Day 4

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:00:34. > :00:41.Good evening. Welcome back to the 20 17th Dafabet masters. We will show

:00:42. > :00:46.the best of the action between tonight's match between Shaun Murphy

:00:47. > :00:53.and Barry Hawkins. The prize at stake, and meeting between Mark

:00:54. > :00:56.Selby and Mark Williams. Two former Masters champions. They met this

:00:57. > :01:05.afternoon, and we had another nailbiter. This was a tale of two

:01:06. > :01:10.Marks, it was also a tale of to halves. It was Williams who got the

:01:11. > :01:17.first frame on the board after a long tactical battle. After that,

:01:18. > :01:22.Selby started cooking up a treat, first at the highest break of the

:01:23. > :01:32.tournament, 139. He took the next, got his second time in three frames,

:01:33. > :01:36.for a 3-1 lead. He was strangely out of sorts after his half-time cuppa.

:01:37. > :01:43.It was all square, no laughing matter for the jester. The Welshman

:01:44. > :01:48.should have taken the lead, how costly this green proved? Williams

:01:49. > :01:57.only had his to -- had himself to blame he many

:01:58. > :02:05.other chances, could not take them. He trailed 5-4. His temperament came

:02:06. > his rescue, levelling the match. Just when you look like curtains for

:02:12. > :02:15.Selby, a terrible kick ruined Williams, much to the horror of his

:02:16. > :02:21.wife. When Selby sniffs a chance, he is like a dog with a bone. Not a

:02:22. > :02:27.pedigree performance, but just enough. An excellent 89 followed,

:02:28. > :02:33.the Triple Crown dream stays alive. Edging through, 6-5. I'm thinking, I

:02:34. > out of the tournament, played fantastic start of the match, Mark

:02:38. > :02:44.played well to come back in, shut me out to a degree. Related chance. I

:02:45. > :02:49.had one red in the middle, horrible shots, had to go for it.

:02:50. > :02:53.Unfortunately, Mark had the kick, if he does not get it on the blue

:02:54. > :02:59.committee wins and one visit. I have had plenty of good luck in my

:03:00. >, when I was young, 25, 30. At this moment in time, I'm getting a

:03:04. > :03:07.lot of bad luck. Towards the end of matches. I can take that, what

:03:08. > :03:14.difference does it make? I had my lucky years ago. Having bad luck

:03:15. >, that his life. Well done to Mark Selby. Almost there with the

:03:18. > :03:34.quarterfinal line-up for the 2017 masters.

:03:35. > :03:39.I have beaten him a couple of times, he beat me last time in a big

:03:40. > :03:44.tournament, in the World Championship. He hammered me by all

:03:45. > :03:49.accounts. Phenomenal in that match. I have to be out of my game tonight.

:03:50. > :03:54.He's a great player all round really. Nice to know that more times

:03:55. > :03:58.than not, things have worked out well for me against Barry. Some good

:03:59. > :04:03.matches over the years. Thinking back to the world semi-a couple of

:04:04. > :04:08.years ago, played great snooker, could have won the match in three

:04:09. > :04:14.sessions. Did not. All that does not really mean anything. Head to heads,

:04:15. > the players, don't really count. When you walk out and play, it will

:04:19. > :04:25.just be Barry against myself, first man to six wins. Sometimes there is

:04:26. > safe place on the table. If those long balls are going in, he is near

:04:32. > :04:36.enough unplayable. Very attacking, scores very heavy. If the long ones

:04:37. > :04:40.are not going in, he tends to keep going for them sometimes. That is

:04:41. > :04:44.when you get your opportunities. A matter of taking them really. I

:04:45. > :04:51.cannot worry about him too much. Just focus on what I'm doing.

:04:52. > :04:57.Hopefully can play to my best. The 2015 Masters champion, Murphy

:04:58. > :05:04.leading the head to heads, 7-1. Barry's only win coming in 2013, the

:05:05. > :05:07.UK championship. The year he made the Crucible final, only to lose to

:05:08. > :05:13.Ronnie O'Sullivan. We joined the action in frame one. Shaun Murphy to

:05:14. >,, tree from Dennis Taylor and Ken Doherty.

