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:00:00. > :00:07.Tonight, Labour lose an MP once tipped to be a future party leader.

:00:08. > :00:10.Tristram Hunt will become the new head of the V Museum.

:00:11. > :00:13.He insists he's not trying to rock the boat.

:00:14. > :00:25.But it's no time to quit, say those on right of the party.

:00:26. > :00:30.We're in the Nexus tension all fight to save the Labour Party and return

:00:31. > :00:32.it to electability. -- existential fight.

:00:33. > :00:42.More data from the NHS shows four out of 10 hospitals in England

:00:43. > :00:45.declared a major alert in the first week of the year.

:00:46. > :00:47.We'll hear from some of those on the frontline this week.

:00:48. > :00:55.One of the things that worried me was it was taking up to two hours to

:00:56. > :00:58.arrive at the hospital to hand over their patients from the ambulance to

:00:59. > :01:01.the A floor. I hope it doesn't prove to be

:01:02. > :01:09.a disturbing influence. The president and the press -

:01:10. > :01:12.it used to sound so different. How will we know what to believe

:01:13. > :01:16.in a new era of presidential tweets It was not meant as an act

:01:17. > :01:29.of insurgency, Tristram Hunt warned today, explaining his resignation

:01:30. > :01:32.as a Labour MP shouldn't be interpreted as a desire

:01:33. > :01:35.to rock the boat. But whether or not it was

:01:36. > :01:38.intended, the boat today, The MP for Stoke Central

:01:39. > :01:43.stepped down to become head of the V Museum -

:01:44. > :01:47.an attractive proposal But Mr Hunt is a centrist,

:01:48. > :01:51.with Blairite blood coursing through his veins, at a time

:01:52. > :01:54.when they feel like an endangered His close friend, Lord Mandelson,

:01:55. > :02:00.suggested the MP was stepping down as the chance of Labour

:02:01. > :02:02.being elected to national His leader, Jeremy Corbyn, seemed

:02:03. > :02:08.quite unharmed by the departure. But the parliamentary seat in a part

:02:09. > :02:11.of the country where Labour has Ukip on its tail,

:02:12. > :02:14.now looks precarious. Is self-deselection

:02:15. > :02:19.now a career choice? Will Corbyn's critics

:02:20. > :02:21.in parliament choose to follow Mr Hunt out of politics,

:02:22. > :02:24.or stay and fight for a party The Labour MP for Stoke Central

:02:25. > :02:31.knows a lot about fragile things. The ceramics of his new home,

:02:32. > :02:39.the V, and perhaps, some would add, the Labour Party

:02:40. > :02:42.in its current state. He quit his seat today to become

:02:43. > :02:46.head of one of the country's most prestigious museums,

:02:47. > :02:48.a move that in many ways requires Indeed, it was greeted

:02:49. > :02:52.by his leader, Jeremy Corbyn, But he has taken this position

:02:53. > :03:03.as director of the V Good luck to him and we

:03:04. > :03:07.will have a by-election. And Corbyn may have quietly welcomed

:03:08. > :03:10.the departure of someone who had I'm glad we've finally got a proper

:03:11. > :03:16.socialist leader willing to confront fascism wherever he sees it,

:03:17. > :03:19.be it in Assad's Syria A leader happy to promote political

:03:20. > :03:29.discussion and not seeking to silence internal debate

:03:30. > :03:33.by putting MPs on hit lists. And thankfully, an end to the kind

:03:34. > :03:39.of irrational leadership cult that Yet his going will leave a big hole

