Day 1, Part 1

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:00:45. > :00:57.Welcome to the seaside town of Sopot in Poland. Proud owner of the

:00:58. > :01:02.longest wooden pier in Europe. Sopot is proud to be hosting the

:01:03. > :01:08.World Indoor Championships. Some 600 athletes are here from 143 countries

:01:09. > :01:09.all hoping to create magical memories over three days of

:01:10. > :01:51.competition. And hopefully we'll have many more

:01:52. > :01:59.such moments to enjoy over the next few days here in Sopot. Welcome to

:02:00. > at home. Welcome to Denise Lewis alongside me. We have a young and

:02:05. > :02:08.youthful British team out here. 34 strong, but high hopes? Yes, we have

:02:09. > :02:12.and it is a chance for the young athletes to make a name for

:02:13. > :02:15.themselves here in Sopot. It is a busy season. The first of three

:02:16. > :02:19.majors championships. This is going to be an exciting one and we just

:02:20. > :02:23.hope that the young athletes use this opportunity to get medals and

:02:24. > :02:28.for a lot of them, be on the podium and you know, we all know funding is

:02:29. > :02:36.tight. Here they have an opportunity to get paid as well. One of the

:02:37. > :02:44.athletes in question, Laura Muir is back here. A different mentality.

:02:45. > :02:50.People are looking at her as maybe a medal contender. A different Laura

:02:51. > :02:52.Muir. She has an impressive indoor season. It is going to be

:02:53. > :02:56.interesting how she conducts herself. I think there has been a

:02:57. > :03:01.lot of talk. A lot of hype about whether she could medal here and

:03:02. > She leads the rankings. She has a great opportunity, but let's just

:03:08. > :03:15.let her do her thing. She is only 20. She is only 20. She is remature

:03:16. > :03:21.and -- very mature and looking at the bigger picture going forward. I

:03:22. > :03:26.think she is a very bright person and everyone says she is

:03:27. > :03:30.level-headed. She just has to feel the competition and really get used

:03:31. > being out on this stage. What does it feel like to be the person

:03:36. > :03:40.expected to perform and get medals? It is different. She has to get used

:03:41. > that. Also she is trying to juggle both her veterinary studies

:03:47. > :03:50.with a career in athletics as well. How difficult a juggling act will

:03:51. > :03:54.that be, do you think? It is not easy, but it is do-able. She

:03:55. > :03:59.level-headed. She has got a great team around her and I think she will

:04:00. > :04:03.progress through the season depending on how well she will do

:04:04. >, she will be able to make decisions. We have got British

:04:10. > :04:21.interests straightaway. The 400 meter heats coming up with Margaret

:04:22. > :04:24.Adeoye. It is good morning to Steve. Good morning, the first event of

:04:25. > :04:29.what promises to be a great weekend here in Sopot. There is one of the

:04:30. > :04:34.local athletes, that's Justyna Swiety from Poland and we're hoping

:04:35. > :04:41.we'll have a big crowd here. It is just filling up. It is just after

:04:42. > :04:46.10am. There is plenty of Polish athletes with chances of medals and

:04:47. > :04:48.we are hoping for lots of success for Great Britain as well.

:04:49. > :05:01.We have got mens and women's races. The first two and the four fastest

:05:02. > :05:07.losers will go through to the semifinals. Margaret Adeoye is going

:05:08. > this first one. Two athletes for each country in case you are

:05:13. > :05:21.wondering how things work at the World Indoor Championships. It won't

:05:22. > too easy here, for Margaret although she had a good start, the

:05:27. > :05:32.endear season is pretty -- indoor season is pretty short, she has

:05:33. > :05:37.Patricia Hall and Regina George and this young Polish athlete, Justyna

:05:38. > :05:45.Swiety. Regina George beat Margaret Adeoye in the Birmingham meet. She

:05:46. > :05:50.hasn't got the best of draws. In indoors, gives us the chance when

:05:51. > :05:59.they've in the early round anyway to just use the outside lane. She is

:06:00. > :06:12.drawn in three, and Regina George in five.

:06:13. > :06:21.A dream start for our first race. Margaret Adeoye started well. And

:06:22. > :06:26.made up the stagger on the Polish athlete. It is Patricia Hall setting

:06:27. > :06:30.the pace. Margaret Adeoye has attacked this 200 meters and she may

:06:31. > :06:35.come into the home straight with the chance of taking of lead. Regina

:06:36. > :06:37.George and Patricia Hall cutting her off. It is Regina George with the

:06:38. > :06:42.lead. Margaret Adeoye on the inside. Just the first two to go through

:06:43. > Patricia Hall just boxing Margaret Adeoye in. She is going to

:06:46. > :06:49.have to stay strong and maybe look for a gap on the inside. Regina

:06:50. > :06:54.George leading them. Hall on the outside. The Polish athlete is

:06:55. > :06:59.making up the ground quickly and Margaret Adeoye looks like she maybe

:07:00. > :07:09.fading. Regina George looks strong. It is Justyna Swiety of Poland

:07:10. > :07:14.finishing. We we wins it. Well George was expected to win this

:07:15. > :07:21.heat. She did that and it was tough. That's her fastest of the year. You

:07:22. > :07:25.have got to make a decision and Margaret Adeoye decided to attack

:07:26. > :07:29.that 200 and maybe paid for it on the second lap. You know, it is a

:07:30. > :07:33.really difficult decision to make because you are running really

:07:34. > :07:38.quick. You are going about a 200 pace which is six or seven tenths of

:07:39. > :07:41.your lifetime best of indoor running. These athletes in front of

:07:42. > :07:46.Margaret have got more experience. A little bit more turn of pace at this

:07:47. > :07:49.time of the year and they have competed a lot on the US circuit.

:07:50. > :07:55.You can imagine the experience they show has put them in the position

:07:56. > :08:01.that they are in. That's a good time by Regina and she will be happy with

:08:02. > :08:09.that to start off her campaign at the World Indoors with a season's

:08:10. > As Colin said, a really solid

:08:18. > :08:23.performance for Regina George. The heats are not going to be too easy.

:08:24. > :08:33.Can't hang around. Can't afford to hang around. Based in the States and

:08:34. > :08:37.still just 23 years of age and young Justyna Swiety checking on the

:08:38. > :08:42.scoreboard. The results are coming up with Margaret Adeoye in second

:08:43. > which is not right. So that's why the Polish athlete is looking a

:08:48. > :08:51.little perplexed because she knows she came second. Regina George is

:08:52. > :08:55.looking up and sees her season's best up there. There is a massive

:08:56. > :09:00.big scoreboard above the head of the athletes here. Steve, I was scouring

:09:01. > :09:04.around to see if there were any flags around, but I don't see any

:09:05. > flags. I don't understand why that result has come through, but we

:09:09. > :09:33.will soon hear exactly what. That's the Polish high jumper. Just

:09:34. > :09:44.cruising over the opening height of one meter 79. The crowd are

:09:45. > :09:59.entranced as to what's going on out there. Making note of something

:10:00. > :10:03.that's going on in the arena. The result is being changed on the

:10:04. > for Justyna Swiety in that first heat of the 400 meters and she

:10:09. > :10:12.will find, although they have walked off now, that she will be awarded a

:10:13. > :10:16.personal best. Margaret Adeoye, despite finishing fourth, there is

:10:17. > :10:22.the result for you. A season's best for Margaret. A tough heat. Tough

:10:23. > :10:27.qualification, but Justyna Swiety's surprise package there with a new

:10:28. > :10:29.personal best. There are fastest loser spots available for the

:10:30. > :10:52.semifinals tonight. Margaret Adeoye can just cross her fingers and hope.

:10:53. > :10:58.Well, there is the line-up for heat two. Lisanne De Witte, Shana Cox,

:10:59. > :11:18.Joanna Atkins and Kaliese Spencer. So the athletes are out in the

:11:19. > :11:24.arena. There is Joanna Atkins who is second from the inside. From the

:11:25. > :11:31.outside I should say. We have Kaliese Spencer the specialist 400

:11:32. > :11:36.meter hurdler, she finished fourth. That was in the London Games. Joanna

:11:37. > :11:58.Atkins from the USA and Shana Cox So from left to right, we have got

:11:59. > :12:11.Kaliese Spencer, there is Joanna Atkins, she is inside, a former US

:12:12. > :12:31.Colliegte champion and Shana Cox and Lisanne De Witte.

:12:32. > :12:40.And away we go. Shana Cox has gone off particularly hard, but

:12:41. > :12:43.especially as she has got Joanna Atkins outside her. Shana Cox and

:12:44. > :12:54.Joanna Atkins have gone off particularly quickly. It is going to

:12:55. > a tussle once they break for the inside between Kaliese Spencer and

:13:01. > :13:08.Shana Cox and Shana Cox is in a bit of difficulty there. Joanna Atkins

:13:09. > :13:14.just cruising at the front. Kaliese Spencer moving into first place

:13:15. > :13:19.though. Shana Cox has got a real battle on her hands and she has

:13:20. > :13:24.Lisanne De Witte outside her and both British girls are going to find

:13:25. > :13:28.themselves in a bit of trouble. And that looked as though it was Lisanne

:13:29. > :13:39.De Witte who came through to take second place. Shana Cox was run out

:13:40. > :13:48.of it. It is a real shame that, Paul. She was having a really

:13:49. > :13:53.descent indoor season. The winner, a person who is better known as a 400

:13:54. > :13:58.meter hurdler outdoors, she is coming into form nicely. It is

:13:59. > :14:03.really nice to see some of the Jamaicans remember performing here.

:14:04. > :14:13.It is great for the crowd and the other athletes to see the talented

:14:14. > :14:16.outdoor athletes performing inside. The Commonwealth Games is the big

:14:17. > :14:22.thing for the Jamaicans this year. Kaliese Spencer hasn't got an

:14:23. > :14:36.outdoor title this year yet. We expect a lot from her this year.

:14:37. > :14:50.Kaliese Spencer, her time was confirmed in first place.

:14:51. > :14:56.well, we are up and running your in Sopot, not the best of starts for

:14:57. > :14:59.Britain but plenty more to come throughout this morning and early

:15:00. > :15:05.afternoon. This is how the timetable looks. The men's 400 metres heat is

:15:06. > coming up with Nigel Levine and Richard Ark for Britain going for

:15:13. > in that. Then we have the men's 1500 metres, Lee Emanuel and Chris

:15:26. > :15:29.O'Hare there. Later we have seen men's 800 metres heats with mocked

:15:30. > :15:34.our Mohammed and Andrew Osagie. We are on BBC Two until midday and then

:15:35. > :15:39.we are on the BBC Red Button for one hour or so after that. If you want

:15:40. > get involved at home from the comfort of your own living room or

:15:44. > your own office you can do. This is how...

:15:58. > :16:08.Denise, let's bring UN after the 400 metres of Margaret, and the Shana

:16:09. > :16:13.Cox will be disappointed with that. Definitely Shana Cox seemed to look

:16:14. > :16:19.heavy on her legs. I would have expected both of those

:16:20. > run much, much better. With such tough qualifications you have to be

:16:25. > :16:29.ready and sharp. We have heard this from athletes in the past, where

:16:30. > :16:31.they say they are not a morning person, how much of a factor is

:16:32. > :16:35.that? Listen, you have to factor that into

:16:36. > :16:38.your preparation. If you are going to a major

:16:39. > :16:42.championships you have to repair and I am sure they have prepared well

:16:43. > :16:47.but they just seemed off the ball today.

:16:48. > :16:52.They are to key members of the 4x400m team. They will come back for

:16:53. > :16:57.that, hopefully with renewed vigour and determination to do better. With

:16:58. > :17:01.someone like Christine Ohuruogu running, she will be making sure

:17:02. > :17:03.those girls picked themselves up because their job is not technically

:17:04. > :17:08.finished here. There is still a fourth at -- 4x4

:17:09. > :17:12.hundreds metres to content, they will be disappointed but they have

:17:13. > pick themselves up now. Denise, thank you, the women's 400 metres

:17:15. > :17:25.heats continues. There is the result of that previous

:17:26. > :17:29.heat, just cleared up with Lisanne De Witte getting a new personal

:17:30. >, exactly the same time as Joanna Atkins of the USA. That does

:17:36. > :17:39.tell us that Margaret Adeoye is still in a qualifying position at

:17:40. > :17:47.the moment. She is the third fastest loser but we still have two more

:17:48. > :17:50.races to come. We were just chatting saying maybe she was unlucky in that

:17:51. > :17:55.first heat which was very quick. This one could be very quick,

:17:56. > :18:03.Melissa Caddle, Nicky Van Leuveren from the Netherlands. Malgorzata

:18:04. > :18:13.Holub from Poland, the vastly talented Shaunae Miller and the

:18:14. > :18:23.newcomer to semi-resolver. -- Kseniya Ryzhova.

:18:24. > :18:32.Malgorzata Holub will be trying to join her team-mate, Justyna Swiety

:18:33. > :18:36.from the first race. This is Kseniya Ryzhova, who won the

:18:37. > :18:41.Russian championships fairly comfortably, ran away from the rest

:18:42. > :18:53.of the field on the second lap, 51.03. She has not raced outside of

:18:54. > :18:57.Russia this season. 51.03 is the second-fastest of the pack leads to

:18:58. > :19:01.argue in Poland for these World Indoor Championships. But Shaunae

:19:02. > :19:07.Miller in lane five, just 19 years old, former world youth champion,

:19:08. > :19:10.great 200 metres and 400 metres runner. She was fourth in the World

:19:11. > :19:15.Championships at 200 metres last year. They are concentrating on the

:19:16. > :19:22.other athletes here, but watch out for her, I think she will be a real

:19:23. > :19:29.threat here. In fact, Shaunae Miller beat Francena Mccorory last year,

:19:30. > :19:31.and if that tells you nothing else, it will tell you that she is in good

:19:32. > :19:44.shape to run a 400 metres, as well. The local director is concentrating

:19:45. > :19:47.on Malgorzata Holub, but I think she will struggle to get through gear.

:19:48. > :19:53.Watch out for Nicky Van Leuveren who is having a very good indoor season

:19:54. > :19:55.and quickly improving in lane three. The third heat of the women's 400

:19:56. > :20:04.metres. The first two to go through, the

:20:05. > :20:08.Russian got left in the blocks are little by Shaunae Miller. The 200

:20:09. > :20:12.metres runner starting very quickly. The 19-year-old grabbing this race

:20:13. > the scruff of the neck at an early stage.

:20:16. > :20:27.Nicky Van Leuveren moving into third place. Kseniya Ryzhova decide she is

:20:28. > :20:32.going to set on the inside of the tall bony knee. There is a big gap

:20:33. > :20:34.between Nicky Van Leuveren and Malgorzata Holub. Shaunae Miller

:20:35. > :20:42.running a little wide, using her experience, making sure that Kseniya

:20:43. > :20:45.Ryzhova has to work hard to get ahead of her. Nicky Van Leuveren

:20:46. > :20:49.trying to get back to them and I don't think she will, Shaunae Miller

:20:50. > :20:56.still looking supreme talent lay -- supremely talented.

:20:57. > :21:04.I think this girl, Colin, remember last year she really showed what a

:21:05. > :21:09.talent she is, former world youth champion and world junior champion,

:21:10. > :21:13.just missed out on a medal in the world outdoor Championships. She

:21:14. > :21:17.always has choices but as a 400 metres prospect she has something

:21:18. > :21:22.special. She is going to be tough to beat. It was very relaxed running

:21:23. > :21:31.all the way. The first 200 metres she was doing

:21:32. > :21:36.23.72, which shows they have a good turn of speed at the moment. I think

:21:37. > :21:40.come the semifinal both these women will go comfortably under the 52

:21:41. > :21:45.second mark we saw as the winning time. But Miller, from the Bahamas,

:21:46. > :21:50.19-year-old, a beautiful, rangy runner and a talent we are all

:21:51. > :21:57.looking forward to seeing later on, perhaps in the Commonwealth Games.

:21:58. > :22:03.Of course, her nation are holding the world really Championships, I

:22:04. > :22:08.know that she has already said she is looking forward to that. The

:22:09. > :22:15.Bahamas themselves have a great relay team, particularly in the

:22:16. > :22:19.sprints. A good run from her. I am watching the times because Kseniya

:22:20. > :22:21.Ryzhova will get the second qualifying but it will mean that

:22:22. > :22:25.Margaret Adeoye is still in a qualifying position with one race to

:22:26. > :22:31.come, she is still one of the fastest losers.

