42:05to far. He needs to prove to them that he will stand up for British

3:42:05 > 3:42:08industry, for their jobs and for their communities. They confidence

3:42:08 > 3:42:13that he will tackle unfair practises that distort the market. If he does,

3:42:13 > 3:42:18he will have this side of the House's. Part.Mr Speaker, I am

3:42:18 > 3:42:24grateful to the cooperation that the honourable gentleman gave over the

3:42:24 > 3:42:27weekend and some of the constructions -- constructive

3:42:27 > 3:42:32suggestions he made as to how we might apply for the pressure to

3:42:32 > 3:42:35those US producers to enable them to seek exemptions for imports from the

3:42:35 > 3:42:44UK. He is right that there is a capacity. The G20 has now made 28

3:42:44 > 3:42:49recommendations. We now wait to see whether China will implement those

3:42:49 > 3:42:52recommendations which is the key to sorting out the global overcapacity

3:42:52 > 3:43:00issue. We have regularly said that we do not believe that 232 was an

3:43:00 > 3:43:05appropriate vehicle for carrying out this particular investigation. And

3:43:05 > 3:43:11the UK sends that only some specifically high and a steel

3:43:11 > 3:43:14products into the United States which the US market has not

3:43:14 > 3:43:19necessarily been able to provide for itself, so therefore terrorists will

3:43:19 > 3:43:27apply on on -- therefore tariffs will apply... Into the American

3:43:27 > 3:43:31military programme itself. Which makes action taken against united

3:43:31 > 3:43:39kingdom quite an absurdity. He is right to mention that the sincere

3:43:39 > 3:43:41cooperation I have made very clear to the commission that we continue

3:43:41 > 3:43:47to operate on that basis and that as we leave the European Union, we will

3:43:47 > 3:43:53replicate the EU's trade remedies system. I would remind him however

3:43:53 > 3:43:56that his party voted against the setting up of the trade remedies

3:43:56 > 3:44:01authority itself, its self, the setting up of the body. Not the

3:44:01 > 3:44:06issues that relate to the operation of it. Which I think was a dangerous

3:44:06 > 3:44:11thing to do. But I think, Mr Speaker, it is right that we regard

3:44:11 > 3:44:20this as a national issue. There is a fundamental issue between us. Nor is

3:44:20 > 3:44:24there any difference between us on the options we believe that the

3:44:24 > 3:44:29European Union should take as a response.With the Secretary of

3:44:29 > 3:44:34State stressed to the EU that it is in our interest to try and take some

3:44:34 > 3:44:39of the tension out of this festering dispute rather than to take it on to

3:44:39 > 3:44:43another hide given that the president is already talking about

3:44:43 > 3:44:49tariffs against German cars for example? Is it in our interest to

3:44:49 > 3:44:58get back to tariff free business?Mr Deputy Speaker, the EU is taking

3:44:58 > 3:45:05countermeasures because the EU views the 232 itself as a safeguard. Any

3:45:05 > 3:45:07action that United States would you take in response to that would be

3:45:07 > 3:45:11completely out of line with international trade law as well as

3:45:11 > 3:45:20an already tense situation.And Mr spec that --. This really is a blow

3:45:20 > 3:45:24to those right wing free-market Brexiteers to argue that the US

3:45:24 > 3:45:28would welcome a trade deal with open arms. Anyone looking at the somewhat

3:45:28 > 3:45:31unhinged tweets coming out of president Trump's office will tell

3:45:31 > 3:45:37us otherwise. But I'm interested to note given the Secretary of State's

3:45:37 > 3:45:44nationality and where he was brought up, has he raised specifically the

3:45:44 > 3:45:48matter of Scottish steel and aluminium and the steel industry as

3:45:48 > 3:45:52an impact on all of the nations of the UK because it was in 1992 that

3:45:52 > 3:45:59house conservative government close ravens Creek in Scotland decimating

3:45:59 > 3:46:021200 jobs and livelihoods and it was as NP government in Scotland that

3:46:02 > 3:46:09brought this steel works and that aluminium back. We are fed up in

3:46:09 > 3:46:12Scotland of cleaning up his government's mass. And we do not

3:46:12 > 3:46:16want to be in the possession that we have to do that again. From recent

3:46:16 > 3:46:21reports in the press, that the indicators such as Scotch whiskey

3:46:21 > 3:46:26could be under threat in the US UK trade. Secretary of State may have

3:46:26 > 3:46:31seen the article in the Scotsman last week that Scotch whiskey may be

3:46:31 > 3:46:33a product that could carry an American tag after Brexit. It is

3:46:33 > 3:46:39further said that US law could trap geographical name possessions after

3:46:39 > 3:46:45Brexit to allay supermarkets that import American products. That would

3:46:45 > 3:46:48be averages. Would he commit to protecting our valuable steel and

3:46:48 > 3:46:56aluminium industries, not trading off our bite the GI for Scotch

3:46:56 > 3:47:00whiskey in any trade gives? And would he reconsider given a Tory

3:47:00 > 3:47:05Brexit -- a total president would reduce GDP by 8% and reverse key

3:47:05 > 3:47:08experts, will he finally reconsider his approach to Brexit and admit

3:47:08 > 3:47:13that he was wrong in suggesting that between the EU's single market

3:47:13 > 3:47:18cousin Susan bashing and consent be overcome by medical trade deals --

3:47:18 > 3:47:23single market trade union. In what he said was he -- and his words

3:47:23 > 3:47:27would be the eases in human history? It is not won since I remember that

3:47:27 > 3:47:33the SNP being delighted at some of Mr Trump's tweets when he was having

3:47:33 > 3:47:40some of his relationships with the previous as and leader. In terms of

3:47:40 > 3:47:46how we tackle this, we best tackle this as a UK and the United Kingdom

3:47:46 > 3:47:49in line with our European Union partners. The honourable Lady dares

3:47:49 > 3:47:57to raise the issue of GI. These are actually in the rollover of the EU

3:47:57 > 3:48:04trade agreements that we are trying to get the continuity for in our

3:48:04 > 3:48:09current trade and customs bill. And when it comes to talking about her,

3:48:09 > 3:48:11she needs to understand that she voted against the rollover of those

3:48:11 > 3:48:14bills which would have given that there are protections she is asking

3:48:14 > 3:48:24is for.Thank you Mr Speaker. It is condemnation of President Trump's

3:48:24 > 3:48:28proposed steel tariff that the EU as I said that it would be a retrograde

3:48:28 > 3:48:33step to impose tariffs or engage recalibrate measures, how would my

3:48:33 > 3:48:36right honourable friend use the present my second husband for open,

3:48:36 > 3:48:41fresh and astray with the EU pose present at the UK's position as a

3:48:41 > 3:48:46leading proponent of free trade in the 21st century?I think what we

3:48:46 > 3:48:52are seeing are the sort of problems that come from introducing

3:48:52 > 3:49:00rejectionist measures. Tariffs are very seldom for any length of time

3:49:00 > 3:49:03of successfully protect a domestic industry. They are likely to add

3:49:03 > 3:49:09cost to the inputs for that economy and in the United States where there

3:49:09 > 3:49:14are 140,000 people employed in the production of steel, there are 6.5

3:49:14 > 3:49:17million people and industries dependent on steel usage. And it

3:49:17 > 3:49:21will not be held by an increase in the price. My honourable friend

3:49:21 > 3:49:25makes a good point that we should actually all be recommitting

3:49:25 > 3:49:28ourselves out to an open, liberal global trading system rather than

3:49:28 > 3:49:37considering impediments to it.If he wants to, will he rebuffed Donald

3:49:37 > 3:49:41Trump's claim that these tariffs are therefore national security reasons

3:49:41 > 3:49:47need only look at the President's tweet from six hours ago where he

3:49:47 > 3:49:50starts out saying, oh, what about European farming tariffs or

3:49:50 > 3:49:56manufacturing tariffs. It is quite clear that he and the European Union

3:49:56 > 3:49:59should drive a Trojan horse to the national security nonsense that he

3:49:59 > 3:50:05is putting up. Should he edit -- with the ABC does that this is an

3:50:05 > 3:50:09odd thing to work with our European Union partners and the leverage that

3:50:09 > 3:50:13we use of data lives of 500 million customers that the Americans cannot

3:50:13 > 3:50:22walk all over us?I suggest that if we Grimmcan we have sure questions

3:50:22 > 3:50:28and short answers?We will work with our partners in the European Union

3:50:28 > 3:50:31because we are under the duty is sincere cooperation. But there are

3:50:31 > 3:50:34many other countries that are affected that will also make their

3:50:34 > 3:50:42voices known that are not members of the European Union.Mr Stewart.My

3:50:42 > 3:50:48right eyeball friend is rightly mentioned that many of the UK

3:50:48 > 3:50:52exports are high by men specialise and that many of the supplies go to

3:50:52 > 3:50:56the United States military. Does he have an opinion at this stage

3:50:56 > 3:51:00whether the product exemption or the country extension route offers the

3:51:00 > 3:51:05best hope for gaining an advantage for the United Kingdom?Mr Deputy

3:51:05 > 3:51:10Speaker, that is a very good question that he asks. Until we are

3:51:10 > 3:51:16able to explore in greater detail with the US authorities exactly what

3:51:16 > 3:51:19the details will mean, it is difficult to answer the question. In

3:51:19 > 3:51:23any case whichever routes are best to gain exceptions for the United

3:51:23 > 3:51:29Kingdom and European Union...Could I ask the Secretary of State what

3:51:29 > 3:51:36his view is of comments in the last ten days around tit-for-tat for

3:51:36 > 3:51:39example, the peanut butter, the cranberry juice and other products

3:51:39 > 3:51:42which are consumed here? Does he believe this is a good approach,

3:51:42 > 3:51:51sensible?Mr Deputy Speaker, she asks a good question, the EU, as I

3:51:51 > 3:51:54said, tends to impose countermeasures under article eight

3:51:54 > 3:52:01of the WTO agreement. It believes that the 232 itself is a safeguard.

3:52:01 > 3:52:05And that it is therefore entitled to respond to that. But I would say

3:52:05 > 3:52:12that these constant upping of the antsy about what may happen and what

3:52:12 > 3:52:15countermeasures may be taken, because there's not as as a way for

3:52:15 > 3:52:18us to approach global trade. Issue suggesting that it would be wise for

3:52:18 > 3:52:21everyone to keep the temperature down, then I entirely, 100% agree

3:52:21 > 3:52:28with that.Can I welcome the Cemetery of state's statement both

3:52:28 > 3:52:32in terms of its content but also in terms of its tone? Free-trade is

3:52:32 > 3:52:38about being free to trade within the agreed rules. It is not about a

3:52:38 > 3:52:43free-for-all. And I strongly encourage him to reiterate that

3:52:43 > 3:52:49message but to the United States and to China?Mr Deputy Speaker, I take

3:52:49 > 3:52:55every opportunity to do so. It is worth remembering that we had in the

3:52:55 > 3:53:00United States a number of those who very strongly agree with us. Notley

3:53:00 > 3:53:03Society American business lobby, many of whom may be harmed as a

3:53:03 > 3:53:07result of the measures that may be undertaken. We also have very strong

3:53:07 > 3:53:14and vocal allies in the US Congress. I very much welcome than making

3:53:14 > 3:53:21their voices known in the recent days.

3:53:21 > 3:53:24I'd be very concerned if the Government is putting all of its

3:53:24 > 3:53:28hopes on an exemption for the UK or the European Union because there

3:53:28 > 3:53:31will still be a substantial amount on a fact by those countries with

3:53:31 > 3:53:35which to behave badly when they are shut out of the US. As the Secretary

3:53:35 > 3:53:39of State Doug and impact...

3:53:43 > 3:53:50We are working along with the industry to have a look at that my

3:53:50 > 3:53:55colleagues are engaged in not work. The honourable Lady knows that it's

3:53:55 > 3:54:00getting Grove is a good example of what I was discussing earlier. It is

3:54:00 > 3:54:04one of those areas where you make a specialist steel that goes into the

3:54:04 > 3:54:09US programme and so the concept that we should be taking to task on and

3:54:09 > 3:54:11national security basis for providing the US with something that

3:54:11 > 3:54:17they need for their own security programme does not make much sense.

3:54:17 > 3:54:21Thank you Mr Deputy Speaker. It seems to me that tariffs and

3:54:21 > 3:54:23protectionism fundamentally undermine the industry that they

3:54:23 > 3:54:26seek to protect. Can the secretary of State confirm that it remains the

3:54:26 > 3:54:30British Government position that we are committed to world wide

3:54:30 > 3:54:37free-trade? And secondly, will they be seeking a way to gain a

3:54:37 > 3:54:42bilateral... As able to do so.Mr Speaker, as I've said today we will

3:54:42 > 3:54:46work alongside the European Union because we have a duty of sincere

3:54:46 > 3:54:52corporation as well as members of the European Union. I've often taken

3:54:52 > 3:54:56this view that is strange that people should want us to obey the

3:54:56 > 3:55:02rules when we want them and not one we don't want them. We have a legal

3:55:02 > 3:55:08duty as EU members to fulfil that and we will intend to do so and work

3:55:08 > 3:55:15with our EU partners accordingly. But we do as a country, and this has

3:55:15 > 3:55:19been clear under government of both colours, we agree in free-trade and

3:55:19 > 3:55:23have been a global champion. Let's remember, free trade is the means by

3:55:23 > 3:55:28which we take it a billion people out of abject poverty in a

3:55:28 > 3:55:32generation and we as a country should be proud to be in the lead.

