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:00:15. > :00:18.Welcome to Reporting Scotland. Tonight on your national news.

:00:18. > :00:27.Hearts defender Craig Thomson is suspended as the club finally bows

:00:27. > :00:30.to pressure following his conviction for sex offences. It is

:00:30. > :00:36.ridiculous they even thought of keeping him on. He has been

:00:36. > :00:43.convicted. He should have gone at the beginning. There should be

:00:43. > :00:46.apology to Hearts fans. Scotland's new stretch of motorway

:00:46. > :00:49.is set to open within the hour. Also tonight:

:00:49. > :00:51.The tiny island with the big problem. We report on how Canna is

:00:51. > :00:55.battling to attract people to live there.

:00:55. > :01:02.And as if the lack of sun wasn't bad enough, more bad news this

:01:02. > :01:04.summer: it's going to be a bumper year for midges.

:01:04. > :01:07.Hearts football club have suspended their defender Craig Thomson. It

:01:07. > :01:10.follows days of pressure on the Tynecastle club after the player

:01:10. > :01:13.was placed on the sex offenders' register. He'd been convicted of

:01:13. > :01:21.indecent behaviour towards two young girls on the internet. Our

:01:21. > :01:25.reporter Morag Kinniburgh is at Tynecastle tonight.

:01:25. > :01:28.There has been no official explanation from Hearts as to this

:01:28. > :01:32.U-turn, but we understand that further allegations have been made

:01:32. > :01:37.by other teenage girls against Craig Thomson, and these are

:01:38. > :01:40.reported this morning. Hearts is looking into those claims but

:01:40. > :01:49.Lothian and Borders Police say at this stage they are not making any

:01:49. > :01:53.further investigations. Hearts had been backing defender Craig Thomson

:01:53. > :01:58.despite his conviction for sex offences. The 20-year-old defender

:01:58. > :02:03.was fined �4,000 and placed on the sex offenders' register, for

:02:03. > :02:08.sending indecent images to girls aged 12 and 14. The club had argued

:02:08. > :02:12.there were mitigating circumstances. His grave error of judgment was

:02:13. > :02:17.down to naivety. This morning, the website announced Craig Thomson had

:02:17. > :02:21.been suspended with immediate effect. It is ridiculous even think

:02:21. > :02:25.of keeping him on. He should have gone at the beginning rather than

:02:25. > :02:30.all this discussion. There should be an apology to Hearts fans and to

:02:30. > :02:34.everyone else. It is setting a bad example to all the kids that go to

:02:34. > :02:37.Hearts of the week. He is playing right across the road from a school.

:02:37. > :02:42.Hearts have come under increased pressure to fire the school, not

:02:42. > :02:45.just from the public but from sponsors and charities to.

:02:46. > :02:52.matter his talents, if he has been convicted of a sexual offence

:02:52. > :02:56.against children, there is no option. Children must come first.

:02:56. > :03:00.Yesterday one of their sponsors withdrew their support. Now they

:03:00. > :03:04.say it has suspension is a step in the right direction.

:03:04. > :03:08.It is unclear how long Craig Thomson's suspension will last.

:03:08. > :03:12.Meetings are expected here in the next week or so. The police say

:03:12. > :03:17.they will investigate any complaints that come for fully, but

:03:17. > :03:22.it is understood from up insiders that it seems unlikely Craig

:03:22. > :03:25.Thomson liver plea for Hearts again. In the next half hour, the new M74

:03:26. > :03:28.extension is due to open to traffic. Tens of thousands of motorists a

:03:29. > :03:31.day are expected to use the motorway which is one of the

:03:31. > :03:41.country's biggest construction projects of recent years. Our

:03:41. > :03:41.

:03:41. > :03:47.Transport Correspondent, David Miller, is on the new road tonight.