:22:32. > :22:40.Ryan Whiting from the United States next to go in this shot put

:22:41. > :22:51.qualifying. Certainly one of the world's leading shot putters. He is

:22:52. > :22:53.quite squat, compact, well put together. Rotates quickly and that

:22:54. > just about one the qualifying line. -- on the line.

:23:04. > :23:07.We will soon get an idea as to how far it was.

:23:08. > :23:14.Certainly one of the leading contenders to take this title.

:23:15. > :23:22.If you can tell the difference, 20.75. That is exactly five

:23:23. > :23:27.centimetres beyond the qualifying distance, so that is fine.

:23:28. > :23:44.Blanka Vlasic, well-known figure in high jumping circles I wonder how

:23:45. > :23:46.much she has left behind. That is good, 1.95 is what is

:23:47. > :23:50.required. I just wonder how much she has lost

:23:51. > :24:14.on her competitive edge. Just to tidy up that result from the

:24:15. > :24:19.previous heat, Shaunae Miller with a season 's best 52.1. Kseniya

:24:20. > :24:26.Ryzhova, the Russian, we will see if she improves. Those times of third,

:24:27. > :24:28.fourth and fifth mean that Margaret Adeoye is still hanging onto a

:24:29. > :24:33.qualifying position for the semifinals.

:24:34. > :24:46.There is the line-up for the fourth and final heat.

:24:47. > :25:08.Francena Mccorory's agent, John Regis, became Britain's's first ever

:25:09. > indoor champion in Budapest 25 years ago.

:25:18. > :26:00.She was sixth in Moscow, 2013, when she led in the 200 metres. Outside

:26:01. > :26:05.her, Esther Cremer of Germany, five times the German indoor champion.

:26:06. > :26:16.Inside her is Denisa Rosolov?, one of the leading European 400 metres

:26:17. > :26:20.runners. European silver-medallist. There is Samantha Edwards. She is

:26:21. > :26:39.from Antigua and Barbuda. So, Edwards, Alexander, Rosolova,

:26:40. > :26:44.Mccorory and Cremer. There is Francena Mccorory. Relay

:26:45. > in London 2012. Away we go, Mccorory got off to a

:27:13. > :27:17.very slow start and Esther Cremer went off very quickly. Absolutely

:27:18. > :27:22.blasting away, Esther Cremer, but no ten three is beginning to get into

:27:23. > :27:30.her stride. Although Rosolova and Alexander just about up on her.

:27:31. > :27:45.Mccorory comes through into second place. Esther Cremer it is. Rosolova

:27:46. > :27:53.wins second just behind. Rosolova should be strong enough. And Cremer

:27:54. > going to struggle here. She might get a fastest loser spot.

:27:59. > :28:11.And, just, it is Rosolova from Mccorory. 52.36 - that is quite

:28:12. > :28:20.reasonable. You have to work hard in the streets. That was good. It was a

:28:21. > :28:26.good, solid performance, but, you know, I always like to see the main

:28:27. > :28:29.contenders are really be dominant. Mccorory did not really sure that

:28:30. > :28:33.much dominance and looking at the result, she will be in second

:28:34. >, which means she will not be particularly seeded in the heats of

:28:38. > :28:41.the semifinals, which means she will be a bit of a wild card. The

:28:42. > :28:45.semifinals she may lose the good lane, courtesy of not winning this

:28:46. > :28:49.race and it could be awkward for her, because you could possibly have

:28:50. > :28:53.three medallists in the same semifinal. It will be interesting,

:28:54. > :28:57.but you make a decision when you do the qualifying rounds the way you

:28:58. > :29:01.are going to qualify, so it is going to be interesting indeed. We are

:29:02. > :29:05.still waiting to see, I think Steve may have some news whether Margaret

:29:06. > :29:09.has got through. Yes, definitely, Colin.

:29:10. > :29:14.Those times were obviously tight but just working out in her favour, so

:29:15. > :29:17.Margaret Adeoye will be in the semifinals. We will get the full

:29:18. > :29:24.result in a second but that is good news for her. The fourth fastest

:29:25. > :29:30.losers from those four races, that first heat was pretty tough. Back to

:29:31. > :29:38.the high jump. Ruth Beitia, 1.88 now. Add one

:29:39. > :29:41.attempts so far in the competition at 1.84. This is her second attempt.

:29:42. > :29:59.She looks very comfortable. Well, this is her last season. She

:30:00. > :30:03.has been around for... How long? She is 34 years old now, so see has been

:30:04. > :30:08.around for a long, long time. Anyway, success that at one point

:30:09. > :30:16.Denisa Rosolov? given given the verdict, 52.37. -- Rosolova. Esther

:30:17. > :30:40.Cremer in third place, 52.71. Those 400 heats, we have got the men

:30:41. > :30:45.coming up very, very shortly. It didn't look too good for the British

:30:46. > :30:54.athletes. A couple of personal bests getting people through. The names

:30:55. > :31:00.more me, Shaunae Miller looks good. Kaliese Spencer looked good as well.

:31:01. > :31:07.The draw for the semifinal will be crucial. Margaret Adeoye does make

:31:08. > through as we said by a couple of hundredths so she will be back for

:31:13. > :31:22.the semifinals. The men are up next. It is going to

:31:23. > pretty tough for the men as well. The way the draw works. I know that

:31:30. > :31:37.we've got 800 meter heats coming up again around about lunch time. We

:31:38. > :32:02.will go back to the high jump. The local favourite and just manages to

:32:03. > :32:09.get over. It only just, wasn't it Justyna Kasprzycka. It will be an

:32:10. > :32:53.exciting qualifying competition. Kamila Licwinko There. Here is

:32:54. > :33:01.forefavourite Pole. You can bet this is going to go a long way. Well, it

:33:02. > not as far as some of the previous throws that we have seen.

:33:13. > :33:25.Ryan Whiting was out to the qualifying mark. That's around about

:33:26. > :33:43.20 meters or thereabouts. 19.99 it is. A good guess. So 19.99

:33:44. > givenle. Tomasz Majewski is looking for more. He has three

:33:50. > :34:02.throws. That's below the 19 meter mark. And very close to a foul. In

:34:03. > :34:21.fact, it was a foul. So... Just to let you know at home, we are

:34:22. > the mercy, pictures wise, of the host broadcaster here. It is not in

:34:26. > :34:41.the BBC's control. We thought we would let you know that.

:34:42. > :34:43.Christine is part of the women's 4x4 women's relay team. I caught up with

:34:44. > :34:51.her yesterday. My coach said go out and enjoy

:34:52. > :34:57.yourself. I said which part of the 400 am I supposed to enjoy. I'm

:34:58. > :35:04.still training hard. I call it more than a maintenance year rather than

:35:05. > :35:08.a rest year. You don't do half a programme or half a day. You have to

:35:09. > :35:14.come in and put the work in. I think fun is a bit of a misnomer. Rest is

:35:15. > :35:19.a bit of a misnomer. You just train and you see where it takes you. It

:35:20. > :35:24.will be a big year, Commonwealths and European Games. What are you

:35:25. > :35:28.targeting? Definitely the Commonwealth Games. For us to have

:35:29. > :35:31.another home games is something that everyone is really excited about and

:35:32. > will be great to be a part of that. The Europeans will come soon

:35:36. > :35:38.after that. We will deal with the Commonwealth Games first and then we

:35:39. > :35:44.will see what the plans are for the Europeans. Christine never liked

:35:45. > :35:49.competing indoors individually, but she does compete in the relay and it

:35:50. > :35:56.kick-started her season rather well. A gold medal as part of the British

:35:57. > :36:02.women's team. Yes, I think she enjoys running and being part of the

:36:03. > :36:07.camaraderie. They have a great relationship and they boost each

:36:08. > :36:13.other's confidence and they get the job done. It is a whole different

:36:14. > :36:17.ball game, Colin. I should say welcome. It is nice of you to join

:36:18. > up here. We have seen her compete in the relay, but she is a

:36:21. > :36:28.single-minded athlete and she loves the single lane and the 400

:36:29. > :36:37.ourdoors, did -- outdoors. There is a bit of bumping and barging It is

:36:38. > an 800 meter race. Steve Cram ran a very fast 400 meters, but

:36:45. > :36:49.these 400 meters are going quicker. You are not used to this at all

:36:50. > :36:53.because you don't experience it when you run a quarter mile outdoors. You

:36:54. > :37:07.have a race plan you can stick to. Indoors you can't because of the

:37:08. > :37:10.fact that you are hustling for the position. You are in a rhythm and

:37:11. > :37:17.then you have to check back. It is exciting, but it is very tough. You

:37:18. > :37:22.are calling the 400 women's heats. Margaret Adeoye has got through

:37:23. > :37:26.just. It shows the level you need to be at. You need to hit the ground

:37:27. > :37:29.running or you are going to be out. You must remember that you don't

:37:30. > :37:33.have as many competitions so you are not into your race groove quickly

:37:34. > :37:37.and because you come to a championships with a little bit of a

:37:38. > before you had a chance to warm up, that's why you can end up with

:37:52. > :37:54.problems. We have got the men's 400 coming up. Hopes are going to be

:37:55. > :37:58.high for the British runners. Nigel is coming to t championships

:37:59. > :38:02.expecting that he should deliver and do really well. He is an interesting

:38:03. > :38:06.indoor runner. He seems to be built and ready for it. If he runs well,

:38:07. > :38:10.he is in the position right. You know what you have to do. The first

:38:11. > :38:15.200 meters is crucial to set you up and then he is in with a good

:38:16. > :38:20.chance. We are seeing what he managed do at Birmingham. He had a

:38:21. > :38:25.different kind of game face on that day. It seems like he is maturing.

:38:26. > :38:31.Do you see that in him? I think last year he developed a lot on the

:38:32. > :38:35.Diamond League circuit. And once he came into indoors and started to

:38:36. > :38:39.beat people when it really mattered has got to fill him with confidence

:38:40. > All right, let's get out to the action. Steve Cram is calling

:38:51. > :38:56.the first of the 400 heats. Thanks. That man is Lalonde Gordon.

:38:57. > :39:03.The first two will go through and the two fastest only, not four

:39:04. > :39:06.fastest, only two fastest will go through to the semifinals. Again,

:39:07. > :39:18.everything the guys have been talking about, crucial here and in

:39:19. > :39:22.terms of first lap decisions. The reason there are only two fastest

:39:23. > :39:32.loses is because the men have five heats and the women only had four.

:39:33. > :39:41.So Lalonde Gordon the bronze medallist from the Olympic Games.

:39:42. > :39:46.His team-mate has chosen not to come to the World Indoor Championships.

:39:47. > :39:52.Gordan a tad behind him in terms of times and ran a good 300 in New York

:39:53. > :39:56.before coming here, 32.4. He was a little disappointed. He went out

:39:57. > :40:07.really hard in that race and faded a little.

:40:08. > :40:18.He is the man to beat. We have Edino Steele of Jamaica and Gordon and

:40:19. > :40:23.Marek Niit of Estonia. The Olympic bronze medallist is a lovely strong

:40:24. > :40:36.looking runner. He looks very much in control. It is fairly easy. So

:40:37. > :40:43.Gordon from Trinidad Tobago in the front. Edino Steele trying to go

:40:44. > :40:49.wide. Edino Steele has to try to fight his way past the Estonian. Who

:40:50. > going to get the second spot? Gordon stretches ahead. Edino Steele

:40:59. > :41:02.has done enough to get it. Pretty impressive. He looked in control.

:41:03. > :41:08.Got to the front and got himself out of trouble and did what he had to do

:41:09. > :41:14.on the second lap. That's what we want to see all the time. The main

:41:15. > :41:19.people up for the medals taking control early on. Give themselves

:41:20. > :41:22.that free air so they can tried out and enjoy the run. It is early in

:41:23. > :41:28.the morning, but they will go out there and do what's necessary to

:41:29. > :41:31.qualify. You know what's difficult is when you are battling and that

:41:32. > turn for the last place and when athletes are tired around you

:41:35. > :41:38.and you have got to keep focussed and work at it all the time and that

:41:39. > :41:43.can be difficult. But most important thing, they have qualified two

:41:44. > :41:49.athletes into the semifinal and they will be happy and that's a quick

:41:50. > :41:52.time to start off with. They have to come back for the semifinals and

:41:53. > :41:58.that's going to be crucial. 12 men will go through. You want to get

:41:59. > :42:03.through the morning heats if you have got a little bit of spare ka

:42:04. > :42:15.capacity, you want to make sure you use it. The men's shot pot.

:42:16. > :42:24.German Lauro of Argentina. That's five centimetres of short of

:42:25. > :42:33.the qualifying distance and that could be just about right! A little

:42:34. > :42:39.bit shorter and a little bit off balance and nearly throws himself

:42:40. > :42:45.out of the circle, but nevertheless. So what's he got? 20.73. It is three

:42:46. > :42:53.centimetres further than is required. So he makes it through to

:42:54. > :43:04.the final. The result of the first heat, Gordon winning in 46.07 and

:43:05. > :43:09.Steele doing well. Marek Niit, I suppose an outside chance. Don't

:43:10. > :43:20.forget, there is only two fastest loser spots.

:43:21. > :43:30.It is filling up in the arena and the Poles will be hoping that not

:43:31. > :43:39.only on the track, but in the field that they can have something to

:43:40. > :43:43.shout about. The arena holds 11,500. This track is built on a platform

:43:44. > :43:48.and I think that they can actually get 15,000 here with some standing

:43:49. > :44:04.for pop concerts etcetera. It is a nice arena though.

:44:05. > :44:10.Dusanova in the high jump. She is an athlete that has not cleared this.

:44:11. > :44:30.She has really got to attack it. That is the third and final attempt,

:44:31. > :44:37.didn't really take off at all and flew flat across the take-off.

:44:38. > :44:43.Three failures at 1.88 means she is eliminated.

:44:44. > :44:58.There is the draw for the next round of the 400 metres. Nika Kartavtsevi.

:44:59. > :45:01.Rafal Omelko, Jarrin Solomon, David Verburg and Gustavo Cuesta all. --

:45:02. > :45:29.Gustavo Cuesta . Kartavtsevi, just a youngster, he

:45:30. > :45:35.has an adult best of 37.19, so he will find this tough. Rafal Omelko,

:45:36. > :45:38.quite an experienced athlete. Jarrin Solomon, Olympic relay

:45:39. > :45:48.bronze-medallist for Trinidad and Tobago. David Verburg, part of the

:45:49. > :46:01.US relay team which won the 2013 World Championships. And Gustavo

:46:02. > :46:09.Cuesta, Boston Hemery college. He is from the Dominican Republic. So,

:46:10. > we go. Rafal Omelko. Finished fourth at the

:46:34. > student games in 2013. He got the really -- he has the relay

:46:40. > :46:46.medallist outside him in the shape of Jarrin Solomon. And David Verburg

:46:47. > :46:53.of the USA doubts that -- just outside of him.

:46:54. > :47:20.So, Rafal Omelko looking a bit dry around the mouth.

:47:21. > :47:33.That this Kartavtsevi -- that is Kartavtsevi.

:47:34. > :47:45.Back to Rafal Omelko now. He has an outdoor personal best of 45.69. He

:47:46. > :47:54.has a 400 metres hurdles time of 51.09, so not so good when you put

:47:55. > :48:03.some sticks in the way. Certainly a very solid 400 metres runner.

:48:04. > :48:12.Well, he has got off very quickly, that is why. Solomon outside him

:48:13. > :48:16.trying to go off as quick but can't quite manage it at the moment. David

:48:17. > :48:27.Verburg has gone off quickly, as well. Coming across just on his

:48:28. > :48:36.shoulder. Omelko and David Verburg, followed by Solomon and David --

:48:37. > :48:44.Gustavo Cuesta. It is these four. These three that have gone away.

:48:45. > :48:58.And, pressing, is David Verburg and, just, Omelko. 46.62. That was good,

:48:59. > :49:05.Colin. It was an interesting race all the way through from the gunfire

:49:06. > :49:08.-- to the tape. The Polish runner needed to start

:49:09. > :49:15.well from the outside and he is a big man to try and get around. Both

:49:16. > :49:22.of the American athletes really struggled to see the route past him.