:03:40. > :03:49.in the party at a time when many MPs Hunt's constituency

:03:50. > :03:54.of Stoke-on-Trent Central is due to be scrapped in the proposed

:03:55. > :03:57.boundary changes and as an opponent of Corbyn, some doubted his

:03:58. > :04:02.chances of reselection. In 2015, Labour won a narrow

:04:03. > :04:07.margin of little more than 5000 votes over Ukip,

:04:08. > :04:09.making Stoke-on-Trent Central fertile ground for Ukip's

:04:10. > :04:13.challenge in the north. This was compounded last year

:04:14. > :04:16.when Stoke-on-Trent was branded "Brexit capital of the UK",

:04:17. > :04:19.with nearly 70% of people voting One resignation clearly

:04:20. > :04:27.doesn't spell the end But this seat could be

:04:28. > :04:31.particularly problematic In a not too distant past,

:04:32. > :04:36.Labour was a fairly comfortable Indeed, Jeremy Corbyn's first

:04:37. > :04:41.Shadow Cabinet attempted But now there's a growing sense

:04:42. > :04:48.that it is a party firmly of the socialist left,

:04:49. > :04:50.with little room for In the last month, we have already

:04:51. > :04:55.seen one by-election triggered in Cumbria by the resignation

:04:56. > :04:58.of Jamie Reid. Meanwhile, if he wins election

:04:59. > :05:01.as Manchester mayor in May, Andy Burnham will be stepping down

:05:02. > :05:05.to try to carve out a fiefdom And there is concern Hunt's

:05:06. > :05:10.departure could trigger others. That argument, says one Blairite

:05:11. > :05:13.from the right of the party, He's obviously a talented politician

:05:14. > :05:21.and an effective parliamentarian and someone with politics

:05:22. > :05:26.on the moderate wing of the party. We are in an existential fight

:05:27. > :05:29.to save the Labour Party and return it to electability and we need

:05:30. > :05:32.fighters, not quitters But what if the Labour Party

:05:33. > :05:42.is being simply reshaped and re-grafted in a different mould

:05:43. > :05:46.of leadership, around a man elected head of his party, not once,

:05:47. > :05:51.but twice by popular vote? There will be splits

:05:52. > :05:54.and there will be cracks. But as any curator will tell you,

:05:55. > :05:59.you don't throw the vessel away We asked the Labour Party

:06:00. > :06:08.for an interview but no Joining me now are Ayesha Hazarika,

:06:09. > :06:16.who worked for Ed Miliband and Harriet Harman,

:06:17. > :06:26.and the journalist and I guess essentially this was an

:06:27. > :06:34.opportunity he just couldn't turn down, it is a perfect fit for it a

:06:35. > :06:38.historian who loves Museums? Absolutely. I genuinely don't think

:06:39. > :06:44.he was doing this to cause some kind of crisis. But it's more symptomatic

:06:45. > :06:49.of the fact that the overall party is, as one of your contributors

:06:50. > :06:55.said, in an existential crisis. We have heard Jamie Read standing down.

:06:56. > :07:00.Again, a good opportunity coming his way. But let's be honest, if these

:07:01. > :07:04.politicians thought Labour had a thrusting, vibrant future, I don't

:07:05. > :07:08.think they would be sending the signals to the outside world that

:07:09. > :07:14.they might be ready for an approach from another job. The deselection

:07:15. > :07:17.process was always the threat, that the people who did not fit in with

:07:18. > :07:25.Corbyn would find themselves deselected, and they have gone, they

:07:26. > :07:31.would rather jump than quit? I don't think so. There is a massive malaise

:07:32. > :07:35.in the PLP. There are a lot of people who didn't support Corbyn.

:07:36. > :07:39.There was the failed coup. They have decided rightly to just pipe down,

:07:40. > :07:44.not have a go at Corbyn the whole time. But the party does feel

:07:45. > :07:52.depressed. It feels more didn't. It doesn't feel like we are a party

:07:53. > :07:58.near parity. When I worked with Ed Miliband, he said, we want to be a

:07:59. > :08:01.one term opposition. Now it feels like it will possibly be a five term

:08:02. > :08:12.opposition. That is not a great message. And look, I don't want to

:08:13. > :08:15.see any more MPs stepping down. I'm disappointed that these guys have.

:08:16. > :08:21.They are very talented people but I don't blame them at the same time.

:08:22. > :08:24.It's difficult. Rachel, does this make it easier for Jeremy Corbyn,

:08:25. > :08:29.who is quietly seeing the filtering out of anybody who disagrees with

:08:30. > :08:35.him? Is that good or bad for a leader? First of all, I don't think

:08:36. > :08:38.it is great for the country to be facing another by-election at a time

:08:39. > :08:42.when were trying to figure out how to leave the EU, when there is an

:08:43. > :08:48.NHS crisis, when there is all kinds of things that this is going to leak

:08:49. > :08:53.media and political attention away from. It's not great for the

:08:54. > :08:56.country. But it is true, I think, that there are elements of the right

:08:57. > :09:03.in the Labour Party who are not fully embracing the sort of left