:03:47. > :03:50.It is still empty for now. This has been one of Scotland's biggest

:03:50. > :03:55.construction projects, one of her most expensive construction

:03:55. > :03:59.projects for a decade. Tonight, it is complete, and within the hour

:03:59. > :04:02.traffic should start moving on the road behind me. The new motorway is

:04:02. > :04:08.only five miles in length but it has been controversial from the

:04:08. > :04:13.start. Another hectic day at this plumbing

:04:13. > :04:17.supplies site in Kenning Park on Glasgow's South Side. The boss here

:04:17. > :04:20.has already had a chance to drive the new route and he is in no doubt

:04:21. > :04:25.the motorway extension will help businesses like this one save time

:04:25. > :04:29.and money. I typical delivery to the east side of the city would

:04:29. > :04:34.take his 45 minutes travel time in the morning. Hopefully with this

:04:34. > :04:38.new road, it will take 10 or 15 minutes. The motorway has been

:04:38. > :04:44.designed to reduce congestion across Glasgow on South Lanarkshire.

:04:44. > :04:48.It completes the so-called missing link between the M74 and that it

:04:48. > :04:57.aimed eight. At Transport got one says that will mean about 20,000

:04:57. > :05:01.fewer vehicles on the existing motorway each day. I have waited 40

:05:01. > :05:04.years to say this missing link established. It is great news not

:05:04. > :05:09.just for Glasgow and West of Scotland, but for the whole of

:05:09. > :05:16.Scotland, because it links up east and west. Early and under budget: a

:05:16. > :05:20.phrase we do not here often. The men and women who have built the

:05:20. > :05:26.motorway, say they are proud of what they have achieved. It is

:05:26. > :05:29.opening eight months early, under budget, and it is a quality job. It

:05:29. > :05:33.has been built safely and that is a tremendous team effort and everyone

:05:33. > :05:38.involved is extremely proud of what we have achieved. For people living

:05:38. > :05:43.in the shadow of the motorway, it is the cost to the local

:05:43. > :05:46.environment which is causing most concern. We have had a disturbed

:05:46. > :05:50.night for a long time here. What will it be like during the night

:05:50. > :05:55.when the road is up and running. I do not know. We will just have to

:05:55. > :06:00.wait and see but will have -- we have put up with an awful lot.

:06:00. > :06:05.opening ceremony was watched by one man who helped build the original

:06:05. > :06:13.M74 and complete the missing link more than 40 years later. That is

:06:13. > :06:20.why they call him the king of the road. I can say that I helped to

:06:20. > :06:26.build this road. As my wife says, you seem to have got them all.

:06:26. > :06:32.Only a matter of minutes to go: how do you actually open a motorway?

:06:32. > :06:35.Here is how it will work. After 7pm, a rolling roadblock will roar along

:06:35. > :06:40.the motorway from east to west and then it will be officially opened.

:06:40. > :06:46.That process will be repeated later from west to east. The entire

:06:46. > :06:50.project has cost almost �700 million. It seems the debate about

:06:50. > :06:54.it environmental and financial cost of the motorway will continue, but

:06:54. > :06:59.for motorists here in Glasgow, the acid test will be during rush-hour

:06:59. > :07:09.tomorrow. You're watching Reporting Scotland

:07:09. > :07:13.

:07:13. > :07:17.from the BBC. Still to come: Aberdeen council elects one of the

:07:17. > :07:21.youngest local authority leaders in In sport: The latest from Wimbledon,

:07:21. > :07:23.on Andy Murray and on the man he could face if he reaches the semis,

:07:23. > :07:26.Rafael Nadal. Will the Spaniard be fit to play?

:07:26. > :07:29.And who's The British Number one's VIP visitor? I'll keep you guessing

:07:29. > :07:32.till a little later so stay tuned. The organisers of the Glasgow 2014

:07:32. > :07:34.Commonwealth games are still refusing to say what gift caused

:07:34. > :07:37.their chief executive John Scott to resign. They announced yesterday

:07:37. > :07:40.that he had made an error of judgement in accepting, and not

:07:40. > :07:50.declaring, an offer from a potential supplier. But the First

:07:50. > :07:54.

