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:00:11. > :00:15.Hello and welcome to Wednesday in Parliament and our look

:00:16. > :00:18.at the best of the day in the Commons and the Lords.

:00:19. > :00:22.As the Commons weighs up options in the light of the terror threat

:00:23. > :00:25.from Isis, David Cameron makes clear he's not going to be influenced

:00:26. > :00:29.My job, frankly, as Prime Minister, is not to read

:00:30. > :00:32.a Survation opinion poll, but it's to do the right thing to

:00:33. > :00:37.The Labour leader fears cuts in police numbers will make

:00:38. > :00:41.Does the Prime Minister agree with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan

:00:42. > :00:45.Police, Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, who said, and I quote, "I genuinely

:00:46. > :00:50.worry about the safety of London if the cuts go through on this scale?"

:00:51. > :00:53.And time for justice or time to forget?

:00:54. > :00:56.Almost 44 years after Bloody Sunday, there's anger over the arrest

:00:57. > :01:03.Does he agree with me that if we are to draw a line under past

:01:04. > :01:07.events for the sake of peace, it should be drawn on both sides?

:01:08. > :01:09.It was the first Prime Minister's Questions

:01:10. > :01:13.since the terror attacks in Paris and subsequent security operations.

:01:14. > :01:17.The brutal killings by Islamist terrorists on Friday night that left

:01:18. > :01:21.more than 120 dead made for a more serious backdrop than normal

:01:22. > :01:26.in the exchanges between the Prime Minister and Opposition leader.

:01:27. > :01:29.On Tuesday, several Labour MPs appeared to be openly at odds with

:01:30. > :01:32.their leader, Jeremy Corbyn, over his initial criticism of a

:01:33. > :01:37.shoot-to-kill strategy by police and the acceptance that terrorism can be

:01:38. > :01:39.blamed on Western intervention in Iraq and Syria. The Commons

:01:40. > :01:57.I want to start, Mr Speaker, by expressing the horror of all those

:01:58. > :02:00.on this side of the House at the events in Paris on Friday evening.

:02:01. > :02:05.And our continued solidarity with the victims

:02:06. > :02:08.of all people affected by conflict and terrorism, whether they be

:02:09. > :02:10.in Paris, Beirut, Ankara, Damascus or anywhere else in the world.

:02:11. > :02:14.Nothing can justify the targeting of innocent civilians by anyone.

:02:15. > :02:17.First of all, can I thank the Leader of the Opposition

:02:18. > :02:20.for his remarks and say what a pleasure it was to be with him last

:02:21. > :02:23.night at the England France football match when I thought there was

:02:24. > :02:31.I'm sure they can sing La Marseillaise louder in the Stade de

:02:32. > :02:35.but I think we did a pretty good job yesterday and I

:02:36. > :02:39.The most important thing is for people to carry on with their lives.

:02:40. > :02:41.It's very important that Eurostar continues to function,

:02:42. > :02:43.that flights continue to go, that people continue to travel, to

:02:44. > :02:46.enjoy London, to enjoy Paris and to continue going about our business.

:02:47. > :02:50.As we do so, yes, we need enhanced security, and that is happening with

:02:51. > :02:53.the way the police are acting here in the UK and elsewhere, but one

:02:54. > :03:00.of the ways to defeat terrorism is to show them we will not be cowed.

:03:01. > :03:03.The Labour leader said a key way to defeat Isil would be to

:03:04. > :03:07.Can I press the Prime Minister to ensure that

:03:08. > :03:10.our allies in the region, indeed all countries in the region,

:03:11. > :03:13.are doing all they can to clamp down on individuals and institutions in

:03:14. > :03:18.their countries who are providing Isil with vital infrastructure.

:03:19. > :03:21.Will he, through the European Union, and other forums if necessary,

:03:22. > :03:24.consider sanctions against those banks

:03:25. > :03:28.and companies and, if necessary, countries who turn a blind eye to

:03:29. > :03:33.financial dealings with Isil which assist them in their work?

:03:34. > :03:38.What happened was that because we didn't have a government in Iraq

:03:39. > :03:42.that effectively represented all of its people, and because in Syria you

:03:43. > :03:46.have a leader who's butchering his own people, Isil was able to get

:03:47. > :03:54.hold of oil, get hold of weapons, get hold of territory,

:03:55. > :03:56.get hold of banks, and it's that that they've been

:03:57. > :03:59.able to use those in order to fund their hatred and their violence.

