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0:00:13 > 0:00:20Halaholo. This is Outside Source. It could be the red light for a diesel

0:00:20 > 0:00:34cars in Germany. A court rules that cities can ban them to

0:00:35 > 0:00:37protect people from harmful emissions. Saudi Arabia sacks its

0:00:37 > 0:00:39top military commanders including the Chief of Staff as its

0:00:39 > 0:00:44intervention in the war in Yemen enters its third year. Fighting in

0:00:44 > 0:00:52Craigavon means there is no ceasefire in Syria -- Eastern Guta.

0:01:08 > 0:01:13We starred in Germany were a landmark ruling will allow cities to

0:01:13 > 0:01:18ban the diesel cars. It applies to these cities, Stuttgart and is sold

0:01:18 > 0:01:23off, they are the most polluted in the country, environmental groups

0:01:23 > 0:01:27sued them to force them to take action against dangerous levels of

0:01:27 > 0:01:31nitrogen oxide. Angela Merkel has opposed a ban and wants to protect

0:01:31 > 0:01:40the jobs in the industry. She gave this reassurance today.

0:01:40 > 0:01:43TRANSLATION: What most definitely happen is that clear air plans have

0:01:43 > 0:01:48to be put into action with the help of the government.We will discuss

0:01:48 > 0:01:52further matters but the parties concerned. What is important to

0:01:52 > 0:01:56mention is that the ruling is specific to individual cities, were

0:01:56 > 0:02:02more needs to be done, but it does not target the whole country or all

0:02:02 > 0:02:07drivers in Germany.The concern is Germany's mass of car manufacturing

0:02:07 > 0:02:12industry and how it would cope if the ban was ruled out. It will no

0:02:12 > 0:02:18doubt heard. Germany has 15 million cars on German roads and 50 million

0:02:18 > 0:02:24of them are diesel and of them, only a fraction, 2.7 million made those

0:02:24 > 0:02:28EU standards. Hours after the ruling, Hamburg said it would follow

0:02:28 > 0:02:33suit and impose limited band and the question now, has diesel had its

0:02:33 > 0:02:38day?Let us get more from Jenny health. In a country where the car

0:02:38 > 0:02:44is king, this ruling is controversial. German towns and

0:02:44 > 0:02:49cities can now choose to legally ban diesel vehicles that were built

0:02:49 > 0:02:55before September 2015. More than 70 German towns and cities regularly

0:02:55 > 0:02:59exceed EU air pollution limits and some experts say that those limits

0:02:59 > 0:03:04are themselves too high. National figures suggest that every year in

0:03:04 > 0:03:09Germany alone, up to 8000 people die from cardiovascular disease which is

0:03:09 > 0:03:15linked to nitrogen oxide air pollution. It is a huge problem. The

0:03:15 > 0:03:19ruling is controversial. It means that cities like Hamburg can press

0:03:19 > 0:03:24ahead with plans which have been in the pipeline to stop diesel vehicles

0:03:24 > 0:03:29using certain city roads at certain times. It could lead to some cities

0:03:29 > 0:03:33banning them all together and that is causing huge controversy.

0:03:33 > 0:03:37Frankfurt says it is unenforceable and it does not want to put the ban

0:03:37 > 0:03:41in place but it may be forced to it an environmental group and there are

0:03:41 > 0:03:54such groups out there comes along and takes it to court and

0:03:58 > 0:04:00says they are not doing enough to protect people from air pollution.

0:04:00 > 0:04:03There are concerns from industry and trade who say that local economies

0:04:03 > 0:04:06could be impacted by a ban on commuters been able to move in and

0:04:06 > 0:04:08out in their cars and that is before you take into account the car

0:04:08 > 0:04:11industry which employs 800,000 people every year. There is a lot of

0:04:11 > 0:04:15concern about any kind of diesel ban, sales have been something ever

0:04:15 > 0:04:18since the VW emission scandals broke and there are concerns that this

0:04:18 > 0:04:23will generate more negative publicity. First of all, this

0:04:23 > 0:04:28applies to older diesel vehicles and not current models. Secondly, there

0:04:28 > 0:04:42are voices within the industry who say that Germany was

0:04:42 > 0:04:45slow off, but it is important that it starts to focus on newer, cleaner

0:04:45 > 0:04:48technologies and those voices would say that perhaps diesel has had its

0:04:48 > 0:04:54day.Environmentalists say this is a huge victory. I spoke to him about

0:04:54 > 0:05:00the ruling and what could mean for the future of diesel in Europe.It

0:05:00 > 0:05:05is a great day for clean air in Germany and abroad in Europe, occurs

0:05:05 > 0:05:13the highest court in Germany is deciding that air quality is much

0:05:13 > 0:05:22more important than mobility. It means about 70% of the diesel this

0:05:22 > 0:05:35year or next year, are forbidden to enter into the cities. We will have

0:05:35 > 0:05:41a dramatic increase in air quality. We try to help the people, the

0:05:41 > 0:05:49owners of these cars, because the car industry is cheating in the

0:05:49 > 0:05:56emissions standards. It is not only Volkswagen and Audi, it is BMW and

0:05:56 > 0:06:07others, using devices to fulfil the regulation only in the tested area.

0:06:07 > 0:06:11Having six or seven times more emissions in reality.Of course

0:06:11 > 0:06:15those companies are not there to have their say or put their

0:06:15 > 0:06:20prospective but I wonder how much of a spotlight the emissions candle put

0:06:20 > 0:06:31on diesel in the first place? Cashback with the emissions scandal.

0:06:31 > 0:06:40-- the emissions scandal. The diesel companies they lost all credibility

0:06:40 > 0:06:48and it is a fault by our government who predicted for years that diesel

0:06:48 > 0:06:52technology -- who protected the diesel technology. This is the

0:06:52 > 0:06:57reason why we have this bad situation in air quality because no

0:06:57 > 0:07:04one was controlling and now there is a flashback, European standards for

0:07:04 > 0:07:12air quality have to be fulfilled and it is higher and more important than

0:07:12 > 0:07:17the question of mobility.What does this mean for the individuals, the

0:07:17 > 0:07:22individuals who perhaps are rich enough to buy a new car with the

0:07:22 > 0:07:26cleaner technology? The people who thought that they were doing the

0:07:26 > 0:07:30right thing by doing -- by buying a diesel car a few years ago, this is

0:07:30 > 0:07:36surely not fair on them?It is not fair and we are fighting as a

0:07:36 > 0:07:40consumer organisation as well for about 9 million buyers of these

0:07:40 > 0:07:48cars. The industry was promising that these cars were clean and

0:07:48 > 0:07:53environmentally friendly and CO2 effective and that is not true.