:07:54. > :07:58.Minister Alex Salmond said it was time to move on.

:07:58. > :08:01.A sad thing has happened. An excellent guide doing an excellent

:08:01. > :08:05.job made an error of judgment. He did the honourable thing by

:08:05. > :08:10.offering his resignation and the board did the right thing to accept

:08:10. > :08:13.it. They realise the importance of Glasgow 2014 being above reproach.

:08:14. > :08:22.They have done the right thing and should be allowed to move on and to

:08:22. > :08:29.make a success of the Commonwealth Games for Scotland.

:08:29. > :08:35.Ali any closer to finding out why he had resigned? Speculation has

:08:35. > :08:41.continued today. The speculation today as it may be tax advice are

:08:41. > :08:51.rumoured to worth �6,000. Glasgow 2014, I must stress, are refusing

:08:51. > :08:57.

:08:57. > :09:01.to confirm or deny what Mr Scott declare. Despite the First

:09:01. > :09:07.Minister's comments there, opposition MPs will keep up the

:09:07. > :09:10.requests for information. They will say the public has a right to know

:09:10. > :09:13.the reasons behind his resignation, which they say happened in

:09:13. > :09:18.mysterious circumstances. The Conservatives say the government

:09:18. > :09:23.has handled the situation badly, and that, as they put it, by being

:09:23. > :09:26.so secretive, the government has made a bad situation worse.

:09:26. > :09:29.Recovery workers have entered the Pike River coal mine in New Zealand

:09:29. > :09:34.for the first time since 29 miners were killed in an explosion last

:09:34. > :09:37.November. Peter Rodger from Perth and Malcolm Campbell from Fife were

:09:37. > :09:41.among those killed. It is hoped the teams from the Mine Rescue service

:09:41. > :09:51.will be able to clear the mine of poisonous gases and recover the

:09:51. > :09:51.

:09:51. > :09:58.bodies. It is a tiny Hebridean island just

:09:58. > :10:03.a mile wide. But Canna is facing a huge problem. Despite high-profile

:10:03. > :10:06.attempts to attract new blood, have for the population is leading. In

:10:06. > :10:11.the first of two report on island communities, our reporter has been

:10:11. > :10:17.to Canna to find out more. The National Trust for Scotland's

:10:17. > :10:22.latest recruit arise for a new spell on Canna. Time spent on Papua

:10:22. > :10:29.New Guinea may have prepared him for his coming here, but he comes

:10:29. > :10:33.here in troubled times. As one family arrived to take up the

:10:33. > :10:38.challenges of island life, another is preparing to leave. Because they

:10:38. > :10:43.take up the entire people role of local primary, the school will have

:10:43. > :10:48.to be closed. There are no children on the island, and we have made

:10:49. > :10:56.clear we are looking for more children to arrive. We look at it

:10:56. > :11:03.as a positive thing. I am sure the community has been reflecting on

:11:03. > :11:08.what is going on. In total 12 people, half the population, have

:11:08. > :11:15.left other leading Canna. At the moment, you cannot plan your future

:11:15. > :11:18.at all. You may go there with the idea of staying for five years or

:11:18. > :11:23.10 years, but at the end of the day, when your job is finished you have

:11:23. > :11:28.to leave the island. Some argue that Canna's unique set up makes it

:11:28. > :11:33.an idyllic place to visit and live. That is part of its charm for us.

:11:33. > :11:40.It is a protected island. It will never have second-home ownership on

:11:40. > :11:45.it. People don't they would never stay here, but I have lived here

:11:45. > :11:50.for 15 years. The National Trust concedes that change is needed to

:11:50. > :11:54.stem the population here. The possibility of Shared Equity for

:11:54. > :11:58.residents is being explored. will mean they have a financial

:11:58. > :12:04.stake in a house and future which they will be able to recoup if they

:12:04. > :12:08.decide to move on. If in time they find it is not for them. That could

:12:08. > :12:15.bring Canna's newcomers more security, but it is too late for

:12:15. > :12:24.those already leading, including some who have continued to continue

:12:24. > :12:27.an island existence on and neighbouring isle.