:04:00. > :04:01.Can the Prime Minister clarify something about the source

:04:02. > :04:04.of the necessary extra funding to be set out for the security services,

:04:05. > :04:08.Will it come at the expense of other areas, either within the

:04:09. > :04:12.Home Office budget or within other areas of public spending, or from

:04:13. > :04:17.Does he want me to go on longer so the Chancellor can explain

:04:18. > :04:23.We will set out in full our decisions next week,

:04:24. > :04:26.but we've already said we'll be funding an increase to security

:04:27. > :04:33.We'll be safeguarding the counterterrorism budget.

:04:34. > :04:36.And we will be seeing an increase in terms of aviation security.

:04:37. > :04:40.All of this is part of an overall spending settlement.

:04:41. > :04:44.Policing plays a vital role in community cohesion, gathering

:04:45. > :04:48.intelligence on those who may be about to be a risk to all of us.

:04:49. > :04:50.But this is surely undermined if we cut the number

:04:51. > :04:56.Does the Prime Minister agree with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan

:04:57. > :04:59.Police, Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, who said, and I quote, "I genuinely

:05:00. > :05:05.worry about the safety of London if the cuts go through on this scale?"

:05:06. > :05:08.I've said we are protecting the counterterrorism budget,

:05:09. > :05:10.we've seen a 3,800 increase in neighbourhood police officers

:05:11. > :05:19.At the same time as a 31% cut in crime.

:05:20. > :05:22.His Shadow Home Secretary has said that a 10% efficiency target

:05:23. > :05:29.Is the Leader of the Opposition saying he doesn't agree with

:05:30. > :05:32.There does seem to be a little bit of disagreement on

:05:33. > :05:41.I have a question from a taxpayer, actually.

:05:42. > :05:52.And his name is John and he says, at a time...

:05:53. > :05:59.And he says, Mr Speaker, at a time when we are experiencing the

:06:00. > :06:02.greatest threats from terrorism ever faced, our police officer numbers

:06:03. > :06:09.Will he be able to tell us whether or not this community

:06:10. > :06:11.policing and other police budgets are protected or not

:06:12. > :06:17.Let me tell him again, neighbourhood policing numbers have

:06:18. > :06:23.In the capital city, we've seen a 500% increase

:06:24. > :06:30.We've also, because we've cut bureaucracy,

:06:31. > :06:33.put the equivalent of an extra 2,000 police on the streets.

:06:34. > :06:35.But I'll tell the Leader of the Opposition something.

:06:36. > :06:40.As well as wanting resources, the police want the appropriate powers.

:06:41. > :06:43.Hasn't it come to something when the leader of

:06:44. > :06:47.Her Majesty's Opposition thinks that the police, when confronted by a

:06:48. > :06:53.Kalashnikov-waving terrorist, isn't sure what the reaction should be?

:06:54. > :06:58.The French armed police, who stormed the Bataclan and killed those vile,

:06:59. > :07:07.And so are the British armed police, who protect our public spaces

:07:08. > :07:14.Will the Prime Minister send a note of unequivocal support today

:07:15. > :07:17.to those officers on patrol and ensure that in the review next

:07:18. > :07:21.week they have the resources they need to keep us safe?

:07:22. > :07:24.I hope there can be consensus across the House, and I mean right

:07:25. > :07:28.If we are confronted with a situation like this, the British

:07:29. > :07:33.If you have a terrorist who is threatening to kill people, you can,

:07:34. > :07:40.The Westminster leader of the SNP, Angus Robertson, raised the subject

:07:41. > :07:44.of the recent Vienna peace talks held in an attempt to end the brutal

:07:45. > :07:51.During the talks, the participating countries signed a communique

:07:52. > :07:55.committing to make progress with the involvement of the United Nations.

:07:56. > :07:58.Will the Prime Minister confirm that he

:07:59. > :08:01.will support a UN Security Council resolution on this before seeking to

:08:02. > :08:09.What matters most of all is that any action we would take would both be

:08:10. > :08:15.legal and would help protect our country and our people right here.

:08:16. > :08:21.The first survey of UK public opinion on Syrian intervention

:08:22. > :08:25.since the Paris attacks by Survation has shown the following.