3:55:32 > 3:55:35Can the secretary of State give us some examples of how he has been

3:55:35 > 3:55:40able to use our close and special trading relationship with the United

3:55:40 > 3:55:43States to develop his vision of an open liberal multilateral trade

3:55:43 > 3:55:50agreements. The honourable gentleman knows they are able to conduct an

3:55:50 > 3:55:53independent trade policy as long as we are members of his beloved

3:55:53 > 3:55:58European Union. But what we've got is the trade working group with the

3:55:58 > 3:56:02United States, working at short-term localisation, areas we might look at

3:56:02 > 3:56:06in the future of free trade agreement, cooperation and the WTO

3:56:06 > 3:56:14when we leave.And for some reason I think that he would be well to

3:56:14 > 3:56:18remember his own comments from yesterday that were as mean-spirited

3:56:18 > 3:56:27as they were wrong in substance. Tenant I congratulate might... When

3:56:27 > 3:56:32he goes to the United States he says he is going to meet members of

3:56:32 > 3:56:36Congress. Will he continue to build the case for the open liberal

3:56:36 > 3:56:41trading system that we all support on both sides of this House with our

3:56:41 > 3:56:47other good friends and the Congress there to make sure that this can be

3:56:47 > 3:56:52delivered once we are out of the European Union?I would just correct

3:56:52 > 3:56:56my honourable friend a little. We're not just talking to Republican

3:56:56 > 3:56:59members of Congress, there are strong democratic elements that have

3:56:59 > 3:57:04long been in favour of free trade and I think it's very important that

3:57:04 > 3:57:07in this country in the United States and elsewhere we work with

3:57:07 > 3:57:11like-minded people who believe in genuinely open liberal trade to

3:57:11 > 3:57:17achieve the ends that we have in common.The recovery we've seen and

3:57:17 > 3:57:21our steel industry has been fragile and we are facing as my honourable

3:57:21 > 3:57:26friend says not only the direct impact of tariffs but the indirect

3:57:26 > 3:57:30effects of other countries finding a home for displaced steel. The

3:57:30 > 3:57:37Government has been slow to act during the steel crisis. To the

3:57:37 > 3:57:39Secretary of State assure my steel working constituents they will do

3:57:39 > 3:57:48everything they can to fight for our industry at this time.The EU will

3:57:48 > 3:57:51impose countermeasures because it believes that what we are witnessing

3:57:51 > 3:57:57is a safeguard and we believe that that is not justified by the 232

3:57:57 > 3:58:01case on national security. We will alongside the EU take whatever

3:58:01 > 3:58:07measures are required to ensure that that is dealt with.Can the Minister

3:58:07 > 3:58:10confirm what steps his Department has taken to ensure that the UK can

3:58:10 > 3:58:14protect to produce businesses of all sectors from unfair trading

3:58:14 > 3:58:22practises once the UK leads the EU? We touched on that earlier in the

3:58:22 > 3:58:26way which we will do that is by replicating the trade remedies

3:58:26 > 3:58:29measures that exist, but to do that we have to set up a trade remedies

3:58:29 > 3:58:34authority under the trade bill currently going through the House

3:58:34 > 3:58:40and I hope that the opposition parties will look again at what I

3:58:40 > 3:58:43think is their rather inexplicable decision to vote against the setting

3:58:43 > 3:58:47up of the trade remedies authority itself.Point of order come at the

3:58:47 > 3:58:56end of the statement.In 2002 when the US administration lasted this US

3:58:56 > 3:59:01economist estimated cost the US economy 200,000 jobs and they had to

3:59:01 > 3:59:05back down at the WTO when the EU took them to add. Will the Secretary

3:59:05 > 3:59:10of State reassure this House and still workers in my constituency and

3:59:10 > 3:59:13elsewhere that the UK will argue for the strongest possible safeguard

3:59:13 > 3:59:19measures up in the EU's response.Mr Speaker, first of all, we hope that

3:59:19 > 3:59:24we can persuade the United States thing before and EU exemption so we

3:59:24 > 3:59:28don't have to go down this particular route and I hope that

3:59:28 > 3:59:35sense will prevail. He's quite right Theresa 2002 issue. At that point,

3:59:35 > 3:59:39there is a great deal of activity where we saw the lines between the

3:59:39 > 3:59:42free-trade agreements and Congress and the business community and the

3:59:42 > 3:59:44United States come together to change the might of the

3:59:44 > 3:59:47administration of that time. I hope the combination will be successful

3:59:47 > 3:59:56this time.This has caused widespread concern, so what's steps

3:59:56 > 4:00:00will discover be doing to exert pressure on President Chen from the

4:00:00 > 4:00:05outside and the inside in terms of the American political and trading

4:00:05 > 4:00:12establishments?There is a great deal of opinion inside Congress on

4:00:12 > 4:00:18both parties that this is a mistake in route to take, and I had

4:00:18 > 4:00:22discussions in recent days with Paul Ryan on this very subject and I

4:00:22 > 4:00:27think that we should be trying to mobilise all the allies they can. I

4:00:27 > 4:00:32just mentioned the cooperation from the honourable gentleman. I think it

4:00:32 > 4:00:36is very important that we also not just politically and through

4:00:36 > 4:00:39business, but there is a role for the trade unions to play here and

4:00:39 > 4:00:44talking to their opposite numbers in the United States where industries

4:00:44 > 4:00:48are potentially damaged that are users of steel should the price of

4:00:48 > 4:00:52steel rise as a result of tariffs. There is a multilayered approach

4:00:52 > 4:00:55that we can take to dealing with this issue, and they actually have a

4:00:55 > 4:01:03duty to use every one of those levers that we have.Dumping is also

4:01:03 > 4:01:08the crucial issue for steel workers of my own constituency plant, does

4:01:08 > 4:01:11the secretary of State not find it ironic that he is talking about the

4:01:11 > 4:01:14importance of working together across the EU to put in place the

4:01:14 > 4:01:20safeguards which are so necessary whilst... And when he is speaking to

4:01:20 > 4:01:25his US counterparts, will he remind them that every single US state lost

4:01:25 > 4:01:32jobs as a result of George W Bush's actions in 2002?The EU can take

4:01:32 > 4:01:35countermeasures on the basis that it believes that this is a safe car. He

4:01:35 > 4:01:44can also take the safe guard of his own. Steel product was damaging our

4:01:44 > 4:01:48own market. I will remind him that this is not a dispute between the

4:01:48 > 4:01:54United States in the EU but involves all the countries in the world that

4:01:54 > 4:01:59are still producers as the WTO is much bigger than the EU and we will

4:01:59 > 4:02:04not be leaving the WTO as the eyes of founding member.I want to thank

4:02:04 > 4:02:12the Secretary of State for referencing that and his response to

4:02:12 > 4:02:21the lady. Can he commit all the necessary support given that the

4:02:21 > 4:02:23products produced there for Caterpillar, an American firm, and

4:02:23 > 4:02:30are produced in the UK market and -- US market and pose no risk to those

4:02:30 > 4:02:36jobs.My honourable friend makes it very important point, and the

4:02:36 > 4:02:42exports from there to Caterpillar which is about 25% of the site

4:02:42 > 4:02:47output is quite right that the US producers have low capability in

4:02:47 > 4:02:50this product. And therefore, the application of tariffs is only

4:02:50 > 4:02:54likely to result in a rise in input costs which is not really in any

4:02:54 > 4:03:00economic's benefit. Thank you Mr Speaker, should the stanza paint

4:03:00 > 4:03:04impose on the 23rd of March and we hope that they wouldn't be, should

4:03:04 > 4:03:08they be, what steps should this government commit to does support

4:03:08 > 4:03:14steel-making in this country and still making community. It's not

4:03:14 > 4:03:19quite the deadline the 23rd of March that it may appear. And my initial

4:03:19 > 4:03:24discussions of the Department of commerce and the USTR is clear that

4:03:24 > 4:03:28the period of exemption will continue somewhere beyond the

4:03:28 > 4:03:31initial introduction. Clearly, if there are going to be exemptions for

4:03:31 > 4:03:36the EU, the UK, we did want them to be introduced as soon as possible.

4:03:36 > 4:03:42We will continue to push for an Zengin on the basis I set out today.

4:03:42 > 4:03:45When my right honourable friend travels to Washington later this

4:03:45 > 4:03:50week, will he be accompanied by representatives from Brussels as

4:03:50 > 4:03:54well? Because obviously, we're still at EU member, and cannot

4:03:54 > 4:04:02unilaterally yet?Mr Speaker, I don't require a baby-sitter from the

4:04:02 > 4:04:08EU for my visit to Washington. We are in continuous contact with

4:04:08 > 4:04:12milestone and our team because this is an issue that affects us all and

4:04:12 > 4:04:16it affects is whether we're in the European Union are not because these

4:04:16 > 4:04:20actions are not actions taken against the EU, but all producers

4:04:20 > 4:04:27globally who will be equally effective.Did the secretary of

4:04:27 > 4:04:29state or for that matter the European Union have advanced

4:04:29 > 4:04:33knowledge of President from's statement on the 1st of March? And

4:04:33 > 4:04:36if so, either way, what is that say about the jubilation ships with the

4:04:36 > 4:04:44president?Mr Speaker, I'm not many people if any had advance notice of

4:04:44 > 4:04:49President Trump's initial announcement.What representations

4:04:49 > 4:04:53has he made to China with regard to tackling the global overcapacity of

4:04:53 > 4:05:01steel?Mr Speaker, as I said, do the work that we're doing multilaterally

4:05:01 > 4:05:03there are currently 28 recommendations outstanding which we

4:05:03 > 4:05:11expect China to apply. The Prime Minister raised it on her recent

4:05:11 > 4:05:18visit to China, we continue the conversation. We understand China's

4:05:18 > 4:05:22E for production of aluminium and steel for it in for the domestic

4:05:22 > 4:05:25use, but if are going to have a rules based system than the rules

4:05:25 > 4:05:30need to be obeyed in Transparent, and we need to know sufficient

4:05:30 > 4:05:33information to be able to make that determination as to WTO rules are

4:05:33 > 4:05:39still being affected.Is faced with a trade war, what post Brexit trade

4:05:39 > 4:05:47defence mechanisms will be employed against the might of the US economy?

4:05:47 > 4:05:51As I said, the whole aim of policy at the present time in both the UK

4:05:51 > 4:05:56and the European Union and beyond is to try to temper these proposals to

4:05:56 > 4:06:02get exemption so that we do not feel any of the impetus that might lead

4:06:02 > 4:06:08to an escalation of the current position.Thank you Mr Deputy

4:06:08 > 4:06:14Speaker, as tariffs go, 25% is particularly high and could lead to

4:06:14 > 4:06:17all sorts of unforeseen consequences. Is there any evidence

4:06:17 > 4:06:24that there will be trade diversion to the UK, because of the US

4:06:24 > 4:06:28position at 25%?Is quite difficult to know in advance where there might

4:06:28 > 4:06:34be diversion. I make the point that our aim is not to deal with the

4:06:34 > 4:06:41consequences, but to prevent the imposition of the tariffs.The

4:06:41 > 4:06:43secretary of state jokes that sometimes it's not very clear to

4:06:43 > 4:06:48anybody else knew that the president did what he was about to announce.

4:06:48 > 4:06:51Sometimes it looks like the president does not know what he's up

4:06:51 > 4:07:02about to announce. And all too often it's a tweet and set a policy. But

4:07:02 > 4:07:07the false promise that it offers to some of the poorest people in the

4:07:07 > 4:07:14United States of America who in the end will not benefit one was white

4:07:14 > 4:07:18Mr Speaker, the honourable gentleman makes an even better point than he

4:07:18 > 4:07:32think he's made. The fact is in his case possibly not. What we've seen

4:07:32 > 4:07:40in recent years has been a rising and worrying trend amongst Jeep 20

4:07:40 > 4:07:46countries to impose protectionist measures. In 2010, we saw around 300

4:07:46 > 4:07:52nontariff barriers to trade being operated by the G20.The 2015 that

4:07:52 > 4:07:56was around 1200. There has been a gradual move away from the context

4:07:56 > 4:08:04of global free trade and a

4:08:04 > 4:08:08We should remember that those countries that benefited from the

4:08:08 > 4:08:10benefits of free trade should not be pulling up the drawbridge behind

4:08:10 > 4:08:16them and denying those benefits to developing countries.Is China doing

4:08:16 > 4:08:23anything at all to help cut the global supplies of steel?That it's

4:08:23 > 4:08:28a discussion that we have constantly with China. They are taking measures

4:08:28 > 4:08:32to reduce it but there are 28 recommendations outstanding. Time

4:08:32 > 4:08:37will tell whether we are witnessing the correct action direct -- or

4:08:37 > 4:08:43merely the rhetoric.Given what President Trump said during his

4:08:43 > 4:08:46election, none of us really should be surprised at this. But when he

4:08:46 > 4:08:52goes to Washington and if he doesn't manage to change the mind of the

4:08:52 > 4:08:56United States government, but they do offer us as the United Kingdom an

4:08:56 > 4:09:01exemption, would that exemption come in from March 2019 or what it has to

4:09:01 > 4:09:07be subject to this almost ridiculous implementation period?Any exemption

4:09:07 > 4:09:15given by the United States is a US law as intern by the US president,

4:09:15 > 4:09:23it is far less European law." Operation the time the United States

4:09:23 > 4:09:31in the UK is a vitamin O peace -- FidoNet -- fun of these. We must

4:09:31 > 4:09:35demonstrate this strongly to Daschle security. How confident is my right

4:09:35 > 4:09:40honourable friend that we can make a strong case on those grounds?Mr

4:09:40 > 4:09:46state -- Mr Speaker. Yes, that we have a strong national security

4:09:46 > 4:09:52linkage not only through our relationship with the kids -- with

4:09:52 > 4:09:56the Security Council, but not only as nuclear powers in the world, but

4:09:56 > 4:10:02it is always just worth reminding our US colleagues who were those

4:10:02 > 4:10:05alongside them in Iraq and Afghanistan and many of the other

4:10:05 > 4:10:09conflicts of the United States has been involved in. The United Kingdom

4:10:09 > 4:10:13has never been wanting as a loyal and steadfast partner and our

4:10:13 > 4:10:19security and global security. Seeking exemptions from the US steel

4:10:19 > 4:10:27tariffs will not and in itself protect the UK's steel industry from

4:10:27 > 4:10:34dump divergent seal from the American market. Will the Secretary

4:10:34 > 4:10:38of State undertake to work with the EU to ensure that whatever measures

4:10:38 > 4:10:45are necessary to preserve the UK steel industry are taking and work

4:10:45 > 4:10:49with the WTO to get a more rational and anti-dumping regime

4:10:49 > 4:10:57internationally?It is what we are for in the WTO and is to make sure

4:10:57 > 4:11:02that there is a rules based system and that the rules are applied. And

4:11:02 > 4:11:07when the rules are not applied, there is a way to help those

4:11:07 > 4:11:14countries affected. That is what we regard as our duty.Thank you Mr

4:11:14 > 4:11:17Deputy Speaker. As he will note from visiting Goodwins international in

4:11:17 > 4:11:25my constituency and as it is a world leader in steel products, this is

4:11:25 > 4:11:28important not for our British industry, but also supplying US

4:11:28 > 4:11:31defence with equipment. How can we ensure that this is recognised for

4:11:31 > 4:11:35the US so that these vital British products can continue to be exported

4:11:35 > 4:11:42to the states?Mr Deputy Speaker, the US Department of defence has

4:11:42 > 4:11:46made it quite clear that it understands fully the contribution

4:11:46 > 4:11:50that United Kingdom makes an airport that the issue, they do not believe

4:11:50 > 4:11:58that issue two -- 232 was appropriate. I hope that the good

4:11:58 > 4:12:03sense of the Department of defence diffuses throughout Washington.