:12:27. > :12:30.Aberdeen City Council is poised to elect one of the youngest local

:12:30. > :12:33.authority leaders in the UK. Callum McCaig of the SNP is just 26 but

:12:33. > :12:36.says his age is no hindrance to steering the Council through what

:12:36. > :12:45.could be one of the most turbulent periods in its history. The

:12:45. > :12:49.authority is facing huge cutbacks over the next five years.

:12:49. > :12:52.Callum McCaig is enjoying his day in the sun. With the exception of

:12:53. > :12:57.the Lord Mayor of Belfast, he is the youngest council leader in the

:12:58. > :13:02.UK. Age, he says, should be no barrier. I would like to know what

:13:02. > :13:06.age they should -- I am supposed to be. There is no specification that

:13:06. > :13:11.says you have to be a particular age. In many ways, I think my youth

:13:11. > :13:15.may be my greatest asset. And a number of cases, Experiences an

:13:15. > :13:19.excuse for saying you know everything already. I'll put my

:13:19. > :13:23.cards on the table and set do not know everything already, but they

:13:23. > :13:26.will be keen to find it is much as I can. Callum McCaig was elected to

:13:26. > :13:31.the council four years ago, one of a clutch of SNP youngster's

:13:31. > :13:36.favoured by the voters. Since then, a Lib Dem coalition with the SNP

:13:36. > :13:40.has seen huge budget cuts. Moore looks certain to follow. The

:13:40. > :13:45.council is expected tomorrow to or approve a five-year plan of savings

:13:45. > :13:48.of over �100 million. In the last month, SNP has won two local by-

:13:48. > :13:52.elections: that means they are now the largest party. Lib Dem John

:13:52. > :13:57.Stewart will give up his leadership and become Callum McCaig's Deputy

:13:57. > :14:02.tomorrow. Callum McCaig has 40 years experience. It is up to him

:14:02. > :14:05.now to get to grips with what is a tough job. A job that can be very

:14:05. > :14:09.stressful. I'm sure he will rise to that challenge over the next 10

:14:09. > :14:15.months. It is in this chamber that Callum McCaig will be formally

:14:15. > :14:20.elected tomorrow. At 26, he will need all the youthful and Susie as

:14:20. > :14:28.an he can muster to steer the city through its latest and biggest

:14:28. > :14:31.Some of the other stories across Scotland this Tuesday:

:14:31. > :14:34.The number of nurses and midwives employed by the NHS in Scotland has

:14:34. > :14:36.decreased by more than 700 since last autumn, according to figures

:14:36. > :14:39.released by the Scottish Government. The number of consultants employed

:14:39. > :14:42.has gone up by almost 50. The NHS now employs more than 130,000

:14:42. > :14:46.people in Scotland, that's 1,600 fewer than in September of last

:14:46. > :14:49.year. A woman killed by a car when it

:14:49. > :14:52.mounted a kerb in Motherwell yesterday has been named. 63-year-

:14:52. > :14:57.old Elizabeth McGuinness died at the scene of the accident in Muir

:14:57. > :15:00.Street. Her friend is in a serious condition in Wishaw General

:15:00. > :15:04.Hospital. The male driver of the car has now been released after

:15:04. > :15:07.treatment. Police believe he took ill while driving.

:15:07. > :15:11.Police have named the fisherman who has been missing off Shetland since

:15:11. > :15:16.yesterday. Hopes are fading of finding 46-year-old Karl Anderson

:15:16. > :15:20.alive. The alarm was raised last night after his boat, Kathleen, was

:15:20. > :15:30.spotted drifting off Unst with its engine still running. An air and

:15:30. > :15:32.