:08:26. > :08:28.52% believe that the UK should engage with all

:08:29. > :08:33.countries towards an appropriate response militarily or otherwise

:08:34. > :08:38.backed by United Nations resolution, and only 15% believe the UK should

:08:39. > :08:45.Will the Prime Minister give a commitment to secure a

:08:46. > :08:47.UN Security Council resolution which the UK agreed to and Russia

:08:48. > :08:53.agreed to a route through the United Nations as well?

:08:54. > :08:57.I couldn't be clearer with the right honourable gentleman.

:08:58. > :09:00.Of course, it is always preferable, in whatever action you're taking,

:09:01. > :09:03.whether we are lifting people out of the Mediterranean, whether we

:09:04. > :09:07.are flying Baltic air patrolling missions over countries that feel a

:09:08. > :09:11.Russian threat, or if we're taking action in the Middle East against

:09:12. > :09:17.Isil, it's always preferable to have a UN Security Council resolution.

:09:18. > :09:20.But if they are vetoed or threatened with a veto over and over again,

:09:21. > :09:23.my job, frankly, as Prime Minister, is not to read a Survation opinion

:09:24. > :09:27.poll, it's to do the right thing to keep our country safe.

:09:28. > :09:35.David Cameron getting strong vocal support there.

:09:36. > :09:38.Domestic issues were also raised during PMQs.

:09:39. > :09:41.A Labour MP raised problems in the National Health Service

:09:42. > :09:44.and the Government's new contract of employment for doctors,

:09:45. > :09:50.part of the Health Secretary's drive to create a seven-days-a-week NHS.

:09:51. > :09:53.My constituent was a soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan and is currently

:09:54. > :09:59.He told me that with the proposed junior doctors

:10:00. > :10:04.contracts, morale in the NHS is lower now than at any point

:10:05. > :10:10.Does the Prime Minister agree with me that low morale amongst

:10:11. > :10:17.our junior doctors and nurses is a threat to patient safety?

:10:18. > :10:20.What I say to the honourable lady's constituency,

:10:21. > :10:23.and indeed to all junior doctors, is please look very carefully

:10:24. > :10:28.at what the Government is offering before you decide to go on strike.

:10:29. > :10:31.Because what is on offer is not an increase

:10:32. > :10:34.in hours, indeed for many doctors it will mean less long hours.

:10:35. > :10:38.It's not a cut in the pay bill for junior doctors.

:10:39. > :10:42.It's actually an 11% basic pay increase.

:10:43. > :10:45.It will mean a better rostering of doctors, including at weekends,

:10:46. > :10:52.I'd say to her constituent, as I'd say to others, go on the Department

:10:53. > :10:55.of Health website, look at the pay calculator and see how you will be

:10:56. > :10:59.affected because we've given a guarantee that anyone working legal

:11:00. > :11:03.hours will not be worse off under this contract. This is

:11:04. > :11:07.good for the NHS, good for doctors, good for patients, and even at this

:11:08. > :11:11.late hour, I hope the BMA will call off their damaging strike.

:11:12. > :11:17.Now, another day, another debate on lowering the voting age.

:11:18. > :11:20.This time peers have discussed that a referendum on Britain's EU

:11:21. > :11:23.membership should extend the voting franchise to cover

:11:24. > :11:34.But 16 and 17-year-olds did take part in last year's Scottish

:11:35. > :11:37.On Tuesday, the Commons decided against lowering

:11:38. > :11:45.So would peers lower it for the EU referendum?

:11:46. > :11:49.One of the key lessons of the Scottish referendum was

:11:50. > :11:54.indeed that the 16 and 17-year-old age group registered, well over

:11:55. > :12:01.100,000, and voted in larger numbers than those aged 18 to 24.

:12:02. > :12:05.If we change the voting age based on maturity, I suspect all behavioural

:12:06. > :12:10.experts would give the vote to girls aged ten and boys aged 25.

:12:11. > :12:14.So trying to make a judgment on who is mature enough to vote is

:12:15. > :12:20.much more subjective than picking an arbitrary age.

:12:21. > :12:23.But there's a huge advantage here, and the advantage is that we know

:12:24. > :12:26.exactly where these young people are.

:12:27. > :12:30.They are in schools and most schools have their own data

:12:31. > :12:34.controls and the Government could easily request that electoral

:12:35. > :12:39.registration officials should be given access to this information.

:12:40. > :12:42.Does the noble lady believe that 16-year-olds should be allowed

:12:43. > :12:48.I'm not getting into this debate now, OK?