0:07:53 > 0:07:57These cars are polluting the air quality in the cities, even more

0:07:57 > 0:08:06than old cars. And so, we have only one opportunity, the car industry

0:08:06 > 0:08:14has to retrofit the diesel cars, they have to take back the cheating

0:08:14 > 0:08:21catalyse eight and replace it with a functioning good one, like break

0:08:21 > 0:08:27that is not functioning, but the car industry is responsible to fix the

0:08:27 > 0:08:35car and we want to have the same for this part.He is from the

0:08:35 > 0:08:40environmental group that brought that action. Some breaking news from

0:08:40 > 0:08:44Reuters, President Trump's son in law Jared Kushner has lost his

0:08:44 > 0:08:48access to the President's daily brief. What that means is that he

0:08:48 > 0:08:55has lost access to the most valued US intelligence report. What we are

0:08:55 > 0:09:01learning via Reuters, is that the White House is moving to impose

0:09:01 > 0:09:06greater discipline on access two secrets, that is from two US

0:09:06 > 0:09:11officials familiar with the matter, that is what they have said to

0:09:11 > 0:09:16Reuters. Close Trump adviser, the son-in-law of the President has lost

0:09:16 > 0:09:22his access to that most valued report, the daily brief. We will be

0:09:22 > 0:09:28speaking about that in about ten minutes time. Saudi Arabia has

0:09:28 > 0:09:32sacked its top military commanders and several junior ministers as part

0:09:32 > 0:09:36of a big shake-up seen as elevating younger officials in key security

0:09:36 > 0:09:41and economic pulse. The biggest casualty was this man, the Chief of

0:09:41 > 0:09:50Staff. He is seen here greeting other officers at a naval base. New

0:09:50 > 0:09:55bosses were also appointed for air defence and land forces, no formal

0:09:55 > 0:10:01reason has been given, so what is going on? Saudi Arabia is ruled by

0:10:01 > 0:10:07this man but it is his son who is behind many recent big changes in

0:10:07 > 0:10:12the country including an attempt to shift the economy away from

0:10:12 > 0:10:18dependence on oil. In 2015 he initiated the intervention in the

0:10:18 > 0:10:27Yemen war. You can see how it is going. The war has really turned

0:10:27 > 0:10:31into a humanitarian disaster. This image shows a little girl being

0:10:31 > 0:10:34rescued from the site of an air strike that killed eight family

0:10:34 > 0:10:38members last year. More than 11,000 people have been killed in the

0:10:38 > 0:10:46fighting so far and there has been an outbreak of cholera.There is no

0:10:46 > 0:10:50official line about why they did this and it is hard to speculate why

0:10:50 > 0:10:58they did this. It has something to do with Yemen. There has been a lot

0:10:58 > 0:11:02of criticism about his involvement in the war in Yemen, the number of

0:11:02 > 0:11:06casualties and what has happened and they want to CNN to this. These

0:11:06 > 0:11:13changes do not necessarily mean that the strategy of Saudi Arabia will

0:11:13 > 0:11:18change in Yemen. This does not mean that it will end the war in Yemen.

0:11:18 > 0:11:22The individual demotions, the people who have been removed, we do not

0:11:22 > 0:11:28know exactly what the reasons are. No, that is why it is strange. When

0:11:28 > 0:11:33things like this happen there, they do not give a reason, they reshuffle

0:11:33 > 0:11:36people and a lot of it has to do with loyalties and those who are

0:11:36 > 0:11:41close to the Royal Family and those who they think and do a good job.

0:11:41 > 0:11:46They give them the job rather than it being based on their skills, it

0:11:46 > 0:11:50is about how close they are to the family. We do not know exactly what

0:11:50 > 0:11:57happened, we are just reading into this like anyone else.What can we

0:11:57 > 0:12:02read into the elevation of a woman, the deputy Labour minister, is this

0:12:02 > 0:12:06part of the modernisation effort, to promote a more moderate view of

0:12:06 > 0:12:13Islam in Saudi Arabia?It is a moderate step and Saudi Arabia is

0:12:13 > 0:12:19trying to change its image that it had for so long, that it had been

0:12:19 > 0:12:22Conservative and reserved and kept women on the side and not having

0:12:22 > 0:12:26that participation of females in power and in higher positions and I

0:12:26 > 0:12:30think we have seen a lot of changes in the past few months. Women were

0:12:30 > 0:12:35allowed to go into stadiums, small changes, and may be for someone

0:12:35 > 0:12:39outside Saudi Arabia, they would think they are minor changes, but

0:12:39 > 0:12:45for women there who have never been able to drive or participate in

0:12:45 > 0:12:51politics, or in public life such as that, it is a very big deal. It is

0:12:51 > 0:13:02part of the plan...This is his vision.I think he is trying to

0:13:02 > 0:13:07bring a lot of people who are close to him and a lot of analysts are

0:13:07 > 0:13:11saying this is paving the way for him for when he becomes King. He

0:13:11 > 0:13:18wants to change the image of Saudi Arabia and he wants to have not a

0:13:18 > 0:13:23Conservative Islam model in the state. How that will happen, we will

0:13:23 > 0:13:30see how that goes, but I think he is trying hard and I think all so he

0:13:30 > 0:13:33will create some enemies on the way because not all people are happy

0:13:33 > 0:13:39about this.Temperatures have continued to plunge across Europe as

0:13:39 > 0:13:45the Siberian weather for as -- Siberian weather system moves in.