:05:21. > :05:34.COMMENTATOR: Red over the right corner. That turned out very nice.

:05:35. > :05:44.Amazing how the brown was over the one pocket, the red over another.

:05:45. > :05:54.All of a sudden, not a fair chance. If he can control the Duke ball,

:05:55. > :06:04.should finish on pink, or blue. -- the cue ball. That is just about

:06:05. > :06:05.perfect. Great positional shot. So difficult to control the cue ball

:06:06. > :06:38.there. He has missed it. Well that was just

:06:39. > :06:42.a lapse in concentration. No kick from just not ready to play the

:06:43. > :06:47.shot. Shows you, if you don't give it 100%, you can miss the easiest of

:06:48. > :07:38.shots. Little lapse in concentration from Shaun Murphy.

:07:39. > :07:48.Taking a chance there. Wanted to bring the black into play. Not quite

:07:49. > :07:59.sure where the reds would finish. Leaving half a chance for Barry.

:08:00. > :08:17.Coming down to see whether this red pots. I'm sure it does, if not the

:08:18. > above it will, as well. Just about perfect there. Barry

:08:37. > :08:39.played fantastic snooker here last year. In the final never gotten

:08:40. > :09:01.looking. Ronnie beating him 10-1. This frame safely in the bag now.

:09:02. > :09:10.Not that many pots from securing it. Just one more red. That'll do.

:09:11. > :09:12.Making it as awkward as possible, the cue ball tight on the cushion.

:09:13. > :09:30.Should not be a problem though. He had a chance to get right back

:09:31. > :09:40.into this opening frame, but Barry Hawkins who will take it. You would

:09:41. > :09:48.say he has taken it in bits and pieces. I cannot remember who sang

:09:49. > :09:52.that, back in the 1960s. The Dave Clark Five. Came to me at the last

:09:53. > :10:25.moment. Does not matter that that's red.

:10:26. > :10:33.Needed a couple of chances, but will be quite pleased. Shaun Murphy

:10:34. > :10:37.missing a sitter of a red. Barry Hawkins takes the opening frame.

:10:38. > :10:46.Let's show you what happened in frame two. We join it in the opening

:10:47. > :10:51.stages, Shaun to play. COMMENTATOR: His safety has

:10:52. > :10:57.certainly been lacking a little bit so far. Only on the second frame,

:10:58. > :11:02.but he has played a few very poor safety shots, it has to be said. You

:11:03. > :11:16.cannot keep leaving your opponent with these sorts of chances.

:11:17. > :11:30.Just enough room for the black to pass the red.

:11:31. > :11:37.He may have finished a little straight on this. He has a slight

:11:38. > :11:46.angle. No problem at all. Enough angle there.

:11:47. > :11:58.This now turning into a very good chance in the second frame.

:11:59. > :12:16.Both reds pot into the same pocket as the black. Plenty of reds

:12:17. > :13:04.available. It was a gift of an opportunity, it has to be said.

:13:05. > :13:17.For easy red. The five reds Aranda think all covering each other into

:13:18. > :13:24.the corners and middle pocket. Might be time to play the cannon. If he

:13:25. > :13:30.was the cannon two reds, would be absolutely perfect. Delicate little

:13:31. > :13:36.screw shot. That is the one, stunning into the two reds, that

:13:37. > :13:46.would be perfect. He hit the wrong red. Might just be OK.

:13:47. > :13:55.Is he a K? The one into the middle, he is just on it. Only just. -- is

:13:56. > :14:24.he OK? Wanted to be a little bit higher up

:14:25. > :14:30.with the keyboard there. I think you still OK. He has a red to the right

:14:31. > :14:41.of the thing. Was not playing for this red.

:14:42. > :15:36.He few more pots away from securing this second frame.

:15:37. > :15:53.That was frame ball. A little bit of contemplating to do, Shaun. Safety

:15:54. > :15:58.not scratch. A lapse in concentration in the first frame.

:15:59. > :16:03.Straightforward safety shot in this frame giving the opportunity to

:16:04. > :16:09.Barry Hawkins here is the straightforward shot, did not get

:16:10. > :16:18.enough side, did not need to be anywhere near that red.