:12:49. > :12:57.I think the whole situation of what 16 to 18-year-olds are allowed to do

:12:58. > :13:07.The fact you can have sex but can't watch sex is completely ridiculous.

:13:08. > :13:11.So, you know, obviously we need a broader debate on these issues.

:13:12. > :13:15.I don't think this is the place to have that.

:13:16. > :13:19.I ought to explain to the House that I'm a convert to the idea of 16 and

:13:20. > :13:29.At least many of them, not as many as I would wish, but many

:13:30. > :13:32.of them will have benefited from citizenship, education in school

:13:33. > :13:37.which is more than can be said for the vast majority of the population.

:13:38. > :13:40.We should not underestimate the gravity of voting.

:13:41. > :13:43.One can say, well, it's all great fun, we can join in,

:13:44. > :13:54.It's a momentous moment that every individual undertakes.

:13:55. > :13:57.And, of course, a 16-year-old, given the chance to vote, will and

:13:58. > :14:01.But we have to ask ourselves whether in our desire to enthuse 16

:14:02. > :14:07.and 17-year-olds we may be in danger of placing too great

:14:08. > :14:12.There are only four countries in the world

:14:13. > :14:27.Austria, Nicaragua, Brazil, where it's voluntary

:14:28. > :14:31.for 16-year-olds, it's compulsory for older voters, and Cuba.

:14:32. > :14:37.Now, I don't think that Castro, although with

:14:38. > :14:42.the current leadership of the Labour Party I can see the attraction,

:14:43. > :14:51.Just tell me how you're going to explain it when you're up there with

:14:52. > :14:57.I'm not sure they are going to be taken with the arguments you've just

:14:58. > :15:01.given us at length over the last ten minutes.

:15:02. > :15:04.Because they've voted and they've voted willingly and

:15:05. > :15:07.in numbers and I think they're going to take a dim view.

:15:08. > :15:11.So just try the argument you're going to use on the 16-year-olds.

:15:12. > :15:14.Not the ones we've heard because I don't think they will cut a lot

:15:15. > :15:19.I've often had some difficulty in Scotland getting people to

:15:20. > :15:28.And it's not just limited to 16-year-olds.

:15:29. > :15:31.And, at the end of that debate, peers voted to lower

:15:32. > :15:35.You're watching our round-up of the day and the Commons and the Lords.

:15:36. > :15:38.Another call for the Chancellor to abandon

:15:39. > :15:46.Now, it was one of the most controversial days in

:15:47. > :15:50.the history of Northern Ireland on what became known as Bloody Sunday.

:15:51. > :15:53.14 civilians died when the army opened fire on a civil

:15:54. > :16:00.The fatal shootings were the subject of a 12 year long public

:16:01. > :16:04.David Cameron made a public apology to the families

:16:05. > :16:12.Two years later, the Police Service of Northern Ireland started

:16:13. > :16:14.an investigation and last week a former member of the Parachute

:16:15. > :16:17.Regiment was arrested by police, he was later released on bail.

:16:18. > :16:21.The arrest led to an urgent question being asked in the Commons by an MP

:16:22. > :16:26.whose consistency is a former home of the Parachute Regiment.

:16:27. > :16:28.The Saville report costs ?195 million

:16:29. > :16:35.But our servicemen based in Aldershot and some of whom remain

:16:36. > :16:37.my constituents had to make snap decisions, the consequences of

:16:38. > :16:40.which have hung over them for the whole of their adult lives.

:16:41. > :16:43.What happened that day was a tragedy,

:16:44. > :16:47.particularly for the families of those who lost their lives.

:16:48. > :16:51.However, they are not the only bereaved.

:16:52. > :16:53.What about the families of the 1441 British soldiers who

:16:54. > :16:58.died in Northern Ireland in the service of their country?

:16:59. > :17:03.I submit that it is immoral for the state to seek nearly half a century

:17:04. > :17:07.after the event, to put these men on trial whilst others who deploy their

:17:08. > :17:11.bombs and bullets in the shadows are now in Government or have received

:17:12. > :17:15.royal pardons an act of Government not of the courts.

:17:16. > :17:18.I urge my honourable friend to exercise the Royal prerogative

:17:19. > :17:24.I can't comment on these individual cases.

:17:25. > :17:28.These are obviously a matter for an ongoing police enquiry.