0:13:45 > 0:13:50There have been accidents on roads and railways. In Serbia, a truck

0:13:50 > 0:13:55travelling between -- travelling from Belgrade crashed on a bridge

0:13:55 > 0:14:00and it was left dangling over a river. It was two hours before the

0:14:00 > 0:14:08driver to be rescued. In Croatia, were a northern town has been

0:14:08 > 0:14:15paralysed by record snowfall. Schools in the area have been closed

0:14:15 > 0:14:19after that. Emergency services had to spend several hours evacuating

0:14:19 > 0:14:27nearby village. Let us go to Vienna, where we can get the view from

0:14:27 > 0:14:35central Europe. It is bitterly cold here in Vienna and the icy winds are

0:14:35 > 0:14:41making it feel even colder than it actually is and these kind of

0:14:41 > 0:14:45conditions we are seeing throughout central and even the south of Europe

0:14:45 > 0:14:51at the moment, there has been snow in Rome and Naples, widespread

0:14:51 > 0:14:55travel disruption. A country like Austria is used to the snow and here

0:14:55 > 0:15:02we have not seen the kind of disruptions that we have in some of

0:15:02 > 0:15:05the neighbouring countries. It is extremely difficult for anyone who

0:15:05 > 0:15:09does not have shelter and there is an effort throughout this part of

0:15:09 > 0:15:14the world to make sure that people who are homeless are brought to

0:15:14 > 0:15:20shelters where they can have a warm place to sleep that night. In

0:15:20 > 0:15:24Poland, we understand that several people have actually died because of

0:15:24 > 0:15:28exposure to the cold. People are bracing themselves, certainly for a

0:15:28 > 0:15:33few more days of this and many people will be very relieved when

0:15:33 > 0:15:40this cold snap is over. Here in the UK, heavy snow led to a day of

0:15:40 > 0:15:43disruption for schools and travellers, many rail services were

0:15:43 > 0:15:48cancelled in the south-east and Network Rail has issued an apology

0:15:48 > 0:15:52for closing line in areas where the snow never fail. Victoria Fritz

0:15:52 > 0:15:56reports. It wants to provide the safest and most reliable network for

0:15:56 > 0:16:01the trains that do run to run and that means that compacted snow can

0:16:01 > 0:16:05turn into ice, back in fact the points and stop them working. We

0:16:05 > 0:16:16could see freezing temperatures, we do not need any snow at all that can

0:16:16 > 0:16:18make the rails freeze which means that the signals do not change, so

0:16:18 > 0:16:21that all these problems, despite efforts to try and counteract this,

0:16:21 > 0:16:26we are talking about Europe's busiest railway network so more

0:16:26 > 0:16:28disruptions are expected tomorrow. Still to come here on Outside

0:16:28 > 0:16:35Source... Coming up soon, more about that. The film director Lewis

0:16:35 > 0:16:39Gilbert, the man behind some of the classic Bond films has died at the

0:16:39 > 0:16:53age of 97. We will look back at his life and career. The primers to's

0:16:53 > 0:16:57office has dispersed any prospect of a return to a horror border between

0:16:57 > 0:17:02Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland as a consequence of Brexit

0:17:02 > 0:17:12-- returned to a hard border.As far as a spokesperson is concerned, he

0:17:12 > 0:17:16was setting out technologically unfeasibly how this border might

0:17:16 > 0:17:21work after Brexit. They say he was not suggesting there should be any

0:17:21 > 0:17:25kind of hard border, there was a phrase in that letter that said even

0:17:25 > 0:17:32if there was a hard border, goods would still not be checked. That has

0:17:32 > 0:17:36raised the possibility that he was contemplating a hard border against

0:17:36 > 0:17:40what was stated government policy. Downing Street have made it very

0:17:40 > 0:17:44clear at the position of the government that it is unchanged,

0:17:44 > 0:17:48that it will not contemplate a hard border on the island of Ireland.

0:17:48 > 0:17:54Nothing has changed because of Boris 's letter. Nothing has changed in

0:17:54 > 0:18:03their position.You're watching Outside Source. Our top story. It

0:18:03 > 0:18:07could be the red light for a diesel cars in Germany, a court has ruled

0:18:07 > 0:18:12that cities can ban them to protect people from harmful emissions.

0:18:12 > 0:18:18Others store cheese -- stories from around the BBC right now. The

0:18:18 > 0:18:21funeral of the Bollywood superstar will be held on Wednesday after

0:18:21 > 0:18:26police closed the investigation into her death in Dubai. An autopsy ruled

0:18:26 > 0:18:31that she drowned in a band after losing consciousness. She appeared

0:18:31 > 0:18:35in around 300 movies. Mexican authorities are searching for three

0:18:35 > 0:18:38police officers in connection with the disappearance of three Italian

0:18:38 > 0:18:45men on the 31st of January. Four officers are already in custody

0:18:45 > 0:18:51accused of handing the Italians overdue a criminal gang. Here is one

0:18:51 > 0:18:57animal lots of people have been looking at online, this Atlantic

0:18:57 > 0:19:02grey seal was found nearly dead on a beach in Norfolk last September. She

0:19:02 > 0:19:07had a plastic ring trapped around her neck. The volunteers who cut it

0:19:07 > 0:19:17off nursed back to help and they have released back into the sea. --

0:19:17 > 0:19:21nursed back to health. Comcast, which owns NBC and Universal

0:19:21 > 0:19:30Pictures has outfoxed its rival with a bid for Sky. Sky has agreed a deal

0:19:30 > 0:19:34with 21st-century fox but that is facing scrutiny but the power of

0:19:34 > 0:19:41Rupert Murdoch's media empire. Let us join our correspondent in New

0:19:41 > 0:19:48York. Why is Comcast so interested in Sky?Comcast is essentially a US

0:19:48 > 0:19:54focused company which is very big here in the United States but it has

0:19:54 > 0:19:56virtually no presence beyond its shores and the CEO said he was in

0:19:56 > 0:20:01London in the back of a taxi and someone talked about Sky and all of

0:20:01 > 0:20:15its products and the Sky Sports packages and then he

0:20:17 > 0:20:19went to Westfield in London and they showed him some of the technology in

0:20:19 > 0:20:23a Sky shop and he was impressed and he thought it was a decent chance to

0:20:23 > 0:20:25make inroads into the European market because Sky is strong in the

0:20:25 > 0:20:28UK and Ireland and Germany and Italy. You seen a scrap over a very

0:20:28 > 0:20:32profitable and very sought after asset in Europe in the media world

0:20:32 > 0:20:38in Europe, between Disney is set to buy Fox and the part of sky that

0:20:38 > 0:20:44Rupert Murdoch owns and one of its rivals, Comcast and perhaps we could

0:20:44 > 0:20:50be seen in a bidding war between these companies for a UK and

0:20:50 > 0:20:54European asset.While you are with us, I want to ask you about this

0:20:54 > 0:21:01tweet saying that am is buying the smart doorbell maker ring, why are

0:21:01 > 0:21:08they making this move?I did not know of such a thing as that! Amazon

0:21:08 > 0:21:12has been interested in companies like this for a while and the reason

0:21:12 > 0:21:16is simple. What Ring does is it allows you to have video doorbells

0:21:16 > 0:21:19you can control from your smartphone, see who is at the door

0:21:19 > 0:21:24even if you are at work or out and of course, that is perfect if you

0:21:24 > 0:21:27are Amazon looking to deliver parcels and you want a way to make

0:21:27 > 0:21:31sure that people can get to their deliveries when they are not at

0:21:31 > 0:21:42home. A start-up like this that provides a solution is a really good

0:21:42 > 0:21:44addition to the company and you can see why they have gone after it.