:16:19. > :16:24.I think it was just miss it. He had half the table to play with to get

:16:25. > :16:32.the white over towards the brown on the yellow and blue. Just far too

:16:33. > :16:37.thin. This standard you cannot afford any mistakes that. Certainly

:16:38. > :16:44.costing him the second frame, that is for sure. Very difficult to make

:16:45. > :16:52.a century break it. This would be some shots, to pot this, and move

:16:53. > :17:05.the rents. Great effort. Just hit it as hard as you can.

:17:06. > :17:14.A good start from Barry Hawkins. Last year's finalist. Leading Shaun

:17:15. > :17:18.Murphy 2-0. STUDIO: Terrific stuff from Mr

:17:19. > :17:23.Hawkins. This is what happened in frame three. Barry has already made

:17:24. > :17:31.a break of 48, and he's back at the table.

:17:32. > :17:36.COMMENTATOR: Barry Hawkins with that type of shot, I don't think there is

:17:37. > :17:45.anyone better in the game of floating those in.

:17:46. > :17:58.geared at cueing. The other one he plays them like that is Mark

:17:59. > :18:50.Williams. Just floating them into the pocket. -- so good.

:18:51. > :18:57.He's looking very comfortable out there, Barry Hawkins. You would not

:18:58. > :19:07.think Shaun Murphy has won seven out of the meeting. Shaun cannot do much

:19:08. > :19:14.about this. You do not see that often. When to pick the rest up,

:19:15. > :19:19.knocking the yellow to the side. It was a handball, Dennis. Penalty.

:19:20. > :19:47.Very rarely He has tried to force a little

:19:48. > So unusual to see it happen like that. Sometimes you just touch

:19:53. > I don't know what happened. Let's have a look. He dropped it,

:19:56. > :20:43.just dropped it slightly. What a steal this would be for Shaun

:20:44. > :20:50.Murphy. He has plenty of points to play with. Barry Hawkins in the

:20:51. > :20:58.background, looking at his hand. Just slipped out of his hand. Could

:20:59. > a turning point. He has a lot of work to do. He has played this

:21:13. > :21:17.nicely. The red, just below the think we'll pot as well. -- below

:21:18. > :21:33.the pink we'll . When he pots this, clearing the

:21:34. > :21:42.path to the think. It is that yellow. I have put three whites in.

:21:43. > :21:51.Any of those positions, he will be on that difficult last red. Just

:21:52. > :22:06.wondering whether he could play for the pink into the right centre.

:22:07. > :22:13.Very interesting to see how he goes about getting to that final red.

:22:14. > :22:18.Coming around to have a look, he could leave himself on the brown and

:22:19. >, to bring it into play. That would really knock it into the open.

:22:24. > :22:30.Otherwise he would have to leave it in one of the positions. Let's see

:22:31. > :22:38.whether he plays for brown or pink. It is the Kent.

:22:39. > :22:49.-- it is the pink. Will he bring it out? Possibly, needs to be judged to

:22:50. > :23:02.perfection. Did not judge it to perfection. The nice angle on the

:23:03. >, so much room behind the red. That is why he thought he could drop

:23:18. > behind. Where is the red going? I was going to say the only

:23:27. > :23:29.consolation is the yellow is safe. That will not matter, Barry is 24 in

:23:30. > :24:04.front. The red and any colour. He let a real good chance go there.

:24:05. > :24:14.Barry will trace chilly take the frame. Dropping the rest will be

:24:15. > :24:17.wiped from his memory bank. If he had lost the frame, it would not

:24:18. > :24:34.hurt. Does not matter about the double. He has the snooker, a bit of

:24:35. > :24:38.a bonus. STUDIO: Hawkins winning their frame

:24:39. > go 3-0 up. Murphy will be kicking himself. Hawkins looking for the

:24:46. > :24:49.early finish. The next frame, there has been no school.

:24:50. > :24:59.COMMENTATOR: Look at this for a shot. Absolutely delightful. He knew

:25:00. > :25:04.he could not force that one in because of the red on the cushion.

:25:05. > :25:18.We have seen him knocking. That cannon was exquisite.