:09:04. > :09:08.populism that Corbyn is trying to present. There seems to be this

:09:09. > :09:14.idea... You think he has reached out to those on the right and they have

:09:15. > :09:19.failed to take up the challenge? Are not saying that. There seems to be a

:09:20. > :09:24.misconception that left populism means, we like Trump. It doesn't

:09:25. > :09:28.mean that. It means connect with people in a democratic, accountable

:09:29. > :09:34.way. Is the Labour Party connecting with people at the moment? Speak to

:09:35. > :09:38.people's concerns. Sometimes you will have a political and media

:09:39. > :09:43.establishment, part of it will be in your own party, you will be facing

:09:44. > :09:47.that. The way to get your message to the people is to ambush, to change

:09:48. > :09:56.the message, to change the frame, to find a way to speak directly. The

:09:57. > :10:03.party has run out of things to say, hasn't it? I agree. Jeremy Corbyn is

:10:04. > :10:06.not to blame for how the Labour Party became. He saw an opportunity

:10:07. > :10:13.in 2015 and he went for it. The moderate candidates did not have a

:10:14. > :10:18.satisfactory vision. Centrist, or however you want to terms. We did

:10:19. > :10:24.not have a particularly compelling vision last year. I accept that.

:10:25. > :10:30.Shouldn't they embrace the place where labour is in the moment, which

:10:31. > :10:34.is elected Jeremy Corbyn not once but twice? They have accepted the

:10:35. > :10:38.fact that Jeremy has won again. They are letting him get on with being

:10:39. > :10:42.the leader. We all want Jeremy to do well. We want him to be the Prime

:10:43. > :10:48.Minister. He may well be on to a lot of things that people are into in

:10:49. > :10:56.the public, inequality, Brexit. But we need him and his team to step up.

:10:57. > :11:01.It is not the PLP's full. Rachel, would you agree with that? We can

:11:02. > :11:06.have the leadership election conversation again. You are talking

:11:07. > :11:11.about competence. What I'm talking to you about is something much more

:11:12. > :11:15.fundamental. I don't know, it's most like the PLP doesn't have the ice to

:11:16. > :11:22.see it. We're talking about shaking things up in a way that is going to

:11:23. > :11:26.connect with people. That isn't about whether you think it's

:11:27. > :11:31.working. It's about whether people on the streets think it is working.

:11:32. > :11:35.The fact that the matter is when he tried to do that on Tuesday, when he

:11:36. > :11:44.tried to talk about pay caps under the massive inequalities... He

:11:45. > :11:49.didn't understand the message about immigration. We can talk about how

:11:50. > :11:53.it is lunatic. But the fact of the matter is we are talking about it.

:11:54. > :12:01.People were saying, that is a really good idea. This resonates. Rachel,

:12:02. > :12:11.there is no problem about the Labour Party talking about IP. But get your

:12:12. > :12:16.party sorted out. That might not be the way that works. There is a big

:12:17. > :12:22.test coming up. We have two by-elections. We want Corbyn to do

:12:23. > :12:26.well. He has now got to go out and talk to the public, listen to the

:12:27. > :12:31.public and connect with the public. It's not about slagging off the PLP.

:12:32. > :12:36.It's not about internal warfare. It's about getting the message out

:12:37. > :12:40.to the public. Do you think there is a clear message you can get out?

:12:41. > :12:44.When you listen to what Labour voters talk about, when you listen

:12:45. > :12:47.to what people who have been disenfranchised from Labour talk

:12:48. > :12:52.about, it's very much the issues that he's connecting with. Wealth

:12:53. > :12:56.inequality, reinvestment in public infrastructure, nationalisation of

:12:57. > :13:05.the railways and utilities, support for the welfare state and the NHS.

:13:06. > :13:10.Nobody is disagreeing with him. I thought I was going to get the last

:13:11. > :13:12.word! We have run out of time. We're getting onto the NHS now.

:13:13. > :13:16.All week we've been covering the crisis in the NHS.

:13:17. > :13:18.Today, more evidence to suggest the service is struggling -

:13:19. > :13:21.four out of ten hospitals in England declared a major alert

:13:22. > :13:24.in the first week of the year, as the health service came

:13:25. > :13:27.Bed shortages have intensified, A departments have been overwhelmed,

:13:28. > :13:30.more than one third of the NHS trusts raised the alarm.