0:21:44 > 0:21:47What is interesting is that the money for this came from Amazon

0:21:47 > 0:21:50originally, it has a programme in which it helps young entrepreneurs

0:21:50 > 0:21:53get their project off the ground, it helped build this business and it

0:21:53 > 0:22:02looks like it will buy it back in a big deal.Thank you. When the

0:22:02 > 0:22:06world's most important central bankers speaks, everyone listens.

0:22:06 > 0:22:10Jerome Powell made his first major appearance as head of the US Federal

0:22:10 > 0:22:16Reserve earlier and here is what he said.We will continue to strike a

0:22:16 > 0:22:20balance between avoiding an overheated economy and bringing

0:22:20 > 0:22:25price inflation to 2% on a sustained basis. In view of the committee,

0:22:25 > 0:22:31further gradual increases the funds rate will obtain their objectives.

0:22:31 > 0:22:36Lower corporate taxes should lead to higher investment and the effect is

0:22:36 > 0:22:42not easy to estimate but the studies find that it should lead to higher

0:22:42 > 0:22:46investment and that should lead to higher productivity over time and

0:22:46 > 0:22:50that should lead to higher wages over time.Let us stay in the US and

0:22:50 > 0:23:00go back to that breaking news that Jared Kushner has last access to the

0:23:00 > 0:23:06present's daily brief. That news came in via Reuters. Let us get an

0:23:06 > 0:23:10explanation from Gary O'Donoghue in Washington. Tell us what this means

0:23:10 > 0:23:16and why it has happened?Effectively what it means is that Jared Kushner

0:23:16 > 0:23:21will no longer get access to top secret information that comes into

0:23:21 > 0:23:26the White House, including the President's daily briefing, includes

0:23:26 > 0:23:30highly classified intelligence material and of course, given his

0:23:30 > 0:23:36role in the White House and it is a huge role ranging across a whole

0:23:36 > 0:23:40bunch of subject areas including relations with Mexico and of course,

0:23:40 > 0:23:43crucially, the whole business of Middle East peace and the

0:23:43 > 0:23:49negotiations there are, not been able to see top secret, the most

0:23:49 > 0:24:02secret information that comes in will handicap and hamper his

0:24:11 > 0:24:14ability to leave. The reason he has had a problem with this clearance is

0:24:14 > 0:24:17part of it is self-inflicted. He made a bit of a mess filling in a

0:24:17 > 0:24:19forum that everyone has to fill in who is seeking this kind of

0:24:19 > 0:24:24clearance. It details your employment history, financial

0:24:24 > 0:24:28details, that kind of thing and then the FBI has a look at it, does some

0:24:28 > 0:24:32interviews and eventually gives you the clearance or does not give you

0:24:32 > 0:24:37the clearance. Or recommends the clearance or not. He has had to

0:24:37 > 0:24:43revise that form a number of times and there are concerns about his

0:24:43 > 0:24:46business entanglements with people outside the United States and

0:24:46 > 0:24:50whether or not that could potentially compromise his ability

0:24:50 > 0:24:55to look at that sort of intelligence. It is a really

0:24:55 > 0:25:08difficult position for him to find himself in,

0:25:10 > 0:25:13embarrassing for the President and as I say, it will leave him with the

0:25:13 > 0:25:16ability to do his job, only with one hand tied behind his back.In 30

0:25:16 > 0:25:19seconds, what can we read into the timing of this, if anything?We know

0:25:19 > 0:25:22that the Chief of Staff wanted to clamp down on the sheer number of

0:25:22 > 0:25:24people who were operating under this interim security clearance. Jared

0:25:24 > 0:25:30Kushner was not the only one who was subject to this backlog and after

0:25:30 > 0:25:35the recent scandal around Rob Porter, senior adviser who was also

0:25:35 > 0:25:41under interim clearance, who was a potential blackmail target because

0:25:41 > 0:25:46of his own personal life, then the review was taken place and now John

0:25:46 > 0:25:51Kelly has decided, enough is enough, these clearances have to stop.Thank

0:25:51 > 0:26:00you very much. Gary O'Donoghue bringing us up to date in Washington

0:26:00 > 0:26:03with the news that Jared Kushner has lost his access to the most valued

0:26:03 > 0:26:07US intelligence report. Back in a few minutes time.

0:26:12 > 0:26:19Hello. It is off to north America. Some positively springlike

0:26:19 > 0:26:23conditions on the way in the North eastern state of the USA on

0:26:23 > 0:26:28Wednesday. Plenty of sunshine binders weather system and some

0:26:28 > 0:26:38unseasonably white -- mild air has pushed in. Winter continues here. On

0:26:38 > 0:26:43Wednesday, some areas will see damage is between ten and 15 degrees

0:26:43 > 0:26:48below average. Chilly days and cold nights. Low pressure bumping into

0:26:48 > 0:26:52that cold air in the Pacific Northwest will extend snow into

0:26:52 > 0:26:56California in the next 48 hours, rain to the south of California

0:26:56 > 0:27:02which might trigger localised flash flooding and perhaps landslide. In

0:27:02 > 0:27:07the years, a weather system will develop, warm air coming out of the

0:27:07 > 0:27:11Gulf, firing up those showers as that system pushes into the

0:27:11 > 0:27:15north-east into Thursday. It follows the line of weather systems recently

0:27:15 > 0:27:18which have led to the flooding sensitivity through the Mississippi

0:27:18 > 0:27:24Valley and as you can see, this will exacerbate things with 50

0:27:24 > 0:27:29millimetres of rain to add to the picture. South Africa has picked up

0:27:29 > 0:27:34some intense rainfall through the early part of this week, parts of

0:27:34 > 0:27:38Mozambique and Zimbabwe getting 200 millimetres of rain falling in the

0:27:38 > 0:27:43space of 24 hours and some hefty seasonal showers. Cloud showing up

0:27:43 > 0:27:48here on the satellite picture. In the North, we will have heavy

0:27:48 > 0:27:52showers through the middle of the week. It will beat the likes of