:49:23. > :49:26.He ran a very wise race and I think that even he is surprised he managed

:49:27. > hold onto that second place. He has worked his way through to the

:49:32. > :49:35.semifinal, very good run. But it is very important, if you can get to

:49:36. > :49:37.that Bell early and dominate the race you can dictate literally the

:49:38. > :49:41.whole race, if you are strong enough.

:49:42. > :50:00.Well, David Verburg just finished ahead of the other two, it will be a

:50:01. > :50:04.photograph. 46.62 is given. Tomasz Majewski now. Is this any further?

:50:05. > :50:12.He is getting closer. He reaches out at the front of the

:50:13. >, that is important. 20.60, that is ten centimetres light

:50:36. > :50:41.of the qualifying line, but not bad. Well, next up in the men's 400

:50:42. > :50:49.metres, Nigel Lavigne going in heat three. He had a little chat with

:50:50. > :50:53.Phil yesterday. You haven't done anything until you have medals

:50:54. > :50:56.around your neck, really, so the main goal was to come to the

:50:57. > :51:02.Championships and medal. Hopefully this time it is going to

:51:03. > on. Ranking is anything you can perform on a day, to me, so we will

:51:07. > :51:14.see who brings their area -- 18 to this Championships.

:51:15. > :51:18.Taking your mind off the races is a good thing for me personally, but I

:51:19. > people behind you shouting things at you, its spurs you want to

:51:23. > :51:25.go quicker. You have had some great results indoors with the relay in

:51:26. > :51:29.the last couple of events and you have another chance with a really

:51:30. > :51:31.good team, and some of your training partners are part of that squad as

:51:32. > :51:37.well. How much are you looking forward to

:51:38. > :51:43.that? It is going to be a great one. Last time we didn't even win, we

:51:44. > :51:49.came second, so we are going to try and upgrade that into a gold this

:51:50. > :51:56.time. We won the Europeans last year and now we need to win the worlds.

:51:57. > :52:05.Well, it is never going to be easy through the heats, you have to keep

:52:06. > :52:11.your wits about you. And Nigel Levine knows about it. He has a good

:52:12. > :52:12.lane draw here, let's look at the result from the second heat, ID that

:52:13. > :52:29.up. David Verburg a little slower,

:52:30. > :52:35.Solomon just missing out, 46.86 at the moment.

:52:36. > :52:39.Again, not too quick, and certainly with the likes of Richard Buck in

:52:40. > :52:47.heat four, he may have to keep an eye on that. One of the crowd

:52:48. > :52:52.favourites, Blanka Vlasic. Is she going to make this easy.

:52:53. > :53:06.That was Blanka Vlasic at her very best.

:53:07. > :53:18.Looks very comfortable, 1.9 to looked easy. -- 1.92.

:53:19. > :53:22.After tidying up the result for the second heat here is the line-up for

:53:23. > :53:26.the third one. Anderson Henriques on the outside. See although brotherly

:53:27. > :53:38.see car from Western Samoa in lane two. The defending champion, Nery

:53:39. > :53:41.Brenes from Costa Rica in fourth. Llewelyn Santos from the Dominican

:53:42. > :53:48.Republic, he is a youngster but he seems as if he has been around for

:53:49. > :53:56.ages, and Nigel Levine in lane six. -- Luguelin Santos.

:53:57. > :54:06.Nigel has a hard time you, really. Ten three is the defending champion,

:54:07. > :54:11.not quite showing that sort of form yet this year. His best performance

:54:12. > :54:15.this season was in pride where he finished second. We will be implied

:54:16. > year at the European indoor Championships. There is Santos. He

:54:22. > :54:26.seems a bit older than 20 now, I have been commentating on him for a

:54:27. > :54:31.good few years now. Medallist at the Olympic Games at the age of 18. He

:54:32. > really getting into his season, run a new personal best at 45.89. He

:54:40. > :54:44.knows all about Nigel Levine outside of him, winning the race in

:54:45. > :54:52.Birmingham 45.71, quickest in this heat. All four men, you can probably

:54:53. > :55:02.include Donald Sanford and that, the American in lane three, now running

:55:03. > :55:05.for Israel. We have the defending champion, Olympic silver-medallist

:55:06. > :55:15.and the British champion, Nigel Levine. First two and the fastest

:55:16. > :55:26.loser spots at the minute, around 46.5 will get you through.

:55:27. > :55:37.It is a long haul. -- hold. Away they go, ten three has good 200

:55:38. > :55:40.metres speed and is showing that already.

:55:41. > :55:48.Nigel Lavigne started well on the outside, Santos slower.

:55:49. > :55:55.Donald Sanford has done well to get onto the two outside of him. These

:55:56. > :56:00.four men have it between them. Anderson Henriques trying to get

:56:01. > :56:06.through, Donald Sanford got clipped there! Nigel Levine has some work to

:56:07. > to get around some tours. The -- Donald Sanford is going backwards.

:56:12. > :56:17.The defending champion is looking good, Levine has some work to do to

:56:18. > :56:25.get past Santos. Levine has to settle for third

:56:26. > The winning time, 46.55. That was a tough race in terms of

:56:30. > :56:33.personalities, but it was not that fast. Brenes was able to really ease

:56:34. > :56:39.his way across the line. I thought for a moment he may be easing back

:56:40. > :56:43.too much. Nigel Levine worked hard. Did he work too hard round of that

:56:44. > :56:48.bend to get past Santos and then had nothing left as Santos came in

:56:49. > :56:52.strong on the last 20 metres? This is the difficulty on the last final

:56:53. > :56:56.bend, Steve. I mentioned it before, you hit that final turn and it is

:56:57. > a wall, it saps energy from your legs.

:57:01. > :57:04.When you have a real battle with a couple of metres to the finishing

:57:05. > :57:07.line you can understand why the athletes are grimacing. But Santos

:57:08. > :57:11.took the race very comfortably, he looked very good, I was impressed

:57:12. > :57:16.with his finish. We are all surprised with the defending

:57:17. > :57:19.champion coming back with this form. Nigel is just eased out but I am

:57:20. > :57:24.pretty sure that may be one of the fastest times. It will be a nervous

:57:25. > :57:28.wait because he is now the second fastest loser and only two fastest

:57:29. > :57:36.losers will go through. Years slower than Marek Niit in the

:57:37. > :57:50.first heat. We still have two races to come. -- he is slower.

:57:51. > :57:56.Emma Green Tregaro now. Just about six foot three, and that is tidy,

:57:57. > :58:06.very tidy indeed. No more energy wasted there than was

:58:07. > :58:30.necessary. Kamila Licwinko. 1.92, the same

:58:31. > :58:31.height. That is good. She seems to be delighted every time she goes

:58:32. > :58:46.clear. Just the slightest touch there. The

:58:47. > height will be the qualifying height, that is for sure.

:58:56. > :59:03.I can see Kaiser Bergquist sitting in the crowd there, watching that

:59:04. > :59:12.high jumper. There is the result of the third heat, Santos, 46.54,

:59:13. > :59:14.Brenes, 46.62 and Nigel Levine with 46.64 at the moment the fastest

:59:15. > :59:49.loser but it will be a nervous wait. You can see Kizer second row back.

:59:50. > :59:54.There is one of the men hoping to make it three World Championships,

:59:55. > of the men, nobody will have done that. We have got the women's

:00:00. > :00:05.3,000 heats later this morning and the 800 heats as well and 1500 so

:00:06. > :00:17.lots of middle distance action after the 400 meters. The next is the

:00:18. >'s 400. Richard Buck is there in lane five. He is surrounded by

:00:33. > :00:44.Richard Buck is surrounded by class. There is Tabarie Henry. He was

:00:45. > :00:57.fourth in the World Championships indoors and out. 2012 was indoors

:00:58. > :01:24.and 2009 was ourdoors. -- ourdoors. -- ourdoors.

:01:25. > :01:33.We have got Richard Buck in lane five. The City of York athlete,

:01:34. > :01:40.European indoor bronze medallist three years ago. Just second from

:01:41. > :01:49.the, I was going to say second from the top of your picture but they

:01:50. > :02:02.just changed since then. So here we go. Henry, Peters, Gauntlett, Buck

:02:03. > :02:09.and Clemons. Well, Richard Buck got away to a

:02:10. > :02:21.good start. You can expect him to be challenging at the half-way stage.

:02:22. > :02:29.Tabarie Henry, Kyle Clemons rather just struggling a little bit at the

:02:30. > :02:36.moment. He is getting into a bit of a clash there with Akheem Gauntlett.

:02:37. > :02:39.Here comes Kyle Clemons. He is storming past Richard Buck. Richard

:02:40. > :02:46.Buck is having a torrid time. Tabarie Henry is coming. It looks as

:02:47. > :03:01.though Richard Buck is out of it. So a win there for Kyle Clemons. It was

:03:02. > :03:04.a very good run by the American, but Richard Buck faded badly, didn't he?

:03:05. > :03:09.It was the same for Richard because he looked quite good going through

:03:10. > :03:13.the bell. He looked comfortable going through the bell as well, but

:03:14. > :03:18.just with the film 150 meters to go, he got clipped from behind and it

:03:19. > :03:22.sapped all his strength and he vanished off the scene unfortunately

:03:23. > are him. But these 400 meters, early in the morning you have to

:03:26. > :03:30.race early. Sometimes in your mind, you are not quite focussed. You are

:03:31. > :03:34.looking around exactly who is in the race and you are trying to think how

:03:35. > can balance up your performance and save some energy if you get

:03:38. > :03:50.through, you know what, you have got to commit. Early on, you have got to

:03:51. > :03:55.commit and take it from there. Kyle Clemons confirmed 46.42 as the

:03:56. > :04:09.winner of that heat. Still one more heat to go, remember.

:04:10. > :04:15.Well, the third and final attempt which is unusual for David Storl of

:04:16. > :04:33.Germany. He really hits it hard and it sails

:04:34. > :04:38.over the qualifying line. It was by and far and away the best throw we

:04:39. > :04:44.have seen this morning. Oh my goodness!

:04:45. > :04:55.He doesn't chase out the front of the circle. He absolutely blitzes

:04:56. > That was excellent. So 21.24 is the best throw that we have seen by

:05:02. > :05:14.miles. 21 meters plus is a rarity these days.

:05:15. > :05:22.You were in a tough heat and you have to wait now to see if you can

:05:23. > :05:26.make it through? Yes, it was quite tough. I was in lane two and I tried

:05:27. > adapt to the race and I finished third so I just is to kick back and

:05:31. > :05:35.relax and see if I make it through to the next round. How did you feel

:05:36. > the start and coming in this morning, where the nerves kicking

:05:41. > Are were you feeling calm? How was it? I was nervous going into the

:05:47. > :05:50.race. Tried to stay calm and relaxed, but the nerves got the

:05:51. > :05:54.better of me today. If you didn't make it through, how big a

:05:55. > :06:03.disappointment would it be for you? A very big one. A very big one. Just

:06:04. > :06:08.wait and see. Well, you are in there for now at least. We hope that you

:06:09. > :06:12.can make it through as the fastest loser? Hopefully I'll go through.

:06:13. > :06:31.Thanks for talking to us, Nigel. Thanks.

:06:32. > :06:41.The good news for Nigel is the results have come through for the

:06:42. > :06:46.fourth heat and the third placed athlete was 100th slower than Nigel.

:06:47. > :06:48.So Nigel is still in the qualifying position, Richard Buck, you can see

:06:49. > :07:02.there, the full list of the times. So Buck is out. But Nigel is still

:07:03. >, but we have one more race to go and there are certainly four men who

:07:11. > :07:12.are capable of running quicker. He will be hoping this final race is

:07:13. > :07:31.not too fast. It is building up quite nicely here

:07:32. > terms of a crowd. The athletes are already out there. Chris Brown

:07:37. > right on the outside, a man who from the Bahamas. There is a full

:07:43. > :07:52.line-up. Brown is on the outside and Pavel Maslak will be one of the

:07:53. > :07:58.favourites here to do well and Nick Ekelund-Arenander from Denmark.

:07:59. > :08:04.Chris Brown had a troubled time. It almost seems as if his career wh a

:08:05. > :08:15.troubled -- had a troubled time. He is on the outside. Inside him, Pavel

:08:16. > :08:19.Maslak who ran a scintillating 500 meters in Prague. There is no

:08:20. > :08:26.argument about his strength and you can see a new personal best indoors

:08:27. > :08:31.this year of 45.66. Wears the arm sleeves, does that sound right,

:08:32. > :08:35.Colin, arm sleeves? Chris Brown, Chris should have been in

:08:36. > :08:40.Birmingham, but got stuck in the States with the bad weather in

:08:41. > :08:45.Atlanta and had a bit of a fall and required stitches in his face, but

:08:46. > can see, I think, he is looking lovely now. Hopefully he is well

:08:50. > :08:58.recovered from that, but Chris Brown, when he is on form, a tough

:08:59. > :09:07.competitor indoors and outdoors. A former world indoor champion in

:09:08. > :09:13.2010. This man here, Pavel Maslak European champion indoors and

:09:14. > :09:16.outdoors. You expect those two to fill the top two spots and we are

:09:17. > :09:23.looking for the third place. Will the third placed athlete be Nick

:09:24. > :09:46.Ekelund-Arenander? He ran 36.41. If he runs well here.

:09:47. > :09:58.The final heat of the men's 400. Chris Brown on the outside started

:09:59. > :10:04.quickly. You can see Mark Ujakpor trying to get up here as well for

:10:05. > :10:07.Spain. Is it too quick and Nick Ekelund-Arenander and they are in a

:10:08. > :10:12.line here and it is the two European athletes with Brown cutting across

:10:13. > :10:15.that are right in there, three European athletes. Pavel Maslak

:10:16. > :10:19.being caught out for me. He should have been closer to the front. Nick

:10:20. > :10:25.Ekelund-Arenander really attacked this through the first 20 Does he

:10:26. > :10:31.have enough to hold off Brawn? The request he is Nick Ekelund-Arenander

:10:32. > :10:36.going to hold on for the third spot? Pavel Maslak eased his way through.

:10:37. > :11:04.It is pretty quick. I think that Nick Ekelund-Arenander will be close

:11:05. > Nigel Levine 'S. Pavel Maslak just eased his way. Pavel Maslak

:11:10. > :11:15.again he is a strong European athlete. Great over the 400 meters

:11:16. > :11:21.outdoors. He had a sensational, so far indoor season. As you said Steve

:11:22. > :11:26.the 500 meters he did in Prague was very, very impressive indeed. So

:11:27. > :11:31.these two, I would say, you have got to favour them in the final to be up

:11:32. > :11:35.there contending for the medals. They are both experienced and very

:11:36. > :11:39.confident and they enjoy running indoors so it will be a good battle

:11:40. > :11:44.later on. Yes, it will be a good battle later on. Unfortunately, I

:11:45. > :11:48.can't tell you it won't be a battle which will contain either of the

:11:49. > :11:55.British athletes, Richard Buck went out, but we will get the results

:11:56. > :11:59.shortly, but for Nigel Levine, his fastest losers spot has gone to Nick

:12:00. > :12:03.Ekelund-Arenander who has run a shade quicker. We are just waiting

:12:04. > :12:06.for the results to be confirmed. We should get them in a second. The

:12:07. > :12:09.semifinals will be tough as Colin was talking about how important the

:12:10. > :12:14.draw is. There is only two semifinals, six in each and you

:12:15. > :12:31.don't really want to be on the inside lanes when you have got high

:12:32. > :12:53.calibre athletes out there. Tomas Stanek now in the shot pot. He

:12:54. > :13:00.seemed to stay inside the circle. Here is the man that everyone has

:13:01. > :13:04.come to see. He looks as though he is through to the final already. He

:13:05. > in fourth place. So he will be after something better

:13:08. > He needs to get down and hit it. Oh,

:13:24. > is a foul. So no further qualification effort from Majewski.

:13:41. > :13:44.So we are just waiting for confirmation of the men's 400 meters

:13:45. > :13:48.results. I am not aware of any protests or anything. We have not

:13:49. > :14:04.had anything this morning. It is something that can happen. Lane

:14:05. > :14:12.violations etcetera. Those two are going to be amongst the favourites.