:15:32. > :15:34.sea search has been under way all They are renowned for their

:15:34. > :15:36.abilities in secret raids by special forces, inshore rescue and

:15:36. > :15:39.protests by environmental organisations. Rigid inflatable

:15:39. > :15:42.boats, or RIBs, are also popular workhorses and pleasure craft. But

:15:42. > :15:45.one group of adventurers has today set off on a record-breaking

:15:45. > :15:48.mission by journeying from Scotland to the Arctic Circle in these fast

:15:48. > :15:54.open boats. Craig Anderson caught up with them as they prepared to

:15:54. > :16:00.leave. Powering through the waves off the

:16:01. > :16:06.Caithness coast, time for final checks. It will be a trap of over

:16:06. > :16:15.1,000 miles to the Arctic Circle. But with two big engines powering

:16:15. > :16:18.them a long, just how much a challenge as it? I suppose one

:16:18. > :16:26.could assume that anybody that ask that question had not been in a

:16:26. > :16:32.vote of that size and cost -- crossed and ocean that wide. They

:16:32. > :16:36.will cross the North Sea by Shetland to north doorway -- Norway.

:16:36. > :16:41.The biggest challenge is when you have consecutive hours, 10 or 12

:16:41. > :16:48.days of this, non-stop. It is part of the challenge and part of the

:16:48. > :16:51.adventure. With the sea flat today, it has been about like a trip

:16:51. > :16:56.around the Light House. But the team knows that once they get right

:16:56. > :17:01.out into the North Sea, the conditions will be a lot tougher,

:17:01. > :17:05.pitting man woman and materials are to the ultimate test. Round-the-

:17:05. > :17:13.world yachtsman Pete Goss has had his fair share of thrills and

:17:13. > :17:17.spills. What attracted him and to these smaller vessels? I am an

:17:17. > :17:23.adventure. I like doing different things. I have always been on votes

:17:23. > :17:29.since I was a child. These are fantastic vote. It is fast and as

:17:29. > :17:39.he were they. We will follow the Viking roots around the Arctic

:17:39. > :17:39.

:17:39. > :17:42.Circle. Just as long as someone has packed a puncture repair kit!

:17:42. > :17:47.Rehearsals have been taking place at Holyrood for the royal opening

:17:47. > :17:49.of Parliament on Friday. The state trumpeters have been practising the

:17:49. > :17:54.fanfares that will be played during the Queen's arrival and departure

:17:54. > :18:04.from the debating chamber. Scots folk musician Karine Polwart and

:18:04. > :18:09.

:18:09. > :18:13.the Scots Makar Liz Lochhead will It's a rest day for Andy Murray at

:18:13. > :18:17.Wimbledon. He plays Feliciano Lopez of Spain tomorrow for a place in

:18:17. > :18:21.the semi finals. But the British number one has not exactly been

:18:21. > :18:24.keeping a low profile at the All England club. After playing in

:18:24. > :18:30.front of Wills and Kate yesterday, he was entertaining a VIP visitor

:18:30. > :18:35.today. It wasn't our reporter, David McDade, but he can tell us

:18:36. > :18:39.all about it. Andy Murray has been taking it

:18:40. > :18:45.fairly easy today, but he did cause a bit of a stir because he has some

:18:45. > :18:48.A-list company down at the practise courts. Rory McIlroy Northern

:18:48. > :18:51.Ireland's US Open golf champion popped down for a visit and a bit

:18:51. > :18:55.of a chat that got the assembled media excited, as you can see. And

:18:55. > :18:58.it was a bit of a scrum. However, our camera managed to eavesdrop to

:18:58. > :19:02.find out what happened when Andy met Rory. Oh, yes, three-time

:19:02. > :19:07.Wimbledon winner John McEnroe the tennis Legend got in on the act too.