0:27:52 > 0:27:57Botswana and Zimbabwe will get the worst of the weather. Towards the

0:27:57 > 0:28:01north-west, some pretty relentless rain on the way. If we dressed up

0:28:01 > 0:28:06towards Morocco you will see a weather front extending in here and

0:28:06 > 0:28:10it will be followed by a few showers. All part of an area of low

0:28:10 > 0:28:16pressure and it will come into play for our European weather story on

0:28:16 > 0:28:22Wednesday. You probably already know that Europe is in the grip of a big

0:28:22 > 0:28:27freeze, exceptionally cold weather, snow reported in Corsica and there

0:28:27 > 0:28:31is more wintry weather to come in the next couple of days. The cold

0:28:31 > 0:28:36extends into Italy, Greece and the north of Spain for Wednesday, our

0:28:36 > 0:28:41area of low pressure that is pushing into Africa will bump into Portugal

0:28:41 > 0:28:45and Spain bringing heavy snow across the Pyrenees and eventually into the

0:28:45 > 0:28:48south of France and torrential rain for Spain and Portugal and strong

0:28:48 > 0:28:54and gusty winds. This low will push further north towards the UK

0:28:54 > 0:28:58affecting us at the end of this week, but take a closer look at how

0:28:58 > 0:29:02that works with our UK report in half an hour.

0:30:14 > 0:30:18Hello, this is Outside Source, these are the main stories.

0:30:18 > 0:30:23It could be the red light for diesel cars in Germany, a court rules that

0:30:23 > 0:30:27cities can ban then to protect people from harmful emissions. Will

0:30:27 > 0:30:32other countries follow? US media reports say President

0:30:32 > 0:30:37Trump's son-in-law had close adviser Jarrod Kushner has lost access to

0:30:37 > 0:30:42the most valued US intelligence report, the President's daily brief.

0:30:42 > 0:30:45It comes as the White House imposes greater discipline on access to

0:30:45 > 0:30:52secrets. It was a pause in name only,

0:30:52 > 0:30:55fighting in Eastern Ghouta means there has been no ceasefire today in

0:30:55 > 0:31:01Syria. Everyday, Outside Source features BBC journalists working

0:31:01 > 0:31:08over 30 languages and your questions are always welcome.

0:31:21 > 0:31:26As we mentioned, despite Russia ordering a humanitarian ceasefire,

0:31:26 > 0:31:29the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta awoke to this.

0:31:35 > 0:31:39Syrian government forces carrying out air strikes, according to a

0:31:39 > 0:31:43monitoring group. The proposed five hour truce scheduled to start at

0:31:43 > 0:31:48nine o'clock local time collapsed on its first day. In fact, some

0:31:48 > 0:31:55residents of Eastern Ghouta say it never started at all.Right now,

0:31:55 > 0:32:02more than five air strikes hit towns, and the missiles hit the city

0:32:02 > 0:32:17and killed two people. Many bombings right no, after the ceasefire. They

0:32:17 > 0:32:22did not stop bombing the buildings in Eastern Ghouta.Both sides are

0:32:22 > 0:32:26blaming each other for the unsuccessful ceasefire, Russia,

0:32:26 > 0:32:31which backs the Seren Government, accused rebels of shelling and

0:32:31 > 0:32:35evacuation corridor. The rebels have denied this. A UN spokesman has said

0:32:35 > 0:32:38that even if the truce had been successful, there was not enough

0:32:38 > 0:32:45time to bring in medical aid or get civilians out.There is not enough

0:32:45 > 0:32:53to them at any age or any evacuation out, the UN in Damascus... They can

0:32:53 > 0:32:59tell it will take more than this because the distance is less than 30

0:32:59 > 0:33:07minutes. But to bring the convoy in and to take all the items out, it

0:33:07 > 0:33:16needs much more than five hours. They need much more time to screen

0:33:16 > 0:33:20patients, to talk to workers and said this area. Five hours is

0:33:20 > 0:33:25nothing, definitely. It is not ideal that the UN Security Council members

0:33:25 > 0:33:34are talking about this five hours truce while the attacks continue for

0:33:34 > 0:33:39the rest of the day.Let's show you pictures of this crossing between

0:33:39 > 0:33:43Damascus and Eastern Ghouta. They were filmed by Syrian state TV. You

0:33:43 > 0:33:48can see the buses parked by the side of the road, presumably there to

0:33:48 > 0:33:52take evacuees away. There are explosions visible on the distant

0:33:52 > 0:33:56skyline. It is not caused -- it's not clear what caused them or in

0:33:56 > 0:34:01whose territory they are located. If the residents do manage to escape

0:34:01 > 0:34:04fighting around their homes, they may face new dangers in the shelters

0:34:04 > 0:34:10and camps in other parts of Syria. James Landale has uncovered reports

0:34:10 > 0:34:14of local Seren officials demanding sexual favours for the aid supplies

0:34:14 > 0:34:17they have been tasked with distributing. Daniel Spencer says

0:34:17 > 0:34:23she was told about this abuse from someone who had fled to an aid camp

0:34:23 > 0:34:28in Jordan.They were withholding the aid that had been delivered, and

0:34:28 > 0:34:38using these women for sex. So this was a range of women. Women of

0:34:38 > 0:34:43different ages in the group. Some had experienced it themselves, some

0:34:43 > 0:34:47were very distraught host of sexual exploitation and abuse of women and

0:34:47 > 0:34:53girls has been ignored, it's been known about and it's been ignored

0:34:53 > 0:34:59for seven years. Let's turn to Australia, because a

0:34:59 > 0:35:04woman has taken on a wildly popular anonymous app, accusing it of

0:35:04 > 0:35:13facilitating online bullying. It lets people do this, leave

0:35:13 > 0:35:16constructive criticism, as they collared, on their social media

0:35:16 > 0:35:21networks. But anonymously. It was Ample's most popular on the online

0:35:21 > 0:35:24store before it launched, but now it's been dropped altogether,

0:35:24 > 0:35:29because of a campaign launched by this woman, Catriona Collins, she

0:35:29 > 0:35:33was appalled by the messages are 13-year-old daughter was getting,

0:35:33 > 0:35:37some of them foul and offensive. This is some of her petition. You

0:35:37 > 0:35:45can see the headline. My doctor was told to kill herself. Her campaign

0:35:45 > 0:35:50has had huge support. -- my daughter was told. This has been some of the

0:35:50 > 0:35:55response online. You've got this reaction, excellent news. The route