:13:31. > :13:42.Let's talk to Chris Cook, our policy editor about what we learned.

:13:43. > :13:52.The really striking thing is there's nothing going on right now in the

:13:53. > :13:56.English NSS in particular. 66 trusts, a handful of them declared

:13:57. > :14:00.the highest level of national alert. They can't offer a safe and comments

:14:01. > :14:06.of care any more. That prompt -- follows on from the discovery that

:14:07. > :14:11.A rates are up, trolley rates are up. There is no indicator that is

:14:12. > :14:15.going the right direction. We are talking a lot about hospitals this

:14:16. > :14:21.week, because hospitals are the spine of the NHS system. But they

:14:22. > :14:25.actually reflect problems through the whole NHS and the social care

:14:26. > :14:28.system run by government. We have actually got some films which we are

:14:29. > :14:36.going to show, with testimony from doctors on the front line. We had

:14:37. > :14:44.Clare Gerada on earlier in the week. She is a GP who has told us horror

:14:45. > :14:47.week has gone. It's been a fairly typical week,

:14:48. > :14:50.which means it has been exhausting. You spend most of your time

:14:51. > :14:53.apologising to patients because they come to see you, because you can't

:14:54. > :15:05.get appointments in hospital. The other half of the week,

:15:06. > :15:08.I look after sick doctors and Doctors who are struggling,

:15:09. > :15:11.like I am, to give The NHS is actually

:15:12. > :15:19.making people sick. It's making those

:15:20. > :15:21.that work in it sick. And every day, I feel

:15:22. > :15:31.the pressure, and I feel guilty that the NHS that I've worked in now

:15:32. > :15:34.for nearly 40 years is not delivering the care that I think it

:15:35. > :15:37.should be delivering to the patients I wasn't supposed to come in

:15:38. > :15:43.but I was asked to come in because One of the things that worried me

:15:44. > :15:51.was it was taking up to two hours for ambulances that

:15:52. > :15:55.arrived at the hospital to hand over their patients from

:15:56. > :15:59.the ambulance to the A floor. In paediatrics, children

:16:00. > :16:08.deteriorate really quickly. So it is really important that

:16:09. > :16:11.when your sick child comes to the emergency department,

:16:12. > :16:14.they get seen quickly. Yet, children are stuck

:16:15. > :16:16.in ambulances, adults It can be a struggle to find

:16:17. > :16:26.a place for them to go. At one point there

:16:27. > :16:28.were no intensive care And it's not only patients

:16:29. > :16:32.that are suffering. Doctors are suffering.

:16:33. > :16:39.Nurses are suffering. All of the staff in a system

:16:40. > :16:41.pushed to its very limit. One of my colleagues ended up

:16:42. > :16:44.working 19 hours in a row because the night team

:16:45. > :16:47.were too sick to come in. It is really hard

:16:48. > :16:48.and not sustainable. So this week has been

:16:49. > :16:52.one of unprecedented pressure, I think for all of us

:16:53. > :16:56.working in the NHS. I think on Monday,

:16:57. > :17:00.I was scheduled to do an operating list that was for

:17:01. > :17:06.elective ENT surgery. We would normally hope to treat

:17:07. > :17:09.between eight and ten patients We were able to accommodate two

:17:10. > :17:13.elective patients because of the That meant there were six

:17:14. > :17:17.patients that we would routinely wish to have treated

:17:18. > :17:22.that we were not able to that day. It makes us feel intensely

:17:23. > :17:24.distressed and unhappy that we are not able to look

:17:25. > :17:29.after the patience to that we are not able to look

:17:30. > :17:32.after the patients to Having an operation is an incredibly

:17:33. > :17:38.stressful life event. For us to be delivering the care,

:17:39. > :17:41.it is perhaps the everyday but we are acutely aware

:17:42. > :17:44.that it is not every People on the front line thereby the

:17:45. > :17:53.we are treating. People on the front line thereby the

:17:54. > :17:57.politics are really weird. Very strange. More of this in the Times

:17:58. > :18:00.tomorrow. Downing Street and the Department of Health are keen to

:18:01. > :18:04.argue these problems are the result of inefficiencies within the health

:18:05. > :18:07.service itself. The health service itself, led by Simon Stevens in

:18:08. > :18:11.England, are trying to argue this is a problem primarily caused by local