:25:19. > :25:33.Amazing opening. He would like to get rid of the red just above the

:25:34. > to the right. Cannot do that on this occasion. Having a look to

:25:42. > :25:45.see whether there is a pathway back to the blue. Not sure he can pot red

:25:46. > :26:15.and stay on the black. At its case would have liked to be

:26:16. > straight on that blue. Could have used them think all the red

:26:25. > next to it. -- could have used the pink.

:26:40. > :26:47.Could have played that it better. Cannoning the other side, the pink

:26:48. > :27:00.side. Played to hit the pink fourball. -- full ball. He still has

:27:01. > :27:10.a red, is hampered a bit. If he pot this red, not guarantee good

:27:11. > :27:20.position. If he hits agree. When you are playing reasonably well, you get

:27:21. > :27:21.that sort of Karen. The slight angle, he needs to get some action

:27:22. > :27:45.on this. -- the cannon. He managed to get the

:27:46. > :27:49.cue ball up past the blue. What a chance now.

:27:50. > :27:59.Created by that first fantastic shot. You won't see many better than

:28:00. > :28:07.that opening red come to flick that a red away from the black. You just

:28:08. > :28:15.don't see many better positional shots than this. Tough enough pot,

:28:16. > :28:34.but to judge the cannon with enough side, that was perfection.

:28:35. > :28:46.Is he going to get a chance in this frame? Before the mid-session

:28:47. > :28:53.interval. A long way back from 4-0. At least it is first to 6. As long

:28:54. > your opponent needs a couple of frames, you are in with a chance. Is

:28:58. > :29:51.he going to get a chance in this frame, that is the question.

:29:52. > :30:06.He cued that one up nicely. Nice action on the cue ball, back, in a

:30:07. > :30:12.straight line. He would love to get on the two reds to the left of the

:30:13. > Or the green to the right of the black. If you can get on those

:30:20. > :30:29.two reds, can play for the black. That is inch perfect.

:30:30. > :30:36.That thread just above the blood to the right, it's the one who would

:30:37. > to get rid of next because that will open up the black into both

:30:43. > :30:48.corner pocket. -- black to the right. He looks like he would win

:30:49. > :30:54.the previous frame with one visit until he missed the rest. Almost

:30:55. > :31:00.pinched the frame but you can't really see where he could go wrong

:31:01. > Already 48 in France, he would have to do something careless to not

:31:05. > this fourth frame. It doesn't have to stay on the black, could go

:31:11. > :31:16.for the blue here if there is any element of risk, he feels he can get

:31:17. > the black on this one. Nicely played. Hampered but that doesn't

:31:21. > :31:30.matter. Just has to drop the black in and he is on the road.

:31:31. > :31:38.It's all looking very good for Barry Hawkins at the moment. He got to the

:31:39. > last year so he enjoys playing at Alexandra Palace, he didn't enjoy

:31:43. > :31:43.the final which we lost 10-1 to Ronnie O'Sullivan but it's looking

:31:44. > :31:56.good here. Gone a little bit too far from the

:31:57. > He's only a few pots away from securing this fourth frame. And I

:32:06. > :32:09.wouldn't be surprised if I don't see Sean heading to the practice room

:32:10. > :32:12.because when he missed that easy early read it seemed to turn

:32:13. > :32:24.everything around and he hasn't got any fluency going at all. Yes.

:32:25. > :32:28.CROWD CLAPPING I'm sure he will try to loosen up

:32:29. > :32:43.because he has not had much table time.

:32:44. > :32:52.Short of the cue ball here. You can see the table time, Murphy at 29%.

:32:53. > :33:17.71% for Hawkins. We have seen in the past intervals

:33:18. > :33:25.have changed matches many times. That is what Shaun will certainly be

:33:26. > :33:32.hoping for. Barry will be hoping for a possible century. That would make

:33:33. > :33:49.him feel pretty good. We have had 17 century so far.