0:35:55 > 0:36:00of almost all cyber-bullying is anonymity. The company denies the

0:36:00 > 0:36:04accusations and says while it's unfortunate, the app should not be

0:36:04 > 0:36:09used by teenager. It tells us it is optimistic about reaching a

0:36:09 > 0:36:14favourable understanding with Google and apple soon. Our correspondent

0:36:14 > 0:36:19has been following the story.It's an anonymous messaging app, it uses

0:36:19 > 0:36:23-- users will sign up and download it on their mobile phones, than they

0:36:23 > 0:36:28are given a page and other users can read them anonymous -- and leave

0:36:28 > 0:36:32them anonymous comments.It was designed as an anonymous feedback

0:36:32 > 0:36:35app that people might find useful, but it has a wish they'd been used

0:36:35 > 0:36:39by a lot of teenagers, other young people and some pretty horrible

0:36:39 > 0:36:45things being said.Is seen to be hugely popular amongst teenagers.

0:36:45 > 0:36:49And it has prompted allegations that it has been used to bully people. As

0:36:49 > 0:36:56you can imagine, with anonymous apps, this one and other ones in the

0:36:56 > 0:37:01past have been used to send really hurtful, really crude and disgusting

0:37:01 > 0:37:05comments to users.And there have been allegations that these have led

0:37:05 > 0:37:09to be but wanting to self harm and take their own lives as MacThat's

0:37:09 > 0:37:21right. In the past, the apps or websites have prompted these kinds

0:37:21 > 0:37:24of scandals. Interestingly, it was a petition by one particular

0:37:24 > 0:37:30Australian mother who pointed out the bullying aspect to Sarahah. That

0:37:30 > 0:37:39actually managed to get the app taken off the Ample store. As far as

0:37:39 > 0:37:49we know. -- the Ample store. -- apple-macro.And the BBC have looked

0:37:49 > 0:37:54into Sarahah and how it works. What did you find out?We did find out it

0:37:54 > 0:38:00was quite easy to send anonymous feedback, that is the point of the

0:38:00 > 0:38:09app. By the time we contacted the CEO, we managed to find that when

0:38:09 > 0:38:12messages containing offensive language were sent, we tested that

0:38:12 > 0:38:17mechanism, they were being blocked. So eight week has happened in the

0:38:17 > 0:38:21app to block some of those offensive messages.Those of us with teenagers

0:38:21 > 0:38:26who see the sort of messages that they can send our concern, but what

0:38:26 > 0:38:30do Sarahah say in their defence? Why do they say they should exist?Part

0:38:30 > 0:38:34of the thing they say is that actually most teenagers should not

0:38:34 > 0:38:38be using this. Young teenagers should not be using this. There is a

0:38:38 > 0:38:42minimum age of 17. They put the onus on the parents to enforce this,

0:38:42 > 0:38:46which I'm sure parents at there will realise how difficult it is

0:38:46 > 0:38:50sometimes. But then, they also say they are upping the enforcement of

0:38:50 > 0:38:58their rules and doing technical tweaks to filter out some of those

0:38:58 > 0:39:03messages, even messages that are explicit, they're trying to use what

0:39:03 > 0:39:06we, natural language processing to try and figure out which might be

0:39:06 > 0:39:10threatening or harassing.And I think Sarahah means the truth in

0:39:10 > 0:39:20Arabic?Honesty.The fact that it's been taken off the Ample website and

0:39:20 > 0:39:24Google, you can still download it? It will still continue to function

0:39:24 > 0:39:28if used to have it on your phone. But new users will not be able to

0:39:28 > 0:39:34download it. Well, you can get a lot more on that

0:39:34 > 0:39:38aren't on all our top stories on our website. There is more about that

0:39:38 > 0:39:44app story. The investigation and the interview with Catriona Collins, the

0:39:44 > 0:39:50woman who launched the petition and ended up taking Sarahah of Google

0:39:50 > 0:39:52and Apple.

0:39:57 > 0:40:00Britain's International trade secretary Liam Fox has said any form

0:40:00 > 0:40:05of customs union with the EU after Brexit would be a complete sell-out

0:40:05 > 0:40:09for the UK. His comments were partly in response to a policy shift by

0:40:09 > 0:40:15this man, Jeremy Corbyn, who said on Monday he wanted Britain to stay in

0:40:15 > 0:40:19a customs union with the EU and that would allow goods to continue to

0:40:19 > 0:40:23move freely without tariffs but would restrict the ability to do

0:40:23 > 0:40:28separate trade deals. The EU is the UK's single largest trading partner,

0:40:28 > 0:40:32accounting for 42% of exports, but the fox said new opportunities

0:40:32 > 0:40:38beckoned.Our approach should not be premised on something identifying

0:40:38 > 0:40:44how much of our current relationship we want to keep, but what we need to

0:40:44 > 0:40:49prosper in a rapidly changing global environment. We cannot let the

0:40:49 > 0:40:54practices and the patterns of the past constrain the opportunities of

0:40:54 > 0:41:00the future.But Liam Fox's former top officials have criticised the

0:41:00 > 0:41:04gum and strategy. Sir Martin Donnelly was permanent secretary in

0:41:04 > 0:41:06the Department for International Trade until last year and here is

0:41:06 > 0:41:11what he had to say.If we look at where we are now, with fair and

0:41:11 > 0:41:17equal access to the very large, rich EU market, which is nearly half of

0:41:17 > 0:41:20our services and goods exports, plus preferential access to other

0:41:20 > 0:41:24markets, which gets us up to around three fifths of our trade, if you're

0:41:24 > 0:41:29going to give that up for the promise of some bilateral deals with

0:41:29 > 0:41:33markets that are much less on to us, it's like giving up a three course

0:41:33 > 0:41:38meal for a packet of crisps. It's just not equivalent, and we have to

0:41:38 > 0:41:43recognise that reality before we take this decision.Meanwhile, the

0:41:43 > 0:41:47European Union's chief negotiator Michel Barnier has insisted that any

0:41:47 > 0:41:52transition period with Britain must be limited to a specific duration.