4:12:03 > 4:12:12Thank you Mr Deputy Speaker. Very kind of you. May I just come into

4:12:12 > 4:12:18the Secretary of State the experience of bombarding which in

4:12:18 > 4:12:22recent months risked losing thousands of jobs because of

4:12:22 > 4:12:29unfairly imposed US tariffs of a mere 300%? The winning formula into

4:12:29 > 4:12:39defeating that was a combination of trade unions, management, local MPs

4:12:39 > 4:12:43and Ministers right across the Government under the personal

4:12:43 > 4:12:46intervention of the Prime Minister and speaking to President Trump at

4:12:46 > 4:12:55the Devils economic summit. -- daffodils. To protect the steel

4:12:55 > 4:13:02industry in the United Kingdom.Mr Deputy Speaker, we have had as I

4:13:02 > 4:13:07said earlier a wide range of contacts in a wind range of areas.

4:13:07 > 4:13:11May also say to the right honourable lady that the ITC itself was

4:13:11 > 4:13:17ultimately the vehicle that started out the bombarding case so there are

4:13:17 > 4:13:21in the United States, those elements of an independent free trading

4:13:21 > 4:13:26policy that we can rely on those occasions when they are needed.

4:13:26 > 4:13:32Because it was not just the politics ultimately. Hard as we try for

4:13:32 > 4:13:37bombarding a, it was American mechanism itself which has a lot to

4:13:37 > 4:13:43be commended for.Thank you Mr Deputy Speaker. Today steel and

4:13:43 > 4:13:48aluminium, it could easily be another industry which tour -- which

4:13:48 > 4:13:53sell to the United States. On Commonwealth Day, would the cemetery

4:13:53 > 4:13:56estate and honourable friend assured me that we are talked about allies

4:13:56 > 4:14:00within the comment -- Commonwealth that would defeat a policy that

4:14:00 > 4:14:03would be as negative for the United States to them as it would to us?Mr

4:14:03 > 4:14:11Deputy Speaker, I say answer that they... The people who have the most

4:14:11 > 4:14:16to lose if we move away from a global concept of free trade are the

4:14:16 > 4:14:22world's pours. If we genuinely want people to trade their way up, they

4:14:22 > 4:14:25can only do it in a genuinely free trading environment. The more

4:14:25 > 4:14:29nontariff barriers, the advanced countries for, the less chance they

4:14:29 > 4:14:35have of doing so. It is in everybody's interested to pursue a

4:14:35 > 4:14:38global free-trade policy and this country has always shown the way on

4:14:38 > 4:14:46that and this government will continue to show the way.Doctor

4:14:46 > 4:14:52David jurors.With regard to what the secular stage just said, will he

4:14:52 > 4:14:57do all he can to intercede with not just the US, but also the EU to make

4:14:57 > 4:15:03sure that agricultural products do not become part of a wider trade

4:15:03 > 4:15:08war? It is essential for the reasons he said that less-developed

4:15:08 > 4:15:13countries have continued access to all those markets.Mr Deputy

4:15:13 > 4:15:17Speaker, we can end on a boat of -- know the perfect harmonization.

4:15:17 > 4:15:25There is no doubt that the EU currently has the benefit of

4:15:25 > 4:15:31developing countries, the better. At last we find a note of consensus.

4:15:31 > 4:15:34Can I tell the House of the financial guidance and claims bill

4:15:34 > 4:15:39has been withdrawn so we will deal with the next and then this would be

4:15:39 > 4:15:45completed. And then that next it will take much more. The Minister

4:15:45 > 4:15:53for State and international element, Alastair Burns.Thank you, Mr Deputy

4:15:53 > 4:16:00Speaker. With permission, I would like to update the House on the

4:16:00 > 4:16:07situation in Afrin. We are closely follow developments in Afrin and

4:16:07 > 4:16:13Northwest is here. Over the weekend, forces continued their gains and are

4:16:13 > 4:16:16now approaching the town of Afrin itself. We are concerned about a

4:16:16 > 4:16:21recent report of rising civilian casualties. The Government has

4:16:21 > 4:16:23called for de-escalation and the protection of civilians. While

4:16:23 > 4:16:28recognising Turkey's legitimate interest in the security of its

4:16:28 > 4:16:32borders. We will continue to push for a reduction in violence and for

4:16:32 > 4:16:35a consideration of the humanitarian needs of the population and the

4:16:35 > 4:16:38affected areas. The Prime Minister has raised the need for production

4:16:38 > 4:16:43of civilians and proper humanitarian access with President air to one, as

4:16:43 > 4:16:51has the four cemetery. -- Foreign Secretary. They have assured us that

4:16:51 > 4:16:55they are looking to prevent civilian carrot -- casualties. They have been

4:16:55 > 4:17:01dissed -- delivering health and protection services in Afrin. Some

4:17:01 > 4:17:03of these activities have been suspended during -- due to the

4:17:03 > 4:17:06current hot sodas. Our partners continue to meet needs for their

4:17:06 > 4:17:16able. This includes health supplies, blankets and food. Unicef and other

4:17:16 > 4:17:18UN organisations and the World Health organisation have temporarily

4:17:18 > 4:17:22suspended all activities in Afrin you to the recent military action.

4:17:22 > 4:17:28As a Foreign Secretary said in the 26th of February, we are concerned

4:17:28 > 4:17:32about the humanitarian consequences of the operation in Afrin. We urge

4:17:32 > 4:17:35all parties to respect the law distinction between civilian and

4:17:35 > 4:17:39military targets facilitate access for life-saving humanitarian aid,

4:17:39 > 4:17:43and to allow freedom of movement for those caught up in the violence in

4:17:43 > 4:17:48accordance with international law. As your conflict was soon enter its

4:17:48 > 4:17:52eighth year. The UK continues to make every effort to achieve our

4:17:52 > 4:17:56goals and cereal. Defeating the scourge of Daesh, achieving a

4:17:56 > 4:17:59political said would that ends the stuff they are -- suffering and

4:17:59 > 4:18:02provides stability for all Syrians and the wider region. There must be

4:18:02 > 4:18:06a transition to a new inclusive nonsectarian government that can

4:18:06 > 4:18:09protect the rights of all Syrians, unite the country and end the

4:18:09 > 4:18:15conflict. We are pragmatic about how this might take place. Serious

4:18:15 > 4:18:21future must be for Syrians to decide. As the second donor in 2011,

4:18:21 > 4:18:25the UK is at the forefront of the humanitarian response and is

4:18:25 > 4:18:29providing life-saving support to millions of people. Since 2012

4:18:29 > 4:18:35across Syria and the region, UK supporters delivered 26 million food

4:18:35 > 4:18:39rations. 9.8 million Belize packages, eight main vaccines and 10

4:18:39 > 4:18:43million medical consultations. Westerlund we provided clean water

4:18:43 > 4:18:46to over 5 million people and could you do towards the formal primary

4:18:46 > 4:18:50and secondary education of over 700,000 children affected by the

4:18:50 > 4:18:55crisis. However the only way to end the conflict is there a negotiated

4:18:55 > 4:18:58political settlement. My right honourable friend the Foreign

4:18:58 > 4:19:03Secretary has emphasised including to his Turkish counterpart the

4:19:03 > 4:19:06importance of biblical solution and the defeat of Daesh. This must be at

4:19:06 > 4:19:10the forefront of international efforts. We are concerned about the

4:19:10 > 4:19:15possibility of the divergent of Kurdish fighters. We are committed

4:19:15 > 4:19:19to working close with Turkey and other allies devise solutions in

4:19:19 > 4:19:21Syria that provides stability and bring to an end this terrible

4:19:21 > 4:19:29conflict. I commend the statement the House.I welcome the Minister's

4:19:29 > 4:19:32statement. And I thank him for advanced site. Madam Deputy Speaker,

4:19:32 > 4:19:40here we are again, Aleppo, Mosul, Raqqa, today were Afrin, perhaps in

4:19:40 > 4:19:46some rows. Today we stand in this House while some troops marched to

4:19:46 > 4:19:49this city and region with little regard for international law or

4:19:49 > 4:19:54force civilian production. Putting hundreds of thousands of people at

4:19:54 > 4:20:00risk. Again and again we express in this House our concern, our alarm,

4:20:00 > 4:20:07our anchor. But it is never enough. It is just not enough. Time and

4:20:07 > 4:20:10again, those fighting in Syria are consistently failing to take

4:20:10 > 4:20:15precaution that protect civilians. Madam Deputy Speaker, just seven

4:20:15 > 4:20:20weeks ago, Turkey launched its so-called operation olive branch to

4:20:20 > 4:20:25remove what they saw as the Kurdish threat from Afrin. The Minister also

4:20:25 > 4:20:31says that the production of civilians must be balanced with it,

4:20:31 > 4:20:34and I quote, Turkey's legitimate interests in the security of its

4:20:34 > 4:20:39borders. We must be clear, the incursion is neither legitimate nor

4:20:39 > 4:20:42justified. It should never have been allowed in the first place and it

4:20:42 > 4:20:49has no basis in international law. On all of branch, Madam Deputy

4:20:49 > 4:20:52Speaker, that could hardly have been a less suitable name for the

4:20:52 > 4:20:58assault. Since then, even the most conservative reports estimate that

4:20:58 > 4:21:03several hundred Kurds have died. Shamefully, the Turkish forces have

4:21:03 > 4:21:07used artillery and other explosive weapons to target civilian areas.

4:21:07 > 4:21:16The Kurdish red Crescent report that in the month after attacks after

4:21:16 > 4:21:21attacks are stated, 93 civilians were killed, 24 of them children.

4:21:21 > 4:21:26313 civilians wounded, 51 of them children. Unicef reported this

4:21:26 > 4:21:32morning that over 1000 children have not died across Syria in just the

4:21:32 > 4:21:38first two months of 2018. Madam Deputy Speaker, the use of artillery

4:21:38 > 4:21:43and explosive weapons against residential areas is clearly

4:21:43 > 4:21:46prohibited by international humanitarian law. It is unforgivable

4:21:46 > 4:21:52that they are still being used. Madam Deputy Speaker, this is not an

4:21:52 > 4:21:59olive branch, this is a stick to beat the Kurdish community. Madam

4:21:59 > 4:22:03Deputy Speaker, the situation is evolving rapidly. But me turn to

4:22:03 > 4:22:08three particular concerns for the days ahead. According to reports,

4:22:08 > 4:22:12Turkish forces are right now advancing on Afrin. So we must do

4:22:12 > 4:22:17what we can to protect civilians. First, there are real concerns that

4:22:17 > 4:22:22when Turkish forces enter Afrin, there will be widespread atrocities.

4:22:22 > 4:22:28As they seek to root out those they call terrorists. It is particularly

4:22:28 > 4:22:31disturbing to hear reports that at the centre of the assault working

4:22:31 > 4:22:38alongside the Turkish army have been some of the very same jihadists that

4:22:38 > 4:22:43the Kurdish forces have worked so hard to drive out of northern Syria.

4:22:43 > 4:22:49And given the call by those in Afrin for civilians to form a human shield

4:22:49 > 4:22:54around the city, the prospects of a siege and an assault on the city is

4:22:54 > 4:23:00likely to cause severe civilian casualties. What is the UK doing to

4:23:00 > 4:23:03apply pressure on Turkey to stop the assault and respect international

4:23:03 > 4:23:15law?

4:23:15 > 4:23:21We can never excuse and throw the word terrorism around to justify

4:23:21 > 4:23:24human rights abuses. Second, the Washington Post has today reported

4:23:24 > 4:23:30accounts that they are already thousands of Kurds fleeing from the

4:23:30 > 4:23:35city of afferent fearing for their lives and what will happen if or

4:23:35 > 4:23:41when the city. What reassurance can the Minister provide the refugees

4:23:41 > 4:23:47and displaced people will be granted safe passage. And that the

4:23:47 > 4:23:50international community, including Britain, will step up to the plate

4:23:50 > 4:23:54and provide immediate humanitarian aid and long-term support. Third,

4:23:54 > 4:23:59then return to the access of humanitarian aid. For the human

4:23:59 > 4:24:03rights monitors who can act as one of the greatest deterrent against it

4:24:03 > 4:24:08-- like civilian atrocities. What steps is the Government taking to

4:24:08 > 4:24:14urge Turkey to allow accurate does not access, independent monitors to

4:24:14 > 4:24:17ensure that civilians are protected and that perpetrators of abuses are

4:24:17 > 4:24:25held to account. And now that UK funded partners and UN agencies are

4:24:25 > 4:24:30suspending humanitarian activities, what's this is the Government taking

4:24:30 > 4:24:34to quickly restore full humanitarian access to afferent so that the UK

4:24:34 > 4:24:41and other partners can get Aiden and save us. Madam Deputy Speaker --

4:24:41 > 4:24:46speakers, the Kurt community is watching. At many to ensure that UK

4:24:46 > 4:24:56is doing everything it can to help civilians and afferent.Thank you

4:24:56 > 4:25:00Madam Deputy Speaker, can I thank the young lady for her questions and

4:25:00 > 4:25:07for the way in which she has a post this. She poses some questions that

4:25:07 > 4:25:12will be difficult for any government to respond to. I will do my best.

4:25:12 > 4:25:16This is an area where the United Kingdom is not present underground,

4:25:16 > 4:25:19where it is difficult to get information out, where you and aid

4:25:19 > 4:25:26workers are not able operate, and where there was a limitation to what

4:25:26 > 4:25:33we can actually deliver. But there will be no shortage of effort to

4:25:33 > 4:25:35absently do every pitcher recommend in terms of protecting civilians.