:19:07. > :19:11.It just happens that there are few players from Scotland that are

:19:11. > :19:15.doing well on the world stage. We are very excited about Andy Murray

:19:15. > :19:20.coming back into the team. Every time he comes back into the team,

:19:21. > :19:28.it raises the level of the team. For the fans, it's a chance to see

:19:28. > :19:32.one of the world's best players compete on his home soil.

:19:32. > :19:39.He was talking about the fact that there are three Scots in the Davis

:19:39. > :19:45.Cup team. Andy Murray is getting all the attention. Scottish tension

:19:45. > :19:51.-- tennis is doing very well, but dead Andy Murray need a morale

:19:51. > :19:57.boosting visit? He should be expected to beat his opponent

:19:57. > :20:07.tomorrow very comfortable it. Murray has played Lopez four times

:20:07. > :20:11.

:20:11. > :20:16.before and has beaten him on every occasion. Andy's Mum Judy is a big

:20:16. > :20:20.fan of Feliciano, and not just for his tennis. She calls him

:20:20. > :20:23."Deliciano" for his good looks, but I'm sure she will be quite happy to

:20:23. > :20:26.see him knocked out tomorrow. The Scottish Premier League will

:20:26. > :20:29.not be taking any action against Hearts for the attack on the Celtic

:20:29. > :20:32.manager Neil Lennon by a supporter during a match at Tynecastle last

:20:32. > :20:36.month. The SPL is satisfied with the security precautions taken by

:20:36. > :20:39.the club. The spectator was later banned for life by Hearts and

:20:39. > :20:49.police charged him with breach of the peace and assault aggravated by

:20:49. > :20:51.

:20:51. > :20:54.religious prejudice. Now, she was one of our most

:20:54. > :20:56.successful sportswomen but, even well into her retirement, she is

:20:56. > :20:59.not shirking challenges, training for an event that'll stretch her

:20:59. > :21:05.physically and mentally. Who am I talking about? And what is she

:21:05. > :21:10.going to be doing? Let's find out. She is a world champion and an

:21:10. > :21:17.Olympic silver medallist. You might have guessed not in swimming. Her

:21:17. > :21:22.greatest triumph was 20 years ago. Any ideas? Let us take a closer

:21:22. > :21:26.look. If you still do not recognise her, this should jog your memory.

:21:26. > :21:32.Here she is winning the 10,000 metres at the World Championships

:21:32. > :21:38.in 1991. It is Liz McColgan. What on earth is she doing ploughing up

:21:38. > :21:43.and down a swimming pool? I was sweet-talked into doing at to

:21:43. > :21:51.contour swimmer, and it but I could do it. As a non- at swimming person,

:21:51. > :21:56.I'd have just realised what I have let myself in for. I was here today

:21:56. > :22:00.to get some pointers from one of their coaches to help me along,

:22:00. > :22:06.because I do not swim at all. I just do not like getting my hair

:22:06. > :22:10.wet. You might be wondering what is with the wet suit. This one that

:22:10. > :22:14.she is talking about is the great Scottish swim which takes place

:22:14. > :22:19.outdoors in an artificial lake. Once you get out into the open

:22:19. > :22:23.water, it might be rough. They could get a bit nasty. For this

:22:23. > :22:30.summer's that we have that to open water within the club, sometimes it

:22:30. > :22:36.can be pushing, punching and scratching and sometimes pulling

:22:36. > :22:46.gulls off. Probably best not to tell us McColgan that. It might put

:22:46. > :22:52.

:22:52. > :22:56.her off for a stroll. -- it might put her off her stroke.

:22:56. > :22:59.We may be desperate for the rain clouds to go and the sun to come

:22:59. > :23:04.out, but for Scotland's very own tiny, biting beastie, the summer

:23:04. > :23:07.could not have got off to a better start. Tucked up beneath all that

:23:07. > :23:14.ice and snow all winter, then lapping up the recent damp weather,

:23:14. > :23:20.midges are thriving. We sent Aileen Clarke out to get bitten to death.