:17:29. > :17:30.It is a long way from following a line of enquiry to

:17:31. > :17:41.I know what it is like to make those decisions under pressure.

:17:42. > :17:43.We shouldn't forget that the British Army is not

:17:44. > :17:49.It is the difference between us and the terrorists.

:17:50. > :17:56.It is what makes us a professional army around the world

:17:57. > :18:00.admired by many and sets us apart from some of those more tinpot Armed

:18:01. > :18:05.I think his response is exactly what we expect from our service people

:18:06. > :18:08.and we do expect more from them and that is why it is right and

:18:09. > :18:11.proper that, if the rule was being followed, that the people concerned

:18:12. > :18:14.get the chance to clear their name if that is possible.

:18:15. > :18:17.We have to remember, at the end of the day,

:18:18. > :18:20.there were 13 people left dead on the streets of Derry 43 years

:18:21. > :18:26.If people did not act properly, then it is right and proper that

:18:27. > :18:30.I entirely understand why any decisions about prosecutions must be

:18:31. > :18:38.independent and why he cannot comment on this particular case

:18:39. > :18:41.but, without prejudging in anyway, any particular case, does he

:18:42. > :18:44.understand that we also have a need to uphold justice and that it

:18:45. > :18:47.will be offending the natural sense of justice of many in this country

:18:48. > :18:51.that the behaviour of how the army behaved on a certain day 40 years

:18:52. > :18:54.ago is being reopened while so many on the IRA side who killed

:18:55. > :19:00.Does he agree with me that if we are to draw a line under past

:19:01. > :19:03.events for the sake of peace, they should be drawn on both sides?

:19:04. > :19:07.Five years ago at the Dispatch Box, the Prime Minister stood to his

:19:08. > :19:11.feet to try and bring closure to the ?200 million Saville report across

:19:12. > :19:14.the House and in many sections of society people expressed the view

:19:15. > :19:23.I made the prediction from this place, at that time, that that would

:19:24. > :19:27.not be the end of the matter and unfortunately so it has proved.

:19:28. > :19:31.But there is a real anger there amongst veterans.

:19:32. > :19:37.Will the Minister take steps to ensure that the current inequality

:19:38. > :19:42.that allows for those in the armed services to be pursued with greater

:19:43. > :19:45.vigour and effort than the terrorists themselves ends and that

:19:46. > :19:48.we move towards some level playing field in the future? We also believe

:19:49. > :19:50.in accountability and sensitivity for all victims.

:19:51. > :19:57.Irrespective of where they came from.

:19:58. > :20:02.But could I ask the Minister to ensure and to redouble efforts that

:20:03. > :20:07.the whole issue to do with the legacy of the past is fully

:20:08. > :20:13.pursued and that we obtain a final resolution that sticks on board

:20:14. > :20:15.national security considerations, so that truth

:20:16. > :20:25.Margaret Ritchie. Taxpayers are still spending too much

:20:26. > :20:29.on advice from external accountants and lawyers, that's the verdict

:20:30. > :20:32.of Mark Russell, the chief executive of the shareholder executive

:20:33. > :20:37.He was speaking to the Public Accounts Committee,

:20:38. > :20:39.which is investigating the sale of the Government's stake

:20:40. > :20:45.Over ?500,000 was paid to the commercial law firm Freshfields

:20:46. > :20:56.What we could ask, and I don't want to get to hung up

:20:57. > :21:00.on this ?500,000, is why you went to a magic-circle firm.

:21:01. > :21:03.Freshfields, super job, no doubt and Rolls-Royce,

:21:04. > :21:07.?1000 an hour for a partner, did you put it out to tender?

:21:08. > :21:10.The original tender for the Eurostar transaction was put out under the

:21:11. > :21:14.Department for Transport a while before this transfer took place.

:21:15. > :21:17.We tended it in exactly the same way as a financial adviser

:21:18. > :21:21.Freshfields came up with the best bid.

:21:22. > :21:24.I think, as Government, we do a reasonably good job trying

:21:25. > :21:27.to negotiate fees with financial and legal advisers.

:21:28. > :21:30.I have no doubts that the job Freshfields did was first rate.

:21:31. > :21:34.I have no doubt either. I've worked with them as well.

:21:35. > :21:37.One of the things I think we should recognise is

:21:38. > :21:42.the transaction itself was probably one of the cleanest I've ever seen.