:33:50. > :34:02.That might just have spoilt a century break. It's close. It might

:34:03. > :34:08.still going. Didn't get the flu, read but Shaun Murphy goes to the

:34:09. > :34:11.mid-session interval, I'd tell you what Barry Hawkins will be

:34:12. > :34:17.delighted, he leads the former champion by 4-0. Barry Hawkins

:34:18. > :34:22.runner-up here at the Masters last year, can he make final this year,

:34:23. > :34:24.he is playing well enough and it is a horror show for Shaun Murphy so

:34:25. > :34:44.far, can Hawkins make it 5-0? Couldn't play better positional shot

:34:45. > :34:52.than that, the pink spot will be covered. That will tie the pink up

:34:53. > :34:57.on the black spot. Unless he has an angle on this pink, he could play a

:34:58. > :35:00.cannon into the red on the pink spot. He has the angle, he could

:35:01. > :35:06.push the red away from the pink spot if he wishes.

:35:07. > :35:15.Didn't attempt it. That's not the best shot in the world because the

:35:16. > will block the path of the red to the left corner pocket. OK he

:35:21. > :35:35.will be on red into the right-hand corner but it would be awkward.

:35:36. > :36:01.That's a big extension he has put on the quay there. -- cue. Just so

:36:02. > :36:08.awkward here. He has to be careful and make sure that he doesn't foul

:36:09. > he did in the previous frame that almost cost him.

:36:23. > :36:41.Try to put the yellow and swing that cue ball around the three cushions

:36:42. > :36:57.and maybe get the red to the right of the pink.

:36:58. > :37:09.This looks absolutely perfect excellent shot. Perfect. What a

:37:10. > :37:16.fantastic shot that was. Worth another look because to finish on

:37:17. > :37:20.the red as you said, the pink was only available to one part as you

:37:21. > :37:28.can see from the picture but that was superbly judged. And every

:37:29. > :37:33.chance now to take another frame. Shaun Murphy, it's one of those

:37:34. > :37:43.situations where you just cannot get involved in the match. He has never

:37:44. > :37:48.been whitewashed at the Masters. He has played here 12 times before. A

:37:49. > :38:19.winner in 2015. Barry has only beaten Sean on the

:38:20. > occasion. Shaun has won several times against this man so he has

:38:25. > :38:32.that slight foot in his head, it is all about the match you are playing.

:38:33. > :38:38.-- thought. Is that going to run far enough? Just about.

:38:39. > :38:43.Delicate little screw shot, as long as he doesn't get the White tight on

:38:44. > :39:10.the cushion he will be OK here. Just the pink now. The frame ball

:39:11. > :39:19.and that sin again. That's another frame. The miss read with the left

:39:20. > :39:42.into the corner pocket has cost. An awful lot to think about. The

:39:43. > :39:49.loneliest seat in the world at times. In the arena, a fabulous

:39:50. > :39:58.crowd, it has been packed out for most sessions and you just can't get

:39:59. > the table. That's the tough part about this game, we've all been

:40:08. > :40:12.there. You are looking forward to a good match against opponent and it

:40:13. > :40:16.just doesn't happen. You start feeling a bit embarrassed, you want

:40:17. > show and to show what you can do and it is all one-way traffic at the

:40:19. > :40:28.moment. We saw exactly what happened to

:40:29. > :40:32.Barry in the final last year, he played so well to get to the final

:40:33. > :40:38.and then just won one frame against Ronnie in the final so he knows what

:40:39. > feels like. Sean is one of the best break-builders in the game and

:40:43. > :40:50.his highest break has been 36. That was in the third frame. It has to be

:40:51. > :40:59.said, Barry has played top quality matched here the safety has been

:41:00. > :41:03.good, his long parting has been excellent. And his break-building

:41:04. > :41:28.has been OK to. Barry's highest break came in the

:41:29. > :41:36.last frame, a break of 89 but has also had a break of 79 on frame two

:41:37. > :41:57.and a couple of 40s. I'm sure Barry wasn't expecting to be leading 5-0.

:41:58. > :42:04.It's not often you see Shaun Murphy miss a very comfortable shot but

:42:05. > :42:10.that's what he did and he sat on a seat by Barry Hawkins made a

:42:11. > :42:16.beautiful 85 break and is now one frame away from a place in the

:42:17. > :42:19.quarterfinals. 5-0, who would've thought it. The snooker we have had

:42:20. > has been top class and this is a magnificent performance from Barry

:42:24. > :42:30.Hawkins. Although I should tell you that Hawkins once led 5-0 against

:42:31. > :42:35.Nigel Bond in the 2014 UK championship and lost 6-5. Surely

:42:36. > :42:40.not again. Absolutely not because as Dennis mentioned, Shaun has never

:42:41. > :42:45.been whitewashed at the Masters and pulled one back to make it 5-1. The

:42:46. > :42:51.big question now of course is can Barry seal the deal.