4:25:35 > 4:25:40She is right to say that once again this is another part of the overall

4:25:40 > 4:25:47Syrian tragedy. Whatever may be the particular circumstances, it all

4:25:47 > 4:25:51traces back to the war waged by a president on his own people which

4:25:51 > 4:25:55will enter its eighth year. In just a couple of days' time. The

4:25:55 > 4:26:00Secretary General of the UN got recorded on the 12th of March this

4:26:00 > 4:26:06year said this, Syria is bleeding inside and out, there should only be

4:26:06 > 4:26:10one agenda for all of us, ending the suffering of the Syrian people and

4:26:10 > 4:26:17find a political solution to the conflict. Let me just deal with some

4:26:17 > 4:26:24of the points that she raised. In particular the way in which this is

4:26:24 > 4:26:28seen, she gives a picture of how she recognises this and how the Kurdish

4:26:28 > 4:26:34community sees it. We are not here to answer for the Kurdish

4:26:34 > 4:26:42authorities, plainly did take a different position. The aim is to

4:26:42 > 4:26:47oust the white PG from the territory they see them as an extension the

4:26:47 > 4:27:01site -- white PG. WPG. The most important thing for us in a moment

4:27:01 > 4:27:05as if we can bring that particular part of the conflict to an end and

4:27:05 > 4:27:10help people. The Foreign Secretary and the Prime Minister have both

4:27:10 > 4:27:15been in contact with the respective partners, our ambassador made

4:27:15 > 4:27:18representations to the Turkish government just three days ago. I

4:27:18 > 4:27:29can surely, honourable lady in the House, everything we do is meant to

4:27:29 > 4:27:34do to dissuade the parties... And allow humanitarian access. Secondly

4:27:34 > 4:27:40in relations due to what happens to people who flee, we've worked with

4:27:40 > 4:27:44partners to ensure that the supplies are in the area. We can't get close,

4:27:44 > 4:27:48but we are doing our best of the UN agencies and others I have been

4:27:48 > 4:27:52active in the area have supplies available if people are able to

4:27:52 > 4:27:57leave. And of course, we would wish them to be so, as there is a

4:27:57 > 4:28:01distinction between civilians and those considered as fighters. We are

4:28:01 > 4:28:07doing everything we can in relation to them. Thirdly, of course, we

4:28:07 > 4:28:16would wish to advocate. However, the brutality and the grimness of the

4:28:16 > 4:28:20war in that region means there was a gap between anything we would seek

4:28:20 > 4:28:27to find in our deliberations and what may be happening underground. I

4:28:27 > 4:28:31wish I could promise the honourable lady that we won't be back here soon

4:28:31 > 4:28:37but I'm afraid I can't. We are doing everything we can to meet the

4:28:37 > 4:28:43humanitarian needs, and the pain. If you can mean the end with a

4:28:43 > 4:28:51political resolution.I think my right honourable friend for his

4:28:51 > 4:28:56statement. Of course what you said, the Turkish government has assured

4:28:56 > 4:29:00the Foreign Office that it is working to prevent civilian

4:29:00 > 4:29:03casualties which I think it is diplomatic code that means, I don't

4:29:03 > 4:29:11believe you, we don't believe you. The wretched truth is here, our

4:29:11 > 4:29:15Kurdish allies in the war against the enemies -- my enemies of

4:29:15 > 4:29:18civilization are brutally treated by Nato ally. Is there anything else we

4:29:18 > 4:29:28can do about it?I'm grateful to my right honourable friend. You care

4:29:28 > 4:29:31has consistently raise the need to protect civilians and the escalator

4:29:31 > 4:29:41situation. We believe the Turkish government and we will hold them to

4:29:41 > 4:29:51the statement.Thank you Madam Deputy Speaker. And afferent it

4:29:51 > 4:29:56represents a new front, a sudden crisis. A seven-year long proxy war

4:29:56 > 4:30:00that's killed an estimated half a million people as we all know, Madam

4:30:00 > 4:30:06Deputy Speaker, the laws of war strictly per batch ) prohibit

4:30:06 > 4:30:08attacking civilian structures, civilian areas unless they're being

4:30:08 > 4:30:14used for military purposes. Since the conflict began, the local

4:30:14 > 4:30:19Kurdish health authorities estimated 200, civilians and 600 have been

4:30:19 > 4:30:27injured. The UN say that the afferent district has a population

4:30:27 > 4:30:32of 320,000, the majority of this are classified as being in need. 100,000

4:30:32 > 4:30:38are not internally displaced. I was speaking to my constituents and

4:30:38 > 4:30:44Syrian refugees he was close to tears in explaining what happened to

4:30:44 > 4:30:48his family. He said his Sally was not safe, it was only possible to

4:30:48 > 4:30:52contact them every few days. Having spoken to his brother this morning,

4:30:52 > 4:30:56he said were under siege and didn't know what to do. No water, no

4:30:56 > 4:31:02electricity not enough food. In his village near afferent, every one is

4:31:02 > 4:31:06sheltered from bonds. Best everything was settled shattered by

4:31:06 > 4:31:18bombs. These are civilians, and to have no place to go. Does the

4:31:18 > 4:31:22Government and the pressure on Turkey, and ensure respect for

4:31:22 > 4:31:27international and UN law. What progress has the Government made to

4:31:27 > 4:31:32bring about a political resolution in accordance resolution 2254. And

4:31:32 > 4:31:40finally, on the 20th of February the president of Turkey said, and he I

4:31:40 > 4:31:45quote, cut external aid. What is the UK Government doing doing to ensure

4:31:45 > 4:31:51to increase it and to make sure that it gets there?I am grateful to the

4:31:51 > 4:31:58honourable gentleman. He started with a brief description of the

4:31:58 > 4:32:01horrors of this particular conflict and in that he is absolutely right.

4:32:01 > 4:32:05The great horror is that we have seen in recent times the shredding

4:32:05 > 4:32:10of the international law on which we have tried to work for the best part

4:32:10 > 4:32:17of 70 years since 1945. The UN Security Council, if the UN Security

4:32:17 > 4:32:20Council can't bring it to an end, if we have moved away from the norms in

4:32:20 > 4:32:29the use of chemical weapons, that is also if we've seen the tactics of

4:32:29 > 4:32:36siege and hunger come back into modern warfare, then we risk losing

4:32:36 > 4:32:46everything in a way that national community has put together after the

4:32:46 > 4:32:55horrors of World War II,... It has echoes of that. And unless we find

4:32:55 > 4:32:58ways to restore this national -- international order, will be

4:32:58 > 4:33:04debating this longer any will raise the possibility, as to what states

4:33:04 > 4:33:10are doing, and not going back to the old ways of dealing with complex,

4:33:10 > 4:33:14mice pick has to be bit -- my bigger than yours of resolving conflict. To

4:33:14 > 4:33:21answer those three questions we will continue to talk to our Nato

4:33:21 > 4:33:26partners about the need for security and how this operation may be

4:33:26 > 4:33:29assisting them, what distinctions they are drawn between humanitarian

4:33:29 > 4:33:33casualties and the need to protect civilians and those who are seeking

4:33:33 > 4:33:37to protect their own postulation -- population. We are doing everything

4:33:37 > 4:33:44we can to support them. In response to the second question, intercept

4:33:44 > 4:33:53diplomatic question, we have seen it means that the Geneva process is the

4:33:53 > 4:33:59best bet for political resolution. In terms of aid, 2.46 billion, that

4:33:59 > 4:34:03this is been the largest support the United Kingdom has ever given to a

4:34:03 > 4:34:10conflict situation to protect refugees. There will be no shortage

4:34:10 > 4:34:14refugees -- no shortage of help for refugees, those who need help. But

4:34:14 > 4:34:22the best course is two end the conflict.Right honourable friend

4:34:22 > 4:34:27was being pragmatic about how to resolve the conflict. What are the

4:34:27 > 4:34:31milestones that he is looking to achieve along the journey?I thank

4:34:31 > 4:34:40my honourable friend. Several have come about recently. The Syrian

4:34:40 > 4:34:46negotiation committee reformed after meetings not represent the Syrian

4:34:46 > 4:34:49opposition and has Kurdish representatives on it in order to

4:34:49 > 4:34:55present a united front at the Geneva talks. The failure of the secondary

4:34:55 > 4:35:00process, as I said earlier, means that there can be more concentration

4:35:00 > 4:35:07on Geneva. I understand that special envoy is working on a series of

4:35:07 > 4:35:12boxes that people can talk about, and gradually come back together.

4:35:12 > 4:35:15Most importantly, we continue through you when African resolutions

4:35:15 > 4:35:23to demand humanitarian access into a conflict in conflict areas, not to

4:35:23 > 4:35:29move attention away from the area, and the damage that is being done

4:35:29 > 4:35:32there, in horrific humanitarian circumstances. We are calling on all

4:35:32 > 4:35:36parties do heavy-handed that to desist from that. And also recognise

4:35:36 > 4:35:51that the siege of Daesh has not been distinguished. If...Isn't this the

4:35:51 > 4:36:04case that the gentleman is using... To engage in a barbarous slaughter

4:36:04 > 4:36:11of men, women and children. Should the British Government be absolutely

4:36:11 > 4:36:15clear that he must absolutely and the offensive. And second has the

4:36:15 > 4:36:19time not come to stop selling arms to this man who is behaving like a

4:36:19 > 4:36:27despot?Mr would have been consistent in our thoughts to

4:36:27 > 4:36:38de-escalate. With our Turkish and Nato partners. But within

4:36:38 > 4:36:42recognising the territorial concerns, we indeed call to an end

4:36:42 > 4:36:52-- for an end of the operations. This appalling and big kids -- on

4:36:52 > 4:36:56vindictive vendetta on our strongest allies on the ground in the battle

4:36:56 > 4:37:03against Daesh. Is there absolutely no chance of the UN, brokered

4:37:03 > 4:37:07cease-fire so that perhaps if that was to happen, we could put

4:37:07 > 4:37:18peacekeeping in to protect civilian people?

4:37:18 > 4:37:29While there is no effect already.

4:37:57 > 4:37:57Urge before

4:38:02 > 4:38:07my Kurdish constituents are deeply distressed about what is happening

4:38:07 > 4:38:13to civilians and Afrin.Hundreds of people are being killed there and

4:38:13 > 4:38:20hundreds of thousands are being injured or are fleeing or being

4:38:20 > 4:38:22displaced. What help can the Minister give to those people who

4:38:22 > 4:38:30are suffering so badly?The right honourable Lady will be aware as we

4:38:30 > 4:38:35all are about the recent press reports, Sky News coverage over the

4:38:35 > 4:38:38weekend. What I can do for the honourable lady is give her the

4:38:38 > 4:38:43absolute assurance that the UK Government that there is repeated

4:38:43 > 4:38:45representations and is seeking to have the conflict escalated as being

4:38:45 > 4:38:53clear. So that this part of the conflict can come to an end as

4:38:53 > 4:38:59swiftly as possible.It looks to me that we have misread this Syrian

4:38:59 > 4:39:05civil war from start to finish. The facts on the grounds are the Asad is

4:39:05 > 4:39:09winning the war. He will take the eastern part of the city and he is

4:39:09 > 4:39:13now allied with our allies, the Kurds in resisting a naked invasion

4:39:13 > 4:39:17from Turkey which can evolve to the slaughter of thousands of innocent

4:39:17 > 4:39:22civilians. Of the Turks have been very generous in providing safe

4:39:22 > 4:39:26refuge for millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey itself, surely we

4:39:26 > 4:39:32should call out this invasion for what is and at this crucial moment,

4:39:32 > 4:39:36Stan by the Kurds without whom we would not have been able to defeat

4:39:36 > 4:39:45Isis.Mr Speaker, my honourable friend is correct in recognising

4:39:45 > 4:39:47extraordinary contribution of the Kurdish people across the region

4:39:47 > 4:39:55through Serie A and the pushing back Isis. However, the complexities of

4:39:55 > 4:39:59the politics in the area and parts of the country, Iraq and Turkey and

4:39:59 > 4:40:04what is led to the present situation, the history of the

4:40:04 > 4:40:08conflict of Serie A which I have a certain amount of knowledge from

4:40:08 > 4:40:212010 onwards. All I can do is assure my honourable friend that we will do

4:40:21 > 4:40:25all we can as I said to seek the de-escalate this conflict, protect

4:40:25 > 4:40:33Kurdish civilians and see a resolution to the present issue.

4:40:33 > 4:40:37Thank you. Last year the Foreign Affairs Committee went to Turkey in

4:40:37 > 4:40:42January. We had meetings with the president and his senior Ministers.

4:40:42 > 4:40:48It was made very clear to us at that time that Turkey intended at some

4:40:48 > 4:40:53point to relocate hundreds of thousands of the 3 million serious

4:40:53 > 4:40:59Arab refugees who were in Turkey into the areas on their border in

4:40:59 > 4:41:05the north and prevent the Kurds having a contiguous area under their

4:41:05 > 4:41:15control. Why did the international community not tomorrow to stop? And

4:41:15 > 4:41:18is the Minister really serious when he thinks that there will be a

4:41:18 > 4:41:23political solution and defeat for Isis as long as Turkey sees its

4:41:23 > 4:41:27priority as stopping the Kurds rather than getting a political

4:41:27 > 4:41:36solution.I'm not sure I really know the answer to the honourable

4:41:36 > 4:41:41gentleman's very good question. Based on his knowledge of the area

4:41:41 > 4:41:48which I certainly recognise. As I said, the different aspects of this

4:41:48 > 4:41:56conflict and the different reasons why some states are taking action go

4:41:56 > 4:42:01back many years and are intended to sort out many difficulties in many

4:42:01 > 4:42:06issues which are being brought to light by the conflict against Isis

4:42:06 > 4:42:12and the break-up of Syria. It's not possible for the UK I don't think to

4:42:12 > 4:42:20say to other states what the and lines drawn on the map will be.