:18:12. > :18:16.authority underfunding of social care, which is causing backlogs into

:18:17. > :18:19.hospitals and further problems. But it is important to understand this

:18:20. > :18:22.very odd argument between effectively the government and is

:18:23. > :18:27.big chunk of the state. So we have a few odd things. Firstly, we are

:18:28. > :18:31.seeing the emergence of Simon Stevens as a sort of figure in his

:18:32. > :18:38.own right, a civil servant with unprecedented authority, thanks to

:18:39. > :18:40.the Andrew Lansley reforms, he is effectively having operational

:18:41. > :18:43.independence from the government and its a bit like the emergence of the

:18:44. > :18:47.Chief inspector, Chris Woodhead, when we first created Ofsted in the

:18:48. > :18:52.90s. These strange civil servants with their own authority. What that

:18:53. > :18:55.kind of means is the government is finding itself arguing with someone

:18:56. > :18:59.it cannot really just back away. At the same time, there are two other

:19:00. > :19:03.boats going on in government. The first is, if we give more money to

:19:04. > :19:07.the NHS it will never learn that it has two contain its costs. The

:19:08. > :19:11.second is, Whitehall thinks in terms of who won and lost between

:19:12. > :19:14.departments. The health service has done better in relative terms than

:19:15. > :19:17.lots of other departments in recent years, so there is a sense in

:19:18. > :19:19.Downing Street that everyone else is coping so why can't you? Thank you

:19:20. > :19:20.for joining us. This time next week,

:19:21. > :19:23.the man we have watched with almost ceaseless wonder for the past 12

:19:24. > :19:25.months will be sworn in Donald Trump emerged triumphant

:19:26. > :19:30.from the November election with a conciliatory note,

:19:31. > :19:32.talking of the need to "bind Since then, the rhetoric has

:19:33. > :19:36.been slightly less warm. After Buzzfeed released and CNN

:19:37. > :19:39.reported an intelligence dossier about the President-elect,

:19:40. > :19:43.Trump used a press conference on Wednesday to hit back,

:19:44. > :19:46.rekindling the flames of his fight with the mainstream media,

:19:47. > :19:51.calling the stories they had He may find a lot of support

:19:52. > :19:55.for that particular battle. So will the relationship

:19:56. > :19:57.between president and press And it is well for us

:19:58. > :20:05.to remember that this America of ours is the product of no single

:20:06. > :20:12.creed or race or class. We who have faith cannot afford

:20:13. > :20:24.to fall out among ourselves. Motion picture cameras

:20:25. > :20:26.join newspaper reporters in the old State Department building

:20:27. > :20:29.for an historic presidential The first ever filmed in sound

:20:30. > :20:33.by newsreel cameramen. More than 200 correspondents crowd

:20:34. > :20:37.into the chamber as the president strides briskly in to face the press

:20:38. > :20:43.and the cameras. Well, I see we're trying

:20:44. > :20:46.a new experiment this morning. I hope it doesn't prove to be

:20:47. > :20:49.a disturbing influence. REPORTER: Sir, since

:20:50. > :20:51.you're attacking us, Go ahead.

:20:52. > :20:56.Go ahead. No, not you.

:20:57. > :20:58.Not you. Your organisation's terrible.

:20:59. > :21:02.Your organisation's terrible. Joining us now, Margaret Sullivan,

:21:03. > :21:06.a media columnist at the Washington Post,

:21:07. > :21:08.and Felix Salmon, a senior editor I don't want to get bogged down

:21:09. > :21:33.talking about the Buzzfeed document, Margaret? I don't think it was. I

:21:34. > :21:39.think that Buzzfeed went too far in publishing a 35 page document that

:21:40. > :21:45.is completely unverified. I mean, that is beyond the norms of good

:21:46. > :21:50.journalism. I think it was a mistake. Felix? They did exactly the

:21:51. > :21:55.right thing. This document is a primary document which CNN and many

:21:56. > :21:58.other people were writing about. The president was looking at it, the

:21:59. > :22:04.President-elect was looking at it, the media all had it and a lot of

:22:05. > :22:08.Congress. The idea it should be kept secret from the innocent public I

:22:09. > :22:11.think is ridiculous. This is an important document and Buzzfeed said

:22:12. > :22:17.it was unverified. There was no question they were reporting it as