:14:13. > :14:22.The defending champion is through. There is the result:

:14:23. > :14:30.Most importantly, Nick Ekelund-Arenander in third place.

:14:31. > :14:38.That's quicker than Nigel Levine and unfortunately, it will be the Danish

:14:39. > :14:55.athlete who will go through to the semifinals along with Marek Niit.

:14:56. > :14:58.Santos is in there. Plenty of big names. No Nigel Levine or no Richard

:14:59. > :15:09.Buck and we can hear from him now. Obvious disappointment when you

:15:10. > :15:12.don't deliver what you wanted to, but talk to us about the difference

:15:13. > the track. Well, Birmingham has these nice, I

:15:17. > :15:21.curve is through the bank that helps you run round France and here there

:15:22. > :15:28.are quite shallow. -- run round fast. It is hard to get

:15:29. > :15:33.the speed we need and I think I overcooked it a little bit there for

:15:34. > Obviously I am disappointed with the end result there, but my race

:15:38. > :15:41.strategy coming in was to take command of this race early. That

:15:42. > :15:46.happened to be harder than I expected, although I expected it to

:15:47. > hard. It was quite physical going into that curve and the physicality

:15:53. > :15:58.did not really stop. It throws you of your rhythm little bit and I like

:15:59. > track to run in with no interruptions. For me, indoor

:16:05. > :16:08.running is go at it hard and then control that deceleration that is

:16:09. > :16:15.going to happen. If I don't get a nice, easy track to run into it is

:16:16. > :16:18.hard. But, you know, it still wasn't that bad from the point of view of

:16:19. > :16:22.getting to the front of a world-class field, so I am not

:16:23. > :16:27.overly disappointed, but obviously, you know, I came here off that great

:16:28. > in Birmingham and expected to be competing for the finals, so as far

:16:33. > that goes I really do feel like I have let myself down a little bit.

:16:37. > :16:41.We appreciate you talking to us, thank you very much.

:16:42. > :16:49.Yes, disappointment for Richard Buck, he said it himself that he did

:16:50. > :16:54.not feel as if he ran as well as he would really have liked to. That has

:16:55. > :16:57.implications for our 4x4 nodded metres squad and not good news is

:16:58. > :17:01.that none of our individual athletes have made it through, although

:17:02. > :17:13.Margaret Adeoye has, but there has not been good signs for our 4x4

:17:14. > :17:16.nodded metres squad. -- 4x400. Hopefully we will still be able to

:17:17. > :17:26.produce in those two medals we still have our eyes on.

:17:27. > :17:32.Still a busy morning in the field with the women's high jump

:17:33. > :17:38.qualifications, men's shot but, as well. Plenty for the crowd to get

:17:39. > :18:06.their into, real aficionados this morning. -- to get their teeth into.

:18:07. > :18:22.1.95 was her first attempt at that height. Two more attempts to go.

:18:23. > :18:49.Absolutely superb up until 1.92. Now, one of the brightest new stars

:18:50. > the athletics world, gains a beta barber who recently said three world

:18:55. > :19:01.records in the space of just 15 days. -- Genzebe Dibaba.

:19:02. > :19:30.A truly special athlete, Genzebe Dibaba of Ethiopia!

:19:31. > :19:40.It is all about Genzebe Dibaba of Ethiopia. 16 laps between her and

:19:41. > :19:44.athletics history. Genzebe Dibaba breaks the world first for two

:19:45. > :19:55.miles! Three world records in little over two weeks!

:19:56. > :20:02.Well, I am delighted to say that Paula Radcliffe has joined me here

:20:03. > the presentation position. We can tell us the at home some good news

:20:09. > :20:14.on Nigel Levine we believe he is in the semifinals. He has made it

:20:15. > :20:18.through, that is very good news. It is also good news that someone of

:20:19. > :20:24.the stature of Genzebe Dibaba is here. She has chosen the 3000m, not

:20:25. > double up on the 1500 metres. Yes, as I understand it she wanted

:20:32. > one stage two double up on the 1500 and the 3000, looking at it I

:20:36. > :20:42.don't think it'd is that tight, she would have been capable of doing

:20:43. > :20:48.that. The 3000m is this evening and the

:20:49. > :20:52.1500 metres is tomorrow. It is possible she could have doubled up

:20:53. > :20:56.on those two comfortably but she has chosen to just come and race today.

:20:57. > :21:03.You showing outstanding form so far this season. She had an amazing 8.16

:21:04. > :21:09.that only the Chinese have ever run quicker than. Then to come back less

:21:10. > :21:14.than weekly to rant get a record in the two males, two, she is in a

:21:15. > :21:16.class of Rome. When you are in a class of your own so far ahead of

:21:17. > :21:21.the field, how do you approach athlete like this?

:21:22. > :21:25.I think she will be looking for a stretcher, really. Sometimes it can

:21:26. > :21:30.feel almost harder when you were running at a slower pace than you

:21:31. > :21:34.are used to racing at. I would not be surprised to see her stretch it a

:21:35. > :21:38.little bit but equally she is very comfortable having run a 53 second

:21:39. > :21:45.400 metres time, she is capable of sitting at the back and doing it all

:21:46. > the last couple of Matt -- laps. How exciting prospect is she?

:21:50. > :21:55.She has delivered already indoors, we don't know what she is going to

:21:56. > like outside but, it is imagining -- but it is exciting to consider

:22:00. > :22:02.what she can achieve. I think she has an amazing indoor campaign

:22:03. > :22:05.already so far to build on outdoors and it will be interesting to see

:22:06. > :22:11.what she does transferring to the bigger track out cause.

:22:12. > :22:17.It is great when an athlete like this comes along and sets the world

:22:18. > :22:20.alight, that is what we like to get excited about as athletics fans. You

:22:21. > :22:26.have done it yourself and she will bring a great deal to the sport if

:22:27. > :22:29.he can continue. I think she is, she is building on a tradition so many

:22:30. > :22:33.of the great Ethiopian runners have had so far.

:22:34. > :22:38.Her sisters, as well, it will be interesting to see what Tirunesh

:22:39. > :22:43.Dibaba does in the London Marathon. The first race is coming above the

:22:44. > :22:49.women's 3000m heats and Genzebe Dibaba is in that very race.

:22:50. > :22:57.Yes, to heats for the women's 3000, can I just apologise to Nigel Levine

:22:58. > :23:01.because that 400 metres ended up with him qualifying by two

:23:02. > :23:06.hundredths of a second. It was my own note-taking, that will teach me

:23:07. > :23:11.not to look at the computer. Use into the semifinal, by the skin of

:23:12. > :23:14.his teeth tonight, which is really good news. We will let you know the

:23:15. > :23:19.draw for that, but he will certainly be in one of the inside lanes. Nigel

:23:20. > :23:25.Levine is through to that 400 metres semifinal tonight. As Paula

:23:26. > :23:29.Radcliffe was saying, an intriguing 3000m heats here to see what the

:23:30. > :23:35.likes of Genzebe Dibaba will do. Shannon Rowbury is in her heat. The

:23:36. > :23:43.American, we may talk about the American trials in the second heat.

:23:44. > :23:47.There is a lot to talk about! Yes, we will talk about that in the

:23:48. > :23:51.second heat. The first four on the fourth fastest

:23:52. > :23:54.loser to go through to the final, and Dibaba should have a fairly

:23:55. > :23:59.comfortable race here. We have the full line up in a moment. There is

:24:00. > :24:04.only eight in the first and seven in the second. I was good to ask Paula

:24:05. > :24:08.Radcliffe as to whether or not it was worth having heats here. There

:24:09. > :24:11.are only 15 athletes who have entered and given it is 3000m I

:24:12. > :24:19.think they could have perhaps dispensed with this first round.

:24:20. > :24:24.Maybe you would think they heats are a good idea. The first four and four

:24:25. > :24:30.fastest losers. We saw Irene Jelagat in there, also Shannon Rowbury, Alia

:24:31. > :24:38.Saeed Mohammed of the United Arab Emirates now. Natalya Aristarkhova,

:24:39. > :24:42.who is a good cheese. Margarita Mike Nanny from Italy who has had a good

:24:43. > :24:50.indoor season and Lucy Van Dalen from New Zealand. The issue, really,

:24:51. > :24:56.if you are only eliminating three athletes from these two races, we

:24:57. > :25:01.could have a scenario, if this race is particularly slow, the second one

:25:02. > :25:05.they just have the runaround at a reasonable pace and all seven

:25:06. > :25:08.athletes in the second race could qualify very comfortably. I guess

:25:09. > :25:13.that the onus is on the athletes in this race to decide whether or not

:25:14. > :25:16.they want to run that risk. If you're not going to finish in the

:25:17. > four, just make it in a reasonable pace. This young lady

:25:23. >, three world records, the two-mile world best. It is that

:25:32. > :25:37.eight minutes 16 that was up phenomenal performance. What do you

:25:38. > to try and beat this young lady? Let's start with that, Paula, heats

:25:43. > :25:46.or not? At this stage I would have said go

:25:47. > :25:50.straight to the final, it does not make sense just to eliminate three

:25:51. > :25:54.people. It kind of gives the girls a little bit of motivation to make it

:25:55. > honest race in the final, rather than making it tactical.

:26:02. > :26:14.Shannon Rowbury, closest to the camera. Former world medallist at

:26:15. > :26:19.1500 metres back in there alone. An experienced competitor. -- back in

:26:20. > :26:22.Berlin. I think she may get through in the top four anyway, but she may

:26:23. > :26:24.fancy taking it out a little bit after we have seen two or three laps

:26:25. > off. Nobody wants to fall do anything

:26:42. > :26:45.silly here. Margarita Mike Nanny from Italy, she has done reasonably

:26:46. > :26:49.well this year and has been rewarded with an indoor personal best at this

:26:50. > :26:54.distance better than her outdoor best, which stands around nine

:26:55. > :27:06.minutes this year. Irene Jelagat on the inside and Dibaba happy to sit

:27:07. > :27:08.behind Shannon Rowbury. Already some tripping and stumbling, Natalya

:27:09. > :27:11.Aristarkhova who was stumbling there, just because they are running

:27:12. > slowly. I doubt they are expecting Dibaba to

:27:16. > :27:18.take it up from the start but certainly they are all very aware

:27:19. > :27:21.she is in their heat. They are looking around to see where she is

:27:22. > :27:26.all the time rather than concentrating on their own race.

:27:27. > :27:30.Irene Jelagat decides to do exactly that and make it a bit of a decent

:27:31. > :27:33.pace, that gives them the chance of having some fastest losers qualify

:27:34. > :27:37.from this race, which if they just jog around that will not happen. The

:27:38. > :27:41.incentive is there and the knowledge is there for the second heat of the

:27:42. > that much faster in the second qualifying.

:27:49. > :27:51.It is not super slow, I have seen in races where they have gone slower

:27:52. > :27:59.than this but not that quick -- quit. -- not that quick. I think

:28:00. > :28:03.Irene Jelagat is deciding it is wise to keep it going at a reasonable

:28:04. > :28:05.pace and if you want to pick it up in the last 800 metres or so that

:28:06. > :28:10.will happen. At least then there will be a target for the second

:28:11. > :28:14.race. Irene Jelagat should be good enough. The thing about this field,

:28:15. > :28:19.there are two or three 1500 metres specialists, if you like. Sifan

:28:20. > :28:23.Hassan at the back, we saw her finish second to Laura Muir in

:28:24. > :28:27.Birmingham at the 1500 metres, she will not mind this pace. It is

:28:28. > :28:34.interesting, at world indoors you get this real mix. We don't run

:28:35. > :28:39.3000m out of doors any more, so you get the 1500 metres trying to decide

:28:40. > :28:48.whether to run the longer event and check out their endurance is. It is

:28:49. > :28:55.a real choice for the 1500 metres athletes at this time of year.

:28:56. > :28:58.Certainly, when we used to have the 3000m as the major event in the

:28:59. > :29:02.championships outdoors, there was a lot more switching and doubling at

:29:03. > :29:06.championships between the 1500 metres and 3000.

:29:07. > :29:10.It is said only possible in the 5000 metres, but as 1500 metres

:29:11. > :29:17.specialist will find it easier to raise over 3000. A lot of the times

:29:18. > their training they will be working on endurance and want to

:29:21. > :29:25.sharpen up over the summer. It works to come out and raise over 3000m at

:29:26. > :29:28.chest how the work is going in preparation for the summer and be

:29:29. > to run a championships over that distance at the same time.

:29:36. > :29:42.The 2007 through the first thousand metres, still a fairly gentle pace.

:29:43. > :29:46.-- 3.07. I think if you go back to when you are starting your career,

:29:47. > :29:51.the indoors was just building in terms of adoption, there were not so

:29:52. > :29:55.many races you could run. There were -- there are a lot more races in the

:29:56. > :30:00.traditional endurance route, crossed country racing in the summer, which

:30:01. > :30:04.not many athletes take. Very few of them going down that path, and they

:30:05. > have this option of racing indoors. It is definitely growing.

:30:11. > :30:14.When I started, there were not that many indoor races, conditions were

:30:15. > :30:19.not great, I think you could still smoke inside the arena which did not

:30:20. > :30:23.make it great for racing. The world cross-country series leading into

:30:24. > :30:28.that was at a much higher level than it is that now, which meant the

:30:29. > :30:32.incentive was there and you saw 1500 metres runners getting out on the

:30:33. > :30:35.cross and using it as a strength and endurance option overwinter more

:30:36. > :30:38.than now, partly because indoors has picked up so much big also because

:30:39. > :30:44.the cross-country scene has dropped off a little bit. -- but also. I

:30:45. > :30:51.think there has been a step backwards in that respect in terms

:30:52. > :30:55.of encouraging people to do it. It is funny, I always felt when he

:30:56. > :30:58.introduced the short race in the world cross-country that the idea

:30:59. > :31:01.was to tempt the 1500 metres runners. All that happened was that

:31:02. > :31:08.the really good endurance athletes who thought I may not win a medal in

:31:09. > :31:15.the long race, I will pop down to the Forte. That became not an option

:31:16. > :31:23.for the track athletes. -- for the 4k.

:31:24. > :31:27.She had a pretty good year last year, she won the European team

:31:28. > :31:32.Championships and ran reasonably swiftly over the steeplechase. This

:31:33. > :31:40.indoor 3000 brings everyone together, cross-country, we are

:31:41. > :31:53.going to see the what ILO in the next race. -- Hiwot Ayalew.

:31:54. > :31:58.It is Ally aside Mohammed leading, Margarita Mike Nanny. She was the

:31:59. > :32:01.leader and he is moving up on the outside again. Although Alia Saeed

:32:02. > :32:04.Mohammed moved up to the front, if anything they are slowing down a

:32:05. > :32:09.little, because you can tell they are starting to bunch up. --

:32:10. > :32:13.Margarita Mike Nanny. Maybe some getting nervous. Yes, they are

:32:14. > :32:17.starting to get a little jumpy, they may feel they have a fast finish.

:32:18. > :32:21.But at this level they will not be that sure of some of the others

:32:22. > :32:25.around them and how fast they are going to finish. They may start to

:32:26. > :32:28.get a bit nervous and when you see Dibaba come through that may start

:32:29. > calm some of them down a little bit, that she is taking control.

:32:33. > :32:36.Really they want to be taking control of the brace themselves.

:32:37. > :32:40.Sifan Hassan has not moved from the back, sometimes a little bit too

:32:41. > :32:44.much of a gap has opened up there, but she seems confident she is going

:32:45. > leave it all until the very last moment. Shannon Rowbury is starting

:32:47. > move around a little bit there on the outside. She is getting herself

:32:53. > :32:56.into position. We will talk about the American trials later but that

:32:57. > :32:58.was a very slow pace early on and she finished quick enough to make

:32:59. > :33:03.the team in the closing stages but they be not as far as that she would

:33:04. > :33:07.have liked. She was making sure, now she is slipping right back.