4:42:20 > 4:42:22Countries have their concerns about terrorist activity and Turkey has

4:42:22 > 4:42:28been clear about that relation to the PKK, a proscribed organisation

4:42:28 > 4:42:31both there and here and that we respect and a Nato ally. I've said

4:42:31 > 4:42:36relation to what's happening recently, we have been clear on our

4:42:36 > 4:42:39determination that there should be a de-escalation at that. We do call

4:42:39 > 4:42:42for a resumption of the negotiations with Tommy ended in 2015 between

4:42:42 > 4:42:49Turkey and the PKK. Maybe perhaps it is not quite as helpless as

4:42:49 > 4:42:54sometimes we feel when we look at the map.Thank you Madam Deputy

4:42:54 > 4:43:00Speaker. Most I welcome the tone and content of the Minister's statement

4:43:00 > 4:43:03it is depressing to be back in the House to talk about more horrors and

4:43:03 > 4:43:06a country that is seen more than its fair share over the last seven

4:43:06 > 4:43:12years. Would he reassure me about what efforts the UK will take to

4:43:12 > 4:43:20protect civilians if there is a Turkish siege of Afrin?I'm grateful

4:43:20 > 4:43:23to my honourable friend. It consistently raised the need to

4:43:23 > 4:43:29protect civilians and to de-escalate the operation. We want to see this

4:43:29 > 4:43:32safe and sustained delivery of humanitarian aid and services which

4:43:32 > 4:43:35are urgently needed across the region and indeed, in Syria as a

4:43:35 > 4:43:43whole. We will continue to press for that. He can only be assured that

4:43:43 > 4:43:45although we cannot predict the outcome we can be absolutely certain

4:43:45 > 4:43:49of the efforts we will make to try and de-escalate the situation and

4:43:49 > 4:44:00have a humanitarian situation which protect civilians.Madam Deputy

4:44:00 > 4:44:03Speaker, I have several hundred constituents in Edinburgh East who

4:44:03 > 4:44:07hail from this part of the world. Many of whom tonight are fearful for

4:44:07 > 4:44:10their loved ones in the city of Afrin. I have to tell the Minister

4:44:10 > 4:44:17that they expressed to me and increasing sense of the trail. That

4:44:17 > 4:44:22this government and its allies are happy to praise the sacrifice of the

4:44:22 > 4:44:25Curtis people and the fight against international terrorism and yet when

4:44:25 > 4:44:28it comes to upholding their political rights, they are met with

4:44:28 > 4:44:32silence. Is it not the truth at the time has come to stop the pretence

4:44:32 > 4:44:38that what is happening with that Turkish siege of Afrin has anything

4:44:38 > 4:44:43to do with protecting the Turkish territorial sovereignty and to admit

4:44:43 > 4:44:47that it is all about degrading aspirations of the Kurds and any

4:44:47 > 4:44:51future political settlement which will one day followed the end of

4:44:51 > 4:45:00this conflict.The honourable gentleman puts his own case and I

4:45:00 > 4:45:05recognise that. It's not the view in the United Kingdom government. We

4:45:05 > 4:45:10recognise that terrorist concerns of Turkey but equally we have been

4:45:10 > 4:45:15clear about the impact of the conflict and humanitarian basis and

4:45:15 > 4:45:23on the opportunity to find a political resolution. That solution

4:45:23 > 4:45:25will knock him about the conflict, it will come about through political

4:45:25 > 4:45:29dialogue which is made more difficult by the circumstances.

4:45:29 > 4:45:33That's why the United Kingdom continues to urge de-escalation,

4:45:33 > 4:45:38humanitarian access and release for the families of his constituents but

4:45:38 > 4:45:45he speaks about.Whilst the Turkish government have assured the Foreign

4:45:45 > 4:45:48and Commonwealth Office that it is working to prevent civilian

4:45:48 > 4:45:52casualties, report showed they are increasing. Can the Minister confirm

4:45:52 > 4:45:57how the UK can ensure that civilians are protected from a Turkish sees of

4:45:57 > 4:46:05Afrin city?I'm grateful. The honest answer is I cannot ensure it. The

4:46:05 > 4:46:09United Kingdom government cannot ensure this. Be to suggest something

4:46:09 > 4:46:15we don't possess. It seems inappropriate for me to do so. All I

4:46:15 > 4:46:18can say is, along with others and international community, we will

4:46:18 > 4:46:22continue to make the representations we can. We move for situation of

4:46:22 > 4:46:30cease-fire in Syria in general. Given resolution 2401 we worry that

4:46:30 > 4:46:36these norms are not like here too. -- the UN resolution. In the

4:46:36 > 4:46:40immensely complex situation of northern Syria, it's Turkish border,

4:46:40 > 4:46:43what is been experienced and Turkey over the years and the long-standing

4:46:43 > 4:46:47conflict, there is none of this at the United Kingdom can give an

4:46:47 > 4:46:52assurance about. All we can say is we are very clear that humanitarian

4:46:52 > 4:46:55considerations must come first. You must be humanitarian access. The

4:46:55 > 4:47:02best way to deal with any of the complexes political de-escalation

4:47:02 > 4:47:05not that escalation of conflict which will only lead to the

4:47:05 > 4:47:10resurgence of the conflict as soon as this is over.The Minister is

4:47:10 > 4:47:16right to urge restraint from Turkey, I know the partners in the country.

4:47:16 > 4:47:22-- region. And I asked what the Government's assessment or the fair

4:47:22 > 4:47:28affairs committee conclusion of the link between the PKK and a wide PG

4:47:28 > 4:47:38with essential to understanding what is driving Turkey. Does he share my

4:47:38 > 4:47:42fears that there may be a long period where the protection of

4:47:42 > 4:47:47civilians is under threat while we tried to get a political settlement

4:47:47 > 4:47:57and decent governance across areas which are war-torn present.Once

4:47:57 > 4:48:03again the honourable gentleman speaks about great knowledge of the

4:48:03 > 4:48:11area. As I said in evidence, the United Kingdom recognises some

4:48:11 > 4:48:15similarities in terms of ideology between PKK and why PG. Not the

4:48:15 > 4:48:21direct link that is claimed by Turkey which is why we prescribe PKK

4:48:21 > 4:48:32not the other group. We are aware of the issues of similarity. We don't

4:48:32 > 4:48:38see the link in the same way. The second point regarding the long-term

4:48:38 > 4:48:42nature of this is of course entirely real. The longer the conflict as a

4:48:42 > 4:48:47whole goes on, more there will be the opportunity for issues of

4:48:47 > 4:48:53long-standing to be settled with the disruption that's currently taking

4:48:53 > 4:48:58place in Syria. That is why the best opportunity for peace and security

4:48:58 > 4:49:02all around is to support the Geneva process as we are in work as hard as

4:49:02 > 4:49:05we are diplomatically to get the parties to find a better answer to

4:49:05 > 4:49:09the conflict occurs as the region aptly shows, the only certainty in

4:49:09 > 4:49:15the region... Sooner or later that group will take up arms against the

4:49:15 > 4:49:22other.Thank you. I would like to thank the Minister for his statement

4:49:22 > 4:49:30and the eloquence of his answers. It reflects the view of Sony people in

4:49:30 > 4:49:37the House with sympathy for the Kurds have been fighting Isis for

4:49:37 > 4:49:40years frankly often on our behalf and a sense of helplessness we all

4:49:40 > 4:49:47feel I what is happening at Afrin. My question is, on the basis of the

4:49:47 > 4:49:53considerable investment and money that the United Kingdom has put in

4:49:53 > 4:50:00in humanitarian aid, are there any specific additional elements of the

4:50:00 > 4:50:04humanitarian aid that the Minister feels that the Government could

4:50:04 > 4:50:10perhaps do to help the people suffering in Afrin?Mr Speaker I'm

4:50:10 > 4:50:15grateful to the honourable gentleman. At the moment, the honest

4:50:15 > 4:50:19answer is I can't see anything that we could currently add valid make a

4:50:19 > 4:50:23significant difference beyond what we are already seeking to do. I been

4:50:23 > 4:50:27quite clear that we need to get preparations made to ensure that

4:50:27 > 4:50:38when civilians leave the area that supplies are there. We are

4:50:38 > 4:50:47consistent in supporting one in 401 to seek access and de-escalation of

4:50:47 > 4:50:51conflict to allow opportunities to be created both the dialogue and to

4:50:51 > 4:50:54protect the people. If there is anything new that we could think of

4:50:54 > 4:50:59to add to it, we would. Meanwhile we are working with all the partners we

4:50:59 > 4:51:01can to see the de-escalate and get the humanitarian access that is

4:51:01 > 4:51:08crucial.We should all be appalled by the scenes affecting civilians in

4:51:08 > 4:51:15Afrin. Our ability to influence the operational military tactics of Isis

4:51:15 > 4:51:21or Asad or Russia and the situations is limited. Turkey is a member of

4:51:21 > 4:51:24Nato. I wondered if he could save whether there's been direct contact

4:51:24 > 4:51:30between his Defence Secretary and his counterpart in Turkey and

4:51:30 > 4:51:35officer level contact about the conduct and the tactics and the

4:51:35 > 4:51:38importance of Turkey adhering to international humanitarian law.An

4:51:38 > 4:51:47answer to that question is, I can't speak for Defence Secretary. I can't

4:51:47 > 4:51:49say there has been contact between the military. Not to the extent he

4:51:49 > 4:51:53is saying because it was almost a question about tactics and

4:51:53 > 4:52:00everything and that when a bee in any way appropriate. Defensive

4:52:00 > 4:52:04coaches, ambassadors approaches, prime Ministers approaches, Foreign

4:52:04 > 4:52:05secretaries approaches have been consistent about the de-escalation

4:52:05 > 4:52:11of the conflict. That is the approach. As a Nato partner, other

4:52:11 > 4:52:15partners are involved as well. The United States has a significant

4:52:15 > 4:52:18interest in the area and also in this conflict coming to an end as

4:52:18 > 4:52:25soon as possible.As has already been mentioned, the Kurds have been

4:52:25 > 4:52:29key allies in our fight against Isis. For the interest of clarity,

4:52:29 > 4:52:32does the Government consider Turkey's continued attacks on Afrin

4:52:32 > 4:52:39as contravening UN Security Council resolution 2401? If so, with the

4:52:39 > 4:52:43Minister agree that is not only the right thing to do to condemn them

4:52:43 > 4:52:46also crucial if we are to restore faith in the international order and

4:52:46 > 4:52:53any hopes of bringing about a political resolution.

4:52:53 > 4:52:57Assad the honourable gentleman princes question there well. If 2401

4:52:57 > 4:53:01means what it says. It means cease-fire for the whole of Syria.

4:53:01 > 4:53:05The United Kingdom is part of that expense by. As I said earlier, what

4:53:05 > 4:53:08happens of resolutions now if there was not sufficient will underground,

4:53:08 > 4:53:13that we don't get what we need to be. Indeed, the whole international

4:53:13 > 4:53:17order is effective. That is a reason why we are so consistent in talking

4:53:17 > 4:53:25to our Turkish partner about the de-escalation, the need for the

4:53:25 > 4:53:27escalation, the need for humanitarian access and to urge all

4:53:27 > 4:53:34parties in the area defined way beyond the concert.Last weekend, a

4:53:34 > 4:53:36Kurdish constituent dissolved in tears at a meeting about something

4:53:36 > 4:53:40else. They're worried about their family. I am wondering what we can

4:53:40 > 4:53:47do in terms of taking evidence so that in future, war crimes can be

4:53:47 > 4:53:53prosecuted on an international Court of justice.The honourable lady goes

4:53:53 > 4:53:59further than I can go in relation to this particular issue. Any war crime

4:53:59 > 4:54:04allegations has to be reported to the authorities. The United Kingdom

4:54:04 > 4:54:10has worked extremely hard to put... Provide those in Syria to gather

4:54:10 > 4:54:15evidence of crimes wherever they may be. Then again, one can understand

4:54:15 > 4:54:20her constituents, but throughout that area there are families in

4:54:20 > 4:54:25tears. At each border atrocities committed. That is a tragedy for the

4:54:25 > 4:54:33united kingdom is worse for others to bring an end to an end. It's only

4:54:33 > 4:54:39bite digging into this in the manner suggested by the UN, as individual

4:54:39 > 4:54:53aspect of justice and accountability are absolutely important. We...

4:54:55 > 4:54:57The Minister will be aware that has occurred is a Kurdish community in

4:54:57 > 4:55:04my constituency is well. We have discussed this in the recent past.

4:55:04 > 4:55:09The Kurdish community in Glasgow has a mixture of sadness and anger. To

4:55:09 > 4:55:14ask given to the city of Afron is under siege without water and food,

4:55:14 > 4:55:21we have a motion for both sides of house to condemn, displacement,...

4:55:21 > 4:55:27And whole region.What I can do Madam Deputy Speaker is make

4:55:27 > 4:55:31reference to what I said earlier. The tactics of siege, ignoring

4:55:31 > 4:55:40humanitarian norms, international long conflict all communities in the

4:55:40 > 4:55:45region will suffer longer it goes on. We are calling for it

4:55:45 > 4:55:53de-escalation. And the only thing that ultimately will end the

4:55:53 > 4:55:58conflict throughout the region. Madam Deputy Speaker, the Minister

4:55:58 > 4:56:03has said that the Government intends to hold the Turkish government to

4:56:03 > 4:56:10account for the representation is given civilian customs. What

4:56:10 > 4:56:17specific steps will the Government do. Will they press for independent

4:56:17 > 4:56:22monitoring -- I'm monitoring of international law?In terms of

4:56:22 > 4:56:30holding people accountable, we withhold any party that is guilty of

4:56:30 > 4:56:35any crimes in the conflict as my conflict in the same way that all

4:56:35 > 4:56:38international structures monitoring on the ground is extremely

4:56:38 > 4:56:43difficult. We must be entirely tactical about this. The holding it

4:56:43 > 4:56:48to is the same holding into account of any party in the conflict. We

4:56:48 > 4:56:54have been very clear, as I said, we understand the origins of this and

4:56:54 > 4:57:01why Turkey has a concerns that it does. But equally, we recognise the

4:57:01 > 4:57:05risk of this conflict are diverting attention from the regime, from

4:57:05 > 4:57:11Isis, there is evidence that this conflict in Afron has grown and

4:57:11 > 4:57:15others elsewhere have taken the opportunity do in order to start

4:57:15 > 4:57:18their own operations again which is just further misery for the people

4:57:18 > 4:57:22of Syria. Again I go back to the Secretary General and his determined

4:57:22 > 4:57:26-- determination to try to find an overall settlement over this.