:42:52. > :43:00.That is a poor shot. He has left the red for the middle, he took that pot

:43:01. > :43:06.on and I thought he would play the safety behind the black book that

:43:07. > :43:43.was tough. This is a chance for Barry Hawkins.

:43:44. > :43:57.He will give itself a great shot for the match with this. It all depends

:43:58. > :44:06.on the case. If this passes the pink he's perfect. If it doesn't then the

:44:07. > :44:13.other one is slightly awkward. I think that maybe just goes,

:44:14. > :44:22.certainly in-off the left jaw. Not much work to do with the keyboard. A

:44:23. > :44:24.nice little kiss. The way the red sat around the pink. The one in the

:44:25. > now as well, will it be enough? A quick glance at the scoreboard

:44:39. > :44:49.there. Just to work out what he needs. On reflection you just have

:44:50. > say Shaun will have to chalk this up as a bad day at the office. Just

:45:01. > of those days. He never really got going did he? And he missed that

:45:06. > :45:10.very easy read and that was in the second frame? The first. It

:45:11. > :45:30.unsettled him, it definitely unsettled him.

:45:31. > :45:39.The fact he got that thread after missing, it was easy enough for the

:45:40. > and I don't know what happened. Didn't get a kick. And the perfect

:45:48. > :45:52.angle and another quick glance at the scoreboard, he can pop the black

:45:53. > :45:58.and sly parser to read for the opposite corner pocket. -- past the

:45:59. > When you think Barry has only beaten Shaun on one occasion and

:46:03. > :46:14.Shaun has won on seven occasions, this is quite a victory against the

:46:15. > :46:20.former champion. And Shaun, the gentleman that is will come forward

:46:21. > :46:26.and wish Barry all the best. And the rest of the Masters but as Ken said

:46:27. > is what he : a bad day at the office.

:46:52. > :46:59.From Barry's point of view, a very solid performance. He will be

:47:00. > :47:07.looking forward to playing the world champion. I mean it doesn't matter

:47:08. > :47:11.about that. There he is wishing Barry all the best. He never got

:47:12. > :47:17.going from missing that thread early on and once again wishing Barry all

:47:18. > :47:23.the best. In the end Barry Hawkins with just the -- was just far too

:47:24. > :47:28.good for Shaun Murphy. The comfortable win. 6-1. It is never

:47:29. > :47:35.comfortable until you win so like felt pretty good to know. Played

:47:36. > :47:41.some decent stuff so to get 6-1 win is a fantastic result. Made some

:47:42. > :47:44.good breaks, the anything I didn't do was make a century which would've

:47:45. > :47:50.been nice but overall it was about getting a result and I'm delighted.

:47:51. > :47:54.You work or your career to get into the top 16 and then get invited to a

:47:55. > :48:00.tournament like this so you want to stay as long as possible. It's a

:48:01. > :48:04.fantastic atmosphere, all the big crowds, live on the BBC, one of the

:48:05. > :48:07.biggest tournaments you want to be here as long as possible. You don't

:48:08. > :48:11.know how long you will place you have to relish moments like that.

:48:12. > :48:12.You do indeed so we have our quarterfinal line-up for the 2017

:48:13. > :48:35.Masters. That's it from us but smooth texture

:48:36. > :48:42.follows this programme and then we're back at 1am for live coverage

:48:43. > :48:48.for the Dafabet Masters, what eight tournament this is turning out to

:48:49. > The Alley Pali roof will be raced for Ronnie. Goodbye for now.

:49:04. > :49:07.If it ever came to pass that Mr Corbyn were the Prime Minister,

:49:08. > :49:13.Well, I think we're a basket case now. Have you seen Southern Rail?

:49:14. > :49:15.Have you seen the National Health Service?

:49:16. > :49:24.And we'll be more of a basket case once she triggers Article 50.

:49:25. > :49:28.Why would James Delaney hate the India so?