:21:43. > :21:45.Are you paying too much for external advice, because you don't have the

:21:46. > :21:51.comfort of the relevant expertise within the profession at the moment?

:21:52. > :21:54.I think there's a general answer, yes, we are still paying,

:21:55. > :21:56.as a Government, too much for advisers but I don't think...

:21:57. > :22:00.Do I think it's better than it was? Yes, I do.

:22:01. > :22:05.And do I think one of the key jobs that people like us

:22:06. > :22:11.As most of us, of course, have been on the other side of the fence.

:22:12. > :22:13.The shareholder executive employs people on secondment from law

:22:14. > :22:15.Meg Hillier wondered how it worked.

:22:16. > :22:19.If you are a corporate finance person in the private sector and you

:22:20. > :22:26.are being on secondment on Bis civil servants' rates, I'm sure Bis civil

:22:27. > :22:29.servants are paid jolly well but probably not as well-paid as people

:22:30. > :22:31.in corporate finance and the private sector. Are you

:22:32. > :22:35.saying they take a pay cut or does their firm pay the difference?

:22:36. > :22:36.The latter. Sorry? The latter. The latter, OK.

:22:37. > :22:39.And then they go back to their firm and then

:22:40. > :22:41.they bid to run business advice for the shareholder executive?

:22:42. > :22:46.Could you just explain for taxpayers' benefits, for our

:22:47. > :22:49.benefit, how you ensure the right safeguards to make sure they're not

:22:50. > :22:52.using their internal knowledge to go through a revolving door and go out

:22:53. > :22:57.again to make money for their firm on the basis... Typically, clearly

:22:58. > :23:00.they will go back to their firms and organisations with knowledge

:23:01. > :23:03.of Government and I wouldn't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

:23:04. > :23:13.No. Typically when those firms

:23:14. > :23:17.you won't generally find secondees being on those pitch teams.

:23:18. > :23:20.Labour has called on the Chancellor to abandon his plans to cut working

:23:21. > :23:24.tax credits and instead to boost investment in the UK economy.

:23:25. > :23:27.In a short debate, ahead of next week's spending

:23:28. > :23:28.review, the Government rejected the demand, insisting

:23:29. > :23:35.George Osborne has said he wants to cut Whitehall budgets

:23:36. > :23:40.by up to 40% to achieve a budget surplus by the year 2020.

:23:41. > :23:43.The Chancellor intends to make swingeing, potentially devastating

:23:44. > :23:46.cuts to Government departments on welfare spending.

:23:47. > :23:49.Let me make it clear, austerity is a political choice,

:23:50. > :23:56.The record of this Government shows that the political choices

:23:57. > :23:59.the Chancellor is making are having a devastating impact on people

:24:00. > :24:03.In many cases, his cuts are falling on the heads

:24:04. > :24:09.Does he seriously preach about making the right choices

:24:10. > :24:11.when his party was responsible for the highest level

:24:12. > :24:19.Is that the choice that he is recommending here?

:24:20. > :24:21.More borrowing, more burden on British men and women, just to

:24:22. > :24:28.Let me say that, next week, what many in our economy,

:24:29. > :24:31.who work in our economy, want to hear from our Chancellor.

:24:32. > :24:34.Firstly and most importantly, he must reverse in full and fairly,

:24:35. > :24:37.This should be his absolute priority.

:24:38. > :24:40.Reality for my constituents is the ?1300

:24:41. > :24:48.If it goes ahead in April next year, it will mean ?58 million taken out

:24:49. > :24:50.of our local economy for the poorest people

:24:51. > :24:53.in my constituency, three quarters of whom are actually at work.

:24:54. > :24:57.And will she commit to review that's today?

:24:58. > :24:59.Thanks to the hard work of the British people,

:25:00. > :25:08.We have more growth, more jobs, higher wages.

:25:09. > :25:11.We know there is still much more to do but, Mr Speaker,

:25:12. > :25:14.there is no economic security, there is a national security and there is

:25:15. > :25:19.no opportunity when you lose control of your public finances.

:25:20. > :25:25.To cut 40 billion more than is necessary to run a balanced current

:25:26. > :25:29.budget, almost all of it paid for by punishing the poorest and

:25:30. > :25:33.stripping the capital budget of ?5 billion is our policy we reject, it

:25:34. > :25:39.is one we have seen already fail and it is most certainly not one

:25:40. > :25:47.Do join me for our next daily round-up.