:33:08. > :33:15.A little bit of panic creeping in there. Shannon Rowbury was getting

:33:16. > :33:18.the bows out, suddenly Sifan Hassan has sprinted from the back to the

:33:19. > :33:21.front. I always save your going to make a move, decide when you are

:33:22. > :33:27.going to do it. Yes, you have to react when people do things, but no

:33:28. > has put their foot down yet, we're into the closing stages now,

:33:32. > :33:44.but they are all still in there. All have a chance, top four qualify,

:33:45. > :33:50.four fastest loser spots available. Shannon Rowbury. Hassan has got some

:33:51. > to do and she picks up down the back straight. There was daylight

:33:55. > :34:00.starting to open up between the front five moving away and the two

:34:01. > :34:03.dropping off at the back and Hassan was stuck behind that, but she has

:34:04. > :34:07.woken up and got herself in a position now as they come around

:34:08. > :34:17.with two laps to go to strike over the final 400 meters. The two

:34:18. > :34:23.fastest it losers could come from this group as well. Well, Dibaba is

:34:24. > :34:30.just stretching her legs a little bit down the back straight with 200

:34:31. > :34:38.meters to go. Shannon Rowbury is just starting to panic a little bit,

:34:39. > :34:46.but she has got good pace. Dibaba is looking up at the screen. The

:34:47. > :34:55.Russian is miles back. Dibaba, Hassan, Margherita Magnani and only

:34:56. > :35:03.four will qualify and Dibaba is looking comfortable. But who will

:35:04. > :35:13.join her without having to want to worry about a fastest losers spot?

:35:14. > :35:19.Dibaba, Hassan and Magnani and it will be the Kenyan who will lose out

:35:20. > 8.57 the winning time. The others just a second or two behind.

:35:23. > :35:33.The second heat will know what they have to do and Irene Jelagat will

:35:34. > :35:40.probably be happy to be fifth. I have been rotten at my maths this

:35:41. > :35:43.morning with that 400 meters, but Irene Jelagat will be through. She

:35:44. > certainly in there. It shows why she was right to move to the front

:35:48. > :35:50.and to keep pushing on the pace a little bit. I thought she would be

:35:51. > :35:56.more comfortable than that and closing faster over the last couple

:35:57. > :36:04.of laps. Shannon Rowbury started to panic a little bit, but really she

:36:05. > :36:08.had it all covered. Shannon is smart and she would have worked out that

:36:09. > :36:13.the first five were going to go through on times. It would have been

:36:14. > :36:19.more relaxed once she moved Alia Saeed Mohammed down the back

:36:20. > :36:23.straight. Dibaba looked to be controlling that and she could have

:36:24. > :36:29.come back and run 1500 meters tonight and doubled up if that's

:36:30. > :36:38.what she really wanted to do. The final kilometre 2.47 and the

:36:39. > :37:05.last 1500, but she wasn't pushed at all. When you have run 3.55, 4.18 is

:37:06. > :37:30.a bit of a dawdle. Liz ma McCall scarks gan competed her. One lap to

:37:31. > :37:35.go and Mc Colgan puts on the pressure. And has McColgan got

:37:36. > :37:40.anything left? I don't think she has. She has judged it well.

:37:41. > :37:49.McColgan took her chances and went away. McColgan wins the silver. The

:37:50. > record has gone. A tremendous world record there and a tremendous

:38:03. > :38:07.performance from Liz McColgan. Eilish McColgan has not been feeling

:38:08. > :38:13.well. She picked up a little bit of an illness and wasn't able to do the

:38:14. > training coming in here. It is all about building into the

:38:17. > :38:21.Commonwealths in the summer and the Europeans and making sure she stays

:38:22. > :38:26.healthy and capitalises on the good work she has done this year. It is a

:38:27. > :38:30.big year for Scottish athletes. They don't want to miss out? That's

:38:31. > :38:38.right. We don't have a representative here. The selectors

:38:39. > :38:41.could have gone ahead and picked Steph and Kate to back them up and

:38:42. > :38:49.maybe they could have had the opportunity to come here and we have

:38:50. > :38:54.seen fou how few girls there are here today. Kate's story is a hard

:38:55. > :38:59.luck story and the confusion. Should she have been here, do you think?

:39:00. > :39:08.The problem is the clause in the selection policy which says they

:39:09. > :39:15.have to submit in writing why they didn't compete in the trials. The

:39:16. > :39:21.message it sends, yous want to reward for someone making a break in

:39:22. > :39:27.New York. As for the first heat of the women's 3,000 meters, we saw

:39:28. > :39:31.Dibaba. She is so impressive and so effortless? All of the Dibaba

:39:32. > :39:39.sisters look effortless when they run and she does. When you come in

:39:40. > :39:42.with an 18.16 and a 3.55, you will be effortless at that pace. It is

:39:43. > :39:45.just the way she controls the field and everybody is looking to see what

:39:46. > :39:55.she is doing and she can run it anyway she wants. What about the

:39:56. > :40:01.finals? Having said already that 18.16 had she run an 18. 20 she

:40:02. > :40:07.could have come here and improved on that, but an 18.16 is phenomenal and

:40:08. > go and run faster on that is a hard ask to put on her. I think she

:40:12. > looking for the win. It will be interesting to see how close to the

:40:17. > :40:22.18.16 she will go. I don't think she will go faster. The defending

:40:23. > :40:26.champion, Hellen Onsando Obiri runs for Kenya. She had the rest of the

:40:27. > :40:29.field chasing the minor medals? Probably, in all honesty. She has

:40:30. > :40:33.come out this week and said she is aiming to defend her title and she

:40:34. > in great shape. I think she has to come in with that mindset, but

:40:39. > :40:44.the form Hellen Onsando Obiri she has shown so far, they are running

:40:45. > :40:48.for second. You touched on there about no British competitors here.

:40:49. > :40:52.What's your take bringing youngsters to this kind of environment and give

:40:53. > :40:55.them the experience on a smaller global stage if you like, if that's

:40:56. > :41:00.possible? Well, I think that any championship is a learning

:41:01. > :41:04.experience and there should be a natural progression. When they

:41:05. > :41:08.qualify, we should send them. Poland is not a long way. You are not

:41:09. > :41:12.sending them to the other side of the world. They are coming to

:41:13. > :41:14.Poland. They are coming to a nice championships where they can go

:41:15. > :41:19.through different procedures. Just being in the championship

:41:20. > :41:24.environment and learning from that. Learn from heats and situations and

:41:25. > to react. How to react under pressure and lots of things and that

:41:30. > :41:33.opportunity should be given to the young athletes. Paula, thank you

:41:34. > :41:36.very much for your insight. We saw the insight there of the first heat.

:41:37. > :41:38.And now we look forward to the second with Steve cram.

:41:39. > :41:49.-- Steve Cram. Before we pick up on the first heat,

:41:50. > :41:54.the result of it. Some news on Richard Buck. We heard from him

:41:55. > :41:58.saying how disappointed he was with his run. He was actually

:41:59. > :42:04.disqualified. We think for lane violation. Richard Buck was

:42:05. > :42:09.disqualified in the men's 400. Nigel Levine is through to the semifinals

:42:10. > :42:13.tonight. The second race of this first round of the women's 3,000

:42:14. > :42:22.meters. Pretty much, if they want to, all seven could go through here,

:42:23. > :42:28.although a couple might have to run fairly close. Just going through

:42:29. > :42:35.some of the names, Hellen Onsando Obiri, the world defending champion,

:42:36. > :42:39.and Maryam Yusuf Jamal a former medal in 2008 and 2006. Never won

:42:40. > :42:45.this title though indoors and Renata Plis will be giving the home crowd

:42:46. > :42:51.something to cheer about. Well-known on the world stage at 1500 meters.

:42:52. > :42:56.Never really produced any sort of performances to get among medals at

:42:57. > :43:04.major championships, but she is a good runner and run a personal best

:43:05. > :43:10.for this distance indoors this year. It has been a manic morning.

:43:11. > :43:18.Including here in the commentary box! Irene Jelagat, I can tell you,

:43:19. > :43:30.obviously. So five athletes all through. I keep wanting to call it

:43:31. > :43:34.the semifinal, I mean the first heat. We will have 12 in the final.

:43:35. > :43:38.It is just a case of if they know they have got to run about nine

:43:39. > :43:45.minutes and they are capable of that. The slowest athlete is

:43:46. > :43:49.actually the leader, that's Svitlana Shmidt. Again, she is somebody if

:43:50. > :43:53.she wants to, can take this out and just to mention actually she is

:43:54. > :43:57.running for Ukraine. We haven't really mentioned it so far with all

:43:58. > :44:02.the things that are going on, there was some doubt as to whether the

:44:03. > :44:06.Ukrainian athletes would be here to compete, but there was a statement

:44:07. > :44:10.given out from their team management talking about how they are delighted

:44:11. > :44:17.that their athletes are here and they have got people from all over

:44:18. > :44:24.Ukraine and Russia and Ukrainian speaking athletes and hoping they

:44:25. > :44:33.will compete well their country and we all say hear, hear to that. So

:44:34. > :44:38.Paula, let's do the American trials. Towards the back next to Jamal is

:44:39. > :44:41.Gabrielle Grunewald. A very good athlete. Won the American

:44:42. > :44:53.championships and then was disqualified for a little bit of an

:44:54. > :45:00.altercation with another athlete. I think the first disqualification was

:45:01. > :45:07.overturned - you are shaking your head. Sorry, I am not on air. Two

:45:08. > :45:11.appeals were overturned to begin with and then she went and said am I

:45:12. > :45:17.good, am I still US champion? Yes, you are. You can leave. Just as she

:45:18. > :45:24.was leaving, she was told another appeal had gone in and she was

:45:25. > :45:28.disqualified. I think that stood overnight and then on the Monday or

:45:29. > :45:32.the Tuesday of that week it was overturned again and she was back in

:45:33. > :45:43.because Jordan turned around and withdrew the initial appeal. It was

:45:44. > :45:48.Jordan who had been impeded. Gabrielle ran into the back of her

:45:49. > :45:53.and she did stumble. But it did look as if she was running into Shannon

:45:54. > :46:02.Rowbury. It looked like two stumbles, but there was only contact

:46:03. > :46:07.made once. Once Jordan made that, Gabrielle was on the team. There was

:46:08. > :46:14.accusations flying around by Jordan's coach and they were denying

:46:15. > :46:17.that they had got involved in the appeal process, it was the two

:46:18. > :46:23.following days. It was the response of the American athletics fraternity

:46:24. > :46:28.both particularly through social media and other means that created

:46:29. > :46:32.this kind of ground swell of opinion which USA track and field had to

:46:33. > :46:37.respond to which is the odd thing. Either an appeal stands because a

:46:38. > :46:40.jury has sat and made a decision to overturn your decision and I think

:46:41. > was the right decision, she should be here, and it is right, she

:46:46. > :46:51.won the race very, very comfortably. It is a shame for Jordan that she

:46:52. > :46:55.had to give up her place in order to allow that process to happen. She

:46:56. > :47:00.gave the USA track and field an easy way out. No, they don't cover

:47:01. > :47:04.themselves in glory, the federation? No, there wasn't new evidence

:47:05. > :47:17.submitted when she was disqualified for the third time. But I think what

:47:18. > :47:27.was overlooked in the saga is that she ran a very past last lap there

:47:28. > :47:35.that would put her on a par of Dibaba. It was an impressive speed,

:47:36. > :47:39.and Jordan knew she was beaten by a better runner and a runner who was

:47:40. > to close better and maybe had more potential to come and perform

:47:44. > and the it actual clash did not really affect the result of the

:47:53. > :47:55.race. Well, she is here and in a comfortable position, just moving

:47:56. > :47:58.out. She did not qualify for the World

:47:59. > :48:01.Championships last year but ran personal bests all over the place.

:48:02. > :48:06.She ran pretty well at the Anniversary Games awareness

:48:07. > :48:14.distance. That was Maryam Yusuf Jamal that time coming across

:48:15. > :48:21.Gabrielle Grunewald. This is a good field, you have Obiri, the defending

:48:22. > :48:29.champion, he what I Luke good cross-country -- he what ILO --

:48:30. > :48:33.Hiwot Ayalew. She is a good cross-country exponent. Renata Plis

:48:34. > :48:36.doing her best to keep this pace going. They went through much

:48:37. > :48:44.quicker than the first race and I think that pace has carried on year.

:48:45. > :48:48.-- here. The only one who is struggling is the Ukrainian athlete,

:48:49. > :48:52.Svitlana Schmidt. They don't need to pick up the pace,

:48:53. > :48:56.they just need to keep running steadily and they should be OK. Yes,

:48:57. > :49:00.I think they have realised that. Renata Plis is very comfortable at

:49:01. > :49:05.the front of the race. She has a very long, loping, almost

:49:06. > :49:09.prancing style. She also does a pheromone of pacemaking, I think she

:49:10. > :49:13.was the pacemaker in the two miles world best in Birmingham and did a

:49:14. > :49:18.good job, people were doubting whether she could keep the pace

:49:19. > :49:22.going for as long as she could. You can just see Gabrielle Grunewald

:49:23. > :49:27.move around as Hellen Obiri moved to the front. She shows she is capable

:49:28. > :49:35.of covering these moves. At this stage they don't really need to, I

:49:36. > :49:40.think they are all safe. 6.6 through two kilometres, they

:49:41. > :49:47.have to keep it around the nine millimetres -- around this mark.

:49:48. > :49:51.Renata Plis is coming under a lot of pressure, and for my money Bill

:49:52. > :49:59.Grunwald looks pretty terrible at the moment. Whether or not all of

:50:00. > :50:05.the ceremony games over selection -- Gabrielle Grunewald looks pretty

:50:06. > :50:11.terrible at the moment and whether or not all of the shenanigans over

:50:12. > :50:18.the selection is over. There is a big gap now to the

:50:19. > :50:21.American and Polish athletes. These four racing, almost, now, even

:50:22. > :50:33.though they don't need to because they are clearly away. Plis has

:50:34. > :50:40.rallied debate, but you are right, Grunewald is running very slowly.

:50:41. > :50:44.Her personal best is only around 8.53, she will struggle to get under

:50:45. > :50:50.nine minutes if she does not keep working hard and have an honest

:50:51. > :50:55.paste from the start. -- pace. Now she studies to sniff out the final

:50:56. > :50:59.400 metres where she can unleash that kick but she has to keep in

:51:00. > little bit more up until that point, with these four who are

:51:05. > :51:07.clearly away. Obiri was comfortable and leading them now and hopefully

:51:08. > :51:11.they have looked around and realise there does not have to be a big

:51:12. > :51:15.burn-out in the last two laps. I think all six of these will go

:51:16. > :51:17.through because the top six in the previous heat were around nine

:51:18. > :51:29.minutes. The seventh placed athlete was main

:51:30. > :51:35..09, Natalya Aristarkhova. Unless one of those were to follow here,

:51:36. > :51:39.they will go through. -- 9.09. You have a feeling that there is a lot

:51:40. > :51:42.of good athletes who will be running for second place when we get around

:51:43. > the final. But they will not give it away easily. Grunewald has

:51:53. > :51:55.certainly picked up, Plis is going better, and those two should be

:51:56. > :52:02.comfortable in the qualifying position although they are 20 metres

:52:03. > :52:06.behind this four. A little bit of a sprint, a little bit of anything you

:52:07. > :52:11.can do and I can do better. Just testing each other, absolutely no

:52:12. > :52:14.need for this at all. It does not matter in the 3000m where you come

:52:15. > your seats, just get through. Anywhere, Obiri gets through in

:52:21. > :52:27.second place behind Maryam Yusuf Jamal. The American will be happy

:52:28. > :52:30.that she has made it through. If she had been watching the clock she

:52:31. > :52:35.would have known she could have taken it a little bit easier over

:52:36. > :52:38.the last 200 metres. No drama, all of the big names through as

:52:39. > :52:44.expected. Unfortunately for the Ukrainian, Svitlana Schmidt, she

:52:45. > :53:08.will not be quick enough to go through as fastest loser.

:53:09. > :53:17.Just stepping ahead of that marker, and goes clear. That is better. That

:53:18. > much, much better. 1.95, only one failure throughout

:53:35. > :53:40.the competition at 1.92. Justyna Kasprzycka now, she has already had

:53:41. > :53:50.two failures. Will she get this one at the second attempt, 1.95?

:53:51. > :54:13.Yes. Just touched it, but certainly not enough to drag it off the pegs.

:54:14. > :54:23.Yes. That was by far and away her best jumper. That was very good

:54:24. > :54:37.indeed. Just struck it right. A much better take off, not exactly

:54:38. > :54:39.great flight across the bar, but nevertheless that was excellent.