4:57:26 > 4:57:31Ultimately that is the only thing that will end the conflict between

4:57:31 > 4:57:33the parties and the pain that is being suffered tonight in areas of

4:57:33 > 4:57:42the region.Does the Minister agree that the Turkish assault on Afron

4:57:42 > 4:57:47was entirely to him testify and has no basis in international law and if

4:57:47 > 4:57:52he does, what specific steps will be taken by the Government ensure that

4:57:52 > 4:57:57Turkey is held accountable for war crimes being perpetrated in Afron.

4:57:57 > 4:58:04At the beginning of my segment I set out what the United Kingdom thought

4:58:04 > 4:58:25of that.I seek your advice one year ago, today, exactly on the 12th of

4:58:25 > 4:58:32March 2017, the foreign affairs select committee published a report,

4:58:32 > 4:58:37Article 50 negotiations, implications of no deal. We also

4:58:37 > 4:58:44published several other reports in March of last year. Responses to

4:58:44 > 4:58:52those reports on Turkey, on Russia, in our second report on political

4:58:52 > 4:58:58Islam were received by the former does write for an Commonwealth

4:58:58 > 4:59:02office on the 20th of July and were published as soon as the committee

4:59:02 > 4:59:09was re-established in September. We have received no response to the

4:59:09 > 4:59:15report that was published in March on implications of no deal. We raise

4:59:15 > 4:59:20the matter, I raise the matter with the Foreign Secretary when he came

4:59:20 > 4:59:25before our committee in November on the 1st of November. And reminded

4:59:25 > 4:59:29him that the committee had not yet received the customary response to

4:59:29 > 4:59:35within two months. He said, I think you are asking the wrong department.

4:59:35 > 4:59:44I think it is someone else who is drafting the response to your

4:59:44 > 4:59:48excellent report. I am asking if you have seen thus like I asked him if

4:59:48 > 4:59:52he had seen in a draft that you said not that I'm aware of. And he said I

4:59:52 > 4:59:59promise to take it up guys like to get up and I set it is eight months,

4:59:59 > 5:00:05he said thank you we will make sure to take it up. To date, despite

5:00:05 > 5:00:10expecting a response, the Foreign Affairs Committee has not received a

5:00:10 > 5:00:16response from the Department for exiting the EU, or the Commonwealth

5:00:16 > 5:00:19office, one year after the reports. Madam Deputy Speaker, can you

5:00:19 > 5:00:27suggest to me any course of action that can be taken. I'm speaking here

5:00:27 > 5:00:34on behalf of the committee. What can we do to get the basic courtesy of a

5:00:34 > 5:00:39response from this government on a matter of topical interest, vital

5:00:39 > 5:00:45interest to our country and to our Parliament. How can we get the

5:00:45 > 5:00:53Government to respond as they are supposed to do a committee report?I

5:00:53 > 5:00:57thank the honourable member for giving me notice that he intended to

5:00:57 > 5:01:03raise this issue on behalf of of the Foreign Affairs Committee. It

5:01:03 > 5:01:06certainly, it is certainly very unsatisfactory that the Government

5:01:06 > 5:01:12hasn't replied to a report of the 41st committee, if indeed he was

5:01:12 > 5:01:19published a year ago. It is understandable, that sometimes there

5:01:19 > 5:01:23will be a bit of the deep bass by delay, during an election period. It

5:01:23 > 5:01:30should normally be two guns. But clearly, I delay every year is

5:01:30 > 5:01:38something quite different. I do hope in response to, I do hope that this

5:01:38 > 5:01:43is being noted on the Treasury bench and the departments involved, could

5:01:43 > 5:01:50now get together resolve what is going to be done about it so that a

5:01:50 > 5:01:55committee can have a response as soon as possible. Thank you. Point

5:01:55 > 5:02:04of order.Thank you Madam Deputy Speaker, I seek your advice. Roof

5:02:04 > 5:02:11railing around the international Trade Secretary referred to both my

5:02:11 > 5:02:21colleagues as being completely opposed... That is categorically

5:02:21 > 5:02:25incorrect. She will not as well as I do, fighting against a poorly

5:02:25 > 5:02:28developed policies is there a definitive voting against the

5:02:28 > 5:02:37concept in its entirety. The honourable gentleman is it Doctor

5:02:37 > 5:02:44but he has not done his work -- homework on this occasion. We had

5:02:44 > 5:02:50tabled a number of amendments to improve, ... None of which were

5:02:50 > 5:02:56taken on board or accepted by the Government. What can I do to ensure

5:02:56 > 5:03:04the honourable gentleman and sets the record straight?The honourable

5:03:04 > 5:03:09lady has made her point very clearly about what she felt in terms of the

5:03:09 > 5:03:16remarks made. The Bill will be coming back to the House and so I

5:03:16 > 5:03:21will suggest, and I'm sure she will, continue to put over her view as I

5:03:21 > 5:03:27am sure the local front bench will as well when it comes back. So if

5:03:27 > 5:03:34there are no quest -- no further point of order, the court will now

5:03:34 > 5:03:40proceed to read the orders of the day.Financial... And plays

5:03:40 > 5:03:48billboard. To be considered. Not moved. Built to be considered what

5:03:48 > 5:03:56they?Tomorrow. We now come to motion number two relating to the

5:03:56 > 5:04:02petitions committee, Bill Wiggin. The question is is on the order

5:04:02 > 5:04:17paper, essay I doesn't iMac... Thank you very much. I wish to present I

5:04:17 > 5:04:29was present a petition to improve access at the...Station. It is a

5:04:29 > 5:04:33key station in Manchester, Sheffield lined used by thousands of commuters

5:04:33 > 5:04:37but also needed by elderly and disabled people for access the

5:04:37 > 5:04:46hospital. The centres for disabled children and adults, it is

5:04:46 > 5:04:52considerably needed. The platform can only be accessed where injuries

5:04:52 > 5:04:56regularly occur. The House of Commons urges the Department for

5:04:56 > 5:05:00Transport to make improvements to Jimmy station so that a public can

5:05:00 > 5:05:15have level access to railway at Julie. -- Mike

5:05:21 > 5:05:38Julie petition, accessibility at Chin Lee station does not the

5:05:38 > 5:05:45question is this House do now adjourn. I am very grateful this

5:05:45 > 5:05:54evening with the opportunity to highlight this up issue. I will

5:05:54 > 5:05:59start, if you are one of those families who are just managing. I

5:05:59 > 5:06:02want to address a directive of a minor working around-the-clock, I

5:06:02 > 5:06:05know you're doing your best and I know that sometimes life can be a

5:06:05 > 5:06:10struggle. Ministers are probably fed up with empties quoting those words,

5:06:10 > 5:06:14spoken by the Prime Minister just 20 months ago on the steps of Downing

5:06:14 > 5:06:18Street. And to keep mentioning them in many different contexts as we see

5:06:18 > 5:06:24our community software, as the promise that followed fails to meet

5:06:24 > 5:06:28the needs. Here some of the most venerable people in our community

5:06:28 > 5:06:35believe as a race bike care price, Madam Deputy Speaker, no one works

5:06:35 > 5:06:40harder around the clock, doing the best, struggling to cope and care

5:06:40 > 5:06:44than the parents and siblings of vulnerable adults. Vulnerable

5:06:44 > 5:06:49adults, some of the have the most complex needs imaginable. Those

5:06:49 > 5:06:54vulnerable adults have some of the most extreme personal needs, can be

5:06:54 > 5:07:02in their 30s, 40s, or even the 50s. Parents caring for them, are in

5:07:02 > 5:07:08their 50s, 60s, 70s, we as a society, all those parents and

5:07:08 > 5:07:11carers, we are them is huge debt of gratitude. Teachers do care for

5:07:11 > 5:07:17their loved ones at home, they don't hand them over to the state, but

5:07:17 > 5:07:21they go on with the job. They injure the sleepless nights, the clean-up

5:07:21 > 5:07:24after the family members come and give them the love and dedication

5:07:24 > 5:07:33than he. To be honest, they don't ask for much in return. Hugh Madam

5:07:33 > 5:07:37Deputy Speaker, we often let them down. By failing to provide them

5:07:37 > 5:07:43with the subordinate. It appears to many to be getting worse instead of

5:07:43 > 5:07:50better. I know this issue isn't exclusive to my constituency. But I

5:07:50 > 5:08:01want to speak... All those families who rely on the residential despite

5:08:01 > 5:08:19care. Give them a break from caring, a break from themselves. I

5:08:19 > 5:08:25Does the honourable member or not agree that rest take care must be...

5:08:32 > 5:08:34In Northern Ireland, with honourable gentleman is saying has happened to

5:08:34 > 5:08:40us as well.I think the Member for his intervention. I agree with them.

5:08:40 > 5:08:46The longer people state supported at home, the longer they have a greater

5:08:46 > 5:08:54financial burden on the state. Such is the crisis in health and social

5:08:54 > 5:08:59care in our country that our NHS commissioners face difficult choices

5:08:59 > 5:09:02and families are really worried that they could be facing a substantial

5:09:02 > 5:09:07cut in the provision offered to them as the local tries to stretch

5:09:07 > 5:09:10limited resources they have the meeting increase of demand for

5:09:10 > 5:09:18support. The clinical commissioning group and the South cc CG are

5:09:18 > 5:09:24reorganizing the way they provide residential rest by care. When I met

5:09:24 > 5:09:28with the Executive on Friday, she told me at the need to have deep

5:09:28 > 5:09:30space services and the plan to review exactly what each individual

5:09:30 > 5:09:36needs. I know and so does the Minister that we do have to have

5:09:36 > 5:09:40equity in the system and meet the needs of each individual. I don't

5:09:40 > 5:09:44have a problem with that. Sadly, the review has been interpreted by the

5:09:44 > 5:09:48families as a cut and provision. Some believe they could lose up to

5:09:48 > 5:09:51half their rest by knights and they are anxious about that. I definitely

5:09:51 > 5:09:55agree that provisions should be right to meet the needs of the

5:09:55 > 5:09:58individual but this issue is much greater than that. It's also about

5:09:58 > 5:10:05the needs of the whole family. Before this ECG decided under

5:10:05 > 5:10:08review, perhaps they should've done and needs assessment first. In fact,

5:10:08 > 5:10:15I've always thought that the rest by care was very much for the family,

5:10:15 > 5:10:19in opportunity to take a break from their caring responsibilities, to

5:10:19 > 5:10:22recharge the batteries and prepared to resume what they see as their

5:10:22 > 5:10:29duties. This ECG have been at pains to stress to me that their proposals

5:10:29 > 5:10:33don't necessarily mean that there would be a huge resolution and the

5:10:33 > 5:10:35number of rest by nights but recognise that things will change

5:10:35 > 5:10:39for some people and their working with families and piloting ideas to

5:10:39 > 5:10:49improve provision. Lust I think they could've handled this whole business

5:10:49 > 5:10:52better, the issues from the perspective of the families and the

5:10:52 > 5:10:55various local authority and joint health screening groups who oppose

5:10:55 > 5:11:01the plans, I can say is their fault. I will give way.Thank you for

5:11:01 > 5:11:07giving way. On the point of rest bites where you're moving onto. In

5:11:07 > 5:11:12my constituency of Peterborough, their closing a home where they

5:11:12 > 5:11:16provide back care for very disabled and unwell children and I very much

5:11:16 > 5:11:21agree with you that it should be about the whole child including the

5:11:21 > 5:11:25family and the rest bites it gets to the family to have that provision.

5:11:25 > 5:11:28In my constituency they are cancelling that provision altogether

5:11:28 > 5:11:34and I think the impact of that needs to be assessed. Would you agree?

5:11:34 > 5:11:39Certainly I would. Not being just a Teesside issue but an issue across

5:11:39 > 5:11:43the country. I think it's a tremendous challenge the Government

5:11:43 > 5:11:51to plan for the future. I know the team dealing with wider provision

5:11:51 > 5:11:56are dedicated to their jobs and that they too have been distressed as we

5:11:56 > 5:11:59have gone through this process and I for one appreciate the strains of

5:11:59 > 5:12:03dealing with these sensitive issues. They are trying to do their best

5:12:03 > 5:12:09within what they say are that... Personally I could've hoped they

5:12:09 > 5:12:13would kick the Government a bit for failing to provide the resources

5:12:13 > 5:12:18needed. Currently it is provided into NHS centres of excellence. What

5:12:18 > 5:12:23are they planning to do now? The best of the options available is

5:12:23 > 5:12:27this perceived reduction in residential care provided by the

5:12:27 > 5:12:34expert... And then the provision of alternative choices largely without

5:12:34 > 5:12:39nurses. These includes beds and care homes, hotel rooms, adapted caravans

5:12:39 > 5:12:46and even in the carers own homes. Could we see a vulnerable adult

5:12:46 > 5:12:53accommodated in a caravan somewhere? What about the risk assessments for

5:12:53 > 5:12:57all of this menu or provision? Who is going to check that all the new

5:12:57 > 5:12:59people is probable people are cared for about trained and suitable for

5:12:59 > 5:13:05this role and that the premises also are suitable. In what rest by is

5:13:05 > 5:13:11therefore a carer if the rest bite worker under their own roof. Not

5:13:11 > 5:13:19much of a break for the carer or the family member. To be fair, they are

5:13:19 > 5:13:21promised there will always be a properly trained staff to offer the

5:13:21 > 5:13:25care and support required but sadly they have yet to provide the

5:13:25 > 5:13:30families with the reassurances they need. The uncertainty is torturous

5:13:30 > 5:13:34for them. So much more needs to be done to drive understanding. But

5:13:34 > 5:13:39we've also got asked, if changes which cause such disruption are very

5:13:39 > 5:13:43appropriate and the 21st-century Britain when carers don't know what

5:13:43 > 5:13:47the future holds. Our provision should be improving, not

5:13:47 > 5:13:56deteriorating in practical terms... I recently wrote to the Hartlepool

5:13:56 > 5:13:59regarding the consultation that was taking place at the time I was

5:13:59 > 5:14:03writing. They confirmed they are committed to retaining the 4155

5:14:03 > 5:14:06Ilium pound financial fund for this provision. The highlighted that this

5:14:06 > 5:14:11will have to spread further to reach more families.