:23:20. > :23:25.The Scottish summer. Stunning scenery, gentle strolls and that

:23:25. > :23:32.annoying biting thing. There maybe three times as many midges around

:23:32. > :23:40.this year. No wonder if he is diving for cover. It looks as if

:23:40. > :23:46.we'll have a bumpy year and perhaps 203 hundred % greater than our peak.

:23:46. > :23:53.It all looks set for a big midges season. Loch Lomond is almost as

:23:53. > :23:58.famous for its matches as its superb views. I have found them

:23:58. > :24:07.quite bad this year. Midges do not normally bother me. However, this

:24:07. > :24:14.year it they are winning! There are some about right now! We will have

:24:14. > :24:21.to go back inside. Alan will light a cigarette and smog will keep them

:24:21. > :24:25.away. -- I will light a cigarette and smoke will keep them away.

:24:25. > :24:30.This week's peak will be followed by another in July and in August

:24:30. > :24:34.and there may even be another small flourish in September.

:24:34. > :24:43.Just as well at the campsite in that most people come prepared.

:24:43. > :24:50.would not come to Scotland if it wasn't for damages. The wettest me

:24:50. > :24:53.ever and they still kept coming. will not ask you what you topped up

:24:53. > :25:00.his of for getting rid of them, because by the look of you like, it

:25:00. > :25:06.is not working. I will have to rub some more akin on them. One caravan

:25:06. > :25:11.have told me the story of someone asking to move their pitch to

:25:11. > :25:21.somewhere that there are no midges. That might be a bit tricky in

:25:21. > :25:28.

:25:28. > :25:33.Scotland this summer. Some sun spills across many parts

:25:33. > :25:41.of the country. One or two showers, but those will fade away. There

:25:41. > :25:48.will be some late sunshine for many of us. Really quite a dry night

:25:48. > :25:54.ahead of us. Some clear spells -- some clear spells as well, which

:25:54. > :26:03.were what drag the temperature down. Notice this line of showers just

:26:03. > :26:13.above the Outer Hebrides, making their way in before dawn. After a

:26:13. > :26:17.bright start, particularly in the east, showers coming in. The wind

:26:17. > :26:24.will be quick light, so they will not be rattling through quickly and

:26:24. > :26:28.one or two of them will be quite sharp as well. Through the south,

:26:28. > :26:36.temperatures of 16 or 17 Celsius and you're quite likely to see some

:26:36. > :26:40.showers here. Further north, you will see some cloud. Through the

:26:40. > :26:46.rest of the after noon tomorrow and then to the evening, we hold on to

:26:46. > :26:52.this picture. The showers will keep going as we go through the evening

:26:52. > :27:02.it into the overnight PD it. Into the rest of the week, the pressure

:27:02. > :27:02.

:27:02. > :27:07.sharp looks a promising. -- de pressure chart. Thursday is not

:27:07. > :27:13.looking as good as we originally thought. Still some sunshine

:27:13. > :27:21.between those showers. Towards the end of the week, the high pressure

:27:21. > :27:27.is still with us and saw it is relatively dry. Tomorrow, more

:27:27. > :27:35.cloud compared with today and the some sharp showers.

:27:35. > :27:41.Now, just before 7pm, a summary of tonight's top stories: David

:27:41. > :27:45.Cameron has appealed against the strike on Thursday.

:27:45. > :27:52.He said the system was in danger of going broke if the there was no

:27:52. > :27:55.action. It is his first public intervention in a row that could

:27:55. > :27:57.lead to one of the biggest walk outs of recent years.

:27:57. > :28:00.Hearts have suspended their defender Craig Thomson. It follows

:28:00. > :28:03.days of pressure on the Tynecastle club after the player was placed on

:28:03. > :28:05.the Sex Offenders Register. He had been convicted of indecent