:54:40. > :54:51.1.95, second attempt. I am delighted to say, Colin, Denise

:54:52. > :54:54.and I have been joined by the one and only Eilidh Child, the British

:54:55. > captain this weekend. You must be delighted to have that honour. It

:55:00. > :55:03.was a real shock, actually, to be asked, but I am completely honoured.

:55:04. > :55:08.It is a privilege to be asked to be captain and it is such a nice squad.

:55:09. > :55:11.With the captaincy comes the speeches were made before the event,

:55:12. > did that go? The dreaded speech!

:55:17. > :55:20.It went quite well, it was light-hearted but it focused on the

:55:21. > :55:24.job we all have to do, not bid to sue much pressure on the younger

:55:25. > :55:29.ones, as well. Everyone knows what we have to do, just to keep them

:55:30. > :55:32.motivated. -- not put too much pressure. Was there an overriding

:55:33. > :55:35.theme? Yes, really just to leave it all on

:55:36. > :55:39.the track. What ever your goal is, as long as

:55:40. > can step off the track knowing you have left all on there then we

:55:44. > :55:46.should have a successful team. It is a youthful team, there are a few

:55:47. > :55:49.youngsters that, but that is a great thing for British athletics going

:55:50. > :55:53.forward. Yes, it is really encouraging and

:55:54. > :55:56.the youngsters are stepping up their game.

:55:57. > :55:59.Hopefully it will carry on into the outdoor season, as well. One of

:56:00. > :56:03.those youngsters who has already made a mark is Katarina

:56:04. > :56:06.Johnson-Thompson. Unfortunately, she did not make the

:56:07. > :56:11.pentathlon this week but she will be competing in the long jump. When I

:56:12. > :56:17.spoke to her yesterday she put the perspective on missing out on the

:56:18. > :56:20.pentathlon on what it meant to her. You are in the World Championships

:56:21. > the long jump, not the pentathlon, how do you feel about

:56:26. > :56:28.that whole process? Obviously in the trials everyone

:56:29. > :56:33.could tell I was in great shape to do the pentathlon and I had one set

:56:34. > :56:37.gather the trials, which was meant to mean a qualifying for the worlds

:56:38. > :56:40.and the pen pal font. That was three weeks ago and after the trials it

:56:41. > :56:48.was such a huge performance both days. Unfortunately I came down with

:56:49. > :56:51.the flu and I could not compete and try and qualify in the pentathlon.

:56:52. > :56:57.Luckily enough, the trials did happen to me and I will be gutted

:56:58. > :57:00.watching the girls compete in the pentathlon, because I wanted to be

:57:01. > the mix and I thought I could have done a good pentathlon. With

:57:06. > :57:09.the two jumps I know I am in the shape and in good form but it is

:57:10. > :57:12.something I have to get over. I have a new challenge now and I have to

:57:13. > :57:17.put that to the back of my mind and hopefully I can excel in the long

:57:18. > :57:23.jump again. Well, the illness got in the way of Katarina Johnson-Thompson

:57:24. > :57:26.performing nude in the pentathlon, but it is great to see are

:57:27. > :57:30.performing well at long jump and high jump and she can come --

:57:31. > :57:33.compete individually. It is a consolation but as you

:57:34. > :57:37.heard, she is gutted. If you look at the line-up this

:57:38. > :57:42.year, she would have been right in there, fighting for those medals.

:57:43. > :57:48.Yes, she will go and long jump and do her best, with 6.75 she could

:57:49. > :57:55.really challenge if she is ready for it, but I think she will watch this

:57:56. > :57:59.competition and it will be hard, she will probably scream at every point,

:58:00. > :58:04.I could have done that! But she has to predict to the back of her mind.

:58:05. > :58:09.Colin, how much has she impressed you with her performances? I was

:58:10. > :58:12.very impressed, certainly with the high jump.

:58:13. > :58:17.A British record for a heptathlete was outstanding. We know what

:58:18. > :58:20.Jessica Ennis-Hill is done in the path at -- in the past and how she

:58:21. > :58:27.progressed so nicely, but what is interesting, what is the spirit like

:58:28. > in the team next to her? Is she thinking, I am going to do it in the

:58:33. > :58:35.long jump? She is a little bit, I sat and spoke with this morning and

:58:36. > :58:41.she was axed skiing when heptathlon will start.

:58:42. > :58:44.-- I spoke with this morning and she was asking when the heptathlon will

:58:45. > :58:49.start, but she said she did not want to watch it, there is that

:58:50. > :58:51.frustration there. Thank you, guys, time for more action, let's join the

:58:52. > :59:13.commentary team. Yana Maksimava in good shape at the

:59:14. > :59:22.moment. Breanne Tyson eaten -- Brianne

:59:23. > :59:26.Theisen Eaton, when I saw her in 2013 at the World Championships, her

:59:27. > :59:53.husband won gold. He is the decathlon world record holder.

:59:54. > :59:59.Alina Fyodorova. A very strong Ukrainian.

:00:00. > :00:08.Nadine Broersen, 10th at the World Championships last time. Three times

:00:09. > :00:16.the Dutch high jump champion. So, the main threat, I think, is

:00:17. > :00:23.going to come from Sharon Day-Monroe.

:00:24. > :01:06.The eight best multi-eventers in the world going for break here.

:01:07. > :01:21.They are getting away well. Ganna Melnichenko is going well. A

:01:22. > :01:34.photograph for third. That was a brilliant run. Certainly has found

:01:35. > :01:44.some speed. And that could be a new lifetime best. What's this? She is

:01:45. > :01:53.about a meter behind at the first hurdle, but then came through

:01:54. > :02:02.towards the end. Ganna Melnichenko is just about in the lead, but

:02:03. > :02:06.coming through there, was Brianne Theisen Eaton. It is a shame we

:02:07. > :02:19.haven't got Ganna Melnichenko to her right-hand side. Brianne Theisen

:02:20. > :02:29.Eaton storming away from Karolina Tyminska. That was brilliant.

:02:30. > :02:36.Well, 8.13 is a new lifetime best and that puts her in very good

:02:37. > :02:44.shape, indeed. The event we have after is the men's

:02:45. > :03:33.1500 meters. That's good. The expected distance

:03:34. > for the triple jump is 14 meters 30 which is a very modest

:03:38. > :03:45.distance. That looked less than satisfactory

:03:46. > :03:55.there. 14.31 and she has qualified with the

:03:56. > :04:12.economy of effort. Before we continue with our chat

:04:13. > :04:26.with Denise, we can wrap up the women's high jump qualifying. Emma

:04:27. > :04:31.Green made it through. It is good to see Blanka Vlasic through along with

:04:32. > :04:47.Emma Green. There is no Jess Ennis this year

:04:48. > :05:01.because Jess is pregnant. How good is it to have someone like Katrina?

:05:02. > :05:05.It is great to carry it on and hopefully she will build on that

:05:06. > :05:11.this year and she will be one of the favourites and hopefully she can

:05:12. > :05:28.deliver. I know our statistician is excited about the prospect of the

:05:29. > :05:39.heptathlon. We have seen not seen that combination since Mccluft?

:05:40. > :05:43.Katrina knows she has to work on her throws and when she can get to the

:05:44. > :05:47.standard of what she will expect and I think she will do, she will be

:05:48. > :05:51.dangerous. She will be formidable and difficult to beat, but she has

:05:52. > to keep going and progressing naturally which she is and she, I

:05:56. > :05:59.just really believe that this year could be the start of something

:06:00. > :06:07.really exciting for her. Ex-leapt. Cellent. The king of the

:06:08. > :06:18.decathlon outdoors and the heptathlon indoors is an American by

:06:19. > :06:22.the name of Ashton Ea. -- Ashton Ea. Ashton Ea has just about broke

:06:23. > :06:44.every record in the Ashton Eaton now brings it now. The

:06:45. > :06:54.American is streaking ahead of everyone else.

:06:55. > :06:59.Well, just how good is Ashton Eaton? We can ask a few people alongside

:07:00. > Denise, he has won every gold medal there is to win. What keeps

:07:04. > motivated when you are him and you are doing that? Well of, , this

:07:11. > :07:15.year is different. He is trying hurdles this year which will be

:07:16. > :07:19.interesting. What makes him such an incredible athlete is the way he

:07:20. > :07:24.commands the running event. His speed is electrifying. He is head

:07:25. > :07:29.and shoulders above the rest, but again, that level-headedness, that

:07:30. > :07:33.taking every year as it comes with new challenges is what makes him

:07:34. > :07:38.great and you know, we could see him challenge the world record here. His

:07:39. > :07:45.own world record. We are about to see him in action, Ashton Eaton He

:07:46. > a complete talent. He has taken the bull by the horns. I'm excited

:07:52. > see him today. I'm even more excited to see him come out and try

:07:57. > :08:00.the hurdles. Let's get the commentary from Paul.

:08:01. > :08:28.We have seen the line-up. Ashton Eaton is by and far and away to the

:08:29. > :08:37.left-hand side. Oleksiy Kasyanov has never really hit the big time.

:08:38. > :08:43.Andrei Krauchanka former unionior champion -- junior champion and

:08:44. > :08:52.believe it or not, he is a very good shot putter. Damian Warner from

:08:53. > :09:17.Canada. In 2013 he got away to a cracking start in this 1600 hurdles.

:09:18. > :09:30.1600 on the flat. Pascal Behrenbruch. Kai Kazmirek European

:09:31. > :09:40.under 23 champion. The latest in a long line of German athletes.

:09:41. > :09:58.Certainly the best in Germany. Thomas van der Plaetsen World

:09:59. > :10:03.Student Games Champion in 2013. 2013 European Indoor champion, twice

:10:04. > :10:14.fifth at the championships. This is really a top class field. And top

:10:15. > :10:22.only by the very best, Ashton Eaton. He is the world record holder. He

:10:23. > :10:31.holds every record that there is to hold. He has broken the decathlon

:10:32. > :10:37.record. He has broken the heptathlon record as well.

:10:38. > :10:50.So this will give you a very good idea. -- so this will give us a very

:10:51. > :10:57.good idea as to how well Ashton Eaton is doing. We will get a very

:10:58. > :11:06.good idea what sort of shape he is in from this.

:11:07. > :11:43.Ashton Eaton gets away brilliantly along with Damian Warner. On the far

:11:44. > :11:51.side he is flying. Damian Warner got off to a cracking start. Ashton

:11:52. > :12:04.Eaton stayed with him all the way and extended his lead. Ashton Eaton

:12:05. > :12:16.6.66. That's actually down as a new lifetime best. I think that equals

:12:17. > :12:22.his lifetime best. So the computer can't distinguish between the

:12:23. > :12:32.absolute best and those who are equalling it. Just cruising. He was

:12:33. > :12:41.hoping that it would round itself down. So there we have it. 6.66

:12:42. > :12:55.equals his lifetime best. That is confirmed. So we get some idea as to

:12:56. > soon ps Dana. That wasn't a bad effort. Just over

:13:23. > :13:50.14 meters.s that's just over 14. 20 I would think. 14. 10 in

:13:51. > :13:59.What has she got at the second time of asking?

:14:00. > :14:22.It certainly looked as if she had got a lot more distance on the jump.

:14:23. > :14:30.Rather bailed out. Not a bad take off. 14. 20. That's the third

:14:31. > :14:48.longest that we have seen so far this morning. Ashton Eaton along

:14:49. > :15:05.with Damian Warner. Ashton Eaton ended up being a long, long way

:15:06. > :15:11.ahead. Oleksiy Kasyanov is a little bit behind, but that tenth of a

:15:12. > :15:15.second means around about 50 points difference. Ashton Eaton, Damian

:15:16. > :15:42.Warner and Oleksiy Kasyanov the three main protagonists.

:15:43. > :15:48.Well, plenty of kids in the audience, pretty young once, as

:15:49. > :15:55.well. It is pretty full here at the end of the morning's session as we

:15:56. > :16:00.move into the afternoon here. I can see sitting in the middle of that

:16:01. > there, that is Barry Wells, long-time supporter of British

:16:07. > :16:08.athletes, and there are lots of British athletics supporters year,

:16:09. > :16:16.some staying in our hotel, incidentally. They are hoping for a

:16:17. > :16:23.successful weekend. We can look at the qualifiers in the triple jump.

:16:24. > :16:31.Yes, they are not very good. Only two athletes managed to get the

:16:32. > :16:38.automatic qualifier of 14.20. Kimberly Williams, 14.35 and Olga

:16:39. > :16:45.Saladukha, 14.31. The rest we will have to wait and see, but I suggest

:16:46. > :16:46.they will go through as part of a top eight as the eight best jumpers

:16:47. > :16:52.on display. That is a good look. I could carry

:16:53. > :17:04.that off, I think. Well, we have had an interesting

:17:05. > :17:08.morning so far, and there is plenty more athletics to come later in the

:17:09. >, of course. Let's look at the evening timetable. Tiffany Porter is

:17:17. > action in the women's 60 metres hurdles. We have Dwain Chambers

:17:23. > :17:28.going in the men's 60 metres and Richard Kilty for Britain. That is a

:17:29. > :17:42.wide-open event with the likes of Jimmy Vicaut and James Dasaolu not

:17:43. > :17:49.running. Margaret is going for Britain later on and the first gold

:17:50. > decided in the men's shot put. Colin, 60 metres men's race first of

:17:55. > :17:58.all, it has suddenly become wide-open because there is no Jimmy

:17:59. > :18:03.Vicaut and from our point of view, sadly, James Dasaolu is not here.

:18:04. > :18:07.Good news for the likes of Dwain Chambers. Yes, and Richard Kilty,

:18:08. > :18:10.who is against stepping up, hopefully he will make the most of

:18:11. > :18:15.this opportunity. It is so sad for James, that

:18:16. > :18:24.hamstring pull in Germany was soared devastating for him. As Michael was

:18:25. > devastating. If he is in great shape, Dwain Chambers, then we could

:18:29. > :18:32.see him maybe make a medal again. Yes, we saw how impressive he was in

:18:33. > :18:37.Birmingham, James performed admirably well their committee would

:18:38. > :18:39.have been a gold-medal contender, Colin.

:18:40. > :18:43.I think you have summarised that well, Phil. He has all the

:18:44. > :18:48.capability to take this title. You will be sitting at home devastated

:18:49. > :18:51.when he sees someone else walk off with the title. When athletes are in

:18:52. > :18:57.that beautiful purple patch you want to try and clean up as many

:18:58. > :19:00.championships as possible. James, his dominating heat in Birmingham,

:19:01. > was a sensational bit of sprinting. It is the best sprinting

:19:05. > :19:07.I have seen from any of our sprinters ever come including

:19:08. > :19:12.Linford Christie, etc. It was flawless. That is quite something

:19:13. > :19:17.for you to see that, you have seen many greats through the years, not

:19:18. > :19:20.saying you are old or anything! As for someone like Richard Kilty

:19:21. > :19:24.getting an opportunity because James has unfortunately missed out, it

:19:25. > :19:30.kind of ads to that growing group we have, really, behind the experienced

:19:31. > :19:36.Dwain Chambers, we have some great genius, as well. Finally we have a

:19:37. > :19:39.good mix of young sprinters. Yes, it is all about raising confidence and

:19:40. > :19:43.making sure that when you get to these championships you do not waste

:19:44. > :19:46.that opportunity. Richard has had a good indoor season

:19:47. > he does deserve to be here and hopefully there will continue.

:19:53. > :19:56.-- he will continue. We can look forward to that as well as Tiffany

:19:57. > :19:59.Porter going in the women's 60 metres hurdles, of course. We are a

:20:00. > :20:03.couple of weeks away from sport relief, so how are you going to get

:20:04. > :20:09.involved? You have seen our ear dynamic

:20:10. > :20:14.helmets, here are the shorts. Victoria loves them. -- a row

:20:15. > :20:19.dynamic. Sport relief swimming? I know I am going to win. This

:20:20. > will make you as fast as a frog... Fish... Type... Thing.

:20:27. > :20:30.Win or lose, my friend, you have to train hard, that means going uphill.

:20:31. > :20:41.It is not about training. You are supposed to do it for fun.