5:14:15 > 5:14:19He is making a powerful case but does he not agree that in terms of

5:14:19 > 5:14:23carers we need to be doing a great deal more in this country to set

5:14:23 > 5:14:28for. I think back to the 97 Labour government and my national insurance

5:14:28 > 5:14:31contributions were introduced towards their pensions. Isn't the

5:14:31 > 5:14:37case really for looking at this and doing more to terrorist? -- doing

5:14:37 > 5:14:44more to support carers.I don't know we will get to the point we consider

5:14:44 > 5:14:47we are content that we have done enough. I think we need to do much

5:14:47 > 5:14:56more. They were saying that the £1.5 million provision for this service

5:14:56 > 5:15:01will be maintained but a has to be spread to reach more families. The

5:15:01 > 5:15:03confirms the provision is being diluted when you dilute provision,

5:15:03 > 5:15:08you cut it and it will be the carers who pick up the extra

5:15:08 > 5:15:14responsibility. I accept the point that more people need services.

5:15:14 > 5:15:17Surely the answer to this is to increase funding and provide the

5:15:17 > 5:15:22services that are needed, not watered down what is available to

5:15:22 > 5:15:27provide a poorer quality service. As you know, the demand for these

5:15:27 > 5:15:31services will continue to increase over the coming years as more

5:15:31 > 5:15:34vulnerable, high needs young people grow into adults, live longer and

5:15:34 > 5:15:40need the kind of support given by the kind of people I've been

5:15:40 > 5:15:44speaking out. The cost of meeting these services will therefore go up

5:15:44 > 5:15:49and yes, are may in some cases be shared with NHS and local

5:15:49 > 5:15:53authorities. Neither of them can sustain quality services for a

5:15:53 > 5:15:57growing cohort of people when their income simply isn't there. Stockton

5:15:57 > 5:16:05Council has had its budget cut by 52% since 2010. It spends around 57%

5:16:05 > 5:16:11of the money it spends on social care. I asked the Minister today if

5:16:11 > 5:16:16she realises the potential crisis we're facing. She understand the

5:16:16 > 5:16:20tremendous role these carers take on and can she appreciate the need for

5:16:20 > 5:16:25comprehensive rest by care to give them a few days break? Or does she

5:16:25 > 5:16:32think they will get by? Summate, others want. They will face the

5:16:32 > 5:16:36difficult decision to hand over their Lumb what the Lima -- loved

5:16:39 > 5:16:46I would ask the Minister, what short, mid and long-term planning is

5:16:46 > 5:16:51government doing to ensure we have a strategy in place across the country

5:16:51 > 5:16:53to cope with increased demand in this area and provide increased

5:16:53 > 5:16:57resources required to deliver appropriate provision. My colleagues

5:16:57 > 5:17:06in Teesside have all listened to the stories of these carers and

5:17:06 > 5:17:10recognise they are facing tremendous anxiety about what the changes will

5:17:10 > 5:17:14mean the rest by care. Others two have listened. The scrutiny

5:17:14 > 5:17:22committees... This cross committee of local counsellors stated they

5:17:22 > 5:17:30cannot endorse either of the options offered on... None of them believed

5:17:30 > 5:17:32they have covered themselves and glory over the way this matter has

5:17:32 > 5:17:38been handled and can see why those dependent on the services for a

5:17:38 > 5:17:41decent quality of life have lost all trust in the organisation and feel

5:17:41 > 5:17:46they have just been ignored and failed to understand their needs.

5:17:46 > 5:17:53There's another dimension to this. I applaud for the comprehensive

5:17:53 > 5:17:59exercise that is gone and and it has been competence have. Sadly, it has

5:17:59 > 5:18:05failed to get their message across. It is failed to give the reassurance

5:18:05 > 5:18:07to those needy families. The families interpret that as having

5:18:07 > 5:18:12failed to recognise anxieties created by the process and carer

5:18:12 > 5:18:15stomach they have no understanding of any new criteria which will

5:18:15 > 5:18:20determine who gets what services. They feel they are being left in the

5:18:20 > 5:18:25dark. I praised the public consultation but at the end of the

5:18:25 > 5:18:32day, the real options are severely limited. They repeat no more extra

5:18:32 > 5:18:35cash to cope with increased demand. I've heard at one meeting with

5:18:35 > 5:18:39counsellors, they said carers cheered when option two was chosen

5:18:39 > 5:18:46over option one. The first option would have ended all provision.

5:18:46 > 5:18:52Naturally they cheered for the worst of the two options. -- the better of

5:18:52 > 5:18:56two bad options. There was no option at all to extend the current

5:18:56 > 5:18:59provision and resources to cater for the additional needs of new adults

5:18:59 > 5:19:02coming into the system, something I believe Ministers need to reflect

5:19:02 > 5:19:09on. They also stated its not a cost-cutting exercise. What they

5:19:09 > 5:19:13need to look after more people with the same money, there are fewer

5:19:13 > 5:19:20resources left per person in the system. Was very critical of them

5:19:20 > 5:19:22and the way they've handled this issue I recognise they have been in

5:19:22 > 5:19:26many ways backed into a corner. They know the demands on their service

5:19:26 > 5:19:29but does the Minister? They know they have more people needing

5:19:29 > 5:19:34services and new additional funding to provide it. We all know we have a

5:19:34 > 5:19:41health and social care crisis in our country. As the Government cuts

5:19:41 > 5:19:49deeper. It's not something our local NHS commissioners can do. They can

5:19:49 > 5:19:52tell the local taxpayers they are sticking an extra 3% on their bill

5:19:52 > 5:19:55to try and alleviate the shortage of funds and areas like rest by care.

5:19:55 > 5:20:01That leaves the Bok well and truly in our chamber here with the

5:20:01 > 5:20:04Secretary of State for Health and social care and of course, the

5:20:04 > 5:20:08Minister. My plea to her is simple. Will she take an interest in what's

5:20:08 > 5:20:13happening on Teesside with this type of care for vulnerable adults? Will

5:20:13 > 5:20:17she examine the proposals which parents see as a cut to provision

5:20:17 > 5:20:22for families in the area? This is much bigger than Teesside. I know

5:20:22 > 5:20:25there are cc cheese up and down the country facing the same issues.

5:20:25 > 5:20:33Perhaps it is time...

5:20:40 > 5:20:45Will she instigate that much-needed policy review to see how we can do

5:20:45 > 5:20:53much better as a country to support terrorist? -- carers. Many families

5:20:53 > 5:20:57are already living on the edge. They are struggling to cope with the

5:20:57 > 5:21:01needs of their loved one but they have no intention to hand them over

5:21:01 > 5:21:05to the state. But they really need is a comprehensive rest by care

5:21:05 > 5:21:09service to give them a little of their own time and space. We as a

5:21:09 > 5:21:18nation owed them no less.Doctor Paul Williams.Thank you Madam

5:21:18 > 5:21:22Deputy Speaker and I congratulate my honourable friend, the Member for a

5:21:22 > 5:21:26Stockton North for securing this debate. I also congratulate my

5:21:26 > 5:21:29honourable friend for his leadership in this area and the engagement he

5:21:29 > 5:21:34is shown both with the families but also with the clinical commissioning

5:21:34 > 5:21:50groups. The challenge of being a ... I have respect and admiration for

5:21:50 > 5:21:55the people who do this work. In my own family, my grandmother's sister

5:21:55 > 5:22:02quietus been working out is actually my great-aunt has spent her lifetime

5:22:02 > 5:22:05actually looking after several different adults with complex needs

5:22:05 > 5:22:16that she adopted. I've seen the enormous amount of love and

5:22:16 > 5:22:21compassion that it is taken from her to do that and I've seen with all of

5:22:21 > 5:22:26my constituents that have contacted me around these issues into my work

5:22:26 > 5:22:29as a GP my constituency as well, the amount of love and compassion that

5:22:29 > 5:22:38goes into looking after adults... This comes at a cost. They comes

5:22:38 > 5:22:43mainly at a cost to to their help. Often they prioritise the needs of

5:22:43 > 5:22:50the person they are caring for and don't think about particularly

5:22:50 > 5:22:53preventing their own ill health problems or looking after their

5:22:53 > 5:23:01problems as they arise. It also comes at a cost in terms of time.

5:23:02 > 5:23:10congratulate and because the money, cost of careers, there's a cost.

5:23:10 > 5:23:21It's very important, Madam Deputy skier -- Mike Speaker, there's issue

5:23:21 > 5:23:27of young carers. Lots of young care is my constituency. Madam Speaker.

5:23:27 > 5:23:31The work they do with elderly people, family members is the reason

5:23:31 > 5:23:35why those families are together. The issue of young carers is so

5:23:35 > 5:23:48important. How important this the... I think the honourable gentleman for

5:23:48 > 5:23:51highlighting the needs of young carers and yes, in my constituency

5:23:51 > 5:23:58as I'm sure is the same with other is a case where the other

5:23:58 > 5:24:03constituencies it in a house., there are some who grow up and go want to

5:24:03 > 5:24:07be carers and hold families together. In the context of how

5:24:07 > 5:24:12difficult this can be, and the tremendous effort that people make

5:24:12 > 5:24:19in order to keep their loved ones well, in order to look after them,

5:24:19 > 5:24:23the provision of occasional rest bite is the least that we should be

5:24:23 > 5:24:31doing as a society. To say thank you the least we should be doing to

5:24:31 > 5:24:35sustain incredible effort that these people are doing. I think I

5:24:35 > 5:24:39honourable friend, I also give some credit to the two commission groups

5:24:39 > 5:24:47involved. For taking some responsibility for this. In a time

5:24:47 > 5:24:56when we all see the constant jostling between local authorities

5:24:56 > 5:25:00and health services, commissioners of health services about who should

5:25:00 > 5:25:05fund these issues at a time of austerity, I think that our CCG has

5:25:05 > 5:25:11stepped up to the plate and took on responsibilities funding these

5:25:11 > 5:25:18issues. But, a number of constituents have also contacted me

5:25:18 > 5:25:25in what I can only describe as a state of panic during these

5:25:25 > 5:25:29consultations that have taken place, and actually since the outcome of

5:25:29 > 5:25:33the of the consultations was announced. They are fearful that

5:25:33 > 5:25:37their much-needed breaks are going to be taken away from them. As my

5:25:37 > 5:25:43honourable friend has pointed out, fears may well prove to be

5:25:43 > 5:25:46ill-founded but it should not mean they should be discounted. I think

5:25:46 > 5:25:53that change is always difficult for people, but to have the possibility

5:25:53 > 5:25:57of services being cut has cost it genuine anxiety for these people.

5:25:57 > 5:26:02It's an anxiety that we should rightly be recognising. We all know

5:26:02 > 5:26:08that caring can be physically demanding, it can also be mentally

5:26:08 > 5:26:14demanding. Especially for long periods of time. It's my opinion

5:26:14 > 5:26:19that added respite is absolutely essential for these carers. If the

5:26:19 > 5:26:24are to maintain their own health and well-being. It's also absolutely

5:26:24 > 5:26:31essential that carers are involved in any decisions about what is

5:26:31 > 5:26:35adequate and appropriate matches for their family members, but also for

5:26:35 > 5:26:41the carers themselves. And a respite package as was pointed out, is a

5:26:41 > 5:26:44package that should be designed around the needs of the whole

5:26:44 > 5:26:47family, not just around the needs of the individual with complex needs.

5:26:47 > 5:26:54What we are seeing though, is that limited funding, whether or not. I

5:26:54 > 5:27:01don't know whether this is ring fenced, or taken from an overall

5:27:01 > 5:27:09pot, but there is limited funding, the respite have -- Mike CCG... To

5:27:09 > 5:27:16demand his outs dripping -- rank outstripping the resources. Limited

5:27:16 > 5:27:19funding and rising need for this particular kind of care is meaning

5:27:19 > 5:27:25that some people, packages are care are likely to be reduced. That is

5:27:25 > 5:27:29causing significant anxiety to people. Adding another point that I

5:27:29 > 5:27:37would like to make before finishes that are experienced is illustrating

5:27:37 > 5:27:39the health and social care don't exist in isolation from it each

5:27:39 > 5:27:46other. There have been some small steps taken in changing the name of

5:27:46 > 5:27:50the Department of Health Department of Health and social care, but this

5:27:50 > 5:27:55is a really good example to others should be, could be some really

5:27:55 > 5:28:00concrete steps to bring the funding together. There should be a

5:28:00 > 5:28:03partnership between local authorities and commissioning

5:28:03 > 5:28:06grooves, parents, carers and people with complex needs in order to work

5:28:06 > 5:28:10together. This is an area where we should be seeing integration at its

5:28:10 > 5:28:16best. I think if we are talking about integration, I have to take

5:28:16 > 5:28:19the opportunity to talk about the green paper, the forthcoming green

5:28:19 > 5:28:27paper on social care and say that it is inconceivable for me that we

5:28:27 > 5:28:32should, in 2018, be considering social care and isolation and asked

5:28:32 > 5:28:36the Department of Health and social care at the thing whether or not

5:28:36 > 5:28:39this should be a green paper on the future of care and social care and

5:28:39 > 5:28:44social together rather than just considering social care in

5:28:44 > 5:28:48isolation. So I and by paying tribute to the carers who have come

5:28:48 > 5:28:53together in this case the fight for the very best services for their

5:28:53 > 5:28:58loved ones. They deserve for us to listen, these are for us to

5:28:58 > 5:29:04consider, as it is there for us to act. So that the gap the respite

5:29:04 > 5:29:11that the deserve for themselves and their families.Like you Madam

5:29:11 > 5:29:14Deputy Speaker I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate my right

5:29:14 > 5:29:17honourable friend for securities debate. It's of crucial importance

5:29:17 > 5:29:23for some of the people who face these crucial challenges in their

5:29:23 > 5:29:27lives. It's a nice debate, it's extremely important and they're

5:29:27 > 5:29:31grateful for it to be brought forward. And to speak this evening.

5:29:31 > 5:29:36I am particularly keen to speed because the very first surgery I had

5:29:36 > 5:29:40after it was elected three years ago, the first people came to see me

5:29:40 > 5:29:45were some carers and had disabled adults in severe needs who were

5:29:45 > 5:29:54shocked to hear, not considered by themselves or the quality of care,

5:29:54 > 5:29:58there were concerned about the well-being of the staff and the

5:29:58 > 5:30:03carers and those who look after her. The lack of payment, low-paid, the

5:30:03 > 5:30:09insecure nature of the work. I just want to use this opportunity will be

5:30:09 > 5:30:12having this debate to raise the floor of the houses we look ahead to

5:30:12 > 5:30:17the care green paper, that those who work in the sector are so

5:30:17 > 5:30:20fundamental to the care that is needed by those vulnerable families.