:22:18. > :22:22.true. You used the phrase, Margaret, interesting, beyond the norm. I

:22:23. > :22:25.wonder if you think that Trump's exceptionalism, everything

:22:26. > :22:29.unconventional about him has frankly destabilised the press, that it has

:22:30. > :22:34.almost become a situation of style overwhelming substance now? That is

:22:35. > :22:39.what the press is reporting. There's no question that the norms in the

:22:40. > :22:43.direction of Trump toward the media have been destroyed but I don't

:22:44. > :22:49.think that means we should elude our own standards and integrity, which I

:22:50. > :22:55.think happened here. I understand Felix's well expressed point of view

:22:56. > :23:00.that the public ought to see what the elite media and politicians

:23:01. > :23:08.should see. But by releasing this whole thing out into the sort of,

:23:09. > :23:12.media ecosystem, many of this is essentially opposition research,

:23:13. > :23:16.undiluted, just sort of here. People will not be seeing that with the

:23:17. > :23:22.caveats and warnings that were on it but rather, just reading it per se.

:23:23. > :23:26.Felix, we saw what happened to CNN who chose to report the story, the

:23:27. > :23:29.Buzzfeed, who published the document. They were essentially

:23:30. > :23:35.ostracised in the room by Donald Trump in a very personal way. Do you

:23:36. > :23:42.think that news organisations will feel cowed by that? I hope not

:23:43. > :23:46.because the fact is, CNN and Buzzfeed and virtually all news

:23:47. > :23:50.organisations, including mine and Margaret's, can and have and will be

:23:51. > :23:54.attacked by Donald Trump. This is what he does whenever we write

:23:55. > :23:58.something he does not like. Whether it is true. Not really matter. He

:23:59. > :24:02.will attack us. Why do you think they did not walk out en masse, why

:24:03. > :24:07.wasn't there more solidarity with those reporters who had taken the

:24:08. > :24:13.stance? I don't think that walking out of the first press conference in

:24:14. > :24:16.six months from Donald Trump is a particularly useful response to the

:24:17. > :24:22.fact that he has an oppositional stance with the media. He's going to

:24:23. > :24:25.continue to oppose the media, the main about the media, so we are

:24:26. > :24:31.corrupt and lies. We will continue to report on what he does in as best

:24:32. > :24:37.away as we can and I think that making futile statements about

:24:38. > :24:39.walking out of press conferences would actually distract from the

:24:40. > :24:45.hard job of reporting on his ministration. -- but this is an

:24:46. > :24:50.important point, how do you hold some in to account who dismisses

:24:51. > :24:53.everything as fake news, who doesn't choose to take questions if he does

:24:54. > :24:57.not like the organisation very publicly, and whose supporters will

:24:58. > :25:00.back him when he says they are just lies and it is just scandal and you

:25:01. > :25:04.are just trying to bring down a popular man. Do you think there is

:25:05. > :25:09.any way to hold Donald Trump to account when it does not seem to

:25:10. > :25:12.make any difference? It doesn't seem to stick, you are right but I think

:25:13. > :25:17.we have to keep doing our jobs as best we can and actually finding

:25:18. > :25:25.better ways to dig in, to ask tough questions come to remind our readers

:25:26. > :25:32.or viewers, consumers, that what was said was in fact a full set, a

:25:33. > :25:37.light, if you will, -- a falsehood and eight lie. The fact checked and

:25:38. > :25:40.tell people the truth is what we are for. Doesn't that mean, to go back

:25:41. > :25:46.to the famous quote by Michelle Obama, when she said, "They go low

:25:47. > :25:49.and we have to go higher", when you see the press coming down to new

:25:50. > :25:53.lows, publishing stuff they have not verified, putting stuff out in the

:25:54. > :25:57.public which is not checked and they admit might be wrong, isn't that the

:25:58. > :26:05.new low? Isn't that joining the same level? I don't for a minute think

:26:06. > :26:08.that a single publication of an important primary document by

:26:09. > :26:11.Buzzfeed is a new low for the press. I think the new low for the press, I

:26:12. > :26:16.can point to a dozen articles from Breitbart and others which are much

:26:17. > :26:20.lower than that. I think Margaret... I think Michelle Obama is absolutely

:26:21. > :26:26.right, when he goes low, we go high and in the short term, he can

:26:27. > :26:31.respond to that just by blaster and saying, "It is fake news, the media