:20:42. > :20:42.Running! Whether you rent -- swim, run or cycle, sport relief is all

:20:43. > :21:02.about you. It is a big weekend of RBS Six

:21:03. > :21:07.Nations, tomorrow you can see Ireland against Italy from 2pm

:21:08. > :21:11.followed by Scotland against France from 4:40pm. Then the prospect of

:21:12. > :21:17.England against Wales at Twickenham, coverage from 2:30pm.

:21:18. > :21:22.Paula has moved back into the commentary box, conveniently it is

:21:23. > :21:27.close by, Colin and Denise have gone for a break. We can talk 1500 metres

:21:28. > :21:31.for men and a lot of people will be watching and see Lee Emanuel view

:21:32. > :21:35.and not know much about him. They may have seen Chris O'Hare perform

:21:36. > :21:39.well in Moscow. Can you shed some light on the kind of talent Lee

:21:40. > :21:43.Emanuel is? Lee Emanuel is a fantastic indoor

:21:44. > :21:46.talent. He is based in Albuquerque still, but he studied at the

:21:47. > :21:53.University there and was coached over there. He won two indoor titles

:21:54. > the collegiate system there, so he is used to racing indoors and

:21:57. > :22:03.that different style. He raced very well in Germany on a personal best,

:22:04. > :22:07.using very good shape this year. He really deserves his place there. It

:22:08. > great to see Chris, as well, we have that depth in the 1500, which

:22:13. > really good. It is nice that we have that many vying to come here

:22:19. > :22:21.and they are pushing each other on. That is very healthy, Chris has set

:22:22. > :22:23.the benchmark with what he did last year.

:22:24. > :22:28.He was new to that seen in Moscow but took to it so well, made it to

:22:29. > :22:33.the final, and his full attitude throughout the championships was so

:22:34. > :22:37.impressive. His attitude in general is very

:22:38. > :22:42.much, pygmy in that situation and see what I can do. He thrives on

:22:43. > :22:46.that situation, the pressure, trying to progress as far as you can

:22:47. > :22:50.through the rounds. It will be that situation again today and let's hope

:22:51. > :22:54.both of them can do it. It will be tough. It will be great to see.

:22:55. > :23:01.Let's sandbag to Steve Cram for the 1500.

:23:02. > :23:05.-- let's hand back. Before we go through the athletes Lee Emanuel is

:23:06. > :23:11.up against, little bit of news, the world number one, who we were

:23:12. > :23:18.expecting to see in this race, is not competing. We are not sure why

:23:19. > :23:22.yet. We will find out more about that for you over the weekend.

:23:23. > :23:26.Anyway, he is not here, so it is an open race anyway. Lots of great

:23:27. > :23:34.athletes with a chance of winning this 1500 metres. T3 heats this

:23:35. > :23:37.morning will go through the first two and the fastest losers will go

:23:38. > :23:43.through to the final. The nine men will contest the final. I think Lee

:23:44. > :23:46.Emanuel, although they are all tough, may have been quite pleased

:23:47. > see this particular draw because the third one in particular is very

:23:51. > :23:56.difficult. Lopez Lomong, who if it is slow is very dangerous. Mekonnen

:23:57. > :24:01.Gebremedhin, bronze-medallist last time at the world indoors. Jakub

:24:02. > :24:04.Holusa of the Czech Republic. Homiyu Tesfaye of Germany is having a good

:24:05. > :24:09.season and Omar Mohamed Abdi is having a good time at the World

:24:10. > :24:16.Championships. Lee Emanuel with all of his indoor experience as a good

:24:17. > :24:22.chance here. He had a big win in the New York mail this year, as well. He

:24:23. > :24:29.won the UK Championships. -- New York mile. Chris O'Hare randomly

:24:30. > :24:36.Emanuel, the two men who have made it to come and compete here. --

:24:37. > :24:42.Chris O'Hare and Lee Emanuel. The reason I say this is very open, I

:24:43. > :24:45.don't think anyone has been dominant. Mekonnen Gebremedhin has

:24:46. > :24:48.experience and was a bronze-medallist last time, sixth in

:24:49. > :24:54.the Olympic Games, as well. He was only fifth in the meeting in

:24:55. > :24:58.Birmingham. This is Homiyu Tesfaye, who is having a good season, a new

:24:59. > :25:02.personal best indoors of 3.37.35 this year. He was second in that

:25:03. > :25:13.race I just mentioned. And I think Lopez Lomong, the

:25:14. > :25:17.American, who again has not been running great but when he needed to

:25:18. > at the trials and it was a slow race, 3.43, he just out kicked Will

:25:24. > :25:28.Lear, who will be in the final, the other American.

:25:29. > :25:33.Lee Emanuel, keeping his wits about him here, he will give himself a

:25:34. > :25:42.chance in the latter stages. As you said, Paula, that experience winner

:25:43. > New York earlier on this year. His tactical brain indoors is

:25:46. > :25:50.everything that is required here and let's hope he can put it to good

:25:51. > :25:54.use. It is different running indoors, I think I only ran one race

:25:55. > :25:58.indoors. The banked track makes it different,

:25:59. > is only half as far around each lap. The style of racing is much

:26:04. > :26:09.more physical, more contact, and you saw even on the startlingly Romanian

:26:10. > :26:15.guy giving Lopez Lomong tap, his elbows were too close. He has

:26:16. > :26:21.asserted himself and gone to the front in trying to control this, but

:26:22. > :26:25.Lee Emanuel's raced a lot in that situation and you do learn, you pick

:26:26. > up and rely on those instincts and reactions to get you through.

:26:31. > :26:34.Particularly, getting through is the key here. It is not about quickest

:26:35. > :26:38.times it is about what can you do, how can you position yourself? He is

:26:39. > :26:48.doing brilliantly so far. Just on the shoulders of Ioan Zaizan. You

:26:49. > :26:54.have the lights of Mekonnen Gebremedhin, Jakub Holusa, they are

:26:55. > :26:55.rolling doors. -- you have the likes. They are all really good

:26:56. > :27:04.indoors. You can see he is not sure whether

:27:05. > go past him, just making his mind up, I need to be aware here. Omar

:27:10. > :27:13.Mohamed Abdi comes round the outside. Lee Emanuel keep himself

:27:14. > :27:18.out of trouble, he does not want to read, not yet. When he goes to the

:27:19. > :27:24.front hopefully it will be decisive. -- he does not want to lead.

:27:25. > :27:27.Just making sure he is in a perfect position to cover. Another person in

:27:28. > :27:31.good position is Jakub Holusa who got a silver medal I think the last

:27:32. > :27:36.time. Probably on paper he would not have been expected to do that but he

:27:37. > :27:41.just was equipped and able to race indoors and grab it that day. He is

:27:42. > :27:45.poised to cover any break but for me Lee Emanuel is in a better position

:27:46. > :27:50.there and able to position -- cover anyone's move at this point. Three

:27:51. > :27:55.laps to go, this is when you have to be aware and you cannot let people

:27:56. > :28:02.come round the outside. Take a bullet getting a little nudge

:28:03. > :28:06.from Ioan Zaizan of Romania. Clickable looser coming around the

:28:07. > :28:11.outside. Lee Emanuel will have to be aware, it is OK to move to the front

:28:12. > :28:15.with just over 400 metres to go. He just needs to not put too much

:28:16. > :28:18.pressure on here because he will get them coming around and attacking on

:28:19. > :28:24.the outside, he has to hold a little bit back here, there are still 400

:28:25. > :28:29.metres worth of running to go. Homiyu Tesfaye got himself in a good

:28:30. > :28:33.position, Mekonnen Gebremedhin is not, he has spent a lot of the race

:28:34. > boxed in and is struggling to come back on terms with the leaders.

:28:38. > :28:39.Lee Emanuel pushed off there, he felt the pressure on the upside, he

:28:40. > :28:46.picked it up. He was pushed to the inside, he just

:28:47. > :28:49.has not got to panic as Jakub Holusa pushes harder. Lee Emanuel trying to

:28:50. > :28:54.look for some room, he still has something to give here. Homiyu

:28:55. > :28:58.Tesfaye attacking down the back straight, take a bullet trying to

:28:59. > :29:04.hold them. Don't forget, fastest loser spots available, but he will

:29:05. > out run here. Homiyu Tesfaye of Germany, a great burst of speed by

:29:10. > :29:18.him. 30 metres to go, Homiyu Tesfaye will hang on, Lopez Lomong and then

:29:19. > :29:22.Lee Emanuel as Jakub Holusa crisis to the ground. As ever, you're going

:29:23. > get some pushing and shoving and Lee Emanuel got a right... Well, a

:29:28. > :29:31.big elbow from Jakub Holusa and he has gone through in a qualifying

:29:32. > :29:35.position. I will be very surprised if the British team do not have a

:29:36. > :29:38.look at that and see whether Lee Emanuel was impeded by a man who

:29:39. > :29:50.took a qualifying position. I think he was but the question is, what

:29:51. > :29:55.view will they take of it? As far as it is was they may have decided it

:29:56. > :29:58.was not going to effect the result. The problem was it was already a

:29:59. > :30:01.slow race and it was going to be a burn up in the last couple of laps

:30:02. > :30:05.but that shove made the whole race very messy.

:30:06. > :30:08.Homiyu Tesfaye was able to capitalise on that and put in an

:30:09. > :30:13.outstanding burst down the back straight. It's definitely through

:30:14. > :30:17.Lee Emanuel off-balance, whether he turned his ankle a little bit as

:30:18. > :30:20.well. He recovered very well and got himself back in position to

:30:21. > :30:25.challenge but did not have the legs to go with it and to be able to grab

:30:26. > :30:29.that certain second qualifying space and be in there with a shout if the

:30:30. > :30:38.other heat square to slower and that time is able to qualify.

:30:39. > :30:46.He threw himself across the ground, I think he is OK, he got up and

:30:47. > :30:51.walked off. I think the idea is, if the British team to protest this,

:30:52. > :30:55.firstly Jacob loser is in a qualifying position and often you

:30:56. > :30:59.would say he should be disqualified. If you disqualify him, you cannot

:31:00. > :31:02.move Lee Emanuel in because he finished fifth. I think Jacob loser

:31:03. > :31:09.could be under threat here, certainly even without protest they

:31:10. > :31:13.could look at it. -- I think Jakub Holusa. He did not need to push Lee

:31:14. > :31:18.Emanuel. Did he get an advantage from that? We will have to find out.

:31:19. > :31:21.Let's speak to the man who was in amongst it all, Lee Emanuel is with

:31:22. > :31:24.Phil. Well, you were bumped off the track,

:31:25. > :31:25.Phil. Well, you were bumped off the tell

:31:26. > about that incident. It was hard, I was in good position

:31:30. > lane one coming into the bend, where I wanted to be, and the

:31:35. > :31:37.Austrian guy pushed beyond the track. Hopefully he is disqualified

:31:38. > :31:41.but I did not have it today. Obviously that affected me but I am

:31:42. > :31:45.disappointed with the way I closed. I have been closing really well over

:31:46. > Michael all year and it did not happen today. I was still in the

:31:49. > :31:54.race with 200 metres to go and then they just went away from me. I am

:31:55. > :31:59.disappointed with my performance today. How has this day be known to

:32:00. > :32:03.the build-up to it? It has been big, I wanted to, make

:32:04. > :32:07.the final. Obviously I am happy I made the team

:32:08. > :32:11.but I am here and I am in good shape and I wanted to make the final and I

:32:12. > :32:14.believed I could. Obviously I am very proud to wear the Great Britain

:32:15. > :32:18.vest but I wanted to perform a little bit better and I am a bit

:32:19. > :32:24.disappointed, to be honest. Thank you for talking to us. The athletes

:32:25. > :32:28.are out for the second heat. We don't have a result yet for the

:32:29. > :32:38.first heat. They are still looking at that. We will crack on with the

:32:39. > :32:46.second heat. Wesam Almassri and Chris O'Hare, Nathan Brannen, Mitja

:32:47. > :32:51.Krevs, Silas Kiplagat, Ayanleh Souleiman, Andrei Krauchanka and

:32:52. > :32:55.Nicholas Willis. I'm just watching on the computer. I

:32:56. > :33:00.will keep you informed as to whether we get a confirmed result from the

:33:01. > :33:13.first heat because it could affect everybody, of course, but at the

:33:14. > :33:23.moment Holusa is in the final. Paula tells me that has been confirmed.

:33:24. > :33:28.Another man who on his day could win this, but he could give you some

:33:29. > :33:37.average performances. He is only sixth in the race in Birmingham and

:33:38. > stoke home he was in -- Stockholm he was in eighth place. Nicholas

:33:46. > :33:50.Willis tends to be more consistent. He has been racing outdoors in New

:33:51. > :33:54.Zealand and a couple of races in Boston and New York. The 30

:33:55. > :33:59.he-year-old will use his guile and experience here. Just whether he has

:34:00. > the pace, but Chris O'Hare we saw what he is capable of outdoors

:34:04. > :34:09.last year. What a year he had in 2013. Chris from the city of

:34:10. > :34:11.Edinburgh Club from the border area with a chance here. Can he make it

:34:12. > :34:23.another world final? So top two guaranteed and three

:34:24. > :34:33.fastest losers, the first heat was won in 3.47. So at the minute you

:34:34. > :34:47.would have to go.47 or.48 to get into a fastest loser spot. Ayanleh

:34:48. > :34:53.Souleiman is from the same training camp that I said was top of the

:34:54. > rankings, but who is not competing. These guys are setting

:35:02. > quicker. Chris O'Hare just down the inside. He will be happy that it

:35:08. > a reasonable pace. He will be happy. That's the advantage of going

:35:11. > the second and third heat is that you have the information, but it was

:35:14. > :35:17.late coming through, the result. I'm not sure these guys knew it as they

:35:18. > :35:22.went to the track, but they only needed to look at the stop clock to

:35:23. > :35:26.have a rough idea of the pace they need to keep moving at to give

:35:27. > :35:33.themselves a better chance of having one of the fastest loser spots or at

:35:34. > :35:36.least have one of them come from here. We have the experienced

:35:37. > :35:40.Canadian who is having a good year and then on the inside, Chris

:35:41. > :35:51.O'Hare. Nicholas Willis is happy to sit at the back of that group. Good

:35:52. > :35:56.pace still being set. Roughfully 30 seconds for each of these 200 meter

:35:57. > :36:00.laps and that will please most of the men here I'm sure. This is the

:36:01. > :36:07.sort of pace they will be comfortable at and Chris O'Hare just

:36:08. > :36:13.nicely tuck down the inside, but to get in the top two, you have got to

:36:14. > very, very close and you don't want too many people to run through.

:36:20. > :36:25.Just a few gaps starting to open up and they closed those up. Chris has

:36:26. > himself in a good position. He was tracking Silas Kiplagat. It will

:36:34. > interesting to see how sharp he is and how ready for these

:36:38. > :36:40.championshipsks but lis is -- championships, but Chris is in the

:36:41. > :36:45.right place, and poised and ready to make that move, but doesn't want to

:36:46. > that just yet. I like the way Chris O'Hare runs. He knows where to

:36:53. > at the right time. He just let's Silas Kiplagat move out. Nathan

:36:59. > :37:08.Brannen moving through. Two laps to go. 400 meters. Silas Kiplagat,

:37:09. > :37:11.Nicholas Willis on the inside and Chris O'Hare in fourth at the

:37:12. > :37:16.moment. Can Chris O'Hare just raise it a little bit as he comes into

:37:17. > :37:22.this last lap? He is making that move. Mayinging it from a -- making

:37:23. > from a little way out, but that's how he races best. He is giving his

:37:32. > shot of qualifying here. Nicholas Willis still threatening

:37:37. > :37:42.there, the New Zealander on the outside. Only the top two to go

:37:43. > :37:49.through. Look at Nicholas Willis. Chris O'Hare has got to keep going.

:37:50. > :37:58.Silas Kiplagat coming back as well. These three are scrapping out here.

:37:59. > :38:03.Nicholas Willis looks comfortable. Ayanleh Souleiman and Nicholas

:38:04. > :38:09.Willis pulling away. Chris has got a good chance. He will be watching the

:38:10. > :38:14.second, the third heat. We have a lot of quality in the third heat to

:38:15. > :38:19.come. They know the target time of 3.30, 3.40 for Chris O'Hare is

:38:20. > :38:24.something they can aim at. He is going to have to cross his fingers

:38:25. > :38:28.and hope. It is tough to get through these rounds. I think Chris had a

:38:29. > :38:32.good go there. He probably accelerated a little early because

:38:33. > :38:37.there is lots of good kickers. Ayanleh Souleiman is in good form

:38:38. > :38:41.and Nicholas Willis, well what do you say about Nick, at the age of

:38:42. > :38:45.30, he has still got it in his legs? For me, he was really impressive.