5:30:20 > 5:30:26If we don't look after them, we can't expect to these families to

5:30:26 > 5:30:31get the care they deserve. I also want to mention briefly as well, the

5:30:31 > 5:30:36other point I was May, young carers. These voices are just not her it's a

5:30:36 > 5:30:42busy fantastic charity can't my charity of the year. It doesn't then

5:30:42 > 5:30:45passed the job of supporting young people who are trying to manage care

5:30:45 > 5:30:50for members of their family who are they are losing part of their

5:30:50 > 5:30:56childhood in order to do so. People are falling through the cracks,

5:30:56 > 5:31:03really is a provision. Let's pay tribute to all of those, the

5:31:03 > 5:31:06charges, a state organisation supporting young people. It ended

5:31:06 > 5:31:11this issue in particular. I want to focus their briefly on what it means

5:31:11 > 5:31:20to the people of my constituency. They're very beneficial to people

5:31:20 > 5:31:25with learning needs. My disability. They are a valuable lifeline to

5:31:25 > 5:31:29family members who are working 20 47 caring for their members. It is

5:31:29 > 5:31:34difficult for any of us to imagine having to give a family member 20

5:31:34 > 5:31:4147, someone has high high needs. Extremely care packages, care plans,

5:31:41 > 5:31:45for years and decades even to support that family member. Maybe do

5:31:45 > 5:31:53through their love we owe them attribute to them and all to them

5:31:53 > 5:31:59that stay provisions... The consultation was very worrying. It

5:31:59 > 5:32:08was overwhelmingly in support of continuation of bed respite care. It

5:32:08 > 5:32:11is overwhelmingly clear that people want to make sure that respite is

5:32:11 > 5:32:18still available. Some in my constituency contacted me and was

5:32:18 > 5:32:25very concerned about support, to have a 15-year-old son, he requires

5:32:25 > 5:32:29lasting care and she is concerned about how people cope if the service

5:32:29 > 5:32:35provided is. The reliability and consistency of care is one of the

5:32:35 > 5:32:40more most important reasons why it is preferred by some disabled people

5:32:40 > 5:32:47and their families. The biggest issue around this is the insecurity

5:32:47 > 5:32:50and disruption, and has a real knock-down effect on people in their

5:32:50 > 5:33:03lives. The reality is that services are still going to be cut back. A

5:33:03 > 5:33:08cut on spending on respite care, by the local CCG, will inevitably

5:33:08 > 5:33:13restrict services. There will be few and active care, fewer people. This

5:33:13 > 5:33:18is a decision we have to make. But if someone has a need for care, the

5:33:18 > 5:33:25CCG was to be able to provide it. Does that mean that more cuts will

5:33:25 > 5:33:36be made elsewhere to compensate. GP care services are seen, I'm afraid,

5:33:36 > 5:33:49as low hanging fruit. By the side to save money. It I was surprised to

5:33:49 > 5:33:55read about a case where a cut of £600,000 to children with conflict

5:33:55 > 5:34:09means had been proposed. There are legal count challenges.

5:34:10 > 5:34:13Respite care is an important part of our social care system which already

5:34:13 > 5:34:17relies on hundreds of thousands unpaid family carers across the UK

5:34:17 > 5:34:21who give of their lives to do so. Cutting the services were placed

5:34:21 > 5:34:28even more pressure on those trying to do right by their loved ones.

5:34:28 > 5:34:35Thank you Madam Deputy Speaker I am very honourable to the -- and very

5:34:35 > 5:34:38grateful to the honourable member for raising this concern. And indeed

5:34:38 > 5:34:48to his honourable colleague. And for the very powerful language, very

5:34:48 > 5:34:53justifiable concerns of their constituents. I think whenever there

5:34:53 > 5:34:59is an almond of change, people have a tendency to feel concern and it's

5:34:59 > 5:35:04absolutely right that there is fair concern to be articulated. Because

5:35:04 > 5:35:08supporting the Muslim ball in arsenate -- society, those with

5:35:08 > 5:35:17autism, learning disabilities -- autism health and social care

5:35:17 > 5:35:22commissioners face. It's a task that must be undertaken with a genuine

5:35:22 > 5:35:28desire Madam Deputy Speaker, to their best outcome for not only

5:35:28 > 5:35:30those who are supported but those who care for them. It's very

5:35:30 > 5:35:35important to remember that much of the services were are discussing

5:35:35 > 5:35:41today are focused on people with autism and learning disabilities.

5:35:41 > 5:35:45Conditions which can manifest different requirements. It may need

5:35:45 > 5:35:54care and help ranging from routine, or sometimes more than one person at

5:35:54 > 5:36:02a time. There are mandate, there is a very clear objective to improve

5:36:02 > 5:36:05outcomes of people with autism or learning disabilities. This means

5:36:05 > 5:36:12that you are fully supported in the community, hospital admissions are

5:36:12 > 5:36:18reduced, and to have an opportunity to live normal life. Building

5:36:18 > 5:36:28concerted action to deliver that community support. We know that

5:36:28 > 5:36:36respite services are really important and significant element

5:36:36 > 5:36:38anomaly for the individual receiving care but also their families and

5:36:38 > 5:36:56carers. As my honourable members have expressed were proffered. --

5:36:56 > 5:37:02family care plays an important role, very valuable role. Often

5:37:02 > 5:37:07undervalued role. Often they do it out of not a sense of duty, sense of

5:37:07 > 5:37:14compassion, at a sense of pure love. And he deserves nothing more than on

5:37:14 > 5:37:17unbridled thanks and respect. You asked me about what we're doing

5:37:17 > 5:37:24support parents. Of course there will be added several part of the

5:37:24 > 5:37:31Government's green paper. Also we have, at carers action plan which

5:37:31 > 5:37:34will also sets out, and I feel passionately about which will set

5:37:34 > 5:37:50out some short-term... Now we

5:37:50 > 5:37:55Is this clue the Minister gets this. The issue is this is about resources

5:37:55 > 5:38:00well. I'm concerned about the current problem we have on Teesside

5:38:00 > 5:38:10but in the longer term... They were children who would never have

5:38:10 > 5:38:13survived in previous generations. They are coming to the system and

5:38:13 > 5:38:18they would eat more and more service. War and more people are

5:38:18 > 5:38:24going from children to adults. What's the Government doing about

5:38:24 > 5:38:30that in terms of longer-term lending?He articulates real issue

5:38:30 > 5:38:34that we have to contend with and since 2010 that's why we have

5:38:34 > 5:38:40increased NHS spending every single year and our NHS has now £30 billion

5:38:40 > 5:38:44more to spend on caring for people than it did in 2010. He goes to the

5:38:44 > 5:38:51heart of the issue he is identified that we need to make sure our care

5:38:51 > 5:38:58is responsive to the needs of individuals. That implies both a

5:38:58 > 5:39:02need to assess and determine what is the right kind of support, the need

5:39:02 > 5:39:07for flexibility to allow for personal choice as I believe is

5:39:07 > 5:39:12being looked in Teesside some needs may be best met through a sustained

5:39:12 > 5:39:18and suitable service, providing overnight beds as he's articulated,

5:39:18 > 5:39:21providing properly trained staff but this may not be true for everybody.

5:39:21 > 5:39:24Those with a severe physical or learning disabilities may find

5:39:24 > 5:39:27something in the community is more desirable for them and more

5:39:27 > 5:39:35appropriate for them. For example, a leisure activity, a visit, even

5:39:35 > 5:39:38visiting family members with the right personal support. We don't

5:39:38 > 5:39:42want these opportunities to be ridden off for them because we have

5:39:42 > 5:39:48a very restrictive system. That's why it's right that commissioners

5:39:48 > 5:39:51have the means to seek new approaches and be flexible in how

5:39:51 > 5:39:56they meet peoples needs. Understand the intention and our Teesside is

5:39:56 > 5:40:01exactly that. MSP based on suitable engagement to assess what peoples

5:40:01 > 5:40:06individual needs are. Listening to the Commons from honourable members

5:40:06 > 5:40:09today, I appreciate members concerns that not everyone can currently

5:40:09 > 5:40:14access rest bite services and that they may not be flexible enough.

5:40:14 > 5:40:17That's why local commissioners are rightly looking to change their

5:40:17 > 5:40:21provision. The honourable member why understand that it's not customary

5:40:21 > 5:40:24for a Minister to comment on detail in specific commissioning decisions

5:40:24 > 5:40:31or and extent to which there was appropriate consultation. Unless

5:40:31 > 5:40:36that's part of a formal review process. I understand the local is

5:40:36 > 5:40:40consulted on these proposals for ten weeks and are now in the process of

5:40:40 > 5:40:44designing a service.Does the Minister understand that the people

5:40:44 > 5:40:52in Teesside, this ECG having knowledge they need more people in

5:40:52 > 5:40:56the system so it will be a service diluted. The she recognised back?

5:40:56 > 5:41:02Having recognised it, what can she do about it?As I've already

5:41:02 > 5:41:06articulated, it's up to them to commission the local services they

5:41:06 > 5:41:09feel are appropriate in their local communities. It's not for government

5:41:09 > 5:41:14to force a top-down Dick not on how they need to spend their resources.

5:41:14 > 5:41:22I understand the local councils are quite rightly scrutinising the

5:41:22 > 5:41:27proposals and this is an important means of quality assurance. It's

5:41:27 > 5:41:30informed by local people with local knowledge and I hope you will find

5:41:30 > 5:41:36some reassurance and that. While it's right that service

5:41:36 > 5:41:39configurations are considered locally and not being driven from

5:41:39 > 5:41:42the top-down, any significant changes to the services are subject

5:41:42 > 5:41:46to governments for tests and is that they demonstrate support for

5:41:46 > 5:41:50clinical commissioners, strengthen public and patient engagement,

5:41:50 > 5:41:53clarity and criminal Tony Mike medical evidence base and support

5:41:53 > 5:41:59for patient choice. There are a very clear set of expectations and

5:41:59 > 5:42:04relation to that provision oppressed by care and the of commissioners.

5:42:04 > 5:42:09All clinical commissioning groups must secure services to meet the

5:42:09 > 5:42:14needs of their population. Rest by care may be routinely commissioned

5:42:14 > 5:42:18or made available as part of a package of NHS continuing health

5:42:18 > 5:42:23care and it's often also provided as part of social care. The care act

5:42:23 > 5:42:292014 requires that where an adult appears to have support needs, the

5:42:29 > 5:42:32local authority must carry out an assessment and meet any need where

5:42:32 > 5:42:37the person has met the eligibility criteria.The Minister has been

5:42:37 > 5:42:44generous and giving me the Mac way to me several times. The scrutiny

5:42:44 > 5:42:47groups on Teesside, at least some of them are thinking of referring the

5:42:47 > 5:42:51matter to the Secretary of State. What happens when Bettis referred

5:42:51 > 5:43:02and then what can the Government do? That of course will be a matter for

5:43:02 > 5:43:06the Secretary of State and he will deal with it in the appropriate way.

5:43:06 > 5:43:13They care act also requires local authorities to take a preventative

5:43:13 > 5:43:17approach to addressing peoples needs, both taking steps early to

5:43:17 > 5:43:21prevent or delay any worsening of an adults need for care and support.

5:43:21 > 5:43:28This would include... It's really important allowing them to take the

5:43:28 > 5:43:35rest bite that we have spoken about. He might be interested to know that

5:43:35 > 5:43:39the autism act 2009 also requires the Government driver regularly

5:43:39 > 5:43:43reviewed autism strategy and issue guidance to local authorities and

5:43:43 > 5:43:48NHS bodies and foundation trusts. In addition, the children's and family

5:43:48 > 5:43:53act of 2014 introduced a new framework for children with special

5:43:53 > 5:43:58educational needs and disabilities which give commissioners very clear

5:43:58 > 5:44:02responsibilities towards those with learning disability and autism or

5:44:02 > 5:44:08those who may be affected in the review in Teesside.You're been

5:44:08 > 5:44:13generous in doing so. The Minister referred to autism in particular. I

5:44:13 > 5:44:19think all of us here will have her knowledge of autism. The Minister

5:44:19 > 5:44:25will be aware that in Northern Ireland we have in autism strategy

5:44:25 > 5:44:29and there is a very good strategy. As the Minister had a chance to

5:44:29 > 5:44:39check those other strategies?I haven't but now that the honourable

5:44:39 > 5:44:46gentleman has recommended it to me I certainly will look into that. It's

5:44:46 > 5:44:50really important that commissioners have that prerogative to make a

5:44:50 > 5:44:53local determination of what constitutes the right services and

5:44:53 > 5:44:56we have set clear expectations for health and social care in how it

5:44:56 > 5:45:02meets peoples need for support and family needs for rest bite. We can't

5:45:02 > 5:45:06close the gap between the outcomes for those were most vulnerable and

5:45:06 > 5:45:11those with complex needs but a has to be via a competition as a

5:45:11 > 5:45:13national expectations alongside a local approach to delivering the

5:45:13 > 5:45:18necessary services. The NHS has a responsibility to ensure that people

5:45:18 > 5:45:22have access to the best and safest health care possible and this means

5:45:22 > 5:45:27and must plan ahead and look at how best to secure safe and sustainable

5:45:27 > 5:45:29NHS health care provision and provide flexible approaches to meet

5:45:29 > 5:45:32the widest range of needs. That's what we are hopeful to see in action

5:45:32 > 5:45:36here in Teesside. I know that any change to local services for

5:45:36 > 5:45:41vulnerable people must be cleared with that degree of apprehension and

5:45:41 > 5:45:45I understand that. Considering the assurances given locally by

5:45:45 > 5:45:48commissioners and the process they have undertaken and the overall aim

5:45:48 > 5:45:52of providing a more flexible set of options for rest bite that moves

5:45:52 > 5:45:55away from a very medical way of care, I'm hopeful these changes will

5:45:55 > 5:46:03be of benefit to the people who most need their services.The question is

5:46:03 > 5:46:10that this House to adjourn.Many of that opinion say, I. The iPods might

5:46:10 > 5:46:12have order, order.

5:46:16 > 5:46:24-- the I's have it.We will not be going live