:26:32. > :26:34.is corrupt, liars". Over the course of four years, it is very hard to

:26:35. > :26:39.pull that off and I hope, I can do nothing but hope but over the medium

:26:40. > :26:42.-- that over the medium-term, eventually the truth will make

:26:43. > :26:46.itself manifest. The truth could be that all three of us and our

:26:47. > :26:50.organisations are all anachronisms, quite frankly. In terms of Donald

:26:51. > :26:54.Trump, he goes straight to the American people on Twitter. He can

:26:55. > :26:58.make companies, markets move with what he says. Basically, could we

:26:59. > :27:02.all be shut out of this conversation now because he can speak very

:27:03. > :27:06.directly to the people who elected him? You know, Emily, it is

:27:07. > :27:10.interesting to see the amount of support that news organisations like

:27:11. > :27:13.the New York Times and the Washington Post and many others have

:27:14. > :27:20.received in the wake of this election. Their subscriptions are

:27:21. > :27:23.soaring. Even news literacy organisations are getting this huge

:27:24. > :27:28.influx of money. I think there are many people in the United States,

:27:29. > :27:31.and let's remember that Donald Trump lost the popular vote, there are

:27:32. > :27:34.many people in the United States who do want the truth and who do want

:27:35. > :27:41.the press to play it's very important role in our democracy. So

:27:42. > :27:45.I am both hopeful and worried. And I guess the truth is, Felix, he's not

:27:46. > :27:48.the first president and he won't be the last two big fight with the

:27:49. > :27:53.press but it is slightly more public. Once more, I think you are

:27:54. > :27:59.possibly overstating the degree to which it can Distin to mediate the

:28:00. > :28:04.press just tweeting. -- he can avoid the mediation of the press. At the

:28:05. > :28:08.moment, whenever he tweets, the press treated as a sign it -- shiny

:28:09. > :28:12.object they need to chase and talk about for hours on end and I don't

:28:13. > :28:16.think that is sustainable either. Once the press starts talking,

:28:17. > :28:19.specifically cable TV news stops talking breathlessly about every

:28:20. > :28:22.single tweet, I think the influence of those tweets and the ability of

:28:23. > :28:25.Trump to communicate directly to the public will be diminished. I wonder

:28:26. > :28:31.when that will be! Thank you for joining us.

:28:32. > :28:32.A quick clarification before we go tonight.

:28:33. > :28:35.On Tuesday, we ran an item about the ethics of studios

:28:36. > :28:38.featuring dead actors in movies through the miracle of CGI.

:28:39. > :28:40.In it, we said Disney was negotiating with Carrie Fisher's

:28:41. > :28:42.estate about using her image in future Star Wars productions.

:28:43. > :28:46.Although there have been reports that Disney was considering using

:28:47. > :28:49.CGI to include Fisher in a future production, the studio says "Disney

:28:50. > :28:52.is not in conversations with the estate of Carrie Fisher

:28:53. > :28:58.at this time and any reports to the contrary are false."

:28:59. > :29:02.Apologies to any Carrie Fisher fans we excited - or upset.

:29:03. > :29:06.That's almost all for tonight, but before we go, we became aware

:29:07. > :29:08.of the danger of wearing too much white on television tonight.

:29:09. > :29:11.Forget the hazard of spaghetti bolognese, the perils

:29:12. > :29:14.of smeared chocolate - no, the real trauma it seems

:29:15. > :29:17.is from over-zealous colleagues - as the team on Australia's Channel 9

:29:18. > :29:34.I need Julie to put a jacket on because we are all in white.

:29:35. > :29:37.I asked her before we came on, "Julie, you need

:29:38. > :29:44.I made this clear two and a half hours ago.

:29:45. > :29:47.If it's an issue, I can get on out of here.

:29:48. > :29:49.It is an issue. Go and grab a jacket.

:29:50. > :29:52.I'm wearing blue, for one, Amber. I don't want to be having this.

:29:53. > :29:55.Someone... Jenny?

:29:56. > :29:58.Get someone, get a producer, I told her this two and a half...

:29:59. > :30:00.There's one hanging up outside the control room.

:30:01. > :30:04.Time now to head into the chat room and joining me today,

:30:05. > :30:07.psychologist Sandy Ray in Melbourne and Julie Snook in Sydney,