0:41:52 > 0:41:55Britain is seeking a transition of about two years but says it doesn't

0:41:55 > 0:41:59want to be restricted to the date proposed by the EU at the end of

0:41:59 > 0:42:052020. Here is Michel Barnier.There are significant points of

0:42:05 > 0:42:08disagreement with the UK as to what we understand by transition, the

0:42:08 > 0:42:14conditions for such and the dimensions of such a transition. For

0:42:14 > 0:42:22example, the duration of the transition. Logically, we wish to

0:42:22 > 0:42:29end on the 31st of December 2020 at the same time as the multi-annual

0:42:29 > 0:42:33financial period. The UK it seems would like to maintain this

0:42:33 > 0:42:39duration, which is not possible.On Friday, Theresa May is due to give a

0:42:39 > 0:42:42speech outlining the Government's latest thinking on where it was the

0:42:42 > 0:42:47relationship with the EU to end up and she is expected to call for the

0:42:47 > 0:42:51ability to diverged from some EU regulations over time, but she

0:42:51 > 0:42:53doesn't have a majority in Parliament and the EU may not give

0:42:53 > 0:42:59her what she wants. Here is Rob Watson.It's very difficult to

0:42:59 > 0:43:05imagine a Prime Minister being in a trickier position. Her own party

0:43:05 > 0:43:09divided, the country divided, business is deeply concerned. The

0:43:09 > 0:43:13pressure is really on. I think the pressure is perfect on because what

0:43:13 > 0:43:17we are seeing this week, last week, we will see on Friday, Brexit is

0:43:17 > 0:43:24going from being something that was theoretical, to the rubber really

0:43:24 > 0:43:27hitting the road, real decisions need to be made, deadlines,

0:43:27 > 0:43:31decisions are approaching. It seems plenty of governments want

0:43:31 > 0:43:35to gather data on their citizens. China is doing that but facing

0:43:35 > 0:43:41criticism over how the information is being used. It's being used for

0:43:41 > 0:43:47policing in a province in the Northwest for a gathers information

0:43:47 > 0:43:54about their communities. The data is also apparently being used to crack

0:43:54 > 0:43:58down on anyone suspected political disloyalty. Here is the China

0:43:58 > 0:44:02director from Rights Watch with more.This is an affirmative which

0:44:02 > 0:44:06there are really not enforceable privacy rights. In fact a great deal

0:44:06 > 0:44:11of this data is being gathered without people even knowing that it

0:44:11 > 0:44:15is being gathered or what purpose it is being used for. And arguably, the

0:44:15 > 0:44:20piece of the story that concerns us the most is that authorities are

0:44:20 > 0:44:23using this information to decide that people are somehow harbouring

0:44:23 > 0:44:29views that are suspect and in fact arbitrarily containing them on the

0:44:29 > 0:44:31basis of that determination. Some of this information is gathered by

0:44:31 > 0:44:37local officials, an integrated with material that the police have

0:44:37 > 0:44:44already gathered. Essentially what the authorities are doing is grading

0:44:44 > 0:44:48people to determine whether the authorities that they are

0:44:48 > 0:44:51problematic. We have been documenting for several months the

0:44:51 > 0:44:54establishment of what are euphemistically known as political

0:44:54 > 0:44:59education centres across the province in western China, for

0:44:59 > 0:45:03people are essentially held without any sort of formal process and

0:45:03 > 0:45:13forced to go through proclamations of their loyalty to the Chinese

0:45:13 > 0:45:16government. There are many reports -- there are not many reports yet

0:45:16 > 0:45:20actual physical abuse in these centres, but there are suggestions

0:45:20 > 0:45:24that large numbers of people are being sent to them with no legal

0:45:24 > 0:45:28basis for this whatsoever. It is a very worrying trend and seeing these

0:45:28 > 0:45:32two things merged together I think should be prompting a lot of

0:45:32 > 0:45:35governments and companies to be asking questions about what the

0:45:35 > 0:45:39Chinese authorities are doing. For anyone who is selling the scanner

0:45:39 > 0:45:43technology to China or trying to buy it from China, about how their gear

0:45:43 > 0:45:50is being used. The companies identified in these documents are

0:45:50 > 0:45:54Chinese, but we have bumped up on other surveillance related issues

0:45:54 > 0:45:57against Western -based companies and we have real questions about whether

0:45:57 > 0:46:02they are doing this with the appropriate due diligence.

0:46:02 > 0:46:07We've been falling of elements any Nigeria school abduction story. It's

0:46:07 > 0:46:14more than a week since 110 schoolgirls were taken. This is just

0:46:14 > 0:46:18under 300 kilometres away from the school in Chibok where 200 and sent

0:46:18 > 0:46:24to six girls were abducted four years ago. -- 270 girls. There has

0:46:24 > 0:46:27been a tweet from a Nigerian presidential office saying the

0:46:27 > 0:46:31Government has set up a committee to unravel the circumstances

0:46:31 > 0:46:35surrounding the abduction of these 110 students. On yesterday's

0:46:35 > 0:46:39programme we heard from a father whose daughter is still missing.

0:46:39 > 0:46:44Here is one of the girls who managed to get away.We went through a lot

0:46:44 > 0:46:48before we were able to escape. I saw them with my own eyes. We initially

0:46:48 > 0:46:51tried leafing through the school gate but they blocked cars there so

0:46:51 > 0:46:56we were back in school and climbed over the parent -- over the fence.

0:46:56 > 0:47:00But there were three cars outside and they asked us to get in, saying

0:47:00 > 0:47:06they would help us. Some of us went in and some of us reviews. A gunman

0:47:06 > 0:47:09stood by the school gate and kept firing into the air. But they did

0:47:09 > 0:47:14not aim at anyone, just firing into the air. We went back into school

0:47:14 > 0:47:21and jumped over the fence and ran towards the nearest town. We were

0:47:21 > 0:47:25lucky. No matter what security has been put in place, I honestly don't

0:47:25 > 0:47:31think I can go back to the school. The latest on the Nigerian

0:47:31 > 0:47:37schoolgirl abduction. The former co-chair of the main

0:47:37 > 0:47:44Syrian Kurdish movement is on Turkey's most wanted list, accused

0:47:44 > 0:47:49of terror charges including a bombing of 2016 in Ankara. He was

0:47:49 > 0:47:52detained in Prague at the weekend but the court there released him.