:38:46. > :38:49.Ayanleh Souleiman won it and controlled the race. Nicholas Willis

:38:50. > looking around. A little smile. He know he has got it and he is not

:38:54. > :38:57.going to waste energy. He doesn't need to win the race. It doesn't

:38:58. > :39:01.make any difference to where you stand on the start line in a 1500

:39:02. > :39:07.meter race. You have to come in the top two and he was cruising down the

:39:08. > :39:11.home straight with two behind him. Chris O'Hare and Silas Kiplagat had

:39:12. > keep everything piled on to hope for one of the fastest loser spots.

:39:30. > :39:37.The two of them have ruled out Lee Emmanuel getting through. We have

:39:38. > more heat to come. These middle distance runners have got some

:39:42. > :39:46.really tough qualification. We saw the 400 meters early on where they

:39:47. > :39:51.have got a semifinals to come. We will be seeing 800 heats as well.

:39:52. > :39:57.There could have been another round in the 800. For the men and the

:39:58. > :40:07.women, it is worse. For those 800 meter heats that decision is crazy.

:40:08. > :40:12.We will have more time to talk about that. They could have had more time

:40:13. > run another round. Well, Chris O'Hare will have to wait to see if

:40:18. > :40:24.he goes through as a fastest loser. Let's get his thoughts he race he

:40:25. > :40:30.has run, he is with Phil. We know you leave it all out on the

:40:31. > :40:35.track. You did that again there? That's my plan. Just give it your

:40:36. > :40:40.all. I am in no position to come to the championships and get through as

:40:41. > :40:48.easy as possible. I am a long way away from that yet. So our team

:40:49. > :40:51.captain last night was saying you only get so many opportunities at

:40:52. > :40:55.these big events. You have got to leave it all on the track and that's

:40:56. > :41:02.what I always try to do, but it is difficult so hopefully I've done

:41:03. > :41:06.enough. But we will see. Qualifying is to But with that time and one

:41:07. > :41:11.race to come, you could be OK and to make another major final straight

:41:12. > the back of mass co would be a great achievement? This is, I always

:41:17. > :41:19.say I want to be, you know, vying for medals in three or four years

:41:20. > :41:25.time, this is the first step. You have got to be able to get used to

:41:26. > :41:28.making a finals, you know, running fast times, but you have got to put

:41:29. > :41:35.the races together as well and just before the race, my dad is in the

:41:36. > :41:48.crowd and he says, "Third place was 3.48 in the first heat." Nick is a

:41:49. > :42:04.great guy. It is good to get insight from the old boys. And let them know

:42:05. > :42:09.what's going on. It makes the laps go by quicker if you are not

:42:10. > :42:15.thinking about tripping up! You have done well. We hope you make the

:42:16. > Me too. Thanks. Yes, let's hope so. This race to come. Nicholas

:42:25. > :42:30.Willis is a wily old character. Did you see Nicholas Willis anywhere

:42:31. > :42:34.near the front? No, neither did I! Is there some plan here? We have got

:42:35. > :42:42.a few good athletes here. This is one of them. We have Will Leer will

:42:43. > :42:51.the impressive facial hair and next to this man, the defending world

:42:52. > :42:59.indoor champion. Will Leer of the United States. And then David

:43:00. > :43:06.McCarthy of Ireland there and Aman Wote from Ethiopia next to this man,

:43:07. > Ilham Tanui Ozbilen from Turkey. Three of these men, were

:43:17. > :43:20.first second and fourth in this world 1500 meters indoor

:43:21. > :43:26.championship in Istanbul two years ago. So a lot of experience and you

:43:27. > :43:32.add in the fact that Birgen is the third fastest in the world, second

:43:33. > :43:34.fastest effectively here and you put in Will Leer of the United States as

:43:35. > :43:47.well. This is a big heat. They are just being asked to step

:43:48. > :43:56.back. Just to clarify, Chris O'Hare was in, at the moment he is in the

:43:57. > :44:00.second of the fastest loser spots. Will Leer is finally getting his

:44:01. > :44:04.chance to make the American team. He said he was going to give up after

:44:05. > :44:10.the trials in 2012 and then he moved back home. His dad was ill and it

:44:11. > :44:15.made him reassess, maybe I should give this another go. So here he is

:44:16. > :44:29.representing his country at the World Indoor Championships and the

:44:30. > :44:32.American is in a tough heat here. Bethwell Birgen at the front. It

:44:33. > :44:36.will be interesting to see whether they want to make this a reasonable

:44:37. > :44:40.pace because they could all go through with a descent pace. They

:44:41. > :44:47.know each other so well and they will be thinking how can I kick him?

:44:48. > :44:52.Abdalaati Iguider has got a good kick. It will be interesting to see,

:44:53. > :44:57.we have seen Ilham Tanui Ozbilen lead before. He is somebody who

:44:58. > :45:10.likes to front run. The pace, Paula, we need to keep an eye on anything

:45:11. > :45:15.around 60 amped around the 200 meters. When there is this many

:45:16. > :45:23.people, they may decide to push it on. You see them just, Ilham Tanui

:45:24. > :45:28.Ozbilen is having a little chat there. They are making sure this is

:45:29. > :45:34.a fast pace. Unfortunately, running at a pace that is going to run Chris

:45:35. > :45:38.out at this stage, but we have to see how it breaks up as we go along.

:45:39. > :45:51.Two men, I mentioned David McCarthy on the start line in the green of

:45:52. > :45:55.Ireland and Will Leer of America. 1.28. About a second quicker through

:45:56. > :46:01.600 meters than the second heat. Will they keep this up? Will they

:46:02. > :46:07.finish as strongly? The former Kenyan is running for Turkey. The

:46:08. > :46:14.defending champion, Abdalaati Iguider hovering in fourth place. It

:46:15. > :46:18.looked like he tried to say something to Ilham Tanui Ozbilen

:46:19. > :46:24.whether it was your turn or come through and take it on. He doesn't

:46:25. > :46:32.seem to be able to get past. For the likes of Will Leer this becomes a

:46:33. > :46:40.question of this is a good, hard pace. It is as fast as the pace of a

:46:41. > :46:45.personal best. Do they keep it going or pick it up? We will end up with a

:46:46. > time. The other thing you do is you tire yourself out when it comes

:46:52. > the final. There are gaps starting to appear. David McCarthy

:47:04. > :47:10.and the Spanish runner. Certainly, Will Leer is working hard to go with

:47:11. > :47:15.this and stay on it. Ilham Tanui Ozbilen is starting to pay for

:47:16. > :47:26.running a little fast in the earlier laps. Fighting his way back to the

:47:27. > :47:30.front, Aman Wote, Ozbilen a turkey, Bethwell Birgin on the inside.

:47:31. > :47:40.All the top five good code through if they run quicker than 3.39.7.

:47:41. > :47:46.They are just starting to tire, David Mccarthy of Ireland still got

:47:47. > :47:51.a chance, but we see these three. Bethwell Birgen looks behind to see

:47:52. > :48:00.Iguider hovering. Only the top two qualified by rights. Aman Wote out

:48:01. > front, no doubt about him. Will Leer will take third, then Bethwell

:48:09. > :48:13.Birgen and Ozbilen. I think, certainly, we could see that two of

:48:14. > :48:17.them are going to be ahead of Chris OK. Chris was only fourth in his

:48:18. > :48:23.heat. We will clarify all that for you. He was impressive for me, Aman

:48:24. > :48:26.Wote. I was quite taken either fact that Iguider did not look as good as

:48:27. > :48:36.he should have for the defending champion. Bethwell Birgen was

:48:37. > :48:40.disappointing, as well. Yes, he was, maybe he knew he was comfortably in

:48:41. > :48:45.the fastest loser time but he did not keep trying to push it towards

:48:46. > :48:48.the home straight. Iguider took this little stumble in

:48:49. > :48:54.turn to the little bit and was not able to get back on it, he did not

:48:55. > :48:57.look sharp or as good as he has done in the past. Will Leer looked really

:48:58. > :48:59.good and pulled it back over that last lap and was able to close

:49:00. > :49:09.himself back up there. Having a few problems with the

:49:10. > :49:12.computers this morning, bear with us on that. Normally we get a result

:49:13. > :49:18.pretty quickly, it is actually showing that Mechaal of Spain won

:49:19. > :49:21.this race, but of course he did not. I think certainly Will Leer goes

:49:22. > :49:30.through and I suspect Bethwell Birgen will, as well. Bearing in

:49:31. > :49:38.mind that Chris O'Hare was 3.40.2, there was nowhere near that sort of

:49:39. > We still have the 800 metres heats to come, of course, for men

:49:44. > :49:49.and women, Laura Muir for the women. She is one of our big medal

:49:50. > :49:54.prospects. Andrew Osagie going in the men's race, and Mohammed

:49:55. > :49:58.Mokhtar. I can tell you that, as long as there are noticeable effect

:49:59. > :50:03.was, that Chris O'Hare, unfortunately, will not go through

:50:04. > fastest loser. We will try and get official

:50:08. > :50:12.confirmation for you, because I was wrong little earlier on with one or

:50:13. > :50:17.two of our results, but the women's pentathlon has been going on. Paul,

:50:18. > :50:30.give us an update. Yes, Brianne Theisen Eaton, at this height of

:50:31. > :50:36.1.75, she is still in the lead. We are yet to see her husband

:50:37. > :50:43.compete. I suspect they will be competing in the long jump later on

:50:44. > this stadium. Here we have Ganna Melnichenko. Easy.

:50:54. > :51:11.That was very good indeed. Ganna Melnichenko, 1.7 1.75, season 's

:51:12. > -- 1.72, 1.75. Just waiting for the result of that 1500 and we

:51:16. > :51:17.will tidy all that up for you, but we're pretty sure that Chris or here

:51:18. > out. Is Brianne Theisen Eaton. 1.75

:51:27. > :51:34.looked very comfortable indeed. That was our first attempt for her. That

:51:35. > :51:37.will not be her husband shouting at her, because he will be getting

:51:38. > :51:47.warmed up on this side of the stadium. In fact, I have just seen

:51:48. > :52:32.him running past. That is her coach. This is Karolina Tyminska.

:52:33. > :52:37.We have Laura Muir coming up in a little while in the women's 800

:52:38. > :52:42.metres, Paula has joined me to talk about that. Before we hear from her,

:52:43. > :52:45.let's look back at the archives because Scotland has a great

:52:46. > :52:51.tradition in these World Indoor Championships. Tom McKean and Yvonne

:52:52. > :52:54.Murray, happy 21st to the both of you.

:52:55. > :53:05.12 athletes running up for the women's final. Going for Great

:53:06. > :53:08.Britain is Yvonne Murray. And Murray has suddenly decided that

:53:09. > enough of that and this time she has gone for broke. She has a very

:53:18. > :53:20.big lead indeed. This has got to be the new world champion. She comes

:53:21. > :53:28.round at the Bell now. She has stolen the race and sustained it so

:53:29. > :53:31.well. A sensible run, she has got it right, Yvonne Murray of Great

:53:32. > :53:37.Britain takes the World Championship.

:53:38. > :53:44.The final of the men's 800 metres in this one at Championship. In lane

:53:45. > :53:49.three, Tom McKean of Great Britain. McKean where he likes to be, in

:53:50. > :53:53.charge, controlling the place. What has he got left? He really has to

:53:54. > :53:57.kick off this bend and he does just that. McKean comes away to take

:53:58. > :54:04.another gold medal for Great Britain and Scotland.

:54:05. > :54:11.Before we talk about Laura Muir here in the presentation area in Sopot,

:54:12. > :54:18.let us hear from the women herself as Michael woman herself.

:54:19. > :54:21.-- woman herself or stud is there any one thing that has clicked this

:54:22. > :54:25.season for you you have been especially proud of?

:54:26. > :54:32.I was working really hard over the winter but I think it is just

:54:33. > :54:36.performing, I guess. Perhaps last year my confidence in

:54:37. > :54:41.race tactics were not there, so I am more of a complete package now. I

:54:42. > :54:44.have the confidence and racing tactics and confidence to go for it

:54:45. > :54:49.when I can. Also, are you delivering fast times

:54:50. > :54:53.along with performances, so the complete package is there? Do you

:54:54. > :54:57.feel that? Yes. Before I knew I was capable of much

:54:58. > :55:01.faster times last year, but I was not performing on the day. I was a

:55:02. > :55:07.little bit intimidated, this was a huge big step up. But I think we

:55:08. > :55:11.have taken racing alongside these big names and I feel ready to take

:55:12. > :55:16.them on. Well, Laura Muir, a confident young

:55:17. > :55:19.woman. She is very level-headed and it comes across in her interviews,

:55:20. > :55:24.she is so grounded and so talented to boot.

:55:25. > :55:30.She is very grounded, she is aware of where she is going long-term. She

:55:31. > also not afraid to just step in and attack the race. We have seen

:55:36. > :55:39.that so far this season, she has taken big steps forward in the 1500

:55:40. > :55:43.metres and 800 metres. It is tough today because they have cut it down

:55:44. > just two rounds instead of the three rounds in both the men's and

:55:48. > :55:50.the winnings, which means only the first one is guaranteed to qualify

:55:51. > :55:57.and fastest loser sports thereafter. That makes it hard.

:55:58. > :56:02.Fortunately, for the lunar -- for Laura, she has the heats. She has

:56:03. > :56:05.her Icelandic opponent who likes to lead from the start. As we have

:56:06. > :56:10.talked about before, in the first heat it can be a disadvantage. We

:56:11. > :56:14.talked earlier about how she was juggling a few things in her life,

:56:15. > :56:17.athletics and then veterinary studies.

:56:18. > :56:22.She has taken this year to be a part-time year in her studies. How

:56:23. > :56:27.wise is that, and how difficult will it be to combine the two Micro? It

:56:28. > :56:30.depends on the person. Some people find it easier to

:56:31. > :56:34.combine studies and training and some people like having that, that

:56:35. > :56:39.getaway back to reality, then back to training, the two worlds that

:56:40. > :56:42.meshed together. Others find it easier to just concentrate on

:56:43. > and recovery and that is all you think about. It is about

:56:47. > :56:49.Laura finding the balance that works well for her. At the moment she has

:56:50. > :56:54.found that balance and it is working. She has also had

:56:55. > :56:58.conversations with her coach and looking at the bigger picture,

:56:59. > :57:02.projecting forward for years. She's only 20, it is great if she

:57:03. > :57:06.does it now but she will not be too by that. She has come here with the

:57:07. > :57:09.right attitude, she is running very well and she knows she has a good

:57:10. > :57:13.shout. She is young and she has a long

:57:14. > ahead of her. Other people see us against, as well, J Wilson

:57:20. > :57:24.from the states, she is very young, as well. They will have raced each

:57:25. > :57:28.other before full topic is about what they do now. They will be

:57:29. > :57:34.thinking long-term in their planning but it is about giving everything

:57:35. > Finally, is she a serious medal contender?

:57:41. > :57:45.It is very tough, if I was in Laura's position I would want to

:57:46. > :57:49.race this as a race today and then think about the final. She is a

:57:50. > :57:53.medal prospect, but she just has to get through today and that is not

:57:54. > :57:56.easy. Before we leave you, we can give you a remainder of what is

:57:57. > :58:00.coming up later on in the evening session.

:58:01. > :58:03.We will have the men's 60 metres getting underway, Dwain Chambers and

:58:04. > :58:09.Richard Kilty going for Britain. We also have the women's 60 metres

:58:10. > :58:13.hurdles, Sally Pearson of Australia running for that one. Tiffany Porter

:58:14. > :58:19.of Great Britain, also. Plenty to look forward to. We're not going off

:58:20. > :58:21.a right now across the BBC, you can tune into the BBC Red Button

:58:22. > :58:27.coverage of the World Indoor Athletics Championships now, just

:58:28. > that red button. But for now, it is goodbye for the BBC Two

:58:32. > :58:32.viewers, we will see you over on the BBC Red Button.