0:47:52 > 0:47:56Turkey is not happy with the decision. It is a spokesman for the

0:47:56 > 0:48:03Turkish debited Prime Minister.This billing is against international law

0:48:03 > 0:48:07and against the European can the edge and on extradition. This ruling

0:48:07 > 0:48:11clearly shows support for terrorist organisations. And it will have a

0:48:11 > 0:48:18negative affect on relations between Turkey and the Czech Republic.Here

0:48:18 > 0:48:23is a correspondent on how it is being seen there.From here is the

0:48:23 > 0:48:29former leader and the founder of a Kurdish Syrian party governing in

0:48:29 > 0:48:33northern Syria which Turkey sees as an extension of the outlawed

0:48:33 > 0:48:41militant group in Turkey, which has reached a decade-long insurgency. So

0:48:41 > 0:48:46any Kurdish entity existing across its borders is a direct threat to

0:48:46 > 0:48:53its security. That is why Turkey was expecting the Czech authorities to

0:48:53 > 0:48:57rule for the extradition but this decision to release him can -- came

0:48:57 > 0:49:00as a surprise for the Turkish authorities. So what will happen

0:49:00 > 0:49:08now? After his release, he told reporters he doesn't know yet where

0:49:08 > 0:49:11he would be, but pledged to the Czech authorities he would remain in

0:49:11 > 0:49:16the European Union. Turkey has warned the Czech authorities that

0:49:16 > 0:49:22this decision would have a negative impact in bilateral relations, but

0:49:22 > 0:49:27what kind of impact this would have what kind of steps Turkey would take

0:49:27 > 0:49:32is yet another question that needs an answer.

0:49:32 > 0:49:37A foodbank in Germany has temporarily stopped accepting new

0:49:37 > 0:49:41Mac and customers, favouring only German citizens instead. It is what

0:49:41 > 0:49:46Angela Merkel said about that move. One should not run services on the

0:49:46 > 0:49:49basis of such categorisations but it also shows the amount of pressure

0:49:49 > 0:49:55there is and how many people are needy. An estimated 1.2 million

0:49:55 > 0:50:00asylum seekers enter Germany during the mike in crisis of 2015 to 2016.

0:50:00 > 0:50:06The charity says it helps around 16,000 people in the city of SN.

0:50:06 > 0:50:11They say the share of the foreigners using the foodbank has soared to 75%

0:50:11 > 0:50:14in recent years. Here is the head of the foodbank justifying the

0:50:14 > 0:50:22decision.Firstly, the decision is temporary. Secondly, we are

0:50:22 > 0:50:25temporarily not accepting migrants because of the proportion of

0:50:25 > 0:50:29foreigners among our clients has risen to 75%. In recent years we

0:50:29 > 0:50:34have always had a percentage of foreigners, about 35 to 40%. The

0:50:34 > 0:50:38proportion of migrants in this city is 23%. So we have always had

0:50:38 > 0:50:42significantly more migrants or foreigners as clients than the

0:50:42 > 0:50:47average of the population. Film director Lewis Gilbert has died

0:50:47 > 0:50:54at the age of 97. He is behind James Bond films like The Spy Who Loved Me

0:50:54 > 0:50:57Normal And Moon-mac. He Directed More Than 40 Films Including Alfie

0:50:57 > 0:51:09And Educating Rita. David Sillito looks back at his life.

0:51:09 > 0:51:13When Lewis Gilbert took on James Bond, he was already a director with

0:51:13 > 0:51:18more than 20 forms to his name. He had directed Orson Welles, Kenneth

0:51:18 > 0:51:21Moore and dark warbird, but 007 with its seemingly and limited budget was

0:51:21 > 0:51:28new territory. -- dirk Bogarde.Have never been on a film where the staff

0:51:28 > 0:51:32has ever come up. If I said today I want 5000 people flown in from

0:51:32 > 0:51:38Tokyo, I'm sure they would be flown in.In the 1950s, Lewis Gilbert made

0:51:38 > 0:51:42his name with a string of tales of stiff upper lip wartime British

0:51:42 > 0:51:51valour. And then in the 1960s, a film that helped define a very

0:51:51 > 0:51:53different era, Alfie.My understanding of women only goes as

0:51:53 > 0:51:57far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, and like every other

0:51:57 > 0:52:05bloke. I don't want to know.Onset, he was easy-going, charming,

0:52:05 > 0:52:09unflappable. The child of musical performance, he spent his life in

0:52:09 > 0:52:14show business. And 17 years after Alfie, he was reunited with Michael

0:52:14 > 0:52:20Cain in Educating Rita.Thought it was something serious!After that,

0:52:20 > 0:52:27Shirley Valentine.Now I'm Shirley Valentine about -- again.His career

0:52:27 > 0:52:31reads like a greatest hits of the British film industry and it is

0:52:31 > 0:52:38certainly some of Mr Bond's greatest moments.

0:52:38 > 0:52:44Lewis Gilbert, who has died at the age of 97.

0:52:44 > 0:52:46Everyone is talking about Black Panther accepting the imaginary

0:52:46 > 0:52:53country -- it is set in the imaginary country of BRCA1, although

0:52:53 > 0:52:58the language is an official one in South Africa and Zimbabwe. -- the

0:52:58 > 0:53:10country of Wakanda. Here are some of the useful phrases.I may not be

0:53:10 > 0:53:20from Wakanda, but I do speak the language. What you hear in the film

0:53:20 > 0:53:26is my language. It is spoken by just over 8 million people in South

0:53:26 > 0:53:31Africa and was Nelson Mandela's Hauman. Just in case you find

0:53:31 > 0:53:35yourself in Wakanda and you want to strike up a conversation with Black

0:53:35 > 0:53:40Panther, I will teach you a few phrases. It is one of the few land

0:53:40 > 0:53:44which is in the world with clicks in it. If you want to say hi, how are

0:53:44 > 0:53:52you? Let's take it up a notch. Maybe you want to know what side of the

0:53:52 > 0:54:03road to drive on. You would say... Let's try that again. What side of

0:54:03 > 0:54:10the body do you drive on here? -- of the road. Say you arrive in Wakanda

0:54:10 > 0:54:15just in time for the King's swearing in ceremony and you're dying to a

0:54:15 > 0:54:19ten -- to attend, you could ask... What time is the king's swearing in

0:54:19 > 0:54:26ceremony? Firstly, no trip to a foreign land would be complete

0:54:26 > 0:54:30without sampling the local dishes. If you want to ask what is good to

0:54:30 > 0:54:38eat in Wakanda, you could say... Let's try that again. So hopefully

0:54:38 > 0:54:43if you're ever in Wakanda on holiday, you will know just enough

0:54:43 > 0:54:49to stay out of trouble or at least get yourself out of it!

0:54:49 > 0:54:53So now you know how to get by in Wakanda and in South Africa. Thanks

0:54:53 > 0:54:57for watching Outside Source.